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What is a Historiographical Essay?

Historiographical essays, evaluating secondary sources, acknowledgement.

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A historiographical essay:

  • Is based on a broad, less focused topic or theme, e.g., Reconstruction in the United States)
  • Critically examines secondary sources written by historians
  • Puts emphasis on the historian, the historian's bias and how the writing of a particular topic has changed over the years
  • Examines and compares other historians' arguments in opposition to each other

The purpose of an historiographic essay is threefold:

  • To allow you to view an historical event or issue from multiple perspectives by engaging multiple sources;
  • To display your mastery over those sources and over the event or issue itself; and
  • To develop your critical reading skills as you seek to answer why your sources disagree, and what their disagreement tells you about the event or issue and the very nature of history itself.

Selected Titles About Historiography

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  • What information is given about the author? Is the author an historian?
  • Can you identify the historian's school of thought?
  • Read the table of contents, preface and other introductry material. Does the author set up his/her thesis (or point of view) in these sections? Who is the intended audience? Is it written for historians or for a general audience?
  • What is the date of publication? If the book or article is old, it will not highlight recent scholarship. Is this important? Is it a reflection of the histories of the time or does it deviate from the norm?
  • What primary source material does the author use? What primary source material may have been available to the author at the time?
  • Consider the bibliography. Do the sources listed indicate serious works that are relevant to your topic? You may want to consult works used by the author. 

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HIST 300 - Introduction to Historical Studies: Historiographic Essay (Literature Review)

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What is a Historiographic Essay / Historiographic Review?

A Historiographic Essay (also known as a Historiographic Review or, outside of the history discipline, a Literature Review ) is a systematic and comprehensive analysis of books, scholarly articles, and other sources relevant to a specific topic that provides a base of knowledge. Literature reviews are designed to identify and critique the existing literature on a topic, justifying your research by exposing gaps in current research. 

This investigation should provide a description, summary, and critical evaluation of works related to the research problem or question, and should also add to the overall knowledge of the topic as well as demonstrating how your research will fit within a larger field of study.  A literature review should offer critical analysis of the current research on a topic and that analysis should direct your research objective. This should not be confused with a book review or an annotated bibliography; both are research tools but very different in purpose and scope.  A Literature Review can be a stand alone element or part of a larger end product, so be sure you know your assignment.  Finally, don't forget to document your process, and keep track of your citations!

Process of a Literature Review

The process of writing a literature review is not necessarily a linear process, you will often have to loop back and refine your topic, try new searches and altar your plans. The info graphic above illustrates this process.  It also reminds you to continually keep track of your research by citing sources and creating a bibliography.

  • Know what the review is for; each assignment will offer the purpose for the review.  For example, is it for “background”, or a “pro and con discussion”, "integration", “summarizing”, etc.
  • Create a “search plan”, decide where you will search for information, what type of information you will need.
  • Research   - Preform Searches; choose sources and collect information to use in your paper.  Make sure you cite the sources used.
  • Think  - Analyze information in a systematic manner and begin your literature review (e.g., summarize, synthesize, etc.). Make sure you cite the sources used.
  • Complete  - Write your paper, proof & revise and create your finished bibliography.

Elements in a Literature Review

  • Elements in a Literature Review txt of infographic

What to Avoid

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The examples and websites on this page can get you started in conceptualizing your final product and getting started. Continue to the next tabs on the left side for step by step processes and strategies. 

  • Historiographical essay examples This historian's blog links to a few JSTOR examples of historiography essays.
  • Writing on History: Example Essays This CUNY webpage includes a definition of historiographic writing as well as examples.
  • University of Toronto LibGuide: Examples of historiographic essays This LibGuide has curated some additional examples of essays on historiographic topics.

Websites for Guidance

  • University of Toronto: Historiography LibGuide Librarians at the University of Toronto have designed a LibGuide to explain researching a historiography. NOTE: You will not have access to the databases on their site. Use the Pace links on this LibGuide.
  • Pace Library: Primary Sources in History LibGuide A LibGuide created by a Pace librarian provides guidance on locating primary historical sources.
  • New York Public Library Digital Collections From the special collections of the New York Public Library, this database offers online access to thousands of digitized images from books, magazines and newspapers as well as original photographs, prints and postcards, mostly in the public domain. Years covered: primarily pre-1923.
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Write a Historiography

1. narrow your topic and select books and articles accordingly, 2. search for literature, 3. read the selected books and articles thoroughly and evaluate them, 4. organize the selected sources by looking for patterns and by developing subtopics, 5. develop a thesis statement, 6. draft the paper, 7. review your work.

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Consider your specific area of study. Think about what interests you and other researchers in your field.  

Talk to your professor or TA, brainstorm, and read lecture notes and current issues in periodicals in the ïŹeld.  

Limit your scope appropriately based on the assignment guidelines (i.e., focusing on France's role in the Second World War, not the whole world, or on the legal agency of women in medieval Scotland, not all medieval European women). 

  • Four Steps to Narrow Your Research Topic (Video) This 3-minute video provides instructions on how to narrow the focus of your research topic.
  • Developing a Research Question + Worksheet Use this worksheet to develop, assess, and refine your research questions. There is also a downloadable PDF version.

Define your source selection criteria (i.e., articles published within a specific date range or written through specific historical lenses; or research applying specific theories and methodologies or focusing on a specific geographic region, chronological period, or historical event).  

Using keywords, search a library database. If you need help finding the literature, contact a librarian through 

  • Ask Us Contact a librarian via chat, email, phone or the AskUs desk on the main floor of McLaughlin Library
  • Book an appointment Book a consultation to get research help.

Published articles and books always cite earlier studies in the footnotes, endnotes or bibliography: you can use these to trace the development of the subject.  

Include studies with conflicting points of view to help create a more engaging discussion within your historiographical paper.  

Evaluate and synthesize the studies'â€ŻïŹndings and conclusions.  

Note the following:  

  • assumptions some or most historians seem to make.  
  • methodologies, theories, and sources that historians have used to answer historical questions.  
  • experts in the field, usually recognized as names that come up repeatedly in the literature (cited in the text or in the footnotes).  
  • conflicting assumptions, theories, methodologies, and types of sources.  
  • popular theories and interpretations, and how these have changed (or not) over time.  

You may not agree with everything you read and, indeed, the point of historiography is to critique (positively and constructively) the work of other historians on a given subject. With that in mind, remember the following historical conventions:  

  • Someone writing in 1883 about the Norman Conquest of 1066 may not consider questions that are central to more recent kinds of history, but this does not mean that earlier historians and antiquarians were unqualified, unintelligent, or uninformed: they simply had different biases and experiences. These are worth discussing (for example, it might be worthwhile to compare how Protestant and Catholic historians of the late nineteenth century wrote about the sixteenth-century Protestant Reformation) but avoid condemning the authors outright without a thoughtful explanation of your critiques.  
  • Consider why historians writing in the 1930s were not engaging with questions about gender history and compare the outcomes of their methods and research to the arguments being made by feminist scholars writing since the 1970s. Dig into how different theories, assumptions, and methodologies have led scholars to different conclusions about the same events. 

Note the following: 

  • Findings that are common/contested. 
  • Important trends in the research. 
  • Popular sources, important theories, and common methodologies. 
  • For example, the histories of many topics, regions, and periods have had “phases” like the Great Man Theory of History, the Cultural Turn, Feminist History, Disability Studies, and Queer History. Each of these has been tied to contemporary social changes, such as interest in nationalism during and after the World Wars, influences from sociology and anthropology, and different waves of social justice activism in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

Tip: If your historiography is extensive, ïŹnd a large table surface, and on it place post-it notes or ïŹling cards to organize all your ïŹndings into categories.

