37 Free Printable Mindfulness Worksheets & Exercises

Mindfulness worksheets

In recent years, mindfulness has received increasing interest from the psychological and scientific community and now forms an essential element of several therapeutic approaches, including Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT; Giraldi, 2019).

Mindfulness frees the client from the “pattern of adding suffering to existing difficulty and pain” and has successfully treated various groups, from children to military veterans (Crane, 2009, p. 3).

In this article, we share over 30 mindfulness exercises and worksheets for use with adults, children, and youths, in educational, health, and workplace settings.

Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Mindfulness Exercises for free . These science-based, comprehensive exercises will help you cultivate a sense of inner peace throughout your daily life and give you the tools to enhance the mindfulness of your clients, students, or employees.

This Article Contains

Free printable mindfulness worksheets for adults, 7 best mindfulness worksheets for kids, 7 printable mindfulness activities for youth, dbt mindfulness worksheets, 3 group mindfulness exercises, more mindfulness techniques, positivepsychology.com’s mindfulness x©, a take-home message.

Mindfulness is a powerful tool for treating clients with anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues in therapy. “It refers to the ability to focus one’s awareness on the present moment without judging the sensations, thoughts, feelings, or other characteristics of the experience” (Baker et al., 2019, p. 2).

“Research on the neurobiology of mindfulness in adults suggests that sustained mindfulness practice can enhance attentional and emotional self-regulation and promote flexibility” (Meiklejohn et al., 2012, p. 291).

The following worksheets are helpful for working with adults. If used with younger clients, take care to ensure the language is pitched appropriately and reworded as required.

  • Nature Play Nature Play is a mindful walk where time spent in nature is valuable for heightening awareness and promoting mindfulness. These six simple steps encourage the individual to become more present and grounded by immersing the senses outdoors.
  • FLARE for Anxiety and Fear Working through the steps identified by the FLARE acronym encourages mindful acceptance of negative emotions (such as anxiety) rather than resistance, along with self-compassion.
  • Funeral Meditation Despite the daunting name, this meditation encourages individuals to embrace new challenges as opportunities rather than let life events hold them back.
  • Emotional Mental Models Mindful visualization can be performed across multiple situations and scenarios to improve emotional awareness and offer deeply personal insights. Reflect on what you would do with one year left to live or if you had enough money to do anything with your life.
  • Square Breathing Mindful breathing exercises activate the parasympathetic nervous system, invoking calm and relaxation. In this exercise , the adult practices inhaling, holding, and exhaling, each to a count of four, to encourage presence and grounding (Nestor, 2020).

mindfulness activities for kids

Mindfulness training has proven valuable for classroom teachers, increasing their sense of wellbeing and teaching self-efficacy (Meiklejohn et al., 2012). Training schoolchildren in mindfulness has shown significant cognitive, social, and psychological benefits.

It positively affects their:

  • Working memory
  • Academic skills
  • Social skills
  • Emotional regulation
  • Self-esteem
  • Mood, including lowered levels of anxiety, stress, and fatigue

The following worksheets can be tailored according to the age and skills of the child or for group settings:

  • Dragon Fire Breathing This worksheet helps children connect how they breathe with how they feel inside. It introduces a simple breathing exercise to enter a mindful state and diffuse physical tension within the body.
  • Feelings Wheel We can all have trouble becoming aware and identifying how we feel; this is particularly the case for children. The Feelings Wheel  helps them attend to their feelings and describe them in words or drawings.
  • Fun Mindful Eating This mindful eating exercise encourages children to slow down and enjoy their food more. They practice attending closely to how their food smells, tastes, and feels and what they hear and see.
  • Meditation Grounding Scripts for Children Grounding is a valuable skill that children can learn quickly. It can prepare them for stressful times. We include two scripts : one for older children and the other for younger children.
  • Mindful Listening Challenge We typically fail to notice the many sounds surrounding us. In this challenge , the child practices slowing down, paying closer attention, heightening their awareness, and becoming a more mindful listener.
  • Teaching Others About Mindfulness This fascinating exercise uses the power of teaching to help the child learn and practice mindfulness before sharing with others to form a deeper understanding.
  • Gratitude Gifts This drawing task encourages the positive emotion of gratitude to foster a more mindful outlook on the child’s environment, including the people, toys, and pets in their lives.

3 mindfulness exercises

Download 3 Free Mindfulness Exercises (PDF)

These detailed, science-based exercises will help you or your clients enjoy the benefits of mindfulness and create positive shifts in their mental, physical, and emotional health.

Download 3 Free Mindfulness Tools Pack (PDF)

By filling out your name and email address below.

As with children and adults, mindfulness is a powerful intervention for youths in groups and as individuals.

Success has been seen across various settings and associated with many different events, including when facing acute or chronic adjustment struggles, such as ill health or educational challenges (Jones et al., 2013).

We have collected some of our favorite activities for practicing mindfulness in youths:

  • Countdown to Calmness Use this activity with young people experiencing emotions that leave them feeling out of control. They learn to count down from five to one acknowledging and mindfully embracing each of the senses.
  • Connect the DOTS Unwanted thoughts and emotions can damage and upset young people. This exercise introduces four types of strategies for dealing with unhelpful thoughts and painful feelings.
  • Creating a Mindfulness Anxiety Plan Youths are more likely to manage challenging emotions when they have a plan in place to deal with them. This exercise involves creating a mindfulness plan to anticipate and manage their anxiety triggers.
  • Interacting With Your Emotions Becoming more familiar with emotions can make them less of a struggle when they surface. The clients are given a series of sentences to contemplate, encouraging them to think about the emotions that might arise from the various situations presented.
  • Mini Mindfulness Bingo This exercise is a fun way to introduce mindfulness practices in a playful setting, especially in a group environment.
  • Right Here, Right Now This activity would equally work with younger children. The young person takes a few moments to relax and then observes what they can see, hear, feel, smell, and taste.
  • 3-Step Mindfulness Worksheet This is a valuable exercise for a more informal mindfulness practice involving three steps: stepping out of autopilot, becoming aware of each breath, and expanding awareness outward.

Mindfulness activities for youth

DBT is a modified form of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, encompassing elements of mindfulness and focusing on developing the skills required to manage highly emotional situations and events (Leonard, 2020).

Mindfulness is valuable for entering a calm space to identify, consider, and understand situations and emotions that clients struggle to accept. It helps individuals acknowledge that they cannot control every aspect of their experience and instead can choose to respond mindfully instead of reacting emotionally (Goodman et al., 2014).

DBT mindfulness training skills have proven valuable in reducing sadness, anger, and anxiety (among other mental health issues) in face-to-face and digital settings (Navarro-Haro et al., 2017).

The following worksheets either directly confront issues of negative thinking or help create a state of acceptance and readiness to reflect on them with less emotion.

  • Observing Anxiety Mindfully Guiding the client through this script can help them handle their anxiety and self-judgment more compassionately, seeing negative emotions as less impactful and more manageable.
  • Negative Thoughts Checklist We all experience negative thoughts. It’s natural, albeit unsettling. Use this checklist to identify those most frequently experienced by the client and begin to recognize and understand their patterns of thinking.
  • Linking Feelings and Situations We often find it challenging to uncover the relationships between our thoughts and feelings. This activity is used to identify past situations and uncover emotions that are associated with them.

group mindfulness activities

While the therapist can apply the following exercises to individuals, they are particularly valuable in group sessions:

  • Silent Connections Mindfulness of our thoughts allows us to perceive them as they are: ongoing mental processes rather than facts. The group is tasked with building stronger connections and positive relationships through mindful nonverbal cues.
  • Squeeze and Release This group activity involves the mindful experiencing and releasing of stress in a positive form, helping groups discover its energizing effect and potential for improving coping.
  • Breath Awareness This simple exercise  can be performed individually but is extremely powerful in a group setting, where everyone is engaged and experiencing deep feelings of connection.

Mindfulness techniques offer positive and far-reaching benefits for both physical and psychological health, including immune function, stress reduction , better sleep, and our sense of self-compassion (Shapiro, 2020).

For depression

Depression can be accompanied by feelings of anxiety. Both can benefit from cognitive and behavioral treatments, particularly when advanced by the application of mindfulness (Hofmann & Gómez, 2017).

As a result, mindfulness-based treatment protocols have been integrated into DBT and ACT for clients with depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues (Hofmann & Gómez, 2017).

The following examples are valuable for working with clients presenting with depression or anxiety:

  • Who Am I Beyond My Anxiety? Defining ourselves by how we feel can lead to a deeply negative self-view that can exacerbate symptoms of depression. Use this mindful reflection exercise to redefine how clients see themselves.
  • Three Steps to Deep Breathing Breathing exercises are helpful for managing negative emotions and remaining more present. Share this activity with the client to help them practice abdominal, thoracic, and clavicular breathing.

mindfulness homework assignments

World’s Largest Positive Psychology Resource

The Positive Psychology Toolkit© is a groundbreaking practitioner resource containing over 500 science-based exercises , activities, interventions, questionnaires, and assessments created by experts using the latest positive psychology research.

Updated monthly. 100% Science-based.

“The best positive psychology resource out there!” — Emiliya Zhivotovskaya , Flourishing Center CEO

For addiction

Complementary therapies such as breathing and mindfulness practices are increasingly used with those experiencing addiction. Their success may be due to targeting “multiple psychological, neural, physiological, and behavioral processes implicated in addiction and relapse” (Khanna & Greeson, 2013, p. 244).

Consider using the following to manage unhelpful or negative thoughts and emotions and foster a greater perception of control:

  • Triangle Breathing This breathing exercise helps us regain a sense of calm and control over our body and mind and encourages increased feelings of wellness.
  • Yogic Breathing Practiced for thousands of years, yogic breathing is a powerful technique for improving focus and choosing where our attention sits.
  • Thoughts and Feelings: Struggle or Acceptance? Life can sometimes feel like a struggle. It’s helpful to identify what lies beyond our control and commit to life-enhancing actions rather than damaging ones.
  • Being Present When we feel present and strongly linked to this moment, we are more aware of how we feel and what is happening around us. It means we are less likely to be tempted by unhelpful or unhealthy actions or thoughts.

For workshops

Mindfulness-based workshops have proven successful in treating a wide variety of conditions, from eating disorders (Godfrey et al., 2014) to schizophrenia (Langer et al., 2017).

The following two examples are ideal for sharing and practicing in the context of a workshop:

  • The Raisin Meditation This eating exercise can be shared with a group to enter a mindful experience. Each person is given a raisin to hold and experience through touch, sight, smell, and taste.
  • The Five Senses Worksheet Perform this exercise in a group setting to encourage individual and shared mindfulness experiences. The group is asked to notice five things they can see, four things they can feel, three things they can hear, two things they can smell, and one thing they can taste.

Research confirms the value of mindfulness in the workplace . A 2018 study exploring the impact of mindfulness interventions in insurance and pharmaceutical firms found marked improvements in morale, empathy, and more successful teams (Karlin, 2018).

  • Workplace Mindfulness Our working environment need not be a place of constant stress; it can be somewhere we can practice and experience mindfulness. In this exercise , the employee considers three elements of mindfulness in relation to their workday.
  • STOP the Panic The STOP acronym is a helpful reminder of four steps to manage feelings and thoughts when panicking at work or elsewhere.
  • Focus on the Little Things Ikigai is a valuable tool for creating a sense of flow and focusing on the little things at work , increasing our experience of being grounded and mindful.
  • Alternate Nostril Breathing Practicing breathing techniques can positively affect our physical and mental health and quickly restore a sense of control.


One of our most valuable resources is the Mindfulness X© course , which will help you further develop and master your mindfulness skills.

If you want to empower your clients and enhance your therapy practice, try Mindfulness X, which offers a comprehensive eight-week training template to transform your approach to mental health and wellbeing.

You will gain access to a tried-and-tested program that can be seamlessly integrated into your existing practice.

Mindfulness X© includes:

  • An instruction manual for you as a practitioner
  • A PDF workbook for your participants
  • 8 Pillars of mindfulness video course
  • 8 Slide deck presentations
  • Transcripts of all the presentations
  • Expert guided meditations in MP3
  • A complete train-the-trainer course
  • White-label rights: Use your own brand
  • Lifetime updates to Mindfulness X©

Developed by experts in positive psychology, this course has been thoughtfully designed to provide a solid foundation in mindfulness techniques and practices.

If you’re not quite ready to sign up for the course, but you are looking for more science-based ways to help others enjoy the benefits of mindfulness, check out this collection of 17 validated mindfulness tools for practitioners . Use them to help others reduce stress and create positive shifts in their mental, physical, and emotional health.

mindfulness homework assignments

Top 17 Exercises for Mindfulness & Meditation

Use these 17 Mindfulness & Meditation Exercises [PDF] to help others build life-changing habits and enhance their wellbeing with the physical and psychological benefits of mindfulness.

Created by Experts. 100% Science-based.

Mindfulness has been shown to address various mental health concerns effectively while enhancing attention, emotional self-regulation, and adaptability.

Once limited to contemplative traditions, mindfulness now plays a central role in many therapeutic approaches, including DBT and ACT.

Research shows that such practices contribute to physical and psychological wellbeing, bolstering immune function, aiding stress management, promoting better sleep, and nurturing self-compassion.

As a result, mindfulness has become an invaluable tool for fostering mental wellness and treating mental health issues across different settings and age groups, including anxiety, depression, and addiction for adults, children, and youths in educational, healthcare, and workplace environments.

Many of you are already using mindfulness practices with your clients. We invite you to explore some of our many additional resources you may not have encountered before.

For therapists new to these techniques, take a moment to review the article and free worksheets and consider trying those that resonate with you, your practice, and your clients.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Mindfulness Exercises for free .

Ed: Updated April 2023

  • Baker, A. W., Frumkin, M. R., Hoeppner, S. S., LeBlanc, N. J., Bui, E., Hofmann, S. G., & Simon, N. M. (2019). Facets of mindfulness in adults with generalized anxiety disorder and impact of co-occurring depression. Mindfulness , 10 (5), 903–912.
  • Crane, R. (2009). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy . Routledge.
  • Giraldi, T. (2019). Psychotherapy, mindfulness and Buddhist meditation . Springer.
  • Godfrey, K. M., Gallo, L. C., & Afari, N. (2014). Mindfulness-based interventions for binge eating: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Behavioral Medicine , 38 (2), 348–362.
  • Goodman, M., Carpenter, D., Tang, C. Y., Goldstein, K. E., Avedon, J., Fernandez, N., Mascitelli, K. A., Blair, N. J., New, A. S., Triebwasser, J., Siever, L. J., & Hazlett, E. A. (2014). Dialectical behavior therapy alters emotion regulation and amygdala activity in patients with borderline personality disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research , 57 , 108–116.
  • Karlin, D. S. (2018). “Mindfulness in the workplace.” Strategic HR Review , 17 (2), 76–80.
  • Harnett, P. H., Whittingham, K., Puhakka, E., Hodges, J., Spry, C., & Dob, R. (2010). The short-term impact of a brief group-based mindfulness therapy program on depression and life satisfaction. Mindfulness , 1 (3), 183–188.
  • Hofmann, S. G., & Gómez, A. F. (2017). Mindfulness-based interventions for anxiety and depression. Psychiatric Clinics of North America , 40 (4), 739–749.
  • Jones, P., Blunda, M., Biegel, G., Carlson, L. E., Biel, M., & Wiener, L. (2013). Can mindfulness-based interventions help adolescents with cancer? Psycho-Oncology , 22 (9), 2148–2151.
  • Khanna, S., & Greeson, J. M. (2013). A narrative review of yoga and mindfulness as complementary therapies for addiction. Complementary Therapies in Medicine , 21 (3), 244–252.
  • Langer, Á. I., Schmidt, C., Mayol, R., Díaz, M., Lecaros, J., Krogh, E., Pardow, A., Vergara, C., Vergara, G., Pérez-Herrera, B., Villar, M. J., Maturana, A., & Gaspar, P. A. (2017). The effect of a mindfulness-based intervention in cognitive functions and psychological well-being applied as an early intervention in schizophrenia and high-risk mental state in a Chilean sample: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials , 18 (1).
  • Leonard, J. (2020, June 23). Everything to know about dialectical behavior therapy . Medical News Today. Retrieved March 22, 2023, from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/everything-to-know-about-dialectical-behavioral-therapy.
  • Meiklejohn, J., Phillips, C., Freedman, M. L., Griffin, M. L., Biegel, G., Roach, A., Frank, J., Burke, C., Pinger, L., Soloway, G., Isberg, R., Sibinga, E., Grossman, L., & Saltzman, A. (2012). Integrating mindfulness training into K-12 education: Fostering the resilience of teachers and students. Mindfulness , 3 (4), 291–307.
  • Navarro-Haro, M. V., Campos, D., Linehan, M. M., Hoffman, H. G., García-Palacios, A., Modrego-Alarcón, M., Borao, L., & García-Campayo, J. (2017). Meditation experts try virtual reality mindfulness: A pilot study evaluation of the feasibility and acceptability of virtual reality to facilitate mindfulness practice in people attending a mindfulness conference. Plos One , 12 (11).
  • Nestor, J. (2020). Breath: The new science of a lost art . Penguin Books.
  • Shapiro, S. L. (2020). Rewire your mind: Discover the science + practice of mindfulness . Aster.

