Cardiovascular System Anatomy and Physiology

Cardiovascular System Anatomy and Physiology Nursing Study Guide

Journey to the heart of our being with the cardiovascular system study guide . Aspiring nurses, chart the pulsating rivers of life as you discover the anatomy and dynamics of the body’s powerful pump and intricate vessel networks.

Table of Contents

Functions of the heart, heart structure and functions, layers of the heart, chambers of the heart, associated great vessels, heart valves, cardiac circulation vessels, blood vessels, major arteries of the systemic circulation, major veins of the systemic circulation, intrinsic conduction system of the heart, the pathway of the conduction system, cardiac cycle and heart sounds, cardiac output, physiology of circulation, cardiovascular vital signs, blood circulation through the heart, capillary exchange of gases and nutrients, age-related physiological changes in the cardiovascular system.

The functions of the heart are as follows:

  • Managing blood supply. Variations in the rate and force of heart contraction match blood flow to the changing metabolic needs of the tissues during rest, exercise, and changes in body position.
  • Producing blood pressure . Contractions of the heart produce blood pressure , which is needed for blood flow through the blood vessels.
  • Securing one-way blood flow. The valves of the heart secure a one-way blood flow through the heart and blood vessels.
  • Transmitting blood. The heart separates the pulmonary and systemic circulations, which ensures the flow of oxygenated blood to tissues.

Anatomy of the Heart

The cardiovascular system can be compared to a muscular pump equipped with one-way valves and a system of large and small plumbing tubes within which the blood travels.

The modest size and weight of the heart give few hints of its incredible strength.

Heart Anatomy - Anatomy and Physiology

  • Weight. Approximately the size of a person’s fist, the hollow , cone-shaped heart weighs less than a pound .
  • Mediastinum. Snugly enclosed within the inferior mediastinum, the medial cavity of the thorax, the heart is flanked on each side by the lungs .
  • Apex. Its more pointed apex is directed toward the left hip and rests on the diaphragm , approximately at the level of the fifth intercostal space.
  • Base. Its broad posterosuperior aspect, or base , from which the great vessels of the body emerge, points toward the right shoulder and lies beneath the second rib.
  • Pericardium. The heart is enclosed in a double-walled sac called the pericardium which is the outermost layer of the heart.
  • Fibrous pericardium. The loosely fitting superficial part of this sac is referred to as the fibrous pericardium, which helps protect the heart and anchors it to surrounding structures such as the diaphragm and sternum .
  • Serous pericardium. Deep to the fibrous pericardium is the slippery, two-layer serous pericardium, where its parietal layer lines the interior of the fibrous pericardium.

The heart muscle has three layers and they are as follows:

  • Epicardium. The epicardium or the visceral and outermost layer is actually a part of the heart wall.
  • Myocardium. The myocardium consists of thick bundles of cardiac muscle twisted and whirled into ringlike arrangements and it is the layer that actually contracts.
  • Endocardium. The endocardium is the innermost layer of the heart and is a thin, glistening sheet of endothelium hat lines the heart chambers.

The heart has four hollow chambers, or cavities: two atria and two ventricles.

  • Receiving chambers. The two superior atria are primarily the receiving chambers, they play a lighter role in the pumping activity of the heart.
  • Discharging chambers. The two inferior, thick-walled ventricles are the discharging chambers, or actual pumps of the heart wherein when they contract, blood is propelled out of the heart and into circulation.
  • Septum. The septum that divides the heart longitudinally is referred to as either the interventricular septum or the interatrial septum, depending on which chamber it separates.

The great blood vessels provide a pathway for the entire cardiac circulation to proceed.

  • Superior and inferior vena cava. The heart receives relatively oxygen-poor blood from the veins of the body through the large superior and inferior vena cava and pumps it through the pulmonary trunk .
  • Pulmonary arteries. The pulmonary trunk splits into the right and left pulmonary arteries, which carry blood to the lungs, where oxygen is picked up and carbon dioxide is unloaded.
  • Pulmonary veins. Oxygen -rich blood drains from the lungs and is returned to the left side of the heart through the four pulmonary veins.
  • Aorta. Blood returned to the left side of the heart is pumped out of the heart into the aorta from which the systemic arteries branch to supply essentially all body tissues.

The heart is equipped with four valves, which allow blood to flow in only one direction through the heart chambers.

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  • Atrioventricular valves. Atrioventricular or AV valves are located between the atrial and ventricular chambers on each side, and they prevent backflow into the atria when the ventricles contract.
  • Bicuspid valves. The left AV valve- the bicuspid or mitral valve, consists of two flaps, or cusps, of the endocardium.
  • Tricuspid valve. The right AV valve, the tricuspid valve, has three flaps.
  • Semilunar valve. The second set of valves, the semilunar valves, guards the bases of the two large arteries leaving the ventricular chambers, thus they are known as the pulmonary and aortic semilunar valves.

Although the heart chambers are bathed with blood almost continuously, the blood contained in the heart does not nourish the myocardium.

  • Coronary arteries. The coronary arteries branch from the base of the aorta and encircle the heart in the coronary sulcus (atrioventricular groove) at the junction of the atria and ventricles, and these arteries are compressed when the ventricles are contract and fill when the heart is relaxed.
  • Cardiac veins. The myocardium is drained by several cardiac veins, which empty into an enlarged vessel on the posterior of the heart called the coronary sinus .

Blood circulates inside the blood vessels, which form a closed transport system, the so-called vascular system.

  • Arteries. As the heart beats, blood is propelled into large arteries leaving the heart.
  • Arterioles. It then moves into successively smaller and smaller arteries and then into arterioles, which feed the capillary beds in the tissues.
  • Veins. Capillary beds are drained by venules , which in turn empty into veins that finally empty into the great veins entering the heart.

Except for the microscopic capillaries, the walls of the blood vessels have three coats or tunics.

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  • Tunica intima. The tunica intima, which lines the lumen, or interior, of the vessels, is a thin layer of endothelium resting on a basement membrane and decreases friction as blood flows through the vessel lumen.
  • Tunica media. The tunica media is the bulky middle coat which mostly consists of smooth muscle and elastic fibers that constrict or dilate, making the blood pressure increase or decrease.
  • Tunica externa. The tunica externa is the outermost tunic composed largely of fibrous connective tissue, and its function is basically to support and protect the vessels.

The major branches of the aorta and the organs they serve are listed next in the sequence from the heart.

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Arterial Branches of the Ascending Aorta

The aorta springs upward from the left ventricle of the heart as the ascending aorta.

  • Coronary arteries. The only branches of the ascending aorta are the right and left coronary arteries, which serve the heart.

Arterial Branches of the Aortic Arch

The aorta arches to the left as the aortic arch.

  • Brachiocephalic trunk. The brachiocephalic trunk, the first branch off the aortic arch, splits into the right common carotid artery and right subclavian artery .
  • Left common carotid artery. The left common carotid artery is the second branch of the aortic arch and it divides, forming the left internal carotid , which serves the brain , and the l eft external carotid , which serves the skin and muscles of the head and neck.
  • Left subclavian artery. The third branch of the aortic arch, the left subclavian artery , gives off an important branch- the vertebral artery , which serves as part of the brain.
  • Axillary artery. In the axilla, the subclavian artery becomes the axillary artery.
  • Brachial artery. the subclavian artery continues into the arm as the brachial artery, which supplies the arm.
  • Radial and ulnar arteries. At the elbow, the brachial artery splits to form the radial and ulnar arteries, which serve the forearm .

Arterial Branches of the Thoracic Aorta

The aorta plunges downward through the thorax, following the spine as the thoracic aorta.

  • Intercostal arteries. Ten pairs of intercostal arteries supply the muscles of the thorax wall.

Arterial Branches of the Abdominal Aorta

Finally, the aorta passes through the diaphragm into the abdominopelvic cavity, where it becomes the abdominal aorta.

  • Celiac trunk. The celiac trunk is the first branch of the abdominal aorta and has three branches: the left gastric artery supplies the stomach ; the splenic artery supplies the spleen , and the common hepatic artery supplies the liver .
  • Superior mesenteric artery. The unpaired superior mesenteric artery supplies most of the small intestine and the first half of the large intestine or colon .
  • Renal arteries. The renal arteries serve the kidneys.
  • Gonadal arteries. The gonadal arteries supply the gonads, and they are called ovarian arteries in females while in males they are testicular arteries .
  • Lumbar arteries. The lumbar arteries are several pairs of arteries serving the heavy muscles of the abdomen and trunk walls.
  • Inferior mesenteric artery. The inferior mesenteric artery is a small, unpaired artery supplying the second half of the large intestine.
  • Common iliac arteries. The common iliac arteries are the final branches of the abdominal aorta.

Major veins converge on the venae cavae, which enter the right atrium of the heart.

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Veins Draining into the Superior Vena Cava

Veins draining into the superior vena cava are named in a distal-to-proximal direction; that is, in the same direction the blood flows into the superior vena cava.

  • Radial and ulnar veins . The radial and ulnar veins are deep veins draining the forearm; they unite to form the deep brachial vein , which drains the arm and empties into the axillary vein in the axillary region.
  • Cephalic vein. The cephalic vein provides for the superficial drainage of the lateral aspect of the arm and empties into the axillary vein.
  • Basilic vein. The basilic vein is a superficial vein that drains the medial aspect of the arm and empties into the brachial vein proximally.
  • Median cubital vein. The basilic and cephalic veins are joined at the anterior aspect of the elbow by the median cubital vein, often chosen as the site for blood removal for the purpose of blood testing.
  • Subclavian vein. The subclavian vein receives venous blood from the arm through the axillary vein and from the skin and muscles of the head through the external jugular vein .
  • Vertebral vein. The vertebral vein drains the posterior part of the head.
  • Internal jugular vein. The internal jugular vein drains the dural sinuses of the brain.
  • Brachiocephalic veins. The right and left brachiocephalic veins are large veins that receive venous drainage from the subclavian, vertebral, and internal jugular veins on their respective sides.
  • Azygos vein. The azygos vein is a single vein that drains the thorax and enters the superior vena cava just before it joins the heart.

Veins Draining into the Inferior Vena Cava

The inferior vena cava, which is much longer than the superior vena cava, returns blood to the heart from all body regions below the diaphragm.

  • Tibial veins. The anterior and posterior tibial veins and the fibular vein drain the leg; the posterior tibial veins become the popliteal vein at the knee and then the femoral vein in the thigh; the femoral vein becomes the external iliac vein as it enters the pelvis.
  • Great saphenous veins. The great saphenous veins are the longest veins in the body; they begin at the dorsal venous arch in the foot and travel up the medial aspect of the leg to empty into the femoral vein in the thigh.
  • Common iliac vein. Each common iliac vein is formed by the union of the external iliac vein and the internal iliac vein which drains the pelvis.
  • Gonadal vein. The right gonadal vein drains the right ovary in females and the right testicles in males; the left gonadal vein empties into the left renal veins superiorly.
  • Renal veins. The right and left renal veins drain the kidneys.
  • Hepatic portal vein. The hepatic portal vein is a single vein that drains the digestive tract organs and carries this blood through the liver before it enters the systemic circulation.
  • Hepatic veins. The hepatic veins drain the liver.

Physiology of the Heart

As the heart beats or contracts, the blood makes continuous round trips- into and out of the heart, through the rest of the body, and then back to the heart- only to be sent out again.

The spontaneous contractions of the cardiac muscle cells occurs in a regular and continuous way, giving rhythm to the heart.

Conduction System of the Heart Anatomy and Physiology

  • Cardiac muscle cells. Cardiac muscle cells can and do contract spontaneously and independently, even if all nervous connections are severed.
  • Rhythms. Although cardiac muscles can beat independently, the muscle cells in the different areas of the heart have different rhythms.
  • Intrinsic conduction system. The intrinsic conduction system, or the nodal system , that is built into the heart tissue sets the basic rhythm.
  • Composition. The intrinsic conduction system is composed of a special tissue found nowhere else in the body; it is much like a cross between a muscle and nervous tissue.
  • Function. This system causes heart muscle depolarization in only one direction- from the atria to the ventricles; it enforces a contraction rate of approximately 75 beats per minute on the heart, thus the heart beats as a coordinated unit.
  • Sinoatrial (SA) node. The SA node has the highest rate of depolarization in the whole system, so it can start the beat and set the pace for the whole heart; thus the term “ pacemaker “.
  • Atrial contraction. From the SA node, the impulse spread through the atria to the AV node, and then the atria contract.
  •   Ventricular contraction. It then passes through the AV bundle, the bundle branches, and the Purkinje fibers, resulting in a “wringing” contraction of the ventricles that begins at the heart apex and moves toward the atria.
  • Ejection. This contraction effectively ejects blood superiorly into the large arteries leaving the heart.

The conduction system occurs systematically through:

  • SA node. The depolarization wave is initiated by the sinoatrial node.
  • Atrial myocardium. The wave then successively passes through the atrial myocardium.
  • Atrioventricular node. The depolarization wave then spreads to the AV node, and then the atria contract.
  • AV bundle. It then passes rapidly through the AV bundle.
  • Bundle branches and Purkinje fibers. The wave then continues on through the right and left bundle branches, and then to the Purkinje fibers in the ventricular walls, resulting in a contraction that ejects blood, leaving the heart.

In a healthy heart, the atria contract simultaneously, then, as they start to relax, contraction of the ventricles begins.