  • Move them around if you decide that (a) they ïŹt better under different headings, or (b) you need to establish new topic headings. 
  • Develop headings/subheadings that reflect the major themes and patterns you detected. 

Write a one- or two-sentence statement summarizing the conclusion you have reached about the major trends and developments you see in the research that has been conducted on your subject.

Some example statements to help you get started are: 

  • Historians disagree about X (your topic), but I am the most convinced by the scholars who say Y because… 
  • Historians disagree about X (your topic), but there is something bigger going on, and the whole debate should be reframed with Y in mind. 
  • Historians have come to a consensus about X (your topic), but I disagree and propose a different interpretation (e.g., one that considers gender, one that takes a middle view, or one that incorporates underused primary sources). 

Explore the following library resources to help you create and revise your thesis statement: 

  • Templates for Writing Thesis Statements This template provides a two-step guide for writing thesis statements. There is also a downloadable PDF version.
  • 5 Types of Thesis Statements Learn about five different types of thesis statements to help you choose the best type for your research. There is also a downloadable PDF version.
  • 5 Questions to Strengthen Your Thesis Statement Follow these five steps to strengthen your thesis statements. There is also a downloadable PDF version.

Note: The thesis statement is typically located in the first paragraph of a short paper (fewer than 2000 words) but can be left to the second paragraph of a larger paper (more than 2000 words) if you feel the reader needs more contextual or background information before you begin your argument. 

Follow the organizational structure you developed above, including any headings and subheadings you constructed. 

Make certain that each section links logically to the one before and after. 

Structure your sections by themes or subtopics, not by individual theorists or researchers. 

  • Tip: If you ïŹnd that each paragraph begins with a researcher's name, it might indicate that, instead of evaluating and comparing the research literature from an analytical point of view, you have simply described what research has been done. 

Prioritize analysis over description. 

  • For example, look at the following two passages and note that Student A merely describes the literature. The writing is strong, but Student A has not explained how these two historians came to different conclusions. The paragraph would be stronger if it followed Student B’s approach. 
  • Student B takes a more analytical and evaluative approach by comparing the methods and sources used by the historians. One thing to look for (and use) in historiographical writing is keywords that suggest there is some evaluation happening. Here, Student B makes logical connections (“conversely,” “this is due to,” and “as a result”). These techniques demonstrate Student B's ability to synthesize knowledge and explain the differences in the studies based on the sources used. 

Student A: Keith M. Brown argues that, although James VI had clear ideas about what he wanted the reformed Scottish and English churches to look like, he relied on his relationships with magnates and ministers to ensure the speed, success, and cohesion of reform efforts. A different scholar, Julian Goodare, argues that James VI came awfully close and indeed, in some cases, succeeded at reorganizing Scotland’s dissident authoritative bodies—the kirk, nobility, parliament, and crown—into a centralized and moderately absolutist government. According to Goodare, by the end of James VI’s reign, the state attained sufficient command of its organization to reintroduce an episcopal structure to the contemporary kirk. It also gained the authority to define the role of church and state in the trial and conviction of moral and criminal offences. In other words, the crown itself wielded sufficient authority to govern independently, and Scottish nobles acquiesced to or resisted its demands as they performed their institutional duties, with varying rewards and consequences.

Student B: Julian Goodare and Keith Brown have reached quite different conclusions about the role that the Scottish nobility played in helping or hindering the efforts of Protestant reformers.  This is due in part to the bodies of sources each employed. Brown drew on a wide variety of archival sources that provided insight into the lives of individuals and families: family papers and letters, local court records, and documents relating to bloodfeud. For Brown, these records demonstrate that, although James VI had clear ideas about what he wanted the reformed Scottish and English churches to look like, he relied on his relationships with magnates and ministers to ensure the speed, success, and cohesion of reform efforts. Conversely, Goodare offers a more traditional political examination of Scotland’s development from a medieval kingdom into an early modern state. After consulting crown financial documents, proceedings of the general assemblies, state papers, and the records of the privy seal records and justiciary court, Goodare argues that James VI came awfully close and indeed, in some cases, succeeded at reorganizing Scotland’s dissident authoritative bodies—the kirk, nobility, parliament, and crown—into a centralized and moderately absolutist government. As a result, the concepts of personal kingship and crown-magnate negotiations of power so central to Brown’s analysis are absent from Goodare’s assessment, in which the latter argues that the crown itself wielded sufficient authority to govern independently and that Scottish nobles merely acquiesced to or resisted its demands as they performed their institutional duties.

Note: These examples have been reproduced and modified with the permission of the student author. For the purposes of these example paragraphs, citations have been omitted, but you should always indicate your sources using footnotes.


Make an outline of each section of the paper and decide whether you need to add information, delete irrelevant information, or re-structure sections.  

Look at the topic sentences of each paragraph. If you were to read only these sentences, would you ïŹnd that your paper presented a clear position, logically developed, from beginning to end? The topic sentences of each paragraph should indicate the main points of your historiography. 

Read your work aloud (or use the speech-to-text feature in your word processor to have the computer read it to you). That way you will be better able to identify where you need punctuation marks to signal pauses or divisions within sentences, where you have made grammatical errors, or where your sentences are unclear. 

Avoid over-generalizations: societies are made up of individuals and they vary regionally and temporally. Starting your paper with “Since the first history was written...” or claiming that "scholars agree that the Enlightenment was the Age of Reason” is neither specific nor accurate. 


Since the purpose of historiography is partly to demonstrate that the writer is familiar with the important literature on the chosen subject, check to make certain that you have covered a broad selection of the important, up-to-date, and pertinent texts. What is considered relevant will depend on your subject, region, and period. Good strategies are to pick a few monographs from each decade of the past fifty years and to follow up on authors whose names show up frequently in the historiography sections of other papers. If you need help, ask your instructor or TA for advice once you have picked your topic. 

Check to make sure that you have not plagiarized either by failing to cite a source of information or by using words quoted directly from a source. (Usually, if you take four or more words—in a row—directly from another source, you should put those words within quotation marks, and cite the page.) 


Make certain that all the citations and references are correct and that you are using the appropriate formatting style for your discipline. Most history courses at the University of Guelph ask that you use the Chicago Manual of Style: Notes & Bibliography. If you are uncertain which style to use, ask your instructor.

Sentences should ïŹ‚ow smoothly and logically. The text should be written in a clear and concise academic style; it should not be descriptive in nature or use the language of everyday speech (colloquialisms, slang) or excessive disciplinary jargon (specialist words). There should be no grammatical or spelling errors. 

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  • Last Updated: Feb 1, 2024 4:08 PM
  • URL: https://guides.lib.uoguelph.ca/Historiography

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History 300: A Guide to Research: Historiography

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What is a Historiography?

A historiography (noun) or  historiographical paper  is an analysis of the interpretations of a specific topic written by past historians. 

  • Specifically, a historiography identifies influential thinkers and reveals the shape of the scholarly debate on a particular subject.
  • You can think of this as a narrative description of the web of scholars writing on the same or similar topics. A historiography traces how scholars' understanding of historical events has evolved and how scholars are in conversation with each other, both building on and disputing previous works. The process is similar to that used for creating literature reviews in other disciplines. 

The major purpose of writing a historiographical paper is to convey the scholarship of other historians on a particular subject, rather than to analyze the subject itself.

  • A historiography can be a stand-alone paper, in which case your paper examines the work completed by other historians. 
  • Alternately, a historiography can act as an introduction to a major research paper, in which you will go on to add your own analysis.

