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Presentation Convent Hr. Sec. School, Srinagar has a history of 84 glorious years in the field of education. We look back with a sense of gratitude and satisfaction at the enormous contribution this institution has made in the lives of all those who have passed through the portals of their Alma Mater. We now invite you to take a journey down the memory lane as we retrace our steps, to the journey which began in Ireland.

Back Bone Of Your School

The presentation sisters.

The Congregation of Presentation Sisters is a worldwide network of Catholic Religious Organization founded by the valiant and saintly woman- Nano Nagle in 1775, in Ireland. Living up to the legacy left behind by this visionary, the Presentation Sisters respond with compassion to the needs of those made poor and challenge the unjust structures, which threaten the dignity of the human persons. Today the Presentation Sisters and associates work in five continents across the globe and follow in the footsteps of Nano Nagle in promoting the rights and dignity of human persons. We are involved in a variety of ministries like education, holistic health, spirituality, faith formation, social, pastoral, legal consultancy, counseling, etc.

Today Presentation presence can be felt not only in the cities but also in the remote villages of India as well as other countries. We strive to keep the flame of Nano’s lantern burning bright by reaching out and touching the hearts of human persons, offering them support and a resolve to live with dignity and honour. We take up issues like human rights violations, protection of child right, exploitation of natural resources and gender discrimination. Our NGO status in the UN enables us to use the means of advocacy and lobbying to represent these issues effectively.

presentation convent higher secondary school


Maharaja Harisingh, the last ruler of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir required a distinguished school for the children of his subjects. So he requested the Head of the Church in Kashmir to request the Presentation Sisters of Rawalpindi to open a school in Srinagar. For this purpose the Maharaja allotted 10 acres of land on the banks of the pristine river Jhelum on lease. The founding members of Presentation Convent School, Srinagar were Mother Peter Conway, Mother Sacred Heart, Mother Annunciata and Mother Xavier. After receiving the invitation, the Sisters travelled from Rawalpindi via Uri and reached Kashmir after the journey of three days. On reaching Kashmir, the sisters rented a house on the banks of the Dal Lake at Boulevard and started their school on 17th March 1936. Most of the students were foreigners then mainly the children of British families living in Srinagar.

A few students from distinguished families were also admitted. The school had boarding facility in the initial years, which was discontinued later. While they stayed in the rented house in Boulevard and conducted classes there for the students, the actual building was being constructed at Rajbagh. The official functioning of school in Rajbagh began on 15th June, 1939. The cost of starting the first school and constructing the second school and the convent was borne by the government. The school was co-ed until 1977. We were granted recognition for B.A degrees for women but the college department was closed down in 1947 after the partition of India. The Govt. College for women was opened thereafter in a former palace building on the hotel road, later renamed as Maulana Azad Road. Unfortunately a devastating fire on 12th January 1965 completely destroyed the school building and the second storey of the house. The first storey and the impressive clock tower remained to tell the tale.

presentation convent higher secondary school


Located on the banks of the Jhelum river and surrounded by the lofty mountains, mighty oaks and majestic chinar trees, this temple of learning can boast of wonderful infrastructure and sprawling lush green grounds. The magnificent and enchanting clock tower still stands tall shrouded in mystery. Our school without doubt is a jewel in the crown of Kashmir valley and in a unique way it adds to the beauty of this paradise on earth. From the portals of this temple of learning have walked out thousands of young girls who have proved their mettle as they carved a niche for themselves in diverse fields within and outside the country. The school has successfully reached 84 years of excellence. From its modest beginnings in 1936, it has grown and spread its branches much like the awe-inspiring oak trees in the campus. The school celebrated its silver jubilee in 1961. The bicentenary of the death of Nano Nagle – the Foundress of Presentation Sisters was celebrated in 1984. The school crossed another mile stone when it celebrated its Golden Jubilee in 1986. The classical movie, ‘The Sound of Music’ was performed on stage by our students at Tagore Hall to mark the occasion. It was a mega success and it was appreciated by one and all. A school magazine was published on this occasion in which Dr. Karan Singh wrote, “I have the happiest recollections of my association with this school several decades ago when Mother Peter was the principal. In my autobiography ‘Heir apparent’, I have recorded how much I enjoyed going to this school and many years later my daughter Jyotsana also studied there.”