  • Systole. Systole means heart contraction .
  • Diastole. Diastole means heart relaxation .
  • Cardiac cycle. The term cardiac cycle refers to the events of one complete heartbeat, during which both atria and ventricles contract and then relax.
  • Length. The average heart beats approximately 75 times per minute, so the length of the cardiac cycle is normally about 0.8 seconds .
  • Mid-to-late diastole. The cycle starts with the heart in complete relaxation ; the pressure in the heart is low, and blood is flowing passively into and through the atria into the ventricles from the pulmonary and systemic circulations; the semilunar valves are closed, and the AV valves are open; then the atria contract and force the blood remaining in their chambers into the ventricles.
  • Ventricular systole. Shortly after, the ventricular contraction begins, and the pressure within the ventricles increases rapidly, closing the AV valves; when the intraventricular pressure is higher than the pressure in the large arteries leaving the heart, the semilunar valves are forced open, and blood rushes through them out of the ventricles; the atria are relaxed, and their chambers are again filling with blood.
  • Early diastole. At the end of systole, the ventricles relax, the semilunar valves snap shut, and for a moment the ventricles are completely closed chambers; the intraventricular pressure drops and the AV valves are forced open; the ventricles again begin refilling rapidly with blood, completing the cycle.
  • First heart sound. The first heart sound, “lub” , is caused by the closing of the AV valves.
  •  Second heart sound. The second heart sound, “dub” , occurs when the semilunar valves close at the end of systole.

Cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped out by each side of the heart in one minute. It is the product of the heart rate and the stroke volume .

  • Stroke volume. Stroke volume is the volume of blood pumped out by a ventricle with each heartbeat.
  • Regulation of stroke volume . According to Starling’s law of the heart , the critical factor controlling stroke volume is how much the cardiac muscle cells are stretched just before they contract; the more they are stretched , the stronger the contraction will be; and anything that increases the volume or speed of venous return also increases stroke volume and force of contraction.
  • Factors modifying basic heart rate . The most important external influence on heart rate is the activity of the autonomic nervous system , as well as physical factors (age, gender, exercise, and body temperature).

A fairly good indication of the efficiency of a person’s circulatory system can be obtained by taking arterial blood and blood pressure measurements.

Arterial pulse pressure and blood pressure measurements, along with those of respiratory rate and body temperature, are referred to collectively as vital signs in clinical settings.

  • Arterial pulse. The alternating expansion and recoil of an artery that occurs with each beat of the left ventricle create a pressure wave-a pulse- that travels through the entire arterial system.
  • Normal pulse rate. Normally, the pulse rate (pressure surges per minute) equals the heart rate, so the pulse averages 70 to 76 beats per minute in a normal resting person.
  • Pressure points. There are several clinically important arterial pulse points, and these are the same points that are compressed to stop blood flow into distal tissues during hemorrhage , referred to as pressure points.
  • Blood pressure. Blood pressure is the pressure the blood exerts against the inner walls of the blood vessels, and it is the force that keeps blood circulating continuously even between heartbeats.
  • Blood pressure gradient. The pressure is highest in the large arteries and continues to drop throughout the systemic and pulmonary pathways, reaching either zero or negative pressure at the venae cavae.
  • Measuring blood pressure . Because the heart alternately contracts and relaxes, the off-and-on flow of the blood into the arteries causes the blood pressure to rise and fall during each beat, thus, two arterial blood pressure measurements are usually made: systolic pressure (the pressure in the arteries at the peak of ventricular contraction) and diastolic pressure (the pressure when the ventricles are relaxing).
  • Peripheral resistance. Peripheral resistance is the amount of friction the blood encounters as it flows through the blood vessels.
  • Neural factors. The parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system has little or no effect on blood pressure, but the sympathetic division has the major action of causing vasoconstriction or narrowing of the blood vessels, which increases blood pressure.
  • Renal factors. The kidneys play a major role in regulating arterial blood pressure by altering blood volume, so when blood pressure increases beyond normal, the kidneys allow more water to leave the body in the urine , then blood volume decreases which in turn decreases blood pressure.
  • Temperature. In general, cold has a vasoconstricting effect, while heat has a vasodilating effect.
  • Chemicals. Epinephrine increases both heart rate and blood pressure; nicotine increases blood pressure by causing vasoconstriction; alcohol and histamine cause vasodilation and decreased blood pressure.
  • Diet. Although medical opinions tend to change and are at odds from time to time, it is generally believed that a diet low in salt , saturated fats , and cholesterol help to prevent hypertension , or high blood pressure.

The right and left sides of the heart work together in achieving a smooth-flowing blood circulation .

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  • Entrance to the heart. Blood enters the heart through two large veins, the inferior and superior vena cava, emptying oxygen-poor blood from the body into the right atrium of the heart.
  • Atrial contraction. As the atrium contracts, blood flows from the right atrium to the right ventricle through the open tricuspid valve.
  • Closure of the tricuspid valve. When the ventricle is full, the tricuspid valve shuts to prevent blood from flowing backward into the atria while the ventricle contracts.
  • Ventricle contraction. As the ventricle contracts, blood leaves the heart through the pulmonic valve, into the pulmonary artery, and to the lungs where it is oxygenated.
  • Oxygen -rich blood circulates. The pulmonary vein empties oxygen-rich blood from the lungs into the left atrium of the heart.
  • Opening of the mitral valve. As the atrium contracts, blood flows from your left atrium into your left ventricle through the open mitral valve.
  • Prevention of backflow. When the ventricle is full, the mitral valve shuts. This prevents blood from flowing backward into the atrium while the ventricle contracts.
  • Blood flow to the systemic circulation. As the ventricle contracts, blood leaves the heart through the aortic valve, into the aorta, and to the body.

Substances tend to move to and from the body cells according to their concentration gradients.

  • Capillary network. Capillaries form an intricate network among the body’s cells such that no substance has to diffuse very far to enter or leave a cell.
  • Routes. Basically, substances leaving or entering the blood may take one of four routes across the plasma membranes of the single layer of endothelial cells forming the capillary wall.
  • Lipid-soluble substances. As with all cells, substances can diffuse directly through their plasma membranes if the substances are lipid-soluble.
  • Lipid-insoluble substances. Certain lipid-insoluble substances may enter or leave the blood and/or pass through the plasma membranes within vesicles, that is, by endocytosis or exocytosis .
  • Intercellular clefts. Limited passage of fluid and small solutes is allowed by intercellular clefts (gaps or areas of plasma membrane not joined by tight junctions), so most of our capillaries have intercellular clefts.
  • Fenestrated capillaries. Very free passage of small solutes and fluid is allowed by fenestrated capillaries, and these unique capillaries are found where absorption is a priority or where filtration occurs.

The capacity of the heart for work decreases with age. Older peoples’ rate is slower to respond to stress and slower to return to normal after periods of physical activity . Changes in arteries occur frequently which can negatively affect blood supply.

Health promotion teaching can include risk detection and reduction for cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure and cholesterol level monitoring, ideal weight maintenance, and a low- sodium diet.

Craving more insights? Dive into these related materials to enhance your study journey!

  • Anatomy and Physiology Nursing Test Banks . This nursing test bank includes questions about Anatomy and Physiology and its related concepts such as: structure and functions of the human body, nursing care management of patients with conditions related to the different body systems.

13 thoughts on “Cardiovascular System Anatomy and Physiology”

very informative!

So great work that could help alot of nurses all over the world, I appreciate it so much.

Nurseslabs have done a very nice work. I wish them good health and strength to continue with the good work.

This excerpt was a magnificent essay of the “Heart Human”.My daughter Arlene Rivera is also an RN and this you wrote about all the heart makes me feel better to know about the knowledge you people possess.Thanks.

In the pathway above, the right subclavian vein is incorrectly labeled as the right pulmonary artery.

For the first time since i leave Nursing school I have now fully understood the cardiovascular system. Keep the good work Matt Vera, you are the best.

Hey Alex, Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m thrilled to hear that our explanations have helped you gain a better understanding of the cardiovascular system. It’s always wonderful to see the impact of educational resources on students and professionals alike.

If there are any more topics or concepts within nursing or healthcare that you’d like to explore or if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Your curiosity and dedication to learning are truly commendable! 🩺🫁📚✨

What is the reference?!

terimakasih atas dedikasinya. super

Enjoy your work, I saw an error in the last image. The right subclavian vein was given the wrong name.

I always found it difficult to find nursing resources since a lot of those that I have seen require payment (and pricey at that). I’m glad I found Nurseslabs. It helps me understand topics that confused me as a student and things I need to refresh since I have been in the profession for a while now.

Easily comprehensible, nice description.

It really helpful

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Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Overview

Gayle Morris, MSN

  • BSN Specialties
  • Admission Requirements
  • Core Concepts
  • What To Expect
  • Should I Get A BSN

Are you ready to earn your online nursing degree?

Featured Image

Average Program Length 4 years

Average Credits Required 120

Average Annual Salary $52,080-$111,220

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, PayScale

According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing , healthcare settings see a difference in nursing practice based on a nurse’s education level. Employers have a strong preference for bachelor of science in nursing (BSN)-prepared nurses, as they are linked to better patient outcomes. Hospitals seeking Magnet status also prefer to hire graduates of BSN programs.

Nurses benefit from BSN programs for the comprehensive curriculum that teaches more than clinical skills. Students learn critical thinking, decision making, leadership, evidence-based practice, and nursing informatics.

Although salaries depend on many factors, BSN-prepared nurses routinely average more per year than nurses from associate degree in nursing (ADN) programs. Additionally, a BSN prepares the nurse for graduate school and career advancement, factors that contribute to higher earning potential.

A BSN degree may soon become mandatory to practice . In December 2017, New York became the first state to mandate nurses earn a BSN within 10 years of initial licensure.

Earning a BSN increases your credibility with patients and administration. It can also open doors to greater opportunities outside of patient care, including working as an analyst, consultant, case manager, leader, or in sales.

Opportunities With a Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Good career mobility, path to advancement, job potential, skills learned.

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Featured BSN Specialties

Beyond working in hospitals as RNs, individuals with a BSN degree find careers as geriatric nurses, OBGYN nurses, and neonatal nurses. Check out the descriptions below to learn more about these specialty occupations.

Registered Nurse

RNs lead teams of nurses to care for patients in clinics, hospitals, and nursing homes. They work the day or night shift to monitor and treat caseloads of patients, including infants, adults, and the elderly. In 16 states, RNs also prescribe medications. An ADN or BSN degree is required to become a registered nurse.

  • Salary: $73,300
  • Job Outlook: 7% growth from 2019-29

Geriatric Nurse

Geriatric nurses work in nursing care facilities and hospitals to provide medical help to seniors. These professionals have worked as RN nurses and gained clinical experience working with elderly individuals. They have a unique understanding of diseases such as osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, and dementia.

  • Salary: $64,870
  • Job Outlook: Positive growth in coming years


OBGYN nurses provide medical services to women and infants. Under the direction of obstetricians and gynecologists, they deliver care in clinics, private doctor’s offices, and hospitals. They may focus on helping women in various stages of reproduction, including pregnancy, labor, or postpartum.

  • Salary: $60,000

Travel Nurse

Travel nurses work on a contract basis. High demand areas such as operating rooms, intensive care units (ICU), and emergency rooms need travel nurses across the country. Their assignments last for weeks or months. International work may run as long as two years.

  • Salary: $79,000

Neonatal Nurse

Neonatal nurses administer care to sick or critically ill infants in the ICU or neonatal intensive care unit. The job includes working with pediatricians and nursing staff, while also providing instructions to parents. Most hold years of experience as RNs, and neonatal nursing certificates.

  • Salary: $60,797

How Much Will I Make With a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing?

$32.64 Hourly Salary

$7,123 Monthly Salary

$85,539 Annual Salary

Source: PayScale

How to Get a BSN

1. decide type of bsn program.

There are several types of BSN programs, including traditional, bridge, and online. Figure out what works best for you.

2. Find BSN Program

After deciding which factors are important to you in a school, use our degree finder to find programs that fit your criteria.

3. Apply to BSN Programs

Common application requirements include GPA, essay, references, CV or resume, volunteer experience, and prior coursework.

4. Secure funding for BSN programs

There are many ways to finance your degree, including financial aid, grants, scholarships, and loans .

5. Attend BSN classes

Complete the required courses and obtain clinical hours to get hands-on experience. Learn how to work independently with your own patients.

6. Graduate with a BSN

Congrats on earning your degree! Now you can take the NCLEX-RN and become a registered nurse (RN), or continue your education and get your MSN.

Types of Bachelor’s Degrees in Nursing

Admission requirements for a bsn program.

A BSN applicant’s admission requirements depend on their status as a student. Schools set different criteria and credit requirements for freshmen, transfer students, and international students. However, most BSN degree programs maintain the following common admissions requirements for all students:

  • High school or college transcripts
  • SAT or ACT scores
  • A CV or resume
  • A GPA of at least a 2.5 or 3.0

Schools often expect applicants to have completed classes in microbiology, physiology, chemistry, and anatomy. Some institutions may give preference to candidates with volunteer service experience.

Core Concepts in a BSN Program

Bachelor’s of science in nursing programs include two phases: a didactic portion, which is taught in classrooms, and a clinical learning experience. Through lectures and reading assignments, students learn to promote safe solutions and good health, prevent and manage disease, reduce risks, and improve patient outcomes. Candidates gain foundational knowledge through core courses such as:

  • Community health nursing
  • Pharmacology
  • Leadership and management
  • Nursing informatics
  • Research and statistics
  • Pathophysiology

Upper division courses explore speciality areas such as gerontology, global public health, maternal-child care, and pediatrics.

Clinical & Lab Components in a BSN Program

BSN programs may require students to spend time in a hospital, clinic, or lab stimulation setting in which they work an actual shift. During clinical experiences, candidates work under licensed RN mentors as they deliver medications, assess and diagnose patients, plan interventions, and monitor outcomes. By the end of the program, students can work independently with their own patients. Clinicals offer the opportunity to:

  • Shadow working RNs
  • Apply classroom skills on patients
  • Network with future employers
  • Build confidence

What to Expect From an Online RN-to-BSN Program

Students earning their RN-to-BSN or second degree BSN have the option of attending an online program instead of traditional face-to-face classes. Online RN-to-BSN degrees let students take core classes in anatomy, pharmacology, and psychology remotely. While distance learners do not have to meet on campus for their foundational courses, they must complete clinicals or labs in their local communities. During a program’s clinical component , students work in labs or at their local hospitals, clinics, or nursing care facilities. Students are often required to find their own clinical experiences.

