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21 Perfect 3rd Grade Reading Fluency Passages (Free)

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Looking for the best 3rd grade reading fluency passages? Here are 3 long fluency passages and 18 short fluency passages I know you’ll love!

I LOVE third grade! I taught third grade for four years. It’s the perfect age to teach.

Every week, I gave my students a new fluency passage. Each day I would have them read the weekly passage.

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Practicing the same passage over and over is a great way to improve fluency.

It really helped improve my students’ fluency and I know it will help your 3rd graders too. I’ve written this post of fluency passages to help your students.

I also have posts about class names, classroom procedures, class jobs , attention grabbers , and class reward party ideas . I know they’ll help you too!

This is a picture of lots of books.  One stack has five books in it.  The other has about ten.  There are books around the two stacks too.

Fluency Practice

Fluency practice involves reading the passage multiple times with accuracy, appropriate pacing, and expression. Encourage your 3rd grade students to read aloud regularly and build their reading skills gradually.

Long 3rd Grade Reading Fluency Passages

Here are 3 long reading passages . They can be used for fluency drills, partner reading, choral reading, literacy centers, and independent reading to help student fluency.

Title: The Amazing Adventures of Max

Once upon a time, in a small town called Greenville, lived a curious boy named Max. Max was a third-grader who loved exploring and going on adventures. He had a wild imagination and a big heart.

One sunny morning, as Max was playing in his backyard, he noticed a mysterious map sticking out from under a pile of leaves. Excitedly, he picked it up and saw that it led to a hidden treasure deep in the nearby woods.

Without hesitation, Max grabbed a backpack and packed it with snacks and water. He followed the winding path on the map, overcoming obstacles like fallen trees and slippery rocks. The journey was not easy, but Max was determined to find the treasure.

As he ventured deeper into the woods, Max encountered various animals like squirrels and rabbits. He stopped to talk to them and even helped a little lost bird find its way back to its nest.

Finally, after a long and adventurous hike, Max reached the spot marked on the map. There, under a giant oak tree, he found a treasure chest buried in the ground. He carefully dug it up and opened it with trembling hands.

Inside the chest, Max discovered not gold or jewels, but a collection of old books filled with magical stories and incredible adventures. The treasure was knowledge, and it was more precious to Max than anything he had imagined.

Excited about his discovery, Max ran back home and shared the books with his family and friends. They spent countless hours reading and imagining themselves in far-off lands, just like the characters in the stories.

From that day on, Max’s love for books and learning grew, and he continued to have amazing adventures in the pages of every book he read.

And so, the little town of Greenville knew that they had a true hero among them, a curious and kind-hearted boy named Max, who taught everyone that the greatest treasures were not always made of gold.

Title: The Amazing Space Adventure

Once upon a time, in a small town named Starville, there lived a curious boy named Alex. Alex was fascinated by the stars and the mysteries of the universe. One night, while gazing at the twinkling sky, he noticed a shooting star streaking across the horizon. But this was no ordinary shooting star – it seemed to be getting bigger and brighter as it approached Earth!

Excited and curious, Alex rushed to his backyard, where he saw a small, silver spaceship landing gracefully in a nearby field. The spaceship’s hatch opened, and out stepped a friendly alien named Zara. Zara was from a distant planet called Nova, and she had come to Earth to explore and learn about our planet.

“Hello, Earthling!” Zara said with a warm smile. “I come in peace. My planet is thousands of light-years away, and I have traveled across the galaxies to visit your beautiful world.”

Amazed and thrilled, Alex invited Zara into his house to learn more about her planet and share stories about Earth. Zara was eager to learn about human customs, culture, and even our favorite foods. They spent hours talking and laughing, becoming fast friends.

As the night grew darker, Zara suggested a fantastic idea: to explore the cosmos together! She invited Alex to join her on a grand space adventure to see the wonders of the universe. Without hesitation, Alex agreed, and they both hopped back into Zara’s spaceship.

The spaceship zoomed into the sky, and in no time, they were soaring among the stars. They visited planets with rings made of ice and moons with oceans of liquid methane. They marveled at the beauty of colorful nebulas and watched distant galaxies collide.

Zara also showed Alex her home planet, Nova, which had stunning purple skies and floating cities. She explained that Nova was a place of peace and harmony, where all beings coexisted in perfect balance.

