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Translations for „ assignment “ in the English » German Dictionary (Go to German » English )

As · sign · ment [əˈsaɪnmənt] n, 1. assignment:, 2. assignment (mission) :, 3. assignment no pl (attribution) :, 4. assignment pl law :, assignment n depts, assignment n mkt compet, assignment n econ law, assignment range n mkt compet, audit assignment n econ law, blanket assignment n inv-fin, individual assignment n inv-fin, resource assignment n ctrl, undisclosed assignment n econ law, equilibrium assignment, iterative assignment, traffic assignment, deed of as · ˈsign · ment n econ , fin, assignment as security n inv-fin, assignment of claim n econ law, assignment of claim n inv-fin, blanket assignment of receivables n finmkt, examples from the pons dictionary (editorially verified), examples from the internet (not verified by pons editors).

The assignments are structured in such a way that it is impossi ­ ble for one student to complete them on his own.

We have to work on the assignments to­gether, in groups - so everyone benefits.'

„ Die Aufgaben sind so bemessen, dass unmöglich einer sie allein bewältigen kann.

Wir müssen die Aufgaben in Gruppenarbeit gemeinsam lösen. Davon profitieren alle."

An activity that sounds like a questionable promise such as “ losing weight overnight ” has actually a quite realistic background :

In software development it’s indeed possible to make great progress within a short period of time if a small and committed team works focused on a clearly defined assignment .

klingt, hat einen realistischen Hintergrund :

Bei der Software-Entwicklung ist es durchaus möglich, innerhalb kurzer Zeit große Fortschritte zu machen, wenn ein kleines, eingeschworenes Team konzentriert an einer klar definierten Aufgabe arbeitet. ">

We have to work on the assignments to ­ gether, in groups - so everyone benefits. '

The RRZK provides a free Wemail account to all students and employees of the University of Cologne.

This enables you to manage your e-mails, and to organize your calendar, your assignments and notes from any computer with all common browsers.

Das Rechenzentrum ( RRZK ) bietet Beschäftigten und Studierenden der Uni Köln ein kostenloses Webmail-Konto an.

Dieses erlaubt das Verwalten von E-Mails, Kalendereinträgen , Aufgaben und Notizen von jedem Rechner weltweit, über alle gängigen Browser.

These places will then be at the disposal of the IAESTE-exchange programme.

This is a very important assignment for us, because we have to come up with an additional foreign internship-place for every incoming-trainee, so we can give the new places to our students in Cologne.

LC Köln · Incoming · Outgoing · Employers · Links · Contact · Internals · Legal Notice

Diese Plätze werden dann dem IAESTE-Austausch zur Verfügung gestellt.

Diese Aufgabe ist insofern sehr wichtig, da wir für jeden eingeworbenen Praktikumsplatz zusätzlich Plätze im Ausland bekommen, die wir dann an unsere Kölner Bewerber vergeben können.

LC Köln · Incoming · Outgoing · Firmen · Links · Kontakt · Interna · Impressum

Frank Zeidler, School of Business

Representative of members of staff of engineering and administration, assistants, teachers for special assignments :

Ulrich Trageser, School of Business

Prof. Dr. Martin Meißner, Fachbereich Wirtschaft ( Bestellung erfolgte am 24.04.2013 )

Vertretung der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter in Technik und Verwaltung, der Fachhochschulassistenten, der Lehrkräfte für besondere Aufgaben

Ulrich Trageser, ZIK

Professors will work with a variety of materials including films, songs, images, articles and literature with the aim of providing students with a rapid but thorough understanding of the culture of Latin America and Argentina.

Writing – Students will develop the necessary writing skills to enable them to communicate in a variety of different contexts such as literary, journalistic, and communicative by combining group exercises and individual writing assignments .

Intensive Spanish 30 schedule

Professoren werden mit einer Vielzahl von Materialien, einschließlich Filme, Lieder, Bilder, Artikel und Literatur mit dem Ziel, den Studierenden eine schnelle, aber gründliche Verständnis der Kultur Lateinamerikas und Argentinien vermitteln.

Schreiben – Die Studenten entwickeln die notwendigen Schreibfähigkeiten, damit sie eine Vielzahl von verschiedenen Kontexten bewältigen können bestehend aus literarische, journalistische und kommunikative durch die Kombination von Gruppenübungen und individuellen schriftlichen Aufgaben leicht bewältigen können.

Zeitplan Intensivkurs Spanisch 30

Psychological Advice

To study is a privilege but also an ambitious assignment .

Difficulties with the studies, but also personal, social and health problems can compromise the progress and success of the academic studies.

Ein Studium ist ein Privileg, aber auch eine durchaus anspruchsvolle Aufgabe .

Schwierigkeiten im Studium, aber auch persönliche, gesundheitliche oder soziale Probleme können Verlauf und Erfolg eines Studiums beeinträchtigen.

In 1801 he moved to Aschaffenburg, where he became court doctor to the elector and gave lectures on philosophy and natural history.

He became professor of philosophy and history in 1803, with a special assignment to teach natural philosophy as well.

Until Windischmann was called to the newly founded university in Bonn in 1818, he also held the office of court librarian ( 1811 ) and - under the now Bavarian government - the title of Royal Medical Counsellor.

1801 ging Windischmann nach Aschaffenburg, wo er als Hofmedicus des Kurfürsten arbeitete und zudem an der dortigen Lehranstalt naturhistorische und philosophische Vorlesungen hielt.