Nothing, aside from the format, differentiates online degrees from traditional programs. Online learners receive the same degree and education, learning from professors who work on campus. Instructors use online learning platforms to meet live with students or assign online work.

Learn more on this page about how online programs work.

Should I Get a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing?

Your personal financial situation, time constraints, and family obligations may impact your decision to pursue a 4-year degree. Take a look at the pros and cons of pursuing a bachelor’s degree in nursing:

Advantages to a BSN

Disadvantages to a bsn, explore bsn programs.

The Best Online BSN Programs

The Best Online BSN Programs

Pursuing a BSN online provides flexibility for aspiring nurses. Explore this guide for a list of the best online BSN programs.

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The Best Online ABSN Programs

ABSN programs are a great option for aspiring nurses who already hold a bachelor’s degree in another field. Learn more about fast-track BSN degrees and find the top online programs.

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Are you an RN interested in completing your undergraduate nursing education? These top RN-to-BSN programs can be completed in just 12-24 months.

Four-Year Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Programs

Four-Year Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Programs

The traditional route to a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) spans four years and admits high school graduates. Read on for details about four-year BSN programs.

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The Best Online LPN-to-BSN Programs

Are you an LPN ready to move up in your career? Explore our rankings of the best online LPN-to-BSN programs to find the best fit for your professional goals.

Whether you’re looking to get your pre-licensure degree or taking the next step in your career, the education you need could be more affordable than you think. Find the right nursing program for you.

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bsc nursing assignment

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<p>The Culture and Community Engagement team (formerly Arts and Culture Projects) brings together university expertise with civic and sector partners, acting as a bridge nationally and locally between higher education, business and local people.</p>

The Culture and Community Engagement team (formerly Arts and Culture Projects) brings together university expertise with civic and sector partners, acting as a bridge nationally and locally between higher education, business and local people.

<p>Looking to invest in your team? We offer a suite of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) short courses to add value to your business.</p>

Looking to invest in your team? We offer a suite of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) short courses to add value to your business.

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Discover our apprenticeship training for Management, Digital, Nursing, Healthcare and Social Work.

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We offer top-quality spaces with IT support, catering, and accommodation to suit your event needs.

bsc nursing assignment

Adult Nursing BSc (Hons)

Select your course options:.

Applying through UCAS? Apply here (B740) Course Code: B740

Where Are You Applying From?

How would you like to study, when do you want to start your studies, which campus would you like to study at, which options would you like with your course, why choose the school of nursing, midwifery and health education.

Our Nursing and Midwifery courses rank 1st in their subject table for graduate prospects – outcomes (CUG, 2024).

98% of our Nursing graduates are in graduate-level employment – one of the highest rates in the country (Guardian, 2024).

50% of your learning time is spent in practice, offering hands-on experience of providing care across a range of healthcare settings.

  • About the course

A nurse needs to be able to assess care needs then plan, implement and evaluate care for people with a wide range of illnesses. This calls for excellent communication skills and compassion as well as specialist knowledge and nursing skills, all of which you acquire from this degree. It is designed to give you high levels of hands-on experience in hospital and community settings, with 50% of your time spent in practice settings.

Find out if you are eligible for a £5,000 NHS training grant to help with living costs.

Course accreditation

bsc nursing assignment

All our Nursing and Midwifery courses are regulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). On successful completion of your course, you can register with the NMC as an adult nurse.

Facilities and specialist equipment

  • Access to the latest medical/health equipment and facilities at regional hospitals and community health settings during placements
  • Fully immersive simulation suites at both our Luton and Bedford campuses, preparing students to respond to and manage clinical situations and scenarios
  • Simulation wards with a range of medical-grade training mannequins to tackle real-life scenarios in a safe and supported environment
  • For students situated at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Aylesbury, we have a three-storey building with simulation ward; classrooms; library; social learning spaces; and computer study facilities

Industry links

To ensure your learning meets the benchmark set for care providers, our healthcare courses have been developed in collaboration with our regional healthcare providers and health authorities.

Student experience

We deliver predominantly face-to-face teaching so your tutors are on site to support you while you get to meet and exchange ideas with other healthcare students.

Adult Nursing, Mental Health Nursing and Midwifery students gain a wider range of expertise through general units taught by tutors from all three courses.

Our lecturers are all experienced registered nurses and have published widely in their field.

Our strong links with regional healthcare providers mean you can secure a practice placement in Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Hertfordshire, Milton Keynes, Oxfordshire or East London .

Clinical specialists from our partnership trusts come to campus to support your learning so your studies are underpinned by the latest research and practice.

Our Aylesbury campus is situated at Stoke Mandeville Hospital so you can fully immerse yourself in the hospital environment.

On your placement, you undertake a mix of early, late and night shifts to ensure you experience typical shift patterns for a healthcare professional.

with Professional Practice Year

This course has the option to be taken over four years which includes a year placement in industry. Undertaking a year in industry has many benefits. You gain practical experience and build your CV, as well as being a great opportunity to sample a profession and network with potential future employers.

There is no tuition fee for the placement year enabling you to gain an extra year of experience for free.

*Only available to UK/EU students.

with Foundation Year

A Degree with a Foundation Year gives you guaranteed entry to an Undergraduate course.

Whether you’re returning to learning and require additional help and support to up-skill, or if you didn’t quite meet the grades to pursue an Undergraduate course, our Degrees with Foundation Year provide a fantastic entry route for you to work towards a degree level qualification.

With our guidance and support you’ll get up to speed within one year, and will be ready to seamlessly progress on to undergraduate study at Bedfordshire.

The Foundation Year provides an opportunity to build up your academic writing skills and numeracy, and will also cover a range of subject specific content to fully prepare you for entry to an Undergraduate degree.

This is an integrated four-year degree, with the foundation year as a key part of the course. You will need to successfully complete the Foundation Year to progress on to the first year of your bachelor’s degree.

Why study a degree with a Foundation Year?

  • Broad-based yet enough depth to give you credible vocational skills
  • Coverage of a variety of areas typically delivered by an expert in this area
  • Gain an understanding of a subject before choosing which route you wish to specialise in
  • Great introduction to further study, and guaranteed progression on to one of our Undergraduate degrees

The degrees offering a Foundation Year provide excellent preparation for your future studies.

During your Foundation Year you will get the opportunity to talk to tutors about your degree study and future career aspirations, and receive guidance on the most appropriate Undergraduate course to help you achieve this; providing you meet the entry requirements and pass the Foundation Year.

  • What will you study?

Studying our Adult Nursing BSc (Hons) course aims to provide you with specialist knowledge and skills in nursing and care. In doing so, we offer some introductory units such as an Introduction to Public Health where you will learn about the fundamentals of health and public health promotion. Based on published evidence and literature, you will explore current perspectives of health and the role of ethics in public health practice. You will then link this theory to practice in our Introduction to Nursing Interventions unit, where you will learn to be confident in performing a range of basic nursing procedures and interventions. This ties closely into our unit in Care Across the Lifespan in Adult Nursing, that aims to develop your awareness of adult nursing practice by providing direct holistic care to adults in practice learning environments. In other areas of practice, you will be taught the skills and knowledge around patient needs and planning care in our Assessment and Interventions in Adult Nursing Practice unit. Here, you will learn to assess adult patients while developing targeted plans for nursing interventions that will enable you to intervene appropriately and work collaboratively in clinical environments.  

In pharmacological aspects of care, you will gain the knowledge and skills to safely administer medicines in our Law and Decision Making in Medicines Management unit. Following professional standards and legislation, you will account for safeguarding, consent, pharmacology and medicines administration. Combined with other components including life sciences, psychology and sociology present in our Understanding Health unit, you will examine the structure and functions of a healthy body and mind to better understand a range of people. These theories will also be particularly useful in our Planning, Delivering and Coordinating Care for Adults unit where you will develop a deep understanding of a diverse range of patients' needs to be able to cater to them efficiently by working closely with other professionals to plan, deliver and coordinate care in a variety of clinical settings. As a result, you will reflect and think critically about service delivery discussed in our Transforming Care unit while also proposing ideas for change.  

In addition to administering care, our Supporting Learning unit will allow you to support people by teaching them the skills to self-manage their own condition just as registered nurses do. At the same time, this will equip you with the teaching and supervision skills to support learning in clinical environments for patients, carers and even other students in preparation for your role as practice supervisor. Another essential part of care is safety, and this is discussed in our Advocacy, Empowerment and Protection unit that will enhance your awareness of safeguarding as part of your responsibility as a nurse to protect people through advocacy, empowerment and care. At a more advanced stage, you will learn about Leading Complex Care in Adult Nursing to equip you with the skills for risk management within an adult nursing setting. This experience will give you the knowledge and skills for decision making, planning, intervention and evaluation of complex care needs. 

Aside from this, you will discover the health needs of your local population in our Exploring Health and Primary Care Services in the Community unit that will support your learning in health service provision. More importantly, this will enable you to pursue your own topic of interest relevant to your field of practice for your own project. To aid with this, our unit in Exploring Evidence will provide you with the knowledge and skills to draw conclusions from healthcare research and use this evidence to inform the nursing practice and care you provide.   

How will you be assessed?

The assessment strategy for this course is closely aligned to the teaching and learning strategy which is designed to have: immediate professional relevance to ensure safe and effective practice; foster active learning be leaner-centred in approach and draw on expertise-by-experience. The choice of assessments is determined by their fitness for purpose i.e. to evidence achievement of unit learning outcomes at undergraduate level (Level 6). You will be assessed across a range of practice settings and learning environments throughout the course. To enhance your understanding and experiences of assessment practices you will encounter a wide range of formative and summative assessment methods including those that enable you to undertake practice-focussed tasks that have the potential to influence care delivery. Many of the assessment tasks are designed so that you can tailor them to your professional interests experience and development needs. They are also designed so that you can rehearse ways of thinking and acting that are professionally relevant. Examples include: written assignments ranging from reflective pieces to case studies and academic essays as well as assessed practice within your placements. Assessments are also designed to support you integrating learning in theory and practice and in demonstrating that integration. You will be assessed in practice through the use of a Practice Assessment Document which outlines the skills and competencies required as a registered nurse.

These assessments are recorded and confirmed by a Practice Assessor alongside your own selfreflections on your progress. Service users and carers also contribute to your assessments. During each of your placement allocations you will have a nominated Practice Assessor in accordance with the NMC Part 2: Standards for student supervision and assessment (NMC 2018). They conduct assessment to confirm that you have achieved the NMC proficiencies and course outcomes for practice learning. You will also have a nominated Academic Assessor who is responsible for confirming your achievement of the NMC proficiencies and course outcomes in the academic environment for each part of the course. Together the Practice Assessor and Academic Assessor evaluate and recommend a student for progression for each part (year) of the course in line with course standards and local and national policies.

The course is vocational leading directly to registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council under the new Standards which will allow you to start and quickly progress in your nursing career across a range of healthcare environments: community hospital and residential. It can also provide a route into specialised clinical practice management or education.

In adult nursing we offer postgraduate study at Master's and Doctoral level. The Master's includes the V300 Prescribing course and the Advanced Care Practitioner course. Graduate Rachel Marlow says "I studied Adult Nursing at the University of Bedfordshire, I now work as a sister in the children's emergency department. Studying this course it really helped in my nursing career. I've got to get out on clinical placements and obviously learn the job.

We did a range of placements from hospital based, community based, which was really interesting. So you get to really understand and learn what kind of things you want to do and where you want to work.".

Entry Requirements

Fees for this course.

The full-time standard undergraduate tuition fee for the Academic Year 2024/25 is £9,250 per year. You can apply for a loan from the Government to help pay for your tuition fees. You can also apply for a maintenance loan from the Government to help cover your living costs.


The University of Bedfordshire offers a number of scholarships and bursaries to help you finance your studies.


Alternatively if you have any questions around fees and funding, please email [email protected]

Merit Scholarship

We offer a Merit Scholarship to UK students, worth £2,400* over three academic years, which is awarded to those who can demonstrate a high level of academic achievement, through scoring 120 UCAS tariff points or more.

Bedfordshire Bursary

If you aren’t eligible for the Merit Scholarship, this Bursary is there to help UK students with aspects of student living such as course costs. The Bursary will give you £1,000* over three academic years, or £1,300* if you are taking your course over four academic years (including those with a Foundation Year).

Full t

Additional NHS funding

You will be eligible for additional support of at least £5,000 to help with living costs with funding from the NHS. The funding will be given to new and continuing degree-level students.

The funding comes as part of the government’s pledge to increase nurse numbers by 50,000 over the next five years.

You will receive at least £5,000 a year, with further funding available for eligible students:

  • £1,000 for specialist disciplines
  • £2,000 for childcare costs
  • Exceptional Hardship Fund of up to £3,000.

The funding will not have to be repaid by recipients. You will also be able to continue to access funding for tuition and maintenance loans from the Student Loans Company.


The full-time standard undergraduate tuition fee for the academic year 2024/25 is £15,500 per year.

There are range of Scholarships available to help support you through your studies with us.

A full list of scholarships can be found here.

Virtual Tour

bsc nursing assignment

Adult Nursing (BSc)

Luton Campus Centre

Luton Campus Centre

The Campus Centre brings together all our student services under one roof including the Students’ Union and spaces to eat, drink, relax and learn.

There's a large central lecture theatre as well as a range of study rooms & breakout spaces on the upper floors.

Luton Campus Library

Luton Campus Library

The library is a modern 9-storey building dedicated to study and learning.

As well as traditional library provisions it offers individual and group study spaces, a cafeteria on the ground floor and a ‘Study Hub’ offering guidance and workshops on academic writing and research skills to ensure all Bedfordshire students get the help they need to succeed in their studies.

Beds SU

When you join the University of Bedfordshire, you don't just join the university - you also become a member of Bedfordshire Students' Union (Beds SU)!

