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Research Skills: What They Are and How They Benefit You

  • Published May 23, 2024

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Research skills give you the ability to gather relevant information from different sources and analyse it critically in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of a subject. Thus, research skills are fundamental to academic success.

Developing these skills will improve your studies, helping you understand subjects better and positioning you for academic success.

That said, how can you develop important research skills? This will explore what research skills are, identify the core ones, and explain how you can develop them.

What Are Research Skills?

Research skills are a set of abilities that allow individuals to find and gather reliable information and then evaluate the information to find answers to questions.

Good research skills are important in academic settings, as finding and critically evaluating relevant information can help you gain a deeper understanding of a subject.

These skills are also important in professional and personal settings. When you graduate and are working in a professional capacity, you’ll often need to analyse sets of data to identify issues and determine how to solve them.

In personal contexts, you’ll always need to assess relevant information to make an informed decision. Whether you’re deciding on a major purchase, choosing a healthcare provider, or planning to make an investment, you’ll need to evaluate options to ensure better decision outcomes.

Different Types of Research Skills

Research skills are categorised into different sub-skills. The most common types are:

Quantitative Skills

Quantitative skills refer to the ability to work with numerical data and perform mathematical and statistical analyses to extract meaningful insights and draw conclusions. 

When you have quantitative skills, you’ll be able to apply mathematical concepts and operations in research design and data analysis. 

You’ll also be proficient in using statistical methods to analyse data and interpreting numerical data to draw meaningful conclusions. 

Analytical Skills

Analytical skills refer to the ability to gather data, evaluate it, and draw sound conclusions. When you have analytical skills, you’ll be able to systematically analyse information to reach a reasonable conclusion. 

Analytical skills are important in problem-solving. They help you to break down complex problems into more manageable components, think critically about the information at hand, analyse root causes, and develop effective solutions.

Qualitative Skills

Qualitative skills refer to the ability to collect, analyse, and interpret non-numerical data. When you have qualitative skills, you’ll be proficient in observation, interviewing, and other methods for collecting qualitative research data. 

You’ll also be able to analyse non-numerical data, such as documents and images, to identify themes, patterns, and meanings.

Research Skills Examples

The core research skills you need for success in academic, professional, and personal contexts include:

Data Collection

Data is at the centre of every research, as data is what you assess to find the answers you seek. Thus, research starts with collecting relevant data.

Depending on the research, there are two broad categories of data you can collect: primary and secondary.

Primary data is generated by the researcher, like data from interviews, observations, or experiments. Secondary data is pre-existing data obtained from different existing databases, like published literature, government reports, etc. 

Thus, data collection is more than gathering information from the Internet. Depending on the research, it can require more advanced skills for conducting experiments to generate your own data.

Source Evaluation

When doing research on any subject (especially when using the Internet), you’ll be amazed at the volume of information you’ll find. And a lot is pure garbage that can compromise your research work.

Thus, an important research skill is being able to dig through the garbage to get to the real facts. This is where source evaluation comes in!

Good research skills call for being able to identify biases, assess the authority of the author, and determine the accuracy of information before using it.

Time Management Skills


Have you ever felt that there is not enough time in a day for all that you need to do? When you already have so much to do, adding research can be overwhelming.

Good time management skills can help you find the time to do all you need to do, including relevant research work, making it an essential research skill.

Time management allows you to plan and manage your research project effectively. It includes breaking down research tasks into more manageable parts, setting priorities, and allocating time to the different stages of the research.

Communication Skills

Group of students communicating with each other

Communication is an important aspect of every research, as it aids in data collection and sharing research findings. 

Important communication skills needed in research include active listening, active speaking, interviewing, report writing, data visualisation, and presentation, etc.

For example, when research involves collecting primary data via interviews, you must have sound speaking and listening skills. 

When you conclude the research and need to share findings, you’ll need to write a research report and present key findings in easy-to-understand formats like charts. 

Attention to Detail

Attention to detail is the ability to achieve thoroughness and accuracy when doing something. It requires focusing on every aspect of the tasks, even small ones. 

Anything you miss during your research will affect the quality of your research findings. Thus, the ability to pay close attention to details is an important research skill.

You need attention to detail at every stage of the research process. During data collection, it helps you ensure reliable data. 

During analysis, it reduces the risk of error to ensure your results are trustworthy. It also helps you express findings precisely to minimise ambiguity and facilitate understanding.


Notes in a notebook

Note-taking is exactly what it sounds like—writing down key information during the research process.

Remember that research involves sifting through and taking in a lot of information. It’s impossible to take in all the information and recall it from memory. This is where note-taking comes in!

Note-taking helps you capture key information, making it easier to remember and utilise for the research later. It also involves writing down where to look for important information.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is the ability to think rationally and synthesise information in a thoughtful way. It is an important skill needed in virtually all stages of the research process.

For example, when collecting data, you need critical thinking to assess the quality and relevance of data. It can help you identify gaps in data to formulate your research question and hypothesis. 

It can also help you to identify patterns and make reasonable connections when interpreting research findings.

Data Analysis

Data may not mean anything until you analyse it qualitatively or quantitatively (using techniques like Excel or SPSS). For this reason, data analysis analysis is an important research skill.

Researchers need to be able to build hypotheses and test these using appropriate research techniques. This helps to draw meaningful conclusions and gain a comprehensive understanding of research data.

Problem-Solving Skills

Research often involves addressing specific questions and solving problems. For this reason, problem-solving skills are important skills when conducting research. 

Problem-solving skills refer to the ability to identify, analyse, and solve problems effectively. 

With problem-solving skills, you’ll be able to assess a situation, consider various solutions, and choose the most appropriate course of action toward finding a solution.

Benefits of Research Skills

Research skills have many benefits, including:

Enhances Critical Thinking

Research skills and critical thinking are intertwined such that developing one enhances the other.

Research requires people to question assumptions, evaluate evidence, analyse information, and draw conclusions. These activities require you to think critically about the information at hand. Hence, engaging in research enhances critical thinking.

Develops Problem-Solving Skills

Research helps you acquire a set of critical skills that are directly transferable to problem-solving. 

For example, research fosters creative thinking, as it often requires synthesising data from different sources and connecting different concepts. After developing creative thinking via research, you can apply the skill to generate innovative solutions in problem-solving situations. 

Helps in Knowledge Acquisition

Engaging in research is a powerful way to acquire knowledge. Research involves exploring new ideas, and this helps you expand your breadth of knowledge.

It also involves applying research methods and methodologies. So, you’ll acquire knowledge about research methods, enhancing your ability to design and conduct studies in your higher education or professional life.

Why Are Research Skills Important?

Strong research skills offer numerous benefits, especially for students’ academic learning and development. 

When you develop good research skills, you’ll reap great academic rewards that include:

In-Depth Understanding

Conducting research allows you to delve deep into specific topics, helping you gain a thorough understanding of the subject matter beyond what is covered in standard coursework.

Critical Thinking Development

Research involves critical evaluation of information and making informed decisions. This builds your ability to think critically.

This skill will not only help you solve academic problems better, but it’s also crucial to your personal and professional growth.

Encouragement of Independent Learning

Research encourages independent learning. When you engage in research, you seek answers independently. You take the initiative to find, retrieve, and evaluate information relevant to your research.

That helps you develop self-directed study habits. You’ll be able to take ownership of your education and actively seek out information for a better understanding of the subject matter.

Intellectual Curiosity Development

Research skills encourage intellectual curiosity and a love of learning, as they’ll make you explore topics you find intriguing or important. Thus, you’ll be more motivated to explore topics beyond the scope of your coursework.

Enhanced Communication Skills

Research helps you build better interpersonal skills as well as report-writing skills.

Research helps you sharpen your communication skills when you interact with research subjects during data collection. Communicating research findings to an audience also helps sharpen your presentation skills or report writing skills.

Assistance in Career Preparation 

Many professions find people with good research skills. Whether you’ll pursue a career in academia, business, healthcare, or IT, being able to conduct research will make you a valuable asset.

So, researching skills for students prepares you for a successful career when you graduate.

Contribution to Personal Growth

Research also contributes to your personal growth. Know that research projects often come with setbacks, unexpected challenges, and moments of uncertainty. Navigating these difficulties helps you build resilience and confidence.

Acquisition of Time Management Skills

Research projects often come with deadlines. Such research projects force you to set goals, prioritise tasks, and manage your time effectively.

That helps you acquire important time management skills that you can use in other areas of academic life and your professional life when you graduate.

Ways to Improve Research Skills

The ways to improve your research skills involve a combination of learning and practice. 

You should consider enrolling in research-related programmes, learning to use data analysis tools, practising summarising and synthesising information from multiple sources, collaborating with more experienced researchers, and more. 

Looking to improve your research skills? Read our 11 ways to improve research skills article.

How Can I Learn Research Skills?

You can learn research skills using these simple three-point framework:

Clarifying the Objective

Start by articulating the purpose of your research. Identify the specific question you are trying to answer or the problem you are aiming to solve.

Then, determine the scope of your research to help you stay focused and avoid going after irrelevant information.

Cross-Referencing Sources

The next step is to search for existing research on the topic. Use academic databases, journals, books, and reputable online sources.

It’s important to compare information from multiple sources, taking note of consensus among studies and any conflicting findings. 

Also, check the credibility of each source by looking at the author’s expertise, information recency, and reputation of the publication’s outlet.

Organise the Research

Develop a note-taking system to document key findings as you search for existing research. Create a research outline, then arrange your ideas logically, ensuring that each section aligns with your research objective.

As you progress, be adaptable. Be open to refining your research plan as new understanding evolves.

Enrolling in online research programmes can also help you build strong research skills. These programmes combine subject study with academic research project development to help you hone the skills you need to succeed in higher education.

Immerse Education is a foremost provider of online research programmes.

Acquire Research Skills with Immerse Education 

Research skills are essential to academic success. They help you gain an in-depth understanding of subjects, enhance your critical thinking and problem-solving skills, improve your time management skills, and more. 

In addition to boosting you academically, they contribute to your personal growth and prepare you for a successful professional career.

Thankfully, you can learn research skills and reap these benefits. There are different ways to improve research skills, including enrolling in research-based programmes. This is why you need Immerse Education!

Immerse Education provides participants aged 13-18 with unparalleled educational experience. All our programmes are designed by tutors from top global universities and help prepare participants for future success.

Our online research programme expertly combines subject study with academic research projects to help you gain subject matter knowledge and the important research skills you need to succeed in higher education.  With one-on-one tutoring or group sessions from an expert academic from Oxford or Cambridge University and a flexible delivery mode, the programme is designed for you to succeed. Subsequently, enrolling in our accredited Online Research Programme will award students with 8 UCAS points upon completion.

research skills and knowledge

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The Most Important Research Skills (With Examples)

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Research skills are the ability to find out accurate information on a topic. They include being able to determine the data you need, find and interpret those findings, and then explain that to others. Being able to do effective research is a beneficial skill in any profession, as data and research inform how businesses operate. Whether you’re unsure of your research skills or are looking for ways to further improve them, then this article will cover important research skills and how to become even better at research. Key Takeaways Having strong research skills can help you understand your competitors, develop new processes, and build your professional skills in addition to aiding you in finding new customers and saving your company money. Some of the most valuable research skills you can have include goal setting, data collection, and analyzing information from multiple sources. You can and should put your research skills on your resume and highlight them in your job interviews. In This Article    Skip to section What are research skills? Why are research skills important? 12 of the most important research skills How to improve your research skills Highlighting your research skills in a job interview How to include research skills on your resume Resume examples showcasing research skills Research skills FAQs References Sign Up For More Advice and Jobs Show More What are research skills?

Research skills are the necessary tools to be able to find, compile, and interpret information in order to answer a question. Of course, there are several aspects to this. Researchers typically have to decide how to go about researching a problem — which for most people is internet research.

In addition, you need to be able to interpret the reliability of a source, put the information you find together in an organized and logical way, and be able to present your findings to others. That means that they’re comprised of both hard skills — knowing your subject and what’s true and what isn’t — and soft skills. You need to be able to interpret sources and communicate clearly.

Why are research skills important?

Research skills are useful in any industry, and have applications in innovation, product development, competitor research, and many other areas. In addition, the skills used in researching aren’t only useful for research. Being able to interpret information is a necessary skill, as is being able to clearly explain your reasoning.

Research skills are used to:

Do competitor research. Knowing what your biggest competitors are up to is an essential part of any business. Researching what works for your competitors, what they’re doing better than you, and where you can improve your standing with the lowest resource expenditure are all essential if a company wants to remain functional.

Develop new processes and products. You don’t have to be involved in research and development to make improvements in how your team gets things done. Researching new processes that make your job (and those of your team) more efficient will be valued by any sensible employer.

Foster self-improvement. Folks who have a knack and passion for research are never content with doing things the same way they’ve always been done. Organizations need independent thinkers who will seek out their own answers and improve their skills as a matter of course. These employees will also pick up new technologies more easily.

Manage customer relationships. Being able to conduct research on your customer base is positively vital in virtually every industry. It’s hard to move products or sell services if you don’t know what people are interested in. Researching your customer base’s interests, needs, and pain points is a valuable responsibility.

Save money. Whether your company is launching a new product or just looking for ways to scale back its current spending, research is crucial for finding wasted resources and redirecting them to more deserving ends. Anyone who proactively researches ways that the company can save money will be highly appreciated by their employer.

Solve problems. Problem solving is a major part of a lot of careers, and research skills are instrumental in making sure your solution is effective. Finding out the cause of the problem and determining an effective solution both require accurate information, and research is the best way to obtain that — be it via the internet or by observation.

Determine reliable information. Being able to tell whether or not the information you receive seems accurate is a very valuable skill. While research skills won’t always guarantee that you’ll be able to tell the reliability of the information at first glance, it’ll prevent you from being too trusting. And it’ll give the tools to double-check .

12 of the most important research skills

Experienced researchers know that worthwhile investigation involves a variety of skills. Consider which research skills come naturally to you, and which you could work on more.

Data collection . When thinking about the research process, data collection is often the first thing that comes to mind. It is the nuts and bolts of research. How data is collected can be flexible.

For some purposes, simply gathering facts and information on the internet can fulfill your need. Others may require more direct and crowd-sourced research. Having experience in various methods of data collection can make your resume more impressive to recruiters.

Data collection methods include: Observation Interviews Questionnaires Experimentation Conducting focus groups

Analysis of information from different sources. Putting all your eggs in one source basket usually results in error and disappointment. One of the skills that good researchers always incorporate into their process is an abundance of sources. It’s also best practice to consider the reliability of these sources.

Are you reading about U.S. history on a conspiracy theorist’s blog post? Taking facts for a presentation from an anonymous Twitter account?

If you can’t determine the validity of the sources you’re using, it can compromise all of your research. That doesn’t mean just disregard anything on the internet but double-check your findings. In fact, quadruple-check. You can make your research even stronger by turning to references outside of the internet.

Examples of reliable information sources include: Published books Encyclopedias Magazines Databases Scholarly journals Newspapers Library catalogs

Finding information on the internet. While it can be beneficial to consulate alternative sources, strong internet research skills drive modern-day research.

One of the great things about the internet is how much information it contains, however, this comes with digging through a lot of garbage to get to the facts you need. The ability to efficiently use the vast database of knowledge that is on the internet without getting lost in the junk is very valuable to employers.

Internet research skills include: Source checking Searching relevant questions Exploring deeper than the first options Avoiding distraction Giving credit Organizing findings

Interviewing. Some research endeavors may require a more hands-on approach than just consulting internet sources. Being prepared with strong interviewing skills can be very helpful in the research process.

Interviews can be a useful research tactic to gain first-hand information and being able to manage a successful interview can greatly improve your research skills.

Interviewing skills involves: A plan of action Specific, pointed questions Respectfulness Considering the interview setting Actively Listening Taking notes Gratitude for participation

Report writing. Possessing skills in report writing can assist you in job and scholarly research. The overall purpose of a report in any context is to convey particular information to its audience.

Effective report writing is largely dependent on communication. Your boss, professor , or general reader should walk away completely understanding your findings and conclusions.

Report writing skills involve: Proper format Including a summary Focusing on your initial goal Creating an outline Proofreading Directness

Critical thinking. Critical thinking skills can aid you greatly throughout the research process, and as an employee in general. Critical thinking refers to your data analysis skills. When you’re in the throes of research, you need to be able to analyze your results and make logical decisions about your findings.

Critical thinking skills involve: Observation Analysis Assessing issues Problem-solving Creativity Communication

Planning and scheduling. Research is a work project like any other, and that means it requires a little forethought before starting. Creating a detailed outline map for the points you want to touch on in your research produces more organized results.

It also makes it much easier to manage your time. Planning and scheduling skills are important to employers because they indicate a prepared employee.

Planning and scheduling skills include: Setting objectives Identifying tasks Prioritizing Delegating if needed Vision Communication Clarity Time-management

Note-taking. Research involves sifting through and taking in lots of information. Taking exhaustive notes ensures that you will not neglect any findings later and allows you to communicate these results to your co-workers. Being able to take good notes helps summarize research.

Examples of note-taking skills include: Focus Organization Using short-hand Keeping your objective in mind Neatness Highlighting important points Reviewing notes afterward

Communication skills. Effective research requires being able to understand and process the information you receive, either written or spoken. That means that you need strong reading comprehension and writing skills — two major aspects of communication — as well as excellent listening skills.

Most research also involves showcasing your findings. This can be via a presentation. , report, chart, or Q&A. Whatever the case, you need to be able to communicate your findings in a way that educates your audience.

Communication skills include: Reading comprehension Writing Listening skills Presenting to an audience Creating graphs or charts Explaining in layman’s terms

Time management. We’re, unfortunately, only given 24 measly hours in a day. The ability to effectively manage this time is extremely powerful in a professional context. Hiring managers seek candidates who can accomplish goals in a given timeframe.

Strong time management skills mean that you can organize a plan for how to break down larger tasks in a project and complete them by a deadline. Developing your time management skills can greatly improve the productivity of your research.

Time management skills include: Scheduling Creating task outlines Strategic thinking Stress-management Delegation Communication Utilizing resources Setting realistic expectations Meeting deadlines

Using your network. While this doesn’t seem immediately relevant to research skills, remember that there are a lot of experts out there. Knowing what people’s areas of expertise and asking for help can be tremendously beneficial — especially if it’s a subject you’re unfamiliar with.

Your coworkers are going to have different areas of expertise than you do, and your network of people will as well. You may even know someone who knows someone who’s knowledgeable in the area you’re researching. Most people are happy to share their expertise, as it’s usually also an area of interest to them.

Networking involves: Remembering people’s areas of expertise Being willing to ask for help Communication Returning favors Making use of advice Asking for specific assistance

Attention to detail. Research is inherently precise. That means that you need to be attentive to the details, both in terms of the information you’re gathering, but also in where you got it from. Making errors in statistics can have a major impact on the interpretation of the data, not to mention that it’ll reflect poorly on you.

There are proper procedures for citing sources that you should follow. That means that your sources will be properly credited, preventing accusations of plagiarism. In addition, it means that others can make use of your research by returning to the original sources.

Attention to detail includes: Double checking statistics Taking notes Keeping track of your sources Staying organized Making sure graphs are accurate and representative Properly citing sources

How to improve your research skills

As with many professional skills, research skills serve us in our day to day life. Any time you search for information on the internet, you’re doing research. That means that you’re practicing it outside of work as well. If you want to continue improving your research skills, both for professional and personal use, here are some tips to try.

Differentiate between source quality. A researcher is only as good as their worst source. Start paying attention to the quality of the sources you use, and be suspicious of everything your read until you check out the attributions and works cited.

Be critical and ask yourself about the author’s bias, where the author’s research aligns with the larger body of verified research in the field, and what publication sponsored or published the research.

Use multiple resources. When you can verify information from a multitude of sources, it becomes more and more credible. To bolster your faith in one source, see if you can find another source that agrees with it.

Don’t fall victim to confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is when a researcher expects a certain outcome and then goes to find data that supports this hypothesis. It can even go so far as disregarding anything that challenges the researcher’s initial hunch. Be prepared for surprising answers and keep an open mind.

Be open to the idea that you might not find a definitive answer. It’s best to be honest and say that you found no definitive answer instead of just confirming what you think your boss or coworkers expect or want to hear. Experts and good researchers are willing to say that they don’t know.

Stay organized. Being able to cite sources accurately and present all your findings is just as important as conducting the research itself. Start practicing good organizational skills , both on your devices and for any physical products you’re using.

Get specific as you go. There’s nothing wrong with starting your research in a general way. After all, it’s important to become familiar with the terminology and basic gist of the researcher’s findings before you dig down into all the minutia.

Highlighting your research skills in a job interview

A job interview is itself a test of your research skills. You can expect questions on what you know about the company, the role, and your field or industry more generally. In order to give expert answers on all these topics, research is crucial.

Start by researching the company . Look into how they communicate with the public through social media, what their mission statement is, and how they describe their culture.

Pay close attention to the tone of their website. Is it hyper professional or more casual and fun-loving? All of these elements will help decide how best to sell yourself at the interview.

Next, research the role. Go beyond the job description and reach out to current employees working at your desired company and in your potential department. If you can find out what specific problems your future team is or will be facing, you’re sure to impress hiring managers and recruiters with your ability to research all the facts.

Finally, take time to research the job responsibilities you’re not as comfortable with. If you’re applying for a job that represents increased difficulty or entirely new tasks, it helps to come into the interview with at least a basic knowledge of what you’ll need to learn.

How to include research skills on your resume

Research projects require dedication. Being committed is a valuable skill for hiring managers. Whether you’ve had research experience throughout education or a former job, including it properly can boost the success of your resume .

Consider how extensive your research background is. If you’ve worked on multiple, in-depth research projects, it might be best to include it as its own section. If you have less research experience, include it in the skills section .

Focus on your specific role in the research, as opposed to just the research itself. Try to quantify accomplishments to the best of your abilities. If you were put in charge of competitor research, for example, list that as one of the tasks you had in your career.

If it was a particular project, such as tracking the sale of women’s clothing at a tee-shirt company, you can say that you “directed analysis into women’s clothing sales statistics for a market research project.”

Ascertain how directly research skills relate to the job you’re applying for. How strongly you highlight your research skills should depend on the nature of the job the resume is for. If research looks to be a strong component of it, then showcase all of your experience.

If research looks to be tangential, then be sure to mention it — it’s a valuable skill — but don’t put it front and center.

Resume examples showcasing research skills

Example #1: Academic Research

Simon Marks 767 Brighton Blvd. | Brooklyn, NY, 27368 | (683)-262-8883 | [email protected] Diligent and hardworking recent graduate seeking a position to develop professional experience and utilize research skills. B.A. in Biological Sciences from New York University. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Lixus Publishing , Brooklyn, NY Office Assistant- September 2018-present Scheduling and updating meetings Managing emails and phone calls Reading entries Worked on a science fiction campaign by researching target demographic Organizing calendars Promoted to office assistant after one year internship Mitch’s Burgers and Fries , Brooklyn, NY Restaurant Manager , June 2014-June 2018 Managed a team of five employees Responsible for coordinating the weekly schedule Hired and trained two employees Kept track of inventory Dealt with vendors Provided customer service Promoted to restaurant manager after two years as a waiter Awarded a $2.00/hr wage increase SKILLS Writing Scientific Research Data analysis Critical thinking Planning Communication RESEARCH Worked on an ecosystem biology project with responsibilities for algae collection and research (2019) Lead a group of freshmen in a research project looking into cell biology (2018) EDUCATION New York University Bachelors in Biological Sciences, September 2016-May 2020

Example #2: Professional Research

Angela Nichols 1111 Keller Dr. | San Francisco, CA | (663)-124-8827 |[email protected] Experienced and enthusiastic marketer with 7 years of professional experience. Seeking a position to apply my marketing and research knowledge. Skills in working on a team and flexibility. EXPERIENCE Apples amp; Oranges Marketing, San Francisco, CA Associate Marketer – April 2017-May 2020 Discuss marketing goals with clients Provide customer service Lead campaigns associated with women’s health Coordinating with a marketing team Quickly solving issues in service and managing conflict Awarded with two raises totaling $10,000 over three years Prestigious Marketing Company, San Francisco, CA Marketer – May 2014-April 2017 Working directly with clients Conducting market research into television streaming preferences Developing marketing campaigns related to television streaming services Report writing Analyzing campaign success statistics Promoted to Marketer from Junior Marketer after the first year Timberlake Public Relations, San Francisco, CA Public Relations Intern – September 2013–May 2014 Working cohesively with a large group of co-workers and supervisors Note-taking during meetings Running errands Managing email accounts Assisting in brainstorming Meeting work deadlines EDUCATION Golden Gate University, San Francisco, CA Bachelor of Arts in Marketing with a minor in Communications – September 2009 – May 2013 SKILLS Marketing Market research Record-keeping Teamwork Presentation. Flexibility

Research skills FAQs

What research skills are important?

Goal-setting and data collection are important research skills. Additional important research skills include:

Using different sources to analyze information.

Finding information on the internet.

Interviewing sources.

Writing reports.

Critical thinking.

Planning and scheduling.


Managing time.

How do you develop good research skills?

You develop good research skills by learning how to find information from multiple high-quality sources, by being wary of confirmation bias, and by starting broad and getting more specific as you go.

When you learn how to tell a reliable source from an unreliable one and get in the habit of finding multiple sources that back up a claim, you’ll have better quality research.

In addition, when you learn how to keep an open mind about what you’ll find, you’ll avoid falling into the trap of confirmation bias, and by staying organized and narrowing your focus as you go (rather than before you start), you’ll be able to gather quality information more efficiently.

What is the importance of research?

The importance of research is that it informs most decisions and strategies in a business. Whether it’s deciding which products to offer or creating a marketing strategy, research should be used in every part of a company.

Because of this, employers want employees who have strong research skills. They know that you’ll be able to put them to work bettering yourself and the organization as a whole.

Should you put research skills on your resume?

Yes, you should include research skills on your resume as they are an important professional skill. Where you include your research skills on your resume will depend on whether you have a lot of experience in research from a previous job or as part of getting your degree, or if you’ve just cultivated them on your own.

If your research skills are based on experience, you could put them down under the tasks you were expected to perform at the job in question. If not, then you should likely list it in your skills section.

University of the People – The Best Research Skills for Success

Association of Internet Research Specialists — What are Research Skills and Why Are They Important?

MasterClass — How to Improve Your Research Skills: 6 Research Tips

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What are research skills?

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26 April 2023

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Broadly, it includes a range of talents required to:

Find useful information

Perform critical analysis

Form hypotheses

Solve problems

It also includes processes such as time management, communication, and reporting skills to achieve those ends.

Research requires a blend of conceptual and detail-oriented modes of thinking. It tests one's ability to transition between subjective motivations and objective assessments to ensure only correct data fits into a meaningfully useful framework.

As countless fields increasingly rely on data management and analysis, polishing your research skills is an important, near-universal way to improve your potential of getting hired and advancing in your career.

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What are basic research skills?

Almost any research involves some proportion of the following fundamental skills:



Investigation and analysis

Creative thinking

What are primary research skills?

The following are some of the most universally important research skills that will help you in a wide range of positions:

Time management — From planning and organization to task prioritization and deadline management, time-management skills are highly in-demand workplace skills.

Problem-solving — Identifying issues, their causes, and key solutions are another essential suite of research skills.

Critical thinking — The ability to make connections between data points with clear reasoning is essential to navigate data and extract what's useful towards the original objective.

Communication — In any collaborative environment, team-building and active listening will help researchers convey findings more effectively through data summarizations and report writing.

What are the most important skills in research?

Detail-oriented procedures are essential to research, which allow researchers and their audience to probe deeper into a subject and make connections they otherwise may have missed with generic overviews.

Maintaining priorities is also essential so that details fit within an overarching strategy. Lastly, decision-making is crucial because that's the only way research is translated into meaningful action.

  • Why are research skills important?

Good research skills are crucial to learning more about a subject, then using that knowledge to improve an organization's capabilities. Synthesizing that research and conveying it clearly is also important, as employees seek to share useful insights and inspire effective actions.

Effective research skills are essential for those seeking to:

Analyze their target market

Investigate industry trends

Identify customer needs

Detect obstacles

Find solutions to those obstacles

Develop new products or services

Develop new, adaptive ways to meet demands

Discover more efficient ways of acquiring or using resources

Why do we need research skills?

Businesses and individuals alike need research skills to clarify their role in the marketplace, which of course, requires clarity on the market in which they function in. High-quality research helps people stay better prepared for challenges by identifying key factors involved in their day-to-day operations, along with those that might play a significant role in future goals.

  • Benefits of having research skills

Research skills increase the effectiveness of any role that's dependent on information. Both individually and organization-wide, good research simplifies what can otherwise be unwieldy amounts of data. It can help maintain order by organizing information and improving efficiency, both of which set the stage for improved revenue growth.