1803 wurde er zum Professor für Philosophie und Geschichte ernannt, freilich mit dem besonderen Auftrag , auch Naturphilosophie zu lehren.

Bis Windischmann im Herbst 1818 dem Ruf an die neugegründete Universität in Bonn folgte, hatte er noch das Amt des Hofbibliothekars ( 1811 ) und - durch die mittlerweile bayerische Regierung - den Titel des königlichen Medizinalrates erhalten.

Before long he was asked to work with some of the most innovative architects of his time.

As a result of having received an assignment from Robert Mallet Stevens, he succeeded in gaining a toehold in the inner circle of avant-garde architects, and joined forces with Eugène Beaudouin and Marcel Lods to construct his first technical and functional masterpieces near Paris between 1935 and 1939:

the Roland Garros Aeroplane Club in Buc and the Maison du Peuple in Clichy.

Seine Mitarbeit wurde bald von den innovativsten Architekten seiner Zeit in Anspruch genommen.

Nachdem ihm mit einem Auftrag von Robert Mallet Stevens das Entrée zum engeren Kreis der Architektur-Avantgarde gelang, baute er mit Eugène Beaudouin und Marcel Lods zwischen 1935 bis 1939 nahe Paris seine ersten technischen wie funktionellen Meisterwerke:

den Fliegerclub Roland Garros in Buc und das Maison du Peuple in Clichy.

Even in this digital age, we are still seeing growth in this area of written communication.

We take on small assignments or regular translation of letters, as well as authentication of certificates, for example, birth and marriage certificates.

transLEEtion GmbH · Hagenau 8 · 22089 Hamburg · Telefon +49-40-22 94 49 01 · Fax +49-40-6 09 40 89-59 · Skype:

Auch und gerade in Zeiten von Internet und Telekommunikation wir diese Form der schriftlichen Kommunikation weiter zunehmen.

Wir übernehmen auch kleine Aufträge oder regelmäßige Briefübersetzungen ebenso wie die Beglaubigung von Urkundentexten, wie zum Beispiel Geburtsurkunden und Heiratsurkunden.

He owes his first major project to providence :

Roland Berger uses a small-scale assignment to solve a marketing problem for Touropa, a tourism company, as an opportunity to help merge Touropa, Scharnow, Hummel and Dr. Tigges into giant tour operator TUI.

Other spectacular projects follow, including the innovative vertical market strategy for Trevira, a product of former dyeworks Hoechst, and an equally inventive marketing concept for a large German bank s financial advisory activities.

Das erste große Projekt beschert ihm der Zufall :

Aus einem kleinen Auftrag zur Lösung eines Marketingproblems beim Touristikunternehmen Touropa entwickelt Roland Berger die Fusion von Touropa, Scharnow, Hummel und Dr. Tigges zum Reise-Giganten TUI.

Weitere spektakuläre Projekte folgen, darunter die innovative vertikale Marktstrategie für Trevira, ein Produkt der damaligen Farbwerke Hoechst, sowie ein ebenso innovatives Marketingkonzept für die Vermögensberatung einer deutschen Großbank.

While internally everyone was still working on our optimisation programme fitforfuture at full power, we were able to acquire several new assignments.

Besides large projects such as Stuttgart 21, the high-speed rail link Coburg-Ilmenau or our first assignment from Qatar – works on the new metro in Doha – several new orders in Austria could be acclaimed.

Among them are the North Hospital in Vienna and, together with S IMMO, the QBC project.

Während intern noch mit voller Kraft an unserem Optimierungsprogramm fitforfuture gearbeitet wurde, konnten operativ eine ganze Reihe von neuen Aufträgen akquiriert werden.

Neben Großprojekten wie Stuttgart 21, der Eisenbahn-Hochgeschwindigke... Coburg-Ilmenau oder unserem ersten Auftrag aus Katar – den Arbeiten an der neuen Metro Doha – konnten auch zahlreiche neue Aufträge in Österreich gefeiert werden.

Darunter fielen etwa das Krankenhaus Nord in Wien oder, gemeinsam mit der S IMMO AG, das Projekt QBC.

After the difficult years of the financial crisis, 2012 has been a year of renewal and transition for PORR.

While internally everyone was still working on our optimisation programme fitforfuture at full power, we were able to acquire several new assignments .

Nach den schwierigen Jahren der Finanzkrise war das Jahr 2012 für die PORR ein Jahr des Aufbruchs.

This also applies to amendments.

BIBA may revoke the assignment if the Contractor does not confirm it in writing within two weeks of receipt (assignment confirmation).

Dies gilt auch für Änderungen.

BIBA kann den Auftrag widerrufen, wenn der Auftragnehmer ihn nicht innerhalb von zwei Wochen nach Eingang schriftlich bestätigt hat (Auftragsbestätigung).

I've interpreted the following personalities (in their respective roles at the time of the assignment ):

Einige Persönlichkeiten, die ich gedolmetscht habe (in ihrer jeweiligen Funktion zum Zeitpunkt des Auftrags ):

Criteria for admission to the written examination

Students, who do not yet have the admission, can gain the admission via continuous participation in tutorials and continuous treatment of the homework assignments .

For this aim, 40% of the total homework must be treated successfully, amongst this 30% of the homework in each assignment.


Wer noch keine Klausurzulassung besitzt, kann diese durch kontinuierliche Teilnahme an den Übungen und Bearbeitung der Hausaufgaben erlangen.

