2024 Guide: How to Create and Format a Brochure

A complete modern guide to creating a digital brochure for your company.

Frame 14


Digital brochures versus print.

  • Creating brochure outlines
  • Top tips for writing
  • Designing brochures
  • Publishing and distributing
  • Adding forms
  • Gathering data and feedback
  • Adding rich media formats

Brochures are content marketing gold. They provide the ideal platform for brands to convey large amounts of information and promote thought leadership, all within a handy shareable file. Plus, today’s brochures transcend the yawn-inducing static PDFs of yesteryear. Nowadays, marketers can create, format, distribute, personalize and track brochures that appeal to their target audience in no time. Without specialist design or technical skills.

All you need is your imagination, a firm grasp of who your audience is and what you want to achieve, and the right tools to make it happen. 

This guide will take you through the various steps to creating and formatting a brochure. We’ll explore potential uses for a brochure or interactive eBook , how to get your messaging and content right for your target audience and how to integrate the finished product into your customer journey . 

We’ll also offer top tips on writing and designing your brochure and how to make sure it gets seen by the people that matter, aka your target audience . Let’s begin. 

What is a brochure? 

A brochure is a sales and marketing tool used by brands to communicate with their target audience. This could be information about the company, product or service, research findings, an event guide, or anything else a brand wants to let its customers and prospects know about. 

Brochures can be produced in print or digital form. Both have their pros and cons. One thing’s for certain, however. If you want to create eBrochures with impact, don’t resort to tired old PDFs, as Foleon’s CEO, Daan Rejinders, explains . 

Who should create brochures?

The short answer is anyone with something valuable to communicate to an audience. Creating brochures is usually the marketing team's responsibility, but it doesn’t need to be. Today’s brands must produce much content to move individual leads through the buyer journey . Encouraging your non-marketing colleagues to get on board with producing brochures means more targeted and personalized content right when you need it. Want to know more about avoiding unnecessary production bottlenecks by democratizing content? Our very own Sean Filidis explains all . 

Where in the customer journey does a brochure belong? 

Brochures can be used at any stage of the buyer or customer journey, but they are usually most effective at the awareness, consideration, or decision-making stage. 

At these points, your leads are interested in discovering more about how the product or service works and perhaps a bit more about who you are as a brand. You can address pain points and barriers to sales with a sales brochure, offer different use cases, highlight specific features, and encourage the lead to get in touch by filling in a form or reaching out to your sales team. 

Leeds Trinity University 2022 Undergraduate Prospectus Digital Brochure

Print brochures still have their place. For example, they’re great to give out at an event or in-store. Plus, for luxury brands, printing product info and pictures on gorgeous-feeling paper is a very effective sales and marketing tactic. 

Digital brochures offer many benefits to B2B brands. They can be designed, edited, and distributed easily and are highly shareable. You can increase customer engagement by including interactive elements like quizzes, checklists, graphs, and animations. You can also monitor how viewers interact with the content to refine it over time. 

Discover : Why B2Bs are ditching PDF white papers for a better format

What kind of information should be in a brochure? 

The information you include in your brochure will depend on your content's goals and your target audience's needs. Here are some content elements and information to consider in your brochure. 

  • Cover page. Seize this chance to capture your audience’s attention and imagination. Include compelling on-brand visuals, a punchy title, and perhaps a sentence or two explaining the main thrust of the brochure. 
  • Index or contents page with links to the different sections. You could also include an author page to demonstrate thought leadership. Or you could add this in the back. 
  • The body of the brochure. Consider the design and layout carefully (more on this later) and focus on the most important information. You can always link to further resources as part of the user journey through the brochure. 
  • Contact form or information about how to get in touch. Don’t ask for too much personal data on the form. Name and email will do for now — you don’t want to risk alienating your lead. 
  • A strong call to action. This is likely to be to contact your business, but you could also encourage the reader to visit landing pages, case studies, whitepapers, and other content assets. Or prompt them to sign up for a newsletter or attend a webinar or event. Whatever makes sense to your customer journey. Remember if you choose the right content creation platform , you’ll get valuable insights into how your lead is navigating and consuming the brochure so you can adjust it to boost engagement and increase conversions. 

Looking for some real-life examples to inspire you? Foleon’s Director of Brand and Communications, Julie Alexander, lists 7 of her favorite digital brochures . 

What questions should your brochure answer?

One thing that makes brochures such powerful lead generation tools is their ability to answer potential customers’ questions. This helps break down barriers to sales and shows your lead how your product or service will benefit them. 

Here are some questions your brochure could answer: 

  • Who you are as a brand, how long you have been doing business, and what sectors or geographical areas you cover. This helps promote trust and tells a bit of the story behind your company. 
  • Why people need to use this product and service, the problems it solves, and why it is better than your competitors. 
  • Who already uses the product? Mentioning reputable clients demonstrates your credibility and encourages your readers to picture themselves using your offering. 
  • What results and benefits can customers expect? 
  • How to use or optimize the usage of the product. 
  • How to troubleshoot any common issues. 
  • What accreditations do you have, if relevant? 
  • What support do you offer, including technical support, consultation, etc.? 
  • How to get in touch or buy the product.

How to create an outline for your brochure

Creating the right outline for your brochure is key to its success. Brochures are about the structure and pace of the information and how you prioritize and present it. 

  • Think about what you want to achieve from this marketing brochure and its role in your wider sales and marketing strategy. 
  • Devise a hook to get the interest of your target audience. Include this in your title or the first page. E.g., Discover how Foleon’s content creation platform can help you boost engagement and leave your competitors in the dust. 
  • Carefully consider the customer journey. What information will they need at which point, and why? What is the right order to present this in? What will make the most sense to the reader? 
  • Create a page plan and map the priority information to each page. Craft a compelling headline (more on this next) that clearly sets out the intent and themes of each section and don’t deviate from that. 
  • Be ruthless with the content you are including. Ensure every content element and sentence can justify its place on the page. Brochures can be long-form content assets if necessary. But it’s best not to overwhelm your lead with too much information or information that isn’t relevant at this stage. As we mentioned earlier, adding links to external resources is far better than keeping the main layout clear and uncluttered. 
  • Test the content journey and user experience out on colleagues as well as peers who don’t already have a good understanding of your brand or products. Find out what elements do and don’t make sense to them and which messaging works or otherwise. What are you missing, and what hasn’t earned its place on the page? Then make adjustments accordingly. If you are unsure, create several versions. Once you get those all-important audience insights, you might reintroduce content elements or reappropriate them for other content assets. 

Want to skyrocket sales and delight your customers? Find out how Foleon’s digital brochures help you make it happen . 

How to craft the perfect headlines for your brochure

Crafting the perfect headlines takes time. You need to strike the right balance between grabbing your reader’s attention and giving them a clear idea of what to expect from each section of the brochure. How you frame the headline will depend on your brochure's subject matter and layout. Here is a checklist to run each headline through before you decide on the perfect one. 

  • Is it specific? Your headline should have its own content ‘identity’ and stand out from the others. 
  • Is it 100% clear what the section covers? 
  • Is the benefit of reading obvious? 
  • Is there a strong hook? A feeling of FOMO or a sense of urgency. A compelling reason to read on. 
  • Is it the right length? Too long and it is hard to digest, too short, and the section’s themes and objectives might not be obvious. 

Top tips for writing your brochure

Now we get to the fun part: writing your brochure. Here are some top tips for creating a brochure that will leave your competitors in the shade. 

Decide on the perfect structure. As the backbone of your brochure, designing the structure should be a top priority. The front cover should be visually arresting with a strong title, company logo, subheading, and author, if appropriate. Include content on the first pages that make an immediate impact, encouraging the person to read on. Capture their imagination, tell a story, and keep hooking them in as they turn or scroll the page. 

European Investment Fund Digital Brochure

Choose a great topic. Brochures can be focused on product or service promotion and be used as powerful sales tools. Or they can be used to demonstrate thought leadership. If your brochure is about communicating the advantages of choosing your brand, you don’t need to worry about the topic, as the topic is you. If your brochure falls into the latter camp, you must pick a topic that will resonate with your audience. 

Get inspiration by investigating some interesting research findings or trends in your sector that will grab your audience’s attention. Ask your sales team for ideas on challenges that are keeping your customers awake at night, or ask your customers themselves. How can you help them? What information and advice are they missing out on? What are the burning questions you need to answer? 

Do something different. Get stuck into market research and find out what content your competitors are currently focusing on, then do something better. You won’t be able to reinvent the wheel every time, but you must create a brochure that stands out from the crowd. You can answer the same common questions (you want to be useful, relevant, and informative, after all) but put your unique spin on them. Add your own research, including interactive media, and bring your brochure to life with a compelling, engaging, and beautifully-crafted copy. 

Speak your audience’s language . Half the battle with connecting with your audience is speaking their language. This means no unnecessary jargon and only using language they will relate to and make them feel understood. If you have very different audience groups, make different versions of the brochure to appeal to the interests and preferences of each. Brand style guides are a great way of keeping your language on point. But don’t take our word for it. Foleon’s Sim Samra reveals the secrets behind building a kick-ass brand guide that everyone will love . 

Keep it concise. Only use plain language, keep the superlatives to a minimum and get straight to the point. Remember, if you use a content creation platform with powerful analytics, you can see which copy is hitting the right notes or not and adjust the content and page structure accordingly. 

Focus on the benefits. Try to keep the body text honed in on how your brand and products can make a difference to your customer. If your product is challenging to use for first-timers, don’t take up too much valuable page space on how-tos. Better to embed a video or link to an external guide. 

Give them a reason to read on . The more content you can encourage your reader to consume, and the more time they spend with your brochure, the better chance you have to convince them that you are the right choice for them. Include prompts at strategic places in the copy and at the end of each section to show the benefits of staying engaged with the brochure. Mention topics you will discuss later on and why they matter. For example, if you’re wondering how to structure your brochure's layout, don’t worry; we’re going to cover that in one of the next sections! 

Make it personal. Today’s customers want to feel valued by the brands they choose, and rightly so. Delivering personalized content is a big part of that. Adding pieces of copy or imagery that speak to their specific interests and solve their challenges can mean the difference between deterring a lead and converting them. If that sounds like a lot of work, it needn’t be. Find out how to scale content production successfully in our free guide. 

Make it a pleasure to read. Overloading your reader with huge chunks of text is a surefire way of getting them running for the hills (or your competitor’s website). Keep sentences short and snappy, including plenty of page breaks, bullets, lists, quotation boxes, etc. Use the same font throughout (two at most) and opt for a font size of around 12 points or 16 pixels for the body text, larger for headlines but not too large. 

Include a killer call to action. What do you want your reader to do once they have finished the brochure? Chances are it will be to get in touch, so make sure you give them a reason to do so. A free demo, for example, or a special offer. You could also consider adding in a CTA halfway through the brochure - “want to know our product could transform your business? Contact us today!”

Proof, proof, and proof again. Taking the time to polish and perfect the copy for your brochure is vital. Alongside the usual spelling and grammar checks, have it reviewed by colleagues or peers. Make sure it is easy to read, the running order makes sense, and all links and rich media work. 

Discover: The do's and don'ts of digital publishing

Designing your brochure

Creating and implementing the visual style for a brochure can be a real challenge for marketers. If you don’t have design training or a clear vision of how to represent your brand, it can stop you in your tracks. 

We’re happy to tell you that a lack of technical or design skill simply does not matter these days. You can create elegant, branded eBooks and brochures in a matter of clicks with Foleon’s platform with templates that are 100% on-brand. Let’s pass you back over to Sim to discover how to use design templates and still be creative .

Using the right software for your brochure. We’ve just touched on how choosing the right software can help you design and produce top-quality brochures. Foleon’s platform can also empower marketers to collaborate with colleagues, freelancers, and other content creators. It gives you those powerful insights into your target audience that ensure that every brochure you create has maximum impact. If you’re still thinking of using static PDFs for your brochure, consider our top nine reasons to reconsider PDFs . 

Publishing and distributing your brochure

The best tactics for publishing and distributing your brochure depend on your goals and objectives. If your brochure forms a valuable part of your customer journey, give it a suitable spot on your website and link to it well from key commercial pages. You could also promote it in your e-newsletters, remarketing emails , and social media channels. If you choose Foleon Docs, the content lives on the web, so you can drive traffic to them like any other page or piece of online content.

Make sure you think about the search terms and keywords that will get your content discovered by those who matter. Foleon’s platform, for example, uses server-side rendering technology that ensures no render-blocking scripts prevent crawlers from indexing all your content. You have full control over page slugs, titles, meta descriptions, headings, alt image attributes, and more for each of your pages. 

Furthermore, brochures created using Foleon’s technology are hosted on our global network of secure servers and use a state-of-the-art content delivery network (CDN) to ensure your readers get the best experience wherever they are located.

Adding forms to your brochure

Adding forms to your brochure is an excellent addition to your lead generation strategy and improves your customer journey. There’s no need to ask for loads of information from your prospective customer unless they are looking for a quote and would be expecting to hand over a lot of personal data. If the form’s main purpose is to arrange a callback or a demo or sign up for a newsletter, then all you need is their name and email. You can always ask for more data once you have established a rapport. 

If you encourage leads to sign up for a newsletter , you could consider asking them about their areas of interest to personalize the content. 

Find out more about creating and managing forms in Foleon .

Global Payments Digital Brochure Contact Form

Gathering data and feedback from your brochure

As with all aspects of your marketing, it is vital to take the time to monitor audience engagement and use these valuable insights to improve and enhance the content. For example, if you find that people aren’t viewing many pages of your brochure and therefore missing out on the all-important benefits summary and CTA, it could be worth testing a shorter, more concise version. 

Similarly, if many people are exiting from a particular page, think about what could be causing them to drop off. Perhaps they feel they have learned enough, or maybe you have overloaded them with information. Either way, use these metrics to make your brochure better over time and keep on testing. Small adjustments in the user journey can make a real difference. 

With Foleon’s platform, you benefit from powerful baked-in analytics that gives you a wealth of information about how your content is performing. These include:

  • Unique visitors — The number of people who have visited your brochure over the selected period.
  • Page visits — The number of times people have visited each page, including multiple visits.
  • Pages per visit — The average number of pages viewed per visit.
  • Visit time — The average amount of time spent in your doc.
  • Bounce rate — The percentage of visitors who only viewed a single page of your brochure.

Foleon Analytics

Adding rich media to your brochure

Adding rich media to your digital brochure is a great way of bringing your content to life. Interactive elements such as scroll animations, checklists, quizzes, calculators, videos, charts, and graphs help put your reader in the driving seat. They encourage your lead to focus on the content and immerse themselves in the story you are telling. And they’re fun! 

You will likely have a lot of information you want to convey in your digital brochure , but communicating all that in the text could exhaust your lead and deter them from reading right to the end. When you are creating the structure of your e-brochure, examine each of the messages and sections one by one and see if there is a way of communicating some of the elements visually. Video explainers, for example, rather than a list of instructions. An interactive chart showing geographical trends rather than a list of stats.

Want to know more? Find out how to put a fresh spin on an existing topic in content creation. 

Now it’s your turn…

You are undoubtedly brimming over with ideas and inspiration for creating, formatting, and publishing the perfect brochure to represent your brand and what makes it special.

Remember, you don’t need to do all this alone. Content like eBooks and brochures benefits from a good amount of brainstorming and collaboration. Talk to your sales team and find out what kind of content they know resonates with leads and at what stage of the buyer journey. What interactive elements do they think would be useful to prospective customers and why? Your customer service team can also be really valuable here. What are the most common queries they get, and what kind of explanations are most effective? Are customers always asking for explanations for certain jargon words or technical terms? If so, don’t use them! 

Another benefit of involving colleagues from other departments is that you might uncover hidden talent. Perhaps Phil in Finance is a whizz on Instagram, or maybe Anna from Product Development is a freelance photographer on the side and would love the chance to flex her creative muscles at her main job. 

The other kind of support that you’ll need to create the best sales and marketing brochure possible is investing in the right tools. We have undoubtedly made the benefits of using Foleon’s content creation platform pretty darn clear. But if you want to know more or want to see it in action, book a free demo today and start your journey to creating the brochures that will excite, delight and convert your target audience. 

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How to Write Brochures

Last Updated: August 19, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Anar Kazimov . Anar Kazimov is a Digital Marketing Expert based in Vancouver, Canada. He is the Owner and Marketing Director of Pixel Prodigies, a company created to help business owners achieve more sales by revamping their digital portfolio. He has helped the NIH, IBM, Canadian film studios, Rolex dealerships, and many other firms in their marketing campaigns. He previously had a career in the IT industry and worked at Freelancer.com. He received a BS in Computer Science from the University of Victoria. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 718,205 times.

A brochure is a great piece of marketing material that provides potential customers with something tangible in a digital world. A glossy, four-color brochure with beautiful photos and persuasive writing can be just the thing to make your products fly off the shelves. A brochure can do multiple things: introduce your company to potential prospects, explain products in more detail or offer a sampling of numerous products to entice a customer. By creating a brochure with concise and engaging content from copy to pictures, you can boost sales and engage customers.

How to Write a Brochure

  • Choose a specific topic.
  • Highlight the benefits of the product you're selling.
  • Pick a layout for your brochure.
  • Make your cover as enticing as possible.
  • Divide your info into sections.
  • Address your readers directly.
  • Include testimonials and a call-to-action.

Narrowing Down Your Topic

Step 1 Get specific.

  • Don’t try to cover too many topics in one brochure. While a brochure can be used to highlight your overall offerings, it's often good to have multiple brochures. You should have a brochure for each individual product or service.
  • For example, if you’re a company that builds beautiful custom rooms in people’s homes, like kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms, you may have more success in your brochure if you only cover one room.
  • Instead of offering a lot of broad information, you want your brochure to focus on one topic. Perhaps you write one brochure on only kitchens. Get specific to one room so you can explain every detail from the type of tile you offer to the colors of the cabinet handles.

Step 2 Put yourself in your readers’ shoes.

  • Identify your target audience. You want to think about where people will pick up this brochure. Who these people are. Are you writing your brochure to an individual consumer who is looking for a product or service? Or are you writing your brochure for a team of investors and board members?
  • Your voice and tone and even the information you provide will be different based on who is going to be reading your brochure.
  • If you’re writing about all the ways you can customize a kitchen to a potential customer, your tone may be more lighthearted and include more lifestyle information. Include info for options on materials and different builds. Focus on how what you offer will make your customers feel. You want to create content that the benefits you can provide.
  • If you’re writing to more of a corporate crowd, or in a B2B (business to business) setting, you might want to include more hard facts and numbers. Focus on information that shows investors or other businesses how your product will have a positive monetary impact.

Step 3 Stress the benefits of your product.

  • Consider including an FAQ section of common questions that you’ve gotten before and provide answers.
  • Your brochure is a product someone will take away. Therefore, you need to provide enough relevant information quickly and effectively. Your brochure will serve as a salesperson of sorts.

