Our Creative Writing Courses

Click here to book a seat or express your interest, author talks: writing groups, book groups, schools, and libraries.

In person or via Zoom. Meet Lauren Elise Daniels , author of Serpent’s Wake: A Tale for the Bitten , editor of 100+ published books, Aurealis Award nominated/winning editor, and Australian Shadows Award finalist , for a chat about writing or a workshop tailored to suit your needs. Lauren is a literary judge [ IP Picks, Hawkeye Publishing ] and co-author of the bestselling Winning Short Story Competitions: Essential Tools for the Serious Writer . She’d love to join your group to discuss a genre/topic of your choice, a judge’s perspective on competitions, what to expect from editors and the publishing industry, and how to write with power and authenticity.

2024 Courses

Bunya house courses from $239 @ 1167 south pine road, arana hills, qld, australia., queensland writers centre and council courses vary in fees/location., schedule changes subject to demand. 10% discount offered for multiple bookings., full refunds for cancellations 21 days prior to course date. course transfer/changes 7 days prior incur $99 fee., for writers experiencing financial difficulty, email [email protected], writing for children & young people: picture books to ya with industry professionals [2 seats left].

Sunday, 19 May 2024: 10am-4pm, Bunya House. Course Fee: $239. Click HERE to BOOK.   Meet with author/editors, Lauren Daniels and Charmaine Clancy to glean tips on what children’s and young adult [YA] publishers seek and how to prepare professional submissions. We welcome beginners but don’t treat you like one as we cover a range of topics to open new doors, invite freshness to your technique, and bolster your knowledge. We will:

  • Unpack industry standards & publishing trends of picture books & YA novels.
  • Review the best literary techniques that engage & delight young readers.
  • Take on some writing exercises to test our strengths.
  • Examine conflict & tension as opportunities in good fiction.
  • Cover developmental psychology models & the insights they offer into the motivation, capacity & existential exploration across age groups.
  • Discuss why children are the toughest audiences & how to win them over.
  • How to structure picture books with seasoned author, editor and educator, Charmaine Clancy .

Intro to Creative Writing: Light My Fire [2 SEAT LEFT]

Sunday, 16 June 2024: 10am-4pm, Bunya House. Course Fee: $239.   Click HERE to BOOK. Grow your skills with this small-group course presented by Lauren Elise Daniels . A popular starter or a writing refresher, this workshop is suitable for budding writers across all genres: poetry, short stories, novels, memoir, travel writing, even ‘how to’ and personal development articles. We welcome beginners but don’t treat you like one. Our topics aim to lift your awareness around your strengths, invite freshness into your technique, and bolster your knowledge. We will:

  • Practice literary techniques/devices through writing exercises.
  • Explore common issues like ‘purple prose’ and ‘show don’t tell’ as we sharpen our authentic voices.
  • Discuss focus & perspective.
  • Unwrap theme & character & models for structure & plot.
  • Discuss why all the great writers study fiction & poetry.
  • Deconstruct a classic working story.

Beyond Beginnings: Excerpt Clinic for Fiction Works-in-Progress [4 Attendees Max: 1 Seat Left]

Sunday, 14 July, 10am-2pm, Bunya House. Course Fee: $249 . Click HERE to BOOK.  

Join awarded editor, best-selling author and short story competition judge, Lauren Elise Daniels as we learn how to provide, discern, and accept literary feedback like a pro. You’ll need a working short story draft or novel excerpt [fiction only; 5k words max.] to workshop with attendees. We’ll learn how to:

  • Provide feedback for works-in-progress based on the Emerson College MFA workshop model.
  • Ensure our critique is evidence-based and empowering through the diplomatic language of suggestion.
  • Avoid defensive posturing in favour of a productive approach.
  • Discern opinion from technical, more objective feedback staked in literary devices and elements.
  • Offer responses that ‘do not write the piece’ for the writer or interfere with creative integrity.
  • Apply contemporary publishing standards to our feedback and approach to editing.
  • Read and critique inside and outside our genres to strengthen our writing skills.
  • Note how our own work improves by applying these methods.

ONLINE SPECIAL: Exploring Poetry: A Gentle Approach [Booking Now]

Three Consecutive Saturdays via ZOOM, 20, 27 July and 3 August, 9am-11am Brisbane Time. Course Fee: $189. Small group only. Click HERE to book! Every writer–regardless of genre–thrives when they study poetry. Yes, we’ll die on that hill. Join award-winning poet, Lauren Elise Daniels for practical lessons in strengthening our voices and well as in the economy, cohesion, theme potency, and use of transformation in small spaces and see your prose gain more traction. For this workshop, our emphasis is less about forcing our voices into sonnets and more about finding authentic and distilled means of expression. It’s more about our message and less about the rhyme. Through readings, discussions and writing exercises, we:

  • Explore a variety of structures and take our pick with nothing forced.
  • Refine our precision and focus and sharpen our words to lift our messaging.
  • Coax our words into the sublime to express layers of meaning with more potency.
  • Consider transformation from the tiny turns of a haiku to the silent bomb of a romantic or horror poem.
  • Surprise ourselves with ideas and embrace the notion that poets write what others cannot say.
  • Escape forced rhyme while we focus on the rhythm of our thoughts.
  • Please use headphones to control noise/feedback. Good internet connection essential.

Fantasy, Sci Fi, Horror: Otherworldly Writing [Booking Now]

Sunday, 4 August: 10am-4pm, Bunya House. Cost: $239.   Click HERE to BOOK. This unique course is homegrown for aspiring writers of sci fi, horror, fantasy, superhero and supernatural fiction. While ‘speculative fiction’ has gone more mainstream, let’s help you meet your readers’ expectations. With awarded author/editors as your guides, Lauren Elise Daniels and Geneve Flynn will offer you a survey of the crucial elements you need to succeed. Join us as we unpack:

  • The history & styles of spec fic.
  • Psychology, motivation & character arcs.
  • Killer opening lines, world building & kick butt fight scenes.
  • Tropes & clichés…heroes & villains.
  • Myths & legends as inspiration.
  • Writer’s resources & markets.

ONLINE SPECIAL: Family Ties & Life Stories: Exploring Memoir [Booking Now]

Three Consecutive Saturdays, 31 August, 7 & 14 September 2024 via ZOOM: 9am-11am Brisbane Time. Course Fee: $189. Click HERE to book! Everyone has stories to tell. The secret’s in using the literary techniques of good fiction along with a sharp focus and clear intention. Join Lauren Elise Daniels and Emma Rennison to explore ways to frame your journeys across three Saturdays. Through readings, discussions and writing exercises, we:

  • Transform memories into memoirs through an array of literary devices & structures.
  • Explore broader contexts to frame personal meaning within universal themes.
  • Reflect upon integrity, emotional truth, subjectivity & the unreliability of memory.
  • Cite the differences between a diary entry & personal essay; autobiography & memoir.
  • Cultivate trust between reader & speaker.
  • Trace the path to grow short works into longer ones through research & reconstruction.
  • Enjoy freewriting exercises that practice technique & pan for gold.
  • Emphasise focus as the key to good memoir & strengthen the central theme of our stories.
  • Please use headphones to avoid noise/feedback. Good internet connection essential.

Intro to Creative Writing: Light My Fire [5 SEATS LEFT]

Sunday, 8 September 2024: 10am-4pm, Bunya House. Course Fee: $239.   Click HERE to BOOK. Grow your skills with this small-group course presented by Lauren Elise Daniels . A popular starter or a writing refresher, this workshop is suitable for budding writers across all genres: poetry, short stories, novels, memoir, travel writing, even ‘how to’ and personal development articles. We welcome beginners but don’t treat you like one. Our topics aim to lift your awareness around your strengths, invite freshness into your technique, and bolster your knowledge. We will:

Family Ties & Life Stories: Exploring Memoir In-Person Workshop [4 SEATS LEFT]

Sunday, 22 September 2024: 10am-4pm, Bunya House. Course Fee: $239. Click HERE to book! Everyone has stories to tell. The secret’s in using the literary techniques of good fiction, a sharp focus, and a clear intention. One core theme can also structure the wealth of our memories into a cohesive story. Join us to explore ways to connect and frame your journeys. Through readings, discussions and writing exercises, we:

Seriously Short: Short Fiction Workshop [6 SEATS LEFT]

Sunday, 13 October 2024: 10am-4pm, Bunya House. Course Fee: $239 . Click HERE to BOOK. “I would also suggest that any aspiring writer begin with short stories. These days, I meet far too many young writers who try to start off with a novel right off, or a trilogy, or even a nine-book series. That’s like starting in at rock climbing by tackling Everest. Short stories help you learn your craft.” ~George R.R. Martin

Martin says precisely what editors and publishers are thinking. Practice. Start small. Observe the nuance of literary technique. In this course, join acclaimed authors, Lauren Elise Daniels and Pamela Jeffs , whose short fiction shortlisted for multiple awards, including the Aurealis and Ditmar. We examine the elements of taut narrative and sharp characterisation and trace the literary pattern of rising action to climax to falling action so we can do it beautifully ourselves. We cover:

  • Conventions from flash fiction to novella.
  • Why writing short fic first is key to long-term success.
  • What makes short fic great: citing amateurish errors & rising above the average.
  • What calls characters alive & how structure makes a plot rock.
  • Writing exercises & sample critique.
  • Writer’s resources: markets, submission guidelines, industry formatting, comps & publishing.
  • Basic critique [OPTIONAL] on your working draft up to 1k words.
  • Self editing & finding good writing groups.