Those with highly effective research skills can help reveal both:

Opportunities for improvement

Brand-new or previously unseen opportunities

Research skills can then help identify how to best take advantage of available opportunities. With today's increasingly data-driven economy, it will also increase your potential of getting hired and help position organizations as thought leaders in their marketplace.

  • Research skills examples

Being necessarily broad, research skills encompass many sub-categories of skillsets required to extrapolate meaning and direction from dense informational resources. Identifying, interpreting, and applying research are several such subcategories—but to be specific, workplaces of almost any type have some need of:

Searching for information

Attention to detail

Taking notes


Communicating results

Time management

  • How to improve your research skills

Whether your research goals are to learn more about a subject or enhance workflows, you can improve research skills with this failsafe, four-step strategy:

Make an outline, and set your intention(s)

Know your sources

Learn to use advanced search techniques

Practice, practice, practice (and don't be afraid to adjust your approach)

These steps could manifest themselves in many ways, but what's most important is that it results in measurable progress toward the original goals that compelled you to research a subject.

  • Using research skills at work

Different research skills will be emphasized over others, depending on the nature of your trade. To use research most effectively, concentrate on improving research skills most relevant to your position—or, if working solo, the skills most likely have the strongest impact on your goals.

You might divide the necessary research skills into categories for short, medium, and long-term goals or according to each activity your position requires. That way, when a challenge arises in your workflow, it's clearer which specific research skill requires dedicated attention.

How can I learn research skills?

Learning research skills can be done with a simple three-point framework:

Clarify the objective — Before delving into potentially overwhelming amounts of data, take a moment to define the purpose of your research. If at any point you lose sight of the original objective, take another moment to ask how you could adjust your approach to better fit the original objective.

Scrutinize sources — Cross-reference data with other sources, paying close attention to each author's credentials and motivations.

Organize research — Establish and continually refine a data-organization system that works for you. This could be an index of resources or compiling data under different categories designed for easy access.

Which careers require research skills?

Especially in today's world, most careers require some, if not extensive, research. Developers, marketers, and others dealing in primarily digital properties especially require extensive research skills—but it's just as important in building and manufacturing industries, where research is crucial to construct products correctly and safely.

Engineering, legal, medical, and literally any other specialized field will require excellent research skills. Truly, almost any career path will involve some level of research skills; and even those requiring only minimal research skills will at least require research to find and compare open positions in the first place.

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10 Research Skills and How To Develop Them

research skills

  • Updated December 25, 2023
  • Published August 8, 2023

Are you looking to learn more about Research skills? In this article, we discuss Research skills in more detail and give you tips about how you can develop and improve them.

What are Research skills?

Research skills refer to the ability to effectively and efficiently gather, analyze, and synthesize information to answer questions, solve problems, or contribute to a body of knowledge. These skills are essential for various fields and disciplines, ranging from academic and scientific research to business, journalism, and beyond. Effective research skills involve several key components:

Information Retrieval

Source evaluation.

  • Critical Thinking

Data Analysis

Problem formulation, organization and note-taking, synthesis and writing, ethical considerations, time management.

  • Adaptability

Top 10 Research Skills

Below we discuss the top 10 Research skills. Each skill is discussed in more detail, and we will also give you tips on improving them.

Information Retrieval is all about mastering the art of finding relevant and credible sources of information to support your research goals. This skill involves using various online and offline tools to locate the data, articles, studies, and materials that are most pertinent to your research topic. It’s like being a detective for knowledge – you’re trying to uncover valuable insights that will contribute to your research project.

To excel in Information Retrieval, you must become adept at effectively using search engines, databases, libraries, and other resources. It’s not just about typing keywords into a search bar; it’s about understanding how to refine your searches, use advanced search operators, and explore different databases and sources.

You’ll need to evaluate the quality and reliability of sources to ensure that the information you gather is trustworthy and accurate. This skill also requires critical thinking, as you’ll need to assess the relevance of sources to your research objectives.

How to Improve Information Retrieval

Improving your Information Retrieval skills involves a combination of practice, strategy, and awareness. Start by familiarizing yourself with different research databases and libraries relevant to your field. Experiment with various search terms and use advanced search operators to narrow down results. Take the time to evaluate the credibility of sources – look for peer-reviewed articles, authoritative authors, and reliable institutions. Keep track of your searches and results to refine your strategies over time.

Stay updated with the latest developments in search technology and research databases to optimize your information retrieval process. Remember, the more you practice and fine-tune your approach, the better you’ll become at uncovering valuable gems of information for your research endeavors.

Source Evaluation is about becoming a discerning judge of the information you encounter during your research journey. It involves assessing the credibility, reliability, and relevance of the sources you come across, ensuring that you’re building your work on a foundation of trustworthy and accurate information. Think of yourself as a gatekeeper, using only the most reliable and relevant sources to support your research.

You need to develop a critical eye to enhance your Source Evaluation skills. Begin by examining the authorship – who wrote the source, and what are their credentials? Peer-reviewed articles from established researchers are more reliable than anonymous blog posts. Consider the publication source – is it a reputable journal or website in your field?

Next, look for citations and references within the source – a well-researched work will often cite other credible sources. Additionally, evaluate the publication date – while older sources can provide historical context, ensure you’re using recent information for up-to-date insights.

How to Improve Source Evaluation

Improving your Source Evaluation skills requires a combination of awareness and practice. As you encounter new sources, ask questions about their credibility and relevance. Do evidence and references support the information? Does the author have any potential biases? Take advantage of critical thinking to analyze the source’s overall quality.

To further refine your skills, seek guidance from mentors, professors, or librarians who can provide valuable insights into evaluating sources. The more you engage with this skill, the better you’ll become at building a solid foundation for your research with credible and reliable materials.

Critical Thinking is the intellectual toolset that empowers you to analyze information objectively, discern patterns, and draw well-informed conclusions based on evidence. It’s like being a detective for ideas – you sift through data, identify biases, and unravel complexities to make informed judgments that drive your research forward with clarity and precision.

To hone your Critical Thinking skills, you need to cultivate a curious and analytical mindset. Start by questioning assumptions and biases in both your own thinking and the information you encounter.

When evaluating sources, consider multiple viewpoints and sources of evidence before forming conclusions. Develop the ability to identify logical fallacies or weak arguments that may distort the validity of your findings. Embrace open-mindedness and be willing to adapt your ideas when faced with compelling evidence that challenges your initial perspective.

How to Improve Critical Thinking

Improving your Critical Thinking skills requires practice and deliberate effort. Engage in discussions and debates within your field and beyond to expose yourself to diverse perspectives and sharpen your ability to analyze complex issues. Regularly challenge yourself to critically evaluate information, whether it’s a news article, a research paper, or a colleague’s argument.

Seek feedback from mentors or peers to refine your critical thinking process and identify areas for improvement. Remember, Critical Thinking is an ongoing journey that can be developed over time – the more you engage with it, the more adept you’ll become at navigating the intricate landscape of ideas in your research endeavors.

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Data Analysis is the art of processing, interpreting, and extracting meaningful insights from the raw information you’ve collected during your research journey. Think of it as deciphering a puzzle – you’re transforming numbers, observations, or qualitative data into a coherent narrative that answers your research questions and adds value to your work.

To excel in Data Analysis, you need to develop both quantitative and qualitative skills. For quantitative data, embrace statistical tools and techniques that help you identify trends, correlations, and patterns in your data sets. Practice using software like Excel, SPSS, or specialized tools for your field to perform statistical tests and visualize results effectively. For qualitative data, immerse yourself in the details, coding and categorizing themes to distill rich insights from textual or visual sources.

How to Improve Data Analysis

Improving your Data Analysis skills involves a combination of practice, learning, and refining your techniques. Start by immersing yourself in the basics of statistics and data analysis methodologies relevant to your research field. Engage in tutorials and online courses to familiarize yourself with various tools and software. As you analyze data, maintain clear documentation of your process and decisions, which will be crucial when presenting your findings.

Collaborate with peers or mentors who are experienced in data analysis to gain insights and feedback on your techniques. Remember, Data Analysis is about transforming data into knowledge – the more you engage with this skill, the better you’ll become at uncovering valuable insights that contribute to the depth and impact of your research.

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Problem Formulation is like setting the compass for your research journey – it involves defining clear and focused research questions or hypotheses that guide your entire investigation. Consider it the foundation of your work, as it shapes your approach, methods, and the ultimate impact of your research.

To master Problem Formulation, you need to become skilled in asking the right questions. Begin by thoroughly understanding the topic you’re exploring. What gaps or uncertainties do you notice in the existing knowledge? What specific aspect of the topic piques your interest? Craft research questions that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

If you’re developing hypotheses, ensure they are testable and grounded in existing theories or observations. Your skills in Problem Formulation also extend to identifying the scope and boundaries of your research – understanding what you’re including and excluding from your study.

How to Improve Problem Formulation

Improving your Problem Formulation skills requires practice and iterative refinement. Start by conducting a comprehensive literature review to understand the existing research landscape in your area. This will help you identify potential gaps and formulate questions that build upon existing knowledge.

Discuss with peers, mentors, or experts in your field to gain different perspectives and insights into potential research problems. As you develop your skills, be open to revising and refining your research questions based on new information or insights. Remember, Problem Formulation is the compass that guides your research journey – the more you invest in crafting clear and well-defined questions, the more impactful and focused your research will be.

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Imagine these skills as your research toolkit for maintaining order amidst the vast sea of information you encounter. Organization involves structuring and managing your research materials, while Note-Taking ensures you capture valuable insights and details for future reference. Together, they help you stay on track and prevent valuable information from slipping through the cracks.

To excel in Organization and Note-Taking, you need to develop strategies that work best for you. Start by creating a systematic folder structure on your computer to store digital documents, articles, and data sets. For physical materials, consider using labeled folders or binders. As you gather information, employ tools like reference management software to keep track of your sources and generate citations efficiently.

Simultaneously, practice effective Note-Taking during your readings and research. Jot down key points, ideas, and relevant quotes in a structured format, whether you’re using a physical notebook or a digital note-taking app.

How to Improve Organization and Note-Taking

Improving your Organization and Note-Taking skills requires a mix of discipline and adaptability. Establish consistent routines for organizing research materials, updating folders, and managing citations. Regularly review and reorganize your notes to keep them relevant and accessible. Experiment with different note-taking techniques, such as outlining, summarizing, or mind mapping, to find the approach that aligns with your learning style.

Remember, Organization and Note-Taking are your allies in navigating the sea of information – the more you refine these skills, the smoother your research journey will become and the more confident you’ll be in tackling complex topics.

Synthesis and Writing are your means of weaving together the threads of information and insights you’ve collected into a coherent and impactful narrative. Think of it as crafting a masterpiece from the puzzle pieces of your research – you’re presenting your findings, analysis, and conclusions in a way that informs and engages your audience.

To excel in Synthesis and Writing, you must become a data and idea storyteller. Begin by outlining your research paper or report. Organize your findings logically, building a structured framework that guides your reader through your research journey. Ensure each section flows smoothly, connecting the dots between concepts and evidence. While writing, focus on clarity and conciseness – avoid jargon and convoluted language that may confuse your readers. Use effective transitions to guide them from one point to the next.

How to Improve Synthesis and Writing

Improving your Synthesis and Writing skills requires both practice and revision. Start by breaking down the writing process into manageable steps – drafting, revising, and editing. Give yourself time between drafting and revising to approach your work with fresh eyes. Critically evaluate your writing for clarity, coherence, and accuracy during revision.

Consider seeking feedback from peers, mentors, or writing centers to gain insights into improving your writing style. Study well-written papers in your field to observe how experienced researchers present their ideas effectively. Remember, Synthesis and Writing are your tools for communicating your research’s impact – the more you refine these skills, the more effectively you’ll share your discoveries and contribute to the body of knowledge in your field.

Ethical Considerations encompass the principles and guidelines that ensure your research is conducted with integrity, respect for participants’ rights, and a commitment to transparency. Think of it as the moral compass that guides your research journey, ensuring that your work upholds ethical standards and contributes positively to society.

To excel in Ethical Considerations, you need to become a guardian of ethical integrity in your research. Begin by understanding the ethical guidelines and regulations specific to your field and your research type. This involves respecting participants’ autonomy by obtaining informed consent, protecting their privacy and confidentiality, and ensuring they’re treated with dignity. Additionally, uphold intellectual honesty by properly attributing sources, avoiding plagiarism, and disclosing any potential conflicts of interest.

How to Improve Ethical Considerations

Improving your Ethical Considerations skills involves a combination of awareness and vigilance. Regularly educate yourself on the ethical codes and regulations relevant to your field and research methods. When designing your research, carefully plan how you will address ethical concerns and potential risks.

As you conduct your research, stay attuned to any ethical dilemmas that may arise and be prepared to address them appropriately. Remember, Ethical Considerations are at the heart of responsible research – the more you cultivate these skills, the more your work will contribute positively to both your field and society as a whole.

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Time Management involves the art of effectively allocating your time to different research tasks, ensuring that you meet deadlines, stay on track, and maintain a balanced workflow. Think of it as your compass for navigating the often-intricate landscape of research – it helps you stay organized, productive, and in control of your research journey.

To excel in Time Management, you need to become a master of planning and prioritization. Start by breaking down your research project into manageable tasks and setting realistic goals for each stage. Create a schedule that allocates research, data collection, analysis, writing, and revision time. Be mindful of your energy levels – tackle complex tasks during your most productive hours. Embrace tools like to-do lists, calendars, and time-tracking apps to keep yourself accountable and stay aware of your progress.

How to Improve Time Management

Improving your Time Management skills requires consistent practice and self-awareness. Continuously assess your progress against your planned schedule, adjusting as needed to accommodate unexpected challenges or new insights. Develop the skill of saying no to distractions and non-essential tasks that can derail your focus.

Break larger tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks to prevent feeling overwhelmed. Regularly reflect on your time allocation and efficiency – what strategies are working well, and where can you improve? Remember, Time Management is a skill that can significantly impact your research journey – the more you refine it, the more you’ll find yourself navigating your work with greater ease and achieving your research goals with greater success.

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Adaptability is the ability to flex and evolve in response to changing circumstances, unexpected findings, and new information that arise during your research journey. Think of it as your compass for navigating the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of research – it empowers you to embrace uncertainty and adjust your course to ensure the best outcomes for your work.

To excel in Adaptability, you need to cultivate a mindset that embraces change and seeks opportunities within challenges. Start by acknowledging that research is often full of surprises and plans might need to shift. Develop a sense of resilience by staying open to revising your research questions, altering methodologies, or exploring unanticipated angles.

Being adaptable also means being resourceful – finding alternative approaches when things don’t go as planned. Embrace feedback from peers, mentors, or unexpected results, and be ready to integrate this feedback to improve the quality of your research.

How to Improve Adaptability

Improving your Adaptability skills involves practicing flexibility and embracing a growth mindset. Regularly reassess your research plan and objectives in light of new information or developments. Embrace failures and setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth rather than roadblocks. Seek out interdisciplinary perspectives and engage with new ideas that challenge your assumptions.

As you navigate through unexpected turns, continuously reflect on what you’ve learned and how you’ve adapted, so you can refine your approach in the future. Remember, Adaptability is the key to thriving in the dynamic landscape of research – the more you foster this skill, the better equipped you’ll be to tackle unforeseen challenges and emerge stronger from your research journey.

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Research Skills Conclusion

In the pursuit of knowledge and discovery, honing research skills is the linchpin that sets the stage for success. Throughout this exploration of various research skills and how to nurture them, one thing becomes evident: deliberate practice and continuous improvement are the bedrock of growth. Developing research skills is not merely a checkbox to mark; it’s a journey that empowers you to excel in your field, make meaningful contributions, and amplify the impact of your work.

Improving these skills isn’t just an option – it’s a necessity in today’s job market. The ability to gather information effectively, critically evaluate sources, analyze data, formulate problems, synthesize findings, and more, transforms the research process from a mere task into a dynamic and transformative experience. These skills serve as the pillars that uphold the credibility and validity of your work, ensuring that your contributions stand the test of scrutiny and time.

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What are Research Skills? How to Improve Your Skills in Research

Learn strategies and techniques to improve your research skills. Avoid common mistakes and implement proven methods for efficient research. This article offers practical tips to enhance your ability to find and evaluate high-quality information.

What are Research Skills? How to Improve Your Skills in Research

Are you struggling to find relevant and reliable information for your research? Do you want to avoid getting lost in a sea of sources and needing help knowing where to start? Improving your research skills is essential for academic success and professional growth.

In today's information age, effectively conducting research has become more important than ever. Whether you are a student, a professional, or simply someone who wants to stay informed, knowing how to find and evaluate information is crucial.

Fortunately, some strategies and techniques can help you improve your research skills and become a more efficient and effective researcher. By avoiding common mistakes and implementing proven methods, you can enhance your ability to find high-quality information and make the most of your research endeavors. This article will explore some practical tips and tricks to help you improve your research skills and achieve better results.

fieldengineer.com | What are Research Skills? How to Improve Your Skills in Research

What is Research?

Research is a critical part of learning, problem-solving, and decision-making. It is an essential process used in every field for both the individual and collective’s mutual benefit and success. Research involves systematically gathering data from primary or secondary sources, analyzing it, interpreting it, and communicating its findings to researchers and other interested parties.

Research can be divided into two main categories: quantitative research, which uses numerical data to describe phenomena, and qualitative research, which seeks to understand people's beliefs, opinions, values, or behaviors. Quantitative research often involves applying model-based approaches that can predict outcomes based on observations. It is one of the most powerful methods of discovering information about the world, as it allows for testing hypotheses in a systematic manner. Qualitative research is more exploratory in nature by focusing on understanding the motivations behind what people do or think rather than developing models or producing statistics in order to conclude behavior and relationships between variables. This type of research usually relies more on observation and engagement with people instead of using statistical models.

What are Research Skills?

Research skills are the abilities and talents required to focus on an objective, gather the relevant data linked to it, analyze it using appropriate methods, and accurately communicate the results. Taking part in research indicates that you have acquired knowledge of your subject matter, have digested that knowledge, and processed, evaluated, and analyzed it until you can resolve a problem or answer a query. It is highly beneficial for employers to hire people with strong research skills since they can provide valuable insights and add value to the company’s performance. Therefore, researching effectively has become crucial to securing a job in most industries.

Why Do Research Skills Matter?

Research skills are essential if one intends to succeed in today's competitive world. With technology ever-evolving and a need to stay ahead of the competition, employees who possess research skills can prove invaluable to their employers. These skills include researching, analyzing, and interpreting data and making informed decisions based on that information.

Employers value workers who can quickly develop a thorough understanding of any changes or trends in their field of work through accurate research. Knowing how to assess customer needs, recognize competition, write reports, improve productivity, and advise on investments can also benefit any business. With the help of research skills, companies can uncover ways to adapt their services or products that better serve their customers’ needs while helping them save money at the same time. This makes overall operations more efficient as well as helps a company remain ahead of its competitors.

research skills and knowledge

Essential Research Skills :

Here is a list of essential research skills:

Data Collection

Data collection is an important part of comprehending a certain topic and ensuring reliable information is collected while striving to answer complex questions. Every situation differs, but data collection typically includes surveys, interviews, observations, and existing document reviews. The data collected can be quantitative or qualitative, depending on the nature of the problem at hand. As students advance through university and other educational institutions, they will need to read extensively into a particular field and may even need to undertake comprehensive literature reviews to answer fundamental questions.

The skills acquired through data collection during university are invaluable for future roles and jobs. Gaining experience in understanding complex topics, reading widely on a given subject matter, collecting relevant data, and analyzing findings - all these activities are integral when dealing with any type of project within the corporate sector. Therefore, embarking on various research projects enhances a person's education level and brings about significant professional experience.


Setting goals is an important skill for any successful research project. It allows you to stay focused and motivated throughout the process. Goals are also essential in helping with direction: they provide a path to organize our thoughts, narrow our focus, and prioritize the tasks we need to undertake to achieve our desired result. The concept of goal-setting is inherent in most research processes, as everything needs to have something to strive for — whether that’s gaining knowledge about a particular topic or testing a theory.

When it comes to creating and setting goals during the research process, you must have clear and specific objectives in mind from the outset. Writing down your thoughts helps define these objectives, which can inform the data collection process; moreover, thinking about short-term and long-term goals can help you create manageable steps toward achieving them. Learning how to break up larger projects into smaller “mini-goals effectively” can make all the difference when tackling complex investigations — allowing researchers to monitor their progress more easily and culminate results further down the line.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is an integral part of the modern workplace. To succeed, one must be able to look at a situation objectively and make decisions based on evidence. The information examined needs to come from various sources, such as data collection, personal observation, or analysis. The goal should then be to take all this information and form a logical judgment that informs an action plan or idea.

Someone who displays strong critical thinking skills will not just accept proposed ideas at face value but instead can understand how these ideas can be applied and challenged. Accepting something without consideration means making the wrong decision due to a lack of thought. Critical thinkers understand how brainstorming works, assessing all elements before forming any decision. From negotiating with colleagues or customers in adversarial scenarios to analyzing complex documents such as legal contracts in order to review business agreements - critical dedicated apply their knowledge effectively and are able to back up their evaluation with evidence collected from multiple sources.

Observation Skills

Observation skills are necessary for conducting any form of research, whether it be in the workplace or as part of an investigative process. It is important to be able to pick up on the details that might otherwise pass unnoticed, such as inconsistencies in data or irregularities in how something is presented, and to pay careful attention to regulations and procedures that govern the company or environment. This can help researchers to ensure their processes are accurate and reliable.

As well as analyzing what we see around us directly, many research methodologies often involve calculated statistical analyses and calculations. For this reason, it’s important to develop strong observation skills so that the legitimacy of information can be confirmed and checked before conclusions are formed. Improving this skill requires dedication and practice, which could include keeping a journal reflecting on experiences, posing yourself questions about what you have observed, and seeking out opportunities in unfamiliar settings to test your observations.

Detail Orientation

Detail orientation is an important research skill for any scientific endeavor. It allows one to assess a situation or problem in minute detail and make appropriate judgments based on the information gathered. A detail-oriented thinker can easily spot errors, inconsistencies, and vital pieces of evidence, which can help lead to accurate conclusions from the research. Additionally, this skill allows someone to evaluate the quality and accuracy of data recorded during an experiment or project more efficiently to ensure validity.

Spotting small mistakes that may otherwise have been overlooked is a crucial part of conducting detailed research that must be perfected. Individuals aiming for superior outcomes should strive to develop their skill at detecting details by practicing critical analysis techniques, such as breaking down large bodies of information into smaller tasks to identify finer points quickly. Moreover, encouragement should also be made for elaborate comparison and analysis between different pieces of information when solving a complex problem, as it can help provide better insights into problems accurately.

Investigative Skills

Investigative skills are an essential component when it comes to gathering and analyzing data. In a professional setting, it is important to determine the accuracy and validity of different sources of information before making any decisions or articulating ideas. Generally, effective investigation requires collecting different sets of reliable data, such as surveys and interviews with stakeholders, employees, customers, etc. For example, if a company internally assesses possible challenges within its business operations environment, it would need to conduct more profound research involving talking to relevant stakeholders who could provide critical perspectives about the situation.

Data-gathering techniques such as comparison shopping and regulatory reviews have become more commonplace in the industry as people strive for greater transparency and more accurate results. Knowing how to identify reliable sources of information can give individuals a competitive advantage and allow them to make sound decisions based on accurate data. Investing time in learning different investigative skills can help recruiters spot applicants dedicated to acquiring knowledge in this field. Developing these investigative skills is also valuable for those looking for executive positions or starting their own business. By familiarizing themselves with their application process, people can become adept at collecting high-quality data they may use in their research endeavors.

Time Management

Time management is a key skill for any researcher. It's essential to be able to allocate time between different activities so you can effectively plan and structure your research projects. Without good time management, you may find yourself hastily completing tasks or feeling stressed out as you rush to complete an analysis. Ultimately, managing your time allows you to stay productive and ensure that each project is completed with the highest results.

Good time management requires various skills such as planning ahead, prioritizing tasks, breaking down large projects into smaller steps, and even delegating some activities when possible. It also means setting realistic goals for yourself in terms of the amount of research that can be achieved in certain timestamps and learning how to adjust these goals when needed. Becoming mindful of how you spend the same hours each day will propel your productivity and see positive results from your efforts. Time management becomes especially relevant regarding data collection and analysis – it is crucial to understand precisely what kind of resources are needed for each task before diving into the research itself. Knowing how much time should be dedicated to each step is essential for meeting deadlines while still retaining accuracy in the final outcomes of one’s study.

Tips on How to Improve Your Research Skills

Below are some tips that can help in improving your skills in research:

Initiate your project with a structured outline

When embarking on any research project, creating an outline and scope document must first ensure that you remain on the right track. An outline sets expectations for your project by forming a detailed strategy for researching the topic and gathering the necessary data to conclude. It will help you stay organized and break down large projects into more manageable parts. This can help prevent procrastination as each part of the project has its own timeline, making it easier to prioritize tasks accordingly.

Using an outline and scope document also allows for better structure when conducting research or interviews, as it guides which sources are most relevant, what questions need to be answered, and how information should be collected or presented. This ensures that all information received through research or interviews stays within the confines of the chosen topic of investigation. Additionally, it ensures that no important details are overlooked while minimizing the chance that extraneous information gets included in your results. Taking this time upfront prevents potential problems during analysis or reporting of findings later.

Acquire expertise in advanced data collection methods

When it comes to collecting data for research purposes, a range of advanced data collection techniques can be used to maximize your efficiency and accuracy. One such technique is customizing your online search results with advanced search settings. By adding quotation marks and wildcard characters to the terms you are searching for, you are more likely to find the information you need from reliable sources. This can be especially useful if, for instance, you are looking for exact quotes or phrases. Different search engines require different advanced techniques and tactics, so learning these can help you get more specific results from your research endeavors.

Aside from using online searches, another standard methodology when conducting research is accessing primary information through libraries or other public sources. A specific classification system will likely be in place that can help researchers locate the materials needed quickly and easily. Knowing and understanding this system allows one to access information much more efficiently while also giving them ample opportunity to increase their knowledge of various topics by browsing related content in the same category groups. Thus, by learning about advanced data collection techniques for both online and offline sources, researchers can make substantial progress in their studies more efficiently.

Validate and examine the reliability of your data sources

Collecting reliable information for research can be a challenge, especially when relying on online sources. It is essential to remember that not all sources are created equal, and some sites may contain false or inaccurate data. It is, therefore important to verify and analyze the data before using it as part of your research.

One way to start verifying and analyzing your sources is to cross-reference material from one source with another. This may help you determine if particular facts or claims are accurate and, therefore, more valid than others. Additionally, trace where the data is coming from by looking at the author or organization behind it so that you can assess their expertise in a particular field and authority on the topic at hand. Once these steps have been completed, you can confidently use this trusted information for your project.

Structure your research materials

Organizing your research materials is an integral part of any research process. When you’re conducting a project or study and trying to find the most relevant information, you can become overwhelmed with all the data available. It’s important to separate valid from invalid materials and to categorize research materials by subject for easy access later on. Bookmarking websites on a computer or using a digital asset management tool are two effective methods for organizing research information.

When researching, it’s critical to remember that some sources have limited value and may be outside the scope of your topic. Recognizing reliable material versus trustworthy resources can be complex in this sea of information. However, sorting data into appropriate categories can help narrow down what is necessary for producing valid conclusions. This method of classifying information helps ensure that vital documents aren't overlooked during the organization process as they are placed in folders shortcutted for quick access within one centralized source whenever needed. Separating valuable sources also makes it easier to reference later on when writing reports or giving presentations - material won't get lost among irrelevant data, and conclusions will be backed by sound evidence.

Enhance your research and communication capabilities

Developing research and communication skills is essential for succeeding academically and professionally in the modern world. The key to improving these skills lies in rigorous practice, which can begin with small projects such as resolving common issues or completing a research task that can be made into a personal project. One way to do this is to volunteer for research projects at work and gain experience under the guidance of experienced researchers. This will improve your research skills and help you develop communication skills when working with others on the project. Another option is to turn a personal project into a research task. For example, if you plan on taking a holiday soon, you could create an objective method to select the best destination by conducting online research on destinations and making informed decisions based on thorough analysis. Practicing in this way enables you to complete any research task confidently and communicate efficiently with ease.

How to Articulate Research Skills on Your Resume

Research projects require commitment and perseverance, making it an important skill to include on a resume. Even if you have had limited research experience throughout your education or previous job, including this in your resume assesses these qualities to potential employers. It's important to consider the extent of your research experience when deciding how to add this part of your background to your resume. If you have been involved with multiple in-depth research projects, it might be best to highlight this by including it as its own section. On the other hand, if the amount of research you have completed is more limited, then try including it in the skills section instead.