presentation convent higher secondary school


Due to political situation of Kashmir from floods to social disruption of various types school was unable to involve students in other activities besides limiting them to bookish knowledge. Tercentenary year of the birth of Nano Nagle gave us another opportunity to involve students in exhibiting their talents in the form of an open day where Mrs. Mathoora Masoom KAS, Director, Department of Floriculture who is an alumni of the school graced the occasion as chief guest. Sr. Regi O Joseph inspired the staff and students to make a difference by taking this step of presenting an annual day differently. The open day itself was with a difference that every class was a venue for the variety entertainment programs beginning with a skit on Nano Nagle, titled -“The pilgrim path’’- which not only made everyone think differently but also pause for a while to make a shift in their attitude towards life, power, positions and money. Parents were touched by the variety of programs put up by their wards. It showcased students’ creativity, organizational skills, their giftedness, their ability to dream and work in a team towards achieving their dreams as well. Their self-confidence and passion for life was displayed in the street play where light was thrown on women empowerment, honouring girl child and gender equality. Demonstrations of working models, projects on save Dal lake, exhibitions of art and craft of Kashmir, graphic designing, debates and panel discussions on current affairs such as global warming, home-work a boon or a bane gave the students a platform to express their creativity and build up their self-confidence and leadership qualities. The issue of global warming created awareness on our contribution to the world changing scenario which is frightening as well as thought provoking. Healthy food and food habits together with a healthy life style with practice of Teikawando for self- defense made an impact on parents helping them to make a choice for a stress free life .The Lady with the lantern was seen moving around urging the audience to take one pace beyond by becoming partners with us in education, enlightenment and empowerment of one another and together making a difference in the world. Of-course, “we are the world, we are the people to make a difference in the world’’ resounded from all corners of the school in different voices. I am sure Nano would have been happy to see her lantern being carried on centuries after her life. Time and seasons move on as they will, imprinting on history the marks it has made on humans. In a world that seeks self -importance with might as right, we were challenged today to gamble our time and energy for love and to partner with others in ushering a new era where hatred will give way to compassionate love. Only when we are able to harness for God the energies of love we can become agents of transformation. Let us be the change we want to see in the world today. ……So let us take down our lantern…..for the world needs us.

We, at Presentation Convent Hr. Sec. School, Srinagar strive to create an internationally acclaimed institution whose foundation rests on the pillars of human values of truth, justice, equality and harmony in a collaborative environment. We aim at nurturing and empowering each student to discover the light within to realize her true potential by working in tandem with the Sustainable Development Goals for a better tomorrow. We believe in simple living and high thinking to meet the challenges of life with optimism, shared responsibility, life-long learning, sense of dynamism and deep rooted relationships leading to positivity and constructive transformation.

Our mission is to uphold the motto of our school ‘virtue and labour’ by providing value based quality education to the students, igniting their creativity and imagination, promoting life skills of critical thinking, problem solving and fostering in them love for nature. We encourage a spirit of tolerance, respect for one another and inclusiveness for global citizenship and holistic approach to life, leading to excellence with humility to serve the society as an exemplary citizen.


