list of figures in thesis

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How to Write the List of Figures for a Thesis or Dissertation

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  • By DiscoverPhDs
  • September 20, 2020

List of Figures

A list of figures for your thesis or dissertation is exactly that: it’s a list of the names of all figures you’ve used in your thesis or dissertation, together with the page number that they’re on.

The list of figures is especially useful for a reader to refer to as it (1) gives the reader an overview of the types of figures you’ve included in your document and (2) helps them easily find a particular figure that they’re interested in.

Where Does the List of Figures go?

Write your list of figures and list of tables immediately after your list of contents. Unless specifically asked by a journal, you should not include a separate list of figures in a manuscript for peer-review.

Important Points to Remember

Ensure that the figure title in your list of figures are exactly the same as actually used in the main document. Double check that the page numbering is correct and the font size, margins and all other formatting is correct.

Formatting the List of Figures

Starting off, use Roman Numbers (e.g. iv and viii) to number the sections of the Table of Contents, List of Figures and List of Tables (the title page does not have a number written on it). Arabic numbering (e.g. 1, 2, 3) should start from the Introduction onwards.

Keep your margins consistent with those of the rest of the document, as required by your university. Usually this will be a margin of 4cm on the side of the paper that will be bound and 2cm on the opposing side (e.g. the pages printed that will be on the right hand side of the thesis will have a left margin of 4cm).

While the font size of your figure legends will be slightly smaller than the main text, keep the font style of the list of figures the same as the main text (usually 12 pt).

Title this section in all capital letters as “LIST OF FIGURES”.

List each new figure caption on a new line and capitalise the start of each word. Write the figure number on the left, then caption label and finally the page number the figure corresponds to on the right-hand side.

Apply the same formatting principle to the List of Tables in your thesis of dissertation. That is to insert each table numberon a new line, followed by the table title.

Example of the List of Figures

The example below was created in Microsoft Word. You could also consider incorporating other tools such as Endnote to help automate some of the work of entering a new caption for a figure or table. Be mindful of the Figure labelling convention required by your university. For example, you may need to align the Figure numbers with each chapter (e.g. Figure 1.1, 1.2, 1.3…. for Chapter 1 and Figure 2.1, 2.2, 2.3…. for Chapter 2).

List of Figures Example

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Microsoft Word for Dissertations

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  • Images, Charts, Other Objects
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  • Cross-References
  • Appendix Figures & Tables
  • Table of Contents
  • Chapter and Section Numbering
  • Page Numbers
  • Landscape Pages
  • Combining Chapter Files
  • Commenting and Reviewing
  • Tips & Tricks
  • The Two-inch Top Margin
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Automatic Lists of Figures and Tables

If you have captioned your figures, tables, and equations using Word’s captioning feature (see the  Captions tab in the left-side navigation of this Guide), you can have Word generate your lists for you automatically.

list of figures in thesis

  • In the References tab, click the Insert Table of Figures button  (use this for lists of tables or equations, too).
  • In the window that appears, select the label for which you want to make a list from the Caption Label menu (such as "Equation", "Figure", or "Table").
  • If you want to change the style of your table of contents (e.g. change the font, or you want more space between each item in the list), click on the Modify button, select the Table of Figures style, then click the Modify button to do so. Click OK when you are done.
  • Click OK to insert your table of contents.  

Repeat these steps to insert other lists into your document (Rackham requires separate lists for tables, figures, and any other label you’ve used).  A List of Appendices is handled differently - see the Appendices section of this Guide for more information.

Including Figures and Supplemental Figures in the List of Figures

There are two ways to combine Figures AND Supplemental Figures in your List of Figures -- the easy way, and the complicated way. It comes down to how you want the list to be laid out. This goes for Tables and Supplemental Tables, too, of course.

The Easy Way

Use the Insert Caption tool to apply a Figure caption (just like you've been doing with your regular Figures) to each of your Supplemental Figures. Once you've got the caption in place, then just type the word "Supplemental" before "Figure X".  When you update it, the List of Figures will pull in "Supplemental Figure X" into the List.  The drawback is that the numbering for those Supplemental Figures will follow the numbering for your regular Figures, so you'll have:

Figure 1.1 Figure 1.2 Supplemental Figure 1.3 Figure 1.4

If you'd prefer the first Supplemental Figure to be numbered independently of the Figure numbering ("Supplemental Figure 1.1"), then things get a bit more complicated. We cover how to integrate figures and supplemental figures into one List of Figures in the section below.

How do I integrate figures and supplemental figures in the same List of Figures?

A recent email inquiry:

Several of my chapters have supplemental figures at the end that I would like to include in the List of Figures at the beginning of my thesis. Do you know how to include all captions labeled either "Supplemental Figure" or "Figure" in the same List of Figures, using Word styles? I know how to create a label for each type of figure, but not how to integrate those two different labels into one List, based on order of appearance in my dissertation. Right now, I have to create two Lists: Figures go in the first, and Supplemental Figures go in the second. I want to set it up so that Figure 1 is followed by Supplemental Figure 1, which is followed by Figure 2, all in the same List. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Our response:

The problem you're running into is that a "List of..." can only have captions representing one caption  label . We can have separate labels for "Figures" and "Supplemental Figures", but as you've found, you then have to have each of those two lists in your List of Figures, placed one after the other:

Figure 1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Figure 1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Figure 2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Figure 2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Supplemental Figure 1.1  . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Supplemental Figure 1.2  . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Supplemental Figure 2.1  . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Supplemental Figure 2.2  . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

To the reader, it wouldn't necessarily be apparent they are two lists, but looking at the page numbers you'll notice that they aren't in page order, as Rackham requires.

If you don't mind the Supplemental Figure numbers NOT starting over at 1, like this:

Figure 1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Figure 1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Supplemental Figure 1.3  . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Supplemental Figure 1.4  . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Figure 2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Figure 2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Supplemental Figure 2.3  . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Supplemental Figure 2.4  . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

then you can continue to use the Figure caption label for all of them, then manually type the word "Supplemental" before the word "Figure" in the caption itself. Update your List of Figures, and it will pull in the extra word you added, as above.

The real, but imperfect, solution:

But if you really want to have those supplemental figures interspersed among the other figures in your List of Figures and using their own numbering scheme, there's a way. The solution is tricky, it's a bit of a hack, and may be more trouble than it's worth...but you'll be the best judge of that.  The trick is to go ahead and create the two caption labels, and then we'll create one List that pulls in ALL captions -- which means this List will initially be cluttered with all your Table, Figure, Supplemental Figure, etc... captions -- a messy thing, but we did mention this solution was imperfect, but it gets the job done. Then – most importantly – we'll delete the lines that include captions for things we don't want in that particular List.

Start off by deleting any existing List of Figures you already have. Then:

list of figures in thesis

1. Place your cursor where you want your integrated list of figures to be.

2. In the References tab, click Insert Table of Figures

3. In the window that appears, click Options...

list of figures in thesis

5. Click OK to close the Table of Figures window.

That will create one list that includes ALL of your captions -- tables, figures, equations, supplemental figures -- everything. You now need to delete the things that shouldn't be there. A helpful tip is to hover your cursor in the empty 1" margin just to the left of the lines you want to delete (your cursor will change to a rightward-facing arrow) and click once to select a line. Click and drag down in the margin to select multiple lines. This can make it much easier to select things to delete.

This is something you should wait to do until just before you save it as a PDF or send it to a reviewer, because anytime you update that all-in-one List of Figures field, it'll pull EVERYTHING back in again ...and you'll have to delete the unwanted items again.

Obviously, this is a hack and could be a big job if there are a lot of captions to find and delete. There may be a more elegant way to do it, but we haven't found anything better yet, unfortunately. Perhaps you could create a brand new caption style, apply it to all your Figure and Supplemental Figure captions, and use this same trick to "Build table of figures from:" that new style -- but we haven't dug into that yet. Still pretty "hacky", but perhaps worth exploring if you're feeling adventurous.

We don't claim to know everything, so if you come across a simpler solution please let us know with an email to [email protected] .

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List of Figures and Tables in a Dissertation – Examples in Word

Published by Owen Ingram at August 13th, 2021 , Revised On September 20, 2023

“List of tables and figures is a list containing all the tables and figures that you have used in your dissertation paper. Typically, dissertations don’t have many tables and figures unless the research involved is too deep and lengthy.”

Another reason to have an independent list of figures and tables in the dissertation and corresponding page numbers is the research’s nature. For example, research on a topic from physical sciences or engineering could include many figures and tables. Ideally, quantitative research studies tend to contain more tables and/or figures than qualitative ones.