Insgesamt müssen hierzu mindestens 40 Prozent aller Übungspunkte erreicht werden, dabei von jedem der Übungsblätter mindestens 30 Prozent der Punkte.

Does a homework assignment with only analog drawings have a chance ?

Here are two examples of successful homework assignments based on traditional hand made sketches, colored with pencils and water colors, 2010-2011 ( Photo:

Brandhorst )

Hat eine Hausaufgabe mit ausschließlich analogen Zeichnungen eine Chance ?

Hier zwei Beispiele für erfolgreiche Hausaufgaben auf Basis von traditionellen Handskizzen, koloriert mit Farbstiften und Aquarellfarbe, 2010-2011 ( Foto:

Together with your online teacher you will work on reading texts, grammar, or the preparation of an exam, depending on the course you booked.

You will also receive homework assignments that you have to work on at home, and that you have to send to your teacher in an email and discuss in the following Skype session.

How will I learn in the course?

Mit ihm bearbeiten Sie je nach Kursart Lesetexte, Grammatik oder Sie bereiten eine Prüfung vor.

Natürlich bekommen Sie auch Hausaufgaben , die Sie allein zu Hause erledigen, eventuell per Mail an ihren Lehrer schicken und in der folgenden Sitzung mit ihm besprechen.

Wie lerne ich im Kurs?

Course Certificate :

To get a course certificate students must get at least 40% on the homework assignments and pass the final exam.

Jens Ernst Übungsschein :

Einen Schein erhält, wer mindestens 40% der Punkte zu den Hausaufgaben erreicht und erfolgreich an der Semestralprüfung teilnimmt.

Depending on the class schedules the children are being picked up from their schools hourly between 10.30 – 14.00 and dropped off at the after school care centre.

There they eat together and do their homework assignments .

To supply relieve for the oftentimes single mothers or fathers is in the foreground of this service and provides an important part of the effective education of your children.

Abhängig vom Stundenplan werden die Kinder, fast im Stundentakt zwischen 10:30 und 14:00 Uhr, von den entsprechenden Schulen abgeholt und in den Hort gebracht.

Dort wird dann gemeinsam gegessen und die Hausaufgaben erstellt .

Die Entlastung der oft alleinerziehenden Mütter wie Väter steht hier im Vordergrund und leistet damit einen wesentlichen Beitrag an der effektiven Erziehung Ihrer Kinder.

s PC activities can evolve.

For example, your child might want to download and play a new game everyone s talking about, do some Internet research for a school project, or just get a little more PC time to finish a homework assignment .

Die Einstellungen, die sie für die PC-Aktivitäten Ihrer Familienangehörigen festlegen, entwickeln sich im Laufe der Zeit weiter.

Ihr Kind möchte beispielsweise ein neues Spiel herunterladen, über das gerade alle sprechen, muss für ein Schulprojekt im Web recherchieren oder braucht einfach mehr Zeit am PC für seine Hausaufgaben .

The small groups allow for real interactivity, an exchange of opinions and a collaboration between students.

In class, the 4 basic skills are systematically covered: priority is given to oral communication (listening comprehension and speaking) but writing skills are also covered by some activities during the class and more precisely developed at home by the assignment of homework exercises.

Grammar is taught in communicative situations to facilitate the integration of new linguistic structures and provide linguistic tools for rapid and efficient oral progress.

Unsere Französischkurse werden in kleinen Gruppen erteilt, die 6 bis maximal 12 Teilnehmer mit dem gleichen Niveau umfassen, damit die Arbeit den Kenntnissen der Studienteilnehmer angepasst werden kann und die Kommunikation sowie der mündliche Ausdruck gefördert wird, d. h. der Studienteilnehmer wird angeregt französisch zu sprechen.

Während des Unterrichts wird besonders großer Wert auf die mündliche Kommunikation gelegt (Hör-Verstehen und Sprechen), aber auch die Textproduktion wird geübt und später bei den Hausaufgaben vertieft.

Grammatikübungen werden während des Unterrichts in kommunikativen Situationen gelehrt, um den Einbau neuer sprachlicher Strukturen für einen schnelleren und effizienteren Lernfortschritt zu gewährleisten.

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  • assignation
  • assigned assets
  • assignment as security
  • assignment of a claim for security
  • assignment of claim
  • assignment range

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  • English-German dictionary

English-German translation for "assignment"

"assignment" german translation, „assignment“ : noun, overview of all translations.