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What our readers think.


hi My child has anxiety. What are the best stategies in your opinion to control her meltdowns. She is 14years old.. Thanks

Nicole Celestine, Ph.D.

Hi Michelle,

I’m sorry your daughter has difficulty with anxiety. It would be difficult to recommend specific strategies without the benefit of a proper psychological assessment. A therapist or other appropriate professional could help understand the nature and roots of such anxiety, and recommend the most suitable interventions. So, it could be worth seeking out this support. Psychology Today has a great directory you can use to find therapists in your local area.

While this blog is no substitute for a therapist’s psychological assessment and intervention, you may also find some of the worksheets in this blog post useful.

I hope this helps, and all the best.

– Nicole | Community Manager

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3 Mindfulness Exercises Pack (PDF)

Mindful Zen

Enhance Your Mindfulness Practice With These 13 Free Printable Mindfulness Worksheets

It’s too easy to get busy and charge through the day without a minute’s full awareness of the present moment.

Without mindful awareness, though, we miss out on all the benefits that go with it — a quieter mind, better health, and stronger relationships.

Life gets more messy than meaningful. 

We say you can have both. 

With the free, printable mindfulness activities on the worksheets described in this post, you’ll find it easier to build and stick to a daily mindfulness habit. 

What Are The Benefits of Using a Mindfulness Worksheet? 

What may look, at first, like glorified homework can actually help you deepen your meditation practice and multiply its benefits. 

You already know some of the perks of mindfulness meditation.

Add the following benefits to the list and imagine how these might contribute to your personal development goals for this year: 

  • More opportunities to reflect and contemplate; 
  • The incentive to put what you’re feeling into words–improving self-expression;
  • A broader understanding of what meditation looks like; 
  • A diversified learning approach ties together concepts and personal experience; 
  • Better integration of insights from meditation. 

If you journal, you’ve already experienced how that extra bit of writing contributes to your overall well-being.

If it helps, think of these worksheets as guided journaling. 

When and How Should You Use Mindfulness Worksheets? 

If you already have a journaling habit, these worksheets make an ideal companion, tying your written self-expression to daily mindfulness practice. 

As for when and how you should use a mindfulness worksheet, that depends on a few things: 

  • When you typically make time for journaling or personal writing; 
  • How you feel (mentally, emotionally, and physically) at certain times of the day; 
  • How much time it will take to complete your chosen worksheet. 

Ultimately, the best time and strategy for using them are the ones that work best for you. 

13 Free Printable Mindfulness Worksheets for Adults 

Find some new favorite mindfulness exercises pdfs in the list below.

We’ve picked out 13 of the best, with enough variety to suit different moods and lifestyles. 

1. Self-Esteem Check-Up

This worksheet starts with ten statements and asks you to rate each on a scale of 1 to 10 based on how much you believe each sentence. Once you’ve rated each one, you’ll tally up your total score and mark it on the line given. 

Think about what statements were most challenging for you to believe. What would it take for your rating to go up by even one point? 

mindfulness homework assignments

2. Mindful and Intentional Planner

Ashley Rachel designed these worksheets for a free Intentional Morning Planner: 

  • Morning Gratitude Prompts
  • To-Do Today
  • To-Do This Week
  • Weekly Workout Planner

Without taking a few minutes to write down your intentions, it’s much easier to procrastinate and mindlessly waste time. And that is so not the goal. 

Use all the worksheets or just your favorites. You may need to contact the blog owner to request access since the blog post doesn’t link to them or provide a request form. 

mindfulness homework assignments

3. Mindful Nature Walk Bingo

This worksheet comes from The Rooted Family blog, along with over 50 other mindfulness worksheets designed for meditators of all ages. 

Try this one the next time you go outside for a walk. How many squares can you check off as you pay mindful attention to your surroundings? Keep a printed copy handy (with a pen) or upload it to an app on your phone that allows you to mark up the squares. 

The main thing here is to feel a reward for practicing mindfulness, though the walk itself may be reward enough. 

mindfulness homework assignments

4. Mindful Activities for Kids

Centervention designed these mindfulness worksheets to get kids started on mindfulness as early as possible and make learning enjoyable. 

One of their worksheets ties sensory information and thoughts to feelings of calm by asking the child/student what they see/hear/smell or think about that helps them calm down when they’re feeling stressed. 

Another page asks them to draw a picture (or print one out) that helps them feel calmer. 

mindfulness homework assignments

5. Mindful or Unmindful

Branch Habitat designed these worksheets for homeschooling parents to help teach their kids mindfulness meditation. One worksheet has students reading statements and circling those representing mindful habits. 

The idea is to help kids realize the difference between mindful and unmindful (or mindless) behavior. The goal is to make them more aware of their own habits, identify which ones are unmindful, and choose mindful alternatives. 

mindfulness homework assignments

6. ABCDs of Mindfulness

Another worksheet from The Rooted Family, this one focuses on how kids can manage intrusive thoughts using mindfulness. It does this by breaking the practice down into simple instructions for each letter of the alphabet: 

  • A → “Ask yourself, ‘Is it true?’”
  • B → “Breathe and let the thought pass through without judging it.” 
  • C → “Counter it with a positive thought.” 
  • D → “Dump and release it.” 

Kids who learn to do this early learn effective coping strategies that will serve them well as they grow. 

mindfulness homework assignments

7. Mindful Eating

This worksheet for kids focuses on mindful eating and starts by asking the student to write down what they taste, hear, feel, smell, and think as they’re eating a piece of fruit. 

The idea is to help kids practice awareness of what they experience in the present moment and encourage them to pay attention to sensory details. 

This skill will come in handy when they’re asked to recall a past experience with as much detail as possible. 

mindfulness homework assignments

8. Mindfulness Deep Relaxation

This mindfulness worksheet features a guided meditation exercise, inviting students to pretend they’re turning into a tree to help them relax their bodies and minds. 

This would be especially useful when teaching your kids/students grounding meditation, which involves mindfulness. 

After the meditation are questions related to the grounding exercise, asking students what they felt and which parts of their bodies were easiest or harder to relax — and why? 

mindfulness homework assignments

9. Self-Esteem Worksheet

You’ll find worksheets like these for teens and adults at PositivePsychology.com. With this one, you’ll list five “things that make [you] beautiful” — inside, outside or both. 

The note near the bottom of the worksheet reminds the meditator there are different kinds of beauty and encourages them to think about where their beauty lies. What do they like about themselves? What qualities do they have that others have admired? 

mindfulness homework assignments

10 Self-Awareness Happiness Assessment

This worksheet is part of the Happier Mind Journal, free to download and print. It starts by asking, “What type of person are you today?” and follows up with “Describe the person you want to become only using three verbs.” 

From there, it invites you to finish statements like, “I am happiest when… “ before asking you to fill in the following: 

  • One person that makes me feel motivated and inspired,
  • Two things that make me laugh, and 
  • Three things that instantly put me in a great mood. 

The idea is to create an environment that supports your happiness. 

mindfulness homework assignments

11. Understanding Mindfulness

Register for free at TeachersPayTeachers to access their free digital tools, including this mindfulness worksheet for kids. This one, for example, asks the student to cut out the picture/word strips at the bottom of the page and place them in the correct spot next to the matching picture/word cues at the center. 

The point is to familiarize young children with mindfulness meditation concepts to lay a foundation for more in-depth learning. 

mindfulness homework assignments

12 Breaking Down Our Thoughts

Designed for middle-schoolers, this worksheet by Centervention is appropriate for young mindfulness meditators and more mature ones. 

The first question asks the student to write about a thought that has caused them to worry or feel anxious. After that, it invites them to break down that intrusive thought by asking themselves and answering a set of thoughtful questions. 

The point is to help students create a habit of questioning their thoughts and letting go of those that don’t benefit them‌.  

mindfulness homework assignments

13. 10 Minutes to Let Your Mind Wander

Christie Zimmer makes printable guided journaling pages with bright colors, making these ( and other ) worksheets as uplifting to look at as it is to use. 

This one (in cyan) invites you to let your mind wander to topics and thoughts that lift you up and brighten your mindset. 

  • “Two things you’ve never done but would love to try.” 
  • “One thing that might scare others but doesn’t scare you.”
  • “Three little things that mean a lot.” 

The point is to simply enjoy the break from the more serious, urgent things on your to-do list to remind yourself of who you are. 

mindfulness homework assignments

Now that you’ve looked through all the mindfulness worksheets listed here, we hope you found more than one you’d like to print out for yourself or for your kids or students.

Take some time to play with a few and see how you feel as you’re filling them out. 

It doesn’t have to be complicated or serious to be worth doing. 

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Happier Human

23 Printable Mindfulness Worksheets for Adults in 2024

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How often do you tell yourself that you are going to start practicing mindfulness?

And how often do you fail in doing so since you do not know where to start or how to continue?

We understand that it can be tough sometimes to start doing something and then continue doing it if you are lost and confused.

Especially for busy people, it may be a bit more challenging to continue being mindful when they have a lot on their plates.

In this post, we help you resolve this problem by providing you with a list of beautiful, sensible mindful worksheets . These printables can help you become more mindful—or, at the very least, help you not forget about your mindfulness aspirations.

Let’s check them out!

Table of Contents

1. How to Practice Mindfulness Checklist

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Download the PDF

Here is a mindfulness checklist from Develop Good Habits for those who want to start but do not know how. It consists of eight points that teach you how a mindfulness practice works.

You can do them step by step or you can memorize them by heart, incorporate them into your mindfulness workout, and then go back and check to see if you have accomplished everything.

There is also a section provided at the bottom of the page to take notes where you can include your observations and/or next action steps.

2. Mindfulness Journal – What I Am Grateful for

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We specifically designed this for people who want to be mindful of the things they are grateful for. As you can see, it has a very simple structure where you can write whatever comes to mind. Let your mind be wander and consider what you want to thank the universe for.

This mindfulness worksheet works best for people who are writers. Some people have a lot to say, and this is the perfect page for them.

3. Mindfulness Printables for Kids

We start with a set of free mindfulness worksheets from The Rooted Family website. You might notice that the title states this is “for kids,” but we believe that the worksheets are great for kids and adults alike.

The set consists of several kinds of mindfulness activities that can help you and your children live more in the present. If you want your kids to learn more about practicing mindfulness, this might be the perfect resource to use.

4. Self-Awareness Happiness Assessment

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This worksheet is specially catered to those who want to focus on their happiness and self-awareness. Mindfulness literally translates to knowing more about yourself. How can you live in the present and be present if you are not aware of your preferences?

The worksheet explores the following:

  • What type of person are you today?
  • What are three verbs that can describe what kind of person you want to become?
  • When are you the happiest?
  • When are you most unhappy?
  • What are three things that instantly put you in a great mood?
  • Who makes you feel motivated and inspired?
  • What are the things that make you laugh?

As you can see, these are questions that focus on your happiness. To be more mindful means to be more attentive to what keeps you smiling and laughing.

5. 10-Minute Journal Page

This 10-Minute Journal Page is part of a set from Christie Zimmer. You can check out her official website if you want to see the other templates.

We suggest developing your gift of mindfulness by using this as a regular worksheet. It’s relatively easy to complete since you need only 10 minutes to write down your answers. 

The “Let Your Mind Wander” version allows you to explore your highest potential . Like all other prompts and worksheets, its goal is to help you be more attentive to your preferences. Once you have done that, you can develop your sense of self-love and self-care.

6. The Present Moment

Education.com provides us with a cute and friendly version of “The Present Moment” worksheet. The template’s goal is to help you practice mindfulness and self-awareness. It posits questions that revolve around your five senses.

There is also a clock-like design on the upper part of the sheet where you can graph or illustrate whatever you are feeling at the moment. It works like a mood tracker , as well as a test of your senses’ clarity and acuity.

7. DBT Mindfulness Exercise

This DBT Mindful Exercise worksheet was adapted from Marsha M. Linehan’s Skills Training Manual for Treating Borderline Personality Disorder. It is very simple and straightforward— perfect for minimalists and those who get easily distracted.

It is composed of three parts: Emotional Mind, Reasonable Mind, and Wise Mind. You simply have to fill out each category by describing your emotions in each category. These are the so-called “3 States of Mind” that help you appreciate your thoughts and emotions better.

You will also notice that the wise mind is the overlap between your emotional mind and reasonable mind. This suggests that wisdom comes from balancing your emotions and intellect.

8. My Not-to-do List

Have you ever heard of a “not-to-do” list? Here is your chance to try one. A lot of people enjoy these types of worksheets because they give them a unique approach to mindfulness and self-awareness .

This particular printable separates your “not-to-do” stuff into six categories:

  • Stuff that distracts you and wastes your time
  • Stuff that stresses you out and gives you anxiety
  • Stuff that drains your energy
  • Stuff that you feel obligated to do
  • Stuff that doesn’t actually need to be done
  • Stuff that you can’t control or isn’t your responsibility

While it is indeed important to list down the things you need to accomplish, it is also equally significant to know what you shouldn’t be wasting energy on. This strategy can help you concentrate on eliminating challenges and unnecessary tasks.

9. All My Feelings!

Here’s another one from Mylemarks that is specifically designed for kids and teens. It can help them become more aware of their thoughts and feelings while also putting in the effort to actually manage them. Like adults, younger people also feel anxious when they experience new feelings.

10. Mindfulness Journal Prompts for Kids

This isn’t exactly a worksheet, and it is made for kids, but we think it’s perfect for anyone who keeps journals . You can treat your journal as the worksheet itself and use these prompts to practice mindfulness.

This document offers 18 journal prompts that can help anyone reflect on their experiences and thoughts. If you are a parent, you can even use this as an opportunity to bond with your kids. It is an excellent way to teach them the art of mindful meditation through writing.

11. Mindfulness Bingo

If you are a beginner in practicing mindfulness , this free printable bingo might make the practice more approachable. It consists of all the things that you need to do and remember in order to get started. Some of these include:

  • Telling someone how you truly feel
  • Doing something kind for a stranger
  • Practicing affirmations
  • Writing down your thoughts
  • Living in the moment

Once you get used to doing these things and become an expert in practicing mindfulness, you can even come up with your own activities and create your own bingo system.

12. 5-Minute Mindfulness Journal

Here’s a mindfulness worksheet that you can complete in just five minutes. It only has four steps: writing down how you are feeling internally, how your body feels, and the thoughts you are having, as well as a breathing exercise to help you relax and concentrate.

The Kind Initiative offers this template for free in order to help more people start practicing mindfulness. It is composed of three pages, and you can download them all from their website.

13. Five Senses Mindfulness Exercise Worksheet

This worksheet is somewhat similar to the previous ones, but with a twist. Free Period Press states that it is an exercise from Elizabeth Gilbert’s Instagram account. Gilbert is the author of the bestselling book Eat, Pray, Love .

Grounding is an exercise for people with anxiety and panic attacks that helps them focus whenever they feel overwhelmed. It is one of the best methods to keep you calm and present whenever you feel disconnected.

This worksheet aims to help people practice the art of grounding with all five senses, with the goal of developing mindfulness. It works both for kids and adults, and it is accessible to all.

14. Printable Mindfulness Worksheets

Project Energise presents us with a collection of worksheets you can answer in your free time to improve your mindfulness skills. According to the creator, he created these sheets because he couldn’t find a compilation online. He is an avid mindfulness practitioner who wants to share his mindfulness habits with anyone willing to try.

These worksheets provide a fun and easy way to practice mindfulness, such as coloring, writing, and drawing. They also include pages about the best breathing techniques.

15. Hardcore Self-Care Worksheets for Adults

If you are a hardcore fan of hardcore worksheets and printables, this may be a good option for you. It focuses on self-awareness, but, as the creator states, “It is not your usual BS.” We highly recommend this worksheet for adults who want to try a funny and sarcastic approach to mindfulness.

16. Who Are You?

Here’s an entry from The Happiness Planner. It is a worksheet that helps you get to know yourself better. Mindfulness is a product of self-awareness, so you need to know who you are, what you want, and what you need. Of course, that includes what you are not, what you don’t want, and what you don’t need. Where do you excel and where do you fail?

17. Build Your Self-Esteem

This worksheet focuses on your strengths rather than your goals. After all, you need to know what you are good at before you begin setting your goals. The worksheet is composed of eight sections, each with spaces for three answers.

We suggest, creating a counterpart to this sheet focusing on your weaknesses. This will help you better determine where you want to go in life.

18. Good Reasons To

Here’s a simple worksheet for those who do not have time to complete a more detailed one. You only need to answer three questions: words that describe what you want to be, an important question you’d like to ask yourself, and ways you can be the person you want to be. It focuses on your goals, plus the methods you can use to get there.

19. Journal Prompts for Mindfulness

In this document we have a list of journal prompts that you can either print and cut out or write straight into your journal. As you can see, the prompts help you focus on your current life. You can answer one question per day if answering them all at once seems like too much.

20. Mind Full vs. Mindful

View this post on Instagram A post shared by MINDFULNESS 4 DIVERSE LEARNERS (@carefreekidsclub)

Here’s a rather simple worksheet that you can print or just take inspiration from. Being mindful is far different that having your mind full. While mind-full is future-focused, chaotic, and overwhelming, mindful is present-focused, peaceful, and subtle.