The purpose of presenting the list of figures and tables in the dissertation on a separate page is to help the readers find tables and figures of their interest without looking through the whole dissertation document.

First of all, we need to decide whether we require the figure and table list in the dissertation to begin with.

If your dissertation includes many tables and figures, this list will prove to be helpful for the readers, because the figures will have relative page numbers mentioned with them so they can navigate to the figure or table of their choice with just one click.

A list of table or figures in a dissertation typically follows this simple format:

list of table or figures in a dissertation

Also Read: How to Best Use References in a Dissertation

Referencing List of Figures and Tables in the Dissertation

When mentioning tables and figures in the list, one must be sure that they have been clearly numbered and titled. If a figure has been obtained from an external source, that source should be clearly referenced in the text and the references section.

Regardless of the  referencing style , you are using, it is mandatory to provide a reference along with the title. This will help the readers to track the origin of the figure.

Adding Titles and Numbers to Figures and Tables

Adding titles and page numbers in your list of figures and tables within Microsoft Word is very quick and straightforward. Follow the steps mentioned below to generate a Microsoft Word-supported   list of figures and tables in the dissertation with their captions and corresponding page numbers.

  • Highlight the table or the figure you want to add title and number to, right-click and click Insert Caption .
  • Next, select the Above selected item if you are working with tables. Similarly, choose Below selected items if you want to add the title and page number to a figure.

Also read: How to Write the Abstract for the Dissertation.

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Generating List of Figures and Tables Automatically

After adding all your captions, MS Word will automatically generate the figures and tables list for you. Remember, the list will only contain those you already marked using the Insert Caption … tool.

To generate a list of tables and figures in MS Word automatically:

Step #1 – Decide where to Insert the List

Place your cursor at the point where you wish to insert the tables and figures list. The most suitable spot is always right below the table of contents in your dissertation paper.

Step #2 – Insert the List of Figures and Tables in the Dissertation

  • In the Word menu bar, click on References .
  • In the dialogue box that appears, click on Insert: Table of figures .
  • In the dialogue box caption label, you can choose between a Figure or a Table , as appropriate. Moreover, you will be able to choose a design that appears most suitable for you. The reference provides all information that is required to find the source, e.g., Vinz, S.

Example of list of tables and figures

table lists in your dissertation example

Other Useful Lists you can add to your Dissertation Paper

Although tables and figures lists can be beneficial, we might need a few more lists, including abbreviations and a glossary in dissertations. We can have a sequence for this which is as follows:

  • Table of contents (ToC)
  • List of tables and figures
  • Abbreviations list

ResearchProspect has helped students with their dissertations and essays for several years, regardless of how urgent and complexes their requirements might be. We have dissertation experts in all academic subjects, so you can be confident of having each of your module requirements met. Learn more about our dissertation writing services and essay writing services .

FAQs About List of Tables and Figures in a Dissertation

Which comes first a list of figures or a list of tables.

Simply put, a list of tables comes first—right after the table of contents page, beginning from a new page—in a dissertation.

Are tables also figures?

No; tables have rows and columns in them, whereas figures in a dissertation can comprise any form of visual element, mostly images, graphs, charts, diagrams, flowcharts, etc. furthermore, tables generally summarise and represent raw data, such as the relationship between two quantitative variables.

Do I need to create a list of tables/figures even if I have only one table or figure in my dissertation?

Typically, yes; dissertation writing guidelines stipulate that we create a list even if we have used only one table and/or figure within our dissertation.

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Formatting Your Thesis or Dissertation with Microsoft Word

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  • Headings and Subheadings
  • Citations and Bibliography
  • Page Numbers
  • Rotated (Landscape) Pages
  • Table of Contents
  • Lists of Tables and Figures
  • List of Abbreviations
  • Some Things to Watch For
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Tables and figures

Many theses include tables and figures. Most often, they are added to the thesis as images, but sometimes you might want to add some as a linked Excel file. And, the way that captions are added to figures and tables differs between APA and IEEE style. The videos below are lengthy, so they start with a table of contents so you can jump to the section that you need.

Tables and figures - IEEE style

This video demonstrates a modified IEEE style for tables and figures that most CECS students use.

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Formatting Requirements

Tables, figures and illustrations.

Tables, figures, illustrations, and other such items should be identified with the word "Table", "Figure", or other appropriate descriptor, and include a title and/or caption. The title or caption must be included in the List of Tables, List of Figures, or other list.

You must use a consistent format for titles and captions of tables, figures, illustrations, and other such items throughout the thesis.

  • lettering in tables and figures should be at least 2 mm high to ensure that the information is easy to read
  • tables, figures, illustrations, and other such items must have titles or captions, and must be numbered
  • titles or captions can go either above or below the table, figure, or illustration
  • headings must be repeated on the second and subsequent pages of tables that split over two pages or more
  • tables should be split at an appropriate place, e.g. just before a new subheading
  • the format for titles and captions of tables, figures, illustrations, and other such items must be consistent throughout the thesis.

Tables, figures, illustrations and other such items must be numbered consecutively in order of appearance within the thesis.

There are two methods for numbering Tables, Figures and other items:

  • sequentially throughout the thesis, e.g. 1, 2, 3…
  • chapter number first, then numbered sequentially within each chapter, e.g.:

Tables in Chapter 1: Table 1.1, 1.2, 1.3…

Figures in Chapter 3: Figure 3.1, 3.2, 3.3…

Whichever method you choose, the numbering style must be the same for all numbered items; for example: Table 1.1 and Figure 1.3, or Table 1 and Figure 3, not Table 1 and Figure 1.3.

Tables and figures in the Appendices may be labelled A1, A2, etc.

There are three acceptable locations for tables and figures:

  • within the chapter immediately following first reference to them
  • grouped at the end of the relevant chapter
  • grouped at the end of the thesis before the bibliography

Whichever method you choose, you must be consistent.

If your tables and figures are grouped at the end of the thesis, you must include an entry in the table of contents that directs the reader to their location.

If the caption for a figure, table, etc., will not fit on the same page as its accompanying illustration, place the illustration on a separate page.

Reproducing and Reducing

Copying and/or reducing the size of figures (e.g. charts, drawings, graphs, photographs, maps, etc.) may make certain images illegible. After reduction, all lettering must be large enough to fulfill the font size requirements, and must be clear and readable.

Copyrighted Material

If you remove copyrighted tables, figures, or illustrations from your thesis you must insert the following at the spot where the table, figure, or illustration previously appeared:

  • A statement that the material has been removed because of copyright restrictions
  • A description of the material and the information it contained, plus a link to an online source if one is available
  • A full citation of the original source of the material

See the Theses and Dissertations Guide “ Unable to get Permission? ”

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  • Dedication Page
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Figures (etc.)
  • Acknowledgments
  • Text and References Overview
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Lists of figures, tables, illustrations, formulae, etc.

  • Required, if applicable.
  • Include a separate page(s) for each type of list
  • Include symbols, tables, figures, illustrations, etc. that appear in the text section only (do not include those in your appendix/appendices)

List of tables example

Here is an example of a List of Figures from the Template. Note that each List should be its own page.

Screenshot of List of Figures page from Template

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List of Tables, List of Figures

If even one numbered table or figure appears in your manuscript, then a List of Tables and/or a List of Figures must be included in your manuscript following the Table of Contents. If both are used, arrange the List of Tables before the List of Figures.

NOTE: The templates were created using the 2013 version of Microsoft Word. If a template is downloaded in another version of Word or another word processing program, the formatting may be incorrect. Also, if a template is copied and pasted into another document, the settings of that document (margins, page number settings, font style, etc.) may affect the look of the template.

  • List of Tables template (DOC)

This Microsoft Word document can be saved to your computer to use as a template. It was created using Microsoft Office 2013 version of Word. Please email [email protected] if you have problems with the download.

  • List of Figures template (DOC)

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  • Introduction

Copyright Page

Dedication, acknowledgements, preface (optional), table of contents.

  • List of Tables, Figures, and Illustrations

List of Abbreviations

List of symbols.