Nano Nagle – the Lady of the lantern, a woman who pioneered Catholic education in Ireland was born to very wealthy parents in 1718. This was a period in Irish history when the English imposed the oppressive Penal Laws, which severely limited the Irish people. It was a crime of treason to educate the Irish and it was forbidden to practice the Roman Catholic faith. Therefore, Nano had to leave the country and go to France to be educated. On her return to Ireland, the sight of the people who lived in appalling poverty, oppression and degradation deeply distressed Nano. Soon she set about alleviating the misery and improving the lot of the poor of Ireland. Nano knew that without education there could be no permanent change possible in the society. Realizing also that the Irish were deprived of both faith and education, at great personal risk, Nano opened her first hedge school in 1754 with an enrolment of 35 girls. Soon she had seven schools in and around Cork city. In this way she took a stand against some of the injustices of her time. Nano educated the poor children during the day, visited and nursed the sick and the suffering at night carrying a lantern. This lantern became a symbol of the Presentation Sisters throughout the world. In order to carry on the great task began by her, Nano founded the Presentation Congregation in 1775. After having spent her life in service of the poor and the downtrodden, Nano Nagle, the trailblazer went to her eternal reward on 26th April 1784. It is to be mentioned here that in the year 2005, Nano Nagle was voted as Ireland’s greatest woman of the millennium for her contribution in the field of education and in particular for pioneering girls’ education in Ireland. Nano’s spirit of selflessness, her undaunted spirit, her determination in the face of persecution, her struggle for justice, her devotion to the poor and her particular love for the children have become a source of inspiration for all the Presentation Sisters all over the world.


The year 2011 was a land mark in the history of PCHSS, celebrating 75 years of unwavering devotion and commitment of all the sisters and staff members who have worked tirelessly for the cause of education in the valley. On this momentous occasion, a musical extravaganza“ Annie” was performed by the students under the able guidance of Mr. George Puliankala and his team. On 27th July, Mr. Omar Abdullah, Chief Minister, Jammu & Kashmir was the Chief Guest along with many other VIP’s forming the line of Guests of Honor His Excellency Mr. N.N Vohra, Governor, Jammu & Kashmir and Most Rev. Dr. Peter Celestine, Bishop of Jammu Srinagar Diocese. Sr. Jyoti, the Principal of school expressed her gratitude for all those who have gone before us on whose shoulders we stand and all the students who participated, audience and well-wishers for their supportive presence.

presentation convent higher secondary school


On 8th and 9th September 2009, the 225th death anniversary of Nano Nagle was celebrated in a grand manner. On the 8th Mr. Omar Abdullah, the honourable Chief Minister of J & K State was the chief guest. He inaugurated the newly constructed Nagle Block on the same day. The building was blessed by Rev. Dr.Peter Celestine, Bishop of Jammu, Srinagar diocese. On the 9th Mr. Peerzada, the honourable minister for Education was the chief guest. All the students from class I to IX participated in the two days’ cultural programme and the parents of all the students were invited to witness the performance of their wards. The parents were enthralled and spellbound by the excellent performance of their children. The commencement of higher secondary was a long cherished dream come true for all of us. The First batch of class XI students were given admission in December 2009.

presentation convent higher secondary school

Jacques Philips

Awesome services.

Explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you completed.

presentation convent higher secondary school

Venanda Mercy

Great & talented team.

The master-builder of human happines no one rejects, dislikes avoids pleasure itself, because it is very pursue pleasure.

presentation convent higher secondary school

James Fernando

Wonderful support.

They have got my project on time with the competition with a sed highly skilled, and experienced & professional team.

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Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School

presentation convent higher secondary school

Presentation Convent Hr. Sec School is located at Srinagar is a well-established school with a legacy period of 84 years of service in the-field of education. The idea of pride and gratitude prospers when the school examines the potential it possesses in changing so many students’ lives. This great institution challenges everybody to explore some of the traditions that can be traced to Ireland. Presentation Convent reveals the experience of erudition and personality development made over the decades and nurturing young minds and reproduces feelings of togetherness and achievement. Particularly, such great value as holistic education is still significant, and the school goes on carrying out its work, helping the young people become successful and valued by society like in the days of its creation.

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At a glance.







Minimum Age

Minimum Age

Seats At Entry Level

Seats At Entry Level

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Language of Instruction

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Average Class Strength

Student:Teacher ratio

Student:Teacher ratio

School Strength

School Strength



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Smart Classrooms

Indoor Sports

Indoor Sports

Outdoor Sports

Outdoor Sports

Religious Minority School

Religious Minority School

Trust/Society Affiliation

Trust/Society Affiliation

Subjects taught.

