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Study Notes: Grade 7 Life Orientation, Substance Abuse

Topic overview.

Main Concept/Theme: Understanding Substance Abuse

Key Learning Objectives: – Define substance abuse. – Identify common substances that are abused. – Understand the health and social consequences of substance abuse. – Learn strategies for saying no to drugs and making healthy choices.

Key Terms and Definitions

  • Substance Abuse: The harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs.
  • Addiction: A chronic disease characterized by the compulsive use of a substance, despite harmful consequences.
  • Psychoactive Substance: Chemicals that affect the brain and change how a person thinks, feels, or behaves.
  • Dependence: A condition where the body becomes used to a drug and requires it to function normally.
  • Withdrawal: Symptoms experienced when a person stops using a substance they are dependent on.

Main Content Sections

1. what is substance abuse.

Substance abuse refers to the misuse of drugs and alcohol in a manner that is harmful to oneself or others. It involves the repeated use of substances to alter mood, feel pleasure, or cope with stress, leading to negative impacts on health, relationships, and responsibilities.

2. Commonly Abused Substances

  • Alcohol: A legal substance often abused, leading to impaired judgment, coordination, and potential addiction.
  • Nicotine: Found in cigarettes and vaping products, it is highly addictive and harmful to the lungs and heart.
  • Marijuana: An illegal drug in many areas, it alters perception and can contribute to memory problems and mental health issues.
  • Prescription Drugs: Medications like painkillers (opioids) that are sometimes misused for their pleasurable effects.
  • Illegal Drugs: Substances like cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine which have severe health risks and legal consequences.

3. Health and Social Consequences

  • Health Consequences: Substance abuse can lead to various health problems including:
  • Liver disease (alcohol)
  • Lung cancer (nicotine)
  • Mental health disorders like depression and anxiety (marijuana and other drugs)
  • Overdose and death
  • Social Consequences: Substance abuse affects relationships and responsibilities:
  • Conflict with family and friends
  • Poor performance in school or work
  • Legal issues, including arrest and imprisonment

4. Strategies for Saying No

  • Peer Pressure Resistance: Learn to assertively say no when offered drugs or alcohol.
  • Education: Educate yourself about the risks of substance abuse and make informed decisions.
  • Healthy Alternatives: Engage in hobbies, sports, and other activities that do not involve substances.
  • Support System: Surround yourself with friends and family who support healthy choices.

Case Study: Imagine you are at a party, and a friend offers you a cigarette. They insist that “one won’t hurt” and that “everyone is doing it.” How would you respond?

Answer: – Politely but firmly say, “No, thank you.” – Explain that you are not interested in smoking and that it is harmful to health. – Suggest an alternative activity, such as joining another group for a game or chatting with other friends.

Recap of Main Points: – Substance abuse involves harmful use of drugs or alcohol. – Commonly abused substances include alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, prescription drugs, and illegal drugs. – Substance abuse has serious health and social consequences. – There are effective strategies for resisting peer pressure and making healthy choices.

Self-Assessment Questions

  • What is substance abuse? Provide a definition.
  • Name three commonly abused substances.
  • What are two health consequences of substance abuse?
  • Describe a strategy you can use to say no to drugs.
  • Why is it important to have a support system when making healthy choices?

Connections to Other Topics/Subjects

  • Health Education: Understanding the impact of substance abuse on physical health.
  • Social Studies: Exploring how substance abuse affects communities and societies.
  • Psychology: Studying addiction and mental health associated with substance abuse.
  • Physical Education: Promoting sports and activities as healthy alternatives to substance use.
  • Curriculum Kits

Too Good for Drugs - Grade 7

Too Good for Drugs - Grade 7

Too Good for Drugs for Grade 7 lays the groundwork for drug-free living through a fun, interactive journey of setting reachable goals, communicating effectively, making responsible decisions, building positive friendships, and refusing negative peer pressure.

In “Let’s Make a Friend,” students help the new student, Vanessa, choose a friend with the most healthy friendship qualities out of a pool of three candidates. Survey says that students who associate with others with healthy qualities are more likely to avoid risky behaviors, make healthy decisions, and stay focused on reaching their goals.

