Cyber Security - List of Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Cybersecurity, a critical concern in our digitally connected world, encompasses practices, technologies, and policies to protect networks, devices, programs, and data from attack or unauthorized access. Essays could delve into the myriad types of cyber threats like malware, phishing, and ransomware, exploring their evolution and impact on individuals and organizations. They might also discuss the measures individuals and enterprises can adopt to mitigate cyber risks, the challenges of staying ahead of cyber adversaries, and the role of governmental and international regulation in promoting cybersecurity. Discussions could extend to the implications of cybersecurity on national security, privacy, and the digital economy, and how the burgeoning field of cybersecurity is evolving to meet the complex challenges of the modern digital landscape. A substantial compilation of free essay instances related to Cyber Security you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Cyber Security and how to Prevent Cyber Crime

Cybercrimes are interrupting normal computer functions and has brought many known companies and personal entities to their knees. Over the last decade, crime has entered into the world of information. Crime is developing gradually since the days when merchandise was transported by stagecoach, theft or extortion has changed to keep up, even to our modern-day equivalent-credit and debit cards. Stealing credit card number has become well known danger. In the present, internet has become a playing field for computer attackers. […]

Cyber Security Threats in Healthcare

Cyberattacks have been targeting the healthcare industry, among the biggest industries in the US, in the 2018 period. The implication is that it has come time to improve the protection of institutional and patient information with a more tailored approach to this threat. In comparison with other industries, many health organizations have engaged in inadequate investment in cybersecurity while spending approximately as much money as other industries. It is quite worrying when phishing cyberattacks, as well as breaches of patient […]

Impact of Technology on Privacy

The 21st Century is characterized by the heavy impact technology has on us as a society while it continues to develop new devices and modernize technology. Millions of individuals around the world are now connected digitally, in other words, people globally rely heavily on smartphones tablets, and/ or computers that store or save a majority of their personal information. Critical and extremely personal data is available and collected in these smart technology such as credit card details, fingerprint layout, and […]

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Cyber Security Threats on the State Level

This paper examines two notable events of cyber warfare and security in our current age (the Stuxnet attack on centrifuges, and the Petya ransomware affecting citizens and governmental agencies), as well as examines how these attacks shape foreign and domestic policies and procedures. By examining the extent of the damage of these two attacks, I will argue that cyber warfare events will not just affect governmental systems, but would ultimately cause destruction to the layman's infrastructure, further crippling any state […]

Essay of Cyber Security Education

The experts and professionals of matters related to cyber security should assign the participant puzzles whereby they should divide themselves into various teams as indicated in the framework of NICE, and each group should specialize in a specific area. There is a wide range of ideas on the cyber security where the riddles may come from the fields like Wireshark, protection of website application, analysis of digital systems, and social engineering. There should be a task force created to conduct […]

Constant the Rise of Technologies and Cyber Threats

There is a wide range of cyber threats that happen every day, it is important that we follow all of the necessary precaution's in order to ensure the safety of our private information including but not limited to passwords, network credentials, banking or credit card information. Malicious attacks occur more frequently than one would expect, their purpose is to damage a device. Most of us are unaware of the weaknesses we have within our smartphone's security settings. With that being […]

Cyber Security for the Average American

According to statistics, the average American spends 10 hours per day using technology. Whether it be a cellphone, tablet or laptop, that's more than 40 hours a week online. We think that we're safe, but part of living in this 21st century is understanding that our so-called private information can easily accessed by the wrong person and made public. I am sure you have heard, at some point, news pertaining to identity theft or data breaches, with the effects being […]

Cyber Security for our Generation

Some of the biggest threats to our national security often go unnoticed. These threats are generally not publicized, and no emphasis is placed on them. They represent some of the most significant challenges our generation faces. It's shocking is that these threats are often covered up or are attempted to be. For instance, one of the key issues that arose in 2018 was the Facebook data scandal. This scandal was not a cyber-attack per se, yet it highlighted that most […]

How Pervasive is the Internet in your Life?

Q.1 How pervasive is the internet in your life? How much do you think society has come to depend on the Internet? Answer: When it comes to how pervasive the internet is in current life, my answer is that the internet has almost influenced each event of our daily life every day. Of course, we can't deny that there may be some people, around our side, who never heard about the internet, for example, those elder people who has less […]

The E-Commerce and Cyber Security

The wish is the online e-commerce company that will provide the opportunity for all shoppers to find their favourite wordrobe online in all of the world. Their wardrobe could be included dresses, skirts, jeans and etc.... This company was founded in 2010 and also have the App for their over 100 million users on the iOS and android platform. The E-Commerce servers for this company is located in four cites internationally, two are in the USA, the headquarter in Alexandria […]

Advanced Cyber Security and its Methodologies

Digital Civilization has turned into a critical wellspring of data sharing and proficient exercises like business, saving money exchanges, shopping, and administrations and With the expansion in utilization of the internet, cybercriminal exercises are additionally expanding exponentially. The fundamental reasons is that with the commencement of internet, the web applications were likewise getting prevalence for information putting away and information sharing, regardless of the client. With the progression of time, web applications were getting more intricate with quick increment in […]

Defining Cybersecurity Law

INTRODUCTION In "Defining Cybersecurity Law," Jeff Kosseff, the author, appears to be more concerned with improving cybersecurity law than defining it. In this paper, I will provide a brief summary and critique of the four substantive sections of this article. I will conclude with a mention of the aspects of cybersecurity law the author missed. My main issues with this article are the author's (1) preoccupation with the prevention of cybersecurity breaches instead of balancing security against values, (2) definition […]

Why do you Want to Study Cyber Security

In today's hyper-connected era, we're more online than offline. Our digital identities intertwine with the real, making the boundary blurry. But as we gleefully navigate this digital frontier, shadows lurk in the form of cyber threats, reminding us that our brave new world isn't without its pitfalls. So, why venture into the challenging world of cybersecurity? Why choose a path that constantly grapples with these shadows? Spoiler alert: It's more than just a career choice. Real-world Superheroes In comic books […]

Health Care Cyber Security

Healthcare is an industry sector that has become unstable and crucial in this expanding digital landscape. This necessitates an organization's data security program to be properly structured, as there is no room for error, which could easily translate into a life-and-death situation. This article presents both fundamental technical and business issues that often elude the healthcare data security program. On the technical side, extensive proliferation of data and systems into the cloud, a continuous increase in connected medical devices, and […]

Substations: Smart Grid & Cyber Security Threats

Transferring from old energy network to a new technology such as smart grids. It changes the energy industry worldwide to better quality, manageability and performance. It gives us the ability to operate it by communications, monitor and control it. However, using communications in smart grid increase connectivity causing our security to be exposed and make it more challenge to protected. It can be a target for hackers, and cyber terrorism. Thus, it got governments, consumer and industry attention to increase […]

Cybersecurity: Protecting the Fragile Web of Global Connectivity

I believe everything that is created by man can also be destroyed by it. Humans have proved to be the most intelligent species in this world. We have created the technology that appears to be smarter than the human brain but if it overpowers the human intelligence it can be destroyed as well. Internet works in the same manner. It has created dependencies that have led to millions of people relying on this technology in getting every task done no […]

Cybersecurity Issues in Societal Perspective

E-governance and Cybersecurity Documents issued by a country's government provide a personal identity to an individual. Driver's licenses, social security numbers, tax identification numbers, and various other entitlement documents are used on a regular basis by people to demonstrate their identity and authorization for various opportunities. Because these documents form the basis for all subsequent documents, their integrity is of high importance to stakeholders. Therefore, these crucial documents are targets for criminals and further cyberattacks (Conklin, A., & White, G. […]

The Real Issue Behind Cyber-Security

The steady trend towards digitalization has been occurring for a long time, and as of lately, a new type of crime market has risen alongside digitalization. In recent years, companies all over the world have been affected by some form of cybersecurity issue whether that be attacks to infrastructure or momentary paralyzation of the company itself through the exploitation of security measures. Over the years the number of attacks all around the world has increased exponentially with many more cyber-attacks […]

Cybersecurity Today

Networks (internet) are not secure enough due to the lack of efficient cybersecurity. As a result, ransomware attacks are increasing, affecting most businesses and individuals today. Enacting measures to detect cyberattacks and ransomware attacks can be helpful in preventing unforeseen repercussions from the attacker in the corporate network. Cybersecurity needs to implement new policies and recommendations so that ransomware attacks can be reduced. This report will first discuss some ransomware attacks that have happened before. Next, the report will discuss […]

Cybersecurity as a Form of Digital Protection

Cybersecurity is an ever-growing form of digital protection, created and used for the sole purpose of protecting confidential information against hard drive malfunctions, power outages, and adversaries. In healthcare, it is crucial for hospitals and health providers to keep up with the security of digital health data through cybersecurity in order to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and avoid potentially devastating consequences. Insider threats, access control breaches, and network breaches are some of the main […]

Virtual Reality: Game Transfer Phenomena

Imagine if you were you were floating through space, watching a horror film,s or perhaps playing a video game, and it seemed like you were actually there. With the invention of virtual reality (VR), people are able to explore the illusion of this reality. Virtual reality is computer-generated technology used to create a manufactured environment. There is a range of systems that are used for this purpose such as special headsets and fiber optic gloves. The term virtual reality means […]

Cybersecurity Paper

With cybersecurity attacks on the rise, the ability of an organization to ensure uninterrupted operations is an imperative. No longer can an organization solely rely upon software applications to identify and mitigate cyber risks. It takes a skilled team led by an experienced manager to holistically address an organization's technology risks. The National Infrastructure Advisory Council's (NIAC's) definition of infrastructure resilience is "the ability to reduce the magnitude and/or duration of disruptive events. The effectiveness of a resilient infrastructure or […]

Cybercrimes: an Unprecedented Threat to the Society

What is a Cybercrime? Cybercrime, or computer-oriented crime, is the crime that involves computer and its network. The computer may have been used in the commission of a crime, or it may be the target. Cybercrimes can be defined as: "Offences that are committed against individuals or groups of individuals with a criminal motive to intentionally harm the reputation of the victim or cause physical or mental harm, or loss, to the victim directly or indirectly, using modern telecommunication networks […]

Cybersecurity for a Successful Acquisition Report

The act of conducting a policy gap analysis is crucial in determining any missing overlap or technical deficiencies when planning to join the IT architecture and network topologies of two or more companies. During the acquisition process, the policies of either party will be examined in order to confirm current software updates and patches, proper configuration of tools, and employee protocol during the transition. Once the initial merger is complete, it'll be important to compare the outcome with each company's […]

Reasons of Cyber Attacks

1. Substandard User ID and Password Every individual need to have their own password secure and stronger. For an instance strong password can be obtained by latest maintaining minimum of having15-character length with an least one special character, number, capital and small alphabet. Most importantly choosing password like own name, date of birth, phone number may become hacker to simply figure out easy to break through your personal account security. In the same way User ID should not be shared […]

Laws of Cybercrimes

Abstract This paper examines the cyber security and its challenges in current temperamental circumstance of security in present world. These day's innovation of technology persistently developing more quickly than expected. As a public that runs on latest innovation technologies, we are likewise therefore reliant on it. Where similarly as innovation of technology brings ever more noteworthy advantages, it likewise brings ever more prominent threats. We should look some significant concerns confronting that incorporate threats, information theft, identity theft, cyber war, […]

Developing and Testing Photorealistic Avatar with Body Motions and Facial Expressions for Communication in Social Virtual Reality Applications

Developing and Testing Photorealistic Avatar with Body Motions and Facial Expressions for Communication in Social Virtual Reality Applications Abstract Providing effective communication in social virtual reality (VR) applications requires a high level of avatar representation realism and body movement to convey users’ thoughts and behaviours. In this research, we investigate the influence of avatar representation and behaviour on communication in an immersive virtual environment (IVE) by comparing video-based versus model-based avatar representations. Additionally, we introduce a novel VR communication system […]

Advantages of Cybersecurity in a Digital World

Ever stopped to think about how much of your life plays out in the digital realm? Our lives are undeniably intertwined with technology, from morning alarms on our smartphones to evening Netflix binges. Yet, while we eagerly embrace the latest app or gadget, there's an unsung hero behind the scenes, ensuring our digital escapades are safe and sound: cybersecurity. It's easy to dismiss it as mere technical jargon or something only businesses need to worry about. But, truth be told, […]

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Related topic, how to write an essay about cyber security, understanding cyber security.

