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  • Principles of Market Research

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  • Market Research

The Principles of Market Research course helps both new and experienced market research practitioners understand the full process of research from beginning to end. This online course is completed through self-paced study and covers the 13 topics of the Market Research Core Body of Knowledge (MRCBOK™).

This popular course is endorsed by all major market research and insights industry associations and is kept up-to-date to reflect new methods and concepts in the market research industry. It offers an engaging learning experience through interactive exercises and continuous feedback so that participants can gauge their progress throughout the course. Successful completion earns a Certificate of Program Completion and qualifies graduates for the certification designations of three global professional associations.

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Market Research is a process driven by fundamental principles. This self-paced online course offers market research analysists regardless of the amount of experience they possess to gain insight on contemporary concepts and methods in the industry. This Market Research Core Body of Knowledge (MRCBOK™) course is organized into 13 cornerstone topics allowing you to set a solid foundation for your research, analytical, and communication skills.

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What You'll Learn

Learning objectives, who should attend, course information.

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What You’ll Learn

The course is organized into 13 topics:

Introduction to Market Research and the Research Process

Market Research Design and Data Identification

Sampling in Market Research

Qualitative Market Research

Quantitative Data Collection Methods

Measurement and Questionnaire Design

Introduction to Data Analysis

Advanced Analytic Techniques

Working with Secondary Data: Syndicated and Big Data

Communicating Research Results

Global Market Research

Emerging Methods and the Future of Market Research

Ethical and Legal Issues in Market Research

This course provides a spectrum of organized lessons providing the foundations of market research and process. Don’t continue to use antiquated methods, this industry is fast-paced and sharpening your skill base sets you apart in the conference room. Learn market research design and data identification. Embrace qualitative research methods and introduce yourself to the competitive world of data analytics and advanced techniques. Become a more competent researcher, designer, and communicator as you embrace emerging methods and the future of market research. Challenge yourself to properly question ethical and legal issues that may arise through data collection and consumer analysis methods. Become a global market thinker.

  • Name the different types of business decisions in which market research is used by companies to develop strategy and tactics.
  • Describe the role of primary and secondary data, the differences between them, and how they can be applied in a synergistic manner to address the business issues.
  • Explain how to use the principles of sampling to make judgments about representativeness and bias in secondary data.
  • Identify how to select the ideal internal or external moderator for the project and understand which attributes to look for when selecting a moderator.
  • Compare and contrast the differences between type I and type II errors, and their potential impact on business decisions.
  • Describe a common framework that distinguishes between multivariate analytic techniques and helps guide the decision of what technique to use when, based on the following factors—dependence, interdependence, number of dependent variables, type of relationship, item being analyzed, nature of metric, and the nature of the business question being addressed.
  • Name at least three elements of effective oral presentations.

After completing this course you should be able to:

  • Describe how the role and function of market research relate to the role and function of marketing organizations as a whole.
  • Describe the relationship between strategic decision makers and market research.
  • List the six steps in the market research process.
  • Discuss the basic marketing information needs and research methods used to address these needs, including ways to collect and analyze relevant information needed in consumer, business, government, healthcare, and institutional markets.
  • Acquire an appreciation of the complexities of international market research, including the ways in which research methods and interpretation can differ in global versus local market settings.
  • Illustrate how market research can identify the strongest positioning and messaging that organizations can use in communicating with consumers and other audiences.
  • Review the basic issues in product (and services) management, planning and development as related to the product life cycle, brand strategy, product research, and decision making.
  • Identify the different types of companies that comprise the market research industry by the services they offer.
  • Describe the recent evolution of market research to take advantage of emerging data sources (such as online data collection and large datasets) and analysis methods (such as text analysis, data mining, and modeling).
  • Describe the ethical considerations that guide market research activity--including data collection and reporting--to clients, participants, and the public.
  • Lead a discussion with clients to define major business problems they are facing, and probe to discover obstacles, challenges, opportunities, and threats.
  • Determine what the clients already know and what they must know in order to take the most informed actions.
  • Identify appropriate secondary research and apply data analysis in defining the business problems and research objectives.
  • Translate essential business problems into cogent research objectives that are tied to specific business actions and success criteria.
  • Determine the appropriate level and depth of information required for decision-making, differentiating “nice-to-know” information from “need-to-know” information. Determine what is practical within the time and budgetary constraints
  • Understand what business problems are “researchable” and which are not.
  • Describe the processes and approaches to research design and methodology and how these may differ by region in global projects.
  • Explain the differences between qualitative and quantitative methods, the types of business problems addressed with each, and how the boundaries between the types of methods are blurring.
  • Identify and distinguish between the three basic research designs: exploratory, descriptive and causal.
  • Create proposals that clearly articulate the business need/context for the research, research design and methodology, analytical processes, project milestones, costs, and timelines. Explain the relationship between cost and time variables and the research process.
  • Discuss the ethical issues researchers face when developing a research proposal.
  • Explain how sampling works.
  • Discuss the sampling design process: definition of the target population, best modes to reach that population, determination of the sampling frame, selection of sampling technique(s), determination of sample size, and execution of the sampling process.
  • Explain the differences between probability and non-probability samples, the benefits, drawbacks, and when each might be used.
  • Discuss the major types of probability sampling (simple random, systematic, stratified, and cluster), their benefits, drawbacks, and when each might be used.
  • Discuss the major types of non-probability sampling (convenience, quota, and snowball), their benefits, drawbacks, and when each might be used.
  • Explain the differences between landline and mobile phone sampling.
  • Describe sampling techniques and sources specific to Internet data collection, including mobile research.
  • Discuss the survey assignment process and understand the potential bias implications of routing, targeting, prescreening, and prior survey exposure.
  • Describe the concept of consistent sampling both in terms of a consistent sample frame and how sample is drawn and quotas are set against that frame.
  • Discuss how a single sample frame is not necessarily connected to a single mode and that having multiple points of contact for the same person can increase response rates.
  • Describe how the screener section of the survey, as well as dropouts, data quality, and technical issues, will ultimately impact the “sample” that completes the survey.
  • Describe the challenges in obtaining representative samples and how representative samples can be improved at the selection stage or through weighting.
  • Describe when to use margin of error calculations and confidence levels when reporting results.
  • Describe the challenges researchers face when developing samples for global studies.
  • Identify the ethical considerations in sampling as applied to both end users (“clients”) and participants.