Beds SU is led by four Student Officers - a President and three Vice Presidents - who are elected annually by University of Bedfordshire students to lead the Students' Union.

We are here to help every student at the University of Bedfordshire get the most out of their university experience. We campaign on issues that you care about, as well as provide lots of opportunities for you to meet new people, develop your skills, campaign for change and try something new.

Aspire Gym

The Aspire Gym has state of the art cardiovascular equipment with smart phone compatibility. There is also an extensive range of fixed resistance machines and a small free weights area.

Changing rooms with showers and lockers are available for members to use.

Luton Campus Accommodation

Luton Campus Accommodation

The University guarantees accommodation to all new students. Fitzroy Court and Wenlock Court, the two main halls of residence, are located on campus so getting to lectures, shopping in town and participating in events and activities is easy.

STEM building

STEM building

The STEM building is home to courses in the subject areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Opened in Autumn 2019, its cutting edge facilities provides four computer laboratories; workshops for subjects such as automotive engineering, cyber-security and robotics, along with three large teaching labs, and four specialist containment labs. 

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Nurse assisting a patient

Nursing, BSN

Use your heart, mind, and soul to change the health of the world from here.  Become a health care advocate. Improve the health of all populations through equitable and compassionate service, value-driven research, and innovative nursing practices.

  • Program Overview
  • Clinical Nurse Leader (4+1), BSN/MSN
  • Scholarships

Why nursing at USF?

The support I’ve received has given me opportunities to participate in internships/externships and represent the university, which is something I never thought would be possible. From the generosity of the donors and other aids, I'm able to focus on my academics, be involved on campus and improve the Dons community for years to come."

Yliza Ortiz, BSN '23

Apply What You Know

Work hands-on with our state-of-the-art mannequins in the Simulation Center and hone your skills in our Clinical Skills Lab. Learn, develop, and improve patient-centered care — all useful for your development as a nurse.

nursing student in scrubs holds stethoscope to manikin's chest

Beyond the Classroom

Advocate for nursing education with federal policymakers. Volunteer at clinics throughout the city (even at music festivals). Provide global healthcare to families and children of communities abroad. Here's what you can do to help change the world from here.

Nursing students smiling.

Pursue Health Equity

Students in the Nurse Health Equity Scholars program are creating a public health care safety net for the Alameda Health System (AHS), the first of its kind in California.

nursing students at AACN in Washington, DC

Collaborate With Federal Policymakers

Advocate for patients and health care policy. Students are seeing how they can make a difference on Capitol Hill.

Norman Feng gives vaccination to patient.

Be People for Others

Three dozen students and two professors worked the first week at the Koret clinic to prepare and administer vaccination shots.

Students abroad

Strengthen Health Systems Abroad

Participate in global immersions and see first-hand how we can make a change in healthcare.

Lucy Lundell

Lucy Lundell ’24

Equipped to succeed.

My role as a big sister, my Jesuit education, and my diverse clinical experiences have instilled in me a deep care for others and a desire to give back to my community, which I hope to be able to do as I begin my career as a Registered Nurse."

Choose Your Location

Start your nursing journey on the hilltop campus. If you’re a first-year student, expect to study for eight semesters in the fall and spring. If you’re a transfer student, you will study for a minimum of six semesters and up to eight semesters, depending upon initial transfer credits and availability of clinical space.

The BSN program is also offered at our Sacramento campus, in partnership with the VA Northern California Health Care System, and admits transfer students who have completed all  clinical prerequisites .

Student wrapped in a California flag stands on a high point with the Golden Gate Bridge behind.

L.V.N. 30 Unit Option

This non-degree option allows licensed vocational nurses (LVNs) to take the minimum coursework required to apply for registered nursing (RN) licensure in California and qualify for the licensing exam. The RN license obtained by this method may not be accepted by all states.

Learn More About the 30 Unit Option

Pursue Health Beyond Nursing

Interested in a career as a doctor, pharmacist, physician assistant, public health worker, dentist, optometrist or more? Your path to a career in health professions starts here. University of San Francisco pre-health advisors are here to help with prerequisite courses, application recommendations, and career information.

Pre-Med & Pre-Health Professions Advising

Our Numbers

in Undergraduate Nursing

NCLEX pass rate

Hear our Stories

Read the story: First Generation, Boundless Ambitions: Alyssa Nguyen’s Scholarship Story

First Generation, Boundless Ambitions: Alyssa Nguyen’s Scholarship Story

Read the story: Ready to Embark as a USF LatinX Registered Nurse

Ready to Embark as a USF LatinX Registered Nurse

Read the story: Nurses' Resilience and Self-motivation

Nurses' Resilience and Self-motivation

Take the next step, admissions & aid.

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Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m – 5 p.m.

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Accelerated BSN Program (BSNA)

The Accelerated BSN Program will be held at College of San Mateo and it is a 15-month program (four semesters, including the summer session). It is offered through the College of Professional & Global Education at SF State and is supported by San Mateo Community College District and the CSU.

This program prepares students for entry level positions in professional nursing practice in a variety of settings including hospitals, community clinics, long term care, home care, and community health agencies. It also provides the basis for leadership and graduate education in nursing. Graduates work as staff nurses in the following areas: maternity, pediatrics, medical-surgical nursing, gerontology, psychiatric/mental health, and public/community health nursing. Students register and pay for classes via the College of Professional & Global Education (CPaGE)  and the cost is $700/unit.

Graduates of the program are eligible for public health nursing certification in California upon licensure as a Registered Nurse. The program also provides the basis for leadership and graduate education in nursing.

The SF State nursing major has been impacted since fall 1992 (more qualified students apply than can be accommodated in the program). We have 40 spaces per year and typically receive over 200 applications. Additional information about the program, including the curriculum plan and student learning outcomes, can be obtained in the nursing section of the  SF State bulletin .

  • How to Apply

Eligibility Requirements and Prerequisite Information

  • Must hold a Bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution.  All prospective second Baccalaureate students must be admissible to SF State in accordance with existing criteria as stated in the  Graduate Admissions Requirements  section of the University Bulletin.
  • Residency Must be a   California resident   or be eligible for in-state tuition.
  • Minimum Grade Point Average Prerequisite GPA must be 3.0 or higher at the time of School of Nursing supplemental application.  Please see the footnote.
  • Score 78 or higher on the ATI TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) within three attempts.  Online remote proctored test during pandemic is acceptable.
  • Prerequisite Coursework Must complete all prerequisite courses below from an accredited College or University by the time of application.

Personal Statement

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, online courses, including lab, taken during shelter-in-place are acceptable. These courses must be C or better.  No other changes on the admission requirements. Please check each program's admission page for future updates.

Course Title Description SF State Course Number
Human Anatomy with Lab * Human Anatomy w/Lab; or Part 1 of a combined Anatomy & Physiology series.    (4 semester units)
Human Physiology with Lab * Human Physiology w/Lab; or Part 2 of a combined Anatomy & Physiology course series.   / (4 semester units) 
Survey of Chemistry with Lab * General, inorganic, organic, or integrated (any combination of general, organic, or biochemistry) chemistry courses are acceptable   /   (4 semester units) 
General Microbiology with Lab * A Microbiology and corresponding laboratory course /  (4 semester units) 
Written Communication ** Freshman or Sophomore Composition course; Area A2 at CA community colleges. (Please refer to  ) 

Oral Communication

A course in public speaking, interpersonal communication. Includes skill development in listening, speech preparation, and oral presentation; Area A1 at CA community colleges. (Please refer to  )
Critical Thinking ** A course in logic, argumentation, or debate. This includes Advanced Composition courses which include writing reasoned discourse and providing evaluation of arguments. Area A3 at CA community colleges; ENG 3, Writing II, WR3RC or equivalent at many UCs. (Please refer to  )
Statistics Statistics. Business Stats or Psych Stats are also acceptable.  (3 semester units)

* Science courses and statistics must be taken for a letter grade of C or better within the last seven years. Prerequisite GPA will count these four science courses along with statistics.

** Students who hold a Bachelor degree from a regionally accredited institution will be considered to have these requirements fulfilled. Prerequisite GPA will not count these courses but they are still required for admission.

Please consult Assist to determine comparable or articulated coursework taken at California community colleges or CSUs. If the course in question was taken at institutions other than California community colleges, please visit Articulation page.

Cal State Apply Application Period

We strongly recommend that prospective students complete the Cal State Apply application as early as possible during the application period to allow time for an SF State ID number to be issued and all required university documentation, including a set of official transcripts, residency status information, etc., to be submitted, received and processed.

August 1 - September 3

NursingCas Application

We recommend beginning the process and request official transcripts to be sent to NursingCAS early in the application period as  late applications will not be accepted .

August 1 - September 3, 8:59 p.m. Pacific Time

Prospective students must submit both applications and the required materials by the deadline. Late application/ required materials will not be accepted:

Submit Application to San Francisco State University via Cal State Apply

Prospective students who have a previous bachelor degree must apply for second baccalaureate status through  Cal State Apply . Under "Extended Profile", please choose "Undergraduate" and "Seeking a Second Bachelor's Degree." From the program listing, please select "Nursing BS." For detailed information on admission and transcript submission to San Francisco State University, please go to  Division of Graduate Studies.

Step Two: Submit School of Nursing Supplemental Application via NursingCAS - (All applicants)  

  • Request ATI Testing to send TEAS score directly to "San Francisco State University"
  • Official transcripts from each college or community college attended
  • Letter of verification for veteran or active duty military status.
  • Letter of verification for health related work or volunteer experiences. Please use this health-related work letter template or volunteer experience template .
  • Letter of verification for Service to Underserved Community or volunteer experiences. Please use this service to underserved community template or underserved community volunteer experience template .
  • Letter of verification for multi-linguistic fluency within health-related or service to underserved community experiences

For NursingCAS supplemental application guidance and instructions, please visit NursingCAS Applicant Help Center .

For frequently asked questions about application cycle, including the Re-applicant feature, please visit NursingCAS Application FAQs page.

Office Hours

Quick links.

  • BRN NCLEX Pass Rates
  • Nurses Lounge
  • College of Health & Social Sciences

Nursing Guru

First aid module for BSc. Nursing students in semester-I

First-aid module training is a low-cost, high-impact method of lowering morbidity and mortality. With the help of the Belgian Red Cross Evidence Practice Center, the Belgian Red Cross-Flanders, and a multidisciplinary expert panel, the Indian Red Cross Society developed evidence-based Indian first aid guidelines in 2014.

First aid module for B.Sc. Nursing students in1st semester

  • About first-aid
  • First aid and law
  • Managing an emergency
  • Resuscitation (Basic CPR)
  • Recoverable position
  • The initial examination from head to toe
  • Hygiene  and handwashing


Basic first aid.

Before the arrival of an ambulance, a qualified paramedical or medical person, or before arriving at a facility that can provide professional medical care, first aid is the first assistance or treatment given to a casualty or a sick person for any injury or unexpected illness .

The objectives of first aid

The objectives of first aid are to (a) save lives, (b) prevent the deterioration of one's medical condition, (c) promote recovery, and (d) assist in safe transportation to the nearest healthcare facility.

The first aider

Any person who has earned a certificate from an authorised training authority demonstrating that he or she is qualified to administer first aid is referred to as a first aider.


The following subset of the guidelines is included:

A bystander or Good Samaritan ("someone who assists an injured individual in an emergency") such as a witness to an accident, may transport an injured person to the nearest hospital and should be permitted to depart right away. The eyewitness is required to disclose his or her address.

There are no questions to be asked. Any civil or criminal responsibility for the onlooker or Good Samaritan must be waived. A witness or Good Samaritan who calls the police or emergency services to report an injured person on the road cannot be forced to reveal his name or personal information over the phone or in person.

The sharing of the Good Samaritan's contact information will be optional. A doctor's or nurse’s failure to respond in an emergency involving a road accident (when he is required to offer care) is considered Professional Misconduct .


Although emergency situations differ widely, there are four fundamental measures that must always be followed:

STEP 1: Make the location as secure as possible

First and first, your own safety should always be prioritized. As a first responder, you should:  Try to figure out what's going on. Look for any potential dangers, such as traffic, fire, or power cables; if you are placing yourself in danger, never approach an accident scene. Do everything you can to protect the injured person(s) and other individuals on the scene; be aware that the injured person's property is at risk. Theft is a possibility. So keep your safety in mind, and if an accident scene is unsafe and you can't aid without placing yourself at risk, call the police.

When coming into contact with the injured or sick person's blood or body fluids, it's also necessary to wash your hands and wear gloves or other protective gear.

As a first responder, you should always respect traffic laws; ask other persons to notify traffic about the accident; and, if possible, install a warning sign at a good distance from the accident, at least 30 meters on either side, to warn traffic. After the accident, remember to remove the warning signs; seek assistance from the police or emergency services; do not allow anyone to smoke near the accident site; turn off the engines of all cars involved in the accident, and try to apply the handbrake to keep vehicles involved in the accident from moving. You can also prevent rolling by placing something against the tires.

If there has been a head, neck, back, leg, or arm injury, any movement may aggravate the ailment. Only transport injured persons if: the injured person is at greater risk if he is left there, the situation cannot be made safe, medical help will not arrive soon, and you can do so safely.

STEP 2: Assess the injured person's health

You can assess the sick or injured person's condition if it is safe. Always make sure he's awake and breathing normally. Situations involving a loss of consciousness or difficulty breathing are frequently fatal. Inside the body, bleeding can occur and be life-threatening, even if there is no visible blood loss. This booklet explains resuscitation techniques (CPR), the recovery position, and other topics.

STEP 3: Seek assistance

After assessing the sick or injured person's condition, you can determine whether immediate assistance is required. If assistance is required, have a bystander contact for assistance. Request that he returns and confirm that assistance is being provided. If you call for assistance, have the following information ready: the location where assistance is needed (address, street, specific reference points, location; if in a building: floor, room); the telephone or mobile number you are calling from; the nature of the problem; what happened (car accident, fall, sudden illness, explosion, etc.); how many injured; nature of the injuries (if you know); what type of assistance is required: ambulance, paramedic, etc.

