Illustration with collage of pictograms of gear, robotic arm, mobile phone

Updated: 1 July 2024

Networking, or computer networking, is the process of connecting two or more computing devices, such as desktop computers, mobile devices, routers or applications, to enable the transmission and exchange of information and resources.

Networked devices rely on communications protocols—rules that describe how to transmit or exchange data across a network—to share information over physical or wireless connections.

Before contemporary networking practices, engineers would have to physically move computers to share data between devices, which was an unpleasant task at a time when computers were large and unwieldy. To simplify the process (especially for government workers), the Department of Defense funded the creation of the first functioning computer network (eventually named ARPANET) in the late 1960s.

Since then, networking practices—and the computer systems that drive them—have evolved tremendously. Today’s computer networks facilitate large-scale inter-device communication for every business, entertainment and research purpose. The internet, online search, email, audio and video sharing, online commerce, live-streaming and social media all exist because of advancements in computer networking.

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Before we delve into more complex networking topics, it’s important to understand fundamental networking components, including:

  • IP address: An IP address is the unique number assigned to every network device in an Internet Protocol (IP) network; each IP address identifies the device’s host network and its location on the network. When one device sends data to another, the data includes a “header” that includes the IP addresses of both the sending and receiving devices.
  • Nodes: A node is a network connection point that can receive, send, create or store data. It’s essentially any network device—computers, printers, modems, bridges or switches—that can recognize, process and transmit information to another network node. Each node requires some form of identification (such an IP or MAC address) to receive access to the network.
  • Routers: A router is a physical or virtual device that sends data “packets” between networks. Routers analyze the data within packets to determine the best transmission path and use sophisticated routing algorithms to forward data packets until they reach their destination node.

Switches: A switch is a device that connects network devices and manages node-to-node communication across a network, making sure that data packets reach their intended destination. Unlike routers, which send information between networks, switches send information between nodes within a network.

Consequently, “switching” refers to how data is transferred between devices on a network. Networks rely on three main types of switching:

Circuit switching establishes a dedicated data communication path between nodes in a network, so no other traffic can traverse the same path. Circuit switching sees to it that full bandwidth is available during every transmission.

Message switching sends whole messages from the source node to the destination node, with the message traveling from switch to switch until it reaches the destination.

Packet switching involves breaking down data into independent components to make data transmission less demanding of network resources. With packet switching, packets—instead of entire data streams—travel through the network to their end destination.

  • Ports: A port indicates a specific connection between network devices, with each port identified by a number. If an IP address is analogous to a hotel address, then ports are the suites and room numbers. Computers use port numbers to determine which application, service or process should receive which messages.
  • Gateways: Gateways are hardware devices that facilitate communication between two different networks. Routers, firewalls and other gateway devices use rate converters, protocol translators and other technologies to make inter-network communication possible between otherwise incompatible devices.

Typically, computer networks are defined by geographical area. A local area network (LAN) connects computers in a defined physical space, while a  wide area network  ( WAN ) can connect computers across continents. However, networks are also defined by the protocols they use to communicate, the physical arrangement of their components, how they manage network traffic and the purpose they serve in their respective environments.

Here, we’ll discuss the most common and widely used computer network types in three broad categories.

The network types in this category are distinguished by the geographical area the network covers.

A LAN connects computers over a relatively short distance, such as those within an office building, school or hospital. LANs are typically privately owned and managed.

As the name implies, a WAN connects computers across large geographical areas, such as regions and continents. WANs often have collective or distributed ownership models for network management purposes.  Cloud networks serve as one example, since they’re hosted and delivered by public and private cloud infrastructures across the globe. A software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) is a virtualized WAN architecture that uses SDN principles to centralize the management of disconnected WAN networks and optimize network performance.

MANs are larger than LANs but smaller than WANs. Cities and government entities typically own and manage MANs.

A PAN serves one person. If a user has multiple devices from the same manufacturer (an iPhone and a MacBook, for instance), it’s likely they've set up a PAN that shares and syncs content—text messages, emails, photos and more—across devices.

Network nodes can send and receive messages using either wired or wireless links (connections).

Wired network devices are connected by physical wires and cables, including copper wires and Ethernet, twisted pair, coaxial or fiber optic cables. Network size and speed requirements typically dictate the choice of cable, the arrangement of network elements and the physical distance between devices.

Wireless networks forgo cables for infrared, radio or electromagnetic wave transmission across wireless devices with built-in antennae and sensors.

Computing networks can transmit data using a range of transmission dynamics, including: 

In a multipoint network, multiple devices share channel capacity and network links.

Network devices establish a direct node-to-node link to transmit data.

On broadcast networks, several interested “parties” (devices) can receive one-way transmissions from a single sending device. Television stations are a great example of broadcast networks.

A VPN is a secure, point-to-point connection between two network endpoints. It establishes an encrypted channel that keeps a user’s identity and access credentials, as well as any data transferred, inaccessible to hackers.

Computer network architecture establishes the theoretical framework of a computer network, including design principles and communications protocols.

Primary types of network architectures

  • Peer-to-peer (P2P) architectures: In a P2P architecture, two or more computers are connected as “peers,” meaning they have equal power and privileges on the network. A P2P network doesn’t require a central server for coordination. Instead, each computer on the network acts as both a client (a computer that needs to access a service) and a server (a computer that provides services to clients). Every peer on the network makes some of its resources available to other network devices, sharing storage, memory, bandwidth and processing power across the network.
  • Client-server architectures: In a client-server network, a central server (or group of servers) manages resources and delivers services to client devices on the network; clients in this architecture don’t share their resources and only interact through the server. Client-server architectures are often called tiered architectures because of their multiple layers.
  • Hybrid architectures: Hybrid architectures incorporate elements of both the P2P and client-server models.

Whereas architecture represents the theoretical framework of a network, topology is the practical implementation of the architectural framework. Network topology describes the physical and logical arrangement of nodes and links on a network, including all hardware (routers, switches, cables), software (apps and operating systems) and transmission media (wired or wireless connections).

Common network topologies include bus, ring, star and mesh.

In a bus network topology , every network node is directly connected to a main cable. In a ring topology , nodes are connected in a loop, so each device has exactly two neighbors. Adjacent pairs are connected directly and nonadjacent pairs are connected indirectly through intermediary nodes.  Star network topologies feature a single, central hub through which all nodes are indirectly connected.

Mesh topologies are a bit more complex, defined by overlapping connections between nodes. There are two types of mesh networks— full mesh and partial mesh . In a full mesh topology , every network node connects to every other network node, providing the highest level of network resilience. In a partial mesh topology , only some network nodes connect, typically those that exchange data most frequently.

Full mesh topologies can be expensive and time-consuming to run, which is why they’re often reserved for networks that require high redundancy. Partial mesh, on the other hand, provides less redundancy but is more cost-effective and simpler to run.

Regardless of subtype, mesh networks have self-configuration and self-organization capabilities; they automate the routing process, so the network always finds the fastest, most reliable data path.

Whether it’s the internet protocol (IP) suite, Ethernet, wireless LAN (WLAN) or cellular communication standards, all computer networks follow communication protocols—sets of rules that every node on the network must follow in order to share and receive data. Protocols also rely on gateways to enable incompatible devices to communicate (a Windows computer attempting to access Linux servers, for instance)

Many modern networks run on TCP/IP models, which include four network layers.

  • Network access layer.  Also called the data link layer or the physical layer, the network access layer of a TCP/IP network includes the network infrastructure (hardware and software components) necessary for interfacing with the network medium. It handles physical data transmission—using Ethernet and protocols such as the address resolution protocol (ARP)—between devices on the same network.
  • Internet layer. The internet layer is responsible for logical addressing, routing and packet forwarding. It primarily relies on the IP protocol and the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), which manages addressing and routing of packets across different networks.
  • Transport layer. The TCP/IP transport layer enables data transfer between upper and lower layers of the network. Using TCP and UDP protocols, it also provides mechanisms for error checking and flow control. TCP is a connection-based protocol that is generally slower but more reliable than UDP. UDP is a connectionless protocol that is faster than TCP but does not provide guaranteed transfer. UDP protocols facilitate packet transmission for time-sensitive apps (such as video streaming and gaming platforms) and DNS lookups.

Application layer. TCP/IP’s application layer uses HTTP, FTP, Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3), SMTP, domain name system (DNS) and SSH protocols to provide network services directly to applications. It also manages all the protocols that support user applications. 

Though TCP/IP is more directly applicable to networking, the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model —sometimes called the OSI reference model—has also had a substantial impact on computer networking and computer science, writ broadly.

OSI is a conceptual model that divides network communication into seven abstract layers (instead of four), providing a theoretical underpinning that helps engineers and developers understand the intricacies of network communication. The OSI model's primary value lies in its educational utility and its role as a conceptual framework for designing new protocols, making sure that they can interoperate with existing systems and technologies.

However, the TCP/IP model's practical focus and real-world applicability have made it the backbone of modern networking. Its robust, scalable design and horizontal layering approach has driven the explosive growth of the internet, accommodating billions of devices and massive amounts of data traffic.

Using email as an example, let’s walk through an example of how data moves through a network.

If a user wants to send an email, they first write the email and then press the “send” button.  When the user presses “send,” an SMTP or POP3 protocol uses the sender’s wifi to direct the message from the sender node and through the network switches, where it’s compressed and broken down into smaller and smaller segments (and ultimately into bits, or strings of 1s and 0s).

Network gateways direct the bit stream to the recipient’s network, converting data and communication protocols as needed. When the bit stream reaches the recipient’s computer, the same protocols direct the email data through the network switches on the receiver’s network. In the process, the network reconstructs the original message until the email arrives, in human-readable form, in the recipient’s inbox (the receiver node).

Computer networks are inescapable, present in many aspects of modern life. In business, relying on computer networks isn’t an option—they are fundamental to the operation of modern enterprises.

Computer networks provide numerous benefits, including:

Networking enables every form of digital communication, including email, messaging, file sharing, video calls and streaming. Networking connects all the servers, interfaces and transmission media that make business communication possible.

Without networking, organizations would have to store data in individual data repositories, which is unsustainable in the age of  big data.  Computer networks help teams keep centralized data stores that serve the entire network, freeing up valuable storage capacity for other tasks.

Users, network administrators and developers alike stand to benefit from how networking simplifies resource and knowledge sharing. Networked data is easier to request and fetch, so users and clients get faster responses from network devices. And for those on the business side, networked data makes it easier for teams to collaborate and share information as technologies and enterprises evolve.

Not only are well-built networking solutions more resilient, but they also offer businesses more options for  cybersecurity  and  network security . Most network providers offer built-in encryption protocols and access controls (such as  multifactor authentication ) to protect sensitive data and keep bad actors off the network.