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Explain the differences between qualitative and quantitative market research in terms of objectives, sample characteristics, types of data provided, analysis methods, outcomes and when to choose each.
  • List some of the types of business decisions that qualitative market research can be used to inform.
  • Give examples of misapplications of qualitative market research and explain why it should not be used in these ways.
  • Identify the different forms of qualitative market research, including direct versus indirect (observational) techniques, and IDIs versus dyads versus focus groups; understand the relative strengths and weaknesses of each; and understand when each should be used.
  • Discuss the use of technology in qualitative market research, including the opportunities offered by mobile technologies.
  • List the steps involved in planning and conducting qualitative market research, including the determination of an appropriate qualitative method, selecting qualitative research partners, developing the tools required to execute the research, and understanding the differences between domestic and international projects.
  • Describe how a Moderator’s guide is different than a questionnaire. Discuss the best practices associated with building a successful Moderator’s guide and observational report.
  • Identify how to design a screener used to recruit participants.
  • Discuss how to manage client participation in qualitative settings and how to set expectations in the interpretation of results.
  • Describe how to design a UX (user experience) study.
  • Discuss the fundamental and applied methods of analyzing and summarizing qualitative data.
  • Give examples of ethical issues specifically related to the conduct and interpretation of qualitative market research.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the different quantitative survey methods available to market researchers including online, mobile, telephone, in-person, and mail.
  • Discuss the opportunities and challenges presented by the widespread use of mobile devices.
  • Select appropriate quantitative methodologies based on the specific project needs.
  • Describe techniques for improving survey response rates.
  • Explain and classify the different observational methods used by market researchers including in-person observation and passive data collection.
  • Describe the relative advantages and disadvantages of observational methods and compare them to survey methods.
  • List the key milestones that are required to complete quantitative studies.
  • Discuss the key considerations involved in implementing surveys and observational methods when doing global Market Research.
  • Explain the multiple steps in designing a questionnaire and the guidelines that should be followed at each step.
  • Explain how the choice of data collection method and whether using an interviewer or self-administered format influences questionnaire design.
  • Describe potential sources of bias in developing a questionnaire and how to minimize them.
  • Describe the methods questionnaire writers use to engage participants, encourage response, and make the survey-taking experience more enjoyable.
  • Describe the key issues to consider when designing questionnaires for mobile devices.
  • Identify the best practices for designing observational forms of data collection.
  • Discuss the primary scales of measurement and differentiate among nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales. Be able to select the most appropriate scale(s) based on analytic requirements.
  • Classify scaling techniques as comparative and noncomparative, and describe the comparative techniques of paired comparison, rank order, and constant sum.
  • Describe the noncomparative scaling techniques distinguishing between continuous rating scales and itemized rating scales. Identify two commonly used itemized scales: Likert and semantic differential.
  • Discuss the criteria used for scale evaluation, and how to assess reliability and validity.
  • Discuss the use of software for designing questionnaires.
  • Discuss the considerations involved in designing questionnaires and implementing scaling techniques for global research.
  • Explain the ethical issues related to questionnaire design and measurement scales.
  • Describe the process of creating an analysis plan, and give examples of alternative analytic purposes (e.g., explanatory versus confirmatory).
  • Describe the key data sources.
  • Name and define the key data types (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio, etc.).
  • Explain the process of matching analytic techniques to different situations and needs, and give examples.
  • Summarize descriptive and visual approaches used to familiarize oneself with the data and to identify problems with the data.
  • Explain how to assess the impact of missing responses, and select and apply appropriate remedies.
  • State the reasons for and methods of statistically adjusting data; e.g., weighting, variable re-specification, and scale transformation.
  • Assess the characteristics of the distribution of the data and explain the implications of normality, non-normality, skewness, and multimodal data.
  • Illustrate the process for creating and testing hypotheses.
  • Describe the difference between statistical and business significance in the context of group comparisons, and explain the factors that have an impact on statistical significance.
  • Describe the difference between association and causality, and the potential impact on business decisions and outcomes.
  • Identify the major computer programs in current use in market research for the analysis of data.
  • Explain how to turn findings into market research conclusions, link findings to business decisions, and create actionable recommendations.
  • Compare and contrast the different patterns that express the relationship between two variables (e.g., nonlinear, linear, curvilinear, s-shaped, etc.).
  • Distinguish between interpolation and extrapolation.
  • Describe what Factor Analysis is, what it does, what type of input data is generally acceptable, and common applications in market research.
  • Describe the concept of Segmentation Analysis, what it does, what type of input data is generally acceptable, various techniques on how one may cluster data (e.g., K-Means, RFM, Pareto, etc.) and common segmentation applications in market research.
  • Describe what Perceptual Mapping (including the use of Multidimensional Scaling) is and common applications in market research.
  • Describe the different techniques used to measure association (i.e., Correlation, Simple Regression, and Multiple Regression), what they do, what type of input data is generally acceptable, and common applications in market research.
  • Describe Conjoint Analysis and Choice Modeling, what they do, what type of input data is generally acceptable, and common applications in market research.
  • Describe more advanced measures of association (e.g., Logistical Regression and Structural Equation Modeling), what they do, what type of input data is generally acceptable, and common applications in market research.
  • Describe what Discriminant Analysis is, what it does, what type of input data is generally acceptable, and common applications in market research.
  • Identify the most popular machine learning techniques and describe how researchers can use them to generate insight.
  • Describe what neural network analysis is, what it does, what type of input data is generally acceptable. Describe common applications in market research.
  • Describe the concept of Marketing Mix Modeling, what it does, what type of input data is generally acceptable, techniques that are used (e.g., multiple regression, Bayesian regression, etc.) and common applications in market research.
  • Describe Time Series Analysis, what it does, what type of input data is generally acceptable, what techniques are used, and common applications in market research.
  • Describe the difference between statistical significance and business significance.
  • Discuss how the integration of technology into our daily lives is creating new opportunities for market researchers.