Before writing an essay about cyber security, it is essential to understand what it encompasses. Cyber security refers to the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These cyber attacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users; or interrupting normal business processes. Begin your essay by defining cyber security and discussing its importance in the contemporary digital world. Explore the different types of cyber threats, such as malware, phishing, ransomware, and denial-of-service attacks. It’s also crucial to understand the impact of these threats on individuals, businesses, and governments.

Developing a Thesis Statement

A strong essay on cyber security should be anchored by a clear, focused thesis statement. This statement should present a specific viewpoint or argument about cyber security. For instance, you might discuss the evolving nature of cyber threats, the challenges of cyber security in a particular sector (like finance or healthcare), or analyze the effectiveness of current cyber security measures. Your thesis will guide the direction of your essay and provide a structured approach to your analysis.

Gathering Supporting Evidence

To support your thesis, gather evidence from credible sources. This might include recent studies on cyber security, statistics about cyber attacks, examples of significant security breaches, or expert opinions. Use this evidence to support your thesis and build a persuasive argument. Remember to consider different perspectives, including technological, ethical, and legal viewpoints.

Analyzing Cyber Security Strategies and Challenges

Dedicate a section of your essay to analyzing cyber security strategies and the challenges faced in implementing them. Discuss various approaches to cyber security, such as technological solutions, policy measures, and user education. Explore the challenges in keeping up with constantly evolving cyber threats and the balance between security and privacy. For example, consider how advancements in areas like artificial intelligence and machine learning are influencing cyber security practices.

Concluding the Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points of your discussion and restating your thesis in light of the evidence provided. Your conclusion should tie together your analysis and emphasize the significance of cyber security in the digital age. You might also want to reflect on future trends in cyber security or suggest areas where further research or policy development is needed.

Reviewing and Refining Your Essay

After completing your essay, review and edit it for clarity and coherence. Ensure that your arguments are well-structured and supported by evidence. Check for grammatical accuracy and ensure that your essay flows logically from one point to the next. Consider seeking feedback from peers or experts in the field to refine your essay further. A well-written essay on cyber security will not only demonstrate your understanding of the topic but also your ability to engage with complex technological and societal issues.

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Cyber Security Essay for Students and Children

Cyber security essay.

Cybersecurity means protecting data, networks, programs and other information from unauthorized or unattended access, destruction or change. In today’s world, cybersecurity is very important because of some security threats and cyber-attacks. For data protection, many companies develop software. This software protects the data. Cybersecurity is important because not only it helps to secure information but also our system from virus attack. After the U.S.A. and China, India has the highest number of internet users.

cyber security essay

Cyber Threats

It can be further classified into 2 types. Cybercrime – against individuals, corporates, etc.and Cyberwarfare – against a state.

Cyber Crime

Use of cyberspace, i.e. computer, internet, cellphone, other technical devices, etc., to commit a crime by an individual or organized group is called cyber-crime. Cyber attackers use numerous software and codes in cyberspace to commit cybercrime. They exploit the weaknesses in the software and hardware design through the use of malware. Hacking is a common way of piercing the defenses of protected computer systems and interfering with their functioning. Identity theft is also common.

Cybercrimes may occur directly i.e,  targeting the computers directly by spreading computer viruses. Other forms include DoS attack. It is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users. It suspends services of a host connected to the internet which may be temporary or permanent.

Malware is a software used to disrupt computer operation, gather sensitive information, or gain access to private computer systems. It usually appears in the form of code, scripts, active content, and other software. ‘Malware’ refers to a variety of forms of hostile or intrusive software, for example, Trojan Horses, rootkits, worms, adware, etc.

Another way of committing cybercrime is independent of the Computer Network or Device. It includes Economic frauds. It is done to destabilize the economy of a country, attack on banking security and transaction system, extract money through fraud, acquisition of credit/debit card data, financial theft, etc.

Hinder the operations of a website or service through data alteration, data destruction. Others include using obscene content to humiliate girls and harm their reputation, Spreading pornography, threatening e-mail, assuming a fake identity, virtual impersonation. Nowadays misuse of social media in creating intolerance, instigating communal violence and inciting riots is happening a lot.

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Cyber Warfare

Snowden revelations have shown that Cyberspace could become the theatre of warfare in the 21st century. Future wars will not be like traditional wars which are fought on land, water or air. when any state initiates the use of internet-based invisible force as an instrument of state policy to fight against another nation, it is called cyberwar’.

It includes hacking of vital information, important webpages, strategic controls, and intelligence. In December 2014 the cyberattack a six-month-long cyberattack on the German parliament for which the Sofacy Group is suspected. Another example 2008 cyberattack on US Military computers. Since these cyber-attacks, the issue of cyber warfare has assumed urgency in the global media.

Inexpensive Cybersecurity Measures

  • The simplest thing you can do to up your security and rest easy at night knowing your data is safe is to change your passwords.
  • You should use a password manager tool like LastPass, Dashlane, or Sticky Password to keep track of everything for you. These applications help you to use unique, secure passwords for every site you need while also keeping track of all of them for you.
  • An easy way for an attacker to gain access to your network is to use old credentials that have fallen by the wayside. Hence delete unused accounts.
  • Enabling two-factor authentication to add some extra security to your logins. An extra layer of security that makes it harder for an attacker to get into your accounts.
  • Keep your Softwares up to date.

Today due to high internet penetration, cybersecurity is one of the biggest need of the world as cybersecurity threats are very dangerous to the country’s security. Not only the government but also the citizens should spread awareness among the people to always update your system and network security settings and to the use proper anti-virus so that your system and network security settings stay virus and malware-free.

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Essay on Cyber Security

Students are often asked to write an essay on Cyber Security in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Cyber Security

Understanding cyber security.

Cyber security is about protecting computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from digital attacks. It’s a critical area as our daily life, economic vitality, and national security rely on a stable, safe, and resilient cyberspace.

The Importance of Cyber Security

Cyber security is important because it helps protect sensitive information, like our personal data and banking details, from being stolen by hackers. It also safeguards against harmful viruses that can damage our devices.

Types of Cyber Threats

Common threats include malware, phishing, and ransomware. Malware is harmful software, phishing tricks people into revealing sensitive information, and ransomware locks users out until they pay a ransom.

Cyber Security Practices

Good practices include using strong passwords, regularly updating software, and not clicking on suspicious links. These can help protect us from cyber threats.

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250 Words Essay on Cyber Security

Introduction to cyber security.

Cybersecurity, a term that has gained paramount importance in the digital age, refers to the practice of protecting internet-connected systems, including hardware, software, and data, from digital attacks. Its significance is amplified by the increasing reliance on technology, which, while offering numerous benefits, also opens up new avenues for potential threats.

The digital landscape is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it facilitates communication, commerce, and innovation. On the other, it provides a fertile ground for cybercriminals to exploit vulnerabilities. Cybersecurity thus becomes crucial in safeguarding sensitive information, preventing unauthorized access, and maintaining system integrity.

Challenges in Cyber Security

However, the complexity and sophistication of cyber threats are growing at an alarming pace. Cybercriminals are using advanced techniques, such as AI and machine learning, to bypass traditional security measures. This necessitates the development of more robust, adaptive cybersecurity strategies.

The Future of Cyber Security

The future of cybersecurity lies in proactive defense mechanisms. By leveraging technologies like AI, predictive analytics, and blockchain, we can anticipate and neutralize threats before they cause harm. Furthermore, fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness is equally important to empower individuals and organizations against cyber threats.

In conclusion, cybersecurity is a vital aspect of our digital existence. Its importance, challenges, and future prospects underline the need for continuous research, development, and education in this field. As the digital landscape evolves, so too must our approach to cybersecurity.

500 Words Essay on Cyber Security

Cyber security, also known as information technology security, focuses on protecting computers, networks, programs, and data from unintended or unauthorized access, damage, or destruction. In the digital era, the importance of cyber security is growing exponentially due to the increasing reliance on computer systems, the internet, and wireless network standards such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, and due to the growth of smart devices like smartphones and televisions.

The significance of robust cyber security measures cannot be understated. Cyber attacks can lead to serious consequences like identity theft, extortion attempts, deletion of important data, and even the disruption of normal business operations. In more extreme cases, they can lead to the compromise of national security. Hence, cyber security is not just a concern for businesses or governments, but it is a potential threat to all internet users.

Cyber threats can be broadly divided into three categories: Cybercrime includes single actors or groups targeting systems for financial gain or to cause disruption; Cyber-attack often involves politically motivated information gathering; and Cyberterrorism is intended to undermine electronic systems to cause panic or fear. Examples of these threats are malware, phishing, ransomware, and social engineering.

Cyber Security Measures

In response to these threats, several cyber security measures are being employed. These include firewalls, intrusion detection systems, anti-virus software, and encryption. Furthermore, organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of information assurance, where data integrity, confidentiality, and availability are assured.

As technology evolves, so does the complexity and sophistication of cyber threats. Hence, the future of cyber security lies in constant evolution and adaptation. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are becoming integral in combating cyber threats. These technologies can learn and adapt to new threats, making them more efficient than traditional security measures.

In conclusion, cyber security is a crucial aspect of our digital lives, and its importance will only increase with time. To ensure a secure digital environment, individuals, organizations, and governments must understand the potential threats and employ robust security measures to counter them. The future of cyber security is promising, with the advent of AI and ML, but the road ahead is challenging, requiring constant vigilance and adaptation to new threats.

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Essays on Cyber Security

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127 Cyber Security Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

With the increasing reliance on technology, cyber security has become a critical concern for individuals, organizations, and governments worldwide. As cyber threats continue to evolve and become more sophisticated, it is essential to stay informed about the latest trends and issues in this field. If you are tasked with writing an essay on cyber security, here are 127 topic ideas and examples to get your creative juices flowing.

The role of artificial intelligence in enhancing cyber security.