ONLINE SPECIAL: Exploring Poetry: A Gentle Approach, Part II [NOV. SESSION SOLD OUT]

Three Consecutive Saturdays via ZOOM, 2, 9, 16 November 2024: 9am-11am Brisbane Time. Course Fee: $189. For part II of our online poetry series, award-winning poet, Lauren Elise Daniels shares practical lessons to ripen our voices and confidence with precision, accuracy, and theme in distilled works of poetry. Course outlined furthers Part I’s foundation. Small group only.

Fiction Blitz: Crash Course with 3 Published & Awarded Authors [6 SEATS LEFT]

Sunday, 3 November 2024: 10am-4pm, Bunya House,  Course Fee: $239.   Click HERE to Book. If you’re polishing short stories or a novel, we can help. Our Fiction Blitz gets rave reviews for its practical approach on what makes fiction stand up in today’s market. Our acclaimed team of published authors– Lauren Elise Daniels , Geneve Flynn , & Pamela Jeffs –will tackle:

  • Anatomy of openers and scenes.
  • Lifting your game with literary devices.
  • World building with texture and purpose.
  • Conflict, character, and dialogue that drive story.
  • Water-tight narratives.
  • Enhancing your self-editing practice.
  • Working with editors.
  • Professional formats and submission opportunities.
  • Dealing with publishers and tips on contracts.

Writing for Children & Young People: Picture Books to YA with Industry Professionals [Taking Bookings]

Sunday, 10 November 2024: 10am-4pm, Bunya House. Course Fee: $239. Click HERE to BOOK.   Meet with author/editors, Lauren Daniels and Charmaine Clancy to glean tips on what children’s and young adult [YA] publishers seek and how to prepare professional submissions. We welcome beginners but don’t treat you like one as we cover a range of topics to open new doors, invite freshness to your technique, and bolster your knowledge. We will:

Secrets of Publishing with Two Industry Professionals

Date TBD: 10am-4pm, Bunya House. Cost: $239.   Click HERE to BOOK. If you’re polishing up a manuscript and the publishing industry looks daunting, this course is for you. Let us share our experience with you so you can choose the path that best suits your ambition. Join two qualified industry experts– Lauren Elise Daniels and Kylie Fennell –who offer 25+ years of experience each in traditional and independent publishing. We highlight what you need to know to make informed decisions and to succeed in this business. Join us to:

  • Demystify traditional, independent, hybrid, and self publishing models.
  • Identify predatory presses and competitions.
  • Unpack what social media and sites like Amazon’s Author Central and Goodreads .
  • Discover where to start with your elevator pitch, query letter, synopsis, character outline, and marketing platform.
  • Find out how to source reviews and blurbs pre-launch.
  • Set the stage for a successful launch your book.
  • Delve into sustainable marketing activities.

Creating Characters: Conflict, Flaws, Psychology & the Hero’s & Heroine’s Journey

Sunday, Date TBD: 10am-4pm, Bunya House. Course Fee: $239. Click HERE to BOOK. In both fiction or non-fiction, characters are the pillars of a good story. Together, we explore where literature and psychology converge through Joseph Campbell, Caroline Myss, Carl Jung, and K.M. Weiland. Join awarded author/editors Geneve Flynn and Lauren Elise Daniels as we examine motivation, transformation, and how personalities imbue your story with humanity. We contrast archetypes with clichés and stereotypes and use psychological models to track how characters integrate or disintegrate through a story arc. Join us as we:

  • Experiment with character styles.
  • Trace character arcs and find out how to adapt and apply the hero & heroine’s journeys.
  • Consider how flaws and weaknesses make our cast human.
  • Explore what it means to act ‘in character’ for authentic plot points & transformations.
  • Track defense mechanisms, healthy integration & unhealthy disintegration patterns.
  • Examine what makes good characters great.
  • Learn how knowledge of the Enneagram enhances realistic motivation, authentic stress responses, and the organic development of your cast members.

Join us for lively discussions and writing exercises. You can read Lauren’s blog post for the course HERE .

ONLINE SPECIAL: Magic Realism for Rebels: Shaking the Tree with L.E. Daniels

2024 via Zoom. Course Fee: $169. Click HERE to BOOK.   Is your writing…different? Are you drawn to social issues and extraordinary ways to explore them? Magic realism conjures the imagery of Frida Kahlo and Henri Rousseau and is something Salman Rushdie calls “a newish name for a very old thing”. We’re talking Kafka, Woolf, Márquez, and Murakami. Linked with Latin American writers of the ‘50s, magic realism has deep roots for storytellers. Launched at the ‘19 Whistler Writer’s Festival in Canada to a full house and online in ’20 with the Queensland Writers Centre, Magic Realism for Rebels is designed for fiction writers with a mission. Laced with writing prompts and exercises, we’ll investigate this very special genre in the following ways:

  • Magic realism explores gender, diversity and power disparities. What voices do we hear that need to be shared through our stories and how can we capture them?
  • Magic realism is a way to tell the truth, when truth is drowned out by force. We’ll explore point of view as an intrinsic and fluid aspect of this genre’s structure.
  • Like myths, fables, folk and fairy tales, these naturalistic stories are grounded in reality and threaded with fantastic elements to convey visions that may be confrontational. How do we balance such forces in our writing?
  • Transforming the wisdom of our experience into cohesive prose is a mean feat. How does our place of origin and the events that have grown us translate into stories readers will care about, and even see playing out in their own struggles?

If you want to write with purpose, imagination and true grit, tune in with awarded author/editor, Lauren Elise Daniels and shake the tree. Have your cuppa and snacks on standby and prepare for some wild writing sessions.

Seasons & Symbols: Writing the Inner Journey

2024: 10am-4pm, Bunya House. Course Fee: $239. Click HERE to BOOK.  “Spring passes and one remembers one’s innocence. Summer passes and one remembers one’s exuberance. Autumn passes and one remembers one’s reverence. Winter passes and one remembers one’s perseverance.” ~Yoko Ono

An event for all creative pursuits, we explore our lives through the richness of our stories and experiences. We will:

  • Discuss memories and dreams as wellsprings of creativity and insight.
  • Draw our stories into form through exercises and gentle exploration.
  • Explore the repeating themes, mythologies, and challenges that have served as guideposts for our growth.
  • Play with the concept of our lives as allegory, stories lined with symbols and universal truths.
  • Discover ways to refresh ourselves by tracing our own stories of growth and transformation.

A writing workshop with a gentle but focused approach, this workshop is run by an author/editor, not a counsellor. Bring your desire to write and tap into the wellspring of your experiences. A rewarding course for anyone seeking a respectful place to reflect on our own emerging stories. Bring your lunch for outdoor, undercover dining.

ONLINE SPECIAL: Self-Editing Tools for Creative Writers with Two Industry Professionals

2024: 9am-12.20pm via ZOOM. Course Fee: $199. Click HERE to BOOK. As you may know, first contact with an editor can point you to publication. A vetting process often begins as editors consider suitable publishers, so you want your manuscript to shine. Sometimes, however, writers expect editors to teach them the basics, but it’s not their role. Manuscripts littered with common mistakes also communicate that writers haven’t educated themselves and look daunting to industry professionals. This course teaches you what you need to know before spending a cent on editors or assessments. Our qualified, experienced author/editors show you how to:

  • Apply the editing cycle from structural editing right down through copyediting & proofreading.
  • Establish & access a style sheet, the most essential tool for your proofreaders.
  • Resolve common errors considered ‘earmarks of the amateurs’.
  • Professionally format your work for submission.
  • Compile a market savvy synopsis that gives the editor & publishers precisely what they want.
  • Hone your expectations of an editor to get the best return.
  • Read, manipulate, accept/reject & apply ‘Track Changes’ left on your draft by an editor.
  • Access top resources like style manuals, etc.