Thus, a good historiography does the following:

  • Points out influential books and papers that exemplified, shaped, or revolutionized a topic or field of study.
  • Shows which scholars were most effective in changing the scope of the discussion/debate.
  • Describes the current trends in the field of study, such as which interpretations are currently in the mainstream.
  • Allows the writer (that's you!) to position themselves in the discussion for their analysis.

Writing a Historiography

Parts of a historiography.

  • presents the issue or event at stake, then introduces your sources and articulates, in brief, their authors' perspectives and their main points of (dis)agreement. 
  • elaborates upon and develop your introduction, pulling out specific points of (dis)agreement, juxtaposing quotes (and/or paraphrasing arguments) and subjecting them to analysis as you go along. As you do so, ask (and answer)  why  you think the authors of your various sources disagree. Is their disagreement a product of personal or professional rivalry, ideological incompatibility, national affiliation? 
  • briefly summarizes your findings and, more importantly, assess the credibility of your various sources, and specify which one(s) you find to be most compelling, and why. In final conclusion you might articulate in brief the insights you have gained into the event or issue at stake, the sources you have used, and the implications for the scholarly discussion about your topic/historical event overall.

Sample Historiographies

  • Sample Historiographic Essay (CUNY)
  • University of Toronto LibGuide: Examples of historiographic essays
  • Historiographical essay examples

Historiographical Questions

Questions of historiography include the following:

  • who writes history, with what agenda in mind, and towards what ends?
  • how accurate can a historian ever hope to be, analyzing past events from the vantage point of the historian's present?
  • does the historian's  own  perspective, impacted as it undoubtedly is by gender, age, national and ideological affiliation, etc., contribute to an "agenda" that the historian's work is playing into, unwittingly or consciously?
  • what about the types of sources, both primary and secondary, an historian chooses to base their work upon? Do  they  too contribute to the above-mentioned "agenda"?
  • does the very selection of sources (and, by extension, the decision to exclude certain other sources) prejudice the outcome of the historian's work in certain ways?  et cetera ...

As you can tell, the underlying sentiment of historiography is one of skepticism. This is due to the recognition that historians  do  have agendas and  do  select sources with the intent of "proving" certain preconceived notions. History is therefore never truly "objective," but always a construct that presents the historian's view of things.

Historiographical Evaluation

General source questions (the five ws).

  • Who  – Who made the source - did they have an opinion or bias? Were they involved?
  • What  – What information does the source give? Is it the full story? Is it accurate?
  • Why  – Why was the source made? Was it made to persuade people of a particular opinion? Was it made to take the mickey out of something/someone?
  • When  – Was it made at the time? Or years later? Was the person there?
  • Where  – Where was the source made? Were they involved in the event? Did they have an opinion?

Questions for Evaluating Secondary Sources

  • Who is the author (their expertise, previous research, affiliations, positionality, etc.), and what seems to have been their likely intention in writing this?
  • What is the source's main argument?
  • When was the source written, and does the date of publication potentially impact upon the source's information or argument?
  • Who seems to be the intended audience for the source?
  • How is the source structured?
  • Does the structure of the source (its various parts, sections, and/or chapters) reinforce its larger argument? How?
  • What kinds of sources, or examples, does the source offer in support of its argument, and which are most (and least) effective? Why?
  • Does the source engage other writers' works on the same subject and, even if not, how would you position the source in relation to other texts you are aware of on the same subject (texts you have read for class, for example)?
  • does the author uses inflammatory language: in the most extreme cases, racial epithets, slurs, etc.;
  • does the author consistently makes claims whose larger purpose is to elevate (or demean) one social, ethnic, national, religious, or gender group as compared to another, or all others;
  • does the author consciously presents evidence that serves to tell only one side of an event or issue, purposefully withholding or ignoring information that may shed the opposing view in a more positive light;
  • does the author manufactures, falsifies and/or dishonestly cites evidence in order to present his or her case in a more positive light.
  • and if so, is that prejudice the product of the author's own background, ideology, research agenda, etc. as far as you can tell?
  • How persuasive is the source (if certain aspects are more persuasive than others, explain why)
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Historiographical Essays

Historiographical essays   provide the context within which contemporary historians continue a "conversation" begun by earlier scholars. Tracking down a good historiographical essay is perhaps the most efficient way to identify  important works  and  critical debates  on your topic.

Cambridge  Histories and Oxford  Reference are useful reference works.

Try the Cambridge Companions and  Oxford Handbooks series as well.

Keep in mind that many important historiographical essays are published in the secondary journal literature, so don't forget to search the two most important databases in history and the journal History Compass :

  • America: History & Life with Full Text This link opens in a new window
  • Historical Abstracts with Full Text This link opens in a new window
  • History Compass Articles are not traditional reports on historical research but rather surveys of recent historiography, ongoing interpretive debates, of suggestions for fresh directions of inquiry. They are aimed at a mixed audience of undergraduates, graduates, and faculties.

Find Book-Length Historiographies

To find books that review the historiography of a topic, use Library Search , and include the word historiography with your keywords.

If you find a historiographical work of interest, check the subject headings for that title, and follow the links to further works with the same title. For example  World War, 1914-1918 -- Historiography , is the most relevant subject heading for the historiography of World War I. You can expand your resource pool by searching other libraries' contents via  WorldCat .

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What is Historiography? 

A historiography is a summary of the historical writings on a particular topic - the history of eugenics in America, or the history of epidemics, for example.  It sets out in broad terms the range of debate and approaches to the topic. It identifies the major thinkers and arguments , and establishes connections between them. If there have been major changes in the way a particular topic has been approached over time, the historiography identifies them.

Unlike a research paper, a historiography paper is not a study of a historical subject; instead, it is an analysis of the way in which historians have interpreted that topic. 

How to Write a Historiography?

The most important step in writing a historiography is to become familiar with the history of your topic in broad terms. A good historiography is written from a position of authority on a topic.

A historiography is best situated early on in an essay, preferably in the introduction in order to familiarize the reader with the topic and to set out the scope of previous work in broad terms.

Your historiography should establish:

  • the major thinkers on the topic, and
  • their main arguments (or theses).

Your historiography may also explain:

  • the perspective from which the authors are writing (e.g. Marxist, feminist, postmodernist, structuralist, etc.)
  • the type of history they have written (e.g. political, social, cultural, economic, etc.)

A good historiography will present this information in a way that shows the connections between these major works. For example, does one work respond to an argument set out in another? Does it expand on that argument or disagree with it? A good historiography will also situate the author's work within the dialogue, explaining whether his or her thesis builds on or rejects the work that has come before.

Still a little unsure of what a historiography is ? Check out these great examples  or get help . 

Adapated from: http://www.trentu.ca/history/workbook/historiography.php

Clear, quick video defining historiography. 

3. Search for Specific Article & Cross-Reference

The following may refer you to important works, thinkers, or schools of thought on your topic. 

  • class notes
  • course readings
  • bibliographies/footnotes/endnotes of your textbook, journal articles, or other secondary sources
  • sources for history of medicine background info

They can also help you identify relevant authors, concepts, works, or keywords for searching the library catalogue ,  history databases , or specific history of medicine journals .  

There are lots of ways to find historiographical essays. Here's one strategy: 

Did you know when a bibliographic database (ex. America: History & Life or MEDLINE) receives an article, indexers apply a certain number of SUBJECT HEADINGS to an article to describe the article's content? Did you know that those subject headings are searchable? Did you know that Historiography is a subject heading? 

The following sample search strategies in 3 databases of history secondary sources available in EbscoHost (ex. America: History & Life; History of Science Technology and Medicine; Historical Abstracts) are a quick way to find historiographical essays. 