Students join Al K. Hol as he learns the consequences of alcohol use and realizes his misconceptions about alcohol cost him a spot on the baseball team and the respect of a girl he really likes. Students examine the four stages of addiction as well as the negative health risks associated with the misuse of prescription and OTC drugs. Students also examine alternatives to substance use and participating in other risky behaviors as they apply healthy strategies to overcome obstacles and handle life pressures in the game, “Goal for It!”

Home Workouts and cross-curricular activities follow each lesson so students can practice and apply the concepts developed in each lesson at home and with their peers.

The Too Good for Drugs Grade 7 Curriculum Kit is available in two sizes.

  • Standard Curriculum Kit - for classrooms of up to 24 students. 
  • Large Curriculum Kit - for classrooms of up to 30 students. 

Additional Student Workbooks are sold separately. Scroll down the page to view replenishment products.

Some of the curriculum resources in this   program are hosted and disseminated through the   Lesson Resource Center. Once you have purchased your curriculum kit, we will contact you to assist you in establishing your account in the Lesson Resource Center.

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is back-ordered. We will ship it separately in 10 to 15 days.

Grade 7 Middle School Program Kits Program Materials

  • What's Included
  • Scope and Sequence
  • How It Works
  • Recognition & Awards

The Too Good toolkit includes everything you need to teach the lessons:

  • Teacher Manual
  • 30 Student Workbooks
  • Goal Setting Model Poster

Decision Making Model Poster

Alcohol is alcohol poster, al k. hol poster.

  • Al K. Hol Accessories
  • Communication Banner and Communication Role Accessories
  • Role Play Script Set

Peer Refusal Strategy Cards

  • Healthy, Alcohol, and Marijuana Brain Scan Display Cards
  • Goal for It Game
  • Toxic Concentration Game
  • Drone Zone Game
  • Goal Get 'em! Game
  • Game Pieces w/ Die

Curriculum Features include:

  • Scripted Design - Ten 50-minute fully scripted, research-based lessons conveniently presented in a tabbed spiral-bound book, making them easy to use and enjoyable to teach.
  • Comprehensive Lesson Planner with clearly-stated, measurable objectives, topic rationale, and allotted activity times.
  • Lesson Resource Pack with Activity Visual Displays, Activity Instructions, Home Workouts, and Evaluation Instruments in a downloadable for display or print format.
  • Parent Component - “Home Workout: Exercises for Adults and Kids,” to extend prevention skills and messages into the home.
  • Looking for More? - Each lesson includes cross-curricular lesson extenders with suggestions for infusion, recommended reading, and additional activities for reinforcing important concepts and skills.
  • Assessment Materials to measure student outcomes and process outcomes including implementation effectiveness and fidelity of implementation as well as student knowledge, attitudes, and behavior.
  • Comprehensive Pre-Delivery Training Component covering Character Education and Normative Education concepts, Fidelity of Implementation, as well as guidance for facilitating discussions about various conflict and peer influence topics.
  • Logic Model including the program’s theory of change and the proven strategies incorporated into the lessons.
  • Strategies and methods to build family and school connections to reinforce the healthy social and emotional development of the students.

grade 7 substance abuse assignment

Lessons Overview                      RTI / PBIS Alignment              Lessons Sample

Comprehensive prevention education.

Too Good for Drugs is a universal violence prevention and character education program that promotes the development of the skills, attitudes, and behaviors consistent with positive, pro-social living to encourage healthy emotions management and actions, resistance to peer pressure and influence, and self-awareness and social awareness to foster a drug free lifestyle.

Too Good for Drugs offers developmentally appropriate curricula for Kindergarten through High School. Each grade level builds on previous levels developing the skills sequentially with engaging, age-appropriate lessons and activities.

Mitigates risk factors and builds protective factors

Too Good  focuses on the risk factors and negative social norms that can be positively affected in the classroom: favorable attitudes toward substance use, violence, and other problem behaviors and friends who engage in problem behavior.