STEP 4. Provide first-aid care

When giving first aid, attempt to keep an ill or injured person warm and safe from the elements. If a person is severely hurt, nauseated, sleepy, or falls unconscious, do not offer him or her anything to eat or drink. Be mindful that being in an emergency scenario can be quite stressful for the injured or ill individual. Follow these easy guidelines to help him get through the ordeal: Identify yourself to the sick or injured individual, explain how you will assist him, and reassure him. This will aid in his relaxation; listen to the individual and express care and friendliness; make him as comfortable as possible.


CPR is a procedure that combines cardiac chest compression with artificial circulation to deliver oxygen and circulation to a person who is unconscious until medical assistance arrives. When conducted with the heart pumping off, this is a life-saving first aid operation that boosts a person's chances of survival.  If a person stops breathing in any of the following scenarios, CPR may be required:

Road accident, Heart attack or stroke, Suffocation, Drowning \Poisoning, Suffocation \ Smoke inhalation, Overdosing on drugs or alcohol, Suspected SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)

To hold life, we need our hearts to pump oxygenated blood to our vital organs. To achieve this we want to be respiration and our hearts need to be pumping. Should both of these functions stop, our brain and different essential organs will begin to deteriorate (brain cells normally die within 3-4 minutes due to lack of oxygen) which will in the end lead to death.

‘Ventricular fibrillation is the most frequent result of cardiac arrest, brought on by way of a coronary heart attack. When this happens, the quality chance of survival for the patient is to have their heart ‘restarted’ with a defibrillator. These are carried on all ambulances, and can also be found in some public places (shopping centres, etc.).

These days’ defibrillators are very sophisticated and will talk you through the process, but you ought to be educated in the use of them earlier than trying to use one. However, even if you are skilled to use one, you must call an ambulance first, as this will give the casualty the nice danger of survival.

Even so, we want to keep the heart and Genius oxygenated as nice we can while assistance is on the way; this is when we begin   Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).

How can response and consciousness be detected?

When a person is abruptly unable to respond to stimuli such as sound or pain and looks to be asleep, they are said to be unconscious. For a few seconds (as with fainting) or for prolonged periods of time, a person may be unconscious. Loud noises and shaking have little effect on those who have fallen asleep. They could possibly cease breathing or have a weak pulse. This necessitates rapid assistance. It is preferable if the victim receives emergency first help as soon as possible.

The  AVPU  scale (an acronym for "alert, voice, pain, unresponsiveness") is a technique for measuring and recording a patient's responsiveness, which indicates their state of awareness. It is based on the victim's eye-opening, vocal, and motor (motor) movements.

There are just four possible outcomes on the AVPU scale:

A-stands for alert

The individual is completely awake (although not necessarily oriented). The subject will open their eyes voluntarily, respond to voice (although confusedly), and exhibit bodily motor function.

V-stands for voices

Listening to and responding to other people's voices. When you speak to this individual, he responds in some way. It may be anything as simple as his opening his eyes, replying to your queries, or making a move. When encouraged by the rescuer's voice, these replies might be as little as a grunt, groan, or tiny movement of a limb.

P stands for pain

Perceiving and responding to pain. On the administration of pain stimuli, such as a central pain stimulus like a rub on his breastbone or a peripheral pain stimulus like pinching his fingers, the patient responds in any way. Patients with some level of consciousness (a completely awake patient would not require any pain stimuli) can respond by speaking, moving their eyes, or moving a bodily part (including abnormal posturing).

U stands for Unresponsiveness

Unresponsiveness (sometimes known as 'unconsciousness') is a kind of unresponsiveness. If the patient does not respond to speech or pain with an eye, vocal, or motor reaction, this result is noted.

How breathing can be Assessed

The airway may additionally be insufficient or obstructed, which can make respiratory difficult or not possible. The reason for airway obstruction may additionally be the following:

If there is a lack of throat muscle control, the tongue may also soak up and block the element of air. If reflexes are impaired, saliva might build at the back of the throat, impeding flight direction. Upchuck, blood, synthetic enamel, and other foreign things in the throat might potentially obstruct airflow.

To observe the breathing do the following:

Turn the patient around on his back if the patient is unconscious or not paying attention. sit on your knee near the patient the index and middle fingers of one hand should be used to lift the chin forward, while the palm of the other hand should be used to press the forehead backwards. the tongue will be lifted forward and the airways will be cleared by doing this manoeuvre. (see figure 2).

First aid module for B.Sc. Nursing students in 1st semester

Pay attention to, feel, and describe the patient breathing. Check to verify if the patient is breathing after opening his or her airway. While staring down the victim's chest, position your cheek in front of his mouth (approximately 3-5 cm away) (towards his feet).

If you want, you can also place your palm in the centre of the patient's chest. By this, you can check if the patient is breathing properly using a variety of techniques: (See figure 3 above)

Keep a lookout for chest and abdominal movements. pay attention to breathing noises feel the air passing via the nose or mouth. If the patient's chest continues is not raised up, assume that the airway is not completely open.

The patient may begin breathing on his or her own once the airway has been cleared. Alternatively, clear the airway by eliminating any obvious obstructions: (a) Using a clean cloth/gloves, hook your first two fingers. (b) Sweep the interior of your mouth/throat. (c) Double-check your breathing.

How Pulse can be assessed?

It's not always simple to detect the pulse. During an emergency, feeling the pulse on the wrist is typically unreliable. Place your fingertips lightly on the voice box and slide them down into the depression between the voice box and the surrounding muscle to feel the pulse. Don't waste time looking for and feeling the pulse. Current layperson resuscitation recommendations state that CPR should be begun when the individual is not breathing or not breathing properly and that there is no need to check the pulse.

Resuscitation of an Individual Who is Not Breathing or is Not Breathing in a Normal Manner

If the patient is not breathing properly or not berating first, you should call for help and ask for an ambulance. Keep the palm of your one hand on the patient's chest at the centre. With the other hand on top, intertwine your fingers.

Kneel next to the patient's chest, on whichever side seems more comfortable.

Firmly press down on the patient's breastbone (current standards recommend a depth of 6cm), then relax the pressure while maintaining touch with the casualty. This is referred to as chest compression. Avoid pressing on the ribs, upper abdomen, or the end of the casualty's breastbone when administering pressure. Each compression should have the same time each time. Compress the chest at a pace of 100-120 compressions per minute for 30 seconds.

In an ideal circumstance, the victim would be lying flat on a firm surface, allowing CPR to be administered.

This isn't for all time the case, and you might need to do CPR on a patient who is lying down. If you find yourself in this circumstance, attempt to get the victim to the floor as soon as possible without injuring yourself or the victim. If this isn't feasible, remove any pillows or cushions and perform CPR with the victim lying flat. It's still preferable to doing nothing.

Combination of chest contractions with breathing:

After compressing the chest, bend the patient's head back to make sure the airway is clear. Pinch the person's nose off, this will ensure that the breath you give them does not escape.

You should take a deep breath and place your mouth on the patient’s mouth and make it a seal . Blow constantly into the mouth of the deceased, making sure their head is tilted backwards and their windpipe is open. Place your eyes on the injured person's chest to make sure it grows (this should take about a second) this is known as rescue breathing.

Remove your mouth and provide enough space for you to take a deep inhale. Keep the injured person's airways open and watch for air to fall from the chest. Keep your mouth shut and breathe a sigh of relief. You have to do this twice.

Immediately place your hand on the patient's chest and give 30 more chest compressions, followed by 2 more breaths. Continue switching between 30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths. 

Try the following if your respiratory effects aren't working:

Add extra 30 compressions to the chest. Remove any visible obstructions in the patient's mouth. To ensure that the patient's airways are clean, tilt the head back and lift the chin. If the patient's airways are not clean, the breath you take will not fill the lungs.  Continue CPR until emergency personnel come to take care of the situation.  You're too exhausted to go on.

Resuscitation of infants and children:

Understandably, some individuals are hesitant to do CPR for fear of injuring the kid or newborn. Failure to deliver CPR to a kid in this situation, on the other hand, is likely to result in serious penalties. CPR performed on a kid is the same as CPR performed on an adult. Only a few small changes have been made to the procedure such as before beginning CPR, giving the infant 5 breathes and then reducing 30 chest compressions to 2 respirations. If you're alone, perform CPR for approximately a minute before seeking medical assistance.


The recovery position is a lateral prone posture in which a patient who is asleep but breathing regularly might be put during first aid treatment.  Muscles are relaxed in an unconscious individual. The tongue obstructs the airway as a result of this. By gently tilting the head back and elevating the chin, this risk may be avoided. For unconscious victims who are breathing, the recovery posture should be adopted.

The arms and legs of the victim offer the essential support to keep the body in a secure and comfortable position.  Concerns about possible spinal damage take a back seat to the need to clear the breathing route. An unconscious individual must be put onto his back to unclog the breathing path and check to breathe unless it is evident that the person is breathing regularly.


Ask the patient about the accident. If the casualty is aware, he or she will provide the history. Someone who saw the accident will assist him if he is unconscious. The surroundings, such as an abandoned car or a damaged area around the location and its state, will add to the information. The first aider is informed of the casualty's symptoms.

Some symptoms are given below as examples which may occur during casualty may report:  Pain, cold or heat, thirst, nausea, weakness, dizziness, fainting, any loss of normal mobility, any loss of sensation, momentary loss of consciousness, loss of memory, having experienced the sensation of fracturing a bone, and so on


You should wet your hands and wash them properly. Cover all areas of your hands in soap. This is best done with liquid soap. You may also use ash that has cooled down to wash your hands.  Rub your hands together vigorously for 40-60 seconds, then thoroughly wash them.

Make sure the soap gets all the way down to your fingertips. Don't forget your thumbs, the area between your fingers, and the tips of your fingers. Hands must be thoroughly rinsed. Make sure you have enough water. Hands must be completely dry.

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20 important Basic Life Support questions and answers 2021

First aid for teachers and students (fast).

First Aid Mobile Software, an app developed by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) in collaboration with the Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS), has been launched on Google Play Store and the Apple Store.  First Aid Mobile App has been uploaded both in Google Play Store and Apple Store. The link to access the FAST App on Google Play Store (Android) is . FAST - First Aid Mobile App aid in the delivery of first aid training to teachers and students, ensuring that any emergency scenario that arises on school grounds is handled quickly until professional medical assistance arrives.

The nurse appears to have a professional and ethical obligation to offer first aid, as well as a legal one in some instances.

Nurses consider as personnel who have the necessary training and experience if they can exhibit existing first-aid knowledge and abilities. Basic life support (BLS) training and AED usage are required for all nursing and medical workers.

Airway, breathing, and CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) are the ABCs of first aid

In an emergency, there is no legal requirement to volunteer. When a practitioner assumes some responsibility for the patient's care, the legal obligation to care frequently develops.

This provides you with the ability to avoid the problem from worsening. If the patient does not obtain first aid care as soon as possible, the situation may deteriorate. You can stabilize the patient until emergency medical help arrives if you can offer first aid.

Compulsory training is a type of training that is required by an organisation in order to perform services in a safe and effective manner. This form of training is intended to decrease organizational risks and ensure compliance with local, state, and federal policies and regulations.

When a legislative body orders that body offer training in conformity with the law, it is referred to as legal training. Business-specific training that the employer deems required or vital for a given position is referred to as mandatory training.

The purpose of first aid is to save lives, prevent injury, and help rehabilitation.

The three P's summary, in particular, promotes health, prevents additional injuries, and promotes rehabilitation.

First Aid 4C" helps providers focus on the steps they need to take to safely manage an emergency: check, call, take care and complete.

CPR methods may be stated as ABC of CPR, with A referring to the airway, B to breathing, and C to circulation.

CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is a life-saving method that may be used in a variety of situations where one's breathing or heartbeat has stopped, such as a heart attack or drowning. Beginning CPR with tight and quick chest compressions is recommended by the American Heart Association.

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About Author

Staying up to date on nursing topics is an important task to keep in mind. Prof. R. P. Saxena founder of has created this site during COVID-19 Pandemic for all Nursing students, Professional Nurses and Public to keep in touch with current trend in the subject of nursing to excel in their careers. I hope this site will be very useful to all.

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BSc Nursing 2nd Year Notes PDF Free Download

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Medical-Surgical Nursing-I
Community Health Nursing- I
Communication & Educational Technology

Table of Contents

Sociology BSc Nursing 2nd Year Notes PDF Download

Individual and Society
Social Groups and Processes
Family and Marriage
Social stratification
Types of Communities in India
Social Change
Social Organization and Social System
Social control
Social Problems

Pharmacology BSc Nursing 2nd Year Notes PDF Download

Introduction to pharmacology
Pharmacology of commonly used antiseptics, disinfectants, and insecticides
Drugs Acting on G.I. System
Drugs Used on Respiratory Systems
Drugs Used on Urinary System
Drugs used on skin and mucous membranes
Drugs acting on the Nervous system
Cardiovascular Drugs
Drugs used for hormonal disorder and supplementation;
contraception & medical termination of pregnancy
Introduction to Drugs Used in alternative systems of Medicine

Pathology BSc Nursing 2nd Year Notes PDF Download

Introduction to pathology
Special pathology (Cardio-vascular system & Gastro-Intestinal Tract)
Clinical pathology
Examination of body cavity fluids, transudates & exudates
Urine and faeces

Genetics BSc Nursing 2nd Year Notes PDF Download

Introduction to genetics
Maternal, Prenatal & Genetic Influences on Development of Defects and Diseases
Genetic Testing in the Neonates and Children
Genetic Conditions of Adolescents and Adults
Services related to Genetics

Medical-Surgical Nursing BSc Nursing 2nd Year Notes PDF Download

Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing
Common Signs and Symptoms and Management
Nursing Management of Patients with Respiratory Problems
Nursing Management of Patients with Disorders of the Digestive System
Nursing Management of Patients with Blood and Cardiovascular Problems
Nursing Management of Patients with Genito-urinary Problems
Nursing Management of Disorders of the Male Reproductive System
Nursing Management of Patients with Disorders of the Endocrine System
Nursing Management of Patients with Disorders of the Integumentary System
Nursing Management of Patients with Musculoskeletal Problems
Nursing Management of Patients with Immunological Problems
Nursing Management of Patients with Communicable Diseases
Peri-Operative Nursing

Community Health Nursing-I BSc Nursing 2nd Year Notes PDF Download

Introduction to CHN-I
Determinants of health
Epidemiology & nursing management of Common Communicable Diseases
Epidemiology & nursing management of Non-Communicable disease
Population and its Control

Communication & Educational Technology BSc 2nd Year Notes Download

TOPICS NAMEDownload Page link
Review of Communication Process
Interpersonal relations
Human relations
Guidance & counselling
Principles of Education & teaching-learning Process
Methods of teaching
Educational Media
Information, Education & Communication for Health (IEC)

What is the Subject of 2nd Year Nursing?