  • Mathematics
  • Social Science
  • Computer Science

Admission Information (Admission Date Status : Ongoing)

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Important Dates

01 April 2022

30 April 2022

15 April 2022

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Online Form

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Admission Coordinator Details

Documents required.

  • Adhar card of parents & student
  • Report Card of previous grade
  • One copy of self-attested date of birth certificate

From Principal's Desk

presentation convent higher secondary school

Sr. Regi Joseph

To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest critics; to appreciate beauty; to give of one’s self, to leave the world better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived-that is to have succeeded - Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Exchange programs, alumni     2003 2004 2005.

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Computer Labs

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Activity Rooms

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Science Labs

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Fire Extinguishers

Medical centre, examination centre.

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Swimming Pool


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Lawn Tennis

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Table Tennis

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Martial Arts

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Aerobics & Yoga

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Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School, Srinagar, Near Jhelum River, Rajbagh, Srinagar

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Presentation Convent High School

Ambaji Fatorda

Email : presentationcon[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in Phone : 0832-2749252

presentation convent higher secondary school

The Emblem of our School

Light is the shadow, shine & let shine, presentation convent, history of school, infrastructure.

presentation convent higher secondary school

The Gateway to western Ghats is Coimbatore. It has always been for its natural setting. Presentation Convent is located at majestic mountain of Western Ghats, It reflects the positivity, never give up bold and erect, expectation ,fulfillment sharing and caring, calmness, peacefulness, wonders and it adds a fresh feel even today. It teaches the life values to tackle with the situation.

The Facilities

presentation convent higher secondary school

Computer Lab

Co-curricular activities.

presentation convent higher secondary school

Women's Day Celebration

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Triofest sports meet

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Pongal Celebration

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Language Club

presentation convent higher secondary school

Science Club

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Hand writing Club

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School Toppers

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Sayin Farhana S. - XI

presentation convent higher secondary school

Emalini K - XI

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presentation convent higher secondary school


presentation convent higher secondary school


presentation convent higher secondary school


presentation convent higher secondary school

Presentation HSS

Presentation HSS

Presentation Higher Secondary School

Welcome to Our School

Learning Environment

Learning Environment

We believe that every child is an individual with unique learning potential and we encourage them to embrace learning and explore their strengths, throughout their educational journey.

Leading Facilities

Leading Facilities

We provide all essential facilities like Laboratories, Library, Computer Labs to the students that will fulfil their academic goals and transform them into extraordinary personalities.

Rigorous Curriculum

Rigorous Curriculum

We follow a curriculum, which is in accordance with the specifications of the Board of Examinations, Government of Kerala. It aims at the attainment of the highest order of academic excellence.



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presentation convent higher secondary school


Praveshanotsavam 2024 was inaugurated by Shri. Subhash Chandran (Famous Malayalam...

PHSS GOLDEN JUBILEE VALEDICTORY FUNCTION The Golden Jubilee Valedictory function 'Golden Rhapsody' was inaugurated...

The seed of Scoil Mhuire was born out of the Presentation Convent. It was the Presentation Sisters and dedicated staff that nurtured the school throughout the years. The school is now a bedrock of Clane community. Reflecting on the school’s history and unique spirit I realise how honoured and privileged I am to be Principal.

The school's curriculum is very much a reflection of its founders. Today in Scoil Mhuire we cater for everybody. The school offers a comprehensive curriculum.

Evidence of the community identification is the extraordinarily successful Adult Education programme, which offers lifelong learning opportunities to the people in Clane and the surrounding areas.

The success of the school is the partnership and respect that exists between staff, students and parents. It is the extraordinary dedication of the teachers, secretarial and caretaking staff that gives Scoil Mhuire its unique spirit. This culture of dedication is passed on to any new member of staff in the school.

Scoil Mhuire is a hive of activity outside of the very busy curriculum. An extensive range of extra curricular activities is provided for the students. Sports, drama, debating, music, young scientist, foreign travel and fundraising for charity are just some of the activities that help students develop a rounded education. Scoil Mhuire has had many successes outside the classroom.