As they traveled through space, Alex and Zara encountered friendly alien beings from different planets. They shared their knowledge and exchanged gifts as tokens of friendship. It was an extraordinary journey, and Alex realized how vast and diverse the universe truly was.

After what felt like an eternity of exploring, it was time to return to Earth. Alex felt a mix of happiness and sadness as they bid farewell to their newfound friends. Zara promised to visit Earth again someday, and they promised to keep in touch across the stars.

Back in his backyard, Alex waved goodbye as Zara’s spaceship soared back into space. He knew that this extraordinary adventure would be a memory he cherished forever.

From that day on, Alex continued to look up at the night sky with wonder and amazement. He knew that even though he was just a small boy on a tiny planet, he was connected to the vast universe in the most magical way.

And so, the adventures of Alex and Zara became legendary in Starville, reminding everyone that friendship knows no bounds – not even across the infinite reaches of space.

Title: The Mystery of the Missing Crown Jewels

In the heart of the bustling city of Brightchester, the Royal Castle stood tall and majestic. It was home to the beloved King Benjamin and his family, who ruled the land with kindness and wisdom. The castle was also the safekeeper of the Crown Jewels, a collection of precious gems and ornate crowns that had been passed down through generations.

One sunny morning, as the townspeople were preparing for the grand Summer Festival, an alarming discovery was made – the Crown Jewels were missing! Panic spread through the city as the news reached every corner. King Benjamin called for an immediate investigation, and the best detective in the kingdom, Detective Lily, was summoned to solve the case.

Detective Lily was a smart and resourceful young girl with a keen eye for details. She gathered clues, questioned witnesses, and examined every inch of the castle. Her loyal sidekick, Max, a clever and mischievous cat, was always by her side.

The first clue they found was a strange footprint near the window of the Royal Chamber. It seemed larger than any human foot and had three distinct claw marks. Lily knew this was no ordinary thief – it had to be someone or something with extraordinary abilities.

As they followed the trail of clues, Lily and Max met a quirky group of castle staff. There was Amelia, the kind-hearted maid, who had a passion for baking delicious treats. Next was Thomas, the castle gardener, who had a green thumb and tended to the most beautiful rose garden. Lastly, they met Walter, the castle chef, who was famous for creating mouthwatering dishes fit for royalty.

Each of the staff had an alibi for the time of the theft, and no one seemed to have any motive to steal the Crown Jewels. Lily was puzzled but determined to find the truth.

One evening, as the sun set, casting a golden glow over the castle, Lily noticed a small, shiny object peeking out from behind a bush in the rose garden. She rushed over and found a sparkling gem from the Crown Jewels! Max meowed excitedly, leading Lily to more hidden gems scattered throughout the garden.

The trail of gems led them to a secret passage that only a few knew about. Cautiously, Lily and Max ventured inside, and to their surprise, they discovered a hidden chamber filled with stolen treasures – not only the Crown Jewels but also valuable artifacts and precious heirlooms from the kingdom’s history.

Before they could celebrate their find, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness. It was a mysterious character dressed in a black cloak, with glowing eyes that seemed to pierce the night. The thief had been caught red-handed!

With a dramatic flourish, the figure removed the cloak, revealing a surprise that left everyone astonished. It was none other than Amelia, the gentle maid! She confessed that she had stolen the treasures out of desperation. Amelia’s family had fallen on hard times, and she believed that selling the stolen items would solve their financial troubles.

King Benjamin listened with empathy and forgave Amelia for her actions. He understood the difficult circumstances she faced and promised to help her family.

The Crown Jewels were safely returned to their rightful place, and the Summer Festival went on as planned, filled with joy and laughter.

As a reward for her brilliant detective work, Detective Lily was honored with a special medal and a title – “The Saviour of the Crown Jewels.” She and Max continued to solve mysteries together, bringing justice and kindness to the kingdom whenever it was needed.

And so, in the land of Brightchester, the tale of the missing Crown Jewels became a legend of bravery, compassion, and the enduring power of friendship.

A little girl is reading a book while sitting on a desk at home.  There are two books next to her.  She has red hair, she has glasses, and she's wearing a blue dress and ballet slippers.

Short 3rd Grade Fluency Passages

Here are 18 short stories for reading practice for 3rd graders .