The impact of cyber attacks on critical infrastructure.

The ethical considerations of cyber warfare.

The legal frameworks governing cyber security.

The challenges of securing the Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

The role of encryption in protecting sensitive information.

The effectiveness of password policies in preventing cyber attacks.

The psychology behind social engineering attacks.

The impact of cyber attacks on the global economy.

The future of biometrics in cyber security.

The role of cyber insurance in mitigating cyber risks.

The ethics of hacking for the greater good.

The impact of cyber attacks on healthcare systems.

The role of education in raising cyber security awareness.

The challenges of securing cloud computing environments.

The implications of quantum computing on cyber security.

The importance of international cooperation in combating cyber crime.

The role of cyber security in protecting intellectual property.

The impact of cyber attacks on national security.

The challenges of securing critical data in the cloud.

The role of cybersecurity audits in identifying vulnerabilities.

The impact of cyber attacks on the banking and financial sector.

The ethical implications of government surveillance for cyber security purposes.

The role of cybersecurity professionals in addressing the skills gap.

The challenges of securing personal information in the digital age.

The impact of cyber attacks on elections and democratic processes.

The role of user awareness training in preventing cyber attacks.

The implications of data breaches for consumer trust.

The challenges of securing mobile devices in the workplace.

The role of cyber security in protecting personal privacy.

The impact of cyber attacks on small businesses.

The role of cyber security in safeguarding intellectual property in academia.

The challenges of securing critical infrastructure in developing countries.

The ethical considerations of vulnerability disclosure.

The impact of cyber attacks on the transportation sector.

The role of cyber security in protecting children online.

The challenges of securing Internet of Things (IoT) in smart homes.

The implications of cyber attacks on the aviation industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against ransomware attacks.

The impact of cyber attacks on the entertainment industry.

The challenges of securing e-commerce platforms.

The role of cyber security in preventing identity theft.

The implications of cyber attacks on the energy sector.

The ethical considerations of government backdoor access to encrypted data.

The impact of cyber attacks on the hospitality and tourism industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting sensitive government information.

The challenges of securing online gaming platforms.

The implications of cyber attacks on the media and journalism.

The role of cyber security in protecting against social media threats.

The impact of cyber attacks on the transportation and logistics industry.

The challenges of securing online banking and financial transactions.

The role of cyber security in protecting against insider threats.

The implications of cyber attacks on the education sector.

The ethical considerations of using cyber weapons in warfare.

The impact of cyber attacks on the retail industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against insider trading.

The challenges of securing online voting systems.

The implications of cyber attacks on the gaming industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against intellectual property theft.

The impact of cyber attacks on the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry.

The challenges of securing social media platforms.

The ethical considerations of cyber security in autonomous vehicles.

The implications of cyber attacks on the hospitality industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against credit card fraud.

The impact of cyber attacks on the manufacturing industry.

The challenges of securing online dating platforms.

The implications of cyber attacks on the insurance industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against corporate espionage.

The impact of cyber attacks on the food and beverage industry.

The challenges of securing online marketplaces.

The implications of cyber attacks on the pharmaceutical industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against intellectual property infringement.

The impact of cyber attacks on the nonprofit sector.

The challenges of securing online streaming platforms.

The ethical considerations of cyber security in wearable technology.

The implications of cyber attacks on the real estate industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against medical identity theft.

The impact of cyber attacks on the telecommunications industry.

The challenges of securing online job portals.

The implications of cyber attacks on the automotive industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against data breaches in the legal sector.

The impact of cyber attacks on the music industry.

The challenges of securing online auction platforms.

The implications of cyber attacks on the construction industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against online harassment.

The impact of cyber attacks on the advertising and marketing industry.

The challenges of securing online learning platforms.

The implications of cyber attacks on the fashion industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against online stalking.

The impact of cyber attacks on the sports industry.

The challenges of securing online travel booking platforms.

The implications of cyber attacks on the beauty and cosmetics industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against online scams.

The impact of cyber attacks on the hospitality and catering industry.

The challenges of securing online dating applications.

The implications of cyber attacks on the healthcare and wellness industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against online bullying.

The impact of cyber attacks on the entertainment and events industry.

The challenges of securing online food delivery platforms.

The implications of cyber attacks on the fitness and wellness industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against online fraud.

The impact of cyber attacks on the home services industry.

The challenges of securing online social networking platforms.

The implications of cyber attacks on the pet care industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against online piracy.

The impact of cyber attacks on the restaurant industry.

The challenges of securing online fashion retail platforms.

The implications of cyber attacks on the healthcare and fitness industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against online hate speech.

The impact of cyber attacks on the wedding and event planning industry.

The challenges of securing online grocery delivery platforms.

The implications of cyber attacks on the gaming and entertainment industry.

The impact of cyber attacks on the music and entertainment industry.

The challenges of securing online travel and tourism platforms.

The implications of cyber attacks on the beauty and wellness industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against online identity theft.

The impact of cyber attacks on the fashion and retail industry.

The challenges of securing online health and wellness platforms.

The implications of cyber attacks on the food and beverage industry.

These essay topic ideas cover a broad range of industries and sectors, highlighting the pervasive nature of cyber security threats. Whether you choose to explore the implications of cyber attacks on a specific industry, examine the challenges of securing a particular platform, or discuss the ethical considerations of cyber security, there are endless possibilities for research and analysis in this field. Remember to choose a topic that interests you and aligns with your objectives, ensuring a rewarding and engaging essay-writing experience.

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Cyber Security Essay: Topics and Tips to Write a Stellar Paper

cybersecurity essays

Cyber security has become exceedingly important over the last two decades. If countries are not trading accusations and counter-accusations over the violation of their online spaces, they’re strategizing how to keep attackers at bay. Countries with the best cyber defenses thrive, while unprepared ones suffer massive losses annually. But in the era where computers have literally taken over all facets of our lives, keeping safe from hackers and other crooked spies has never been more important. The subject has attracted massive attention online, with millions of articles exploring it. Therefore, it’s unsurprising that you’re looking for help with a cyber security essay. This short piece will provide all the assistance you need. It covers industry secrets, tips, and tricks from top cyber security professionals to help you write an essay on cyber security effectively. Read on to stay ahead of the pack.

Choosing Captivating Cyber Security Essay Topics

There are uncountable cyber security essay topics to choose from. Since the subject is highly contested, many issues arise daily that you can explore in your papers. However, not all topics will generate interest or add value to the debate. So, how do you go about choosing a befitting theme or subject for your essay? Here are a few tips:

  • Relevance: You can write just about anything if it’s germane. You want to explore something that’s to the point and benefits your audience. Readers don’t appreciate their time wasted. Therefore, both your topic and contents must align lest they feel cheated.
  • Trending: We now live in the age of #tags. Computer algorithms control what you see, when you see them, and how you see them. If you’re committed to your work, you should always consider and research current trends to maximize the impact of your paper.
  • Passion: As already noted, there are numerous issues in computer security that you can write about. But not all ideas will interest you. Therefore, it’s advisable that you align with the topics you feel more passionate about. For example, it could be the nexus between data protection and cyber security, government involvement and cyber security, social engineering and cyber security, artificial intelligence and cyber security, cybersecurity laws and regulations and cyber landscape, and hacking and cyber security. Know where you lean and formulate a solid topic to explore.

From Beginner to Pro: How to Write a Stellar Essay on Cyber Security      

Now that we’ve explored topic selection, let’s delve into the nitty gritty of essay writing on cyber security. Below are six critical tips to get you started:

  • Background research. Solid essays benefit from thorough research work. Yours should be no exception. Remember you’re not the first person to write about the topic. There could be thousands if not millions of papers on it. So, how do you want to convince your audience to read past your introduction? Stay ahead of the curve. Read widely and determine what other authors have explored in their works. Find the gaps, the points of weakness to exploit, and the strengths to build upon. Additionally, carrying out thorough research gives you a balanced perspective. This is vital because it limits biasness. Readers are often uninterested in reading opinion pieces masquerading as research papers. Therefore, incorporate relevant and credible citations in your work, backing every claim you make.
  • Solid essay structure. At this stage, you probably know the basic structure of an essay – introduction, body, and conclusion. While there are numerous variations based on an essay’s length, this fundamental formation remains the same. Ensure that your writing respects these basics, minimizing the chances of having a head or tail-heavy paper. For example, a two page essay should not have an introduction that exceeds 150 words, otherwise it becomes head-heavy. On the other hand, you can afford writing 250 words on a longer paper of 10 or more pages. Balance is critical in this case. However, if you’re unsure of what to do, you can seek help and order essay by CustomWritings which has assisted numerous students with similar challenges. Reach out to them and you’ll never regret it.
  • Coherence. Having a free-flowing paper is even more critical than adhering to structural integrity. There is no benefit to having a well-structured work with a disjointed flow of ideas. As an argumentative essay, each section should usher your readers to the next seamlessly. Your paragraphs should gel and project the same messages and emotions, otherwise it becomes difficult for readers to follow the logical progression of your thoughts and may lead to confusion or disinterest. Remember that even word choice plays a significant role in the overall flow of your essay. If you do this right, you not only demonstrate clarity and organization in your writing, but also exhibit your ability to communicate effectively.
  • Case studies. You can strengthen your arguments by adding some case studies and examples while also spicing it up in the process. There are so many real-world cyber security issues to work with. For example, breaches that led to huge financial losses, data theft, or system failures. The importance of creativity to essay writing cannot be over-emphasized. However, crafting an essay on cyber security is more about being factual than creative. As such, you must ground it on real stories.
  • Balance. Your papers can also benefit from balanced arguments. You don’t need to convince your audience to adopt your stand by ignoring opposing voices. Instead, you should address them and provide solid counterarguments. This way, your audiences will understand why it’s better to be on your side, while at the same time respecting you as a person. You can write a short note to keep you on track by ensuring that each opposing view is countered effectively.   
  • Solid conclusion. Be sure to write a paragraph that recaps all your arguments. Some readers are impatient and will always skip to the conclusion to understand what an essay is about. Take that opportunity to grab their attention, and, if possible, maintain it. Your conclusion should be nothing less than a sucker punch that delivers a rush of adrenalin and awakening to them.    

Cyber Security Essays Are All About Structure and Coherence!

As discussed in the article, a good essay is all about adhering to the basics. Have a solid structure and make a coherent argument. However, if you want to stand out, you must demonstrate cyber security awareness by incorporating real world examples in your work. Additionally, carry out thorough research to know what’s relevant, accurate, and valid to use. If you follow the tips above, you’ll be on your way to writing a winning paper in English.

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174 Cybersecurity Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write About

Are you looking for cybersecurity essay topics? Check out our extensive list of trending titles and interesting cyber security essay examples! You can use these ideas for your project, presentation, thesis, or research paper. And our questions for debates can also be used as cyber security argumentative essay topics!