Step 4 Exclude any information that’s not relevant.

  • Leaving out information doesn’t necessarily mean leaving out core marketing materials. You should still include your company’s logo or image, a blurb about the company, and a section on where to find more information and who to contact.
  • For example, if you are writing a brochure on designing custom kitchens, you don’t need information on what you can do in other rooms. You may simply want to include in your about section the other rooms you offer. Don’t waste space going into detail on those rooms in this brochure.

Setting Up a Layout

Step 1 Choose a layout.

  • Now that you have a topic narrowed down, you can begin writing copy. Pay attention to how many sections you need. Create an outline to help you discover how much room you'll need.
  • In a typical tri-fold brochure, a piece of landscape paper is divided into 6 sections. Sections 2, 3, and 4 are your inside sections and usually contain the most valuable information. Section 2 is the inside flap and usually contains broad information with questions and answers. This information compels the reader to believe that the product will be the answer to any problems the reader has. Sections 3, and 4 typically expand and go deeper. These sections explain the information, affirming the reader that a solution is contained within your brochure.
  • Section 1 is the front cover. This area entices readers to pick up your brochure. It often depicts an image that conjures up positive feelings. The aim of your front flap is to make the reader open your brochure. There should also be a line or two of copy that promises the reader a benefit.
  • Section 5 is the back flap and usually contains testimonials and coupons.
  • Section 6, which is the middle back third, usually contains contact information like a phone number, website, and map.
  • There are plenty of folding types and layouts when it comes to brochures. [5] X Research source Some brochures are more like books or pamphlets. Some include inserts or cutouts. Don’t feel like your brochure has to be a typical tri-fold. The organization of information is essentially the same whatever your layout. The front is used to depict a lifestyle that can be achieved by the product or service within the brochure. The next pages contain answers and offers. And the last sections provide incentives to move forward and contact information.

Step 2 Capitalize your real estate.

  • While your copy provides readers with valuable information, you don’t want to fill entire pages or sections with blocks of text. No one will read your brochures if you write too much. This is where pictures and graphs help you.
  • Don’t make your text size smaller to accommodate more words. If you can’t fit what you want to say on a page or section, you’re saying too much.
  • Pictures and graphs are a great visual way to provide valuable information. You can also include little blurbs of text that explain a photo or graph.

Step 3 Use the front cover or panel to entice readers.

  • Use a photo that showcases the product or service you are selling.
  • Depict people enjoying your products or services. Along with a great photo, be sure to include text that speaks directly to the reader. Ask a question or state a benefit that someone picking up your brochure will want.
  • A tagline and a line or two of text on your cover give readers enough information to pick up your brochure. It also creates just enough mystery to entice readers to flip to the next page or section.

Step 4 Break up information by sections.

  • Too much text looks intimidating to the reader. Instead of long paragraphs or sections, keep sections and sentences short.
  • Bulleted or numbered lists further separate the text and make information easy to digest. These elements will also bring the readers’ eyes into the brochure.
  • Use bold headers to separate sections and break up your brochure. Provide different types of content and information for different sections. If you talk about appliances in one section of your custom built kitchen brochure, use another panel or section to showcase another aspect of your offerings like lighting or cabinets. Breaking up your brochure into sections allows readers to compartmentalize information. Sections help the flow of information and keep readers interested without getting overwhelmed.

Creating the Content

Step 1 Speak directly to your readers.

  • Talking directly to the reader as an intelligent person will help to keep your potential customers interested.
  • Your brochure should begin and end with your customer. Before you get into the meat of your brochure explaining all the great things you offer, you should entice your customer by answering questions and overcoming potential objections.
  • Focus your content on providing information which sells your features through benefits. Cite real-world examples or case studies.
  • Aim to answer the question of how your customer will benefit from your product or service.

Step 2 Keep your brochure content focused.

  • If you’re writing a brochure to generate leads include info that prospects don’t know about your company. Give a brief blurb on the history of your company and why you are different and better than the competition.
  • However, if your brochure is a sales closer your customers already know your company’s history. Don’t bore readers with information that gives a potential customer a reason to stop continuing on to the next section.
  • Keep the content relevant to your brochure’s purpose. But also brief enough to not run out your reader's interest.
  • Your content should highlight the benefits of what you are offering, not just features. Instead of only providing content that shows your product, include a lifestyle atmosphere. Show how your product will benefit your customer’s life. You can do this with pictures and copy that show people enjoying your product. Explain why current customers are satisfied.
  • Leave boring specifics out. In your brochure, your readers don’t need to know right away every small detail of how you build a custom kitchen. Your readers will benefit more from how your premiere craftsmanship and design expertise creates reliable products and the right atmosphere.

Step 3 Use testimonials.

  • Testimonials are a great way to further provide potential customers with a reason to keep reading. They also back up the lifestyle and solutions you are promising throughout your brochure.

Step 4 End the brochure with a call to action.

  • This could be done by asking your reader to visit your showroom or call your office to schedule an appointment.
  • Try to create an emotional call to action. Once again, consider using words and pictures to elicit an emotion. People are more likely to act if you can create empathy. If your brochure is selling custom kitchens, use a picture that shows a happy family sharing a delicious meal in a beautiful kitchen. Then, in your call to action, invite readers to contact you to get a kitchen that will make every night as perfect as the one in your photo.

Sample Brochures

research company brochure

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Avoid industry jargon or buzzwords. These phrases will cheapen the authenticity of your brochure. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 0
  • Talk to your individual customer. You want to create a personal experience. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0
  • Keep your copy short and concise. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0

research company brochure

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Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about digital marketing, check out our in-depth interview with Anar Kazimov .

  • ↑ https://grammar.yourdictionary.com/grammar-rules-and-tips/tips-on-writing-the-contents-of-a-brochure.html
  • ↑ https://extensionpublications.unl.edu/assets/pdf/g2028.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/how-to-make-brochure-on-google-docs
  • ↑ http://www.companyfolders.com/blog/174-cool-brochure-designs-for-creative-inspiration

About This Article

Anar Kazimov

To write a brochure, first focus on a specific product or service you offer, such as decorating kitchens. For your front cover, choose an eye-catching image that sums up your product and include a few lines of text to draw in the reader. Then, decide what kind of information your audience would want to read in the inside sections, like hard facts for B2B brochures or a more light-hearted tone for domestic customers. Finally, break up text using headings to make it easier to read and include your contact information on the back. For more tips on how to create the content for your brochure, including how to use testimonials, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Creating Branded Research Brochures for Your Business

Learn how to create branded research brochures for your business. Discover tips to design informative and attractive brochures. Read more on HIVO

In today's competitive business landscape, it is essential to have effective marketing materials that set your brand apart from the rest. One such tool that can help you achieve this is a branded research brochure. In this article, we will explore the importance of branded research brochures and discuss the key elements required to create a successful brochure for your business.

Understanding the Importance of Branded Research Brochures

Branded research brochures play a crucial role in enhancing your business identity. They serve as a tangible representation of your company's expertise and can help establish credibility in your industry. By providing valuable insights and information in a visually appealing format, research brochures can help you leave a lasting impression on your target audience.

Imagine this: you walk into a conference room filled with industry professionals. As you take your seat, you notice a stack of beautifully designed brochures on the table. Each brochure is adorned with your company's logo and colors, instantly catching your eye. You pick one up and start flipping through its pages, discovering a wealth of knowledge and expertise within. This is the power of branded research brochures - they not only capture attention but also convey your brand's authority and professionalism.

Enhancing Business Identity with Branded Brochures

One of the primary benefits of using branded research brochures is the ability to enhance your business identity. These brochures can be customized to reflect your brand's colors, fonts, and overall design aesthetic. By incorporating your brand identity into your brochures, you can create a strong visual impact and reinforce your brand image.

Consider this: you attend a trade show and visit various booths, each offering brochures about their products or services. As you collect these brochures, you notice that some are generic and lack any distinct branding elements, while others immediately catch your attention with their cohesive design and brand consistency. Which ones do you think leave a lasting impression? It's the ones that have taken the time and effort to create branded brochures that stand out from the crowd.

The Role of Research Brochures in Business Growth

Research brochures can also contribute to the growth of your business. By showcasing unique insights, market trends, or product benefits, you can position your company as an industry leader. This can help attract prospective clients or customers, leading to increased brand awareness, customer loyalty, and ultimately, business growth.

Think about it: you come across a research brochure that not only presents data and statistics but also offers valuable analysis and recommendations. As you read through the brochure, you realize that this company truly understands the market and has the expertise to guide you towards success. This level of trust and confidence in their abilities is what sets them apart from their competitors and makes you want to engage with their business.

Furthermore, research brochures can be shared with potential investors, partners, or stakeholders to demonstrate your company's expertise and potential for growth. These brochures act as a tangible representation of your research capabilities, helping you secure partnerships, funding, or collaborations that can propel your business forward.

In conclusion, branded research brochures are not just a marketing tool but a powerful asset that can enhance your business identity and contribute to your growth. By investing in well-designed and informative brochures, you can establish your brand's authority, attract new clients, and create opportunities for future success. So, why wait? Start creating your branded research brochures today and unlock the potential they hold for your business.

Key Elements of a Successful Branded Research Brochure

When creating a branded research brochure, it is important to pay attention to certain key elements that can make your brochure more effective and impactful.

But what exactly are these key elements? Let's dive deeper into the world of branded research brochures and explore the details that can truly make a difference.

Incorporating Your Brand Identity

To create a cohesive brand experience, it is crucial to incorporate your brand identity into your brochure. Use your brand colors, fonts, and logo consistently throughout the brochure.

Imagine flipping through a research brochure and suddenly being greeted by a burst of vibrant colors that perfectly match your favorite brand. It creates a sense of familiarity and trust, doesn't it? By incorporating your brand identity, you establish a visual connection between your brochure and your overall brand, increasing recognition and recall.

Presenting Your Research Effectively

In a research brochure, the content is key. Present your research findings or insights in a clear, concise, and engaging manner.

Think about how overwhelming it can be to read long paragraphs of text without any breaks or visual aids. It's like trying to navigate through a dense forest without a map. But fear not! By using headings, subheadings, and bullet points, you can break up the text and make it easier for your audience to digest the information.

Imagine stumbling upon a section titled "Key Findings" or "Insights at a Glance." Your eyes instantly light up with curiosity, eager to explore the valuable nuggets of knowledge that await you. These visual cues not only make the content more accessible but also add a touch of excitement to the reading experience.

And let's not forget about the power of visual aids. Charts, graphs, and infographics can be your best friends when it comes to conveying complex data in a more easily understandable format. They transform dry numbers into captivating visuals, allowing your audience to grasp the essence of your research at a glance.

Imagine a beautifully designed graph illustrating the growth of a market segment over the years. It's like witnessing a mesmerizing dance of data, where each step reveals a new insight. Visual aids not only enhance comprehension but also add a touch of elegance to your brochure.

So, when creating your branded research brochure, remember to incorporate your brand identity and present your research effectively. These key elements will help you create a brochure that not only informs but also captivates, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

Steps to Create Your Own Branded Research Brochure

Now that you understand the importance of branded research brochures and the key elements required for success, let's explore the steps involved in creating your own brochure.

Identifying Your Target Audience

The first step in creating a branded research brochure is to identify your target audience. Understanding who your brochure is intended for will help you tailor your content and design to meet their needs and preferences. Consider factors such as age, gender, profession, and interests to create a brochure that appeals to your target audience.

Designing Your Brochure Layout

The layout of your brochure is crucial in attracting and retaining the attention of your audience. Utilize a visually appealing design that is consistent with your brand identity. Divide your content into sections, using headings and subheadings to guide your readers and make it easier for them to navigate through the brochure. Consider using a combination of images, text, and white space to create a balanced and aesthetically pleasing layout.

Choosing the Right Content for Your Brochure

Selecting the right content for your brochure is essential to its success. Include relevant information that aligns with your target audience's interests and needs. Highlight any unique research findings, industry insights, or customer testimonials that showcase your expertise and credibility. Remember to keep your content concise and engaging, focusing on the benefits and value that your business can offer.

Tips for Making Your Brochure Stand Out

With numerous brochures vying for your audience's attention, it is important to make yours stand out from the crowd. Here are some tips to help you create a brochure that leaves a lasting impression:

Using High-Quality Images and Graphics

Include visually appealing images and graphics that complement your content and captivate your audience. Using high-quality, professional images can help convey the quality and professionalism of your brand.

Implementing Consistent Branding

Ensure that your brochure is consistent with your overall branding efforts. Use your brand colors, fonts, and logo consistently throughout the brochure to reinforce your brand identity and create a cohesive look and feel.

Making Your Brochure Interactive

Consider adding interactive elements to your brochure to enhance engagement. This could include QR codes, links to additional resources, or even interactive quizzes or surveys. These interactive features can make your brochure more memorable and encourage your audience to take action.

Evaluating the Success of Your Branded Research Brochure

After creating and distributing your branded research brochure, it is essential to evaluate the success of your efforts. This will help you understand the impact of your brochure and make necessary adjustments for future brochures.

Gathering Feedback from Your Audience

Seek feedback from your target audience to understand their perception of your brochure. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or even analyzing engagement metrics such as click-through rates or time spent on page. Use this feedback to identify areas of improvement and refine your brochure for better results.

Tracking Brochure Distribution and Engagement

Monitor the distribution and engagement of your brochure to gauge its effectiveness. Track metrics such as the number of brochures distributed, the channels used for distribution, and the level of engagement (e.g., downloads, shares, conversions). These insights will help you understand the reach and impact of your brochure and make informed decisions for future marketing efforts.

Making Necessary Adjustments for Future Brochures

Based on the feedback and insights gathered, make any necessary adjustments for future brochures. This could include refining your content strategy, altering the design elements, or targeting a different audience segment. Continuously iterating and improving will ensure that your brochures are always optimized for success.

In conclusion, creating branded research brochures is an effective way to enhance your business identity and attract the attention of your target audience. By incorporating your brand identity, presenting your research effectively, and following the steps outlined in this article, you can create compelling brochures that leave a lasting impression. Remember to continuously evaluate the success of your brochures and make adjustments as necessary to ensure continued success.

👀 Turn any prompt into captivating visuals in seconds with our AI-powered design generator ✨ Try Piktochart AI!

16 Creative Examples of Brochures You Can Edit and Print

examples of brochures

You have a wonderful product or service to offer, a brand story, and a few examples to illustrate your unique offering. 

So, what’s next? 

Spread the word about it to your target audience and find inspiration from a brochure example below!

Introducing brochure templates for all promotional purposes

Brochures (whether physical assets or digital brochures are needed) are one of the easiest ways to spread the word about your brand. 

However, making brochures (from business brochures to marketing brochures) can be challenging, particularly if you’re not the artsy type lacking design know-how. 

In this blog post, you’ll discover professional templates and creative examples of brochures that you can edit, download, and print right away ensuring a consistent visual brand. 

We’ll also answer the most burning question about brochures: are they still an effective tool for existing and potential customers?

Whether you need to make brochures on the fly for your food truck or you’re a marketer who has to make three different product brochures in a day, this collection of brochure examples is for you.

Table of contents :

Do brochures still work?

  • Different ways to use brochures
  • Medical brochure example
  • Dental brochure example
  • Nonprofit brochure example
  • Travel brochure example
  • Veterinary brochure example
  • Real estate brochure example
  • Environment brochure example
  • Business brochure example

Event brochure example

Mental health brochure example.

  • Example of a stunning brochure with bright colors
  • Healthcare brochure example
  • Modern corporate brochure examples
  • What’s the standard brochure size?

If you prefer watching over reading, watch the video summary of this blog post.

Create a free Piktochart account so you can follow along and get access to the templates featured below.

The short answer is yes. 

The long answer is brochures remain an effective medium in the digital era if:

  • You understand the purpose of your brochure (why are you creating brochures?)
  • You know your target audience enough (who are you making it for?) 
  • You understand what your target audience wants to know (what type of information are you highlighting in your brochure?) 

illustration explaining why brochures are still effective in the digital era marketing brochure example

Another thing to be aware of is we’re not just talking about physical brochures . There are also digital brochures (often formatted as a pdf) to consider. 

Physical brochures are brochures that you print and distribute. Despite the paperless simplicity of going digital, traditional brochures and leaflets remain relevant. The decision to purchase high-value products or high-risk services is a good example. These include cars, real estate, or booking a holiday trip. 

“It seems that a brochure in the current market can tap into a more aspirational post-purchase feeling, ”  explains Malcolm Johnston . “The buyer keeps the document at hand and flicks through it as they would a lifestyle magazine, and the physical ink-on-paper aspect is intrinsic in their relationship with their purchase. It might, some say, act as a tonic for ‘buyers’ remorse’ after splashing out on big-ticket items and make the purchase feel important.”

Different ways to use our best brochure examples

Try out these different ways to distribute, share, and use brochures:

  • Distribute them at conferences and trade shows
  • Leave them at hotels, airports, doctor’s clinics, and grocery stores
  • Share them via mail or show them to clients while having a call with them on  video chat
  • Publish them on your website as a downloadable resource
  • Share them via your company newsletter
  • Repurpose as content snippets in social media 

You can also turn brochures into one of your brand’s secret advantages. How? 

A  neuromarketing report  by the US Postal Service and Temple University’s Center for Neural Decision Making revealed that their research participants spent more time with physical ads than digital ads. 

Here’s an excerpt of their findings: 

When viewing physical ads, participants had a stronger emotional response and remembered them better.  Physical ads, though slower to get one’s attention at first exposure, leave a longer lasting impact for easy recall when making a purchase decision.  Most importantly, physical ads triggered activity in the area of the brain (ventral striatum) that is responsible for value and desirability for featured products, which can signal a greater intent to purchase.

16 marketing brochure examples and business brochure templates to inspire your own

Piktochart brochure template library including marketing brochure template

Now that you understand the power, influence, and versatility of brochures, let’s look at some creative examples of brochures across different industries. 

You can also use these  brochure design ideas  and examples as templates that you can customize, edit, print, or share right away with Piktochart’s free brochure maker .  

Medical business brochure example 

medical brochure example template marketing brochure example

Company brochures in the medical field can simplify concepts for patients, making them a powerful tool to raise awareness. Educate your clients and community about a specific disease and how to manage it or keep staff informed about the latest updates with a creative trifold brochure.

You can either keep the photos in the original template or pick a new set of high-quality images from Piktochart’s vast library of photos. 

Not a fan of the blue-and-white color scheme? 

Change your brochure color scheme with just one click. Here’s a short tutorial on changing color schemes using Piktochart. Before you know it, your trifold brochure masterpiece is ready for print and distribution!

Dental business brochure example

dental company brochure template

Whether you’re about to open your first dental clinic or launch an oral health product, it doesn’t take a lot of time to design your dental brochure. 