The Clever Ant

Once in a tiny anthill, there lived a clever ant named Andy. He was always looking for new ways to help his fellow ants. One day, when a big rainstorm flooded their home, Andy quickly thought of a solution. He directed all the ants to work together to build a wall to protect their home from future floods. The ants worked tirelessly, and their anthill became stronger than ever before.

The Amazing Solar System

Our solar system is a fascinating place with planets, moons, and stars. At the center is the Sun, which gives us light and warmth. The eight planets orbit around the Sun, with Earth being the third one. Some planets are big and gassy, like Jupiter, while others are small and rocky, like Mars. Learning about the solar system can take us on a thrilling journey through space.

The Magical Garden

In a hidden corner of the old town, there was a magical garden that no one knew about. A young girl named Lily stumbled upon it one day. As she entered, the garden seemed to come alive with colorful flowers and talking animals. Lily soon discovered that the garden had special powers. It could grant wishes to those who truly believed in the magic of nature.

A Trip To The Zoo

Last Saturday, my family and I went to the zoo. We saw many different animals, like lions, elephants, and giraffes. The zookeeper told us exciting facts about each animal. It was a fun and educational day. I especially liked the playful monkeys swinging from tree to tree. We took lots of pictures and made memories that will last forever.

The Great Invention

Tim was a young inventor with a brilliant mind. One day, he had a fantastic idea for a flying machine. He worked hard in his little workshop, using spare parts and his creativity to build a prototype. After many trials and errors, Tim’s invention finally worked! His flying machine took him on a thrilling ride above the clouds. Tim’s invention was a success, and he became famous for his amazing creation.

In the heart of the Enchanted Forest, there stood a magnificent tree with magical powers. The tree was rumored to grant wishes to those who were pure of heart. A brave young girl named Emily set out on a quest to find the tree. Along the way, she faced challenges and met magical creatures. When she finally reached the tree, she made a selfless wish for the happiness of her family and friends.

The Secret Clubhouse

Tom and his friends had a secret clubhouse in the woods. They spent their summer days playing games, telling stories, and having adventures. They promised to keep the clubhouse a secret, and it became their special place. One day, they discovered a hidden treasure map, and together they followed the clues to find a buried treasure that brought joy to the whole neighborhood.

The Friendly Dragon

In the land of fairytales, there lived a friendly dragon named Spark. Unlike other dragons, Spark loved to make friends with the people in the nearby village. At first, the villagers were scared of him, but Spark showed them his kind heart by helping them with tasks and protecting the village from danger. Soon, the village and the dragon became the best of friends, proving that true friendship can be found in the most unexpected places.

The Friendly Dolphin

One sunny day at the beach, Sarah saw a dolphin swimming close to shore. She waved, and the dolphin waved back! It was a friendly dolphin who loved playing with people. Sarah named him Danny, and they became the best of friends.

The Lost Kitten

In the park, Tim found a tiny, scared kitten. It had no collar or tags. Tim took it home and gave it food and love. He asked around the neighborhood but no one claimed the kitten. Tim decided to keep the kitten and named her Whiskers.

The Magic Seed

Samantha planted a mysterious seed in her garden. Overnight, it grew into a gigantic beanstalk that reached the clouds! Curious, she climbed up and found a magical land above. There, she met a giant who was kind and fun. They became adventure buddies.

The Soccer Championship

At the soccer championship, the teams were tied with only a minute left. Jenny dribbled the ball skillfully and scored the winning goal! Her team cheered with joy, and they won the championship trophy. Jenny felt proud of her hard work and teamwork.

The Silly Robot

Leo built a silly robot named Robo. It had funny dance moves and told jokes. At the talent show, Robo performed, and everyone laughed and clapped. Leo and Robo won the “Most Entertaining” award.

The Enchanted Book

In the dusty attic, Emma found an old, dusty book. As she opened it, she was transported to a magical land. In the land of dragons and fairies, she went on thrilling adventures. Each time she read the book, a new enchanting story unfolded.

The Curious Squirrel

Sam watched a curious squirrel in the park. It hopped from tree to tree, searching for acorns. Sam decided to leave some nuts nearby. The squirrel was delighted and even posed for a photo!

The Superhero Costume

At the costume party, Lily wore her homemade superhero costume. She was “Super Star,” who could fly and shoot starlight. When her friends needed help finding lost toys, Lily saved the day with her special powers.

The Talking Painting

In Grandma’s house, there was a mysterious painting. One day, the subjects in the painting started talking to Tim. They told tales of their time, and Tim learned about history through the talking painting.