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Cybersecurity

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  • Cybersecurity in Amazon Business and Its Industry
  • Cyber Security: The Nature and Scope of Cybercrime
  • PEST Factors and PEST Analysis in Cybersecurity Industry
  • Equifax Case Study: Cybersecurity Measures
  • Cyber Security Challenges for Business
  • Cyber Security at Ports: Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Cybersecurity and Protection in Healthcare
  • Baiting in Cybersecurity: Realization and Prevention A type of cyber-attack such as baiting is part of social engineering. It is a term that refers to looting users’ data or compromising the integrity of an IT infrastructure.
  • Ethics in Cybersecurity and Software Engineering Ethical philosophy as a whole implies a search for definitions and mechanisms for the systematic distinction between right and wrong.
  • Blue Team Con: Cybersecurity Conference Blue Team Con is a conference performed yearly for cybersecurity specialists, working with companies directly to ensure the safety of their assets, students, and entrepreneurs.
  • The Need for Cybersecurity Data Science It is critical to explore how data science helps cybersecurity defense strategies and understand its importance.
  • Literature Review of Articles on Cyber Security of Young Children The Internet has become an inherent constituent of modern life, to which people are exposed from early childhood.
  • Cybersecurity in Cruise Ship Industry Even though cruise ships are equipped with the most advanced technologies, they remain vulnerable to cyberattacks that may lead to economic, political, and social damages.
  • The Future of Computers and Cybersecurity The cybersecurity sector is almost always changing in response to hackers’ shifting habits and new threats. Therefore, the future of cybersecurity is almost impossible to predict.
  • Public-Private Partnerships for Election Systems Cybersecurity The paper explores the public-private partnership and explains benefits for businesses, costs, and risks, and offers a recommendation for companies.
  • Cybersecurity for Amazon Web Services Infrastructure This paper gives a detailed description of the best strategies and initiatives to maintain the security of data and services that reside on Amazon Web Services infrastructure.
  • Cyber Security: Policy, Processes and Practices There are potential challenges associated with cyber security. Increased internet connections and applications require robust measures for the management of cyber security.
  • Cybersecurity: The Role in Business The human factor plays a considerable role in the reliability of cybersecurity, as both user error and abuse of access-related privileges represent cyber threats.
  • Cybersecurity in Healthcare Organizations Data breaches in healthcare facilities greatly impact patients, and they may lose confidence in the healthcare system.
  • Confidentiality in Cybersecurity Confidentiality is one of the major concepts that contribute to the security of users online as well as their personal data used in online activities.
  • Cybersecurity in the Energy Sector Cybersecurity is protecting cyberspace, the infrastructure that stores and transfers information, from malicious cyberattacks.
  • Island Banking Services: Cybersecurity Strategy and Implementation Plan This paper aims to describe the cybersecurity strategy and its implementation plan for Island Banking Services that is a firm that works in Financial Transactions Processing.
  • Cyber Security Management and Policy Cyber security threats should be a concern for any company and especially for businesses that employ a large number of people and collect substantial quantities of data.
  • Sifers-Grayson Company: Cybersecurity Incident The business impact of the cybersecurity incident should be analyzed from the perspectives of operational efforts and transformations.
  • Cybersecurity of Central Institutions The issue of cybersecurity acquires the top priority and should be given significant attention to guarantee the effective functioning of central institutions.
  • Blockchain Technology and Cybersecurity Blockchain-related technologies are innately safer for businesses. At the same time, small businesses do not benefit from technology as much as large-scale ones.
  • Cyber Security in Business Organizations The most dangerous crime associated with technology is the emergence of hackers, who steal organizations’ information for financial benefits.
  • Cybersecurity Threats to the Energy Sector The modern era of global technologies creates a two-fold situation. On the one hand, new advanced digital technologies are emerging to automate energy production.
  • Cybersecurity and Its Importance in Schools Cybersecurity is becoming important for schools due to the ever-increasing number of risks, the typology of which is becoming more extensive and diverse.
  • Cybersecurity Threats America Faces This paper analyzes the articles on engaging consumers in cyber security, the cyber frontier and digital pitfalls in the global south, and the cybersecurity workforce gap.
  • Store My Bits International Company’s Cybersecurity Risk Analysis The paper gives full details of the plan for mitigating and addressing viruses problems associated with modern technologies and the Internet.
  • Russia-Ukraine War as Cybersecurity Challenge This paper will address the most pressing topic of recent weeks, namely the war that Russia has launched against Ukraine, and touch on a severe aspect related to cybersecurity.
  • The Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act This research paper discusses the Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act and what it means for the public and the government.
  • Statistics for an IT Project Manager and in Cybersecurity Statistical analysis as the means of managing a vast amount of data represents an untapped potential for any IT manager.
  • Cybersecurity and Crimes as Advanced Persistent Threat The purpose of this article is to introduce the features, attack process, and methods and techniques used by advanced persistent threat attackers to carry out attacks.
  • Cyber Security Process and Technology The management should also consider updating the computer’s software regularly to enhance protection from stalkers.
  • Cyber Security Breaches and Ransomware Attacks This research paper attempts to describe ransomware as a complex malware and its characteristics, it also discusses the factors, detection, and prevention of malicious software.
  • Innovation in the Cybersecurity Industry This paper explains the role of innovation in the cybersecurity industry and identifies the major developers related to inventions.
  • Researching of Cybersecurity and Cybercrime The paper will discuss the technology transfer processes followed by the funding sources for technologies in the cybersecurity field
  • Integrating NIST’s Cybersecurity Framework With IT Governance Frameworks An Information Security Management System (ISMS) is a primary asset responsible for an organization’s cybersecurity.
  • Local Government’s New Policy on Cybersecurity The paper argues the local government has the obligation to ensure that the information of the residents remains safe and confidential.
  • National Cybersecurity Protection and the Role of CISA The federal government with the help of the Cybersecurity and ISA has put in place strategies and policies to protect the country from ICT-related national threats.
  • Contemporary Global Marketing and Cyber Security The article discusses cyber security issues in the context of business and marketing. The security market had grown over the years within global marketing.
  • Cyber Security Awareness Employee Training This paper aims to provide cyber security awareness employee training, discussing good cyber security habits, password guidance, phishing attacks and how to prevent them.
  • Cybersecurity Workforce Crisis in State Governments Cybersecurity is one of the most vital fields in computing. This research has been conducted to highlight the cybersecurity challenges facing state governments.
  • Speed as Important Factor in Cyber Security Enterprise organizations have a lot to handle in the era when cyberattacks have become not just a tangible threat but a lived reality.
  • Cybersecurity Awareness and Training in Business Environment Cybersecurity refers to protecting systems linked to the Internet, including software, data, and hardware, from online threats.
  • Drone Technology Cybersecurity and Information Systems The purpose of this document is to discuss drone technology, applications, cybersecurity, and information systems.
  • Cybersecurity: The Current War of Today Cybersecurity laws in the United States have continued to be modified over time to meet new challenges, but there are difficulties in completely securing information.
  • The Need of Cybersecurity in Healthcare Industry The purpose of this point paper is to explain the importance of implementing cybersecurity strategies for healthcare organizations.
  • Cybersecurity Threats to the Non-Executive Director The essay will elaborate on the most major digital threats that non-executives face while being on their computers and provide practical strategies for preventing them.
  • Raising Employee Cybersecurity Awareness Sufficient information that could empower employees to identify cyber vulnerabilities is readily available online, it can be disseminated freely or added to instructions.
  • “How COVID-19 Is Dramatically Changing Cybersecurity” by Deo The article “How Covid-19 is dramatically changing cybersecurity” by TATA Consultancy Services delivers a detailed overview of the risks large companies face.
  • Cyber Security Is Not a New Issue The issue of cybersecurity should be given significant attention to preserve the existing order and guarantee the effective functioning of central institutions.
  • Cybersecurity – Threat Modeling to Predict Attacks Over the last decade, the field of cybersecurity has faced dramatic changes, and cyber-threats have become more severe.
  • Cybersecurity Strategic Plan and the Best Practices in the Healthcare Sector Technology is changing at a rate that most institutions cannot keep pace with; hence, introducing a large that makes organizations susceptible to cyber breaches.
  • Software Piracy at Kaspersky Cybersecurity Company Software piracy is an urgent contemporary problem that manifests itself both locally in relation to an individual organization and globally.
  • Mayo Clinic’s Cybersecurity Risk Analysis The purpose of this paper is to analyze internal and external threats to Mayo Clinic’s Personal Healthcare Information (PHI).
  • Cybersecurity Issues of Healthcare Organizations The paper aims at analyzing the article describing a potential implementation of unified cybersecurity standards for healthcare organizations.
  • Cybersecurity of Healthcare Technologies In the world of fast-developing technologies, there are many opportunities and threats to health care. Cybersecurity threats need to be addressed as soon as they emerge.
  • Medical Device Cybersecurity in Practice The breach of medical device security can lead to the loss of vital data, personal records of the patients, and the flawed operation of the devices.
  • US Health and Human Services’ Cyber Security This report focuses on the security challenges of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and studies the activities carried out by HHS on information security.
  • Mandiant Cyber Security Company’s Leadership Style Mandiant Cyber Security Company, renowned for forensic expertise and computer security programs, was founded in America by Kevin Mandia in early 2004.
  • Unified Cybersecurity Standards in Healthcare Medical staff needs to improve their informatics skills to use the equipment efficiently. Attacks on servers and systems will increase.
  • Changes Smartphones Are Making in Cybersecurity
  • Cybersecurity for Digital Financial Service
  • Multidisciplinary Approach Within the Cybersecurity Discourse
  • Cybersecurity Challenges and Compliance Issues Within the U.S. Healthcare Sector
  • Cybersecurity and Law Enforcement
  • Takeaways From the Ocie Cybersecurity Initiative Risk
  • Cybersecurity for American Government
  • Cybersecurity and Risk Management
  • The Cybersecurity and Cyber Warfare in India
  • Government Cybersecurity Regulation Assignment
  • Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure Protection
  • Ethics, Legal, and Compliance Issues in Cybersecurity
  • Cybersecurity and the Threat to National Security
  • Attack-Prevention and Damage-Control Investments in Cybersecurity
  • Cybersecurity in an Open and Decentralized Network
  • Cybersecurity and Risk Behaviour on Mobile Individual Consumers in Spain
  • Cybersecurity Policies and Solutions in Yemen
  • Parallel and Distributed Computing for Cybersecurity
  • Cybersecurity and Organizational Change Concept Map
  • National Cybersecurity Policies and Regulations
  • Cybersecurity and Cyberwarfare Critical Thinking
  • Architecture for Managing Knowledge on Cybersecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Modeling Multivariate Cybersecurity Risks
  • Computer Networks and Cybersecurity
  • Innovation Dynamics and Capability in Open Collaborative Cyber Communities: Implications for Cybersecurity
  • Cybersecurity and Financial Stability: Risks and Resilience
  • Current Practice Analysis for It Control and Security, Cybersecurity
  • Cybersecurity Reaches New Heights in Georgia
  • The Issues Surrounding Our Cybersecurity
  • When Considering Cybersecurity, What Are the Roles and Responsibilities of an Organization?
  • Government Cybersecurity Regulation
  • Some Cybersecurity Strategies Indian Enterprises Should Look Into
  • Cybersecurity and Financial Stability
  • Cyber Risk: Why Cybersecurity Is Important?
  • National Cybersecurity Profile Brazil
  • Technology and the Impact on Cybersecurity
  • Dealing With Cybersecurity Threats Posed by Globalized Information Technology Suppliers
  • Fed Records Show Dozens of Cybersecurity Breaches
  • Benefits of President Obama’s Cybersecurity Internet Policy
  • Emerging Cybersecurity Technologies
  • Most Important Cybersecurity Vulnerability Facing It Managers Computer Science
  • Emerging Technologies That Impact the Cybersecurity Field
  • Internet Surfers and Cybersecurity
  • Improving Cybersecurity Using Nist Framework
  • Global Cybersecurity Industry Analysis and Forecast to 2023
  • Cybersecurity Research Meets Science and Technology Studies
  • Cybersecurity and National Policy
  • Cyber Crime: Cybersecurity for Cyberspace
  • Small Business Cybersecurity and the Public Cloud
  • New Concepts for Cybersecurity in Port Communication Networks
  • Cybersecurity Gets Dumber Each Day
  • Cybersecurity, Capital Allocations, and Management Control Systems
  • Personal Statement About Cybersecurity
  • Current Cybersecurity Policy Issues for the Protection
  • Free Cybersecurity, Economic Progress, and Economic Security in Private Business
  • Cybersecurity and the World Today
  • Why Should Computer Scientists Care About Cybersecurity?
  • Enacting Expertise: Ritual and Risk in Cybersecurity
  • Muddling Through Cybersecurity: Insights From the U.S. Healthcare Industry
  • Global Cybersecurity: New Directions in Theory and Methods
  • What Are the Most Common Cybersecurity Problems in Enterprises?
  • How Can Cybersecurity Policy Be Improved?
  • Why Is Cybersecurity Important in Today’s World?
  • Is Cybersecurity Part of Risk Management?
  • What Is the Relationship Between Cybersecurity and Risk Management?
  • How to Create an Effective Cybersecurity Policy?
  • Why Is Cybersecurity Important for Small Businesses?
  • Is Machine Learning Important in Cybersecurity?
  • What Are the Major Cybersecurity Risks?
  • Does Cybersecurity Affect Mental Health?
  • Why Is Risk Management Important in Cybersecurity?
  • How Does Cybersecurity Affect the World?
  • Does Cybersecurity Require Coding?
  • What Is Risk Assessment in Cybersecurity?
  • Why Is Cybersecurity Important for National Security?
  • How Hard Is It to Learn Cybersecurity?
  • What Computer Language Is Used for Cybersecurity?
  • Is Cybersecurity a Good Career in the Long Term?
  • Which Country Topped Global Cybersecurity?
  • Do Small Businesses Need Cybersecurity?
  • What Are the Common Types of Cybersecurity Attacks?
  • How Does Technology Affect Cybersecurity?
  • What Are the Three Cybersecurity Strategies?
  • Will Cybersecurity Ever Be Automated?
  • How Is Data Science Used in Cyber Security?
  • What Are the Current Computer and Cybersecurity Trends in the Near Future?
  • How Is Machine Learning Used in Cybersecurity?
  • What Will Cybersecurity Look Like 10 Years From Now?
  • Is Cybersecurity or Data Analytics Better?
  • Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Cybersecurity Jobs?
  • The Latest Trends in Cyber Attacks.
  • The Basics of Encryption and Its Role in Cybersecurity.
  • The Impact of Data Breaches on Businesses and Individuals.
  • Cybersecurity Best Practices for Remote Work.
  • Ethical Hacking: The Importance of Penetration Testing.
  • The Dark Web as the Hidden World of Cybercriminals.
  • Social Engineering: How Hackers Exploit Human Psychology.
  • Ways to Protect Patient Data in Healthcare Organizations.
  • The Role of Blockchain Technology in Improving Cybersecurity.
  • Cybersecurity Challenges Related to Artificial Intelligence.
  • Should the Government Have Access to Encrypted Communications?
  • Who Is Responsible for Cybersecurity: Government, Companies, or Individuals?
  • Should Companies Be Liable for Data Breaches Resulting from Negligence?
  • Is Biometric Authentication Secure Enough?
  • Should the Regulations on the Collection and Use of Personal Data Be Stricter?
  • Should Cybersecurity Training Be Mandatory for All Employees?
  • Is the “Zero Trust” Strategy in Cybersecurity Justified?
  • Should Governments Be Allowed to Engage in Cyber Espionage?
  • Should Companies Be Required to Disclose All Data Breaches?
  • Is There a Need for a Global Ban of Cyber Warfare?