When adding research experience and accomplishments into either section of your resume, be sure to emphasize any specific roles or contributions you made during the process instead of just describing the project itself. Furthermore, remember to quantify any successes where possible - this showcases both communication and technical proficiency strengths, which can help make your resume stand out even more. By properly articulating research skills within a resume, employers will likely be more interested in what job seekers have accomplished in their careers.

research skills and knowledge

How to Apply Research Skills Effectively in Your Workplace

Research skills are an invaluable set of abilities to bring to your workplace. To make sure you use them properly, a good place to start is by taking time to plan the project you have been assigned. Whether it’s writing a report or analyzing data, mapping out what tasks you need to do and how long they should take helps to understand the project timeline better. This also makes setting aside dedicated time for research easier too.

To ensure that the decisions made are sound and informed, reading up on the subject area related to the project remains one of the premier ways of doing this. This will help to ensure that any problems arising can be solved quickly and effectively, as well as provide answers before any decisions are actually put into practice. By arming yourself with knowledge gathered through reading about a particular topic, it can give you more confidence when formulating plans or strategies in which direction to take your work in.

Final Thoughts

Research skills are increasingly important in the modern world, and gaining proficiency in this area can significantly benefit a person's career. Research skills are essential for success in many different roles and fields, including those within business and industry, education, science, and medicine. Developing a deep understanding of research allows us to identify problems better and critically evaluate potential solutions. It also bolsters our problem-solving abilities as we work to find creative solutions that meet our efforts' objectives.

By improving your research capabilities, you can impress employers during an application process or when joining a team at work. Research skills are considered soft skills by potential employers since they signal that you have attention to detail while simultaneously demonstrating your ability to learn new things quickly. Employers regard these skills highly, making them one of the key graduate career skills recruiters seek. Furthermore, being able to add ‘research skills’ to your CV will be looked upon favorably by employers and help drive up your employability significantly. Demonstrating that you possess these sought-after traits makes it easier for recruiters to give you the opportunity you've been looking for, so it's worth investing the time into developing these life-long learning tools today.

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Research Skills: What they are and Benefits

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Research skills play a vital role in the success of any research project, enabling individuals to navigate the vast sea of information, analyze data critically, and draw meaningful conclusions. Whether conducting academic research, professional investigations, or personal inquiries, strong research skills are essential for obtaining accurate and reliable results.

LEARN ABOUT:   Research Process Steps

By understanding and developing these skills, individuals can embark on their research endeavors with confidence, integrity, and the capability to make meaningful contributions in their chosen fields. This article will explore the importance of research skills and discuss critical competencies necessary for conducting a research project effectively.

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What are Research Skills?

Important research skills for research project, benefits of research skills.

  • Improving your Research Skills

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Research skills are the capability a person carries to create new concepts and understand the use of data collection. These skills include techniques, documentation, and interpretation of the collected data. Research is conducted to evaluate hypotheses and share the findings most appropriately. Research skills improve as we gain experience.

To conduct efficient research, specific research skills are essential. These skills are necessary for companies to develop new products and services or enhance existing products. To develop good research skills is important for both the individual as well as the company.

When undertaking a research project, one must possess specific important skills to ensure the project’s success and accuracy. Here are some essential research skills that are crucial for conducting a project effectively:

Time Management Skills:

Time management is an essential research skill; it helps you break down your project into parts and enables you to manage it easier. One can create a dead-line oriented plan for the research project and assign time for each task. Time management skills include setting goals for the project, planning and organizing functions as per their priority, and efficiently delegating these tasks.

Communication Skills:

These skills help you understand and receive important information and also allow you to share your findings with others in an effective manner. Active listening and speaking are critical skills for solid communication. A researcher must have good communication skills.


The ability to handle complex situations and business challenges and come up with solutions for them is termed problem-solving. To problem-solve, you should be able to fully understand the extent of the problem and then break it down into smaller parts. Once segregated into smaller chunks, you can start thinking about each element and analyze it to find a solution.

Information gathering and attention to detail:

Relevant information is the key to good research design . Searching for credible resources and collecting information from there will help you strengthen your research proposal and drive you to solutions faster. Once you have access to information, paying close attention to all the details and drawing conclusions based on the findings is essential.

Research Design and Methodology :

Understanding research design and methodology is essential for planning and conducting a project. Depending on the research question and objectives, researchers must select appropriate research methods, such as surveys, experiments, interviews, or case studies. Proficiency in designing research protocols, data collection instruments, and sampling strategies is crucial for obtaining reliable and valid results.

Data Collection and Analysis :

Researchers should be skilled in collecting and analyzing data accurately. It involves designing data collection instruments, collecting data through various methods, such as surveys or observations, and organizing and analyzing the collected data using appropriate statistical or qualitative analysis techniques. Proficiency in using software tools like SPSS, Excel, or qualitative analysis software can be beneficial.

By developing and strengthening these research skills, researchers can enhance the quality and impact of their research process, contributing to good research skills in their respective fields.

Research skills are invaluable assets that can benefit individuals in various aspects of their lives. Here are some key benefits of developing and honing research skills:

Boosts Curiosity :

Curiosity is a strong desire to know things and a powerful learning driver. Curious researchers will naturally ask questions that demand answers and will stop in the search for answers. Interested people are better listeners and are open to listening to other people’s ideas and perspectives, not just their own.

Cultivates Self-awareness :

As well as being aware of other people’s subjective opinions, one must develop the importance of research skills and be mindful of the benefits of awareness research; we are exposed to many things while researching. Once we start doing research, the benefit from it reflects on the beliefs and attitudes and encourages them to open their minds to other perspectives and ways of looking at things.

Effective Communication:

Research skills contribute to practical communication skills by enhancing one’s ability to articulate ideas, opinions, and findings clearly and coherently. Through research, individuals learn to organize their thoughts, present evidence-based arguments, and effectively convey complex information to different audiences. These skills are crucial in academic research settings, professional environments, and personal interactions.

Personal and Professional Growth :

Developing research skills fosters personal and professional growth by instilling a sense of curiosity, intellectual independence, and a lifelong learning mindset. Research encourages individuals to seek knowledge, challenge assumptions, and embrace intellectual growth. These skills also enhance adaptability as individuals become adept at navigating and assimilating new information, staying updated with the latest developments, and adjusting their perspectives and strategies accordingly.

Academic Success:

Research skills are essential for academic research success. They enable students to conduct thorough literature reviews, gather evidence to support their arguments, and critically evaluate existing research. By honing their research skills, students can produce well-structured, evidence-based essays, projects, and dissertations demonstrating high academic research rigor and analytical thinking.

Professional Advancement:

Research skills are highly valued in the professional world. They are crucial for conducting market research, analyzing trends, identifying opportunities, and making data-driven decisions. Employers appreciate individuals who can effectively gather and analyze information, solve complex problems, and provide evidence-based recommendations. Research skills also enable professionals to stay updated with advancements in their field, positioning themselves as knowledgeable and competent experts.

Developing and nurturing research skills can significantly benefit individuals in numerous aspects of their lives, enabling them to thrive in an increasingly information-driven world.

Improving Your Research Skills

There are many things you can do to improve your research skills and utilize them in your research or day job. Here are some examples:

  • Develop Information Literacy: Strengthening your information literacy skills is crucial for conducting thorough research. It involves identifying reliable sources, evaluating the credibility of information, and navigating different research databases.
  • Enhance Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is an essential skill for effective research. It involves analyzing information, questioning assumptions, and evaluating arguments. Practice critical analysis by analyzing thoughtfully, identifying biases, and considering alternative perspectives.
  • Master Research Methodologies: Familiarize yourself with different research methodologies relevant to your field. Whether it’s qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods research, realizing the strengths and limitations of each approach is crucial.
  • Practice Effective Time Management: Research requires dedicated time and effort. Develop good time management skills to ensure that you allocate sufficient time for each stage of the research process, including planning, data collection, analysis, and writing.
  • Embrace Collaboration: Collaborating with peers and colleagues can provide a fresh perspective and enrich your research experience. Engage in discussions, share ideas, and seek feedback from others. Collaborative projects allow for exchanging knowledge and skills.
  • Continuously Update Your Knowledge: Stay informed about your field’s latest developments and advancements. Regularly read scholarly articles, attend conferences, and follow reputable sources of information to stay up to date with current research trends.

There is plenty of information available on the internet about every topic; hence, learning skills to know which information is relevant and credible is very important. Today most search engines have the feature of advanced search, and you can customize the search as per your preference. Once you learn this skill, it will help you find information. 

Experts possess a wealth of knowledge, experience, and insights that can significantly enhance your understanding and abilities in conducting research. Experts have often encountered numerous challenges and hurdles throughout their research journey and have developed effective problem-solving techniques. Engaging with experts is a highly effective approach to improving research skills.

Moreover, experts can provide valuable feedback and constructive criticism on your research work. They can offer fresh perspectives, identify areas for improvement, and help you refine your research questions, methodology, and analysis.

At QuestionPro, we can help you with the necessary tools to carry out your projects, and we have created the following free resources to help you in your professional growth:

  • Survey Templates

Research skills are invaluable assets that empower individuals to navigate the ever-expanding realm of information, make informed decisions, and contribute to advancing knowledge. With advanced research tools and technologies like QuestionPro Survey Software, researchers have potent resources to conduct comprehensive surveys, gather data, and analyze results efficiently.

Where data-driven decision-making is crucial, research skills supported by advanced tools like QuestionPro are essential for researchers to stay ahead and make impactful contributions to their fields. By embracing these research skills and leveraging the capabilities of powerful survey software, researchers can unlock new possibilities, gain deeper insights, and pave the way for meaningful discoveries.

Authors : Gargi Ghamandi & Sandeep Kokane



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What Are Research Skills, and How You Can Improve Them

  • Posted on March 9, 2022

Original research is an arduous task, no matter how you slice it. Conducting extensive research and collecting relevant information for an original idea is complicated. It involves much more than just reading several recently published papers.

Good research will help you develop a data collection that provides accurate and relevant information to your topic. So, is research a skill that you can develop and improve? What are research skills?

Research skills are the abilities and techniques needed to conduct research. This includes finding and assessing information and properly citing all research. Research skills are fundamental to academic success, and the more you practice, the better you will become.

Research Skills vs. Research Methods

Some people use the terms research skills and research methods interchangeably. Although they relate closely, they are different.

Research skills are a part of the process, but they also take a lot of time to master. Research methods are what you use during the research stages.

For example, one research method may be a literature review. Research skills would involve learning how to conduct the best possible literature review.

You can practice research skills and improve your speed, accuracy, and reliability. Critical thinking, project management, effective note-taking, and time management are great examples of research skills.

How To Improve Your Research Skills

Conducting high-quality research requires mastering several skills. Some of the best skills for good academic research come with practice and experience. You can improve your research skills by using outlines, sources and practicing.

Use Outlines to Your Advantage

An outline is a great way to keep yourself organized and on topic. By paying close attention to the outline you craft, you set yourself up to conduct good research that lends itself to a well-written paper. After all, an outline makes it easier to write your first draft, and a structured approach will improve your writing.

Before you even begin your research, outline what you need to do to complete your paper on time. Start with an introduction, add your first point and then supporting evidence, a second point with its supporting evidence, and then a third, fourth, or fifth, depending on how in-depth your paper will be. The last step will be your conclusion or a summary of your content.

Often outlining will give you ideas for research methods that you may not have considered before. Data collection can be challenging, but devising an outline can make the process much easier.

Because an outline allows you to think about all the topics you need to cover in your paper, you’ll be better prepared when you begin researching.

Dig Into Your Sources

It’s daunting to determine relevant information, especially if it’s a topic that you’re not knowledgeable about. It’s important to know when your sources are reliable for academic research . It’s also imperative to use different sources when finding relevant information, or you may display a bias. This also helps you avoid plagiarism by relying on multiple points of reference.

For example, you should know that an article published in a peer-reviewed journal will be more reliable than an article found on Wikipedia. Wikipedia, though often sourced, is open to be edited by anyone. The sources supplied themselves are not always credible, as the organization largely relies on unpaid editors to donate time to review articles.

A peer-reviewed journal will be fact-checked multiple times, demonstrate a history of credibility, and use reputable sources to support any arguments or claims.

Your sources should also answer the question that you are trying to ask. You should perform a light critical analysis of your source materials to determine their value. This requires investigative thinking and research itself. You need to discover:

  • Who wrote the source?
  • What was their agenda?
  • Who sponsored the publication, if anyone?
  • What was the agenda of the publisher?
  • Does the publisher have a notable bias?
  • Does the author have a notable bias?
  • What year was the material published, and has it become outdated?

Try Advanced Search Techniques

Google and other search engines aren’t the only way to find information for your research paper. Library resources offer a wealth of services and tools, such as full-text journals and databases. Your local university library is another excellent place to start.

Often, librarians will be able to assist you with your research and can help you utilize advanced research methods you may not have thought of. They can direct you to the correct database and demonstrate how to best use it to find information about your subject. They may know of specific journals or other literature that could be a good starting point to get your footing.

During your research process, seek a different point of view and new ways to find reliable sources for your paper. When you rely on a single viewpoint or only one credible source, you not only develop a bias by showing just one side of your topic, but you run the risk of plagiarism. Where will your source’s argument end and yours begin? It may appear that you’re simply copying someone else’s hard work.

Practice Makes Perfect

Research isn’t a skill that people learn overnight. But you’d be surprised how fast these skills develop every time you conduct research. Once you get used to collecting data from reliable sources, you can become a master at it by learning from your own research paper mistakes.

One of the most overlooked aspects of research is a person’s time management skills. Those who wait until the last minute to start research run the risk of not finding adequate sources and producing a sub-par product. By giving yourself extra time, especially as you develop your research skills, you allow yourself to thoroughly investigate your sources, find appropriate support for your arguments, and develop a conclusion based on research, rather than trying to scramble to find research to support a specific conclusion.

6 Steps for Conducting Research

Conducting research isn’t easy, and many people find it frustrating. It can be like solving a puzzle to uncover the best information about the topic you’re researching. Here are 5 steps to help with your research strategy.

  • Clearly define your research question. Precisely formulate your question so you know exactly which information sources are relevant to your research. This will save you lots of time.
  • Draft a solid outline. Put your research question at the top of the document, then write out each of your supporting points or arguments. Include a few thoughts that go with each of those points.
  • Determine the research methods you’ll use. Depending on the type of research paper you’re writing, you may need primary or secondary research. Your research will likely be either qualitative, quantitative, descriptive, or experimental.
  • Find data from reliable sources. Make sure your resources are reliable by looking for things like the date of publication, author credentials, and publisher.
  • Focus on your note-taking. Take detailed notes in whatever format you’re most comfortable with, whether that’s on your computer, tablet, or by hand in your notebook or on index cards.
  • Draft your research paper. Combine your notes with a solid outline, and put it all together. Don’t forget to cite all of your sources . Give your paper a final review, then you’re done!

Final Thoughts

Conducting research can be a frustrating assignment. Here is the good news: the above steps and tools will make research report writing more effective.

By clearly defining your research question, determining the type of research methods you’ll use, and finding data from reliable sources, you’ll be on your way to conducting successful research.

Your last steps should be using a plagiarism detector and a citation generator, to double-check your work. Quetext is an online plagiarism checker with a built citation generator, so you can easily cite everything that you read.

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Mastering Research Skills: A Cornerstone For Success In Science

Explore the importance of research skills in science. Learn critical thinking, reliable sources, search engine tips, and time management.

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Research Skills are a cornerstone of success in science, encompassing the abilities necessary to navigate knowledge acquisition and extensive research. These skills not only facilitate the discovery of new information but also contribute to them being thoroughly analyzed and implemented. Let’s delve into critical research skills and see how they form the backbone of a thriving scientific career.

Understanding The Essence Of Research Skills

Research skills encompass the methodologies and competencies employed to gather, assess, and synthesize information effectively. These skills go beyond mere data collection; they involve critical thinking, reliable source identification, active listening, and proficient time management.

Related article: Mastering Critical Reading: Uncover The Art Of Analyzing Texts

Research skills constitute the backbone of any successful inquiry process, serving as a comprehensive toolkit that extends beyond the superficial gathering of information. Beyond the initial data accumulation phase, these skills embody a multidimensional approach. 

Research skills further encompass active listening — an often underestimated yet pivotal aspect — enabling researchers to glean valuable insights from conversations, lectures, or expert discussions. This skill ensures a holistic understanding of the subject matter, enriching the depth of information gathered and enhancing the overall research process.

The Merits Of Proficient Research Skills

Mastering Research Skills: A Cornerstone For Success In Science

The benefits of cultivating strong research skills extend beyond the individual researcher; they reverberate throughout academic and professional realms. One of the primary advantages is the empowerment to make informed decisions based on a thorough understanding of the available data. Researchers with honed skills can navigate through vast datasets with efficiency, identifying patterns and correlations that might elude those with less developed research acumen.

Moreover, these skills are instrumental in fostering innovation. The ability to synthesize information from various sources, coupled with critical thinking, allows researchers to envision new possibilities and alternative approaches to longstanding problems. This capacity for creative thinking is a hallmark of individuals with advanced research skills and is often the driving force behind groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in scientific knowledge.

In the professional sphere, individuals with strong research skills are valuable assets to organizations. Their ability to gather, evaluate, and apply information contributes to effective problem-solving and decision-making. In industries driven by technological advancements and data-driven insights, research skills are increasingly becoming a sought-after and indispensable trait in employees.

Cultivating Critical Thinking In Research Endeavors

Critical thinking is the cornerstone upon which the edifice of scientific inquiry stands. Beyond merely gathering information, it involves a systematic approach to analyzing, evaluating, and interpreting data. This skill equips researchers with the ability to discern patterns, spot anomalies, and derive meaningful conclusions from complex datasets. Moreover, critical thinking in research facilitates the identification of potential biases, ensuring objectivity and rigor in the investigative process. It enables scientists to challenge established theories, fostering an environment of intellectual curiosity and continual exploration.

Also read: How To Avoid Bias In Research: Navigating Scientific Objectivity

Furthermore, honing critical thinking skills is essential in adapting to the rapidly evolving scientific landscape. As new information emerges and paradigms shift, researchers equipped with strong critical thinking abilities are better poised to adapt to changes, integrate new knowledge, and refine their approaches.

Why Critical Thinking Is Paramount In Research

In the realm of scientific inquiry, critical thinking serves as the linchpin for discerning between reliable and fallacious information. It is the foundation for formulating hypotheses, design experiments and draw conclusions. By employing critical thinking skills, researchers can evaluate the validity of claims, weigh evidence objectively, and arrive at conclusions rooted in evidence-based reasoning. This approach safeguards against premature conclusions and ensures that scientific findings are based on robust analysis and thorough scrutiny.

Moreover, critical thinking promotes intellectual humility, encouraging researchers to remain open to alternative viewpoints and possibilities. It fosters a culture of constructive skepticism, wherein scientific claims are subject to continuous scrutiny and refinement. This aspect of critical thinking is pivotal in mitigating the influence of personal biases and fostering a collective pursuit of objective truth within the scientific community.

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Sharpening Critical Thinking Abilities

Improving critical thinking skills is an ongoing endeavor that involves deliberate practice and exposure to diverse perspectives. Engaging in activities that challenge assumptions, such as analyzing conflicting viewpoints or participating in debates, can sharpen critical thinking abilities. Additionally, fostering a habit of continuous learning and staying abreast of developments in various scientific domains can broaden perspectives, enhancing the ability to approach problems from different angles.

Moreover, encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration and engaging in discussions with peers from varied scientific backgrounds can stimulate critical thinking. Exposure to alternative methodologies and problem-solving approaches cultivates adaptability and a more nuanced understanding of complex scientific issues.

Navigating Reliable Sources In Scientific Inquiry

The art of identifying reliable sources is a skill that requires meticulous evaluation and discrimination. Apart from traditional peer-reviewed journals and reputable publications, researchers must discern the authenticity of online sources, considering factors like author expertise, publication credibility, and potential biases. Furthermore, acknowledging the significance of preprint articles while discerning their limitations is pivotal in staying updated with the latest scientific developments.

Criteria For Reliable Sources

Developing a keen eye for distinguishing credible sources from unreliable ones is crucial. Encouragingly, initiatives promoting media literacy and critical evaluation of sources are gaining traction, empowering individuals to navigate the digital landscape more discerningly.

Reliable sources in scientific research adhere to stringent criteria, embodying credibility, accuracy, objectivity, and relevance. Peer-reviewed journals, known for their rigorous editorial and review processes, serve as gold standards in academic research. Additionally, reputable institutions and recognized experts within specific scientific fields contribute to the authenticity of information.

Understanding the underlying criteria for determining source reliability allows researchers to make informed decisions about the veracity and applicability of the information they encounter. This discernment, crucial in an era flooded with information, is fundamental to upholding the integrity of scientific inquiry.

Discerning And Assessing Reliable Sources

Developing the ability to discern credible sources involves a multifaceted approach. Understanding the context in which the information is and cross-referencing it with multiple reliable sources adds layers of validation, ensuring the reliability and accuracy of the information gathered.

Furthermore, distinguishing between primary and secondary sources aids in the assessment process. While primary sources offer firsthand information or original research findings, secondary sources interpret and analyze primary data. Recognizing the nuances between these sources is pivotal in grasping the depth and breadth of scientific information.

Harnessing The Power Of Search Engines In Research

In the digital age, search engines serve as gateways to an expansive pool of information. Leveraging these tools efficiently necessitates familiarity with advanced search techniques. Utilizing specific search operators, employing filters, and refining search queries enable researchers to access targeted and relevant information swiftly. Moreover, being mindful of the credibility of the websites accessed via search engines ensures the reliability of the gathered data.

Despite the convenience offered by search engines, researchers must approach the results with a critical lens. Verifying the sources’ credibility and cross-referencing information from various reputable sources remains imperative. Search engines, while valuable, are tools that require adept navigation to extract credible and pertinent information effectively.

Maximizing Search Engine Efficiency

Understanding the nuances of different search engines tailored for scientific research, such as PubMed, Google Scholar, and Scopus, can significantly enhance the efficiency of the research process. Each search engine has unique functionalities and focuses, catering to specific scientific disciplines or types of information. Familiarizing oneself with these platforms and their features empowers researchers to optimize their search strategies and access specialized resources pertinent to their field of study.

Related article: The Importance of Scholarly Sources: How to Find and Evaluate

Moreover, utilizing advanced search parameters, such as Boolean operators or specific filters, allows researchers to refine their searches and access highly targeted information. Learning and applying these techniques enhance the precision and relevance of the obtained results, streamlining the research process and saving valuable time.

Active Listening: A Crucial Research Skill

Active listening extends beyond the conventional perception of listening; it involves a focused and deliberate effort to comprehend and assimilate information effectively. During the research process, active listening plays a pivotal role, particularly when gathering insights from expert discussions, interviews, or academic lectures. It demands undivided attention, keen observation, and an open-minded approach to absorb the nuances and key concepts communicated by the speaker.

Furthermore, active listening isn’t solely about hearing words; it encompasses deciphering underlying meanings, interpreting tone and context, and probing for additional information. This skill enhances the depth and quality of information garnered, ensuring a more holistic understanding of the subject matter.

Engaging In Active Listening During Research

Researchers can refine active listening skills by actively engaging in discussions, seeking clarification when necessary, and taking comprehensive notes. Encouraging dialogue and posing pertinent questions fosters a deeper engagement in the information communicated. Additionally, employing techniques such as summarizing key points or paraphrasing to confirm understanding promotes effective communication and comprehension.

Moreover, employing active listening skills aids researchers in identifying underlying implications and nuances in conversations. It contributes to the extraction of invaluable insights and perspectives, enriching the research process and broadening the scope of information gathered.

Time Management: A Prerequisite For Effective Research

Time management skills are indispensable for researchers seeking to optimize their productivity and efficiency. Successful research requires careful planning and allocation of time for various research phases, including data collection, analysis, experimentation, and documentation.

Efficient time management involves setting realistic goals, establishing priorities, and adhering to structured timelines. Breaking down larger research tasks into manageable segments not only prevents overwhelm but also ensures a systematic approach towards achieving milestones.

Also read: Time Management for Researchers: A Comprehensive Toolkit

Efficient Time Management Strategies

Adopting strategies like creating timelines, setting deadlines for specific research milestones, and maintaining a structured schedule helps researchers stay focused and organized. Furthermore, allocating dedicated time slots for research activities prevents procrastination and promotes consistent progress.

Moreover, embracing tools and techniques that aid in time management, such as calendar applications, task management software, or productivity frameworks like the Pomodoro Technique , can significantly enhance efficiency in research endeavors.

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Broadening the Definition of ‘Research Skills’ to Enhance Students’ Competence across Undergraduate and Master’s Programs

  • September 2022
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Fostering students’ motivation towards learning research skills: the role of autonomy, competence and relatedness support

Louise maddens.

1 Centre for Instructional Psychology and Technology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, KU Leuven and KU Leuven Campus Kulak Kortrijk, Etienne Sabbelaan 51 – bus 7800, 8500 Kortrijk, Belgium

2 Itec, imec Research Group at KU Leuven, imec, Leuven, Belgium

3 Vives University of Applied Sciences, Kortrijk, Belgium

Fien Depaepe

Annelies raes.

In order to design learning environments that foster students’ research skills, one can draw on instructional design models for complex learning, such as the 4C/ID model (in: van Merriënboer and Kirschner, Ten steps to complex learning, Routledge, London, 2018). However, few attempts have been undertaken to foster students’ motivation towards learning complex skills in environments based on the 4C/ID model. This study explores the effects of providing autonomy, competence and relatedness support (in Deci and Ryan, Psychol Inquiry 11(4): 227–268, https://doi.org/10.1207/S15327965PLI1104_01, 2000) in a 4C/ID based online learning environment on upper secondary school behavioral sciences students’ cognitive and motivational outcomes. Students’ cognitive outcomes are measured by means of a research skills test consisting of short multiple choice and short answer items (in order to assess research skills in a broad way), and a research skills task in which students are asked to integrate their skills in writing a research proposal (in order to assess research skills in an integrative manner). Students’ motivational outcomes are measured by means of students’ autonomous and controlled motivation, and students’ amotivation. A pretest-intervention-posttest design was set up in order to compare 233 upper secondary school behavioral sciences students’ outcomes among (1) a 4C/ID based online learning environment condition, and (2) an identical condition additively providing support for students’ need satisfaction. Both learning environments proved equally effective in improving students’ scores on the research skills test. Students in the need supportive condition scored higher on the research skills task compared to their peers in the baseline condition. Students’ autonomous and controlled motivation were not affected by the intervention. Although, unexpectedly, students’ amotivation increased in both conditions, students’ amotivation was lower in the need supportive condition compared to students in the baseline condition. Theoretical relationships were established between students’ need satisfaction, students’ motivation (autonomous, controlled, and amotivation), and students’ cognitive outcomes. These findings are discussed taking into account the COVID-19 affected setting in which the study took place.


Several scholars have argued that the process of learning research skills is often obstructed by motivational problems (Lehti & Lehtinen, 2005 ; Murtonen, 2005 ). Some even describe these issues as students having an aversion towards research (Pietersen, 2002 ). Examples of motivational problems are that students experience research courses as boring, inaccessible, or irrelevant to their daily lives (Braguglia & Jackson, 2012 ). In a research synthesis on teaching and learning research methods, Earley ( 2014 ) argues that students fail to see the relevance of research methods courses, are anxious or nervous about the course, are uninterested and unmotivated to learn the material, and have poor attitudes towards learning research skills. It should be mentioned that the studies mentioned above focused on the field of higher university education. In upper secondary education, to date, students’ motivation towards learning research skills has rarely been studied. As difficulties while learning research seem to relate to problems involving students’ previous experiences regarding learning research skills (Murtonen, 2005 ), we argue that fostering students’ motivation from secondary education onwards is a promising area of research.

The current study combines insights from instructional design theory and self-determination theory (SDT, Deci & Ryan, 2000 ), in order to investigate the cognitive and motivational effects of providing psychological need support (support for the need for autonomy, competence and relatedness) in a 4C/ID based (van Merriënboer & Kirschner, 2018 ) online learning environment fostering upper secondary schools students’ research skills. In the following section, we elaborate on the definition of research skills in the understudied domain of behavioral sciences; on 4C/ID (van Merriënboer & Kirschner, 2018 ) as an instructional design model for complex learning; and on self-determination theory and its related need theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000 ). In addition, the research questions addressed in the current study are outlined.

Conceptual framework

Research skills.