Modern network infrastructures built for digital transformation require solutions that can be just as dynamic, flexible and scalable as the new environments. IBM® SevOne® provides application-centric network observability to help NetOps spot, address and prevent network performance issues in hybrid environments. 

IBM NS1 Connect® provides fast, secure connections to users anywhere in the world with premium DNS and advanced, customizable traffic steering. Always-on, API-first architecture enables your IT teams to more efficiently monitor networks, deploy changes and conduct routine maintenance.

IBM Cloud Pak® for Network Automation is an intelligent cloud platform that enables the automation and orchestration of network operations so CSPs and MSPs can transform their networks, evolve to zero-touch operations, reduce OPEX and deliver services faster.

IBM Hybrid Cloud Mesh, a multicloud networking solution, is a SaaS product designed to enable organizations to establish simple and secure application-centric connectivity across a wide variety of public and private cloud, edge and on-premises environments.

Cloud networking solutions can help your organization implement a secure, highly available global network. Working with an experienced network service provider, you can design and build the unique configuration that enables you to optimize network traffic flow, protect and support applications and meet your specific business needs.

A content delivery network (CDN) is a network of servers that is geographically dispersed to enable faster web performance by locating copies of web content closer to users or facilitating delivery of dynamic content.

Explore the differences between these two approaches to storage and file sharing.

Network monitoring means using network monitoring software to monitor a computer network’s ongoing health and reliability.

NetFlow, a network protocol developed for Cisco routers by Cisco Systems, is widely used to collect metadata about the IP traffic flowing across network devices such as routers, switches and hosts.

Software-defined networking (SDN) is a software-controlled approach to networking architecture driven by application programming interfaces (APIs).

Middleware is software that enables one or more kinds of communication or connectivity between applications or components in a distributed network.

IBM NS1 Connect provides fast, secure connections to users anywhere in the world with premium DNS and advanced, customizable traffic steering. NS1 Connect’s always-on, API-first architecture enables your IT teams to more efficiently monitor networks, deploy changes and conduct routine maintenance.


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Published by Darrius Gripp Modified over 10 years ago

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A Beginners Guide To Computer Networking

Aleksa Tamburkovski

Aleksa Tamburkovski

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In This Guide:

What is a computer network and why is it important, how does a computer network work, networking basics: important terms and concepts, what's the difference between network topology and computer networks, an introduction to different network topologies, the 6 common types of computer networks, the 5 types of enterprise-level computer networks, the 7 layers of the osi model, what is cryptography in networking, the basics of compression, an introduction to network protocols, so what's the next step.

Are you curious about how the internet works?

Maybe you're just starting a career in either DevOps Engineering or Cybersecurity and need to understand networking, or perhaps you're simply fascinated by the intricate web of connections that make up our digital world.

Whatever your motivations, understanding networking basics is the first step towards making sense of these interactions.

That’s why in this beginner's guide, I’ll break down a mile-high overview of what networks are and how they work, as well as demystify some important concepts like network topologies, network devices, and the OSI model, so you can take a little peek behind the scenes.

So grab a coffee and let’s dive in!

The concept of a computer network might seem complex, but in reality, it's fundamentally quite straightforward. A computer network is just a group of computers and devices linked together in a way that allows them to communicate and share resources with each other.

For example

Imagine your home setup with multiple devices—laptops, desktops, smartphones, smart TVs, printers. Instead of each device operating in isolation, they're all connected, sharing a common link to the internet and even resources amongst each other.


That's a computer network in action.

But why does it matter?

Well, imagine a situation where every person in your home needs to print something (and the printer actually works).

In a world without networks, each person would need their own individual printer attached to their device or would have to move to the printer each time. But with a network, on the other hand, everyone can share a single printer. Suddenly, one resource serves many people, improving efficiency and reducing costs.

Take this concept and expand it exponentially, and you can start to see how critical networks, especially computer networks, are to our modern digital world.

If your friend in Europe wanted to print that same file, you would have to post that USB drive with the file to them, and they might have to wait weeks for it to arrive! But with a network, it’s as simple as sending an email.

Networks are incredibly important, and they enable everything from your local grocery store's inventory management system to the global reach of a multinational corporation.

Understanding how these networks function, then, is not just interesting; it's essential for anyone looking to work in a technology-related field.

There are multiple types of computer networks, but they all pretty much work like this:

Establishing the Network : To start, devices need to be connected—forming a network. This can be done physically through cables (like Ethernet), or wirelessly (via Wi-Fi)

Communication Protocols : Now that our network is established, devices need to 'speak the same language' to communicate effectively. This 'language' is known as a protocol. Some widely recognized ones include HTTP (for web traffic), FTP (for file transfers), and the foundational protocol that governs Internet traffic—TCP/IP. (More on these later)

Data Transmission : Now that communication is up and running, it's time for our devices to send and receive data. This data is broken down into small chunks or 'packets' to be sent across the network to the receiving device

Routing : A packet doesn't necessarily travel straight from the source to the destination. It journeys across the network, guided by various devices (like routers and switches) to reach its final destination. There are a few reasons for this, that we’ll cover more as go through this guide

Data Receipt and Confirmation : Upon reaching the destination, the receiving device sends a confirmation back to the sender. If the sender doesn't receive this confirmation indicating that something went awry with the transmission, it will attempt to resend the data

Important: Keep in mind, though, that this confirmation and resending sequence is only applicable to TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). UDP (User Datagram Protocol), on the other hand, sends the data without confirming receipt or checking for errors, meaning some or all of the data could potentially be lost during transmission.

We’ll cover the differences between TCP and UDP further later in this guide, but now that we've got a handle on how a network operates, let's look at some key terms and concepts that are fundamental to understanding networking.

Before we get into more complex networking details, we need to take a second and learn some basic networking terms and concepts:

Node: A node is the term used to describe any device that can send, receive, or forward information on a network. This could be a computer, a mobile phone, a printer, a switch, or a router

Network Interface Card (NIC): Each node has a NIC, which creates a physical connection to the network. It also has a MAC address which is a unique identifier

MAC Address: This 'Media Access Control' address is a unique identifier assigned to a NIC by its manufacturer. It's like your device's postal address on the network

IP Address: This is another unique identifier, but assigned by the network according to its own rules. Think of it as a temporary P.O. Box number that can change

Router: This hardware device routes data from one network to another. Picture it as a traffic officer, directing packets of data along the network to prevent congestion and ensure data gets to the right place

Switch: Yet another vital network device, a switch connects devices on a network. It operates much like a multi-port bridge, further directing traffic

Packet: Information sent over a network is broken into smaller pieces called packets. These are like the individual letters that make up a word or the words that make up a page

Bandwidth: This reflects the maximum amount of data that can be sent over a network connection in a given time. It can be likened to the width of a highway: a wider highway can accommodate more cars (But cars still need to be the same width and size)

Protocol: These are the set of rules that dictate how data is transferred on a network. Picture it as conversational etiquette that all devices on the network must adhere to, much like traffic on a highway

Ethernet: This is the most common protocol for wired Local Area Networks (LANs). If you've seen a cable connecting a computer to the internet, you've seen Ethernet at work

Wi-Fi: This is a protocol for wireless networking, where devices connect to a network through a Wi-Fi router

TCP/IP: The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol is the fundamental protocol that governs data transfer over the internet

Firewall: This is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic, akin to a security guard checking who enters and leaves a building

VPN: A Virtual Private Network extends a private network over a public one, like the Internet. This allows users to send and receive data as if their devices were directly connected to the private network

Network Topology: This refers to how various elements (nodes, links, etc.) are arranged in a network. This structure determines how information is transferred across the network

ISP: Your Internet Service Provider is the company that provides your Internet access

Still with me?

I know it seems like a light detour, but these terms form the backbone of understanding networking and form the building blocks for more advanced concepts.

That being said, networking can be a little hard to grasp at first, simply because there’s a lot of overlap between topics. With that in mind, I want to quickly cover 2 areas that can seem similar at first glance, before breaking them down in more detail.

In simple terms, the difference between network topology and a computer network can be thought of as the difference between the layout, and its size or scope.

Network Topology

Network topology refers to the arrangement or layout of devices within a network.

You can think of it almost like the floor plan of a house, showing how rooms (devices) are connected to one another via doors or hallways (network links).

basic floor plan

Knowing the topology of a network helps you understand how data flows within it, and how the network can be managed and expanded.

Computer Networks

A computer network on the other hand, refers to the scale or reach of the network - essentially, how big the network is and who it serves.

If we look at the same network topology analogy, this can then be the difference in the size of the floor plan. Is it a single house, a neighborhood, or even an entire city?

large house floor plan

Understanding the scale of a computer network (or even the required scale) can help you decide what kind of network infrastructure and technologies are needed to connect devices across short or long distances.

The topology refers to the layout, while the computer network refers to the scale and size.

Understanding both aspects is crucial because the layout (topology) and the size (type of network) together determine the overall design, functionality, and capabilities of a network.

With that out of the way, let’s look at both of these in more detail.

Understanding the different network topologies is crucial whether you aim to become a DevOps Engineer or enhance your knowledge in cybersecurity.

This is because each topology has its own set of advantages and challenges that can significantly impact network performance, cost, and reliability.

types of network topology

Here's a quick breakdown of the major topology types:

Bus Topology

  • Pros: Cost-effective, easy to implement, and requires less cable than other configurations, reducing initial setup costs
  • Cons: If the main cable (backbone) fails, the entire network goes down. It can become slower and more error-prone as more nodes are added
  • Practical Application: In DevOps, uptime is critical. The simplicity of a bus topology can be appealing for smaller setups, but its vulnerability to single points of failure is a significant risk

Ring Topology

  • Pros: Each packet of data travels around the ring reducing the chance of packet collisions. A simple protocol can be used to manage data transmission
  • Cons: A failure in any wire or node can disrupt the entire network. Adding or removing nodes can temporarily disrupt the network
  • Practical Application: For applications requiring consistent performance and uptime, the ring topology's dependency on continuous connections might be a hindrance

Star Topology

  • Pros: High reliability—if one link fails, only that node is affected. It’s easy to add or remove nodes without disrupting the entire network
  • Cons: Requires more cable than bus or ring topologies. If the central hub fails, the whole network goes down
  • Practical Application: The star topology's central management makes it ideal for networks where managing and monitoring traffic centrally is critical, like in data centers

Mesh Topology

  • Pros: Provides high reliability and redundancy. If one node or connection fails, data can reroute through another path
  • Cons: It's expensive and complex to install and manage due to the large number of cables and connections
  • Practical Application: In environments where communication must never fail (like in trading systems), mesh topology offers the necessary robustness but at a higher cost

Tree/Hybrid Topology

  • Pros: Allows more devices to connect to a single hub and combines the benefits of star and bus topologies. It's scalable and easy to manage
  • Cons: Highly dependent on the main bus cable—if it fails, that entire segment of the network goes down
  • Practical Application: Suitable for large networks like campuses where both broad coverage and reliability are required

Understanding the pros and cons of each of these options helps us to make informed decisions about which network design to choose for both performance and cost-effectiveness.