Join awarded author/editors, Lauren Elise Daniels & Geneve Flynn for this informative Zoom. Includes two ten-minute breaks.

Lifestyle & Travel Writing: Our Experiences in Blogs, Articles & Books

2024: 10am-4pm, Bunya House. Course Fee: $239. Click HERE to BOOK. With seasoned author/editor, Lauren Elise Daniels as your guide, join this expedition into one most the most popular and elastic approaches to writing. Whether you want to start a travel/lifestyle blog, compile your experiences into a cohesive draft, or pitch articles to magazines, take our workshop with you.  From blogs to books & across commercial articles, the writing skills are universal and set out to captivate your readers. We:

  •  Strengthen our voices & match our writing to an audience.
  • Explore how to do & earn more with your professional, personal & travel experiences.
  • Unpack inspiration & the truth about writer’s block.
  • Examine strong openers, strategic details, & killer angles.
  • Try out structural & stylistic variations to enhance our stories.
  • See portraits & interviews as pivotal as we capture characters with economy.
  • Review publishing myths & realities & offer a word on photos.

Bloggers and vloggers seeking more clout are encouraged to join us. Absolute beginners to advanced writers create our supportive atmosphere.

Polish & Publish: Guided Critique Session for 4 Speculative Fiction Writers, 4 General Fiction Writers, or 4 Memoir Writers

2024. Small group of 4. Seeking four writers of specified genres with a work-in-progress to join a supportive, one-day critique. Short stories or novel excerpts welcome.

Submit up to 3000 words of your writing to collect constructive and supportive feedback, discover your strengths, define opportunities for improvement, and get the inside scoop on publishing. We will:

  • Raise the status of our own writing skills & habits by critiquing others’ work.
  • Work specifically in your genre for targeted market & audience insight.
  • Gather targeted feedback from skilled writers who are becoming trained beta readers.
  • Identify & apply literary terminology without ‘writing the work’ or contaminating another’s creative process.
  • Provide evidence-based editorial critique & practice diplomatic editorial skills in a positive setting.
  • Self-edit with more precision.
  • Compose a professional submission package.
  • Learn what to expect from editors & publishers.
  • Run your own respectful, goal-oriented writing groups beyond this course.

Enhance your writing with our passionate editor/authors and join the ranks of writers who take our workshops and get published. Submissions must be vetted to ensure a good match for the group.

Person & Place: Character & World Building: 2.5 Hour Workshop

2024. For fiction and non-fiction, characters are the pillars of a good story. Through discussion and writing exercises, we explore where literature and psychology converge. Drawing from Joseph Campbell, Caroline Myss, and Carl Jung, join Lauren Daniels to examine how transformation and character arcs drive a story. We:

  • Trace the arcs of the hero & heroine’s journeys.
  • Consider ‘hubris’ and the power of character flaws.
  • Contrast archetypes with stereotypes.
  • Examine psychological models as character blueprints.

Editorially Savvy with Two Professional Editors

2024. Course Fee: $239. With award-winning editors and seasoned pros, Lauren Elise Daniels and Geneve Flynn, learn what to expect when navigating the editing world, including how to format your work, contrasting your original draft with editorial suggestions, how to negotiate editorial advice and invent organic solutions alongside critique, and much more. A powerful workshop for emerging authors trying to understand what they have to do and how to do it, and how to tell a good editor from a dodgy one. Our qualified, experienced author/editors show you how to:

  • Cite the differences between mentors & editors.
  • Navigate the editorial loop from developmental editing through line editing, copy editing & proofreading.
  • Define the scope of your manuscript & what you as an author need.
  • Explore the different publishing paths available to authors today.
  • Spot the hard & soft skills that make a good editor.
  • Gauge current rates of pay for professional editors.
  • Find a good editor & converse with them professionally.
  • Navigate copyright & non-disclosure agreements (NDAs).
  • Keep your voice & writing goals during & after the edits.
  • Tap into publishing resources, social media networks, convention links & writers’ groups.

ONLINE: Writing Fantasy & Science Fiction for Teens

2024 via ZOOM. Learn the secrets of speculative fiction in this crash course & sharpen your writing skills. If you are an aspiring writer of sci-fi, fantasy, superhero or supernatural fiction, this is for you! Be guided through a range of writing exercises to improve your world building and character development with editor and author, Lauren Daniels. This workshop is hosted on Zoom by Lauren Daniels, in partnership with Council Libraries.

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Writing Courses in Brisbane

Bring out your inner Hemingway with our smattering of writing courses that cover everything from creative writing to professional writing for businesses. Not able to commit to a long-term course? How about one of our pop-up writing workshops that will give you impactful learning in short time bursts? We’re ready if you are.

Whether you’re keen to learn the basics or expand your professional horizons, we have a wide range of writing classes taught by Brisbane ’s best writers!

33 Classes found for Writing Courses In Brisbane

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Virtual Writers Group for Young Writers

Virtual Writers Group

Simple Financial Record Keeping for Creatives

Publish a Book

Podcasting Basics

Creative Writing Club

1 - 24 OF 33 CLASSES

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creative writing course brisbane

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Creative Writing

Top 10 creative writing courses in brisbane, australia.

List of available Creative Writing Courses in Brisbane, Australia.

The Creative Writing courses in Brisbane are provided by the following institutes:

  • TAFE, Brisbane
  • TAFE Queensland, Brisbane

Also, check out all Creative Writing Courses from all over Australia .

  • Online Creative Writing Courses


Creative Writing (Advance)

This program is designed as a follow-up to ‘Creative Writing’ and was developed in response to demand from those who had successfully completed that program and wanted to learn more.

  • Duration 2 Weeks
  • Location Brisbane
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TAFE Queensland Logo

This two-day program will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to get started on your writing career.


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Creative Dragons

Writing workshops.

Creative Dragons

Cherie Curtis (front) with enthusiastic youngsters.

Welcome to Creative Dragons, the nesting cave for all fledgling and accomplished writers – those special young creatures determined to learn, grow and explore through the magic of reading, writing and creative thinking.

Creative Dragons was founded in 2012 by award-winning author/journalist Cherie Curtis, who also writes under the pen name Cheryse Durrant. Cherie is passionate about helping the young and the young-at-heart read and write better.

Cherie has 20 years’ experience in presenting workshops and training young people in English, journalism & communications, public speaking and creative writing. Her tailored programs are aimed at improving literacy levels, enhancing problem solving skills and helping every child and teenager discover their unique writing voice.

Creative Dragons junior class

Find Creative Dragons at Findschoolworkshops.com www.findschoolworkshops.com is a directory of school shows, workshops incursions and assemblies . Browse their large range of Australian workshop, incursion and assembly providers for Primary and Secondary Schools.

4 thoughts on “ Home Lair ”

' src=

I have an 11yo son (Cooper) who is interested in creative writing. Do you still run workshops in Brisbane? If not are there any groups or tutors you could recommend in the Brisbane area? Thanks & regards Adrian

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Dear Adrian, I hope you don’t mind but I’m posting the email I sent you in 2018 because I’ve recently had so many Brisbane parents enquire about writing classes. I do not offer tuition or children’s writing classes in Brisbane, but I highly recommend the Queensland Writers Centre and the State Library of Queensland which both, from time to time, offer workshop series and classes for children, especially on the school holidays. They also have some fabulous online workshops happening right now! Signing up to the QWC and SLQ mailing lists will keep you up to date on their latest events. You can also email the QWC to register your interest in a particular suburb, so that they may re-consider starting their weekly creative writing classes for kids. Plus, touch base with your local library. Both the Moreton Bay and Redland Region Libraries offer free and subsidised workshops for children and adults. I hope that both you and Cooper are doing well and keeping optimistic and creative. With kindest regards, Cherie

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Hi I am looking for a tutor for my son who will be in year 9 next year. Definitely maths and English but also just general help with assignments and what a good assignment looks like.