Too Good  builds protection within the student by:

  • Providing opportunities for pro-social involvement
  • Establishing positive norms including healthy beliefs and clear standards
  • Promoting bonding to pro-social peers
  • Increasing self-efficacy and interpersonal skills

Strengths-Based Skills Development

Too Good for Drugs introduces and develops self-efficacy and interpersonal skills linked with healthy development and academic success to promote self-awareness and social awareness:

  • Setting Reachable Goals
  • Making Responsible Decisions
  • Identifying and Managing Emotions
  • Communicating Effectively
  • Bonding with Prosocial Peers

Additional skills and developmental topics build on the core social skill set to broaden the student’s sense of self-efficacy and confidence and are tailored to the intellectual, cognitive, and social development of the student. 

  • Media Literacy and Media Influence
  • Resisting Peer Pressure
  • Understanding Peer Influence
  • Understanding Addiction
  • Complex Social and Dating Relationships
  • Exploring Risk Taking and Differentiating Healthy and Unhealthy Risks

Substance use and its effects on the body are introduced when developmentally appropriate. More complex discussions are introduced at the Middle School level and progress in depth as the students mature.

  • Safe Use of Prescription and OTC drugs
  • Effects of Nicotine Use including ENDS
  • Effects of Alcohol Use
  • Effects of Marijuana  and THC Use
  • Effects of Street Drugs including Opioids and Stimulants

Develops Core Character Traits

Too Good for Drugs promotes character development by strengthening nine character traits:

  • Cooperation
  • Responsibility
  • Self-discipline

Understanding the Logic Model

The Mendez Foundation developed Logic Models for Too Good to map out the Theory of Change and demonstrate graphically the assumptions that drive Too Good. The logic model communicates an "if-then" message of what changes the program intends to produce. It helps to make the connections among the target group, goals, strategies, objectives and planned program results and lays out what the program is expected to achieve and how it is expected to work.

TGFD Logic Model

Research Design

Each of the Too Good evaluation studies were conducted by third-party researchers and used randomized treatment-control group designs (pre-test/post-test, 20-week post-test, or one-year follow-up). The Researchers examined pre-test equivalence between treatment and control groups; potential bias of loss of student data over time; quality of program implementation; and estimates of reliability and validity of assessment tools.

The award-winning Too Good programs have undergone rigorous, independent evaluation studies to measure their effects on students' skills, attitudes, intentions, and behaviors. Studies have been published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at national evaluation conferences. These studies demonstrate the effectiveness of Too Good.

2001 Research Report

2001 Summary       2001 Full Report 

2003 Research Report

2003 Summary       2003 Full Report 

2005 Research Report

2005 Summary       2005 Full Report 

Organization/AgencyTGFD K-8TGFV K-8TGFD&V High School
U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education SciencePositive effects on behavior
Positive effect on behavior & knowledge, attitudes & values
Positive effect on behavior & knowledge, attitudes & values
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional LearningNot Yet RatedElementary SELect Program
Not Yet Rated
National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs & PracticesReviewed evaluation
Reviewed evaluation
Reviewed evaluation
California Evidence Based Clearinghouse for Child WelfareTGFD Grade 6 
Scientific Rating 2 - Supported by Evidence
Not Yet RatedNot Yet Rated
Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency PreventionPromising program
Exemplary program
Exemplary program
Programs that WorkScreened program
Screened program
Screened program
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration Model programModel programModel program

Too Good programs have earned recognition and acclaim for their impact in promoting safer and healthy youth and communities. 

  • Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association's (FADAA) Best Practices Award
  • The American Medical Association's National Congress on Adolescent Health
  • The President's Child Safety Partnership
  • Southeast Regional Center for Drug-Free Schools and Communities Shining Star Award
  • Our programs received a high rating in "Drug Strategies"

Other Recognition

Recognition for Too Good for Drugs™ in Drug Strategies "Making the Grade": "Some very strong elements in this very detailed, 10 session per year curriculum. Provides developmentally appropriate information about alcohol, tobacco and marijuana. Normative education activities creative and compelling, new ideas for games. Includes no-use pledge."

Recognition for Too Good for Violence in Drug Strategies "Safe Schools, Safe Students": "A delightful package of materials (that) complements this highly interactive 4-9 session program. Strongly focused on critical skill areas. Extremely detailed instructions for teachers. Very complete."

It is false that this product has tag(s) that matches the title(s) of a collection.