The Rainbow Race

On a rainy day, Ben saw a rainbow in the sky. He imagined racing the colors, and the rainbow turned into a colorful track. Ben raced the rainbow, reaching the pot of gold at the end – his imagination!

Someone is standing holding a book open.  You just see two hands holding the book.

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Final Thoughts

Please practice fluency with your students this school year. Have them read a reading passage every day.

It is the best way to improve oral fluency skills and reading comprehension skills. It will even help your struggling readers become more fluent readers.

Let me know in the comments if you’d like more fluency resources or passages . Happy teaching !

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Children's Reading Resource | Pre-K - 3rd Grade | Home Reading Helper | Read Charlotte

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Children's Reading Resource | Pre-K - 3rd Grade | Home Reading Helper

  • Third Grade

Third Grade Reading Skills | Fluency

Connection to reading.

Children who can read accurately, quickly and with expression will have an easier time understanding what they read because they won’t be stuck on sounding out words. Building fluency is like building a muscle, it takes practice by doing repeated readings to get stronger and faster. Fluency also improves comprehension by adding expression and appropriate phrasing. Children will love to hear how their fluency breathes life into a story they read aloud!

Children's Reading Resource | Pre-K - 3rd Grade | Home Reading Helper

The goal for the beginning of 3rd grade is that children can read 80-90 words a minute. By the end of the year they will build up to reading 120 words a minute. Fluency also means the reader can  read the same way as they talk, using expression and changing their voice to reflect what is happening in the story. Along with reading smoothly, fluency helps children better understand the story.

Just like in 2nd grade, the teacher will give “timed reading passages,” where students will read a story and be timed for one minute to keep track of how many words they can read.

  • By December , 2nd graders should read 100 words correct per minute (WCPM).
  • By May , students should be reading 120 words correct per minute.

Children's Reading Resource | Pre-K - 3rd Grade | Home Reading Helper

Help Your Child Sound Out a Tough Word

How to coach your child to read fluently, what is reading fluency, can your child correct themselves when reading, what does this word mean helping a kindergartner learn new vocabulary, when your child is stuck: should i tell them the word, have you heard of helps, expand their vocabulary: tackling a word your 3rd grader doesn’t know, i’m worried about my child’s reading – what do i do.

Children's Reading Resource | Pre-K - 3rd Grade | Home Reading Helper


Read aloud to your child every day.

Your child needs a model of reading fluency. They begin to develop their own fluency when they can hear how you change your expression throughout a story and read with ease. Tell them how you raise your voice at the end of question sentence ( “Do you like eating broccoli?” ) or how you change your voice for different characters ( “This character is really afraid, so I’m going to make my voice shaky when I read his words.” ) Have them match your expressions and speed after you demonstrate.

Read Books on the Right Level

At all costs, we must prevent children from experiencing frustration as they try to read. This means finding a book that they are able to read comfortably and offers only a slight challenge. Meaning, they can comfortably read 90% of the words they see.

Give Feedback: No Robot Reading

When children get in the swing of reading, they still are reading word-by-word and decoding more quickly but still don’t know how to craft their voice into a story that is pleasing to hear. Tell your child that you are going to work hard to break the habit of “Robot Reading”. Demonstrate how a robot would read a sentence from their favorite book. Now have them read the sentence and ask them how they can make it sound better. The most helpful thing you can do for your child is to pinpoint where they need help and help them fix it. ( “I noticed that when there is a period at the end of the sentence you forget to stop before starting the next sentence. Let’s try that together and pause when we see a period so we can hear how a sentence should end .”)

Repeat a Sentence Until It Sounds JUST Right:

Research has shown that as soon as children show the ability to decode (sound out) words, they must practice re-reading sentences to get their expression to “sound like talking” and make a sentence come to life.

Pick a sentence from a book that is on your child’s reading level and have them read it out loud. If they skip a word or mispronounce have them read the sentence again. Read it again for a third time. This activity, in less than five minutes, shows your child that they have the power and control over how the story sounds!

Chorus Read

A chorus read is when you and your child read at the same time, like how singers sing in a chorus! Pick a paragraph in a story and let your child get practice in reading fluently with you.

Echo Reading

While reading a book to your child, have them repeat a sentence from the story after you have read it. Let them practice making their voice sound natural and changing the tone as the sentence ends. If a character in the story speaks, model how they talk, then have your child repeat after you.