  • An-, Zuweisung feminine | Femininum f assignment allocation assignment allocation
  • Bestimmung feminine | Femininum f assignment fixing Festlegung feminine | Femininum f , -setzung feminine | Femininum f assignment fixing assignment fixing
  • (Schul)Aufgabe feminine | Femininum f assignment school work Arbeit feminine | Femininum f assignment school work assignment school work
  • Auftrag masculine | Maskulinum m assignment of journalist assignment of journalist
  • assignment syn vgl. → see „ task “ assignment syn vgl. → see „ task “
  • Angabe feminine | Femininum f assignment producing, ascribing Anführen neuter | Neutrum n assignment producing, ascribing Zuschreiben neuter | Neutrum n assignment producing, ascribing assignment producing, ascribing
  • assignment of reasons Angabe von Gründen assignment of reasons
  • Beilegung feminine | Femininum f assignment mathematics mathematics | Mathematik Mathematik MATH Zuordnung feminine | Femininum f assignment mathematics mathematics | Mathematik Mathematik MATH assignment mathematics mathematics | Mathematik Mathematik MATH
  • Übertragung feminine | Femininum f assignment commercial term, commerce | Wirtschaft/Volkswirtschaft WIRTSCH legal term, law | Rechtswesen JUR handing over Übereignung feminine | Femininum f assignment commercial term, commerce | Wirtschaft/Volkswirtschaft WIRTSCH legal term, law | Rechtswesen JUR handing over Abtretung feminine | Femininum f assignment commercial term, commerce | Wirtschaft/Volkswirtschaft WIRTSCH legal term, law | Rechtswesen JUR handing over Zession feminine | Femininum f assignment commercial term, commerce | Wirtschaft/Volkswirtschaft WIRTSCH legal term, law | Rechtswesen JUR handing over assignment commercial term, commerce | Wirtschaft/Volkswirtschaft WIRTSCH legal term, law | Rechtswesen JUR handing over
  • assignment of claims Forderungsabtretung assignment of claims
  • assignment of debts Forderungsabtretung assignment of debts
  • assignment of income finance finance | Finanzen und Bankwesen Finanzen und Bankwesen FIN Einkommensverschiebung assignment of income finance finance | Finanzen und Bankwesen Finanzen und Bankwesen FIN
  • assignment of policy Abtretung der Versicherungsforderung assignment of policy
  • assignment in blank American English | amerikanisches Englisch US Blankoindossament assignment in blank American English | amerikanisches Englisch US
  • Abtretungs-, Zessionsurkunde feminine | Femininum f assignment legal term, law | Rechtswesen JUR document of assignment assignment legal term, law | Rechtswesen JUR document of assignment
  • Festsetzung feminine | Femininum f assignment legal term, law | Rechtswesen JUR fixing Bestimmung feminine | Femininum f assignment legal term, law | Rechtswesen JUR fixing assignment legal term, law | Rechtswesen JUR fixing
  • assignment of dower Festsetzung des Witwenteils assignment of dower
  • Anweisung feminine | Femininum f assignment commercial term, commerce | Wirtschaft/Volkswirtschaft WIRTSCH payment, transfer trassierter Wechsel assignment commercial term, commerce | Wirtschaft/Volkswirtschaft WIRTSCH payment, transfer assignment commercial term, commerce | Wirtschaft/Volkswirtschaft WIRTSCH payment, transfer

Example sentences from external sources for "assignment" (not checked by the Langenscheidt editorial team)

  • Source: OPUS
  • Original text source: Tatoeba
  • Original text source: WIT³
  • Original text source: TED
  • Original database: TED Talk Parallel Corpus
  • Original text source: Europäisches Parlament
  • Original database: Europarl Parallel Corups

Synonyms for "assignment"

  • naming , designation , appointment

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Which German Dictionaries are Good for Learners: Books, Websites, and Apps


Learning how to use a German-English dictionary effectively is one of the single skills which can really help support you in your German learning adventure.

German learners frequently ask: Which German-English dictionary should I buy? Is it worth buying the big one? How do I know which dictionary will be right for me? Are the online German dictionaries better?

In this blog post/podcast episode, I'll guide you step-by-step through which dictionary you can/should use as a beginner through the elementary level, both physical books and online options, and you'll learn when you need to decide to use a German-German dictionary written specifically for learners.

We'll cover a variety, so you can decide which dictionary is best for you.

And we'll even cover a very specialized dictionary for those of you who need to learn Schwiezerdütsch (Swiss German). I use it with my clients in Switzerland and it has been invaluable thus far.

N.B. for my clients: This information is part of the "Ressourcen" course in the Client Portal.

Disclosure: This blog post contains affiliate links to various sites, which means that if you click through these links and purchase anything, you will anonymously support GermanWithNicole.com at the same time as you support the other business(es). (You'll see the words "Affiliate link" where there is such a link.) You can read more about it here . Danke!

German Dictionaries for A1-A2 Learners (Beginners - late Elementary Learners)

Physical dictionaries.

I've recommended these dictionaries to learners for years, basically since I began teaching German as a Foreign Language, and my students and clients have really enjoyed using them. They're a smaller size, have plenty of information, and will be a great investment for you for a long period of time.

Langenscheidt   ISBN  978-1439141663


Affiliate links

Langenscheidt Standard Dictionary  ISBN  978-3468980466


Online/Digital Dictionaries

Collins English-German Dictionary

This is what I recommend people start with. The Collins English-German/German-English dictionary is easy to use, there are (usually) audios you can play to help you learn the word, and the main meaning of the words is available in red.


LEO [le:o] is the dictionary I've used for the past 20 years.

It's available as a website and as an app.

There are many meaning available, verb charts, and the forum often has helpful translations. (Still take them with a grain of salt.)


Dict.cc is very popular with translators, and often I can find idioms and expressions there that aren't listed elsewhere.

Langenscheidt online dictionary

The Free Dictionary  - I use this dictionary frequently for idioms and new words in English. It has a great thesaurus.

German Dictionaries for B1 Learners (Intermediate-level learners) and up (B2, C1, C2)

Physical dictionary.

Basiswörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache ISBN 978-3-411-04154-1  Affiliate link

(Sorry, no photo available of this one.)

Full disclosure I received my copy of this book because I won it and I'm really happy about that, because it's a wonderful dictionary for intermediate-level learners. It contains 7000 words and all of the words required for the Goethe-Institut's B1 test.

There are also about 30 pages of pictures with items on them labeled with the vocabulary, for example kitchen items, what you'll find at the check-out at the grocery store, insects, pets, and more.