Dear Cayce, I can certainly tutor your son in English and general assignment assistance in 2022. However, I no longer tutor mathematics. Teaching English gives me so much joy, whereas the mathematics curriculum is becoming more and more difficult to teach, and I already have a full English student load. My apologies for this decision, but this is about being true to myself and fully embracing my love of Language & Literature. Best wishes for a fabulous Christmas and I hope to meet your son in 2022. Kindest regards, Cherie

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Bachelor of Fine Arts (Creative Writing)

Work intensively on your writing and graduate with real-world skills keenly sought by employers.

Guide to entry thresholds

  • Kelvin Grove
  • 3 years full-time

These thresholds are the lowest adjusted scores to which QUT made an offer in Semester 1, 2024.

Welcome to creative writing

Craig Bolland from our creative writing program explains how writing prepares students for an exciting career in so many disciplines, and how studying at QUT gives a powerful advantage.

Watch video

A career in broadcasting and writing

QUT graduate Benjamin Law shares how a degree in creative writing can help forge an exciting and diverse career.

Practical learning

'I think the biggest part of my studies that helped me get to where I am today was the experiences on offer and the focus on practical learning. I was constantly learning from a range of professionals that helped me develop my writing techniques and strategies with creative flair to become an effective written communicator.'

Real scholarships

'When I was awarded a scholarship I didn’t realise that it would also open up a world of opportunities. I used some of my scholarship money for an exchange to the University of Glasgow where I studied subjects that weren’t part of the creative writing degree such as archaeology and Scottish literature.'

  • Work creatively on writing novels, poetry, short stories, creative non-fiction, memoir, and genre fiction.
  • Work towards a year-long major piece of creative writing in a form and genre of your choice, as well as engage in major transdisciplinary projects with creatives from other fields.
  • Gain insight into the national contexts into which your writing will enter as well as the debates and ideas that are enlivening and challenging the ways in which writers create.
  • Learn about central ideas from literary theory and ways to think and write critically about texts.
  • Learn from highly experienced and published authors, scholars, and experts in creative writing.
  • Gain opportunities for exposure with internships at writers’ festivals, literary events, publishing houses, and public readings.
  • Graduates work as fiction writers, editors, embedded creatives in technical and corporate contexts, technical writers, script writers, reviewers, travel writers, feature writers, journalists, publishers, media workers, policy workers, government employees and teachers.

Why choose this course?

Writing is more central to our culture than ever before. The communication revolution demands written content—on the page, on the screen, and in new and evolving forms and spaces. Writers, storytellers and experts with nuanced and creative language are needed to provoke, entertain and connect to audiences in expanding ways. QUT offers the largest and most comprehensive undergraduate writing course in South-East Queensland with the broadest range of units on offer. Within the BFA structure, you gain the deepest possible access to this knowledge.

Real-world learning

The course is taught by highly experienced published authors and scholars. Visits and guest lectures from writers, editors and publishers will help you gain a unique perspective on writing as a vocation, and provide access to the industry and national writing communities. A thriving on-campus literary culture and associations with festivals and local publishing houses will keep you engaged with fellow travellers and industry tastemakers as you develop your craft. You will benefit from a transdisciplinary approach from the outset, encouraging you as a specialist creative writer to work in teams with others who have different creative skill sets. We aim to produce writers who not only have sophisticated writing skills, but who are critically engaged thinkers with knowledge about the debates and cultural contexts informing our practices today.

Explore this course

What to expect.

Your studies will begin with you working intensively on your writing in a number of forms and genres including novels, short stories, creative non-fiction, science fiction and fantasy writing, media, poetry, digital media, editing and scriptwriting. There will be a focus on new and emergent forms, while learning to think and write critically about texts. From there, you will build specialist writing skills for professional applications via deep engagement with industry partners and contexts. Later in your degree you will choose electives to tailor your course to your strengths and vocational interests. You will write a sustained piece of creative work in a genre of your choice and participate in editing and developing a manuscript for a targeted market.

Double degrees

Combine creative writing with a second study area for greater career flexibility and opportunities in other industries. Consider a double degree with:

  • business to develop your career as a creative writer, publishing professional or public relations consultant
  • law to use your skills for a career as an in-house lawyer, solicitor in private practice, policy adviser, intellectual property lawyer or crime writer.

If you are looking to apply your creative abilities to education settings or the teaching profession you have some options.  You can complete your creative writing course first and then follow with a Master of Teaching in early childhood, primary or secondary education.*  You can undertake a double degree in secondary education at the same time as your creative writing degree.

*Check entry requirements for the Master of Teaching for specific teaching areas. 

Careers and outcomes

With a creative writing major you will graduate with advanced writing and communication capabilities as well as analytic and editorial experience. These are rare, real-world skills that are keenly sought by employers. Graduates also find success working as creative writers and editors in community and freelance capacities.

Opportunities exist as fiction writers, scriptwriters, reviewers, travel writers, feature writers, editors, publishers, media workers and teachers. The publishing and screen industries, advertising and public relations agencies, magazines, newspapers, digital content providers, government and large corporations all require specialist writers with a flair for language.

Possible careers

  • Advertising professional
  • Creative writer
  • Digital content producer
  • Digital copywriter
  • Publishing professional

Details and units

Course structure, your course.

To meet the course requirements of the Bachelor of Fine Arts (Creative Writing), you must complete the following:

  • Two common units (KYB101 and KYB102) – 24 credit points
  • Creative Writing major – 168 credit points
  • Complementary studies – 48 credit points from the Situated Creative Practice Extension plus 48 credit points chosen from a minor or unit options (electives).
  • Introduction to creative writing practice.
  • Develop critical and analytical skills in reading and writing a variety of literature forms.
  • Learn from lecturers and tutors with industry experience.
  • Write and analyse short stories, creative nonfiction and youth writing.
  • Build on practical skills and conceptual backgrounds.
  • Study script-writing, stylistics, poetics and corporate writing.
  • Explore how a variety of notable novels were written.
  • Choose electives to tailor your course to your strengths and vocational interests.
  • Write a sustained piece of creative work in a genre of your choice.
  • Participate in editing and developing a manuscript for a targeted market.
  • Undertake an in-depth study of long fiction and life writing.
  • Learn about the real world of the writing and publishing industry.
  • Expand your study with electives in creative or other disciplines.

Study overseas

Study overseas while earning credit towards your QUT creative industries degree with one of our worldwide exchange partners.

Overseas study can be for one or two semesters (or during the semester break) and the units you take can be in a creative or non-creative discipline area, depending on how they match with your QUT course. Saving your electives for exchange will allow you the most flexibility.

  • Study script-writing, stylistics, poetics and corporate writing.


Don't have a ATAR/selection rank?

Find out other ways you can apply

You can defer your offer and postpone the start of your course for one year.

Assumed knowledge

Before you start this course, we assume you have sound knowledge of the subject/s listed below. If you don't have the subject knowledge, you can still apply for the course but we strongly encourage you to undertake bridging studies to gain the knowledge:

  • English, or Literature, or English and Literature Extension, or English as an Additional Language (Units 3 & 4, C)

More about assumed knowledge

Year 12 early offer scheme

If you're a current Queensland Year 12 student, you may be eligible to receive an offer for this course on the last day of Queensland Year 12, before receiving your ATAR or selection rank.

Find out more about the QUT Year 12 Early Offer Scheme

Offer guarantee

If you achieve an ATAR or selection rank of 70.00 or higher (including any adjustments) and satisfy all other admission requirements, you are guaranteed an offer for this course.

VET guarantee

If you have completed an AQF certificate IV, diploma or higher, and satisfy all other admission requirements, you are guaranteed an offer for this course.

Advanced standing

If you have prior studies or work experience, you may be eligible for advanced standing (credit). You can apply for advanced standing once you've been accepted to QUT. If you're in your first semester of study, you must apply for advanced standing within 10 days of receiving your offer.

More about advanced standing

More about deferring your offer

Adjustments to your ATAR/selection rank

Any adjustments you receive to your ATAR or selection rank will be applied to this course.

Find out if you’re eligible for an adjustment to your ATAR or selection rank

Offers we made to school leavers in Semester 1, 2023

The figures listed in the tables below reflect the offers that were made to recent ATAR students. The entry thresholds box at the top of this page shows the lowest adjusted ATAR/selection rank required to receive an offer for all applicants for the most recent January QTAC offer round.

You can find out more about your fellow students’ backgrounds with this course’s student profile .

Other admission options

If you are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, you may be eligible for admission through our Centralised Assessment Selection Process (CASP) .

Select the country where you completed your studies to see a guide to the grades you need to apply for this course.