1. DE "Historiography" AND (psychiatry OR psychoanalysis OR psychosurgery)

2. DE "Historiography" AND social AND medicine

3. DE "Historiography" AND (eugenics OR social darwinism)

What's going on here? 

DE "Historiography" -> searches Historiography as the SUBJECT of the article. The DE code tells these particular databases to search the subject field. Other databases use different codes (ex. CINAHL uses MH). Library databases all have helpful HELP features that tell you which code searches which field. 

DE "Historiography" is combined with keywords on a topic (ie. psychiatry OR psychoanalysis OR psychosurgery)

This query is applied to three databases, and results that have Historiography in the subject field AND psychiatry OR psychoanalysis OR psychosurgery in the text fields are retrieved. 

Now try to make a search strategy of your own!

Want more HELP with databases? 

Use a citation database like SCOPUS or WEB of SCIENCE to search for a specific article, and use the database features to find its references, see who has cited it, and search for any related citations. 

For example, if I search SCOPUS for ' Grand Narrative and Its Discontent: Medical History in the Social Transformation of American Medicine ' in the Article Title field, I see that it has been cited 7 times in the SCOPUS database and that there are 5,113 other citations that share references with my article. I can also easily link to the full-text or catalogue records for each of the author's references. 

  • Next: Hist. of Med. Databases & Major Journals >>
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110 Original History Essay Questions: Examples and Topics

historiographical essay topics

When looking for history essay topics, people often think about the world-famous military and political events. However, there is so much more to history than battles and international affairs. Plenty of small but engaging incidents are hiding in plain sight, and yet, people usually miss them.

What are those intriguing aspects?

In this article, our team has prepared a list of interesting history essay questions with examples. They are all about unusual events and historical viewpoints. To help with your academic writing, we divided the article into subheadings. Here, you’ll find topics according to your essay type.

  • Top History Topics
  • 🔍 Extended Essay
  • ✒ Historiographical Essay
  • 📌 Persuasive Essay
  • ⚙ Technology Topics
  • đŸŽ¶ Music Topics
  • 🌄 American History
  • 🏰 European History
  • đŸ”„ 5 In-Class Essay Tips

đŸ€© Top 15 History Essay Topics

  • Julius Caesar.
  • Middle Ages.
  • World Wars.
  • Holy Inquisition.
  • US Independence.
  • 20 th Century.
  • Bronze Age.
  • Thomas Edison.
  • Slave Trade.
  • Russian Revolution.

💁 Topics for Various Essay Types

There are many types of essays for an academic assignment. It may be a simple short essay or a long structured essay. Each one has its format and rules. Here, we are going to talk about essays that you might have questions about.

🔎 History Extended Essay Topics

An extended essay (EE) is an obligatory part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP). For an IB diploma, a student should do extensive research. It should be finished with a 4000-word paper.

The extended essay provides practice for undergraduate research. Besides, it gives a chance to explore a topic of personal interest. You may check out some examples in a free essays database to get a reference of how they actually look like. Here, we dive into history EE topics.

  • Oldest human settlements according to archeological sources.
  • The suffrage movement in the United States of the early XXth century.
  • How Dior’s bar suit revolutionized women’s fashion.
  • History of Chemistry in Europe during the Age of Enlightenment.
  • Psychology essay: evolution of treatment for various mental disorders. Psychological methods and medicine.
  • Development of black rights following the US Civil War.

The Battle of Gettysburg was the bloodiest battle of the Civil War.

  • History of physics: from Antiquity to modern times.
  • Principles of medieval economics: a historical analysis. Analyze the financial structure in medieval Europe and the Middle East.
  • How did industrialization affect global climate change?
  • Expansion of traffic jams in China. The root of a problem and China’s solution.
  • The effects of capitalism on Caribbean republics. Study the history of capitalism in the Caribbean. What were the effects of plantation produce on their economy?
  • The use of sun reflection in the military. A historical analysis of the utilization.
  • Analysis of Victorian literature and culture by Carolyn Williams.
  • Biology in warfare. The use of biological weapons from Antiquity to modern times.
  • A study of malnourishment in African societies. Explore the historical roots of malnutrition in Africa. How did it affect their societies?
  • Research question: why Western countries have dominated the world in modern history?
  • Otto Skorzeny. How did Nazi Germany’s most effective agent become Mossad’s advisor? Dive in the biography of Otto Skorzeny. Analyze his character and post-war activity.
  • The history of visual arts in Christianity. How did religion shape the art of Western civilization?
  • Six-Day War of 1967. Examine the strategies of Israel and The United Arab States.
  • Imperial Japan in the late period of WWII. Its non-standard means of warfare.

📝 Historiographical Essay Topics

Now, let’s look into another type of essay—a historiographical essay. It analyzes and evaluates how scholars interpret a historical topic. Usually, the essay is problem-centered. So, compare the viewpoints of two or more historians on the same event.

Here you will find good topics for historiographical essays:

  • The Soviet internment camps of the Stalin Era.
  • What is the classification of a “historical fact?”
  • The fate of Japanese Americans during WWII.
  • Mongolian aid to the Soviet Union during World War II.
  • An analysis of the main areas of historical research.
  • What defined a nation’s sovereignty in the XIXth century?
  • The activity of Pamela Parsons in the 70s.
  • “The Life of the Prophet” by Ibn Hisham.
  • The history of Earth: from its formation to modern times. Make detailed research on the history of Earth. Talk about major geophysical and chemical processes. What did impact the Earth’s formation and evolution?
  • An argumentative essay. How substantial was the Allies’ aid of “Land Lease” to the USSR in WWII?
  • Things to know when studying cultural heritage.
  • Processes of detecting historical excavation sites.

📌 History Persuasive Essay Topics

A persuasive essay is a piece of academic writing where you list two or more points of view on a subject. In such a paper, you use facts and logic to support your perspective.

  • An argumentative essay on American involvement in WWI. How crucial was it in defeating the German Empire and its allies? Analyze the impact of America’s contribution to WWI.

The US maintained neutrality in WWI until 1917.

  • Slavery played one of the key roles in Ancient Rome’s rise to power. Discuss the structure of slavery in Ancient Rome. Provide evidence for/against this argument.
  • Festivals in India are an essential part of the nation’s identity. Analyze the role of local and national Indian festivals. Did they form identities of different cultural groups?
  • Why did the Soviet Union lose the Cold War? Could it be because of its involvement in Afghanistan? Explore the impact of the Soviet-Afghan War on countries of the Warsaw Pact.
  • Psychedelic substances allow people to think more creatively. Discuss the effects of different drugs on the human mind. Examine notable cases and experiments with drug testing.
  • The presentation of the American Revolution in movies. Research a few pieces of cinematography about the American Revolution. Analyze their historical accuracy.
  • Bipolar disorder essay and Vincent Van Gogh. Analyze activity and medical records of Vincent Van Gogh. Give arguments for/against the aforementioned idea.

Bipolar disorder causes shifts in a person's mood.

  • Florentine art history. How did the noble patronage of artists contribute to Florentine art? To prove your perspective, examine several famous art patrons of Florence.

⚙ History of Technology Essay Topics

Technology has been the cornerstone of powerful civilizations that moved the world forward. Advancement of technology is a curious phenomenon. It moved at a faster pace with every century of the last millennium.

Here, we will take a look at thought-provoking topics on the history of technology. Besides, you’ll see a few history essay questions on technology.