Today the school needs to be an ever-evolving organisation meeting the needs of a multicultural society. Schools of the past were concerned with the three Rs of reading, writing, and arithmetic. These now are augmented with the three Ts of thinking, teamwork and technology and mixed with the three Cs of care, courtesy and consideration. The challenges today are greater than they have ever been and Scoil Mhuire, because of its history and traditions, is well established to meet these challenges.

Kevin Martin, Principal.

  • Scoil Mhuire is a Community School consisting of Staff, Students, Parents and Management.
  • As a centre for the formation of youth its aim is to strive for a more Christian and just society.
  • To provide a warm and caring environment where students are taught to respect the dignity of each person and to develop their own sense of worth and self-esteem.
  • It seeks to provide a disciplined atmosphere in which students can work and develop their talents to the best of their abilities.
  • All are expected to strive for excellence in all their pursuits whether academic or non academic.
  • Scoil Mhuire works within the curriculum of the Department of Education and provides extra curricular activities aiming at the growth of the whole person.
  • Students are encouraged to develop their academic, intuitive and creative gifts to enable them to live their lives to the full and contribute in a positive way to the society of which they are a part.
  • The school continually re-examines its goals and objectives and responds in a creative way to the demands of changing times.

Secondary education was introduced to Clane in 1963 when the Presentation sisters established Scoil Mhuire in the convent building beside the church in the village’s main street, to fulfil the educational needs of girls in the Clane area. The first boys were admitted in 1967 and as the school enrolment increased further buildings in the village were utilised and land along the Prosperous Road was used to house prefabs.

After much campaigning and fundraising a brand new building was opened in 1983. This involved changing from a conventional type secondary school to a community school administered by a Board of Management, thus formally bringing into existence Scoil Mhuire Community School. Since 1983 much has changed with the opening of a new extension and gym in September 2001.

Throughout the school’s existence their have been many noteworthy days. In 1971 Peter Shortt achieved the highest honour available to science students in Ireland when he won the “Young Scientist of the Year” award. Two former pupils of the school, Willie and Ted Ryan, represented Ireland at the Moscow Olympics in 1980. In 1988 the school senior football team became the fi st Kildare team to win an All-Ireland Colleges title. The Kildare team that contested the All-Ireland final ten years later, in 1998, were backboned by members of that team. In 2010, the Senior footballers reached the All-Ireland Final again, losing narrowly after a great campaign that brought a Leinster title to the school.

Many prominent people attended the school including the Hall of Fame inductees who grace the walls of the Assembly Area. Dr. Elizabeth Higgins who graduated from Scoil Mhuire in 1978, has worked throughout the developing world, particularly in the area of education. She is Head of Development Cooperation Ireland. Dr. Frank Mulligan was a member of the class of 1974 and went onto study physics before becoming Vice President of NUI Maynooth between 1998 and 2006. Eoghan Corry is a respected author and journalist who has written widely about the GAA. He graduated from Scoil Mhuire in 1978.

Other graduates have included drummer Graham Hopkins and bassist Joe Doyle, Cheltenham winning jockies Kieran Kelly (RIP) and Mark Walsh, and famous television journalist Donal Mac Intyre.

With over 1200 students and more than 80 staff and with an adult education enrolment that runs into thousands, Scoil Mhuire continues to meet the educational needs and play a key role in the life of the community of Clane and the surrounding areas.

Scoil Mhuire Crest

The torch effect symbolises light, enlightenment, building up which is the aspiration of education. In the light stand a boy and girl enfolded by two hands indicating the support and care sought to be provided for them in the school. Behind the students one can see the shape of a book, which symbolises the learning, and study, which the school encourages and provides

Scoil Mhuire is governed by a Board of Management made up of democratically elected members. The Board has representatives from the Trustees, Teachers and Parents. Trustees Joint trusteeship is vested in the Department of Education and Science, Kildare Wicklow ETB. and the Presentation Sisters Northern Province. Board Members The Board has ten members and is made up as follows: Order Nominees 3 Kildare Wicklow ETB 3 Parent Nominees 2 Staff Nominees 2




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Private school-kindergarten "Znayka"

Private school-kindergarten "Znayka" 0

Description of Private school-kindergarten "Znayka"

  • Founded: in 1993
  • Location: Moscow, Russia
  • Age of students: 2 to 18 years
  • Type of program: joint, mixed
  • Accommodation type: residence, guesthouse
  • Language: Russian, English.

