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Elon Musk’s Top 10 Most Influential Presentations

Elon Musk’s Top 10 Most Influential Presentations

If one has to draw comparisons between Tesla chief Elon Musk and Marvel Comics heartthrob Tony Stark, chances are they will come up with an endless list. And why wouldn’t they? The 49-year-old technology entrepreneur, inventor and philanthropist, who recently joined the league of centibillionares, might as well just push a button on his watch and turn into an iron suit-clad man in front of an arena full of tech business representatives and customers.

While as much as the Silicon Valley has magnetized towards all that Elon Musk has to offer, his growing net worth has come from a personality and competitive skill that only few have been able to accomplish as CEOs or investors of startups and corporations alike.

However, if there is a product or company that Musk has gotten behind, it has done more than just adding value to the customer or offering a futuristic service. It has catapulted the thoughts of ordinary humans into those of extraordinary beings capable of doing more without putting in much effort.

And how has the world been introduced to these revolutionary products? With a presentation by Musk, of course! Keeping up with the trend of product unveil that tech giants leverage to grow their audience, Elon Musk has offered the future to the people with a giant thought-provoking presentation regarding every milestone he has been able to achieve (or create). For instance, the recipe to bring Tesla to life (and to over 400 billion dollar market valuation recently) has taken grit, passion, and (obviously) Elon Musk himself uncovering the wonders that the company was able to create with an inspiring presentation.

Notably, however, if one observes Elon Musk as he stands on the stage and rolls out another fascinating marvel using just his words, they would find his presenting style to be something that public speaking gurus might feel at odds with. And yet the occasional and eventual stutter just does not seem to fade Musk’s presentation at all. Instead, it is something that builds up his presentation quotient to an evocative level, something that implores the audience want to have a piece of what is on the shelf of Musk Inc. We break down 10 such presentations and Elon Musk’s USP in each of them in this blog.

Top 10 presentations with which Elon Musk made a mark

1. neuralink.

We are starting off with a bang. Imagine an amalgam of artificial intelligence (AI) and humans. If this seemed like a scene from a sci-fi movie to you, then you may be in for a surprise. With Neuralink, a system of 4x4mm microchips installed into a human brain to carry out neural and limbic functions on machines, Elon Musk gives us the option to merge with AI as per our choice. In fact, the idea behind developing Neuralink is to provide a third layer of super-intelligence that is not hindered by the use of thumbs on the device screens.

Working with the basic principles of neuroscience, Musk has come up with a digital synapse as happens between the neurons in our brains for any type of functionality. In the presentation for the launch of Neuralink, Musk explains how the interspersed communication between neural entities can be tapped using microscopic electrodes that are fitted into the microchip.

Not only that, Neuralink aims to address brain and spinal cord issues by helping neurosurgeons collect data from the microchips, an aspect that tends to enable differently-abled people to move and heal with their minds in a literal sense. In fact, in the recent development at Neuralink, developers have been able to graph neural signals using a coin-sized chip in a pig’s brain . Making waves sure comes easy when coupled with a presentation like that.

Presentation USP: He gives the audience a show

A prominent theme in Elon Musk’s presentation for something as ambitious as Neuralink is starting with something eye-catching, mostly a video. For Neuralink, for instance, the presentation spans how the product will enable an interface of the machine and the mind with recurrent moving shots of doctors and engineers. The video then shows how something as basic as a synapse in the brain forms the foundation of the product. As for Musk, the presenting begins in his own style for an audience that has been gripped by what is offered by that teaser video.

2. Tesla Energy

If solar is the future of our energy needs, this presentation by Elon Musk cements the fact that there will be a paradigm shift in the way we utilize sunlight. Musk explains with Tesla’s Powerwall will harness the energy from sun rays and transform our needs to have sources of energy generation. In fact, with Powerwall, Tesla has projected to take the United States of America to a zero-carbon electricity situation. And that too by using nothing but rooftops of homes.

Musk explains how fossil fuel energy makes a detrimental impact and how solar power, a completely harmless and non-polluting source of energy, stays underutilized. That is what Tesla Power is about. Area-wise too, the Powerwall makes it possible to achieve that transition by using batteries over a piece of land the size of a pixel as compared to the area of the entire United States. As the presentation moves ahead, Musk explains how it is a scalable solution for energy needs in remote inaccessible areas. Not having electricity lines and being able to run an entire house on solar power? Quite an ingenious feat!

Presentation USP: He keeps the humor quotient intact (without overdoing it)

Not that Musk did not give the audience the show they came for, he actually blew their mind away by showing the Tesla Powerwall in action. In fact, he wows the audience with the fact that the entire building where the presentation was being conducted was running on solar energy after all. The highlight of the presentation, however, stays that he engages the audience with the occasional humor or a chuckle while keeping the minds hooked about the product.

Notice in the video how he just calls the sun a “handy fusion reactor in sky” and elicits laughter from the attendees. The USP here is that he makes the audience feel comfortable and, thus, inclined towards actually listening what he has to say. Something to take a note of while charming the audience in your next pitch meeting.

3. Tesla Cybertruck 

Tesla’s innovation drive has stayed unparalleled over the years. Battery-powered automotives of the future have been calling out to potential customers and investors of the company from time to time. Another presentation by Elon Musk, which has made an impact in the minds of these stakeholders, features the super-rugged Tesla Cybertruck. With this presentation Musk has given us a kaleidoscope to view the otherwise ordinary objects with a technologically advanced angle.

In the presentation, Musk elucidates how the Cybertruck is the more futuristic take on the run-of-the-mill trucks that run on fossil fuels. Tesla has manufactured the Cybertruck in single, double and tri-motor configuration for flexible performance and power. Aesthetically, it looks something straight out of a Transformers movie. The vehicle also boasts of cold-rolled stainless steel and Tesla Armor glass, while the bulletproof body (capable of taking quite the beating of a sledgehammer and a 9mm bullet) along with the demonstration fired up the audience to shout “Take my money”, “I love it” and so on and so forth. Besides the truck, Elon Musk also took the opportunity to showcase another hi-tech means of electric transport — an ATV meant as an off-road bike which can be loaded to the back of the Cybertruck via a built-in ramp.

Presentation USP: He bounces back well

Coming to the most talked about aspect of this presentation, one thing that set the world (and the internet) on fire was when a demonstrator on the stage was asked by Musk to throw metal balls at the glass windows of the Cybertruck. The demonstrator did and the glass broke, though the ball did not go through. The demonstrator tried it on the rear window. Same results!