21. 300 Mindfulness Worksheets

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Mindfulness Exercises (@mindfulness.exercises)

This collection of mindfulness worksheets is a product of Mindfulness Exercises, a group dedicated to helping people practice the art of mindfulness with confidence and skill. According to the group, these worksheets help save a lot of time, especially for those who have a busier-than-usual lifestyle.

22. Mindfulness Series

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Education.com (@education_com)

This series of mindfulness worksheets from Education.com includes seven parts. It was specifically designed for students who want to improve their state of mindfulness and become more focused individuals and learners. The worksheet set also helps develop students’ social-emotional learning skills.

23. From A to Z

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Children's Book Author (@iammecreativemindfulness)

These worksheets are a product of I Am Me Creative Mindfulness. They include a number of mindfulness worksheets, including the one seen above. Some of the other worksheets contain sections where children can draw freely, using the prompts written on the pages.

As you can see, the design of these worksheets is very child-friendly. However, adults may also use them if they feel like doing so.

Final Thoughts on Mindfulness Worksheets

Being mindful is an essential part of being happy. It is difficult to practice and master, but it pays off in the end. If you are having trouble learning to be mindful, then this mindfulness worksheet list might help you.

And if you want more resources on mindfulness worksheets, be sure to check out these blog posts:

  • 79 Mindfulness Quotes for a More Mindful Life
  • 13 Best Mindfulness Apps to Live Mindfully
  • 50 Mindfulness Mantras to Quickly Shift Your Mindset

Finally, if you want a simple way to reduce your stress and anxiety, then try writing these 35 mindfulness journaling prompts to live more in the present moment .

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Develop Good Habits

23 Mindfulness Worksheets and Templates to Live in the Present Moment

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How busy are you during your waking hours?

Does it seem like you’re attending to a number of things all at once? Do you feel that no matter how many items you cross off your to-do list , there are still a lot more to be done?

Are you constantly multi-tasking—planning your day as you commute to work, or keeping an eye on the kids while doing some chores?

Oftentimes, we are so busy taking care of all the necessary stuff in our daily lives that we tend to miss out on what is happening in the present moment.

We forget to stop and smell the flowers—to be mindful of our surroundings.

Today, we’re sharing a collection of mindfulness worksheets that can help you become mindful in every aspect of your life.

But before we get to our list, let’s learn more about the way of mindfulness.

Table of Contents

The Benefits, Importance, Meaning, and Way of Mindfulness

Why is mindfulness important?

Cognitive scientists have done numerous studies on the benefits of mindfulness. Some of their findings include:

  • Mindfulness improves the quality of our relationships.
  • Mindfulness enhances the sense of meaning we have in our lives.
  • Mindfulness quiets the monkey mind .
  • Mindfulness reduces the symptoms of hypertension.
  • Mindfulness reduces stress and anxiety.

As it turns out, mindfulness is an important component for our happiness and well-being .

But what exactly is mindfulness? Jon Kabat-Zinn, one of the main people to bring mindfulness to mainstream consciousness, defines mindfulness as “ the awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally. ”

Author Narayan Liebenson Grady provides some pointers on how to be mindful in her book When Singing, Just Sing—Life as Meditation :

“ When sitting, just sit.

When eating, just eat.

When walking, just walk.

When talking, just talk.

When listening, just listen.

When looking, just look.

When touching, just touch.

When thinking, just think.

When playing, just play

And enjoy the feeling of each moment and each day. ”

Let’s check out some worksheets that can help you do just that!

1. Evening Gratitude Journal

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Download the PDF

Journaling during the evening provides a host of benefits, one of which is that it promotes calmness and helps you sleep better. Our journal template can serve as an outlet for your thoughts about the day.

It can be used to highlight the best parts of your day, as well as offer you space to record reflections and impressions of your experiences. This template has four sections with the following writing prompts:

  • Evening Gratitude (List 5 Things You’re Grateful For)
  • What I Learned (List 3 Things You Learned Today)
  • People Who Made My Day Great! (List 5 People You’re Grateful For)
  • Best Moments of the Day (Describe the Best Part of Your Day and Why)

2. Mindfulness Meditation Step by Step

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If you’re not exactly sure how mindful meditation flows, let this checklist we’ve designed be your guide through the process. Our checklist features 14 steps that gently ease you into a meditative and mindful state. There are checkboxes before each step for you to track your progress.

Instructions for each step are written clearly and concisely, allowing you to focus completely on your meditation. Use this checklist as a reference until you learn the mindfulness meditation process by heart.

3. Growing Greatness

This worksheet is designed to help kids develop mindfulness. It helps them go through the day with intention.

The worksheet has guide questions to help kids plan out their days. First, one prompt helps them to formulate a goal regarding the general emotion they want to feel for the day.

Next, they write an action plan on how they can make the day great for themselves. Then, they also write a plan on how they can help others have a good day.

The last two guide questions can be answered at the end of the day. They allow kids to reflect on what transpired and acknowledge a “win” situation, as well as an area where they can improve in the future.

4. 10 Minutes to Recognize the Good Stuff

We are still here! Just building up our bank of new tools to share with you! How about this – #10 #Minutes to Recognise the #good #stuff – Lets #focus on #children and #families strengths as well as the #weaknesses and #risks , and build upon what we are good at. pic.twitter.com/za8iUPjtJw — Social Work Toolkit (@socialworktools) September 8, 2018

Sometimes we become anxious when we think of the things that could go wrong . This anxiety prevents us from seeing the good stuff present in our lives.

This worksheet helps you recognize the things that you have and consider the “good stuff,” such as:

As the title suggests, filling out this worksheet will not take you more than 10 minutes.

5. My Brain Dump List

Does it often feel like your thoughts dwell too much on chores  on your to-do list, goals that are only half-way accomplished, news from your doctor, or some annoying remark from a family member that you wish you’d had a smart comeback for?

With these thoughts on your mind all day, it is difficult to focus on anything else.

What you need is a brain dump .

This worksheet allows you to write down everything that bugs you in the following categories:

  • Procrastination
  • Incomplete goals
  • Discouragement

The goal is to unload all of these thoughts on paper in order to free up space in your mind for fresh ideas.

6. Self-Reflection Sheet

This worksheet is part of a self-care kit designed for college students.

It can be used to check in and get into a positive mindset when things are starting to become overwhelming.

The worksheet contains prompts to identify what kind of day you’re having. Furthermore, it helps pinpoint your current emotion.

More importantly, this worksheet helps you focus on positive things by prompting you to name something that you’re proud of and something that you are grateful for.

Taking care of our mental health is of paramount importance. When things seem overwhelming, allow yourself to take a break in order to regroup and recharge.

To help you out, you might want to visit this post featuring over 200 self-care ideas and activities for coping with life .

7. Mindfulness Scavenger Hunt

This worksheet encourages mindfulness in the classroom.

Whether you’re introducing the concept of mindfulness to your class for the first time or you need an activity that re-energizes your students, this worksheet may be helpful.

It has spaces where students can write sensations related to the following categories:

This worksheet also relieves anxiety and helps students focus on their tasks.

8. A Collection of Mindfulness Printables

This collection of printables provides everything you need to introduce and guide children of all ages to the concept of mindfulness. The worksheets in this collection were designed by professionals. They are useful for helping students explore their emotions and apply the skills they learn in real-life situations.

Some of the topics featured in the worksheets include:

  • Introduction to mindfulness
  • How to practice mindfulness
  • Values (e.g., kindness, compassion, and stewardship)
  • Yoga and other relaxation techniques

9. 5 Senses Mindfulness Exercise

It’s often difficult to feel grounded when your thoughts are in a jumble. This worksheet allows you to stay grounded in the present by utilizing your five senses. You can print as many copies of this worksheet as you need.

An alternative way to use it is to print one page and laminate it, creating a reusable template. Each time you need some grounding, you can use an erasable marker to write down the things you can:

10. Mindfulness Bingo Sheet

This bingo template allows you to practice mindfulness in a fun and inspiring way.

Written in the boxes are activities that promote mindfulness and self-care. You’re encouraged to do these activities.

The way you finish this mindfulness bingo is entirely up to you. Perhaps you’ll finish everything listed in one day, or maybe you’d prefer taking your time and choose three or four activities per day.

Each time you finish an activity, cross it out, until you’ve completed all the tasks/activities in this template. You can then repeat the process, choosing a different starting activity each time.

Using this template gives you the opportunity to create a rock-solid mindfulness habit in your daily life.

11. 5-Minute Mindfulness Journal

This template allows you to take stock of your physical and emotional state throughout the day. Taking the time to assess your thoughts, feelings, and physical state ensures that you are in touch with what’s going on in the moment.

If things seem a bit overwhelming, this template provides a step-by-step guide for proper breathing that helps promote relaxation.

12. Reflection Pages

This set of reflection worksheets is available in three versions:

The writing prompts found in these templates help you remain mindful of your experiences and appreciate each moment as it comes.

For example, the writing prompts in the Daily Reflection version include writing down things you’re thankful for and assessing your emotional state.

It also encourages you to list down the things you need to let go of so you have a lighter burden to bear moving forward. [Here are some helpful Strategies on How to Let Go of Anger and Resentment. ]

13. Inside and Outside

Here is another worksheet designed for kids to learn about the concept of mindfulness.

Kids often struggle with big feelings and negative thoughts. To help them recognize and process these thoughts and feelings, a worksheet such as the one above can help. It aims to transform negative thoughts and emotions into something positive.

More importantly, a worksheet like this helps parents understand what their children are struggling with, and helps them provide the right kind of support their children need.

14. My Not To Do List

Sometimes, our inability to focus stems from trying to do everything all at once. We also tend to try to control everything that’s going on not only in our lives, but also in the lives of people close to us.

This can provide a lot of stress .

To counter this, we need to be reminded to sometimes have a “hands off” attitude when it comes to things that are beyond our control.

This worksheet is an effective tool to help us remember that it is important to acknowledge our limits and lower our stress levels.

Making our “not to do list” teaches us to let go and appreciate the time when we are not controlling the outcome of every event in our lives.

15. Mindful Reflection

2020 has been a challenging year for all of us. This worksheet encourages us to reflect on the things we’ve learned, achieved, and faced.

It uses the analogy of a rose, thorn, and bud to help us be mindful of our experiences.

Rose – Identify the positive things that happened.

Thorn – Challenges you faced or something that you needed help with.

Bud – Unlocked potentials, new discoveries about the self.

This worksheet can be used in a classroom setting, although it is also ideal for family reflections at home.

16. Mindful Exercises

This worksheet provides several how-to’s for incorporating mindfulness throughout the day.

The sheet contains detailed instructions for several mindfulness practices, such as:

  • Mindful meditation
  • Mindful eating

If you’re going through an overwhelming day, taking time to do at least some of the exercises from this worksheet can help lower your stress levels.

17. 5-Minute Mindful Moment

This worksheet, along with other valuable resources for developing mindfulness, is available from Inherent Peace.

You only need five minutes to complete the mindfulness exercise found in the worksheet. Use it to help you:

  • Rebalance after a long day
  • Keep stress and anxiety at a manageable level
  • Stay in the present moment
  • Have peace of mind

You can access the PDF version of this worksheet by clicking on its thumbnail (5-Minute Mindful Moment) on Inherent Peace’s Free Resources page.

18. Challenge Anxious Thoughts Worksheet

Dealing with anxious thoughts? It’s easy to become removed from the present moment when you are anxious or worried.

This worksheet helps you deal with your worries in a five-step process.

The worksheet has guide questions that encourage awareness of your current physical and emotional states. Writing prompts help you reflect on and challenge your anxious thoughts. Finally, guide questions help you identify actionable solutions for your worries.

To access the worksheet, scroll to the bottom of the original post. Click on the Download button for the Challenge Worries and Anxious Thoughts Worksheet.

19. Mindfulness Activity Kit for Kids

This kit provides the tools children need to cope with feelings of stress and anxiety triggered by different situations.

The worksheets included in this kit are designed to help children open up about things that cause worry, stress, and anxiety.

Some of the printable worksheets you can download for free include:

  • Mindfulness and Gratitude Rainbow
  • Clearing and Calming Thoughts Exercise
  • Worry Cloud

You can access these worksheets by scrolling down on the original post until you get to the download links for each of the worksheets included in the kit. Click on “Print (+ name of worksheet)” to be redirected to a printable PDF version.

20. Grounding Meditation Worksheet

Sometimes, life can get so hectic you lose touch with yourself. To avoid feeling disembodied, you can try guided meditation.

This worksheet is your guide for performing grounding meditation. Grounding meditation brings you back to the present moment, connects you to your body, and clears your head.

This two-page worksheet can be accessed from the original post. Simply click on the print or download button on the window showing the PDF file.

21. Mindful Pause Worksheet

Mindful Pause Meditation allows you to take a moment to stop whatever you’re doing and refocus, bringing yourself back to the present moment.

By doing so, you reduce your stress and reconnect with yourself.

This worksheet contains instructions for cultivating mindfulness in the middle of tasks or activities. It also has a designated space for writing your answers/reflections to a couple of guide questions.

On the original post that shows a PDF window of this worksheet, click on the download or print link to get your own copy of this file.

22. Ruminating Thought Worksheet

Dwelling too much on intrusive thoughts has a negative effect on our mental health. One way to stop this tendency is to become mindful of your thoughts.

This worksheet lets you take note of the moments when you engage in rumination, or the process of thinking negative thoughts. It helps you identify triggers, the themes of your rumination, and its effect on your well-being.

23. Wipe Out the ANTS

This worksheet encourages you to wipe out ANTS (automatic negative thoughts) from your mind.

Many of us are unaware that a majority of our thoughts are often negative. Some of the ways negativity seeps into our thoughts are through:

  • Blame thinking
  • Black-or-white thinking
  • Fortune-telling thinking
  • Guilt-beating thinking

This worksheet is designed to help you learn to control and balance your thoughts and shift to a positive frame of mind.

Access the PDF version of this worksheet by scrolling to the middle of the article to the section titled “ This week’s mindfulness challenge is to wipe out the ANTS. ” In the first paragraph of this section, click on the link to the worksheet.

Final Thoughts on Mindfulness Worksheets

Mindfulness is not just something you do to calm your racing thoughts.

It is a practice that centers you and helps bring back your vitality. The constant practice of being mindful is the wellspring of happiness and good health.

We hope that the mindfulness worksheets featured in this collection are able to inspire you to live life with intention.

If you are looking for more resources about mindfulness, you might want to check out the following posts:

  • 15 Best Meditation and Mindfulness Apps
  • How to Practice Mindfulness
  • Mindfulness Exercises for Living in the Present Moment
  • Tips for Mindful Writing and Meditative Journaling

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Beautifully illustrated mindfulness worksheets

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  • 40 worksheets
  • Use as many times as you like
  • Illustrated
  • Personal or group sessions
  • Fun for all ages
  • Lifetime access

40 beautiful worksheets to complete at your own pace.

printable mindfulness worksheets pdf

The 40 printable mindfulness worksheets are designed for people of all ages to get started with mindfulness in a simple worksheet format. Each worksheet contains a straightforward exercise to bring about mindful awareness and present thinking.

These printable sheets are easy to complete and a lot of fun too. I like to practise mindfulness and I believe anyone can get something useful from practising basic mindfulness techniques. Each mindfulness worksheet is illustrated so whilst adults can get a lot of use out of them, they’re also perfect for kids to fill out and complete. All illustrations are made by me, making these illustrated mindfulness worksheets unique and different from your bog-standard plain worksheets! My aim was to make these printable worksheets appealing and fun for beginners to mindfulness.

mindful worksheets

Are you new to mindfulness? Mindfulness was one of the key areas I discovered that helps me ground myself when I feel overwhelmed. It is a practice that incorporates many different practices that you can learn yourself.

The many benefits of mindfulness

The benefits of mindfulness are many including lowering stress, anxiety and depression and in some cases, it can help you to be a calmer person. It’s a very simple practice to do and the best part is, anyone can do it, anywhere! These mindfulness worksheets include simple mindfulness exercises that are all practical and fun whether you’re on your own or in a group.

Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll get when you download the printable mindfulness worksheets PDF

This download contains 40 illustrated mindfulness worksheets that encourage mindful awareness through writing and practical exercises.

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Included in this download are the following printable worksheets. ‘ Focus on the good ‘ is a worksheet to inspire positive thinking by identifying things you’re good at, what you’re proud of and what you’re passionate about. ‘ Mindful music ‘ is a worksheet to inspire you to focus on the deeper meaning of a song and to bring awareness to how the music makes you feel. The ‘ Body scan ‘ worksheet is designed to help you ground yourself by spending some time concentrating on the different sensations in each part of your body. ‘ Bumblebee breathing ‘ is a fun mindfulness exercise for both adults and kids that also focuses on noticing the sensations that run through your body in the present moment.

mindfulness worksheets printable

Also included in this download are further breathing techniques like ‘ balloon breathing ‘ which encourages deep breathing as does ‘dragon breathing’ which much like bumblebee breathing, focuses on noticing the rhythms in your body. ‘ Mindful gratitude ‘ is a worksheet that allows you to remind yourself of what you’re grateful for in the present moment and why. The ‘ setting intentions ‘ mindfulness worksheet encourages you to set clear intentions for your day and what you’re going to consciously try to aim to do.

mindfulness mandala worksheet

‘ Watch your own movie ‘ is a fun worksheet that allows you to see how far you’ve come, where you are now and where you want to be in the future. The printable mindfulness worksheets also come with 5 different mindful mandalas to color too.

mindful worksheets for kids

As well as some simple mindful mandalas to color, you’ll also get a ‘Mindful observation ‘ worksheet that encourages you to study an object that is near you. This is important for grounding yourself in the moment and bringing awareness to the small things that we all overlook all the time.

mindful techniques worksheets

‘ Mindful listening ‘ is a worksheet to bring awareness to 5 things that you can hear, another way to ground yourself in the moment. Another breathing exercise included is the 4-7-8 technique which encourages deep breathing for relaxation. ‘ Mindful imagination ‘ is a fun exercise that makes you use your imagination to design a short story. ‘ Mindful doodle ‘ is another mindfulness worksheet that encourages you to draw what’s in the present moment.

printable mindfulness worksheets

‘ Mindful purpose ‘ encourages you to bring awareness to objects around you including yourself. ‘What is it like being me?’ is a fun way to describe what it’s like being you by using descriptive words. Included in the mindfulness worksheets PDF download are also a couple of mindful animal coloring pages. ‘Mindful tasting’ is another worksheet that is designed to help you study food to fix you in the present moment. 