As described by Fischer et al., ( 2014 , p. 29), we define research skills 1 as a broad set of skills used “to understand how scientific knowledge is generated in different scientific disciplines, to evaluate the validity of science-related claims, to assess the relevance of new scientific concepts, methods, and findings, and to generate new knowledge using these concepts and methods”. Furthermore, eight scientific activities learners engage in while performing research are distinguished, namely: (1) problem identification, (2) questioning, (3) hypothesis generation, (4) construction and redesign of artefacts, (5) evidence generation, (6) evidence evaluation, (7) drawing conclusions, and (8) communicating and scrutinizing (Fischer et al., 2014 ). Fischer et al. ( 2014 ) argue that both the nature of, and the weights attributed to each of these activities, differ between domains. Intervention studies aiming to foster research skills are almost exclusively situated in natural sciences domains (Engelmann et al., 2016 ), leaving behavioral sciences domains largely understudied. The current study focuses on research skills in the understudied domain of behavioral sciences. We refer to the domain of behavioral sciences as the study of questions related to how people behave, and why they do so. Human behavior is understood in its broadest sense, and is the study of object in fields of psychology, educational sciences, cultural and social sciences.

The design of the learning environments used in this study is based on an existing instructional design model, namely the 4C/ID model (van Merriënboer & Kirschner, 2018 ). The 4C/ID model has been proven repeatedly effective in fostering complex skills (Costa et al., 2021 ), and thus drew our attention for the case of research skills, as research skills can be considered complex skills (it requires learners to integrate knowledge, skills and attitudes while performing complex learning tasks). Since the 4C/ID model focusses on supporting students’ cognitive outcomes, it might not be considered as relevant from a motivational point of view. However, since we argue that a deliberately designed learning environment from a cognitive point of view is an important prerequisite to provide qualitative motivational support, we briefly sketch the 4C/ID model and its characteristics. The 4C/ID model has a comprehensive character, integrating insights from different theories and models (Merrill, 2002 ), and highlights the relevance of four crucial components: learning tasks, supportive information, part task-practice, and just-in-time information. Central characteristics of these four components are that (a) high variability in authentic learning tasks is needed in order to deal with the complexity of the task; (b) supportive information is provided to the students in order to help them build mental models and strategies for solving the task under study (Cook & McDonald, 2008 ); (c) part-task practice is provided for recurrent skills that need to be automated; and (d) just-in-time (procedural) information is provided for recurrent skills.

Taking into account students’ cognitive struggles regarding research skills, and the existing research on the role of support in fostering research skills (see for example de Jong & van Joolingen, 1998 ), the 4C/ID model was found suitable to design a learning environment for research skills. This is partly because of its inclusion of (almost) all of the support found effective in the literature on research skills, such as providing direct access to domain information at the appropriate moment, providing learners with assignments, including model progression, the importance of students’ involvement in authentic activities, and so on (Chi, 2009 ; de Jong, 2006 ; de Jong & van Joolingen, 1998 ; Engelmann et al., 2016 ). While mainly implemented in vocational oriented programs, the 4C/ID model has been proposed as a good model to design learning environments aiming to foster research skills as well (Bastiaens et al., 2017 ; Maddens et al., 2020b ). Indeed, acquiring research skills requires complex learning processes (such as coordinating different constituent skills). Overall, the 4C/ID model can be considered to be highly suitable for designing learning environments aiming to foster research skills. Given its holistic design approach, it helps “to deal with complexity without losing sight of the interrelationships between the elements taught” (van Merriënboer & Kirschner, 2018 , p. 5).

Although the 4C/ID model has been used widely to construct learning environments enhancing students’ cognitive outcomes (see for example Fischer, 2018 ), research focusing on students’ motivational outcomes related to the 4C/ID model is scarce (van Merriënboer & Kirschner, 2018 ). Van Merriënboer and Kirschner ( 2018 ) suggest self-determination theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 2000 ) and its related need theory as a sound theoretical framework to investigate motivation in relation to 4C/ID.

Self-determination theory

Self-determination theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 2000 ) provides a broad framework for the study of motivation and distinguishes three types of motivation: amotivation (a lacking ability to self-regulate with respect to a behaviour), extrinsic motivation (extrinsically motivated behaviours, be they self-determined versus controlled), and intrinsic motivation (the ‘highest form’ of self-determined behaviour) (Deci & Ryan, 2000 ). According to Deci and Ryan ( 2000 , p. 237), intrinsic motivation can be considered “a standard against which the qualities of an extrinsically motivated behavior can be compared to determine its degree of self-determination”. Moreover, the authors (Deci & Ryan, 2000 , p. 237) argue that “extrinsic motivation does not typically become intrinsic motivation”. As the current study focuses on research skills in an academic context in which students did not voluntary chose to learn research skills, and thus learning research skills can be considered instrumental (directed to attaining a goal), the current study focuses on students’ amotivation, and students’ extrinsic motivation, realistically striving for the most self-determined types of extrinsic motivation.

Four types of extrinsic motivation are distinguished by SDT (external regulation, introjection, identification, and integration). These types can be categorized in two overarching types of motivation (autonomous and controlled motivation). Autonomous motivation contains the integrated and identified regulation towards a task (be it because the task is considered interesting, or because the task is considered personally relevant respectively). Controlled motivation refers to the external and introjected regulation towards the task (as a consequence of external or internal pressure respectively) (Vansteenkiste et al., 2009 ). More autonomous types of motivation have been found to be related to more positive cognitive and motivational outcomes (Deci & Ryan, 2000 ).

SDT further maintains that one should consider three innate psychological needs related to students’ motivation. These needs are the need for autonomy, the need for competence, and the need for relatedness. The need for autonomy can be described as the need to experience activities as being “concordant with one’s integrated sense of self” (Deci & Ryan, 2000 , p. 231). The need for competence refers to the need to feel effective when dealing with the environment (Deci & Ryan, 2000 ). The need for relatedness contains the need to have close relationships with others, including peers and teachers (Deci & Ryan, 2000 ). The satisfaction of these needs is hypothesized to be related to more internalization, and thus to more autonomous types of motivation (Deci & Ryan, 2000 ). This relationship has been studied frequently (for a recent overview, see Vansteenkiste et al., 2020 ). Indeed, research established the positive relationships between perceived autonomy (see for example Deci et al., 1996 ), perceived competence (see for example Vallerand & Reid, 1984 ), and perceived relatedness (see for example Ryan & Grolnick, 1986 for a self-report based study) with students’ more positive motivational outcomes. Apart from students’ need satisfaction, several scholars also aim to investigate need frustration as a different notion, as “it involves an active threat of the psychological needs (rather than a mere absence of need satisfaction)” (Vansteenkiste et al., 2020 , p. 9). In what follows, possible operationalizations are defined for the three needs.

Possible operationalizations of autonomy need support found in the literature are: teachers accepting irritation or negative feelings related to aspects of a task perceived as “uninteresting” (Reeve, 2006 ; Reeve & Jang, 2006 ; Reeve et al., 2002 ); providing a meaningful rationale in order to explain the value/usefulness of a certain task and stressing why involving in the task is important or why a rule exists (Deci & Ryan, 2000 ); using autonomy-supportive, inviting language (Deci et al., 1996 ); and allowing learners to regulate their own learning and to work at their own pace (Martin et al., 2018 ). Related to competence support, possible operationalizations are: providing a clear task rationale and providing structure (Reeve, 2006 ; Vansteenkiste et al., 2012 ); providing informational positive feedback after a learning activity (Deci et al., 1996 ; Martin et al., 2018 ; Vansteenkiste et al., 2012 ); providing an indication of progress and dividing content into manageable blocks (Martin et al., 2018 ; Schunk, 2003 ); and evaluating performance by means of previously introduced criteria (Ringeisen & Bürgermeister, 2015 ). Possible operationalizations concerning relatedness support are: teacher’s relational supports (Ringeisen & Bürgermeister, 2015 ); encouraging interaction between course participants and providing opportunities for learners to connect with each other (Butz & Stupnisky, 2017 ; van Merriënboer & Kirschner, 2018 ); using a warm and friendly approach or welcoming learners personally into a course (Martin et al., 2018 ); and offering a platform for learners to share ideas and to connect (Butz & Stupnisky, 2017 ; Martin et al., 2018 ).

In the current research, SDT is selected as a theoretical framework to investigate students’ motivation towards learning research skills, as, in contrast to other more purely goal-directed theories, it includes the concept of innate psychological needs or the Basic Psychological Need Theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000 ; Ryan, 1995 ; Vansteenkiste et al., 2020 ), and it describes the relation between these perceived needs and students’ autonomous motivation: higher levels of perceived needs relate to more autonomous forms of motivation. The inclusion of this need theory is considered an advantage in the case of research skills because research revealed problems of students with respect to both their feelings of competence in relation to research skills (Murtonen, 2005 ), as their feelings of autonomy in relation to research skills (Martin et al., 2018 ), as was indicated in the introduction. As such, fostering students’ psychological needs while learning research skills seems a promising way of fostering students’ motivation towards learning research skills.

4C/ID and SDT

One study (Bastiaens et al., 2017 ) was found to implement need support in 4C/ID based learning environments, comparing a traditional module, a 4C/ID based module and an autonomy supportive 4C/ID based module in a vocational undergraduate education context. Autonomy support was operationalized by means of providing choice to the learners. No main effect of the conditions was found on students’ motivation. Surprisingly, providing autonomy support did also not lead to an increase in students’ autonomy satisfaction. Similarly, no effects were found on students’ relatedness and competence satisfaction. Remarkably, students did qualitatively report positive experiences towards the need support, but this did not reflect in their quantitatively reported need experiences. In a previous study performed in the current research trajectory, Maddens et al. ( under review ) investigated the motivational effects of providing autonomy support in a 4C/ID based online learning environment fostering students’ research skills, compared to a learning environment not providing such support. Autonomy support was operationalized as stressing task meaningfulness to the students. Based on insights from self-determination theory, it was hypothesized that students in the autonomy condition would show more positive motivational outcomes compared to students in the baseline condition. However, results showed that students’ motivational outcomes appeared to be unaffected by the autonomy support. One possible explanation for this unexpected finding was that optimal circumstances for positive motivational outcomes are those that allow satisfaction of autonomy, competence, ánd relatedness support (Deci & Ryan, 2000 ; Niemiec & Ryan, 2009 ), and thus, that the intervention was insufficiently powerful for effects to occur. Autonomy support has often been manipulated in experimental research (Deci et al., 1994 ; Reeve et al., 2002 ; Sheldon & Filak, 2008 ). However, the three needs are rarely simultaneously manipulated (Sheldon & Filak, 2008 ).

Integrated need support

Although not making use of 4C/ID based learning environments, some scholars have focused on the impact of integrated (autonomy, competence and relatedness) need support on learners’ motivation. For example, Raes and Schellens ( 2015 ) found differential effects of a need supportive inquiry environment on upper secondary school students’ motivation: positive effects on autonomous motivation were only found in students in a general track, and not in students in a science track. This indicates that motivational effects of need-supportive environments might differ between tracks and disciplines. However, Raes and Schellens ( 2015 ) did not experimentally manipulate need support, as the learning environment was assumed to be need-supportive and was not compared to a non-need supportive learning environment. Pioneers in manipulating competence, relatedness and autonomy support in one study are Sheldon and Filak ( 2008 ), predicting need satisfaction and motivation based on a game-learning experience with introductory psychology students. Relatedness support (mainly operationalized by emphasizing interest in participants’ experiences in a caring way) had a significant effect on intrinsic motivation. Competence support (mainly operationalized by means of explicating positive expectations) had a marginal significant effect on intrinsic motivation. No main effects on intrinsic motivation were found regarding autonomy support (mainly operationalized by means of emphasizing choice, self-direction and participants’ perspective upon the task). However, as is often the case in motivational research based on SDT, the task at hand was quite straight forward (a timed task in which students try to form as many words as possible from a 4 × 4 letter grid), and thus, the applicability of the findings for providing need support in 4C/ID based learning environments for complex learning might be limited.

In the preceding section, several operationalizations of need support were discussed. Deci and Ryan ( 2000 ) argue that optimal circumstances for positive motivational outcomes are those that allow satisfaction of autonomy, competence, ánd relatedness support. However, such integrated need support has rarely been empirically studied (Sheldon & Filak, 2008 ). In addition, research investigating how need support can be implemented in learning environments based on the 4C/ID model is particularly scarce (van Merriënboer & Kirschner, 2018 ). This study aims to combine insights from instructional design theory for complex learning (van Merriënboer & Kirschner, 2018 ) and self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000 ) in order to investigate the motivational effects of providing need support in a 4C/ID based learning environment for students’ research skills. A pretest-intervention-posttest design is set up in order to compare 233 upper secondary school behavioral sciences students’ cognitive and motivational outcomes among two conditions: (1) a 4C/ID based online learning environment condition, and (2) an identical condition additively providing support for students’ need satisfaction. The following research questions are answered based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative data (see ‘method’): (1) Does a deliberately designed (4C/ID-based) learning environment improve students’ research skills, as measured by a research skills test and a research skills task? ; ( 2) What is the effect of providing autonomy, competence and relatedness support in a deliberately designed (4C/ID-based) learning environment fostering students’ research skills, on students’ motivational outcomes (i.e. students’ amotivation, autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, students’ perceived value/usefulness, and students’ perceived needs of competence, relatedness and autonomy)? ; (3) What are the relationships between students’ need satisfaction, students’ need frustration, students’ autonomous and controlled motivation and students’ cognitive outcomes (research skills test and research skills task)? ; (4) How do students experience need satisfaction and need frustration in a deliberately designed (4C/ID-based) learning environment? .

The first three questions are answered by means of quantitative data. Since the learning environment is constructed in line with existing instructional design principles for complex learning, we hypothesize that both learning environments will succeed in improving students’ research skills (RQ1). Relying on insights from self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000 ), we hypothesize that providing need support will enhance students’ autonomous motivation (RQ2). In addition, we hypothesize students’ need satisfaction to be positively related to students’ autonomous motivation (RQ3). These hypotheses on the relationship between students’ needs and students’ motivation rely on Vallerands’ ( 1997 ) finding that changes in motivation can be largely explained by students’ perceived competence, autonomy and relatedness (as psychological mediators). More specifically, Vallerand ( 1997 ) argues that environmental factors (in this case the characteristics of a learning environment) influence students’ perceptions of competence, autonomy, and relatedness, which, in turn, influence students’ motivation and other affective outcomes. In addition, based on the self-determination literature (Deci & Ryan, 2000 ), we expect students’ motivation to be positively related to students’ cognitive outcomes. In order to answer the fourth research question, qualitative data (students’ qualitative feedback on the learning environments) is analysed and categorized based on the need satisfaction and need frustration concepts (RQ4) in order to thoroughly capture the meaning of the quantitative results collected in light of RQ1–3. No hypotheses are formulated in this respect.



The study took place in authentic classroom settings in upper secondary behavioral sciences classes. In total, 233 students from 12 classes from eight schools in Flanders participated in the study. All participants are 11th or 12th grade students in a behavioral sciences track 2 in general upper secondary education in Flanders (Belgium). Classes were randomly assigned to one out of two experimental conditions. Of all 233 students, 105 students (with a mean age of 16.32, SD 0.90) worked in the baseline condition (of which 62% 11th grade students, 36% 12th grade students, and 2% not determined; and of which 31% male, 68% female, and 1% ‘other’), and 128 students (with a mean age of 16.02, SD 0.59) worked in the need supportive condition (of which 80% 11th grade students, and 20% 12th grade students; and of which 19% male, and 81% female). As the current study did not randomly assign students within classes to one out of the two conditions, this study should be considered quasi-experimental. Full randomization was considered but was not feasible as students worked in the learning environments in class, and would potentially notice the experimental differences when observing their peers working in the learning environment. As such, we argued that this would potentially cause bias in the study. By taking into account students’ pretest scores on the relevant variables (cognitive and motivational outcomes) as covariates, we aimed to adjust for inter-conditional differences. No such differences were found for students’ autonomous motivation t (226) =  − 0.115, p  < 0.909, d  = 0.015, and students’ amotivation t (226) =  − 0.658, p  < 0.511, d  =  − 0.088. However, differences were observed for students’ controlled motivation t (226) =  − 2.385, p  < 0.018, d  =  − 0.318, and students’ scores on the LRST pretest t (225) = − 5.200, p  < 0.001, d  =  − 0.695.

Study design and procedure

In a pretest session of maximum two lesson hours, the Leuven Research Skills Test (LRST, Maddens et al., 2020a ), the Academic Self-Regulation Scale (ASRS, Vansteenkiste et al., 2009 ), and four items related to students’ amotivation (Aydin et al., 2014 ) were administered in class via an online questionnaire, under supervision of the teacher. In the subsequent eight weeks, participants worked in the online learning environment, one hour a week. Out of the 233 participating students, 105 students studied in a baseline online learning environment. The baseline online learning environment 3 is systematically designed using existing instructional design principles for complex learning based on the 4C/ID model (van Merriënboer & Kirschner, 2018 ). All four components of the 4C/ID model were taken into account in the design process: regarding the first component, the learning tasks included real-life, authentic cases. More specifically, tasks were selected from the domains of psychology, educational sciences and sociology. As such, there was a large variety in the cases used in the learning tasks. This large variety in learning tasks is expected to facilitate transfer of learners’ research skills in a wide range of contexts. Furthermore, the tasks were ill-structured and required learners to make judgments, in order to provoke deep learning processes. Regarding the second component, supportive information was provided for complex tasks in the learning environment, such as formulating a research question, where students can consult general information on what constitutes a good research question, can consult examples or demonstrations of this general information, and can receive cognitive feedback on their answers (for example by means of example answers). Examples of the implementation of the third component (procedural information) are the provision of information on how to recognize a dependent and an independent variable by means of on-demand (just-in-time) presentation by means of pop-ups; information on how to use Boolean operators; and information on how to read a graph. To avoid split attention, this kind of information was integrated with the task environment itself (van Merriënboer & Kirschner, 2018 ). Finally, the fourth component, part-task-practice (by means of short tests) was implemented for routine aspects of research skills that should be automated, for example the formulation of a search query.

The remaining participating students ( n  = 128) completed an adapted version of the baseline online learning environment, in which autonomy, relatedness and competence support are provided. In total, need support consisted of 12 implementations (four implementations for each need), based on existing research on need support. An overview of these adaptations can be found in Tables ​ Tables1 1 and ​ and2. 2 . Although, ideally, students would work in class, under supervision of their teacher, this was not possible for all classes, due to the COVID-19 restrictions. 4 As a consequence, some students completed the learning environment partly at home. All students were supervised by their teachers (be it virtually or in class), and the researcher kept track of students’ overall activities in order to be able to contact students who did not complete the main activities. During the last two sessions of the intervention, participants submitted a two-pages long research proposal (“two-pager”). One week after the intervention, the LRST (Maddens et al., 2020a ), the ASRS (Vansteenkiste et al., 2009 ), four items related to students’ amotivation (Aydin et al., 2014 ), the value/usefulness scale (Ryan, 1982 ) and the Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (BPNSNF, Chen et al., 2015 ) were administered in a posttest session of maximum two hours. Although most classes succeeded in organizing this posttest session in class, for some classes this posttest was administered at home. However, all classes were supervised by the teacher (be it virtually or in class). These contextual differences at the test moments will be reflected upon in the discussion section.

Adaptations online learning environment

Support typeImplementationsConcrete operationalizations in the need supportive learning environment
Autonomy supportA1. Providing meaningful rationales in order to explain the value/usefulness of a certain task and stressing why involving in the task is important or why a rule exists (Assor et al., ; Deci et al., ; Deci & Ryan, ; Steingut et al., )

–A1a. Video of a peer (student) stressing value/usefulness of learning environment before starting the learning environment

–A1b. Teacher stressing importance learning environment before starting the learning environment

–A1c. Avatars stressing importance (see Author et al., under review); for example an avatar mentioning ‘After having completed this module, I know how to formulate a research question for example when I am writing a bachelor thesis in my future academic career”

–A1d. 2-pager: adding examples of subjects of peers, in order for the task to feel more familiar

A2. Accepting irritation/acknowledging negative feelings (acknowledgment of aspects of a task perceived as uninteresting) (Reeve & Jang, ; Reeve et al., )

–A2a. Including statements during tasks: “We understand that this might cost an effort, but previous studies proved that students can learn from performing this activity…”

–A2b. At the end of each module: teacher asks about students’ difficulties

A3. Using autonomy-supportive, inviting language (Deci et al., )–A3a. Personal task rationale, for example: “I am curious about how you would tackle this problem.”, systematically implemented in the assignments
A4. Allowing learners to regulate their own learning and to work at their own pace. The use of a non-pressured environment (Martin et al., )–A4a. Adding a statement after each task class: “no need to compare your progress to that of your peers, you can work at your own pace!”
Relatedness supportR1. Teacher’s relational supports (Ringeisen & Bürgermeister, )

–R1a. Before starting the learning environment: stressing that students can contact researcher and teacher

–R1b. Researcher (scientist-mentor) sends motivational messages to the group (on a weekly basis)

R2. Encouraging interaction between course participants; providing opportunities for learners to connect with each other; introducing learning tasks that require group work or learning networks (Butz & Stupnisky, ; van Merriënboer & Kirschner, )

–R2a. Opening every task class: reminding students they can contact the researcher with questions

–R2b. Every task class: one opportunity to share answers in the forum

R3. Using a warm and friendly approach, welcoming learners personally into a course (Martin et al., )–R3a. Personal welcoming message in the beginning of the online learning environment
R4. Offering a platform for learners to share ideas and to connect (Butz & Stupnisky, ; Martin et al., )–R4a. Asking students to post an introduction post in the forum to sum up their expectations of the course (once, in the beginning of the learning environment)
Competence supportC1. Clear task rationale, providing structure (Reeve, ; Vansteenkiste et al., )–Introductory video of researcher explaining what students will learn in the online learning environment
C2. Informational positive feedback after learning activity (Deci et al., ; Martin et al., ; Vansteenkiste et al., )

–Personal short feedback after every task class, formulated in a positive manner

–Adding motivational quotes to example answers: “Thank you for submitting your answer! You will receive feedback at the end of this module, but until then, you can compare your answer to the example answer”

C3. Indication of progress; dividing content into manageable blocks (Martin et al., )–After every task class: ask students to mark their progress
C4. Evaluating performance by means of previously introduced criteria (Ringeisen & Bürgermeister, )

–SAP-chart referring to instructions 2-pager task

–Short guide 2-pager task

Overview instruments

Measured construct(s)InstrumentFormatNumber of itemsInternal consistency reliability/interrater reliabilityWhen administered?
Psychological need frustration and satisfactionBPNSNF-training scale (Chen et al., ; translated version Aelterman et al., )Likert-type items, 5 point scale24 items (4 items per scale)autonomy satisfaction,  = 0.67; ω = 0.67; autonomy frustration,  = 0.76; ω = 0.76; relatedness satisfaction,  = 0.79; ω = 0.79; relatedness frustration,  = 0.60; ω = 0.61; competence satisfaction,  = 0.72; ω = 0.73; competence frustration,  = 0.68; ω = 0.67Post
Experienced value/usefulness of the learning environmentIntrinsic Motivation Inventory (Ryan, )Likert-type items, 7-point scale7 items  = 0.92; ω = 0.92Post
Autonomous and controlled motivationASRS (Vansteenkiste et al., )Likert-type items, 5 point scale16 items (8 items for autonomous motivation, 8 items for controlled motivation

Autonomous motivation:  = 0.91; 0.92; ω = 0.90; 0.92

Controlled motivation:  = 0.83; 0.86; ω = 0.82; 0.85

Pre, post
AmotivationAcademic Motivation Scale for Learning Biology (adapted for the context) (Aydin et al., )Liker-type items, 5 point scale4 items  = 0.80; 0.75; ω = 0.81; 0.75Pre, post
Research skills testLRST (Maddens et al., )Combination of open ended and close ended conceptual and procedural knowledge items, each scored as 0 or 137 items  = 0.79; 0.82; ω = 0.78; ω = 0.80Pre, post
Research skills taskTwo pager task (Author et al., under review)Open ended question (performance assessment), assessed by means of a pairwise comparison technique1 taskInterreliability score = 0.79Post

a When administered at both pretest and posttest level (see ‘procedure’), the internal consistency values are reported respectively


In this section, we elaborate on the tests used during the pretest and the posttest. Example items for each scale are presented in Appendix 1.

Motivational outcomes

In the current study, two groups of motivational outcomes are assessed: (1) students’ need satisfaction and frustration, and students’ experiences of value/usefulness; and (2) students’ level of autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, and amotivation. When administered at both pretest and posttest level (see ‘procedure’), the internal consistency values are reported respectively.

The BPNSNF-training scale (The Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale, Chen et al., 2015 ; translated version Aelterman et al., 2016 5 ) measured students’ need satisfaction and need frustration while working in the learning environment, and consists of 24 items (four items per scale): (autonomy satisfaction, α  = 0.67; ω = 0.67; autonomy frustration, α  = 0.76; ω = 0.76; relatedness satisfaction, α  = 0.79; ω = 0.79; relatedness frustration, α  = 0.60; ω = 0.61; competence satisfaction, α  = 0.72; ω = 0.73; competence frustration, α  = 0.68; ω = 0.67). The items are Likert-type items ranging from one (not at all true) to five (entirely true). Although the current study focusses mainly on students’ need satisfaction, the scales regarding students’ need frustration are included in order to be able to also detect students’ potential ill-being and in order to detect potential critical issues regarding students’ needs. In addition to the BPNSNF, by means of seven Likert-type items ranging from one (not at all true) to seven (entirely true), the (for the purpose of this research translated) value/usefulness scale of the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI, Ryan, 1982 ) measured to what extent students valued the activities of the online learning environment ( α  = 0.92; ω = 0.92). Since in the research skills literature problems have been observed related to students’ perceived value/usefulness of research skills (Earley, 2014 ; Murtonen, 2005 ), and this concept is not sufficiently stressed in the BPNSNF-scale, we found it useful to include this value/usefulness scale to the study. The difference in the range of the answer possibilities (one to five vs one to seven) exists because we wanted to keep the range as initially prescribed by the authors of each instrument. All motivational measures are calculated by adding the scores on every item, and dividing this sum score by the number of items on a scale, leading to continuous outcomes. Although the IMI and the BPNSNF targeted students’ experiences while completing the online learning environment, these measures were administered during the posttest. Thus, students had to think retrospectively about their experiences. In order to prevent cognitive overload while completing the online learning environment, these measures were not administered during the intervention itself.

Students’ autonomous and controlled motivation towards learning research skills was measured by means of the Dutch version of the Academic Self-Regulation Scale (ASRS; Vansteenkiste et al., 2009 ), adapted to ‘ research skills ’. The ASRS consists of Likert-type items ranging from one (do not agree at all) to five (totally agree), and contains eight items per subscale (autonomous and controlled motivation). In the autonomous motivation scale, four items are related to identified regulation, and four items are related to intrinsic motivation. 6 In the controlled motivation scale, four items are related to external regulation, and four items are related to introjected regulation. Both scales (autonomous motivation and controlled motivation) indicated good internal consistency for the study’s data (autonomous motivation: α  = 0.91; 0.92; ω = 0.90; 0.92; controlled motivation: α  = 0.83; 0.86; ω = 0.82; 0.85). The items were adapted to the domain under study (motivation to learn about research skills). Based on students’ motivational issues related to research skills, we found it useful to also include a scale to assess students’ amotivation. This was measured with (for the purpose of the current research translated) four items related to students’ amotivation regarding learning research skills, adapted from Academic Motivation Scale for Learning Biology (Aydin et al., 2014 ) ( α  = 0.80; 0.75; ω = 0.81; 0.75). Also this measure consist of Likert-type items ranging from one (do not agree at all) to five (totally agree).

Cognitive outcomes

Students’ research skills proficiency was measured by means of a research skills test (Maddens et al., 2020a ) and a research skills task.

The research skills test used in this study is the LRST (Maddens et al., 2020a ) consisting of a combination of 37 open ended and close ended items ( α  = 0.79; 0.82; ω = 0.78; ω = 0.80 for this data set), administered via an online questionnaire. Each item of the LRST is related to one of the eight epistemic activities regarding research skills as mentioned in the introduction (Fischer et al., 2014 ), and is scored as 0 or 1. The total score on the LRST is calculated by adding the mean subscale scores (related to the eight epistemic activities), and dividing them by eight (the number of scales). In a previous study (Maddens et al., 2020a ), the LRST was checked and found suitable in light of interrater reliability ( κ  = 0.89). As the same researchers assessed the same test with a similar cohort in the current study, the interrater reliability was not calculated for this study.