  • Advancement of farming technology in the Bronze Age.
  • Technological advancements of Ancient Rome. Discuss Roman technological inventions. How did they impact the world for many centuries?
  • Structure of a Roman road. Explain the structure of a Roman road. Discuss how the road system connected the Empire. Did it help to spread Christianity?
  • The history of genetically modified food: corporation profits and risks.
  • The history of sanitation in Paris. A tale of revolutionary engineering solutions.
  • Evolution of heart surgeries.
  • The scientific contribution of Dr. Ivan Pavlov to physiology.
  • Avicenna (Ibn Sina) and the history of medieval medicine. Talk about Avicenna’s contribution to medicine. How accurate were his thoughts on it?

Avicenna memorized the entire Qur'an by age 10.

  • The trebuchet: the deadliest siege weapon of Medieval Europe.
  • The history of limb surgery: from pirates to modern medicine.
  • Japanese experiments on humans during WWII. Did they provide humanity with valuable data on the human organism?
  • Naval technology throughout human history. Research military and civic solutions of naval engineering during various periods. Consider Antiquity, Middle Ages, Age of Discovery, Age of Enlightenment, etc.
  • Rapid European scientific advancement of the Age of Enlightenment. Why did the advancement of science and technology in Europe increase in the 18-19th centuries?
  • History of blimps: strengths and weaknesses.
  • First computers of WWII. Study the first computer systems of WWII. Explain their technical capabilities and flaws.
  • How did the new technology make WWI so high with casualties?
  • The science of an atomic bomb: a case study.
  • How online social media impacted global society in the 2010s?
  • How China introduced new types of censorship with the creation of the Internet.
  • Compare college education of the XIXth century and modern times.
  • The city of Tenochtitlan. The technological marvel of the Aztecs.

đŸŽ¶ Music History Essay Topics

Music is one of the most effective examples of human genius. People have made music to express their emotions to each other. Thus, the history of music is extensive and rich in detail. Exploring it can be just as fascinating as listening to music.

Below, you’ll find the best ideas on the history of music to talk about:

  • Jazz, New Orleans, and the Roaring Twenties: a musical phenomenon. Discuss the genre’s origins and technical aspects.
  • The music of the Antiquity of the Mediterranean region. From Egypt and Greece to Rome.
  • The use of music in Ancient Rome.

The Lyra is one of the most ancient stringed musical instruments.

  • Techniques a style of Mozart and Beethoven. A critical analysis.
  • Studio 54 – a story of disco, glamour, and exclusivity.
  • The history of organum and organ music.
  • Advancement of music technology in the early XXth century.
  • Baroque music and its famous composers. Analyze the technical details behind baroque music. Give examples of its notable composers.
  • Music theater as the main source of musical innovation of the late classical era.
  • Detailed analysis of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. Examine the composer’s final symphony. Explore Beethoven’s health complications during the last years of his life.
  • Religion and music: how Christianity employed the vocal skills of monks. Research the history and characteristics of the Gregorian chant.
  • The golden era of classical music of the XVIIth-XIXth centuries in Germany and Austria.
  • The musical experiments by Andy Warhol.
  • The musical instruments of the Renaissance and modern times. What are the similarities and differences?
  • Musical instruments and chants of Bronze Age Mesopotamia.
  • Bohemian Rhapsody: a musical analysis. Discuss the story behind the creation of Queen’s famous song.
  • Lively music and deadly drugs. How did narcotics become a part of the music industry in the 60s and 70s?
  • The history of the club culture of New York. Discuss the history of clubs in New York. How did the advocates for gay rights start the new idea of clubbing?
  • The emergence of hip-hop and rap in Uptown Brooklyn and the Bronx. Analyze how the new genre started commenting on the reality of streets and black rights.
  • The history of Woodstock – America’s most iconic music festival.

👍 Good History Essay Questions

Writing an essay about countries should be divided into European and American theaters. Each region has a history rich in events and personalities.

Below, there are great European and US history essay questions for your paper:

🌄 American History Essay Questions

  • How did medics deal with casualties during the US Civil War? Talk about the organization of medical staff on both sides of the war. Analyze the treatment methods applied to wounded soldiers.
  • What factors contributed to the victory in the American Revolution?
  • US economy and culture of the 1920s. How did it develop?
  • How did civil rights develop during the Reconstruction era?

The Civil Rights Act became law over a president's veto.

  • Why was slavery so popular in the southern states? Analyze the economy of the southern states in America. Explain why slavery has such deep roots there.
  • Why did the United States emerge as a superpower after WWII?
  • Who were the main benefactors of the US economy in the early 20th century?

🏘 European History Essay Questions

  • The Renaissance essay. Why and how did naturalistic beauty become the main element of art?
  • What are the key ideas in Robin Briggs’s historical research on witchcraft?
  • The Modern European history question. How did the Mafia operate in Italy? Analyze the roots of Italian Mafia, its organizational structure. What were its spheres of influence?
  • Which scientific innovations were discovered in the late XIXth and early XXth century Europe?
  • Tudor history: what caused the English Reformation?
  • How did colonization transform the economies of European empires?
  • Which economic and political benefits were introduced at the creation of the European Union? Elaborate on the history of the EU. Analyze its economic and political aspects.

đŸ”„ 5 Tips for Writing an Essay in Class

For whatever reason, you need to write an in-class essay. It could be an exam or an ordinary assignment. It doesn’t matter as the goal remains the same. You have to compose a coherent paper in a short amount of time under supervision.

What is the best way to handle working under such pressure? By following our tips:

1. Practice beforehand

Any sort of training makes a person comfortable with the upcoming task. Practice writing an essay so that you memorize the format. Keep in mind how to outline the paper and some useful words for transitions. Even when you’re unfamiliar with the topic, you’ll still know where to begin without thinking.

2. Forget to panic

Students can lose time by bracing themselves. By staring on the blank page with the essay question can help no one. The sooner you start the task, the better. Don’t let your brain panic!

3. Plan before you write

Starting the essay right away may be tempting and promising, but that’s how you make mistakes. Reread and analyze the given question, notice the keywords. Make sure you’re answering what’s asked, not more or less. Come up with a thesis statement and make an outline.

Clear your thoughts to focus on your task.

Properly organizing your paper saves your time and reduces stress. It ensures that you addressed every issue. Plus, it shows whether you connected every argument to the thesis statement. Besides, putting topic sentences and transitions in the outline makes them less repetitive in the essay.

4. Keep in mind your writing speed

Remember the first tip? This one comes naturally from practicing. The more you write, the better you understand your pace. Learn how much time you need to complete each part of the essay writing. Try not to exceed the estimated time for an outline, an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

5. Proofread

Writing in a rush, you may forget about your spelling and punctuation. Save some time for rereading your paper thoroughly. Pay attention to logical reasoning and grammar errors. Add sentences if necessary. Your paper may look messy as long as you do so to improve your writing and ensure the perfect flow.

Proofread. Always.

Thank you for taking some time to read this article. We hope that it will help you in your academic studies. If this article proved to be informative to you, leave a comment below. Share it with others who might need some guidance in their studies.