"If you love to get lost down the wormhole of German on the internet, this is the place to go." ~Frau Warner

This is the "Digital Dictionary of the German Language" and it is stellar!

It can also be completely overwhelming, so feel free to "get in and get out" when you look something up there.

This is the official German dictionary and the one experts refer to. If a word has been officially recognized in German, it is in this dictionary.

Swiss-German Dictionary

Schweizerhochdeutsch Wörterbuch der Standardssprache in der deutschen Schweiz

ISBN 978-3-411-70417-0

You'll have to perform an internet search or go use that big jungle site to order this one. Or order it directly from a German-speaking country.

Bonus - Aussprache

If you haven't yet, listen to the end of this podcast episode for the correct pronunciation of these vocabulary words:

das Buch, die Bücher = the book, the books

das Wörterbuch, die Wörterbücher = the dictionary, the dictionaries

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Been an active German language enthusiast for over 30 years.

First purchace from Amazon was the Luther Bible. Read it side by side with the english version.

This is when I decided I needed an online dictionary.

The choice of the best german-English dictionary is, - it depends.

They all have their merits and strengths.


This dictionary is the most forgiving of misspelling and offers a list of synonyms. 

And if you are a poet or singer, it gives a strong list of rhyming and similar words.

The site seriously needs a facelift. 

I've moved on from it.

Laß mich vorerst etwas schlicht und einfach sagen.

Leo is by far the best and most useful of them all - on windows.


On mobile devices, use is look see only (no copy). I find this annoying and is why I don't pay for the pur version. A language can not be copyrighted by an app.

Can someone bring back Canoonet please? Canoonet was an excellent Grammatik for us all and LEO took it over and is further developing this concept. I am greatful to LEO for this. I think even Frau Angela Merkel commented on the acquisition at one point.

Leo has conjugation/flexion tables at hand just with one more click. 

Listings from a search can be unfocused and is stict on infinitival construction (good and at times not so good). It focuses on construction over meaning making it cumbersome to catch on at times.

And its speedsheet format layout makes it more limited to stretch but not as sturr as dict.cc

With most Treffer (hits) you get a word with Flexionsklassen and Plural formen, Lautschriften for singular and now plural, and (for me) so called outdated spelling forms which I refuse to depart from. (I have little respect for the Rechtschreibungsgebote as I was around before them).

Pons also shines in concept over construct and breaks down a search term based on its possible meaning options.

Pons finally is the best at gramatical construct learning, such prepositional objects of a verb.

Try it, type warten auf. Klasse!

Pons is my number 2 go to dictionary overall, but I go to pons when I need better insite than Leo gives.

This resourse continues to hold on from decades of old.

It it shines in applied use, giving sentences and structures, if you can find them.

Listings can go on forever. No kidding, I mean greater than 50 pages...

And the organization is by word number: 1, 2, 3 words and so on. Who can work with that.

Finally, the spreedsheet layout is the most static you get when it comes to enlarging the size.

Dict.cc is great on mobile phones and takes over as number one from LEO here.

They say it is (was) the best. Maybe sometime ago, but using Duden is too cumbersome and slow with too many button pushes to get a result. Duden has fallen behind the technical age. Let me add, I bought some Duden language books but gave up reading them as it was too unordered and aimless for me.

Duden and Pons both shine in Satzbeispiele.


Needs work, but it brings tags to dictionaries that the others don't.

It also uses a blue text color to highlight the key concept in the phrase.


Best conjugation table reference, but it has errors, and oversite with multiple entry morphems (words) can be hard to oversee. I think they themselves get mixed up here. You can still find the vanishing Dative Sinugular e here.

Other notable quick fixes: DeepL and Languagetool are both on my devices.

Hope this helps

assignments leo dict

Vielen Dank für diese Informationen! You're right, all the dictionaries have their merits and their strengths, it's a matter of discovering which dictionary works for you and to perhaps adjust over time. Some days all you might want is a physical book, another day you might want the quick access through an app or a website.

Viel Spaß beim Deutschlernen!

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What is the translation of "assignment" in German?

"assignment" in german, assignment {noun}.

  • volume_up Abtretung
  • Aufgabengebiet
  • Beauftragung
  • Arbeitseinsatz
  • Festsetzung
  • zugewiesene Aufgabe
  • Übereignung
  • Übereignungsurkunde

assign {vb}

  • volume_up abtreten
  • beauftragen

assignability {noun}

  • volume_up Abtretbarkeit

assigned {adj.}

  • volume_up abgestellt

assignable {adj.}

  • volume_up abtretbar
  • übertragbar


  • "of property"
  • open_in_new Link to source
  • warning Request revision

assign [ assigned|assigned ] {verb}

Assigned {adjective}, assignable {adjective}.

  • "allottable"

Context sentences

English german contextual examples of "assignment" in german.

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. bab.la is not responsible for their content.

Monolingual examples

English how to use "assignment" in a sentence, english how to use "assign" in a sentence, english how to use "assignability" in a sentence, english how to use "assigned" in a sentence, english how to use "assignable" in a sentence, english how to use "abtretbarkeit" in a sentence, collocations, "give the assignment" in german.