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StudyCorgi. (2022, March 1). 174 Cybersecurity Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write About.

"174 Cybersecurity Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write About." StudyCorgi , 1 Mar. 2022,

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StudyCorgi . "174 Cybersecurity Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write About." March 1, 2022.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "174 Cybersecurity Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write About." March 1, 2022.

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This essay topic collection was updated on December 27, 2023 .

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Empowering Protection in the Digital Age

The Importance of Cyber Security in Today’s World

  • By: Samuel Norris
  • Time to read: 24 min.

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With the rapid advancement of technology and the increasing reliance on digital systems, the need for cyber security has become more crucial than ever. In this essay, we will explore the importance of cyber security in protecting our personal information, securing businesses and governments from cyber threats, and maintaining the trust and stability of our online world.

The importance of cyber security in protecting personal information

cybersecurity essays

In today’s digital age, the importance of cyber security in protecting personal information cannot be overstated. With the increasing prevalence of cybercrime and the ever-growing threat landscape, individuals and organizations must be vigilant in safeguarding their sensitive data. Cyber security measures are crucial not only to protect personal information from unauthorized access but also to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of data.

One of the primary reasons why cyber security is essential is the rising number of cyber threats, including hacking, phishing, malware, and ransomware. These malicious activities can result in identity theft, financial loss, reputational damage, and even legal consequences. By implementing robust cyber security measures, individuals can minimize the risk of falling victim to such cyber threats and ensure the safety of their personal information.

Moreover, the increasing reliance on digital platforms and online services has made personal information more vulnerable than ever before. From online banking to social media accounts, individuals store a wealth of personal data on various digital platforms. Without proper cyber security measures in place, this information is at risk of being exploited by cybercriminals. Therefore, individuals must take proactive steps to secure their personal information and prevent unauthorized access.

Furthermore, cyber security is not just the responsibility of individuals but also of organizations. Businesses, government agencies, and other institutions hold vast amounts of personal information for their clients and customers. Failing to protect this data can lead to severe consequences, not only for the individuals whose information is compromised but also for the organization’s reputation and financial stability. By investing in robust cyber security measures, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to protecting personal information and build trust with their stakeholders.

In conclusion, the importance of cyber security in protecting personal information cannot be understated. With the increasing prevalence of cyber threats, individuals and organizations must prioritize the implementation of comprehensive cyber security measures. By doing so, they can safeguard personal data, minimize the risk of cybercrime, and maintain the trust and confidence of their customers and clients.

Cyber attacks and their impact on businesses and economies

cybersecurity essays

Cyber attacks have emerged as a major threat to businesses and economies across the globe. These malicious acts of hacking, data breaches, and online fraud have a profound impact on the stability and growth of businesses, as well as the overall health of economies. The perplexing nature of cyber attacks is evident in their ability to exploit vulnerabilities in digital systems, often catching businesses off guard. With burstiness, cyber attacks can occur suddenly and unexpectedly, causing significant disruption, financial losses, and reputational damage. Furthermore, the low predictability of these attacks makes it difficult for businesses to effectively safeguard their digital assets and stay one step ahead of cybercriminals. As businesses increasingly rely on technology for daily operations and economic transactions, the importance of strong cyber security measures cannot be overstated. Implementing robust security protocols, such as firewalls, encryption, and multi-factor authentication, is crucial for businesses to mitigate the risks posed by cyber attacks. Additionally, investing in employee training and awareness programs can help build a cyber-aware workforce, reducing the likelihood of successful attacks. In conclusion, the impact of cyber attacks on businesses and economies is undeniable, with a high level of perplexity and burstiness, and a low level of predictability. By prioritizing cyber security, businesses can protect their operations, customer data, and financial stability, ultimately contributing to the resilience and success of economies worldwide.

The role of cyber security in safeguarding national security

cybersecurity essays

In today’s interconnected world, the role of cyber security in safeguarding national security has become increasingly vital. With the rapid advancement of technology and the proliferation of digital systems, the potential threats to a nation’s security have also multiplied. Cyber attacks can target critical infrastructure, government networks, and even military systems, causing widespread disruption and damage. Therefore, it is imperative for governments to prioritize cyber security measures to protect their nations from these evolving threats.

Cyber security plays a crucial role in safeguarding national security by preventing unauthorized access to sensitive information and networks. It involves the implementation of robust cybersecurity protocols, such as firewalls, encryption, and multi-factor authentication, to defend against cyber threats. By securing networks and systems, governments can ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of critical data, thereby safeguarding national secrets, defense strategies, and citizen information.

Moreover, cyber security helps to maintain the stability and functionality of a nation’s infrastructure. As more critical services, such as power grids, transportation systems, and healthcare facilities, rely on digital networks, they become vulnerable to cyber attacks. By investing in cyber security measures, governments can mitigate the risk of disruption to these essential services, thereby protecting the safety and well-being of their citizens. Additionally, cyber security plays a pivotal role in defending against attacks on financial systems, preventing economic instability and preserving national prosperity.

Furthermore, cyber security is crucial for protecting national defense capabilities. Military networks and command and control systems are prime targets for cyber attacks, which can compromise operational readiness, disrupt communications, and undermine strategic planning. By implementing stringent cyber security measures, governments can ensure the resilience and effectiveness of their military forces, thereby safeguarding national defense capabilities and deterring potential adversaries.

In conclusion, the role of cyber security in safeguarding national security is of utmost importance in today’s digital age. By prioritizing and investing in robust cyber security measures, governments can protect critical infrastructure, defend against cyber attacks, and ensure the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive data. As the threat landscape continues to evolve, it is imperative for nations to stay ahead by continuously enhancing their cyber security capabilities and collaborating with international partners to combat cyber threats.

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The evolving threat landscape and the need for stronger cyber security measures

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In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the threat of cyber attacks looms larger than ever before. As technology continues to advance, so do the tactics and sophistication of cyber criminals. This escalating threat landscape has necessitated the implementation of stronger and more robust cyber security measures .

Gone are the days when simple antivirus software and firewalls were enough to protect sensitive information. In the face of constantly evolving threats such as ransomware, phishing scams, and data breaches, organizations and individuals alike must stay one step ahead to safeguard their digital assets.

The first reason why we need stronger cyber security measures is the sheer volume and complexity of cyber threats. Cyber criminals are constantly devising new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in software, networks, and even human behavior. From malware that can invade our devices without detection to social engineering techniques that manipulate individuals into revealing sensitive information, the tactics used by cyber criminals are becoming more sophisticated and harder to predict. Without robust cyber security measures in place, organizations are at risk of falling victim to these evolving threats.

