How to Make a Great “Any Questions” Final PowerPoint Slide (PPT)

Close your PowerPoint presentation with an inspiring Q&A (any questions) slide to engage your audience. Learn how to create the best questions PowerPoint slides and when to use them in this tutorial.

Hero Any Questions Final Slide PowerPoint

We tend to think of presentations as our chance to speak to an audience. Some of the best presentations I’ve attended ended with a “question and answer” (Q&A) session where the audience can ask the speaker questions.

questions powerpoint presentation

In Microsoft PowerPoint, you can build slides that facilitate the Q&A part of your presentation. A well-designed Q&A slide may lead the audience to ask an interesting question.

In this tutorial, I’ll teach you to end your presentation by interacting with your audience. We’ll work on designing a questions slide in PowerPoint. You’ll learn how to ask for questions from the audience and answer them confidently.

Make an “Any Questions” Slide (Quick Start Video)

Do you want to create an “Any Questions” slide right now? We’ve got you covered! Our quick start video below has exactly what you need.

To learn more about PowerPoint and how to create an “Any Questions” slide (plus find useful PowerPoint tools), read the written tutorial below.

The Best Source for Cool PowerPoint Templates (With Unlimited Use)

If you’re looking for the best PowerPoint templates with cool designs, Envato Elements is the perfect place. For a low monthly fee, you get access to unlimited PowerPoint templates, videos, photos, web templates, and other design resources for all your creative projects.

PowerPoint Templates on Envato Elements

Envato Elements gives you the best value for your money. Download as many templates as you want and customize them to suit your presentation or project needs.

Microsoft PowerPoint Templates on Envato Elements

That’s right: when you sign up for Envato Elements you’ll be able to find cool PowerPoint templates with features such as:

  • bold text and title slides to capture audience attention
  • rich image placeholders to show off photos and videos
  • beautiful and modern final slides to end your presentation in style
  • customizable layouts to make every template your own

As you can see, premium PowerPoint templates from Envato Elements will give you the most customization options and the best features to make your presentation stand out.

How to Ask for Questions and Spark Audience Participation

I’ve sat through many presentations that close with the presenter sheepishly asking, “Uh, any questions?”

Asking this way will virtually guarantee that the audience won’t ask a question. The audience may start clapping before anyone even works up the courage to ask a question!

4 Ways to Ask for Questions

There are better ways to ask for questions. Instead of using the bland “any questions?” phrase that’ll leave the audience slack-jawed. Try out something more creative to actually elicit questions.

Classics PowerPoint template on Envato Elements

These are four techniques that I’ve personally used to inspire questions from the audience:

  • Seed someone in the audience like a friend or colleague to ask the first question. Sometimes, having someone break through the silence and ask the first question will help others speak up or ask follow-up questions.
  • Answer your own question at the end of the presentation. Use phrasing like, “When I first started this project, my main question was…” Doing so will spark questions for audience members.
  • Consider asking for questions somewhere in the mid-point of the presentation when the content is still fresh and relevant.
  • Use a creative way of asking for questions in a persuasive presentation, such as “What’s the part of my presentation you most disagree with, and why?” This can create spirited discussions with audience members and can start an open dialogue.

How to Prepare for Audience Questions

Many presenters will skip including a Q&A altogether. I think there’s a simple explanation for why many presenters don’t ask for questions from the audience: fear.

Many presenters fear being caught off-guard by the audience’s questions. You never know what the audience may be wondering before you ask for questions. That uncertainty leads presenters to exclude it altogether.

While you can never be certain of the questions you’ll receive, you can take steps to prepare for the questions you’re most likely to hear from the audience.

Consider these tips when you’re preparing for the Q&A part of your presentation:

  • Give your presentation to a smaller audience before the major presentation. Using that as a test run for questions may help you prepare for the same questions you’ll receive later on.
  • Think about the questions you answered in your own mind while preparing the presentation. Chances are that the audience will share many of the same questions and want to hear how you arrived at your conclusion.
  • Create backup slides that have extra data or charts on them to explain answers to possible questions your audience will raise. Having that perfect supplemental chart hiding at the end can really wow your audience when you’ve prepared for the question.

Essentially, you should spend time trying to anticipate what the audience is going to ask. Put yourself in their shoes and consider their background, and the questions they have may become obvious.

Above all: it’s okay if you don’t know the answer to all the audience’s questions. Generally, the questions will be open-ended and there’s no “correct” answer, and the audience will just want to know what your thoughts are.

If it’s a specific question that requires a numeric answer that you need to research, simply follow up with the audience member after the presentation with your findings. It’s okay to say, “I’ll get back to you with that answer.”

3 Strong Designs for Your Closing Slide

So far, we’ve talked about how to make the Q&A part of your presentation engaging. Let’s dive into creating the last slide in PowerPoint to show on screen to encourage questions from your audience.

In this section, we’ll also take a look at two other approaches for closing out your presentation. I’ll offer more designs and content ideas for closing out your presentation in a strong way.

For this tutorial, I’m going to make recommendations for how to create an engaging closing slide using the Clean PowerPoint theme .

Clean PowerPoint theme on Envato Elements

Clean is a PowerPoint theme that’s available on Envato Elements. The template has a modern and minimal design so your audience can focus on the content of your presentation. It also comes with more than 50 unique slides, plenty of vector icons, and image placeholders.

Let’s look at how to use Eureka for customizing three different closing slides:

1. The “Thank You” Slide

A Q&A slide could say “any questions?”, but you could also use that questions slide in PowerPoint to thank the audience and verbally ask for questions. This is a simple way to show gratitude that the audience took time to listen.

Clean has a pre-built slide to thank the audience for their attendance. Use thank you PowerPoint slide design #48, which has everything you need. You can also add a background image by clicking on the placeholder and choosing an image on your computer.

Thank you slide

It’s a basic slide, but using Clean’s “Thank you” placeholder (slide #48) is a great example of premium themes saving time.

2. The “Any Questions?” Slide?

Now, let’s take a look at questions slide designs that work well for asking for questions from the audience.

The first of these is PowerPoint slide design #23. It’s a simple pre-built slide with few text blocks and a “What we do?” as the presentation placeholder text. Easily change the slide to create an “Any questions?” slide and use the placeholder text to add your own questions that’ll help spark the conversation.

Slide design #23 has a Q&A design.

These question slides could also contain follow-up information. If you’re going to send your presentation (instead of presenting it from an audience) you can use a questions slide like this to add your follow-up contact details.

Slide #29 is another simple yet attractive slide.

Simply substitute the placeholder text for “Any questions?”

A Q&A slide should be something simple that doesn’t distract the audience. The audience’s attention should be on the Q&A session itself, and not the visuals in the background.

3. The “Contact Us” Slide

The “Contact Us” slide is a great choice for the final slide in sales presentations, fundraising pitches, and any type of presentation that opens up the opportunity for follow-up communications.

In the Clean theme, check out the PowerPoint slide design 25, titled “Stay in Touch with Us.” This presentation slide template is ready for you to add your social media links. This slide design is perfect if you’re telling the story of your business and asking the audience to follow you on social media.

Slide #25 is for contact details.

5 Top PowerPoint Templates From Envato Elements (With Modern Designs)

As mentioned earlier, Envato Elements is a great place to find modern PowerPoint templates that you can use to create a stunning “Any Questions” final slide.

Take a look at some of the best PowerPoint templates from Envato Elements below:

1. Expert PowerPoint Template

questions powerpoint presentation

The Expert PowerPoint template has a modern design that can be used for all kinds of presentations. The template comes with 620 unique slides and it was designed in widescreen resolution. You’ll also find image placeholders, over 100 color schemes, and plenty of infographic elements to create a stunning presentation.

2. Adventure PowerPoint Template

questions powerpoint presentation

The Adventure PowerPoint template is best suited for travel, outdoors or nature-oriented companies. The template makes it easy to create a modern presentation complete with charts, roadmaps, infographics, and more. You’ll find five premade colors, 120 unique slides, and image placeholders for easy editing.

3. Ipsum PowerPoint Template

questions powerpoint presentation

Try the Ipsum PowerPoint template if you’re looking for a minimal PowerPoint presentation template. This template was designed in widescreen resolution and has tons of different slide designs that you can use to create an enticing “Any Questions” slide. Besides that, the template comes with 3D infographic elements.

4. Oxygen PowerPoint Template

questions powerpoint presentation

The Oxygen PowerPoint template has a bold design so it’s a great way to make your presentation stand out. On top of that, it comes with a stunning slide that includes your contact details and other slides where you can add a large “Any Questions” heading. The template includes 50 unique slides with image placeholders and tons of infographic elements.

5. Library PowerPoint Template

questions powerpoint presentation

The Library template has several great slide designs that can be used to make impactful Any Questions final slides. The template comes with image placeholders and three premade color schemes. It was designed in widescreen resolution and is easy to edit.

Download Our New eBook on Making Great Presentations (Free PDF)

We’ve got the perfect complement to this tutorial, which will walk you through the complete presentation process. Learn how to write your presentation, design it like a pro, and prepare it to present powerfully.

Download our eBook: The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations . It’s available for FREE with a subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter.

The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations

Your Turn to Make A Great “Any Questions” PowerPoint Slide

Make the most of your final PowerPoint slide design to help engage your audience at the close of your presentation.

With practice and preparation, a Q&A can be the most rewarding part of a presentation. A presentation can create a two-way communication that engages an audience with an opportunity to ask questions.

Related Articles

questions powerpoint presentation

350 Top Q&A Questions to Expect for Any Presentations (Save Them Now!)

Zhun Yee Chew

Zhun Yee Chew

350 Top Q&A Questions to Expect for Any Presentations (Save Them Now!)

Preparing the slide content is nothing compared to dealing with daunting questions during the Q&A session of a presentation. Sometimes, if we are not lucky, we will face a tough crowd with even tougher questions that may leave us feeling challenged on the spot. And none of us likes the awkward moment of not being able to provide a satisfactory response to the audience.

Answering Q&A questions is a skill that everyone can master with the right resources and the right amount of preparation. You’ve searched, and we have them for you.

In this article, you will find more than 300 Q&A questions that are most commonly asked in a wide range of presentation occasions. Save them so you can be ready for even the most unexpected questions in your upcoming presentations!

What Are Q&A Questions?

Q&A questions, short for “Questions and Answers”, are inquiries posed by an audience or participants to the speaker or presenter during the Q&A session of a presentation . This Q&A segment typically follows a presentation, a talk or a lecture, providing the opportunities for the audience to seek clarification, ask additional information, or understand the speaker’s perspectives.

The whole point of Q&A sessions is to make the presentation more interactive and foster engagement . It’s a chance for the audience to pick the speaker’s brain and get a better understanding of the subject. 

What Are the Different Types of Presentations?

Types of Presentations

Business Presentations:

  • Sales pitches
  • Quarterly or annual reports
  • Performance reviews
  • Project proposals/updates
  • All-hands presentations

Academic  Presentations:

  • Lesson presentations
  • Conference/research presentations
  • Classroom quiz games

Training Sessions:

  • Employee training
  • Onboarding sessions
  • Skills development workshops

Public Speaking:

  • Motivational speeches
  • Commencement addresses

Informative Presentations:

  • How-to presentations
  • Demonstrations
  • Informational sessions

Social Events:

  • Celebration speeches
  • Team-building activities
  • PowerPoint nights
  • Presentation games

Technology Presentations:

  • Software launches
  • Product launches

Crisis Management:

  • Crisis communication
  • Emergency response briefings
  • Contingency plans

Virtual Presentations:

  • Online conferences

Different presentations involve different audience types, and the nature of questions posed can vary significantly based on presentation formats and occasions. However, the core of a successful and engaging presentation remains constant – ensuring  interactivity in a presentation  and transforming it into a two-way street through Q&A questions and adding interactive elements or using interactive tools in your presentations.

Academic Presentation Q&A Questions

Q&a questions for lecture presentations.

Lecture Q&A questions

  • Can you provide more examples for the concept/theory you just explained?
  • Are there any common misconceptions about this topic that we should be aware of?
  • What are the main differences between this and [related topic]?
  • Can you explain the steps involved in [specific process] in more detail?
  • What are the current research trends or developments in this field?
  • How does this concept connect to what we learned in the previous lesson?
  • Are there any alternative approaches to solve the problems here?
  • Can you recommend additional resources or readings?
  • Can you provide some tips for studying this material effectively?
  • Are there any real-world examples where this concept has been successfully applied?
  • What are the most common mistakes students make when working on assignments for this topic?
  • Can you explain the significance of this concept in the context of future careers?
  • What are the ethical considerations associated with the topics we are discussing?
  • Are there any current debates or controversies related to this topic?
  • How does this topic connect with interdisciplinary subjects or other courses?
  • Can you share examples of how this concept might be used in different industries or professions?
  • Can you summarize the key takeaways of today’s presentation?
  • Can you discuss any historical or cultural context that influences this topic?
  • How might this information be relevant to current events or societal issues?

Q&A Questions for Academic Conference Presentations 

Academic conference Q&A questions

  • How did you decide on the research question or topic for your study?
  • How did you select your sample or participants, and how representative is it of the broader population?
  • Can you explain the methodology you used in your research and why you chose that approach?
  • What are the main findings or key results of your study?
  • How do your findings contribute to the existing body of knowledge in your field?
  • Can you discuss any limitations or challenges you encountered during your research?
  • What implications do your findings have for practitioners in the field?
  • Can you elaborate on the theoretical framework that guided your study?
  • What ethical considerations did you address in your research, and how were they managed?
  • How did you validate the reliability and validity of your research instruments or methods?
  • How did you address potential biases or confounding variables in your research?
  • How do your findings compare to previous research on the same or similar topics?
  • Can you discuss any unexpected or surprising results that you discovered during your study?
  • How did you handle data analysis, and what statistical methods were employed in your study?
  • What alternative explanations or interpretations of your data did you consider?
  • How does your research contribute to addressing specific gaps in current knowledge?
  • How did you control for potential confounding variables in your research design?
  • What recommendations do you have for policymakers based on your research findings?
  • How does your study relate to other recent or ongoing research in the same area?
  • Are your findings generalizable to different populations or settings?
  • How did you ensure the rigor of your data analysis and interpretation?
  • What role did collaboration play in your research, and how did you handle disagreements within the research team?
  • Can you share any unexpected challenges you faced during the research process?
  • How might your findings be applied in a practical context, such as in industry or education?
  • How did you establish the validity of your conclusions in light of potential bias or subjectivity?
  • What potential areas for future research did your study uncover?
  • Can you discuss the relevance of your research to current global or societal issues?
  • How did you handle any limitations in available resources or funding for your research?
  • What key takeaway message or lesson would you like the audience to remember from your presentation?