If your country or qualification is not listed, you can still apply for this course and we will assess your eligibility.

  • Completed International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme with final aggregate score of 28.<br><br>Send your results to QUT through your online IB account. QUTs institution code is 003148.<br> <br>Depending on the structure of your course, you can receive advanced standing up to 4 units towards your degree. You can apply for advanced standing based on your completed IB Diploma studies, after you have been accepted into your course. For information on Credit for Prior Learning, please refer to https://www.advancedstanding.qut.edu.au/cgi-bin/WebObjects/AdvStand.woa/wa/precedents?institution=IBD
  • All India Senior School Certificate academic stream awarded by CBSE with an overall average of 60% in best five academic subjects (two languages and three academic subjects), excluding physical education.
  • Indian School Certificate academic stream awarded by CISCE with overall average of 60% in best five academic subjects (two languages and three academic subjects), excluding physical education.
  • Senior/Higher Secondary School Certificate/Pre-University certificate from QUT recognised state education boards with an overall average of 75% in best five academic subjects (2 languages and 3 academic subjects), excluding physical education.
  • Ylioppilastutkintotodistu/Finnish Matriculation Certificate with a grade average of 3 over 4 exam results.
  • German Abitur: Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife with an overall grade point average of 3.4 on 6-point scale (where 1 is best).
  • HKDSE completed before 2024 with an aggregate score of 15 over the five best HKDSE subjects (across Core and category A or C electives) where 2 is the minimum accepted grade.
  • Higher Diploma or Associate degree from recognised Hong Kong institutions with an overall grade average of 2.0 on a 4 point scale where 2=pass. Requirement for other scales: 1.7 on a 4.0 point scale where 1.7=pass; 1.7 on a 4.3 point scale where 1.7=pass or 2.0 on a 4.5 point scale where 2=pass).
  • HKDSE awarded after 2023 with an aggregate score of 12 over the best four subjects (across Core and category A or C electives, excluding Citizenship and Social Development) where 2 is the minimum accepted grade.
  • Senior Secondary Matriculation Examination (Stúdentspróf) with a grade average 6 in the final year results.
  • An aggregate score of 8 based on the best three A-Level subjects from  General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level.  <br> <br>A or A2-Level subject: A*=6, A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1, U=0 <br> <br>A maximum of two Advanced Subsidiary (AS) level subjects can be counted in place of one A-level  subject provided that the subject has not been taken at A level.  AS Levels are equivalent to half points, e.g. B=2.<br> <br>Awarded by: AQA, Cambridge/CIE, CEA, Pearson/Pearson International/ Edexcel, OxfordAQA,OCR, WJEC.
  • Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) 3/Certificate of Graduation (Nilai Ujian Sekolah) with an overall average of 80% in the best 5 academic subjects (Bahasa Indonesia, Matematika, Bahasa Inggris and 2 other academic subjects from Group C).
  • An aggregate score of 8 based on the best three A-Level subjects from  General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced (A2) Level.  <br> <br>A or A2-Level: A*=6, A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1<br> <br>A maximum of two Advanced Subsidiary (AS) level subjects can be counted in place of one A-level  subject provided that the same subject has not been taken at A level.  <br>AS-or A1 Level: A=2.5, B=2, C=1.5, D=1, E=0.5.<br> <br>Awarded by: AQA, Cambridge/CIE, CEA, Pearson/Pearson International/ Edexcel, OxfordAQA,OCR, WJEC.
  • Prior to 2020: Pre-University Certificate with a grade average of 15 on a 20-point scale.
  • From 2020: National High School Diploma/Secondary School Leaving Certificate with a grade average of 15 on a 20-point scale in final year (Grade 12).
  • Leaving Certificate with a grade average of 4.0 in the best 5 Higher, Ordinary, or LCVP subjects.
  • Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shosho (Upper Secondary School Certificate of Graduation) with an overall grade average of 4.0 on a 5 point scale in the final year.<br> <br>Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shosho (Upper Secondary School Certificate of Graduation) and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) score of 1100.
  • An aggregate score of 8 from Brunei-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced (A) Level and Advanced Subsidiary (AS) Level subjects including at least two A Level pass subjects.<br><br>Aggregate is calculated based on the best three A Levels.  AS Levels can be included and are counted as half of an A Level.<br>A*=6, A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1, U=0 for A Level subjects; and<br>A(a)=2.5, B(b)=2, C(c)=1.5, D(d)=1, E(e)=0.5, U=0 for AS Level subjects.
  • QUT Intensive Program with an overall grade average of at least 4.4 (on QUT's 7 point scale).
  • QUT Foundation Program with an overall grade average of at least 4.4 (on QUT's 7 point scale).
  • QUT Diploma program with successful completion.
  • Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) in general academic stream with an overall grade point average of 4.0 on 5 point scale.
  • Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate with an overall average of 60% in best five academic subjects (2 languages and 3 academic subjects), excluding Internal Assessment.
  • Studentereksamen (STX) with an overall grade average of 4 in the final year.
  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma with an overall grade average of 60% using the best six Grade 12 subjects of course types: University preparation (U); University / college preparation (M); or College preparation (C).
  • British Columbia Senior Secondary School Graduation Diploma with an overall grade average of 60% using Language Arts 12 provincially examined subject (English 12; English 12 First Peoples, Communication 12, English Literature 12) and four Grade 12 academic subjects (4 credit point).
  • Alberta High School Diploma with an overall grade average of 60% using the best five Level 30 Provincial Diploma Exams
  • Manitoba High School Graduation Diploma with an overall grade average of 60% using the best  five Grade 12 subjects of course types: University based (40U, 42U) or Specialised (40S, 42S)
  • GAOKAO 60% in best 4 academic subjects.<br>GAOKAO score converted to percentage using Chinese, English/Foreign Language, Mathematics and one other subject (excluding Technology). Percent is the [sum of scores attained for the four units] / [sum of maximum grades for the four units].
  • Kenyan Certificate of Secondary Education with a Mean Grade of  B
  • Year 12 with an overall grade average of 7.5 (on a 10-point scale) from all Year 12 subjects and an overall passing grade in Bang Tot Nghiep Trung Hoc Pho Thong.
  • Senior High School Diploma (Academic) with final year overall average pass and AST 60% (5 subjects).
  • Senior High School Diploma (Academic) with final year overall average pass and GSAT 60% (4 subjects).
  • Senior High School Diploma (Academic Senior III)  with final year overall percentage average of 90%.
  • Diploma or Advanced Diploma with an overall grade average of 2.00 on a 4 point scale from Nanyang, Ngee Ann, Republic, Singapore or Temasek Polytechnic.
  • An aggregate score of 8 from Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education H2 and H1 Level subjects including at least two H2 Level pass subjects. Bonus aggregate points are granted for a maximum of one H3 subject.<br> <br>General Paper is not included in the calculation. <br> <br>Aggregate is calculated based on the best three H2 Levels:<br>A=5; B=4; C=3; D=2; E=1<br> <br>A maximum of two H1 level subjects can be counted in place of one H2 level subject provided the same subject has not been taken at H2 level:<br>A=2.5, B=2, C=1.5, D=1, E=0.5 <br> <br>Bonus aggregate points are applied for one H3 Level pass as: <br>Distinction=2, Merit=1.5, Pass=1.
  • National Senior Certificate (NSC) with average of 4.6 over best five subjects in final year (excluding Life Orientation); where 7=80-100%; 6=70-79%; 5=60-69%; 4=50-59%; 3=40-49%; 2=30-39%; 1=0-29.
  • Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education ('Advanced' Level) with aggregate score of 8 over best three A Level subjects excluding General Paper/English where A=5, B=4, C=3, S=0.
  • Högskoleförberedande examen with an overall grade average of 14 out of 20; where A=20, B=17.5, C=15, D=12.5, E=10, F=0.
  • Certificate of Secondary Education in Academic stream with overall grade point average 2.7 or higher in Grade 12/Matayom 6
  • Advanced Placements (APs)<br>High School Diploma with completion of 12 years of schooling and an aggregate of 9 in Advanced Placements (APs) subjects.<br> <br>A minimum of two and a maximum of four APs may be used. Aggregate determined where: A=5, B=4, C=3 (Pass), D=2, E=1. Where more than four APs have been taken,  best four results are used.<br> <br>AP results must be issued by The College Board Advanced Placement Program.
  • SAT-I* and High School Diploma (HSD)<br>SAT 1 of 1100 (out of 1600) and Senior High School Diploma.<br> <br>Nominate your score report to be sent to QUT using the Designated Institution (DI) code is 7971 - Queensland University of Technology.<br>*Composite SAT-1 Score since March 2016
  • Enhanced ACT* and USA High School Diploma (HSD)<br>ACT 24 and USA High School Diploma.<br> <br>Nominate your score report to be sent to QUT using the College Code 5437 - Queensland University of Technology.
  • Aggregate score of 6 from best three Scottish Advanced Highers where A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2.
  • Aggregate score of 2 from best 8 Scottish Highers Examinations where A=4; B=3; C=2; D=1.
  • Senior High School Certificate/Diploma and Korean College Scholastic Aptitude Test (CSAT) aggregate level of 12 from Language Arts, Mathematics and Foreign Language (English).  
  • A certified copy of your Record of Achievement issued by the New Zealand Qualification Authority (NZQA) confirming you have qualified for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (Level 3) and meet the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR/ITI) equivalent for the course. Please refer to the Guide to entry thresholds https://www.qut.edu.au/study/applying/international-year-12-students/queensland-op-atar-and-ib-acceptance-thresholds<br><br>The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) calculates an Interstate Transfer Index (ATAR/ ITI), you must authorised your information to be released to us, so we can verify your ATAR/ITI online. The ATAR/ITI will not be released to you, NZQA will provide the score to us.
  • United Examination Certificate for Independent Chinese Secondary Schools (UEC) with grade average of 4.4 from five major subjects (excluding Chinese, Malay, PE); where A1=1; A2=2; B3=3; B4=4; B5=5; B6=6; C7=7; C8=8; F9=Fail.
  • Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) (Malaysian Higher School Certificate Examination) with an aggregate score of 8 over the best three A Level subjects (excluding General Paper) where:<br>A/A-=5; B+=4; B=3; B-/C+=2; C=1; less than C=0.
  • Matrikulasi (Matriculation) with overall grade point average of 2.75 on 4-point scale.
  • Diploma of Pre-University Education (VWO) Voorbereidend Wetenschappellijk Onderwijs with grade average of 6.4 in final year.
  • Upper Secondary Leaving Certificate with grade point average of 3.6 on the 6-point scale in final year.
  • Pre-Engineering & Pre-Medical stream - Higher Secondary Education Certificate (HSSC) or Intermediate Examination Certificate with an overall average of 65%.
  • SAT 1 of 1100 (out of 1600) and Senior High School Diploma.<br> <br>Nominate your score report to be sent to QUT using the Designated Institution (DI) code is 7971 - Queensland University of Technology.<br>*Composite SAT-1 Score since March 2016
  • Grade 12 Senior High School Diploma in an Academic Track from a PAASCU accredited Secondary Education or Senior High School program with an overall average of 90%.