This dental brochure template is customizable, including photos, fonts, typefaces, and color schemes.

What we love about this specific brochure layout is you can either use it as a trifold or Z-fold brochure.  Plus, there’s a timeline format if you want to explain a process.

Brochure design pro tip:  Keep your text short and simple and let the visuals and graphics do the talking.

Nonprofit business brochure examples

screenshot of nonprofit company brochure example

Whether you want to raise more funds or encourage more supporters to help spread your cause, a nonprofit brochure template should be a part of your design arsenal. Brochures also go well in nonprofit emails and newsletters.

Brochure templates are beneficial if you have a small marketing team (or perhaps a couple of freelancers)  behind your organization. They’re real time-savers! 

Another benefit is that templates help ensure that your nonprofit branding is consistent, especially if you have a lot of volunteer creators who make visual assets for your organization. 

Travel business brochure examples

screenshot of travel company brochure example

As the travel and tourism industry prepares for its comeback following the COVID-19 pandemic, travel marketing specialists and brands should understand that people have different reasons for going on holiday. 

For example, you might be more interested in the bonds you build with the people you travel with, while others travel because they like learning about different cultures. 

Whatever your clients’ reasons are behind their travel plans, highlight the top tourist spots and the hidden gems in your brochures and marketing materials. 

On closer look (the photo above is just a screenshot of a portion of the template!), this travel brochure puts the spotlight on every traveler’s dream destination — a place where urban dwellings, nature, food, culture, and the arts collide.

Here are a couple more travel brochure templates from our collection that you can use.

trifold travel company brochure template

Veterinary business brochure example

screenshot of veterinary company brochure example

Your veterinary clinic is more than just a place for sick pups and kitties.  One great way of getting more attention to your vet practice is to educate your clients, whether at your clinic or on your Facebook account. 

A veterinary brochure with catchy photos, design elements, and typography can help you build authority in the space.

For example, use this vet brochure template to highlight the pros and cons of dog and cat ownership (but we all know that cats own us, right?). 

At the bottom of your brochure, you can add a couple of details about your practice, like your clinic hours and a call-to-action statement inviting readers to follow your social media page.

Real estate brochure example 

screenshot of real estate brochure flyer example

As discussed earlier in the section about whether or not brochures remain effective in the digital world, brochures are influential when it comes to big-ticket purchases such as real estate.  

Apart from helping boost your reputation and professionalism in the eyes of your clientele, brochures are also a good option to showcase your most valuable properties.

Brochure design pro tip:   Sell the experience rather than the product or service. For example, when designing a real estate brochure, set the mood and show your potential clients what it means to live in their property of choice. 

The images and photos in this real estate brochure example show what it means to live in a luxury beach condo.

You have the big blue ocean right at your doorstep, exclusive villas to help you unwind at the end of the day, and an affluent neighborhood with easy access to all the essentials you need.

Environment brochure example 

environmental marketing brochure example

Brochures aren’t just for marketing or branding. They’re also a great way to communicate an idea, insight, or advocacy. 

A simple, one-page brochure template does the job well for these types of brochure design needs.  

Marketing brochure design pro tip:   Great copy is often the most undervalued element in brochure design. For this reason, don’t add your brochure copy as an afterthought. If there’s enough space, add some choice words to strengthen your message.

Outline your headlines, text, and call-to-action copy before you start the brochure creation process.

Business brochure example 

marketing brochure example, corporate brochure to use as a product launch

Your business brochure needs to look professional but not too corporate at the same time. How do you do this? 

Add some of your brand personality to your business brochure by changing up your colors, fonts, and illustrations. Corporate brochures can inspire with the right design.

In this example, the geometric shapes and bright colors add more life to a somehow boring niche (thermal cups).

You can view this template of a product brochure or the rest of the business brochure pages by clicking the “Edit template” button.

marketing brochure example for events, corporate brochure

Want to make a marketing brochure for an event? 

Start with an eye-catching front cover, feature your potential customers or guests, and highlight what makes their talks or performances a must-see during the event.

Don’t forget to add the most important details, including the schedule, venue, ticket prices, and where to buy them. You can also add some texts about group discounts or early bird pricing. 

This marketing brochure template is an excellent example of a brochure that you can use as a handout or an attachment that you can send via email.

Brochure design pro tip:  Crop images into whatever shape you want in your brochure. It’s easy with Piktochart! Watch the tutorial video below.

mental health brochure template marketing brochure example

This mental health brochure template takes on a minimalist brochure layout with its blue and white color scheme. The bold fonts also act as headers, and the white space helps the icons and photos stand out. 

As you can see, the template also uses data visualization techniques like pie charts to make its content more engaging and persuasive.

Examples of marketing brochure templates with bright colors and bold fonts

stunning brochure template

What’s not to love in this visually stunning brochure template?

You have photos that come to life with their dynamic compositions, bright colors, and a strong call to action (share the love!) that resonates with the target audience’s language.

Healthcare brochure example 

small business healthcare brochure example, marketing brochure example on two pages

Healthcare is one industry where the best brochures can make a significant impact. 

Need to remind patients about preventative care? Make a brochure. 

Want to make educational pamphlets for significant others taking care of their family members? You can design a brochure for that! 

Luckily, you don’t have to spend hours making your healthcare brochure from scratch. You can use your time wisely for other things, such as learning a new skill that can help you become a better healthcare provider. 

Whether you’re part of a big city hospital’s marketing team or the owner of a small-town clinic,  Piktochart’s brochure template library can save you a lot of time (and sanity).

Modern corporate best brochure examples

Want a more modern and chic look for your traditional corporate sales brochure?

We’ve got modern corporate sales brochure templates for you below, whether you work for a multinational corporation or a small business.

Bonus Piktochart benefit:  If you’re on a tight budget, you can get them for just a few dollars with Piktochart, and you can even customize fonts, photos, and colors (the sky’s the limit!) so you can reuse the same brochure format for your next projects.

corporate trifold brochure marketing brochure example

What’s the standard marketing brochure size? 

Brochures come in different sizes and can be designed as a tri-fold asset or single page, but A4 is the most commonly used brochure size and format. 

Whichever format you choose, a captivating headline, the use of contrasting colors, and the elimination of negative space are key for formatting and the final design.

An A4 is 8.5″ x 11″ in the US, while it’s 8.3″ x 11.7″ in the rest of the world. Use the infographic as your guide for the best brochure sizes below.

an infographic about different brochure sizes marketing brochure example

What to include in a marketing brochure

Now that we’ve gone through a few brochure examples, the next thing you might ask is how to make a brochure that wins new customers.

A marketing brochure, just like a gourmet sandwich, needs the right ingredients to make it memorable. There are three critical steps to nailing it: defining its purpose, knowing your audience, and preparing an outline.

Define the brochure’s purpose

This is the foundation of your brochure. Ask yourself, “What do I want to achieve with this?” Whether it’s introducing a new line of gourmet cheeses or announcing the opening of a new yoga studio downtown, your purpose guides your content creation process.

Remember, you’re telling a story – make sure it’s one that piques interest and draws potential customers in.

Know your audience

Who are you talking to? Teens with an obsession for eco-friendly fashion? Or perhaps health-conscious millennials with a penchant for organic food? Identifying your target audience is crucial as it influences your tone, language, and design.

Talk their talk, walk their walk, and you’re halfway there.

Prepare an outline

Before diving into design and copy, draft an outline. What’s the flow of information? What are the key points you want to communicate? Just like a blueprint for a house, your outline ensures your brochure is constructed logically and sensibly.

Are sales brochures different?

Sales brochures and marketing brochures are like Batman and Robin. They work together but have their unique roles and strengths. While marketing brochures are all about creating awareness and excitement, sales brochures focus on the details and the deals.

Best practices for sales brochures

A well-designed sales brochure is a persuasive salesperson in paper form. Its main goal is to give detailed information about your product or service and convert interest into sales. So, how do you make it effective?

Be clear and precise. Make your product or service the star of the show, and let it shine in all its glory. Highlight the benefits, showcase the unique selling points, and don’t forget the numbers – price, size, amount, whatever it may be.

Don’t bury your call to action. It should be compelling and visible, encouraging the reader to take the next step. Finally, use high-quality images that complement your text. They say a picture is worth a thousand words – make sure those words sell.

Let’s recap

Marketing brochures are all about creating awareness and generating excitement. They’re your brand ambassadors, cheerleaders, and storytellers. On the flip side, sales brochures are the straight-shooters. They’re loaded with the facts, figures, and offers that push customers over the line from interest to purchase.

Both play an integral role in your business’s success, much like how a dash of humor can spice up an otherwise straightforward article. Remember that whether you’re crafting a marketing or sales brochure, authenticity, clarity, and engaging content are your keys to standing out in a sea of promotional content.

As a parting piece of advice, remember what your English teacher always said, “Show, don’t tell.” Whether you’re selling a product, a service, or a vision, the most powerful way to do so is by painting a vivid picture.

A picture that doesn’t just speak a thousand words, but also persuades, engages, and ultimately convinces customers to choose you over the competition.

Get Piktochart, an easy-to-use brochure maker

In summary, a brochure is a practical and versatile medium. You can print a small batch of physical marketing brochures or business brochures, and supplement them with a digital brochure that provide customers unlimited downloads on your website. Using our brochure examples, you and your business can establish credibility and improves brand recall. 

Before you design your business brochures, don’t forget these important details and pertinent information — your business name, company logo, product benefits, contact information, social media channels, location, and business hours. 

Additionally, consider adding a dedicated section for social proof, perhaps even a QR code leading to your online presence to explain your product details or offering without creating a brochure with information overload for your customers.

With Piktochart’s AI brochure maker , it’s easy to create professional-looking brochures using our top brochure examples and sales brochure templates! All you need to do is share a prompt and it’ll draft up brochures based on expert designs within 10 seconds. Then, you just need to choose the one that you’re happiest with, and you can customize it further to make it fully yours.


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  • Design & Illustration
  • Graphic Templates

30+ Best Company Marketing & Sales Brochure Templates (Design Examples 2024)

Project Proposal Company Brochure Template

Project Proposal Company Brochure Template

  • This list of the best company brochure examples starts off with an elegant option.
  • It's designed with proposals in mind, but can be adapted to fit all types of business content.
  • There are 12 pages in this example company brochure, so fill it with your information in InDesign.

Car Wash Bifold Brochure

Car Wash Bifold Brochure

Auto detailers or carwash marketers can create lots of sales brochures from this download.

The template has great colors and fun shapes for your images.

Working with the photo placeholders and text is easy thanks to the well-organized layers.

It doesn't get much better than simple editing and modern design in a business brochure example template.

Services Company Booklet Example

Services Company Booklet Example

Create a stunning brochure for your business from this template.

You'll have 20 pages to work with in InDesign, so you won't lack for layouts.

While you're editing, feel free to change and tweak the colors and fonts to better fit your company.

Company Brochure Bifold: Dugem

Company Brochure Bifold: Dugem

  • Can you dig Dugem?
  • The stylish marketing brochure example is perfect for 2024.
  • It comes with a pair of color variations, organized layers, and plenty of customizable text and color opportunities.
  • Since it's print-ready, you can go from an example of a company brochure to having a finished product in your leads' hands in record time.

Agency Company Profile Booklet Example

Agency Company Profile Booklet Example

  • The economical use of color makes this company profile brochure a great example of corporate-style handouts.
  • You can use the placeholders to upload your own maps, graphs, and images.
  • Since it has 20 pages, you can use it as a sales brochure to give to clients or as a primer for your company.

Consulting Agency Brochure Bi-Fold Template

Consulting Agency Brochure Bi-Fold Template

  • Consultants and design agencies alike will love this sales brochure template.
  • The layout is clean and well put together.
  • You can share information about your team, services, and more here.
  • It's a simple bifold company brochure example that you can edit in Photoshop or Illustrator.

Furniture Store Bifold Brochure for Business

Furniture Store Bifold Brochure for Business

  • Furniture and interior design are all about contemporary trends, and this is an example of a brochure that follows that convention.
  • It keeps its colors simple, but when they're used, they pop.
  • Use the Smart Object layers to add your images to this bifold company brochure.

Beauty Salon Marketing Brochure Example

Beauty Salon Marketing Brochure Example

  • Not all business brochure examples are corporate.
  • This example of a brochure is created with beauty salons in mind.
  • Clients can use this to view your services and prices, as well as photos of your results.
  • Customizing this marketing brochure template in InDesign is easy, but if you don't have the design software, you can also use Microsoft Word.

Company Sales Bifold Brochure Template

Company Sales Bifold Brochure Template

  • Looking for unique marketing brochure ideas?
  • Modern bifold brochures don't come much better than this one.
  • It's a stylish option with two inner pages and a front and back cover.
  • You can display your photos in attractive circular image masks and customize this template's colors.
  • The file is layered, making editing easy.
  • There's also a help file in case you get stuck.

Florist Company Brochure

Florist Business Brochure Templates

  • To continue our selection of the best company marketing templates, we've got this profile brochure to help you promote your business.
  • With a stunning minimalist design, this brochure contains 24 pages in A4 and Letter size.
  • Examples of business brochures like this one are easy to edit in InDesign.

Company Profile Landscape Template

Company Profile Landscape Template

  • If you're looking for different business brochure examples, check out this one with landscape orientation.
  • This company brochure features a clean and modern design and 12 pages ready to edit in Adobe InDesign.

Company Proposal Brochure Example

Company Proposal Brochure Example

  • A proposal brochure can be very useful if you run a business.
  • Check out this complete template in A4 size that can be easily customized to fill all your needs.
  • The best part about this company brochure template is that you can edit it with many software suites: InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, and even PowerPoint and Google Slides.

Square Business Brochure Example Template

Square Business Brochure Example Template

  • Company brochures in different sizes are a guaranteed way to catch attention and stand out.
  • Try this square company brochure template with 24 pages and a cool minimalist design.
  • Check out these examples of business brochures and edit them in InDesign to create a unique branding brochure.

Moving Company Brochure Booklet Example

Moving Company Brochure Booklet Example

  • Looking for company booklet examples in multiple formats?
  • This bifold brochure is perfect for any business or company.
  • Use this attractive design with geometric figures to stand out.
  • It comes in A4 and Letter size, and you can edit it using so many types of software: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, and Microsoft Word.

Square Company Brochure Profile

Square Company Brochure Profile

  • Do you like clean marketing brochure ideas?
  • With its clean and modern layout, this template is one of the most popular company brochure examples this year.
  • The graphics and other design elements can be recolored and scaled to match your company's brand in the brochure.

Bifold Brochure for Business

Bifold Brochure for Business

  • This is one of the examples of business brochures that's got a more professional look and feel to it.
  • It's perfect for companies in finance, banking, insurance, investment, and other similar industries.
  • Use it if you need to create sales brochures for any industry.

Fashion Company Trifold Brochure

Fashion Company Trifold Brochure

  • A more futuristic design, this one-page marketing brochure comes with a trifold layout.
  • The sales brochure is specifically created for fashion, clothing, bags, shoes, or apparel retailers.

The Company Brochure

Company Business Brochure Templates

  • Exuding elegance, this is one of the sales brochure template ideas that'll help you capture potential customers for your business.
  • It's got a dark and modern finish that's perfect for luxury products.
  • You can tailor-make your company brochure in InDesign.

 Sales Brochure Template

Sales Brochure Template

  • Available in 20 layout pages, this marketing brochure offers a variety of designs to choose from.
  • Brochure examples like this one are highly recommended for companies with diverse and extensive products.

Business Brochure Template

Business Brochure Templates

  • Here's another cool option out of the thousands of company brochure booklet examples on Envato Elements.
  • It's customizable in InDesign and comes with 12 pages.
  • The clean and modern layout is ideal for any corporate handout and company brochure.

Vegetable Grocery Company Brochure

Vegetable Grocery Company Brochure

  • If your company deals in produce, you'll want a brochure that highlights how your produce looks.
  • That's where the Vegetable Grocery Company Brochure template comes into play.
  • This eight-page brochure template is fully customizable, with plenty of room for photos.
  • The layout is also well organized, making it ideal for readers. 

Minimalist Furniture Trifold Design Template

Minimalist Furniture Trifold Design Template

  • The aesthetic of this entry makes it one of the best company brochure examples for interior design businesses.
  • The rounded edges of the image placeholders and colors look great with the serif font.
  • With both A4 and US Letter layouts, you can choose the version that suits your needs best.

Lynielle Collection Trifold Fashion Brochure

Lynielle Collection Trifold Fashion Brochure

  • If you liked the contemporary design of the last example of a company brochure, you'll like Lynielle too.
  • It makes a show of its colors and design.
  • The decorative elements also catch the eye and work to frame your products.
  • Download this one if you're after the best sales brochures.

Business Company Profile Vol.12.

Business Company Profile Vol.12.

  • Marketing brochures like this company profile can be a big help in your promotional efforts.
  • It's great for promotional purposes, and its 24 pages can be filled with visual and text content.
  • Completely customizable and print-ready, it's a top example of a brochure for companies big and small.

Ovrakin Architec Bifold Brochure

Ovrakin Architec Bifold Brochure

  • Here's one of the best company brochure examples for architects, fashion brands, and tech startups.
  • The blocky design and bold fonts work well against the black background.
  • Fully customize and edit this marketing brochure's layout in Photoshop or Illustrator. 

Creative Business Studio Brochure Tri-Fold

Creative Business Studio Brochure Tri-Fold

  • We're turning on the lights with this business brochure example.
  • The layout features white backgrounds and touches of pastel color throughout.
  • It has pop-outs that make your key points stand out.
  • Modern style and image placeholders make this company brochure for business hard to beat.

Trifold Brochure for Real Estate

Trifold Brochure for Real Estate

  • It might not be free real estate, but it is one of the best company brochure examples for realtors.
  • The Photoshop and Illustrator files come in A4 format and are print-ready.
  • It's also multipurpose, so you can create marketing brochure examples for any type of business.

Cleaning Company Advertising Brochure

Cleaning Company Advertising Brochure

  • This fabulous Cleaning Company Advertising Brochure includes a 12-page layout.
  • Mix and match the pages to find the layout that works best for your needs.
  • The template comes in both A4 and US Letter sizes.

Business Company Brochure

  • By now you've probably zeroed in on a brochure sample that works for you. If not, try Business Brochure Templates.
  • This A4 template offers 16 pages that you can mix and match to find the layout that best suits your needs. 
  • Whether you're looking for a marketing, business, sales, or advertising brochure, this template is a great choice.

Business Brochure Examples

Business Brochure Examples

  • Business Brochure Examples is a multipurpose template that can be used for a wide range of purposes.
  • The A4 InDesign template offers 16 pages that are completely customizable with your own text, fonts, images, and brand colors.
  • time-saving option for those who want to create a brochure quickly.