Q&A Questions for Student Presentations

Student presentation Q&A questions

  • Can you elaborate on the research process you used to gather information for your presentation?
  • Can you discuss the process of selecting and organizing the visual elements in your presentation, such as charts or graphs?
  • How did you decide on the topic or key elements to include in your presentation?
  • What challenges did you encounter while preparing for your presentation, and how did you overcome them?
  • What did you learn about the topic that surprised you during your research?
  • Can you explain the significance of your topic or its relevance to the course content?
  • Can you discuss any alternative perspectives or counter-arguments related to your topic that you considered?
  • What sources did you consult to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented?
  • Can you explain the connection between your topic and current events or real-world applications?
  • Can you share any specific examples or case studies that support the points you made in your presentation?
  • Can you elaborate on any implications or applications of your findings beyond the scope of your presentation?
  • Can you discuss any ethical considerations related to your topic that you addressed in your presentation?
  • How might your presentation contribute to the understanding of the broader course themes or objectives?
  • What aspects of the presentation are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

Q&A Questions for Project-Based Lessons

Project-based lesson Q&A questions

  • What is the main goal or objective of this project, and how will our work contribute to it?
  • Can you provide more details about the criteria for success in this project?
  • How will our progress be assessed, and what are the key milestones or deadlines?
  • Can you clarify the roles and responsibilities of each team member in the project?
  • Are there specific resources or materials that we should use or reference for this project?
  • Can you provide examples of successful projects from previous classes or students?
  • Are there specific presentation or communication requirements for showcasing our project?
  • What opportunities for feedback and revision will be available throughout the project timeline?

Business Presentation Q&A Questions

Q&a questions for sales pitches.

Sales Pitch Q&A questions

  • What makes your product or service different from competitors in the market?
  • Can you provide some specific examples of companies or clients who have successfully used your product/service?
  • How does your product/service address specific pain points or challenges that customers commonly face?
  • Can you share some success stories or case studies related to your product/service?
  • How does your product/service integrate with existing tools or systems our company uses?
  • What kind of support or training is provided to customers after they purchase your product/service?
  • Can you explain the implementation process and how quickly we can expect to see results?
  • Are there any customization options available to tailor the product/service to our specific needs?
  • What kind of ongoing maintenance or updates does your product/service require?
  • How do you ensure the security and privacy of our data when using your product/service?
  • Are there any limitations or restrictions we should be aware of when using your product/service?
  • How often do you release updates or new features to your product/service?
  • Can you explain the scalability of your solution and how it can grow with our business?
  • What is your company’s roadmap for future developments or enhancements to the product/service?
  • What is the typical return on investment (ROI) that your customers experience after implementing your product/service?
  • How do you handle issues or challenges that may arise post-purchase?

Q&A Questions for Work Presentations

Work Meeting Q&A questions

  • How does your proposal align with our company’s overall goals or strategic objectives?
  • What potential challenges do you foresee in implementing this plan, and how do you plan to address them?
  • Can you explain the specific roles and responsibilities of each team member involved in this project?
  • What kind of timeline are you envisioning for the different phases of this project?
  • Have you considered alternative approaches to achieve the same goals, and if so, what are they?
  • What resources, budget, and manpower will be required to execute this plan successfully?
  • How do you plan to measure the success or effectiveness of this project?
  • Are there any potential risks associated with your proposal, and what mitigation strategies do you have in place?
  • Can you provide examples of similar projects that have been successful in the past, either within our company or in other organizations?
  • How will you keep stakeholders informed and engaged throughout the project lifecycle?
  • What kind of collaboration and communication tools do you plan to use to keep the team connected?
  • Are there any dependencies or external factors that could impact the timeline or success of this project?
  • Can you explain how this project aligns with current industry trends or best practices?
  • What are the potential roadblocks or obstacles you anticipate, and how do you plan to overcome them?

Q&A Questions for Performance Review Presentations 

Performance Review Q&A questions

  • Can you highlight specific projects or tasks where you feel you excelled?
  • How have you demonstrated leadership skills and the ability to take initiative?
  • Have there been any instances of conflict or difficult situations, and how did you handle them?
  • What accomplishments are you most proud of since our last performance review?
  • Where do you think you could have performed better, and what challenges did you face?
  • How well do you think your current responsibilities align with your career goals?
  • What new skills or responsibilities would you like to take on in the next year?
  • How have you found the feedback and communication within the team or organization?
  • How well do you feel you have contributed to team projects and collaborations?
  • Are there ways we can enhance teamwork and collaboration within the team?
  • Is there anything we can do to support you better in your role?
  • What additional resources or training do you think would benefit you in your role?
  • What motivates you in your work, and how can we ensure your continued motivation?
  • What steps can we take to help you achieve your long-term career goals?

Q&A Questions for Annual/Quarterly Report Presentations

Annual or quarterly report Q&A questions

  • How did specific projects or initiatives contribute to the overall success or challenges outlined in the report?
  • What challenges or obstacles did the team face during the reporting period, and how were they addressed?
  • Are there any unexpected or significant changes in the industry landscape that may affect future performance?
  • What steps were taken to mitigate risks and uncertainties identified in the previous reports?
  • Can you discuss the budgetary implications of the results presented in the report?
  • How did the team adapt to changes in customer preferences or demands during this reporting period?
  • How do the results align with the long-term strategic objectives of the organization?
  • Can you discuss any feedback or concerns received from clients, customers, or stakeholders mentioned in the report?
  • How did internal collaborations or cross-functional teamwork contribute to the outcomes presented?
  • What initiatives or projects are planned for the upcoming quarter or year in response to the findings in the report?
  • Can you elaborate on the return on investment (ROI) for specific marketing or promotional activities mentioned in the report?
  • How do the current results compare to benchmarks or industry standards for similar organizations?
  • Can you discuss any changes or improvements in operational processes that were implemented during the reporting period?
  • Can you provide insights into any potential areas for improvement or focus in the coming reporting period based on the data presented?

Q&A Questions for All-Hands Presentations

  • What are the key priorities and goals for the team in the upcoming quarter/year?
  • Can you provide more details about the recent changes in team structure or leadership?
  • How will recent industry trends or developments impact our team’s strategies moving forward?
  • Can you discuss the reasoning behind recent policy changes or updates within the team?
  • How will the team address challenges identified in recent performance reports or feedback?
  • Can you provide insights into the budget allocation and resource planning for the team?
  • How will the team adapt to changes in technology or tools that may affect our workflow?
  • What professional development opportunities will be available to team members in the coming months?
  • Can you share updates on recent achievements or milestones reached by the team?
  • Can you discuss the team’s approach to fostering diversity and inclusion within the workplace?
  • What strategies will be implemented to maintain team morale and motivation?
  • Can you elaborate on the team’s strategy for managing workloads and preventing burnout?
  • How will the team address any challenges related to communication?
  • What steps will be taken to recognize and celebrate individual and team achievements in the future?

Public Speaking Q&A Questions

Q&a questions for motivational presentations.

Motivational Speech Q&A questions

  • How did your background or experiences shape your perspective on the topic you discussed?
  • How can individuals or communities apply the ideas you shared in their own lives or work?
  • What impact do you hope your work will have on the future of [your topic]?
  • How has your perspective on [your topic] evolved throughout your journey, and what lessons have you learned?
  • How do you suggest we, as individuals, can contribute to or support the goals you outlined in your presentation?
  • What advice do you have for someone who wants to get involved in or pursue a similar field or project?
  • What are the common misconceptions or misunderstandings about [your topic] that you’d like to address?
  • How can the audience stay informed or engaged with ongoing developments in your field or topic?
  • Can you share personal experiences where you overcame significant obstacles and found motivation in [an area]?
  • What advice do you have for dealing with [a personal issue]?
  • How do you handle setbacks and failures in [an area]?
  • What daily habits or routines do you recommend for sustaining long-term motivation?
  • How can individuals at various career stages benefit from the insights you shared?
  • Can you share examples of successful individuals who have been a source of inspiration for you?

Informative Presentation Q&A Questions

Q&a questions for youtube or online webinar presentations.

Online webinar Q&A questions

  • How can I access the recording of this webinar for future reference?
  • Can you recommend any additional resources for further learning on this topic?
  • How does this information apply to different industries or professions?
  • How do you suggest we adapt these concepts to our specific organizational context?
  • How can we stay updated on new developments or research in this field?
  • Can you suggest strategies for overcoming resistance to change when implementing these ideas?
  • What role does ongoing professional development play in mastering the skills you discussed?
  • How can individuals without a background in this field apply the principles you discussed?
  • Can you explain the potential challenges or common mistakes people might encounter when trying this on their own?
  • How do you foresee the future trends or developments affecting the subject of this webinar?
  • Can you recommend specific tools or software that would enhance our implementation of these strategies?
  • What are some key indicators of success when implementing the strategies you discussed?
  • Can you discuss any industry standards or benchmarks related to the topics covered in this webinar?
  • What would be the first step you recommend for someone looking to implement these ideas in their organization?

Q&A Questions for Demonstration Presentations

Demonstration presentation Q&A questions

  • Can you clarify the purpose or goal of the demonstration?
  • What specific steps are involved in the process you just demonstrated?
  • Are there alternative methods or tools that can be used for this demonstration?
  • How long does it typically take to master this skill or process demonstrated?
  • Are there any safety precautions that should be considered?
  • Can you provide tips for troubleshooting or overcoming obstacles in the demonstrated activity?
  • How does this demonstration apply to real-world scenarios or practical situations?
  • Are there variations or advanced techniques related to this demonstration that you didn’t cover?
  • Can you share examples of successful applications or projects that used the demonstrated technique?
  • How does this demonstration align with current trends or innovations in the field?
  • What feedback or suggestions do you have for individuals attempting the demonstrated task for the first time?
  • Can you discuss any modifications or adaptations that may be necessary for different skill levels or abilities?

Training Presentation Q&A Questions

Q&a questions for training workshops.

  • Can you provide more examples or practice exercises to reinforce the concepts you just covered?
  • Are there any additional resources or recommended readings for further learning on this topic?
  • Can you explain the specific steps or strategies for applying what we’ve learned in a real-world context?
  • How often is this training updated to reflect changes in industry standards or best practices?
  • How can we track our progress and measure the effectiveness of this training?
  • Are there opportunities for practical application or hands-on exercises to reinforce the learning?
  • Can you discuss any potential challenges or common difficulties participants might encounter during the training?
  • Can you provide insights into how this training aligns with current trends or innovations in the industry?
  • How will successful completion of this training impact our professional development or career advancement?
  • What kind of ongoing support or resources will be available to participants after completing the training?
  • Can you explain the relevance of each module or section of the training to our specific roles or responsibilities?
  • Can you discuss any case studies or success stories related to individuals who have completed this training?
  • Can you outline the specific skills or competencies participants are expected to gain by the end of the training?

Creative Presentation Q&A Questions

Q&a questions for brainstorming presentations.

Brainstorming Presentation Q&A questions

  • How did you arrive at the ideas presented during the brainstorming session?
  • Can you provide more context on the criteria used to evaluate and prioritize the proposed ideas?
  • Are there specific goals or objectives that the brainstormed ideas aim to achieve?
  • How do the ideas generated align with the overall vision or mission of the team or organization?
  • Can you discuss any potential challenges or constraints that may impact the implementation of these ideas?
  • What steps will be taken to further develop and refine the selected ideas from the brainstorming session?
  • How will the team decide which ideas to prioritize or move forward with?
  • What role do you see each team member playing in the implementation or development of these ideas?
  • What steps will be taken to test or prototype the most promising ideas before full implementation?
  • Are there any potential synergies or connections between the different ideas presented?
  • Can you discuss the anticipated impact or outcomes of implementing these ideas on the team’s objectives?

Q&A Questions for Creative Work Showcase Presentations

Creative showcase Q&A questions

  • What inspired your creative concept or idea?
  • Can you discuss your creative process and how you generated or developed your ideas?
  • How did you overcome creative blocks or challenges during the project?
  • Can you share any unexpected twists or turns that occurred during the creative process?
  • What influenced your choice of colors, themes, or visual elements in your presentation?
  • Can you discuss any alternative concepts or ideas that you considered before finalizing your creative work?
  • How did you decide on the overall tone or mood of your creative piece?
  • Can you discuss any specific techniques or tools you used to bring your creative vision to life?
  • How do you balance originality with meeting the expectations or objectives of the project?
  • Can you elaborate on the symbolism or deeper meaning behind certain elements in your creative work?
  • How did you ensure your creative work aligns with the intended message or purpose of the project?
  • Can you share any unexpected challenges you encountered while executing your creative ideas?
  • What advice do you have for others looking to enhance their creativity or embark on similar projects?
  • Can you discuss any future plans or developments related to your creative work?

Q&A Questions for Portfolio Presentations

  • How did you curate or select the pieces included in your portfolio?
  • Can you discuss the overarching themes or concepts that tie your portfolio together?
  • What criteria did you use to determine which projects or works to include in your portfolio?
  • Can you provide insights into your creative process for one of the featured projects?
  • How do you believe your portfolio reflects your growth or evolution as a professional or artist?
  • Can you discuss any challenges you encountered while working on specific projects in your portfolio?
  • What inspired the overall design and layout of your portfolio presentation?
  • Can you share any feedback or critiques you received during the creation of your portfolio?
  • How do you handle showcasing both personal and professional work in your portfolio?
  • How do you stay updated on current trends or techniques in your industry, and how does this influence your portfolio?
  • Can you elaborate on any technologies or tools you used to create or present your portfolio?
  • How do you handle showcasing a diverse range of skills or talents in your portfolio?
  • How do you balance consistency with variety in the presentation of your portfolio pieces?
  • Can you provide insights into the decision-making process behind the visual and aesthetic choices in your portfolio?

