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memes about writing an essay


  • 17 Writing Memes That Are Too Relatable

Jackie Pearce

What Are Memes?

Why writers should enjoy memes, writing memes, 1. life as a writer, 2. grammar memes, 3. first draft jokes, 4. procrastination as a writer, 5. writing hours, 6. author humor, 7. focus for writing, 8. how we see our work vs how editors or clients do, 9. battling resistance, 10. the freelance writing life, 11. forgetting a brilliant idea, 12. spending time with a thesaurus, 13. fighting against distractions, 14. ideas as a writer, 15. finally beating writer’s block, 16. working and writing through holidays, 17. the dreaded first draft, ready to become a writer.

Writers might enjoy looking at writing memes because they often humorously capture the common struggles, quirks, and experiences that writers face in their creative endeavors.

Additionally, such memes can offer a brief but welcome break from the sometimes solitary and intense nature of writing, serving as a source of inspiration, motivation, or a good laugh amidst the writing process.

In this article, there are 17 of the best writing memes out there, but keep in mind that there are an endless amount out there for you to enjoy. This is simply for you to scroll through while you take a break (probably from a writing assignment you are putting off).

Let’s take a look at some great ones for you to enjoy!

For the most part, I can assume that almost everyone knows what memes are, but on the off chance you do not know what they are, let’s define what they are.

According to the dictionary, a meme is:

An image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations. Dictionary definition of a meme

When it comes to making it as a freelance writer, it can be a hard, lonesome journey. Not everyone will be able to write with people around them, or if they do, it is still a solitary venture.

Writing memes can help give you a much-needed laugh when you need it most. There is a lot of help that comedy can provide when it comes to enjoying your career .

Meme about being a writer

When it comes to being a writer of any kind, so many people think our careers are different than they are day-to-day. For example, how many people think of us as starving artists who can barely afford their morning coffee?

Meme featuring a racoon

Not everyone appreciates a good grammar joke, but most writers certainly will!

Meme from X Men with the caption When someone finds your first draft

For most of us, our first drafts are… not great. What we publish to the world and what we first put down on paper are usually two very different types of writing.

Meme with the caption writers when they're determined to do anything except finish the book

Is there anything more relatable than putting off your writing? Even for the most prolific of professionals, there will be times when writer’s block is heavy and hard to get through.

Raise your hand if you are guilty of doing things like cleaning your house, doing the dishes, color coding your Google Sheets, or rearranging your closet by colors instead of actually sitting down to write?

Drake meme about writing

Whether you are a night owl or a morning bird, you might be able to relate to writing at weird times.

You never know when inspiration will strike and sometimes that’s at 2 AM.

Meme with the caption Authors be like

Which author do you think is the most guilty of this? Some just love to kill off characters and make the story extra painful for the reader.

Meme from The Emperor's New Groove

Is there anything worse than when you’re in the middle of writing and someone interrupts your thought? Statistics show it can take at least 20 minutes to get focused again once you have been distracted.

Meme with the caption How I see my book editor, how I see my book when my editor sends it back

This not only applies to authors, but this also applies to the freelance writing life as well. Sometimes, you will submit what you think is amazing, fantastic writing and your client or editor will think that your work is just average.

Meme from The Mandalorian

Sometimes life gets in the way of creating and it is easy to feel guilty over not spending time writing! It does not always last forever, but it certainly is hard when it does happen.

Meme about freelance writer

Similar to the other post about being a writer above, this is more specific to freelance writers. It is amazing what so many people think about when it comes to what the freelance writing life is like!

Meme from The Matrix

As a writer, you have probably had the frustrating situation of realizing that you had a great idea in the middle of the night for something to write but cannot remember it by the time you need to sit down and put that idea on paper.

This is why a lot of writers choose to keep a little notebook or voice memo recorder beside their bed.

Meme with the caption Resist Temptation

Almost all of us can relate to the idea of needing to use the thesaurus to come up with different words to use when it comes to writing. Whether you are repeating yourself over and over with a blog you are writing, or your want to mix up your pitches to potential clients, you want to find new ways to mix up your writing.

Toy Story Meme: Distractions, Distractions, Everywhere

The internet (and especially social media) is one of the greatest and also the worst things that ever happened to writers. Writers have always found ways to distract themselves, but having endless content just the click of a thumb away has made it even harder to focus.

This is why a lot of writers have to go somewhere without internet in order to get any quality writing done.

Meme that looks like a comic strip. Me describing my 3am plotbunnies

Not every idea we have as writers are always good ones! The most important part is that you keep coming up with ideas, even when they are not the best ideas.

Meme from the Emperor's Groove. How it feels to write three words after a month of writer's block

Is there anything better than finally fighting back against writer’s block and getting some words (or even pages!) written?

Meme that looks like a comic strip. How writers celebrate different events

Now, it is not a good idea to work so much that you completely ignore and forget to celebrate any of the holidays or fun times in your life.

However, most of us can relate to doing so either through necessity or passion when it comes to writing. Just do not forget to celebrate every once in a while!

Meme from Star Wars featuring Yoda. Always awful first drafts are. Just start.

While this one is not as funny as some of the others, it still rings true for most of us!

The dreaded first draft is often the hardest hurdle for writers to overcome, no matter what kind of writing you do. It is important to sit down, focus, and get those words out!

If you are ready to stop laughing at writing memes and start making money with your writing skills, you will want to know about the Den 2x program for freelance writers.

The Den 2x helps freelance writers grow their income and know how to succeed. The main goal is to help you focus on doubling your income, whether you’ve been working as a freelance writer for two years or 20+.

If you want to stop chasing random tactics as a freelance writer and follow a plan that has been proven to work, you do not want to miss out on this opportunity!

Get the details by clicking the image below!

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