Just like how there are different topology options, there are also different types of computer network options available.

However, the best network type to use for a given situation is mainly determined by factors like its intended geographical coverage, the number of users/devices it needs to support, and the security level required.

Here are the most common types:

#1. Personal Area Network (PAN)

The smallest and most basic network type, a PAN typically covers a small area like a room and is used for connecting personal devices such as computers, phones, printers, and gaming consoles. Connections can be wired or wireless.

When you enable a mobile hotspot on your phone to allow other devices like laptops, tablets, or other phones to connect to the internet through your mobile's data connection, you are essentially setting up a PAN.

This network configuration allows the devices within proximity to your phone to access the internet or communicate with each other via your phone's connection, making your phone the central node of this personal network.

  • Pros: Highly convenient for connecting personal devices within close proximity; can be easily set up and managed; both wired and wireless connections are possible
  • Cons: Limited range and not suitable for more than a few devices; not ideal for larger or more demanding network tasks

#2. Local Area Network (LAN)

A LAN connects devices within a limited area like a house, school, or office building. It's typically owned, controlled, and managed by a single person or organization.

Back in the day, if you wanted to play against someone on a PC game, you would need multiple PCS connected via a LAN cable, and that is where the term ‘LAN party’ originated.

lan party

  • Pros: Ideal for small to medium-sized areas like homes, schools, or offices; offers high speed and relatively low latency
  • Cons: Limited to a small geographical area, and requires significant cabling and infrastructure for larger setups

#3. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)

Similar to a LAN but wireless. If you've connected to Wi-Fi at home or in a café, you've used a WLAN.

  • Pros: Provides all the benefits of a LAN without the need for physical cables, so it has added flexibility and ease of connectivity
  • Cons: However, this type of network is more susceptible to interference and security risks when compared to wired networks. You always want to use a VPN if you’re using public wi-fi. Not only that but wi-fi performance can be affected by physical barriers like walls

#4. Wide Area Network (WAN)

A WAN spans large geographical areas, such as a city, a country, or even the whole world. The Internet is the most well-known example of a WAN.

  • Pros: Covers large geographical areas, which is ideal for businesses with multiple locations; enables a vast reach
  • Cons: High setup and maintenance costs; complexity in managing and securing such a network. (This is assuming we’re setting up the infrastructure)

#5. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

A MAN is larger than a LAN but smaller than a WAN. It's used to connect LANs within a specific geographical area like a city or a large campus, or even multiple government offices across a city.

  • Pros: Ideal for connecting several LANs within a city; can serve as the backbone for high-speed connectivity across a metropolitan area
  • Cons: Requires significant investment in infrastructure and maintenance; operational costs can be high

#6. Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A VPN extends a private network across public networks, allowing users to exchange data across shared or public networks as if their computing devices were directly connected to the private network.

A common use could be employees connecting to their company’s network remotely from different geographical locations. But in more recent years, they’ve become popular with general internet usage for added security, and bypassing Netflix geolocks!

  • Pros: Provides secure connections over public networks, offering privacy and security for data transmission
  • Cons: Can introduce latency and potentially slower speeds, and requires proper setup and management to ensure security

Each of these network types is designed to cater to specific requirements, and each has its strengths and weaknesses. Depending on the circumstance, one may be more suitable than the others. You couldn’t make a hotspot on your mobile for an entire city to use right!?

However, because we’re possibly going to work in DevOps, let's take this another step further and look at networks that are used in enterprise-level settings, where scale and traffic size (or even added security) might be a goal.

Enterprise networks are large networks that can be spread across multiple locations. They need to be secure, reliable, and scalable to keep the organization's operations running smoothly.

Here are five common types of enterprise-level networks.

#1. Campus Area Network (CAN)

A CAN is larger than a LAN but smaller than a MAN and is typically used to connect various buildings.

Universities use CANs to link libraries, academic halls, student centers, and more into a single network.

  • Ideal for covering larger geographic areas such as university campuses or large business sites
  • Effectively supports a large number of users and integrates multiple buildings into a single network
  • High setup and maintenance costs
  • Requires sophisticated network management tools and skilled personnel

#2. Enterprise Private Network (EPN)

An EPN is built and used exclusively by an organization, connecting local and wide-area networks.

Multinational companies often establish EPNs to connect their offices across different countries securely and privately.

  • Provides complete control over the network infrastructure, enhancing security and customization
  • Expensive to establish and maintain as connectivity and bandwidth needs grow

#3. Data Center Network (DCN)

A DCN provides communication between data center resources such as storage systems and servers and is designed for reliability and scalability.

Cloud service providers utilize DCNs to ensure fast and reliable access between storage and computing resources.

  • High availability and robustness for critical data center operations
  • Complexity and high costs associated with advanced technology and redundancy

#4. Storage Area Network (SAN)

A SAN connects servers to data storage devices, providing access to shared storage, crucial for environments handling large data volumes.

Financial institutions use SANs for managing extensive transaction data, allowing for improved performance and resource utilization.

  • Consolidates storage resources, enhancing performance and utilization
  • High initial investment and requires specific expertise to manage

#5. System Area Network (SAN), also known as Cluster Area Network (CAN)

This type of network offers high-speed connections suitable for high-performance computing environments like server clusters.

Research institutions deploy SANs to perform complex simulations and data analyses, requiring rapid data transfer between servers.

  • Facilitates efficient and high-speed data transfer for demanding applications
  • Expensive to implement and maintain; typically used for specialized applications

We’ve only covered the basics of each type of network here, but as you can see, each option has its pros and cons depending on its setup and your goal.

For now though, let’s dive deeper into the nuts and bolts of how these networks operate, and start with one of the fundamental concepts that form the bedrock of networking - understanding the OSI Model.

Understanding the OSI model (for designing networks)

The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is a conceptual framework used to understand how different network components interact and communicate.

It's crucial in networking because it provides a standardized framework that defines how data should be transmitted between different devices in a network.

Not only that, but it also helps with:

  • Framework for Understanding : The OSI model helps break down the complex process of networking into more manageable, conceptual layers, each responsible for handling different aspects of the communication. This layered approach makes it easier to learn and understand how networks operate.
  • Troubleshooting : Knowing the OSI model assists in troubleshooting network issues by allowing you to pinpoint which layer a particular problem is occurring at. For example, if there is a problem with data not reaching its destination, you might look at the Transport layer (Layer 4) to ensure there are no issues with data transmission protocols.
  • Designing Networks : When designing a network, the OSI model provides guidelines that help in structuring and developing network services and devices. It ensures that these components can work together seamlessly, regardless of their underlying architecture.
  • Communication Between Different Systems : The OSI model ensures that products and software from different manufacturers can communicate effectively. By adhering to the standards set by each layer of the OSI model, different network technologies can interoperate successfully.
  • Educational Tool : For anyone studying IT or networking, the OSI model is a fundamental concept that helps students and professionals understand network architecture, the roles of protocols, and the functions of networking hardware.

The OSI model is important to understand because it standardizes the networking process, ensuring devices can communicate effectively regardless of their differences.

If you understand this, then you can work on almost any network and troubleshoot issues.

The OSI model is divided into seven layers, each defining specific network functions:

  • Physical Layer (Layer 1): This is the most basic layer of the model. It defines the physical characteristics of the network, including cabling, connectors, signal strength, and the like
  • Data Link Layer (Layer 2): This layer manages how data is transmitted over the physical layer, handling error-checking and delivering and receiving packets
  • Network Layer (Layer 3): The Network Layer manages the routing and forwarding of packets. It assigns IP addresses and manages network traffic
  • Transport Layer (Layer 4): This layer manages the delivery of data between devices. It is responsible for error checking and data recovery, ensuring that data transfer is reliable
  • Session Layer (Layer 5): The Session Layer establishes, manages, and terminates connections between applications on each end. It also coordinates the communication process
  • Presentation Layer (Layer 6): This layer is a translator, converting data into a format that applications can understand. It also manages encryption and compression
  • Application Layer (Layer 7): The Application Layer is what users interact with directly. It includes protocols for email, file transfer, and web browsing

Each layer of the OSI model has a specific role in network communication, so understanding this model is invaluable. It provides a roadmap to the sometimes complex workings of networks, making it easier to troubleshoot and manage them effectively.

So, now that you understand the OSI model, let’s take a quick look at some of the basics of network security.

Understanding the basics of network security

Network security is about preventing unauthorized access, misuse, or denial of a network's resources. In simple terms, it's about taking measures to protect the network's data from being intercepted, manipulated, or interrupted.

A few years back, professional football players were having their homes robbed - even though they had fairly good home security systems.

It turns out that they all had smart devices (smart fridges, etc) connected to their homes wifi, and the devices had very basic security in place. (Because who would care if you hacked a fridge right?). However, this then gave hackers backdoor access to the entire home security network !

So as you can see, network security should be top of mind when setting up any network, be it a home network or an enterprise-level one - even if you don’t specialize in cybersecurity.

That being said, network security is too big of a topic to cover here fully, but I do want to talk about one of the basic elements so that you can understand the core principles, and that element is cryptography.

Cryptography originally stems from the world of espionage and secret messages.

In the context of networking and cybersecurity , cryptography is about ensuring that the data you send across a network, be it text, images, or any other form, is only readable by the intended recipient.


It achieves this with 2 processes: Encryption and Decryption.

  • Encryption: This is the process of transforming plain text data into something that appears to be random and meaningless, called 'ciphertext'. This is done with the use of an encryption algorithm and a key
  • Decryption: This is the reverse of encryption, where the ciphertext is turned back into plain text. This is done with a decryption algorithm and a key

Simple enough right?

However, there are two main types of cryptography. One is faster but more vulnerable, while the other is slower but more secure. The big difference, is the number of keys used.

So let’s break them down:

  • Symmetric Cryptography: In this instance, the same key is used for both encryption and decryption. This method is fast and efficient but poses a risk if the key is lost or stolen. Think of how the same car key can be used to both lock and unlock your car door. If someone had access to it, they could steal your car
  • Asymmetric Cryptography: Also known as public-key cryptography, is where two different keys are used - one for encryption and one for decryption (public key and private key). In this instance, one key could lock your car, but it would take a different key to open it.

This means there are more hoops to jump through, but the main advantage is that even if the encryption key is known, the data cannot be decrypted without the other key.

Cryptography is a vital part of network security and something that we’ll talk about in more detail in future posts.

For now though, let’s look at another critical concept in networking - compression techniques!