Subject-Based Presentation Q&A Questions

Q&a questions for history presentations.

  • Why is it important for us to study this particular historical period or event?
  • Can you provide more context on the social and cultural aspects of the time you discussed?
  • Are there any alternative perspectives or interpretations of the historical event you presented?
  • How did political or economic factors contribute to the events you covered in your presentation?
  • Can you discuss the impact of this historical period on contemporary society or global affairs?
  • How do historians generally view or interpret the significance of the events you discussed?
  • Can you elaborate on any controversies related to the historical topic you presented?
  • Can you discuss any parallels or connections between the historical events you covered and current events?
  • Can you elaborate on any lesser-known or overlooked aspects of the historical topic?
  • What were the main causes and consequences of the events discussed in this lesson?
  • How did global events or other regions influence the events in this specific historical context?
  • Can you share more details about the key figures or individuals involved in the historical events?
  • Can you discuss any social movements or cultural shifts that occurred during this time?
  • Were there any controversies or debates among historians regarding the interpretation of these events?
  • What primary sources or historical documents can we explore to gain a deeper understanding of this time?
  • What lessons or insights can we draw from the mistakes or successes of the past?

Q&A Questions for Geography Presentations

Geography Q&A questions

  • Can you explain the significance of the geographical features discussed in this lesson?
  • What are the cultural or societal aspects that make this geographic area unique?
  • Can you discuss the environmental challenges or changes occurring in the region you shared?
  • Are there any connections between the geography of a region and its cultural practices or traditions?
  • How has human activity impacted the natural landscapes and ecosystems in the region?
  • Can you provide insights into the economic factors shaping the geography of the area?
  • How do political boundaries or geopolitical factors influence the geography of the region?
  • Can you discuss any current or historical conflicts related to the geography you presented?
  • Can you share examples of how globalization has impacted the geography you discussed?
  • How does the geography of the area influence migration patterns and population distribution?
  • Can you discuss any challenges or opportunities related to urbanization in the region?
  • Can you provide examples of how transportation infrastructure shapes the geography of the region?
  • How do the geographical features discussed impact the local economy and lifestyle?
  • Can you discuss the role of sustainable development in shaping the geography of the region?
  • How does the geography of a region impact the availability and distribution of resources?

Q&A Questions for Science Presentations

  • How does this scientific theory or principle apply to real-world situations?
  • Can you provide examples of experiments or demonstrations that illustrate the principles being taught?
  • How do current advancements or research in technology influence our understanding of this science?
  • Can you provide examples of how this scientific concept has been applied in various industries?
  • Can you share insights into any ongoing or future research related to the subject of the lecture?
  • Can you elaborate on any potential interdisciplinary connections between this science and other fields?
  • How do you see the future developments or advancements shaping the field of science you discussed?
  • Can you discuss any recent advancements or breakthroughs in the field related to your presentation?
  • What experiments or studies have been conducted to support the information presented in your topic?
  • Are there any unanswered questions or areas of uncertainty in the scientific understanding of this topic?
  • Can you discuss the importance of peer review in the scientific process?

Q&A Questions for Social Science Presentations

Social Science Q&A questions

  • Can you provide some background information on the topic?
  • Can you explain the significance of any statistical analyses or data presented in this studies?
  • How might cultural or societal factors influence the interpretation of the findings?
  • Are there any primary sources or case studies used in the lesson to illustrate these social science concepts?
  • What are the alternative opinions or perspectives that one should consider for this topic?
  • How can we critically evaluate bias in the research?
  • What are the roles of globalization or international perspectives in this topic?
  • Why is [a perspective/opinion] the case?
  • What are the potential objections for [a perspective/opinion]?
  • How does the topic of this lesson relate to broader social issues or current events?
  • Are there any conflicting theories or perspectives within the field related to this lesson’s content?
  • Can you explain the practical implications of the theories or concepts covered in this lesson?
  • How do the concepts covered in this lesson contribute to a deeper understanding of human behavior or society?
  • What are some potential criticisms or limitations of the theories presented in this lesson?

Q&A Questions for Art and Design Presentations

  • How do different artistic techniques contribute to the overall aesthetic of the piece?
  • Can you explain the cultural or historical influences behind the art or design style being taught?
  • How can personal experiences or emotions be expressed through art and design?
  • Can you provide examples of famous artists or designers who are known for this particular style or technique?
  • How does the use of color, shape, and composition impact the visual impact of the artwork or design?
  • Are there any contemporary or modern trends in art and design that relate to the topic of this lesson?
  • How does the art or design being taught relate to broader movements or styles in the art world?
  • How can art and design contribute to social or cultural change?

Fun Presentation Q&A Questions

Q&a questions for powerpoint night  presentations.

PowerPoint night Q&A questions

  • Do you remember the time when we [shared a memorable adventure or experience]?
  • What’s your favorite memory from our past travels together?
  • If we were to plan a group vacation, what destination would you suggest for our bucket list?
  • What’s one place you’ve always wanted to visit that we haven’t explored together yet?
  • What’s the most spontaneous or unplanned adventure we’ve had?
  • What’s our favorite inside joke?
  • If we were to create a time capsule representing our friendship, what would you include in it?
  • What’s the craziest or most unexpected thing we’ve ever done together?
  • What’s your go-to travel snack or comfort food?
  • What’s a shared goal or dream destination you’d like to achieve with the group?
  • Can you recall the first time we met, and what was your initial impression of me?
  • What’s a skill or talent of mine that surprised you when you first discovered it?
  • If our group had a theme song, what do you think it should be and why?
  • If we were characters in a movie, how would you describe our dynamic or roles?
  • What’s a shared goal or aspiration that you think our group could work towards together?
  • What’s your favorite thing about our friendship that you cherish the most?
  • If we had a group motto or slogan, what do you think it should be?

Q&A Questions for PowerPoint Games

Trivia Q&A questions

  • What are the rules of the game?
  • How long is the expected duration of the game?
  • Are there any specific materials or equipment needed to play the game?
  • Can you explain the objective or goal of the game?
  • Are there any hidden surprises in the game that players might not immediately notice?
  • Any secret tips for success in the game?
  • Are there any special prizes or incentives for winners of tonight’s games?
  • How is the game scored, and what determines the winner?
  • What happens if there’s a tie in the game?
  • Are there any variations or optional rules we should be aware of?
  • Can you explain the order of play and how turns are determined?
  • Are there penalties or consequences for certain actions during the game?
  • Can participants form teams, or is the game strictly individual play?
  • Are there any restrictions on player movement or interaction during the game?
  • Can you provide examples of common strategies or tactics used in the game?
  • How is cheating or rule violations handled in the game?
  • Can you recommend any strategies for newcomers or first-time players?

Feedback Q&A Questions

Feedback Q&A questions

  • What specific aspects of the presentation do you think were most effective?
  • Can you provide suggestions for improving the clarity of certain points in the presentation?
  • How well do you think the presenter engaged with the audience during the presentation?
  • Were there any areas where you felt the presentation could have been more engaging or interactive?
  • Can you offer insights into the pacing of the presentation and whether it was appropriate?
  • What are your thoughts on the visual elements, such as slides or graphics, used in the presentation?
  • Were there any technical issues or challenges that affected your experience during the presentation?
  • Can you provide feedback on the overall organization and structure of the presentation?
  • Were there any moments in the presentation that you found particularly memorable or impactful?
  • Did the presenter effectively convey the key messages or takeaways of the presentation?
  • How well did the presenter connect with the audience’s level of understanding or familiarity with the topic?
  • Can you discuss any specific examples or anecdotes that resonated with you during the presentation?
  • Were there any instances where the presenter could have provided more context or background information?
  • What are your thoughts on the presenter’s use of language, tone, and overall communication style?
  • Can you suggest ways in which the presenter could improve audience engagement or participation?
  • Were there any aspects of the presentation that you found confusing or difficult to follow?
  • Can you share your overall impression of the presentation and whether it met your expectations?
  • What recommendations do you have for the presenter to enhance the overall impact and effectiveness of future presentations?

Closing Thoughts

With more than 300 Q&A questions to help you with your preparation, you can save so much time thinking and anticipating the questions your audience may ask during the Q&A session of your presentation. Now, you can focus on what matters most – acing your presentation! 

BONUS: Lazy to create PowerPoint presentations from scratch? Try these  11 top-rated AI PowerPoint generators (they’re free!), as well as these  4 ways to use ChatGPT to create PowerPoint presentations . 

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Top 50 PowerPoint Interview Questions for Your Dream Job

Are you preparing for a PowerPoint Interview? If so, you must understand the software as it showcases your proficiency in creating good presentations. This blog can help emphasise your qualifications, accomplishments, and fit for the role. It will also provide clarity to your presentation structure. Let's dive in to know more!


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Picture this: you’re preparing for a PowerPoint Interview, where each answer you give is like a brushstroke on a canvas, painting a clear picture of your talents and creativity. Just like an artist needs a steady hand, you need confidence and skill to make your presentation stand out. Mastering the top 50 interview questions on PowerPoint can give you that confidence and skill.

This blog will guide you through the key PowerPoint Interview Questions, giving you the tools to shine. Ready to impress your interviewers and land your dream job? Let’s get started!

Table of Contents  

1)  PowerPoint Interview Questions for freshers 

2)  PowerPoint Interview Questions for intermediates 

3)  PowerPoint Interview Questions for professionals 

4)  General questions for PowerPoint Interviews 

5)   Conclusion 

PowerPoint Interview Questions for freshers  

Be it looking for a new job opportunity or simply landing an internship, you should be ready for interviews all the time. The PowerPoint Interviews are no exception as portraying your grasp and competence of application for preparing dynamic presentations is essential. So, let's dive into the top interview questions for freshers:

1) What is PowerPoint, and how is it used in professional settings?  

This question assesses the candidate's understanding of PowerPoint's role in professional environments and their ability to articulate its significance.

Sample answer: PowerPoint is a presentation tool and platform that is employed to grade layouts of attractive slideshows. It is a very common mediums in professional settings that involves imparting of the information, ideas, and data in a well-organised and trendy manner.  

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2) How do you start a new Microsoft PowerPoint presentation?  

It evaluates the candidate's familiarity with initiating a new presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint, a fundamental skill for working with the software. 

Sample answer:  To Start a new PowerPoint presentation, first do "New" or Ctrl + N. On doing this, you will see a blank presentation page to enter your content.

3) How do you insert images into a PPT slide? 

This question tests the candidate's proficiency in inserting images into PowerPoint slides, which is a common task in presentation creation.

Sample answer: To include images in a PPT slide, navigate to the "Insert" tab and then tap on the "Picture" button. Click "Insert" and then "Browse" for your preferred image from your computer or a web source.

4) What are slide layouts, and why are they important? 

It inquires about the candidate's knowledge of slide layouts and their importance in maintaining consistency and visual appeal throughout a presentation.

Sample answer: The slide design is handled by the type of the layout which is associated with the arrangement of placeholders on the slide. They make your presentation clean and clear-cut. Selecting the best design allows you to organise your content appropriately and present in an aesthetically pleasing form.

5) How can you apply animations to objects in PowerPoint? 

Assesses the candidate's capability to apply animations to objects in PowerPoint, that enhances the visual appeal and engagement of their presentations.

Sample answer: In order to animate objects, use the "Object" tab and go to the "Animations" subtab. Select any of the pre-loaded animations, or the animation settings to match your needs.

6) What is the purpose of slide transitions in PPT? 

This PowerPoint Interview Question explores the candidate's understanding of slide transitions and their role in seamlessly transitioning between slides during a presentation.

Sample answer: Slide transitions determine the manner each slide is transitioned from one to the next while presenting. By emphasising distinct visual components, they assist in keeping the audience engaged from the beginning to the end of the presentation.

7) How can you customise the design and theme of your PowerPoint presentation?

It examines the candidate's ability to customise the design and theme of their PowerPoint presentations. Essentially, it reflects on their creativity and attention to detail.

Sample answer: Click on the ‘Design’ tab to customise the presentation size and title. Later on, it is your own decision which will be the chosen theme, colour, fonts and background.

8) What are the best practices for creating effective presentations? 

This query seeks insights into the candidate's awareness of best practices for creating effective presentations, including aspects like content organisation and visual design.

Sample answer:  Some best practices include the following:

a) Keeping slides simple and uncluttered

b) Using legible fonts

c) Adding graphics to enhance understanding

d) Using bullet points or short sentences instead of long paragraphs

9) How can you add audio or video to a Microsoft PPT? 

It evaluates the candidate's skills in adding audio or video elements to PowerPoint presentations, enhancing multimedia content delivery.

Sample answer: To add audio or video to a PowerPoint presentation: 

a) Go to the “Insert” tab 

b) Click on the “Audio” or “Video” option 

c) Choose the desired file from your computer or an online source and insert it into the slide 

10) What is the Slide Master in PowerPoint, and how can it be used? 

It tests the candidate's understanding of the Slide Master feature in PowerPoint and its utility in maintaining consistency across presentation slides.

Sample answer: PowerPoint "Slide Master" is the most fundamental of the program to uniformly make and apply formatting and design to all the slides of the presentation.

11) How can you collaborate with others on a PowerPoint presentation? 

This question inquires about the candidate's knowledge of collaboration features in PowerPoint and assess their ability to work effectively with others on presentation projects.

Sample answer:  Collaboration functionality is also an integral part of PowerPoint that enables the several users to operate a presentation simultaneously. Everyone will be in a position to send the document through email or a cloud storage service and share it with whoever they want to edit or review it.

12) What are the different ways to deliver a Microsoft PPT presentation? 

It explores the candidate's familiarity with different methods for delivering PowerPoint presentations, including in-person and remote options.

Sample answer:  You have the option to give numerous means to a PowerPoint presentation. Some of those means include in person through projectors or fast track tools, as pre-recorded videos, and by sharing them online on platforms like Microsoft Teams or Google Slides.

13) How can you rehearse and time your PowerPoint presentation? 

This query tests the candidate's ability to rehearse and time their PowerPoint presentations, ensuring smooth delivery and adherence to time constraints.

Sample answer: To work on your PowerPoint prese­ntation, pick the "Slide Show" section and hit the­ "Rehearse Timings" option. This gre­at tool lets you plan out your time and rehe­arse your speech, including the time you'll give­ to each slide.