  • Define secondary data as distinct from primary data.
  • Describe the various types of data sources available to researchers including syndicated data, transaction data, social media data, and Internet of Things data, emphasizing the strengths and weaknesses of each.
  • Describe the various components of the “big data” ecosystem, reinforcing that all data sources—primary and secondary—have compromises and the researcher’s responsibility to select the “best available data” given the business issue being studied.
  • Identify some of the typical barriers a researcher encounters in gaining access and using secondary data.
  • Discuss the related concepts of data governance, data curation, and data provenance and their importance in assessing the quality of secondary data.
  • Discuss the value and the challenges that can be realized by linking primary and secondary data, including the role of data brokers.
  • Discuss the ways in which traditional analytic techniques can be applied to secondary data.
  • Describe what is meant by machine learning and its relevance when working with large secondary datasets.
  • Discuss the challenges and emerging solutions that researchers face when dealing with unstructured data—text, photographs, video, etc.
  • Discuss the challenges the researcher faces when using secondary data in a global context.
  • Describe the ethical issues, especially related to privacy and confidentiality, when using secondary data.
  • Describe the role of the market researcher as a consultant and source of market information.
  • Describe the material review and analytic processes required as the foundation of an effective report and presentation with emphasis on data synthesis.
  • Give examples of actionable, business-oriented recommendations and contrast those with examples that are not actionable or business-oriented.
  • Contrast the differences between presenting facts and opinions and how each should be handled in a research presentation.
  • Identify options available for online reporting and the implications for both the researcher and the client.
  • Describe the role and appropriate use of graphics in business presentations, from the typical types of graphs used as well as newer techniques (infographic and visualizations).
  • Describe how to present findings in a manner consistent with the client’s culture.
  • Describe effective presentation techniques for sharing complex statistics with business audiences who are not statistically oriented.
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of integrating findings and results from multiple sources into your presentation.
  • Explain the difference between a report and a presentation, describing the level of detail that is typically required for different audiences.
  • Discuss the ethical issues related to the reporting and interpretation of research findings.
  • Describe the framework of internal and external environmental factors — marketing, sociocultural, governmental, legal, economic, structural, and informational — that affect global research, and explain how each may impact steps in the research process.
  • Describe the problems and various approaches involved in the design and management of global research projects, including the coordination of fieldwork.
  • Give examples of secondary data sources — particularly Internet resources — available for global research and factors that should be taken into account when evaluating them.
  • Describe the application (including availability and appropriateness) of different data collection methods (telephone, in-person, online, mobile, mail survey, etc.) in global research.
  • Describe how sample options available for online and mobile research vary globally.
  • Explain the role qualitative research plays in global research and give examples of differences among countries when using qualitative methods globally.
  • State special challenges of executing experimental (causal) research in a global setting.
  • Identify problems in designing questionnaires with regard to establishing equivalence of scales and measures as related to construct, operational, scalar, and linguistic equivalence when translating (back and parallel) questions into one or more foreign languages.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of key issues relating to global online research projects including translations, incentives, and the specific challenges of languages requiring double-byte characters.
  • Describe the variety of issues that affect interpretation of the results of global research and identify some of the tools to deal with them.
  • Explain the different ethical and legal issues that apply in different parts of the world and how these issues may affect research projects and outcomes.
  • Understand the culture dimensions that affect cross cultural and global research.
  • Describe how advances in technology are changing how people live and work.
  • Review how social media is impacting both marketing and market research.
  • Explain how the shift of power to consumers is radically altering the information that businesses need for their companies to be successful.
  • Describe the new research opportunities and attendant challenges with the use of mobile devices.
  • Summarize how the market researcher's approach to measurement is changing from a focus on attitudes, opinions, and intentions to measuring and understanding behavior.
  • Discuss the increasing use of automation and artificial intelligence, noting their potential advantages and disadvantages.
  • Describe how do-it-yourself (DIY) research tools have created new challenges and opportunities for market researchers.
  • Describe a number of new methodologies, distinguishing between those that already are or are likely to soon be mainstream versus those that are still niche.
  • Describe ways to help clients understand and manage the risks inherent in "hot" new technologies and methods.
  • Give examples of how technology continues to impact sampling.
  • Discuss the pros and cons of surveys as a source of insight.
  • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of conducting in-person qualitative research versus digital qualitative approaches.
  • Discuss how the explosion of new research methods and data sources is mandating the use of multiple methods and a need for synthesis.
  • Explain how the scope and roles of market research are changing and expanding. Discuss the impact on research professionals from both the client and research agency perspectives.
  • Explain why solid ethical practices are essential to the long-term success of market research and the responsibilities researchers have to the key stakeholders—research participants, clients, the general public, and the research profession.
  • Describe the concept of harm and how it applies to those whose data we collect and/or process.
  • Describe the concept of personal data - sometimes called personally-identifiable data or PII - and its evolution over time.
  • Describe some of the ways which a transition from primary data collection to increased reliance on secondary data is changing our ethical responsibilities to those whose data we analyze.
  • Discuss the universal principles of privacy and data protection as applied in market research in different countries and cultures.
  • Distinguish between ethical requirements and legal requirements.
  • Describe what a privacy impact assessment or PIA involves.
  • List the major industry and professional associations for market research practitioners and organizations worldwide.
  • Explain how the market research industry’s commitment to self-regulation creates a unique set of legal and ethical obligations.
  • Cite major sources of guidance for researchers concerned about their legal and ethical responsibilities.
  • Anyone interested in strengthening their core skills in market research (new and mid-level)
  • Experienced market researchers in search of a quality continuing education resource
  • Marketing and product managers and others who interact with the market research function who want to develop a solid foundation in the discipline.