Practice a Poem Over and Over

Have your child re-read their favorite poem each night. Doing repeated readings of your child’s favorite poems will help them control their voice, tempo and expression. Even after 40 years, Shel Silverstein’s Where the Sidewalk Ends still delights and captivates children.

Performance Reading

Do your own at home “reader’s theatre”. Using any picture or chapter book, have your child read it as though it was a performance, acting out each page from the story. Let them pretend to use a microphone like they’re on stage or as if they were an actor in a movie.

Listen to an Audiobook and Follow Along

Captivate your child’s attention by listening to an author read a story with rich expression. If your child has a chapter book, find the audio version so they can hear it being read.  

Have your child tell you why they enjoy listening to a “storyteller” (someone who uses expression and reads like they talk)  instead of a “robot” (reading word by word slowly).

NC Kids Digital Library (Free, requires library card number)

E-books, audiobooks, streaming videos, and Read-Alongs.  This collection was specifically designed for youth ages pre-K through 4 th grade and includes picture books, youth fiction, youth nonfiction, and more.  

Libby, by Overdrive (Free app for iPhones and iPads, Google Play, or Windows Mobile)

This app can be used on your phone or tablet to access the NC Kids Digital Library.

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Timed Fluency Passages (Scroll Down for Grade 3)

These are sample 3rd grade reading passages that are used for timed reading to show parents how their child is tested. A teacher would select a passage based on your child’s reading level and have the student do a “cold read,” meaning the student has never read or practiced the passage before. Once the student begins, they are timed for one minute and the teacher follows along on a copy of the same passage. The teacher notes the places where your child skipped words or misread. After the minute stops, the child stops reading and the teacher counts the number of words read correctly. Students are typically tested three times throughout the year.

Children's Reading Resource | Pre-K - 3rd Grade | Home Reading Helper

Use phonics games to help build kids’  “decoding” or sounding out skills. This will make your child a stronger and faster reader. Spelling Bees Practice Spelling with Vowels Spelling Practice Contraction Action

Starfall – I’m Reading Activities

Starfall Phonics Activities (Review for Struggling Readers)

Voice Memo app

Using the free Voice Memo app available on most phones, let your child record themselves reading. They could pretend to be reporters!  Listen to the recording – give your child corrective feedback and guidance about how they can drop their voice at the end of a sentence or raise their voice at the end of a question. Have them practice phrasing or emphasizing a single word to give the sentence a powerful effect. (“Did you KNOW that tornadoes could tear the roof off of your house?)


Children's Reading Resource | Pre-K - 3rd Grade | Home Reading Helper

Home Reading Helper is a resource for parents to elevate children’s reading at home provided by Read Charlotte . 

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Free Printable Reading Fluency Worksheets for 3rd Grade

Reading Fluency: Discover a collection of free printable worksheets for Grade 3 Reading & Writing teachers, designed to enhance students' reading comprehension and writing skills. Explore now!


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Explore printable Reading Fluency worksheets for 3rd Grade

Reading Fluency worksheets for Grade 3 are essential tools for teachers to help their students develop strong reading and writing skills. These worksheets focus on various aspects of reading, such as decoding words, understanding context clues, and identifying the main idea. By incorporating Reading Comprehension Strategies, teachers can effectively guide their students towards becoming proficient readers. Grade 3 students will benefit from engaging and interactive activities that not only improve their reading fluency but also enhance their comprehension and critical thinking skills. Teachers can find a wide variety of Reading Fluency worksheets for Grade 3 online, catering to different learning styles and catering to the diverse needs of their students.

Quizizz is an excellent platform for teachers to access Reading Fluency worksheets for Grade 3, as well as other resources to enhance their students' Reading & Writing abilities. This platform offers a vast collection of worksheets, quizzes, and interactive games that focus on various aspects of reading, such as vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension. Teachers can also utilize Quizizz to track their students' progress and identify areas where they may need additional support. By incorporating Reading Comprehension Strategies and engaging activities from Quizizz, teachers can create a comprehensive and effective learning experience for their Grade 3 students. With Quizizz, teachers have access to a wealth of resources that can help them develop well-rounded readers and writers, setting their students up for success in their academic journey.

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3rd Grade Reading Fluency Passages: Free Resources And Activity Ideas

December 18, 2023 //  by  Kellie Tanner

Building fluency is a critical component of the third grade reading curriculum. It is also a skill crucial to your child's overall academic success. For students to be able to successfully comprehend what they are reading, they must be able to read fluently. Repeated reading and daily practice can help your 3rd grader improve reading fluency.

To help your 3rd grader develop increased fluency and comprehension skills , we have composed a list of ten 3rd grade reading fluency passages that will assist in planning reading lessons. Use this list to help your 3rd graders become awesome readers!

1. Reading Fluency Passages With Comprehension Question

Build 3rd grade students' reading fluency and comprehension with these 30 passages that are available to be printed or used digitally with Google Classroom. This set contains 15 nonfiction passages and 15 fiction passages. You can also use the included comprehension questions to check students' understanding of the text after they read it. Parents will benefit from this kit too because there is a weekly reading log where parents can record their child's reading fluency practice at home.

Learn more: Teachers Pay Teachers

2. Fluency Intervention Binders

This is a great resource for fluency practice! These binders begin with activities that focus on sight words and then progress toward reading phrases and short stories. These activities also include comprehension questions, so the students develop an understanding of what they have read. These fluency intervention binders can be used for reading intervention, literacy centers , or regular classroom instruction.

Learn more: Conversations in Literacy

3. Fluency Check

To improve student fluency, 3rd grade students must read a passage several times. These Fluency Check passages are free and perfect for increasing reading fluency. The passages are available in two formats. The half-page reading passages are printed on card stock and include the word count. These are perfect for partner readings or quick individual assessments. The whole page reading passages include reading comprehension questions and are great for independent reading or homework assignments.

Learn more: Teach 123 School

4. 3rd Grade Fluency Passages for January 

These 3rd grade reading fluency worksheets are a terrific January-themed resource. This inexpensive fluency bundle includes 10 passages, an accountability graph, comprehension questions, word counts, and an answer key. Your 3rd graders will enjoy these January-themed fluency passages. Get your passages for your classroom today!

Learn more: Education to the Core

5. Reading Passages With Comprehension Questions

Have you been struggling to find high-interest, non-fiction reading passages for your 3rd graders? These free passages are excellent for quick reading checks with your students.  Each non-fiction 3rd grade fluency passage includes 3 reading comprehension questions. Kids love these reading passages because they are fun, interesting, and engaging for them. They also learn some great facts!

Learn more: Classroom Freebies

6. Poetry/Choral Reading

It is crucial that you have your 3rd grade students read aloud with a well-paced and expressive model of reading fluency. Using poetry in the classroom is a terrific way to incorporate choral reading activities which gives them a wonderful opportunity to practice reading fluency and expression. You should display a copy of the poem for all students to see, or you can give each student a copy. Hundreds of books of poetry are available, and Caroline Kennedy's Poems to Learn by Heart is a favorite book to use with 3rd graders.

7. Fluency Pockets 

Fluency resources and practice should be an important part of the daily reading instruction in 3rd grade. Students must be exposed to practicing fluency of phrases, sight words , passages, and fluency trackers. One great way to cover these areas is to implement an interactive reading notebook for daily fluency practice that includes helpful word lists, phrase lists, reading passages, and running assessment records.

Learn more: Having Class in Third

8. Fluency Progress Monitoring

These progress monitoring fluency passages assist teachers as they track and assess reading fluency and growth. This helpful teaching resource includes 20 reading passages that are available in a printable version as well as a Google Slides version for virtual learning . They also include reading comprehension questions to check for student understanding.

Learn more: Magicore Learning

9. Differentiated Fluency for Thirds

These differentiated fluency passages are excellent for 3rd grade classrooms . These 9 passages are differentiated as well as aligned to the Common Core Standards. Each passage contains a grid for logging words correctly read per minute. A teacher or parent can easily do this while the child is practicing oral fluency. There are also written and oral comprehension questions to check for understanding of the passage. Students love these high-interest and engaging topics!

10. Reading Comprehension and Fluency Passages

This reading fluency resource includes 20 short and interesting reading passages for students. These passages are created to improve reading fluency and comprehension. They focus on many skills that are sure to make learning much more engaging and fun. Students are required to read the passages 3 times each - choral reading, partner reading, and independent reading. They will then answer the included comprehension questions. These passages are terrific for reading practice, classwork, or homework!

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