Marketing Brochure Templates

Marketing Brochure Templates

  • Looking for a cool bifold brochure template? How about Marketing Brochure Templates?
  • This clean and professional template is easy to customize.
  • Just drop in your own images and text, change the fonts and color scheme if you need to, and your brochure is ready to print.

research company brochure

Company Advertising Brochure

  • Need a modern brochure for your growing company?
  • Then take a look at Company Advertising Brochure.
  • The 16-page template is fully customizable. Add your own designs using the Smart Object feature, and change the text, fonts, and colors to suit your brand.

7 Proven Tips for Making Great Company Sales & Marketing Brochures

Now that we’ve covered a variety of diverse marketing brochure templates, we’ll show you some creative and practical tips. Learn how to customize marketing brochures according to your branding needs. 

The following section outlines how you can use your company brochure to make a lasting impression on your potential customers.

1. Get Straight to the Point

You may be tempted to list too many details on your marketing brochure because you don't want to miss any relevant information. However, this will do you more harm than good.

Company Trifold Brochure Vol 03

Too many details can cause information overload. This can also confuse your readers and steer them away from your main points. As much as possible, focus on one main objective for your marketing and sales brochure template and then build your content from there.

2. Know Your Customers

To deliver a powerful message that catches the attention of your target audience, you must really know who your customers are and what they're looking for. Insights about customers will help you determine the purpose of your campaign’s brochure and guide you through the content and design.

For example, if your company sells high-end smart toys for children, you'd likely want to target educated, young to middle-aged parents who can afford the products and advocate the idea of helping children learn while they play with toys. The better you know your audience’s personas, the better you can design graphics and messages that resonate with their problems and desired solutions. 

3. Write an Impressive Headline

No one will continue reading the contents of your company brochure if the headline on the front page doesn't stir the readers' interest. Why bother creating a brochure if your readers will just read the front and then discard it? This is why it's crucial that you captivate your audience right away with an impressive headline.

Brochure  Company Bi-Fold

An effective headline must capture the interest of your target audience and address their key problems. Many company brochures make the mistake of just putting the company's basic information on the front page.

4. Use Simple Words

Avoid using big words when crafting your company brochure. You don't have to impress your readers with words that are hard to understand.

Simple words are highly recommended because they're easier to digest. The faster your readers can grasp your ideas, the faster you can convert them as well. If your readers don't comprehend your content, you're wasting not just their time but also your money.

5. Don't Forget the Basics

Because your main focus is to stand out, you might omit the basics when creating a company brochure. Make sure that pertinent information like company name, business address, logo, and at least two modes of contact information, preferably email address and phone number, are included.

Business Brochure Examples

Aside from the basic company information, it's crucial that you add at least two or three brief sections about the benefits or solutions that your products or services can offer.

People are interested to know how your company can solve their problems or how can you make their lives a lot easier with your offerings. You should outline your benefits in easy-to-read blocks so your readers can digest them faster.

6. Impress With Big Numbers

Numbers don’t lie. Numbers strike people with unrealized truths and do a good job of convincing people to take action. Your marketing brochure is a direct weapon in your go-to-market strategy, so why not add some striking numbers that address the need for your products?

Find a big number that'll surprise your audience. Present it crystal clear on your brochure. Then, put it alongside your products or services as a catalyst for the urgent need for a solution.

7. Add Stunning Photography

It's also recommended to add photos of your products if you've got physical products to offer. Using hero images is also a great way to showcase your services.

For example, if you're a restaurant, at least include photos of your most popular dishes in your company brochure. Using the Brochure Restaurant Tri-Fold template, you can add your own photos to capture your audience easily.

Brochure  Restaurant Tri-Fold

Choose Your Favorite Marketing Brochure Template

Now you've had a chance to view these examples of brochures and know just where to find the best marketing brochure templates when you need them, head to Envato Elements and download your favorites today. 

Here are more top resources and tutorials to try from Envato Tuts+:

research company brochure

How to design a brochure: the ultimate guide

Estimated reading time: 15 minutes

Whether you’re trying to drive traffic into a new gym location, showcase a property for sale or get the word out about your business, brochures are powerful and effective tools for engaging and educating any audience. But only if your brochure design is on point.

When it comes to brochures, it’s all about the design. A great design will compel your audience to read all about what you’re doing. A less-than-stellar design will end up in the trash can.

Brochures can be powerful—if you do them well. Design by Amrita via 99designs by Vista.

So how, exactly, do you design an awesome brochure? Never fear, we’ve got the ultimate guide to brochure design. By the end of this post, you’ll have everything you need to create, design and print a great brochure that drives results and makes a lasting impact on your target audience.

How to design a brochure

Know your brand personality, define your ideal customer, develop your message, determine your metrics for success, set your budget.

  • Remember your brand design standards

Design with the reader in mind

Choose your brochure type, gather your copy and images, find your style.

  • Pick the perfect CTA

Evaluate your design

  • Choose a printer
  • Explore print options

Before you start designing your brochure

The key to creating an amazing brochure actually starts before you design. When you do the legwork before you start designing, like knowing your brand personality, message and target customer, you’ll make the design process go a lot more smoothly.

Do you know your business? Knowing your brand personality is a must. If you don’t know your brand inside and out, all of your branding and marketing materials , including your brochures, will feel disjointed and unclear.

For more on how to define your brand personality, check out our in-depth guide on building a brand identity for small businesses .

Before you start designing your brochure, get crystal clear on who you’re designing for. Different audiences require different designs, and if you’re not clear on your audience, you run the risk of making the wrong design choices.

To design a great brochure, you need to know your audience. Brochure design by Adwindesign for SpinSci Technology via 99designs by Vista.

Ask yourself:

  • Who is my ideal customer?
  • What kind of information are they looking for?
  • Are they more likely to respond to more images or more text?
  • What kind of tone and copy do they expect? Corporate or conversational? Humorous or serious?
  • What can I do to best grab their attention?

When you know who you’re designing for, use that to steer your design decisions. You’ll end up with a brochure that feels true to them, which will help up your chances of success.

We touched on this above, but before you design your brochure, it’s so important that you define your message.

You need to know what you’re going to say in your brochure and how you’re going to say it before you even think about getting a design in place. Because your message is the most important thing. It all comes back to knowing your customer. If you don’t have a strong, clear message that speaks to them in language and images they can relate to, it doesn’t matter what design you come up with. Your brochure will fall flat.

This brochure’s message is clear—and yours should be, too. Brochure design by Rose ❋ for Big Wave Digital via 99designs by Vista.

For example, let’s say you were designing a brochure for new parents to advertise your children’s gym. Your message might be: “We’re fun and friendly—come join us!” So you want to use accessible, simple, friendly language and bright, vibrant imagery to match your brand and appeal to your target audience. Using complex language likely wouldn’t make sense to your customers.

On the flip side, if you’re designing a brochure to advertise your services as a financial advisor, your message will likely be quite different, so using simple language and bright imagery could feel too childish, and your ideal client wouldn’t take your message seriously.

Know your message before you start the designs so you can make decisions that strengthen your messaging.

Brochure design by Adwindesign for OFS metrics via 99designs by Vista .

Having metrics in place should be a non-negotiable for every brochure you design. Without metrics, you’ll have no idea if you should keep rolling with the same design for future brochures, or if you need to overhaul the message or look to drive more results.

Before you design, determine your metrics by defining what you’re hoping to get out of your brochure. Here are a few ideas:

  • Are you looking to drive people into a retail location? Include a coupon or voucher and measure how many of them are redeemed at your store.
  • Are you trying to drive people to your website? Include a custom URL on the pamphlet and track the number of visitors during the campaign.
  • Are you trying to build buzz around a new product launch? Include a call to action (CTA) to sign up for your email list and see how large your list grows during the campaign.

Knowledge is power—especially when it comes to your budget. Brochure design by Mj.vass via 99designs by Vista.

Your budget is more than just knowing how many brochures you can print. It determines everything from your type of paper to the fun printing techniques you can use to jazz up your brochure.

Come up with a budget-per-print and start making some decisions based on what’s most important. Do you need your brochures to be extra sturdy? Invest in a thicker paper. Do you have a cool idea on how to illustrate one of your points? Look at more expensive ink options and printing techniques to bring your visuals to life.

Knowing how much cash you have on hand for the design and printing process will help you make the best decisions for your budget and get the most out of every dollar.

Designing your brochure

Remember your brand identity

As you’re starting the design process, keep your brand identity front of mind. These elements describe the visual look and feel of your brand, and no matter what kind of brochure you’re designing, it needs to be consistent with your overall branding.

Choose design elements (colors, fonts and images) that match your brand personality and the tone and content of your brochure. If you’ve already set your brand color and fonts, make sure you carry them over into your brochure design.

Haven’t ironed out your brand design standards? Check out our post on how to create a brand style guide for a how-to.

As a small business owner, it’s easy to get caught up in what you want. But, real talk? What you want doesn’t actually matter. It’s what your customer wants that counts.

When you’re designing your layout, keep your reader in mind. How would your ideal customer want to receive information? Are they okay with big blocks of text or do they need the text to be broken up with images so they don’t feel overwhelmed? Are there specific colors or fonts that would be particularly appealing to them? Where can you put all of your information (like your business name and contact information) so it’s easy for them to find?

When you’re designing, make sure to lay things out in a way that appeals to your customers.

You might think “Well, isn’t there just one brochure type… you know, like a brochure?” And the answer is no. There’s a laundry list of options when it comes to choosing your brochure type and the way it’s folded.

Here are 15 ways you can fold your brochure:

The brochure type that’s right for your brochure design is going to depend on the content.

You might keep it simple with a classic tri-fold brochure. If you’ve got a ton of information you need to communicate, go for an option that has more space, like an eight-panel roll fold or a 16-panel fold. If you’re doing a step-by-step product tutorial, use a four-panel roll fold to make your content easy to follow. Select the brochure size that best suits your preferences and needs.

Single Gate Fold brochure design by zeljko_radakovic for Leadership Intelligence LLC via 99designs by Vista.

Also, consider how your brochure is ultimately going to be delivered.

Are you going to put the brochures on a rack? Are you going to stuff them in a bag with other promotional goodies? Are you going to send them as a mailer? The method you choose for delivering or displaying your brochures will significantly impact the ideal choice of fold and size for your brochure . Feel free to play around with Vistaprint’s brochure templates to have an idea of all your options.

Have your copy and images ready to go before you start putting pen to paper and creating a design. This will help you make important decisions about layout, length, font size and more.

But don’t get too attached. Chances are that design restrictions will affect how much text or how many images you can include. Be flexible and make sure your main points make it in.

Start with your ideal amount of copy. Including a lot of copy in your design can deliver a lot of information to your readers. However, those huge text blocks can feel overwhelming and actually discourage them from reading. Aim for something in the middle.

Use headlines and sub-headers to structure your text and make it skimmable for readers who are short on time and don’t read the entire thing. Your headline is especially important. You only get one chance to grab your audience’s attention.

Then, do the same with your images. Gather them all in front of you and figure out which ones will help tell your story and where they should be placed. Your images are the first things people will see, so they should help you connect with your reader and illustrate what you do.

As you develop your design, your copy and image selection will likely grow and shrink. Again, be flexible and use these creative elements to tell the story your audience needs to hear.

When all is said and done, it’s the stylistic elements that are really going to make your brochure shine.

Keep it clean and simple

If your brochure has too much going on design-wise, it’s going to feel overwhelming to your reader. You don’t want to overcrowd your brochure design with too much text, too many graphics or too many different design elements that compete for your reader’s attention. Keep your design clean, simple and easy to digest for the best results.

Hand-drawn illustrations make a brochure stand out. Brochure design by Luz Viera for Layers via 99designs by Vista.

Think outside of the box

Consumers these days are savvy. They don’t want a bunch of the same old, same old. So if you want your brochure to make an impact on your audience, it can’t look like every other brochure they’ve had in their hands for the past 10 years.

When it comes to brochures, the best designs dare to be different. What can you do that no one else has done before? The more you rock the boat with your brochure design, the more it’s bound to grab people’s attention.

Focal point is your CTA

The reason you’re designing your brochure in the first place is to encourage your readers to take action. And if you want them to take action, you need to tell them in a big way.

If your call to action (CTA) is buried in a mountain of text in the last paragraph on the last page of your brochure, guess what? No one’s going to see it. If you want your CTA to actually inspire people to take action, make it big, bold and impossible for them to miss.

It’s pretty clear what you’re supposed to do here: discover Africa. Brochure design by Bella. for Discover Africa via 99designs by Vista.

Give your CTA center stage. Put it in multiple places on your brochure. Make it so that no matter how far into your brochure they read, they won’t miss your CTA. Because the more front and center you put your CTA, the more people will actually take action.

Evaluating and printing your brochure

Your brochure is designed and you’re almost ready to roll it out to the masses. But first, make sure it’s perfect.

Once your brochure is designed, take your time to evaluate the final product. Now is your last chance to make changes and get your design right.

  • Does this design grab my attention?
  • Is my message clear?
  • Does this design point to my CTA?
  • Is this brochure in line with my branding?

Ask other people those same questions to get an outside perspective. Show your design to your colleagues, customers and even friends to figure out if you’ve got a winner. Once you’re happy, it’s time to get printing!

Choose your printer

Working with a top-notch printer can mean the difference between your brochure design coming to life exactly as you imagined it… Or turning out like some gnarly, bootleg version.

If you can, visit printers so you can see their work in person. Viewing samples in real life will always give you a better idea of what you can expect from your print job.

Colors and paper can look and feel different when a design is printed, so make sure to look at samples IRL. Brochure design by Amrita via 99designs by Vista.

When you’re researching printers, ask them questions to see if they’re going to be the best fit for your job. Here are a few examples:

  • What are your ink options?
  • What is your best printing option for time? For cost?
  • Do you do color matching?
  • Do you offer printed or digital proofs?
  • What happens if I’m not satisfied with my print job?
  • Do you have designers in-house?
  • Do you have experience in brochure printing and design?
  • Can you provide references for other brochure clients?

Ideally, find a printer who has experience in the brochure space, uses the latest print technology and has designers on staff who can help with any design issues so your print job comes out looking the best it can.

Choose your print materials

Work with your printer to select the best materials for your brochure. Here’s a little cheat sheet to help you out:

Paper weight

Generally speaking, the higher the paper weight, the thicker the sheet. There are a few different ways to measure paper weight (like basis weight and mils), but the most common is metric weight, also known as GSM. The GSM is the weight of one sheet of paper cut into a 1×1 meter square.

Most brochures fall somewhere between 170 and 300 GSM.

Once you’ve chosen your paper, it’s time to choose your finish. There are a few different types of finishes to choose from:

Matte: A completely flat finish without any shine

Semi-Gloss: A somewhat shiny finish that falls between matte and glossy

Glossy: A shiny, reflective finish

The finish you choose is all dependent on the look you’re going for. Talk to your printer about the different options you have within your budget and what print materials will be the best fit for your objectives.

Ink and specialty processes

Some printers also offer specialty inks that can enhance your brochure. Here are a few options you can inquire about:

Foil: A shiny, metallic ink or stamp that reflects light

Embossing: The process of pressing a shape or image into paper to create a raised effect

UV spot: A shiny coating applied only to certain spots of paper (typically a logo, headline or to create accents in certain places)

Check with your printer if these options (or others) are available and how they might change the cost and production time of your brochure.

Wrapping things up

You now have everything you need to get out there and create an incredible brochure. One that will deliver your brand message, inspire your customers to take action and bring you closer to your goals—one brochure at a time.

Author: Deanna deBara

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FAQs About Corporate Brochure Templates

What is a corporate brochure template.

A corporate brochure template is a ready-made document design typically used for the purpose of advertising and promoting a company's products, services, and brand. These templates often contain professionally designed layouts, graphics, typography, and other elements, specifically tailored to meet the needs of corporate businesses.

These templates provide a starting point for creating a company's promotional material. They are designed to be customized with the business’s own information, imagery, and branding, to present a professional and unified image to existing and potential clients.

Why Should a Company Use a Corporate Brochure Template?

Customizing a corporate brochure template is a cost-effective solution for businesses that need to produce a professional-grade brochure but lack the design resources or time to do so from scratch. With these templates, the main structure and design elements are already in place, which simplifies the creation process.

Moreover, these templates are usually designed to meet the standards of professional design and communication. This ensures businesses can produce a high-quality, visually appealing, and effective brochure without needing to have advanced graphic design skills or tools.

Where Can Corporate Brochure Templates Be Found?

Corporate brochure templates can be found on various online platforms that offer graphic design resources. Some popular options include Adobe Stock, Canva, Envato Market, and Creative Market. These platforms usually offer a wide range of style and format options, catering to different business types and needs.

Besides, there are also dedicated design agencies and professionals that offer custom-made corporate brochure template services. These can provide a more personalized service, with bespoke designs that cater specifically to a business's unique brand identity.

How Can a Corporate Brochure Template Be Customized?

Customizing a corporate brochure template typically involves replacing placeholder text and images with a company's content. This could include corporate information, product images, descriptions, testimonials, and contact information. Most templates have clearly marked areas where you should add your content.

Additionally, many templates allow you to change colors, fonts, and other design elements to match your company's branding. Depending on the template and the design software you're using, you might also be able to move or adjust design elements, change the layout, or add new sections or pages.

What are the Different Types of Corporate Brochure Templates?

There are several types of corporate brochure templates designed to fit various business needs. Bi-fold and tri-fold brochures are popular due to their compact size and ease of distribution. Booklet brochures can provide more extensive information about a company's products or services and are great for trade shows and mailings.

Additionally, you can find specialized brochure templates for specific industries or business types, such as technology companies, healthcare providers, or real estate agencies. Some templates also target specific purposes like product catalogs, portfolio showcases, or event promotions.

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The Ultimate Guide to Brochure Design

The Ultimate Guide to Brochure Design

Written by: Orana Velarde

brochure design - header

Let’s talk about brochure design. 

As business owners, you’re always looking for ways to advertise your products and services to appeal to your ideal customers. And as you know, a brochure is a timeless marketing staple. 

For example, if you go to a conference or a trade fair, you’ll walk out with piles of brochures. But which ones will you keep? Only the ones that truly catch your eye! That’s where brochure design comes in.

If you’ve been thinking of creating a brochure for your business, you’ve come to the right place. We've put together the ultimate guide on designing and distributing a stunning brochure in just eight steps.

To get your feet wet, here's a quick video on how to create any sort of printable with Visme. Or, you can skip the how-to and dive right into Visme's brochure maker .

Here’s a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit pitch brochure templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more templates below:

research company brochure

Table of Contents

Step #1: define your purpose, step #2: know your audience, step #3: create your brochure content, step #4: choose your brochure layout, step #5: stay on brand, step #6: pay attention to hierarchy, balance and flow, step #7: print your brochure, step #8: distribute your brochure.

The first step to creating a successful brochure is to define its purpose. Do you want to promote a particular service? Sell a new product? Showcase your best offers? 