The private school "Znayka" is an educational institution offering a traditional secondary school curriculum supplemented with a bilingual course, as well as a private kindergarten. Education here can start from the age of 2, moving from the pre-school stage to the primary school stage, the middle school, and then the senior one.

The motto of this Moscow private school is "Career begins from childhood" - because the teachers here not only help the students not only in the curriculum, but also with the development of important qualities - respect for others, responsibility, decision-making skills, hard work and not only.

The school offers its students in-depth study of the Russian language and literature, mathematics, natural sciences, as well as study programs at least in two foreign languages ​​- English and German. Inclusion in foreign languages ​​begins with an elementary school, and ends with the passing of exams to obtain an international certificate.

Also for the senior classes of the private school "Znayka" is available education in the format of extern - that is, the program for the 10th and 11th grades of the general education school can be completed in just 11 months, after which you get a full certificate.

Programs and prices, tuition fees in Private school-kindergarten "Znayka"


  • Age: 2-5 years
  • Dates: September-May
  • Duration of the program: from 1 year.

The youngest students from 2 years are invited to the preschool section of the private school "Znayka". The mode of the kindergarten is very convenient for busy parents - the schedule of work from 8 to 21 hours. At the same time, you can leave or pick up the stdudent at any time. Groups of kindergarten are formed from students of different ages, so teachers choose the educational format in accordance with age categories.

In order for the educational process of young students to pass interesting and informative, they are offered different types of activities:

  • natural-science experimentation
  • construction
  • outdoor games
  • physical Culture
  • music lessons
  • theatrical productions in Russian.

Primary school (grades 1-4)

  • Age: 7-10 years old

Holding the classes in the primary classes of the private school "Znayka" is paid the closest attention. For young students, modern equipment is offered, learning by the latest educational methods, control points in the learning process - all this helps teachers to achieve high results in work with students, regardless of the starting level. From the 4th grade, students can also learn other European languages ​​besides French - French or German.

Secondary school (grades 5-9)

  • Age: 11-15 years old

Not only teachers of academic subjects, but also psychologists, educators in extended-day groups, as well as curators assigned to classes work with middle-class students in the private school "Znaika". The team of professionals organizes for the children not only a quality curriculum of the traditional format, but also design and research or experimental activities. Over 90% of students after grade 9 take final exams for high scores.

High school (10-11 class)

  • Age: 16-18 years old

In the senior classes of the private school "Znayka" students are helped to decide on the choice of the future profession and prepare for the final exams. For this, the curriculum includes, in addition to the main program of the senior school, additional lessons in core subjects, participation in school projects and in city Olympiads and not only. To cope with the load, young people will be helped by a strong pedagogical staff. In addition, in the senior classes, a third foreign language is added to the students program, either Italian or Spanish.

Accommodation, meals, prices

In the kindergarten "Znayka" five meals are organized, and at school - four meals a day. To prepare a healthy and balanced menu, the school has its own canteen, where the cooking process goes according to all standards. There is also a boarding house on the territory of the school, so the students can stay here throughout the entire period of study.

Activities Private school-kindergarten "Znayka"

The teaching staff of the school-kindergarten "Znaika" strive to create an atmosphere of comprehensive development for its students, so students can play the following sports or creativity in their spare time:

Facilities and equipment at Private school-kindergarten "Znayka"

Kindergarten "Znayka" is located at Cherepanovs 40, near the "Voikovskaya" metro station or the "Koptevo" metro station. The secondary school "Znayka" is located at ul. Cosmonaut Volkov, 20 (the nearest metro stations are Sokol, Airport, Voikovskaya). At the request of parents, students can also be transported to the school by their own transport.