‘ Opposite emotions ‘ lets you think about exactly that whilst ‘ Mindful direction ‘ is a fun exercise to remind you that we’re all going the same way, just in our own individual ways. ‘ Mindful patience ‘ is a worksheet to remind you that even though some things might bother you because you want them so much, patience is always important. ‘ Mindful touch’ is an exercise to again bring you back to the present as you connect with the feeling of the paper against your skin.

mindfulness homework assignments

The ‘ Emotion awareness ‘ worksheet allows you to list all of the different emotions you feel throughout the day, the ‘ Like a mountain ‘ worksheet is a fun grounding exercise that will deeply root you to the ground and encourage a sense of relaxation. The ‘ Brain dump ‘ worksheet gives you a place to ‘dump’ all of your thoughts in one place.

mindfulness printables

The ‘ Let it go ‘ worksheet is a fun activity where you can write down your concerns (or color the balloons in) and then let them go into the sky. ‘ My fears ‘ is a worksheet that helps you identify the things you fear and then understand why you fear them.

‘ Present thinking ‘ allows you to identify thoughts you had in the past, current thoughts about your life and the thoughts you’d like to have in the future. ‘ Easy come, easy go ‘ is a mindfulness worksheet that helps you identify things that come and go like your thoughts do.

mindfulness worksheets

‘ My thoughts jar ‘ is an activity where you can jot down your thoughts inside the jar to keep them safe in one place whilst you be still. ‘ Thoughts to feelings ‘ helps you understand how your thoughts affect your feelings. ‘ Defining my values ‘ helps you understand what’s important to you. ‘ Noticing sensations ‘ is a worksheet to pay attention to your senses.

What Is Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)?

Olivia Guy-Evans, MSc

Associate Editor for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MSc Psychology of Education

Olivia Guy-Evans is a writer and associate editor for Simply Psychology. She has previously worked in healthcare and educational sectors.

Learn about our Editorial Process

Saul McLeod, PhD

Editor-in-Chief for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester

Saul McLeod, PhD., is a qualified psychology teacher with over 18 years of experience in further and higher education. He has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) combines elements of mindfulness practice and cognitive behavioral therapy to help individuals develop greater awareness and acceptance of their thoughts, emotions, and experiences in order to cultivate resilience and prevent relapse in depression and anxiety .

This psychotherapy was designed to help people who experience repeated episodes of depression and to help prevent depression from returning. Mindfulness interventions have shown promise for improving OCD symptoms (Pseftogianni et al., 2023).

MBCT usually takes the form of 8 weekly sessions, with guided meditations accompanying the program so that participants can practice skills at home throughout the course.

mindfulness breathing

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a type of meditation that focuses on being aware of any sensations and feelings in the present moment without interpretation or judgment.

It is a compassionate type of awareness with a sense of knowing what is happening in the external and internal world as it is happening.

Mindfulness has grown in popularity over recent years and can involve breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress and anxiety.

How was mindfulness-based cognitive therapy developed?

In the 1990s, psychologists Jon Teasdale and Phillip Barnard found that the mind had two main modes: the ‘doing’ mode and the ‘being’ mode.

The ‘doing’ mode is goal-orientated, triggered when the mind sees a difference between how things are and how it wants things to do. Whereas the ‘being’ mode isn’t focused on achieving specific goals but rather accepting and allowing what is.

It was found that the ‘being’ mode was the one that led to lasting emotional changes.

Therefore, the psychologists concluded that effective cognitive therapy would have to promote not just cognitive awareness but also the ‘being’ mode of the mind, such as mindfulness offers.

Psychiatrists Zindel Segal and Mark Williams, as well as Jon Kabat-Zinn, became involved and helped combine these new ideas about cognitive therapy with Kabat-Zinn’s 1979 mindfulness-based stress reduction program to create what is known as MBCT.

The program was developed specifically for depression. What is known about depression is that it is a recurrent and episodic condition, with people more likely to continue having depressive episodes for years.

With MBCT, the idea is that the person with depression will learn skills to catch negative thought spirals as they are happening and be able to disengage from them before it develops into a depressive episode.

Goals of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

The MBCT website outlines three ways in which mindfulness practice can help people:

To help you understand what depression is.

To help you discover what makes you vulnerable to downward mood spirals and why you get stuck at the bottom of the spiral.

To help you see the connection between negative thinking and downward spirals. This includes setting unrealistically high standards for yourself, feelings that you are simply not good enough, and ways you may lose touch with what makes life worth living.


MBCT and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) help recognize unhelpful thoughts and involve learning that these thoughts aren’t facts but something one can take a wider view of.

They both aim to make the person feel less likely to be drawn into automatic reactions to thoughts, feelings, and events . Also, both CBT and MBCT are short to medium-term therapies, and both tend to work best for those with depression and anxiety .

The main difference between the two therapies is that MBCT uses mindfulness, which involves recognizing what is going on in the present moment, and how an individual is thinking, feeling, and experiencing in the present moment.

CBT , on the other hand, uses cognition to understand negative thought processes – it is very analytical, with clients charting their emotions and reactions as homework.

So, while MBCT encourages noticing what is going on around the person, CBT encourages the person to constantly notice their thoughts.

CBT also encourages the individual to push out unhelpful thoughts, whereas MBCT involves letting negative thoughts drift through the mind without judgment.


MBCT utilizes a combination of mindfulness meditation, cognitive restructuring, and psychoeducation to help individuals recognize and modify unhelpful thought patterns, increase self-compassion, and develop a more present-focused and accepting mindset.

Mindfulness based cognitive therapy MBCT techniques

Below are some of the techniques specifically used in MBCT:

People may learn meditative techniques during MBCT. This can involve practicing guided or self-directed meditation that helps them gain a greater awareness of their body, thoughts, and breathing.

Body scan exercise

This exercise typically involves lying down in a comfortable position and focusing on the breath, noticing the rhythm and sensation of this.

Then, the individual will be asked to bring awareness to different areas of their body, usually beginning at the toes and moving up through the body until they reach the top of the head.

During this awareness, they will be asked to note how each part of their body feels, the texture of clothing against their skin, any temperature or sensations they feel, and whether areas feel sore or heavy/light.

Mindfulness practices

This involves becoming more aware of the present moment. It is something that can be practiced during meditation but can also be incorporated into the everyday activities people complete.

For instance, mindfully making a cup of tea, mindfully washing up, and mindful cooking.

Mindfulness stretching

This technique involves stretching the body in a mindful way to help bring awareness to the body and the mind.

Rushing straight into exercise can be a missed opportunity to prepare the mind and body for physical exertion.

Mindfulness stretching can also add more benefits to exercise, such as increased awareness and a sense of balance.

MBCT may also encourage people to practice yoga poses that can help facilitate mindful stretching of the body.

Some poses can help to open up the chest or other areas of the body, bring awareness to parts of the body, and incorporate working and moving with the breaths.

3-minute breathing space

People in MBCT may be taught what is known as the 3-minute breathing space technique. This focuses on three steps, each one minute in duration:

Observing the experience (the individual brings awareness to how they are doing at that moment).

Focusing on the breath.

Attending to the body and any physical sensations that might be experienced.

These techniques of MBCT allow the individual to move away from automatic and unhelpful responses, towards an understanding that there are other ways to respond to situations.

By developing a mindfulness meditation routine, individuals can use the techniques whenever they start to feel overwhelmed by negative emotions.

The idea is that when sadness occurs and starts to bring up all the usual negative associations that trigger depressed feelings, the individual is equipped with the tools that will help them substitute negative thought patterns with positive ones.

What can mindfulness-based cognitive therapy help with?

MBCT was developed for people with recurring episodes of depression or unhappiness to prevent a relapse.

Though originally developed to address recurrent depression, MBCT can be a beneficial treatment for a wide range of concerns, including:

Anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

Bipolar disorder

Traumatic brain injury

Depression associated with medical illnesses

Treatment-resistant depression

  • Psychotic disorders

What does the research say?

Five mental health services from a range of regions in the United Kingdom contributed data to examine the impact of MBCT on depression. Of the group, 96% sustained their recovery across the treatment period.

There was also a significant reduction in residual symptoms consistent with a reduced risk of depressive relapse (Tickell et al., 2019).

MBCT was shown to be an effective treatment for relieving anxiety and depressive symptoms in patients with panic disorder and GAD (Kim et al., 2009).

A self-help method of MBCT was tested for effectiveness. It was found that participants showed significant interaction in favor of self-help on measures of depression, anxiety , stress, satisfaction with life, mindfulness, and self-compassion (Taylor et al., 2014).

MBCT was compared to antidepressant treatment for depression. It was found that while 48% of those taking antidepressants did not relapse, 52% of those who undertook MBCT did not relapse.

There was no big difference between these two types of treatment, suggesting that MBCT can be as effective at preventing relapses as antidepressants (Kuyken et al., 2015).

Benefits of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

In MBCT, individuals are taught cognitive concepts, such as the association between thoughts and feelings, and they also have the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of depression.

Rather than trying to avoid or eliminate sadness or other difficult emotions, people learn to change their relationship with these emotions.

The skills learned can be used whenever feelings of intense and persistent sadness occurs, and the person will be prepared to handle uncomfortable emotions.

Meditation health benefits infographic

How does mindfulness help reduce downward mood spirals?

Mindfulness practice is thought to help us see more clearly when we have unhelpful patterns of the mind, such as tunnel vision, and learning how to recognize when our mood is beginning to go down.

This means that we may be more likely to catch it earlier than we would before.

It can teach us how to get back in touch with the experience of being alive – learning to savor the simple pleasures that have been available all along but taken for granted.

Mindfulness may help stop the escalation of hurtful memories and thoughts from the past and teach us to focus on the present moment rather than reliving past experiences or pre-living the future.

Practicing mindfulness can help us enter an alternative mode of mind that includes thinking but is bigger than thinking.

It teaches us to shift from the mode of mind dominated by critical thinking, which is likely to provoke downward mood spirals, to another mode of mind where we experience the world directly, without judgment.

Mindfulness can help to develop our willingness to experience emotions and our capacity to be open to painful emotions. It helps to give us the courage to allow distressing moods, thoughts, and sensations to come and go without having to struggle with them.

We may also discover that difficult and unwanted thoughts and feelings can be held in awareness and seen from a different perspective which brings with it a sense of compassion to the suffering we are experiencing.


MBCT has potential limitations to consider. It may not be suitable for severe mental health conditions, and consistent commitment to mindfulness practice is necessary for its effectiveness.

Therapist training and competence are crucial for delivering MBCT successfully. Inadequate training or experience in mindfulness-based approaches can impact the quality of therapy and outcomes for individuals.

While MBCT has been effective in reducing relapse rates for depression and anxiety, it may not provide foolproof protection against future relapses. Some individuals may still experience relapses despite engaging in MBCT.

Further research is needed to explore its long-term effects, compare it to other treatments, and determine its efficacy for specific populations and conditions.

These limitations highlight the importance of considering individual suitability and seeking professional guidance when using MBCT.

How to get the most out of mindfulness based cognitive therapy

How can i seek mbct.

It’s important to talk to your doctor about your symptoms to determine if this is the right approach for you. Talk to your doctor or consider searching an online therapist directory to find an MBCT therapist.

Depending on the availability of trained MBCT therapists in your area, finding classes may be challenging. An MBCT therapist is a mental health professional who has additional training in mindfulness-based practices and techniques and is skilled in teaching these techniques to others.

Mindfulness has become increasingly popular for promoting mental health, so even mental health professionals who are not specifically trained in MBCT may incorporate some aspects of mindfulness practices in their therapy sessions.

It may be worth contacting therapists and asking if this is something they offer in their treatment.

What can I expect from MBCT sessions?

MBCT is a group intervention that lasts for eight weeks. Each session lasts for about 2 hours, and there is usually a one-day-long class, typically after the 5th week.

Much of the work done in MBCT is completed outside of the sessions. Participants are asked to do homework, which includes listening to recorded guided meditations and trying to cultivate mindfulness in their daily lives.

These homework assignments are usually 45 minutes long, six days a week.

Things to consider before starting MBCT

Much of the research on MBCT is still ongoing as it is a relatively new practice; therefore, the long-term effects are not as well known yet.

MBCT involves a lot of commitment, so you need to be prepared to attend the weekly sessions and complete the homework assignments to ensure you get the most out of the therapy.

In addition to checking credentials, it’s important to find an MBCT therapist who you feel comfortable with.

Further Information

  • Sipe, W. E., & Eisendrath, S. J. (2012). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy: theory and practice. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 57(2), 63-69.
  • MacKenzie, M. B., & Kocovski, N. L. (2016). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression: trends and developments. Psychology research and behavior management.

Bank, S., Burgess, M., Sng, A., Summers, M., Campbell, B., & McEvoy, P. (2020). Stepping Out of Social Anxiety. Perth, Western Australia: Centre for Clinical Interventions.

Kim, Y. W., Lee, S. H., Choi, T. K., Suh, S. Y., Kim, B., Kim, C. M., Cho, S. J., Kim, J. M., Yook, K., Ryu, M., Song, S. K. & Yook, K. H. (2009). Effectiveness of mindfulness‐based cognitive therapy as an adjuvant to pharmacotherapy in patients with panic disorder or generalized anxiety disorder. Depression and anxiety, 26(7), 601-606.

Kuyken, W., Hayes, R., Barrett, B., Byng, R., Dalgleish, T., Kessler, D., Lewis, G., Watkins, E., Brejcha, C., Cardy, J., Causley, A., Cowderoy, S., Evans, A., Gradinger, F., Kaur, S., Lanham, P., Morant, N., Richards, J., Shah, P., Sutton, H., Vicary, R., Weaver, A., Wilks, J., Williams, M., Taylor, R. S. & Byford, S. (2015). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy compared with maintenance antidepressant treatment in the prevention of depressive relapse or recurrence (PREVENT): a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet, 386(9988), 63-73.

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy. (n.d.). Retrieved 2022, February 17, from: https://mbct.co.uk/about-mbct/

Parra-Delgado, M., & Latorre-Postigo, J. M. (2013). Effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in the treatment of fibromyalgia: A randomised trial. Cognitive therapy and research, 37(5), 1015-1026.

Pseftogianni, F., Panagioti, M., Birtwell, K., & Angelakis, I. (2023). Mindfulness interventions for obsessive–compulsive and related disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Clinical Psychology Review , 233-243. https://doi.org/10.1037/cps0000132

Taylor, B. L., Strauss, C., Cavanagh, K., & Jones, F. (2014). The effectiveness of self-help mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in a student sample: a randomised controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 63, 63-69.

Tickell, A., Ball, S., Bernard, P., Kuyken, W., Marx, R., Pack, S., Strauss, C., Sweeney, T. & Crane, C. (2020). The effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) in real-world healthcare services. Mindfulness, 11(2), 279-290.

6 panel infographic outlining different techniques used in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

Mindfulness Meditation Homework

Mindfulness meditation homework (week 1).

Audio and Transcript of Talk

by Gil Fronsdal

Insight meditation, or Vipassana, is one of the central teachings of the Buddha. It has continued as a living practice for 2500 years. At the heart of insight meditation is the practice of mindfulness, the cultivation of clear, stable and non-judgmental awareness. While mindfulness practice can be highly effective in helping bring calm and clarity to the pressures of daily life, it is also a spiritual path that gradually dissolves the barriers to the full development of our wisdom and compassion.

During the six-week introductory course, the basic instructions in insight meditation are given sequentially, each week building on the previous one. The first week focuses on the basics of meditation and on mindfulness of breathing. The second week discusses mindfulness of the body and expands the area of attention to include all our physical experiences. The third week introduces mindfulness of emotions, the fourth week mindfulness of thinking, the fifth week mindfulness of mind, and the sixth week focuses on the role of mindfulness in daily life and in deepening one’s spiritual life.

Insight meditation is nothing more mysterious than developing our ability to pay attention to our immediate experience. We are often pre-occupied with thoughts about the past or the future or with fantasies. While sometimes such pre-occupations may be innocent and harmless, more often they contribute to stress, fear and suffering. Mindfulness practice is learning how to overcome pre-occupation so that we can see clearly what is happening in our lived experience of the present. In doing so, we find greater clarity, trust, and integrity. Mindfulness relies on an important characteristic of awareness: awareness by itself does not judge, resist, or cling to anything. By focusing on simply being aware, we learn to disentangle ourselves from our habitual reactions and begin to have a friendlier and more compassionate relationship with our experience, with ourselves and with others.