  • Non-Traditional Formats
  • Font Type and Size
  • Spacing and Indentation
  • Tables, Figures, and Illustrations
  • Formatting Previously Published Work
  • Internet Distribution
  • Open Access
  • Registering Copyright
  • Using Copyrighted Materials
  • Use of Your Own Previously Published Materials
  • Submission Steps
  • Submission Checklist
  • Sample Pages

I. Order and Components

Please see the sample thesis or dissertation pages throughout and at the end of this document for illustrations. The following order is required for components of your thesis or dissertation:

  • Dedication, Acknowledgements, and Preface (each optional)
  • Table of Contents, with page numbers
  • List of Tables, List of Figures, or List of Illustrations, with titles and page numbers (if applicable)
  • List of Abbreviations (if applicable)
  • List of Symbols (if applicable)
  • Introduction, if any
  • Main body, with consistent subheadings as appropriate
  • Appendices (if applicable)
  • Endnotes (if applicable)
  • References (see section on References for options)

Many of the components following the title and copyright pages have required headings and formatting guidelines, which are described in the following sections.

Please consult the Sample Pages to compare your document to the requirements. A Checklist is provided to assist you in ensuring your thesis or dissertation meets all formatting guidelines.

The title page of a thesis or dissertation must include the following information:

  • The title of the thesis or dissertation in all capital letters and centered 2″ below the top of the page.
  • Your name, centered 1″ below the title. Do not include titles, degrees, or identifiers. The name you use here does not need to exactly match the name on your university records, but we recommend considering how you will want your name to appear in professional publications in the future.

Notes on this statement:

  • When indicating your degree in the second bracketed space, use the full degree name (i.e., Doctor of Philosophy, not Ph.D. or PHD; Master of Public Health, not M.P.H. or MPH; Master of Social Work, not M.S.W. or MSW).
  • List your department, school, or curriculum rather than your subject area or specialty discipline in the third bracketed space. You may include your subject area or specialty discipline in parentheses (i.e., Department of Romance Languages (French); School of Pharmacy (Molecular Pharmaceutics); School of Education (School Psychology); or similar official area).
  • If you wish to include both your department and school names, list the school at the end of the statement (i.e., Department of Pharmacology in the School of Medicine).
  • A dissertation submitted to the faculty at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Public Policy.
  • A thesis submitted to the faculty at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in the School of Dentistry (Endodontics).
  • A thesis submitted to the faculty at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in the Department of Nutrition in the Gillings School of Global Public Health.
  • A dissertation submitted to the faculty at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Education (Cultural Studies and Literacies).
  • The words “Chapel Hill” must be centered 1″ below the statement.
  • One single-spaced line below that, center the year in which your committee approves the completed thesis or dissertation. This need not be the year you graduate.
  • Approximately 2/3 of the way across the page on the right-hand side of the page, 1″ below the year, include the phrase “Approved by:” (with colon) followed by each faculty member's name on subsequent double-spaced lines. Do not include titles such as Professor, Doctor, Dr., PhD, or any identifiers such as “chair” or “advisor” before or after any names. Line up the first letter of each name on the left under the “A” in the “Approved by:” line. If a name is too long to fit on one line, move this entire section of text slightly to the left so that formatting can be maintained.
  • No signatures, signature lines, or page numbers should be included on the title page.

Include a copyright page with the following information single-spaced and centered 2″ above the bottom of the page:

© Year Author's Full Name (as it appears on the title page) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

This page immediately follows the title page. It should be numbered with the lower case Roman numeral ii centered with a 1/2″ margin from the bottom edge.

Inclusion of this page offers you, as the author, additional protection against copyright infringement as it eliminates any question of authorship and copyright ownership. You do not need to file for copyright in order to include this statement in your thesis or dissertation. However, filing for copyright can offer other protections.

See Section IV for more information on copyrighting your thesis or dissertation.

Include an abstract page following these guidelines:

  • Include the heading “ABSTRACT” in all capital letters, and center it 2″ below the top of the page.
  • One double-spaced line below “ABSTRACT”, center your name, followed by a colon and the title of the thesis or dissertation. Use as many lines as necessary. Be sure that your name and the title exactly match the name and title used on the Title page.
  • One single-spaced line below the title, center the phrase “(Under the direction of [advisor's name])”. Include the phrase in parentheses. Include the first and last name(s) of your advisor or formal co-advisors. Do not include the name of other committee members. Use the advisor's name only; do not include any professional titles such as PhD, Professor, or Dr. or any identifiers such as “chair” or “advisor”.
  • Skip one double-spaced line and begin the abstract. The text of your abstract must be double-spaced and aligned with the document's left margin with the exception of indenting new paragraphs. Do not center or right-justify the abstract.
  • Abstracts cannot exceed 150 words for a thesis or 350 words for a dissertation.
  • Number the abstract page with the lower case Roman numeral iii (and iv, if more than one page) centered with a 1/2″ margin from the bottom edge.

Please write and proofread your abstract carefully. When possible, avoid including symbols or foreign words in your abstract, as they cannot be indexed or searched. Avoid mathematical formulas, diagrams, and other illustrative materials in the abstract. Offer a brief description of your thesis or dissertation and a concise summary of its conclusions. Be sure to describe the subject and focus of your work with clear details and avoid including lengthy explanations or opinions.

Your title and abstract will be used by search engines to help potential audiences locate your work, so clarity will help to draw the attention of your targeted readers.

You have an option to include a dedication, acknowledgements, or preface. If you choose to include any or all of these elements, give each its own page(s).

A dedication is a message from the author prefixed to a work in tribute to a person, group, or cause. Most dedications are short statements of tribute beginning with “To…” such as “To my family”.

Acknowledgements are the author's statement of gratitude to and recognition of the people and institutions that helped the author's research and writing.

A preface is a statement of the author's reasons for undertaking the work and other personal comments that are not directly germane to the materials presented in other sections of the thesis or dissertation. These reasons tend to be of a personal nature.

Any of the pages must be prepared following these guidelines:

  • Do not place a heading on the dedication page.
  • The text of short dedications must be centered and begin 2″ from the top of the page.
  • Headings are required for the “ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS” and “PREFACE” pages. Headings must be in all capital letters and centered 2″ below the top of the page.
  • The text of the acknowledgements and preface pages must begin one double-spaced line below the heading, be double-spaced, and be aligned with the document's left margin with the exception of indenting new paragraphs.
  • Subsequent pages of text return to the 1″ top margin.
  • The page(s) must be numbered with consecutive lower case Roman numerals (starting with the page number after the abstract) centered with a 1/2″ margin from the bottom edge.

Include a table of contents following these guidelines:

  • Include the heading “TABLE OF CONTENTS” in all capital letters, and center it 2″ below the top of the page.
  • Include one double-spaced line between the heading and the first entry.
  • The table of contents should not contain listings for the pages that precede it, but it must list all parts of the thesis or dissertation that follow it.
  • If relevant, be sure to list all appendices and a references section in your table of contents. Include page numbers for these items but do not assign separate chapter numbers.
  • Entries must align with the document's left margin or be indented to the right of the left page margin using consistent tabs.
  • Major subheadings within chapters must be included in the table of contents. The subheading(s) should be indented to the right of the left page margin using consistent tabs.
  • If an entry takes up more than one line, break up the entry about three-fourths of the way across the page and place the rest of the text on a second line, single-spacing the two lines.
  • Include one double-spaced line between each entry.
  • Page numbers listed in the table of contents must be located just inside the right page margin with leaders (lines of periods) filling out the space between the end of the entry and the page number. The last digit of each number must line up on the right margin.
  • Information included in the table of contents must match the headings, major subheadings, and numbering used in the body of the thesis or dissertation.
  • The Table of Contents page(s) must be numbered with consecutive lower case Roman numerals centered with a 1/2″ margin from the bottom edge.

Lists of Tables, Figures, and Illustrations

If applicable, include a list of tables, list of figures, and/or list of illustrations following these guidelines:

  • Include the heading(s) in all capital letters, centered 1″ below the top of the page.
  • Each entry must include a number, title, and page number.
  • Assign each table, figure, or illustration in your thesis or dissertation an Arabic numeral. You may number consecutively throughout the entire work (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.), or you may assign a two-part Arabic numeral with the first number designating the chapter in which it appears, separated by a period, followed by a second number to indicate its consecutive placement in the chapter (e.g., Table 3.2 is the second table in Chapter Three).
  • Numerals and titles must align with the document's left margin or be indented to the right of the left page margin using consistent tabs.
  • Page numbers must be located just inside the right page margin with leaders (lines of periods) filling out the space between the end of the entry and the page number. The last digit of each number must line up on the right margin.
  • Numbers, titles, and page numbers must each match the corresponding numbers, titles, and page numbers appearing in the thesis or dissertation.
  • All Lists of Tables, Figures, and Illustrations page(s) must be numbered with consecutive lower case Roman numerals centered with a 1/2″ margin from the bottom edge.