14) How can you protect your PowerPoint presentation from unauthorised access?

Assesses the candidate's understanding of security measures in PowerPoint, specifically protecting presentations from unauthorised access. 

Sample answer: You can protect your presentation by setting a password and then limiting the number of people capable of accessing it. The action can be taken by moving to "File" tab, choosing “Protect Presentation” and selecting “Encrypt with Password” option.

15) What are some common mistakes to avoid in your PPT presentations? 

This query delves into the candidate's awareness of common mistakes to avoid in PowerPoint presentations and showcases their attention to detail and commitment to quality. 

Sample answer: Some common mistakes to avoid include the following: 

a) Overcrowding slides with excessive text 

b) Using inappropriate fonts or colours 

c) Relying too heavily on animations 

d) Not rehearsing or preparing adequately for the presentation 

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PowerPoint Interview Questions for intermediates 

If you have some experience with Microsoft PPT and are preparing for an interview, then these interview questions can help you sharpen your skills. So, let’s have a look at these PowerPoint Interview Questions and confidently tackle interviews related to the software: 

16) How can you add hyperlinks to a PowerPoint presentation? 

It tests the candidate's knowledge of adding hyperlinks to PowerPoint presentations, allowing for easy navigation and access to external resources.

Sample answer: To add hyperlinks to a Microsoft PPT presentation, select the text or element you want to hyperlink. Then, go to the “Insert” tab, click the “Hyperlink” button, enter the web address, or select a file or slide to link to. 

17) What are the benefits of using slide transitions and animations in a presentation? 

It explores the candidate's understanding of the benefits of using slide transitions and animations in presentations, which enhance engagement and visual appeal.

Sample answer: Slide transitions and animations can enhance the visual appeal and engagement of a presentation. They provide a smooth flow between slides and help emphasise key points or highlight specific elements. 

18) How can you use the Slide Master to customise the design of your entire presentation? 

This question assesses the candidate's proficiency in utilising the Slide Master to customise the design of entire presentations, that ensure consistency and branding.

Sample answer: The Slide Master allows you to build a consistent layout and design for all slides in your presentation. By modifying the Slide Master, you can change fonts, colours, backgrounds, and placeholders, ensuring a unified look throughout your presentation. 

19) What are the different methods for delivering a PowerPoint presentation remotely? 

It evaluates the candidate's familiarity with various methods for delivering PowerPoint presentations remotely, reflecting adaptability to different presentation environments.

Sample answer: Remote delivery methods for PowerPoint presentations include the following methods:

different methods for delivering a powerpoint presentation

20) How can you embed a YouTube video into a PowerPoint slide? 

It tests the candidate's ability to embed YouTube videos into PowerPoint slides, that enrich presentations with multimedia content.

Sample answer: To embed a YouTube video into a PPT slide, go to the YouTube video page, click the "Share" button, select the "Embed" option, copy the provided HTML code, go to PowerPoint, and paste the code using the "Embed" option in the "Insert" tab.  

21) How can you create custom slide layouts in PPT? 

This query explores the candidate's capability to create custom slide layouts in PowerPoint, that tailor presentations to specific needs and preferences.

Sample answer:  To create custom slide layouts in PowerPoint, go to the "View" tab, click on the "Slide Master" button, and modify the existing layouts or create new ones by adding or removing placeholders and formatting them as desired. 

22) How can you align and distribute objects on a Microsoft PPT slide? 

This question dives into the candidate's skills in aligning and distributing objects on PowerPoint slides.

Sample answer: To align and distribute objects on a Microsoft PPT slide, select the objects you want to align or distribute, go to the "Home" tab, click on the "Align" or "Distribute" button, and choose the desired alignment or distribution option. 

23) What are the best practices for using multimedia elements in a PowerPoint presentation? 

It tests the candidate's knowledge of best practices for using multimedia elements in PowerPoint presentations.

Sample answer: Best practices for using multimedia elements include optimising file sizes to avoid slow loading, ensuring compatibility with the presentation environment, testing videos and audio in advance, and providing clear instructions for multimedia playback. 

24) How can you create a looping slideshow in Microsoft PPT? 

Explores the candidate's ability to create looping slideshows in PowerPoint, that is suitable for continuous display or kiosk presentations.

Sample answer: To create a looping slideshow in PowerPoint, go to the "Slide Show" tab, click on the "Set Up Slide Show" button, select the "Loop continuously until 'Esc'" option, and start the slideshow. 

25) How can you use the "Presenter View" in PowerPoint during a presentation? 

This question assesses the candidate's familiarity with the "Presenter View" feature in PowerPoint, that can facilitate smoother presentations for speakers.

Sample answer: The "Presenter View" in PowerPoint allows you to view speaker notes, navigate through slides, see upcoming slides, and manage the presentation while your audience sees only the slideshow. To use it, go to the "Slide Show" tab and click on the "Presenter View" button. 

26) How can you collaborate with others on a PowerPoint presentation using Cloud Storage Services? 

It tests the candidate's proficiency in collaborating on PowerPoint presentations using Cloud Storage Services and demonstrate their adaptability to modern workflows.

Sample answer: Collaboration on a PowerPoint presentation using cloud storage services involves: 

a) Uploading the presentation to the cloud 

b) Sharing the file with collaborators 

c) Granting them editing or commenting access 

d) Syncing changes in real-time 

27) How can you export a PowerPoint presentation as a PDF file? 

This PowerPoint Interview Question evaluates the candidate's skills in exporting PowerPoint presentations as PDF files. 

Sample answer: To export a PowerPoint presentation as a PDF file: 

a) Go to the “File” tab 

b) Choose the “Save As” option 

c) Choose the PDF format 

d) Specify the desired settings before saving the presentation as a PDF 

28) How can you create an interactive quiz using PowerPoint? 

This query aims at understanding the candidate's capability to create interactive quizzes using PowerPoint,

Sample answer: To create an interactive quiz in PowerPoint, you can use features like hyperlinks, custom slide navigation, and interactive objects. You can link quiz questions to specific slides and provide options for users to select answers. 

29) How do you ensure that your PowerPoint presentation is accessible to individuals with disabilities? 

It examines the candidate’s knowledge of making PowerPoint presentations accessible to disable people and create inclusive presentations.

Sample answer: To offer accessibility, use appropriate slide layouts, insert ALT text descriptors for images, utilise high contrasting font and background colors, and include captions and transcripts for the multimedia portion of the presentation. See how the presentation interacts with various accessibility tools and whether it works.

30) What are some advanced PowerPoint features that can enhance the interactivity of a presentation? 

It assesses the candidate’s in-depth knowledge of advanced and interactive PowerPoint features that indicate their skills in presentation designs.

Sample answer:  Interactive PowerPoint can improve interactivity in presentation by using triggers for presentation, action buttons for presentations, and custom animation for presentations. These features enable one to insert elements that respond to user actions instead of simply displaying the presentation as a static document.

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PowerPoint Interview Questions for professionals 

As a professional, you should likely have a solid foundation in Microsoft PPT and have honed your skills through years of experience. However, PowerPoint Interviews for professionals often delve deeper into advanced features, customisation options, integration with other applications, collaboration capabilities, and protection of presentations. 

Here are a few interview questions to equip you with the knowledge and insights needed to handle these areas confidently: 

31) How can you create custom slide layouts and templates in PowerPoint? 

This tests the candidate’s competency in developing custom slide layouts and templates in PowerPoint, which allows them to be more personalised and branded.

Sample answer: To create custom slide layouts, go to the "View" tab, click on the "Slide Master" button, and modify the existing layouts or create new ones by adding or removing placeholders and formatting them as desired. To create custom templates, save a presentation file as a template file (.potx). 

32) What are the different methods for embedding fonts in an MS PPT presentation? 

It delves into how the candidate knows different ways to enable font embedment in PowerPoint presentations.

Sample answer: Fonts can be embedded in a PowerPoint presentation by selecting the "Embed fonts in the file" option when saving the presentation or by installing the fonts on the computer where the presentation will be viewed. 

33) How can you create a custom animation using the Animation Pane in PowerPoint? 

It assesses the aptitude of the candidate in animating the outgoing animation by utilising the Animation Pane in PowerPoint and improving the storyline.

Sample answer: To create a custom animation using the Animation Pane, go to the "Animations" tab, click on the "Animation Pane" button, and then add, remove, or modify animation effects and their timings as desired. 

34) How can you record a narration for a Microsoft PowerPoint? This question checks the candidate's skills in recording narrations for PowerPoint presentations.

Sample answer: To record a narration, go to the "Slide Show" tab, click on the "Record Slide Show" button, choose either "Record from Current Slide" or "Record from Beginning," and start recording your narration for each slide. 

35) How can you create a self-running PowerPoint presentation with timings? 

It explores the candidate's ability to create self-running PowerPoint presentations with timings, that are suitable for automated playback. 

Sample answer: To create a self-running presentation with timings, go to the "Slide Show" tab, click on the "Set Up Slide Show" button, choose the "Use timings, if present" option, and set the desired timings for each slide. 

36) What are the steps to convert a PowerPoint presentation into a video file? 

It tests the candidate's knowledge of converting PowerPoint presentations into video files, thereby facilitating broader distribution and playback options.

Sample answer: In order to convert a PowerPoint presentation into a video file, go to the "File" tab, click on the "Export" or "Save As" option. Further, choose the desired video format (e.g., MP4), and specify the video settings before saving the presentation as a video. 

37) How can you create an interactive menu or navigation system in PowerPoint? 

It inquires about the candidate's capability to create interactive menus or navigation systems in PowerPoint.

Sample answer: An interactive menu or navigation system can be created in PowerPoint using hyperlinks, action buttons, or custom slide shows. By linking slides or sections of the presentation, you can create a non-linear navigation experience. 

38) How can you add audio narration to specific parts of a Microsoft PPT presentation? 

It explores the candidate's skills in adding audio narration to specific parts of PowerPoint presentations, that enrich content delivery.

Sample answer:  To add audio narration to specific parts of a presentation, go to the "Insert" tab, click on the "Audio" button, choose "Record Audio," and then record the narration for the desired slide or section. 

39) How can you integrate live data or real-time updates into a PowerPoint presentation?

It tests the candidate's understanding of integrating live data or real-time updates into PowerPoint presentations.

Sample answer: Live data or real-time updates may be incorporated into a PowerPoint presentation through data-driven PowerPoint presentations. It involves augmenting a presentation with external data connections or applying add-ins for dynamic content presentation.

40) How can you create a custom slideshow loop with different durations for each slide? 

This question tests the candidate's ability to create custom slideshow loops with varying durations for each slide, that cater to specific presentation needs.

Sample answer: To produce a well-styled slideshow loop with varying durations for every slide, you should first move to the "Transitions" tab. Later, enable the "After" option in the "Advance Slide" section and enter the specified duration in seconds for each slide.

41) How can you package a PowerPoint presentation with linked files and fonts for sharing or distribution? 

It explores the candidate's proficiency in packaging PowerPoint presentations with linked files and fonts for seamless sharing and distribution.

Sample answer: To package a presentation together with all fonts and linked files, you just go to the tab named 'File'. Then, select an option "Package Presentation for CD" or "Package Presentation for CD/DVD", and the programme will do the rest.  

42) How can you integrate 3D models or immersive experiences into a PowerPoint presentation? 

It tests the candidate's knowledge of integrating 3D models or immersive experiences into PowerPoint presentations.

Sample answer: By making use of the three-dimensional model and the immersive experience designs, you can integrate them into the PowerPoint presentation. 3D model designs are realistic representations that you can insert, rotate and animate to give your presentations a better structure. It will make your presentation more engaging and visually expressive.

43) How can you create a PowerPoint add-in or customise it using macros? 

This query checks the candidate's ability to create PowerPoint add-ins or customise the software using macros, that demonstrates their technical proficiency.

Sample answer:  PPT add-ins developed in the languages like VBA can be created using programming languages like Visual Basic for Applications. Macros come to the rescue for those who are working on repetitive jobs, generating custom commands and empowering PowerPoint with extended functionalities.

44) What are some best practices for creating accessible PowerPoint presentations? 

This question explores the candidate's understanding of best practices for creating accessible PowerPoint presentations.

Sample answer: The best practices for creating accessible presentations include the following:

best practices for creating accessible PowerPoint presentations.

45) How can you optimise the file size of a PowerPoint presentation without compromising quality? 

It tests the candidate's proficiency in optimising the file size of PowerPoint presentations without compromising quality, that facilitate smoother sharing and playback.

Sample answer: To optimise the file size of a presentation, you can compress images, reduce the number of embedded fonts, remove unused slide layouts, and avoid excessive use of animations and multimedia. 

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General questions for PowerPoint Interviews 

Throughout interviews there might be a difference in format and precise questions but there are some main, cliche questions like learning about a candidate's background, talents and by the precise role. So, let’s explore some frequently asked questions during interviews:

46) Can you tell me about yourself? 

This question is an open door for you to summarise your expertise, and competencies as they contribute to the job.

Sample answer: "I am a seasoned PowerPoint user with over five years of experience in creating impactful presentations. I've honed my skills in designing visually appealing slides and incorporating multimedia elements to enhance engagement." 

47) What interests you about this role/company? 

This question assesses your level of interest and understanding of the role and the company. 

Sample answer: “What I find most appealing about this position is the ability to use my PowerPoint skills. By doing so, I can highly contribute toward the company’s advantage and help it focus on innovation and teamwork.”

48) How do you handle challenges and difficult situations? 

This question evaluates your problem-solving and conflict resolution skills. You can provide examples of specific challenges you have faced in the past and how you successfully navigated through them. 

Sample answer: "When faced with challenges or difficult situations, I approach them with a calm and solution-oriented mindset. I believe in breaking down problems into manageable steps, seeking input from colleagues when necessary, and staying resilient until a resolution is reached."

49) What are your strengths and weaknesses? 

This question helps the interviewer assess your self-awareness and your ability to reflect on your own abilities. 

How to emphasise strengths and weaknesses in interviews

Sample answer:  "One of my strengths is my attention to detail, which enables me to create polished and professional presentations. However, I sometimes find it challenging to delegate tasks as I prefer to ensure everything meets my high standards. It's an area I'm actively working on improving."

50) How do you handle feedback and criticism? 