Mindfulness is the practice of being attentively present. It is called a practice in the same way that we say that people practice the piano. Being attentive is a skill that grows with practice. It develops best if we set aside any self-conscious judgements or expectations of how our meditation is developing. The practice is simply to relax and bring forth an awareness of what is happening in the present.

In order both to develop the skill and experience the joys of non-reactive presence, a daily meditation practice is helpful.

Mindfulness of Breathing

Insight Meditation usually begins with awareness of breathing. This is an awareness practice, not an exercise in breathing; there is no need to adjust the breathing in any way. We simply attend to the breath, getting to know it as it is: shallow or deep, long or short, slow or fast, smooth or rough, coarse or refined, constricted or loose. When we get distracted by thoughts or emotions, we simply return to the physical sensations of the breath.

Because of the mind’s tendency to be scattered and easily distracted, we use the breath as a kind of anchor to the present. When we rest in the breath, we are countering the strong forces of distraction. We train the mind, heart, and body to become settled and unified on one thing, at one place, at one time. If you are sitting in meditation and your mind is on what you did at work today, then your mind and body are not in the same place at the same time. Fragmented this way, we all too easily lose touch with a holistic sense of ourselves.

Mindfulness of breathing is a powerful ally in our lives. With steady awareness of our inhalations and exhalations, the breath can become an equanimous constant through the ups and downs of our daily life. Resting with, even enjoying, the cycles of breathing, we are less likely to be caught up in the emotional and mental events that pass through us. Repeatedly returning to the breath can be a highly effective training in letting go of the identification and holding which freeze the mind and heart. It also develops concentration.

Mindfulness Exercises for the First Week

You will get the most benefit from this course if you engage yourself with the practice during the week between our class meetings. During the first week please try the following three practices:

  • Sit one twenty-minute session of meditation each day. For this first week, focus on staying aware of your breath as described in the next section of the handout. Begin and end each sitting with, a minute of conscious reflection: At the start, clearly remind yourself that you are about to devote yourself to being mindful and present. Consciously let go of any concerns, remembering that you will have plenty of time to take them up again later. At the end, reflect on what happened during your meditation session. There is no need to judge what happened; you just want to strengthen your mindfulness through a brief exercise in recollection.
  • Choose one routine physical activity that you perform most days and experiment with doing it mindfully. This means doing just this one activity while you are doing the exercise – not listening to the radio at the same time, for example. It is also best to let go of any concern about the results or in finishing quickly. Remain in the present as best you can. When the mind wanders, simply come back to the activity. Activities you might choose include brushing your teeth, washing the dishes, or some routine act of driving or walking.
  • For one half-hour period during the week, maintain some regular attention of your posture as you go about with some normal activity. Without straining, assume a posture that is alert and upright. Notice what happens to your mood, thoughts, feelings, presence, and degree of mindfulness as you do this exercise.

Meditation Instruction: Mindfulness Of Breathing

Sit in a comfortable but alert posture. Gently close your eyes. Take a couple of deep breaths, and, as you exhale, settle into your body, relaxing any obvious tension or holding. Then, breathing normally, bring your awareness to your body, sensing for a short while how the body presents itself to you. There is no particular way to be; just notice how you are at this moment.

Then, from within the body, as part of the body, become aware of your breathing, however it happens to appear. There is no right or wrong way to breathe while doing mindfulness practice; the key is to simply notice how it actually is right now. Let the breath breathe itself, allowing it to be received in awareness. Notice where in your body you feel the breath most clearly. This may be the abdomen rising and falling, the chest expanding and contracting, or the tactile sensations of the air passing through the nostrils or over the upper lip. Wherever the breath tends to appear most clearly, allow that area to be the home, the center of your attention.

Keep your attention connected with the inhalations and exhalations, sensing the physical sensations that characterize them. Let go of the surface concerns of the mind. Whenever the mind wanders away, gently come back to the breath. There is no need to judge the wandering mind; when you notice that the mind has wandered, simply return to the breath without evaluation.

To help maintain contact between awareness and the breath, you may use a label or mental note. Softly, like a whisper in the mind, label the in-breath and out-breath, encouraging the awareness to stay present with the breath. You can label the inhalations and exhalations as “in” and “out,” or perhaps use “rising” and “falling” for the movement of the abdomen or the chest. Don’t worry about finding the right word, just use something that will help you stay connected.

There is no need to force the attention on the breath; to strengthen your ability to become mindful and present, use the gentle power of repeatedly, non judgmentally returning and resting with the breath.

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Matthew Scult Ph.D.


Mindfulness isn’t enough, here's what you’re missing when relying on meditation apps..

Posted November 29, 2021 | Reviewed by Davia Sills

  • What Is Mindfulness?
  • Take our Healthy Lifestyle Test
  • Find a mindfulness-based therapist
  • Mindfulness-based interventions can help reduce stress, decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression, and improve overall quality of life.
  • Mindfulness is only one tool in the mental health toolkit.
  • It’s important to remember that every person is unique and will require a different modality of care for their mental health condition.

 Paul Taylor/Getty Images

Chances are, you’ve heard the term “ mindfulness ,” which refers to the practice of non-judgmental awareness of the present moment. Mindfulness-based interventions can help reduce stress, decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression , and improve the overall quality of life. As a clinical psychologist, I am a big proponent of mindfulness. I meditate regularly and have conducted some of the research showing how meditation techniques can help decrease the negative effects of stress and even change stress-related gene expression.

It’s clear more people are becoming informed of some of the positive effects of mindfulness given the surge in popularity of meditation apps, but it’s critical to remember that this technique is only one tool in the mental health toolkit. A recent study of popular smartphone apps for anxiety and depression found that the vast majority of people using these apps were only exposed to mindfulness and a handful of other meditation techniques. While 96 percent of people who use a mental health app were exposed to mindfulness, only 2 percent included cognitive techniques , which guide people through steps to notice and change unhelpful thought patterns. For example, if you are being particularly self-critical, you might ask yourself, “What would I tell a friend who was in a similar situation?” Cognitive techniques form the foundation of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), one of the most common and successful evidence-based types of treatment.

Based on work by psychologist Aaron Beck, CBT is an efficacious treatment for a wide range of mental health conditions. Newer versions of CBT, such as dialectical behavior therapy ( DBT ) and acceptance and commitment therapy ( ACT ), include mindfulness techniques alongside various other skills. However, limiting yourself to just mindfulness techniques would be like trying to build a house with only a hammer—you could make significant progress, but eventually, you would need other tools as well. When I’m working with a patient who has anxiety or depression, I never use mindfulness alone. Instead, I assess the patient’s symptoms and consider using mindfulness exercises and other CBT techniques, including:

Exposure techniques

Facing our fears, otherwise known as exposure techniques, can be a powerful CBT tool for those struggling with anxiety. While it can seem counterintuitive, it has proven to have long-term positive benefits, but virtually none of the consumer-focused digital mental health apps that people use include exposure techniques . For example, the act of exposing someone with a fear of spiders (otherwise known as arachnophobia) to a spider may seem impossible, but after thoughtful and consistent exposure in a safe environment, the patient learns that they are able to tolerate the fear, ultimately decreasing their anxiety around spiders.

Behavioral activation

Engaging in enjoyable and meaningful activities is another important CBT tool for those with depression. Referred to as “ behavioral activation ,” the basic idea is that when people are depressed, they may stop doing activities that they previously enjoyed and give them a sense of accomplishment, but staying home in bed only leads to people feeling more depressed. Instead of waiting until they feel “up for it,” behavioral activation helps people to schedule activities into their day, which leads to a positive spiral of improving their mood. Only 3 percent of people using mental health apps are guided through behavioral activation techniques.

Homework assignments

A lot of progress can be made during therapy sessions, but homework assignments are critical in order for patients to apply these learnings to their everyday lives. That is where the real progress is made , but none of the most commonly available mental health apps include homework assignments.

It’s important to remember that every person is unique and will require a different modality of care for their mental health illness. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach. Dozens of research-based techniques exist . If you are thinking about using a mental health app, consider researching the most effective treatments for your condition. You should also determine whether the app considers issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion and whether you’d also benefit from the guidance of a provider , which may be especially important for patients experiencing higher levels of anxiety or depression.

To find a therapist near you, visit Psychology Today’s Therapist Directory.

Matthew Scult Ph.D.

Matt Scult, Ph.D., received his doctorate in clinical psychology from Duke University, was faculty at Weill Cornell Medicine, and now teaches at Yeshiva University.

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Empowering Recovery: Transformative Therapy Homework Assignments

The power of therapy homework.

Therapy homework is an integral part of the therapeutic process that extends the benefits of therapy beyond the therapy room. It involves assignments and activities that clients are encouraged to complete between therapy sessions to facilitate healing, growth, and recovery. By actively engaging in therapy homework, individuals can take ownership of their progress and empower themselves on their journey towards well-being.

What is Therapy Homework?

Therapy homework refers to the tasks, exercises, and activities assigned by therapists to their clients with the aim of reinforcing and extending the benefits of therapy. These assignments are tailored to address specific therapeutic goals and objectives, focusing on areas such as self-reflection, skill-building, and behavioral changes. Therapy homework can take various forms, including journaling, self-reflection exercises, mindfulness practices, and behavioral experiments.

Therapy homework serves as a bridge between therapy sessions, allowing individuals to apply the insights gained in therapy to their daily lives. It encourages active participation and engagement in the therapeutic process, enabling clients to develop a deeper understanding of themselves, their emotions, and their thought patterns. Through regular completion of therapy homework, individuals can cultivate new coping strategies, enhance self-awareness, and promote personal growth.

How Therapy Homework Can Support Recovery

Therapy homework plays a crucial role in supporting recovery by reinforcing the therapeutic work done during sessions. Here are some ways in which therapy homework can contribute to the recovery process:

  • Continuity of Learning:  Therapy homework provides a continuous learning experience, allowing clients to build upon the insights gained during therapy sessions. It helps reinforce new skills, coping strategies, and perspectives, facilitating lasting change and growth.
  • Application of Skills:  By engaging in therapy homework, individuals have the opportunity to apply the skills and techniques learned in therapy to real-life situations. This practical application helps strengthen and solidify new behaviors and thought patterns.
  • Increased Self-Awareness:  Therapy homework encourages self-reflection and introspection, fostering a deeper understanding of one’s emotions, behaviors, and patterns of thinking. This increased self-awareness can lead to greater insight and personal growth.
  • Empowerment:  Active participation in therapy homework empowers individuals to take charge of their own healing process. It allows them to be proactive in their recovery journey, develop a sense of agency, and take ownership of their progress.
  • Consolidation of Progress:  Regular completion of therapy homework reinforces the progress made in therapy sessions. It helps maintain momentum, prevents relapse, and supports long-term recovery.

Therapy homework is a collaborative process between the therapist and the client. It involves setting realistic goals, tailoring assignments to suit individual preferences and needs, and providing ongoing support and feedback. By embracing therapy homework, individuals can enhance their therapeutic experience, accelerate their progress, and empower themselves on their path to recovery . To explore specific examples of therapy homework assignments, check out our articles on  therapy homework for anxiety  and  therapy homework for depression .

Types of Therapy Homework Assignments

Therapy homework assignments play a vital role in supporting the therapeutic process and helping individuals make progress towards their goals. There are several types of therapy homework assignments that therapists can assign to their clients. Here, we will explore three common types:  journaling and self-reflection exercises ,  behavioral and habit-forming assignments , and  mindfulness and meditation practices .

Journaling and Self-Reflection Exercises

Journaling and self-reflection exercises are powerful tools for promoting self-awareness and personal growth. Through the act of writing, individuals can explore their thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a structured manner. Journaling can help individuals gain insights into their patterns of thinking, identify triggers, and reflect on their progress.

Therapists may assign specific journaling prompts or provide worksheets to guide clients in their self-reflection journey. These exercises can focus on various topics, such as exploring emotions, identifying cognitive distortions, practicing gratitude, or tracking behaviors. Journaling can also be used as a platform for  therapy homework for self-expression  and  therapy homework for creativity .

Behavioral and Habit-Forming Assignments

Behavioral and habit-forming assignments are designed to help individuals make positive changes in their behavior and develop healthier habits. These assignments are often action-oriented and require individuals to practice new skills or engage in specific activities outside of therapy sessions.

For example, a therapist may assign tasks related to assertiveness training, stress management techniques, anger management strategies, or goal setting exercises. These assignments encourage individuals to actively apply the concepts discussed in therapy to their daily lives. By practicing new behaviors and breaking old patterns, individuals can work towards their therapeutic goals.

Mindfulness and Meditation Practices

Mindfulness and meditation practices are widely recognized for their ability to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and increase self-awareness. Therapists may assign mindfulness exercises and meditation practices as part of therapy homework to help individuals cultivate mindfulness in their daily lives.

These assignments can include guided meditations, breathing exercises, body scans, or mindful awareness activities. By incorporating mindfulness into their routine, individuals can learn to observe their thoughts and emotions without judgment, cultivate present-moment awareness, and develop a greater sense of calm and clarity.

By incorporating a variety of therapy homework assignments, therapists can cater to the unique needs of each individual and provide a well-rounded approach to therapy. It’s important for therapists to assess client goals and preferences when assigning homework, ensuring that the assignments are relevant, engaging, and align with the client’s therapeutic journey. For more therapy homework ideas, check out our article on  therapy homework ideas .

Customizing Assignments for Individual Needs

To ensure the effectiveness of therapy homework assignments, it is essential to  customize  them according to the  individual needs  of each client. This personalized approach allows therapists to address specific goals and objectives, tailoring the assignments to suit the client’s preferences and circumstances.

Assessing Client Goals and Objectives

Before creating therapy homework assignments, therapists must first  assess  their clients’ goals and objectives. By understanding what clients hope to achieve through therapy, therapists can design assignments that align with their desired outcomes. For example, if a client’s goal is to improve their communication skills, therapy homework assignments may focus on practicing active listening, assertiveness, or conflict resolution. By linking the assignments directly to the client’s goals, the therapeutic process becomes more targeted and effective.

Tailoring Assignments to Suit Individual Preferences

Each client is unique, and their preferences and learning styles should be taken into consideration when designing therapy homework assignments. Some clients may prefer written exercises and journaling, while others may be more receptive to artistic or creative expression . By tailoring the assignments to suit individual preferences, therapists can increase engagement and motivation, leading to a more productive therapeutic experience.

For example, a client who enjoys writing may find value in self-reflection exercises or the use of  writing and narrative therapy techniques . On the other hand, a client who is more visually oriented might benefit from artistic assignments or creative expression through art therapy. By incorporating activities that resonate with the client’s preferences, therapy homework becomes more enjoyable and meaningful.

By customizing therapy homework assignments, therapists can optimize the therapeutic process and enhance client outcomes. It ensures that assignments are directly aligned with the client’s goals and objectives, promoting a sense of ownership and motivation in their recovery journey. Additionally, tailoring assignments to suit individual preferences increases engagement and enjoyment, fostering a positive therapeutic alliance.

Remember to explore a variety of therapy homework ideas to meet the diverse needs of your clients. Whether it’s therapy homework for self-esteem, mindfulness, relaxation, or any other topic, the key is to create assignments that are relevant, meaningful, and effective. By providing personalized and tailored assignments, therapists can empower their clients in their recovery process.

Incorporating Creativity in Therapy Assignments

To enhance the therapeutic process and encourage self-expression, incorporating  creativity  into therapy assignments can be highly beneficial. Creative activities provide clients with a unique outlet for exploring their emotions, thoughts, and experiences. In this section, we will explore two popular approaches:  art therapy and creative expression  as well as  writing and narrative therapy techniques .

Art Therapy and Creative Expression

Art therapy involves using various artistic mediums to facilitate self-expression, reflection, and healing. Through painting, drawing, sculpting, or collage-making, clients can tap into their creativity and communicate their inner world visually. Art therapy can be particularly effective for individuals who struggle with verbal expression or find it challenging to articulate their emotions.

Engaging in art therapy allows clients to explore their thoughts and feelings in a non-threatening and non-judgmental manner. The creative process itself can be therapeutic, providing a sense of control, empowerment, and catharsis. Art therapists often guide clients in interpreting their artwork, helping them uncover deeper insights and gain a better understanding of themselves.

Integrating creative expression into therapy assignments can offer clients an opportunity to engage with their emotions in a different way. For example, a therapist might suggest creating a collage that represents their goals, dreams, or emotions. This visual representation can serve as a powerful tool for self-reflection and exploration. To learn more about incorporating art therapy into your practice, explore our article on  therapy homework for creative expression .

Writing and Narrative Therapy Techniques

Writing can be a powerful therapeutic tool that allows clients to explore their thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Narrative therapy techniques, such as journaling, letter writing, or storytelling, can help clients gain insight, process challenging events, and reframe their narratives.

Journaling is a widely used form of therapy homework that involves writing down thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a journal or diary. This practice provides an opportunity for self-reflection, self-expression, and problem-solving. Clients can explore their innermost thoughts, identify patterns, and track progress over time. To discover various journaling exercises for therapy, refer to our article on  therapy homework for journaling .