BSc Nursing 2nd Year syllabus contains seven subjects that are essential for bsc nursing Second Year students. Here we have mentioned all these subjects with their notes pdf. These subjects are (a) Sociology, (b) Pharmacology, (c) Pathology, (d) Genetics, (e) MSN (f) CHN (g) Communication and Educational Technology

Is BSc Nursing a medical degree?

B.Sc nursing is a medical professional program course to admit this course will need an entrance rank.

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IGNOU Post Basic BSc Nursing Assignment 2024 (January)

IGNOU BSCNPB Assignment 2024 - IGNOU BSCNPB Assignment Question Paper has been uploaded by the university for its current session 2024. The students of the BSCNPB program can now download the Assignment Questions from this page. Candidates have to compulsory download and submit these assignments with the solutions to the university to get permission for attending the Term End Exam of the IGNOU BSCNPB Program.

We also inform all BSCNPB students that the assignment questions for each of the courses of the IGNOU BSCNPB program are available for download from here. You have to prepare each of BSCNPB assignment separately so that IGNOU Evaluators can easily understand and identify the course code of each subject.

  • IGNOU BSCNPB Syllabus
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Program Code
Name of the Program Post Basic BSc Nursing
Session 2024
Applicable For TEE December 2024

List of IGNOU BSCNPB Assignment 2024

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Each of the Assignment questions will have different marks and the same will be printed on each question. Candidates should write the solutions to all questions according to the instructions given in the IGNOU BSCNPB Assignment Question Paper . The BSCNPB students have to submit the Assignments for each course to IGNOU Study Centre in which they get registered. The candidates have to submit it before the due date to appear in Term End Exam conducted by IGNOU.

IGNOU BSCNPB Assignment Submission Last Date for 2024

Here is the Last Date for Submission of the IGNOU BSCNPB Assignment to appear in the Upcoming Term End Exam December 2024 or June 2025 .

For TEE December 2024 30th September 2024
For TEE June 2025 31st March 2025

Where to Submit IGNOU BSCNPB Assignments?

If you have completely solved your assignment then you have to submit your IGNOU BSCNPB Assignments to the coordinator of the study centre which is allotted to you at the time of admission. Don’t forget to get a receipt for the submission of BSCNPB Assignments.

After preparing the solution for your BSCNPB Assignment, you have to submit IGNOU Assignments to the coordinator of the study centre which was allotted to you at the time of taking admission. Moreover, Don't forget to get a receipt for the submission of BSCNPB Assignments.

2 thoughts on “IGNOU Post Basic BSc Nursing Assignment 2024 (January)”

Hello sir/medam I am 1st year student of post basic bsc nursing I want also you that When to submit this assignment????

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  • B.Sc (Nursing)

BSc Nursing: Course, Admission 2024, Fees, Syllabus, Eligibility, Entrance Exams, Top Colleges, Jobs

bsc nursing assignment

Sushil Pandey

Senior Content Specialist

Bachelor of Science [B.Sc] (Nursing) - Latest Notifications

  • 18 August, 2024 : NEET Seat Matrix 2024 Released, Check details Here!
  • 17 August, 2024 : Rajasthan NEET Counselling 2024 Registration Begins, Apply till Aug 21
  • 14 August, 2024 : NEET 2024 Counselling Registration Begins, Check direct Link here.

BSc Nursing is an undergraduate degree that aims to prepare students for a career in nursing. It is a 4-year course with theory and practical. Students learn subjects like anatomy, microbiology, biochemistry, psychology and more all within the context of nursing.

BSc Nursing Admission is either based on merit or entrance exams like the AIIMS BSc Nursing Exam, CMC Vellore Nursing Exam, PGIMER Nursing and TS EAPCET. The  basic eligibility criteria  to pursue BSc Nursing is  class 12 with 50% marks from a recognised board with biology as one of the main subjects . 

The average course fee ranges between INR 2,000 to INR 10,000 for government colleges and INR 50,000 to INR 2 L for private colleges . Some of the top job profiles after BSc Nursing include  Nurses, Staff Nurses, GNM Nurses, Registered Nurses and ICU Nurses . The  average salary  after BSc Nursing is around  INR 2.8 LPA  with the highest salary being around INR 5.8 LPA. Graduates can also opt for master’s courses like  MSc Nursing  for better career opportunities and pay. 

Table of Content

BSc Nursing: Course Highlights

What is a bsc in nursing, is a bsc nursing beneficial, what do we study in bsc nursing.

  • What are the Admission Steps for BSc Nursing?

Is NEET necessary for BSc Nursing?

What are the best bsc nursing colleges in india, which is better bsc nursing or bsc nursing (post basic), what can i do after bsc nursing, what are the best courses after bsc nursing in india, what is the salary of a bsc nurse in india in a government hospital, what are the career options after bsc nursing, what does a bsc nurse do, what are the jobs available after bsc nursing, what is the future of bsc nursing, bsc nursing: faqs.

Particulars Details
Duration 4 years
Eligibility Class 12 with 50% marks
Admission Merit and entrance-based
Entrance Exams AIIMS BSc Nursing Exam, CMC Vellore Nursing Exam, PGIMER Nursing, TS EAPCET
Top Colleges AIIMS Delhi, PGIMER, CMC Vellore, SGPGIMS, LPU
Course fee (INR) Government College - INR 2,000 - INR 10,000 Private College - INR 50,000 - INR 2 L
Average Salary (INR) INR 2.8 LPA
Top Recruiters AIIMS, Apollo Hospitals, Max Healthcare, Fortis Hospitals, Medanta Medicity, JIPMER
Job Profiles Nurse, Staff Nurse, GNM Nurse, Registered Nurse, ICU Nurse

BSc Nursing is a 4-year undergraduate course that will prepare you for a career in nursing. You will study subjects like anatomy, microbiology, biochemistry, psychology and more through a combination of theoretical and practical aspects. After completing this course, you will be able to practice as a nurse in healthcare settings.

It will be beneficial for you to pursue a BSc Nursing course if you are interested in healthcare and community service. Some of the top reasons for pursuing it are as follows. 

  • High Demand -  As per the WHO standards, there should be 3 nurses per 1000 people while India has only 1.7. The number of nurses required to meet WHO norms is 4.3 million by 2024. This has created a significant demand for nursing professionals. 
  • Job Opportunities -  BSc Nursing graduates have diverse job opportunities to choose from. They can work in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, health centres, and more both in private and government settings. They can also look for opportunities abroad. 
  • Affordability -  Compared to other countries, pursuing nursing courses in India is relatively cheaper. BSc Nursing tuition fee is generally low making it accessible to many students. 
  • Job Security -  Due to the constant demand, a career as a nursing professional offers job security and stability. They also make lucrative earnings with the average salary of a registered nurse in India being INR 4.2 LPA. 
  • Career Advancement -  BSc nursing can provide a strong foundation for further education. Candidates can move on to pursue a master’s degree or specialised courses in nursing. 

In BSc Nursing, you will study a combination of healthcare and science subjects. The curriculum is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of efficient patient care. The course is divided into 4 years and consists of 8 semesters. Practical training is also included to provide hands-on training. 

Tabulated below is the general year-wise BSc Nursing syllabus. 

Ist Year Syllabus
Anatomy and Physiology Composition and Function of Blood
Different systems of the body Biochemistry
Psychology Physiology
Nursing Foundation Nutrition
IInd Year Syllabus
Microbiology Pathology
Sociology Pharmacology
Genetics Medical-Surgical Nursing
Health Education Occupational Nursing
IIIrd Year Syllabus
Maternal and Child Health Mental Health Nursing
Child Health Nursing Communication and Educational Technology
Nursing Registration and Legislation Sociology and Social Medicine
Human Relations Family Welfare Programs
IVth Year Syllabus
Nursing Research Embryology
Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing Elementary Principles of Medicine
Principles of Nursing Services Philosophy of Nursing Supervision
Databases Computer Science

Are there any Electives in BSc Nursing?

The BSc Nursing syllabus has electives that you can choose to develop knowledge and skills in a specific field. You have to choose one elective subject every year except the first. You can check the common elective subjects from the following list.

  • Human Values.
  • Diabetes Care.
  • Addiction Psychiatry.
  • Adolescent Health.
  • Sports Health.
  • Scientific Writing Skills.
  • Health Economics.
  • Sexuality and Health.
  • Accreditation and Practice Standards. 

What are the Admission Steps for BSc Nursing? 

Admission to BSc Nursing courses in India is based on merit or entrance exams. The admission steps for both methods are as follows. 

Merit-based Admission Process

  • You should check the eligibility criteria to confirm your eligibility for the BSc Nursing course. It generally includes class 12 from a recognised university. 
  • You should fill out the application form for the desired college, upload the required documents and pay the application fees to complete the application. 
  • After the verification of the documents, a merit list will be released by the college and you will be called for counselling.
  • After successfully clearing the counselling, you will be allotted a seat for the BSc Nursing course. 
  • You should pay the course fee and complete the other admission formalities.
  • Once the admission process is completed, you can start the classes. 

Entrance-based Admission Process

  • You have to register online by visiting the official website of the conducting body. 
  • You should fill up the application form with all necessary details with care and upload all required documents.
  • You should pay the requisite amount of the application fee and download the admit card when released.
  • You should prepare for the exam as per the syllabus and past papers and appear for the examination on the date announced.
  • If you succeed in qualifying for the entrance examinations, you can move on to apply for the desired college.
  • You should submit the application form along with entrance exam marks and other required documents.
  • A list of selected candidates will be released by the college and you will be called for the selection process which generally consists of a group discussion and a personal interview.
  • After the counselling round, you can start the course.
  • You should pay the course fee and complete the other admission formalities to start classes. 

No, the NEET exam is not required to pursue a BSc Nursing degree. The top nursing colleges in India like AIIMS Delhi and PGIMER conduct their own entrance exams for selecting students. You can appear in that or consider state-level entrance exams for nursing courses. Some colleges like IIT-BHU also accept NEET scores to provide admission to their BSc nursing course. 

What is the NEET score for BSc Nursing in Government Colleges?

NTA is expected to release the NEET 2024 cutoff in June 2024. You can check the scores through its official website. With a rank between 50,000 to 80,000, you can easily get admission to a BSc Nursing program. 

You can check the BSc Nursing expected cutoff score for NEET 2024 in the following table. 

Category Cutoff Percentile Expected Cutoff Score
UR/EWS 50th 720-130
SC/ST/OBC 40th 129-105
UR/EWS-PwD 45th 129-120
SC/ST/OBC-PwD 40th 119-105
ST-PwD 40th 119-105

BSc Nursing being a popular course, is offered by many colleges in India. You can choose from 1383 colleges offering BSc nursing courses. The following tables list the top BSc Nursing colleges in India.

What are some Private BSc Nursing Colleges?

There are more than 1000 private colleges in India offering BSc Nursing courses. The top private nursing colleges are mentioned below for your reference.

College Course Fee (INR) Location
25,955 Vellore
1,60,000 Jalandhar
1,41,000 Chandigarh
1,00,000 Chennai
1,25,000 Chennai

Which BSc Nursing College is best in West Bengal?

West Bengal has 77 Nursing Colleges offering BSc Nursing courses. Check the table below to find some of the top colleges. 

College Course Fee (INR) Location
98,400 Durgapur
12,500 Kolkata
60,000 Kolkata
4,54,666 Kolkata

Which is the Best BSc Nursing College in Punjab?

Punjab has a total of 81 colleges with BSc Nursing courses. You can check the top colleges in the table below. 

College Course Fee (INR) Location
5,850 Chandigarh
1,60,000 Jalandhar
1,41,000 Chandigarh
1,30,000 Patiala
1,47,800 Ludhiana

What are the top BSc Nursing Colleges in Telangana?

There are 15 colleges in Telangana offering BSc Nursing courses. You can check the college details below. 

College Course Fee (INR) Location
- Secunderabad
- Malkagiri Manda
50,000 Warangal
1,00,000 Secunderabad
- Khammam

BSc Nursing is a basic UG degree in nursing while BSc Nursing (Post Basic) is designed for nurses with a GNM diploma. You can check the comparison of both the courses in the following table. 

Parameters BSc Nursing BSc Nursing (Post Basic)
Duration 4 years 2 years
Degree Type Undergraduate course Undergraduate course
Eligibility Class 12 Certificate in GNM or RNRM
Admission Process Merit and entrance exam-based Merit and entrance exam-based
Average Fees INR 20,000 - INR 2 L INR 20,000 - INR 1 L
Average Salary INR 2.8 LPA INR 3 LPA - INR 5 LPA
Top Colleges AIIMS Delhi, PGIMER, CMC Vellore, SGPGIMS, LPU AIIMS, DY Patil University, AFMC, CMC Vellore, Madras Medical College
Top Recruiters AIIMS, Apollo Hospitals, Max Healthcare, Fortis Hospitals, Medanta Medicity, JIPMER Apollo Hospitals, Manipal Hospitals, Medanta Medicity, Fortis Hospitals

There are various options that you can explore after completing your BSc Nursing degree. Some of the most commonly pursued paths are listed below for your reference. 