This course is specifically designed for a broad experience base of market researchers, marketing, and product managers, who desire to strengthen their core industry skills. If you are inexperienced in the field, the course begins with you all the introduction and fundamental definitions you need to structure your knowledge base throughout the course. If you are an experienced market researcher, this course sharpens your fundamentals and catapults you to current methods and techniques so you aren’t falling behind the curve.

  • Enroll at any time.
  • Complete the course's five required graded components within 12 months.
  • For more details on How Does The Principles Of Market Research Course Work , please click on the downloadable file.
  • View How does it work for more course information.

$1,795 - Standard Fee

$1,595 - Association Discount (Members* of: Insights Association; ESOMAR; Canadian Research Insights Council, The Research Society, Intellus Worldwide, QRCA, AMAI, MRII Board of Directors, UGA MMR Advisory Board.)

$50 - Six-Month Extension (only one extension is granted per participant)

*Membership will be verified.

Prepayment is required to be registered. The prices listed are per person (US Funds). Prices are subject to change.

Continuing Education Information

Students successfully completing graded components earn 13.5 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from The University of Georgia and a Digital Badge . View details about the University of Georgia CEU .

Graduates will also earn a Certificate of Program Completion from Market Research Institute International (MRII), Insights Association, ESOMAR, and the University.

As a graduate of the Principles of Market Research , you will be recognized by industry associations, employers, peer groups, and other professionals as having mastered the core body of knowledge that forms the basis of marketing research. This recognition will help you advance in your company and the industry.

Get certified

When you graduate from our course, you can qualify for certification from three global professional associations: the Canada-based Certified Analytics and Insights Professionals (CAIP); the Australia-based The Research Society (QRP); and, in the healthcare industry, Intellus Worldwide . Your Path to Market Research Certification .-->

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There are no required textbooks . Everything you need is built within the course eLearning platform.

Suggested Textbooks (not required)

  • Malhotra, Naresh K., Essentials of Marketing Research: A Hands-On Orientation, Pearson Education: Upper Saddle River, NJ. ISBN-13: 978-­0-13-340182-0 (digital subscription edition)
  • Chakrapani, Chuck, Analytics for Customer Insights: A Non-Technical Introduction. ©2018. ISBN: 978-­0-920219-52-2 (print version recommended) or ISBN 978-­0-920219-52-2 (eBook).

Included in the online course are suggested reading assignments from the above textbooks. These readings are not required and will not be part of the testing for the course. The textbooks suggestions are simply intended to add depth to your understanding of the topic.

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Founding Organizations

University of Georgia

Proud Corporate Sponsors of MRII


Supporting Organizations


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Outside USA: +1‑607‑330‑3200

Market Research Cornell Certificate Program

Overview and courses.

Master the art of market research with this online certificate program designed to empower you with the insights and knowledge needed to create winning marketing strategies. By understanding your target audience, identifying opportunities, evaluating the competition, and making data-driven decisions, you will gain the essential skills to drive your organization's success in today's competitive marketplace.

This comprehensive certificate program will equip you with the tools, techniques, and methodologies to excel in the field of market research and analysis. Throughout the courses, you will discover how to conduct effective research, segment and target customers, position brands, and communicate brand value. You’ll come away from the program armed with the knowledge and skills to create a lasting impact on your organization's growth and success.

For the best experience in this program it is recommended to take these courses in the order that they appear.

Course list

  • Essentials of Marketing Strategy

Analyzing Segmentation and Targeting

In this course, you'll use the statistical method of cluster analysis to meaningfully segment and target your market based on customer needs and preferences. Through interactive, applied activities, you'll analyze how customers naturally segment themselves within your market -- and how to predict and target the most profitable segments for your business. Customer data analyzed are similar to what is typically commissioned from market research firms.

Using Data for Positioning Brands

To improve sales and market share, knowing what consumers want isn't enough. You also need to know what they believe your product or service, and your competitors', provides. In this course, you'll create and use perceptual maps to identify which dimensions consumers use to differentiate among products, and how they perceive your products relative to competitors'. These maps are valuable for identifying opportunities to introduce and position new products, repositioning existing products, and identifying your true competitors.

Market Research and Analysis

Marketing professionals rely on clearly defined goals to determine the course of action when placing a product in the market. Leveraging research to learn more about your target audience is the focus of this course. In it, you will learn how to be an intelligent consumer of information when it comes to market research and analysis so you can become a more effective decision-maker. You will first look at market research, including the purpose and goals of research; how to balance the ideal with reality in doing research; and how to apply the six stages of research to a marketing situation.

You will then examine different ways to analyze the data acquired through market research. Using formulas to determine how cannibalization affects the profitability of new products and the value of a long-term customer, you will perform a basic sensitivity analysis to assess the robustness of your results.

You are required to have completed the following course or have equivalent experience before taking this course:

Creating and Communicating the Value of Your Brand

An organization's brand is one of its most valuable assets. Your organization's brand represents the themes and ideas that your customers associate with the organization. The value of your brand, otherwise known as brand equity, impacts everything from consumer awareness to the salience of your brand in the market. Creating and communicating the value of your brand across channels can improve the value of your organization and the return on your marketing.

In this course, you will look at the value of a brand through brand equity from both the firm's and the customer's perspective. You will make the connection between customer loyalty and building brand equity. You will also discuss marketing communications: how they work, what forms exist, and how you use them to build brand equity.

Marketing Symposium   LIVE

Symposium sessions feature two days of live, highly interactive virtual Zoom sessions that will explore today’s most pressing topics. The Marketing Symposium offers you a unique opportunity to engage in real-time conversations with peers and experts from the Cornell community and beyond. Using the context of your own experiences, you will take part in reflections and small-group discussions to build on the skills and knowledge you have gained from your courses.