Another approach is letter writing, where clients address letters to themselves, others, or even abstract concepts like their fears or past traumas. This process can be cathartic and empowering, allowing clients to express emotions that may be difficult to articulate in person. Writing a letter can help clients gain closure, find forgiveness , or express gratitude. It provides a safe space for processing emotions and can be revisited as a source of reflection and growth.

By incorporating these creative techniques into therapy assignments, therapists can encourage clients to explore their inner worlds and gain new perspectives. It’s important to remember that creativity is a personal experience, and different clients may resonate with different forms of expression. As a therapist, offering a range of options and tailoring assignments to suit individual preferences can enhance the therapeutic process.

Maximizing the Benefits of Therapy Homework

To ensure the effectiveness of  therapy homework assignments , it’s important to implement strategies that maximize their benefits. By setting realistic expectations, providing ongoing support and feedback, and fostering collaboration between the therapist and client, therapy homework can become a powerful tool for transformation and growth.

Setting Realistic Expectations

When assigning therapy homework, it’s crucial to set realistic expectations for the client. This involves discussing the purpose, goals, and anticipated outcomes of the assignments. By clearly communicating the objectives and potential benefits, clients can better understand the value of their efforts and remain motivated throughout the process.

It’s important to emphasize that therapy homework is not a quick fix but rather a gradual process. Encourage clients to approach their assignments with patience and self-compassion , understanding that progress takes time. By managing expectations, clients are more likely to stay committed and experience the full benefits of therapy homework.

Providing Ongoing Support and Feedback

Support and feedback from the therapist play a crucial role in maximizing the benefits of therapy homework. Regular check-ins and discussions about the assignments allow clients to seek clarification, express concerns, and receive guidance. This ongoing support helps clients stay engaged and motivated, knowing that their therapist is there to provide assistance and encouragement.

Additionally, providing constructive feedback on completed assignments is essential for growth and improvement. Acknowledge the effort and progress made by the client, while also providing suggestions and insights to enhance their understanding and application of the concepts discussed in therapy. This feedback loop strengthens the therapeutic relationship and boosts the client’s confidence in their ability to succeed.

Collaboration Between Therapist and Client

Collaboration between the therapist and client is key to optimizing the benefits of therapy homework . By involving the client in the assignment selection process, therapists can tailor the tasks to suit the client’s individual needs, preferences, and therapeutic goals. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of ownership and empowerment, motivating clients to actively engage in their recovery journey.

Regular communication between therapy sessions is crucial for maintaining this collaboration. Clients should feel comfortable reaching out to their therapist for guidance, clarification, or support related to their assignments. This open line of communication ensures that the therapy homework remains aligned with the client’s evolving needs and allows for adjustments when necessary.

By setting realistic expectations, providing ongoing support and feedback, and fostering collaboration, therapists can help clients maximize the benefits of therapy homework. This approach not only enhances the effectiveness of the assignments but also empowers clients to take an active role in their own recovery journey. To explore a wide range of therapy homework ideas and resources, visit our article on  therapy homework ideas .

mindfulness homework assignments

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The DBT Homework Assignment Workbook

by adoelbs | Feb 16, 2020

This workbook contains 50 DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) tools, grouped into four categories: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, interpersonal effectiveness. Each tool ends with a section for client feedback about the effectiveness of the tool.

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Dissertations, Theses, and Projects

The relationship of mindfulness and student homework completion.

David Vinje Follow

Date of Award

Summer 7-22-2019

Document Type

Thesis (699 registration)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Curriculum & Instruction

Graduate Studies

Committee Chair

Dr. Michael Coquyt

Mindfulness, Homework

The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship of student mindfulness and homework completion. This study consisted of a sample size of 42 students within a 7th grade public school Language Arts classroom. The data was collected over a period of six weeks using conversations in small focus groups (4-6 students) , student homework completion data, one-on-one conversations with participating students, and individual observations from within the classroom. The results of this study show a loose connection between a student’s mindfulness of their homework assignments and completion, and their ability to complete the assignment(s). The data does not show a correlation as it was qualitative in nature, but instead offers insights into the thinking (mindfulness) of students in regards to the completion - or not - of their homework. My recommendations for future research is that a longer period of time be allowed for the study, a higher number of participants participate in the study, and that the timing of the study to be shifted from the end to the beginning of a given school year.

Recommended Citation

Vinje, David, "The Relationship of Mindfulness and Student Homework Completion" (2019). Dissertations, Theses, and Projects . 230. https://red.mnstate.edu/thesis/230

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Acceptability, engagement, and preliminary efficacy of a college human physiology course with integrated mindfulness practice to support student wellbeing.

\r\nZhuoya Zhang

  • 1 Department of Epidemiology, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover, NH, United States
  • 2 Deer Park Monastery, Escondido, CA, United States
  • 3 Department of Medicine, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover, NH, United States
  • 4 Department of Pediatrics, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover, NH, United States

Objective: To evaluate the acceptability of and engagement with an undergraduate human physiology course embedded with mindfulness practice. To assess its preliminary efficacy on student mindfulness and wellbeing.

Methods: Students ( N = 36, 17% freshman, 33% sophomore, 22% junior, and 28% senior) answered online surveys at course completion. Primary outcomes were course ratings, assignment and assessment completion rates, minutes, types of mindfulness practice, changes in trait mindfulness (Mindful Attention Awareness Scale, MAAS), and self-reported wellbeing outcomes. We ran Chi-square goodness of fit tests and paired Wilcoxon signed-rank tests to decide if the outcomes differed significantly post-class. We tested the dose-response relation between mindfulness practice time and trait mindfulness and whether the out-of-class practice time was consistent across the weeks with generalized linear mixed-effect models.

Results: All participants reported finding the course enjoyable and that they would recommend it to their friends. They practiced for an average of 66 (SD = 27) min per week in the class and 112 (SD = 59) min on their own. The most common out-of-class practices were mindful movements, sitting meditation, and breathing. Per self-reports, the course increased student understanding of specific mindfulness practices and appreciation for their body. It improved wellbeing and trait mindfulness (MAAS mean within-person change = 1.2, SD = 0.8, p < 0.00001). We found no does-response relation between practice time and trait mindfulness.

Conclusions: This pilot study supports that incorporating mindfulness practice into college-level courses may promote student wellbeing and such approaches warrant further investigation.

1 Introduction

Many college students struggle with maintaining physical wellbeing ( Lund et al., 2010 ; Ball et al., 2018 ; Amore et al., 2019 ). Poor and short sleep is prevalent in this population ( Hershner and Chervin, 2014 ), and some report using prescription or recreational psychoactive drugs to overcome sleepiness during the day ( Lund et al., 2010 ). Students also report struggling with healthful eating ( Amore et al., 2019 ) and experiencing episodic overeating and low intake of fruits and vegetables ( Dartmouth Office of Institutional Research, 2018 ). Physical inactivity is another concern, with students spending about 9.8 h a day being sedentary ( Castro et al., 2020 ) and reporting that they lack the time, energy, and willpower to exercise ( Ball et al., 2018 ). Elements foundational to physical health are often not met in the college population.

Mental health is another challenge. Sixty percent of U.S. college students had at least one mental health condition in 2021 ( Lipson et al., 2022 ). Students report bearing chronic stress, academically from the intense workload and peer competition ( McIntyre et al., 2018 ; Barbayannis et al., 2022 ) and non-academically from challenges in the realms of finance, career paths, and relationships ( Karyotaki et al., 2020 ). Biologically, college students' brains are still developing the capacity to handle stress as the prefrontal cortex, the region for emotion regulation, is still growing at this life stage ( Gogtay et al., 2004 ). College students are thus more vulnerable to unhealthy and potentially dangerous behaviors, for instance, using substances, including alcohol and drugs, as a coping mechanism for stress ( Nelson et al., 2008 ). Finding effective means to support college students' emotional health is thus a vital public health priority ( Office of the Surgeon General, 2021 ).

Evidence suggests that mindfulness training may enhance college students' wellbeing. Meta-analyses found small to moderate effect sizes of mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs), such as the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program (MBSR; Kabat-Zinn, 2009 ), on university student mental health outcomes, including distress and anxiety ( Dawson et al., 2020 ; Chen et al., 2023 ; Gong et al., 2023 ; Johnson et al., 2023 ; Reangsing et al., 2023 ). Mindfulness may also improve students' physical health. Loucks et al. found that a composite score of validated physical, mental, and social health instruments (Young Adult Health Summary Score) improved in participants who completed a 9-week mindfulness course (Mindfulness-Based College Program, MB-College, an adapted MBSR course). In contrast, the score worsened in those who received usual care over the academic semester (Cohen's d of 0.48, p = 0.004 via intention to treat analysis; Loucks et al., 2021 ).

Common mindfulness exercises in mindfulness-based interventions include mindful breathing, mindful movement, and deep relaxation practices such as a body scan. During these isolated practices (also known as formal practice in some mindfulness programs), the practitioners set aside time to engage in mindfulness meditation of the body and the mind. In mindful breathing exercises, practitioners become aware of their breathing and use it as an anchor to bring them back to the present moment ( Kabat-Zinn, 2009 ; Williams and Penman, 2011 ). Several randomized control trials (RCTs) show that college students who practiced mindful breathing daily experienced less general anxiety ( Chen et al., 2013 ), learning-related anxiety ( Cho et al., 2016 ; Britt et al., 2018 ), depression, and perceived stress ( Komariah et al., 2022 ). Mindful movement, such as yoga and walking meditation, helps individuals to slow down and connect with the body ( O'Donovan, 2015 ). As one mindfully walks, one may experience a sense of wonder and connection with one's body, the people with whom they walk, and their surrounding environment ( Hanh and Weare, 2017 ). Research shows that college students reported higher state and trait mindfulness, better mood, and lower state anxiety and stress after completing mindful walking interventions ( Ma et al., 2023 ; Burdick and Camhi, 2024 ). Deep relaxation exercises, such as the body scan, invite practitioners to sequentially direct their attention to different body regions with compassionate, accepting, and curious awareness ( Williams and Penman, 2011 ). Experimental studies on college students show that a brief body scan exercise improved students' state mindfulness ( Ahmadyar et al., 2024 ) and lowered stress ( Desai et al., 2021 ). A meta-analysis of 15 RCTs showed that adults who engaged in body scan practice had increased mindfulness (Hedge's g = 0.268, 95% CI: 0.032, 0.504, p < 0.05) compared to passive controls ( Gan et al., 2022 ).

Mindfulness practice can also occur when people bring mindful awareness into routine tasks and pay attention to the process ( Hanh, 1992 ). These integrated mindfulness practices (also known as informal practices or home practices), do not require the practitioner to set aside distinct practice time and can be carried out “off the meditation cushion” ( Kabat-Zinn, 2009 ). For instance, one can mindfully brush their teeth. They can pay careful attention to the rich sensory experience: the water temperature, the sensation of bubbles in their mouth, the scent and taste of the toothpaste, and the movements of their hand ( Williams and Penman, 2011 ). In an experimental study, college students ( N = 26) who were instructed to wash their dishes for ~ 6 min mindfully reported increases in state mindfulness and positive affect (i.e., feeling inspired) and a decrease in negative affect (i.e., feeling fear) afterward, compared to those who washed dishes following regular descriptive guidelines ( N = 25; Hanley et al., 2015 ). Weaving mindfulness into various everyday activities can help students diversify their mindfulness practice routine ( Galante et al., 2021 ), while enhancing their mindfulness and psychological wellbeing ( Kakoschke et al., 2021 ). As college students commonly report not having time for isolated practices ( Sears et al., 2011 ; Bamber and Schneider, 2022 ), integrated practices may be easier to fit into their schedule ( Nardi et al., 2022 ). The commonality and secular nature of these activities may also make integrated practices more accessible to college students.

Existing mindfulness-based interventions are efficacious but often encounter challenges with attrition and compliance ( Bamber and Schneider, 2022 ; Nardi et al., 2022 ). In a study where 28 students enrolled in an 8-week adapted MBSR course in the UK, 39% discontinued before completion ( Lynch et al., 2018 ). In the MB-College study ( n = 47), 18% of the college students in the intervention group withdrew before week 9 ( Loucks et al., 2021 ). A review of qualitative studies with college students revealed that time hinders many students from fully committing to MBIs ( Bamber and Schneider, 2022 ). For instance, in MBSR, besides attending eight 2.5-h weekly sessions and a 5-h retreat, students have daily homework of 45 min of mindfulness practice ( Kabat-Zinn, 2009 ). College student participants reported finding it hard to fulfill that requirement, leaving them guilty and discouraged ( Bamber and Schneider, 2022 ). Creative approaches are thus needed to make mindfulness training more accessible to the college population.

Integrating mindfulness training into college life, such as during classes, may reduce participation burden and encourage student engagement. We thus piloted a “Mindful Physiology” course at Dartmouth College, where mindfulness training was woven into an undergraduate physiology curriculum, intending to enrich students' experience of learning biology through mindfulness practice. During the didactic lectures on physiology, students also learned mindfulness techniques to increase their understanding of and appreciation for the biological mechanisms in and around their bodies that benefit their wellbeing. In class, students were guided by the lecturer to contemplate their own physiology and to observe how mindfulness practice impacts their physiology and sense of wellbeing. They were also encouraged to practice mindfulness outside class for at least 15 min weekly. To our knowledge, this course presents a novel approach to teaching and practicing mindfulness techniques in the context of an undergraduate physiology course.

This study aims to evaluate a human physiology course with integrated mindfulness practice in terms of student acceptability measured via course ratings; student engagement measured via attendance, assignment and assessment completion, and type and duration of mindfulness practice; and preliminary efficacy on improving trait mindfulness and health outcomes measured via surveys. We hypothesized that the course would be acceptable, students would have high levels of course engagement, and students would report positive changes in trait mindfulness and wellbeing post-class.

2.1 Study design

This is a secondary analysis of self-report data collected from participants who completed an undergraduate-level biology course with integrated mindfulness practice (Biology 3: Mindful Physiology). Assessment was conducted within 5 weeks after course completion (on average, 8 days post-course completion).

2.2 Study sample

Students enrolled in Biology 3: Mindful Physiology were invited to participate in this study at the end of the course term (late May 2023) via e-mail. Participants were included if they were (a) enrolled in Biology 3: Mindful Physiology in the Spring 2023 academic term and (b) able to read, write, and speak in English. Of the 48 students enrolled in the class, 75% ( N = 36) provided written consent to participate. They reviewed the study information sheet, informing them that participation would not influence their course grades and that the instructor would not know their enrollment status until course grades were finalized. Dartmouth College Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects approved the study protocol (Protocol No. 00032736).

2.3 Course description

Mindful Physiology (BIOL 3) was an undergraduate-level biology course open to students of all majors at Dartmouth College (New Hampshire, USA; Supplementary material 1 ). The course met 17 times over the 9.5-week Spring 2023 term (3/28/2023–5/30/2023). Each 110-min class session included ~20 min of group mindfulness practice. The course was taught by Professor Diane Gilbert-Diamond, ScD, a lay practitioner who practices mindfulness in the Plum Village Tradition of Thích Nhất Hạnh. This course aimed to foster a greater understanding of and appreciation for the biological mechanisms inside and around our bodies, promote scientific literacy and increase students' familiarity and capacity for mindfulness practice.

2.3.1 Course content

The course introduced foundational concepts in human physiology, including but not limited to the functions of the renal, respiratory, digestive, musculoskeletal, and nervous systems. Course reading included Hole's Human Anatomy and Physiology ( Welsh and Prentice-Craver, 2021 ) and Peace is Every Step by Hanh (1992) . Readers can find the course outline in Supplementary material 1 .

2.3.2 Mindfulness practice

Each class had interspersed ~ 20 min of group mindfulness practice relevant to the course topic, i.e., mindful breathing, mindful eating, singing meditation, mindful movements, and deep relaxation. The course instructor (D.G.D.) led the group mindfulness practice in class based on the scripts and guidance created by the Plum Village.

Students were also encouraged to practice mindfulness outside class every day for 15 min or longer. As part of the class assignment, students logged their duration and type of mindfulness practice at least 5 days a week. To encourage candid reflection, students received full credit for completing logs, even if < 15 min of practice were reported. Students were provided with a document on resources for guided mindfulness practices, including those found on mindfulness apps such as Headspace and Plum Village, and offered in-person and online through the Dartmouth Student Wellness Center. In line with the Plum Village Tradition, students were also instructed to practice mindfulness through integrated practice in class and through course reading Peace is Every Step by Hanh (1992) . Students could choose to practice outside class by incorporating mindfulness into everyday activities, such as brushing their teeth, walking to class, and drinking beverages with mindful attention.

In place of the term's 5th week's class meetings, students participated in a retreat with senior Dharma teachers from Thích Nhất Hạnh's Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism's Deer Park Monastery (2015) . Students could attend the 4-h retreat, the 2-day (14-h) retreat, or both. The retreat was included in the course, to allow students to practice mindfulness techniques in a prolonged period and receive guidance from the Dharma teachers. In lieu of the retreat if students had a scheduling conflict, they were asked to complete 4 additional hours of group mindfulness practice. Class and retreat attendance counted toward a class participation grade.