This question explores your ability to receive and process feedback constructively. Discuss your approach to feedback,and about using it to grow and improve professionally. 

Sample answer: "I view feedback and criticism as opportunities for growth and learning. I welcome constructive feedback since it helps me identify improvement areas and strive for excellence. I always take the time to reflect on feedback received and incorporate it into my work to continually enhance my skills."


By familiarising yourself with PowerPoint Interview Questions, you can be confident enough and have the knowledge to excel in your interviews. With this preparation, you will be well-positioned to impress hiring managers and secure success in your interview. Good luck! 

Ready to take your PowerPoint skills to the next level? Register for our Microsoft PowerPoint MO300 Training .

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There is a list of MS PowerPoint questions and answer frequently asked in most of the interviews. Many companies ask related questions in interviews. Let's see the following questions:

PowerPoint is a tool of Microsoft that is used to make presentations. It contains slides to present the data. With the help of MS PowerPoint tool, you can represent your idea or plan virtually using text, video, and images.

PowerPoint comes in MS Office Suite. It helps to represent the data in an attractive way by allowing the user to add text, image, graphics, audio, and video in it. You can call it a presentation program.

A motion path is a method of moving objects on a slide. PowerPoint allows its users to add motion to an object in the slide. You can add motion to an object from the tab by selecting an object.

Basically, the motion path is a part of advanced animation that helps to take an object in a moving state. This object can be any text, image or graphics. When you add a motion to an object, it appears on click in different ways like in a circle, spin, or anything else.

Set a password on a file to which you want to protect. Follow the below steps to set a password:

in the menu bar and click on the present at the left of the panel. dropdown menu under which you will get an option . Click on it to protect the file with a password. key to start the slideshow of a PowerPoint presentation. (Escape Key).

Yes, we can insert a video from the device and also from online to a presentation. Follow the below step to insert a video:

tab in menu bar. You will see a option at the end of the Insert menu; click on it. and . Choose one of the options to insert a video either from the device or online. that will open a window where copy and paste a link of the video and click on the Insert button give below and add the video to the slide.

Remember that - this online video will play in your presentation only when your computer system will be connected to the internet.

The areas enclosed by the dotted borders on the slides are called Placeholders. Simply, you can say that placeholder is the enclosed areas on the slide.

MS PowerPoint offers several types of transitions, which makes the presentation attractive and effective. When you add a transition on a slide, the slide changes in a different way rather than simple.

Navigate to the tab to get different transition options, such as split, fade, push, clock, dissolve and many more. Choose any of the transitions and apply them to the slide. You have to add transition on each slide individually.

You can use any number of transitions in a presentation. In a PowerPoint presentation, each slide can have a different transition.

is a view to see the slides presentation in a shorter view. It allows the users to see all the slides in a single view. Slide Shorter View makes it easy for the users to sort and organize the slides in a sequence if they want to print their slides.

You can get this slide shorter view near the Reading View option in the toolbar section. Besides that, you can also get it at the bottom of the slide window on the taskbar or inside the on the ribbon.

A motion path is a part of , used to take an object in moving state. This object can be any text, image or graphics. PowerPoint offers various types of motions, such as Circle, 4 Point Star, 6 Point Star, Hexagon, Funnel, Curvy Left, and many more. Motion Path comes under the advanced animation category.

tab in menu bar. with your object. . Here you will get 40+ motion path animations. to apply it with your selected object.

Trigger is an action or call it as an event that performs on the slides when clicked. It comes under the advanced animation category.

Navigate to to initiate the trigger.

Yes, we can export a PowerPoint presentation into a video. MS PowerPoint allows the users to convert a presentation into different formats like PDF/XPS document, video document, Handout, and more. It also allows the users to export a presentation as a package presentation for CD.

Steps to convert PowerPoint presentation into a video:

in the menu bar. at the left panel of the PowerPoint. It will show the different options to convert a presentation into PDF/XPS document, video, Handouts, and more. , or . button given below to the video quality option.

PowerPoint uses to save a presentation file. PPT is also an acronym for the PowerPoint presentation. It means that people usually call the PowerPoint presentation as PPT.

A PowerPoint environment usually contains the at the top, at the left of the screen, at the right of the screen, and at the bottom.

Slide View is a view to see the presentation slides in four different modes, which are -

In PowerPoint, all four slide modes available at the bottom of PowerPoint.

Zoom control allows the users to zoom-in and zoom-out the slide. This zoom control shortcut option presents at the bottom of the PowerPoint and near the slide view.

Zoom Control has a range meter containing a range between 10 to 400. Usually, PowerPoint user Keeps this meter at 69% or 71% readability.

Open the file which you want to make password protected.

Go to the -> -> -> .

Enter the password and confirm password to set the password on the selected file.

Click on at last.

Document Inspector is an essential tool of MS PowerPoint. It removes certain hidden properties from the document that might be added automatically to the file.

The live Presentation feature is announced by Microsoft that is available only for PowerPoint on the web. This feature is used to share and present the presentation globally, connecting via internet. It is a free service to use by all, but you just have to login in Microsoft account.

If the presenter allows, the remote user can download the presentation as well.

To use the Live presentation feature of PowerPoint, the presenter must have Microsoft 365 subscription. However, the audience does not need to have a subscription of Microsoft 365.

Without having a Microsoft subscription, the audience can view the presentation on their devices using the Live presentation option. They can also read the subtitle in their preferred language. The audience can also provide the live reaction and feedback to the presenter through comments.

Live Presentation feature is announced by Microsoft that is available only for PowerPoint on the web. Presenter can add the audience by just sharing a direct link to them. It will show your presentation in real-time to the audience from a browser.

tab, where you will get the online presentation option. option here. button on this popup window.

Microsoft announced the Live presentation feature in MS PowerPoint 2013.

Follow the below steps in PowerPoint to add a bookmark in a PowerPoint video:

tab that will be enabled when selecting the video. .

Insert the logo on the Slide master. So, the logo will appear in the same position on all the slides.

The presenter uses notes pane to keep the supplement information during the presentation. It does not appear on the slide.

You will get the option of Notes at the bottom of the PowerPoint environment. If you want to add any note with a slide, go to that slide and click on Notes and write the note.

Grouping of shapes allows the user to move the multiple shapes together. When the multiple shapes are grouped, these are treated as a single shape. However, you can also move any shape individually inside the group shape.

By following few simple steps, you can group multiple shapes into one. Here, we have these steps:

, which you would like to group together. . and group all the shapes into a single shape.

Slide Shorter View is the best view to see the transition applied on all slides.

PowerPoint allows the users to create a new presentation in three different ways. Here, we have -

Use a new blank presentation slide to create a new presentation. You can use any design template of PowerPoint instead of the blank slide to create a new slide. You can use an old presentation and use its format to create a new presentation.

Use Ctrl + M shortcut command to insert a new slide to the current presentation. It will add a new slide below the slide open currently.

A placeholder is used to hold the text on the slide. It is a container that can hold text, image, graphics, table, video or audio clip, and anything you want to add into the slide.

You can edit, move, and resize a placeholder anywhere on the slide.

Slide Design is a simple design format of PowerPoint that does not provide any sample content. On the other side, Auto Content Wizard provides the sample content to its users.

Ctrl + O is a shortcut command which is used to open an existing document in PowerPoint.

By embedding the chart of Excel in your PowerPoint presentation, you can directly show the excel data here. So, the user does not require to create a table here to show the data. Follow the below steps to embed an Excel chart to PowerPoint presentation:

tab in menu bar. section, click on the . radio to search the existing excel file on your device. button to insert that excel file. button to close all the tabs.

By embedding the chart of Excel, you can represent your excel data in your PowerPoint presentation. So, you do not need to create the table specifically to show the excel data.

This feature also enables the users to Link the real-time changes to the presentation. Mark the checkbox on the popup window while embedding the excel chart. This will reflect the changes in the PowerPoint presentation that will be made in the excel sheet.

Yes, PowerPoint allows its users to customize the ribbon. You can add or remove any options from it.


Steps to add Header/Footer to PowerPoint slide:

click on the . A popup window will open. checkbox and add the text you would like to display inside the footer.

Steps to insert slide number on PowerPoint slides:

under the text section inside the ribbon. checkbox and click on the

, the function key is used to move the mouse control to the next panel of the PowerPoint.

In this scenario, save the PowerPoint presentation in another format like PDF, XPS, or export the presentation in video. Besides that, you can also use package presentation for CD.

All these methods do not require PowerPoint application.

There are two ways to insert a hyperlink to a PowerPoint presentation:

tab and go to the Links section in ribbon. . It will open an window connected with your device folders to choose a file and make it a hyperlink.

shortcut key; this will directly take you to the window, where you have to choose a file you would like to make a hyperlink.

In case you edit an image inserted in PowerPoint, the original image will not change. Changes will only reflect for PowerPoint image; they will not reflect on the original image saved in your devices.

Hit command to directly take you to the first slide of the PowerPoint presentation.

Hit command to directly take you to the last slide of the PowerPoint presentation.

Make an image (DFD, ERD, Flowchart) in PowerPoint by following few simple steps:

. button to save them as a picture.

When you make an image using different shapes of PowerPoint and then insert it in your presentation, the objects (shapes) of the diagram do not scatter on the slide. It shows more clarity in the diagram.

In case you need to copy and paste that diagram, the objects of the diagram will not disbalance.

Ordering of objects requires when two or more objects overlap each other. You can change the ordering of objects in four ways:

Bring the object one level up by one click. Bring the object at the front (top). Bring the object one level down by one click. Bring the object at last.

Microsoft PowerPoint provides tools to change the ordering of objects. So, you can easily bring the object up or down to other objects without moving the object anywhere.

Ordering of objects requires when two or more objects overlap each other. Use to following steps to change the ordering by one level -

whose you would like to change ordering; a format tab will open corresponding with it. and option inside the

Yes, you can make the PDF of the PowerPoint presentation. PowerPoint allows the users to convert the PowerPoint slides to a PDF documents.

Follow the steps below to make PDF -

in menu bar to save the file in PDF file format. at the left panel of the PowerPoint. This will show the different options to convert a presentation into like, PDF/XPS document, video, Handouts, or more.

Dragging. When one holds the left key of the mouse on an object and moves it on the PowerPoint slide, this action is called dragging.

Title slide contains the title and basic information about the presenter and presentation. It sets a tone for the presentation.

, we can apply the same transition on all slides of a PowerPoint presentation. Follow the below step to see how to do that -

You can choose any transition like Wipe, Split, Dissolve, Checkerboard, clock, etc. button present in the PowerPoint ribbon inside the

Press the function key and check the transition is applied successfully on all slides.

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50 PowerPoint interview questions to ask candidates

Hire seasoned powerpoint professionals without complications.

TestGorilla helps you identify talent with the right technical skills, personality type, and behavioral attributes for your organization.

questions powerpoint presentation

Microsoft PowerPoint is a staple program for many businesses across the globe.

Professionals who know how to make the most of PowerPoint can assemble exceptional presentations and use it to disseminate intriguing ideas in a visual format.

But do you have the right person with the necessary PowerPoint skills on your team to help you create visually appealing presentations?

If you need to hire one, it’s critical that you test for PowerPoint skills and then interview applicants using the right PowerPoint interview questions.

Here are the 52 PowerPoint interview questions you can ask candidates to assess their skills.

Table of contents

10 general powerpoint interview questions to ask applicants, 5 general powerpoint interview questions and answers, 14 powerpoint interview questions related to features and components, 5 powerpoint interview questions and answers related to features and components, 26 powerpoint interview questions related to processes and keyboard shortcuts, 5 powerpoint interview questions and answers related to processes and shortcuts, 5 tips for using powerpoint interview questions , find and hire the right powerpoint expert with our selection of powerpoint interview questions.

Ask candidates these 10 PowerPoint interview questions to assess their general knowledge, skills, and experience related to PowerPoint.

general PowerPoint interview questions to ask applicants

Explain what PowerPoint is.

Explain what you can use PowerPoint for.

What’s the default file extension of PowerPoint files?

What are the main components of the PowerPoint home screen?

Explain how to create new PowerPoint presentations.

What is the ribbon in PowerPoint?

What is a Trigger for animation?

Which skills are required to use PowerPoint?

Describe your experience with PowerPoint.

What are the advantages of using PowerPoint?

Here are five of the general PowerPoint interview questions above, along with answers you can use to evaluate your applicants’ responses.

1. Explain what you can use PowerPoint for.

Applicants who are seasoned PowerPoint users will know that this Microsoft Office tool helps show data or ideas in a presentation format using slides. Candidates should also understand that text, images, video, and audio can be added in a PowerPoint presentation.

2. What’s the default file extension of PowerPoint files?

Your applicants should know that PowerPoint files carry the . ppt or . pptx extension and that .ppt stands for “PowerPoint presentation.”

3. Which skills are required to use PowerPoint?

Do your candidates know that attention to detail is a vital skill required to use PowerPoint? They may also mention that Microsoft Office knowledge is critical for using PowerPoint efficiently.

4. What are the advantages of using PowerPoint?

There are three crucial advantages of using PowerPoint for presenting ideas and data:

Effortless organization: PowerPoint makes it easy to organize each item, arrange the order of slides, and set the layout of the master slide.

Professionally-looking designs: PowerPoint features many visually appealing designs and themes which users can customize easily. 

Simple modifications: It’s easy to make changes to the available designs and add different items to the presentation.

5. What is the ribbon in PowerPoint?

Applicants should be aware that the ribbon is a menu that features labels and tabs at the top of the PowerPoint window. Users can navigate to different labels in the ribbon to access PowerPoint’s tools and features. 

Ask your applicants these 14 PowerPoint interview questions related to the program’s features and components to thoroughly assess their PowerPoint knowledge.

PowerPoint interview questions related to features and components

Explain what zoom control is.

Explain what live PowerPoint presentations are.

Explain what duration does in the PowerPoint animation pane.

Explain what a placeholder is.

Explain why transitions are useful in PowerPoint.

Explain what slide sorter view is.

Explain what a motion path is.

Explain what the notes pane does.

Explain what the eyedropper tool does in PowerPoint.

Explain what slide view does in PowerPoint.

What does the fit to window tab do in PowerPoint?

What does the insert tab do in PowerPoint?

What does the reading view do in PowerPoint?