Remember when we were talking about traffic on a network, and how we could affect it by either reducing packet size or changing the bandwidth?

Well, another method we can use is compression, which is the process of reducing the size of data to save space or speed up transmission. Kind of like how you might compress a PDF file or an image.

In the context of networking, compression can help to save bandwidth as file sizes are now smaller. Not only does this make your network more cost-effective, but it’s also more efficient.

I won't get into exactly how to do this, but in the interest of understanding the basics, there are two main types of compression that you need to understand - lossless and lossy.

Lossless Compression

This type of compression reduces the size of the data without losing any information. When decompressed, the data is exactly the same as it was before compression.

Imagine you just shot a 4k film for cinema release, but it’s just the raw footage, and you need to send it to editors.

You could either post a hard drive with it on, or much quicker would be to compress it slightly and send it, helping to decrease the time for the file to be received, but without losing the original quality.

Lossy Compression

This compresses data by removing some information. When decompressed, the data is not exactly as it was before compression, but it's close enough for the usage.

When we take photos, they are normally in a much higher resolution than the human eye can actually pick up. The reason is that if we want to zoom in or expand the image (maybe for a billboard or a cinema screen), then it wouldn’t seem all blurry.

However, if we wanted to put that same image on a website, it has far more information and pixels than needed for the size of the screen.

So we can compress the image and lose some of the quality, but not enough that we can notice.e. However, if we tried to expand it again to billboard size we would see an issue, but for now, it's fine.

In networking, compression can be a significant performance booster, especially in situations where bandwidth is limited.

Now that you've got a handle on the basics of network security and compression, let's move on to understanding an essential concept that keeps our networks up and running - the protocols.

We talked about these briefly in our networking basics section, but let's dive a little deeper before closing up this guide.

As I said before, a network protocol is a set of rules that govern the exchange of data over a network, just like traffic on a highway has to stick to certain rules and laws.

As DevOps engineers and cybersecurity professionals, we need to understand these. Simply because these different protocols define the format and order of the messages exchanged between two or more communicating entities, the actions taken on the transmission and/or receipt of a message, or other communication event.

That being said, there are hundreds of different protocols, each designed for specific purposes and environments, so in the interests of staying sane, here are a few of the most important ones that you should know about, so you can get a rough idea:

  • Internet Protocol (IP): IP is the primary protocol in the Internet Layer of the Internet Protocol Suite and has the task of delivering packets from the source host to the destination host based on their addresses
  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): TCP is one of the main protocols in the Internet Protocol Suite. It provides reliable, ordered, and error-checked delivery of data between applications running on hosts communicating over an IP network
  • User Datagram Protocol (UDP): UDP is an alternative to TCP and is suitable for purposes where error checking and correction are either not necessary or are performed in the application instead
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): HTTP is the foundation of any data exchange on the Web and is a client-server protocol, which means requests are initiated by the recipient, usually the Web browser
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP): FTP is used to transfer computer files between a client and server on a computer network
  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP): SMTP is used to send emails and route email between mail servers

Although we’ve only covered the basics of just a few of the more popular protocols here, you will need to learn more as you go deeper into your career, as they affect traffic on your network.

Don’t worry about it too much for now though. Like I’ve said a few times, this is just the introduction so you can understand the core ideas and concepts.

Phew! That was a lot to cover, so I hope it wasn’t too much info, and you managed to grasp the basics of how networks work. I promise that the more intricate details will come with time as you learn the role.

And remember that networking is a broad field with a lot of interconnected elements, so it's normal to feel a little overwhelmed at first. But as you delve deeper and start figuring out how the pieces fit together, you'll find that it's a truly interesting world to explore, full of technical challenges and opportunities.

Whether you're planning to be a DevOps engineer, work in cybersecurity, or just want to understand more about how our digital world works, getting a handle on the basics of networking is a great first step.

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Basics of Computer Networking

Computer networking is a cornerstone of modern technology, enabling the interconnected systems that power the Internet, business communications, and everyday digital interactions. Understanding the fundamentals of computer networking is essential for anyone involved in technology, from enthusiasts to professionals. This article will explore the basics of computer networking, including network types, components, protocols, and essential services like the Domain Name System (DNS).

Computer Networking

Computer Networking

What is a Computer Network?

A computer network is a collection of interconnected devices that share resources and information. These devices can include computers, servers, printers, and other hardware. Networks allow for the efficient exchange of data, enabling various applications such as email, file sharing, and internet browsing.

How Does a Computer Network Work?

Basics building blocks of a Computer network are Nodes and Links. A Network Node can be illustrated as Equipment for Data Communication like a Modem, Router, etc., or Equipment of a Data Terminal like connecting two computers or more. Link in Computer Networks can be defined as wires or cables or free space of wireless networks.

The working of Computer Networks can be simply defined as rules or protocols which help in sending and receiving data via the links which allow Computer networks to communicate. Each device has an IP Address, that helps in identifying a device.

Basic Terminologies of Computer Networks

  • Network: A network is a collection of computers and devices that are connected together to enable communication and data exchange.
  • Nodes: Nodes are devices that are connected to a network. These can include computers, Servers, Printers, Routers, Switches , and other devices.
  • Protocol: A protocol is a set of rules and standards that govern how data is transmitted over a network. Examples of protocols include TCP/IP , HTTP , and FTP .
  • Topology: Network topology refers to the physical and logical arrangement of nodes on a network. The common network topologies include bus, star, ring, mesh, and tree.
  • Service Provider Networks: These types of Networks give permission to take Network Capacity and Functionality on lease from the Provider. Service Provider Networks include Wireless Communications, Data Carriers, etc.
  • IP Address : An IP address is a unique numerical identifier that is assigned to every device on a network. IP addresses are used to identify devices and enable communication between them.
  • DNS: The Domain Name System (DNS) is a protocol that is used to translate human-readable domain names (such as into IP addresses that computers can understand.
  • Firewall: A firewall is a security device that is used to monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic. Firewalls are used to protect networks from unauthorized access and other security threats.

Types of Enterprise Computer Networks

  • LAN: A Local Area Network (LAN) is a network that covers a small area, such as an office or a home. LANs are typically used to connect computers and other devices within a building or a campus.
  • WAN: A Wide Area Network (WAN) is a network that covers a large geographic area, such as a city, country, or even the entire world. WANs are used to connect LANs together and are typically used for long-distance communication.
  • Cloud Networks: Cloud Networks can be visualized with a Wide Area Network (WAN) as they can be hosted on public or private cloud service providers and cloud networks are available if there is a demand. Cloud Networks consist of Virtual Routers, Firewalls, etc.

These are just a few basic concepts of computer networking. Networking is a vast and complex field, and there are many more concepts and technologies involved in building and maintaining networks. Now we are going to discuss some more concepts on Computer Networking.

  • Open system:  A system that is connected to the network and is ready for communication. 
  • Closed system:  A system that is not connected to the network and can’t be communicated with.

Types of Computer Network Architecture

Computer Network falls under these broad Categories:

  • Client-Server Architecture: Client-Server Architecture is a type of Computer Network Architecture in which Nodes can be Servers or Clients. Here, the server node can manage the Client Node Behaviour.
  • Peer-to-Peer Architecture: In P2P (Peer-to-Peer) Architecture , there is not any concept of a Central Server. Each device is free for working as either client or server.

Network Devices

An interconnection of multiple devices, also known as hosts, that are connected using multiple paths for the purpose of sending/receiving data or media. Computer networks can also include multiple devices/mediums which help in the communication between two different devices; these are known as Network devices and include things such as routers, switches, hubs, and bridges. 

Network Devices

Network Topology

The Network Topology is the layout arrangement of the different devices in a network. Common examples include Bus, Star, Mesh, Ring, and Daisy chain. 

Network Topology

OSI Model  

OSI stands for Open Systems Interconnection . It is a reference model that specifies standards for communications protocols and also the functionalities of each layer. The OSI has been developed by the International Organization For Standardization and it is 7 layer architecture. Each layer of OSI has different functions and each layer has to follow different protocols. The 7 layers are as follows: 

  • Physical Layer
  • Data link Layer
  • Network Layer
  • Transport Layer
  • Session Layer
  • Presentation Layer
  • Application Layer

Network Protocols

A protocol is a set of rules or algorithms which define the way how two entities can communicate across the network and there exists a different protocol defined at each layer of the OSI model. A few such protocols are TCP, IP, UDP, ARP, DHCP, FTP, and so on. 

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

Function: The foundational protocol suite of the internet, enabling reliable communication.


TCP: Ensures data is delivered reliably and in order.

IP: Routes data packets to their destination based on IP addresses.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and HTTPS

Function: The protocols used for transmitting web pages.

HTTP: Unsecured communication.

HTTPS: Secured communication using SSL/TLS encryption.

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Function: Protocol for sending email.

Components: Works with other protocols like POP3 and IMAP for email retrieval.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Function: Protocol for transferring files between computers.

Components: Includes commands for uploading, downloading, and managing files on a remote server.

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

Function: Automatically assigns IP addresses to devices on a network.

Components: Reduces manual configuration and IP address conflicts.

Domain Name System (DNS)

Function: Translates human-friendly domain names into IP addresses.

Components: Ensures seamless navigation on the internet.

Unique Identifiers of Network 

Hostname: Each device in the network is associated with a unique device name known as Hostname. Type “hostname” in the command prompt(Administrator Mode) and press ‘Enter’, this displays the hostname of your machine.   


IP Address (Internet Protocol address):   Also known as the Logical Address, the IP Address is the network address of the system across the network. To identify each device in the world-wide-web, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) assigns an IPV4 (Version 4) address as a unique identifier to each device on the Internet. The length of an IPv4 address is 32 bits, hence, we have 2 32 IP addresses available. The length of an IPv6 address is 128 bits.

In Windows Type “ipconfig” in the command prompt and press ‘Enter’, this gives us the IP address of the device. For Linux, Type “ifconfig” in the terminal and press ‘Enter’ this gives us the IP address of the device.

MAC Address (Media Access Control address):  Also known as physical address, the MAC Address is the unique identifier of each host and is associated with its NIC (Network Interface Card) . A MAC address is assigned to the NIC at the time of manufacturing. The length of the MAC address is: 12-nibble/ 6 bytes/ 48 bits Type “ipconfig/all” in the command prompt and press ‘Enter’, this gives us the MAC address. 

Port:  A port can be referred to as a logical channel through which data can be sent/received to an application. Any host may have multiple applications running, and each of these applications is identified using the port number on which they are running. 

A port number is a 16-bit integer, hence, we have 2 16 ports available which are categorized as shown below: 

Well known Ports 0 – 1023
Registered Ports 1024 – 49151
Ephemeral Ports 49152 – 65535

Number of ports: 65,536  Range: 0 – 65535  Type “ netstat -a ” in the command prompt and press ‘Enter’, this lists all the ports being used. 