🔗 References

  • How To Write a Good History Essay: Robert Pearce for History Today
  • Elements of an Effective History Exam Essay: Mark Brilliant, Department of History, Program in American Studies, University of California, Berkeley
  • UChicago Supplemental Essay Questions: College Admissions, University of Chicago
  • Tips for Writing Essay Exams: Writing Center, University of Washington
  • Popular Application Essay Topics: The Princeton Review
  • Historiographical Essays: Center for Writing and Speaking, Campbell Hall
  • Persuasion Essays: Sheldon Smith for Eapfoundation.com
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History: Historiography and Historiographical Essays/Literature Reviews

  • Beginning Your Historical Research
  • Primary Sources
  • Historiography and Historiographical Essays/Literature Reviews
  • Books and Ebooks
  • Dissertations and Theses
  • Review Sources (Including Book Reviews)
  • Latin America
  • Middle East
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  • History of Science
  • Annotated Bibliographies and Literature Reviews

Strategy to Search for Historiographical Sources

In addition to using the sources identified below, a useful strategy to search for historiographical literature in library catalogs and article databases is to search for:

 historiograph* (historiography OR historiographical) AND particular subject area(s) 

What is Historiography

History is a classical intellectual/research discipline with roots stretching back for centuries.  As Such, History has its own, complex tradition of literature review called “historiography.”  Simply defined, Historiography is the History of History – that is, the study of the History produced and written on a given project, including:

  • Approaches/angles to studying that history
  • Subthemes beneath a wider historical umbrella theme
  • Different historical traditions, including Social History, Cultural History, Diplomatic and Political History, the History of Science, Intellectual History, and much more
  • Theoretical Frameworks used to shape that history
  • Existing used and unused sources to research particular histories

There are also many books dedicated to historiography – both as a discipline (that is, books dedicate to the general theory, philosophy and practice of historiography) as well as books reviewing historiographies of scholarship in particular areas of history. 

The American Historical Review is the seminal journal published in the United States dedicated to Historiography on all (not just U.S.) historical topics.

Reference Sources to Assist with Historiography

There are several excellent sources to identify key historians and key works in particular fields (whether subject, temporal, or geographically based).  These may also be helpful in preparing for qualifying exams as they provide overviews of the historiography on given topics as well as the frameworks and theoretical orientations associated and/or applied with/to them.  Unfortunately the print works below are dated; much new history has been written since their publication!

  • The Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing by Kelly Boyd Call Number: Geisel Floor2W Reference D14.E58 1999 Publication Date: 1999
  • A Global Encyclopedia of Historical Writing by D. (Daniel) R. Wolf Call Number: Geisel Floor2W Reference D13.G47 1998 Publication Date: 1999
  • The AHA Guide to Historical Literature Call Number: Geisel Floor2W Reference D2.A55 1995 Publication Date: 1995 More than Historical Essays, this contains Bibliographies in Different Fields

Oxford Bibliographies :  Annotated bibliographies and Bibliographic Essays on a wide range of subjects which not only point to excellent publications, but also provide examples of bibliographic essays, which are closely related to historiographical essays and literature reviews.

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  • Last Updated: Jul 30, 2024 10:26 AM
  • URL: https://ucsd.libguides.com/History

Finding scholarly literature on a topic in history

  • Finding out what other historians think
  • Finding bibliographies

Finding historiographic essays -- first steps

  • Finding book reviews

For topics that are of wide interest, you may be able to find an essay that reviews the literature on that topic, and that sets it in context by discussing how other historians have approached that topic. This kind of essay is invaluable when you are starting a research project. There are two easy ways to find them:

History Compass is an online journal that publishes historiographic essays. If there is an essay on your topic, it can be an excellent place to start. Caution: if you do not find what you need with your first search, don't choose Edit Search, because you will then be searching all the publisher's online journals. Return to the starting point for History Compass to continue searching just within this journal.

If your topic is covered, check Oxford Bibliographies Online (currently, covers African Studies, Atlantic History, Medieval Studies, Military History, Classics, Criminology, Islamic Studies, Philosophy, and Renaissance and the Reformation, and many other fields)

America: History & Life and Historical Abstracts In both of these bibliographic databases, "historiography" is a Subject. For example, in AHL, to find historiography on the American Civil war, do a Subject search for: civil war historiography

Annual bulletin of historical literature History Reference (SH). Firestone Z6205 .H65 and online

The "Blackwell Companions" are a series published both in print and online in Blackwell Reference Online . If there is one on your topic, it can be an exceptionally useful place to start reading. Note: to find print copies of the Blackwell Companions, do a keyword search in the Main Catalog for " Blackwell companions to history," "Blackwell companions to American history," " Blackwell companions to British history," " Blackwell companions to world history," or " Blackwell companions to European history " to see if there is a volume in this series that covers your topic. Some copies circulate, and others are in the History Reference room on A floor.

US History British History

History Reference (SH). Firestone KF352 .C66 2013
There is also a series of guides to American presidents. Published thus far: Washington, Madison and Monroe, Jefferson, the era of Andrew Jackson, the Reconstruction presidents, Wilson, Truman, Lyndon Johnson, Nixon, Adams, and both Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt.

European History

World History

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  • Last Updated: Dec 19, 2023 1:33 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.princeton.edu/history/secondarysources


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HIST 3372 / HIST 5380: Historiography

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  • Find Books About Historiography, General
  • Need Background? Try GVRL
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  • Citing Sources with Chicago

Historiography: Specific Topics

Below is just a small sampling of the historiographical topics you can find in the SHSU Library; just click a link to see books on that topic.

To explore additional topics: To explore additional topics (broader, narrower, or entirely different than those below), follow these steps: Open the library catalog ; click "Exact Search" in the blue toolbar; type Historiography ; and click "subject." A list of topics will be displayed; use the Backward and Forward buttons in the blue toolbar to browse, then click on a subject to view a list of books.

  • Historiography. African Americans
  • Historiography, America, Discovery and exploration
  • Historiography, China
  • Historiography, Crusades
  • Historiography, France, History, Revolution 1789-1799
  • Historiography, Great Britain
  • Historiography, Holocaust, Jewish, 1939-1945
  • Historiography, Indians of North America
  • Historiography, Islamic Empire
  • Historiography, Mexico
  • Historiography, Rome
  • Historiography, Slavery, United States
  • Historiography, Slaves, United States
  • Historiography, Texas
  • Historiography, United States, History, Civil War, 1861-1865
  • Historiography, Vietnam War, 1961-1975
  • Historiography, World War, 1914-1918
  • Historiography, World War, 1939-1945

"Interpreting American History" Series from Kent State University Press

Each work in this series presents historiographic essays centered around the book's theme or area of focus, addressing all major schools of historical writing and thought on the topic.  

historiographical essay topics

Oxford Bibliographies

If you can find a bibliography on your broad topic area, it will often include a summary of historiographical coverage and a list of sources to explore.

Search the Library Catalog

Search for books and other items in the library catalog.

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Tips for Using the Library Catalog

  • Click on a book's title to view more details , including (in many cases) a summary or the complete table of contents.
  • Always make note of a book's call number and location if you want to retrieve it.
  • Use the "Keep" checkbox beside books of interest to bookmark them. Then click "Print or email kept records" in the blue toolbar to print a handy list of all the books you want to check out.
  • When viewing one book, click on any of its Subject Terms to see a list of more books on that subject.
  • When viewing a book, click the "Nearby items on shelf" link beside the title to virtually browse the bookshelf.

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  • Last Updated: Jun 10, 2024 8:39 AM
  • URL: https://shsulibraryguides.org/historiography

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  • Paper should be 10-12 pp., double-spaced ( graduate students : around 15 pp.), inclusive of bibliography.  Please number your pages and supply a title for the paper.
  • You must follow an accepted citation format (e.g., MLA, APA, or Chicago; I have no preference, other than that you be consistent).  A quick guide to Chicago Style may be found here .  MLA and APA abbreviated guidelines are also available here . Footnotes and all end references must conform to accepted styles of academic use.
  • Hard copies must be in my office by 12:00 noon on March 20.  You are responsible for making sure it gets into my hands, so if you have any question that it has not, please e-mail me to confirm.
  • Undergraduates must annotate a minimum of 8 extra-class sources (graduate students: 12-15).  These may be a combination of monographs and journal articles, or, in appropriate instances, encyclopedia or reference materials.  You may include the article that you used in your review assignment, if you anticipate that your research paper will be on the same subject.
  • I will accept late papers until Friday, March 21, at 5:00.
  • For each day the paper is late, I will deduct 10% from the final grade (measured in points, thus 30/40 points per day).
  • I will not consider Incompletes or extensions unless there are genuine, documented special circumstances, and ONLY IF the extension is requested on or before Monday, March 18.