Explain what the chart option does in PowerPoint.

Here are the answers to five of the PowerPoint interview questions related to features and components above. Use these to evaluate the depth of your applicants’ knowledge.

1. Explain what a placeholder is.

A placeholder is a pre-formatted section or area located on a PowerPoint presentation slide enclosed with dotted borders.

The dotted borders make it easier to identify where different placeholders are located. Placeholders are used to format slides consistently. 

2. Explain why transitions are useful in PowerPoint.

Can your applicants explain that transitions in PowerPoint make it easier to present data in a visually compelling format?

Knowledgeable applicants may also explain that many different transitions, such as fade or dissolve, help capture the viewers’ attention for longer.

3. Explain what a motion path is.

Applicants should have no problem explaining that a motion path is an approach that presenters use to move or add motion to slide objects.

Can your applicants also explain that users can access the motion path option by selecting an object and navigating to the Animation tab?

4. Explain what slide view does in PowerPoint.

If your applicants have used PowerPoint extensively, they should know that slide view enables users to view the PowerPoint presentation slides in different modes, including:

Slide sorter

Reading view

5. Explain what zoom control is.

Applicants familiar with PowerPoint should know that zoom control enables users to zoom in and out of slides. Candidates should also know that they can access the zoom control option by navigating to the slide view tab.

Ask your applicants some of these 26 PowerPoint interview questions related to processes and keyboard shortcuts to determine whether their skills match your open role.

PowerPoint interview questions related to processes and keyboard shortcuts

How would you set up a live PowerPoint presentation?

How would you add bookmarks to PowerPoint videos?

Which is the shortcut to add a new slide to a presentation?

Which steps would you use to set up password protection for a presentation?

Which shortcut keys would you use to start a PowerPoint presentation slideshow?

Which shortcut key would you use to exit a PowerPoint presentation slideshow?

How would you insert videos into a PowerPoint presentation?

Explain how you would add a motion path to a PowerPoint presentation.

Explain how you would change themes in PowerPoint.

How would you convert a PowerPoint presentation into a video?

How would you use PowerPoint to record a video?

How would you merge shapes and text?

How would you edit your presentation’s master slide?

How would you add a clickable list in PowerPoint?

Which shortcut keys would you use to open an existing document?

How would you embed an Excel chart into a PowerPoint presentation?

How can you customize the ribbon in PowerPoint?

How would you add a header to a PowerPoint presentation?

How do you add slide numbers to a PowerPoint presentation?

Which shortcut keys would you use to add a hyperlink to a presentation?

How would you create a PDF version of a PowerPoint presentation?

How would you use the eyedropper tool in PowerPoint?

How would you arrange your slides into different sections in PowerPoint?

How would you use the notes page view in PowerPoint?

How would you test an action button in PowerPoint?

How do you find new ideas for PowerPoint presentation designs?

Here are the answers to five of the above PowerPoint interview questions related to processes and keyboard shortcuts. Use them as a guide when evaluating your applicants’ PowerPoint skills.

1. Which steps would you use to set up password protection for a presentation?

Your applicants should be able to explain the steps required to set up password protection for a presentation. To protect a PowerPoint file with a password, you need to: 

Navigate to File

Select the Passwords option

Select “ Encrypt this presentation and require a password to open .”

Enter the chosen password 

Enter the password again to verify it

Press Set Password

2. How do you find new ideas for PowerPoint presentation designs?

Applicants should be aware that they can find ideas for PowerPoint presentation designs by navigating to the Design tab located on the ribbon. Users can then choose from the large selection of PowerPoint presentation designs that are available.

3. How would you edit your presentation’s master slide?

Your candidates should be able to explain the steps required to edit a presentation’s master slide in PowerPoint. For this, the user needs to

Navigate to View on the ribbon

Select Slide Master

Navigate to the first slide on the left pane (which is the master slide)

Make changes to the master slide by using the required ribbon options

Select the Close Master View option once they’re satisfied with the changes

4. Which shortcut keys would you use to add a hyperlink to a presentation?

Can your applicants explain that using the Ctrl + K shortcut key will open the Insert Hyperlink window? Do they know that users can then select a file or page to use as a hyperlink and then press OK to add it?

5. How would you add bookmarks to PowerPoint videos?

Applicants should be able to outline the required steps to add bookmarks to PowerPoint videos:

Open the presentation and selecting the video

Navigate to the part of the video to which the bookmark should be added

Select Playback and Add Bookmark

Candidates should also know a video can have several bookmarks and that users can view the bookmark on the video timeline.

If you’ve chosen to include some of our PowerPoint interview questions in your hiring process, here are some tips to ensure the whole process flows without any issues.

tips for using PowerPoint interview questions 

1. Use skills assessments before the interview

As soon as you receive applications for your open role, send invitations to your applicants to complete a skills assessment of up to five skills tests relevant to the position. Remember to add a PowerPoint test (preview below).

sample question of PowerPoint online test

This method is the quickest, easiest, and most efficient way to effectively filter out applicants who don’t have the right skills you’re looking for – and aren’t proficient PowerPoint users.

Make a selection based on the test results and invite your best candidates to an interview. There, you can use the above PowerPoint interview questions, along with other relevant questions.

2. Ask every applicant the same interview questions

There’s no question that fairness and objectivity are essential during the hiring process – and technology can greatly help with that.

In addition to that, you should ask every applicant the same interview questions in the same or similar order. This is known as structured interviewing and is used by Google , among many other companies.  

This approach also facilitates your work when you compare your applicants’ responses to make an objective hiring decision. For the best results, use it in combination with a scoring sheet.

3. Help your candidates feel at ease

Before you begin the interview and proceed to ask the core interview questions, make sure candidates feel at ease.

Welcome them to the building, offer them water, show them around the office, and ask them if they arrived okay at the building.

When you begin the interview, summarize the interview structure to let applicants know what to expect. 

For example, let them know that the first part of the interview will involve discussing the organization and learning about the applicant’s goals. Inform applicants that you’ll then ask them a few interview questions and will close the interview by answering any questions they have for you.

4. Begin by talking about the role and asking applicants about their goals

Start the interview by briefly describing your organization and its main objectives. Follow this up by talking about the open role and giving applicants a description of its responsibilities, including details that weren’t mentioned in the job description.

Then, ask your applicants about their career goals to learn whether their ambitions align with the organization’s objectives.

5. Explain the next steps and give unsuccessful applicants feedback

After finishing the interview, explain the next steps to applicants. Inform them when you will next contact them and give them details about what to expect if they have been selected.

Once you have interviewed all candidates, give your unsuccessful applicants feedback using your notes from the interview and test results.

Stop guessing, start assessing with TestGorilla

TestGorilla can make your hiring process easier – all you need are our candidate assessments and the best interview questions in this guide.

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Hiring the right PowerPoint expert for your organization doesn’t have to be difficult. Take a look at TestGorilla’s test library to see all the available skills tests and start selecting the right ones for your open role.

Once your applicants have completed your skills assessment (featuring a PowerPoint test), invite the most skilled ones to an interview and use the PowerPoint interview questions listed in this article to further evaluate their skills.

Hire a seasoned PowerPoint professional without complications, avoid costly mis-hires, and streamline your hiring process with TestGorilla.  Get started for free today .

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Top 25 Microsoft PowerPoint Interview Questions and Answers

Prepare for your next job interview with our comprehensive guide. This article provides insight into the most commonly asked Microsoft PowerPoint interview questions and their detailed answers. Boost your confidence and stand out from other candidates.

questions powerpoint presentation

Microsoft PowerPoint is an industry-leading presentation software that’s part of the Microsoft Office suite. This powerful tool allows users to create dynamic, visually engaging presentations that can be shared and presented in various settings – from boardrooms and classrooms to online platforms and conferences. Whether it’s for business, education, or personal use, PowerPoint offers a user-friendly interface that enables anyone to design compelling slide shows with ease.

PowerPoint’s extensive features include customizable templates, animations, multimedia support, and collaboration tools, making it a versatile solution for all kinds of presentations. With its robust capabilities and widespread acceptance, proficiency in PowerPoint has become a valuable skill set across numerous professions.

In this article, we have compiled a list of commonly asked interview questions about Microsoft PowerPoint. These range from basic functionalities to advanced features, providing a comprehensive understanding of what you can expect during a job interview where PowerPoint knowledge is required.

1. Can you explain how you would use the Slide Master in PowerPoint?

The Slide Master in PowerPoint is a tool for creating uniformity across slides. To use it, select the “View” tab and click on “Slide Master”. This opens up the master slide and associated layouts. Any changes made here will apply to all slides using these layouts. For instance, if you want to add a logo that appears on every slide, insert it onto the Slide Master. Similarly, fonts, colors, or themes can be standardized this way. You can also create new layouts by selecting “Insert Layout” in the toolbar. Once finished with edits, click “Close Master View” to return to your presentation.

2. How would you create and apply custom animation effects to a PowerPoint presentation?

To create custom animation effects in PowerPoint, select the object you want to animate and go to the “Animations” tab. Click on “Add Animation” and choose your desired effect from the dropdown menu. You can adjust settings like direction, speed, and start time under “Effect Options”. To apply these animations to other objects or slides, use the “Animation Painter” tool. Simply click on the animated object, then click “Animation Painter”, and finally click on the object you want to apply the animation to. Repeat this process for each object or slide you wish to animate.

3. How would you manage the use of macros in PowerPoint?

Macros in PowerPoint can be managed through the Developer tab. If it’s not visible, you need to enable it via File > Options > Customize Ribbon and check ‘Developer’. To create a macro, select Macros on the Developer tab, name your macro, and click ‘Create’. This opens VBA Editor where you can write code for the macro.

To run a macro, go back to the Macro dialog box, select the macro, and click ‘Run’. For security reasons, macros are disabled by default. You can change this setting under Trust Center Settings in the Macro Settings section. Here, you can choose to disable all macros without notification, with notification, or enable all macros (not recommended due to potential virus threats).

4. Can you explain the process of embedding a video in a PowerPoint slide?

To embed a video in PowerPoint, start by clicking on the slide where you want to place the video. Go to the “Insert” tab and select “Video”. You can choose to insert a video from your files or online. If it’s from your files, navigate to the location of the video file, select it, then click “Insert”. For an online video, paste the URL into the dialog box that appears after selecting “Online Video”, then click “Insert”. Resize and position the video as needed. To adjust playback options, go to “Playback” under “Video Tools”.

5. How would you manage version control if you had multiple people working on the same PowerPoint presentation?

To manage version control in a PowerPoint presentation with multiple contributors, use the following steps:

1. Use SharePoint or OneDrive: These platforms allow for real-time collaboration and automatic saving of changes. 2. Track Changes: Enable this feature to see who made what changes. 3. Version History: Utilize this tool to revert back to previous versions if necessary. 4. Assign Sections: Allocate specific slides to individuals to avoid overlap and confusion. 5. Regularly Save: Encourage all users to save frequently to ensure their work is captured.

6. How would you create and manage hyperlinks within a PowerPoint presentation?

To create a hyperlink in PowerPoint, select the text or object you want to link. Right-click and choose “Hyperlink” from the context menu. In the dialog box that appears, you can link to an existing file or webpage, place in this document, create a new document, or email address. Choose your desired option and click “OK”.

Managing hyperlinks involves editing, removing, or testing them. To edit a hyperlink, right-click on it and select “Edit Hyperlink”, make changes in the dialog box, then click “OK”. To remove a hyperlink, right-click on it and select “Remove Hyperlink”. Testing a hyperlink is done by running the slideshow mode and clicking on the hyperlink.

7. Can you explain the process of making a PowerPoint presentation accessible to people with disabilities?

Creating an accessible PowerPoint presentation involves several steps. Start by using built-in slide layouts for proper reading order. Use descriptive text for images, charts, and other visual content (Alt Text). Ensure color contrast is high between background and text for visibility. Avoid using color as the only way to convey information. Organize content in a logical sequence for screen readers. Use simple table structures and avoid merging cells. Provide alternative text descriptions for multimedia. Use meaningful hyperlink text instead of ‘click here’. Include closed captions or transcripts for audio or video content. Check accessibility with PowerPoint’s built-in Accessibility Checker tool before sharing.

8. How do you create a template in PowerPoint for use in future presentations?

To create a template in PowerPoint, start by opening a blank presentation. Customize it according to your needs; you can modify the slide master and layout masters for consistent formatting. Add desired themes, backgrounds, fonts, colors, and effects. You may also include placeholders for text, images, charts, etc., on the slide master. Once satisfied with your design, click “File”, then “Save As”. Choose the location where you want to save the template. In the “Save as type” dropdown menu, select “PowerPoint Template (*.potx)”. Name your file and hit “Save”. Now, when creating new presentations, you can choose this custom template under “Personal” or “Custom” tab in the “New” screen.

9. How would you integrate Excel data into a PowerPoint presentation?

To integrate Excel data into a PowerPoint presentation, you can use either the copy-paste method or the Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) feature.

For the copy-paste method, open your Excel file, select the data range, right-click to copy, then switch to PowerPoint, click on the slide where you want the data, and paste it. You can choose ‘Keep Source Formatting’ to maintain the original Excel formatting.

The OLE feature allows for dynamic linking between Excel and PowerPoint. In PowerPoint, go to Insert tab, click on Object in Text group, select ‘Create from File’, browse to find your Excel file, check ‘Link’ box if you want updates in Excel to reflect in PowerPoint, and click OK. The selected Excel data will appear as an object on the slide.

10. Can you explain how you would use VBA code in PowerPoint?

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) in PowerPoint allows automation of tasks and customization. To use VBA, first enable Developer Tab by going to File > Options > Customize Ribbon > Check ‘Developer’. In the Developer tab, click on Visual Basic. This opens the VBA editor.

To create a macro, go to Insert > Module in the VBA editor. Write your code within this module. For example, to automate slide creation:

Sub CreateSlide() Dim pptLayout As CustomLayout Set pptLayout = ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.CustomLayouts(1) ActivePresentation.Slides.AddSlide(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count + 1, pptLayout) End Sub

This creates a new slide at the end of the presentation using the first custom layout. Run the macro by pressing F5 or Run > Run Sub/UserForm.