Admission dates and extra charges

Tuition fee already includes:

  • Academic program
  • Accommodation
  • Meals (full board)
  • Educational materials
  • Extra-curricular program (excursions, recreational activities).

Entry requirements, how to apply, what is required to enrol

You can get to the private school "Znayka" throughout the year, provided that there are vacant places for this. At the same time, an obligatory stage for all students is the passage of an interview with the deputy director and psychologist.

In order for the student to be admitted to school, parents will need to prepare and arrange the following documents:

  • introductory application form
  • medical record
  • the final conclusion of the psychologist and deputy director on the results of the interview.

Groups and classes in the school are formed according to the age principle with a small number of people (from 10 to 15 students).

Institution on the map

Residence permits, citizenship and other services.

  • Guardianship services during the studies
  • Student supervision

Review about Private school-kindergarten "Znayka"

Recommendations on when to apply.

Language courses, schools and children's language camps Primary and secondary education - private schools Preparation programmes for entering universities - higher education Higher education (after completing accredited programs A-level, IB, High School) - Bachelor, Master, MBA
- we recommend to apply 6-9 months before the start of the course (some camps and schools offer discounts for early booking or for lengthy study programs)
- there are some very popular and high demand children's camps, where the applications need to be submitted 1 year in advance (in particular , , , , )
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the training program,
- some schools have a specific time frame (September-November - please specify an individual school)
- some schools require tests in several stages (UKISET, internal tests of the school: English, mathematics, logics, subjects, interview, some require a personal visit)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the program,
- for Foundation and Pathway programs, IELTS and TOEFL certificates are usually required, respectively

- recommended submission one year before the start of the program,
- the deadline normally closes in January, for TOP HEIs and, as a rule, in March in other universities
- for a bachelor, a Foundation or Pathway preparatory program a completed A-level, IB, High School + IELTS / TOEFL are required
- for Masters you need a graduated higher education, in some cases you need a pre-Masters program
- MBA requires completed higher education, work experience preferably at least 2-3 years, etc.

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  1. Presentation Convent Hr. Sec. School

    Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School is a selective K-12 independent day school for girls in Rajbagh, on the banks of Jhelum River, Srinagar. It was started in 1936 and run by the Presentation Sisters. 1939. On 15 June 1939 the school building was officially inaugurated at Rajbagh.

  2. Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School

    Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School is a selective K-12 independent day school for girls in Rajbagh, on the banks of Jhelum River, Srinagar.It was started in 1936 and run by the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also known as Presentation Sisters.It was started to educate Dr. Karan Singh, then Crown Prince of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir.

  3. Presentation Convent Hr. Sec. School

    BEGINNING OF PRESENTATION CONVENT HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL. Maharaja Harisingh, the last ruler of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir required a distinguished school for the children of his subjects. So he requested the Head of the Church in Kashmir to request the Presentation Sisters of Rawalpindi to open a school in Srinagar.

  4. Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School

    Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School (PCHSS) desires that all its students succeed in their world using the maximum potentials within them. Keeping this in mind, we at PCHSS offer a wide variety of challenging, enjoyable and successful curricular opportunities, athletic programmes, performing arts and musical programmes with various ...

  5. Presentation Convent Hr. Sec. School

    Presentation Convent Hr. Sec. School, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir. 11,251 likes · 319 talking about this · 507 were here. Welcome to the official Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School page!...

  6. Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School, Srinagar

    Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School, Srinagar | Srinagar. Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School, Srinagar, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir. 4,892 likes · 12 talking about this · 50 were here. Unofficial page...

  7. About Us

    Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School is a Catholic Minority Institution founded in 2015 for the spread of education. The Medium of instruction is English. This Institution is run by the Education Society of the Franciscan Hospitaller Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, to impart all-round academic, physical, moral, and spiritual ...

  8. Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School

    Srinagar, Jammu Kashmir. 0194 2313457. [email protected]. Presentation Convent Hr. Sec School is located at Srinagar is a well-established school with a legacy period of 84 years of service in the-field of education. The idea of pride and gratitude prospers when the school examines the potential it possesses in ...