Even though just minutes before Musk had demonstrated how tough the Tesla Armor is through an experiment using the metal ball from above, here’s where his unique ability as a presenter came through. “May be that was a little too hard,” said Musk with chuckles from the audience. And then he says, “We’ll fix it in post.” More laughter! Here one can learn to tide over mistakes and not let it bother you. When Musk says tough, he means it.

4. Tesla Semi Truck 

With every product that Elon Musk has fathomed, almost every industry, especially the electric vehicles industry, has benefitted from it tremendously. With mass transportation and smart logistics gaining traction, Tesla has also tapped into the potential of electric vehicles for goods transportation with the Tesla Semi truck. During the presentation, Musk elaborates how the beast is capable of giving traditional diesel engine trucks a run for their money. Designed like a bullet to achieve low drag coefficient, the Tesla Semi is capable of achieving 0 to 60 miles per hour in 5 seconds without the load.

Musk also explains how the truck offers the driver a racecar experience with just a single gear and spacious interior. He also threw light on how Tesla megachargers, with solar energy as the primary source, can get the vehicle charged while you take a break from your journey. Musk also highlighted how the truck is capable of safety positioning, avoiding jackknifing and alerting emergency services when needed, something that truckers and manufacturers take interest in alike.

Presentation USP: He lets visuals speak for the data

No doubt, the Tesla Semi is a reflection of the genius of Elon Musk. The presentation, however, also puts a spotlight on how the PayPal founder lays emphasis on representing data with mind probing animations. For instance, he offers the audience a perspective of how good the Tesla Semi is by using an animated model going up a speed bar against a diesel truck. Though he also uses humor to highlight how painfully slow the diesel vehicle is, he enables the audience to retain the 0-60mph bit with a visual. Another bite of perspective is when he pitted the Cybertruck against a Porsche 911 in a race. He builds upon a quality of the product with a good visual. And he knows how to do it well.

5. SpaceX Starship 

Speaking of doing things well, Elon Musk has gone bigger and better with every product launch presentation he has ever given. SpaceX, a rocket and spacecraft manufacturing company of which Musk is the founder, had built the Starship, a spacecraft that is aimed at taking humans among the stars and making them “glad to be alive”. The presentation shows what it is like to usher into the future where space travel is like air travel. You just grab your cargo and stuff and make a round-trip to the Moon or Mars, all in that magnificent spacecraft.

And of course, how did Musk capture that magnificence? Outside in the open on a huge airbase for rocket launch, of course! Aligned with the magnitude of Elon Musk’s vision of space exploration, the presentation also includes a display on the Falcon 1 rocket that was able to get launched successfully, paving the way for interplanetary travel.  More so, Musk explains how one can travel 25 times the speed of sound with the help of the space vehicle and feel just the acceleration during the commute.

Presentation USP: He believes in the product

If one looks at the presentation from a public speaker’s point of view, they will find Musk using a lot of filler words for describing what he has conceived as humans’ gateway to Mars. But all that is outweighed by the fact that no matter the size of the product that he is presenting, Musk knows what goes where inside out. He stays focused on keeping the audience engaged with the right amount of data to make it credible, no matter how ambitious.

In fact, the SpaceX Starship mission, Musk has said, is moving at a good progress rate, barring the delay in schedule for test flights . During the presentation, Musk also gives audience a video demo of how the Starship fires up while later juxtaposing it with another space vehicle called Starhopper. The whole process so mesmerizing that the audience jeers and claps. And yes, that will soon be the sound for man starting a new life on Mars too.

6. Powerwall 2 

Another one of Elon Musk’s most influential presentations is the Powerwall 2 unveil. Just like the Starship presentation, this one also takes place on a very apt location — a house yard with the sun shining before dusk. But in fact, this house has the Tesla solar roof that powers the Powerwall 2 integrated with the house. Musk shows how the house nearby has roofing of slate glass tiles as part of the solar roof. He also shows another house with the modern smooth glass tile that goes from transparent to opaque as the viewing angle changes. A similar effect is demonstrated on a Tuscan glass tile.

With the Powerwall 2, Musk offers a three-part solution with an appealing solar roof, combined with storage and electric cars. In fact, the Tesla product combined with solar roof gives the audience a glimpse into a more affordable and durable roofing solution. And Musk shows the attendees each type of roof tile and how it looks at a certain angle. The presentation is also about how the Tesla Powerwall 2 is integrated with the solar roof and enables running the house on affordable solar power.

Presentation USP: He knows his audience     

The reason why an Elon Musk presentation is able to leave an impact is because he crafts and delivers the presentation with his audience in mind. With Powerwall 2 unveil, the PayPal founder taps into the more pressing matter for the humankind — air pollution. Basically, he knows that the audience is gravitating towards Tesla for a renewable energy solution. So he brings the problem out front by giving the figure about record CO2 levels of that time. Of course, he substantiates that this is majorly because of fossil fuel energy generation. But he also brings out the reason why the Powerwall 2 is the solution, a level up from the predecessor Powerwall. Musk taps into the potential of a good demonstration too and shows the houses running on the solar energy through the Powerwall 2. Showing things in action gets the audience fired up about the product. In fact, it offers them a mindset for a cleaner and more sustainable future. How inspiring is that!

7. Tesla Model 3 

For Tesla, the drive to become bigger and better has come through years of perseverance and keen observation of consumer needs. In the Tesla Model 3 unveil, Elon Musk has leveraged the power of 3D animations to trace the progress that the company has made with each electric vehicle. Starting from the automotive wonder Roadster, Musk talks about various performance and cost aspects of the vehicle, moves on to Model S with superior features, and then onto Model X. He displayed them at the arena to get the audience on board with the journey of electric vehicles at Tesla.

“Can you fit a 7-foot-long surfboard inside the Tesla Model 3? The answer is, yes, you can!” says Musk as he elaborates how the vehicle is spacious enough to fit five people inside. He also builds up on how one will be able to go where they want to go with the help of superchargers and destination chargers. “If there is electricity, you will be able to charge your car,” Musk avers. Thereafter, he also elucidates how Tesla will work on producing half a million cars a year by becoming the largest manufacturer of the most advanced Lithium ion cells and batteries.

Presentation USP:  He isn’t trying to sell

As any presenter with a product pitch would swear by, Elon Musk also makes it a point to appeal to the senses and not try to sell his product. In fact, he just lists the benefits of his product from the customer’s point of view. How is it better? How is it cheaper? Why will it work for the average American who wants to plan his/her spending on a car that runs on electricity? What is the future scope of the product?