In the research skills task (“two pager task”), students were asked to write a research proposal of maximum two pages long. The concrete instructions for this research proposal are given in Appendix 1. In this research proposal, students were asked to formulate a research question and its relevance; to explain how they would tackle this research question (method and participants); to explain their hypotheses or expectations; and to explain how they would communicate their results. The two-pager task was analyzed using a pairwise comparison technique, in which four evaluators (i.e. the four authors of this paper) made comparative judgements by comparing two two-pagers at a time, and indicating which two-pager they think is best. All four evaluators are researchers in educational sciences and are familiar with the research project and with assessing students’ texts. This shared understanding and expertise is a prerequisite for obtaining reliable results (Lesterhuis et al., 2018 ). The comparison technique is performed by means of the Comproved tool ( https://comproved.com ). As described by Lesterhuis et al. ( 2018 , p. 18), “the comparative judgement method involves assessing a text on its overall quality. However, instead of requiring an assessor to assign an absolute score to a single text, comparative judgement simplifies the process to a decision about which of two texts is better”. In total, 1635 comparisons were made (each evaluator made 545 comparisons), and this led to a (interrater)reliability score of 0.79. In a next step, these comparative judgements were used to rank the 218 products (15 students did not submit a two-pager) on their quality; and the products were graded based on their ranking. This method was used to grade the two-pagers because it facilitates the holistic evaluation of the tasks, based on the judgement of multiple experts (interrater reliability).

Qualitative feedback

Students’ experiences with the online learning environment were investigated in the online learning environment itself. After completing the learning environment, students were asked how they experienced the tasks, the theory, the opportunity to post answers in the forum and to ask questions via the chat, what they liked or disliked in the online learning environment, and what they disliked in the online learning environment (Fig.  1 ).

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Study overview

The first research question (” Does a deliberately designed (4C/ID-based) learning environment improve students’ research skills, as measured by a research skills test and a research skills task?” ) is answered by means of a paired samples t -test in order to look for overall improvements in order to detect potential general trends, followed by a full factorial MANCOVA, as this allows us to investigate the effectiveness for both conditions taking into account students’ pretest scores. Hence, the condition is included as an experimental factor, and students’ scores on the LRST and the two-pager task are included as continuous outcome variables. Students’ pretest scores on the LRST are included as a covariate. Prior to the analysis, a MANCOVA model is defined taking into account possible interaction effects between the experimental factor and the covariate.

The second research question (“ What is the effect of providing autonomy, competence and relatedness support in a deliberately designed (4C/ID-based) learning environment fostering students’ research skills, on students’ motivational outcomes, i.e. students’ amotivation, autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, students’ perceived value/usefulness, and students’ perceived needs of competence, relatedness and autonomy)?”) ;) is answered by means of a full factorial MANCOVA. The condition (need satisfaction condition versus baseline condition) is included as an experimental factor, and students’ responses on the value/usefulness, autonomous and controlled motivation, amotivation, and need satisfaction scales are included as continuous outcome variables. ASRS pretest scores (autonomous and controlled motivation) are included as covariates in order to test the differences between group means, adjusted for students’ a priori motivation. Prior to the analysis, a MANCOVA model is defined taking into account possible interaction effects between the experimental factor and the covariates, and assumptions to be met to perform a MANCOVA are checked. 7

The third research question ( “ What are the relationships between students’ need satisfaction, students’ need frustration, students’ autonomous and controlled motivation and students’ cognitive outcomes (research skills test and research skills task)?” ), is initially answered by means of five multiple regression analyses. The first three regressions include the need satisfaction and frustration scales, and students’ value/usefulness as independent variables, and students’ (1) autonomous motivation, (2) controlled motivation, and (3) amotivation as dependent variables. The fourth and fifth regressions include students’ autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, and amotivation as independent variables, and students’ (4) LRST scores, and (5) scores on the two-pager task as dependent variables. As a follow-up analysis (see ‘ results ’) two additional regression analyses are performed to look into the direct relationships between students’ perceived needs and students’ experienced value/usefulness, with students’ cognitive outcomes (LRST (6) and two-pager (7)). As the goal of this analysis is to investigate the relationships between variables as described in SDT research, this analysis focuses on the full sample, rather than distinguishing between the two conditions. An ‘Enter’ method (Field, 2013 ) is used in order to enter the independent variables simultaneously (in line with Sheldon et al., 2008 ).

The fourth research question (“ How do students experience need satisfaction and need frustration in a deliberately designed (4C/ID-based) learning environment?” ) is analyzed by means of the knowledge management tool Citavi. Based on the theoretical framework, students’ experiences are labeled by the codes ‘autonomy satisfaction, autonomy frustration, competence satisfaction, competence frustration, relatedness satisfaction, and relatedness frustration’. For example, students’ quotes referring to the value/usefulness of the learning environment, are labeled as ‘autonomy satisfaction’ or ‘autonomy frustration’. Students’ references towards their feelings of mastery of the learning content are labeled as ‘competence satisfaction’ or ‘competence frustration’. Students’ quotes regarding their relationships with peers and teachers are labeled as ‘relatedness satisfaction’ or ‘relatedness frustration’ (Fig.  2 ).

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Overview variables

Does the deliberately designed (4C/ID based) learning environments improve students’ research skills, as measured by a research skills test and a research skills task?

Paired samples t -test. A paired samples t -test reveals that, in general, students ( n  = 210) improved on the LRST-posttest ( M  = 0.57, SD  = 0.16) compared to the pretest ( M  = 0.51, SD  = 0.15) (range 0–1). The difference between the posttest and the pretest is significant t (209) =  − 8.215, p  < 0.001, d 8  =  − 0.567. The correlation between the LRST pretest and posttest is 0.70 ( p  < 0.010).

MANCOVA. A MANCOVA model ( n  = 196) was defined checking for possible interaction effects between the experimental factor and the covariate in order to control for the assumption of ‘independence of the covariate and treatment effect’ (Field, 2013 ). The covariate LRST pretest did not show significant interaction effects for the two outcome variables LRST post ( p  = 0.259) and the two-pager task ( p  = 0.702). The correlation between the outcome variables (LRST post and two-pager), is 0.28 ( p  < 0.050).

Of all 233 students, 36 students were excluded from the main analysis because of missing data (for example, because they were absent during a pretest or posttest moment). These students were excluded by means of a listwise deletion method because we found it important to use a complete dataset, since, in a lot of cases, students who did not complete the pretest or posttest, did also not complete the entire learning environment. Including partial data for these students could bias the results. The baseline condition counted 86 students, and the need satisfaction condition counted 111 students. Using Pillai’s Trace [ V  = 0.070, F (2,193) = 7.285, p  ≤ 0.001], there was a significant effect of the condition on the cognitive outcome variables, taking into account students’ LRST pretest scores. Separate univariate ANOVAs on the outcome variables revealed no significant effect of the condition on the LRST posttest measure, F (1,194) = 2.45, p  = 0.120. However, a significant effect of condition was found on the two-pager scores, F (1,194) = 13.69, p  < 0.001 (in the baseline group, the mean score was 6,6/20; in the need condition group, the mean score was 7,6/20). It should be mentioned that both scores are rather low.

What is the effect of providing autonomy, competence and relatedness support in a deliberately designed (4C/ID based) learning environment fostering students’ research skills, on students’ motivational outcomes (students’ amotivation, autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, students’ perceived value/usefulness, and students’ perceived needs of competence, relatedness and autonomy)?

Paired samples t -tests. The correlations between students’ pretest and posttestscores for the motivational measures are 0.67 ( p  < 0.010) for autonomous motivation; 0.44 ( p  < 0.010) for controlled motivation, and 0.38 for amotivation ( p  < 0.010). Regarding the differences in students’ motivation, three unexpected findings were observed. Overall, students’ ( n  = 215) amotivation was higher on the posttest ( M  = 2.26, SD  = 0.89) compared to the pretest ( M  = 1.77, SD  = 0.79) (based on a score between 1 and 5). The difference between the posttest and the pretest is significant t (214) =  − 7.69, p  < 0.001, d  =  − 0.524. Further analyses learn that the amotivation means in the baseline group increased with 0.65, and the amotivation in the need support group increased with 0.37. In addition, students’ ( n  = 215) autonomous motivation was higher on the pretest ( M  = 2.81, SD  = 0.81) compared to the posttest ( M  = 2.64, SD  = 0.82). The difference between the posttest and the pretest is significant t (214) = 3.72, p  < 0.001, d  = 0.254. Students’ mean scores on autonomous motivation in the baseline condition decreased with 0.19, and students’ autonomous motivation in the need support condition decreased with 0.15. Students’ ( n  = 215) controlled motivation was higher on the posttest ( M  = 2.33, SD  = 0.75) compared to the pretest ( M  = 1.93, SD  = 0.67). The difference between the posttest and the pretest is significant t (214) =  − 07.72, p  < 0.001, d  =  − 0.527. Students’ controlled motivation in the baseline group increased with 0.36, and students’ controlled motivation in the need support group increased with 0.43. However, overall, all mean scores are and stay below neutral score (below 3), indicating robust low autonomous, controlled and amotivation scores (see Table ​ Table3). 3 ). An independent samples T -test on the mean differences between these measures shows that the increases/decreases on autonomous motivation [ t (213) =  − 0.506, p  = 0.613, d  =  − 0.069] and controlled motivation [ t (213) =  − 0.656, p  = 0.513, d  =  − 0.090] did not differ between the two groups. However, the increases in amotivation [ t (213) = 2.196, p  = 0.029, d  = 0.301] does differ significantly between the two conditions. More specifically, the increase was lower in the need supportive condition compared to the baseline condition.

Mean scores and standard deviations motivational variables

VariableRangeBaseline condition Need supportive condition
Value/usefulness1–75.12; .945.14; 1.14
Autonomy satisfaction1–53.14; .623.13; .62
Autonomy frustration1–52.94; .793; .85
Competence satisfaction1–53.18; .623.19; .58
Competence frustration1–52.77; .742.74; .71
Relatedness satisfaction1–52.73; .802.43; .82
Relatedness frustration1–51.91; .732.43; .65
Autonomous motivation PretestPosttestPretestPosttest
1–52.83; .822.65; .872.81; .812.65; .77
Controlled motivation PretestPosttestPretestPosttest
1–51.82; .662.19; .722.02; .662.45; .76
Amotivation PretestPosttestPretestPosttest*
1–51.74; .722.38; .911.81; .862.18; .87

a Overall, students’ ( n  = 215) autonomous motivation was significantly higher on the pretest compared to the posttest ( t (214) 3.72, p  ≤ 0.001, d  = 0.254

b Students’ (n = 215) controlled motivation was significantly higher on the posttest compared to the pretest ( t (214) =  − 7.72, p  ≤ 0.001, d  =  − 0.527

c Students’ ( n  = 215) amotivation was significantly higher on the posttest compared to the pretest ( t (214) =  − 07,69, p  ≤ 0.001, d  =  − 0.534)

MANCOVA. Of all 233 students, 18 students were excluded from the analysis because of missing data (for example, because they were absent during a pretest or posttest moment). Compared to the cognitive analyses, the amount of missing data is lower concerning motivational outcomes since, concerning the cognitive outcomes, some students did not complete the two-pager task. However, we found it important to use all relevant data and chose to report this is in a clear way. In total, the baseline condition counted 97 students, and the experimental condition counted 118 students. Similar to the analysis for the cognitive outcomes, a MANCOVA model was defined to check for possible interaction effects between the experimental factor and the covariate in order to control for the assumption of ‘independence of the covariate and treatment effect’ (Field, 2013 ). The covariates did not show significant interaction effects for the outcome variables. 9

Using Pillai’s Trace [ V  = 0.113, F (10,201) = 2.558, p  = 0.006], there was a significant effect of condition on the motivational variables, taking into account students’ autonomous and controlled pretest scores, and students’ a priori amotivation. Separate univariate ANOVAs on the outcome variables revealed a significant effect of the condition on the outcome variables amotivation, F (1,210) = 3.98, p  = 0.047; and relatedness satisfaction F (1,210) = 6.41, p  = 0.012. As was hypothesized, students in the need satisfaction group reported less amotivation ( M  = 2.38), compared to students in the baseline group ( M  = 2.18). In contrast to what was hypothesized, students in the need satisfaction group reported less relatedness satisfaction ( M  = 2.43) compared to students in the baseline group ( M  = 2.73), and no significant effects of condition were found on the outcome variables autonomous motivation post, controlled motivation post, value/usefulness, autonomy satisfaction, autonomy frustration, competence satisfaction, competence frustration, and relatedness frustration. Table ​ Table4 4 shows the correlations between the motivational outcome variables.

Correlations motivational outcome variables

CM − 0.031
AMOT − 0.21**0.41**1
VU0.66** − 0.07 − 0.36**1
AS0.64** − 0.16** − 0.28**0.60**1
AF − 0.40**0.40**0.35** − 0.41** − 0.58**1
CS0.48** − 0.19** − 0.16*0.46**0.58** − 0.41**1
CF − 0.110.29**0.22** − 0.11 − 0.31**0.41** − 0.52**1
RS0.27** − 0.03 − 0.030.15*0.30** − 0.33**0.29** − 0.19**1
RF − 0.030.19**0.11 − 0.13 − 0.10**0.21***0.25**0.32** − 0.28**1

AM autonomous motivation, CM controlled motivation, AMOT amotivation, VU value/usefulness, AS autonomy satisfaction, AF autonomy frustration, CS competence satisfaction, CF competence frustration, RS relatedness satisfaction, RF relatedness frustration

**Correlation is significant at the 0.010 level (2-tailed)

*Correlation is significant at the 0.050 level (2-tailed)

What are the relationships between students’ need satisfaction, students’ need frustration, students’ autonomous and controlled motivation and students’ cognitive outcomes (research skills test and research skills task)?

The third research question (investigating the relationships between students’ need satisfaction, students’ motivation and students’ cognitive outcomes), is answered by means of five multiple regression analyses. The first three regressions include the need satisfaction and frustration scales, and students value/usefulness as independent variables, and students’ (1) autonomous motivation, (2) controlled motivation, and (3) amotivation as dependent variables ( n  = 219). The fourth and fifth regressions include students’ autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, and amotivation as independent variables, and students’ (4) LRST scores ( n  = 215), and (5) scores on the two-pager task as dependent variables ( n  = 206). Table ​ Table4 4 depicts the correlations for the first three analyses. Table ​ Table5 5 depicts the correlations for the last two analyses.

Correlations motivational and cognitive outcome variables

CM − 0.031
AMOT − 0.21**0.41**1
LRST0.10 − 0.10 − 0.32**1
2pager0.050.70 − 0.110.28**1

AM  autonomous motivation, CM  controlled motivation, AMOT  amotivation, LRST  score on LRST, Twopager  score on Twopager

In Table ​ Table3, 3 , we can see that students in both conditions experience average competence and autonomy satisfaction. However, students’ relatedness satisfaction seems low in both conditions. This finding will be further discussed in the discussion section. For autonomous motivation, a significant regression equation was found F (7,211) = 37.453, p  < 0.001. The regression analysis (see Table ​ Table5) 5 ) further reveals that all three satisfaction scores (competence satisfaction, relatedness satisfaction and autonomy satisfaction) contribute positively to students’ autonomous motivation, as does students’ experienced value/usefulness. Also for students’ controlled motivation a significant regression equation was found F (7,211) = 8.236, p  < 0.001, with students’ autonomy frustration and students’ relatedness satisfaction contributing to students’ controlled motivation. The aforementioned relationships are in line with the expectations. However, we noticed that relatedness satisfaction contributed to students’ controlled motivation in the opposite direction of what was expected (the higher students’ relatedness satisfaction, the lower students’ controlled motivation). This finding will be reflected upon in the discussion section. Also for students’ amotivation, a significant regression equation was found F (7,211) = 7.913, p  < 0.001. Students’ autonomy frustration, competence frustration and students’ value/usefulness contributed to students’ amotivation in an expected way. Also for cognitive outcomes related to the research skills test, a significant regression equation was found F (3,211) = 8.351, p  < 0.001. In line with the expectations, the regression analysis revealed that the higher students’ amotivation, the lower students’ scores on the research skills test. No significant regression equation was found for the outcome variable related to the research skills task F (3,202) = 0.954, p  < 0.416. For all regression equations, the R 2 and the exact regression weights are presented in Table ​ Table6 6 .

Linear model of predictors of autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, amotivation, LRST scores, and two-pager scores with beta values, standard errors, standardized beta values and significance values

RegressionDependent variableIndependent variable (SE)
1 (  = 0.55) AM 0.390.090.300 000*
AF − 0.020.06 − 0.020 691 014*
2 (  = 0.46) CMAS0.
CS − 0.050.11 − 0.040.667
3 (  = 0.46)*AMOTAS − 0.040.14 − 0.030.794*
 − 0.260.07 − 0.310.000*
4 (  = 0.33)*LRSTAM0.
 − 0.060.01 − 0.330.000*
5(  = 0.12)2-pagerAM0.
AMOT − 0.200.14 − 0.120.137

*Significant at .050 level

As a follow-up analysis and in order to better understand the outcomes, we decided to also look into the direct relationships between students’ perceived needs and students’ experienced value/usefulness, with students’ cognitive outcomes (LRST and two-pager) by means of two additional regression analyses. The motivation behind this decision relates to possible issues regarding the motivational measures used, which might complicate the investigation of indirect relationships (see discussion). The results are provided in Table ​ Table7, 7 , and show that both for the LRST and the two-pager, respectively, a significant [ F (7,207) = 4.252, p  < 0.001] and marginally significant regression weight [ F (7,199) = 2.029, p  = 0.053] was found. More specifically, students’ relatedness satisfaction and students’ perceived value/usefulness contribute to students’ scores on the two-pager and on the research skills test. As one would expect, we see that the higher students’ value/usefulness, the higher students’ scores on both cognitive outcomes. In contrast to one would expect, we found that the higher students’ relatedness satisfaction, the lower students’ scores on the cognitive outcomes. These findings are reflected upon in the discussion section.

Linear model of predictors of LRST scores, and two-pager scores with beta values, standard errors, standardized beta values and significance values

RegressionDependent variableIndependent variable (SE)
6 (  = 0.13) LRSTAS − 0.050.03 − 0.190.055
AF − 0.010.02 − 0.020 783
CF0.010.02 − 0.040.667
 − 0.030.01 − 0.160.025*
7  = .07) 2-pagerAS − 0.220.27 − 0.090.413
CF − 0.300.19 − 0.140.116
 − 0.310.14 − 0.170.030*
RF − 0.020.17 − 0.120.906

How do students experience need satisfaction and need frustration in a deliberately designed (4C/ID based) learning environment?

As was mentioned in the method section, the fourth research question was analysed by labelling students’ qualitative feedback by the codes ‘autonomy satisfaction, autonomy frustration, competence satisfaction, competence frustration, relatedness satisfaction, and relatedness frustration’. By means of this approach, we could analyse students’ need experiences in a fine grained manner. When students’ quotes were applicable to more than one code, they were labelled with different codes. In what follows, students’ quotes are indicated with the codes “BC” (baseline condition) or “NSC” (need satisfaction condition) in order to indicate which learning environment the student completed. Of all 233 students, 124 students provided qualitative feedback (44 in BC and 80 in NSC). In total, 266 quotes were labeled. Autonomy satisfaction was coded 40 times BC and 41 times in NSC; autonomy frustration was coded 13 times in BC and four times in NSC; competence satisfaction was coded 28 times in BC and 34 times in NSC; competence frustration was coded 31 times in BC and 27 times in NSC; relatedness satisfaction was coded 10 times in BC and 16 times in NSC; and relatedness frustration was coded five times in BC and 17 times in NSC. Several observations could be drawn from the qualitative data.

Related to autonomy satisfaction , in both conditions, several students explicitly mentioned the personal value and usefulness of what they had learned in the learning environment. While in the baseline condition, these references were often vague (“Now I know what people expect from me next year ”; “I think I might use this information in the future ”); some references appeared to be more specific in the need support condition (“I want to study psychology and I think I can use this information!”; “This is a good preparation for higher education and university ”; “I can use this information to write an essay ”; “I think the theory was interesting, because you are sure you will need it once. I don’t always have that feeling during a normal lesson in school”). In addition, students in both conditions mentioned that they found the material interesting, and that they appreciated the online format: “It’s different then just listening to a teacher, I kept interested because of the large variety in exercises and overall, I found it fun” (NSC).

Several comments were coded as ‘ autonomy frustration’ in both conditions. Some students indicated that they found the material “useless” (BC), or that “they did not remember that much” (BC). Others found the material “uninteresting” (BC), “heavy and boring” (NSC) or “not fun” (BC). In addition, some students “did not like to complete the assignments” (NSC), or “prefer a book to learn theory” (NSC).

Related to competence satisfaction , students in both conditions found the material “clear” (BC, NSC). In addition, students’ appreciated the example answers, the difficulty rate (“Some exercises were hard, but that is good. That’s a sign you’re learning something new” (NSC)), and the fact that the theory was segmented in several parts. In addition, students recognized that the material required complex skills: “I learned a lot, you had to think deeper or gain insights in order to solve the exercises” (NSC), “you really had to think to complete the exercises” (NSC). In the need satisfaction group, several quotes were labelled related to the specific need support provided. For example, students indicated that they appreciated the forum option: “If something was not clear, you could check your peer’s answers” (NSC). Students also valued the fact that they could work at their own pace: “I found it very good that we could solve everything at our own pace” (NSC); “good that you could choose your own pace, and if something was not clear to you, you could reread it at your own pace” (NSC). In addition, students appreciated the immediate feedback provided by the researcher “I found it very good that we received personal feedback from xxx (name researcher). That way, I knew whether I understood the theory correctly” (NSC); and the fact that they could indicate their progress “It was good that you could see how far you proceeded in the learning environment” (NSC).

In both the baseline and the need supportive condition, there were also several comments related to competence frustration . For example, students found exercises vague, unclear or too difficult. While students, overall, understood the theory provided, applying the theory to an integrative assignment appears to be very difficult: “I did understand the several parts of the learning environment, but I did not succeed in writing a research proposal myself” (NSC). “I just found it hard to respond to questions. When I had to write my two-pager research proposal, I really struggled. I really felt like I was doing it entirely wrong” (NSC)). In addition, a lot comments related to the fact that the theory was a lot to process in a short time frame, and therefore, students indicated that it was hard to remember all the theory provided. In addition, this led pressure in some students: “Sometimes, I experiences pressure. When you see that your peers are finished, you automatically start working faster.” (BC).

Concerning relatedness satisfaction , in the baseline condition, students appreciated the chat function “you could help each other and it was interesting to hear each other’s opinions about the topics we were working on” (BC). However, most students indicated that they did not make use of the chat or forum options. In the need satisfaction condition, students appreciated the forum and the chat function: “You knew you could always ask questions. This helped to process the learning material” (NSC), “My peers’ answers inspired me” (NSC), “Thanks to the chat function, I felt more connected to my peers” (NSC). In addition, students in the need satisfaction condition appreciated the fact that they could contact the researcher any time.

Several students made comments related to relatedness frustration . In both groups, students missed the ‘live teaching’: “I tried my best, but sometimes I did not like it, because you do not receive the information in ‘real time’, but through videos” (BC). In addition, students missed their peers: “We had to complete the environment individually” (BC). While some students appreciated the opportunity of a forum, other students found this possibility stressful: “I think the forum is very scary. I posted everything I had to, but I found it very scary that everyone can see what you post” (NSC). Others did not like the fact that they needed to work individually: “Sometimes I lost my attention because no one was watching my screen with me” (NSC); “I found it hard because this was new information and we could not discuss it with each other” (NSC); “I felt lonely” (NSC); “It is hard to complete exercises without the help of a teacher. In the future this will happen more often, so I guess I will have to get used to it” (NSC); “When I see the teacher physically, I feel less reluctant to ask questions” (NSC).

The current intervention study aimed at exploring the motivational and cognitive effects of providing need support in an online learning environment fostering upper secondary school students’ research skills. More specifically, we investigated the impact of autonomy, competence and relatedness support in an online learning environment on students’ scores on a research skills test, a research skills task, students’ autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, amotivation, need satisfaction, need frustration, and experienced value/usefulness. Adopting a pretest-intervention-posttest design approach, 233 upper secondary school behavioral sciences students’ motivational outcomes were compared among two conditions: (1) a 4C/ID inspired online learning environment condition (baseline condition), and (2) a condition with an identical online learning environment additively providing support for students’ autonomy, relatedness and competence need satisfaction (need supportive condition). This study aims to contribute to the literature by exploring the integration of need support for all three needs (the need for competence, relatedness and autonomy) in an ecologically valid setting. In what follows, the findings are discussed taking into account the COVID-19 affected circumstances in which the study took place.

As was hypothesized based on existing research (Costa et al., 2021 ), results showed significant learning gains on the LRST cognitive measure in both conditions, pointing out that the learning environments in general succeeded in improving students’ research skills. The current study did not find any significant differences in these learning gains between both conditions. Controlling for a priori differences between the conditions on the LRST pretest measure, students in the need support condition did exceed students in the baseline condition on the two-pager task. However, overall, the scores on the research skills task were quite low, pointing to the fact that students still seem to struggle in writing a research proposal. This task can be considered more complex (van Merriënboer & Kirschner, 2018 ) than the research skills test, as students are required to combine their conceptual and procedural knowledge in one assignment. Indeed, in the qualitative feedback, students indicate that they understand the theory and are able to apply the theory in basic exercises, but that they struggle in integrating their knowledge in a research proposal. Future research could set up more extensive interventions explicitly targeting students’ progress while writing a research proposal, for example using development portfolios (van Merriënboer et al., 2006 ).

The effect of the intervention on the motivational outcome measures was investigated. Since we experimentally manipulated need support, this study hypothesized that students in the need supportive condition would show higher scores for autonomous motivation, value/usefulness and need satisfaction; and lower scores for controlled motivation, amotivation and need frustration compared to students in the baseline condition (Deci & Ryan, 2000 ). However, the analyses showed that students in the conditions did not differ on the value/usefulness, autonomy satisfaction, autonomy frustration, competence satisfaction, competence frustration and relatedness frustration measures. In contrast to what was hypothesized, students’ in the baseline condition reported higher relatedness satisfaction compared to students in the need supportive condition. No differences were found in students’ autonomous motivation and controlled motivation. However, as was expected, students in the need supportive conditions did report lower levels of amotivation compared to students in the baseline condition. Still, for the current study, one could question the role of the need support in this respect, as the current intervention did not succeed in manipulating students’ need experiences. In what follows, possible explanations for these findings are outlined in light of the existing literature.

Need experiences

A first observation based on the findings as described above is that the intervention did not succeed in manipulating students’ need satisfaction, need frustration and value/usefulness in an expected way. One effect was found of condition on relatedness satisfaction, but in the opposite direction of what was expected. We did not find a conclusive explanation for this unanticipated finding, but we do argue that the COVID-19 related measures at play during the intervention could have impacted this result. This will be reflected upon later in this discussion (limitations). In both conditions, students seem to be averagely satisfied regarding autonomy and competence in the 4C/ID based learning environments. This might be explained by the fact that 4C/ID based learning environments inherently foster students’ perceived competence because of the attention for structure and guidance, and the fact that the use of authentic tasks can be considered autonomy supportive (Bastiaens & Martens, 2007). However, we see that students experience low relatedness satisfaction in both conditions. The fact that the learning environment was organized entirely online might have influenced this result. While one might also partly address this low relatedness satisfaction to the COVID-19 circumstances at play during the study, this hypothetical explanation does not hold entirely since also in a previous non COVID-affected study in this research trajectory (Maddens et al., under review ), students’ relatedness satisfaction was found to be low. This finding, combined with findings from students’ qualitative feedback clearly indicating relatedness frustration, we argue that future research could focus on the question as how to provide need for relatedness support in 4C/ID based learning environments. On a more general level, this raises the question how opportunities for discussions and collaboration can be included in 4C/ID based learning environments. For example, organizing ‘real classroom interactions’ or performing assignments in groups (see also the suggestion of van Merriënboer & Kirschner, 2018 ), might be important in fostering students’ relatedness satisfaction (Salomon, 2002 ) . As argued by Wang et al. ( 2019 ), relatedness support is clearly understudied, for a long time often even ignored, in the SDT literature. Recently, relatedness is beginning to receive more attention, and has been found a strong predictor of autonomous motivation in the classroom (Wang et al., 2019 ).

Possibly, the need support provided in the learning environment was insufficient or inadequate to foster students’ need experiences. However, as the implementations were based on the existing literature (Deci & Ryan, 2000 ), this finding can be considered surprising. In addition, we derive from the qualitative feedback that students seem to value the need support provided in the learning environment. These contradictory observations are in line with previous research (Bastiaens et al., 2017 ), and call for further investigation.

Autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, amotivation

A second observation is that, in both conditions, students seem to hold low autonomous motivation and low controlled motivation towards learning research. On average, also students’ amotivation is low. The fact that students are not amotivated to learn about research can be considered reassuring. However, the fact that students experience low autonomous motivation causes concerns, as we know this might negatively impact their learning behavior and intentions to learn (Deci & Ryan, 2000 ; Wang et al., 2019 ). However, this result is based on mean scores. Future research might look at these results at student level, in order to identify individual motivational profiles (Vansteenkiste et al., 2009 ) and their prevalence in upper secondary behavioral sciences education.