If you use abbreviations extensively in your thesis or dissertation, you must include a list of abbreviations and their corresponding definitions following these guidelines:

  • Include the heading “LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS” in all capital letters, and center it 1″ below the top of the page.
  • Arrange your abbreviations alphabetically.
  • Abbreviations must align with the document's left margin or be indented to the right of the left page margin using consistent tabs.
  • If an entry takes up more than one line, single-space between the two lines.
  • The List of Abbreviations page(s) must be numbered with consecutive lower case Roman numerals centered with a 1/2″ margin from the bottom edge.

If you use symbols in your thesis or dissertation, you may combine them with your abbreviations, titling the section “LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS”, or you may set up a separate list of symbols and their definitions by following the formatting instructions above for abbreviations. The heading you choose must be in all capital letters and centered 1″ below the top of the page.

Previous: Introduction

Next: Format

The Graduate College at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Figures and tables.

Refer to the Sample (Straight Numbering) or Sample (Decimal Numbering) pages as you read through this section.

A thesis may include tables, figures, photographs, musical examples, charts, graphs, line drawings, maps, and other illustrative materials. In addition, a thesis may include statements such as definitions, corollaries, lemmas, theorems, propositions, and schemes. For the following discussion about numbering and placement, these items will be called figures.

  • All figures must fit within the minimum 1-inch margins. Theses with any material extending beyond these margins will not be accepted for deposit.
  • Figures must be numbered consecutively throughout the entire thesis. Students may choose from one of two options:
  • A straight sequence (1, 2, 3, etc.). (Using this method, continue figure numbering from the previous chapter. Do not re-start the numbering at 1.)
  • The decimal system (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, etc.), in which the first digit corresponds to the chapter number and the digit after the decimal point is the figure number within the chapter. (Do not number figures by section (e.g., 1.2.1, 1.3.2, or the like. Using this method, figures in Appendix A, B, C, and so forth would be numbered A.1, A.2, B.1, B.2, C.1 and so on.)
  • Each type of content (figures, tables, etc.) should be numbered independently.
  • Figure captions may be single-spaced and are not required to be set in the same font style or size as that of the main text.
  • Figure captions should appear on the same page as the figure to which they refer.

Figure Placement

  • Figures should not be placed out of the order in which they are numbered.
  • If figures are grouped at the end of a chapter or the main text, each figure may be placed on a separate page.
  • Multiple figures may be placed on the same page as long as doing so does not compromise their legibility.
  • Figures grouped at the end of a chapter are considered a section, the first page of which should display the appropriate section heading (i.e., “Figures”, “Tables”, “Figures and Tables”, etc.).
  • Figures grouped at the end of the main text are considered a chapter, the first page of which should display the appropriate chapter title (i.e., “Figures”, “Tables”, “Figures and Tables”, etc.).
  • Do not add figure callouts (i.e., <place Figure 2.1 about here>) anywhere in the thesis.

Multiple-Page Figures

  • Every page containing part of a multiple-page figure must include at least an abbreviated figure label such as “Figure 2.5 (cont.)”.
  • The figure caption is only required to appear once; an abbreviated label may be used on subsequent pages.

Rotated Figures

  • Page numbers, headings, captions, and titles may be rotated with the figure.

Color Figures

Use of color in the thesis is acceptable. However, because theses may be converted to black-and-white if they are archived on microfilm or partially reproduced on a black-and-white printer, labels, symbols and other data within figures should be identified through other means than the use of color.

list of figures in thesis

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  • Academic essay overview
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  • Academic writing overview
  • Sentence structure
  • Academic writing process
  • Improving your academic writing
  • Titles and headings
  • APA style overview
  • APA citation & referencing
  • APA structure & sections
  • Citation & referencing
  • Structure and sections
  • APA examples overview
  • Commonly used citations
  • Other examples
  • British English vs. American English
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  • Chicago citation & referencing
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  • Chicago style examples
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  • How to write a college essay
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List Of Figures And Tables For Your Dissertation

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The list of figures and tables in a research paper , thesis, or dissertation provides a structured overview of graphic elements included in the paper. This list guides readers to find specific graphs, images, tables, or charts effortlessly. The process of compiling this list needs more than just listing the captions; it also requires proper formatting and sequencing in line with academic guidelines. This article explores creating a well-structured list of figures and tables with examples.


  • 1 List of Figures and Tables – In a Nutshell
  • 2 Definition: List of figures and tables
  • 3 Creating the list of figures and tables in Word
  • 4 Example list of figures and tables
  • 5 List of figures and tables: Additional lists

List of Figures and Tables – In a Nutshell

The American Psychological Association publishes the APA style guide, which aims to:

  • Facilitate concise academic and scholarly communication worldwide.
  • Act as a reference for the various components and conventions of scientific and technical writing.
  • Improve the readability of documents.

Definition: List of figures and tables

Tables show numerical values or text arranged in rows and columns. In contrast, figures typically consist of graphs, illustrations, or drawings.

The APA style guide defines figures as graphical displays other than tables, including photographs, graphics, charts, and non-textual information.

Suppose a dissertation contains one or more tables or figures. In that case, the APA guide specifies including a list of figures and tables as appropriate.

Every list of figures and tables includes a tabulated, numerical enumeration of the titles of each relevant item. This uniform and consistent approach enables dissertation readers – including examiners – to quickly scan and locate the sources, findings, and key points in long documents.

By following APA recommendations to make a list of figures and tables, college and university students can present their dissertations correctly.

List of Tables

Table 1             Title of Table One ……………………………………………………………………………..2 Table 2             Title of Table Two .…………………………………………………………………………….3 Table 3             Title of Table ‘Three ………………………………………………………………………….3

List of Figures

Figure 1            Title of Figure One …………………………………………………………………………..4 Figure 2            Title of Figure Two …………………………………………………………………………..5 Figure 3            Title of Figure Three ………………………………………………………………………..5

This article will delve into how to include a list of figures and tables in APA style in your dissertation.

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Creating the list of figures and tables in Word

Creating a list of figures and tables is straightforward in most word processing software, such as Microsoft Word.

  • Firstly, we must add captions to each figure or table. The figure number goes in bold above the figure (e.g. Figure 1). Then, the figure title appears as one double-spaced line below the figure number in italics in title case, i.e. with the first letter of major words capitalized.
  • Next, use the command on the “References” menu to complete the detailed settings you require. On confirming, the software will create the list sorted by page number and include it in your document.

Note: It is essential to eschew plagiarism if you are creating a list of figures and tables based on copying from another document.

Also, remember that the source document settings and format may affect how the table looks in your new paper: font style, page number conventions, margin widths, etc.

  • Firstly, we must add captions to each figure or table. The figure number goes in bold above the figure (e.g., Figure 1). Then, the figure title appears as one double-spaced line below the figure number in italics in title case, i.e., with the first letter of major words capitalized.

Further information on formatting standards for a list of figures and tables are on pages 225 to 250 of the APA Publication Manual 7th Edition (2020).

Example list of figures and tables


List of figures and tables: Additional lists

Other lists you might consider including in a dissertation are:

  • A list of abbreviations
  • A table of contents

After the title, approval signature, and copyright page(s) as applicable, we recommend you arrange the pages of a dissertation in the following order:

  • Table of Contents

Occasionally, research results or lengthy analyses may extend to hundreds of rows. Instead of including all the detail, a clickable link or URL (universal resource locator) to an online version may be preferable.

We recommend opting for a data repository or an arXiv location, as privately hosted websites may change or disappear.

Best practice guidelines advocate the long-term availability of datasets for at least five years after publication. 2 Resources such as publish details of storage options by scientific field.

How do you list tables in a dissertation?

Your list of figures and tables comes after the table of contents. If both lists are present, the list of titles appears before the list of figures.

What are figure keys?

Figure legends (also known as keys) explain uncommon symbols used in the figure image. They should appear within the borders of the figure.

What are figure notes?

Figure notes explain, describe, clarify, or supplement the information in the image. Only some figures include notes, as and when necessary.

Where do I position notes for figures or tables?

According to the APA style guide, notes appear below the figure or table. Use double line spacing and left justification.