List of Ports

List of Ports

Socket:  The unique combination of IP address and Port number together is termed a Socket. 

Other Related Concepts 

DNS Server:   DNS stands for Domain Name System . DNS is basically a server that translates web addresses or URLs (ex: into their corresponding IP addresses. We don’t have to remember all the IP addresses of each and every website. The command ‘ nslookup ’ gives you the IP address of the domain you are looking for. This also provides information on our DNS Server. \

Domain IP Address

Domain IP Address

ARP:   ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol . It is used to convert an IP address to its corresponding physical address(i.e., MAC Address). ARP is used by the Data Link Layer to identify the MAC address of the Receiver’s machine. 

RARP:   RARP stands for Reverse Address Resolution Protocol . As the name suggests, it provides the IP address of the device given a physical address as input. But RARP has become obsolete since the time DHCP has come into the picture.

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a critical component of computer networking. It converts easily recognizable domain names, such as, into numerical IP addresses that computers use to identify each other on the network.

How DNS Works?

User Input: When a user enters a domain name in a browser, the system needs to find its IP address.

DNS Query: The user’s device sends a DNS query to the DNS resolver.

Resolver Request: The DNS resolver checks its cache for the IP address. If not found, it forwards the request to the root DNS server.

Root DNS Server: The root DNS server provides the address of the TLD (Top-Level Domain) server for the specific domain extension (e.g., .com).

TLD DNS Server: The TLD server directs the resolver to the authoritative DNS server for the actual domain.

Authoritative DNS Server: The authoritative DNS server knows the IP address for the domain and provides it to the resolver.

Response to User: The resolver stores the IP address in its cache and sends it to the user’s device.

Access Website : With the IP address, the user’s device can access the desired website.

DNS works efficiently, translating user-friendly domain names into IP addresses, allowing seamless navigation on the internet.

Network Security

Ensuring the security of a network is crucial to protect data and resources from unauthorized access and attacks. Key aspects of network security include:

Firewalls: Devices or software that monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic based on security rules.

Encryption: The process of encoding data to prevent unauthorized access. Commonly used in VPNs, HTTPS, and secure email.

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS): Tools that monitor network traffic for suspicious activity and potential threats.

Access Control: Mechanisms that restrict access to network resources based on user identity and role.

Regular Updates and Patching: Keeping software and hardware up to date to protect against vulnerabilities.

Understanding the basics of computer networking is essential in today’s interconnected world. Networks enable the seamless exchange of information, support countless applications, and underpin the functionality of the internet. From different types of networks and their components to protocols and security measures, a solid grasp of these concepts is foundational for anyone working in or with technology. As technology evolves, so too will the complexity and capabilities of computer networks, making continuous learning and adaptation crucial.

Basics of Computer Networking – FAQs

What is an ip address.

An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a unique identifier assigned to each device on a network. It allows devices to locate and communicate with each other. There are two types of IP addresses: IPv4 (e.g., and IPv6 (e.g., 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334).

What is a firewall?

A firewall is a network security device or software that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predefined security rules. It acts as a barrier between a trusted internal network and untrusted external networks like the internet.

What is the difference between TCP and UDP?

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol): A connection-oriented protocol that ensures reliable and ordered delivery of data. It is used for applications where data integrity is critical, like web browsing and email. UDP (User Datagram Protocol): A connectionless protocol that does not guarantee delivery or order. It is used for applications where speed is more important than reliability, like streaming and gaming.

What is DNS?

DNS (Domain Name System) is a system that translates human-readable domain names (like into IP addresses that computers use to identify each other on the network.

What is a subnet mask?

A subnet mask is used in IP addressing to divide the network into sub-networks, or subnets. It helps determine which portion of an IP address is the network address and which part is the host address.

What is NAT (Network Address Translation)?

NAT is a method used by routers to translate private IP addresses within a local network to a public IP address before sending data over the internet. This helps to conserve IP addresses and add a layer of security by hiding internal network addresses.

What is a MAC address?

A MAC (Media Access Control) address is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface card (NIC) for communication on a physical network segment. It is a hardware address that is unique to each network device.

What is bandwidth?

Bandwidth refers to the maximum rate of data transfer across a network or internet connection in a given amount of time. It is usually measured in bits per second (bps).

What is latency in networking?

Latency is the time it takes for data to travel from the source to the destination across a network. It is usually measured in milliseconds (ms) and can affect the performance of networked applications.

What is VPN (Virtual Private Network)?

A VPN is a secure connection that allows users to access a private network over the public internet. It encrypts the data traffic and helps maintain privacy and security.

What is a proxy server?

A proxy server acts as an intermediary between a user’s device and the internet. It can be used for purposes such as improving security, filtering content, or bypassing geographical restrictions.

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Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice

(5 reviews)

presentation on importance of computer networking

Olivier Bonaventure, Universite catholique de Louvain

Copyright Year: 2011

Publisher: Saylor Foundation

Language: English

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presentation on importance of computer networking

Reviewed by Venkatesh Patil, Adjunct Faculty, Portland State University on 1/27/23

The book is sufficiently comprehensive for the introductory CS/EE courses. It covers topics from the top-down perspective of the OSI model. Most other books will start with a bottom-up approach. Fundamentals are covered in a systematic way. read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

The book is sufficiently comprehensive for the introductory CS/EE courses. It covers topics from the top-down perspective of the OSI model. Most other books will start with a bottom-up approach. Fundamentals are covered in a systematic way.

Content Accuracy rating: 4

Content is accurately presented as in the scope of this book.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

Since the fundamentals of networking have remained the same, the topics covered are still relevant as an introductory understanding. Future releases could include more on security/cryptography to keep up with the latest changes.

Clarity rating: 4

Topics are clearly presented, with exercises and solutions. Protocols are explained in step-by-step manner.

Consistency rating: 5

The book maintains consistency with the topics covered and terminology used. Slowly it starts with concepts and builds on them.

Modularity rating: 4

The sections of the book is divided nicely. The index, titles and sub-sections are clear and easy to follow.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

Nicely organized in a logical fashion from a top-down approach. Index topics are clear and easy to follow.

Interface rating: 5

There are no navigation issues, and the structure is well maintained throughout the book.

Grammatical Errors rating: 4

No grammatical mistakes found

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

The book is technical in nature and found no issues with cultural biases.

Great book as an introductory courses for CS/ES classes. Cleary presented topics as described in the scope of the book. A great addition for understanding networking concepts. New revision could add latest technological updates.

Reviewed by Suban Krishnamoorthy, Professor, Framingham State University on 6/12/20

Textbook covers almost all areas of TCP/IP Internet protocol except security, network management and protocols for real-time applications and Internet Application layer protocols such as FTP, SNMP, SMTP, and HTTP in details. read more

Textbook covers almost all areas of TCP/IP Internet protocol except security, network management and protocols for real-time applications and Internet Application layer protocols such as FTP, SNMP, SMTP, and HTTP in details.

There are couple of spelling errors. Other than that the textbook is accurate and unbiased.

The publication of the textbook is 2011, which is almost 10 years old. It was not updated to cover the technological changes that appeared since 2011. The good part is most of the TCP/IP layers remained the same. The date of publication gives the impression that it is outdated or old in the minds of the readers and the students in the course. It will be beneficial to revise the textbook up-to-date. It will make it easier to adopt as a textbook for the relevant networking courses.

The presentation of materials is mostly clear. However, sometimes few abbreviations will appear without its expansion at its first appearance resulting in reader not knowing what it is. In other cases, a concept will appear without prior coverage of it and hence readers will not know what it is making the material difficult to understand.

Consistency rating: 4

The presentation of materials is consistent. However, sometimes few abbreviations will appear without its expansion at its first appearance resulting in reader not knowing what it is. In other cases, a concept will appear without prior coverage of it and hence readers will not know what it is making the material difficult to understand.

The networking technology is such that the chapters cannot be easily rearranged or read at random. Some of the concepts must be understood to learn the later materials. In this sense, there is certain level of rigidity in the presentation order of materials.

The author claims that the presentation is top down meaning present the chapters from Internet Application layer to physical layer, which is true for most part. However, in the first chapter is mixed layer presentation.

Interface rating: 4

The presentation of materials is mostly free of interface issues. However, sometimes few abbreviations will appear without its expansion at its first appearance resulting in reader not knowing what it is. In other cases, a concept will appear without prior coverage of it and hence readers will not know what it is making the material difficult to understand

Could not find grammatical errors except couple of spelling errors.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

Networking subject has little with races and ethnicity.

The last published date of the book is 2011, which is 9 years ago. It gives the impression that the book is old and less attractive to adopt even though TCP/IP Internet protocol as not changed much. The book should be revised soon with topics indicated below to be more attractive to adopt.

Security is a major issue nowadays. Also wireless LAN used by more and more people and schools. Cellular network supporting the cell phones with Internet access has become normal. In fact, more cell phones are in use and sold compared to laptops and desktops. Including a chapter about cellular network will be helpful. Presentation of various materials could be improved. Somehow it feels like the material presented is a bunch of monotonous paragraphs of text making it less attractive to read with interest compared to most textbooks. It makes it less attractive to keep reading paying attention to details. Appearance of the figures could be improved to be more attractive. Overall the book is adaptable as a free text given the fact that the textbooks are very expensive and is not affordable for almost all students taking or more courses in a semester. Even the used textbook is not cheap. I have not seen any information about instructor materials like PowerPoint slides presentation of each chapter, exam/quiz questions, etc. It will be helpful to information about these materials included in the textbook including how to get access to them. At this point, I am inclined to adapt the book for my networking course.

Reviewed by Ronny Bazan, Assistant Professor of Practice, MOBIUS on 1/8/19

The text is well organized and covers basic computer networking concepts. read more

The text is well organized and covers basic computer networking concepts.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

Although some data is old (since the text is from 2011), the content is accurate.

The computer networking area evolves quickly, so the content is not up-to-date.

Clarity rating: 5

Data are presented clearly, content is well organized.

The content is easy to follow, hence consistency is high.

Modularity rating: 5

The textbook presents a good index, titles and subtitles are well organized.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

The textbook is well organized.

Content is presented clearly.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

I couldn't find any grammatical error.

The text does not present offensive content.

Reviewed by John Hoag, Associate Professor, Ohio University on 2/1/18

The book is more sufficiently comprehensive for an a single or introductory networking class for in an EE or CS program. It is sufficiently conceptual with good visuals and does not delve into programming for either explications or exercises.... read more

The book is more sufficiently comprehensive for an a single or introductory networking class for in an EE or CS program. It is sufficiently conceptual with good visuals and does not delve into programming for either explications or exercises.

Its selection of topics is comparable with commercial textbooks, arguably more modern and complete than some.