A third observation is that students’ autonomous and controlled motivation were not affected by the intervention. Since the intervention did not succeed in manipulating students’ need experiences, this finding is not surprising. In addition, this is in line with Bastiaens et al.’ ( 2017 ) study, not finding motivational effects of providing need support in 4C/ID based learning environments. However, the current study did confirm that—although still higher than at pretest level, see below—students in the need supportive condition reported lower amotivation compared to students in the baseline condition. As no amotivational differences were observed at pretest level, this might indicate that students’ self-reported motivation (autonomous and controlled motivation) and/or needs do not align with students’ experienced motivation and needs. As was mentioned, this calls for further research.

Theoretical relationships

In line with previous research (Wang et al., 2019 ), multiple regression analyses revealed that students’ need satisfaction (on all three measures) contributed positively to students’ autonomous motivation. In addition, also students’ perceived value/usefulness contributed positively to students’ autonomous motivation. Students’ competence frustration and autonomy frustration contributed positively to students’ amotivation, and students’ value/usefulness contributed negatively to students’ amotivation. Students’ autonomy frustration contributed positively to students’ controlled motivation. While all the aforementioned relationships are in line with the expectations (Deci & Ryan, 2000 ; Wang et al., 2019 ), an unexpected finding is that students’ relatedness satisfaction contributed positively to students’ controlled motivation. This contradicts previous research (Wang et al., 2019 ), reporting that relatedness contributes to controlled motivation negatively. However, previous research (Wang et al., 2019 ) did find controlled motivation to be positively related to pressure . Although we did not find a conclusive explanation for this unanticipated finding, one possible reason thus is that students who contacted their peers in the online learning environment (and thus felt more related to their peers), might have experienced pressure because they felt like their peers worked faster or in a different way. Indeed, in the qualitative feedback, we noticed that some students indicated they ‘rushed’ through the online learning environment because they noticed a peer working faster. This finding calls for further research.

Overall, the results indicate that the observed need variables contributed most to students’ autonomous motivation, compared to (reversed relationships in) students’ amotivation and students’ controlled motivation. As such, when targeting students’ motivation, fostering students’ autonomous motivation based on students’ need experiences seems most promising. This is in line with previous research (Wang et al., 2019 ) reporting high correlations between students’ needs and students’ autonomous motivation, compared to students’ controlled motivation. We also investigated the relationships between students’ motivation and students’ cognitive outcomes. In line with a previously conducted study in this research trajectory (Maddens et al., under review ), but in contrast to what was hypothesized based on the existing literature (Deci & Ryan, 2000 ; Grolnick et al., 1991 ; Reeve, 2006 ) we found that nor students’ autonomous motivation, nor students’ controlled motivation contributed to students’ scores on the research skills test. However, we did find that students’ amotivation contributed negatively to students’ LRST scores. As such, when targeting students’ cognitive outcomes in educational programs, one might pay explicit attention to preventing amotivation. This is in line with previous research conducted in other domains, reporting that amotivation plays an important role in predicting mathematics achievement (Leroy & Bressoux, 2016 ), while this relationship was not found in other motivation types. Related to research skills, the current research suggests that preventing competence frustration and autonomy frustration, and fostering students’ experiences of value/usefulness might be especially promising to reach this goal.

Initially, we did not plan any analyses investigating the direct relationships between students’ needs and students’ cognitive outcomes, partly because previous research (Vallerand & Losier, 1999 ) suggests that the relationships between need satisfaction and (cognitive) outcomes are mediated by the types of motivation. To this end, we investigated the relationships between students’ needs and students’ motivation, separately from the relationships between students’ motivation and students’ cognitive outcomes. However, because of potential issues with the motivational measures (see earlier), which possibly hampers the interpretation of the relationships between students’ needs, students’ motivation, and students’ cognitive outcomes, we decided to also directly assess the regression weights of students’ needs and students’ perceived value/usefulness, on students’ cognitive outcomes. Results revealed that, in line with the expectations, students’ perceived value/usefulness contributed positively to students’ LRST scores and two-pager scores, which potentially stresses the importance of value/usefulness, not only for motivational purposes, but also for cognitive purposes. This is in line with previous research (Assor et al., 2002 ), establishing relationships between fostering relevance and students’ behavioral and cognitive engagement (which potentially leads to better cognitive outcomes). In contrast to the expectations, students’ relatedness satisfaction was found to be negatively related to students’ scores on the LRST and the two-pager. However, again, this surprising finding is best interpreted in light of the COVID-10 pandemic (see earlier).


This study faced some reliability issues given the time frame in which the study took place. Due to the COVID-19-restrictions at play at the time of study, the study plan needed to be revised several times in collaboration with teachers in order to be able to complete the interventions. In addition, it is very likely that students’ motivation (and relatedness satisfaction) was influenced by the COVID 19-restrictions. For example, due to the restrictions, in the last phase of the intervention, students could only be present at school halftime, and therefore, some students worked from home while others worked in the classroom. In the qualitative feedback, students reported several COVID-19 related frustrations (it was too cold in class because teachers were obligated to open the windows; students needed to frequently disinfect their computers…). Also the teachers mentioned that students suffered from low well-being during the COVID-19 time frame (see further), and as such, this affected their motivation. Although all efforts were undertaken in order for the study to take place as controlled as possible, results should be interpreted in light of this time frame. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students’ self-reported motivation has been established in recent research (Daniels et al., 2021 ). Overall, one could question to what extent we can expect an intervention at microlevel (manipulating need support in learning environments) to work, when the study takes place in a time frame where students’ need experiences are seriously threatened by the circumstances.

Decreasing motivation

Students’ motivation evolved in a non-desirable way in both conditions. This unexpected finding (decreasing motivation) might be explained by four possible reasons: a first explanation is that asking students to fill out the same questionnaire at posttest and pretest level might lead to frustration and lower reported motivation (Kosovich et al., 2017 ). Indeed, students spent a lot of time working in the online learning environment, so filling out another motivational questionnaire on top of the intervention might have added to the frustration (Kosovich et al., 2017 ). A second explanation is that students’ motivation naturally declines over time (which is a common finding in the motivational literature, Kosovich et al., 2017 ). A third explanation is that students, indeed, felt less motivated towards research skills after having completed the online learning environment. For example, the qualitative data indicated that a lot of students acknowledged the fact that the learning environment was useful, but that personally, they were not interested in learning the material. In addition, students indicated that the learning material was a lot to process in a short time frame, and was new to them, which might have negatively impacted their motivation. The latter (students indicating that the learning material was extensive) might indicate that students experienced high cognitive load (Paas & van Merriënboer, 1994; Sweller et al., 1994 ) while completing the learning environment. A fourth explanation is that, due to the COVID19-restrictions, students lost motivation during the learning process. A post-intervention survey in which we asked teachers about the impact of the COVID-19 restrictions on students’ motivation indicated that some students experienced low well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic, and thus, this might have hampered their motivation to learn. In addition, a teacher mentioned that COVID-19 in general was very demotivating for the students, and that students had troubles concentrating due to the fact they felt isolated. As was mentioned, the impact of COVID-19 on students’ motivation has been well described in the literature (Daniels et al., 2021 ). Although, in the current study, we cannot prove the impact of these measures on students’ motivation specifically towards learning research skills, it is important to take this context into account when interpreting the results.

Students’ learning behavior

Based on students’ qualitative feedback, we have reasons to believe that students did not always work in the learning environment as we would want them to do. Thus, students did not interact with the need support in the intended way (‘instructional disobedient behavior’: Elen, 2020 ). For example, several students reported that they did not always read all the material, did not make use of the forum, or did not notice certain messages from the researcher. However, the current research did not specifically look into students’ learning behavior in the learning environment. In learning environments organized online, future researchers might want to investigate students’ online behavior in order to gain insights in students’ interactions with the learning environment.

This study aims to contribute to theory and practice. Firstly, this study defines the 4C/ID model (van Merriënboer & Kirschner, 2018 ) as a good theoretical framework in order to design learning environments aiming to foster students’ research skills. However, this study also points to students’ struggling in writing a research proposal, which might lead to more specific intervention studies especially focussing on monitoring students’ progress while performing such tasks. Secondly, this study clearly elaborates on the operationalizations of need support used, and as such, might inform instructional designers in order to implement need support in an integrated manner (including competence, relatedness and autonomy support). Future interventions might want to track and monitor students’ learning behavior in order for students to interact with the learning environment as expected (Elen, 2020 ). Thirdly, this study established theoretical relationships between students’ needs, motivation and cognitive outcomes, which might be useful information for researchers aiming to investigate students’ motivation towards learning research skills in the future. Based on the findings, future researchers might especially involve in research fostering students’ autonomous motivation by means of providing need support; and avoiding students’ amotivation in order to enhance students’ cognitive outcomes. Suggestions are made based on the need support and frustration measures relating to these motivational and cognitive outcomes. For example, fostering students’ value/usefulness seems promising for both cognitive and motivational outcomes. Fourthly, although we did not succeed in manipulating students’ need experiences, we did gain insights in students’ experiences with the need support by means of the qualitative data. For example, the irreplaceable role of teachers in motivating students has been exposed. This study can be considered innovative because of its aim to inspect both students’ cognitive and motivational outcomes after completing a 4C/ID based educational program (van Merriënboer & Kirschner, 2018 ). In addition, this study implements integrated need support rather than focusing on a single need (Deci & Ryan, 2000 ; Sheldon & Filak, 2008 ).


This study was carried out within imec’s Smart Education research programme, with support from the Flemish government.

Appendix: Overview test instruments

External regulationBecause that’s what others (e.g., parents, friends) expect from me
Introjected regulationBecause I want others to think I’m smart
Identified regulationBecause it’s personally important to me
Intrinsic motivationBecause I think it is interesting
AmotivationTo be honest, I don’t see any reason for learning about research skills
Value/UsefulnessI believe completing this learning environment could be of some value to me
Autonomy satisfactionWhile completing the learning environment, I felt a sense of choice and freedom in the things I thought and did

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is 11251_2022_9606_Figa_HTML.jpg

  • Instructions 2-pager (Maddens, Depaepe, Raes, & Elen, under review)

Write a research proposal for a fictional study.

In a Word-document of maximum two pages…

  • You describe a research question and the importance of this research question
  • You explain how you would answer this research question (manner of data collection and target group)
  • You explain what your expectations are, and how you will report your results.

To do so, you receive 2 hours.

Post your research proposal here.

Good luck and thank you for your activity in the RISSC-environment!


The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

All ethical and GDPR-related guidelines were followed as required for conducting human research and were approved by SMEC (Social and Societal Ethics Committee).

1 Fischer et al. ( 2014 ) refer to these research skills as scientific reasoning skills.

2 In Flanders, during the time of study, four different types of education are offered from the second stage of secondary education onwards (EACEA, 2018) (general secondary education, technical secondary education, secondary education in the arts and vocational secondary education). Behavioral sciences is a track in general secondary education.

3 For a complete overview on the design and the evaluation of this learning environment, see Maddens et al ( 2020b ).

4 During the time of study, the COVID-19 restrictions became more strict: students in upper secondary education could only come to school half of the time. Therefore, some students completed the last modules of the learning environment at home.

5 The BPNSNF-training scale is initially constructed to evaluate motivation related to workshops. The phrasing was adjusted slightly in order for the suitability for the current study. For example, we changed the wording ‘during the past workshop…’ to ‘while completing the online learning environment…’.

6 In the current study, we would label the items categorized as ‘intrinsic motivation’ in ASRS (finding something interesting, fun, fascinating or a pleasant activity) as ‘integration’. In SDT (Deci & Ryan, 2000 ; Deci et al., 2017 ), integration is described as being “fully volitional”, or “wholeheartedly engaged”, and it is argued that fully internalized extrinsic motivation does not typically become intrinsic motivation, but rather remains extrinsic even though fully volitional (because it is still instrumental). In the context of the current study, in which students learn about research skills because this is instructed (thus, out of instrumental motivations), we think that the term integration is more applicable than pure intrinsic motivation in self-initiated contexts (which can be observed for example in children’s play or in sports).

7 Levene’s test for homogeneity of variances was significant for the outcome “two-pager”. However, we continued with the analyses since the treatment group sizes are roughly equal, and thus, the assumption of homogeneity of variances does not need to be considered (Field, 2013 ). Levene’s test for homogeneity of variances was non-significant for all the other outcome measures.

8 Cohen’s D is calculated in SPSS by means of the formula: D = M 1 - M 2 Sp

Condition x autonomous motivation pretest Value/usefulness: p  = 0.251; autonomous motivation: p  = 0.269; controlled motivation: p  = 0.457; amotivation: p  = 0.219; autonomy satisfaction: p  = 0.794; autonomy frustration: p  = 0.096; competence satisfaction: p  = 0.682; competence frustration: p  = 0.699; relatedness satisfaction: p  = 0.943; relatedness frustration: p  = 0.870.

Condition x controlled motivation pretest Value/usefulness: p  = 0.882; autonomous motivation: p  = 0.270; controlled motivation: p  = 0.782; amotivation: p  = 0.940; autonomy satisfaction: p  = 0.815; autonomy frustration: p  = 0.737; competence satisfaction: p  = 0.649; competence frustration: p  = 0.505; relatedness satisfaction: p  = 0.625; relatedness frustration: p  = 0.741.

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Research skills refer to the ability to search for, locate, extract, organise, evaluate and use or present information that is relevant to a particular topic. Academic research is a specific type of research: a process of detailed and methodical investigation into some area of study. It involves intensive search, investigation, and critical analysis, usually in response to a specific research question or hypothesis. It also usually involves a lot of reading. 

Here are some examples of research questions:

  • Does smoking cause lung cancer?
  • Are gender roles a product of nature or nurture?
  • Will genetic engineering ever make it possible for humans to grow new organs?

The point of all academic research is to be able to say something with authority about the subject in question. Most of your lecturers are also researchers who specialise in particular fields. Advanced academic research aims to contribute something new to the subject area, but at undergraduate level, you are usually expected to begin by researching other people’s ideas and contributions, mostly through reading.

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What are Research Skills and why are they important?

Internet research skills

Most jobs actually require some level of problem-solving. You may come across an impediment and come up with a question that you must answer in order to proceed. To answer this question, you will almost certainly need to conduct some research. People with research skills can identify a problem, gather informational resources that can help address the problem, assess the quality and relevance of these resources, and come up with an effective solution to the problem.

By the way, to diversify your research paper process you can find unique research paper topics .

What is Research?

Internet Research is the practice of conducting research using Internet information, particularly free information on Internet-based educational resources (such as Internet discussion forums).

Simply put, research is the process of discovering new knowledge. This knowledge can be either the development of new concepts or the advancement of existing knowledge and theories, leading to a new understanding that was not previously known.

In fact, almost every profession or job necessitates some level of research and research skills. As long as you encounter a question, which is a natural occurrence in almost everything, you should encounter an opportunity to conduct research. When there is a need for research, strong research skills come in handy.

What are Research Skills?

Research skills enable you to focus on a specific goal, gather relevant information, and communicate your findings to others. We are taught from a young age to develop research skills, and for good reason.

Teachers in academia required answers to a series of topic-related questions in an essay. Similarly, your boss may eventually request that you investigate a work-related topic or figure out how to solve a problem.

Why are Research Skills Important?

Research skills are important in the workplace for a variety of reasons, including the ability for individuals and businesses to:

  • Develop new processes and outcomes. You don't have to be involved in research and development to improve the way your team works. Any sensible employer will value your efforts in researching new processes that will make your job (and those of your team) more efficient.
  • Personal Growth. People who have a knack and a passion for research are never satisfied with doing things the same way they've always done them. Organizations require independent thinkers who will seek their own answers and continually improve their skills. These employees will also learn new technologies more quickly.
  • Customer relationship management. In almost every industry, being able to conduct research on your customer base is critical. It's difficult to move products or sell services if you don't know what people want. It is a valuable responsibility to research your customer base's interests, needs, and pain points.
  • Cost Effective. Whether your organization is launching a new product or simply trying to cut costs, research is critical for identifying wasted resources and redirecting them to more worthy causes. Anyone who goes out of their way to find ways for the company to save money will be praised by their boss.
  • Competitor Analysis. Knowing what your top competitors are up to is crucial for any company. If a company wants to stay functioning, it must research what works for its competitors, what they do better than you, and where it may improve its standing with the least amount of resources.

Types of Research Skills

Experienced researchers understand that conducting a worthwhile investigation necessitates a wide range of abilities. Consider which research abilities you have naturally and which you could improve.

Goal Setting

You must first know what you're looking for before you can conduct any form of productive research. Setting goals is a skill just like any other. It will be lot easier to construct a path there if you can imagine the conclusion you're aiming to attain by investing effort into research. Goal-setting skills include:

  • Specificity
  • Time-Management
  • Planning ahead
  • Organization
  • Accountable

Data Collection

The collection of data is often the first thing to remember when thinking about the research process. It is a systematic process to collect and measure information on variables of interest that allows one to respond to research questions, to test hypothesis and to assess results.

Simply collecting facts and information on the internet can meet your needs for some purposes. More direct and popular research may be needed by others. You will be more impressive with your experience in different methods of data collection. Methods of data collection are:

  • Questionnaires and surveys
  • Observations
  • Documents and records
  • Focus groups
  • Oral histories

Evaluate and Analyze Information and Sources

In research, it is important to find reliable information suitable for your task. Some tasks may require the use of certain types of sources, such as primary or secondary sources or certain types of journals, like scientific journals. You may need to restrict the numbers sources you use for other assignments.

In all cases, the information contained in your assignments should always be assessed. Knowing how to assess information helps you with research tasks and with your life's bigger decisions. Knowing where to go for information that is relevant, credible, and accurate can assist you in making informed decisions about graduate school, a new car purchase, financial aid opportunities, daycare options, and other topics.

  • Published books
  • Encyclopedias
  • Scholarly journals
  • Library catalogs

Using the internet to gather information

Search engines are used to find the majority of information on the Internet. A search engine is an online service that employs web robots to query millions of web pages and compile an index of the results. Internet users can then utilize these services to search the web for information. While it is beneficial to consult different sources, today's research is driven by good online research skills.

One of the greatest things about the internet is how much information it holds; unfortunately, getting to the data you need requires sifting through a lot of rubbish. Employers value the ability to efficiently utilise the large reservoir of knowledge available on the internet without getting lost in the clutter. The following are some examples of internet research skills:

  • Source checking
  • Searching relevant questions
  • Exploring deeper than the first options
  • Avoiding distraction
  • Giving credit
  • Organizing findings

Due to the sheer size of the World Wide Web, and with the rapid growth of indexed web pages, finding relevant and reliable information demands specialized training and Internet research skills . We provide a centralized virtual platform for knowledge professionals that use the Internet as a primary source of information. This AofIRS is more than just a virtual collaboration and networking platform for researchers and knowledge professionals. The website is filled with free, up-to-date content and reference material that is ideal for research.


Some research projects may demand a more hands-on approach than relying just on online resources. In the research process, being prepared with great interviewing skills can be really beneficial. Interviews can be a good way to get first-hand knowledge for your research, and knowing how to conduct an effective interview can help you improve your research skills. Interviewing abilities include:

  • A plan of action
  • Specific, pointed questions
  • Respectfulness
  • Considering the interview setting
  • Actively Listening
  • Taking notes

Report Writing

Report writing skills can help you in both your employment and your academic studies. In any case, the overall goal of a report is to transmit specific facts to its audience.

Communication is crucial for effective report writing. Your supervisor, professor, or general reader should comprehend your findings and conclusions clearly. Skills in report writing include:

  • Formatting is important.
  • Including a synopsis
  • Keeping your focus on your main goal
  • Developing a plan
  • Proofreading\sDirectness

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking skills can help you a lot in the research process and in general as an employee. Your data analysis skills are referred to as critical thinking. When you're conducting research, you'll need to be able to interpret your findings and make rational judgments based on them. The following are examples of critical thinking skills:

  • Observation
  • Assessing issues
  • Problem-solving
  • Communication

Planning and Scheduling 

The development of baseline productivity and success standards is one of the most significant components of planning and scheduling. You won't know if you're meeting goals until you have a particular strategy in place with a specific desired outcome defined by a completion date.

It also makes time management considerably easy. Employers value planning and scheduling abilities because they suggest a well-prepared employee. Skills in planning and scheduling include:

  • Setting objectives
  • Identifying tasks
  • Prioritizing
  • Delegating if needed
  • Time-management


Research involves sifting through and taking in lots of information. Taking thorough notes ensures that you do not overlook any findings and allows you to communicate these findings to your coworkers. Being able to take good notes aids in the summarization of research. Here are some examples of note-taking abilities:

  • Using short-hand
  • Keeping your goal in mind
  • Emphasizing important points
  • Reviewing notes afterward

Time Management

Unfortunately, we only have 24 measly hours in a day. In a professional setting, the ability to effectively manage this time is extremely valuable. Hiring managers look for candidates who can complete tasks within a specific time frame.

Strong time management skills imply that you can organize a strategy for breaking down larger tasks in a project and completing them by a deadline. Improving your time management skills can significantly boost the productivity of your research. Time management abilities include the following:

  • Creating task outlines
  • Thinking strategically
  • Stress-management
  • Utilizing resources
  • Setting reasonable expectations
  • Meeting deadlines

Other Helpful Research Skills

The definition of research skills is broad, and there are many traits that could help you in the research process. Consider some of the additional research skills below.

  • Attention to detail
  • Reading and writing skills
  • Considering keywords
  • Competitor comparison
  • Multitasking
  • Summarization
  • Presentation

How to Improve Your Research Skills

The great thing about research skills is that many of us use them on a daily basis. When you use a search engine to find information on a topic, you are conducting research. However, there are more proactive ways to begin improving your research skills today:

  • Make a distinction between source quality. A researcher's worst source determines how good they are. Start paying attention to the quality of the sources you're using, and be wary of anything you read until you've double-checked the attributions and works cited. Examine the author's bias, the author's research's alignment with the greater body of confirmed research in the subject, and the journal that sponsored or published the research.
  • Verify information from several sources. It gets increasingly trustworthy when you can verify information from a variety of sources. If you want to strengthen your belief in one source, check if you can locate another that agrees with it. When you run into contradictions and conflicts in your study, you know you need to keep going until you reach a more definitive conclusion.
  • Don't be influenced by confirmation bias. Confirmation bias occurs when a researcher expects a specific result and then searches for data to support that hypothesis, ignoring any sources that contradict or invalidate the researcher's initial idea. Be ready for unexpected responses and keep an open mind. Also, keep in mind that you might not be able to discover a definitive answer. It's preferable to provide the important points of your research to someone (such as your employer) and explain that it didn't lead to a concrete plan of action than to alter your data and give the answer you or your boss want to hear.
  • Stay organized. You'll encounter a lot of material during the data gathering process, from webpages to PDFs to videos. To avoid losing something or not being able to properly mention something, it's critical that you maintain all of this information organized in some way. There are numerous methods for keeping your research project structured, but here are a few of the most common: Bookmarks in your browser, index cards, and an annotated bibliography that you update as you go are all useful tools.
  • Develop your research skills. Professional certification will help you improve your research skills. CIRS™ (Certified Internet Research Specialist), is by far the only professional credential that meets this challenge. Professional researchers owe it to themselves to seek structured certification programs and stay in touch with new materials and tools that are available to transform research problems from very difficult or impossible to quick and simple tasks. We have developed a CIRS Certification (Certified Internet Research Specialist) to educate and train Online Researchers that now form a significantly large group of people involved in digital information research work.
  • Get specific as you go. There's nothing wrong with commencing your investigation in a broad sense. After all, it's critical to become acquainted with the vocabulary and substance of the researcher's results before delving into the details. Orienting yourself to a new topic is an important step that will prevent you from being discouraged and working backwards.
  • Learn how to spot a reliable source. Because not all sources are trustworthy, it's critical to be able to distinguish between the good and the bad. To find a trustworthy source, utilize your critical thinking and analytical skills to ask yourself the following questions: Is this source consistent with other sources I've discovered? Is the author a subject matter expert? Is there a conflict of interest in the author's point of view on this subject?

If you're ready to conduct research to enhance your search efforts, the following resources will be useful:

  • Educational Search Engines for Students
  • Top 100  Academic Search Engines
  • 3 ways to help students do efficient online research

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  • SEP 20 CIRS Certification Internet Research Training Program Live Classes Online

World's leading professional association of Internet Research Specialists - We deliver Knowledge, Education, Training, and Certification in the field of Professional Online Research. The AOFIRS is considered a major contributor in improving Web Search Skills and recognizes Online Research work as a full-time occupation for those that use the Internet as their primary source of information.

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The Best Research Skills For Success

research skills and knowledge

Updated: June 19, 2024

Published: January 5, 2020


Every student is required to conduct research in their academic careers at one point or another. A good research paper not only requires a great deal of time, but it also requires complex skills. Research skills include the ability to organize, evaluate, locate, and extract relevant information.

Let’s learn how to develop great research skills for academic success.

What is Research?

We’ve all surely heard the term “research” endlessly. But do you really know what it means?

Research is a type of study that focuses on a specific problem and aims to solve it using scientific methods. Research is a highly systematic process that involves both describing, explaining, and predicting something.

A college student exploring research topics for his science class.

Photo by  Startup Stock Photos  from  Pexels

What are research skills.

Research skills are what helps us answer our most burning questions, and they are what assist us in our solving process from A to Z, including searching, finding, collecting, breaking down, and evaluating the relevant information to the phenomenon at hand.

Research is the basis of everything we know — and without it, we’re not sure where we would be today! For starters, without the internet and without cars, that’s for sure.

Why are Research Skills Important?

Research skills come in handy in pretty much everything we do, and especially so when it comes to the workforce. Employers will want to hire you and compensate you better if you demonstrate a knowledge of research skills that can benefit their company.

From knowing how to write reports, how to notice competition, develop new products, identify customer needs, constantly learn new technologies, and improve the company’s productivity, there’s no doubt that research skills are of utter importance. Research also can save a company a great deal of money by first assessing whether making an investment is really worthwhile for them.

How to Get Research Skills

Now that you’re fully convinced about the importance of research skills, you’re surely going to want to know how to get them. And you’ll be delighted to hear that it’s really not so complicated! There are plenty of simple methods out there to gain research skills such as the internet as the most obvious tool.

Gaining new research skills however is not limited to just the internet. There are tons of books, such as Lab Girl by Hope Jahren, journals, articles, studies, interviews and much, much more out there that can teach you how to best conduct your research.

Utilizing Research Skills

Now that you’ve got all the tools you need to get started, let’s utilize these research skills to the fullest. These skills can be used in more ways than you know. Your research skills can be shown off either in interviews that you’re conducting or even in front of the company you’re hoping to get hired at .

It’s also useful to add your list of research skills to your resume, especially if it’s a research-based job that requires skills such as collecting data or writing research-based reports. Many jobs require critical thinking as well as planning ahead.

Career Paths that Require Research Skills

If you’re wondering which jobs actually require these research skills, they are actually needed in a variety of industries. Some examples of the types of work that require a great deal of research skills include any position related to marketing, science , history, report writing, and even the food industry.

A high school student at her local library looking for reliable sources through books.

Photo by  Abby Chung  from  Pexels

How students can improve research skills.

Perhaps you know what you have to do, but sometimes, knowing how to do it can be more of a challenge. So how can you as a student improve your research skills ?

1. Define your research according to the assignment

By defining your research and understanding how it relates to the specific field of study, it can give more context to the situation.

2. Break down the assignment

The most difficult part of the research process is actually just getting started. By breaking down your research into realistic and achievable parts, it can help you achieve your goals and stay systematic.

3. Evaluate your sources

While there are endless sources out there, it’s important to always evaluate your sources and make sure that they are reliable, based on a variety of factors such as their accuracy and if they are biased, especially if used for research purposes.

4. Avoid plagiarism

Plagiarism is a major issue when it comes to research, and is often misunderstood by students. IAs a student, it’s important that you understand what plagiarism really means, and if you are unclear, be sure to ask your teachers.

5. Consult and collaborate with a librarian

A librarian is always a good person to have around, especially when it comes to research. Most students don’t seek help from their school librarian, however, this person tends to be someone with a vast amount of knowledge when it comes to research skills and where to look for reliable sources.

6. Use library databases

There are tons of online library resources that don’t require approaching anyone. These databases are generally loaded with useful information that has something for every student’s specific needs.

7. Practice effective reading

It’s highly beneficial to practice effective reading, and there are no shortage of ways to do it. One effective way to improve your research skills it to ask yourself questions using a variety of perspectives, putting yourself in the mind of someone else and trying to see things from their point of view.

There are many critical reading strategies that can be useful, such as making summaries from annotations, and highlighting important passages.

Thesis definition

A thesis is a specific theory or statement that is to be either proved or maintained. Generally, the intentions of a thesis are stated, and then throughout, the conclusions are proven to the reader through research. A thesis is crucial for research because it is the basis of what we are trying to prove, and what guides us through our writing.

What Skills Do You Need To Be A Researcher?