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Thesis/Dissertation Formatting

  • List of Figures

Figures in your document

  • Use Times New Roman for text in the figures. Use size 12 where able, but 10 or 11 size may also be used to fit text within the figure.  Line spacing within a figure should be single-spaced.
  • All figures should be labeled and formatted in APA style with numbering, title, notes,  etc. 
  • Figures should be placed after the paragraph where they are first mentioned unless that splits the figure across two pages.  Instead of splitting the figure, insert the figure at the beginning of the next page after it is first mentioned.  If your figure is so large it must be split across multiple pages, type Figure 1 (Continued) at the top of the next page.
  • References in your text to figures must reference a specific figure and number: "As demonstrated in Figure 3..." Do not use, "As demonstrated in the following figure...."
  • If your figure needs to be rotated because it is too large, rotate just the figure with the top of the figure at the 1.5" margin side.
  • The title of the figure needs to be placed one double space from the figure number.
  • It is important to use the same pattern and placement throughout your paper.  If your figure title is on the top, keep it on the top throughout the paper.

example of figure in text

List of Figures page

  • Required if there are two or more figures in your document including the appendices.
  • Type List of Figures on the top line. Be sure to label this title as a page title heading to format it properly. See Content/Chapters for more information about headings.
  • Leave the next line blank.
  • Type Page (#), tab once,  type Figure 1: Title or caption of figure one.
  • If your page number is a single digit, you will need to tab twice so that all figure names are aligned.
  • List each figure on a new line.
  • If your title/caption is so long it goes onto another line, indent that line to match where all figure names start.  If you have more than one page, do not split title/captions across pages.
  • If your list is more than one page, put a page title on only the first page  
  • Remember all figures in the appendix must be listed on this page.  
  • Do not use bold or italics.

example of list of figures page

  • Thesis/Dissertation Information
  • Introduction & Help
  • General Formatting
  • Table of Contents
  • Certificate of Approval
  • Acknowledgments
  • List of Tables
  • Content/Chapters

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Thesis and Dissertation Formatting


The requirements listed in the Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Requirements apply to the formal master’s thesis and the doctoral dissertation.

The thesis or dissertation is a report of original research and scholarly work that is shared with the academic community and is made available to the public. The thesis or dissertation becomes part of the UWM Digital Commons and is also made available through ProQuest. Information about submission can be found on the Electronic Thesis & Dissertation Submission website.

These format standards have been developed to ensure a degree of consistency in the written presentation of this research across academic disciplines.

The Graduate School will not accept theses or dissertations that do not conform to these requirements. Have your formatting reviewed by the Graduate School by the formatting deadline .

General Instructions

Required page order, preliminary pages:.

  • Title page – required
  • Abstract page – required
  • Copyright page – optional
  • Dedication – optional
  • Table of Contents – required for all except creative works
  • List of Figures – required if figures appear in thesis
  • List of Tables – required if tables appear in the thesis
  • List of Abbreviations – optional
  • Acknowledgements – required if permission to reproduce copyright material is necessary
  • Frontispiece (illustration) or Epigraph (quotation) – optional
  • Appendices – optional

Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Resources:

• Manual (PDF) • Presentation (.pptx) • Thesis Formatting Template (.docx) • Dissertation Formatting Template (.docx) • Checklist (PDF)

Double space throughout, with the exception of the title page; captions; table or figure headings; extensive quotations; footnotes or endnotes; entries in the References section; entries in the Table of Contents; and appendices.

Any standard font is acceptable; however, the same font should be used throughout. Use a font size of approximately 12. The only exceptions to this font size are captions (not smaller than 9 point) and headings (not larger than 20 point).

ALL pages must have 1″ top, bottom, left, and right margins.

Preliminary Pages

Preliminary pages are the required pages that appear at the beginning of the final document. There are also optional pages which can be placed in this section.

Page Numbering

All preliminary pages are numbered with lower case Roman numerals, centered at the bottom of the page, with the bottom of the number at least 1/2 inch from the edge of the page. The exception to this is the title page, which is counted but not numbered.

Sample pages (PDF)

Pages appear in this order

  • Title page – Required The title page is counted but not numbered. Follow the format shown in the sample pages (PDF) . All items centered and TITLE IN ALL CAPS. Use official degree names only. The date is the month and year of degree conferral. Degrees are awarded three times a year: in May, August, and December.
  • Abstract – Required The abstract is a summary of the dissertation. Follow the format shown in the sample pages (PDF) . Copy the abstract heading sample exactly. See Sample ABSTRACT TEXT for important information. It always starts with page number “ii”.
  • Copyright and Your Dissertation or Thesis (ProQuest) (PDF)
  • UWM Libraries: Copyright and Fair Use
  • Dedication – Optional May be combined with acknowledgements. There is no required heading on this page.
  • Table of Contents – Required for all except creative works. The Table of Contents lists all sections that follow it (with the exception of an epigraph or frontispiece). Type TABLE OF CONTENTS centered at the top of the page, double space and begin the entries. Single space within entries and double space in-between entries.
  • List of Figures – Required if figures appear in the thesis. Type LIST OF FIGURES centered at the top of the page, double space and begin. The term figures includes various non-text items. List the number, caption, and page number of each figure. Figures should be numbered consecutively throughout the thesis.
  • List of Tables – Required if tables appear in the thesis. Type LIST OF TABLES at the top of the page, double space and begin. List the number, caption, and page number of each table. Tables should be numbered consecutively throughout the thesis.
  • List of Abbreviations (or List of Symbols, or Nomenclature) – Optional, include as necessary. Format heading the same as List of Figures.
  • Acknowledgments – Required if permission to reproduce copyrighted material is necessary. Type ACKNOWLEDGMENTS at the top of the page, double space, and begin the remarks.
  • Frontispiece (illustration) or Epigraph (quotation) – Optional The source of the epigraph is listed below the quotation, but is not listed in the bibliography unless it is also cited in the main text.

Beginning with the text of the thesis, the page numbering changes to Arabic numerals, centered at the bottom of the page, with at least 1/2″ clearance from each edge. The first page of the main text is page 1, and should be displayed on the page. All subsequent pages are numbered throughout the text.

Tables and Figures

All illustrative materials must maintain the same margins as the rest of the thesis. 1″ top, bottom, left, and right margins

All illustrative material must be large enough to be easily read. Minimum font size is 9.

Landscape format

In order to maintain the required page margins for tables or figures, it may be necessary to print them in landscape format. The top margin will now be the edge that is bound. However, the page number must be placed on the page as though the page was in portrait format. It needs to appear in the same location and have the same text direction as the other (portrait) pages. See Thesis and Dissertation Formatting (.pptx) for additional help and examples.

Figure Captions

If space permits, the caption should appear on the same page as the figure. Font size must not be smaller than 9 point.

References and Citations

Any of the standard style manuals may be used as a guide in formatting references to works cited in the thesis. References may be placed at the end of the main text, or at the end of each chapter. Endnotes and/or footnotes may also be used. Whatever format is chosen, it must be followed consistently throughout the thesis.

If you are not following a style manual, please single space within each entry and double space between the entries.

Reference pages are numbered. Use the next consecutive page number of your document for your references.

All material included in the appendices must meet minimum font and margin requirements.

Many theses will not need this section. Material that supports the research, but is not essential to an understanding of the text, is placed in the appendices. Examples include raw data, extensive quotations, and survey or test instruments.

If there is only one appendix, it is simply called Appendix, not Appendix A. If there are multiple, appendices should be designated A: Title B: Title C: Title etcetera. Each appendix and its title and page number are listed in the Table of Contents.

Start the Appendix or Appendices with the next consecutive page number. The Appendix or Appendices should be listed in the Table of Contents.

The appendix title can be on its own page, or at the beginning of the actual material. See sample pages for examples.

Frequently asked questions

What is a list of figures and tables.

A list of figures and tables compiles all of the figures and tables that you used in your thesis or dissertation and displays them with the page number where they can be found.

Frequently asked questions: Dissertation

Dissertation word counts vary widely across different fields, institutions, and levels of education:

  • An undergraduate dissertation is typically 8,000–15,000 words
  • A master’s dissertation is typically 12,000–50,000 words
  • A PhD thesis is typically book-length: 70,000–100,000 words

However, none of these are strict guidelines – your word count may be lower or higher than the numbers stated here. Always check the guidelines provided by your university to determine how long your own dissertation should be.

A dissertation prospectus or proposal describes what or who you plan to research for your dissertation. It delves into why, when, where, and how you will do your research, as well as helps you choose a type of research to pursue. You should also determine whether you plan to pursue qualitative or quantitative methods and what your research design will look like.

It should outline all of the decisions you have taken about your project, from your dissertation topic to your hypotheses and research objectives , ready to be approved by your supervisor or committee.