When Musk spreads out these benefits in front of his audience, they automatically get the audience hooked because it is from their point of view, not from a sales pitch point of view. In fact, it was within 24 hours before this presentation that Tesla had got around 115,000 orders for the Model 3. The audience has in fact turned into a potential customer just by the way he presented the product. And all that is bound to rise in the future too, thanks to Elon Musk serving perspective.

8. The Boring Company presentation

We have all been on the receiving end of troublesome traffic jam. And that hassle is only going to increase in the future. But who has come up with the solution to that persistent problem? Elon Musk, of course. His company, The Boring Company, has been developing tunneling solutions to provide futuristic underground transport services that will be put in place with the least disturbance to the existing infrastructure. In fact, Musk has unveiled this concept to show how the company’s work of digging and tunneling is economically viable and ergonomically superior to the traditional mode of tunneling, which, Musk says, is “as slow as a snail”.

Along with improving tunneling methods, Musk believes they can triple the output of boring machines into making a three-dimensional transport network. Besides, the company also aims to introduce hyperloops for commutes as fast as 200kmph. Even better is the production aspect of the system wherein the dug up material can be used to make bricks, a better alternative to the large scale concrete production in the world.

Presentation USP: He keeps it fresh and unique (every time)

As disruptive as The Boring Company’s ambition may seem, Elon Musk has addressed the worsening issue of billion dollar productivity loss due to traffic delays with his concept. In fact, a 1.2 mile-long test tunnel from the SpaceX office in Los Angeles has been in place for a long time. So something that brings down 900 million dollar per mile tunneling process to just 10 million or even lower had to be presented in a unique way. And Elon Musk does just that. He launched the presentation at the mouth of such a tunnel driving his Tesla vehicle. Even with every product launch, he has brought out something different, giving the people that want for more. He did the same with this presentation, and did it in style once again.

9. Tesla Model Y 

Speaking of doing things in style, Elon Musk has captured the pulse of tech and automotive enthusiasts across the globe with product unveil presentation. Each presentation has been about the next big thing in technology and the way we live our lives on earth. And sure, Tesla Model Y presentation shows it all. Musk has taken the opportunity to graph the trajectory of Tesla vehicles by bringing out the various models developed over the years to the stage one by one. And before Model Y unveil, the Tesla Model S, X, 3, and original and new generation Roadsters are driven to the stage amid loud cheers from the attendees.

A spectacular video precedes the unveil on the huge screen with which Musk explains how Tesla added value to the next generation electric vehicles with Model Y. Musk shines the light on how this model has functionality of an SUV and ride like a sports car. Emphasizing safety features being the priority of such vehicles, Musk elaborates the standard autopilot, 7 seat capacity, 0-60mph pickup in 3.5 seconds, and a panoramic glass roof. He ends the presentation by inviting the audience to come up to the stage and check out the car for themselves.

Presentation USP:  He presents shift in criticism as an impact

As someone who has enabled humans to have digital dreams beyond this planet, Elon Musk has faced quite the media scan, criticism and negative opinions as Tesla spread its wings. But in this particular presentation, he has shown the audience how the company had been able to tide over with its persistent and disruptive efforts. The presentation shows media report clippings calling electric cars “an extraordinarily bad idea”, or “a glorified golf car” or even “a waste of space” in 2009 and 2011.

However, Musk also mentioned the eventual change in such perception with prominent media houses lauding it with headline pieces like “General Motors is going all electric” or “Volkswagen is betting its future on electric cars”. With this, Musk was able to show that if one can dream big, he can make an impact, a common theme that runs through every presentation that the SpaceX chief delivers.

10. Caltech commencement speech

This one may not be about bringing a bedazzling car onto a platform. Rather this one is about what resources and ideas went into pioneering companies like Paypal, SpaceX and Tesla when Elon Musk was getting his formative education. While delivering the speech at the 118 th commencement ceremony of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena in 2012, the Zip2 founder puts together the pieces of the magic that is technology, and how young minds can make that magic happen for the 21 st century. He also implores the graduates to build a prototype before starting off with a company. Watch the inspiring speech here:

Presentation USP: No matter the platform, he is (and stays) himself

What makes this presentation worth mentioning as an influential one is that it gives us a glimpse into the beginnings of a brilliant mind and how ideas can run the world of future. As from a public speaking point of view, one will find that he is not pretending to be someone. Rather he is being himself and connecting with the graduates on that personal and heart-to-heart level. He also does not shy away from cracking jokes about himself and his “crazy” ideas, and thus, stays connected with the attendees, making them want to listen with intent and passion.

So in conclusion, one can see how Elon Musk is imperfectly perfect while giving a presentation. But it’s the passion and perspective with which he introduces us to mind-boggling products that makes us equate him to Iron Man. And who knows, he might even be! We will just have to hold our breaths until then.

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Presentation inspiration from Elon Musk

Do you wonder how to make an influencing and more realistic live conversation with your audience in the 21st century? Then, in this article, we are bringing a fresh outlook to this question with particular reference to the Elon Musk presentation style . To make the analysis easier, we have used one of his widely applauded presentations as a central reference.

An innovator turned business person and a real genius, Elon Musk needs no introduction. The epitome of brilliance is best known for his role in transforming the realm of global business & technology  innovations, through a series of awe-inspiring and breakthrough ventures: Tesla (designing and making of electric cars); SolarCity (the US’s first provider of residential solar power); PayPal (the worldwide online payment system); Hyperloop (a conceptual high-speed transportation system) and the grandiose of all – SpaceX, the endeavor to establish a human colony on Planet Mars.

A few days back, Tesla announced the Second Generation of Powerwall – its battery system, but in May 2015, when Musk had publically announced the launch of Powerwall, the world had to take notice of his presentation, because it was inspiring in more than one ways.

Well, he began this presentation with highlighting how the global environment was worsening due to the pollution from fossil fuel based power generation plants, and then took it forward to explain how solar energy could resolve this issue and the role of Tesla’s new battery system in this mission. He also talked about product availability and price.

Seems like a regular Table of Contents, huh? Then, what is so likable about his style? Here are the highlights as to what works out well to make Elon Musk a truly inspiring presenter.