Data communications and wide-area networking, ie, at lower protocol levels, is not emphasized.

The book contains both exercises (with solutions) an simulation problems.

Content appears to be error-free and consistent with primary sources, ie RFCs.

All books in this field require constant refreshing - and the Open format may be much more amenable than print. Emerging topics - cloud, virtualization, software-defined assets - impact networking and will motivate further updates.

Note that comparable print textbooks require approximately 3-year refresh cycles.

Clarity is a strength of the book. The author uses plain language, supported by appropriate graphics and symbology. Moreover, the author uses more personal sidebars throughout to add context and the right touch of informality.

The book embraces the better approach of "climbing the protocol ladder" which builds a framework for the cumulative understanding. Concepts are introduced in this order, such that material is consistently defined before further used.

The book is sufficiently modular in that, within the constraints of schedule of availability of lab equipment, later material can be omitted at the instructor's discretion.

As mentioned previously, the "classic" way to teach networking is to build a framework based on communication protocols that is cumulative. This book does this well, with appropriate

Book interface - navigation, presentation - are well-done.

Ideally, I would ask for some interface that provides time-on-task on a per-student, per-login basis.

Book is grammatically excellent, readable - and more likely, translatable by international students.

This subject matter is technical and global, and cultural relevance is not an issue.

I am the last among my colleagues to adopt - and advocate for - a textbook. Evidence shows that having a common body of knowledge - taxonomy and ontology - improves our departmental outcomes. However, commercial options are both stale and costly, so this book (or one like it) may become our "common reader." I will adopt this next semester for a graduate class - on the strength of the later quantitative elements - and will make an internal recommendation at that time.

Reviewed by Donald Easton, Faculty Instructor, Lane Community College on 6/20/17

What I found interesting about this book is the author's approach to order of topic discussion. As was pointed out in the introduction, most textbooks that discuss computer networking, and the OSI and TCP/IP models specifically, is that it is... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

What I found interesting about this book is the author's approach to order of topic discussion. As was pointed out in the introduction, most textbooks that discuss computer networking, and the OSI and TCP/IP models specifically, is that it is standard practice to begin with the physical layer and make your way up to the application layer. In this text, readers were introduced to the application layer first. The rationale behind this is that the audience has changed dramatically since computer networking came into existence. Most students have had fairly extensive exposure to the Internet, so approaching it from the point at where these individuals are on familiar ground may make it more engaging for them and assist in information retention. Many of these students are not engineers, so starting out with bits and bytes may be less appealing to them. The text is a good adaptation of this way of thinking and I feel it could be very effective in bringing in and retaining future technologists.

There was no noticeable bias and the text is accurate in this content area.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

Although this book takes a different approach to introducing computer networking to students, the fundamentals of networking are fairly stationary. This author refrained from that level of specificity that would render this book obsolete within a relatively short period of time.

The book maintained a high level of clarity. I feel that there were moments where the author took us "into the weeds", but the overall flow was well done.

There were no issues with consistency. Standard industry terminology was consistent throughout the text.

The book makes itself available in a modular approach. An example of this may be that an instructor may decide to only discuss the data-link and network layers when covering traditional layer 2 and 3 routing and switching.

The text covered the topics in logical, clear fashion. As I mentioned earlier, the order in which the topics are presented differ from other texts commonly used for this topic, but I do not see that as a detriment, but more a benefit to a more technically proficient student body.

The interface of the book is adequate. I saw no issues with the current structure.

I found the book to grammatically sound.

There are no issues related to cultural relevance with this text.

I enjoyed reviewing this text. I feel Dr. Bonaventure put together a well written textbook and I appreciate his approach in reorganizing topics based on a changing audience. I would recommend this book as a solid textbook for an introductory/intermediate networking class.

Table of Contents

2 Introduction

  • 2.1 Services and protocols
  • 2.2 The reference models
  • 2.3 Organisation of the book

3 The application Layer

  • 3.1 Principles
  • 3.2 Application-level protocols
  • 3.3 Writing simple networked applications
  • 3.4 Summary
  • 3.5 Exercises

4 The transport layer

  • 4.1 Principles of a reliable transport protocol
  • 4.2 The User Datagram Protocol
  • 4.3 The Transmission Control Protocol
  • 4.4 Summary
  • 4.5 Exercises

5 The network layer

  • 5.1 Principles
  • 5.2 Internet Protocol
  • 5.3 Routing in IP networks
  • 5.4 Summary
  • 5.5 Exercises

6 The datalink layer and the Local Area Networks

  • 6.1 Principles
  • 6.2 Medium Access Control
  • 6.3 Datalink layer technologies
  • 6.4 Summary
  • 6.5 Exercises

8 Bibliography

9 Indices and tables

Ancillary Material

About the book.

This open textbook aims to fill the gap between the open-source implementations and the open-source network specifications by providing a detailed but pedagogical description of the key principles that guide the operation of the Internet.

About the Contributors

Olivier Bonaventure is a Professor of Computer Science at Universite catholique de Louvain.

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introduction to computer networking

Introduction to Computer Networking

Sep 03, 2014

580 likes | 951 Views

Introduction to Computer Networking. Definition. Network Any interconnected group or system. Multiple computers and other devices connected together to share information. (nodes). History. 1957 USSR launches Sputnik, first artificial earth satellite 1958

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  • network segments
  • data packet
  • computer networking
  • connects network segments
  • wide area network wan


Presentation Transcript

Definition • Network • Any interconnected group or system. • Multiple computers and other devices connected together to share information. (nodes)

History • 1957 • USSR launches Sputnik, first artificial earth satellite • 1958 • US forms the ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) for their military to have an edge on science and technology

History • 1962 • Paul Baran invented Packet Switching – breaking digital messages into bite-size chunks which can easily be sent to computer • 1969 • A four node computer system called Arpanet was developed • First electronic message was sent

History • 1971 • Arpanet now has 15 nodes • First email was sent to a group of computers • 1972 • Arpanet has now 37 nodes

History • 1976 • Queen Elizabeth of England sends her first email • Early 1980s • The military set up their own network and named it MILNET

History • Mid 1980s • Network of linked computers are growing… around 50,000 nodes • It linked universities and research laboratories • 1982 • It was then called the INTERNET

Benefits • File sharing • Hardware sharing • Program sharing • User communication • Multiplayer gaming

Considerations • Money • Future Growth • Cable Type • Cable Length

Networking Models • Client/Server • Two computers – Clients & Servers • Clients are usually computer workstations sitting on the desks of employees in an organization • Servers are usually more powerful computers and are held in a central location/s within an organization

Network Servers • Servers are computers that perform services for other computers on the network • LANs and WANs usually have File Servers and Login Servers • The Internet has other types of servers such as Web Servers and Mail Servers.

Networking Models • Peer-to-Peer (P2P) • Only workstations are connected to each other • Much simpler to set up than Client/Server Networks • Lack some of the advantages normally associated with networks (Central Management) • Set up among with few computers within an office or single room

Networking Models • Local Area Network (LAN) • A network contained within one building or site • Wide Area Network (WAN) • A network that spans several sites across a city, country or even the world • A Client/Server may be a LAN or WAN, but a P2P network can only be a LAN.

Data Packets • When a workstation wishes to send data, it encloses the data in a 'packet' containing a 'header' and a 'trailer' • The header and trailer contain information for the destination computer.

Data Packets • When a data packet is put onto the network by a workstation, each computer on the network examines the packet to see who it is intended for. • The packet quickly dissipates if it is not recognized, allowing other packets to be sent. • The rate at which packets can be sent is called the Bandwidth

Data Packets • Data packets are transmitted between computers on the network either as • Electrical signals in electric wires • Light signals in fiber optic cables • Electromagnetic waves through space

Electrical Cables • Electrical cables are the usual means of connecting the computers in a LAN and in a WAN on one site. • Cables can either be coaxial cables or twisted pair cables.

Coaxial Cables • Coaxial cables have a copper wire running through the middle encased in plastic insulation. • The plastic insulation is itself encased in a metal braid (copper mesh) which is covered by an outer layer of plastic insulator.

Coaxial Cables

Coaxial Cables • The electrical signals run through the central wire and the metal braid acts as both an earth and as a shield against electromagnetic interference. • Coaxial cables are connected to devices by means of a special plug with a bayonet connection. This is called a BNC plug.

Twisted Pair Cables • Twisted pair cables come in two types • Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) • Shielded Twisted Pair (STP).

Twisted Pair Cables • UTP cables have pairs of insulated copper wires twisted round each other to cancel out electromagnetic interference. • STP cable wires have a metal cover encasing the twisted pairs, shielding them further from outside electromagnetic interference.

Twisted Pair Cables

Twisted Pair Cable

RJ-45 Connector

Fiber Optic Cables • Fiber optic cable is often used to connect several buildings within a site. • Fiber optic cables are more expensive than electrical cables • But have higher bandwidths and can transmit over longer distances.

Fiber Optic Cables • Fiber optic cables have a thin strand of glass in the center that carries the light pulses initially put into it by means of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)

Fiber Optic Cables • The central strand is encased in glass shield of lower density than the central strand – ensures that the light signal is kept within the central strand by total internal reflection.

Fiber Optic Cables • The glass cladding may then be surrounded by strengthening wires and a plastic outer cover.

Fiber Optic Cables

Network Interface Card • All computers within a network need to be physically connected to the network. • This is achieved by a Network Interface Card or Ethernet Cards which transmits and receives the data packets. • A Network Interface Card has one or more sockets for network cables and the type of socket depends on the type of network it will be used in.

Network Interface Card

Network Hub • A device for connecting multiple twisted pair or fiber optic Ethernet devices together, making them act as a single segment

Network Switch • Is a computer networking device that connects network segments. It often referred to as an intelligent hub or switching hub.

Switch Hub Router

Router • A computer networking device that forwards data packet across an internetwork toward their destinations, through a process known as routing. • Filter out traffic according to their protocols.

Backbone • A backbone is a larger transmission line that carries data gathered from smaller lines that interconnect with it.

Backbone • At local level, a backbone is a line or set of lines that LANs connect to for a WAN connection. • On the Internet, a backbone is a set of paths that local or regional networks connect to for long-distance interconnection.

Gateway • A gateway is hardware or software that provides a bridge between two otherwise incompatible networks. • Once a gateway is established then data can flow seamlessly between the network segments. • Software routers are sometimes referred to as gateways.

Network Cabinet

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Fundamentals of computer networking

Learn the fundamental principles of computer networking to prepare you for the Azure admin and developer learning paths.

Learning objectives

In this module, you will:

  • List the different network protocols and network standards.
  • List the different network types and topologies.
  • List the different types of network devices used in a network.
  • Describe network communication principles like TCP/IP, DNS, and ports.
  • Describe how these core components map to Azure networking.