Product has program materials tag, replenish your kit ( 26 ).

grade 7 substance abuse assignment

Too Good for Drugs Grade 7 Teacher Manual

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A3730 - TGFD Grade 7 2019 Edition Student Workbook English - Pack of 30

The Too Good for Drugs Grade 7 Student Workbook is an integral part of the interactive Too Good lessons. Workbook...

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A3780 - TGFD Grade 7 2019 Edition Student Workbook Spanish - Pack of 5

The Student Workbook is an integral part of the interactive lessons. Workbook activities apply lessons on setting reachable goals, making...

grade 7 substance abuse assignment

Let's Make A Friend Role Play Cards

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grade 7 substance abuse assignment

Who's Responsible? Role Play

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All Together Now Role Play

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Al B Smart Role Play

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grade 7 substance abuse assignment

Scan of Healthy Brain (Top)

SPECT Scan of the surface of an active, healthy brain. Item #A4847 

grade 7 substance abuse assignment

Scan of Brain Damaged by Marijuana Use (Underside)

SPECT Scan of the underside of a brain damaged by marijuana use. Item #A4850 

grade 7 substance abuse assignment

Scan of Healthy Brain (Underside)

SPECT Scan of the underside of an active, healthy brain. Item #A4849 

grade 7 substance abuse assignment

Scan of Brain Damaged by Alcohol Use (Top)

SPECT Scan of the brain of a chronic drinker. 11" x 17" Full Color Poster. Item #A4848 

grade 7 substance abuse assignment

Goal Setting Model Poster - Grades 5, 6, & 7

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Al K Hol Accessories

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Communication Banner

This colorful banner helps students learn about the communication process so they develop and improve their communication skills. Item #A4751 

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Communication Role Accessories

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Drone Zone Activity Cards

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Goal for It! Game Board

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Goal for It! Game Cards 2019 Edition

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Game Pieces with Die

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Poster Hanger Dots

Hang posters on most vertical surfaces with ease. 12 dots per sheet. 2 sheets included. Item #PR1002

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C9790 - TGFDV Grade 7 2019 Edition Student Workbook English - Pack of 30

The Student Workbook is an integral part of the interactive Too Good lessons. Workbook activities apply lessons on goal setting,...

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C9798 - TGFDV Grade 7 2019 Edition Student Workbook Spanish - Pack of 5

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Life Skills/Life Orientation > Grade 7 LO Substance Abuse > Flashcards

Grade 7 LO Substance Abuse Flashcards

When does substance abuse become addiction?

When the person can no longer control his need to escape from his problems

What does it mean for a substance to be physically addictive?

It means that the body feels that it cannot function without it.

What is the reason doctors give for why some people become addicts and others do not?

Doctors don’t know.

What do you call substances taken for pleasure? What are the three types?

Recreational drugs. The types are opiates, depressants and stimulants

Name three legal recreational drugs.

Tobacco, alcohol and caffeine.

Name three illegal recreational drugs.

Dagga/marijuana, ecstasy and heroin.

True or false: most recreational drugs are harmless

False, most recreational drugs are addictive and all of them can be harmful.

What do opiates do? Give examples of opiates.

They copy the brain’s feel-good hormones, called endorphins, and bring about a state of peaceful euphoria.examples are heroin, morphine and opium.

What are depressants also known as? And what do they do? Give examples.

Also known as downers. They slow down the messages in the brain and along the nerves. They reduce emotions and help people forget their problems. Examples are: alcohol, dagga and solvents.

What are stimulants also called? And what do they do? Give some examples.

Also known as uppers, they speed up the messages in the brain and nerves. They help to heighten people’s senses, giving them more intense experiences. Examples are caffeine, nicotine, Tim, cocaine and ecstasy.

List the different ways in which substances can be taken.

Swallowing: in pill or liquid form Smoking: smoked and absorbed into the bloodstream through the lungs, e.g. Tobacco, tik, dagga. Snorting: sniffed or snorted up the nose, introducing the drug into the mucous linings of the nose from where it is absorbed into the bloodstream. E.g. Cocaine, heroin, speed and even tik. Injecting: some drugs can be made into a liquid form and injected directly into the bloodstream using needles and syringes; e.g. Heroin, cocaine and tik.

What are some of the dangers of injecting substances into your bloodstream?