2.3.3 Class assignments

Class assignments included six quizzes, three problem sets, class participation including mindfulness practice logs, and weekly written reflections ( Supplementary material 1 ). Students completed the quizzes in class. The first five quizzes covered the renal, respiratory, digestive, musculoskeletal, and nervous systems; the last quiz was cumulative. The three problem sets covered the scientific research methods content taught in the class. Further, each week, they submitted a written reflection of at least 250 words about their experiences with mindfulness practices and/or the biological concepts.

2.4 Outcome assessment

Students completed online questionnaires remotely after course completion (late May to mid-July 2023) administered via RedCap, an electronic data management platform hosted at Dartmouth College ( Harris et al., 2009 , 2019 ). We extracted class attendance, assignment and assessment completion, and mindfulness practice logs from class records for consented students.

2.4.1 Course acceptability and effectiveness

Course acceptability and effectiveness were assessed via the post-class online survey. The survey contained 16 items, evaluating acceptability (five items, i.e., “I found the course enjoyable”), knowledge gain (four items, i.e., “I increased my understanding of my own physiology”), and self-efficacy (seven items, i.e., “I gained confidence in my ability to practice mindfulness”). Items were adapted from theoretical frameworks for evaluating intervention acceptability ( Sekhon et al., 2017 ) and existing questions that measure class satisfaction and effectiveness ( Douglas et al., 2006 ; Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning, 2016 ; Bieleke et al., 2021 ; UC Berkeley Center for Teaching Learning, 2024 ). Students rated each question on a five-point Likert scale (1: strongly disagree, 2: disagree, 3: neutral, 4: agree, and 5: strongly agree). The questionnaire demonstrated good internal consistency in our sample (Cronbach's α = 0.88). Subscales showed moderate to high internal consistency (acceptability α = 0.62; knowledge gain α = 0.72; self-efficacy α = 0.86).

2.4.2 Class engagement

We extracted class and retreat attendance data and the number of assignments and assessments completed from the course gradebook. Participants logged their mindfulness practice during the term five times or more a week via Google Forms. We summarized the types and durations of out-of-class exercises from the logs. Two authors (D.G.D. and Z.Z.) pre-determined the criteria for categorizing the out-of-class practice. They are (1) mindful movements, e.g., mindful walks, (2) sitting meditation, (3) mindful breathing, (4) mindful eating and drinking, (5) deep relaxation, e.g., body scan, (6) mindful art and music, e.g., singing meditation, (7) journaling, (8) listening to or reading materials from spiritual leaders, (9) mindful socializing, (10) mindful housekeeping, e.g., doing dishes mindfully, (11) mindful personal hygiene, e.g., brushing teeth mindfully, (12) other, e.g., mindful studying. One author (Z.Z.) reviewed the log entries, classified them into one of the 12 categories, and then further classified each entry as self-directed vs. guided by others, nature involved vs. not, and integrated (i.e., mindfulness embedded into daily tasks) vs. isolated practice. The two authors (D.G.D and Z.Z.) reviewed log data, resolved discrepancies through discussion and agreed on the final categorizations.

The total out-of-class practice time was the sum of minutes practiced reported in the logs. The in-class practice time was based on class attendance data (the number of sessions attended * 20 min/session). Any absence of in-class attendance or home practice was counted as 0 min of in-class or out-of-class practice, respectively. We collected the participation status of the in-person on-campus retreat (4-h retreat, 16-h retreat, or both) from the event registration records and confirmed it with each participant. Finally, we summed the minutes of in-class and out-of-class practice to compute the total minutes practiced during the term.

2.4.3 Self-reported changes in trait mindfulness

After completing the course, participants completed the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) once to report their current level of dispositional mindfulness and a second time to retrospectively assess their level before taking the course ( Brown and Ryan, 2003 ). The MAAS is a validated self-report instrument on trait mindfulness, i.e., one's attention to and awareness of the present moment. Participants rate how often they engage in behaviors of inattention or mindlessness (15 items, i.e., “I rush through activities without being really attentive to them”). The responses are anchored from 1 (almost always) to 6 (never) and averaged across all items for a single score. Possible scores range from 1 to 6. Higher scores reflect greater dispositional mindfulness. We did not include the item on mindful driving in our analysis, as 20% ( n = 7) of our student participants reported that this item was irrelevant to them. The MAAS scale shows a high internal consistency in the original study (α ≥ 0.82) and in our sample (α = 0.82; Brown and Ryan, 2003 ). We calculated a MAAS change score with the difference between the score self-reported for pre- and post-class.

2.4.4 Self-reported changes in wellbeing

Students self-assessed changes in wellbeing and related behaviors via the post-class questionnaire. Items were developed and adapted from prior research ( Greaney et al., 2021 ). Students were invited to rate 12 statements to reflect on how the course contributed to changes in their physical (four items, e.g., ability to get quality sleep), emotional (five items, e.g., ability to manage academic stressors), and social wellbeing (three items, e.g., sense of community in the classroom). Students also assessed a statement on changes in emotional eating. Items were anchored on a five-point scale from 1: very negative changes to 5: very positive changes. The questionnaire demonstrated high internal consistency in our sample (overall α = 0.89; subscale physical health α = 0.73; emotional health α = 0.83; social health α = 0.75).

2.5 Covariates

We extracted participant class years (i.e., freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior) from the course registration system. Students self-reported their gender identities in the course survey administered at the course's first session.

2.6 Analytical approaches

Summary statistics were computed to understand the distribution of the primary outcomes and covariates. Next, we examined if the out-of-class practice time changed over the term with a linear mixed-effect model with a fixed effect by time and random intercepts by the participant. Chi-squared goodness of fit tests against a uniform distribution were performed to decide if the observed responses on the other survey items were likely due to chance. Paired Wilcoxon signed-rank tests were performed to assess whether dispositional mindfulness (MAAS item and total scores) self-reported for pre- and post-class differed significantly. Cronbach's α was computed to evaluate the internal consistency of the self-report instruments in our sample. Lastly, we examined the dose-response relation between the duration of mindfulness practice and dispositional mindfulness via linear mixed-effect models accounting for the time trend and repeated sampling. We performed the analyses at a two-sided alpha level of 0.05 and created the figures in RStudio software version 2023.06.2+561 ( R Core Team, 2022 ).

3.1 Student characteristics

Thirty-six undergraduate students participated in our study. Seventeen percent were 1st-year students, 33% were sophomores, 22% were juniors, and 28% were seniors ( Table 1 ). Fifty-three percent identified with the “she/her” pronouns, 42% with “he/him,” and 3% with “she/her/they/them.”


Table 1 . Characteristics of the class and mindfulness practice ( N = 36).

3.2 Course acceptability and effectiveness

The acceptance of the course was high. All participants found the course enjoyable and relevant to their lives ( Figure 1A ). All agreed that the class increased their understanding of their physiology and its interconnectedness to the world, and they would recommend the class to a friend ( Figure 1 , items B1, B3, and A4). Ninety-one percent expressed wanting to take another academic course incorporating mindfulness practice ( Figure 1 , item A5).


Figure 1 . Course acceptability and attainment of learning objectives ( N = 33). * p < 0.00001 from Chi-squared goodness of fit test against a uniform distribution. (A) Acceptability. (B) Knowledge gain. (C) Self-efficacy.

All agreed that the course enhanced their knowledge about the biological mechanisms underlying the positive health impacts of mindfulness practice ( Figure 1B ). Many believed that that course had increased their appreciation for their bodies (100%), knowledge of how to live healthfully (91%), and motivation to live healthfully (88%; Figures 1B , C ).

3.3 Class engagement

Participants engaged well with the course content throughout the term. All completed the six in-class assessments, and 97% completed all three problem sets ( Table 1 ). Of the 17 class sessions offered, 64% attended at least 16 sessions, 14% attended 15, and 22% attended between 11 and 14 sessions.

Participants practiced mindfulness for an average of 30 h (SD = 12) during the term ( Table 1 ). They practiced weekly in class for an average of 66 min (SD = 27). Seventy-eight percent attended the 4-h retreat, 11% attended the 2-day (14-h) retreat, and 6% attended both. Two students participated in alternate activities due to scheduling conflicts with the retreat.

Outside of class, participants practiced mindfulness for an average of 20 min (SD = 17) per day ( Table 2 ). The out-of-class practice time was stable throughout the course ( p = 0.60 for the time fixed effect coefficient in a linear mixed-effect model, Figure 2 ). They explored, on average, 6 (SD = 2) types of mindfulness exercises on their own ( Table 1 ). Mindful movement was the most common out-of-class practice in this sample, and 94% of the participants described practicing self-led mindful movement activities, e.g., mindful walks and runs ( Table 2 ). Sitting meditation was the second most common practice, and 42% of the participants described practicing with an app. Participants also described practicing mindfulness through breathing ( N = 27), deep relaxation ( N = 22), journaling ( N = 13), and art and music ( N = 17).


Table 2 . Summary of self-reported out-of-class mindfulness practice ( N = 36).


Figure 2 . Distribution of student out-of-class mindfulness practice time over the academic term ( N = 36). The blue dash line shows the sample average weekly practice hours (1.7 h). The box covers the range between 25 and 75th percentiles, with the line in the middle showing the median. The top and bottom whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values, excluding the outliers (plotted as the dots).

In line with the philosophy of mindful living encouraged in the class reading Peace is Every Step ( Hanh, 1992 ), many participants incorporated mindfulness into daily tasks. Examples are mindful eating and drinking ( N = 27, 75%), mindfully socializing with others ( N = 10, 28%), and housekeeping ( N = 9, 25%; Table 2 ). Seventy-five percent also described practicing mindfulness in nature.

3.4 Changes in trait mindfulness

Participants reported that their attention to the present moment and capacity for mindfulness improved after taking the class, with an average of 1.2 unit within-person increase in the MAAS score (SD = 0.8, p = 1.82 × 10 −6 from paired Wilcoxon signed rank exact test, N = 30; Figure 3 ).


Figure 3 . Distribution of Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) scores reported for before and after class. The box covers the range between 25 and 75th percentiles, and the line in the middle represents the median score. The top and bottom whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values, excluding the outliers. Each dot presents a student's score.

We observed a statistically significant increase in each MAAS item score ( p < 0.00001 from paired Wilcoxon signed rank exact test; Figure 4 ). Many reported a drop in their tendency to walk mindlessly and operate on auto-pilot ( Figure 4 , items 4 and 7). Participants also found themselves less likely to get caught up in their thoughts about the past or the future ( Figure 4 , item 13). We did not observe an association between total hours practiced and dispositional mindfulness evaluated via the MAAS ( p = 0.379; Table 3 ).


Figure 4 . Responses on the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) and emotional eating behavior reported for before and after class ( N = 31). Item 12 on mindful driving in the original MAAS questionnaire was not included, as 20% of this college student sample reported this item was not applicable. * p < 0.00001 via paired Wilcoxon signed-rank tests.


Table 3 . Associations between reported mindfulness practice time and trait mindfulness assessed via Mindful Attention Awareness Scale ( N = 33).

3.5 Changes in self-reported wellbeing

Participants answered that the course positively or very positively influenced their physical health ( Figure 5A ), including a greater capacity to engage in healthy physical activity (74%), get quality and adequate sleep (71%), and eat more healthfully (62%). The tendency of eating to cope with negative emotion dropped ( p < 0.00001 from paired Wilcoxon signed-rank test, Figure 4 , emotional eating).


Figure 5 . Changes in self-reported health outcomes ( N = 34). * p < 0.00001 from Chi-squared goodness of fit test against a uniform distribution. (A) Physical health. (B) Emotional health. (C) Social health.

Participants noticed positive mental and social wellbeing changes from taking this course ( Figures 5B , C ). Examples were more compassion toward self (88%) and for others (85%), improved self-esteem (68%), and greater capacity for managing non-academic (82%) and academic stressors (79%). Many believed the course enhanced their sense of community in the classroom (88%) and on campus (71%).

4 Discussion

In this Mindful Physiology course, we integrated the teaching of human physiology with related mindfulness practice. The class was well-received by undergraduate students. All primary outcomes demonstrated positive trends. Per student reports, the course was related to improvement in their trait mindfulness, familiarity of and capacity for mindfulness practice, as well as physical (i.e., sleep quality, healthful eating, and physical activity), mental (i.e., stress regulation, self-esteem, and compassion), and social wellbeing (i.e., sense of belonging). Further stringent larger-scale RCTs and qualitative studies are granted to confirm whether embedding mindfulness practice into college curricula would enhance learning and student wellbeing.

4.1 This human physiology course with integrated mindfulness training was acceptable to college students

The Mindful Physiology course showed high acceptability ( Figure 1 ). Students attained academic objectives (i.e., increased understanding of human physiology) while enjoying the learning process. Unlike conventional college courses, this course invited students to practice mindfulness related to the lecture topics. Practicing inside and outside of class allowed students time to relax, cultivate joy, and reflect on and appreciate their own physiology. Research suggests that positive academic emotions, such as joy and gratitude, can increase student motivation for learning ( Pekrun et al., 2017 ). Studies also show that learners are more willing to invest time and effort when learning is fun ( Pekrun et al., 2002 ; Villavicencio and Bernardo, 2013 ). Enjoyment (i.e., positive emotion related to curiosity and interest in learning) has been shown to strongly predict academic achievement ( Villavicencio and Bernardo, 2013 ). Future studies should investigate whether integrating mindfulness into curricula fosters positive academic emotions and benefits learning outcomes.

Participants engaged well with the course, as indicated by their class attendance, assignment, and assessment completion rates ( Table 1 ) and consistent engagement with out-of-class mindfulness practice ( Figure 2 ). The vast majority attended the mindfulness retreat(s) and practiced mindfulness inside and outside the class ( Table 1 ). A qualitative review suggests that the course's approach of offering students options in the type and duration of their out-of-class practice was conducive to participant engagement with mindfulness training ( Bamber and Schneider, 2022 ). The flexibility and autonomy potentially allowed students to fit mindfulness training into daily routines and increase motivation to practice ( Table 2 ). Additionally, the preference for self-directed or group practice varied, with more students favoring self-directed activities. For example, participants reported engaging in more self-directed mindful walks than structured mindful movement classes (e.g., instructor-led yoga classes), and more sitting meditations guided by mobile apps than in-person at the school's wellness center ( Table 2 ). While we did not interrogate why students chose various activities, we hypothesize that students may prefer the scheduling flexibility of self-directed activities.

4.2 Mindfulness practice embedded in daily activities and nature may be more accessible to college students

Students resonated with practicing mindfulness in everyday activities (integrated practice, e.g., cleaning mindfully and brushing their teeth mindfully ( Table 2 ). Introducing students to various ways to practice may make mindfulness more accessible and sustainable. Several studies conducted among college students report that weaving mindfulness into daily tasks, such as dishwashing, may increase state mindfulness and positive emotion ( Hanley et al., 2015 ; Hindman et al., 2015 ; Cebolla et al., 2017 ). Integrated practice may also reduce the anxiety and guilt felt by students when they cannot find time for isolated sitting meditations ( Bamber and Schneider, 2022 ). A follow-up study of an 8-week college mindfulness program found integrated practice sustainable; a year after, most students reported practicing mindfulness in everyday activities, e.g., mindful eating and mindful walks, while very few continued practicing isolated meditation practices ( Galante et al., 2021 ). Importantly, Galante et al. found a dose-response benefit regardless of whether the practice was integrated or isolated. Introducing options and the flexibility to create one's own practice routine may encourage more sustainable and enjoyable mindfulness practice for college students.

Our participants also favored nature-involved practices, such as mindful walking, running, or eating outdoors ( Table 2 ). A review suggests that contact with nature (“green time”), even as briefly as 10 min of sitting or walking in a natural setting, is linked to improved psychological wellbeing markers in university students ( Meredith et al., 2020 ). Studies also indicate that contact with nature is linked to greater happiness ( Mayer et al., 2009 ) and lower anxiety ( Mackay and Neill, 2010 ). Mindful attention when interacting with nature may augment its beneficial effects; an experiment by Nisbet et al. found that college students who walked outdoors for 20 min while being guided with mindfulness instructions reported a stronger sense of nature connectedness and positive emotions than those who walked indoors or outdoors without mindfulness instruction ( Nisbet et al., 2019 ). Colleges can consider further incorporating nature along with mindfulness into college courses and events, increasing student access to natural space and encouraging “green time” to nourish students' emotional health.

4.3 The course was associated with increased trait mindfulness

The course increased student trait mindfulness measured via the MAAS self-reported for pre- vs. post-class ( Figures 3 , 4 ). A meta-analysis of 125 studies in diverse populations ( N = 31,679, median age = 28.3 years, 91% non-clinical participants) supports that trait mindfulness is positively associated with healthy behaviors, such as healthy eating, sleep, and exercise, with correlations ranging from 0.08 to 0.14 ( Sala et al., 2020 ). Epidemiological studies in college populations also suggest that more mindful students tend to exhibit more healthful behaviors; they eat more nutritiously, exercise more, and spend more time on self-care ( Murphy et al., 2012 ; Lyzwinski et al., 2019 ) and report less problematic alcohol use and binge eating ( Bodenlos et al., 2013 , 2015 ; Giannopoulou et al., 2020 ). However, the literature is mainly cross-sectional. Understanding whether trait mindfulness prospectively promotes healthy behaviors thus requires further investigation in experimental and longitudinal studies.