Note that some departments require a defense component, where you present your prospectus to your committee orally.

A thesis is typically written by students finishing up a bachelor’s or Master’s degree. Some educational institutions, particularly in the liberal arts, have mandatory theses, but they are often not mandatory to graduate from bachelor’s degrees. It is more common for a thesis to be a graduation requirement from a Master’s degree.

Even if not mandatory, you may want to consider writing a thesis if you:

  • Plan to attend graduate school soon
  • Have a particular topic you’d like to study more in-depth
  • Are considering a career in research
  • Would like a capstone experience to tie up your academic experience

The conclusion of your thesis or dissertation should include the following:

  • A restatement of your research question
  • A summary of your key arguments and/or results
  • A short discussion of the implications of your research

The conclusion of your thesis or dissertation shouldn’t take up more than 5–7% of your overall word count.

For a stronger dissertation conclusion , avoid including:

  • Important evidence or analysis that wasn’t mentioned in the discussion section and results section
  • Generic concluding phrases (e.g. “In conclusion …”)
  • Weak statements that undermine your argument (e.g., “There are good points on both sides of this issue.”)

Your conclusion should leave the reader with a strong, decisive impression of your work.

While it may be tempting to present new arguments or evidence in your thesis or disseration conclusion , especially if you have a particularly striking argument you’d like to finish your analysis with, you shouldn’t. Theses and dissertations follow a more formal structure than this.

All your findings and arguments should be presented in the body of the text (more specifically in the discussion section and results section .) The conclusion is meant to summarize and reflect on the evidence and arguments you have already presented, not introduce new ones.

A theoretical framework can sometimes be integrated into a  literature review chapter , but it can also be included as its own chapter or section in your dissertation . As a rule of thumb, if your research involves dealing with a lot of complex theories, it’s a good idea to include a separate theoretical framework chapter.

A literature review and a theoretical framework are not the same thing and cannot be used interchangeably. While a theoretical framework describes the theoretical underpinnings of your work, a literature review critically evaluates existing research relating to your topic. You’ll likely need both in your dissertation .

While a theoretical framework describes the theoretical underpinnings of your work based on existing research, a conceptual framework allows you to draw your own conclusions, mapping out the variables you may use in your study and the interplay between them.

A thesis or dissertation outline is one of the most critical first steps in your writing process. It helps you to lay out and organize your ideas and can provide you with a roadmap for deciding what kind of research you’d like to undertake.

Generally, an outline contains information on the different sections included in your thesis or dissertation , such as:

  • Your anticipated title
  • Your abstract
  • Your chapters (sometimes subdivided into further topics like literature review , research methods , avenues for future research, etc.)

When you mention different chapters within your text, it’s considered best to use Roman numerals for most citation styles. However, the most important thing here is to remain consistent whenever using numbers in your dissertation .

In most styles, the title page is used purely to provide information and doesn’t include any images. Ask your supervisor if you are allowed to include an image on the title page before doing so. If you do decide to include one, make sure to check whether you need permission from the creator of the image.

Include a note directly beneath the image acknowledging where it comes from, beginning with the word “ Note .” (italicized and followed by a period). Include a citation and copyright attribution . Don’t title, number, or label the image as a figure , since it doesn’t appear in your main text.

Definitional terms often fall into the category of common knowledge , meaning that they don’t necessarily have to be cited. This guidance can apply to your thesis or dissertation glossary as well.

However, if you’d prefer to cite your sources , you can follow guidance for citing dictionary entries in MLA or APA style for your glossary.

A glossary is a collection of words pertaining to a specific topic. In your thesis or dissertation, it’s a list of all terms you used that may not immediately be obvious to your reader. In contrast, an index is a list of the contents of your work organized by page number.

The title page of your thesis or dissertation goes first, before all other content or lists that you may choose to include.

The title page of your thesis or dissertation should include your name, department, institution, degree program, and submission date.

Glossaries are not mandatory, but if you use a lot of technical or field-specific terms, it may improve readability to add one to your thesis or dissertation. Your educational institution may also require them, so be sure to check their specific guidelines.

A glossary or “glossary of terms” is a collection of words pertaining to a specific topic. In your thesis or dissertation, it’s a list of all terms you used that may not immediately be obvious to your reader. Your glossary only needs to include terms that your reader may not be familiar with, and is intended to enhance their understanding of your work.

A glossary is a collection of words pertaining to a specific topic. In your thesis or dissertation, it’s a list of all terms you used that may not immediately be obvious to your reader. In contrast, dictionaries are more general collections of words.

An abbreviation is a shortened version of an existing word, such as Dr. for Doctor. In contrast, an acronym uses the first letter of each word to create a wholly new word, such as UNESCO (an acronym for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).

As a rule of thumb, write the explanation in full the first time you use an acronym or abbreviation. You can then proceed with the shortened version. However, if the abbreviation is very common (like PC, USA, or DNA), then you can use the abbreviated version from the get-go.

Be sure to add each abbreviation in your list of abbreviations !

If you only used a few abbreviations in your thesis or dissertation , you don’t necessarily need to include a list of abbreviations .

If your abbreviations are numerous, or if you think they won’t be known to your audience, it’s never a bad idea to add one. They can also improve readability, minimizing confusion about abbreviations unfamiliar to your reader.

A list of abbreviations is a list of all the abbreviations that you used in your thesis or dissertation. It should appear at the beginning of your document, with items in alphabetical order, just after your table of contents .

Your list of tables and figures should go directly after your table of contents in your thesis or dissertation.

Lists of figures and tables are often not required, and aren’t particularly common. They specifically aren’t required for APA-Style, though you should be careful to follow their other guidelines for figures and tables .

If you have many figures and tables in your thesis or dissertation, include one may help you stay organized. Your educational institution may require them, so be sure to check their guidelines.

The table of contents in a thesis or dissertation always goes between your abstract and your introduction .

You may acknowledge God in your dissertation acknowledgements , but be sure to follow academic convention by also thanking the members of academia, as well as family, colleagues, and friends who helped you.

A literature review is a survey of credible sources on a topic, often used in dissertations , theses, and research papers . Literature reviews give an overview of knowledge on a subject, helping you identify relevant theories and methods, as well as gaps in existing research. Literature reviews are set up similarly to other  academic texts , with an introduction , a main body, and a conclusion .

An  annotated bibliography is a list of  source references that has a short description (called an annotation ) for each of the sources. It is often assigned as part of the research process for a  paper .  

In a thesis or dissertation, the discussion is an in-depth exploration of the results, going into detail about the meaning of your findings and citing relevant sources to put them in context.

The conclusion is more shorter and more general: it concisely answers your main research question and makes recommendations based on your overall findings.

In the discussion , you explore the meaning and relevance of your research results , explaining how they fit with existing research and theory. Discuss:

  • Your  interpretations : what do the results tell us?
  • The  implications : why do the results matter?
  • The  limitation s : what can’t the results tell us?

The results chapter or section simply and objectively reports what you found, without speculating on why you found these results. The discussion interprets the meaning of the results, puts them in context, and explains why they matter.

In qualitative research , results and discussion are sometimes combined. But in quantitative research , it’s considered important to separate the objective results from your interpretation of them.

Results are usually written in the past tense , because they are describing the outcome of completed actions.

The results chapter of a thesis or dissertation presents your research results concisely and objectively.

In quantitative research , for each question or hypothesis , state:

  • The type of analysis used
  • Relevant results in the form of descriptive and inferential statistics
  • Whether or not the alternative hypothesis was supported

In qualitative research , for each question or theme, describe:

  • Recurring patterns
  • Significant or representative individual responses
  • Relevant quotations from the data

Don’t interpret or speculate in the results chapter.

To automatically insert a table of contents in Microsoft Word, follow these steps:

  • Apply heading styles throughout the document.
  • In the references section in the ribbon, locate the Table of Contents group.
  • Click the arrow next to the Table of Contents icon and select Custom Table of Contents.
  • Select which levels of headings you would like to include in the table of contents.

Make sure to update your table of contents if you move text or change headings. To update, simply right click and select Update Field.

All level 1 and 2 headings should be included in your table of contents . That means the titles of your chapters and the main sections within them.

The contents should also include all appendices and the lists of tables and figures, if applicable, as well as your reference list .

Do not include the acknowledgements or abstract in the table of contents.

The abstract appears on its own page in the thesis or dissertation , after the title page and acknowledgements but before the table of contents .

An abstract for a thesis or dissertation is usually around 200–300 words. There’s often a strict word limit, so make sure to check your university’s requirements.