Most people are not trained to give injections and could cause serious injury. Sharing needles can cause the spread of diseases such as hepatitis and HIV.

How is heroin taken and what type of substance is it?

Injected or snorted. It is illegal and is an opiate.

How is ecstasy taken and categorise it.

Swallowing. It’s illegal, recreational and is a stimulant.

How is alcohol taken and categorise it.

Swallowing, legal and a depressant.

List seven physical symptoms of substance abuse.

Dramatic change in weight. Red or glassy eyes, or pupils larger or smaller than usual. Changes in eating habits. Neglecting grooming habits and appearance. Tremors, slurred speech or trouble walking or staying upright. Odd smells on breath, body or clothing. A rash around the nose or mouth. Unexplained needle marks, bruising or blisters on the skin.

List ten behavioral symptoms of substance abuse.

Stopping usually activities like sports, hobbies and homework. Declining academic results. Having a new group of friends and avoiding old friends and family. Mood swings, irritability, outbursts. Changes in sleep patterns or sudden restlessness or laziness. Lying and other selfish behaviour. Stealing or borrowing money or items. Feeling unmotivated, hopeless, depressed and even suicidal. Using room deoderisers and incense or always sucking mints or chewing gum. Constantly talking about drugs or pressuring others to drink or use drugs. Taking risks, including sexual risks. General forgetfulness, blackouts or memory lapses. Getting into trouble wi law, into fights or causing accidents. Being fearful, anxious, confused, depressed or paranoid.

Who will normally notice a person’s abuse of substances?

Usually the person’s friends and family.

What improves the chances of someone being able to recover from substance abuse?

If symptoms are recognized early.

If the person is prepared to accept help.

How does most substance abuse start?

With experimentation while under the influence of alcohol.

What do we call a substance that makes people susceptible to substance abuse?

A gateway drug.

What influences people experimenting with drugs?

Being drunk, being curious, because they see their friends and peers experimenting with a drug.

What are the reasons for people using drugs?

Alcohol has what effect?

It numbs feelings of depression.

What effect does cocaine have?

It boosts energy and confidence.

What effect do sleeping pills have?

They help to cope with panic attacks.

How does addiction develop?

To start with, the substance does deal with the problems and makes life seem better for the person. They then take more and more. If they don’t use, the problems seem even worse, so they go back to drugs.

Name three contributing factors to why people start taking drugs.

The individual themselves. The relationships that they have. The community in which they live.

List four intrapersonal factors contributing to substance abuse.

Personality traits Attitudes Beliefs Genetics

Name three interpersonal influences contributing to substance abuse.

Family Friends Personal/home situation

List 7 community and social factors influencing substance abuse.

Minimum purchase age for alcohol and cigarettes. Romanticizing of alcohol and drugs on TV and movies. Advertising of alcohol. Cost of alcohol, cigarettes and other drugs. National laws concerning alcohol, smoking and illegal drugs. Local law enforcement. School rules.

True or false: there is no genetic link for alcoholism and drug taking.

False, there is a clear genetic link.

What type of home environment reduces the risk of a child experimenting with drugs?

A stable, structure environment with clear rules and good communication.

True or false: economic background of a person can play a role in a person’s decision to abuse a substance.

How can you protect yourself from falling into the trap of substance abuse?

Choose friends carefully and support one another when you need it. Choose good role models. Do not believe everything you see on movies or tv. Exercise and take part in sport. Share your problems with someone you trust. Obey the rules set by your parents, caregivers and teachers. Join a social or religious group that promotes healthy living. Educate yourself about drugs. Work on your assertiveness skills; practice saying ‘No’. Develop your social skills. Do not experiment with cigarettes and alcohol.

What are the stages for getting help with abuse?

Early detection. Admitting that there is a problem. Seeking help or having Friends, family and significant people insisting that person get helps.

If your friend is experiencing some of the risk factors contributing to substance abuse, describe how you can help.

Support your friend. Help build self-esteem. Compliment him/her on his/her strengths. Point to the great potential that this friend has and that substance abuse will harm this. Encourage him/her to get exercise. Talk about the negative effects of drugs.

If someone you know is already abusing substances, what should you do?

What are some of the organizations that you can contact for help with substance abuse?