Elon Musk – As a speaker:

It is a clever combination of the vision and how he delivers his message – that received a big applause across the globe. He anchors a frank, honest, genuine and engaging conversation throughout, without any shade of manipulation. No glitter, no fluffs. However, he passes on his message to everyone, and in the most sensible manner. Here is how:

Start with a right target and scenario:

Ambiguity kills the interest. Keeping this in mind, Musk began with targeting the worldwide use of fossil fuels to generate electricity and the effects on the environment. He used the graphical presentation and ran two scenarios: with fossil fuels and with naturally available solar power. Even the images were chosen smartly which clearly indicated the superiority of solar energy over the polluting, dirty fossil fuels. This simplified it for the audience to co-relate the product concept with the present day crisis, and also helped them switch between two different states and compare them against each other to blow away any objections.

Focus on fundamentals and need of an hour:

The followers of Musk would admit that every time he connects with his audience, he throws up some out-of-the-box ideas, all of which offers something to improve our lives. Against this visionary trait, those minute slips and frequently heard fillers in speech do not matter. The world recognizes him as a person of ideas and since decades, he has been seeing and realizing his world-changing dreams. In the case of Powerwall too, he focused on transmitting the crucial issues with environment, all on the account of the heavy usage of fossil fuels and how the solar energy could take care of it.

Make a contextual and meaningful comparison of data:

When you sell a product with high technical details along with the universal application, it is important that you represent the data in a clever way that makes sense to the most novice part of the audience. The capability to deal with data and statistics could differ from individual to individual and the trick to tackle this is to use various known contexts against which you can compare your data. This is what Musk has done throughout the presentation.

The best contextual explanation was the “Blue Square” and “One Pixel”: He showed a tiny spot on Texas – the “Blue Square” – in the blank map of the US to contextually present as to how much land area would be covered by the solar panels to empower the US. And in that Blue Square, he put a red dot. Later on, he zoomed in the screen and described that dot as a single pixel, which indicated the space used for the batteries in this endeavor.

He also talked about Powerpack, the device with a working principle similar to Powerwall, but with multiple times higher in the capacity. While talking about Powerpack, he again made a smart use of context to help the data look more digestible and easily achievable.

Motivate them to an immediate action:

Be it an eBook subscription or buying battery, it is important that you make your audience believe why they need to take action today and why they just should not delay it further. The reason why it is hard to close the sales call is that the target audience always has that notion that things were pretty Ok even before this product came into the market so why it has suddenly been a call for an action. Things would work out themselves etc. So, the catch behind every successful sales call is to make the audience feel that today is the right time, and any further delay would bring a catastrophe. That’s called the sense of urgency, which is what Musk smartly advocated by the CO2 concentration data and follow up statements like “we should collectively do something about this..”

Perceived problems v/s proposed solutions:

It is imperative that you lay down the commonly perceived hurdles right before they arise in the minds of your audience and also offer solutions to them. This elevates your status in the eyes of your audience and boosts their confidence on your product as they feel that you have done a required legwork. Musk effectively applied this tip when he talked about problems with currently used batteries, the need for Powerwall (to store the solar energy during the daylight) and the land requirements explained with the help of “Blue Square” context (as mentioned before).

Word selection – Simple and engaging:

Musk knows the pulse of the audience, in the sense that he uses layman terms to present the techiest of the information in an understandable manner. He has the skill to talk about his great and fantastic ideas in a way everyone can relate.

Essentially, it’s a sales pitch and must solve the purpose. The presentation was meant for a wider market and so data representation in generic terms was a key to keeping the interest of the audience intact. The entire 18-minutes slot was exciting and filled with humor wherever possible.

Attitude matters:

As a speaker, Musk has a humble, approachable and also a bit of casual attitude due to which he looks realistic and far away from those well-practiced speeches. His honesty appears effortlessly and pays him well all the way! In fact, he has not attempted to seem flamboyant in spite of having a real breakthrough in his hands for tackling the global environmental challenge. Modesty is always inspirational. He focuses more on convincing the audience about how relevant his idea is.

Check out the statements he used:

“..It’s something that we must do, and we can do, and we will do..”

“Tesla is not the only one…”

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Make it memorable with the use of live evidence:

You can’t under-rate the importance of the early users of your products and/or beta versions as well as the testimonials which work for building a first-hand image for your product. Creating a live product use case can be a smart technique to impress the audience, make the first experience memorable and lasting, measure the impacts in real time and conduct a hands-on primary research.

It made the presentation all the more memorable when Musk revealed that the auditorium rooftop had solar panels installed, who fed the Powerwall and powered the entire building (where the talk was held) that night. He also asked the cameras to show the meters which were displaying that there was no grid-based energy used at all! The howling was terrible because the audience was amazed by what they were experiencing.

Break the stereotypes:

Differentiation helps create lasting memories, and so, Musk broke many industry stereotypes. The audience also included industry fans and avid supporters who kept on cheering up on each punch. And so, unlike other automobile launches, this launch show appeared entertaining and catchy. Also, Musk revealed the cost of the device. The automobile industry peers do not disclose crucial facts like price or even simple estimates too, during the launch.

Keep it concise and straight:

TED has researched that an ideal presentation length should not be more than 18 minutes, which is the threshold for an average man’s listening capacity. Musk could keep it simple, to-the-point and precise so as to finish it within 18 minutes. To punch with the power, he used various means such as graphs, images, videos as well as the physical products.

Storytelling Approach:

Musk used a storytelling approach. Use of impactful images and less text to support the scenarios. The image display was stunning and able to create a necessary extent of distress regarding worsening environment and also the promising success of the solar energy. Other notable features:

  • Less than 10-12 slides.
  • Product samples.
  • Live product use.
  • Product video embedded in the presentation


As a Marketing and Communications professional, I have 6+ years of combined corporate & freelance work experience in content development, product marketing, promotion and business communications. During initial career years, I found myself naturally inclined towards writing. That’s when I dug deeper and today, I have developed a capability for creating SEO-driven, well-researched and compelling content for print/online resources. I enjoy exploring and writing about: business, travel, gardening, cooking, feminism, startup/tech news.

Writing apart, I love getting absorbed in diverse creative activities. I am especially interested in quick DIY waste-utilization projects, gardening, cooking, and traveling. I am passionate about sustainability and human services. Research, detailing, exploration, knowledge – all of them attract me at once.

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How to watch Elon Musk’s Starship presentation live

The presentation is expected to start at 9pm et.

By Loren Grush

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This evening, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk will give a presentation about his company’s next generation Starship system — a massive new rocket that SpaceX has been developing over the last few years to take humans to the Moon and eventually Mars. It’ll be Musk’s first presentation on the vehicle since 2019 and his fifth one overall since 2016.