  • The most common option is to work in healthcare settings like hospitals, clinics and community healthcare settings as nurses. 
  • You can also take up specialised nursing roles like ICU Nurse, Emergency Nurse, Paediatric Nurse and more. 
  • Opportunities also exist in administrative roles. With experience, you can take up Manager or Supervisor roles. 
  • You can also opt for higher education and pursue courses like MSc or Postgraduate Diploma. 

There are various options that you can consider after BSc Nursing graduates if you wish to continue your education. There are advanced degrees or you can opt for specialised courses. Some of the top courses are as follows. 

  • MSc Nursing -  it is one of the most commonly pursued educational paths by BSc Nursing graduates. It is a 2-year long course that provides advanced knowledge on various aspects of nursing. It also improves employability and provides graduates with better career prospects.
  • Post-Basic BSc Nursing -  This is another course that candidates can consider. It provides nurses with further specialised knowledge in nursing. 
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing -   This course offers specialised training in different areas of nursing like pediatric nursing, psychiatric nursing, community health and more. 
  • Certificate courses -  Graduates can also opt for short-term certificate courses to learn about various aspects of nursing.

The average annual salary of a nurse in India is INR 2.8 LPA. The starting salary is INR 0.2 LPA with the highest salary being INR 5.8 LPA. The average monthly salary is between INR 13,765 to INR 15,226. 

In government hospitals, the salary is much higher and you can expect up to INR 38,000 per month. 

There are various options that you can consider after completing your BSc Nursing degree. Opportunities exist in both, the government and private healthcare sectors. The following table lists some of the top profiles that you can consider along with their average salaries.

Designations Job Description Average Annual Salary (INR)
Registered Nurse Provide direct patient care and administer medication to ensure patient care. 4.2 L
Staff Nurse Provide care, monitor vital signs and provide nursing reports. 2.9 L
ICU Nurse Provide specialised care to critically ill patients to coordinate with doctors for optimises outcomes. 2.6 L
Male Nurse Male professionals that carry out the nursing work in healthcare settings. 3.6 L
ANM Nurse Deliver primary healthcare services and education in rural and community settings. 2.2 L
GNM Staff Nurse Deliver comprehensive nursing care and collaborate with other teams to ensure excellent health outcomes. 2.7 L

BSc Nurses are healthcare professionals who have completed a 4-year BSc degree in nursing. They are an important part of the healthcare system and have many responsibilities with a wide range of duties. You can check some of their common duties listed below.

  • Patient care through drug administration, health monitoring and care plans. 
  • Sample collection for diagnostic duties. 
  • First aid and emergency care. 
  • Patient education about healthcare and preventive measures. 
  • Management duties to maintain accurate patient records. 
  • Specialised care by working in fields like paediatrics, critical care, mental health and more.

After completing your BSc Nursing degree, you have many career opportunities in both, the government and private healthcare sectors. You can check some of the latest openings in the tables below. 

Government Jobs

Government jobs can provide you with a rewarding pathway to serve the community while enjoying benefits like job security, competitive pay and professional growth opportunities. You can check the top government jobs for BSc Nursing graduates in the table below. 

Job Profile Offering Institute Average Salary (INR)
Nursing Sister Sainik School, Jhunjhunu 38,250 per month
Nurse (Research) THSTI 31,500 per month
Staff Nurse RRB Paramedical 44,900 per month
Staff Nurse UPPSC 44,900 - 1.42 L
Staff Nurse GIMS 44,900 per month

Private Jobs

The private sector also offers excellent career opportunities for BSc Nursing graduates with lucrative salaries. Find below the top private BSc Nursing jobs. 

Job Profile Offering Institute Average Salary (INR)
OT Staff Nurse Large Healthcare Company, New Delhi 1.2 LPA
ICU Staff Nurse Dr. Kamkshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai -
GNM Nirali Cancer Hospital, Navsari -
ANM/GNM Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune -

The future of BSc Nursing in India is promising with opportunities in government and private healthcare settings. The demand for healthcare professionals is constantly increasing in India and nurses make up a large portion of it. There is a constant need for skilled nursing professionals. 

You can find roles in hospitals, nursing homes, community healthcare centres, armed forces and more. You can also pursue higher courses like MSc Nursing or a specialised degree to become proficient in a specific aspect of nursing. 

Ques. What is the difference between GNM Nursing and BSc Nursing?

Ans.  GNM is a 3-year diploma course while BSc Nursing is a full-time UG degree with a 4 years duration. The GNM curriculum focuses on the basic concepts of nursing and healthcare while the BSc Nursing curriculum is more extensive and in-depth. 

GNM nurses primarily work as staff nurses. The career scope and advancement chances for BSc Nursing graduates are much better. 

Ques. How is a BSc Nursing degree from a state-level college different from a BSc Nursing degree from a central-level college?

Ans.  Accreditation/affiliation, curriculum standardisation, education quality and fees are some of the top factors that differentiate a BSc Nursing degree from a state-level to a central-level college. Central-level colleges provide better infrastructure and access to advanced facilities. Students also get better exposure to research opportunities. State-level colleges have varying levels of resources and may focus on state-level healthcare needs. Central colleges also have higher fees compared to state colleges. They also offer scholarships which are not common in many state-level colleges. 

Ques. How is the BSc Nursing Program at AIIMS?

Ans.   AIIMS is an esteemed institute that offers BSc Nursing programs. These courses feature a rigorous curriculum and top faculties. Students are exposed to theoretical knowledge along with clinical training. Students develop a holistic approach to healthcare delivery at the BSc Nursing program at AIIMS. Students also get excellent opportunities for jobs and collaborations upon course completion. 

Ques. Are MNS BSc Nursing and AFMC BSc Nursing the same?

Ans.  Though both programs offer opportunities for providing healthcare services in the Indian Armed Forces, MNS and AFMC BSc Nursing courses are not the same. MNS BSc Nursing is administered by the Indian Army to train and select candidates to work in the military nursing corps. On the other hand, AFMC BSc Nursing is offered by the Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC) preparing nurses to serve in the Army, Navy and Air Force. 

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1194 Reviews found

Good experience to fill the form

There is 2 exams per semester as the semester system by the rajasthan university of health sciences and per paper is of 75 marks and passing marks is 20 per subject and exam four subject sociology psychology and anatomy and physiology

Course Curriculum Overview

Curriculum was not long and so easy for learning if we study regularly then complete easily in some times tha timing of exam is 6 month and marks 75 and subject is anatomy physiology and sociology and pyscology

Good in every way

The faculties of the college is also good we cannot say that they are superb but they are good or average. The ratio of the faculty to student relationship is also very well there's no shortage of teachers in the college. The principal of the College is so good his behaviour and nature towards the students is good ????. He understands the problem of the students whatever we say to him . The dean of the college is also good he is not present everytime in the college he came only when the functions or some sports events held in the college or in some special occasion. As we talk about the faculty which I like the most is ravindra sir. He is out coordinator of the Class and he is our first cordinator of the class. And he manages the environment of the class is so very well he listens our problems and try to solve them. If faced any kind of problem he is the one who is always ready to solve them . His nature and behaviour towards the students is also good he supports the students. As such...

The course which I choose for myself is bachelor's of nursing kr bsc. Nursing. Earlier I prepared for the neet but the marks was low for the counselling so I didn't get the seat . The main motive was to do MBBS and became a doctor but unfortunately I don't get the seat so my this dream remain half. But as an alternative option i choose bachelor's of nursing or bsc nursing. Because I am very much clear in my mind that I only want to go in the medical field and serve the humanity or the people of the country. The course I chose for myself is very good in itself because in this we get the chance to do something for mankind and the job of the nurse is toh take care of the patient and we called the nurse as a mother of the patient. Because she or he rake care the patient like a mother . But the respect of this profession in India is not good but we can see in the abroad there is lot of respect for this profession and they give respect to the staff of the medical which they deserve to be ...

Amazing experience in HNB medical education University

Obviously, nursing has a vast scope in terms of clinical or teaching or private government in every sector I have only one concern related to practical mode. The theory is manageable main focus should on practical based questions that enhance the knowledge as well as skills of the students Not only the it also boosts up make moré confidence to the tutors as well

Loan/ Scholarship Provisions

Bsc nursing consists 4 year bachelor programs..and according to the year Fees structure are divided in first year it's 96000 in the second third and fourth years the fee amount is 93k Excluding internship fees and practical fees. The scholarships are provided based on merit.

College of nursing Cuttack

121300 is our course fee ( tution fees , lab fees, and library feees ). Admission fees 1000 increase. 48000 accommodation fees . 2000 exam registration fees. And some other fees like function, any celebration. There are some scholarships for all but some are get that but not all

Campus Life

Our annual function is our seniors farewell party, it helps in December. There are so many books and journals are in library we get this facility very easily. There are good facilities in our class room . There are so many sports in our campus. It's good safety and security .

Better education

The curriculum that influenced my decision to choose this course is having interest in the medical field as love to care of patients and provide better treatment to them The frequency and timing of the exam along with perspective on their difficulty level is about 3 hours for one exam The area for improvement in the course curriculum and teaching methods is providing a better environment. Real-world applications or further academic pursuits are important for teaching.

There are many annual and technical festivals along with the months they are typically held at college as rituals. The range and accessibility of Books and journals available in the library is very high The faculty and technology provision within the classroom are very good. There are many sports played in the sports week. There are many students that have social groups.

Sbds college of nursing aherwan,ratia

Nursing is all about learning (subject matter) and learning activities (clinical experience and practice) that the faculty plan and implement in various settings for a particular group of students, for a specified period of time in order to attain objectives. The primary function of nursing is to create science that inform nursing practice, allowing nurses to provide best care to their patients.

The faculty members of college are good and supportive. The have qualifications bsc,msc and have teaching experience of some yaers like 4,5,10,15. Bsc nursing is a full time program of 4 years and exams are conducted in every 6 months because of semester system.

Honest review of SMCON

To study in SMCON an individual has to pay 1,31,000 as an overall fee but fee structure has been divided as academic, library, clinical, lab demonstration, transportation fee, etc. There are two types of scholarships available here one of which is given by state govt of Sikkim where in, instead of full fees one has to pay 71,000 only. And another scholarship which is given by honorable Prime Minister in which students do not have to pay the full amount.

My overall experience in SMCON is great i love clinical postings and lab demonstration classes along we have different labs in our college like the child health lab OBG lab nutritional lab nursing foundation mental health lab and we have digital classes. Other corricular activities or programs include annual day, aura, hustle, academia, Utsav, etc.

Pdm university at a glance

The course curriculum is very good and many intresting subjects are there includes msn pediatrics and anatomy and physiology which influence me to choose the course the curriculum prepare us to improve the health care condition in real world and make us to be a good human beings. the teachers should use the test and study methods they did not give necessary holiday to students. some personal time should be provided to students to mind fresh activities. the frequency and timing of exams are good and easy.

The faculty student ratio of the college is very very low they have only 1:10 ratio. The teacher name is Navdisha mam is I liked the most and there is list of worst teacher like ms. santosh gulia and Mrs. ekta because they treat students like servant and unnecessary fail them to satisfy their personal ego the exam are very easy and everyone can pass easily

This College is good for studying

All faculty members are good only they are very friendly and helpful and when ever we don't understand anything they help us but sometimes what we expect like that it is not going on and that time we are very disappointed

This college is good for studying but the festival and all not that much celebrate only Independence Day celebration and no other cultural festival and ALl not celebrating, annual sports is there like running, volleyball

Shades of pdm university

The curriculum is as per the INC syllabus and my decision for the course is because it's my passion and I love to do it. The curriculum prepares me for small to a very big medical emergency and Training myself as a perfect medical professional. The practical teaching methods are the best in my opinion because we have to treat people and life which has the highest worth. The exam frequency per 6 months is good because students have less burden and they get trained properly and professionally.

The fest held in our university is named Vahima its annual diwali fest around October and November the library is really very good and very easily accessible with id card the campus have a swimming pool and basketball court and for helping students there is a university portal named Peds.

One type of helping

When we joined, at that time they gave a perfect lamp lighting ceremony and freshers' day for us. That is a very refreshment and very enjoyable programme. Campus life is very good and enjoyed one. The social aspect is very good

Teachers are so friendly with us they care and our responsibilities take principal mam also so friendly with us. They are very helpful. they have to impact the learning experience they interact with us.

Responsibility of our student

Everything is available in our library store community health center anatomy lab nursing foundation lab pharmacy lab seminar hall we get all type of book in library ?? We do not have to bring books from outside nor do we purchase them. Proper notes are provided to us by the college. This is a very good thing for Oriya students because they don't have to pay any money to purchase I like this college

Also good university .. this university is student fevar. This university works very well and has great staff?? I am very fortunate to be associated with this university and I would like to tell my students and juniors to definitely join the university once

Give your best and get best

The exams and the question asked in the exams are not very difficult these are according to the capabilities of the students and all the students can easily attempt the question in examation and curriculum activities are also

Bsc nursing is a professional course. And our college has a very good study environment for students. There are so many activities other then study. Scholarship is there for the students whose parents have a low income

Good collage

In tantia university there is lots of course available such as such as veterinary homeopathy Ayurveda b.p.ed nursing GNM post BSc nursing MBBS as well as there is a fully equipped hospital Nd famous hospital in which all types disease are cured Nd in every faculty teachers are soo lovely Nd high graduates as well as nature of faculty teachers are helpful

Bsc Nursing is amazing course but in India the value of nurse is poor but in abroad value of nurses are wonderful in tantia university there are many subjects in nursing which enhance knowledge of students Nd in a one semester there are two exams name external Nd internal exam by which students get their scores

The right choice

The majority of the faculties are PhD scholars yet they're so skillful and knowledgable. They are very friendly and we can approach any of the faculty at any time regarding education. Even they support students to deal with personal problems.

The management always ensures to conduct programs on the majority of the festivals. We used to celebrate all the cultures. Programs are conducted for Onam, Pongal, Nurses Day, Christmas, freshers day celebration, farewell, thanksgiving, etc.

The overall campus life was good and memorable for me.Apart from academics activities various celebrations are held in the campus under the SNA . We celebrated nurses day,breast feeding week, tuberculosis day, Alzheimer day...and so on... The SNA in the college conductarts and sports activities for the students and gave them small compliments

The course of curriculum was excellent and it helps the students to go through all aspects of nusring field. The current curriculum meets the requirements of a student to become a good nurse in the society. In my opinion , semester wise curriculum arrangement is better for assessing the student qualification in an easy way .

Our medical College tour in my story telling

Our campus provide a big Play ground , a gym, and a sufficient library. Also provide medical labs in sufficient amount. Our classes technology condition is good. Projectors, screen touch LED boards , and proper air conditioner in class room is available

My college is new so i think teaching faculties are minimum. If faculty is larg in number so our study is more easier. Some teachers are busy with their operations, hospital ward rounds so we not to meet & solve our study problems anytime.

Nursing Is A Profession...

Teaching faculty is best in tutor. They have lot of knowledge and good experience in teaching. They teach like a family members and treatbthe student with good manners. They support the student in each and every condition.

Bsc nursing fees structure in my college is that in 1st year 90000rs.with 10000rs. Caution money. In 2nd 3rd and 4th yr is 90000rs. Fees is taken. And in my college sc st category student will taken the scholarship.


A student pursuing the specified course(BSc nursing) in medical will allowed to pay rupees 200000 yearly. Tution fee-70000 Registration fee-50000 Other compulsory charges-70000 Extracurricular activites-10000 Scholarships are only available for Sc and bc caste students.

Festivals celebrated independence and Republic Day Janmashtami farewell and freshers fest Books available in the library lack revised editions of books in the library but overall every taste of book is available Brilliant SPORTS MEET TOOK PLACE EVERY YEAR

Nursing in PGIMER

We have very large number of subjects to be covered during our entire course. All the subjects are directly or indirectly influencing the patient care we provide. The subjects start from the basics and towards the end is more focused on specialized care for various individuals . Most of exams are of 100 marks with 25 marks of internal assessment. Internal assessment is based on all the assignments and tests during the entire session. The final exam is for 75 marks and 3 hours. The exam is conducted by the PGIMER being a university. The invigilators are also administrative staff. None of college faculty is there during exams. The exams are uniform and very much relevant to practical skills. We do have practical exams conducted to test our skills. Computer is also being added as a subject to cope with upcoming trends in hospital settings.

Most of the faculty is a Ph.D. . The ones who are masters are also pursing the doctorate degrees. All the faculty has great experience in clincal areas and in teaching. The teachers are very much approachable and nice to students. They hear the problems of students and figure out the solution. Yeb faculty to student ratio is bit high but teachers are best at delaung with it effectively. All the teachers are very good at teaching are specialized for their field. The teachers are very struct about the timings and patient care.

Bachelor of Science [B.Sc] (Nursing) : 6 answered questions

Ques. which is better for ug university college of medical sciences (ucms) or vmmc.

● Top Answer By Akriti Banerjee on 25 Sept 23

Ques. How to get direct admission in BSc. nursing at SGPGIMS Lucknow?

● Top Answer By Sagar Dikshit on 30 Dec 23

Ques. What is the syllabus for pgims for bsc nursing

● Top Answer By Kirti Das on 31 Jul 23

Ques. What is the RUHS BSc nursing syllabus?

● Top Answer By Trina Guha on 29 Jun 22

Ques. Give Information regarding BSc nursing course entrance exam date, seats and also fees of hostel. How to join without neet exam and how to join 2022 admission?

● Top Answer By Gayatri Sinha on 17 May 22

Ques. Which entrance exam is needed for bsc nursing ?

● Top Answer By Prashant Ranjan on 10 May 22

BARUN KUMAR UPADHYAY's profile photo

Post Basic Bachelor of Science [P.B.B.Sc] (Nursing)

Bachelor of science [] (medical laboratory technology), bachelor of science [] (optometry), bachelor of science [] (operation theatre technology), p.b.bachelor of science [] (nursing), bachelor of physical education [b.p.ed], bachelor of business administration [bba], master of business administration [mba], bachelor of technology [] (computer science), master of science [] (nursing), doctor of pharmacy [pharm.d], master of business administration [mba] (banking and finance), diploma in web designing, bachelor of science [] (nursing) colleges in india.

Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research - [PGIMER]

Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research - [PGIMER]

Christian Medical College - [CMC]

Christian Medical College - [CMC]

Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences - [SGPGIMS]

Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences - [SGPGIMS]

Chandigarh University - [CU]

Chandigarh University - [CU]

Banaras Hindu University - [BHU]

Banaras Hindu University - [BHU]

Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research - [JIPMER]

Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research - [JIPMER]

King George's Medical University - [KGMU]

King George's Medical University - [KGMU]

Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research

Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research

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Home / Students / Graduate & Professional Schools / Pre-Health / Nursing

Resources to Prepare for Nursing School

These resources are for students and alumni preparing to apply to nursing programs after completing their degrees at UCSC. Please note that UCSC does not have a nursing program.

There is a wide variety of career options in healthcare. Patient care involves contributions from professionals with a wide variety of specialties that work together as a team. You should take time to explore the careers that are available to you and find the one that is the best fit with your strengths, goals, and interests. 

There are many ways to learn about the different health professions, including website research, shadowing health professionals, attending talks, taking classes, and general self-reflection.

About Nursing

  • Why be a nurse?
  • Nursing Degree Comparison
  • About Accelerated Nursing Programs

Reflection Questions

As you are exploring healthcare careers, allow yourself to take the time to reflect and answer the reflection questions on the worksheet provided.


  • Application Process
  • When searching for nursing programs, we recommend searching for accelerated bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) and entry master programs . These programs are designed for students that have a non-nursing bachelor's degree.
  • Not all nursing programs participate in the centralized nursing application service (NursingCAS) and you will need to apply directly to those programs.
  • Learn about the application process for nursing schools that participate in NursingCAS.
  • Learn more about the   nursing process for undocumented students in California .

Core Competencies

There are 17 core competencies applicants should be able to demonstrate. These were developed for students applying to medical school but are still applicable to all health professions.

  • Learn about the  17 core competencies .

Nursing Programs

The requirement and training for each program will vary. We recommend that you begin identifying programs that you want to apply to and get familiar with their requirements.

  • Search for nursing schools that participate in NursingCAS .
  • Search for accelerated BSN and entry master nursing programs in California.

Prioritize academics as your overall GPA and science GPA will be important metrics in your applications.

Science GPA is calculated using the following course subject categories by  NursingCAS .

  • Biology, Chemistry, Physics
  • Use the GPA Calculator to see how CASPA will calculate your GPA. We recommend having one worksheet for your overall GPA and another for your science GPA. 


We recommended that you seek counsel from individual nursing program admissions offices, as requirements for each program will vary.

  • View   UCSC courses that can fulfill common prerequisites . 
  • View   prerequisites FAQs  for more information.

Standardized Exam

Some nursing programs may require the TEAS, but not all programs. Check the requirements for each program you plan to apply to.

  • Learn about the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) .


It is important to get familiar with the experience requirements for each program. Note that programs may have different definitions for healthcare and patient care experiences.

  • Learn about all the   experience types   that you can use for your application.
  • Learn more about   getting experiences .

Which Year Should You Apply?

You should apply when you feel you are a strong candidate. Many students consider taking experience year(s) to help confirm that this is the profession they want to pursue and to have enough experience to be a strong candidate. Some programs may have a minimum number of hours of clinical experience.

Application Year

The deadlines for each program vary. Some programs may only admit one cohort each year, and others may accept multiple cohorts throughout the year that start during different semesters/quarters.  

Application Portal

Many programs use the NursingCAS as their centralized application system. Other programs may require that you apply directly to the school.

  • Learn about the NursingCAS fees and fee assistance program .

Personal Statement

The personal statement is where you can write a brief statement expressing why you are interested in being a nurse. We recommend you start drafting your personal statement in at least 3 months before you plan to apply.

Letters of Recommendation

Some programs may ask for letters of recommendation. If a program you plan to apply to does require letters of recommendation, we recommend asking for letters at least 3 months before you need them submitted to allow writers enough time to write strong letters. Before asking people for letters, we recommend completing a reflection guide to help determine the best people to write you strong letters. Once you identify the ideal letter writers, you can share with them your reflection guide and  guidelines for writing your letter .


You will have to submit transcripts from all colleges and universities you attended.

  • Learn how to   request transcripts from UCSC .

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  • Subscribe to our monthly  pre-health newsletter .
  • See  upcoming events and enrichment opportunities .

Pre-Health Career Coaching

  • This is a great opportunity to ask quick questions about preparing for health professional schools and the resources available at UCSC.
  • Within Handshake, select  Career Coaching  >  Pre-Health  to talk about the application process for health/medical schools and how to prepare to be a strong applicant.
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Last modified: March 6, 2024


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  4. BSc Nursing 2nd Year Syllabus, Subjects, Practical, Marks Division

    The syllabus of BSc Nursing in the second year comprises theoretical as well as practical subjects including assignments, viva-voce etc. The syllabus includes Psychiatric nursing, operation theater techniques, Pharmacology, pathology, Medical-Surgical Nursing which includes theoretical as well as practical. ... B.Sc Nursing students need to pay ...

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    120. Average Annual Salary. $52,080-$111,220. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, PayScale. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, healthcare settings see a difference in nursing practice based on a nurse's education level. Employers have a strong preference for bachelor of science in nursing (BSN)-prepared nurses ...


    core content of the BSc Nursing/BSc (Hons) Nursing programme. The primary purpose of the dynamic syllabus is to provide transparency as to how professional nursing knowledge, skills, attributes, attitudes and key subject strands are developed and run through all stages of the programme. By virtue of name, the dynamic syllabus is reviewed annually


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  9. Adult Nursing (BSc)

    It can also provide a route into specialised clinical practice management or education. In adult nursing we offer postgraduate study at Master's and Doctoral level. The Master's includes the V300 Prescribing course and the Advanced Care Practitioner course. Graduate Rachel Marlow says "I studied Adult Nursing at the University of Bedfordshire ...

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    This document outlines the master rotation plan for 4th year B.Sc Nursing students for the academic years 2020-2021. It includes a table that lists the months, weeks, dates, working days, and hours allocated for practical and theory work over 42 weeks. Key aspects include rotations in areas like postnatal care, obstetrics, community health nursing, and internship duty totaling 1152 hours of ...

  15. BSc Nursing Syllabus 2024: 4 Year Syllabus, Semester ...

    Below is the list of subjects that are taught during the B.Sc Nursing course year-wise: BSc Nursing Syllabus Year-1; English: Biochemistry: Psychology-BSc Nursing Syllabus Year-2; ... In every semester, students are graded based on assignments. Additionally, in the end, semester exams will include 70% marks for the summative exams and 30% for ...

  16. BSc Nursing 1st Year Syllabus, Subjects, Practical, Marks Division

    There is a lot to learn, the exams are challenging, schedules are complicated and assignments. All these factors make BSc nursing somewhat a tough subject. ... Ans. CMC Vellore conducts a computer-based entrance test for B.Sc Nursing admission. It is a state-level entrance examination. CMC released the application form for the entrance test on ...

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    BSc Nursing 2nd Year syllabus contains seven subjects that are essential for bsc nursing Second Year students. Here we have mentioned all these subjects with their notes pdf. These subjects are (a) Sociology, (b) Pharmacology, (c) Pathology, (d) Genetics, (e) MSN (f) CHN (g) Communication and Educational Technology.

  20. Nursing Degree Programs

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  21. IGNOU Post Basic BSc Nursing Study Material

    List of Available Post Basic BSc Nursing Study Materials: Course Code. Course Name. BNS-101. Nursing Foundation. BNS-102. Applied Sciences (Biochemistry, Biophysics, Microbiology and Nutrition and Dietetics) BNS-103. Maternal Nursing.

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    3. RGUHS Medical Surgical Nursing 1 Blueprint solutions for 2nd year bsc nursing. Bsc.nursing. Lecture notes. 100% (44) 9. RGUHS 2nd year B.Sc Nursing All Subject Solved Blueprint Question Bank ( Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore ) Bsc.nursing. Lecture notes.

  23. IGNOU Post Basic BSc Nursing Assignment 2024 (January)

    IGNOU Post Basic BSc Nursing Assignment 2024 (January) May 11, 2024 IGNOUHelp. IGNOU BSCNPB Assignment 2024 - IGNOU BSCNPB Assignment Question Paper has been uploaded by the university for its current session 2024. The students of the BSCNPB program can now download the Assignment Questions from this page. Candidates have to compulsory download ...

  24. BSc Nursing: Course, Admission 2024, Fees, Syllabus, Eligibility

    BSc Nursing Admission is either based on merit or entrance exams like the AIIMS BSc Nursing Exam, CMC Vellore Nursing Exam, PGIMER Nursing and TS EAPCET. The basic eligibility criteria to pursue BSc Nursing is class 12 with 50% marks from a recognised board with biology as one of the main subjects . The average course fee ranges between INR ...

  25. Resources to Prepare for Nursing School

    Pre-Health Career Coaching. Visit our virtual drop-in pre-health hour every Wednesday from 1-2 PM. This is a great opportunity to ask quick questions about preparing for health professional schools and the resources available at UCSC. Schedule a 30-minute one-on-one coaching appointment. Within Handshake, select Career Coaching > Pre-Health ...