One of the most important skills needed for research is independence, meaning that you are capable of managing your own work and time without someone looking over you.

Critical thinking, problem solving, taking initiative, and overall knowing how to work professionally in front of your peers are all crucial for effectively conducting research .

1. Fact check your sources

Knowing how to evaluate information in your sources and determine whether or not it’s accurate, valid or appropriate for the specific purpose is a first on the list of research skills.

2. Ask the right questions

Having the ability to ask the right questions will get you better search results and more specific answers to narrow down your research and make it more concise.

3. Dig deeper: Analyzing

Don’t just go for the first source you find that seems reliable. Always dig further to broaden your knowledge and make sure your research is as thorough as possible.

4. Give credit

Respect the rights of others and avoid plagiarizing by always properly citing your research sources.

5. Utilize tools

There are endless tools out there, such as useful websites, books, online videos, and even on-campus professionals such as librarians that can help. Use all the many social media networks out there to both gain and share more information for your research.

6. Summarizing

Summarizing plays a huge role in research, and once the data is collected, relevant information needs to be arranged accordingly. Otherwise it can be incredibly overwhelming.

7. Categorizing

Not only does information need to be summarized, but also arranged into categories that can help us organize our thoughts and break down our materials and sources of information.

This person is using a magnifying glass to look at objects in order to collect data for her research.

Photo by  Noelle Otto  from  Pexels

What are different types of research, 1. qualitative.

This type of research is exploratory research and its aim is to obtain a better understanding of reasons for things. Qualitative research helps form an idea without any specific fixed pattern. Some examples include face-to-face interviews or group discussions.

2. Quantitative

Quantitative research is based on numbers and statistics. This type of research uses data to prove facts, and is generally taken from a large group of people.

3. Analytical

Analytical research has to always be done from a neutral point of view, and the researcher is intended to break down all perspectives. This type of research involves collecting information from a wide variety of sources.

4. Persuasive

Persuasive research describes an issue from two different perspectives, going through both the pros and cons of both, and then aims to prove their preference towards one side by exploring a variety of logical facts.

5. Cause & Effect

In this type of research, the cause and effects are first presented, and then a conclusion is made. Cause and effect research is for those who are new in the field of research and is mostly conducted by high school or college students.

6. Experimental Research

Experimental research involves very specific steps that must be followed, starting by conducting an experiment. It is then followed by sharing an experience and providing data about it. This research is concluded with data in a highly detailed manner.

7. Survey Research

Survey research includes conducting a survey by asking participants specific questions, and then analyzing those findings. From that, researchers can then draw a conclusion.

8. Problem-Solution Research

Both students and scholars alike carry out this type of research, and it involves solving problems by analyzing the situation and finding the perfect solution to it.

What it Takes to Become a Researcher

  • Critical thinking

Research is most valuable when something new is put on the table. Critical thinking is needed to bring something unique to our knowledge and conduct research successfully.

  • Analytical thinking

Analytical thinking is one of the most important research skills and requires a great deal of practice. Such a skill can assist researchers in taking apart and understanding a large amount of important information in a short amount of time.

  • Explanation skills

When it comes to research skills, it’s not just about finding information, but also about how you explain it. It’s more than just writing it out, but rather, knowing how to clearly and concisely explain your new ideas.

  • Patience is key

Just like with anything in life, patience will always take you far. It might be difficult to come by, but by not rushing things and investing the time needed to conduct research properly, your work is bound for success.

  • Time management

Time is the most important asset that we have, and it can never be returned back to us. By learning time management skills , we can utilize our time in the best way possible and make sure to always be productive in our research.

What You Need to Sharpen Your Research Skills

Research is one of the most important tasks that students are given in college, and in many cases, it’s almost half of the academic grade that one is given.

As we’ve seen, there are plenty of things that you’ll need to sharpen your research skills — which mainly include knowing how to choose reliable and relevant sources, and knowing how to take them and make it your own. It’s important to always ask the right questions and dig deeper to make sure that you understood the full picture.

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The Council on Undergraduate Research

Knowledge Makers: Indigenous Undergraduate Researchers and Research

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As higher education institutions seek to provide further scope for diversity in their practices, there is space opening up for Indigenous undergraduate research. This article reflects on the Knowledge Makers program, an Indigenous undergraduate research initiative based in British Columbia, Canada. The Knowledge Makers program shows what is possible when an Indigenous approach is used to mentor Indigenous undergraduate students and offers promising practices for increasing Indigenous researchers and research, such as drawing on the knowledge of Indigenous ancestors, valuing Indigenous research methodologies, using a strengths-based approach, performing research as a type of service, and committing to legacy.

More Articles in this Issue

Student research showdown: a research communication competition.

Student researchers are rarely trained to explain their work to a general audience but must do so throughout their careers. To assist undergraduate researchers in building this skill, the Student Research Showdown—a research video and presentation competition—was created at the University of Texas at Austin. Students create brief videos on which their peers vote, and the top video creators face off with presentations and are awarded prizes by a panel of judges. Students reflect on their experiential learning as they construct a narrative that disseminates their findings, communicates impact, and serves as a sharable testament to their success. Indirect measures indicate that students improve their research communication skills by participating in this event.

Social and Human Capital Influences on Undergraduate Researchers’ Disciplinary Identity: The Case of Social and Natural Scientists

Disciplinary identity, or connection to a particular academic discipline, is constructed through a developmental process across a scholar’s academic life course. Using unique data from an online survey of students at four different types of colleges and universities, this study investigates the extent to which disciplinary identity among undergraduate researchers is connected to their human and social capital and differs between social and natural scientists. Disciplinary identity for natural scientists is correlated with mentoring, being a first-generation student, and having a disability, whereas disciplinary identity for social scientists is correlated with only one factor: grit. Implications for institutions and undergraduate programs desiring to enhance the connection between students and their fields of study are discussed.

Leveraging the Role of Library Partnerships to Understand Undergraduate Research Contributions to Humanities Scholarship: A Case Study

The library and the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program at the University of Michigan partnered in an investigation of student-faculty research collaboration in the humanities. The authors found that providing early opportunities for undergraduates to collaborate on such projects was highly beneficial for both students and faculty mentors. Students contributed and gained invaluable skills in an experience they stated was more meaningful than that of a conventional classroom, whereas faculty mentors could juggle multiple projects, benefit from students’ technological skills, and articulate the salience of their research processes and their work. The authors also discuss the role of the library as a crucial catalyst in changing the perception of the humanities at higher education institutions, particularly as it exposes students to research projects and professions within the library.

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Undergraduate research highlights – spring 2019, establishing a statewide celebration of undergraduate research: history and lessons learned.

The Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC) is an annual multidisciplinary conference that enables student scholars to present their research, network with other students, and attend professional development seminars. FURC has been held since 2011 and has featured more than 2,100 student presentations with participation from a broad array of institutions within the state. Survey data indicate that FURC is the first conference presentation for the majority of participants and that participation in the conference is associated with several positive outcomes. This article describes the history, structure, and planning of the conference and as well provides survey and outcome data that may assist other states and geographic areas as they consider forming their own conferences.

Learning “Scholarship as Conversation” by Writing Book Reviews

The ability of undergraduate students to write for scholarly audiences is contingent upon their capacity to recognize that scholarship is a kind of conversation. For a student, writing an academic book review is a near ideal yet generally underutilized opportunity to learn this lesson. Through analysis of previously published book reviews coproduced with students, the authors identify actionable practices to transform the process of writing book reviews from an undervalued, lone activity into a viable form of undergraduate research. Publishing coauthored book reviews may aid students seeking admission to graduate school and faculty seeking promotion. In the end, writing book reviews with students is an opportunity for faculty and librarians to pass along the important lesson that scholarship is an important, inclusive conversation.

A Peer Research Consultant Program: Feasibility and Outcomes

The authors discuss their study of the Peer Research Consultant (PRC) program at California State University, San Bernardino. During the 2016–2017 academic year, 13 courses, with 853 students enrolled, participated in the PRC program. Program participants completed pre and post-measures assessing demographic information, perceptions of skill level, and perceived gains following program participation. Students who participated in the PRC program showed an increase in overall course grades (M = 3.11) compared to those who did not (M = 2.82; p < 0.05). Similar findings were observed among under-represented minority (URM) students who participated (M = 3.05) and those who did not (M = 2.73, p < 0.05). Program participants reported high satisfaction with the program and improved confidence in skills

Introduction – Spring 2019

Table of contents – spring 2019.

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SPUR advances knowledge and understanding of novel and effective approaches to mentored undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative inquiry by publishing high-quality, rigorously peer reviewed studies written by scholars and practitioners of undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative inquiry. The SPUR Journal is a leading CUR member benefit. Gain access to all electronic articles by joining CUR.

University of South Florida

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From L to R: Albert Kim (Co-PI), Yasin Yilmaz (Co-PI), Ashok Kumar (PI), Srinivas Katkoori (Co-PI) and Norma Alcantar (Co-PI) in Cleanroom Facilities at USF Nanotechnology Research and Education Center (NREC)

USF receives $3 million for interdisciplinary NSF research traineeship award to advance semiconductor research and education

  • August 26, 2024

The NSF Research Traineeship Program (NRT) awarded a five-year, $3 million funding grant to the University of South Florida (USF) for the development and implementation of a comprehensive and experiential learning-based education, research, training and skills development program in semiconductor design, manufacturing and packaging for graduate students. The NRT is a prestigious, national program that supports annual cohorts of trainees in developing the skills, knowledge and competencies needed to pursue a range of STEM careers. The program is dedicated to effective training of STEM graduate students in high- priority interdisciplinary or convergent research areas through comprehensive traineeship models that are innovative, evidence-based and aligned with changing workforce and research needs.

Principal Investigator, Professor Ashok Kumar (Mechanical Engineering), along with Co-Principal Investigators, Professor Srinivas Katkoori (Computer Science & Engineering), Associate Professor Albert Kim (Medical Engineering), Associate Professor Yasin Yilmaz (Electrical Engineering), and Professor Norma Alcantar (Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering) were awarded the grant for a project entitled “NRT: Science, Technology, Engineering, Program for Upward Partnership (STEP-UP) for Advancing Microelectronics Education and Training.” This grant will provide approximately 23 graduate (15 doctoral and 8 master) student fellowships to advance research in the much-needed field of semiconductor technologies.

“Much-publicized semiconductor chips shortage has impacted several critical industries. A skilled and diverse pipeline of workers is critical to building a sustainable domestic semiconductor industry and to achieving the CHIPS Act economic and national security goals. This NRT grant will provide to better prepare master’s and doctoral students for the interdisciplinary talents required in semiconductor chip development,” said Ashok Kumar, the principal investigator of the NSF NRT project.

“USF’s STEP-UP NRT program is a unique cutting-edge training program that not only trains a graduate student in interdisciplinary technical skills and novel convergent approaches but also emphasizes on all-round trainee development in terms of communication, teamwork, project management, ethics and leadership to create tomorrow’s world leaders in the semiconductor field.” said Srinivas Katkoori, Co-investigator of the NRT project. 

“Semiconductor industries are very reluctant to hire students without having any hands-on experience in semiconductor standard clean room facilities,” said Senior Personnel Robert Tufts and Rich Everly from the Nanotechnology Research and Education Center (NREC). They will be involved in providing the basic semiconductor fundamentals, processing, and design concept in fabrication of functional semiconductor devices in class 1000 clean room facilities at NREC.

Senior personnel Steve Kozlowski (Psychology Department), Grandon Gill (Muma College of Business), Sudeep Sarkar (Computer Science & Engineering Department) and Joanna Burchfield (College of Engineering) will be involved in comprehensive education and training activities for NRT Fellows in leadership, communication, teamwork, ethics, entrepreneurship skills, etc. 

“This NSF-funded NRT program will be a model for a future interdisciplinary graduate program at USF and it brings significant benefit to our institution. It forges a convergent and innovative program to train graduates in Semiconductor Technology,” said Ruth Bahr, Dean of Graduate Studies, USF (Tampa Campus).

“USF’s ability to provide advanced semiconductor training to graduate students in a teaching clean room will strengthen the U.S. technical workforce. USF will increase capacity-building of skilled graduate scholars through strategic public-private collaborations and partnerships with government agencies, national laboratories, and academia.” said Sylvia Thomas, USF Vice President of Research and Innovation.

“The NSF Research Traineeship Award will significantly impact the quality of graduate education at USF and will bring a wide range of benefits to the research scholars we serve,” said Prasant Mohapatra, Provost and Executive Vice President. “At USF, we believe highly integrative graduate research training equips students with the skills and knowledge to tackle complex, real-world challenges. These programs foster critical thinking, innovation, and interdisciplinary collaboration, which are vital for addressing the pressing issues of our time

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Explore the Top 9 Skills You Need for an Entry-Level Role in Architecture

By Jenny Kawecki

research skills and knowledge

Interested in pursuing a career in architecture? Deciding what skills to develop can feel challenging, especially because a career in architecture can take you in many different directions. To help guide students and emerging professionals, NCARB has released a new Workforce Readiness Report that identifies the key knowledge, skills, and abilities (called KSAs) you need to succeed in your first architecture job.

Download the Workforce Readiness Report

The report was created with research and input from thousands of both experienced and entry-level architecture professionals. It identifies the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to effectively perform in an entry-level architecture position, including technical skills and soft skills.

Start building your career plan—dive into the nine skills that both licensed and unlicensed individuals indicated were most critical for an entry-level role:

Technical Skills

  • Use software to create 2D and 3D drawings as directed. As you work in an architecture firm, it’s essential that you know how to use CAD and/or BIM software to develop a design based on instructions and specifications. 
  • Make changes to those 2D and 3D drawings based on redline comments. Once you’ve developed those initial designs, a more senior architect or designer will mark them up with comments, revisions, and changes—you have to know how to adjust your drawings based on that feedback.
  • Understand the meaning and purpose of common drawing elements included within design and construction drawings. From hatch patterns to dimensions to elevations, there are many Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry-specific drawing elements that you’ll need to know how to interpret and apply correctly.
  • Follow instructions to assemble construction drawings. Once the design has been finalized, it’s important that you can create a set of construction drawings that the contractor will use to turn the design from a sketch to a built object.
  • Understand common business software applications. Aside from the AEC-specific programs, like CAD or Revit, you’ll also need to know how to use generic business software, including word processing (Microsoft Word, Google Docs) and spreadsheet (Excel, Google Sheets) programs.   

Soft Skills

  • Understand the importance of collaborating with others to achieve goals. Architects collaborate every day with a variety of individuals, including engineers, interior designers, contractors, and more. To succeed as an architect, you’ll need to work well within a team toward a shared goal.
  • Demonstrate time management and organizational skills. You’re also likely to be juggling several projects and deadlines at any given moment—learning how to meet those deadlines while staying on top of other priorities is an essential skill.
  • Communicate clearly and professionally. Whether sharing your ideas with a client or collaborating with your colleagues, you’ll need to know how to present your thoughts in a way that other people can understand.
  • Take initiative and solve problems independently. Being able to seek out answers to questions independently and find a solution on your own is a valuable skill that can help you advance.

Interested in learning more? Check out all the KSAs that can help you build an early career in architecture in NCARB’s Workforce Readiness Report .

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UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence. UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.

UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.

Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is among the most pervasive and serious violations of human rights, with inextricable links to broader peace and security. Spotlight Initiative was launched in 2017 as the world’s largest effort to end violence against women and girls. A pooled fund of the United Nations (UN) system, Spotlight Initiative is an SDG Accelerator, a United Nations High Impact Initiative to deliver on the 2030 Agenda and a model for localization, unifying communities, civil society, governments, donors, and experts under a common approach rooted in local needs. Spotlight Initiative is also a model for operationalizing the UN Development System reforms.

Spotlight Initiative has over 6 years, delivered proof of concept across 25 countries and 5 regions and will now scale up to greater investment and reach, bringing on board new countries and new partnerships. The Initiative will deepen its "whole-of-society" approach, placing the goal of ending violence against women and girls at the centre of national development priorities. Spotlight Initiative promotes a multi-sectoral approach to the complex issue of violence against women and girls and its variety of root causes. The Initiative's workstreams include four main pillars: 1. Laws, policies, and institutions; 2. Prevention and social norms change; 3. Response and services for survivors and perpetrators’ accountability; and 4. Support to civil society and women’s movements.

Under the leadership of the Executive Office of the UN Secretary-General, the day-to-day management of the Spotlight Initiative is led by a Secretariat, housed within the Development Coordination Office (DCO) with a reporting line to the Executive Office of the Secretary-General and servicing the whole UN System.

The Secretariat's core technical responsibilities are to support the design, implementation, and monitoring of comprehensive and effective country programmes on EVAWG, to contribute to increased global awareness, knowledge sharing, and networking on EVAWG as well as to ensure that the achievements and results of the Spotlight Initiative are expanded and sustained. Specifically, the Secretariat is responsible for the following outputs: 1) data and research on GBV and various forms of violence at the global and regional levels is enhanced and disseminated; 2) technical package in line with the Spotlight Initiative model, and evidence-based strategies, knowledge, and tools on violence against women and girls is consolidated and made available for new programmes and advocacy purposes; 3) global and regional strategic partnerships are expanded to advance efforts on ending gender-based violence, including through communication, behavior change strategies, events, and campaigns; and 4) increased expertise at country level to ensure the development and sustainability of comprehensive programmes to end violence against women and girls in line with the Spotlight Initiative model.

Six years into implementation, Spotlight Initiative has generated a wealth of knowledge, lessons, and best practices on integrated and comprehensive programming on ending violence against women and girls. Thus, a critical function of Spotlight Initiative is to serve as a knowledge platform on ending VAWG (EVAWG). Moving forward, Spotlight Initiative will amplify the wealth of lessons and promising practices generated by programmes to inform global policy and advocacy on EVAWG and serve as a model for comprehensive EVAWG programming.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Knowledge Management and Capacity Development Consultant works with and provides support to the Secretariat Knowledge Management team in the implementation of the Capacity Development and Knowledge Management portfolios. The Consultant contributes to the dissemination of knowledge, tools, lessons learned, and good practices on EVAWG, supports the strengthening of global EVAWG partnerships, networking, and engagement, and provides substantive technical and capacity development support on EVAWG for Spotlight Initiative 2.0 programmes.

Under the guidance and direction of the Technical Advisor, the Consultant will

1.   Provide knowledge management and capacity development services to Spotlight Initiative Secretariat, supporting the dissemination of knowledge, tools, lessons learned, and good practices on EVAWG.

  • Support roll-out capacity development (CD) and knowledge management (KM) strategy for the Spotlight Initiative 2.0
  • Supervise the update and maintenance of the Spotlight Initiative Learning Center, Global Knowledge Product Tracker, and other relevant repositories.
  • Support knowledge management integration into 2.0 Programmes, including maintaining a community of practice and serving as a ‘help desk’ to Spotlight Initiative 2.0 programmes to access key tools.
  • Research on knowledge gaps needed to strengthen programme implementation under the Spotlight Initiative 2.0, and develop specific knowledge management tools based on lessons learned, good practices emerging from the field, and the Spotlight Initiative
  • Identify capacity needs of Spotlight Initiative 2.0 programmes. and coordinate technical sessions/webinars/dialogues on specific EVAW issues linked to programming as they arise or on an as-needed basis including on the SHINE platform, an online knowledge exchange hub on EVAWG.

? 2.  Support strengthening global EVAWG partnerships, networking, engagement, and research.

  • Identify new and strengthen existing partnerships in the EVAWG space, and promote the Spotlight Initiative model,
  • Identify areas for promoting new knowledge and innovation that can support with implementation of Spotlight Initiative programmes and increasing global commitments to EVAWG.
  • Support the organization of global, and regional convenings and knowledge exchanges with key partners, including donors.
  • Support global EVAWG research and learning initiatives and their uptake.

3.  Provide technical assistance and backstopping support to Technical Advisor, and overall programme management to the KM and CD Portfolio:

  • Respond to research/ technical assistance requests from Technical Advisor
  • Prepare technical presentations, concept notes, briefs, advocacy, and other products.
  • Backstop on technical needs, including representation in meetings, as needed, and requested.
  • Conduct consultations with technical experts and institutions, including from other UN agencies, to validate recommendations on selected tools and products.
  • Monitor KM and CD portfolio delivery, and support with preparation of budgets, annual reports, and overall program management.
  • Perform other related duties and assignments as and when requested by the supervisor. 

Key Performance Indicators:

  • High-quality and timely knowledge management and capacity development services for Spotlight Initiative
  • High-quality and timely technical EVAWG assistance provided to the Spotlight Initiative programmes
  • EVAWG lessons, best practices, and solutions made accessible and amplified, and uptake of knowledge and comprehensive EVAWG programming supported.
  • High-quality and timely coordination of global/regional knowledge exchange convenings, and the development of new partnerships in the EVAWG space


Core Values:

  • Respect for Diversity
  • Professionalism

Core Competencies:

  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
  • Accountability
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Effective Communication
  • Inclusive Collaboration
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Leading by Example

Functional Competencies:

  • Impeccable attention to detail and organizational skills.
  • Ability to conduct in-depth analysis and research and strong writing skills.
  • Strong sense of initiative, accountability, and commitment.
  • Hard working, dedicated, with a solution-oriented mindset.
  • Ability to connect day-to-day work with strategic overarching goals and principles.
  • Strong capacity to communicate proactively and clearly and work collaboratively.
  • Adaptable and flexible, ability to prioritize workload, meet deadlines, communicate workload with supervision, and understand when to escalate potential issues.
  • Knowledge of gender equality, VAWG, and international development issues is an asset.

Required Skills and Experience

Education and Certification:

  • Master’s degree (or equivalent) in political science, international relations/development, gender studies, or a related field
  • A first-level university degree in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience  may be accepted  in lieu of the advanced university degree”.


  • At least five years of professional work experience in knowledge management and capacity development on EVAWG and/or programme development on gender/ EVAWG
  • Experience in knowledge management and capacity development on GBV /Gender is required.
  • Experience in policy analysis and research on EVAWG, gender equality and women’s empowerment, social justice/human rights, and dissemination
  • Experience with supporting the development of global/regional convenings and partnerships on gender, and/or EVAWG is an asset.
  • Excellent writing skills

Language Requirements:

  • Fluency in English is required.
  • Knowledge of another UN language is an asset
  • Open access
  • Published: 27 August 2024

Knowledge, attitude, and practice of Iranian health care workers about infodemic management: a cross-sectional descriptive study

  • Fatemeh Zarei   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-1561-3646 1 , 6 ,
  • Arezoo Dehghani 2 , 3 ,
  • Farshid Rezaei 4 ,
  • Afrouzeh Kazemi 4 &
  • Gholamreza Masoumi   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-1636-0313 5 , 7  

BMC Health Services Research volume  24 , Article number:  992 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

Metrics details

Misinformation (infodemics) can hinder effective healthcare delivery. This study assessed Iranian healthcare workers’ (HCWs) knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) regarding infodemic management (IM).

A cross-sectional survey using a self-reported questionnaire (KAPIM) distributed via convenience sampling to 1890 HCWs across all Iranian Medical Sciences Universities.

The results showed that healthcare workers demonstrated overall KAP scores with a mean of 3.38 out of 5. Knowledge scores were 63.01%, attitude scores were 74.23%, and practice scores were lower at 55.76%. There were positive correlations between age and work experience with both knowledge and attitude scores.

These findings suggest a gap between HCWs’ knowledge/attitude and practice regarding IM. Targeted interventions emphasizing practical skills are needed. Considering demographics and regional variations is crucial when developing training programs for enhanced infodemic preparedness across the Iranian healthcare system.

Peer Review reports

Infodemics, characterized by the rapid spread of misinformation during an epidemic or pandemic, pose significant risks to public health [ 1 ]. The crucial role of healthcare professionals in mitigating infodemics is clear, yet there is a lack of comprehensive understanding regarding their awareness, perspectives, and strategies for infodemic management [ 2 , 3 ]. Healthcare workers (HCWs) are vital to the effectiveness of health systems, especially during epidemics [ 4 , 5 ]. Healthcare workers (HCWs) in Iranian communities and health systems consistently rank among the most trusted sources of health information. Their direct, face-to-face interactions with patients in clinics, hospitals, and community settings, such as local focus groups and religious gatherings, provide them with unique opportunities to address health misinformation and promote accurate information. Healthcare professionals often serve as informal health educators, participating in community events, religious activities, and social media discussions. The COVID-19 pandemic further highlighted their critical role in disseminating accurate health information. By equipping HCWs with the knowledge and skills necessary to address health misinformation, we can enhance their ability to promote evidence-based practices and foster public trust in health information. Therefore, this study focuses on HCWs to leverage their potential role in social vaccination and improving community and organizational health literacy in combating infodemic. HCWs provide numerous services to patients and clients, with one of their most important roles being the dissemination of education and information, particularly in critical situations like epidemics [ 6 , 7 ]. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented global challenges, affecting not only healthcare infrastructures but also individuals striving to stay well-informed and safe [ 8 ]. In this context, the infodemic—marked by the rapid spread of misinformation, disinformation, and rumors about the pandemic through various channels, especially social media—has emerged as a significant public health emergency [ 9 ]. Healthcare workers are uniquely positioned to address and manage the infodemic, utilizing their knowledge, attitudes, and practices [ 10 ]. Research in Iran indicates that social media users primarily spread rumors, and the lack of a reliable and authoritative news source is a key reason for the emergence of rumors [ 11 , 12 ]. The importance of managing infodemics and rumors in healthcare has gained increased attention, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic [ 13 ]. Analysis of risk communication strategies used by different countries during the COVID-19 emergency highlights the need for a well-planned and relevant approach to rumor control [ 14 ]. Given the existing gaps between the public and the media, as well as reliable news sources, the involvement of proactive healthcare providers who communicate with the public is crucial in navigating infodemics. Healthcare professionals must quickly, accurately, and transparently counter rumors to curb the spread of misinformation and mitigate the effects of the infodemic [ 15 , 16 ].

This research aimed to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of HCWs in Iran regarding infodemic management. This evaluation will help in planning educational programs, capacity building, and policy formulation for managing infodemics.

Study design, and setting

This descriptive-analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in Comprehensive Health Care Centers (CHCCs) across Iran. We included a total of 64 Medical Sciences Universities, ensuring a comprehensive representation of HCWs from various regions.

Participant recruitment and inclusion/exclusion criteria

HCWs were chosen due to their pivotal role in disseminating health information, correcting misinformation, and their high level of trust within the community. They engage in direct patient education, participate in community outreach activities, and utilize digital platforms to share accurate health information. Additionally, HCWs often serve as informal health educators in community gatherings, religious events, and social media discussions. Given their significant influence, training HCWs in infodemic management is essential for enhancing their capacity to address health misinformation effectively. Inclusion criteria included HCWs being recruited in one of 64 Iranian Medical Sciences Universities, having at least one year of experience, and being a midwife, health educator, family health provider, or similar role. Participants were also required to be Iranian nationals with at least one year of experience working in a PHC with potential exposure to infodemics and a willingness to participate in the study. Exclusion criteria were limited to those unwilling to continue due to any reason or withdrawal of consent.

Sampling and sample size

Convenience sampling was employed in this study, targeting HCWs from 10 educational zones within the Iranian Primary Health Care (IPHC) system, affiliated with 64 medical universities. The IPHC system has approximately 18,000 HCWs. The initial sampling yielded 2030 completed questionnaires. After removing incomplete responses, a final sample size of 1,890 HCWs was obtained for analysis. This approach ensured that the data collected was relevant and reliable for the targeted population accessible through the Seeb platform. However, it is important to note that convenience sampling introduces limitations to the generalizability to the entire population of Iranian HCWs. While this study’s sample size of 1890 is expected to provide valuable insights into the research topic, future research efforts aiming for broader generalizability could consider employing probability sampling methods with appropriate sample size calculations. Sample size determination was conducted using Cochran’s formula with parameters set as P  = 0.5, margin of error (d) = 0.025, and confidence level (1-α) = 0.95. With a Z-value of 1.96 for a 95% confidence interval, the initial sample size calculation is:

To account for a 20% margin of error, the final sample size is adjusted to:

1536 × 1.2 = 1843.2 ≈ 1844

Thus, the required sample size is 1844.

Data collection tool

Data were gathered using the KAPIM questionnaire [ 8 ], a validated instrument designed to assess the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) of healthcare workers (HCWs) regarding infodemic management (IM). The KAPIM tool was developed through a rigorous process, including item generation, validation, and reduction, to ensure its accuracy and relevance. This tool assesses three critical domains of HCWs’ KAP related to IM, which can inform targeted interventions to improve their preparedness and response to infodemics. Given the significant role and direct interaction of HCWs with the public, it was essential to create an instrument that could evaluate their knowledge, attitudes, and practices in IM. The KAPIM questionnaire consists of 40 items, divided into three distinct areas: Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice. The Knowledge subscale includes 24 items, where participants are asked to respond with one of three options: true, don’t know, or false. Each response is assigned a score ranging from 1 to 3. The Attitude subscale contains 8 items, where participants rate their agreement with each statement on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 representing ‘completely agree’ and 5 representing ‘completely disagree’. The Practice subscale comprises 7 items, where participants indicate the frequency of certain behaviors on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 representing ‘always’ and 5 representing ‘never’.