Furthermore, the increasing interconnectedness of devices and systems through the Internet of Things (IoT) has created new avenues for cyber attacks. From smart homes to critical infrastructure, any device connected to the internet can potentially be compromised. This highlights the need for stronger cyber security measures to protect not only personal information but also the safety and functionality of essential services.

Another crucial reason for stronger cyber security measures is the potential impact of a successful cyber attack. The consequences can be devastating, both financially and reputationally. Organizations can face significant financial losses due to stolen data, disruption of operations, and the cost of remediation. Moreover, the loss of customer trust and the damage to a company’s reputation can be irreparable.

In conclusion, the ever-evolving threat landscape necessitates the adoption of stronger cyber security measures . The increasing volume and complexity of cyber threats, the expanding IoT, and the potential consequences of a successful attack all underscore the importance of prioritizing cyber security. Investing in robust cyber security measures is not only a proactive approach to protecting sensitive data and systems but also a vital step in safeguarding the overall well-being of organizations and individuals in our digital world.

Cyber security best practices for individuals and organizations

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Cyber security is not just a concern for governments and large corporations; it is equally crucial for individuals and small organizations. In today’s digital age, where cyber threats are constantly evolving, implementing best practices is essential to protect sensitive information and maintain data integrity. This article will discuss some of the top cyber security best practices that individuals and organizations should follow.

  • Strong and Unique Passwords: One of the simplest yet most effective ways to enhance cyber security is by using strong and unique passwords. Avoid using common passwords or personal information that can be easily guessed. Consider using a password manager to generate and securely store complex passwords.
  • Two-Factor Authentication: Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) whenever possible. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second verification step, such as a code sent to your mobile device, in addition to your password.
  • Regular Software Updates: Keeping all software and operating systems up to date is crucial. Software updates often include patches for known vulnerabilities, which hackers can exploit. Set up automatic updates to ensure that you are always running the latest versions.
  • Secure Wi-Fi Networks: Protect your home or office Wi-Fi network with a strong and unique password. Additionally, consider enabling network encryption, such as WPA2, to secure the communication between devices and the network.
  • Employee Training and Awareness: Organizations should prioritize cyber security training and awareness programs for their employees. This helps ensure that everyone understands the importance of following security protocols and recognizes potential threats like phishing emails or suspicious links.
  • Regular Data Backups: Regularly backing up important data is crucial in case of a cyber attack or data loss. Store backups on separate devices or in the cloud, and test the restoration process periodically to ensure the data can be recovered.
  • Firewalls and Antivirus Software: Install and regularly update firewalls and antivirus software on all devices. These security tools provide an additional layer of protection against malware, viruses, and other cyber threats.
  • Secure Web Browsing: Be cautious when browsing the internet. Avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading files from untrusted sources. Use reputable web browsers and consider using browser extensions that provide additional security features.

By implementing these cyber security best practices, individuals and organizations can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to cyber attacks and protect sensitive information from unauthorized access. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and stay secure!

The cost of cyber attacks and the value of investing in cyber security

In today’s digital age, the cost of cyber attacks is staggering. The value of investing in cyber security cannot be overstated. Cyber attacks not only lead to significant financial losses for businesses, but also result in reputational damage, legal consequences, and potential customer distrust. It is crucial for organizations to understand the true extent of the impact cyber attacks can have on their bottom line.

The financial cost of cyber attacks is multifaceted. The direct expenses include incident response, recovery, and potential ransom payments. However, the long-term financial repercussions often extend far beyond these immediate costs. Companies may suffer from lost revenue due to downtime, loss of intellectual property, or the need to invest in new security measures to prevent future attacks. Additionally, there are legal expenses and fines that can result from non-compliance with data protection regulations.

Furthermore, the intangible costs of cyber attacks are equally significant. A breach of customer data can lead to a loss of trust and loyalty, impacting customer retention and acquisition. The damage to reputation may result in decreased brand value and a loss of competitive advantage. Rebuilding trust and repairing a damaged reputation can be a time-consuming and expensive process.

Investing in cyber security is essential to mitigate the risks posed by cyber attacks. By implementing robust security measures and proactive monitoring, organizations can greatly reduce the likelihood and impact of successful attacks. The investment in cyber security is not just a cost, but rather an investment in the longevity and resilience of the business.

Cyber security measures include securing networks, implementing strong access controls, regularly updating and patching software, educating employees about security best practices, and conducting regular security audits. By staying ahead of evolving threats and investing in the right technology and expertise, organizations can enhance their ability to detect, respond to, and recover from cyber attacks.

In conclusion, the cost of cyber attacks is not limited to immediate financial losses. The long-term consequences, including reputational damage and legal ramifications, can be equally devastating. Investing in cyber security is not only a smart financial decision, but also a critical step in safeguarding the future of any organization. By understanding the true cost of cyber attacks and the value of investing in cyber security, businesses can make informed decisions to protect themselves and their stakeholders.

The correlation between cyber security and privacy in the digital age

In the fast-paced digital age, the correlation between cyber security and privacy has become increasingly intricate and crucial. As technology continues to evolve, so do the threats posed by cybercriminals, making it imperative to prioritize both security and privacy measures.

Cyber security serves as the first line of defense against malicious attacks and unauthorized access. It encompasses a range of practices, protocols, and technologies designed to safeguard computer systems, networks, and data from potential threats. By implementing robust cyber security measures, individuals and organizations can protect their sensitive information, prevent data breaches, and maintain the confidentiality and integrity of their digital assets.

However, cyber security is not solely about protecting data; it is also closely intertwined with the concept of privacy. In the digital landscape, privacy refers to an individual’s right to control their personal information and determine how and when it is shared. With the proliferation of online platforms, social media, and e-commerce, maintaining privacy has become more challenging than ever before.

The advancements in technology have allowed for the collection, storage, and analysis of vast amounts of personal data. This data, when in the wrong hands, can lead to identity theft, financial fraud, and other serious privacy breaches. Therefore, ensuring robust cyber security measures is directly linked to safeguarding privacy in the digital age.

The correlation between cyber security and privacy becomes even more significant when considering the potential consequences of a breach. A single data breach can have far-reaching implications, both on an individual level and for organizations. It can result in reputational damage, financial losses, legal liabilities, and erosion of trust. Such breaches can also compromise national security, disrupt critical infrastructure, and impact the overall stability of the digital ecosystem.

To address these challenges, individuals and organizations must adopt a proactive approach to cyber security and privacy. This includes staying informed about the latest threats and vulnerabilities, regularly updating software and security protocols, implementing strong passwords and encryption techniques, and being cautious while sharing personal information online.

In conclusion, the correlation between cyber security and privacy is undeniable in the digital age. Both aspects are intertwined and essential for safeguarding sensitive information, maintaining online trust, and preserving the integrity of the digital ecosystem. By prioritizing cyber security and privacy, individuals and organizations can navigate the digital landscape with confidence and mitigate the risks posed by cyber threats.

The role of government in promoting and enforcing cyber security regulations

In today’s digital age, the role of government in promoting and enforcing cyber security regulations is of paramount importance. With the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber threats, it has become imperative for governments to actively intervene and safeguard their nations’ vital digital infrastructure and sensitive information. This article delves into the reasons why the government plays a crucial role in ensuring cyber security and the impact of their regulations on protecting individuals, businesses, and national security.

First and foremost, the government has the authority and resources to establish robust cyber security regulations that set standards and guidelines for all sectors. By creating a legal framework, they enforce compliance and hold organizations accountable for implementing appropriate security measures. This helps to create a culture of cyber security awareness and ensures that businesses prioritize the protection of valuable data.

Moreover, governments have access to intelligence and information sharing networks that enable them to identify emerging threats and vulnerabilities. By actively monitoring cyber activities, they can proactively respond to potential attacks and prevent major security breaches. This proactive approach not only protects individuals and businesses but also strengthens the overall resilience of the nation’s digital infrastructure.

Additionally, the government plays a vital role in promoting international cooperation and establishing global cyber security standards. Since cyber threats transcend national boundaries, collaboration between governments is essential to address these challenges collectively. By participating in international forums and treaties, governments can foster information exchange, capacity building, and joint efforts to combat cybercrime.

Furthermore, the government’s involvement in cyber security regulations is crucial for national security. Cyber attacks have the potential to disrupt critical infrastructure, compromise defense systems, and even manipulate elections. By establishing stringent regulations and investing in cyber defense capabilities, governments can safeguard their nation’s sovereignty and protect against potential cyber warfare.

However, it is important to strike a balance between promoting cyber security and ensuring individual privacy rights. Governments need to find the right balance between collecting necessary data for security purposes and protecting citizens’ privacy. This requires transparent and accountable governance, with checks and balances in place to prevent misuse of power.

In conclusion, the role of government in promoting and enforcing cyber security regulations is vital in today’s interconnected world. With the increasing complexity and severity of cyber threats, governments need to take proactive measures to protect their nations’ digital assets. By establishing robust regulations, fostering international cooperation, and investing in cyber defense capabilities, governments can create a safe and secure digital environment for individuals, businesses, and national security.

Emerging technologies and their impact on cyber security challenges

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, emerging technologies have brought about immense advancements and opportunities. However, along with these advancements, there also arises a new set of challenges and concerns, particularly in the realm of cyber security. The impact of emerging technologies on cyber security cannot be underestimated, as they introduce novel vulnerabilities and risks that need to be addressed proactively.

One of the main reasons why emerging technologies pose such challenges to cyber security is their inherent complexity. These technologies, such as artificial intelligence , cloud computing , Internet of Things (IoT) , and blockchain , often operate in intricate and interconnected ecosystems. This complexity increases the attack surface for cyber criminals, making it harder to detect and mitigate potential threats.

Furthermore, emerging technologies are constantly evolving, which adds another layer of difficulty to cyber security efforts. As new innovations are introduced, cyber criminals adapt and find new ways to exploit vulnerabilities. This dynamic and ever-evolving nature of emerging technologies requires cyber security professionals to stay ahead of the curve, constantly updating their knowledge and skills to effectively combat emerging threats.

Moreover, the rapid pace at which emerging technologies are being adopted and integrated into various sectors further amplifies the cyber security challenges. Organizations are often quick to embrace these technologies to gain a competitive edge, but fail to adequately address the associated security risks. This creates a gap that cyber criminals can exploit, potentially leading to data breaches, financial losses, and reputational damage.

Another aspect of the impact of emerging technologies on cyber security is the increased scale of connectivity and data sharing. With the proliferation of interconnected devices and systems, the volume of data being generated and transmitted has skyrocketed. This vast amount of data creates new opportunities for cyber attacks, as cyber criminals can target and exploit weak points in the data flow.

In conclusion, emerging technologies have undoubtedly revolutionized various industries, but they have also introduced complex cyber security challenges. The inherent complexity, constant evolution, rapid adoption, and increased scale of connectivity all contribute to the perplexity and burstiness of these challenges. To effectively address these challenges, organizations and individuals must prioritize cyber security and invest in robust measures to protect their systems, data, and networks.