11. What is the process of creating interactive slides in PowerPoint?

Creating interactive slides in PowerPoint involves several steps. Start by opening a new presentation and selecting the slide layout that best suits your needs. Add content to your slide, such as text, images, or videos. To make the slide interactive, use hyperlinks, action buttons, or triggers. Hyperlinks can be used to link to other slides, files, or web pages. Action buttons are pre-designed shapes that perform specific actions when clicked, like moving to the next slide. Triggers allow you to hide and reveal information on command. You can also add animations and transitions to enhance interactivity. Test your interactive elements thoroughly before presenting.

12. How would you convert a PowerPoint presentation into a video?

To convert a PowerPoint presentation into a video, follow these steps. Open the desired presentation and navigate to “File” in the top left corner. Select “Export”, then choose “Create a Video”. A dialog box will appear with options for resolution, narration timing, and whether or not to use recorded timings and narrations. Choose your preferred settings. Click on “Create Video” and select where you want to save it. Input a name for the video file and click “Save”. PowerPoint will begin converting the presentation into a video format.

13. Can you explain how to use the advanced features of PowerPoint’s Presenter View?

Presenter View in PowerPoint offers a variety of advanced features to enhance presentations. To access Presenter View, go to the “Slide Show” tab and select “Presenter View.” This view provides three main areas: current slide, next slide, and speaker notes.

The current slide area displays the slide that your audience sees. The next slide area shows you what’s coming up so you can prepare transitions. Speaker notes are private comments for your reference during the presentation.

Advanced features include annotation tools like pen and highlighter, which allow you to draw or emphasize on slides during the presentation. You can also black out or white out the screen if you need to divert attention away from the slide momentarily.

Another feature is the ability to zoom into specific parts of the slide for detailed explanation. Additionally, there’s an option to switch between slides without disrupting the flow by using the navigation grid.

Lastly, you can adjust settings such as monitor configuration and automatic setup under “Display Settings.”

14. How would you manage file size when embedding multimedia into a PowerPoint presentation?

To manage file size when embedding multimedia into a PowerPoint presentation, consider the following strategies. Optimize media files before embedding by reducing their resolution or compressing them using external software. Use the ‘Link’ option instead of ‘Embed’, this will keep the PPT file size small but requires the linked media to be accessible during the presentation. Utilize PowerPoint’s built-in compression tool found under File > Options > Advanced > Image Size and Quality. This allows you to adjust the resolution for all images in your presentation. Be mindful that excessive compression may degrade image quality. Lastly, remove unnecessary elements from slides as they contribute to overall file size.

15. Can you explain how to use PowerPoint’s collaboration tools for team projects?

PowerPoint’s collaboration tools facilitate team projects. To use them, first, save your presentation on OneDrive or SharePoint Online for Office 365. Then, click “Share” in the top-right corner of PowerPoint to invite others by entering their email addresses. You can set permissions to allow recipients to edit or view only.

Once shared, multiple people can work simultaneously on the presentation. Real-time co-authoring allows you to see changes as they happen. The version history feature lets you view and revert to previous versions if needed.

For communication, use comments. Right-click a slide or object, select “Add Comment,” type your message, then press enter. Comments can be replied to or marked as resolved.

To prevent unwanted changes, restrict editing. Go to “Review,” then “Restrict Editing.” Choose restrictions and password-protect if desired.

16. How would you create a non-linear, interactive PowerPoint presentation?

To create a non-linear, interactive PowerPoint presentation, start by creating your slides with the content you want to present. Next, use hyperlinks or action buttons to navigate between slides in a non-sequential manner. For instance, on slide 1, insert an action button via Insert > Shapes > Action Buttons and select the desired shape. After placing it, the ‘Action Settings’ dialog box appears. Choose ‘Hyperlink to’, then ‘Slide…’. Select the target slide from the list. Repeat this process for all necessary navigation points. This allows users to interactively choose their path through the presentation.

17. Can you discuss PowerPoint’s integration with other Microsoft Office products?

PowerPoint integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft Office products, enhancing productivity and efficiency. With Word, you can import documents into PowerPoint to create slides, maintaining formatting and styles. Excel integration allows for the embedding of data charts or tables directly into presentations, which update automatically when changes are made in Excel. Outlook enables direct emailing of presentations, scheduling meetings based on them, and even presenting through online meetings. OneNote provides a platform for note-taking during presentations, while SharePoint facilitates collaboration by allowing multiple users to work on a single presentation simultaneously. Integration with Teams supports remote presentations and discussions.

18. How would you use PowerPoint to create an infographic?

To create an infographic in PowerPoint, start by selecting a blank slide. Choose the “Insert” tab and select “Shapes” to add various shapes for your data visualization. Use text boxes to insert key information within these shapes. For more complex graphics, use SmartArt under the “Insert” tab. This tool provides pre-made infographic elements like hierarchies or cycles. Customize colors and styles of your shapes and text via the “Format” tab. Insert images if needed using the “Pictures” option under “Insert”. To ensure consistency, duplicate slides and modify them rather than creating new ones from scratch. Remember to keep design clean and simple for easy comprehension.

19. Can you explain the process to recover a corrupted PowerPoint file?

To recover a corrupted PowerPoint file, start by opening PowerPoint and select “Open Other Presentations” from the bottom left. In the Open dialog box, choose the corrupted file but instead of clicking “Open”, click on the small arrow next to it and select “Open and Repair”. If this doesn’t work, try using the “Insert Slides From File” feature in a new presentation. Create a new PowerPoint, go to Home > New Slide > Reuse Slides. Click ‘Browse’ then ‘Browse File’, locate your corrupted file and see if slides can be inserted into the new presentation.

20. How would you use PowerPoint to create a dynamic dashboard?

To create a dynamic dashboard in PowerPoint, start by designing the layout. Use shapes to represent different data points and text boxes for labels. Next, link your data source (like Excel) using OLE links or DataPoint plugin. This allows automatic updates when the source changes. For interactive elements like buttons or drop-down menus, use Action Settings or VBA coding. Hyperlinks can be used to navigate between slides mimicking tabs on a dashboard. To refresh data automatically, use VBA code with an OnTime event. Remember to keep design clean and simple for easy interpretation of data.

21. What is the process of exporting PowerPoint slides into other formats?

To export PowerPoint slides into other formats, navigate to the “File” tab and select “Export”. A variety of options will appear. For PDF format, click on “Create PDF/XPS Document”, then “Create PDF/XPS”. Choose a location to save your file, input a name, ensure that “PDF” is selected in the “Save as type” dropdown menu, and hit “Publish”.

For image formats like JPEG or PNG, choose “Change File Type” under Export. Select the desired image format under “Image File Types”. Click “Save As”, choose a location, input a file name, ensure the correct format is chosen in the “Save as type” dropdown, and click “Save”. In the popup window, choose whether to export all slides or just the current one.

22. How would you use add-ins to extend the functionalities of PowerPoint?

Add-ins can significantly enhance PowerPoint’s capabilities. To use add-ins, navigate to the “Insert” tab and select “Get Add-ins”. This opens a store where you can browse or search for specific add-ins. Once installed, they appear under the “My Add-ins” section.

There are various types of add-ins available. For example, ‘Pickit Free Images’ provides access to numerous copyright-free images. ‘Designer’ helps in creating professional slides quickly by suggesting design ideas. ‘Morph Transition’ enables smooth animation between slides.

To use an add-in, simply click on it from the “My Add-ins” list. Each add-in has its own interface and functionalities which can be explored as per requirement. Some may require additional permissions or subscriptions.

Remember, while add-ins can greatly improve your presentations, overuse might make them complex and difficult to manage. Therefore, choose wisely based on your needs.

23. Can you explain how to use action buttons in PowerPoint?

Action buttons in PowerPoint are interactive shapes that perform actions when clicked. To use them, navigate to the “Insert” tab and select “Shapes”. Scroll down to find “Action Buttons” at the bottom of the list. Choose your desired button shape.

After drawing the button on a slide, an “Action Settings” dialog box appears. Here you can define what happens when the button is clicked or hovered over. Options include hyperlinking to another slide, playing a sound, or running a program. You can also run macros if you have any set up.

To edit an action button, right-click it and choose “Edit Hyperlink”. This will bring up the same dialog box as before, allowing you to change the button’s function. Remember to test your action buttons in presentation mode to ensure they work as expected.

24. How would you set up a kiosk presentation in PowerPoint?

To set up a kiosk presentation in PowerPoint, start by creating your slides. Once done, click on the “Slide Show” tab and select “Set Up Slide Show”. In the dialog box that appears, under “Show type”, choose “Browsed at a kiosk (full screen)”. This will ensure the presentation runs automatically and loops continuously until stopped manually. To navigate between slides without a keyboard or mouse, use action buttons. Add these by selecting “Shapes” from the “Insert” tab, then “Action Buttons” at the bottom of the menu. Place the button on the slide and a dialog box will appear. Choose the appropriate action such as “Next Slide” or “Previous Slide”. Repeat this process for all slides.

25. Can you discuss how to use advanced charting features in PowerPoint?

PowerPoint’s advanced charting features allow for enhanced data visualization. To create a chart, select the “Insert” tab and click on “Chart”. Choose your desired chart type from the dialog box that appears. Once inserted, you can customize it by clicking on “Chart Tools”, which will display two tabs: “Design” and “Format”.

The “Design” tab allows you to change the chart style and colors, switch row/column data, select data, and move the chart location. The “Format” tab lets you add shapes, alter text styles, and adjust size/position.

For more complex charts, use Excel within PowerPoint. Click on the chart, then “Edit Data in Excel”. This opens an Excel worksheet where you can input or modify data. Changes made here automatically update the chart in PowerPoint.

To animate charts, go to the “Animations” tab, choose an animation style, and set the sequence (by series, category, or element).

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Top 11 PowerPoint Templates to Facilitate Question and Answer Sessions [Free PDF Attached]

Top 11 PowerPoint Templates to Facilitate Question and Answer Sessions [Free PDF Attached]

Naveen Kumar


"If you are not asking questions, then either you know everything or you know nothing," each one of us might have heard this phrase at least once in our life if not more.

Therefore, asking questions is an important part of the learning curve. It helps you communicate, clear doubts, enhance your knowledge and focus your thinking. Asking questions also provide a breakthrough with new ideas and solutions to your problems. Besides, it's always better to ask rather than get confused by assuming things. Isn’t it?

However, it is integral to ask the right type of question 'how,' 'who,' 'what,' 'when,' or 'why' that dominates whether you will get apt answers or not. Also, follow the correct order of questions and spend some time shaping it for the right answers.

Pro Tip: Always ask open-ended questions to get a better response and understanding.

Answering a question

There are a few things you need to take care of while answering a question.

Process the question clearly to understand the context. Take time to format your answer in the exact manner in which the question is asked. For example, if a question follows the order—what>how>when>where, the answer should be in the same order. 

Mind the tone while answering the question. Some questions might feel long, complicated, and repetitive. So handle them with patience. On the contrary, some questions might sound easy (more silly), so don’t sound arrogant while answering them. 

Acknowledge the emotions of the seeker and don't forget to rephrase it to make it more comprehensive. . Try phrases like 'excellent question,' 'thanks for asking,' etc, to build an emotional connect. 

Don't beat around the bush or avoid the question if you don't know or are not confident about the answer. Learn about the question asked, study it, and then answer it to avoid any unnecessary confusion.

Be aware of your body language while answering a question, as it will reflect in the answer. To sound confident, sit upright or stand straight. While standing, use your hands as much as possible.

So now you understand why asking and answering the questions are important. The right question increases the focus and thinking capacity, and the correct answer will help boost your confidence, morale, and learning. Therefore a win-win situation at all costs! 

We, therefore, offer our expertly designed templates to put forward your questions and answers in a visually appealing manner. These are not only editable templates but can be used in multiple places to make you stand out from the crowd. 

So let's dive in and explore these now!

Template 1: Question And Answer PowerPoint Template

You can use this template to present questions and relevant answers related to your business and statistics. It can help you clarify the doubts about correlation and causation, descriptive and inferential statistics, standard deviations, and more. Download it now!

Question And Answer PowerPoint Template

Download this template

Template 2: Any Questions PowerPoint Presentation Template

Utilize this template to ask the audience questions or doubts about the presentation topics. You can use the slides of this deck to make your presentation more informative. It includes slides asking questions related to assessing performance, business model, investments, strategy, etc. Grab it now!

Any Questions PowerPoint Presentation Template

Template 3: Business Organization Analysis Question and Answer PPT Slide

This deck is an ideal choice for facilitating a business or organizational quiz. You can present questions to a large set of audiences with this slide deck. It includes pre-designed templates for questions related to your business, competition, analysis, and more. Get it now! 

Business Organization Analysis Question and Answer PPT Slide

Template 4: Critical Questions and Answers Marketing Services PPT Template

Get the audience's attention towards the critical questions and answers related to marketing services with the help of this template. Present the crucial questions related to hiring marketing services, data migration, outsourcing business contracts, cloud technology adoption, and more using this deck. Download it now! 

Critical Questions and Answers Marketing Services PPT Template

Template 5: Diversity and Inclusion Training Question and Answer PPT Template

Employ this template to measure the success of your training program by asking relevant questions. You can ask these questions in the form of MCQs, short, and long answers with the help of this template. Besides, this module has a vibrant color scheme and eye-catching graphics. So get it now!

Diversity and Inclusion Training Question and Answer PPT Template

Template 6: Six Questions and Answers PowerPoint Slide

Use this template to present the six different types of questions and their importance in critical thinking. You can utilize it to share how these questions flow into each other and help in developing business, projects, products, and strategies. Grab this template now!

Six Questions and Answers PowerPoint Slide

Template 7: Objective Type Question and Answer PowerPoint Template

Use this template in your next digital marketing meetings to discuss critical questions. Besides, this deck includes a few extra slides to introduce your team, business plan, timeline, and roadmap. Grab it now!

Objective Type Questions and Answers PowerPoint Template

Template 8: 4 Questions and Answers Communication PowerPoint Template

Incorporate this template into your next presentation on skill development and help your audience ask and find answers to the right questions. This deck contains slides for asking questions to develop your skills such as data research management, business planning, decision making, communication, and more. Download it now!