No matter what purpose you decide to give your brochure, keep it simple.

Whether it's a business, creative or travel brochure , y ou don’t want to overwhelm people. Even if you need to include a lot of information, use visuals to break down the content and make it snackable.

Following your brand guidelines with these visuals can help improve brand recognition when potential customers see your brochures. But don't worry—if you don’t have your own visuals, there are plenty of free design elements to choose from inside the Visme editor.

In some cases, a brochure is part of a bigger marketing campaign. This can include any number of visual assets, from the brochure itself to social graphics, landing pages and more.

Consider how the brochure fits into the campaign and what to include as a call to action. Use the same images, fonts, colors and copy. All assets, including the brochure design, must fit into the campaign and look like they belong together.

More often than not, a brochure’s purpose is to gather new clients. Use the opportunity to invite them to follow you on social media or sign up for something via a landing page URL. Add a QR code to make it easy to readers to access your website or landing page.

Consider using a template like the one below to guide your brochure design.

brochure design - business travel brochure template

As always, you need to think of the intended audience when preparing your brochure design. 

Ask yourself, "Who is the brochure for? Who is it directed at?"

For example, a brochure for a summer camp for middle schoolers is directed at both potential students and their parents, while a brochure for a Master’s degree program is directed towards those who have already graduated college. These brochure designs will be vastly different as they have two completely different audiences to target.

Another question to ask is, "Where will my brochure be handed out?"

The design for a brochure for a yoga studio that will be displayed in hair salons, coffee shops and sports clothing stores, needs to be inviting and inspirational. How will your design stand out and grab the attention of your intended audience? 

Pro Tip: Your brochures are most likely not the only ones on display. Consider how yours will look alongside others.

Collect brochures from places that display brochures for businesses like yours. Pay attention to the stacks of brochures that are lower than others — that's a pretty good indicator that those brochures are more popular.

Take notes and do some research. Ask your friends and colleagues what makes them pick up a brochure over another? Find out what types of brochures they keep and which ones they end up throwing away.

A template like the one below is perfect for attracting audiences who care about clean eating and environmentally friendly food options. Or, you can fully customize it in order to reach your specific audience.

brochure design - organic food brochure template

Now it’s time to create the content for your brochure. This where your copywriting skills come in. Or better yet, delegate this task to a freelance writer or someone on your content team who is already well versed in your brand voice.

Taking into account the brochure’s purpose and the intended audience, start drafting some ideas for the cover title and think of different ways it can be worded. 

Put together an outline that is separated into sections. Remember that your brochure will be folded into different pages, so it's easy to break up the content page-by-page.

Craft the message in a way that will entice the reader to act. Calls to action in a brochure are not as easy as they are on a website or landing page. You have to convince them to find you on their phone or laptop after seeing your brochure. Or to call or add you to WhatsApp in order to get in touch. Again, a QR code is a perfect touch to make taking action from a brochure easy.

Use this opportunity to put your value proposition front and center. There's no room for fluff here. Speak directly to your client, tell them how your products or services will solve their problem. Explain in a few words why your business is better than competitors.

When putting together the content, remember how it needs to fit within your brochure. Make the paragraphs short and choose your words well. You have to think about the space that the text will take up.

These are the elements every brochure must have:

  • Brand assets: logo, colors, fonts
  • A catchy title
  • Subtitle or slogan that explains how you solve a problem
  • Visually separate sections with titles, subtitles and body text
  • Contact details; phone number, website, email, social media
  • Appropriate visuals

Hey marketers! Need to create scroll-stopping visual content fast?

  • Transform your visual content with Visme’s easy-to-use content creation platform
  • Produce beautiful, effective marketing content quickly even without an extensive design skillset
  • Inspire your sales team to create their own content with branded templates for easy customization

Sign up. It’s free.

Hey marketers! Need to create scroll-stopping visual content fast?

Now that you have the content ready, it’s time to select the layout you want your brochure to have. There are a variety of ways to design, print and fold your content, so pick the one that you think will make the biggest impact.

The most common folds are:

  • Tri-fold: The two sides are folded inwards towards the middle of the brochure.
  • Z-fold: This style is similar to the tri-fold but instead of folding inwards, the fold creates a z shape.
  • Gate-fold: Another brochure design with two inward folds, but these don’t overlap. They create a "gate" effect.
  • Two-fold: One horizontal page folded over in the middle creating four equal areas.
  • Multi-page two-fold and stapled: Like above but with more pages.
  • Multi-page and bound: This style looks like a booklet and can have many pages.
  • Die-cut: These are brochures of any folded style with a unique cut out design on the pages.
  • Unique folds: Some brochures are created with unique folds, making them more memorable and appealing to the eye.

See a few of these in action below:

Folded Brochure Design

The standard fold for a brochure is the tri-fold. This folds the two sides in towards the middle so that it opens almost like a booklet.

brochure design - z-fold brochure

The z-fold is a variation of the same fold. This can be achieved with the same template as the tri-fold, you just have to make sure you understand which panel ends up at the back.

brochure design - brochure template from visme

This is a classic two-fold brochure design. It has four large content spaces and looks like a simple booklet.

brochure design - two-fold brochure

Image Source

Multi-Page Brochure Design

Brochures with multiple pages can be stapled or bound. These are great for showcasing many services in one go. Technically it’s almost like a web page on paper. Businesses that might need a brochure like this are hotel spas, wholesalers and realtors.

brochure design - multipage brochure

Unique Fold and Cut Brochure Design

Some printing shops offer unique folds and cuts for brochure design. If you want your brochure to really stand out, try a completely different style. You might need help from a printer to achieve this type of brochure but you can still design the visuals with Visme. 

Keep in mind that these specialty styles are much more expensive than regular tri-fold. If what you are looking for is affordability, stick to the standard brochure design and keep these in mind for when your business is much bigger and super successful.

brochure design - unique fold and cut brochure

Once you've decided which brochure layout you want, you can easily get started designing with a template, or start from scratch with our brochure maker.

research company brochure

Fully customize your brochure design with Visme.

  • Choose from our fully customizable templates
  • Customize fonts and colors to match your brand
  • Browse our design asset library to add visual elements

Our brochure templates are designed with the folds in mind. Thankfully, your Visme editor includes a grid view option to mark the folds as you design.

The templates come in the industry-standard "letter" size. In pixels, this translates as 1100 pixels wide and 850 pixels tall. Use the grid view to add the fold lines and design accordingly.

These are the grid view measurements for a tri-fold or z-fold brochure.

  • Width: 366px
  • Height: 850 px
  • Opacity: 30% or whatever works best for you

To apply the grid view in your editor, click on the hamburger menu on the top left of your screen and click on "view options."

brochure design - use grid view in visme

As you're designing your brochure, remember to stay on brand. Always use your brand fonts, colors and approved visuals. This is especially important if the brochure is part of a bigger campaign with more visual assets involved. 

If you haven't already it's a good idea to put together your brand guidelines that outline exactly which fonts, colors, logo variations, patterns, visual elements and more can be used in your various designs. This is the only way to ensure your designs are cohesive across the board.

And of course, don’t forget to include your logo in the design! You want people who are aware of your business to see your brochure and instantly recognize your brand. And you want people who haven't heard of your business to start recognizing your logo and branding whenever they come into contact with it.

research company brochure

Easily stay on brand with Visme.

  • Upload your  brand fonts, colors and logo
  • Apply your branding to a selection of templates in seconds
  • Build brand strength and recognition in your visual content

Now that you have all the content and images in the layout, you’ve made sure that everything is on brand and that there are no typos, it’s time to get a bit nitpicky with the design. 

If you used a template, it’s likely that some of the placeholder elements got moved around, text boxes got bigger or smaller, colors changed and fonts were switched.

Our designers create the templates so that they’re ready to go with a clear hierarchy, balance and flow. But not everyone’s content is the same and things often change along the way, s o it's a good practice to review the overall design and see if it still works as it should.

Ask yourself the following questions:

Does the content have a visual and contextual hierarchy ?

Are the titles a bit bigger than the subtitles? Are the subtitles a little bigger than the body text? Is there clear separation and order between blocks of text?

Are the elements aligned and balanced?

Are the text blocks aligned with each other? If you’re using a nonaligned design, are the placements in balance with one another? Double-check that there are no text blocks in the area of the folds. It’s ok to have an image with a fold in it, but not someone’s face.

Do the visuals and content have a clear and easy-to-follow flow?

Is it easy to understand what information is to be seen first and what comes after? Is the content easy to read? Is the font readable? Is the color of the background competing with the foreground? If so, adjust to make sure the text is easy to read. 

Are there enough areas of empty space to let the content breathe?

The elements on a brochure design need a bit of air around them so the viewer can scan the content and see the big picture. Use margins so the text isn’t touching the borders , separate titles from body text and leave enough space between contact details so it’s easy to read.

As you get ready to finalize the design and share it with your audience, test it first. Have your team members or peers take a look at it. If you've created your brochure with Visme, you can easily give anyone on your team access to view, comment or even edit your design before sending it out for print.

Speaking of which, test the printed version out at home as well. Print out a single copy on your home printer then fold it to see if the sections are aligned how they’re meant to.

If one of the sections has a full color that’s different from the section next to it, you need to make sure that the fold is right on the line where the color changes. 

Review the folding parameters we showed you above. Make any changes and get ready to print. But before sending it off to a professional printer , there are a couple of things you’ll need to do. 

If you’re using images, colors, shapes or graphics that reach the edges of the page, make them a little larger so they overflow the borders. A couple of millimeters will do. This will prevent any white edges when the brochure is printed and cut.

Download the design as a PDF with bleed marks — this will show the printers where the brochure must be cut. 

brochure design - brochure with bleed marks for printing

Use a service like Vistaprint to print your brochure . You can upload your design to their system and they'll print and fold all your brochures for you.

However, if you choose to go this route, there are a few things to consider. These are things that will change the cost of the printing so it’s best to know your choices.

Type of Paper

Brochures are generally printed on light glossy paper but you can ultimately choose your type of paper. Paper that’s a little heavier will make the brochure look more sturdy and will last longer.

Your printer will give you options, they know which paper is easiest to fold and which will be more affordable.

Brochure Folding

Printers generally offer folding services in their price packages. But always ask first. Some printers have price ranges with and without a folding service. Most often than not, paying for the folding is definitely worth it since you know they’ll get it right.

Amount of Brochures

Like everything that’s printed, the more copies you print, the lower the cost will be per unit. Print the minimal largest number possible that fits with your budget.

For this same reason, it’s of grave importance that you spell check and double check everything before sending to print. 

Having a thousand printed brochures with the wrong phone number can be a disaster.

Your printer might ask you to send the design in a CMYK color space. Ask if they can convert it for you. Ask if a PDF file with bleed marks is okay — it usually will be.

Before printing the full lot, the printers usually do a color test, but in some cases, this might cost a little extra. 

If your brochure’s colors are extremely important and you can’t afford to have it look any different to how you see it on screen, ask for a color test.

You want to make sure that the colors your brochure is printed with match your branding or your vision, especially if you use a colorful template like the one below.

brochure design - investment group brochure template

Success! You’ve now got a pile of brochures ready to attract customers and clients. How will you make sure they see them? Here are some marketing tips and tricks.

Leave brochures in local businesses where your ideal client hangs out.

Take your brochures around town and leave a bunch in places where your clients spend their time. The #1 rule, in this case, is to not leave your brochure in your competitor’s shops, only locales that are a complement to yours. 

For example if your brochure is for music lessons, leave the brochure in places where they teach art or dance. In coffee shops, book stores and most definitely the local instrument store.

Use brochure holders that match your design and don’t cover the text.

When you leave your brochures in places, don’t just lay them down, use a transparent stand. Some shops will grant you space on their counter and others will have a wall or table especially for bulletin boards and brochures.

Hand your brochures out in fairs and conferences.

When you attend fair and conferences that have to do with your industry, take a bunch of brochures and hand them out. If at any time you can start a conversation with someone about your business, do so! 

If you have a stand in a fair, show the different offers inside the brochure to your visitors.

Send brochures in the mail.

Send your brochures to potential clients in your area through the mail. Use a service like this one from the USPS to create a strategy of addresses and homes where you’d like to send your brochure. 

Add brochures to gift packages.

If you’re sending customers gift packs with products, include a brochure of your other products or services.

Insert brochures in welcome packs.

Realtors, universities and many other businesses have welcome packs. These are folders with lots of information about the neighborhood or the area. Approach businesses like these to see if they will include your brochure in their welcome packs.

Include brochures in deliveries.

If you have a delivery service of any kind, include your new brochure along with the delivery. For an added marketing angle, include a magnet along with it as well.

Share your brochure online.

If you decided to create a digital brochure, you can share it in two different ways.

First, if you designed it as a static design, download it as a high resolution JPEG and share it anywhere you’d like: social media, email, your website, etc.

Second, for an interactive and/or animated design, publish your brochure to the web. It will then be hosted on the Visme servers and you can share it with a link. Share the link on social media or via your email newsletter. You can also embed it on your website.

Just be sure you have an eye-catching brochure design, like we see with this template below.

brochure design - innovation brochure template

What a ride!  Now you know everything there is to know about brochure design and how to use it for your marketing strategies. Are you ready to create your own?

Regardless if you choose to create a printable brochure or digital brochure, we hope you’ll choose Visme as your trusted design partner. Access thousands of templates, a full suite of AI-powered tools and other amazing features to streamline your brochure design process. 

Sign up for a free account and get started with your brochure design today!

Design beautiful visual content you can be proud of.

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research company brochure

About the Author

Orana is a multi-faceted creative. She is a content writer, artist, and designer. She travels the world with her family and is currently in Istanbul. Find out more about her work at oranavelarde.com

research company brochure

100+ Brochure Examples & Templates across Industries

Browse through a wide range of marketing brochures and sales brochure templates from various industries, a blueprint to guide you, what is a brochure.

  • digital Brochures
  • Importance of Digital Brochures
  • Best Examples of Brochures
  • Automobile brochures
  • Aviation and defence brochures
  • BFSI brochures
  • Consumer goods brochures
  • Energy and utility brochures
  • Fashion and retail brochures
  • Health care brochures
  • Manufacturing industry brochures
  • Travel and hospitality brochures
  • Technology industry brochures
  • Types of brochure
  • Difference between brochure and a pamphlet
  • When to use Brochure in Buyer's journey
  • Creating a brochure
  • Best practices to design a brochure

A Marketing Brochure or Sales Brochure is most often regarded as the face of a company. In the olden days (just about 50 years back), there were no websites or blogs and it was only the print medium; If not for the brochures, many companies would not have seen the light of the day. Fast forward to the current digital era, a professionally crafted marketing, sales or a product brochure is time-honoured marketing collateral that helps a business achieve its marketing objectives.

Be it a new product launch or a new feature launch in the service you provide; a marketing brochure plays a vital role in converting those prospects in your pipeline into your loyal customers.

A recent study found If you are a millennial, the chances are that you might find the term "brochure" unimportant, at best, and perhaps a little obscure, at worst. But that is far from reality. A report from a marketing research company states that traditional media   is more iconic, compelling, and more likely than digital media to influence behaviour.

  A brochure is a promotional document, It's both printed and digital, designed to present concise information about a product, service, or organization. Combining text, images, and graphics, it aims to attract and inform the target audience, facilitating understanding and influencing decision-making.

A well-designed product brochure helps strengthen your brand personality by exuding a consistent visual brand to every client. Furthermore, it helps your business to increase brand visibility and awareness. On the contrary, an ill-designed brochure can cannibalize your existing sales and push it to your competitors.

Digital Brochures:

A digital brochure is an electronic document that utilizes multimedia elements like images and videos to convey information about a product, service, or organization. It is easily shareable through online platforms and provides an interactive experience. More and more people are turning to digital brochures because we're spending a lot of time online. We want to see content that in phase with the current advancement. B2B companies are increasingly favoring digital brochures due to their cost-effectiveness, ease of distribution, and versatility. They can be easily shared through email and online platforms, facilitating quick dissemination to a global audience. Moreover, digital brochures enable real-time updates, ensuring that information is current. With everything going digital, using digital brochures is like the new normal for marketing. It's like how we all prefer texting over mail.

The significance of Digital Brochures

We cannot discount the benefits that E-Brochures avails the sales and marketing reps, especially in times, when the Covid-19 scenario coerced us to work in silos. These are some of the benefits that can be availed if fior brochure examples in your content marketing strategy.

1. Brand Awareness

The digital brochures grab the attention of your target audience and are fairly engaging. It gives your brand a longer duration of exposure. Customers can save your brochure pdf, which makes it easier for your customer to recall your brand and establish brand identity. All the information it contains is for advertising your products or your services. And, it does so with diligence and a focused approach.

2. Analytics

Tracking is, perhaps, the most critical feature of a digital brochure. With the help of sales enablement tools , sales reps can get deeper insights into the interests of the prospects by analyzing the amount of the time they spend on a particular page. Thus, it helps the sales reps to deliver the most relevant content to a particular stage of the buyer’s journey.

3. Engaging Experience

In today's digitized world, the marketing team can adopt an integrated marketing communication strategy through digital brochures, in which they can incorporate video, audio, and infographics to provide an engaging experience to the target audience. This engaging experience can help businesses in warming up their prospects.

4. Search Engine Ranking

The more high-quality material you have, the more you appeal to big search engine algorithms. When you post an entire brochure online, search engines will find and reward you accordingly, which will lift the role of your website in results lists. As a result, more internet browsers around the world will be exploring your brand, and eventually, will strengthen your SEO strategy .

5. Sharing and Accessibility

The best thing that comes along with digital brochures is that you can share your content with anybody, anywhere, and without costing your pocket dearly. It is easier to share an interactive brochure across any medium through which you can refer to other prospects whether it be your website or email marketing campaign . Moreover, digital brochures can be accessed using any device, thus, empowering your customer to view your content when and where they desire.

Examples of Brochures

To help you nail down the right pattern and suitable design of the brochure that you are trying to build, we have curated over 100 examples spread across various industries. This is a floating list that we’ll make sure that we keep updated with time.

  • Aviation & Defense
  • Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI)
  • Consumer Goods and Durables
  • Energy and Utility
  • Fashion and Retail
  • Healthcare and Life Sciences
  • Manufacturing 
  • Travel and Hospitality
  • Technology and Services

Best Brochure Examples for Automobile Sector

Brochure - Automotive Industry

The examples for marketing brochures within the Automotive industry can be rudimentarily classified into three variants. For instance, B2C marketing brochures will be typically created by the carmakers for the end consumers whereas the B2B product brochures will be developed by parts manufacturers. However, there are a few of them that can be both such as a marketing brochure for ‘Tyres’. While we have curated a good set of brochures for you to browse-thru by clicking the link above, for the purpose of elaboration, let us consider a few examples explained below:

Continental Tyres

Why it works : Gives you the problem and then tries to resolve the same problem. The cover page communicates the exact intent of the brochure. The tagline ‘Tackle Winter with Confidence’ gives you the reassurance of the product. The choice of images works very well with the snowflake embedded rugged tyres that go over the snow-covered roads. Over the next few pages, the brochure covers multiple topics and guidelines along with giving all the necessary variants, types, product range, cost savings and many more. The brochure also covers the AR (Augmented Reality) QR Code for those tech-savvy enthusiasts.    