  • Introduction min
  • Network types and topologies to use when you design a network min
  • Types of network devices to use when you build a network min
  • Network protocols to use when you implement a network min
  • IP address standards and services min
  • Summary min

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Computer Network

  • Operating Systems
  • Computer Fundamentals
  • Interview Q

Physical Layer

Data link layer, network layer, routing algorithm, transport layer, application layer, application protocols, network security.

Interview Questions


Our Computer Network tutorial includes all topics of Computer Network such as introduction, features, types of computer network, architecture, hardware, software, internet, intranet, website, LAN, WAN, etc.

A computer network is a set of devices connected through links. A node can be computer, printer, or any other device capable of sending or receiving the data. The links connecting the nodes are known as communication channels.

Computer Network uses distributed processing in which task is divided among several computers. Instead, a single computer handles an entire task, each separate computer handles a subset.

It provides limited interaction that a user can have with the entire system. For example, a bank allows the users to access their own accounts through an ATM without allowing them to access the bank's entire database. Multiple computers can solve the problem faster than a single machine working alone. Multiple computers running the same program at the same time can provide the security through redundancy. For example, if four computers run the same program and any computer has a hardware error, then other computers can override it.

There is nothing specific prerequisite for learning computer network.

Our Computer Network Tutorial is designed to help beginners and professionals.

We assure that you will not find any problem in this Computer Network Tutorial. But if there is any mistake, please post the problem in contact form.


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The Importance of Networking - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

presentation on importance of computer networking

The Importance of Networking

The importance of networking 'employers favor hires from personal referrals ... idea if currently a full-time employee, but would be fine for freelance jobs ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • Employers favor hires from personal referrals above all other methods because they are seen to be easier, faster, and cheaper and they are thought to result in an employee who is productive more quickly and who stays with the company longer.
  • (p. 27, Knock Em Dead 2006 by Martin Yate)
  • reasons for creating network
  • help find next job
  • increase visibility and credibility in field
  • increase skills
  • enhances employability and promotability
  • typical networks
  • professional networks
  • internetworking professionally oriented online networks
  • internetworking
  • profiles biographical postings, not usually for employment search
  • tool for introduction to people throughout the country and world
  • tool for introduction
  • people who might hire you
  • ? initiate contact through email, ask them to view your profile
  • ? initiate contact
  • ? if not interested, ask to be added to network/contact list
  • those who share your interests or experiences (but wont hire you)
  • those who share your interests or experiences
  • ? initiate contact by asking for advice
  • ? offer help/advice to others
  • invitation only creates a network of trusted contacts
  • invitation only
  • over 100 sites ex. http//socialsoftware.weblog
  • (right sidebar under Media and Entertainment, Cinematical then Animation under GENRES)
  • company alumni listings created by companies as source for hires and leads
  • company alumni
  • networking by state
  • worldwide company, university, high school, and other organization listings
  • co-workers/managers be sure to check with them before using them as references
  • co-workers/managers
  • past references should be appropriate to job being applied for
  • present not a good idea if currently a full-time employee, but would be fine for freelance jobs
  • professional networks (continued)
  • professional associations method of becoming visible to other professionals and to be seen as an active member of the community
  • best source for continued
  • professional growth
  • Encyclopedia of Associations
  • published by Bowker
  • professional associations
  • local monthly meetings, ability to meet people nearby
  • MGLA Motion Graphics Los Angeles
  • ? formed in August 1997
  • ? 2000 members (estimate)
  • ? Hollywood chapter meets _at_ Barnsdall Gallery Theatre
  • ? Hollywood chapter
  • ? no membership fee all volunteers
  • national/international local chapters allow you to get involved in your geographic region yearly national conventions provide the opportunity to meet people who are influential in industry direction
  • national/international
  • ACM SIGGRAPH Association for Computing Machinerys Special Interest Group on Graphics and Interactive Techniques
  • ? 30 years in existence
  • ? over 7,000 members
  • ? Los Angeles chapter Otis College of Art and Design
  • ? student membership - 25
  • ESA Entertainment Software Association
  • ? serves game publishers
  • ? 26 corporate members
  • ? sponsor of E3 Expo in Los Angeles
  • ASIFA Hollywood Association Internationale du Film DAnimation
  • ASIFA Hollywood
  • ? founded in France in 1957
  • ? 1700 members, 55 countries
  • ? local chapter in Hollywood
  • ? student membership - 30
  • Women In Animation (from website) to foster the dignity, concerns and advancement of women who are involved in any and all aspects of the art and industry of animation
  • Women In Animation
  • ? established in 1994
  • ? east/west divisions
  • membership concentrated in
  • US and Canada
  • ? annual fees (need sponsor
  • for membership)
  • 50 professional
  • volunteer!!! others are more likely to help you when they see an effort toward the common good.
  • (p. 31, Knock Em Dead 2006 by Martin Yate)
  • committees shows leadership ability and interest in common goals be sure to possess necessary qualifications for role
  • small tasks demonstrates willingness to help
  • college alumni people hire people like themselves/share a bond of some kind with
  • college alumni
  • job hunter networks local and national support groups set up to exchange ideas and tips
  • job hunter networks
  • review each others paperwork (letters, resumes, etc.)
  • critique verbal presentations, portfolios, demo reels, etc.
  • role play interviews
  • check on each others progress
  • job hunter networks (continued)
  • online resources
  • personal networks employing the help of people not usually involved in professional aspect of life
  • personal networks
  • family, relatives, and friends people who know you best, but they still may not understand what it is that you do!
  • family, relatives, and friends
  • highly motivated to help you
  • steps to help them to help you
  • create a simple job description 1 or 2 easy to understand sentences
  • create a simple job description
  • define the job you want 1 or 2 sentence explanation
  • define the job you want
  • ? type of work
  • ? kind of company
  • ? people you need to meet
  • service industry acquaintances
  • hobby and special interest groups people you meet at activities that you share an interest in (ex. dance class, chess club, etc.)
  • hobby and special interest groups
  • religious and social community groups set up to support people experiencing life challenges
  • religious and social community groups
  • business, professional, and civic groups community-based associations, societies, and clubs not only based on single profession is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.

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Networking with PowerPoint: Use Your Presentation to Build Your Network

LinkedIn, Xing, your personal blog – all are great tools for increasing your visibility in the business community. But what about networking with PowerPoint presentations? A presentation doesn’t have to end with the last slide. Engaging with your audience is the key to creating networking opportunities once your PowerPoint presentation is finished.

 Networking: What is it and how do you make new business contacts?


Networking is the process of building and maintaining a system of contacts. Each member of the network brings their own contacts, leading the network to continue growing.

A network brings a lot of advantages. Professional support and shared knowledge are not the only benefits; a network also brings career-building advantages. Network contacts often make a job search a much simpler process and can even help kick-start a career.

We’ve put together four effective networking tips to help you start networking with PowerPoint:

1. Set goals

Decide what you hope to gain from your contacts and what you hope to achieve through networking.

2. Quality over quantity

A good network is only as valuable as its members. Don’t keep adding new members for the sake of statistics – only add new members that are pursuing similar goals.

3. Give and take

The best way to get a network started is to find contacts with the same goals and professional interests. Exchange ideas with other members without expecting anything in return. Sooner or later, you too will gain valuable tips and information.

4. Keep at it

Cultivate your contacts and strengthen the connections you make. You can do this both online and in person. To learn how to become an ace at networking, take a look at this article .

Networking with PowerPoint: How to use presentations to make business contacts


No matter what the topic, presentations are all about sharing information with your audience in the most descriptive and interesting way possible. Successful PowerPoint presentations exude competence and inspire confidence. These same qualities are the backbone of effective networking, which is why building contacts after a presentation is a natural next step.

PowerPoint presentations: Connect with genuine prospects

Presentations are an ideal platform to share your information and messages with others.

We’re all inundated with information, 24/7. And that can be overwhelming, to say the least. While email newsletters or Instagram posts are often deleted or ignored completely, an audience makes a conscious decision to listen to a presentation.   Those who attend your presentation are genuinely interested in learning more about your topic. What’s more, your audience trusts that you’re competent in your field. Take advantage of this opportunity and win over new business contacts, customers and followers.

6 tips for effective networking and building business contacts with presentations

Warum wichtig min 1

1. Be yourself

Even though you may think you’re playing your role perfectly, most people know if someone is pretending to be someone they aren’t. Stay true to yourself during your presentation. This is a surefire way of gaining your audience’s confidence and at the same time, laying the foundation for new business contacts.

2. Your presentation should be interesting and relevant to your audience Think about what information you want to share with your audience and how you want to deliver it. It’s important to provide them with facts and information that they’ll find interesting.

Read this article  to learn how to use rhetoric and public speaking techniques to deliver an inspiring presentation. Sharing pertinent information with your audience creates confidence and provides a solid basis for networking.

3. Use the right body language

Even the most interesting information will be less than convincing if it’s not presented in the right way. Your body language not only communicates confidence and poise, but also supports your content. Needless to say, body language plays a decisive role in successful networking too. In this article , you’ll learn what body language is all about and how you can use it to sell yourself to your audience.

4. Stir your audience’s emotions

Meaningful facts and figures are the core of any presentation. But you need to engage your audience on an emotional level, too. Rouse your audience, inspire confidence and motivate them to improve their professional and/or personal lives. When it comes to networking, you need to connect with potential business partners and customers on a more emotional level. A great way to do this is through storytelling. You’ll find some great tips on storytelling in our blog .

5. Prepare for your presentation  

Being nervous is normal. While some people seem to be made for the stage, others find it utterly nerve-wracking to speak in front of an audience. But with the right preparation, you can control your nerves and present confidently.

It’s always a good idea to rehearse your PowerPoint presentation and prepare a mental checklist. Go over your core messages, make sure your slides and equipment are in order and that you’re ready for any questions from your audience.

6. Engage your audience

Networking is all about building rapport and trust with others and a presentation is a great way to lay that foundation. Actively involving your audience in your presentation creates a connection and builds excitement. Interacting with your audience will not only increase their interest, but also creates a personal connection between you and them. Ask your audience for personal stories or give them the chance to answer technical questions.

Networking doesn’t stop – not even after your presentation!


Most presenters are happy when the presentation is over, and the stress of presenting behind them. Nevertheless, it’s still important to continue networking and exchanging ideas with the audience. We’ve put together 10 tips on how to network after your presentation.

1. Be accessible

Don’t rush out after your presentation. Instead, plan some time to talk to your audience. This gives you the opportunity to receive feedback and discuss your topic with them.

2. Set a goal  

You may have a goal for your presentation, but you need a goal for networking afterwards. For example, aim to collect at least 10 business cards or speaking to 7 people.