The future of cyber security: trends and predictions

The future of cyber security is an enigmatic landscape that is constantly evolving, filled with both promising advancements and daunting challenges. As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented rate, the need for robust cyber security measures becomes increasingly vital. With the rise of artificial intelligence , the Internet of Things , and the ever-expanding digital landscape, our reliance on technology has become both a blessing and a curse, opening new doors of opportunity while leaving us vulnerable to cyber threats.

In this rapidly changing environment, the future of cyber security will be characterized by perplexity and burstiness. Perplexity, as the complexity and sophistication of cyber threats continue to outpace traditional security measures. Burstiness, as malicious actors constantly adapt their tactics, techniques, and procedures to exploit vulnerabilities in our digital infrastructure.

To effectively navigate this uncertain future, a proactive and adaptive approach to cyber security is crucial. Organizations need to embrace a holistic and multi-layered approach that encompasses not only technology but also people and processes. This includes investing in cutting-edge technologies such as advanced threat intelligence , machine learning , and behavioral analytics to detect and respond to emerging threats in real time.

Additionally, collaboration and information sharing will play a pivotal role in bolstering cyber security defenses. Governments, private sector companies, and individuals must come together to exchange best practices, threat intelligence, and lessons learned. By fostering a collective defense mindset, we can stay one step ahead of cyber criminals and minimize the impact of future attacks.

The future of cyber security is uncertain, with new threats and vulnerabilities emerging on a regular basis. However, by embracing innovation, collaboration, and a proactive mindset, we can build a more secure digital future. It is essential that we invest in research and development, education and awareness, and the cultivation of a skilled cyber security workforce to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. Together, we can shape a future where technology and security coexist harmoniously, protecting our digital assets and ensuring a safer online world for generations to come.

What is cyber security?

Cyber security refers to the practice of protecting computer systems, networks, and devices from digital attacks, unauthorized access, and data breaches.

Why do we need cyber security?

We need cyber security to safeguard our sensitive information, such as personal data, financial details, and business secrets, from being stolen, misused, or manipulated by cybercriminals.

What are the common cyber threats?

Common cyber threats include malware (such as viruses and ransomware), phishing attacks, social engineering, hacking, and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.

How can cyber security help individuals?

Cyber security helps individuals by providing protection against identity theft, online scams, and unauthorized access to personal accounts or devices. It allows for safe online banking, shopping, and communication.

Why is cyber security important for businesses?

Cyber security is crucial for businesses to protect their valuable data, maintain customer trust, comply with regulations, prevent financial losses, and avoid reputational damage caused by cyber incidents.

What are some best practices for cyber security?

Some best practices for cyber security include using strong and unique passwords, keeping software and devices up to date, being cautious of suspicious emails or links, regularly backing up data, and using reliable antivirus software.

Is cyber security a constant concern?

Yes, cyber security is an ongoing concern as cyber threats evolve and become more sophisticated. It requires continuous updates, monitoring, and proactive measures to stay protected.

Can individuals contribute to cyber security?

Yes, individuals can contribute to cyber security by practicing good cyber hygiene, educating themselves about online risks, using secure networks, and reporting any suspicious activities or incidents to appropriate authorities.

In conclusion, cyber security is crucial in today’s digital age. It plays a vital role in protecting individuals, businesses, and governments from cyber threats. With the increasing reliance on technology and the rise of sophisticated cyber attacks, having robust cyber security measures in place is essential. It not only safeguards sensitive information but also ensures the integrity and availability of data. By investing in cyber security, we can mitigate risks, safeguard privacy, and maintain trust in the digital ecosystem. Therefore, it is imperative that individuals and organizations prioritize cyber security to prevent and combat cyber threats effectively.

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National Cybersecurity Essay Competition

National cybersecurity awareness month (ncsam).

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Prize / Award

1st position, 2st position, 3rd position, selection procedure.

Entries received for the competition will be reviewed by a distinguished panel of judges made up of industry leaders and cybersecurity lecturers from reputable Nigerian Universities. Their wealth of knowledge and experience will ensure a fair and rigorous evaluation process.

Evaluation Criteria

Essays will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Content: Clarity of thought, relevance to the topic, and depth of analysis.

Originality: Creativity in presenting ideas and unique perspectives.

Presentation: Organization, structure, grammar, and writing style.

Relevance: Alignment with the theme and practicality of proposed solutions.

Secondary School Students: 2nd -18th October, 2023.

Tertiary Institution Students: 10th -18th October, 2023.

Announcement of Winners: 24th October, 2023.

Meet our Judges

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Cybersecurity Manager/ Technical Lead, Trade Modernisation Project Ltd

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Abubakar Sadiq Mohammed

PhD candidate in OT Cybersecurity, Cardiff University

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Dooshima Dapo-Oyewole

Academic Relations Director, ISACA Abuja

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Dr. Ojeniyi Joseph

Lecturer, Cyber Security Science Department, FUT Minna

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John Odumesi

Director of Research and Development, CSEAN

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Mr. Uduimoh Andrew

Lecturer, Cyber Security Science Department, FUT Minna

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Oloyede Olajumoke Elizabeth

Senior Specialist Threat Intelligence and Hunting, MTN Group

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University of Washington Information School

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i School Events

I school research symposium: patricia garcia.

Title: Intermediation: Algorithms, Homelessness, and the Politics of Being In-Between 

Abstract : Homelessness is a significant and growing crisis in the United States. In an effort to more efficiently and fairly distribute limited housing resources, jurisdictions across the US have adopted algorithmic prioritization systems to help select which unhoused people should receive resources. In this talk, we discuss how frontline bureaucrats mediate between the rigidity of the homeless services infrastructure and the messy social worlds of people experiencing homelessness. Drawing on theories of translation and articulation work, the paper proposes “intermediation” as a means of understanding the position and labor of being in-between an infrastructure and the social worlds it intersects. 

Speaker Bio : Patricia Garcia is an Assistant Professor in the School of Information at the University of Michigan. Her work examines how historically marginalized groups develop agentic relationships with technology and data. She collaborates with public libraries to study how computational justice programs can support girls of color in seeing themselves as active decision-makers who can leverage technologies to participate in individual and collective action. She also examines how data practices used in public service contexts perpetuate forms of oppression and marginalization among vulnerable populations. She draws on feminist and critical data approaches to investigate how data is generated, captured, analyzed, and deployed in public service contexts, such as homeless services and public education systems. Based on findings from these investigations, she creates educational interventions that support vulnerable populations in decision-making processes that facilitate greater control over their data. 

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Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity Essay

Due to the rapid development of technology, cybersecurity must keep pace with the pace of growth to maintain a high level of warning and rapid removal of threats. One of the most promising approaches in this area and the field of information technology, in general, is artificial intelligence. AI is the property of intelligent systems to perform functions that were usually considered the prerogative of humans (Haenlein & Kaplan, 2019).

The use of AI in cybersecurity is considered a relatively recent innovation, which, nevertheless, annually increases its share in this market several times, radically changing the traditional approaches to organizing security. The use of AI is regulated by a large amount of documentation, which should take into account the current legislation in the country of use and ethical issues related to AI, many of which have not yet been resolved.

Both the private and public sectors are consistently interested in AI, but they are faced with a stereotype of mistrust in AI. Certification procedures regulate these issues, and given the international popularity of this approach, integration experience is being developed rather quickly. Nevertheless, AI still requires human control, which is gradually developing the idea of “reliable AI,” the definitive version of which is in the design stage (Taddeo et al., 2019). Another argument that claims the danger of AI is its use in cyberattacks or for other personal purposes. In addition, the internal or built-in security of the AI itself is most often provided by other programs or means of protection, making the technology itself defenseless in the event of an attack.

Regardless, machine learning and AI systems capable of learning on their own are highly promising approaches for many business sectors. AI learning and self-learning take place on billions of objects, often unstructured, which can provide security against cyber threats (Chan et al., 2019). In addition, advances in the speed of response to hazards allow AI to determine a problem tens of times faster than a human, and logical analysis makes it possible to cope with most typical ones (Daraj et al., 2019). In addition, most advanced developments provide companies with a ready-made risk analysis and in-depth analytics on many issues, reducing the time and money for attracting human resources.

Using simulation is prevalent in cybersecurity since artificial intelligence trains on a simulated situation using machine learning in cases of typical attacks. The creative moment of a well-designed AI helps in assessing any situation, showing its possible danger. At this stage of the development of AI, intelligent control and assessment by humans are still fully required to prevent security breaches due to the imperfection of AI (Sarker et al., 2021). However, significant financial investments and the race for qualified researchers in this field make it very obvious to predict that innovations and bringing existing developments to a new level will not belong in coming.

The problem of mistrust is already being eliminated thanks to the social implementation of AI – in electric vehicles, in many services of contextual prompts and recommendation systems, in the form of virtual and voice assistants of smartphones and computers, and much more. In my opinion, if cybersecurity researchers develop proactive protection algorithms, then automation of processes using artificial intelligence will capture all possible business industries that can afford to use the new technology. In a pandemic, when the number of personal contacts has decreased, and even most commerce has moved online, cybersecurity is more relevant than ever in the protection of transactions, e-commerce, and the preservation of personal data.

Chan, L., Morgan, I., Simon, H., Alshabanat, F., Ober, D., Gentry, J. & Cao, R. (2019). Survey of AI in cybersecurity for information technology management. In 2019 IEEE technology & engineering management conference (TEMSCON) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.

Darraj, E., Sample, C., & Justice, C. (2019). Artificial intelligence cybersecurity framework: Preparing for the here and now with ai. In ECCWS 2019 18th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (p. 132). Academic Conferences and publishing limited.

Haenlein, M., & Kaplan, A. (2019). A brief history of artificial intelligence: On the past, present, and future of artificial intelligence. California Management Review, 61 (4), 5-14.

Sarker, I. H., Furhad, M. H., & Nowrozy, R. (2021). Ai-driven cybersecurity: An overview, security intelligence modeling and research directions. SN Computer Science, 2 (3), 1-18.

Taddeo, M., McCutcheon, T., & Floridi, L. (2019). Trusting artificial intelligence in cybersecurity is a double-edged sword. Nature Machine Intelligence, 1( 12), 557-560.

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IvyPanda. (2022, October 29). Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity.

"Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity." IvyPanda , 29 Oct. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity'. 29 October.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity." October 29, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity." October 29, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity." October 29, 2022.

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Tech Giant Linked to France’s Cybersecurity Tumbles in Value

The French government said it would seek “a national solution” to protect Atos, a debt-burdened company that serves nuclear programs and the military.

The Atos logo on top of a white stone building with blue sky behind.

By Liz Alderman

Reporting from Paris

The French government said Tuesday that it was moving to protect Atos, a too-big-to-fail French technology giant that manages data and cybersecurity for the nation’s nuclear weapons programs and military as well as for the upcoming Paris Olympics, as the company veered toward financial uncertainty.

Shares of Atos tumbled more than 20 percent after Airbus, the European aerospace giant, said it had called off talks to buy Atos’s cybersecurity assets for up to 1.8 billion euros (about $2 billion) following a review of the company’s finances. Later, Atos said it would postpone its earnings release, scheduled for Wednesday, “in order to evaluate strategic options.”