I completed secondary school in Australia

If you completed secondary school in Australia and achieve an ATAR/selection rank of 70.00 or higher (including any adjustments) and satisfy all other admission requirements, you are guaranteed an offer for this course.

Minimum English language requirements

Select the country where you completed your studies to see a guide on meeting QUT’s English language requirements.

Your scores and prior qualifications in English-speaking countries are considered. Approved English-speaking countries are Australia, Canada, England, Ireland, New Zealand, Scotland, United States of America and Wales.

UTS (University of Technology Sydney) Insearch - Academic English

English program.

Academic English 5 (AE5) program with a final overall grade of PASS or higher completed within one year of starting at QUT.

Bachelor studies

Higher education.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor from RMIT Vietnam, completed within two years of starting at QUT.

A completed bachelor degree (or higher) with a minimum of 1 year full-time studies with a passing grade point average from RMIT Vietnam, completed within five years of starting at QUT.

USA High School Diploma - completed in the USA or at an overseas American International School

Senior secondary.

USA High School Diploma completed in an approved English Speaking country with a grade of C or better in Grade 12 English.<br> <br>USA High School Diploma completed in a non-English Speaking country with a grade of C or better in Grade 12 English and SAT score of at least 640 in Evidence-Based Reading and Writing within the last five years.

Post Secondary

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a recognised in a Diploma or Associate degree an accredited USA institution, with all prior schooling/studies in an approved English speaking country.<br> <br>1 year full-time on-campus studies with passing grade point average in a recognised Diploma or Associate degree an at an accredited USA institution. These studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT, if all prior schooling/studies were studied in a non- English Speaking country.

Bachelor or higher

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a recognised Bachelor or higher program at an accredited USA institution, with all prior schooling/studies in an approved English speaking country.<br> <br>1 year full-time on-campus studies with passing grade point average in a recognised Bachelor or higher program at an accredited USA institution. These studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT, if all prior schooling/studies were studied in a non- English Speaking country.

Advanced Placement (AP)

A grade of 3 or higher in AP English Language and Composition or AP English Literature and Composition.

Bachelor or Higher

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised Danish institution, with all prior schooling/studies in Denmark. Diploma Supplement or an official letter from home institution stating English as the language of instruction.

Danish Studentereksamen(Upper Secondary School Diploma)

7 in A-level English OR 10 in B-level English completed within five years of starting at QUT.

General Certificate of Education (GCE)

English Language, English Literature or English Lanague and Literature with a minimum grade of C or an A2 level in a humanities subject with a minimum grade of C or A2 grade of C in General Paper.<br> <br>Qualifications issued by: Pearson/Edexcel; Cambridge/CIE; AQA; OxfordAQA; CEA; OCR; WJEC.

General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) O level / International GCSE (IGCSE)

O Level: Minimum grade C or 5 in English, English Language, English (First Language), English as a Second Language or English Literature.<br> <br>Qualifications issued by: Pearson/Edexcel; Cambridge/CIE; AQA; CEA; OCR; WJEC.

Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation

TAFE Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation subjects studied in Australia: with both Language and Learning units (ATPALS401A Research, plan and present academic essays, reports and reflections, and ATPALS402A Write academically to persuade/ argue and critically analyse, and present academic speeches) completed within two years of starting at QUT.

QUT Intensive Program

QUT Intensive Program with Academic English 2 grade of 5 (on a 7 point scale).

On-campus Bachelor or higher program studies with an overall passing grade point average at a recognised Australian institution (the duration of studies must be 1 year or more full-time), with all prior schooling/studies in an approved English speaking country. <br> <br>On-campus Bachelor or higher program studies with an overall passing grade point average at a recognised Australian institution (the duration of studies must be 1 year or more full-time). These studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT, if all prior schooling/studies were studied in a non- English Speaking country.

Diploma programs

AQF Diploma award of 1 full-time year equivalent studies undertaken at an Australian University, University college or TAFE institution. These studies must be successful with a passing grade point average and must be completed in Australia in on-campus mode within two years of starting at QUT.

QUT Foundation program

QUT Foundation Program with Academic English 2 grade of 5 (on a 7 point scale).

Australian University Foundation Programs

Foundation program with final semester English and communication subject(s) with a grade of 5 (on a 7 point scale) . Studies must be on-campus in Australia and completed within 2 years of starting at QUT.

QUT English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

QC36 English for Academic Purposes (EAP) 2 Standard or QC37 English for Academic Purposes (EAP) 2 Extended with 65% completed within one year of starting this course at QUT.

QUT Diploma

QUT Diploma program with a grade of 4.0 (out of 7) in the unit Professional Communication 2/Academic Communication 2; completed within two years of starting this course at QUT.

Australian senior high school - completed in Australia or overseas at an International School

Queensland High School with a minimum grade of C in Unit 3 and 4 in English, or Literature, or English and Literature Extension, or English as an Additional Language, within five years of starting at QUT.<br>

Advanced Diploma and Associate Degrees

AQF Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree award of 1 full-time year equivalent studies undertaken at an Australian University, University college or TAFE institution. These studies must be successful with a passing grade point average and must be completed in Australia in on-campus mode within two years of starting at QUT.

International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBD)

International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBD) completed 2 year program with achievement in one of the following subjects with grade of 3 (higher level) or 4 (standard level)<br>English A: Language and Literature<br>English A: Literature<br>English B.<br>Completed within five years of starting at QUT..

All India Senior School Certificate awarded by CBSE

65% in English Core subject completed within five years of starting at QUT.

Indian School Certificate awarded by CISCE

Higher diploma or associate degree.

Higher Diploma or Associate degree (minimum of 1 year full-time on-campus studies) at a recognised Hong Kong institution with: <br>a passing grade point average and these studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT; and<br>an official language of instruction letter is required if the academic transcripts doesn't clearly state English is the Language of Instruction; and<br>evidence of minimum HKDSE Level 2 overall in the English Language.