In a thesis or dissertation, the acknowledgements should usually be no longer than one page. There is no minimum length.

The acknowledgements are generally included at the very beginning of your thesis , directly after the title page and before the abstract .

Yes, it’s important to thank your supervisor(s) in the acknowledgements section of your thesis or dissertation .

Even if you feel your supervisor did not contribute greatly to the final product, you must acknowledge them, if only for a very brief thank you. If you do not include your supervisor, it may be seen as a snub.

In the acknowledgements of your thesis or dissertation, you should first thank those who helped you academically or professionally, such as your supervisor, funders, and other academics.

Then you can include personal thanks to friends, family members, or anyone else who supported you during the process.

Ask our team

Want to contact us directly? No problem.  We  are always here for you.

Support team - Nina

Our team helps students graduate by offering:

  • A world-class citation generator
  • Plagiarism Checker software powered by Turnitin
  • Innovative Citation Checker software
  • Professional proofreading services
  • Over 300 helpful articles about academic writing, citing sources, plagiarism, and more

Scribbr specializes in editing study-related documents . We proofread:

  • PhD dissertations
  • Research proposals
  • Personal statements
  • Admission essays
  • Motivation letters
  • Reflection papers
  • Journal articles
  • Capstone projects

Scribbr’s Plagiarism Checker is powered by elements of Turnitin’s Similarity Checker , namely the plagiarism detection software and the Internet Archive and Premium Scholarly Publications content databases .

The add-on AI detector is powered by Scribbr’s proprietary software.

The Scribbr Citation Generator is developed using the open-source Citation Style Language (CSL) project and Frank Bennett’s citeproc-js . It’s the same technology used by dozens of other popular citation tools, including Mendeley and Zotero.

You can find all the citation styles and locales used in the Scribbr Citation Generator in our publicly accessible repository on Github .

Frequently asked questions

Where does your list of figures and tables go.

Your list of tables and figures should go directly after your table of contents in your thesis or dissertation.

Frequently asked questions: Dissertation

When you mention different chapters within your text, it’s considered best to use Roman numerals for most citation styles. However, the most important thing here is to remain consistent whenever using numbers in your dissertation .

The best way to remember the difference between a research plan and a research proposal is that they have fundamentally different audiences. A research plan helps you, the researcher, organize your thoughts. On the other hand, a dissertation proposal or research proposal aims to convince others (e.g., a supervisor, a funding body, or a dissertation committee) that your research topic is relevant and worthy of being conducted.

Formulating a main research question can be a difficult task. Overall, your question should contribute to solving the problem that you have defined in your problem statement .

However, it should also fulfill criteria in three main areas:

  • Researchability
  • Feasibility and specificity
  • Relevance and originality

The results chapter or section simply and objectively reports what you found, without speculating on why you found these results. The discussion interprets the meaning of the results, puts them in context, and explains why they matter.

In qualitative research , results and discussion are sometimes combined. But in quantitative research , it’s considered important to separate the objective results from your interpretation of them.

Results are usually written in the past tense , because they are describing the outcome of completed actions.

The abstract appears on its own page, after the title page and acknowledgements but before the table of contents .

Avoid citing sources in your abstract . There are two reasons for this:

  • The abstract should focus on your original research, not on the work of others.
  • The abstract should be self-contained and fully understandable without reference to other sources.

There are some circumstances where you might need to mention other sources in an abstract: for example, if your research responds directly to another study or focuses on the work of a single theorist. In general, though, don’t include citations unless absolutely necessary.

The abstract is the very last thing you write. You should only write it after your research is complete, so that you can accurately summarize the entirety of your thesis or paper.

An abstract is a concise summary of an academic text (such as a journal article or dissertation ). It serves two main purposes:

  • To help potential readers determine the relevance of your paper for their own research.
  • To communicate your key findings to those who don’t have time to read the whole paper.

Abstracts are often indexed along with keywords on academic databases, so they make your work more easily findable. Since the abstract is the first thing any reader sees, it’s important that it clearly and accurately summarises the contents of your paper.

A theoretical framework can sometimes be integrated into a  literature review chapter , but it can also be included as its own chapter or section in your dissertation . As a rule of thumb, if your research involves dealing with a lot of complex theories, it’s a good idea to include a separate theoretical framework chapter.

A literature review and a theoretical framework are not the same thing and cannot be used interchangeably. While a theoretical framework describes the theoretical underpinnings of your work, a literature review critically evaluates existing research relating to your topic. You’ll likely need both in your dissertation .

While a theoretical framework describes the theoretical underpinnings of your work based on existing research, a conceptual framework allows you to draw your own conclusions, mapping out the variables you may use in your study and the interplay between them.

A thesis or dissertation outline is one of the most critical first steps in your writing process. It helps you to lay out and organise your ideas and can provide you with a roadmap for deciding what kind of research you’d like to undertake.

Generally, an outline contains information on the different sections included in your thesis or dissertation, such as:

  • Your anticipated title
  • Your abstract
  • Your chapters (sometimes subdivided into further topics like literature review, research methods, avenues for future research, etc.)

Usually, no title page is needed in an MLA paper . A header is generally included at the top of the first page instead. The exceptions are when:

  • Your instructor requires one, or
  • Your paper is a group project

In those cases, you should use a title page instead of a header, listing the same information but on a separate page.

The title page of your thesis or dissertation goes first, before all other content or lists that you may choose to include.

The title page of your thesis or dissertation should include your name, department, institution, degree program, and submission date.

A glossary is a collection of words pertaining to a specific topic. In your thesis or dissertation, it’s a list of all terms you used that may not immediately be obvious to your reader. In contrast, dictionaries are more general collections of words.

Glossaries are not mandatory, but if you use a lot of technical or field-specific terms, it may improve readability to add one to your thesis or dissertation. Your educational institution may also require them, so be sure to check their specific guidelines.

A glossary is a collection of words pertaining to a specific topic. In your thesis or dissertation, it’s a list of all terms you used that may not immediately be obvious to your reader. In contrast, an index is a list of the contents of your work organised by page number.

Definitional terms often fall into the category of common knowledge , meaning that they don’t necessarily have to be cited. This guidance can apply to your thesis or dissertation glossary as well.

However, if you’d prefer to cite your sources , you can follow guidance for citing dictionary entries in MLA or APA style for your glossary.

A glossary is a collection of words pertaining to a specific topic. In your thesis or dissertation, it’s a list of all terms you used that may not immediately be obvious to your reader. Your glossary only needs to include terms that your reader may not be familiar with, and is intended to enhance their understanding of your work.

APA doesn’t require you to include a list of tables or a list of figures . However, it is advisable to do so if your text is long enough to feature a table of contents and it includes a lot of tables and/or figures .

A list of tables and list of figures appear (in that order) after your table of contents, and are presented in a similar way.

A list of figures and tables compiles all of the figures and tables that you used in your thesis or dissertation and displays them with the page number where they can be found.

Copyright information can usually be found wherever the table or figure was published. For example, for a diagram in a journal article , look on the journal’s website or the database where you found the article. Images found on sites like Flickr are listed with clear copyright information.

If you find that permission is required to reproduce the material, be sure to contact the author or publisher and ask for it.

Lists of figures and tables are often not required, and they aren’t particularly common. They specifically aren’t required for APA Style, though you should be careful to follow their other guidelines for figures and tables .

If you have many figures and tables in your thesis or dissertation, include one may help you stay organised. Your educational institution may require them, so be sure to check their guidelines.

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Our support team is here to help you daily via chat, WhatsApp, email, or phone between 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. CET.

Our APA experts default to APA 7 for editing and formatting. For the Citation Editing Service you are able to choose between APA 6 and 7.

Yes, if your document is longer than 20,000 words, you will get a sample of approximately 2,000 words. This sample edit gives you a first impression of the editor’s editing style and a chance to ask questions and give feedback.

How does the sample edit work?

You will receive the sample edit within 24 hours after placing your order. You then have 24 hours to let us know if you’re happy with the sample or if there’s something you would like the editor to do differently.

Read more about how the sample edit works

Yes, you can upload your document in sections.

We try our best to ensure that the same editor checks all the different sections of your document. When you upload a new file, our system recognizes you as a returning customer, and we immediately contact the editor who helped you before.

However, we cannot guarantee that the same editor will be available. Your chances are higher if

  • You send us your text as soon as possible and
  • You can be flexible about the deadline.

Please note that the shorter your deadline is, the lower the chance that your previous editor is not available.