The French finance minister, Bruno Le Maire, said the government had been closely watching the situation and was working on “a national solution” to protect Atos. “All the interests of France will be preserved,” Mr. Le Maire said, adding that he would use all means at his disposal “to guarantee the protection of strategic activities.”

Atos is not a prominent name among the world’s biggest tech companies, but in France it plays a strategic role in national security and the management of sensitive data in the civil and military sectors. It has grown into a European data and supercomputing powerhouse over the last decade, operating in 69 countries and employing 95,000, with annual revenue of €11 billion.

Much of that growth relied on a debt-financed spending spree of acquisitions, many of them when Atos was led by Thierry Breton, a former finance minister and the current European Union commissioner for internal markets. The company now faces €3.65 billion in loans and bonds that must be repaid or refinanced by the end of 2025.

In 2021, Atos’s share price was hit after reports that it would acquire an American competitor, DXC Technology, for $10 billion. The deal was scrapped a month later amid investor concerns, and Atos was dealt a further blow after auditors found accounting errors at two of its U.S. operations. Atos also failed to keep up with the rise of cloud computing by competitors like Amazon and Microsoft, further undermining investor confidence. The company has gone through three chief executives in as many years.

In a statement on Tuesday, Atos said it was “actively evaluating strategic alternatives that will take into consideration the sovereign imperatives of the French state.” Its shares, which topped €75 three years ago, traded Tuesday at just €1.74.

Its most prized assets became the target of a takeover bid last year by Daniel Kretinsky, a Czech telecommunications billionaire whose efforts were fiercely opposed by French politicians — some of whom have called for nationalizing Atos to keep it in French hands.

Mr. Le Maire stopped short of calling for nationalization. But he said the government’s priority was to “identify solutions to stabilize its financial situation and give all the necessary visibility to stakeholders, in particular the company’s employees.”

Among other things, Atos owns the supercomputer that enables the French military to simulate nuclear bomb tests, after the government outlawed physical testing in 1996. Électricité de France recently selected an Atos entity, Eviden, to provide control systems for six nuclear power reactors that the French government plans to build in the coming decade.

Atos software is used for French Rafale fighter jets and even the secure telephone lines of the French armed forces. Airbus, which builds combat aircraft and military helicopters, had expressed interest in Atos’s big data and cybersecurity assets as it expands its program amid a rise in European defense budgets.

In a terse statement on Tuesday, Airbus said it was ending its discussions with Atos, but did not give a reason.

Atos’s software and computing power are also used for France’s national tax and health agencies. The company recently won the contract to host personal data and provide cybersecurity for the Paris Olympics this summer.

Liz Alderman is the chief European business correspondent, writing about economic, social and policy developments around Europe. More about Liz Alderman


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    Cybersecurity refers to a range of approaches for preventing illegal exposure to systems software and information. The paper focuses on the various definitions of cybersecurity and the dimensions and principles to protect against the data on the hardware and software from unauthorized access, harm, or misuse. The three….

  2. Cyber Security

    28 essay samples found. Cybersecurity, a critical concern in our digitally connected world, encompasses practices, technologies, and policies to protect networks, devices, programs, and data from attack or unauthorized access. Essays could delve into the myriad types of cyber threats like malware, phishing, and ransomware, exploring their ...

  3. Cyber Security Essay for Students and Children

    Cyber Security Essay. Cybersecurity means protecting data, networks, programs and other information from unauthorized or unattended access, destruction or change. In today's world, cybersecurity is very important because of some security threats and cyber-attacks. For data protection, many companies develop software.

  4. 237 Cybersecurity Topics and Essay Samples

    According to the government of the United States, cybersecurity is among the most serious economic and security challenges that the government needs to deal with. Computer and Digital Forensics and Cybercrimes. This has greatly affected the success of computer forensics and it is the main drawback in this area.

  5. Free Cyber Security Essay Examples & Topic Ideas

    15 Cyber Security Essay Topics. In the following section, you will find unique ideas for your essay on cyber security. Choose the most appropriate one and create your outstanding paper. Don't forget to compose a catchy introduction, a clear thesis statement, and a dynamic conclusion. You can get more ideas by using our topic generator. Or ...

  6. Essay on Cyber Security

    250 Words Essay on Cyber Security Introduction to Cyber Security. Cybersecurity, a term that has gained paramount importance in the digital age, refers to the practice of protecting internet-connected systems, including hardware, software, and data, from digital attacks. Its significance is amplified by the increasing reliance on technology ...

  7. Essays on Cyber Security

    In an informative essay on Cyber Security, you can cover topics such as the history of Cyber Security, the types of cyber threats, and the best practices for protecting personal and business information online. Example Thesis Statements - "The increasing frequency of cyber attacks highlights the urgent need for improved Cyber Security measures."

  8. 127 Cyber Security Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Published: Jan 16, 2024. Inside This Article. 127 Cyber Security Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. With the increasing reliance on technology, cyber security has become a critical concern for individuals, organizations, and governments worldwide. As cyber threats continue to evolve and become more sophisticated, it is essential to stay informed ...

  9. Cyber Security Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    Cyber Security Most Important Cyber. PAGES 8 WORDS 2328. The operating system faced these issues due to the lackluster approach from Apple to patch their software in time. As a result, it led to risking the data of personal users. It shows that irregularities in the patching of computers affected users adversely without any fault of their own ...

  10. Cyber Security Essay: Topics and Tips to Write a Stellar Paper

    Cyber Security Essays Are All About Structure and Coherence! As discussed in the article, a good essay is all about adhering to the basics. Have a solid structure and make a coherent argument. However, if you want to stand out, you must demonstrate cyber security awareness by incorporating real world examples in your work. Additionally, carry ...

  11. Cyber Security Essays & Research Papers

    Computer security or information technology security is the protection of computer systems from theft or damage to hardware, software, or electronic data, or unauthorized access. Cyber security is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. Cyber securities are one of the most curial things in electronic ...

  12. 174 Cybersecurity Essay Topics & Research Questions at StudyCorgi

    Cybersecurity refers to protecting systems linked to the Internet, including software, data, and hardware, from online threats. Cybersecurity is a critical part of business infrastructure, aiming at protecting consumer data, proprietary information, financial data, and potential security threats.

  13. Journal of Cybersecurity

    Call for Papers. Journal of Cybersecurity is soliciting papers for a special collection on the philosophy of information security. This collection will explore research at the intersection of philosophy, information security, and philosophy of science. Find out more.

  14. The Importance of Cyber Security: Safeguarding Our Digital World

    Learn why cyber security is crucial in today's digital age and how it protects our sensitive information from hackers and cyber attacks. Explore the importance of implementing effective cyber security measures and the potential risks and consequences of neglecting them. Discover the role of cyber security in safeguarding personal privacy, business operations, and national security.

  15. The Future Career in Cybersecurity

    Cybersecurity data science: an overview from a machine learning perspective. Journal of Big data, 7 (1), 1-29. Web. This essay, "The Future Career in Cybersecurity" is published exclusively on IvyPanda's free essay examples database. You can use it for research and reference purposes to write your own paper.


    This dissertation consists of three essays that examine cybersecurity-related matters. In the first essay, I investigate whether external auditors respond to cyber incidents by charging higher audit fees and whether they price cybersecurity risk before the actual event happens when there is no explicit requirement from the regulators.

  17. Essay on Cyber Security

    Long Essay on Cyber Security is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. The main definition of cyber security is protecting networks, data, programs, and other information from unattended or unauthorized access, change, or destruction. Around the globe nowadays, cyber security is very vital because of some cyber-attacks and cyber-attacks.

  18. Cybersecurity Essay: The Importance of Cybersecurity

    Cyber security may also be referred to as information technology security." (Lord, 2019). Which is an important part of networking and business security that is required to ensure our security in all aspects of our daily lives. Cybersecurity is important due to the amount of sensitive information that is stored on many different computer ...

  19. Three Essays on the Economics of Cybersecurity

    Essays 1 and 2 heavily focus on the value proposition of cybersecurity investments in corporations. While both essays consider the cybersecurity legislation as exogenous variations instigating further demand for cybersecurity products and innovations, Essay 3 links a widely-adopted cybersecurity law, i.e., security breach notification law (SBNL ...

  20. Cybersecurity

    Cybersecurity. Please submit a one page, single-spaced essay that explains why you have chosen Carnegie Mellon and your particular major (s), department (s) or program (s). This essay should include the reasons why you've chosen the major (s), any goals or relevant work plans and any other information you would like us to know. To me, the real ...

  21. Essay

    National Cybersecurity Essay Competition For Tertiary and Secondary School Students Home Page NCSAM NCSAM 2023 National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM) NCSAM is a 31-day-long nationwide initiative executed in October designed to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the digital landscape securely. As an organization deeply committed to cybersecurity ...

  22. U.S. and Britain Accuse China of Cyberespionage Campaign

    March 25, 2024. 阅读简体中文版 閱讀繁體中文版. The United States and Britain imposed sanctions on China's elite hacking units on Monday, accusing Beijing's top spy agency of a ...

  23. Cybersecurity in the United States Essay (Critical Writing)

    As a rule, the problem of cybersecurity is considered an external threat. For example, the infamous scandal in the United States occurred in 2016, when the Russian cyberattacks affected the 2016 US presidential election (Lawson & Middleton, 2019). However, little attention is drawn to whether internal processes contribute to the problem, but it ...

  24. U.K. Accuses China of Cyberattacks Targeting Voter Data and Lawmakers

    U.K. to Accuse China of Cyberattacks Targeting Voter Data and Lawmakers. The British government believes China has overseen two separate hacking campaigns, including one that yielded information ...

  25. Security Questions Emerge as First Charges Are Filed in Russia Attack

    Russian officials formally charged four men in the attack, which killed at least 137 people at a Moscow-area concert hall on Friday. American officials blamed a branch of the Islamic State.

  26. Drone Swarms Are About to Change the Balance of Military Power

    Listen. (3 min) The Shahed-model drone that killed three U.S. service members at a remote base in Jordan on Jan. 28 cost around $20,000. It was part of a family of drones built by Shahed Aviation ...

  27. iSchool Research Symposium: Patricia Garcia

    Speaker Bio: Patricia Garcia is an Assistant Professor in the School of Information at the University of Michigan.Her work examines how historically marginalized groups develop agentic relationships with technology and data. She collaborates with public libraries to study how computational justice programs can support girls of color in seeing themselves as active decision-makers who can ...

  28. Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity

    Trusting artificial intelligence in cybersecurity is a double-edged sword. Nature Machine Intelligence, 1 ( 12), 557-560. This essay, "Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity" is published exclusively on IvyPanda's free essay examples database. You can use it for research and reference purposes to write your own paper.

  29. Tech Giant Linked to France's Cybersecurity Tumbles in Value

    Shares of Atos tumbled more than 20 percent after Airbus, the European aerospace giant, said it had called off talks to buy Atos's cybersecurity assets for up to 1.8 billion euros (about $2 ...

  30. Taiwan Debates a Presidential Visit to the South China Sea

    Wu and NSB Director General Tsai Ming-yen both asserted that a presidential visit could undermine Taiwan's ongoing diplomatic efforts and create the perception of Taiwan as a "regional ...