1 year full-time on-campus studies in a Bachelor or higher program at a recognised Hong Kong institution with: <br>a passing grade point average and these studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT; and<br>an official language of instruction letter is required if the academic transcripts doesn't clearly state English is the Language of Instruction; and<br>evidence of minimum HKDSE Level 2 overall in English Language.

Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE)

Level 4 overall in English Language subject completed within two years of starting at QUT.

Diploma Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (Dutch HAVO) Getuigschrift (from a Hogere Burgerschool) Dutch HAVO

A grade of 8 or better in final year English completed within five years of starting at QUT.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised institution in Netherlands completed within five years of starting at QUT, with all prior schooling/studies in Netherlands. Diploma Supplement or an official letter from home institution stating English as the language of instruction.

Diploma of Pre-University Education (VWO) Voorbereidend Wetenschappellijk Onderwijs

A grade of 7 or better in final year English completed within five years of starting at QUT.

Ylioppilastutkintotodistu/Lukion päättötoditus

Ylioppilastutkintotodistu: score of 4 in English subject in final year of secondary school completed within five years of starting at QUT.<br> <br>Lukion päättötoditus: at least a grade 8 English A in final year of secondary school completed within five years of starting at QUT.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised Finnish institution completed within five years of starting at QUT, and a pass in English subject from Finnish High School. Diploma Supplement or an official letter from home institution stating English as the language of instruction.

A Level: English Language, English Literature or English Language and Literature with a minimum grade of C. GCE A level in a humanities subject with a minimum grade of C.<br> <br>AS Level: English Language, English Literature, English Language and Literature or General Paper/General Studies with a minimum grade of C.<br> <br>Qualifications issued by: Pearson/Edexcel; Cambridge/CIE; AQA; OxfordAQA; CEA; OCR; WJEC.

International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBD) completed 2 year program with achievement in one of the following subjects with grade of 3 (higher level) or 4 (standard level)<br>English A: Language and Literature<br>English A: Literature<br>English B.<br>Completed within five years of starting at QUT.

O Level: Minimum grade C or 5 in English, English Language, English (First Language), English as a Second Language or English Literature.<br> <br>Qualifications issued by: Pearson/Edexcel; Cambridge/CIE; AQA; OxfordAQA; CEA; OCR; WJEC.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised German institution, with all prior schooling/studies in Germany.

Abitur - Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife

Grade of 3 in English within five years of starting at QUT.

DAAD English Language Certificate

B2 (4 star in all bands) within five years of starting at QUT.

South African National Senior Certificate (NSC):

A grade of Achievement Level 5 or 60% in English Home Language or English First Additional Language

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised South African institution, with all prior schooling/studies in an approved English speaking country.<br> <br>1 year full-time oncampus studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised South African institution. These studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT, if all prior schooling/studies were studied in a non- English Speaking country.

Vitnemal For Videregaende Opplaering (Certificate for Upper Secondary Education and Training)

Grade of 4 or better in English in any year of Vitnemal fra den videregaende skolen (Upper Secondary Education - Grade 11,12,13) completed within five years of starting at QUT.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised Norwegian institution, with all prior schooling/studies in Norway.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised Swedish institution, with all prior schooling/studies in Sweden.

Avgångsbetyg / Slutbetyg / Examensbevis yrkesexamen or Avgångsbetyg / Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola/ Högskoleförberedande examen

C in English 5 within five years of starting at QUT.<br> <br>Pass in English 6 or English 7 completed within five years of starting at QUT.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised English institution, with all prior schooling/studies in an approved English speaking country.<br> <br>1 year full-time on-campus studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised English institution. These studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT, if all prior schooling/studies were studied in a non- English Speaking country.

Brunei - Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced Level

A Level: English Language, English Literature or English Lanague and Literature with a minimum grade of C. GCE A level in a humanities subject with a minimum grade of C.<br> <br>AS Level: English Language, English Literature, English Lanague and Literature or General Paper/General Studies with a minimum grade of C.

Brunei - Cambridge General Certificate of Education O Level

O Level: Minimum grade C or 5 in English, English Language, English (First Language), English as a Second Language or English Literature.

Matriculation Examination -Stúdentspróf

A grade of 6.0 in English completed within five years of starting at QUT.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised institution in Iceland completed within five years of starting at QUT, and a pass in English subject from Studentsprof. Diploma Supplement or an official letter from home institution stating English as the language of instruction.

New Zealand National Certificate in Educational Achievement (NCEA)

18 credits at NCEA Level 3 English and completed within five years of starting at QUT.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised New Zealand institution, with all prior schooling/studies in an approved English speaking country.<br> <br>1 year full-time oncampus studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised New Zealand institution. These studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT, if all prior schooling/studies were studied in non- English Speaking country.

On-campus Bachelor or higher studies with an overall passing grade point average at a recognised Papua New Guinean institution (the duration of studies must be 1 year or more full-time) within the last five years.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised Irish institution, with all prior schooling/studies in an approved English speaking country.<br> <br>1 year full-time oncampus studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised Irish institution. These studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT, if all prior schooling/studies were studied in non- English Speaking country.

Irish Leaving Certificate Scrúdú Cruthaithe na hArdteistiméireachta

English Language Higher with a grade of D1 (prior to 2017) or grade of 4 (from 2017).

Singapore - Cambridge General Certificate of Education OLevel

C5 in English Language.

Singapore - Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced Level

Singapore - Cambridge H2 Level: English Language and Linguistics or Literature in English or Knowledge and Inquiry subject or approved humanities subject with a minimum grade of C. <br> <br>Singapore - Cambridge H1 Level: A grade of C in General Paper.

Diploma from Singapore Polytechnics

Post secondary.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Diploma program at a recognised Singapore Polytechnic, with all prior schooling/studies in Singapore.<br> <br>1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Diploma program at a recognised Singapore Polytechnic. These studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT, if all prior schooling/studies were studied in a non-English Speaking country.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor program at a recongised Singapore institution, with all prior schooling/studies in Singapore.<br> <br>1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor program at a recongised Singapore institution. These studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT, if all prior schooling/studies were studied in a non-English Speaking country.

Canadian High School Diploma - completed in Canada or at an overseas International School

Alberta High School Diploma with a grade of 60% or better in an English Level 30 Provincial Diploma Exam completed within five years of starting at QUT.<br> <br>British Columbia Senior Secondary School Graduation Diploma with a grade of 60% or better in English 12 or English Studies 12 completed within five years of starting at QUT.<br> <br>Ontario Secondary School Diploma with a grade of 60% or better in English at Grade 12 Level (i.e. ENG4U or ENG4C) completed within five years of starting at QUT.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised Canadian institution, with all prior schooling/studies in an approved English speaking country.<br> <br>1 year full-time on-campus studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised Canadian institution. These studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT, if all prior schooling/studies were studied in a non- English Speaking country.

1 year full-time on-campus Bachelor studies at a recognised Malaysian institution with: <br>a passing grade point average and these studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT; and<br>an official language of instruction letter is required if the academic and transcripts doesn't clearly state English is the Language of Instruction; and<br>evidence of a pass in the English subject in a recongised high school qualification: SPM, STPM, UEC, A levels and O levels or equivalent.

1119 (GCE-O) English

1119 (GCE-O) English with a grade 5C.

STPM: Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia

C pass in 920 English or humanities subject.

A completed recognised Diploma (minimum of 1 year full-time on-campus studies) at a recognised Malaysian institution with: <br>a passing grade point average and these studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT; and<br>an official language of instruction letter is required if the academic and transcripts doesn't clearly state English is the Language of Instruction; and<br>evidence of a pass in the English subject in a recognised high school qualification: SPM, STPM, UEC, A levels and O levels or equivalent.

We accept English language proficiency scores from the following tests. Tests must be taken no more than 2 years prior to the QUT course commencement.

Don't have the English language score you need? We can help!

We offer English language programs to improve your English and help you gain entry to this course.

When you apply for this course, we will recommend which English course you should enrol in.

Applying for this course

creative writing course brisbane

Applicants with recent secondary education

creative writing course brisbane

Applicants with vocational education and training (VET) study

creative writing course brisbane

Applicants with higher education study

creative writing course brisbane

Applicants with work and life experience

Find out more if you are an international applicant

Your actual fees may vary depending on which units you choose. We review fees annually, and they may be subject to increases.