  • volume_up Geben Sie die Zuweisung
  • volume_up geben Sie den Auftrag

"accept the assignment" in German

  • volume_up Akzeptieren der Zuweisung
  • volume_up Annahme der Zuordnung

"assignment editors" in German

  • volume_up Zuordnungs-Editoren
  • volume_up Aufgaben-Editoren

Synonyms (English) for "assignment":

  • appointment
  • designation
  • duty assignment
  • transferable
  • transferrable
  • assigned transfer
  • assigned value
  • assigned work
  • assignee in bankruptcy
  • assignees in bankruptcy
  • assigning of resources
  • assigning transfer
  • assignment and assumption agreement
  • assignment back
  • assignment editors
  • assignment for security
  • assignment for the benefit of creditors
  • assignment form
  • assignment in advance
  • assignment in blank
  • assignment include
  • assignment involve

Moreover, bab.la provides the Japanese-English dictionary for more translations.

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Übersetzung für ' assignments ' von Englisch nach Deutsch

  • assignments are distinct from the monthly assignments .  Wikipedia [9745756] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip9745756').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">While the term "birthday stone" is sometimes used as a synonym for a birthstone, each day of the week is also assigned a unique gemstone, and these assignments are distinct from the monthly assignments.
  • assignments have included four Caribbean Amphibious Ready Groups, eight Mediterranean Groups, two Persian Gulf Groups, a Mine Countermeasure Task Group, North Atlantic Treaty Organization Operations and training assignments with Fleet Marine Force Atlantic.  Wikipedia [895309] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip895309').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';"> various assignments have included four Caribbean Amphibious Ready Groups, eight Mediterranean Groups, two Persian Gulf Groups, a Mine Countermeasure Task Group, North Atlantic Treaty Organization Operations and training assignments with Fleet Marine Force Atlantic.
  • assignments ), true negatives TN (correct negative assignments ), false positives FP (incorrect positive assignments ), and false negatives FN (incorrect negative assignments ).  Wikipedia [820164] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip820164').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">Given a classification of a specific data set, there are four basic combinations of actual data category and assigned category: true positives TP (correct positive assignments ), true negatives TN (correct negative assignments), false positives FP (incorrect positive assignments), and false negatives FN (incorrect negative assignments).
  • assignments . The number of assignments and their individual length and content varies between the DRBs.  Wikipedia [5910754] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip5910754').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">Students also have to produce evidence of research in the form of written assignments . The number of assignments and their individual length and content varies between the DRBs.
  • assignments may still occur in the future based on applications received before June 30, 2010, there have not been any assignments made since December 31, 2010.  Wikipedia [5443354] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip5443354').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">Although ESN assignments may still occur in the future based on applications received before June 30, 2010, there have not been any assignments made since December 31, 2010.
  • assignments consist of written essays (2,000-2,500 words per essay) and for the Language System and Language Skills assignments : the planning, teaching and evaluation of a lesson. Assignments are completed throughout the course at intervals determined by the centre.  Wikipedia [4756427] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip4756427').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">The assignments consist of written essays (2,000-2,500 words per essay) and for the Language System and Language Skills assignments: the planning, teaching and evaluation of a lesson.
  • assignments to international entities and a partial list of national assignments is on the IFAST website.  Wikipedia [4453505] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip4453505').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">A complete list of SID code assignments to international entities and a partial list of national assignments is on the IFAST website.
  • assignments to be completed using the Taskstream software package and the Turnitin service to check assignments for plagiarism.  Wikipedia [3965158] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip3965158').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">Some of the courses require assignments to be completed using the Taskstream software package and the Turnitin service to check assignments for plagiarism.
  • assignments , clearly "V" will accept. If φ does not have "k" satisfying assignments we assume there is a prover [...] that tries to convince "V" that φ does have "k" satisfying assignments . We show that this can only be done with low probability.  Wikipedia [3545454] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip3545454').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">If φ has "k" satisfying assignments , clearly "V" will accept.
  • assignments lead him into danger and adventure. His assignments inevitably lead him to discover environmental misdeeds, most often solved with a crushing right cross.  Wikipedia [2700921] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip2700921').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">Mark Trail, the main character, is a photojournalist and outdoor magazine writer whose assignments lead him into danger and adventure.
  • assignments Shikongo had also been assigned international assignments where he serve in peace keeping mission in Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo and at United Nation in New York.  Wikipedia [21798434] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip21798434').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">Apart from the national assignments Shikongo had also been assigned international assignments where he serve in peace keeping mission in Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo and at United Nation in New York.
  • assignments starting January 16, 1863. Although he had no combat assignments after Stones River, he had a short and unsuccessful field command in June 1864 when he was assigned to disrupt Major General William Tecumseh Sherman\'s communications between Chattanooga, Tennessee and Atlanta, Georgia during the Atlanta Campaign. He then resumed recruiting assignments .  Wikipedia [2048866] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip2048866').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">Pillow commanded the Volunteer and Conscription Bureau of the Army of Tennessee and related recruiting assignments starting January 16, 1863.
  • Assignments session is one of the most popular sessions at the conference. Started by Nick Parlante in 1999, the session serves as a place for educators to share ideas and materials for successful computer science assignments . Nifty assignments are shared publicly for general reference and usage.  Wikipedia [15303601] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip15303601').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">The Nifty Assignments session is one of the most popular sessions at the conference.
  • assignments included platoon leader and staff assignments , primarily in the 1140th Engineer Battalion, and he commanded the battalion\'s Company C from 1980 to 1983.  Wikipedia [15176119] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip15176119').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">His early assignments included platoon leader and staff assignments, primarily in the 1140th Engineer Battalion, and he commanded the battalion's Company C from 1980 to 1983.
  • assignments for eight-conductor 100-ohm balanced twisted pair cabling. These assignments are named "T568A" and "T568B".  Wikipedia [13835500] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip13835500').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">Perhaps the best-known features of ANSI/TIA-568 are the pin and pair assignments for eight-conductor 100-ohm balanced twisted pair cabling. These assignments are named "T568A" and "T568B".
  • assignments . Lighter job assignments are usually given union leaders. In addition to not requiring the union leadership team members to be in the workplace during work hours, this can often include fewer travel assignments . Management has the right to change the job assignment for union leaders. This includes family separation using long-term travel assignments .  Wikipedia [13324102] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip13324102').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">One caution related to a labor dispute is that all union leadership team members are also employees, and these employees have job assignments .
  • assignments . By grading assignments , students may learn how to complete assignments more accurately and how to improve their test results.  Wikipedia [11820550] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip11820550').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">Through self- and peer-assessment students are able to see mistakes in their thinking and can correct any problems in future assignments .
  • assignments are equivalent to a sequence of assignments , but the evaluation strategy differs between languages. For simple chained assignments , like initializing multiple variables, the evaluation strategy does not matter, but if the targets (l-values) in the assignment are connected in some way, the evaluation strategy affects the result.  Wikipedia [1156458] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip1156458').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';"> Chained assignments are equivalent to a sequence of assignments, but the evaluation strategy differs between languages.
  • assignments have included Islamabad, Pakistan; Kathmandu, Nepal; and Ottawa, Canada; and previous Washington assignments were those of Nepal Desk Officer and Refugee Assistance Officer.  Wikipedia [8130142] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip8130142').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">Other overseas assignments have included Islamabad, Pakistan; Kathmandu, Nepal; and Ottawa, Canada; and previous Washington assignments were those of Nepal Desk Officer and Refugee Assistance Officer.