The Citaro hybrid (Mercedes-Benz)

Why it works : This marketing brochure is built for a hybrid bus launched by Mercedes Benz. The brochure is over 15 pages long and not an inch of space is used without a purpose. Every detail in the content is well measured before it is accommodated into the document. The attention to detail in this brochure is outstanding down to the even the CTS (call to action. The brochure has a pleasing colour tone, has the right set of visual appeal, modern mindset, simple yet powerful headlines and enticing set of images. This marketing brochure example also acts upon the need to take the environment into consideration while building products. This is a classic example of how to get the design right for B2B at the same time get the awareness done for B2C customers.

Toyota Avalon

Why it works : ‘Give every day new meaning; An excellent tagline with which the brochure begins. This marketing brochure example checks all the boxes required for an all-round B2C marketing brochure. This brochure is an exhaustive 34-page document but at the end of it, you would not be having a single thing that is left out. A crystal clear explanation with vivid images make this brochure an easy read. The right use of images within the brochure makes you want to move on with the flow. This marketing brochure set out to achieve the exact set of objectives that it was built.

Best Brochure Examples for Aviation & Defense Sector

Brochure - Aviation Industry

Just like the Automotive industry, Aviation Aerospace and Defence Industries are not focussed on B2C. However, unlike the Automotive Industry, this is not focussed on B2B as well. The primary intent of brochures for this industry is all about awareness, announcements and technical prowess. We have identified over 8 brochures in this field; let us look over a couple of those examples being elaborated:

Why it works : This brochure was built to talk partnership prowess about the company - Boeing while conveying the underlying message that it’s driven by nothing but innovation for over 100 years. Boeing did an amazing job of conversing through graphics that do half the job even without the written context. This marketing brochure takes into account the demographics of the region for which the brochure is targeted brings a more relatable feel to the reader’s mind and influences his point of view. The use of blueprint imagery is an excellent way to communicate confidence and subject matter expertise.  

Lockheed Martin

Why it works : This marketing brochure example is that of a 2-fold brochure. This brochure is usually the template for the type of brochure that is carried along at a tradeshow. It is crisp, does not give away too much information for a short pitch, and leaves the customer wanting to know more about the product.

Why it works : “Talk is cheap, show me the numbers” defines this brochure by Airbus. Boasting the statistics all through the brochure but then also defining what brings them at the top of the aviation sector. Airbus did a fantastic job of encompassing each of their jetliners with captivating figures and facts that leaves the audience wanting for more. They succinctly represented the statistics of each jetliner family and covered the entire product portfolio in a single brochure.

Best Brochure Examples for BFSI Sector

Brochure - BFSI  Industry

BFSI stands for the Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance sector. The brochures in this field are usually sensitive with tone, language and colours as they deal with finances which is a touchy subject for most audiences. Many a times, the marketing brochures from multiple financial institutions resonate a similar theme. For the purpose of elaboration, a couple marketing brochure examples are given below:

Why it works: When it comes to designing a brochure in the BFSI sector, sticking to the best practices becomes tricky. But, AXA has done a great job of creating a point-of-purchase brochure in the insurance sector. One of the finest parts of this product brochure is that they have incorporated infographics to explain an illustrative example.

Prudential Financial

Why it works: This product brochure is designed for a new generation of retirees. Prudential Financial has made an effective usage of different timelines, and then explained the importance of their product for retirement. The brochure makes use of various frameworks, tables, and graphs to make the message crisp and succinct. The brochure uses mild colours and right set of images for the target audience.

Best Brochure Examples for Consumers Goods Sector

Brochure - Consumer Goods Industry

The consumer goods sector is a category of stocks and companies that relate to items purchased by individuals and households rather than by manufacturers and industries. Today’s consumer is well -informed and needs social proof along with data to back his/her purchase decisions - this is when brochures come in handy. We have handpicked a list of over 8 marketing brochure examples, however, there are only a couple that are being considered for further elaboration.

Nestle Professional

Why it works: This marketing brochure is a very good example of how Nestle combined the product catalogue with a cookbook. Beware! This brochure can give some real cravings to your taste buds! Nestle Professional has encompassed a complete product portfolio in this brochure, including most of the commercial aspects of sales. The brochure can even do a wonderful coffee table book with over 60 pages. The best part of this brochure is that they gave a live-application to the product that they are trying to sell with the method of preparation.

Why it works: In just a couple of pages, Unilever has done a brilliant job in explaining their prowess in the Out of Home (OOH) division. In a 2 page brochure, you would not expect much detailing but that is where it stunts the reader. The brochure encompasses the facts and figures, clientele, and product features in the best possible manner.

Best Brochure Examples for Energy & Utilities Sector

Brochure - Energy & Utilities - Cover Image

The conceptualisation and execution of a brochure design for a sector like Energy and Utilities is multi-fold (pun intended). Depending on the use-case the brochure can be designed. This sector has use-cases across B2B, B2C and/or Both. The collection below has over 10 brochures collected and for the elaboration, let us consider a couple of examples.

Why it works: Why it works: This is a corporate brochure that can serve as a great template for a point-of-purchase in the energy sector. ENGIE briefly described who they are on the first page and positioned themselves as a leader in the business. Then after, it swiftly moved to the concept explanation – a strategy of consultative selling – and eventually, introduced the product.

Why it works: This brochure could as well be a coffee table book. There are two things which are exceptional in this brochure. First, Case Study design makes the user engaged in the service, giving him the feeling of already being a part of the organization. First being, Enel X has incorporated the use of case studies in this brochure to strengthen its sales pitch. Secondly, despite being a direct-mail brochure – which is more of an introductory brochure – they started off with their mission, concept explanation and their expertise, and put the brief about their company towards the end of the brochure. This unique practice marks their customer-centric approach in developing a brochure.

Best Brochure Examples for Fashion & Retail Sector

Brochures-Fashion & Retail Sector

While there are over 10+ example brochures that have been handpicked for the Fashion & Retail sector, we are highlighting only about 2 of them for a quick reference on why it works and most importantly, we like them.

Why it works: Minimalistic Visuals

The unique aspect of this brochure is that Fendi has not cluttered the visuals with a detailed description of the products that the model is wearing. Instead, they have included a series of images with different apparel and towards the end of the brochure, they have mentioned the details of the apparel. This brochure is one of the best examples in the sector of fashion & retail.

Rolex Sky-Dweller

Why it works: Tailored as per the target audience

Rolex watches cater to a niche, upper-class target segment, and it has executed a fantastic job in tailoring the brochure as per the target audience – simple yet elegant. The text size, style, images and the overall theme of the brochure reflects the supreme class of the product.

Best Brochure Examples for Healthcare & Life Sciences

Brochures-Healthcare & Life Sciences Sector

While there are over 10+ example brochures that have been handpicked for the Healthcare & Life-sciences sector, we are highlighting only about 2 of them for a quick reference on why it works and most importantly, we like them.

Why it works: Product Portfolio with Reference Statements

A brochure in the sector of healthcare & life sciences is often text-heavy, technical and lengthy. It is challenging to design a brochure which is understandable to a diverse set of audience. However, Medtronic incorporated the best practices that can be utilized in the healthcare sector by using a crisp language and including a section on the reference statements.

Brenntag Pharma

Why it works: Tabular format of product details

As mentioned earlier, defining the product to the customer in this sector is often too technical. Brenntag Pharma has created an extraordinary template for breaking down the complexities of the product details in tabular form, making it comprehensible for their prospects.

Best Brochure Examples for Manufacturing Sector

Brochures-Manufacturing Sector

While there are over 10+ example brochures that have been handpicked for the Manufacturing sector, we are highlighting only about 2 of them for a quick reference on why it works and most importantly, we like them.

Why it works: Integration with fact sheets

Technical products often come along with fact sheets that help the prospects in their decision-making. John Deere perfected the art of integrating fact sheets along with the product brochure, thereby giving their prospects an enriching experience.

DuPont™ Tyvek®

Why it works: Headlines reflecting the benefits of the product

This is one of the best templates of point-of-purchase brochures in the sector of manufacturing. At a tradeshow, your prospects hardly have time to dig deep into the details and benefits of a product mentioned in your brochure. Bearing in mind the same thing, DuPont designed the brochure in a manner that even if a prospect skims through the headline, he/she can get the hang of the product benefits.

Best Brochure Examples for Travel & Hospitality Sector

Brochures-Travel & Hospitality

While there are over 10+ example brochures that have been handpicked for the Travel & Hospitality sector, we are highlighting only about 2 of them for a quick reference on why it works and most importantly, we like them.

Why it works: Captivating visuals and headlines

This brochure encompasses the entire portfolio of Accor with a dedicated section for each of the brands. The company has aptly segregated the brands based on the target audience. The headlines and images are tailored according to the target segments giving the entire set of an audience a customized experience.

Carnival Cruise Line

Why it works: Almost everything is perfect about it

This is, by far, the choicest template of brochure we have witnessed in the industry of Travel & Hospitality. This brochure is in tandem with all the best practices to be followed while designing a brochure. Carnival Cruise Line has included the best headlines, visuals, CTAs, infographics, tables, price-list, and what not! You might want to get on board with them once you have a glimpse of their brochure! 

Best Brochure Examples for Technology & Services Sector

Brochures-Technology & Services

While there are over 10+ example brochures that have been handpicked for the Technology & Services sector, we are highlighting only about 2 of them for a quick reference on why it works and most importantly, we like them.

Aspire Systems

Why it works: Integration with the best infographics

Aspire Systems has created one of the best brochures in the sector of technology & services; they have incorporated multiple infographics in a single brochure giving an engaging experience to their prospects. Leveraging the power of engaging visuals, headlines, and facts,  Aspire Systems has conveyed the benefits of their product without depending much on text.

Why it works: Customer-centric

You will notice that Freshworks, in this brochure, has put the customer at the centre while defining their partners, the product features and even the headlines. To make your pitch resonate with your prospect, this is a critical guideline one should follow. Also, the theme of the brochure is consistent with the brand elements, which strengthens their brand recall among the prospects. 

Types of Brochures

Beyond the physical form like tri-fold, gated, etc, brochures can be classified based on its intended purpose as well. Here is a brief list of types of brochures, across various industries, which will help you learn how each variant of a brochure can work distinctly for your sale conversion.  

Point-of-Purchase Brochures

This is a type of marketing brochure that you will find at the standard eyesight level at the entrance of a building, a tradeshow, or retail stores. It is designed to entice the attention of the customers and acts as a conversation-starter for businesses. These brochures leave the customers wanting more information about the product or service. Hence, to design this type of brochure, it is imperative to create an appealing cover design with a captivating headline.  

Product & Solutions Brochure

This type of marketing brochure comes in handy when you have had a meeting with your prospect regarding the technical (if any) and commercial aspects of your product and service, and now you want to leave a sales collateral that pretty much sums up your pitch. In addition to being informative about the company, these types of ‘leave-behind’ brochures enlighten the prospects on the complicated details of the product or service.

Interactive Brochure

These types of marketing brochures empower your prospects to engage with the content of your product. For example, the static content if converted into interactive flip-pages, they turn into interactive brochures. Interactive brochure examples include videos from youtube, gifs, audio, and animated infographics to give an immersive and memorable experience to the audience.  

Direct Mail Brochure

One of the most important examples of a direct mail brochure is to nurture a cold prospect in having a sales conversation. With the aid of these brochures, you are speaking to someone who has no real interest in your product or service that you are offering. The content for this brochure has to be creative, point-blank and has to be written meticulously with care .

Sales-Support Brochure

The primary use sales-support brochure is be a supplement to the presentation that is being sent by the sales. Sometimes, during the sales cycles, there can be a white-boarding session or yellow boarding session which in turn might need a brochure to go alongside the solution briefing document.

Technical Brochure

This type of product brochure revolves around the product or solution brief. This is slightly more technical where you typically talk about how your product or service works. A level deep conceptualisation along with some examples and frameworks can be the content. This brochure is primarily used in the B2B sector where it becomes a supplement for Product or Solution Brochure.

Difference between a brochure and a pamphlet

We often use the terms brochure and pamphlet interchangeably. However, they both are very different. A marketing brochure for example can cover one or several pages, whereas pamphlets (or leaflets) are usually single pages. Brochures are often designed with a commercial intent in mind, i.e. selling the goods or services, while brochures are made with an intention to be informative. Pamphlets are unbounded, while brochures can be two-fold, tri-fold or multifold and are capable of covering several pages; most often than not are bound.

Brochures are synonymously referred to as folders, insert brochures, Z-fold, gate-fold, tri-fold and bi-fold brochures. They are all equivalent terms of each other, barring the design differences particularly in the medium of print.

Gate-fold brochures are usually made of premium quality paper; a unique feature of this brochure is it is folded inwards, which makes it very convenient to use. Bi-fold brochures are the most prevalent form of a brochure that organizations use. Some Bi-fold brochure examples include pricing sheets, simple product presentation, real estate offers, and product sheets which are rich in content and pictures. Folders and inserts are often used at events, exhibitions, and conferences; It provides a feature of putting the folders within the brochure. A folder can be used to place different sales and marketing collaterals such as battle cards , drawings, or/and even a feedback form!

The best stage in a buyer’s journey to use product brochures as a marketing communication tool

For a successful integrated marketing communication strategy, you need to map your content to each stage of the buyer’s journey. Your content should be targeted to solve the needs of your customer at each of these stages.

  A Gartner report states that 77% of the B2B customers found the purchase experience very challenging owing to the information overload. Hence, it becomes crucial for businesses to provide their clients with information that makes their buying process a cakewalk!  

Corporate brochures can be mapped to the stages of solution exploration and evaluation of the alternatives. Equipped with information on the solutions you offer, the customer seeks answers to the final questions during the consideration phase. They are ensuring that there are no questions or shortcomings in their comprehension before making a purchase. Corporate brochures come in handy when your prospect has not researched about your company prior to a conversation – for instance, at tradeshows.

Creating a Brochure

Creating a marketing brochure is relatively easy if you know what is the required output. It essentially has five prerequisite steps that you need to follow to define your core or outline.

Identify the personality of your brand:

Understand your brand's unique attributes, values, and characteristics. This forms the foundation for the design, tone, and overall aesthetic of your brochure, ensuring consistency with your brand identity.

Define your ideal target market:

Clearly identify your target audience. Know their demographics, preferences, and needs. Tailor the content and visuals in the brochure to resonate with this specific audience, making it more compelling and relevant to potential customers.

Build your core message:

Develop a concise and impactful message that communicates the key benefits of your product, service, or organization. Highlight what sets you apart and addresses the needs of your target audience. This message should be the focal point throughout the brochure.

Identify your metrics to measure success:

Determine the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will gauge the effectiveness of your brochure. This could include metrics such as engagement, conversion rates, or lead generation. Establishing measurable goals helps you assess the impact of your marketing efforts.

Define and Keep a tab on your budget:

Set a clear budget for the brochure creation and distribution. Consider costs associated with design, printing, and any additional promotional activities. Keeping a close eye on your budget ensures that you allocate resources efficiently and helps prevent overspending.

Best Practices to follow while designing a Brochure

Once you define the core or outline, you can then start building your marketing brochure. These best-practices might help you create a compelling storyline.

1. Know your Target Audience

The language and tone of your write-up, SEO, layout design, and position of products on the page are different for different cohorts. Hence, it is essential to know your target audience and craft your product brochure accordingly. You can use website analytics tools with heat maps to monitor your audience, to determine where your users spend much of their time—reviews of your products or those of your rival brands, or online forums and comments.

2. Hit the Bull's Eye

Remember that it is a brochure and not a novel. Your brochure should not come across as too verbose. Hence, you need to refrain from stating down all of your accolades and successes. Too much detail merely confuses the readers and dilutes the brochure's fundamental argument. Briefly identify an interest so readers can easily grasp what you communicate with them. Get straight to the point!

3. Call-to-Action

More often than not, we mistakenly assume that the prospects will buy your product or subscribe to your service just because your customers were surprisingly glued to your products. This is a major fallacy. It is very crucial to motivate your prospects to try your product or service and get in touch with you.

4. A Crisp and Clear Headline

The brochure headline will tell the readers instantly what the leaflet is all about. Some of the most frequent blunders businesses make with regard to headlines is to bombard them with facts about their company. Although essential business details are required, they should not be highlighted as the brochure's headline.

5. Analyze and Evaluate

Analyzing your brochure's performance is an integral part of refining and perfecting your strategy for this sales collateral. Through your selling strategy, you will obtain insights that not only benefit you but also your product or service offerings. Look at what sold well, which page your customers spend the most time on, how many times they forwarded it, and so on. If you have provided a call-to-action, ensure that you do have a way of quantifying the outcomes.

We hope this article empowers every marketer to design an awe-inspiring, compelling brochure. Share your choices of brochures with us at [email protected] , and we will be more than happy to discover some more meticulously crafted brochure examples!

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  • product brochure
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What Is A Brochure? – Types, Uses, & Examples

what is a brochure

Be it a big retail store like Walmart, an amusement park like Disneyland, or just a local restaurant; offline businesses require tangible marketing collateral to convey information about their offering to their target audience in an effective way. A brochure is one such marketing tool that helps dissipate a lot of information in a handy manner.

Though a traditional marketing collateral , even today, brochures are amongst the most prevalent tangible collateral marketers use to educate the target audience about a product, company, or brand. 

But what exactly is a brochure, and what purpose does it serve? What are its types, and how is it different from a flyer ?

What Is A Brochure?

A brochure is an informative paper document folded into sections or panels, that is mass-produced to fulfil a marketing objective.

It has a single focus – to deliver information about a product, company , brand , event, etc. in an easily accessible format. It is often used as part of a larger marketing campaign and can be distributed either manually or through the mail.

Brochures are usually printed on high-quality paper stock and tend to be a letter, A4, or A5 in size, although they can be produced in any size or shape depending on the objective and information provided.

Purpose Of A Brochure

The key purpose of a brochure is to convey information about a product, company, or service in an easily digestible format.

A well-designed brochure summarises the key information potential customers need to know in an engaging and visually appealing way, forming a go-to resource that they can refer to repeatedly.

Brochures are often used as part of a wider marketing campaign and can be particularly effective when distributed to the right audience.

What Is A Brochure Used For?

A brochure is primarily used as a marketing tool to provide all the relevant information about the offering while aiming at fulfilling a marketing goal like generating leads or boosting sales.