  9. Course

    PRESENTATION CONVENT HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL. SCHOOL IN GOA. Ambaji | Margao-Goa. 403 601 [email protected] 2749233. Home; Academics. Course; Gallery. Gallery 2022-23; ... SCHOOL ASSESSMENT SUBJECTS (compulsory) SPORTS (Physical Education /YRC) VALUE EDUCATION . ARTS STREAM. Std. XI ...

  10. Presentation Convent Matriculation Higher Secondary School

    Higher Secondary First Year ( + 1 ) Admission. I - Group: English , Physics , Chemistry , Biology & Computer Science: ... Presentation Convent Matric.Hr.Sec.School Trinity Nagar, sidco (post), Kurichi, Coimbatore - 641 021 +91 99944 74637; [email protected] ...

  11. Presentation Convent High School

    Presentation Convent High School. Ambaji Fatorda. Email : presentationcon [at]yahoo [dot]co [dot]in. Phone : 0832-2749252.

  12. Higher School of Economics

    The first Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov, 2010. HSE University was established on 27 November 1992 by a decree from the Russian government. Since then, the university has been administered by a permanent rector - Yaroslav Kuzminov - who also participated in the founding of the university. In July 2021, Yaroslav Kuzminov resigned.

  13. Contact Us

    PRESENTATION CONVENT HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL. SCHOOL IN GOA. Ambaji | Margao-Goa. 403 601 [email protected] 2749233. Home; Academics. Course; Gallery. Gallery 2022-23; Gallery 2021-22; Gallery 2020-21; Gallery 2019-20; Gallery 2018-19; About Us; Rules & Regulations; Contact Us; Contact Us. Your Name (required)

  14. Presentation Convent Matriculation Higher Secondary School

    Presentation Convent Matric.Hr.Sec.School Trinity Nagar, sidco (post), Kurichi, Coimbatore - 641 021 +91 99944 74637

  15. Presentation Convent Girls Higher Secondary School Buddies ...

    Presentation Convent Girls Higher Secondary School Buddies coimbatore, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. 2,598 likes · 7 talking about this. This is the page for Presentation Convent Girls Higher Secondary...

  16. Presentation Higher Secondary School

    Presentation Higher Secondary School is one of the Calicut's leading school, offering a distinctive and progressive approach to learning that engages students in the classroom and with the world around them. Recent Posts. INVESTITURE CEREMONY 2024; SSLC & PLUS TWO BATCH 2023-24;

  17. Marfo-Mariinsky Convent

    Marfo-Mariinsky Convent, or Martha and Mary Convent ... for the ailing, others in the school, and yet others in the kitchen or other areas of the house. Twice a week between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. the spiritual father offered the sisters a lecture, one week on the catechism, and the following week one on the holy fathers. ...

  18. Presentation Convent Girls' Higher Secondary School, Coimbatore

    Presentation Convent Girls' Higher Secondary School, Coimbatore. 1,771 likes. THIS PAGE IS FOR STUDENTS WHO STUDIED AND ARE STUDYING IN THIS SCHOOL.

  19. Scoil Mhuire Community School Clane

    Soil Mhuire - A Bief History. Secondary education was introduced to Clane in 1963 when the Presentation sisters established Scoil Mhuire in the convent building beside the church in the village's main street, to fulfil the educational needs of girls in the Clane area. The first boys were admitted in 1967 and as the school enrolment ...

  20. Academics

    Ambaji | Margao-Goa. 403 601 [email protected] 2749233. Home; Academics. Course; Gallery. Gallery 2022-23; Gallery 2021-22; Gallery 2020-21

  21. Private school-kindergarten "Znayka" (Moscow, Russia)

    Founded: in 1993. Location: Moscow, Russia. Age of students: 2 to 18 years. Type of program: joint, mixed. Accommodation type: residence, guesthouse. Language: Russian, English. The private school "Znayka" is an educational institution offering a traditional secondary school curriculum supplemented with a bilingual course, as well as a private ...