The development of the KAPIM tool involved a mixed-method approach, beginning with item generation through two steps: a qualitative study with face-to-face interviews of 17 HCWs and a systematic review. Following this, the tool underwent psychometric property assessments, including face validity, content validity, construct validity, and reliability. The content validity ratio (CVR) and content validity index (CVI) were calculated for each item. Construct validity was evaluated through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with the participation of 250 HCWs (6.25 participants per item). The reliability of the tool was assessed using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Cronbach’s alpha.

The KAPIM tool was found to have acceptable face validity, with an impact score for all items higher than 1.5. The tool’s overall CVI and CVR were 0.94 and 0.78, respectively. The reliability of the tool was deemed adequate, with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.905 and an ICC of 0.827, confirming its suitability for assessing HCWs’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding IM [ 8 ].

Data collection

For data collection the online version of the questionnaire (KAPIM) was disseminated via the Seeb platform, the IPHC system’s integrated health platform. To ensure data integrity, our online survey employed Avvalform’s IP tracking to prevent duplicate submissions. Data collection lasted from March 15 to May 24, 2023.

Addressing potential bias

In our study, we implemented several measures to mitigate potential sources of bias:

Tool Validation : We used a validated and reliable questionnaire to assess the primary variables, ensuring the accuracy of our data collection tool.

Online Questionnaires : To minimize errors associated with online data collection, we restricted each participant to a single submission by using the “Avvalform” web questionnaire. This system tracked the IP addresses of respondents, removing any duplicate IPs to prevent multiple submissions from the same individual. This step was crucial in maintaining the integrity of our data by ensuring that each participant could only complete the questionnaire once.

Data analysis

The data was analyzed in SPSS software version 23 using descriptive statistics (calculating measures of central tendency and dispersion for quantitative variables and frequency and percentage for qualitative variables). At first, the normality of the variables was checked with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is significant for the total score and areas ( p  < 0.05). Accordingly, non-parametric tests (Mann-Whitney test, Wilcoxon test, Kruskal test) were used for data analysis.

Ethical considerations

All methods were carried out following relevant guidelines and regulations (Helsinki Declaration of Ethical Principles for Medical Research. Ethical approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee of Iran University of Medical Sciences, with the ethics code IR.IUMS.REC.1402.406. Data collection was carried out with an online questionnaire after obtaining informed consent from people who were eligible and volunteered to participate in the study.

A total of initial 2030 HCWs participated in an online cross-sectional survey, but 140 participants failed to fully complete the survey or to fulfill other requirements. Thus, 1890 respondents were considered in the final analysis.

Sociodemographic characteristics

Table  1 presents the sociodemographic characteristics of the participants. The majority of participants were female (89.4%), with a significant proportion aged between 31 and 40 years (41.5%). Most participants held a Bachelor’s Degree (69.0%) and had 5–10 years of work experience (24.2%).

Association between sociodemographic characteristics and KAP scores

Table  2 shows significant positive correlations between knowledge mean scores and both age and work experience, with correlation coefficients of 0.129 and 0.107 respectively, both significant at p  < 0.0001. Similarly, there are significant positive correlations between attitude mean scores and both age and work experience, with correlation coefficients of 0.112 and 0.091 respectively, both significant at p  < 0.0001. However, practice mean scores show no significant correlation with age or work experience, with correlation coefficients of − 0.006 ( p  = 0.785) and 0.009 ( p  = 0.688), respectively. The strong positive correlation between age and work experience ( r  = 0.872, p  < 0.0001) is also evident in the data.

Table  3 indicates a significant positive correlation between total KAP scores and age ( r  = 0.080, p  = 0.001) and between total KAP scores and work experience ( r  = 0.073, p  = 0 0.002). These correlations suggest that both age and work experience are positively associated with higher KAP scores among HCWs. However, the correlation coefficients are relatively low, indicating that other factors may also contribute to variations in KAP scores.

Table  4 indicates that there are no statistically significant differences in Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice scores between male and female HCWs, as all p -values are greater than the conventional significance level of 0.05.

Table  5 indicates that there are statistically significant differences in the average scores of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice across different educational levels, as the p -values for these categories are less than the conventional significance level of 0.05. Specifically, Knowledge: p  = 0.031, Attitude: p  = 0.016, and Practice: p  = 0.006. However, the total number does not show a statistically significant difference ( p  = 0.194), suggesting that the educational level does not significantly impact the total number of participants in each educational category. The details of Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient are shown in Fig.  1 .

figure 1

The correlations between criteria and KAP

The map identifies the provinces where the KAP of IM strategies are superior (Lorestan, Kohgiluyeh Boyer-Ahmad, and Semnan) and where they are inferior (Qom, Alborz, West Azerbaijan (Urmia), and Fars). This indeed underscores the regional disparities in IM during critical periods such as pandemics ( Fig.  2 ) .

figure 2

The total average of KAPIM in Iran’s provinces

We employed a cross-sectional survey design with a large and diverse sample of 1890 Iranian healthcare workers (HCWs) to investigate their knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) regarding infodemic management (IM). As disease literacy (knowledge) and attitude are known to influence preventive measures during outbreaks [ 17 ] this study aimed to assess HCWs’ cognitive initial constructs (KAP) for IM. Our findings revealed positive correlations between age, work experience, and KAP scores, suggesting knowledge and skills development over time. However, practice scores did not correlate significantly with age or experience. Additionally, while gender did not show a significant impact, educational level displayed a statistically significant association with KAP scores.

Our study revealed significant positive correlations between age and both knowledge, indicating that older healthcare workers (HCWs) tend to score higher on knowledge and attitude assessments related to infodemic management (IM). This finding aligns with existing literature, suggesting that older HCWs are better at managing rumors in public health emergencies [ 18 , 19 ]. The interrelation of aging, knowledge, and cognitive performance provides further insights into the relationship between age and knowledge [ 20 ]​​. Research consistently shows that as HCWs age and gain more experience, their knowledge and skills improve. A study on healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) among HCWs in Wuhan, China, found that job-related factors, including clinical experience, significantly influenced knowledge and practice related to HAIs​ [ 21 ]. This supports the idea that more experienced HCWs are likely to have better knowledge and practices. Another study emphasized that continuous education and training significantly enhance HCWs’ knowledge and attitudes toward managing misinformation and disinformation during health crises​ [ 22 ]​. This is consistent with the finding that educational level is significantly associated with KAP scores. Studies focusing on public health professionals’ responses to misinformation highlight that older and more experienced HCWs tend to have a deeper understanding and more robust skills in managing health information [ 21 , 22 ]​​. This underscores the critical role of experience in developing effective infodemic management strategies.

Our study also found positive correlations between work experience and knowledge (rho = 0.107, p  < 0.05) and attitude scores (rho = 0.091, p  < 0.05). Similar to age, HCWs with more experience tended to have higher knowledge and attitude scores. According to Purnat et al. (2023), managing infodemics requires leveraging past outbreak experiences and ongoing training to enhance HCWs’ knowledge and attitudes [ 23 ]. During emergencies, healthcare providers may struggle to access accurate information, and their decision-making can be influenced by past experiences, trust in authorities, and social circles​ [ 24 ]​. Our findings are further supported by other studies acknowledging the positive link between experience and knowledge/attitude, emphasizing the value of lifelong learning for HCWs [ 18 , 20 ]​​. This is crucial for managing infodemics and developing a skilled healthcare workforce.

Interestingly, our study found a weak negative correlation between practice scores and age, and a weak positive correlation between practice scores and work experience, both of which were not statistically significant. This suggests that neither age nor work experience significantly impacts practice scores among healthcare workers (HCWs). One study found that the practice of HCWs regarding personal protective equipment in COVID-19 varied significantly based on several factors, including age and work experience [ 24 ]. Specifically, younger healthcare workers and those with less work experience sometimes exhibited better practice scores, which might seem counterintuitive but aligns with our finding of a weak correlation between practice scores and age/work experience​ [ 24 ]. These studies suggest that while knowledge and skills may improve with age and experience, actual practice behaviors are influenced by a complex interplay of factors, including workplace environment, specific job roles, and individual perceptions and attitudes toward guidelines and training. This highlights a potential disconnect between knowledge and attitude, and the actual implementation of best practices. Several factors might contribute to this gap, including time constraints and workload pressures in healthcare settings, lack of localized guidelines or protocols for implementing infodemic management strategies, and insufficient resources or support systems within healthcare institutions. Future research should explore these potential barriers and identify strategies to bridge the knowledge-practice gap. Developing practical tools and resources to support HCWs in implementing best practices could be highly beneficial.

Our study found no significant influence of gender on KAP scores related to infodemic management (IM), indicating that gender does not appear to be a significant factor influencing these scores among the study participants. This suggests that IM training and resources are reaching healthcare workers (HCWs) of all genders effectively, promoting equitable access to knowledge and a unified approach to managing information flow within healthcare settings. This finding is supported by various studies in the healthcare sector, which consistently show that gender does not play a significant role in determining the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of healthcare workers in several contexts, including infection prevention and control measures [ 25 ]. Similarly, research on healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) among healthcare workers in Wuhan, China, indicated that gender did not significantly influence knowledge or practices related to HAI prevention and control [ 21 ]. These findings align with our study’s result, suggesting that infodemic management training and resources are being accessed equitably across genders, promoting a unified approach to managing information flow within healthcare settings. This is a positive indication that educational interventions are effectively reaching healthcare workers of all genders, supporting our conclusion of equitable access to IM knowledge and practices. In contrast, some studies have found gender differences in knowledge about specific health issues. For instance, studies in South Korea [ 26 , 27 ], China [ 28 ], and Hong Kong [ 29 ] revealed that males had less knowledge about COVID-19, rendering them particularly vulnerable to the epidemic​ [ 21 , 22 ] However, these differences may be context-specific and not necessarily indicative of a broader trend across all healthcare contexts. Overall, the absence of significant gender differences in KAP scores in our study suggests that current IM training programs are effectively addressing the needs of all HCWs, regardless of gender, which is crucial for fostering a well-informed and cohesive healthcare workforce.

Our study found a statistically significant association between educational level and KAP scores among healthcare workers (HCWs), with higher educational levels correlating with better knowledge and attitudes towards infodemic management (IM). This suggests that more educated HCWs are better equipped with a strong foundation for understanding IM principles and developing positive attitudes toward their importance. Research supports our findings. For instance, studies have shown that educational interventions significantly enhance HCWs’ knowledge and attitudes toward managing misinformation and disinformation during health crises [ 30 ]​. Wong et al. (2022), Zhang et al. (2019), and Gao et al. (2020) also reported positive correlations between education and knowledge scores, indicating that less educated individuals are more vulnerable during epidemics like COVID-19 due to their lower knowledge levels​ [ 26 , 28 , 29 ]. This aligns with our results, where higher educational levels are associated with better knowledge and attitudes [ 30 ]. However, the lack of a significant difference in total KAP scores suggests that variations within each educational group may even out the overall picture. This could indicate that while education improves specific aspects of knowledge and attitudes, other factors might influence the total KAP scores. For instance, workplace environment, specific job roles, and individual perceptions and attitudes towards guidelines and training might also play significant roles in shaping overall KAP scores. Further investigation into the specific knowledge and skills gained at different educational levels could provide deeper insights. Identifying the areas where educational interventions are most effective can help in developing targeted training programs to enhance IM capabilities across all educational levels​ [ 30 ]. By understanding the nuanced impacts of education on KAP scores, we can better design educational programs that address the specific needs of HCWs, ensuring that all receive the necessary training to manage infodemics effectively. This approach supports the development of a skilled workforce capable of handling health information crises proficiently.

The KAP scores of infodemic management were found to be superior in the provinces of Lorestan, Kohgiluyeh Boyer-Ahmad, and Semnan. Conversely, these aspects were observed to be inferior in the provinces of Qom, Alborz, West Azerbaijan (Urmia), and Fars. These findings suggest regional disparities in infodemic management during critical periods such as pandemics.

Limitations and counterstrategies

This study employed a cross-sectional design, capturing a snapshot of healthcare workers’ (HCWs) knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) regarding infodemic management in Iran at a specific point in time. While this design provides valuable insights, it cannot establish causal relationships. The online data collection method, though efficient and accessible, may have introduced selection bias towards individuals with internet access and familiarity with online platforms. Additionally, the reliance on self-reported data may have led to biases, and the sample had a predominance of female participants. Despite these limitations, the study offers significant insights into HCWs’ KAP, which can guide future educational interventions and policy development.

Implications and future research

The findings from this study highlight the need for targeted training programs tailored to the specific needs of different HCW groups, focusing on both knowledge acquisition and practical skill development. The identified regional variations underscore the necessity for geographically specific interventions to enhance infodemic management preparedness across Iran. Future research should explore the reasons behind the disconnect between knowledge, attitude, and practice scores. Investigating the specific factors influencing the implementation of infodemic management practices and conducting longitudinal studies to track changes in KAP over time would be valuable. Additionally, addressing the limitations of convenience sampling by using systematic sampling methods in future studies will provide a more representative sample and a clearer understanding of regional differences in infodemic management.

This study investigated the KAP of Iranian HCWs regarding infodemic management, revealing significant regional variations. These findings indicate the need for geographically targeted interventions to address knowledge gaps and strengthen preparedness in lower-scoring regions. The study also found positive correlations between KAP scores and factors such as age, work experience, and education, suggesting that HCWs with more experience and higher education levels may demonstrate better infodemic management capabilities. However, it is essential to note that older HCWs, with potentially more experiences, also play a crucial role. This was vice versa of the common belief that the younger generation have better digital literacy and medica literacy would be the better infodemic manager. Effective infodemic management requires a combination of strong foundational knowledge, practical skills, and the ability to leverage digital platforms to combat misinformation.

Data availability

The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.


Health Care Workers

Infodemic Management

Knowledge, Attitude, Practice

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The authors are grateful to participants and support of Health Education and Health Promotion Bureau of Ministry of Health and Medical Education.

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Authors and affiliations.

Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Tehran, Iran

Fatemeh Zarei

Health in Disasters and Emergencies Research Center, Institute for Futures Studies in Health, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran

Arezoo Dehghani

Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Health Education and Health Promotion Bureau, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran

Farshid Rezaei & Afrouzeh Kazemi

Emergency Medicine Management Research Center, Health Management Research Institute, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Gholamreza Masoumi

Jalal AleAhmad Nasr Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), P.O.Box: 14115-111, Tehran, Iran

Emergency Management Research Center, Health Management Research Institute, Faculty of Management and Information, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Shahid Yasmi St., Valiasr St, P.O.Box::1996713883, Tehran, Iran

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Data gathering: AK, AD. Data Analysis: AD and GHM. Interpretation of results: FZ, FR. Development of research and hypotheses: FZ, FR. Writing of manuscript AD, FZ, GHM Critical reviewing of manuscript: AD, FZ. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Fatemeh Zarei or Gholamreza Masoumi .

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Not applicable.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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The study obtained an ethical approval from the Ethics Sub‑committee at IR.IUMS.REC.1402.406 and conducted the study in accordance with the declaration of Helsinki (2010); and a written informed consent has been obtained from the patient(s) to participate in this study.

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Zarei, F., Dehghani, A., Rezaei, F. et al. Knowledge, attitude, and practice of Iranian health care workers about infodemic management: a cross-sectional descriptive study. BMC Health Serv Res 24 , 992 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-024-11441-x

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Received : 02 May 2024

Accepted : 14 August 2024

Published : 27 August 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-024-11441-x

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  • Infodemic management
  • Health care workers

BMC Health Services Research

ISSN: 1472-6963

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With an applied physics: electronics degree, you'll gain the skills and knowledge to thrive in the rapidly evolving field of electronics engineering.


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Why should I study applied physics with an electronics emphasis?

Here, you’ll find a Christ-centered learning community where you belong. Your education will center in the Department of Physics and Engineering , where you’ll receive personalized mentorship and engage in hands-on learning experiences. And you’ll find unique options and pathways to match your graduate school and career goals.

  • Faith-fueled learning Ground your physics studies in a Christ-centered environment, preparing you to serve with purpose and integrity in your future career. And your professors will model how to be excellent scientists and faithful Christians.
  • Comprehensive coursework Our program bridges the gap between physics and electrical engineering, providing you with a solid foundation in both disciplines. From semiconductor physics to circuit design, you'll explore a wide range of topics relevant to electronics engineering.
  • Strong success in graduate and medical schools You’ll be well-equipped to pursue careers that require medical or graduate degrees. And our graduates have a longstanding, excellent success rate in getting into medical programs and pursuing vibrant careers.
  • A flexible, liberal arts foundation If you desire a strong liberal arts and science background, you can pursue engineering through one of Bethel's excellent standalone engineering programs or the B.A./B.S. Dual-Degree Engineering program . The dual degree—or “3-2”—program allows students to spend three years taking foundational courses in Bethel’s Christ-centered community before transferring to another university to spend two years working in specialty engineering fields beyond what Bethel offers. 
  • Adaptable courses For your first two years, all majors (physics, applied physics, and engineering) start with the same core technical courses, helping you to experience each field and decide which suits you best.


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Courses and skills

What skills will I develop?

Through the B.S. in Applied Physics with an electronics emphasis, you’ll cultivate a diverse skill set essential for success in the field of electronics engineering.


Theoretical understanding

Master fundamental concepts in physics and electronics, including semiconductor physics, electromagnetism, and circuit theory.

Practical skills

Gain hands-on experience in designing, building, and testing electronic systems through laboratory experiments and research projects.

Analytical abilities

Develop strong analytical and problem-solving skills to tackle complex engineering challenges in technology and research.

Communication and teamwork

Collaborate with peers and faculty on projects, enhancing your teamwork and communication skills essential for professional success.

Industry readiness

Acquire industry-relevant skills and knowledge to pursue diverse career opportunities in electronics engineering, research, and development.

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Academic plans

Map out your time at Bethel—from day one to your diploma. Your course schedule is designed to help you grow, gain skills, and become who you’re meant to be.

Learning opportunities

What experiences will I have?

Hands-on learning is at the core of all Bethel majors. That means you’ll find numerous opportunities to get involved, apply what you’ve learned, and gain experience. And Bethel’s size and vibrant community will allow you to pursue ways to get involved right away.


Hands-on projects

You’ll have the opportunity to participate in nationally competitive research internships at prestigious institutions around the world for academic credit or to earn income. You’ll also publish papers, present findings at local and national conferences.

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State of the art research labs

You’ll have access to 15 different research labs for class and personal research projects, roughly 12,000 sq. ft., more than half devoted to upper-level labs using equipment found in industry, other labs entirely to research and design work.

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Clubs and travel

Participate in multiple student clubs such as: High-Power Rocket Team, Society of Physics Students, and study abroad opportunities including locations in Switzerland and at Oxford University in England.

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Real-world impact

What can I do with an applied physics degree?

Graduates of the applied physics major with an emphasis in electronics are equipped with the skills and knowledge to pursue diverse career paths and graduate school opportunities.

Electronics engineering

Design and develop electronic systems and devices for various industries, including telecommunications, consumer electronics, and aerospace.

Embedded systems engineering

Create embedded systems for applications such as IoT devices, robotics, and automotive electronics.

Semiconductor process engineering

Work in semiconductor fabrication facilities to develop and optimize manufacturing processes for semiconductor devices.

Research science

Conduct research in electronics, materials science, or applied physics in academic institutions, government labs, or private research organizations.

Product development

Lead product development efforts for electronics companies, bringing innovative products from concept to market.

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You’ll learn alongside faculty who are distinguished scholars and faithful Christians. They’ll know you by name and invest in your success.

Department of Physics & Engineering

Barnes Academic Center (BAC) 244

Brian Beecken

Brian Beecken

Professor of Physics and Engineering and Department Chair

Alyssa Hamre Kontak

Alyssa Hamre Kontak

Assistant Professor of Physics

Julie Hogan

Julie Hogan

Associate Professor of Physics

Nathan Lindquist

Nathan Lindquist

Professor of Physics

Wayne Raman-Nair

Professor of Physics and Engineering

Keith Stein

Keith Stein

Shensheng tang.

Nathan Lemke

Nathan Lemke

Adjunct Associate Professor of Physics and Engineering

Jason Stroup

Adjunct Instructor of Physics and Engineering

Thomas Greenlee

Thomas Greenlee

Professor of Physics Emeritus

Richard Peterson

Richard Peterson

University Professor of Physics Emeritus

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Student Support

Your support team

At Bethel, you’ll experience a community where you belong. And that means you’ll be able to access numerous tools for your academic success—tutoring, mentors, study help, and more.

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Career coaching and preparation

A dedicated team is here to empower you to lead a purposeful life. Career coaches will help you build a resume, pursue internships and jobs, and provide support at every step of the way.

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Academic advising

No matter your goals, you’ll find support from your advisor. They’ll help you plan your courses and will provide support as you complete your degree and start a successful career.

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Tutoring and academic support

The Academic Enrichment and Support Center (AESC) will be your first stop for academic support. You’ll find help in building study skills, academic counseling, and more.

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Faith formation

As you develop your faith, you’ll have support from our Campus Ministries team. From Chapel to Bible studies, you’ll have numerous opportunities to explore and grow in your faith.

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Bethel’s small size, strong community, and liberal arts focus allows you to personalize your education by adding additional majors or minors. In fact, about 30% of students double major—and many pursue degrees in vastly different disciplines.


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University accreditation.

Bethel University has been continuously accredited by the Higher Learning Commission since 1959. This regional accreditation, recognized by the United States Department of Education, demonstrates that the university meets quality educational standards.

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  1. The Researcher Development Framework describes areas of knowledge

    research skills and knowledge

  2. Research Skills Toolkit

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  5. The 7 Types of Knowledge: Definitions, Examples, & More

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  6. The Most Important Research Skills (With Examples)

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  1. Research Skills: What They Are and How They Benefit You

    Table of Contents. Research skills give you the ability to gather relevant information from different sources and analyse it critically in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of a subject. Thus, research skills are fundamental to academic success. Developing these skills will improve your studies, helping you understand subjects ...

  2. The Most Important Research Skills (With Examples)

    The ability to efficiently use the vast database of knowledge that is on the internet without getting lost in the junk is very valuable to employers. Internet research skills include: Source checking. Searching relevant questions. Exploring deeper than the first options.

  3. What Are Research Skills? Types, Benefits, & Examples

    Good research skills are crucial to learning more about a subject, then using that knowledge to improve an organization's capabilities. Synthesizing that research and conveying it clearly is also important, as employees seek to share useful insights and inspire effective actions. Effective research skills are essential for those seeking to:

  4. Research Skills: What They Are and Why They're Important

    Critical thinking. Critical thinking refers to a person's ability to think rationally and analyze and interpret information and make connections. This skill is important in research because it allows individuals to better gather and evaluate data and establish significance. Common critical thinking skills include: Open-mindedness.

  5. What Are Research Skills? Definition, Examples and Tips

    Research skills are the ability to find an answer to a question or a solution to a problem. They include your ability to gather information about a topic, review that information and analyze and interpret the details in a way to support a solution. Having research skills is necessary to advance your career as they directly relate to your ...

  6. Research Skills and How To Develop Them

    Research Skills Conclusion. In the pursuit of knowledge and discovery, honing research skills is the linchpin that sets the stage for success. Throughout this exploration of various research skills and how to nurture them, one thing becomes evident: deliberate practice and continuous improvement are the bedrock of growth.

  7. What are Research Skills? How to Improve Your Skills in Research

    Time Management. Tips on How to Improve Your Research Skills. Initiate your project with a structured outline. Acquire expertise in advanced data collection methods. Validate and examine the reliability of your data sources. Structure your research materials. Enhance your research and communication capabilities.

  8. Research Skills: What they are and Benefits

    Developing research skills fosters personal and professional growth by instilling a sense of curiosity, intellectual independence, and a lifelong learning mindset. Research encourages individuals to seek knowledge, challenge assumptions, and embrace intellectual growth. These skills also enhance adaptability as individuals become adept at ...

  9. What Are Research Skills, and How You Can Improve Them

    Research methods are what you use during the research stages. For example, one research method may be a literature review. Research skills would involve learning how to conduct the best possible literature review. You can practice research skills and improve your speed, accuracy, and reliability. Critical thinking, project management, effective ...

  10. Mastering Research Skills: A Cornerstone For Success In Science

    02/15/2024. Research Skills are a cornerstone of success in science, encompassing the abilities necessary to navigate knowledge acquisition and extensive research. These skills not only facilitate the discovery of new information but also contribute to them being thoroughly analyzed and implemented. Let's delve into critical research skills ...

  11. (PDF) Broadening the Definition of 'Research Skills' to Enhance

    of research knowledge and skills was the deliberate practicing of research methods. Many of these contributing factors are dependent on the individual student, yet the practice of

  12. Fostering students' motivation towards learning research skills: the

    Research skills. As described by Fischer et al., (2014, p. 29), we define research skills 1 as a broad set of skills used "to understand how scientific knowledge is generated in different scientific disciplines, to evaluate the validity of science-related claims, to assess the relevance of new scientific concepts, methods, and findings, and to generate new knowledge using these concepts and ...

  13. How to Improve Your Research Skills: 6 Research Tips

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  14. Research Skills

    This Module is intended to help you to develop your skills in information or evidence seeking so that you can make better decisions yourself in everyday life but also be able to provide more sound, credible advice to other people about a specific research topic. Information-seeking skills include looking for patterns, solving puzzles or ...

  15. Research Skills: Definition, Examples and Importance

    Research skills play a vital role in helping companies develop and improve products and services, keep their competitiveness, identify and meet customer needs. ... An organisation with strong research credentials can leverage its knowledge to create new and improved offers to satisfy the market's needs.

  16. Reading and Research Skills

    Reading and Research Skills. Research skills refer to the ability to search for, locate, extract, organise, evaluate and use or present information that is relevant to a particular topic. Academic research is a specific type of research: a process of detailed and methodical investigation into some area of study.

  17. Research Skills for Your Resume: 40+ Examples

    Finally, the research you do will usually need to be shared with others in one way or another. Learning to communicate well, compose presentations and collaborate with others is critical to ensuring your research goes as far as it can. Communication skills for your resume: Collaboration. Active listening.

  18. 40 Examples of Research Skills

    Research skills are talents related to investigating, analyzing, formulating and communicating knowledge. These are foundational skills that can be applied to business, scientific and academic pursuits. Research often involves collecting and organizing information from sources and evaluating the credibility of each source.

  19. Research Skills: Definition and Examples

    Research skills allow people to identify an issue or question, find information, evaluate that data for quality and relevance, extract specific details and identify a suitable solution. Employers appreciate employees with research skills because they: Write effective reports. Evaluate competitors. Monitor changing technologies.

  20. What are Research Skills and why are they important?

    Research skills enable you to focus on a specific goal, gather relevant information, and communicate your findings to others. We are taught from a young age to develop research skills, and for good reason. Teachers in academia required answers to a series of topic-related questions in an essay. Similarly, your boss may eventually request that ...

  21. The Best Research Skills For Success

    A librarian is always a good person to have around, especially when it comes to research. Most students don't seek help from their school librarian, however, this person tends to be someone with a vast amount of knowledge when it comes to research skills and where to look for reliable sources. 6. Use library databases.

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    Research tools and techniques appropriate for an ecological model, emphasizing a multi-method approach. Advanced Research Method. FYCS 6802. Family, Youth, and Community Sciences. Advanced students select and study problem related to family, youth, and community sciences. Data Mining with Social Data. HMG 6583C.

  23. Research Skills Framework

    The model for research growth is a value chain that shows how themes ladder up toward organizational needs. • Page: Craft & Human Skills. The first step to using the framework with your team is to review the skills, define a shared understanding, and customize the list of skills relevant to your team context. • Tool: Skills & Themes Inventory.

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    Research on knowledge gaps needed to strengthen programme implementation under the Spotlight Initiative 2.0, and develop specific knowledge management tools based on lessons learned, good practices emerging from the field, and the Spotlight Initiative ... Ability to conduct in-depth analysis and research and strong writing skills. Strong sense ...

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    Research consistently shows that as HCWs age and gain more experience, their knowledge and skills improve. A study on healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) among HCWs in Wuhan, China, found that job-related factors, including clinical experience, significantly influenced knowledge and practice related to HAIs [ 21 ].

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    With an applied physics: electronics degree, you'll gain the skills and knowledge to thrive in the rapidly evolving field of electronics engineering. Become who you're meant to be. While earning a B.S. in Applied Physics with an electronics emphasis, you'll bridge the gap between the traditional ...