How To Tackle The Weirdest Supplemental Essay Prompts For This Application Cycle

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Writing the college essay

How do you write a letter to a friend that shows you’re a good candidate for the University of Pennsylvania? What reading list will help the Columbia University admissions committee understand your interdisciplinary interests? How can you convey your desire to attend Yale by inventing a course description for a topic you’re interested in studying?

These are the challenges students must overcome when writing their supplemental essays . Supplemental essays are a critical component of college applications—like the personal statement, they provide students with the opportunity to showcase their authentic voice and perspective beyond the quantitative elements of their applications. However, unlike the personal essay, supplemental essays allow colleges to read students’ responses to targeted prompts and evaluate their candidacy for their specific institution. For this reason, supplemental essay prompts are often abstract, requiring students to get creative, read between the lines, and ditch the traditional essay-writing format when crafting their responses.

While many schools simply want to know “why do you want to attend our school?” others break the mold, inviting students to think outside of the box and answer prompts that are original, head-scratching, or downright weird. This year, the following five colleges pushed students to get creative—if you’re struggling to rise to the challenge, here are some tips for tackling their unique prompts:

University of Chicago

Prompt: We’re all familiar with green-eyed envy or feeling blue, but what about being “caught purple-handed”? Or “tickled orange”? Give an old color-infused expression a new hue and tell us what it represents. – Inspired by Ramsey Bottorff, Class of 2026

What Makes it Unique: No discussion of unique supplemental essay prompts would be complete without mentioning the University of Chicago, a school notorious for its puzzling and original prompts (perhaps the most well-known of these has been the recurring prompt “Find x”). This prompt challenges you to invent a new color-based expression, encouraging both linguistic creativity and a deep dive into the emotional or cultural connotations of color. It’s a prompt that allows you to play with language, think abstractly, and show off your ability to forge connections between concepts that aren’t typically linked—all qualities that likewise demonstrate your preparedness for UChicago’s unique academic environment.

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How to Answer it: While it may be easy to get distracted by the open-ended nature of the prompt, remember that both the substance and structure of your response should give some insight into your personality, perspective, and characteristics. With this in mind, begin by considering the emotions, experiences, or ideas that most resonate with you. Then, use your imagination to consider how a specific color could represent that feeling or concept. Remember that the prompt is ultimately an opportunity to showcase your creativity and original way of looking at the world, so your explanation does not need to be unnecessarily deep or complex—if you have a playful personality, convey your playfulness in your response; if you are known for your sarcasm, consider how you can weave in your biting wit; if you are an amateur poet, consider how you might take inspiration from poetry as you write, or offer a response in the form of a poem.

The goal is to take a familiar concept and turn it into something new and meaningful through a creative lens. Use this essay to showcase your ability to think inventively and to draw surprising connections between language and life.

Harvard University

Prompt: Top 3 things your roommates might like to know about you.

What Makes it Unique: This prompt is unique in both form and substance—first, you only have 150 words to write about all 3 things. Consider using a form other than a traditional essay or short answer response, such as a bullet list or short letter. Additionally, note that the things your roommate might like to learn about you do not necessarily overlap with the things you would traditionally share with an admissions committee. The aim of the prompt is to get to know your quirks and foibles—who are you as a person and a friend? What distinguishes you outside of academics and accolades?

How to Answer it: First and foremost, feel free to get creative with your response to this prompt. While you are producing a supplemental essay and thus a professional piece of writing, the prompt invites you to share more personal qualities, and you should aim to demonstrate your unique characteristics in your own voice. Consider things such as: How would your friends describe you? What funny stories do your parents and siblings share that encapsulate your personality? Or, consider what someone might want to know about living with you: do you snore? Do you have a collection of vintage posters? Are you particularly fastidious? While these may seem like trivial things to mention, the true creativity is in how you connect these qualities to deeper truths about yourself—perhaps your sleepwalking is consistent with your reputation for being the first to raise your hand in class or speak up about a cause you’re passionate about. Perhaps your living conditions are a metaphor for how your brain works—though it looks like a mess to everyone else, you have a place for everything and know exactly where to find it. Whatever qualities you choose, embrace the opportunity to think outside of the box and showcase something that admissions officers won’t learn about anywhere else on your application.

University of Pennsylvania

Prompt: Write a short thank-you note to someone you have not yet thanked and would like to acknowledge.

What Makes it Unique: Breaking from the traditional essay format, this supplement invites you to write directly to a third party in the form of a 150-200 word long letter. The challenge in answering this distinct prompt is to remember that your letter should say as much about you, your unique qualities and what you value as it does about the recipient—all while not seeming overly boastful or contrived.

How to Answer it: As you select a recipient, consider the relationships that have been most formative in your high school experience—writing to someone who has played a large part in your story will allow the admissions committee some insight into your development and the meaningful relationships that guided you on your journey. Once you’ve identified the person, craft a thank-you note that is specific and heartfelt—unlike other essays, this prompt invites you to be sentimental and emotional, as long as doing so would authentically convey your feelings of gratitude. Describe the impact they’ve had on you, what you’ve learned from them, and how their influence has shaped your path. For example, if you’re thanking a teacher, don’t just say they helped you become a better student—explain how their encouragement gave you the confidence to pursue your passions. Keep the tone sincere and personal, avoid clichĂ©s and focus on the unique role this person has played in your life.

University of Notre Dame

Prompt: What compliment are you most proud of receiving, and why does it mean so much to you?

What Makes it Unique: This prompt is unique in that it invites students to share something about themselves by reflecting on someone else’s words in 50-100 words.

How to Answer it: The key to answering this prompt is to avoid focusing too much on the complement itself and instead focus on your response to receiving it and why it was so important to you. Note that this prompt is not an opportunity to brag about your achievements, but instead to showcase what truly matters to you. Select a compliment that truly speaks to who you are and what you value. It could be related to your character, work ethic, kindness, creativity, or any other quality that you hold in high regard. The compliment doesn’t have to be grand or come from someone with authority—it could be something small but significant that left a lasting impression on you, or it could have particular meaning for you because it came from someone you didn’t expect it to come from. Be brief in setting the stage and explaining the context of the compliment—what is most important is your reflection on its significance and how it shaped your understanding of yourself.

Stanford University

Prompt: List five things that are important to you.

What Makes it Unique: This prompt’s simplicity is what makes it so challenging. Stanford asks for a list, not an essay, which means you have very limited space (50 words) to convey something meaningful about yourself. Additionally, the prompt does not specify what these “things” must be—they could be a physical item, an idea, a concept, or even a pastime. Whatever you choose, these five items should add depth to your identity, values, and priorities.

How to Answer it: Start by brainstorming what matters most to you—these could be values, activities, people, places, or even abstract concepts. The key is to choose items or concepts that, when considered together, provide a comprehensive snapshot of who you are. For example, you might select something tangible and specific such as “an antique telescope gifted by my grandfather” alongside something conceptual such as “the willingness to admit when you’re wrong.” The beauty of this prompt is that it doesn’t require complex sentences or elaborate explanations—just a clear and honest reflection of what you hold dear. Be thoughtful in your selections, and use this prompt to showcase your creativity and core values.

While the supplemental essays should convey something meaningful about you, your values, and your unique qualifications for the university to which you are applying, the best essays are those that are playful, original, and unexpected. By starting early and taking the time to draft and revise their ideas, students can showcase their authentic personalities and distinguish themselves from other applicants through their supplemental essays.