Join us for the next Symposium, in which we’ll share experiences from across the industry, inspiring real-time conversations about best practices, innovation, and the future of marketing work. You will support your coursework by applying your knowledge and experiences to some of the most pressing topics and trends in the marketing field. By participating in relevant and engaging discussions, you will discover a variety of perspectives and build connections with your fellow participants from across the industry.

Upcoming Symposium: April 9th – 10th, 2024

  • Evaluating Ways To Integrate AI
  • Navigating Privacy Concerns in Digital Marketing

All sessions are held on Zoom.

Future dates are subject to change. You may participate in as many sessions as you wish. Attending Symposium sessions is not required to successfully complete any certificate program. Once enrolled in your courses, you will receive information about upcoming events. Accessibility accommodations will be available upon request.

How It Works

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Faculty Authors

Sachin Gupta

  • Certificates Authored

Sachin Gupta is Henrietta Johnson Louis Professor of Marketing at the SC Johnson Graduate School of Management. Professor Gupta’s research focuses on marketing research, healthcare, privacy of marketing data, nonprofits, and marketing analytics.

In 2020 Professor Gupta’s paper published in the Journal of Marketing Research received the AMA-EBSCO Annual Award for Responsible Research in Marketing. The award honors outstanding research that produces credible and useful knowledge that can be applied to benefit society. In 2014 his paper in the International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing received the Outstanding Paper award. In 2008 his paper published in the Journal of Marketing Research in 2003 received the O’Dell award of the American Marketing Association. This award is given to the authors of the best article published five years earlier. Professor Gupta also received the Paul Green award of the American Marketing Association in 2003. In 2007, he received the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly’s best paper award for his article on customer satisfaction in the restaurant industry. Five of his other published papers have been finalists for the O’Dell award, the Paul Green award, and the John D.C. Little award of INFORMS.

In 2020 Professor Gupta was appointed Editor in Chief of the Journal of Marketing Research, where he had been co-editor since 2016. From 2010 to 2013 Professor Gupta was Johnson’s Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. In that role he was responsible for recruitment and development of faculty, and for the school’s research function. From 2014 to 2018 he was director of Cornell’s PhD program in Management.

At Johnson, Gupta teaches a popular MBA elective course called Data Driven Marketing. He has previously taught MBA elective courses in Marketing Research and Pricing, and the Marketing Management core course in the MBA and EMBA programs. He teaches in a variety of non-degree executive education programs. In 2009, he received the Stephen Russell Distinguished Teaching Award, given by the Johnson class of 2004, at their fifth reunion. In 2007 the graduating MBA class selected him to receive the Apple Award for Teaching Excellence. Gupta is the author of eCornell’s Data Driven Marketing certificate. He previously taught at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, where he received the Sidney Levy Award for teaching excellence and was recognized in the Dean’s four-star list on multiple occasions.

  • Demand Marketing

Market Research

  • Digital Marketing 360
  • Data Privacy Strategy
  • Digital Leadership
  • Management 360
  • Integrated Marketing 360
  • Marketing Analytics

Doug Stayman

Professor Douglas Stayman is an associate professor at the Johnson Graduate School of Management. His teaching and research interests are in the areas of advertising and consumer decision making. He came to Johnson from the University of Texas at Austin. His research has focused on the study of emotional responses to advertising and the role of affect in decision making. His work has involved methodological and measurement issues in studying emotions. He is also interested in theoretical accounts of the effects of emotions on people’s preferences. His research has been supported by grants from the Ogilvy Center for Research and Development, the Marketing Science Institute, and the American Academy of Advertising. He is currently involved in research into the future of professional, most specifically management, education.

  • Product Marketing

Key Course Takeaways

  • Use systematic processes to define a market strategy
  • Create a strategic customer segmentation plan
  • Apply the concepts of segmentation, targeting, and positioning to a product or service
  • Position new products, reposition existing products, and identify competitors
  • Analyze market research to learn more about customers and products/services
  • Explore the value that brands provide to the consumer

course in market research

Download a Brochure

course in market research

What You'll Earn

  • Market Research Certificate from Cornell’s SC Johnson College of Business
  • 50 Professional Development Hours (5 CEUs)

Watch the Video

Who should enroll.

  • Marketing professionals and analysts
  • Business analysts
  • Managers using data insights to make business decisions
  • Account executives
  • Product managers

course in market research

“I was really able to harness that technology and have a classroom right at my kitchen table with eCornell.”

“ecornell’s certificate in marketing helped me leap ahead in my career, become more knowledgeable, and feel like more of a significant contributor to my team. i use the skills i learned in the program every day to forward my goals and company initiatives.”.

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Market Research

Free Course on Market Research

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Analyze your target market and understand your competition with this Market Research Course.

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About this free certificate course.

Marketing Research is essential as it allows businesses to gather information about their customers and their needs. This information can then be utilized to create marketing campaigns that are more likely to succeed. Additionally, Marketing Research can help businesses determine whether a new product or service is likely to be successful in the marketplace. Some of the critical components of Marketing Research that could be important in any given study may include researching the target market, understanding consumer behavior, conducting competitor analysis, and evaluating market trends.

This Marketing Research free course starts by discussing marketing information and customer insights. Whether it’s with internal data, algorithms, or a combination of internal and external data, consumer insights help to refine the way you communicate to your customers. Brands use consumer insights to understand their customers better and offer personalized marketing and offers. This Marke Research online course will give you a brief introduction to Marketing Research, obstacles faced, and the approaches that lead to better Marketing Research. You will learn about crucial research instruments, various sampling plans, and multiple beneficial contact methods. 

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Will I get a certificate after completing this Market Research free course?

Yes, you will get a certificate of completion for Market Research after completing all the modules and cracking the assessment. The assessment tests your knowledge of the subject and badges your skills.

How much does this Market Research course cost?

It is an entirely free course from Great Learning Academy. Anyone interested in learning the basics of Market Research can get started with this course.