Starship is by far SpaceX’s most ambitious project to date. The design calls for a giant spaceship and rocket combo that would be more powerful than the Saturn V rocket that took humans to the Moon. Starship, the passenger part of the vehicle, is meant to launch to space on top of a gargantuan booster rocket known as the Super Heavy. Starship is supposed to be capable of landing on the surface of the Moon and back on Earth, while Super Heavy is also meant to land itself back on Earth, making the entire system reusable.


SpaceX will be livestreaming Musk’s presentation on its YouTube channel here (and we’ve also embedded the livestream above).


Musk said the presentation would begin at 8PM Central time, but given his record on past performances, it’d be wise to give that start time some padding.

Scheduled start time:  New York: 9PM / San Francisco: 6PM / London: 2AM / Berlin: 3AM / Moscow: 5AM / New Delhi: 7:30AM / Beijing: 10AM / Tokyo: 11AM / Melbourne: 1PM


SpaceX and Musk have provided little detail about what exactly will be discussed during today’s update, but there are a few items that seem likely to come up. Perhaps the most pressing topic is the Federal Aviation Administration’s ongoing review of SpaceX’s proposed launch facility in Boca Chica, Texas — the site of Musk’s talk.

SpaceX is very eager to launch its Starship vehicle to orbit from the Texas location. It’s the primary place where SpaceX has been building prototypes of the rocket, and it’s the place where the company has conducted a few high-altitude test flights of the vehicle. But in order to go orbital from Texas, the company first needs the green light from the FAA. The agency is responsible for issuing licenses for rocket launches to orbit, to ensure they don’t damage uninvolved people or property.

The FAA is now considering whether to give Starship a license to launch out of Boca Chica

The FAA originally conducted a review of the Boca Chica site back in 2014, creating a full environmental impact statement, or EIS, that looked at how the facility might affect the surrounding area (which is notably part of a wildlife refuge). The assessment didn’t find any major problems, but that was back when SpaceX proposed launching its much smaller Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy rockets out of Boca Chica. SpaceX has abandoned the idea of launching its Falcon vehicles from the facility now, and is only focused on launching Starship there. Meanwhile, the proposed launch site has significantly expanded in scope, and even includes major modifications like a natural gas plant for pretreating methane , one of the main propellants needed for Starship’s primary Raptor engines.

The FAA is now considering whether to give Starship a license to launch out of Boca Chica. As part of that decision-making process, SpaceX provided a draft assessment detailing what it plans to do with the site in the future. When that assessment was released, the FAA invited the public to give their opinions on the proposal and received a whopping 18,000 public comments. The opinions ranged from extreme enthusiasm for the project to harsh criticism, with some critics calling for the FAA to conduct another EIS based on SpaceX’s proposed updates. And it’s possible the FAA may do that. The agency can come up with one of three findings: that SpaceX’s updates will have no significant impact on the area, that SpaceX must take certain steps to mitigate its impact on the surrounding area, or that the FAA must conduct another EIS, a process that could take many months or even years as the agency interviews more people, collects more data, and does extensive research in cooperation with other federal agencies like NASA.

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk Gives Update On Starship Launch Vehicle At Texas Launch Facility

The FAA said it should make its decision by the end of February. The decision was initially supposed to be finalized by late December, but it’s taken both the FAA and SpaceX considerably more time than expected to respond to the sheer volume of public comments. With that February deadline coming up, the timing of Musk’s presentation this month doesn’t feel like a coincidence. Musk has a history of putting public pressure on the FAA when the regulator doesn’t make the decisions he likes with regards to his rocket launches. It’s possible the FAA might come up tonight, and if not, it will certainly be the elephant in the room.

Musk may also give updated timelines for Starship milestones, which he usually does during these presentations. Past timelines have always been incredibly aspirational and, in hindsight, unrealistic. During his last presentation in September of 2019, Musk said SpaceX was going to try to launch Starship to orbit within the next six months . Clearly, that didn’t happen. Musk’s latest prediction in November for Starhip’s orbital launch was January or February , but given the FAA’s decision timetable, March is the absolute earliest plausible timeframe — and that’s if the federal agency’s decision comes down in SpaceX’s favor. It also remains to be seen if SpaceX is actually ready for a March launch.

Timelines have always been incredibly aspirational

There’s also the topic of SpaceX’s ongoing partnership with NASA. Last year, the space agency awarded SpaceX $2.9 billion to develop Starship as a human lunar lander that can take NASA astronauts to and from the surface of the Moon in support of its Artemis program. As of now, NASA is aiming to conduct its first human landings with Starship as early as 2025, though that date is also considered fairly aspirational. Any updates on NASA and SpaceX’s working relationship would be useful.

One thing that would be nice for Musk to talk about is any updated plans for human survival on Starship . Most of the presentations in the past have revolved around the impressive specs and mechanics of the vehicle, while Musk usually brushes aside questions about life support systems, radiation shielding, and other technology related to human comfort. But Starship is primarily a passenger vehicle, and those sorts of technologies are going to become necessary as SpaceX makes its way through the development process.

However, Starship isn’t just intended for human use. SpaceX also has grand plans to use the spacecraft to launch its next generation satellites for its Starlink project, a massive mega-constellation of satellites in low Earth orbit designed to provide broadband internet services to the ground below. SpaceX filed an updated license with the Federal Communications Commission last year to launch its upgraded, larger Starlink satellites on Starship. And a recent email from Musk to the company indicated that Starship is pretty vital to Starlink’s overall success .

As for updates on the vehicles themselves, it’s hard to know what Musk could say that isn’t known already. SpaceX’s operations in Boca Chica have become fairly public, as teams of enthusiasts have started camping out around the facility, livestreaming views of daily operations there. Perhaps Musk has something new up his sleeve, but it’s pretty hard to keep secrets at the facility these days.

If nothing else, the presentation should have a fairly impressive display. SpaceX has fully stacked its latest Starship prototype on top of a Super Heavy booster for the talk’s backdrop. Though it might be hard to get the full vehicle in the shot.

Update February 10th, 7:39PM ET : Added link to the livestream.

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Elon Musk's Game-Changing Presentation: Unforgettable Moments in Rockets to Electric Cars

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Elon Musk's rise as a visionary entrepreneur has been nothing short of extraordinary. His game-changing presentations have revolutionized industries and captured the world's imagination. In this article, we will delve into the unforgettable moments that have defined Musk's journey from rockets to electric cars, showcasing his relentless pursuit of innovation and a sustainable future.