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Source of the translation database

  • The German-English dictionary at TU-Chemnitz with the friendly permission of Frank Richter.
  • The translation vocabulary of Mr Honey's Business English Dictionary compiled by Winfried Honig.
  • The input of the dictionary users - the visitors of dict.cc. A big thank you to all the helpers!

News & History of the English/German dictionary

assignments leo dict

BofA banker whose death shook Wall Street was looking for new job and willing to take a lower salary for better hours, recruiter says: report

  • The Bank of America banker who died on May 2 wanted a better work-life balance, a recruiter told Reuters.
  • The recruiter said he was in touch with Leo Lukenas III about a new job prior to his death.
  • Lukenas said he had been working more than 100 hours a week, the recruiter said.

Insider Today

The Bank of America banker whose death this month renewed concerns about Wall Street's grueling working conditions had been looking for a new job with a better work-life balance, an executive recruiter told Reuters.

Leo Lukenas III, a 35-year-old Army veteran, became an investment-banking associate at Bank of America last year, where he worked on transactions for financial-services companies.

He died on May 2. Reuters reported that the New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner deemed the cause of death "acute coronary artery thrombus," which causes blood to clot in the heart. The coroner's report did not establish a connection between Lukenas' working conditions and his death.

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A new report from Reuters released Wednesday raised more questions about the hours Lukenas may have been logging leading up to his untimely death.

Douglas Walters, an executive recruiter and managing partner at GrayFox Recruitment, told Reuters in an interview that he was in touch with Lukenas in the months before he died and that the banker was seeking a job with better hours. Walters said Lukenas told him he was putting in more than 100 hours a week at Bank of America.

Lukenas was even willing to take a pay cut to work at a boutique investment-banking firm as long as the hours were better, according to Walters' interview with Reuters. The recruiter declined to share the name of the firm. "He made a comment saying like, 'Hey, I'll trade hours of sleep for a 10% (pay) cut,'" Walters told Reuters.

Walters said he had helped Lukenas put together his application for that firm. He also told the outlet Lukenas asked if it was normal to work 110-hour weeks. Walters said he told Lukenas that was excessive, even by Wall Street's standards.

Walters did not return requests for comment sent via LinkedIn by BI on Wednesday, and GrayFox Recruitment could not be reached. GrayFox says it services companies in investment banking, private equity, and corporate mergers and acquisitions.

Bank of America did not immediately respond to a request for comment from BI. In an emailed statement to BI last week, a spokesperson for the bank said: "We are very saddened by the loss of our teammate. We continue to focus on doing whatever we can to support the family and our team, especially those who worked closely with him."

Current and former investment bankers told Business Insider following Lukenas' death that his passing had dominated industry chatter and sparked concerns within the firm and the investment-banking sector — a pressure-cooker business known for its onerous work culture, and often crushing demands on junior professionals.

Prior to Lukenas' death, he had been participating on deal work related to UMB's $2 billion all-stock acquisition of Heartland Financial USA — a transaction that was announced in late April. Last week, the nonprofit organization 51 Vets launched a fundraiser for the Lukenas family, which has raised more than $380,000 of its intended $1 million goal.

Are you a Bank of America or Wall Street employee with details to share? Contact these reporters. Reed Alexander can be reached via email at [email protected] , or SMS/the encrypted app Signal at 561-247-5758.

Watch: How Twitter panic took down Silicon Valley Bank

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  1. assignment

    Zur mobilen Version wechseln. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'assignment' in LEOs ­Englisch ⇔ Deutsch­ Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer .

  2. LEO.org

    LEO.org: Your expert for languages on the Internet - offering online dictionaries, forums, vocabulary trainer and language courses. Also available as App. Home Dictionary Forums Trainer Courses Blog Apps Help Seite auf Deutsch Advertising. It looks like you're using an ad blocker. ...