We did not observe an association between reported mindfulness practice time and trait mindfulness measured via the MAAS ( Table 3 ). However, the exposure variable of practice time is limited because it does not account for practice quality and is subject to measurement error from recalls. Future research can improve this aspect by asking students to evaluate the quality of their mindfulness practice with validated instruments, e.g., the PQ-M ( Del Re et al., 2013 ). More frequent sampling via ecological momentary assessment (EMA) may reduce some measurement errors from recalls ( Moore et al., 2016 ; Grégoire and Doucerain, 2022 ).

While we did not further interrogate, we hypothesize that other course components, such as course readings, physiology lectures, and mindfulness retreats, may also have contributed to the increase in student dispositional mindfulness. Potentially, the combination of learning about human physiology and connecting with the body through mindfulness practice positively affects trait mindfulness. Past research also indicates that the instructors'/facilitators' teaching style may influence the students' development of mindfulness skills ( Hanh and Weare, 2017 ; Bamber and Schneider, 2022 ). For instance, participants from an 8-week mindfulness program expressed that teachers who modeled and practiced mindfulness inspired them to do the same ( Shonin et al., 2014 ). Integrating mindfulness throughout the classroom has been shown to facilitate teaching and learning, as students are more present and engage better ( Schwind et al., 2017 ). Future research should include structured qualitative interviews with participants to elucidate which course components contribute to changes in trait mindfulness.

4.4 The course was associated with improved self-reported physical health

Improvement in self-reported physical wellbeing and health behaviors was also pronounced in our study. More specifically, most students reported that the course had positive or very positive changes in their ability to get adequate and quality sleep, engage in healthy physical activity, and eat healthfully ( Figure 5 ). In line with Bandura's social cognitive theory of individual behavioral change ( Bandura, 1977 , 1997 ), these behavioral changes may have been supported by students increased understanding of the physiological benefits of these behaviors, along with their increased confidence in their ability to engage in these behaviors ( Figure 1 ). Other studies also show that increased self-efficacy and outcome expectations may induce successful physical activity and dietary behavior changes ( Young et al., 2014 ; Luszczynska and Schwarzer, 2020 ; Sebastian et al., 2021 ).

Positive behavioral changes in participant sleep, nutrition, and exercise may also have derived from reduced perceived stress and better stress management skills ( Figure 5B ). Stress and health behaviors may present a bi-directional relationship ( Donald et al., 2016 ; Querstret et al., 2020 ; Dark-Freudeman et al., 2022 ). For instance, evidence indicates that sleep is essential in modulating emotional stress and physiological stress responses ( Minkel et al., 2014 ; Simpson et al., 2016 ; Vandekerckhove and Wang, 2017 ). However, acute and chronic stress, when insufficiently regulated, has been shown to disrupt sleep ( Lo Martire et al., 2020 ). Similarly, exercise has been shown to help reduce stress, but high perceived pressure has been shown to impede one's motivation to exercise ( Stults-Kolehmainen and Sinha, 2014 ). Reducing stress is thus vital to breaking this vicious cycle. With mindfulness training, students can experience less stress and cultivate more feelings of ease and calm, which may facilitate positive health behaviors. Further research should interrogate whether reductions in stress mediate the observed improvements in health behaviors and physical health.

4.5 The course was associated with improved self-reported emotional and social wellbeing

Participants also reported positive changes in their self-esteem and compassion for themselves and others after taking the class ( Figure 5 ). Prior research supports that trait mindfulness positively relates to self-esteem (i.e., one's sense of self-worth) and that mindfulness training can increase self-esteem ( Pepping et al., 2013 ) potentially via reduced negative thinking ( Frewen et al., 2008 ) and self-criticism ( Dundas et al., 2016 ; Noh and Cho, 2020 ). With mindfulness, one can practice challenging unhelpful thought patterns and embracing self-compassion and a growth mindset instead ( Saraff et al., 2020 ). Studies show that exercises such as loving-kindness meditation and supportive touch (e.g., hand massage), which some participants reported practicing, can increase empathy ( Boellinghaus et al., 2014 ; Goldstein et al., 2017 ). Future research should explore if specific types of mindfulness practice are particularly beneficial for emotional health in college students.

The increase in the sense of community was also notable in our participants ( Figure 5C ). Young adults may experience more loneliness, because they are often single and live alone ( Hawkley et al., 2022 ; Ellard et al., 2023 ). Studies report that attitudes of interconnectedness, acceptance (i.e., openness and receptivity of the present-moment experience), and compassion cultivated through mindfulness practice may help alleviate loneliness ( Teoh et al., 2021 ; Xie et al., 2023 ) and enhance interpersonal relationships ( Lindsay et al., 2019 ). Interestingly, 28% of our sample described practicing mindful socialization (e.g., mindfully talking and listening to a friend, connecting with their pets) in their spare time ( Table 2 ). Further studies should use validated instruments of social connectedness ( Veazie et al., 2019 ; Ellard et al., 2023 ) to more rigorously explore the effects of practicing mindfulness overall and specifically while socializing on reducing loneliness.

4.6 Study strengths, limitations, and future directions

This Mindful Physiology course introduced an innovative approach to teaching human physiology with incorporated mindfulness practice. We evaluated the course acceptability, engagement, and potential impacts on student wellbeing via questionnaires. Nevertheless, the pilot study has limitations, including small sample size ( N = 36 out of 48 registered students), inadequate assessment of covariates (e.g., race/ethnicity, prior experience with meditation, health status, and major), absence of a comparison group, and absence of an assessment administered at baseline. Our study is further limited by potential bias from self-selection of the sample, potential measurement error in self-reports, and potential limited assessment on the non-judgment facet of mindfulness due to the unidimensional design of the MAAS ( Baer et al., 2006 ; Baer, 2019 ). These limitations preclude us from making causal inferences and may limit our study's generalizability.

Future studies should consider conducting validated subjective questionnaires, such as the Warwick-Edinburg Student Wellbeing questionnaire ( Tennant et al., 2007 ) and objective measurements, such as hair cortisol, heart rate, and accelerometry ( Russell et al., 2012 ; Cain et al., 2013 ; Kim et al., 2018 ), with a pre-and post-intervention design, to assess changes in student health and behaviors. Further, qualitative studies with student participants can provide insights into the facilitators and barriers to practicing mindfulness in college life. Nonetheless, our study suggests that the course may have positively impacted students' physical and mental wellbeing and supports that larger-scale RCTs are warranted to confirm these benefits.

4.7 Implications for educational practices

This study and others support that incorporating mindfulness into higher education can potentially improve student wellbeing. Although our class was based on the intersection of mindfulness and biology, the concepts (e.g., interconnectedness and impermanence) and skills (e.g., focused attention) introduced and cultivated through mindfulness practice are not unique to the discipline of biology. For instance, in a chemistry class, teachers may invite students to contemplate the idea of impermanence while observing a chemical reaction. In an ecology class, students may be invited to reflect on their role and the impact of their actions on the ecosystem to understand the idea of interbeing. Teachers may lead a brief mindfulness meditation in a language class to reduce language learning anxiety ( Zeilhofer and Sasao, 2022 ). Simply reflecting on the class content and its relevance to daily life can improve learning outcomes ( Priniski et al., 2018 ).

Incorporating mindfulness into higher education curricula may be challenging due to the need for a professor to feel comfortable in both their subject area and mindfulness practices. For professors interested in incorporating such an approach but less experienced with mindfulness practices, collaborations with mindfulness experts to co-design the curriculum may be feasible. In this course, monastics from the Plum Village Tradition engaged with students through in-class visits and on-campus retreats. Given the limited availability of monastic mindfulness experts and the potential burden of running retreats, future research should explore whether monastic engagement and mindfulness retreat attendance were necessary for the positive changes reported by the students. As the world faces a crisis in youth's mental health, further research into integrating mindfulness into academic courses can provide the necessary evidence to support or refute the approach of incorporating mindfulness to foster positive student learning and health outcomes.

5 Conclusions

Mindful Physiology, a college biology course with integrated mindfulness practice, demonstrated high acceptability, student engagement, and effectiveness in this pilot study. Per student reports, the class was related to improved trait mindfulness and physical, mental, and social wellbeing. Further evidence from larger-scale, stringent experimental and qualitative studies is needed to make causal inferences. Nevertheless, this study provides preliminary evidence that incorporating mindfulness into higher education curricula may enhance students' learning experience and wellbeing.

Data availability statement

The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation.

Ethics statement

The studies involving humans were approved by Dartmouth College Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects. The studies were conducted in accordance with the local legislation and institutional requirements. The participants provided their written informed consent to participate in this study.

Author contributions

ZZ: Data curation, Formal analysis, Methodology, Validation, Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. BL: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing – review & editing. DG-D: Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing – review & editing.

The author(s) declare that no financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.


We sincerely thank the students for sharing their experiences. Additionally, we thank the reviewers and the editors for their constructive feedback, which has significantly strengthened this manuscript.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Publisher's note

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.

Supplementary material

The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1365778/full#supplementary-material

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Keywords: mindfulness, young adults, college student, health, wellbeing

Citation: Zhang Z, Lưu BCP and Gilbert-Diamond D (2024) Acceptability, engagement, and preliminary efficacy of a college human physiology course with integrated mindfulness practice to support student wellbeing. Front. Psychol. 15:1365778. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1365778

Received: 04 January 2024; Accepted: 24 July 2024; Published: 14 August 2024.

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Copyright © 2024 Zhang, Lưu and Gilbert-Diamond. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) . The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

*Correspondence: Zhuoya Zhang, zhuoya.zhang.gr@dartmouth.edu

† ORCID: Zhuoya Zhang orcid.org/0000-0003-2331-8444 Diane Gilbert-Diamond orcid.org/0000-0003-3560-7171

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  1. Eating Disorder Treatment Worksheets

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  2. Positive Benefits of Journaling You Weren’t Aware Of.

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  3. The Place of Techniques and Evaluation in CounselingDrawing on T.docx

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  4. Mindfulness for Students: 5 Benefits & 6 Techniques

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  5. Incorporating Mindfulness Exercises

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  6. 29 Take Your Child To Work Day Activities

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  1. 37 Free Printable Mindfulness Worksheets & Exercises

    Free Printable Mindfulness Worksheets for Adults. Mindfulness is a powerful tool for treating clients with anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues in therapy. "It refers to the ability to focus one's awareness on the present moment without judging the sensations, thoughts, feelings, or other characteristics of the experience ...

  2. Mindfulness Exercises

    The exercises include mindfulness meditation, body scan, mindful eating, and five senses. This worksheet will work best when you discuss mindfulness in detail, and practice a few techniques during session. Try using this printout as the basis for a homework assignment by asking your clients to choose one technique to practice for at least 15 ...

  3. 13 Printable Mindfulness Worksheets For Adults

    8. Mindfulness Deep Relaxation. This mindfulness worksheet features a guided meditation exercise, inviting students to pretend they're turning into a tree to help them relax their bodies and minds. This would be especially useful when teaching your kids/students grounding meditation, which involves mindfulness.

  4. Free Mindfulness Worksheets

    These free, downloadable mindfulness worksheets were written and curated by Sean Fargo, the founder of Mindfulness Exercises. Sean is a former Buddhist monk who has spent over 10 years helping people meet their challenges with greater ease. Sean has taught mindfulness and meditation in Fortune 500 companies, health and government organizations ...

  5. Mindfulness Exercises

    Mindfulness Exercises. Now, pick up the food. Notice the weight, and how the food feels against your skin. Roll the object between your fingers, or roll it in your hand, and notice its texture. Notice if it's smooth, rough, slick, soft, firm or if it has any other properties. Hold the food to your nose, and pay attention to its smell.

  6. PDF Self-Compassion and Mindfulness

    If not, give yourself compassion for not being ready to let go. If you would like, say to yourself, "letting go, letting go". Softly repeat the phrase. Soften the body and feel any space that arises as you let go. Sitting quietly notice if any of the feelings, thoughts, etc. return.

  7. 23 Printable Mindfulness Worksheets for Adults in 2024

    It is an excellent way to teach them the art of mindful meditation through writing. 11. Mindfulness Bingo. If you are a beginner in practicing mindfulness, this free printable bingo might make the practice more approachable. It consists of all the things that you need to do and remember in order to get started.

  8. PDF 8 Mindfulness Worksheets Power Pack

    mindfulness, choose a worksheet that interests you both. Together but separately, work through the exercise and any reflection questions. Then, share your experience with one another. 3. Add a worksheet to the mindfulness sessions you teach. If you're a mindfulness meditation teacher, you can use worksheets to help your students

  9. 23 Mindfulness Worksheets and Templates to Live in the Present Moment

    One way to stop this tendency is to become mindful of your thoughts. This worksheet lets you take note of the moments when you engage in rumination, or the process of thinking negative thoughts. It helps you identify triggers, the themes of your rumination, and its effect on your well-being. 23. Wipe Out the ANTS.

  10. PDF The Mindfulness Workbook

    Mindfulness Worksheet Download more mindfulness worksheets, guided meditation scripts, e-books and more at: Mindfuln essEx e rcises. com 2 of 2 2. When setting your intention, try to clarify what is most needed in that moment. 3. Try to mindfully carry this intention with you as you proceed, checking in periodically to re-align yourself if you ...

  11. Mastering the Art of Mindfulness: Effective Therapy Homework Revealed

    For more information on therapy homework assignments, visit our article on therapy homework assignments. Mindfulness Techniques for Therapy Homework. When it comes to incorporating mindfulness into therapy homework, there are several effective techniques that can be practiced. These techniques help individuals cultivate a state of present ...

  12. Mindfulness Worksheets

    Mindfulness activities help children prepare […] View More. Signs Of Burnout Worksheet. GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC. Burning out is normal- we all burn out sometimes. It is a form of prolonged stress and is most often applied to someone who is overworked with little opportunity breaks or recovery time. The stress that leads to burnout could come ...

  13. PDF Overcoming Your OCD

    A Therapy Assignment Workbook by Margaret Auguste, LMFT ... University. Her eclec]c style of therapy includes mindfulness, cogni]ve, narra]ve and solu]on- ... used as therapeu]c homework. Overcoming Your OCD is one of a series of workbooks designed to help people prac]ce the psychological skills they learn in therapy. ...

  14. Mindfulness for Beginners: How to Get Started

    Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), for example, is (typically) an 8-week course that involves daily at-home meditation sessions, once weekly classes with a teacher, homework assignments ...

  15. 40 Beautiful Printable Mindfulness Worksheets You Need

    This download contains 40 illustrated mindfulness worksheets that encourage mindful awareness through writing and practical exercises. Included in this download are the following printable worksheets. ' Focus on the good ' is a worksheet to inspire positive thinking by identifying things you're good at, what you're proud of and what you ...

  16. What Is Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)?

    Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) combines elements of mindfulness practice and cognitive behavioral therapy to help individuals develop greater awareness and acceptance of their thoughts, emotions, and experiences in order to cultivate resilience and prevent relapse in depression and anxiety. ... These homework assignments are usually ...

  17. Mindfulness Meditation Homework

    Mindfulness Meditation Homework (Week 1) PDF. Audio and Transcript of Talk. by Gil Fronsdal. Insight meditation, or Vipassana, is one of the central teachings of the Buddha. It has continued as a living practice for 2500 years. At the heart of insight meditation is the practice of mindfulness, the cultivation of clear, stable and non-judgmental ...

  18. Mindfulness Isn't Enough

    Mindfulness-based interventions can help reduce stress, decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression, and improve overall quality of life. ... but homework assignments are critical in order for ...

  19. DBT Worksheets

    worksheet. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) uses the concept of a reasonable, emotional, and wise mind to describe a person's thoughts and behaviors. The reasonable mind is driven by logic, the emotional mind is driven by feelings, and wise mind is a middle-ground between the two. In DBT, clients will learn skills to use their wise mind and ...

  20. Empower Your Clients: Effective Therapy Homework Ideas Unveiled

    For more ideas on therapy homework assignments, ... or assertiveness, check out our article on therapy homework assignments. Mindfulness and Meditation Exercises. Mindfulness and meditation exercises can be valuable homework assignments to help clients develop present-moment awareness, reduce stress, and cultivate emotional well-being. Some ...

  21. Empowering Recovery: Transformative Therapy Homework Assignments

    These assignments are tailored to address specific therapeutic goals and objectives, focusing on areas such as self-reflection, skill-building, and behavioral changes. Therapy homework can take various forms, including journaling, self-reflection exercises, mindfulness practices, and behavioral experiments.

  22. The DBT Homework Assignment Workbook

    The DBT Homework Assignment Workbook. This workbook contains 50 DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) tools, grouped into four categories: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, interpersonal effectiveness. Each tool ends with a section for client feedback about the effectiveness of the tool.

  23. The Relationship of Mindfulness and Student Homework Completion

    The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship of student mindfulness and homework completion. This study consisted of a sample size of 42 students within a 7th grade public school Language Arts classroom. The data was collected over a period of six weeks using conversations in small focus groups (4-6 students) , student homework completion data, one-on-one conversations with ...

  24. Frontiers

    For instance, in MBSR, besides attending eight 2.5-h weekly sessions and a 5-h retreat, students have daily homework of 45 min of mindfulness practice (Kabat-Zinn, 2009). College student participants reported finding it hard to fulfill that requirement, leaving them guilty and discouraged (Bamber and Schneider, 2022). Creative approaches are ...