Early Inspiration: Elon Musk's Ambitious Vision

elon musk google slides presentation

Elon Musk's fascination with space exploration and technology began at a young age. From his childhood in South Africa to his education at the University of Pennsylvania, Musk's passion for pushing boundaries was evident. It was this passion that led him to found SpaceX and Tesla, two companies that would later serve as catalysts for innovation on unprecedented scales.

From Rockets to Electric Cars: A Paradigm Shift Begins

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A. SpaceX: Revolutionizing Space Travel

Musk's unveiling of the Falcon 1 rocket was a breakthrough moment in space travel. The world watched in awe as SpaceX achieved remarkable milestones, from successful Falcon 9 launches and landings to the monumental significance of Falcon Heavy's inaugural flight. These achievements mark a paradigm shift in the accessibility and cost-effectiveness of space technology, making it possible for more organizations and individuals to harness the benefits of space exploration.

B. Tesla Motors: Reinventing the Electric Car Market

Tesla's debut of the Roadster, a fast and alluring electric vehicle, challenged the perception that electric cars were dull and impractical. Musk's vision became further evident with the introduction of the Model S, which combined luxury with sustainable mobility. However, it was the unveiling of the Model 3 that truly solidified Musk's ambition to create an affordable, mass-market electric vehicle, paving the way for a new era of sustainable transportation.

Mind-Blowing Technological Innovations in Presentations

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A. Hyperloop: The High-Speed Future of Transportation

Elon Musk's visionary concept of Hyperloop transportation captivated the world. Analyzing the initial test tracks and prototypes demonstrated the potential of this revolutionary mode of transport. With speeds surpassing those of conventional modes, Hyperloop technology has the potential to transform commuting, logistics, and intercity travel, reducing travel time and congestion while minimizing environmental impact.

B. Neuralink: Merging Brains and Technology

With Neuralink, Musk ventures into the realm of brain-computer interfaces. The unveiling of this revolutionary technology opened doors to a wide range of possibilities in healthcare and human capabilities. Although there are ethical concerns and obstacles surrounding the merging of brains and technology, Neuralink holds the promise of groundbreaking advancements in medical research and treatment.

The Breathtaking Solar City Presentation

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Musk's introduction of SolarCity as a renewable energy solution showcased the potential for sustainable power. By showcasing SolarCity's solar panel technology, Musk highlighted the importance of harnessing the sun's energy to combat climate change. The integration of Tesla's energy storage solutions with SolarCity's solar panels further emphasized the viability of a clean and efficient energy system.

Revolutionizing Battery Technology with the Powerwall

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The unveiling of the Powerwall by Tesla marked a significant breakthrough in residential energy storage. With its key features and benefits, such as providing backup power during outages and optimizing energy consumption, the Powerwall has the potential to revolutionize the way we utilize renewable energy. Its impact on reducing strain on the power grid and increasing self-sufficiency in energy consumption cannot be understated.

Unveiling the Truck of the Future: Tesla Semi

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The introduction of the Tesla Semi represents a major leap forward in the transformation of the trucking industry. With its all-electric powertrain and advanced technologies, the Tesla Semi offers unprecedented energy efficiency, reduced emissions, and lower operational costs. Musk's vision for a sustainable future extends beyond passenger vehicles, providing a viable solution for commercial transportation and making significant strides in minimizing the environmental impact of the industry.

Neuralink 2.0: Expanding on Brain-Computer Interfaces

elon musk google slides presentation

Building upon the foundation of Neuralink, Musk's updates and enhancements in brain-computer interface technology offer new possibilities and applications. From improving medical research and treatment to enhancing human capabilities, Neuralink holds the potential for revolutionary breakthroughs. As this field progresses, it is crucial to carefully navigate the ethical concerns and ensure that the merging of brains and technology is conducted with caution and respect for individual rights.

Revolution on Mars: SpaceX's Interplanetary Transport System

Elon Musk's ambition to colonize Mars has captured the collective imagination. The SpaceX Interplanetary Transport System represents a monumental leap in human exploration, aiming to enable humanity's transition to a multi-planetary species. While the challenges of long-term space colonization are immense, the potential benefits in terms of scientific advancements, resource utilization, and the expansion of the human frontier are equally substantial.

Elon Musk's game-changing presentations have left an indelible mark on various industries. From space travel to electric cars, his visionary ideas and ventures have reshaped the landscape of innovation and sustainability. As we reflect on these unforgettable moments, it is clear that Musk's relentless pursuit of a better future has set the stage for further advancements and inspires us to think beyond the boundaries of what is possible.

Reactions and Questions to Elon Musk's Presentations

How have audiences reacted to Elon Musk's presentations?

Audiences have been captivated by Musk's presentations, with many expressing admiration for his visionary ideas and ambitious goals.

What are the expectations from Elon Musk's presentations?

Expectations from Musk's presentations are high, as the world anticipates further groundbreaking advancements and game-changing ideas.

What were some common questions and concerns raised by the audience?

The audience has often raised questions about the feasibility and potential risks associated with Musk's ambitious projects. Concerns regarding the ethical implications of merging brains with technology have also been a topic of discussion.

In summary, Elon Musk's game-changing presentations have reshaped industries, inspired innovation, and challenged conventional thinking. From rockets to electric cars, his visionary ideas have been nothing short of extraordinary. As the world continues to witness the unforgettable moments in Musk's presentations, we can only imagine what remarkable achievements lie ahead.

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Elon Musk hopes humans will be testing Neuralink brain implants in the next six months

Experts argue for caution as FDA approval still looms in the distance.

By Andrew Paul | Published Dec 1, 2022 11:45 AM EST

Musk's Neuralink was once again met with skepticism from industry experts.

Elon Musk hosted Neuralink’s latest “show and tell” presentation last night, focusing on progress in the development of highly advanced, affordable brain-computer interface implants for humans. Co-founded by Musk in 2016, Neuralink joined a crowded field of companies and medical organizations already making strides for years towards wireless human-computer interfaces. Wednesday evening, Musk expressed confidence that human trials can begin within the next six months pending FDA approval. But the technology on display was once again met with skepticism from industry experts , who cited existing projects already meeting or surpassing some of Neuralink’s benchmarks.

[Related: Brain interfaces aren’t nearly as easy as Elon Musk makes them seem .]