They are often used to:

  • Educate the (prospective) customer about what the brand has to offer or what they can expect. In specific scenarios like in a restaurant, it can also be used to list the items on the menu. In events, it can be used as a program guide or a map.
  • Highlight an offering’s key features and benefits in a more informative manner.
  • Fulfil a marketing strategy like creating brand awareness or generating leads by being a part of a bigger marketing campaign.
  • Build trust and credibility by providing relevant information about the company, product, service, or event.

Characteristics Of Brochure

Brochures stand out from other offline marketing collateral by having their own set of characteristics. These are:

  • Folded document: Brochures are folded documents that come in different folding styles – half-fold, tri-fold, and Z-fold. This is a characteristic difference between a brochure and a flyer.
  • Objective-oriented: Brochures are created with a specific marketing objective or goal in mind. This goal could be anything from creating product awareness to promoting a new service.
  • Detailed content: Brochures contain detailed information about the company, product, or service. This is because brochures are not meant for quick reads. They are created so that the target audience can take their time to read and understand the content.
  • Branded design: Brochures follow brand identity guidelines. This means that the brochure’s overall design, colour scheme, and typography match the company’s other marketing materials.
  • Single focus: Brochures usually only feature one main message along with sub-points. This allows the reader to digest the information without feeling overwhelmed fully.

Types of Brochure

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all when it comes to brochures. Different businesses have different needs and goals, so the type of brochure they create depends on what they are trying to achieve.

Here are some of the most common types of brochures:

Brochure Types Based On Folds

Brochures can be categorised into different types based on the way they fold. The most common folds are:

half fold

Brochure Types According To Usage

Just like there are different types of brochures, there are also different ways that they can be used. Here are some common usage scenarios for brochures:

  • Information brochures: Often used by brands to introduce themselves or provide general information about their products and services.
  • Educational brochures: These types of brochures are often used by schools, universities, and other educational institutions to provide information about their programs, facilities, and staff.
  • Product brochures: Product brochures are used to promote and sell specific products. They often include product photos, descriptions, and pricing information.
  • Event brochures: Used to promote concerts, festivals, fairs, and other types of gatherings, event brochures are typically include event dates, locations, ticket prices, and a list of featured performers or attractions.
  • Map brochures: Commonly found in tourism offices and hotels, map brochures provide visitors with maps of the local area, as well as information about nearby attractions, restaurants, and other businesses.
  • Menu brochures: Used by restaurants and other food-related businesses as take-away menus, these brochures often include photos and descriptions of popular menu items, as well as pricing information.

Brochure vs Flyer

Brochures and flyers are both printed promotional materials on paper. However, they’re not the same.

While a brochure is more like a booklet that’s meant to be read, a flyer is more like a poster or a single sheet of paper that’s meant to be seen.

Brochure Examples

Be it educational institutions, real estate firms, NGOs, event management companies or any other organisation, brochures find their way into a brand’s marketing mix often. Here are some examples of brochures:

Harvard Brochure

Harvard Brochure

The graduate study in Chemistry & Chemical Biology’s brochure for admissions showcases the various aspects of the programme in an easily digestible format. The brochure uses tri-folding and has a follows the brand guidelines of CCB.

Nike Brochure

Nike Brochure

This is a design art of Nike’s brochure for the even HOOP Summit in Turkey. The brochure has been designed to showcase Nike Flyknit – a new shoe range from the company.

Steps To Creating A Brochure

Creating a brochure can be a great way to introduce a company, organization, product, or service to the target audience and inform them about its benefits. However, a successful brochure requires more than just combining pictures and text. The following are the steps to create a brochure that will grab the attention of the audience:

  • Define the audience – It is crucial to determine the tone and style of the content and design. Understanding the interests, needs, age, and gender of the target audience will direct the language, visuals, and overall design of the brochure.
  • Conduct research – Researching the topic of the brochure is important to ensure the information presented is accurate and relevant. This can be done by gathering data from internal sources such as company reports, or external sources such as industry publications or online research.
  • Develop a plan – After having a clear understanding of the audience and the information to convey, an outline of the content should be created. This will define the structure, layout, and design of the brochure, enabling the decision of the overall look and feel of the brochure.
  • Choose the brochure type – There are several types of brochures available, such as bi-fold, tri-fold, z-fold, gate-fold, and more. Choose the one that best fits the needs and the information to convey.
  • Choose a design software – There are many design software options available, from professional tools like Adobe Creative Suite to user-friendly platforms like Canva and Visme. Choose a software that fits the design expertise and needs to ensure the quality standards are met.
  • Select a design style – After choosing the design software, decide on a design style or template that aligns with the outline and appeals to the target audience. Select colours, images, and other visual elements while designing and styling the brochure. Ensure the design is consistent and easy to read and navigate.
  • Choose the paper and finish – Decide on the type of paper and finish for the brochure, such as glossy, matte, or uncoated paper, as well as different weights and textures. This will affect the overall look and feel of the brochure and can also impact its durability.
  • Share the brochure – Once the brochure is complete, it can be handed to the audience in person at events, trade shows, store windows, conferences, and other places. If they are digital brochures, they can be shared through the website, social media, email marketing, or by embedding them in blog posts .

Go On, Tell Us What You Think!

Did we miss something? Come on! Tell us what you think about our article on  what is a brochure in the comments section.

Aashish Pahwa

A startup consultant, digital marketer, traveller, and philomath. Aashish has worked with over 20 startups and successfully helped them ideate, raise money, and succeed. When not working, he can be found hiking, camping, and stargazing.

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Research: When Bonuses Backfire

  • Dirk Sliwka
  • Timo Vogelsang

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How to rethink your incentive strategy and reward employees in ways that actually motivate them.

Why do bonuses sometimes backfire? It’s because each incentive design choice both signals information about your own beliefs and intentions as an employer and shapes the signaling value of employee behavior within the organization. If you don’t think through these signals carefully, you may end up approving a bonus scheme with results that are the opposite of what you intend. This article offers a way to help you align the signals your incentive scheme sends with your performance goals.

More than 30 years ago, author and lecturer Alfie Kohn, in a rather controversial but often cited HBR article , claimed that “rewards typically undermine the very processes they are intended to enhance.” Yet until recently, nearly all scientific studies that have documented such “backfiring” effects have been confined to laboratory experiments or field settings outside of the firm. This may cause some to question whether these effects are really present in commercial contexts. Our new research, which consists of two large field experiments in retail organizations, demonstrates that they do indeed occur.

research company brochure

  • DS Dirk Sliwka is a professor of management in the Faculty of Management, Economics, and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne in Germany
  • TV Timo Vogelsang is an Associate Professor of Managerial Accounting at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management in Germany

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Cliff Asness Says Markets Are Less Efficient — And Social Media May Be to Blame 

  • Quant investor’s paper titled Less-Efficient Market Hypothesis
  • Asness touts long investing horizons, among other strategies

Cliff Asness says he sounds like an “old man whinging,” but that’s not stopping him from writing 23 pages on his latest thesis : Financial markets these days aren’t what they were.

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Energy.gov Home

A total of 123 awards will primarily focus on clean energy research

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced awards totaling $142 million for small businesses in 34 states. The 123 projects to be funded address multiple mission-critical areas important for the nation, including clean energy and decarbonization, cybersecurity and grid reliability, fusion energy, and nuclear nonproliferation.  

American small businesses play a critical role in these DOE Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) awards, which transform DOE-supported science and technology breakthroughs into viable products and services, creating a bridge between the laboratory and the marketplace. The awards also support development of specialized technologies and instruments that aid in scientific discovery.    

Today’s selections are for Phase II research and development. Small businesses that demonstrated technical feasibility for innovations during their Phase I grants competed for funding for prototype or processes development during Phase II. In addition, prior Phase II awardees competed for second or third Phase II awards to continue prototype and process development. 

The median Phase II award is $1.1M for a period of two years. The funding for the selected projects comes from the following DOE offices : Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response; Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation; Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy; Electricity; Environmental Management; Fossil Energy and Carbon Management; Nuclear Energy; and Office of Science.   

Projects selected for award include:   

  • ecoLong LLC, Slingerlands, NY: Hybrid Cyber Protection of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Operational Technology. This proposal will explore cybersecurity solutions that ensure the safe deployment and reliable operation of DERs in the smart grid, while helping to drive social, economic and sustainability goals.  There is increasing vulnerability of the nation’s power grid to security attacks and extreme weather events, which is expected to increase as DER deployments proliferate across the nation.
  • Gulf Wind Technology, Avondale, LA: Passive Loadshedding Trailing Edge. Larger wind turbine blades are subject to increasingly dynamic operating conditions, including from hurricanes. This research will investigate on-blade load management techniques to reduce turbine costs.
  • MAAT Energy Company, Cambridge, MA: Novel Plasma Catalysis Reformer of CO2 for Power to Jet Fuel and Energy Storage. This proposal works on an efficient atmospheric microwave plasma process, using renewable electricity, for re-use of CO2 to make jet fuel, and serves the need for low-carbon, high-energy density liquid fuels to be used in aviation.
  • Nielson Scientific LLC, Lehi, UT: Scalable High-density Superconducting Flex Cables and Circuits. None of the current methods for fabricating superconducting flex cables offers a pathway to a scalable and economical high-density superconducting flex cable that fully addresses the needs of space instruments and quantum computers. This project will develop a new manufacturing technique to create high-density, electrically isolated connections at a scale necessary for the proposed flex cables. 
  • Pitch Aeronautics Inc., Boise, ID: Drone-deployable Transmission Sensor Unit for widespread phasor, power quality, and environmental measurement to increase grid throughput, reliability, and efficiency. Utilities can significantly enhance transmission line capacity by adjusting maximum currents based on weather conditions. This proposal introduces a drone-deployable sensor to monitor these conditions, facilitating dynamic line rating, promoting broader integration of renewable energy, and reducing power generation curtailment costs. 
  • Rivis Inc., Raleigh, NC: Rugged High Performance X-ray Tube. A high current electron source is being developed for rugged high performance X-ray tubes. Higher electron current increases the production of X-rays that are increasingly being used for materials processing, cargo inspection, and medical device sterilization.   
  • SHINE Technologies, Janesville, WI: Investigation of Xe and Kr Capture with Porous Materials: Towards UNF Recycling Readiness. Used nuclear fuel contains radioactive krypton gas which is regulated for release by the federal government and xenon gas which is a valuable material. This project enables the study of permeable glass materials for the capture and storage of these gases. 
  • Sydor Instruments LLC, Fairport, NY: Plasma Electrode Pockels Cells for Inertial Fusion Facilities. High-power optics are required to transform the decades of investment in national laboratories that led to the achievement of nuclear fusion ignition into inertial fusion energy power plants to provide significant clean energy to the grid. This proposal will continue to develop core competency in the understanding, development, and deployment of the plasma electrode Pockels cell, an electro-optic developed in the national laboratories that can enable and minimize cost of building inertial fusion power plants. Transitioning this electro-optic technology into the commercial public will support this emerging market and serve as an entry point for new start-ups pursuing this novel clean energy source.   

The projects were selected by competitive peer review under the DOE SBIR/STTR FY 2024 Phase II Release 2 Funding Opportunity Announcement. 

More information about the projects announced today and a full list of all the projects is at the science.osti.gov/sbir/awards website . 

Selection for award negotiations is not a commitment by DOE to issue an award or provide funding. Before funding is issued, DOE and the applicants will undergo a negotiation process, and DOE may cancel negotiations and rescind the selection for any reason during that time.     

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Blog Graphic Design 20+ Trifold Brochure Examples & Design Tips

20+ Trifold Brochure Examples & Design Tips

Written by: Ryan McCready Feb 05, 2019

20+ Professional Trifold Brochure Examples, Tips & Template

Trifold brochures have been helping businesses get their messages out for decades.

They have been used for this long because they are a very effective form of visual communication. Plus, they can be shared online, or printed out and given to potential customers.

In this article, I’ll be sharing some design tips on how to create a trifold brochure along with trifold brochure templates that you can jump into right away!

What is a trifold brochure?

A trifold brochure is folded twice over the middle section, offering six panels for your information. This gives you plenty of space to talk about your product, business or brand.  

Now, you may be thinking, “All of this sounds great, but I don’t know how to design a brochure that actually looks good.”

In this guide, I’ll show you that you don’t need an in-house design team to create your own trifold brochure. So let’s get into it!

1. Use a helpful icon to draw attention to your brochure sections

Green France Travel Trifold Brochure Template

Let’s start this article by talking about one of my favorite little design helpers: icons. These simple graphics can be used a ton of different ways across all of your design projects.

Plus icons can help a novice designer create something that looks amazing. It doesn’t matter if you are an accountant, consultant or business owner, a well-designed icon can help upgrade any brochure.

Take a look at this trifold brochure template, each section uses a related icon above the written information. These icons can not only be used to catch the reader’s eye, but also to give some visual context about the information below them.

For example the:

  • About Us section uses an information icon
  • Nice, France section uses a beach umbrella icon
  • Address section uses a map pin icon

Green Tri Fold Travel Brochure Template

These are all very simple examples, but they illustrate how helpful a simple icon on your trifold brochure can be.

2. Use a gradient for an eye-catching brochure background

Futuristic Trifold Brochure Template

Simple gradients have been one of the biggest graphic design trends over the past few years. Their resurgence in popularity can be traced back to the need to stand out from the competition and noise on the internet. Also, gradients look futuristic on the HD screens that we carry in our pocket every day.

A great way to stand above this noise is with bold colors and unique backgrounds. As you can see in this example, gradients check both of those boxes!

You can match gradients to the color palette of your trifold brochure template very easily. Plus no other brand will be using the same gradient in their design.

With Venngage you can easily add a gradient with a single click to any brochure, poster, infographic and more!

3. Select a color scheme that fits your trifold brochure topic

Creative World Travel Tri Fold Brochure Template

When picking a color scheme for your small business brochure it’s important to remember to not pick colors just because they look good together.

Instead, strive to use colors that fit the topic of your brochure.

For example, if you’re creating an informational brochure about your travel agency, use your brand colors. But if you want to create one about your brand’s eco-friendly initiatives, use a more natural color palette.

This beautiful travel brochure uses a color palette that compliments the destination. From the crystal clear Greek water to the blue houses of Santorini, this shade of blue fits their topic perfectly.

Creative Blue Travel Tri Fold Brochure Template

Additionally, because they used a palette that matches their destination, they can easily find stock photos that match that color. Find out more about our travel brochure templates .

4. Use image frames for a consistent image shape

France Photo Travel Trifold Brochure Template

It’s pretty easy to keep a consistent color palette or font throughout each page of your brochure. However, once you add images to the design, things can get a little complicated.

There are a ton of different photo styles, color palettes, and sizes that you may be working with.

Now if you were to add them to your brochure, they would look incredibly out of place. But with an image frame , you can quickly make them all the same size and shape with a single click.

In this trifold brochure template, the designer used an image frame to make all three location photos look almost identical.

France Photo Travel Trifold Brochure Template

5. Always include a section with your contact information 

Technology Business Trifold Brochure Template

If you’re planning to print your trifold brochure out and distribute it, make sure your contact info is included. There’s nothing worse than an interested potential client not being able to learn more about your business.

This trifold brochure example devotes an entire page to their contact info:

Technology Business Trifold Brochure Template

You can follow their lead and list out your entire mailing address if you think it’s relevant. Or only include a website where the reader can find that info.

If you’re a one-person team, you might want to put your personal number on the brochure as well.

Just be sure there is some way that a customer can find or contact your business!  

6. Include one main section on each brochure page

Green Outdoors Business Tri Fold Brochure Template

Trifold brochures are already physically broken into different sections. You can use this layout to your advantage by featuring only a single section on each page.

Not sure what I’m talking about? Check out the trifold brochure template below:

Green Outdoors Business Tri Fold Brochure Template

Instead of using borders, colors or shapes to break up their sections, the designer used the folds! This approach is great for people wanting a minimalist or modern brochure as well.

Plus it will help you keep from overwhelming the reader with too much information.

I would recommend using bold headers, like they did above, for each of your sections. This will quickly show that the reader is moving from one piece of information to the next.

7. Only use images that share a similar theme or color palette 

Professional Business Marketing Tri Fold Brochure Template

Using photos with a consistent style and color palette will make your brochure design look a lot more professional.

The photos that you use shouldn’t only have a similar palette but also feel the same. Almost like they all came from the same kind of photographer or a single photo shoot.  

I would recommend outlining your photo style in a brand or style guide . That will make it easy for every designer to have a consistent voice.

For example, take a look at the trifold brochure example below:

Professional Business Marketing Tri Fold Brochure Template

The designers used a collection of dark moody photos that all work exceptionally well together. Plus each image differs greatly from the light colored background producing a ton of interesting variation.

8. Embrace futuristic colors and patterns this year

Neon Photography Trifold Brochure Template

Futuristic colors and patterns are another popular graphic design trend this year. I think their rise can be attributed, like gradients, to the overwhelming amount of content out in the world.

These futuristic palettes can help your business brochure stand out from the crowd.

Take a look at the brochure example below to see some futuristic colors in action:

Neon Photography Trifold Brochure Template

As you can see these color palettes are usually bold, bright and extremely eye-catching. You can also take it to the next level by mixing those colors palettes with some duotones, futuristic patterns and gradients.

This trifold brochure is another good example of using consistent images as well! Even though each of the images are pretty different, they all feel futuristic.

9. Include a timeline to help tell a story

Creative Business Infographic Trifold Brochure Example

If you plan to tell a story about your company or topic, use a timeline graphic ! They can help break down even the most complex business idea, process or topic.

With the limited space of a brochure, a timeline can help you include a lot of information without taking up too much space on the page.

In the business brochure above, Bloomberg used a timeline exceptionally well! Starting with their founding, the designer took readers through the entire history of the company up to this point.

If you were just to list all the information above in a few paragraphs, no one would want to read it. But by adding interesting icons and illustrations, the designer made the content very engaging.

10. Include a compelling CTA on your brochure cover

Minimalist White Business Brochure Example

The most important info is usually contained INSIDE your trifold brochure. But if someone doesn’t open your brochure, they will never read the secrets of your success. Or whatever you want to promote.

So if you want someone to actually read your brochure, you’re going to need a pretty good call to action (CTA) on the cover.

If you’re not familiar with calls to action, they are basically phrases that help guide the reader into taking action. Here are some really simple examples:

  • Sign Up Today
  • Call Now For Pricing

The trifold brochure example above uses a really specific CTA to get people excited to read their content. This made me want to learn more, and I know others will as well. I mean who doesn’t want to live a happier life?

You could also include a QR code to engage your customers. A QR code generator like Uniqode makes adding one to your brochure easy.

11. Try a non-traditional trifold brochure layout

National Park Travel Trifold Brochure Template1

Sometimes you need to think outside of the box to set your brand apart from the competition. Especially in an already crowded space, like travel brochures, for example.