  3. assignments key

    Learn the translation for 'assignments\x20key' in LEO's ­English ⇔ German­ dictionary. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer

  4. assignment deutsch auf

    Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'assignment\x20deutsch\x20auf' in LEOs ­Englisch ⇔ Deutsch­ Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer

  5. assignment

    assignment. Übertragung f. assignment of a right also. Abtretung f. assignment of blame. Schuldzuweisung f. LAW, ECON assignment of a patent / copyright. Patentübertragung f / Übertragung f eines Urheberrechts. 20 examples from the Internet.

  6. LEO.org

    LEO.org: Ihr Sprachexperte im Internet - mit Online-Wörterbüchern, Forum, Vokabeltrainer und Sprachkursen. Natürlich auch als App. ... Englisch ⇔ Deutsch, Französisch ⇔ Deutsch, Spanisch ⇔ Deutsch, Italienisch ⇔ Deutsch, Chinesisch ⇔ Deutsch, Russisch ⇔ Deutsch,

  7. assignment

    Translation for 'assignment' using the free English-German dictionary by LANGENSCHEIDT -- with examples, synonyms and pronunciation.

  8. LEO dictionary

    With LEO you can do more than just look up the meaning of a word in a different language. LEO also provides: ☆ noun and verb tables. ☆ real voice audio pronunciation ( no speech synthesis) ☆ definitions. ☆ grammar and etymology, as well as other information relevant to the search term (s) including. ☆ orthographically similar words.

  9. assignment

    assignment n. (work given to students) Arbeit, Aufgabe Nf. (Schule: zu Hause) Hausaufgabe Nf. (Universität: zu Hause) Hausarbeit Nf. The teacher told his students to hand in their assignments by Friday. Der Lehrer trug seine Schülern auf, die Arbeit (or: Aufgabe) bis Freitag einzureichen.

  10. Which German Dictionaries are Good for Learners: Books, Websites, and Apps

    This dictionary is the most forgiving of misspelling and offers a list of synonyms. And if you are a poet or singer, it gives a strong list of rhyming and similar words. The site seriously needs a facelift. I've moved on from it. Leo. Laß mich vorerst etwas schlicht und einfach sagen. Leo is by far the best and most useful of them all - on ...

  11. dict.cc Wörterbuch :: assignment :: Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzung

    Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für assignment im Online-Wörterbuch dict.cc (Deutschwörterbuch).


    law. 1. general. assignment (also: assignments, conveyance, surrender, cession) volume_up. Abtretung {f} more_vert. A registration may be made in advance of the assignment to which it relates. expand_more Eine Eintragung kann vor der Abtretung, auf die sie sich bezieht, vorgenommen werden.

  13. assignment

    A 2016-04-18: +"assignment" used for an action coming from a superior and directed at a ... F 2016-04-18: new assignment A 2015-03-07: room assignment table F 2014-12-09: assignment-specific education courses A 2014-09-01: not assignment F 2014-05-30: A school assignment F 2014-05-29: School Assignment F 2014-03-10: I got this as a reading ...

  14. dict.cc

    While the term "birthday stone" is sometimes used as a synonym for a birthstone, each day of the week is also assigned a unique gemstone, and these assignments are distinct from the monthly assignments.; various assignments have included four Caribbean Amphibious Ready Groups, eight Mediterranean Groups, two Persian Gulf Groups, a Mine Countermeasure Task Group, North Atlantic Treaty ...

  15. assign

    A 2008-08-31: assignment / to assign A 2008-08-18: "assign the copyright to" is the legal term most often used in the music i... A 2008-07-02: assign shortcuts to the keys ... Dieses Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuch basiert auf der Idee der freien Weitergabe von Wissen. Mehr dazu

  16. German translation of 'assignment'

    German Translation of "ASSIGNMENT" | The official Collins English-German Dictionary online. Over 100,000 German translations of English words and phrases.

  17. ASSIGNMENT in German

    ASSIGNMENT translate: der Auftrag. Learn more in the Cambridge English-German Dictionary.

  18. assignment

    Sortieren Sie Ihre gespeicherten Vokabeln. Learn the translation for 'assignment' in LEO's ­English ⇔ German­ dictionary. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer .

  19. assignments

    A 2016-11-29: Availability to perform repair assignments and short-notice assignments. A 2011-05-01: oder auch: wider range of / more flexible (job/work) assignments possible. F 2010-12-13: I choose my assignments to suit myself. A 2009-12-16: assignments or contracts awarded to.

  20. dict.cc

    In good dict.cc tradition I developed an assignment tool I then used to assign around 1000 images. This tool can now be used by anyone interested - just move your mouse cursor over the spot where the image would appear. ... (Global Rank 670) and the best-known online dictionary in the German-speaking world, LEO (Global Rank 669).

  21. Watch: How Twitter panic took down Silicon Valley Bank

    May 15, 2024, 7:30 PM PDT. Leo Lukenas III was an investment banker at Bank of America. Spencer Platt/Getty Images. The Bank of America banker who died on May 2 wanted a better work-life balance ...

  22. Translation in LEO's ­English ⇔ German Dictionary

    Learn the translation for 'standards manual design' in LEO's ­English ⇔ German­ dictionary. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer .

  23. slaughter hall

    Learn the translation for 'slaughter hall' in LEO's ­English ⇔ German­ dictionary. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer .