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diocese of raleigh priest assignments 2022

Bishop announces 2022 pastoral appointments

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Bishop makes parish appointments for 2023

Bishop Salvatore R. Matano has announced the following priest-personnel assignments, which become effective June 28, 2022, unless otherwise noted:

Father Augustine Chumo renewed for a second six-year term as pastor, Immaculate Conception, Ithaca.

Father Simon Atta Denchira from the Diocese of Obuasi, Ghana, to parochial vicar, St. Louis, Pittsford.

Father Michael G. Fowler renewed for a second six-year term as pastor, St. Agnes, Avon; St. Paul of the Cross, Honeoye Falls; and St. Rose, Lima.

Father Joseph W. Marcoux to continue as pastor, St. Catherine of Siena, Ithaca, after completing his second six-year term.

Father Michael A. Mayer from parochial vicar, Blessed Sacrament, St. Mary and St. Boniface, Rochester, to parochial vicar, St. Marianne Cope Parish, Henrietta.

Father Malachy Nwosu from parochial vicar, St. Marianne Cope, Henrietta, to parochial administrator, St. Christopher, North Chili.

Father John Orenge Omboga from the Diocese of Ngong, Kenya, to parochial vicar, Blessed Sacrament, St. Mary and St. Boniface, Rochester.

Father Michael G. Upson from parochial administrator, St. Christopher, North Chili, to senior status.

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Diocesan Memorandum

September, 2024 | vol. 58, no. 9 | prot. no. c-34/2024.

The Diocesan Memorandum ( formerly the Clergy Memorandum ) is a service of the Office of the Chancellor for clergy and lay leadership of the Diocese of Cleveland, providing a summary of relevant and timely information from the Office of the Bishop and other diocesan offices.


Office for worship.

OCIA Workshops The upcoming publication of the revised edition of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults offers an opportunity to renew our celebration and pastoral practice of this process. Register for the 3-part series of workshops by clicking here .

Formation for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Formation sessions for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion will be offered this fall:

  • Sunday, September 15, 2024 from 2-4:30pm at Archbishop Hoban High School, Akron
  • Monday, September 16, 2024 from 7-9:30pm at St. Mary Parish, Chardon
  • Sunday, September 22, 2024 from 2:-4:30pm at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, South Euclid
  • Thursday, September 26, 2024 from 7-9:30pm at Ss. Peter and Paul Parish, Doylestown
  • Sunday, September 29, 2024 from 2:-4:30pm at Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, Grafton
  • Sunday, October 6, 2024 from 2:-4:30pm at St. Raphael Parish, Bay Village
  • Tuesday, October 15, 2024 from 7-9:30pm at St. Hilary Parish, Fairlawn
  • Sunday, October 20, 2024 from 2:-4:30pm at Holy Family Parish, Stow
  • Thursday, October 24, 2024 from 7-9:30pm at Holy Martyrs Parish, Medina
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024 from 2:-4:30pm at Holy Spirit Parish, Garfield Heights
  • Wednesday, November 6, 2024 from 7-9:30pm at St. Albert the Great Parish, North Royalton
  • Monday, November 18, 2024 from 7-9:30pm atResurrection Parish, Solon

An additional session in Spanish will be scheduled in November. A memo with the registration link has been sent to parishes and campus ministers.

FDLC Study Day 10/2/24 The Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions national meeting will be held in Pittsburgh, October 1-3. Click here for the brochure.

ILP Choral Reading Session 10/7/24 John Angotti, Associate Publisher of International Liturgy Publications, will offer a choral reading session for music directors on Monday, October 7, 2024 in Sacred Heart Chapel at the Center for Pastoral Leadership. In this Choral Reading Session, the director of music for each attending parish will receive a complimentary packet of resources for every season and Sacrament, as well as psalmody, propers and service music. Refreshments and fellowship will follow in Founder’s Hall. There is no cost to participate, but registration is requested. Click here to register.

October 2024 Liturgical Calendar:

October 4 is the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. On or near the day, the community or a household may join in the blessing of pets and other animals. For the order of Blessing of Animals , see Book of Blessings , #942-965 or Household Book of Blessings , #154-157.

October 18 is the Feast of St. Luke the Evangelist. A Health Care Mass may be celebrated on or near the day to honor doctors, nurses, medical technicians, hospital administrators, and emergency personnel in appreciation for their services. The suggested Mass formulary, when permitted, is For Giving Thanks to God, #49B.

October 20 , is World Mission Sunday . Communities are encouraged to assist in the mission of the Church in spreading the gospel. The Mass for The Evangelization of Peoples (#18A, alt: B) may be used as found in the Roman Missal. See the note in the Ordo for readings.


August 2024 Announcements

Rev. Timothy J. O’Connor has been appointed Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus Holy Family Council 4891 effective immediately. His assignment as Pastor, St. Joseph Parish, Amherst and Pastor, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Amherst remains unchanged.

Rev. Matthew E. Pfeiffer has been appointed Chaplain of Courage International Cleveland effective 15 January 2025. His assignment as Pastor, St. Paul Parish, Akron remains unchanged.

Deacon Thomas P. Bizon has been transferred from Permanent Deacon, Mary, Queen of Apostles Parish, Brook Park to Permanent Deacon, St. Luke Parish, St. Clement Parish and St. James Parish in Lakewood effective 1 August 2024.

Deacon John Burke, Jr. , St. Bede the Venerable Parish, Mentor diaconal assignment has been concluded and has been granted retirement status effective 18 August 2024.

Deacon Mark A. Cunningham , St. Bernadette Parish, Westlake diaconal assignment has been concluded and has been granted retirement status effective 31 May 2025.


Angel Scholarship Fund- ASF Video Production Opportunity Help us to help you provide tuition assistance for students in our 107 excellent Catholic Schools. The Angel Scholarship Fund continues to grow, with more than 7,500 supporters of Catholic education taking advantage of the state’s scholarship tax credit program since 2022. The Catholic Community Foundation is pleased to once again sponsor two ASF Video Production days. All parishes and schools are encouraged to participate in this opportunity to collaborate with Shape Cleveland on the production of a promotional video that shines a light on this wonderful program. Your video will feature local people, staff, and students from your community, and is a great way to illustrate the positive impact that ASF is making for each of our schools. Filming will take place at Shape Cleveland in the Ohio City area on September 12th and 18th. Click here to schedule a time, or contact Kaitlyn Novicky , 216-696-6525, ext. 1680 for more information.

2024 Catholic Charities Appeal: Transformed by your love . Catholic Charities continues its work on the front lines to serve the growing number of individuals and families most in need. As of July 31st, more than 31,000 faithful donors from across the diocese have pledged more than $13.1 million to the 2024 Appeal.  

Donor Advised Funds Would you like to streamline your charitable giving? A donor advised fund, also known as a “charitable checkbook,” is easy to set up and can offer immediate tax benefits while simplifying your yearly charitable giving, including your generous gifts to <>. Donor advised funds with the Catholic Community Foundation grow tax-free, have low fees, and are invested in accordance with Church teaching. To learn more, please contact Moira Wopershall at 216-696-6525 x8070 or visit .

Professional Advisors’ Seminar Join fellow professional advisors from the legal, tax, trust, insurance, and wealth management disciplines on Thursday, September 26th (12:15-4:30 p.m. followed by cocktails/networking) at the Diocesan offices 1404 E. Ninth St. Seminar topics include estate planning for a family member with a disability, uses of insurance products for charitable giving, and retirement plan distributions. Continuing education credit available. $50 registration; $25 for Catholic Lawyers Guild members. Click here for details and to register or contact Jessica DiSalvatore at 216-696-6525 x4080.

Women’s Giving Circle – Join us! Are you looking for a way to make a meaningful impact? Do you want to connect with other women of faith who share your values? The Catholic Community Foundation's Women's Giving Circle might be just what you've been searching for! 

Our members gather throughout the year to learn about Catholic and other causes, pool their resources and collectively decide which organizations to support. We invite you to join us for our fall Women’s Giving Circle Sip & Learn event at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 17, 2024, at St. Basil the Great Parish in Brecksville, OH. Enjoy an evening of wine, cheese, and meaningful conversation as women from across the diocese explore the difference the Women’s Giving Circle is making in our community. Bring a friend, be inspired, and discover how you can join other women of faith in making a lasting impact!

For more information and to RSVP for the October 17 event, please visit:  or contact Mary Lou Ozimek at 216-696-6525 x4070.

**Please  include this graphic  in your parish bulletin.


Update Expiration Date for I-9 Form U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has extended the expiration date for Form I-9, which is used for employment eligibility verification, to May 31, 2027.

The form, which can be  downloaded here , has a version date of Aug. 1, 2023. Depending on when it was accessed, the form may have an expiration date of either July 31, 2026, or the newly extended May 31, 2027. Both iterations of the form are acceptable for use until July 31, 2026, USCIS said. But the agency is recommending employers use the form with the 2027 expiration date.

Contact Human Resources with any questions.


Initiatives, office for human life.

Every October, we celebrate Respect Life Month . We consider more deeply why every human life is valuable and reflect on how to build a culture that protects life from conception to natural death. Click the link for details: Respect Life Month: “I Came So That They Might Have Life”

Zelie’s Home , which provides shelter and support to pregnant and parenting women in need, invites parishes to join the "baby bottle drive" this October . They will supply baby bottles for parishioners to fill with donations and handle all the coordination to make the drive simple and efficient. To participate or for questions, please contact Erin Hathaway, Executive Director, Zelie’s Home at [email protected] or call (216) 307-1106.

Office of Youth Ministry

CLE 2:16 Ticket sales open September 1. Now is the time to buy tickets for your group to attend our diocesan youth conference for high school teens. Event date: January 4, 2025 at John Carroll University  

Lay Ecclesial Ministry Office Redeeming Conflict with Reverence for the Other… and Self Saturday, September 14th, 10:00 - 2:00 p.m. | Center for Pastoral Leadership, Founders Hall Speaking out of her own experience as a lay minister and conflict mediator, Ann Garrido will share a framework for analyzing the ordinary tensions of working in a parish and concrete practices to constructively engage the tough conversations that need to be had with reverence. Register by September 9.  

Office of Youth Ministry Pastor & Youth Minister Gathering Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 10:00am - 2:00pm | Cathedral Square Plaza, Cleveland All priests, deacons, youth & campus ministers, and principals are invited. Keynote speakers: Bishop Malesic and Aaron Richards, Co-Founder of Damascus Catholic Mission Campus Register by September 10. 

Office of Young Adult Ministry Theology on Tap West: Identity. Community. Mission. Tuesday, September 17, 7:00-9:00pm | Forest City Brewery, Cleveland 

Office for Human Life Birthright Lake, Inc. Bundle of Joy Brunch Sunday, September 22, 2024, 11:00am -3:00pm | Mentor Harbor Yachting Club, Mentor Click here to purchase tickets

Office of Youth Ministry First Things in Youth Ministry Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 10:00am - 4:00pm | Cathedral Square Plaza, Cleveland This Orientation Day is the beginning of the First Things in Youth Ministry Cohort. It is designed for those who have been doing youth ministry for 3 years or less - or those who would like a refresher on the basics. Register by September 18. 

Office of Young Adult Ministry Theology on Tap East: Being Chosen – Our Experience on the Set of The Chosen Wednesday, September 25, 7:00-9:00pm | Bar Louie, Lyndhurst 

Office of Marriage & Family Ministry Lesson from the Carpenter’s Workshop: Father and Son Retreat Saturday, September 28, 9:30am-4:30pm | St. Ladislas, Westlake Cost: $20 per person, lunch and snacks included.

Office for Human Life The Ohio March for Life October 4, 2024 | Columbus, OH 

O ffice of Hispanic Ministry Celebración de FE Y CULTURA | La Santidad de la Familia Celebration of Faith & Culture 5 octubre 2024, 7pm | Iglesia de San Miguel Arcángel, Cleveland Invitamos a toda la comunidad Hispana de Cleveland a celebrar juntos nuestra bella identidad como un solo Pueblo de Dios. Celebrante Principal: Reverendísimo Edward C. Malesic 

Office for Human Life Called by Name: A Weekend Healing Retreat October 25-27, 2024 | Loyola Retreat House, Clinton Women suffering after an abortion are invited to a confidential, private healing retreat. Encounter the transforming presence of God's grace and mercy through the sacraments, scripture, and prayer. For more information, click the link to the Office For Human Life page Or contact The Community of Jesus, the Living Mercy, at 1-800-482-4100 or email [email protected] .


[Please visit our website for the most updated schedule of events.]

National Day of Remembrance | Saturday, September 14, 2024 National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children - Solemn prayer service, hymns, scripture readings, and reflections by local leaders to honor the memory of the more than 50 million unborn victims of abortion. Simultaneous prayer services will be held at gravesites around the country where abortion victims have been buried, as well as at many other memorial sites dedicated in their honor.

Right to Life of Northeast Ohio : 1:00pm – 2:00pm | ON-SITE memorial service at Holy Cross Cemetery, Akron OH, Address: 100 E. Waterloo Road, Akron, OH 44319 | Visit (Events) or call Sarah McGervey 234-334-0088 for details.

Medina County Right to Life : 11:00am – 12:00pm | ON SITE memorial service at Resurrection Cemetery, Address: 6303 Center Road, Valley City, OH 44280 | Contact [email protected] or call Trish Shaw 330-667-0750 for details.

For more event information please visit:

Catholic Cemeteries Annual Walk to Remember | October 6, 2024 1 – 2 PM During October, the month of the Most Holy Rosary, Catholic Cemeteries Association invites families to participate in a half-mile walking Rosary in honor of departed loved ones. We walk, we pray, we sing, and we remember. For those who cannot walk, or in case of rain, the Rosary will be prayed in the mausoleum or in the cemetery office. At the end of the Rosary, there is a brief candle-lighting ceremony in remembrance of our dearly departed. This is a great communal prayer opportunity for families and for Rosary Prayer organizations in your parish. Whether walking or not, you can also honor your departed loved ones by adding their names to our online “In Remembrance” Memorial Wall. Submit names by September 30th to be included for the month of October. Pre-Register and/or submit Remembrance Names by phone , email , US mail (return form at bottom of flyer), or online . Onsite registration is available the morning of the Walk.

Walk to Remember locations:

  • All Saints Cemetery | 480 W. Highland Road, Northfield OH | Starts at Nativity Mausoleum;
  • All Souls Cemetery | 10366 Chardon Road, Chardon | Starts at Mary Queen of Peace Mausoleum;
  • Calvary Cemetery | 10000 Miles Avenue, Cleveland | Starts at Main Office;
  • Holy Cross Cemetery | 100 E Waterloo Road, Akron | Starts at Sacred Heart Mausoleum;
  • Holy Cross Cemetery | 14609 Brookpark Road, Brook Park | Starts at St. Jude Mausoleum;
  • Resurrection Cemetery | 6303 Center Road (Rt. 303) Valley City | Starts at Main Office;
  • St. Joseph Cemetery | 32789 Detroit Road, Avon | Starts at St. Joseph Mausoleum;


First Friday Club of Cleveland Fr. Larry Richards, speaking on: What Does it Mean to be a Disciple | Thursday, September 5, 2024 | Borromeo/Saint Mary Seminary, 28700 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OH 44092 | Registration and more information can found here .

First Friday Club of Greater Akron Ron Nowak, High School Youth and Young Adult Minister St. Mary's Hudson, speaking on: Cracking the code for keeping our youth in the Church | Friday, September 6, 2024 | Our Lady of Cedars, 507 South Cleveland Massillon Road, Fairlawn, OH 44333 | Registration and more information here .

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Annual Blanket Sunday Appeal | October 12-13, 2024 The 38th Annual Blanket Sunday in-parish appeal kicks off the weekend of October 12-13, 2024. Last year, funds from the appeal were used to purchase nearly 5,000 new winter blankets that were provided to unhoused neighbors, in addition to beds and other necessities for low-income individuals and families throughout Northeast Ohio. The need is great and donations can be made securely online:

Checks may also be mailed to: St. Vincent de Paul Society Blanket Sunday, 1404 East 9th Street-3rd Floor, Cleveland, OH 44114. Thank you for helping us ‘blanket’ neighbors in warmth and compassion.

Submissions for the next Memorandum should be made to Ann Marie Perkins by the 15th of the preceding month. Guidelines for submissions are available here

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2022 priest assignments announced

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CHARLOTTE — Bishop Peter Jugis announces the following priest assignments, effective July 12 unless otherwise noted:

• Newly ordained Father Darren Balkey is assigned as parochial vicar at St. Leo the Great Catholic Church in Winston-Salem.

• Father Jason Barone , parochial administrator of St. Jude Catholic Church in Sapphire, is assigned as pastor as of July 5 to coincide with St. Jude being elevated from a mission of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Brevard to a parish in the Diocese of Charlotte.

• Father Matthew Bean , parochial vicar at St. Mark Catholic Church, is assigned as parochial vicar at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Hendersonville.

• Father Walner D. Diaz, C.M. , as parochial vicar at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church in Charlotte. Vincentian Father Diaz was ordained June 4 in Philadelphia by his order, the Eastern Province of the Congregation of the Mission, and he began his ministry at the Charlotte parish on June 20.

• Father Enrique González-Gaytan , who has been on sabbatical, has been assigned as parochial vicar to St. Vincent de Paul Church in Charlotte as of July 12. He is replacing Father Francis Raji , M.S.P., who is being reassigned by his order as of July 31.

• Newly ordained Father Aaron Huber is assigned as parochial vicar at St. Mark Catholic Church in Huntersville.

• Father Baiju Paul Puthussery, OSFS, is assigned to serve at Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church in High Point, effective upon his arrival (expected fall of 2022).

— Catholic News Herald

072222 FrG

diocese of raleigh priest assignments 2022

Priest Assignments Announced as Part of Beacons of Light

The assignment plan for the priests in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati is complete. The complete list of assignments is available at Assignments include the pastors and parochial vicars for the Families of Parishes that were announced in December 2021.  The priest assignments will take effect July 1, 2022, upon the implementation of Families of Parishes.

This announcement is the culmination of the Priests’ Personnel Board’s many months of discernment and work. This process included input from each priest regarding his own desires, skills and (where applicable) retirement plans; an assessment of each Family of Parishes and its priest staffing and pastoral leadership needs; and a prayerful determination of best fit between priest candidates and the various Families. Recommended assignments were then submitted to Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr for his evaluation and acceptance. Regarding those Families of Parishes to be staffed by religious order priests, each order followed its own internal discernment process in recommending their priest(s). These recommendations were accepted by Archbishop Schnurr.

The assignments announcement aids leaders who are preparing for the implementation of Families of Parishes.  The first six months of 2022 is a preparatory period with trainings, workshops, and resources for priests, deacons and parish staffs. Some of this work has included:

  • Beacons Roundtable Meetings: Monthly webinar series for parish leaders across the archdiocese that includes an overview of the Pastoral Planning Pathway and presentations on the Guiding Principles.
  • Pastoral Planning Pathway: Fleshing out the five phases of the six principles that will guide each Family of Parishes on the path to becoming an evangelizing Beacon of Light. This work includes building a digital platform to assist Families of Parishes in the work of each phase of Beacons of Light. This platform will be aimed at assisting Families in creating their individual pastoral plans
  • Liaisons: Identifying and training “liaisons” who are faithful Catholics with organizational leadership experience – who will work to assist Families of Parishes in their pastoral planning.
  • Priest Formation & Training: Three important in-person conferences are planned for priests: Dan Cellucci, Executive Director of the Catholic Leadership Institute, will speak about priestly ministry and parish life in a time of chaos; Father Donald Senior will speak on the role of administrative services in priestly life; and Father James Mallon will speak on the Divine Renovation process.
  • Lay Parish Leaders Formation & Training: Events planned in the spring for lay parish leaders, include a building skills workshop and a one-day retreat offered in four different locations around the archdiocese.
  • Journeying Together Study Guide and Videos: These resources will help parish teams understand and reflect on the theological foundations of Beacons of Light.

More information about Beacons of Light, including frequently asked questions and downloadable resources are available at A review of information from previous press releases regarding Beacons of Light:

Why is Beacons of Light happening?

  • The status quo is no longer an option. At this point a comprehensive pastoral planning process is a necessity in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati to garner stability and position the diocese for growth.
  • Our resources are largely consumed by efforts to maintain the status quo and are spread too thin to be truly effective. In particular, our priests are stretched to the limit, and we will have fewer priests who can serve as pastors over the coming years. The number of archdiocesan priests available for assignment is projected to decline by approximately 20% over the next five years.
  • Religious practice has been declining in both the United States and in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. From 2010 to 2019, sacramental practice (including baptisms, first communions, confirmations and weddings) in the archdiocese declined by 23%.
  • Our current infrastructure and schedules were built for a different era. In many cases, our church buildings are grossly underutilized. In the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, the average Sunday Mass is about one-third full.