As you can clearly see, the designers chopped they cut a large section out of each brochure page. This ensured that they could only include the most essential information about the park.

Each page then folded to create a very interesting cover that is begging to be opened!

12. Visualize processes in your trifold brochure

Simple White Food Trifold Brochure Templates

Like I said above, icons can help any designer upgrade their trifold brochure with a few clicks.

They also can be used to help visualize a business process or idea in seconds. At Venngage we have thousands of icons you can use to create your own visualizations in seconds.

Plus no matter the topic, you’re going to be able to find some interesting icons or illustrations. Take a look at the trifold brochure to see a great example:  

Simple White Food Trifold Brochure Templates

Each of the main points uses an icon to help you visualize the topic, and give you some context about the section. And with the helpful arrows, the process becomes extremely clear.

This approach can help you explain the most complex process to almost any reader. Like explaining a business process, outlining a marketing plan or highlighting your hiring process.

13. Add a color filter to make your images less distracting

Simple Blue Business Trifold Template

Color filters are one of the most useful techniques that any designer can learn. From novice designers, to true artists, a color filter can almost instantly help their design projects.

Simple Blue Business Trifold Template

When you want your background images to fade into the background, use a color filter! A color filter will make the image a lot more muted, and less distracting.

A color filter can make your images match the rest of your brochure in seconds. As you can see above, the designers used a dark blue color filter to match the rest of their brochure color.

To create your own color filter, you only need a square icon! Then change the opacity to your liking, and you’re set.

How To Change Opacity on Venngage Editor

I would recommend using a color filter to help your agency or business keep a consistent brand message as well.

14. Create a square trifold brochure

Bold Yellow Business Square Brochure Example1

Most of the other examples in this article have been very traditional trifold brochures. I think this is because they fit a standard piece of paper.

But if you want to be a little untraditional, you can also create a square trifold brochure like the example above!

The square pages make it a lot easier to include a ton of written information. In this case, the brochure listed all the daily events for each month of the year.

With a traditional trifold brochure, the information would have felt cramped. And the reader probably wouldn’t have enjoyed reading.

Plus, by using a nontraditional shape or size it will stand out from the other brochures instantly.  

15. Use content blocks to layout your trifold brochure 

Green Explore Travel Trifold Brochure

Creating a content-heavy brochure can be tricky. There’s a limited amount of space for all your content.

If you plan to include a lot of images and content in your trifold brochure, then take a look at the example below.

Green Explore Travel Trifold Brochure

This designer was able to include a ton of images on the inside pages of this brochure template without it feeling cramped. With images and written content alternating almost like a tic-tac-toe board. Each of the images gives the written content some space to breathe as well.

An approach like this makes it easy for a reader to consume the information in your brochure. Plus the arrows will draw the reader deeper into the content.

16. Always use high-quality images on your business brochures

Bold Business Marketing Trifold Brochure Example1

Using low-quality images is one of the worst design mistakes you can make, no matter the graphic.

This is the one thing that can sink your business credibility the fastest, trust me.

The images may look great on your tiny computer screen, but once you print it out they look like a blurry mess. Trust me, it has happened to me a ton of times and it’s not fun to have wasted all that time!

Bold Business Marketing Trifold Brochure Example1

Take a look at how great the photos that they used in the trifold brochure example above. They are crisp, clear and make the whole thing look very professional.

Remember that your brochure might be the first time someone hears about your brand, be sure it makes an outstanding impression.

So take the time to find some great images, and if you can’t check out our collection of stock images for some inspiration.

17. Make sure your trifold brochure has ample white space

Blue Service Marketing Trifold Template

Filling up your brochure with as much content as possible should never be your goal. Instead, it should have some white space so people can navigate the page easily.

White space is the open space around text, in between columns, and in between images on a page. Leaving enough white space makes a page look better, and makes it easier to read.

Keeping some white space around your content is essential, or your brochure will start to look like a term paper. Or a jumbled mess of text of images.

And no one will want to read that.

I actually outlined some different types of white space in this example below:

Trifold Brochure Example

You can also use white space to make sure people are drawn to your written content like they did above.

This approach can help you highlight your pricing table, or testimonials from happy customers.

18. Outline a process with visuals or infographics 


Some things are just easier to explain a process with a visual . As you can see in this example they outline a complex idea with a simple infographic:

A process infographic like this example is a great way to break down any process into smaller parts. And you can add some icons or illustrations to make it a little more captivating.


In fact, people will actually want to read your information if it’s presented in an interesting way.

19. Select a photo that will cover the front & back cover

Utah Creative Travel Trifold Brochure Template

Let’s be honest, your trifold brochure isn’t going to be presented perfectly to a reader each time. Sometimes it will be upside down or have the back cover on top.

To combat this very real possibility, I would recommend making your back cover as attractive as you front.

One way simple way to do this is by using an image or graphic that stretches from the front to back cover. Because you can now take up more space, your potential cover image choices are almost limitless as well.

This trifold brochure example uses a beautiful landscape photo to advertise a trip to Utah:

Creative Travel Trifold Brochure Template

No matter where you look on the brochure that image still will grab your attention and not let go!

20. Make consistent font choices throughout your trifold brochure 

Using consistent fonts will make your trifold brochure design cohesive and readable.

Don’t make the headers use one font on the inside page and another on the next page. This will only confuse the reader, and in some cases make them put down your business brochure.

Creative Marketing Trifold Brochure Example

How to design a trifold brochure

You can create an eye-catching and convincing brochure yourself by:

  • Starting with a trifold brochure template (this guide will give you a bunch of examples)
  • Customizing your brochure template and adding your branding using our online drag-and-drop brochure maker tool (I’ll show you some ways to do this)
  • Following a few trifold brochure design best practices (which I have included above)

That’s all the trifold brochure tips we have for you this time!

Remember these trifold brochure design tips:

  • Select a color scheme that fits your trifold brochure topic
  • Include a compelling CTA on your cover
  • Add a color filter to make your images less distracting
  • Outline any process with visuals or infographics
  • Make consistent font choices throughout your trifold brochure

And if you want to learn more about creating trifold brochures, check out these guides:

  • 35+ Marketing Brochure Examples, Tips and Templates
  • 21 Company Brochure Examples & Ideas to Promote Your Business
  • How to Design a Brochure for Marketing

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A billionaire hopes to change our understanding of sea life and save the oceans with a research vessel straight out of 'Star Trek'

  • OceanXplorer, a 285-foot research vessel , contains cutting-edge tools for ocean science.
  • Billionaire Ray Dalio bought the former oil ship and helped transform it into a world-leading research vessel.
  • Ray Dalio's son wants the ship to inspire ocean conservation through advanced research and documentaries.

Insider Today

The OceanXplorer is both science and spectacle.

The 285-foot research vessel gives ocean scientists access to virtual reality, submersibles , a helicopter, and onboard laboratories, all in a setting designed to evoke a Marvel movie.

"It has basically every tool a researcher could dream of for exploring the deep," Eric Stackpole, a remotely operated vehicle expert, told Business Insider.

Stackpole is part of a team that traveled on the ship from a volcanic archipelago in the North Atlantic to just south of the North Pole for National Geographic's new show "OceanXplorers."

See what it was like to follow polar bears from the sky and study sharks from the seafloor.

OceanX converted a former oil vessel into a research ship.

research company brochure

Billionaire Ray Dalio bought the boat in 2016 . It was an oil ship at the time and he and his son Mark Dalio spent the next four years transforming it into a one-of-a-kind research vessel capable of real-time scientific analysis. Experts from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution consulted to ensure scientists would have everything they needed on board.

For example, it might take a typical research vehicle several years to get DNA sequencing results back and then return to the same location equipped with that data.

With OceanXplorer's onboard lab, researchers can collect samples, process the data in real-time, and then make informed decisions based on what they find.

"We feel like it's a lot more efficient," said Mark Dalio, co-CEO of OceanX, the company that owns OceanXplorer.

It's helping scientists solve some of the sea's greatest mysteries.

research company brochure

The vessel's pair of three-seater submersibles can descend over 3,000 feet and stay on the seafloor for 12 hours.

As a passenger in one, biologist Nigel Hussey witnessed something he'd never seen before, a Greenland shark feeding in its own habitat.

The sharks can live for over 400 years, the longest of any vertebrate, but they spend much of their time in deep, difficult-to-access waters of the Arctic.

"To actually witness and see an animal that you've committed a huge amount of time, blood, sweat, and tears to studying, it's indescribable how fabulous it is," Hussey said in National Geographic's show.

Seeing the cautious way the shark approached food could indicate one reason the species lives so long , Hussey said. Some researchers want to learn more about these animals in the hopes of lengthening human lifespans.

It was built for many kinds of science.

research company brochure

On board, scientists can use the four labs to analyze samples, sequence DNA, and study specimens. Meanwhile, ROVs explore the deep ; sonar maps the seafloor ; and a sampling tool measures the water's temperature, pressure, and salinity.

"I think the most unique kind of throughline is the cross-disciplinary nature of the ship," Mark Dalio said. Meaning researchers who study sharks, whales, squid, and polar bears can all make use of the vessel .

OceanX not only helps scientists reach locations from the subtropical Bahamas to freezing Svalbard, it brings along filmmakers and photographers to document the work as it's taking place.

The National Geographic show highlights the work of researchers who used the ship's helicopters to study polar bears ' disappearing habitats and another group who dove deep in submersibles to study sperm whales' prey.

"Ultimately, our goal is to help raise awareness of what this majority of our planet is like," Stackpole said. "If you don't understand it, you can't affect it."

Some of the technology feels like living in the future.

research company brochure

OceanX partnered with Microsoft to create a "holographic laboratory" on the ship. The cutting-edge technology makes complex data easy to visualize.

Scientists wearing HoloLens headsets can view a simulated ocean floor. It can help turn numbers in a graph into a representation of an underwater environment, incorporating data from sperm whale location tags, sonar readings, and temperature and salinity information.

"We were able to stand around this table and in three dimensions, manipulate a map of what the bottom looks like," Stackpole said of an ocean-floor visualization. "It felt like living in the future."

There are some bonuses to being on a billionaire's boat.

research company brochure

The vessel was built for scientists, but it still has some amenities you might not typically find on a research ship.

"There was a drawer that was just filled with ice cream you could get whenever you want," Stackpole said. "That felt like an indulgence for an open ocean expedition."

It's not quite like going on a luxury cruise , though. There's room for about 72 people on board, but passengers have to share rooms with bunk beds.

The ship is supposed to look like something out of 'Star Trek.'

research company brochure

Mark Dalio worked as a National Geographic filmmaker in the past and always wanted the OceanXplorer to be used for scientific storytelling.

Director James Cameron and his team — who have experience designing the filmmaker's former research vessel — offered advice about creating spaces that were both functional and futuristic. Specifically, Cameron suggested they take inspiration from a " Star Trek " spacecraft.

"If you're going to do all that work, make it look and feel like something like the 'Starship Enterprise' of the oceans," Dalio said. "Make it inspirational and aspirational for the next generation of scientists and students and educators."

Art director Page Buckner, who worked on "Iron Man 2," "Jurassic World," and other movies, also helped make the ship camera-ready.

"Everything can be ready to go from a filmmaking standpoint" when scientists are seeing something new or exciting, Dalio said. "It allows us to be a lot more in the moment during that and really capture that in a way that is very authentic."

In fact, most of the ship was designed with documentaries in mind.

The next big project is a focus on fish.

research company brochure

Mark Dalio plans to keep the ship in Southeast Asian waters for the next five years. The Phillippines is a hot spot for a variety of marine life.

One goal is to learn more about the region's biodiversity to help find ways to protect vulnerable species.

Techniques like whole genome sequencing will give scientists a clearer picture of what fish are present and what animals are eating them.

Other research will focus on gathering data to document climate change, studying coral reefs , and finding potential areas for preservation that could be used for carbon credits.

All this feeds into OceanX's overarching goal, which is to foster the next generation of ocean scientists. "We need a next generation of ocean scientists and ocean storytellers," Dalio said.

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    Keep sentences short and snappy, including plenty of page breaks, bullets, lists, quotation boxes, etc. Use the same font throughout (two at most) and opt for a font size of around 12 points or 16 pixels for the body text, larger for headlines but not too large. Include a killer call to action.

  5. How to Make an Impressive Brochure: Best Practices & Templates ...

    Quick Read. A brochure is a tangible piece of marketing material that provides information about your business, organization or event. You can use it to promote and sell products/services or promote events and initiatives. Visme offers an AI brochure maker and a full suite of tools that empower anyone to create visually appealing and share-worthy brochures.

  6. Free Brochure Templates

    Now, thanks to these great templates for brochures, your content creation process is easier than ever. All you have to do is pick the right brochure template to meet your needs, fill in the appropriate information, customize to make things unique and you're ready to make a great impression on your target audience. Type.

  7. How to Write Brochures: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

    2. Keep your brochure content focused. Your goal is to keep earning your reader's focus and attention. Cater your content to the type of reader you are hoping to attract with your brochure. [7] If you're writing a brochure to generate leads include info that prospects don't know about your company.

  8. 35+ Marketing Brochure Examples, Tips and Templates (2024)

    35+ Marketing Brochure Examples, Tips and Templates (2024) Written by: Ryan McCready. Jan 19, 2024. A marketing brochure is a printed or digital promotional material designed to showcase a company's products, services or events to potential customers. It serves as a concise and visually appealing tool to communicate key information and ...

  9. Creating Branded Research Brochures for Your Business

    The Role of Research Brochures in Business Growth. Research brochures can also contribute to the growth of your business. By showcasing unique insights, market trends, or product benefits, you can position your company as an industry leader. This can help attract prospective clients or customers, leading to increased brand awareness, customer ...

  10. 16 Creative Examples of Brochures You Can Edit and Print

    This marketing brochure template is an excellent example of a brochure that you can use as a handout or an attachment that you can send via email. Brochure design pro tip: Crop images into whatever shape you want in your brochure. It's easy with Piktochart! Watch the tutorial video below.

  11. Free Brochure Maker

    How to make a brochure online with Venngage. 1. Sign up for Venngage with your email, Gmail, or Facebook account — you can get access to a free plan! 2. Choose a brochure template from hundreds of pre-made designs, upgrade to edit premium brochures, or start from a blank canvas with Venngage's free online brochure maker. 3.

  12. Best Company Marketing & Sales Brochure Templates for 2024

    30+ Best Company Marketing & Sales Brochure Templates (Design Examples 2024) When you need high-quality business brochure templates, head to Envato Elements. For one low monthly fee, this subscription-based marketplace offers tons of graphic templates, fonts, logos, add-ons, and more.

  13. How to design a brochure: the ultimate guide

    08/20/2024 Estimated reading time: 15 minutes. Whether you're trying to drive traffic into a new gym location, showcase a property for sale or get the word out about your business, brochures are powerful and effective tools for engaging and educating any audience. But only if your brochure design is on point.

  14. 35+ Best Corporate Brochure Templates

    A corporate brochure template is a ready-made document design typically used for the purpose of advertising and promoting a company's products, services, and brand. These templates often contain professionally designed layouts, graphics, typography, and other elements, specifically tailored to meet the needs of corporate businesses.

  15. The Purpose of Brochures and Why They Are Important

    The Purpose of Brochures Explained. Brochures can act as a detailed reference of your products or services for your prospects and customers. They can help increase your leads through a direct mail campaign or as handouts at an event or tradeshow. Brochures can even support your brand by providing your audience with credible and informative ...

  16. The Ultimate Guide to Brochure Design

    Tri-fold: The two sides are folded inwards towards the middle of the brochure. Z-fold: This style is similar to the tri-fold but instead of folding inwards, the fold creates a z shape. Gate-fold: Another brochure design with two inward folds, but these don't overlap. They create a "gate" effect.

  17. 100+ Brochure Examples & Templates across Industries

    Some Bi-fold brochure examples include pricing sheets, simple product presentation, real estate offers, and product sheets which are rich in content and pictures. Folders and inserts are often used at events, exhibitions, and conferences; It provides a feature of putting the folders within the brochure.

  18. What Is A Brochure?

    A brochure is an informative paper document folded into sections or panels, that is mass-produced to fulfil a marketing objective. It has a single focus - to deliver information about a product, company, brand, event, etc. in an easily accessible format. It is often used as part of a larger marketing campaign and can be distributed either ...

  19. How to Design a Brochure for Marketing

    Confirm dimensions and folds: Ensure the brochure size and fold style match your printing specifications. Review the bleed area: Check if any important elements extend into the bleed area to avoid cropping issues. Examine the file format: Save your design in a print-ready format (like PDF) with high-resolution images.

  20. Newborn sequencing research

    Inside this brochure, we highlight the technologies and software that power our end-to-end, newborn sequencing research workflow. Includes details surrounding sample collection, extraction, quality control, library preparation, sequencing, and our coinciding software suite - packed with a gene panel of 390+ genes.

  21. Orthopaedics Research Fellowship

    Research fellows will receive a $30,000 stipend. Program Brochure. Learn more about the fellowship in this Orthopaedic Research Fellowship brochure. Application. Email a letter of recommendation, a 500-word personal statement, and your curriculum vitae to Yasmin Degani, MPH, Clinical Research Manager at [email protected]. Deadline

  22. Research: When Bonuses Backfire

    More than 30 years ago, author and lecturer Alfie Kohn, in a rather controversial but often cited HBR article, claimed that "rewards typically undermine the very processes they are intended to ...

  23. Cliff Asness Says Markets Getting Less Efficient in His New Research

    Cliff Asness says he sounds like an "old man whinging," but that's not stopping him from writing 23 pages on his latest thesis: Financial markets these days aren't what they were.

  24. Department of Energy Announces $142 Million in Grants to Small

    MAAT Energy Company, Cambridge, MA: Novel Plasma Catalysis Reformer of CO2 for Power to Jet Fuel and Energy Storage. This proposal works on an efficient atmospheric microwave plasma process, using renewable electricity, for re-use of CO2 to make jet fuel, and serves the need for low-carbon, high-energy density liquid fuels to be used in aviation.

  25. 20+ Trifold Brochure Examples & Design Tips

    20. Make consistent font choices throughout your trifold brochure . Using consistent fonts will make your trifold brochure design cohesive and readable. Don't make the headers use one font on the inside page and another on the next page. This will only confuse the reader, and in some cases make them put down your business brochure.

  26. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

    EPA's Research Efforts to Protect Public and Environmental Health from Wildland Fire Smoke Stay informed, stay prepared, and we can mitigate the effects and challenges of wildland fire smoke together. Date: July 22, 2024; By: Jason Sacks, Sarah Coefield

  27. Billionaire-Bought OceanXplorer Is a High-Tech Ocean Research Vessel

    OceanXplorer, a 285-foot research vessel, contains cutting-edge tools for ocean science. Billionaire Ray Dalio bought the former oil ship and helped transform it into a world-leading research ...