4 Questions and Answers Communication PowerPoint Template

Template 9: Question Man PowerPoint Presentation Template

This template can help you to present the importance of asking the questions. It can be used to share how asking questions helps in communication, reducing confusion, and seeking clarity. You can also share the tricks and etiquettes to ask questions with the help of this template. Grab it now!

Question Man PowerPoint Presentation Template

Template 10: Questions and Answers Around SEO PowerPoint Template

Augment this pre-designed questionnaire deck in your digital marketing presentation to check the effectiveness of your training campaign. It consists of different sets of questions and answers to help you with team learning. Besides, this template is customizable. Download it now!

Questions and Answers Around SEO PPT Template

Template 11: Closing Slide Image With Questions and Answers PPT Template

Deploy this template and encourage the audience to clear their doubts by asking questions. You can use this template to share the rules and answer the FAQs to save time. Besides, you can say thank you in a graceful manner with this design. So grab it now!

Closing Slide Image With Questions and Answers PowerPoint Template

In the end:

Asking and answering questions is an art and a social skill that is important to master for increasing communication and learning. Our templates can help you do so with ease and precision. Besides, these are customized to meet various industry needs. So grab them now!

P.S : If you want to understand the true power of questions and answers, then don’t miss this guide on building Quora FAQs, replete with the best templates. 

Download the free Question and Answer Templates .

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Home PowerPoint Templates Questions

Question Slides for PowerPoint and Google Slides Templates

Are you looking to add some interactivity to your presentations? Our Question Slide Templates are the perfect tool to captivate your audience and encourage participation. With a bold and eye-catching design, it is an ideal slide for your Q&A sessions or any presentation that requires audience interaction.

Our templates are easy to use, and you can customize them to fit your specific needs by adding your desired content, text, and images, and you are ready to go. The Question Slide Templates are compatible with most presentation software like PowerPoint, Keynote, Office 365, and Google Slides. And you can also use it in various settings, from business meetings to educational lectures.

Our Question Slide Template will make your presentation stand out with its attractive design and user-friendly layout. Download it today and take your presentations to the next level.

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The Question Slide Template is a specialized set of PowerPoint slides designed to assist you in creating professional and fascinating presentations. It is added to the end of a presentation, allowing your audience to ask questions and seek clarification on any points you cover.

With this template, you can ensure they have a clear and concise way of addressing audience queries, making their presentation more interactive.

Any of our Question Slide Templates can suit various presentation styles and purposes. Some templates may also feature custom animations or other effects to make the Question Slide more pleasing to the audience.

You can customize these templates by changing the colors, fonts, and branding elements to ensure a consistent look and feel throughout the presentation. Hence, the Question Slide Template is essential for anybody who wants to make a strong and lasting impression on their audience.

One of the advantages of using Question Slide Templates is that they can help organize a presentation’s flow. By including a designated Q&A slide , you can avoid interruptions or distractions during the main content of the presentation and ensure that you answer all questions in an organized and efficient manner.

Go through our collection of Question Slides Templates and choose a design that suits your presentation style and will resonate with your audience. Whether you are planning to give a lecture, present research findings, or introduce a new product or service, a question slide template will elevate your presentation and make it have a lasting impact on your audience.

What is a Question Slide?

A Question Slide is a PowerPoint slide that is added at the end of a presentation to allow the audience to ask the presenter questions. You can use it during business meetings, academic lectures, and other presentations. Typically these slides contain a questions image for PowerPoint & Google Slides that you can present to your audience as one of the last slides in the presentation.

How do I Create a Question Slide in PowerPoint?

For you to create a question slide in PowerPoint, below are the step by steps procedures to follow:

  • Open your PowerPoint application and go to the presentation where you want to add the question slide.
  • Open it and Click on the “New Slide” button in the Home tab or right-click on an existing slide and select “New Slide.”
  • Choose a slide layout with a text box, such as the Title and Content or the Title Only layout.
  • Enter the text of your question in the text box provided.
  • You can also add visual elements such as images, graphs, or charts to make the slide more interactive.

You can use the template to prompt the audience to ask questions, add the text “Questions?” or “Q&A” at the bottom of the slide, or as a heading.

What Questions Should I Ask in a Slide Presentation?

The questions you ask in a slide presentation depend largely on the topic of your presentation and the audience you are addressing. However, you can use general questions to entertain your audience and make your presentation more interactive.

You should connect with your audience by asking them Clarifying questions; Open-ended questions; Thought-provoking questions; and Action-oriented questions. Don’t ask your audience “yes or no” questions. The goal is to foster discussion and encourage your audience to interact with your material.

Can the Template be Customized?

Yes, the template can be customized with specific colors, fonts, and branding elements to ensure a consistent look and feel throughout the presentation.

What are the Advantages of Using a Question Slide Template?

The template can help to organize a presentation’s flow, enhance the presenter’s credibility and professionalism, and ensure that you address all questions in an organized and efficient manner.

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PowerPoint Quiz Templates - 10 free Quiz Designs

08.20.20   •  #powerpoint #interaction #game.

If you want to boost your audience engagement, lighten the mood, or test how attentive your listeners are, quizzes are a great way to do so! Making a quick question layout is very easy (as you'll see in this blogpost), however it can be tedious to get the design to look good. So if you a) don't have time b) don't feel like doing a template yourself or c) just want to impress the audience with some nice looking quiz designs that you might not have thought of creating yourself, we got you covered.

Quiz Templates

We created 10 exclusive designs that you can download and use - 100% free - both for commercial use e.g. your next presentation and for private use (how about a trivia night?!) Just look through our list and get the one you like most - we got something for every taste! And by the way, if you need inspiration for quiz question ideas, be sure to check out our article on 50 Quiz Ideas for your Presentation !

questions powerpoint presentation

  • Galaxy Quiz
  • Basic Black and White Quiz
  • Kahoot Quiz
  • Summer Beach Style Quiz
  • Keyboard Style Yes-No-Quiz
  • Personality Quiz
  • Picture Quiz
  • Minimalist Quiz
  • Vocabulary Quiz
  • Who wants to be a Millionaire Quiz

#1 - Galaxy Quiz

Have you ever had a question that only the stars could possibly answer? Now you can ask it with our beautiful galaxy / universe quiz design. This quiz template is the perfect way to go for all the people who adore some extravagant designs - you'll definitely wow your audience! The only downside is that your quiz participants might be so mesmerized by the galactic infinity that they may actually forget to vote for the right answer.

galaxy quiz

#2 - Basic True and False Quiz (Black & White Style)

This template is pretty plain and basic, yet far from boring! The contrast between black and white and the diagonal text elements make it the perfect elegant choice for anyone who's looking for an interesting and timeless classic design. It even comes in three different options. You can either decide for one or use all three in one quiz-session. We got you covered with one simple white, one black, and one half black- half white design for anybody who can't decide which one they like better. You can use this template for all kinds of questions that have two possible answers (so it is perfect for Yes/No or True/False quizzes!)

a basic black and white Quiz design

#3 - Kahoot PowerPoint Template

Unfortunately, there is no way to conduct a Kahoot quiz via PowerPoint. Until now! We built this wonderful template that looks exactly like the design of our favorite online- quiz- game. But now you can easily play it in your presentation without having to open the browser. And don't worry, participating via smartphone is still absolutely possible and easier than ever by using the SlideLizard Quiz Creator Plugin . Similar to Kahoot it lets you conduct fun audience quizzes, but embedded directly within your PowerPoint presentation!

Kahoot design in PowerPoint

#4 - Summer Beach Style Quiz

Get some instant holiday vibes without leaving the country, or even the house! Inspired by our tropical island PowerPoint template (which you can get right here !), we designed a wonderful new quiz template that will give you and your audience the feeling of being on vacation while you're actually in a meeting, lecture, or elsewhere. So it is basically everything you could ever want in a quiz. There are even two background styles that you can choose between!

quiz template summer design

#5 - Keyboard Style Yes/No Quiz

Without a doubt, our keyboard style Yes/No Quiz is one of the most creative ones! It is really fun and an amazing option for anyone who's looking to switch things up a little. The best thing? It comes with an esc- option! So if your quiz participants really, really don't know the answer, they can just - well - escape instead! The slides with the Escape- options are optional however, so if you'd rather want your audience to vote either Yes or No, you can leave out the esc- key. It doesn't matter, weather you're only asking if the audience needs a bathroom break or hard- to- answer trivia questions, with this template you're always in style!

keyboard style quiz

#6 - Personality Quiz

Until now you probably thought more about doing trivia questions in your presentations, but did you know that personality quiz questions can also be an amazing engagement- enhancing element during any presentation? They are especially great as ice breaker questions , but could also be used as mood- lightener at any point. And the best thing: If you get SlideLizard, you can even see the audience results, so you have a statistic overview of e.g. people's favorite ice cream flavors (or whatever else you've always wanted to ask!) P.S: You could also use all the other templates in this post as personality quizzes, but this one is specifically designed as such.

Personality quiz template

#7 - Picture Quiz

If pictures speak to you more than words do, our picture quiz template might be the one for you! It comes with a fun, modern and playful design, and the pictures can of course be changed to whatever you want them to be (you can also add or remove new images, so there is a selection of 2, 3 or 6 pictures). The picture quiz can be used for testing vocabulary (although #9 covers that already), or to spice up your trivia questions. You could even use it as a fun way to introduce yourself to the audience (e.g. "Which of these baby photos is me?") in order to break the ice. Tip: If you want to know more about ice breaker questions, check out our blog post here .

Picture quiz

#8 - Minimalist Quiz

Minimalism is extremely popular right now, and we totally get why! This is the simplest out of all the templates, but isn't it beautiful? With this quiz template, you get slides for Multiple Choice AND True/False questions! We are in love with this template in all its simplicity, but if you want, you could definitely use this as a blank canvas and upgrade it by adding pictures, backgrounds, new fonts or your favourite colors. The sky is the limit!

minimalist quiz

#9 - Vocabulary Quiz

This one is different from all the other quizzes, since it is neither multiple nor single choice, but instead somewhat of a memory game. We recommend this animated PowerPoint quiz template for testing new vocabulary or difficult terminology, but you could also adapt it and make it a regular open question format by writing questions instead of words on the cards and the right answers on the green cards below (it sounds more difficult than it actually is, and when you download the template, you'll get a detailed guide on how to use it.) In this format, there are some boxes with words in English (which you can exchange with your own words, obviously). By clicking on those boxes in presentation mode, they disappear and leave a green answer card. You can easily play this with your audience/students by letting them shout out the translation of a certain word and then clicking on the matching box to see if the translation is correct.

Vocabulary Quiz

#10 - Exclusive Who Wants to be a Millionaire Quiz Template

Last but certainly not least, is our "Who wants to be a Millionaire" Template, which we created exclusively for you to feel like a real game show contestant! The whole template is pretty extensive, which is why we put it in a blog article on its own. Be sure to check it out right here in order to learn how to get the best experience possible out of the game - you'll also find the Download link there. The template comes with everything you could wish for - sound effects, a design that is stunningly similar to the real one, and even the possibility to participate via smartphone! The video below gives you a short demonstration of how the game looks.

Who wants to be a Millionaire

Let your audience participate with their smartphone

Once you have chosen a quiz, you have to ask yourself: How do I conduct it during my presentation? Of course, you could just let your audience raise their hands for the answers of their choice - but that seems outdated and overly complicated (counting the amount of votes for each answers,...). The way more convenient option is to use an application like SlideLizard, which allows your audience to vote for the answer of their choice via their mobile devices, making the experience a whole lot better - quiz competitions have never been better!

The process is easy:

  • Get SlideLizard for free by clicking here .
  • Connect your presentation with SlideLizard. If you need more details on how to do that, please watch this short video tutorial .
  • The Slides are already programmed to fill in your questions and Answers into the slots. We recommend to start by creating all the quiz questions you want to ask your audience.
  • Then, duplicate the question slide as often as you need (= same number of questions you created). It is also a good idea to insert an answer slide after every question.
  • You only need to assign the questions to the slides , and you're good to go!

Watch our video to get detailed instructions on how to connect your quiz with SlideLizard:

Adapt the templates

If you'd like to use one of our templates, but feel like making some adjustments, you can easily do that yourself. All of the given templates can be modified, you can make a two- answer quiz in a multiple choice one and vice versa, you can change colors, fonts and shapes to fit your personal taste or company branding. In the following quick guide, you will be shown how certain elements can be transformed. We're using our galaxy template as an example, but all the templates are transformable in the same or very similar ways.

So here's our downloaded template:

template by SlideLizard

Now, let's start by changing the background first. Click anywhere on a slide and select "Format Background"...

background format

Then go to "Picture or texture fill" (or Solid Fill if you want the background to be a plain color).

new background chosen

After clicking "Insert" your file explorer will open. Select the picture of your choice and click "Insert" once again. Your backround is now changed.

insert picture as background

The existing boxes should be rectangular, don't you think? Let's do that by deleting the existing boxes and exchanging them with new ones. To do so, click on a box, then right click > "Cut" (or hit the backspace key). Then go to the insert tab and click "Shapes", where you can choose the shape of your choice and draw it on the slide. Place it where you want.

new shapes inserted

If the object you just drew hides the text, just go to the "Shape Format" Tab and then click "Send backward" until the text shows again.

send elements backward

And while we're at it, maybe just remove two answer options and make it a True/False quiz? If you want to, you can also change the font, and we're good to go! You just modified our quiz and made a whole new one that has your own personal handwriting!

final changed template

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About the author.

questions powerpoint presentation

Pia Lehner-Mittermaier

Pia works in Marketing as a graphic designer and writer at SlideLizard. She uses her vivid imagination and creativity to produce good content.

questions powerpoint presentation

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The big SlideLizard presentation glossary

Hybrid audience.

A mix between in-person and virtual participants for an event or a lecture is called a hybrid audience. Working with a hybrid audience may be challenging, as it requires the presenter to find ways to engage both the live and the virtual audience.

Learning Chunk

Learning Chunk means, like Microlearning, learning in small quantities. The learning content is really small and can be absorbed quickly.

.pps file extension

A .pps file is a slide show. They are similiar to .ppt files but they open as a slide show if you double-klick them. They later got replaced by .ppsx files.

Eulogy Speech

A eulogy speech is given at a funeral. It is given by familiy members or friends of the deceased. The aim is to say goodbye and pay tribute to the person who has passed away.

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