Being a good listener is key to establishing contacts. Your presentation was the time to put your ideas in the spotlight. Once it’s over, let your audience ask questions and listen attentively.

4. Avoid sales pitches

Making contacts is not about selling yourself. It’s more important to exchange ideas and have conversations that can be followed up on later. You’ve already presented your facts and figures; follow-up conversations shouldn’t signal a second round of your presentation.

5. Revisit comments and concerns

If anyone has asked questions or made comments during your presentation, make sure to follow up with those people. Address any concerns and try to come to an understanding before the rest of the audience has left the room.

6. Get feedback…

Seek feedback from your audience and be open to it. Getting face-to-face feedback is a great networking opportunity.

7. … with a questionnaire

If you don’t have time to talk to your audience personally, there are other ways to get their reaction to your presentation. Hand out a questionnaire or send a call-to-action email to get feedback.

8. Set a time limit

Networking can be pretty exhausting. You have to be patient; you may have to put up with criticism or uncomfortable questions. If this seems a bit daunting, it may help to set a time limit.

Allow at least 15 minutes for questions and comments. Providing your audience with additional information in a handout will allow you to moderate and steer the discussion at any time.

9. Keep in touch

If you get someone’s contact information, reach out to them. This is how you continue to share ideas and open up potential business opportunities.

10. Learn from mistakes Maybe your presentation didn’t go perfectly. Take a look at your presentation the day after and make a list of things that did and didn’t go well. Review this list before your next presentation and learn from any mistakes you may have made.

Use your presentation for effective networking!


A presentation gives you the chance to convince an interested audience of your expertise. This lays the foundation to steadily expand your network and build your professional reputation.

If you have any questions about networking or PowerPoint in general, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] . We’d be happy to help you! Looking to build your network at your next presentation? Take a look at our shop . You’ll find everything you need to make your next PowerPoint presentation a success.

Product Presentation Shop

Check out our blog for more helpful articles on how to master your presentation and build a strong foundation for networking. here are a few that might interest you:

  • Humor in presentations
  • PowerPoint Presenter View
  • Body language in presentations
  • Public speaking skills
  • How to end a presentati

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Impact of video motion content on hevc coding efficiency.

presentation on importance of computer networking

1. Introduction

  • A suitable encoding configuration for low-activity video sequences is selected to improve the coding performance. For such sequences, our results show that using the IPPP configuration can significantly improve coding performance by up to 4 dB.
  • Investigated the impact of motion content on the coding efficiency of HEVC video coding. Our results show that for highly active sequences, IPPP has a negligible performance advantage over periodic-I and periodic-IDR . Here, our results suggest using periodic-I and periodic-IDR rather IPPP to obtain the benefits of I-frames of limiting error propagation and offering random access while not losing a significant coding performance.
  • Investigated the impact of coding structure on decoding complexity. Our results show that IPPP has a slightly lower decoding complexity than periodic-I and periodic-IDR .
  • Proposed an adaptive scheme that adjusts the GOP structure and intra coding techniques used based on the motion content of the encoded video.

2. HEVC Codec

3. related work, 4. evaluation methodology and configurations, 4.1. proposed evaluation framework, 4.2. quality evaluation metrics, 4.3. video datasets and configurations, 5.1. motion activity, 5.2. rate–distortion performance, 5.3. encoding and decoding times, 6. discussion, 6.1. low motion activity, 6.2. intermediate motion activity, 6.3. high motion activity, 7. conclusions, author contributions, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Click here to enlarge figure

ResolutionNo. of Frames Encodedfps
HoneyBee1920 × 1080200120
Sunflower1920 × 108020025
Fourpeople1280 × 72020060
Mobcal1280 × 72020050
Shields1280 × 72020050
YachtRide1920 × 1080200120
Ducks_take_off1920 × 108020050
Crowd_run1920 × 108020050
GOP Size888
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Share and Cite

Salih, K.A.M.; Ali, I.A.; Mstafa, R.J. Impact of Video Motion Content on HEVC Coding Efficiency. Computers 2024 , 13 , 204.

Salih KAM, Ali IA, Mstafa RJ. Impact of Video Motion Content on HEVC Coding Efficiency. Computers . 2024; 13(8):204.

Salih, Khalid A. M., Ismail Amin Ali, and Ramadhan J. Mstafa. 2024. "Impact of Video Motion Content on HEVC Coding Efficiency" Computers 13, no. 8: 204.

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ERP Assurance Senior Consultant

About the role.

The Senior Consultant ERP Assurance is a member of a global team of IT assurance experts who play a critical role in designing and assessing efficiency of IT Application Controls across the company’s IT landscape. This team plays a pivotal role and is exposed to senior stakeholders at all levels, both internal and external.

Key responsibilities:

  • You will play an important role as an experienced ERP assurance professional
  • You will be part of a global team of IT Application Controls experts
  • Provide assurance in the areas of ERP systems (e.g. SAP, others)
  • Identify process and IT controls improvement opportunities and drive implementation
  • Test IT application controls – Reports, Interfaces, Fully Automated Controls etc., ensuring SOX compliance and reliability
  • Participate in IT risk assessments
  • Collaborating with IT Application Owners and Business Process Owners in helping to identify SOX relevant IT Applications and Infrastructures
  • You will support identification and testing of IT application controls when implementing a new ERP system or upgrades
  • You will advise on ITACs structure by understanding the end-to-end processes, IT environment and data context to resolve right mix of preventative and detective controls based on automation and data analytics
  • You will collaborate with teams from all over the world

Essential Requirement:

  • University degree (university or college) in economics, business informatics or computer science with a demonstrated track in IT Audit or Internal Controls in any of Big 4 preferably
  • A minimum of 4 years’ experience in auditing ERP systems (ideally SAP systems), IT environments and (automated) business process controls
  • Experience in performing IT audit or review engagements (focus on ITACs), including a solid understanding of external audit approaches, concepts, methodology
  • Good teammate with the ability to collaborate closely with both technical and business contacts
  • An entrepreneurial and structured attitude as well as a result oriented and collaborative approach to work
  • Exceptional communication, presentation, and business writing skills in English

Desirable Requirements:

  • Ability To Influence Key Stakeholders.
  • Critical Thinking.
  • Process Optimization.

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  1. PPT

    presentation on importance of computer networking

  2. Introduction of Computer Network

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  6. SOLUTION: Introduction to computer networks ppt 1

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  1. Importance of Computer Networking

    A computer network allows for the sharing of resources such as printers, files, and data storage, as well as the ability to communicate with other computers and access the internet. Networking also enables collaboration between individuals and groups, and supports the transfer of data and information across a variety of platforms and devices.

  2. PDF Lecture 13: Introduction to Networking

    nection on a single computer, as well. A network requires one computer to act as the server, waiting patiently for an incoming connec. ion from another computer, the client.Server-side applications set up a soc. et that listens to a particular port. The server socket is an integer identifier associated with a local IP address, and a the port ...

  3. What Is Computer Networking?

    Networking, or computer networking, is the process of connecting two or more computing devices, such as desktop computers, mobile devices, routers or applications, to enable the transmission and exchange of information and resources. Networked devices rely on communications protocols—rules that describe how to transmit or exchange data across ...


    1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER NETWORKS. 2 Two or more computers or communications devices connected by transmission media and channels and guided by a set of rules for communication purposes that allow users to communicate with each other and share applications and data. Information Technology Center.

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    Computer networks. The Internet is the world's largest computer network. Let's break that down: A computer network is any group of interconnected computing devices capable of sending or receiving data. A computing device isn't just a computer—it's any device that can run a program, such as a tablet, phone, or smart sensor.

  7. PPT

    380 likes | 858 Views. Introduction to Computer Network. Dr. Rania R Ziedan. Agenda. Introduction Network types Network topology Network connection models OSI model. Computer network. A collection of computing devices that are connected in various ways in order to communicate and share resources or files. Download Presentation.

  8. Introduction To Computer Networking

    Introduction To Computer Networking. A computer network is a set of computers connected together for the purpose of sharing resources. The most common resource shared today is connection to the Internet. Other shared resources can include a printer or a file server.

  9. Basics of Computer Networking

    A computer network is a collection of interconnected devices that share resources and information. These devices can include computers, servers, printers, and other hardware. Networks allow for the efficient exchange of data, enabling various applications such as email, file sharing, and internet browsing.


    Inncoent Unwujo. Computer networks are a system of interconnected computers for the purpose of sharing digital information. Two kinds of peers' relationship are usually considered for reputation management in P2P network. One of them is direct trust relationship that the reputation is got with two peers interacting directly; the other is ...

  11. Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice

    The presentation of materials is mostly clear. However, sometimes few abbreviations will appear without its expansion at its first appearance resulting in reader not knowing what it is. ... As was pointed out in the introduction, most textbooks that discuss computer networking, and the OSI and TCP/IP models specifically, is that it is standard ...

  12. PPT

    Sep 03, 2014. 580 likes | 950 Views. Introduction to Computer Networking. Definition. Network Any interconnected group or system. Multiple computers and other devices connected together to share information. (nodes). History. 1957 USSR launches Sputnik, first artificial earth satellite 1958. Download Presentation.

  13. Fundamentals of computer networking

    Learning objectives. In this module, you will: List the different network protocols and network standards. List the different network types and topologies. List the different types of network devices used in a network. Describe network communication principles like TCP/IP, DNS, and ports. Describe how these core components map to Azure networking.

  14. Computer Network Tutorial

    A computer network is a set of devices connected through links. A node can be computer, printer, or any other device capable of sending or receiving the data. The links connecting the nodes are known as communication channels. Computer Network uses distributed processing in which task is divided among several computers.

  15. The Importance of Networking

    Title: The Importance of Networking. 1. The Importance of Networking. Employers favor hires from personal referrals. above all other methods because they are seen to. be easier, faster, and cheaper and they are. thought to result in an employee who is. productive more quickly and who stays with the. company longer.

  16. Networking with PowerPoint Presentations: Tips & Tricks

    1. Set goals. Decide what you hope to gain from your contacts and what you hope to achieve through networking. 2. Quality over quantity. A good network is only as valuable as its members. Don't keep adding new members for the sake of statistics - only add new members that are pursuing similar goals. 3. Give and take.

  17. Computers

    Digital video coding aims to reduce the bitrate and keep the integrity of visual presentation. High-Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) can effectively compress video content to be suitable for delivery over various networks and platforms. Finding the optimal coding configuration is challenging as the compression performance highly depends on the complexity of the encoded video sequence.

  18. ERP Assurance Senior Consultant

    The Senior Consultant ERP Assurance is a member of a global team of IT assurance experts who play a critical role in designing and assessing efficiency of IT Application Controls across the company's IT landscape. This team plays a pivotal role and is exposed to senior stakeholders at all levels, both internal and external.Key responsibilities:You will play an important role as an ...