Is there any limit on how many times I can take this free course?

Once you enroll in the Market Research course, you have lifetime access to it. So, you can log in anytime and learn it for free online.

Can I sign up for multiple courses from Great Learning Academy at the same time?

Yes, you can enroll in as many courses as you want from Great Learning Academy. There is no limit to the number of courses you can enroll in at once, but since the courses offered by Great Learning Academy are free, we suggest you learn one by one to get the best out of the subject.

Why choose Great Learning Academy for this free Market Research course?

Great Learning Academy provides this Market Research course for free online. The course is self-paced and helps you understand various topics that fall under the subject with solved problems and demonstrated examples. The course is carefully designed, keeping in mind to cater to both beginners and professionals, and is delivered by subject experts. Great Learning is a global ed-tech platform dedicated to developing competent professionals. Great Learning Academy is an initiative by Great Learning that offers in-demand free online courses to help people advance in their jobs. More than 5 million learners from 140 countries have benefited from Great Learning Academy's free online courses with certificates. It is a one-stop place for all of a learner's goals.

What are the steps to enroll in this Market Research course?

Enrolling in any of the Great Learning Academy’s courses is just one step process. Sign-up for the course, you are interested in learning through your E-mail ID and start learning them for free online.

Will I have lifetime access to this free Market Research course?

Yes, once you enroll in the course, you will have lifetime access, where you can log in and learn whenever you want to. 

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100 Best universities for Mechanical Engineering in Russia

Updated: February 29, 2024

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Below is a list of best universities in Russia ranked based on their research performance in Mechanical Engineering. A graph of 714K citations received by 136K academic papers made by 158 universities in Russia was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. Moscow State University

For Mechanical Engineering

Moscow State University logo

2. Tomsk State University

Tomsk State University logo

3. St. Petersburg State University

St. Petersburg State University logo

4. Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Bauman Moscow State Technical University logo

5. Ufa State Aviation Technical University

Ufa State Aviation Technical University logo

6. Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University

Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University logo

7. Tomsk Polytechnic University

Tomsk Polytechnic University logo

8. Ural Federal University

Ural Federal University logo

9. South Ural State University

South Ural State University logo

10. National Research University Higher School of Economics

National Research University Higher School of Economics logo

11. Moscow Aviation Institute

Moscow Aviation Institute logo

12. Novosibirsk State University

Novosibirsk State University logo

13. ITMO University

ITMO University logo

14. N.R.U. Moscow Power Engineering Institute

N.R.U. Moscow Power Engineering Institute logo

15. National Research Nuclear University MEPI

National Research Nuclear University MEPI logo

16. Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University logo

17. National University of Science and Technology "MISIS"

National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" logo

18. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology logo

19. Samara National Research University

Samara National Research University logo

20. Moscow State Technological University "Stankin"

Moscow State Technological University "Stankin" logo

21. Novosibirsk State Technical University

Novosibirsk State Technical University logo

22. RUDN University

RUDN University logo

23. Southern Federal University

Southern Federal University logo

24. Saratov State University

Saratov State University logo

25. Ufa State Petroleum Technological University

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University logo

26. Samara State Technical University

Samara State Technical University logo

27. Siberian Federal University

Siberian Federal University logo

28. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev - KAI

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev - KAI logo

29. Perm State Technical University

Perm State Technical University logo

30. Omsk State Technical University

Omsk State Technical University logo

31. Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University

Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University logo

32. Moscow Polytech

Moscow Polytech logo

33. Saint-Petersburg Mining University

Saint-Petersburg Mining University logo

34. Magnitogorsk State Technical University

Magnitogorsk State Technical University logo

35. Saratov State Technical University

Saratov State Technical University logo

36. Moscow State University of Railway Engineering

Moscow State University of Railway Engineering logo

37. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod logo

38. Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University logo

39. Tula State University

Tula State University logo

40. Belgorod State Technological University

Belgorod State Technological University logo

41. Far Eastern Federal University

Far Eastern Federal University logo

42. Novgorod State University

43. belgorod state university.

Belgorod State University logo

44. Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation

Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation logo

45. Moscow Medical Academy

Moscow Medical Academy logo

46. Kazan State Technological University

Kazan State Technological University logo

47. Russian State University of Oil and Gas

48. siberian state aerospace university.

Siberian State Aerospace University logo

49. Tambov State Technical University

Tambov State Technical University logo

50. Voronezh State University

Voronezh State University logo

51. Siberian State Industrial University

Siberian State Industrial University logo

52. Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology

Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology logo

53. Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University logo

54. St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering logo

55. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia

Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia logo

56. Murmansk State Technical University

Murmansk State Technical University logo

57. South-Western State University

South-Western State University logo

58. Ogarev Mordovia State University

Ogarev Mordovia State University logo

59. Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

60. south-russian state university of economics and service.

South-Russian State University of Economics and Service logo

61. Perm State University

Perm State University logo

62. Kuzbass State Technical University

Kuzbass State Technical University logo

63. Russian National Research Medical University

Russian National Research Medical University logo

64. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics logo

65. Ulyanovsk State Technical University

Ulyanovsk State Technical University logo

66. Ulyanovsk State University

Ulyanovsk State University logo

67. Penza State University

Penza State University logo

68. Kuban State University of Technology

Kuban State University of Technology logo

69. Polzunov Altai State Technical University

Polzunov Altai State Technical University logo

70. Chelyabinsk State University

Chelyabinsk State University logo

71. Yaroslavl State University

Yaroslavl State University logo

72. University of Tyumen

University of Tyumen logo

73. National Research University of Electronic Technology

National Research University of Electronic Technology logo

74. Leningrad State University

Leningrad State University logo

75. Moscow State Pedagogical University

Moscow State Pedagogical University logo

76. Udmurt State University

Udmurt State University logo

77. Irkutsk State University

Irkutsk State University logo

78. North-Eastern Federal University

North-Eastern Federal University logo

79. Bashkir State University

Bashkir State University logo

80. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration logo

81. Kuban State University

Kuban State University logo

82. Kuban State Agricultural University

Kuban State Agricultural University logo

83. St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation

St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation logo

84. Kemerovo State University

Kemerovo State University logo

85. Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University logo

86. Orenburg State University

Orenburg State University logo

87. Baltic State Technical University "Voenmeh"

Baltic State Technical University "Voenmeh" logo

88. Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building

Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building logo

89. Chuvash State University

90. ivanovo state power university.

Ivanovo State Power University logo

91. Irkutsk National Research Technical University

Irkutsk National Research Technical University logo

92. Orel State University

Orel State University logo

93. State University of Management

State University of Management logo

94. Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Tomsk State Pedagogical University logo

95. Volgograd State University

Volgograd State University logo

96. Petrozavodsk State University

Petrozavodsk State University logo

97. Tver State University

Tver State University logo

98. Northern Arctic Federal University

Northern Arctic Federal University logo

99. Omsk State Transport University

Omsk State Transport University logo

100. Kaliningrad State Technical University

Kaliningrad State Technical University logo

The best cities to study Mechanical Engineering in Russia based on the number of universities and their ranks are Moscow , Tomsk , Saint Petersburg , and Ufa .

Engineering subfields in Russia

Industries Overview

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  • Executive Summary

Digital healthcare usage was fast-tracked by the pandemic. But now, with so many tools in the market, providers and marketers must deliver differentiated experiences to stay competitive. They’ll need to know how and why patients use these tools—and how to resolve the pain points.

Key Question: Which digital health products and services are US consumers using, and how does usage differ across populations?

How Do US Consumers Engage in Healthcare-Related Activities? (% of respondents, July 2022)

KEY STAT: About 46% of US consumers—an estimated 119 million patients—engage with their healthcare providers using a combination of patient portals, telehealth appointments, apps, and traditional in-person visits, per PYMNTS.

Here’s what’s in the full report

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Table of Contents

  • Consumer adoption of digital health tools is still growing.
  • Who is the healthcare tech user?
  • Patients demand an omnichannel experience.
  • The patient healthcare journey often starts online.
  • Patients are using social media to find health information.
  • Patients believe digital health tools lead to better health.
  • Consumers want doctors to embrace digital health tools.
  • Healthcare is falling short on delivering a quality digital experience.
  • Providers are at risk of losing patients if they don’t go digital.
  • How can providers and marketers keep pace with the digital healthcare consumer?
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What Is a Market Research Analyst? 2024 Guide

Market research analysts pore over trending keywords, survey responses, social media mentions, and more to understand markets, customers, and competitors. Learn more about this high-demand role.

[Featured image] A market research analyst wearing glasses presents in front of a screen detailing several pie charts.

Market research analysts—sometimes called market researchers—help companies develop or maintain a competitive edge by finding and delivering data-backed insights into potential markets, competitors, and even customer behavior. 

They’re an integral part of a company’s overall marketing strategy and in-demand across multiple industries. In fact, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) anticipates that job growth for market research analysts will increase by 19 percent by 2031 [ 1 ].  

Learn more about this high-growth role. 

What does a market research analyst do? 

Market research analysts pore over trending keywords, survey responses, social media mentions, and other data to find answers. In essence, they transform information into actionable insights that will help companies develop everything from competitive product launches to effective marketing campaigns.   

Each company’s needs differ, but your responsibilities as a market research analyst may include: 

Developing data collection tools and techniques 

Using data modeling tools

Analyzing data sets and communicating findings 

Contributing data-backed insights to marketing strategy 

Conducting product testing and brand research 

What type of research does a market research analyst conduct? 

A market research analyst conducts qualitative and quantitative research. In other words, they gather statistical data and solicit responses about people’s beliefs, opinions, and experiences.  

An analyst’s research can span multiple areas, including: 

Primary and secondary customer research—everything from demographics to opinions—helps a company develop more targeted marketing and align its products and services with customers’ differing needs. Market research analysts may also identify how companies find, acquire, and retain customers while avoiding churn—or customer loss. 

Primary vs. secondary research: What's the difference?

Primary research  is research you conduct yourself, building original tools or techniques to help you collect new information. Secondary research is published research someone else has done, like a government agency or research think tank.

As a company develops new offerings—like products, services, or ideas—market research about competitors, similar products, and potential sales can help successfully position each launch. Market research analysts investigate new and existing markets, learning as much as possible so they can deliver precise suggestions. 

Both new and established companies rely on brand research to strengthen their position in the market. Conducting a competitive analysis to see how a company’s brand fares against competitors, as well as researching customers’ brand awareness and brand perception, helps them remain competitive. Those findings can also yield insights into customer acquisition, retention, and loyalty. 

Understanding how a company’s customers feel about advertising at all phases of a marketing campaign can produce specific messaging and in turn more impactful campaigns. While this type of research more typically falls under a marketing analyst role, market research analysts at smaller companies may sometimes be called to analyze a company’s marketing strategy.   

Market research analyst job description

Market research analyst jobs typically require a bachelor’s degree and two or three years of experience. More senior-level market research analyst jobs may require a master’s degree.

Majors that can prepare you for a job as a market research analyst: 

Business administration 


Market research analyst technical skills

Data collection tools: Market research analysts gather data from an array of sources, including surveys, social media platforms, keyword trends, and audience insights. Market research analysts use Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey, Typeform, Google Trends, and SEMrush, among many other tools, to learn more about customers, markets, and competitors.

Statistical analysis: Because market research involves working with quantitative data, it’s important to understand how to apply statistical techniques to group your data into relevant and actionable findings. While there are many programs, like the data visualization tools below, that offer a statistical analysis feature, it shouldn’t replace a more foundational knowledge.  

Data visualization: Once a market research analyst has collected relevant data, they need to structure their findings in a comprehensible way. Knowing how to use data dashboards or data analytics suites can help convey important findings to other teams. Market research analysts use data visualization tools like Tableau, Qlikview, and Plotly.  