Musk explained on stage that Neuralink’s initial two goals for humans will be restoring vision, even for those born congenitally blind, and connecting with the motor cortex for those with a “Stephen Hawking-type situation,” as Musk puts it, to do things like “control their phone better than someone who has working hands.” Hawking was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in 1962, and in later years communicated using a speech generating device controlled via augmented keyboard systems as his paralysis intensified.

Eventually, Musk wants Neuralink devices to bridge the signal between brain and spinal cord with additional implants, and is confident there are no physical barriers to restoring full body functionality. He also noted Neuralink plans for devices to have complete reversibility and upgradability, likening the hypothetical future process to replacing outdated iPhones for the new edition. The company’s current “N1” chip is now roughly the size of a quarter and connected into the brain underneath the skin. A robotic surgeon is used to implant the chip’s multitude of wires, each no wider than a few red blood cells, which then establishes communication with test subjects’ brains.

While Musk now has his eye on 2023 human trials, the Tesla, SpaceX, and now Twitter CEO has made similarly ambitious, ultimately unrealized timeline claims in the past—in 2019, he previously stated an aim to receive a regulatory green light by the end of 2020. Two years later, Musk expressed hope that Neuralink human trials could begin by the end of this year . Critics within the fields of neuroscience, neurosurgery, and biomedical engineering have already described last night’s presentation as offering “ incremental advances ,” adding that audiences should be wary of any promises made before approval from the FDA or any other regulatory bodies.

[Related: Watch Elon Musk unveil the next version of his AI-powered brain implant, Neuralink .]

Another major theme of the night wasn’t focused on the technology but those undergoing testing. Neuralink first debuted its early prototypes in rats during a 2019 demonstration . Since then, the company has moved on to additional interface developments for sheep, pigs, and macaque monkeys—experiments that drew scrutiny and criticism from activists after Musk confirmed in February that some monkeys have died during testing. Ahead of last night’s presentation, the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine urged Musk to release additional information on past tests which purportedly resulted in infections, seizures, internal bleeding, and paralysis in animals.

Musk repeatedly emphasized test animals’ safety and comfortability, and stressed that Neuralink “not cavalier about putting devices into animals.” At one point, he argued that a monkey shown in a video operating a computer keyboard using a Neuralink implant “actually likes doing the demo, and is not strapped to the chair or anything.”

“I don’t want to oversell this thing,” Musk said at one point while on stage.

Andrew Paul

Andrew Paul is Popular Science's staff writer covering tech news. Previously, he was a regular contributor to The A.V. Club and Input, and has had recent work also featured by Rolling Stone, Fangoria, GQ, Slate, NBC, as well as McSweeney's Internet Tendency. He lives outside Indianapolis.

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Elon Musk

Elon Musk defends stance on diversity and free speech during tense interview

Tesla CEO tells Don Lemon people should be treated ‘according to their skills and integrity’

Elon Musk has defended his stance on diversity and free speech in a tense interview with the former CNN anchor Don Lemon.

The Tesla chief executive was openly irritated by Lemon’s line of questioning during the hour-long video interview, published on Monday .

Responding to a question about his prescription for ketamine, Musk said: “It’s pretty private to ask somebody about a medical prescription.” He said he took the drug to address “a negative chemical state in my in my brain, like depression”.

Asked if he abused the drug, which is commonly used as an anaesthetic, he said: “I don’t think so. If you use too much ketamine you can’t really get work done. I have a lot of work.”

Musk, who cancelled a deal between his X platform and Lemon after the interview was taped earlier this month, was asked about his criticism of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) schemes including his support for a thread on X by Ben Shapiro, a conservative pundit, claiming that DEI was endangering medical patients.

Lemon told Musk there was “no evidence” that DEI schemes were lowering the standards for medical practice, prompting the billionaire to say the response to the interview by X users would help them “make their own decision” on the issue.

Asked if he believed in DEI, Musk said: “I think we should … treat people according to their skills and integrity.”

Musk also defended X’s content moderation standards after Lemon highlighted antisemitic and racist posts that were still on the platform, which the Tesla CEO bought in 2022 .

Asked why they had not been deleted, Musk indicated the posts were not illegal and said: “So, Don, you love censorship, is what you’re saying.” Lemon replied that he believed in moderation, to which Musk replied: “Moderation is a propaganda word for censorship.”

If a post was illegal, “we’re going to take it down”, said Musk, adding that if it did not break the law, “we’re putting our thumb on the scale or being censors”.

Musk made clear his irritation with Lemon at several points. The host asked him if he was upset and the entrepreneur responded that “you are upsetting me because the way you’re phrasing questions … is not cogent”.

Musk told Lemon the next Tesla Roadster model would be a collaboration with his SpaceX business and “would have some rocket technology in it”.

He added: “I think the only way to do something that’s cooler than the Cybertruck is to combine SpaceX and Tesla technology to create something that’s not even really a car.” Asked if it was a flying car, Musk said: “Maybe.”

Musk also confirmed he had recently met Donald Trump, but said he had not donated to his campaign, although he was “leaning away” from supporting Joe Biden. Asked if he was going to back a presidential runner, he said: “I may in the final stretch endorse a candidate, but I don’t know yet.”

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Elon Musk's Grok AI has now been open sourced, code available on GitHub

Grok, the AI tool founded by Elon Musk, has been open sourced, with a code release now available on GitHub.

Musk had previously stated that Grok would go open source this week, saying the move will allow developers and researchers to look into the model and build upon it, and possibly influence its future iterations.

Grok is owned by xAI, another Musk company, and marks the entrepreneur's second foray into AI. He was one of the co-founders of OpenAI, the firm behind ChatGPT, which he is now suing for purportedly abandoning its original altruistic intents. 

Open source?

A blog post on xAI's website describes how the open release of Grok-1 contains the “weights and network architecture” of the underlying model, called Mixture-of-Experts. The blog also explains that the model hasn't been fine-tuned for any particular purpose, like dialogue. 

It is being released under the Apache 2.0 license, which allows for commercial use and distribution, but no warranty or liability is provided, and it cannot be trademarked. The original license and copyright notice must be reproduced as well, with any changes made by developers stated.

The training data is also not being made available, meaning users can't find out what the model was fed on during its development. It also doesn't include a connection to real-time data from X (FKA Twitter), an attribute Musk has boasted about in the past, unless users are paying subscribers to the microblogging platform.