If your previous editor isn’t available, then we will inform you immediately and look for another qualified editor. Fear not! Every Scribbr editor follows the  Scribbr Improvement Model  and will deliver high-quality work.

Yes, our editors also work during the weekends and holidays.

Because we have many editors available, we can check your document 24 hours per day and 7 days per week, all year round.

If you choose a 72 hour deadline and upload your document on a Thursday evening, you’ll have your thesis back by Sunday evening!

Yes! Our editors are all native speakers, and they have lots of experience editing texts written by ESL students. They will make sure your grammar is perfect and point out any sentences that are difficult to understand. They’ll also notice your most common mistakes, and give you personal feedback to improve your writing in English.

Every Scribbr order comes with our award-winning Proofreading & Editing service , which combines two important stages of the revision process.

For a more comprehensive edit, you can add a Structure Check or Clarity Check to your order. With these building blocks, you can customize the kind of feedback you receive.

You might be familiar with a different set of editing terms. To help you understand what you can expect at Scribbr, we created this table:

Types of editing Available at Scribbr?

This is the “proofreading” in Scribbr’s standard service. It can only be selected in combination with editing.

This is the “editing” in Scribbr’s standard service. It can only be selected in combination with proofreading.

Select the Structure Check and Clarity Check to receive a comprehensive edit equivalent to a line edit.

This kind of editing involves heavy rewriting and restructuring. Our editors cannot help with this.

View an example

When you place an order, you can specify your field of study and we’ll match you with an editor who has familiarity with this area.

However, our editors are language specialists, not academic experts in your field. Your editor’s job is not to comment on the content of your dissertation, but to improve your language and help you express your ideas as clearly and fluently as possible.

This means that your editor will understand your text well enough to give feedback on its clarity, logic and structure, but not on the accuracy or originality of its content.

Good academic writing should be understandable to a non-expert reader, and we believe that academic editing is a discipline in itself. The research, ideas and arguments are all yours – we’re here to make sure they shine!

After your document has been edited, you will receive an email with a link to download the document.

The editor has made changes to your document using ‘Track Changes’ in Word. This means that you only have to accept or ignore the changes that are made in the text one by one.

It is also possible to accept all changes at once. However, we strongly advise you not to do so for the following reasons:

  • You can learn a lot by looking at the mistakes you made.
  • The editors don’t only change the text – they also place comments when sentences or sometimes even entire paragraphs are unclear. You should read through these comments and take into account your editor’s tips and suggestions.
  • With a final read-through, you can make sure you’re 100% happy with your text before you submit!

You choose the turnaround time when ordering. We can return your dissertation within 24 hours , 3 days or 1 week . These timescales include weekends and holidays. As soon as you’ve paid, the deadline is set, and we guarantee to meet it! We’ll notify you by text and email when your editor has completed the job.

Very large orders might not be possible to complete in 24 hours. On average, our editors can complete around 13,000 words in a day while maintaining our high quality standards. If your order is longer than this and urgent, contact us to discuss possibilities.

Always leave yourself enough time to check through the document and accept the changes before your submission deadline.

Scribbr is specialised in editing study related documents. We check:

  • Graduation projects
  • Dissertations
  • Admissions essays
  • College essays
  • Application essays
  • Personal statements
  • Process reports
  • Reflections
  • Internship reports
  • Academic papers
  • Research proposals
  • Prospectuses

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The fastest turnaround time is 24 hours.

You can upload your document at any time and choose between four deadlines:

At Scribbr, we promise to make every customer 100% happy with the service we offer. Our philosophy: Your complaint is always justified – no denial, no doubts.

Our customer support team is here to find the solution that helps you the most, whether that’s a free new edit or a refund for the service.

Yes, in the order process you can indicate your preference for American, British, or Australian English .

If you don’t choose one, your editor will follow the style of English you currently use. If your editor has any questions about this, we will contact you.


  1. How to Write the List of Figures for a Thesis or Dissertation

    How to Write the List of Figures for a Thesis or Dissertation

  2. Figure and Table Lists

    Figure and Table Lists | Word Instructions, Template & ...

  3. PDF Manual for Formatting Figures and List of Figures in Thesis or Dissertation

    Manual for Formatting Figures and List of Figures in Thesis ...

  4. Figure & Table Lists

    Daftar Gambar & Tabel | Instruksi Kata, Templat & ...

  5. List of Figures/Tables

    List of Figures/Tables - Microsoft Word for Dissertations

  6. Lists of Tables and Figures

    Formatting Your Thesis or Dissertation with Microsoft Word

  7. List of Figures and Tables in a Dissertation

    Follow the steps mentioned below to generate a Microsoft Word-supported list of figures and tables in the dissertation with their captions and corresponding page numbers. Highlight the table or the figure you want to add title and number to, right-click and click Insert Caption. Next, select the Above selected item if you are working with tables.

  8. Tables and Figures

    Most often, they are added to the thesis as images, but sometimes you might want to add some as a linked Excel file. And, the way that captions are added to figures and tables differs between APA and IEEE style. The videos below are lengthy, so they start with a table of contents so you can jump to the section that you need.

  9. PDF Research Writing: Tables and Figures

    • Write a separate List of Tables and List of Figures. In a thesis, these are usually placed after the Table of Contents. • Each table and each figure needs to be numbered sequentially, even if you only have one. These numbers can run throughout the whole document, or be numbered within each chapter of a thesis or exegesis.

  10. Tables, Figures and Illustrations

    Tables, Figures and Illustrations - UBC Graduate Studies

  11. List of Figures (etc.)

    Include symbols, tables, figures, illustrations, etc. that appear in the text section only (do not include those in your appendix/appendices) List of tables example Here is an example of a List of Figures from the Template.

  12. List of Tables, List of Figures

    List of Tables, List of Figures - Dissertations and Theses

  13. Order and Components

    Information included in the table of contents must match the headings, major subheadings, and numbering used in the body of the thesis or dissertation. The Table of Contents page(s) must be numbered with consecutive lower case Roman numerals centered with a 1/2″ margin from the bottom edge. Lists of Tables, Figures, and Illustrations

  14. PDF Manual for Formatting Figures and List of Figures in Thesis or Dissertation

    There are two options to update the List of Figures. First Option: The first is that under the Modify Style menu (Step 6 above), you can click "Automatically update.". This will ensure that any changes made to the figures (caption spelling or their placement) will be automatically updated on the List of Figures.

  15. Figures and Tables

    Figures and Tables

  16. List Of Figures And Tables For Your Dissertation

    The list of figures and tables in a research paper, thesis, or dissertation provides a structured overview of graphic elements included in the paper. This list guides readers to find specific graphs, images, tables, or charts effortlessly. The process of compiling this list needs more than just listing the captions; it also requires proper formatting and sequencing in line with academic ...

  17. How to create a list of table (or figures) in a Masters or PhD thesis

    This is an instructional video on how to use Microsoft Word to automatically create a list of table or list of figure at the start of your Masters or PhD the...

  18. PDF Tables and the List of Tables Manual

    A menu will pop up and look similar to the image below. Make sure the word "Table" is displayed in the Label section. If it does not, click on the down arrow in the Label section and select it from the list. When the caption figure says "Table 1," click OK. The label "Table 1" should appear in front of your caption.

  19. List of Figures

    Thesis/Dissertation Formatting. List of Figures. Figures in your document. Use Times New Roman for text in the figures. Use size 12 where able, but 10 or 11 size may also be used to fit text within the figure. ... List of Figures page. Required if there are two or more figures in your document including the appendices. Type List of Figures on ...

  20. Thesis and Dissertation Formatting

    The term figures includes various non-text items. List the number, caption, and page number of each figure. Figures should be numbered consecutively throughout the thesis. List of Tables - Required if tables appear in the thesis. Type LIST OF TABLES at the top of the page, double space and begin. List the number, caption, and page number of ...

  21. PDF Guides and Examples of Elements of Theses and Dissertations

    Examples of Elements of Theses and Dissertations ...

  22. What is a list of figures and tables?

    Dissertation word counts vary widely across different fields, institutions, and levels of education:. An undergraduate dissertation is typically 8,000-15,000 words; A master's dissertation is typically 12,000-50,000 words; A PhD thesis is typically book-length: 70,000-100,000 words

  23. Where does your list of figures and tables go?

    Your list of tables and figures should go directly after your table of contents in your thesis or dissertation. FAQ ... If you have many figures and tables in your thesis or dissertation, include one may help you stay organised. Your educational institution may require them, so be sure to check their guidelines. ...