Programming languages : Although not always necessary, some companies do require market research analysts to know a programming language , such as R, SQL, SAS, or SPSS, which feeds into their data gathering and data interpretation efforts. Make sure to read over job descriptions to learn which language, if any, a company prefers. 

A course, like IBM’s Introduction to R Language , offered on Coursera, can help you learn more about one of the most popular programming languages being used today for data analysis. 

Market research workplace skills 

Interpretation: Parsing data is a critical part of a market research analyst’s role. After gathering the necessary data, you have to interpret those findings in light of a company’s product and marketing needs.  

Critical thinking: Conducting market research means knowing how to ask the right questions in order to find the best data, extracting meaning from collected data, and then applying those insights to a company’s marketing strategy.    

Communication: Translating insights into recommendations that other teams can act upon will help in a marketing research analyst's line of work. A strong ability to speak and write clearly and constructively is an asset. 

Interviewing: Many market research analysts rely on digital surveys to glean customer responses, but the role can also involve conducting customer interviews or focus groups. Being comfortable speaking with strangers and getting them to open up about their experiences is a key skill.  

What are the benefits of being a market research analyst? 

Job prospects.

As companies continue to need insight into customer behavior to keep their competitive edge, market research analysts will continue to serve an integral role. There were over 792,000 market research analyst jobs available in 2021, with over 150,000 expected to be added by 2031—a much higher rate of growth compared to other jobs [ 1 ].

Market research analyst salary

The median salary for a market research analyst in the US is $63,920, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), though salary can differ depending on the industry [ 2 ].

Market research analyst vs. similar roles

Market research analysts share much in common with roles that also parse data and deliver strategic insights. 

Marketing analyst

Although market research analysts are sometimes confused—and even called— marketing analysts , the two roles differ slightly. Marketing analysts focus internally on a company’s marketing efforts, rather than externally on markets, but both roles use data to inform their recommendations. 

Business analyst

Another role that relies heavily on data, a business analyst analyzes large data sets in order to make recommendations that will strengthen a business’ processes and help it run more efficiently. 

Data analyst

A much broader role than the three previously described, a data analyst typically works with large, raw data sets that must first be cleaned in order to yield important insights. Data analysts apply their findings to an array of organizational and business needs.  

How to become a market research analyst 

1. look for a related entry-level role..

While there are some entry-level market research analyst roles, most employers tend to prefer at least two years of experience. If you’re interested in becoming a market research analyst, consider a related role to help you gain experience and grow more competitive. Working as a marketing assistant or data analyst can provide you with the experience necessary to move into market research analysis.  

2. Brush up on related technical skills.

Knowing that market research analysts use specific tools to gather and assess data about customers, markets, and competitors, it’s a good idea to research the most popular programs and refine your knowledge of them. Watch tutorials, use free trials, and familiarize yourself with the tools of the trade.

Develop your technical skills with one of these Guided Projects, designed to be completed in two hours or less:

Use SurveyMonkey to Create a Survey and Analyze Results  

Introduction to Relational Database and SQL

Create a Brand Awareness Survey in Qualtrics

Google Trends Analysis using R

3. Take a course. 

Taking courses that expose you to key strategies of market research can help introduce you to the work of a market research analyst. This Market Research Specialization from UC Davis , available on Coursera, might be a good place to start. Not only will you learn about what it takes to do market research and decide if it’s a good career option for you, but you’ll begin learning the necessary techniques to succeed in the field. Or consider deepening your knowledge with a skill-specific series of classes, like Data Visualization with Tableau Specialization .

A credential, like the Meta Marketing Analytics Professional Certificate , is designed for beginners with no prior market research experience. Get up to speed on the key tools and techniques used in the profession while learning from industry experts at Meta.

Article sources

US Bureau of Labor Statistics. " Occupational Outlook Handbook: Market Research Analyst ," Accessed November 30, 2022.

US Bureau of Labor Statistics. " Occupational Outlook Handbook: Market Research Analyst," Accessed November 30, 2022.

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Home & House Stagers in Elektrostal'

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  • Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia

Featured Reviews for Home & House Stagers in Elektrostal'

  • Reach out to the pro(s) you want, then share your vision to get the ball rolling.
  • Request and compare quotes, then hire the Home Stager that perfectly fits your project and budget limits.

A home stager is a professional who prepares a house for sale, aiming to attract more buyers and potentially secure a higher selling price. They achieve this through the following techniques:

  • Rearranging furniture to optimize space and functionality.
  • Decluttering to create a clean and spacious look.
  • Making repairs to address visible issues.
  • Enhancing aesthetics with artwork, accessories, and lighting.
  • Introducing new furnishings to update the style.

Their goal is to present the house in the best light. Home stagers in Elektrostal' help buyers envision themselves living there, increasing the chances of a successful sale.

  • Home Staging
  • Decluttering
  • Furniture Selection
  • Space Planning
  • Art Selection
  • Accessory Selection

Benefits of the home staging in Elektrostal':

  • Attractive and inviting: Staging creates a welcoming atmosphere for potential buyers.
  • Faster sale: Homes sell more quickly, reducing time on the market.
  • Higher sale price: Staging can lead to higher offers and appeal to a wider range of buyers.
  • Showcasing best features: Strategic arrangement highlights positives and minimizes flaws.
  • Stand out online: Staged homes capture attention in online listings.
  • Emotional connection: Staging creates a positive impression that resonates with buyers.
  • Easy visualization: Buyers can easily picture themselves living in a staged home.
  • Competitive advantage: Staging sets your home apart from others on the market.
  • Affordable investment: Cost-effective way to maximize selling potential and ROI.
  • Professional expertise: Experienced stagers ensure optimal presentation for attracting buyers.

What does an Elektrostal' home stager do?

What should i consider before hiring an interior staging company, questions to ask potential real estate staging companies in elektrostal', moscow oblast, russia:, business services, connect with us.


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