Narcotics anonymous. Alcoholics Anonymous Drug addiction help.

What is substance abuse?

It is using a legal or illegal substance in the wrong way, generally for its effect on the body and emotions.

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SUBSTANCE ABUSE Types, Forms and Side Effects By: Mrs J.Panayiotou For: Grade 7 Life Orientation.

Published by Coral Blankenship Modified over 9 years ago

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    Summary. Recap of Main Points: - Substance abuse involves harmful use of drugs or alcohol. - Commonly abused substances include alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, prescription drugs, and illegal drugs. - Substance abuse has serious health and social consequences. - There are effective strategies for resisting peer pressure and making healthy ...

  7. Evidence-Based

    Evidence based substance use prevention education curriculum features engaging interactive games and activities that develop social emotional skills for prosocial bonging, academic success, and drug-free living.

  8. grade 7 health substance use and abuse

    Browse grade 7 health substance use and abuse resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources.

  9. PDF Microsoft Word

    Life Orientation. Grade 7. Health, social and environmental responsilbilities. Lesson 1: 24 August-28 August 2020.

  10. Grade 7 LO Substance Abuse Flashcards

    Study Grade 7 LO Substance Abuse flashcards from Chris#1 Franck's Pinehurst Primary School class online, or in Brainscape's iPhone or Android app. Learn faster with spaced repetition.

  11. PDF Grade 7

    Finally, they will analyze personal and societal implications of substance use and addiction and will identify school and community resources that are available to provide support for mental health or substance use concerns.

  12. Life Orientation: Caps Instruction Sheet 6: Grade 7 Sba

    life, but some problems are more difficult than others. It is important that we find appropriate ways of dealing with problems. Unfortunately, many people turn to the abuse of substances re issues which all teenagers have to face some stage. Choose one substance that is ab ollowing structure: Introduction

  13. Teaching Substance Abuse

    This Video discusses the topic of substance abuse. We look at what substance abuse is, as well as the definition. We then look at the most commonly used drugs in South Africa.

  14. PDF Substance Use-Grade 7

    Objectives. Provide students with accurate information about substance use and gambling. Identify consequences to using drugs, alcohol and gambling. Assess drug and gambling information. Understand the danger of mixing drugs. Be aware of accurate facts and rates of use related to youth. Understand tolerance, dependence and withdrawal as ...

  15. Grade 7

    Use these study cards to remember the essential vocabulary terms for unit 5. Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free.

  16. Lesson Plan Gr. 7 Life Orientation T3 W1

    This lesson focuses on substance abuse, including the types of legal and illegal substances, common illegal drugs like dagga, mandrax, ecstasy, tik, cocaine, and heroin. Symptoms of substance abuse include physical changes like weight loss and red eyes, emotional changes like mood swings and low self-esteem, and changes at school like dropping grades and increased discipline problems. Learners ...

  17. Life Orientation Grade 7 Term 3 Project on Substance Abuse

    This Life Orientation Grade 7 Term 3 Project on substance abuse provides learners with the option to choose which subject topic they would like to focus on.

  18. SUBSTANCE ABUSE Types, Forms and Side Effects By: Mrs J.Panayiotou For

    1 SUBSTANCE ABUSE Types, Forms and Side Effects By: Mrs J.Panayiotou For: Grade 7 Life Orientation 2 TYPES OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE ILLEGAL DRUGS -Mandrax -Heroin -LSD -Marijuana -Cocaine -Ecstasy -Methamphetamine LEGAL SUBSTANCES -Tobacco -Alcohol -Prescription drugs like painkillers etc

  19. PDF Grade 7 Sample Lesson Plan: Unit 1

    SOLs 7.1.M Recognize and engaging the link between in behaviors. addiction behaviors. to alcohol, Describe types of influence advertising adolescents' techniques decisions tobacco, and other drugs, chronic disease,

  20. TP Lesson PLAN Assignment 1

    Knowledge: - Learners should be able to describe and define the term Substance abuse. - Learners should be able to name and list different types of drugs. - Learners should be able to list the 3 types of symptoms of substance abuse. Skills: - Learners should be able to know the difference between legal and illegal substances.

  21. Learning tools, flashcards, and textbook solutions

    Arts and Humanitie... Philosophy