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati is the 44 th largest Catholic diocese in the country, with more than 450,000 Catholics, and has the fifth largest Catholic school system in terms of enrollment with more than 40,000 students.  The 19-county territory includes 211 parishes and 111 Catholic primary and secondary schools.

Recent News & Announcements

diocese of raleigh priest assignments 2022

Archbishop Schnurr Statement on the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics

Letter from archbishop schnurr to st. susanna parish.

diocese of raleigh priest assignments 2022

Deacon William (Bill) Saluke

diocese of raleigh priest assignments 2022

100 East Eighth Street Cincinnati, OH 45202 USA (513) 421-3131

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diocese of raleigh priest assignments 2022

For Parishes

  • Holy Hours for Vocations.  Have a special Holy Hour to pray for priestly and religious vocations. More information is available here.
  • Rosary for Vocations.  During the rosary mention candidates by name.  Vocations Rosary – Luminous Mysteries
  • Vocation Prayer distribution.  Vocation prayer card given to parishioners on World Day of Prayer for Vocations or during National Vocation Awareness Week.
  • Eucharistic Procession for Vocations.  On the Feast of Corpus Christi, consider dedicating your Eucharistic procession to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
  • Workshops for Altar Servers.  Teach altar servers about vocational discernment.
  • Parish Discernment Groups.  Small groups of boys or girls led by parish priest or sister, with help from parents, to help them understand vocations.  Consider the Melchizedek Project
  • Collaboration with Boy Scout Troops.  Scouting has long been a friend of vocation promotions. There is even a special camp at Philmont for boys considering the priesthood.
  • Attend ordinations.  Coordinate for confirmation students or youth groups to attend an ordination
  • Traveling Crucifix or Chalice.  In this popular program, a crucifix or chalice is brought home by a different family each week. It is kept in a special place by the family, who prays each day for more vocations.


  • Vocations library.  Keep a special corner of the vestibule stocked with vocation-related materials.
  • Poster/coloring/ essay/video contests.  Organize a contest with a vocations theme for students.
  • Vocation stories.  Invite priests to tell their vocation stories at parish events.
  • Web page.  Create a page on your parish website with vocation information.


  • Celebrate ordination anniversaries.  Honor parish priests and celebrate within the parish and school.
  • Support our seminarians.  Send greeting cards to each seminarian at the beginning of a new semester, holidays, exam times, birthdays, ordinations, etc.
  • Director of Vocations.  Invite the Director of Vocations to the parish for a weekend, for Mass and a meal with parish families.  Contact the Office of Vocations  for availability.

For Parents

Vocation Mythbusters for Parents

7 Ways Families Can Foster Vocations

Holy Hour for Vocations

For Schools

Use the following resources to help inspire vocations in your family..

For Schools

Holy Hour For Vocations

7 Ways Families Can Promote Vocations

7 Ways Families Can Promote Vocations

Vocation Mythbusters For Parents

Vocation Mythbusters For Parents

For Parents


Priestly ministry appointments and announcements


Most Reverend Luis Rafael Zarama, Bishop of Raleigh, is pleased to convey the following official appointments and announcements regarding priestly ministry in the Diocese of Raleigh.

Effective June 25, 2019

Reverend Noe Ramirez de Paz, ordained priest on June 8, 2019, is appointed Parochial Vicar at Saint Michael the Archangel Parish in Cary.

Effective July 1, 2019

Reverend Joshua West, L.C., a priest of the Legionaries of Christ, is appointed Priest Chaplain at The Doggett Center for Catholic Campus Ministry at North Carolina State University, with temporary residence at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral rectory in Raleigh.

Effective July 20, 2019

Reverend Peter Devereux, L.C., a priest of the Legionaries of Christ, is appointed Associate Chaplain at The Doggett Center for Catholic Campus Ministry at North Carolina State University, with temporary residence at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral rectory in Raleigh. In addition to this part-time appointment, Father Devereux, L.C., will continue his ministry with the Regnum Christi members in the region.


Sincere appreciation is extended to Reverend Aaron Wessman, G.H.M., for his priestly ministry as Administrator of Holy Spirit Parish in Windsor and Saint Joan of Arc Parish in Plymouth. Father Wessman has been elected as the first Vice- President of the Glenmary Home Missioners by their Executive Council.

Reverend John Brown, G.H.M., Pastor of Holy Trinity Parish, Williamston is additionally appointed Administrator of Holy Spirit Parish in Windsor and Saint Joan of Arc Parish in Plymouth, effective July 5, 2019 until a priestly assignment to both parishes can be made by the Glenmary Home Missioners, anticipated in mid- September 2019. Assisting in priestly ministry coverage to these parishes on an interim basis will be Reverend Dominic Duggins, G.H.M., from July 12-29, 2019 and Reverend Vince Burns, G.H.M., from August 2 – September 20, 2019.

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diocese of raleigh priest assignments 2022

Diocese Welcomes Four New Seminarians

diocese of raleigh priest assignments 2022

Four new seminarians for the Diocese of Allentown have begun their studies at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary near Philadelphia.

With the new additions, there are now 16 men in various stages of formation for the priesthood in our Diocese.

Seminary studies typically take eight years. Seminarians earn a Bachelor’s degree in their first four years, which is the College part of the program, and then go on for four more years of graduate studies in Theology. If a seminarian has completed a college degree before entering, he may require up to two years of Pre-Theology before entering the four-year Theology program.

diocese of raleigh priest assignments 2022

Nikolai Brelinsky

Dominic Civitella

Chuan (Justin) Trinh

Nikolai Brelinsky , 23, graduated from the College Division of St. Charles as a seminarian for the Diocese of Raleigh, N.C., after which he took a year off for further discernment. This year, he began his Theology Studies as a seminarian for the Diocese of Allentown. His home parish is Holy Guardian Angels, Reading.

Dominic Civitella , 24, is a graduate of Notre Dame High School and graduated from Slippery Rock University in 2019 with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in English Writing. As part of his studies there, he spent a semester in Japan. He is in the Pre-Theology I program, and his home parish is St. Jane Frances de Chantal, Easton. He worked in customer service for a large retail company before entering the seminary.

Tyle Davis , 28, is a 2017 graduate of DeSales University with dual Bachelor’s degrees in Arts and Science, and Marketing and Philosophy. He is in the Pre-Theology I program at the seminary, and his home parish is Assumption BVM, Bethlehem. Prior to entering the seminary, he was a Sales Associate for Lampire Biological Laboratories, as well as a fitness coach and trainer.

Justin Trinh , 29, is from Thai Binh, Vietnam. He attended Sacred Heart Major Seminary at Orchard Lake, Michigan, before coming to the Diocese’s program at St. Charles. He is in his first year of Pre-Theology. His home parish is St. Clare of Assisi Parish, St. Clair

A Rigorous Screening and Application Process

Seminary candidates face a rigorous application and screening process that can take up to a year before being accepted into the seminary.

It starts with a telephone interview, followed by a detailed personal interview, with Father Christopher Butera, Director of the Office of Seminarian Formation.

Candidates also undergo a multi-day psychological evaluation that helps determine if they are suitable to enter formation. (There is a second battery of psychological tests later in their seminary studies.)

Each candidate is required to submit letters of recommendation and other detailed information as part of the process.

With regard to child safety issues, each candidate receives a criminal background check, including a Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Record Check, a Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Certificate, and a Federal Bureau of Investigation Criminal Background Fingerprint Check.

Candidates undergo a significant amount of training in recognizing and preventing child abuse, including the Protecting God’s Children training program.

The St. Charles Borromeo Seminary also has a separate application process, which must be completed successfully.

If a candidate passes all of the various checks and tests and meets all of the application criteria, he meets with the Commission for Orders and Ministries, which makes recommendations for acceptance to Bishop Alfred Schlert.

Anyone who is interested in a vocation to the priestly or religious life is encouraged to contact Father Mark Searles, Director of the Office for Vocations Promotion, at [email protected].

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diocese of raleigh priest assignments 2022


Papal consecration of Russia, Ukraine has history of controversy behind it

Pope John Paul II kneels in front of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima as he entrusts "all men and women and all peoples to the Immaculate Heart of Mary," in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican in this March 25, 1984, file photo. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

Above: Pope John Paul II kneels in front of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima as he entrusts "all men and women and all peoples to the Immaculate Heart of Mary," in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican in this March 25, 1984, file photo. Some devotees of the Fatima message have questioned whether the late pope correctly consecrated Russia to Mary in 1984 because he did not name the country. It's not known if Pope Francis will name the countries of Ukraine and Russia when he consecrates the countries to Mary March 25. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — While bishops in Ukraine and Russia are grateful Pope Francis will consecrate their nations to Mary, other Catholics are eagerly awaiting the text of the pope’s prayer to see if he does it “correctly.”

At issue is whether he explicitly consecrates Russia — named out loud — to the Immaculate Heart of Mary when he does the consecration March 25 and whether all the bishops of the world do so at the same time.

Until the beginning of World War II, the message Our Lady of Fatima gave to three shepherd children in Portugal in 1917 was simply one of prayer and repentance.

But in 1941, long after the deaths of Sts. Francisco and Jacinto Marto, the last of the visionaries, Sister Lucia dos Santos, gave a full account of the apparition’s “secret.”

Mary, she said, first showed them a vision of hell. Then Mary urged prayers for Russia’s conversion, made the request for its “consecration” in the name of her Immaculate Heart and promised her eventual triumph. The third part of the secret, the subject of much speculation, was not revealed until St. John Paul II ordered its publication in June 2000.

The devotion of St. John Paul to Mary and, especially to Our Lady of Fatima, is clear. After he was shot by a would-be assassin on the feast of Our Lady of Fatima in 1981, he credited her with guiding the bullet so that it would wound and not kill him. He had the bullet placed in the crown of the statue of Mary at the Fatima shrine.

Recovering from the shooting, Pope John Paul had Sister Lucia’s text of the “third secret” brought to him in the hospital.

He recorded an “Act of Entrustment” of the world to Mary in June 1981.

Three years later, on March 25, 1984, in St. Peter’s Square, he did so in person. The Vatican’s description of the event says, “The Holy Father, in spiritual union with the bishops of the world, who had been ‘convoked’ beforehand, entrusted all men and women and all peoples to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”

But some devotees of Our Lady of Fatima argued that the “consecration of Russia” requested by Mary in 1917 was never performed properly.

Before her death, Sister Lucia insisted — in letters published in the Italian Catholic magazine 30 Giorni and in person to Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone — that the consecration had been performed correctly in 1984 by St. John Paul.

At the ceremony, the pope entrusted the whole world to Mary and invoked her aid in deliverance from evil, famine, war, hatred and injustice. He asked the world’s bishops to join him — an important detail to the millions of Fatima followers, who say Mary wanted the consecration to be carried out with the world’s episcopate.

But his prayer to Mary did not mention Russia by name, and that made some people think it had not been done correctly.

Then there is the question of the “conversion” of Russia, something that was easy to assume referred to communist rulers or a communist system of government ruling the Soviet Union, oppressing the country’s traditionally Orthodox communities and harshly persecuting Catholics and others.

In 2017, the 100th anniversary of the Fatima apparitions, Catholic Archbishop Paolo Pezzi of Moscow told Catholic News Service he had seen the conversion of Russia to Christ in his lifetime.

“We should not interpret Our Lady of Fatima as foretelling Russia’s conversion to Catholicism,” he said, but to Christ.

Though Russia has no official state religion, the majority of Russians identify with the Orthodox Church.

St. John XXIII read the secret. He wrote in his diary, “17 August 1959: ‘Audiences: Father Philippe, Commissary of the Holy Office, who brought me the letter containing the third part of the secrets of Fatima. I intend to read it with my confessor.”

The late Cardinal Loris Capovilla, who was Pope John’s secretary at the time, told CNS in 2012 that he was present when the text was brought to the pope, and he saw it.

“I must say, sometimes there has been exploitation of the cult of Mary for political ends,” he said.

Agreeing with what Archbishop Pezzi had said, Cardinal Capovilla said, “When the message of Fatima says, ‘In the end, Russia will convert and my heart will triumph,’ I have always interpreted it in this way: What will it convert to? Christianity.”

But a Marian apparition was needed for that, he said.

“All of Christianity — all — for me, for the Protestants, for the Orthodox, is summed up in these words: Convert, recognize your condition as little creatures and believe in the Gospel, put it into practice, live it,” he said. “It seems to me that is everything.”

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