Grok was completed in October last year, and was developed using JAX and Rust as the foundation for the custom training stack. It allegedly takes a novel approach to neural networks, and makes use of only a quarter of its weights per token, which means that, in theory, it is more effective and efficient than its rivals.


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    1983: At age 12, creates and sells video game for $500. 1999: He and his brother sell their first company, Zip2, for $300 Million. 2002: Sells Paypal to Ebay for $1.5 Billion, that same year founds SpaceX. 2004: Invests in Tesla Motors. 2008: Becomes Tesla CEO.

  3. Elon Musk's Top 10 Most Influential Presentations

    And yes, that will soon be the sound for man starting a new life on Mars too. 6. Powerwall 2. Another one of Elon Musk's most influential presentations is the Powerwall 2 unveil. Just like the Starship presentation, this one also takes place on a very apt location — a house yard with the sun shining before dusk.

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    To make the analysis easier, we have used one of his widely applauded presentations as a central reference. Presentation inspiration from Elon Musk from VisualSpiders_VS. An innovator turned business person and a real genius, Elon Musk needs no introduction. The epitome of brilliance is best known for his role in transforming the realm of ...

  7. Use Elon Musk's Presentation Hack to Hook Your Audience

    By the next day, hundreds of headlines carried the words, "Tesla" and "$25,000 car." The announcement made news because it breaks a pattern. Tesla vehicles are known for their high price tag ...

  8. Free Elon Musk PowerPoint Template

    The free Elon Musk PowerPoint Template has a gray background and a portrait of a South African-born, Canadian-American business magnate, investor, engineer, and inventor.This image makes this template look very remarkable. The template and PPT background are suitable for all kinds of presentations about Elon Musk, his early life, career, companies PayPal, SpaceX, Tesla, SolarCity, personal ...

  9. 6 Best Elon Musk-Themed Templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides

    Below you'll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 6 best elon musk templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. The text you'll see in in those slides is just example text. The elon musk-related image or video you'll see in the background of each title slide is designed to help you set the stage for your elon ...

  10. How to watch Elon Musk's Starship presentation live

    The presentation is expected to start at 9PM ET. By Loren Grush. Feb 10, 2022, 10:00 AM PST. This evening, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk will give a presentation about his company's next generation ...

  11. Elon Musk's Game-Changing Presentation: Unforgettable Moments in

    Introduction: Elon Musk's rise as a visionary entrepreneur has been nothing short of extraordinary. His game-changing presentations have revolutionized industries and captured the world's imagination. In this article, we will delve into the unforgettable moments that have defined Musk's journey from rockets to electric cars, showcasing his relentless pursuit of innovation and a sustainable future.

  12. Elon Musk PPT Template Presentation and Google Slides

    Features of the template. 100% customizable slides and easy-to-download. Slides are available in different nodes & colors. The slides contain 16:9 and 4:3 formats. It comes with a red theme. Easy to change the slide colors quickly. It is a well-crafted template with an instant download facility. We designed this slide with colorful elements.

  13. The takeaways from latest Neuralink presentation

    Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images. Elon Musk hosted Neuralink's latest "show and tell" presentation last night, focusing on progress in the development of highly advanced, affordable ...

  14. Free Tesla Deck Template PowerPoint and Google Slides

    Tesla and Elon Musk is a constant surge of news. From bringing the electric car to the masses with accessible price points to the newest model being launched at a price of 2021. Our Tesla deck is packed with eight ultra-professional presentation templates.

  15. PowerPoint Elon Musk Presentation and Google Slides

    Awesome Elon Musk Presentation. Elon Musk is a billionaire entrepreneur, engineer, inventor, and visionary leader known for his ambitious projects and innovative approach to business and technology. He was born in South Africa in 1971 and later moved to the United States, where he co-founded and led several successful companies, including ...

  16. Free Elon Musk Resume Template PowerPoint & Google Slides

    Elon Musk is a prolific entrepreneur, inventor, philanthropist, and engineer. Elon Musk's career is impressive on its own. Want to create an Elon Musk-style resume? Then get this Elon Musk resume template. Our designers in this resume entrepreneur slide have shared exact details of Elon Musk's career. Download this Elon Musk PPT resume and ...

  17. Elon Musk Presentation PPT Template for Google Slides

    Elon Musk Presentation Slide. Elon Musk is a modern-day genius and one of the most visionary entrepreneurs of our time. He is the founder of SpaceX, Tesla, Neuralink, and The Boring Company. He has revolutionized the electric vehicle industry, brought space exploration to new heights, and is working on creating brain-computer interfaces.

  18. Google Slides: Online Slideshow Maker

    Use Google Slides to create online slideshows. Make beautiful presentations together with secure sharing in real-time and from any device.

  19. Elon Musk Leadership PPT Presentation and Google Slides

    The Elon Musk Leadership PPT framework slide PowerPoint template holds a creative image of Elen musk f or creating a captivating presentation. This Elen musk image will look perfect for planning leadership presentations. The Text box and a title area will be the visuals used in this template to look splashy and colorful.

  20. Elon Musk defends stance on diversity and free speech during tense

    Tesla CEO tells Don Lemon people should be treated 'according to their skills and integrity' Elon Musk has defended his stance on diversity and free speech in a tense interview with the former ...

  21. Elon Musk's Grok AI has now been open sourced, code available on GitHub

    Grok, the AI tool founded by Elon Musk, has been open sourced, with a code release now available on GitHub.. Musk had previously stated that Grok would go open source this week, saying the move ...

  22. Elon Musk SpaceX PPT Presentation and Google Slides Themes

    Elon Musk SpaceX Presentation Slides. Elon Musk's SpaceX is a private aerospace manufacturer and space transportation company founded in 2002. Headed by Elon Musk, the company's ambitious goal is to revolutionize space travel and enable human colonization of Mars. SpaceX has achieved significant milestones, including reusable rocket technology ...

  23. Free PPT on Elon Musk Presentation and Google Slides

    Editable PPT On Elon Musk Slide For Presentation. Download this Free PPT On Elon Musk template to create an attractive PPT presentation on Elon Musk. This slide will be the best one to share your information. In addition, it includes the best picture of Elon Musk. This is a pre-designed layout with a 100% customizable option.

  24. Elon Musk PowerPoint Presentation Download Google Slides

    Grab this Elon musk PowerPoint presentation download template; it has a white background and a dark blue background inside the template that looks attractive. The template contains the authentic image of Elon Musk, and his detailed biography is given in the template. The template has editable texts; you can add more points to it.