Christopher Rim

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  3. Historiographical Essay: Causes of Indian Partition

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  4. How to Write a Historiography

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  5. What is and How to Write a Historiographical Essay

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  6. History Essay Writing

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  1. PDF Historiographic Essay Manual

    , select a topic that will sustain your interest not only for the historiographic essay but also for Research and Writing (History 494). In Historiography and Historical Methods (History 394), you study the secondary sources; in Research and Writing, you craft an interpretation predominantly drawing upon primary sources.

  2. Finding historiographic essays and journal articles

    History Compass is an online journal that publishes historiographic essays. If there is an essay on your topic, it can be an excellent place to start. ... When you are searching the library catalog for books on your topic, "historiography" is a useful keyword, because it is used in Library of Congress Subject Headings. For example:

  3. Historiographical Essays

    A historiographical essay: Is based on a broad, less focused topic or theme, e.g., Reconstruction in the United States) Critically examines secondary sources written by historians; Puts emphasis on the historian, the historian's bias and how the writing of a particular topic has changed over the years

  4. Start Here

    Like most history papers, the historiography follows a traditional essay structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. ... the thesis statement will sum up and evaluate the current state of research on this topic. In a historiography paper that introduces or is preparatory to an argumentative history paper or graduate ...

  5. Historiography for beginners

    Finding historiographic essays -- first steps. For topics that are of wide interest, you may be able to find an essay that reviews the literature on that topic, and that sets it in context by discussing how other historians have approached that topic. This kind of essay is invaluable when you are starting a research project. There are two easy ...

  6. PDF Historiographic Essay Manual

    Historiographic Essay Manual, updated 12 August 2023 . questions from a micro-history perspective. In addition, the ready accessibility of Congressional Records through Andruss Library makes them a rich source. Certain topics attract an inordinate number of "popular or amateur" histories because of their titillating subject matter (e.g. Kennedy

  7. Historiographic Essay (Literature Review)

    A Historiographic Essay (also known as a Historiographic Review or, outside of the history discipline, a Literature Review) is a systematic and comprehensive analysis of books, scholarly articles, and other sources relevant to a specific topic that provides a base of knowledge.Literature reviews are designed to identify and critique the existing literature on a topic, justifying your research ...

  8. Example Essays & Websites

    This LibGuide has curated some additional examples of essays on historiographic topics. Websites for Guidance. University of Toronto: Historiography LibGuide. Librarians at the University of Toronto have designed a LibGuide to explain researching a historiography. NOTE: You will not have access to the databases on their site.

  9. Historiography

    Mastering historiography is a foundational activity of graduate education in history and related fields. This guide provides suggestions to find already written historiographies and to gather sources to write such an original historiographical essay. The tools and suggestions here are only starting points.

  10. Historiographic Essays

    A sample historiographic essay. Let us assume that the subject of your historiographic essay is the Rape of Nanking, an event discussed in some detail in the Book Reviews section. There, we examine the event as it is described and analyzed by Iris Chang in her bestselling book The Rape of Nanking.To this we now add several other sources, all of which are listed in the Works Cited section at ...

  11. Seven Steps to Writing Historiography

    Seven Steps to Writing Historiography - Write a Historiography - Guides at University of Guelph. 1. Narrow your topic and select books and articles accordingly. Consider your specific area of study. Think about what interests you and other researchers in your field. Talk to your professor or TA, brainstorm, and read lecture notes and current ...

  12. Historiographical Essays

    A historiographical essay is one that summarizes and analyzes historians' changing arguments and interpretations of a historical topic. Example: Perspective 1 (Carol F. Karlsen): The Salem witch trials were primarily an attack on the community's most economically powerful women.

  13. OWHL Guides: History 300: A Guide to Research: Historiography

    A historiography (noun) or historiographical paper is an analysis of the interpretations of a specific topic written by past historians.. Specifically, a historiography identifies influential thinkers and reveals the shape of the scholarly debate on a particular subject. You can think of this as a narrative description of the web of scholars writing on the same or similar topics.

  14. Research Guides: History: Find Historiography Sources

    Historiographical essays provide the context within which contemporary historians continue a "conversation" begun by earlier scholars.Tracking down a good historiographical essay is perhaps the most efficient way to identify important works and critical debates on your topic.. Cambridge Histories and Oxford Reference are useful reference works.. Try the Cambridge Companions and Oxford ...

  15. HIS 423/HIS 489: Historiography Assignment

    A historiography is best situated early on in an essay, preferably in the introduction in order to familiarize the reader with the topic and to set out the scope of previous work in broad terms. Your historiography should establish: the major thinkers on the topic, and; their main arguments (or theses). Your historiography may also explain:

  16. 110 Original History Essay Questions: Examples & Topics

    📝 Historiographical Essay Topics. Now, let's look into another type of essay—a historiographical essay. It analyzes and evaluates how scholars interpret a historical topic. Usually, the essay is problem-centered. So, compare the viewpoints of two or more historians on the same event. Here you will find good topics for historiographical ...

  17. PDF Paper Three Historiographic Essay

    Spring 2023. Prompt: For your third paper for History 97E (1500 words), we are asking you to write a historiographic essay comparing secondary sources about a topic of your choice under the broad umbrella of imperial history. We strongly recommend that you use this as an opportunity to read some of the sources you plan to consult for your final ...

  18. How to Write a Historiographical Essay

    Step 1: Find (and narrow) a historical topic. If you haven't already been assigned a topic, you'll need to choose something to write about. Remember, don't choose something extremely broad like The Great Depression as your essay topic. While this works well as the general focus for your paper, you'll want to narrow your discussion.

  19. Historiography and Historiographical Essays/Literature Reviews

    These may also be helpful in preparing for qualifying exams as they provide overviews of the historiography on given topics as well as the frameworks and theoretical orientations associated and/or applied with/to them. ... but also provide examples of bibliographic essays, which are closely related to historiographical essays and literature ...

  20. Historiography for beginners

    Finding historiographic essays -- first steps. For topics that are of wide interest, you may be able to find an essay that reviews the literature on that topic, and that sets it in context by discussing how other historians have approached that topic. This kind of essay is invaluable when you are starting a research project. There are two easy ...

  21. Find the Historiography of a Topic

    In topically arranged historiographical essays, eight historians focus on the changing interpretations of Reconstruction from the so-called Dunning School of the early twentieth century to the "revisionists" of the World War II era, the "postrevisionists" of the Vietnam era, and the most current "post-postrevisionists" writing on Reconstruction today.

  22. Historiographical Essay and Annotated Bibliography

    Historiographical essays constitute a form of writing that examines the intellectual development of a field or subject of historical study . These fields can be very broad (e.g., "the history of Jews under the Umayyad caliphs" or "the so-called 'Golden Age' of Iberian jewry") or quite narrow ("historical writing on irrigation and landscape in ...

  23. Historiography Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    Historiography of the Bible. Pages: 8 Words: 2776. Old Testament books, Deuteronomy, Samuel and Kings, establishing a monarchy for Israel and Judah proved somewhat problematic. This was due both to the divinity of God and the inevitable humanity that would be part of a human king.

  24. How To Tackle The Weirdest Supplemental Essay Prompts For This ...

    How to Answer it: While it may be easy to get distracted by the open-ended nature of the prompt, remember that both the substance and structure of your response should give some insight into your ...

  25. India Olympics: Why the world's most populous country punches ...

    India sends far fewer athletes and support staff to the Olympics than top teams like the US, Majumdar said. For example, 117 Indian competitors went to Paris, compared with nearly 600 Americans.