2025: CSP fees available from September

2025: Available from July

2024: CSP $12,100 per year full-time (96 credit points)

2024: $34,300 per year full-time (96 credit points)

Student services and amenities fees

You may need to pay student services and amenities (SA) fees as part of your course costs.

Find out more about undergraduate course fees

HECS-HELP: loans to help you pay for your course fees

You may not have to pay anything upfront if you're eligible for a HECS-HELP loan.

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QUT's premier offering for students with outstanding academic achievement.

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Qut elite sport scholarship, international merit scholarship, qut real world international scholarship.

A scholarship to cover tuition fees, with eligibility based on your prior academic achievements.

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Centrelink payments

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Bachelor of Fine Arts (Film, Screen and New Media)

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Bachelor of Business (Honours) (Public Relations)

  • 1 year full-time
  • 2 years part-time
  • Gardens Point

Bachelor of Business (Public Relations)

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Master of digital communication.

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Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Fine Arts (Creative Writing)

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  • 1.5 years full-time

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If you're ready for the next step, apply online today or contact our MBA Program Manager +61 468 575 146 (Brisbane), (02) 6198 3098 (Canberra), [email protected]

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Creative Writing - Advanced

Non-accredited short course.

Expand your creative writing skills!

Course overview

  • Ways to study
  • Payment options

Important information

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This program is designed as a follow-up to ‘Creative Writing’ and was developed in response to demand from those who had successfully completed that program and wanted to learn more. It offers participants the opportunity to further expand their knowledge and skills about the creative writing process like Richard uses.

Topics include innovative ways to create atmosphere and excitement in your writing, how to choose and use different tenses, how to write effective dialogue, how to use emotive language, how to create memorable characters and atmospheric settings, how to make objects come to life in words, how to maintain control and form in a long work, and how to develop a personal writing style.


“The course and Richard were above and beyond all expectations” - Kathy

“Enjoyed the comradery between participants” - Karen

“Really useful course, especially how the publishing process works” - Joanna

This short course is non-accredited therefore is not registered with the National Training Register

Course outcome:

Statement of Participation

You'll learn face to face with a teacher in a classroom or simulated workplace environment. You may access learning materials through our online learning management system Connect. Learn more

Studying on campus is a great way to enjoy the benefits of face-to-face education in a way that is far removed from a typical school. No matter which campus you choose, you know that you will be learning in an adult environment where you will be respected and nurtured. Attend a campus to learn face-to-face with a teacher in one of our learning spaces; such as a classroom, workshop, laboratory or simulated environments, or interact with teachers using real-time video or web conference tools. Learn more

Courses delivered on campus may have a combination of online and classroom based learning. Students are expected to undertake additional personal study to complete the course requirements.

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Payment Options

How can i pay for this course.

No matter what your circumstances, TAFE Queensland has a payment option to suit you. If you are unsure of what’s right for you, get in touch. We’re here to help. 

Payment plan

If you have difficulty paying for the full cost of a course upfront, you may be eligible for a payment plan.

Upfront payment

This may be the full fee for the course, or the student contribution amount if you are eligible for a subsidy or concession.

Entry requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for this course.

Selection criteria

You will need to have completed the 'Creative Writing' course.

Resources required

  • Please bring your laptop (fully charged) to type on, or paper, pencils and an eraser.
  • Facilities will be available for participants to make tea or coffee, but please bring your own cup, tea or coffee, milk and sugar.
  • Students need to present their Confirmation of Enrolment to the car park attendant each week to be eligible for discounted parking.

Course commencement is subject to minimum enrolment numbers.

University pathways

If you want to go on to further study at university, TAFE Queensland has a pathway option to get you there. In many cases, completing one of our diplomas may give you a full year of credit towards a degree with one of our partner universities.

Learn more about University Pathways

James Cook University

How to apply

Direct application.

If you're ready to get started, simply hit the Apply Now button on your preferred course information page and get your application underway online. 

Course disclaimer

All information was accurate at time of publication, however TAFE policies, tuition fees and course content is subject to change without notice. Course commencement is dependent on sufficient enrolment numbers. Timetable information is subject to change prior to commencement and/or during the duration of your course.

Related courses

Creative writing.

Kick start your writing career!

Interested in studying a Creative Writing course in Brisbane?

With a population of 2,081,000 people, Brisbane has a strong demand for workers in Creative Writing . Studying Creative Writing with Vibe Learning will see you joining a learning community with like-minded students and engaging with industry experts to learn real world skills.

Are there many jobs in Creative Writing in Brisbane?

Current employment trends shows that employment in Brisbane has risen by 5.0% over the past 5 years and is expected to grow through 2017. There are currently 18,406 job vacancies in Brisbane . The unemployment rate in Brisbane is 3.0%.

What earning potential is there for me in Creative Writing?

The median hourly rate for Creative Writing is $29.28. A career in Creative Writing can expect to earn between $33,345 and $119,200 per year.

What are my career opportunities in Creative Writing?

  • Travel Writer
  • Article Writer
  • Creativity Coach
  • Writing Coach
  • Greeting Card Author
  • Comic Book Writer
  • Advertising
  • Screenwriter
  • Creative Writing Instructor
  • Ghostwriter

Source: Labour Market Information Portal , Australia Jobs 2014, Vacancy Report, JobSearch , PayScale

Search results for "Creative Writing Courses Brisbane"

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Editing Fundamentals

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Writing a Novel

For emerging novelists ready to dive in and make the commitment to complete a full manuscript, this rigorous three-stage course will guide you through the process of planning and beginning your novel, developing essential skills in writing and composition, as well as establishing a dedicated writing practice.

7 March  –  19 September 2023

Avid Reader 193 Boundary St West End QLD 4101

creative writing course brisbane

$6,500/$5.525 alumni

creative writing course brisbane

Presented by Australia’s leading independent publishing house Allen & Unwin, in partnership with the prestigious UK Publishers Faber & Faber, Writing a Novel is a highly practical, craft-focused program designed to help you find the focus you need to stay the distance and finish your manuscript draft.

In the first three-month stage of this course (March – May) , you will be given a proven combination of targeted writing exercises, group discussions and carefully selected readings. These introductory lessons will give you an important foundation for writing your novel. You will be taken through essential concepts such as narrative structure, character development, narration, voice, plotting, scene setting and more.

In the second half of the program (July – September) you will continue to develop the craft and technical skills required to turn a rough draft into a work of art. You will finish the course with a deep understanding of the novelist’s craft and how it applies to your own novel. These are lessons you can carry with you throughout your writing life.

After these two stages are complete, Writing a Novel students will be asked to submit work to our highly sought-after Faber Writing Anthology , a professionally edited and printed showcase of student work, sent to leading literary agents and publishers across both Australia and the United Kingdom.

This third stage will take place after your course work is finished, giving you the time and space to work towards completing a submittable draft of your manuscript in time for the anthology to be sent out to agents and publishers. This final stage will include a meeting with Faber’s Editor in Residence, a copy-editing process, and a meeting with the Faber UK team.

Guest speakers include Trent Dalton ( Boy Swallows Universe ), Mirandi Riwoe ( Stone Sky Gold Mountain ), Laura Elvery ( Ordinary Matter ), and Emily Bitto ( Wild Abandon ).

During this course, you will be provided with:

  • Regular classes covering everything from the first conception of an idea through to getting words on a page, narrative structure and style.
  • A personalised individual consultation on your project from your Course Director.
  • The ability to connect with fellow committed novelists, joining a selective class curated by your Course Director.
  • The opportunity to make valuable industry connections with key insiders from the Australian publishing industry.
  • The chance to be showcased in the much-anticipated Faber Writing Anthology, sent to publishers and literary agents across Australia and the United Kingdom.

creative writing course brisbane

Emily O’Grady

Emily O’Grady is a writer from Brisbane. Her debut novel, The Yellow House won the 2018 Australian/Vogel’s Literary Award and was shortlisted for the 2019 Ned Kelly Award for Best First Fiction. Her work has been published in Meanjin, Kill Your Darlings, The Big Issue fiction edition, and New Australian Fiction 2021. She holds a PhD in Creative Writing from Queensland University of Technology, where…

This course consists of twenty-two two-hour evening classes, six full-day sessions and two additional evening sessions dedicated to the Faber Writing Anthology. 

Session 1: Tuesday 7 March Introductions

Session 2: Tuesday 14 March Types of prose, showing and telling

Session 3: Saturday 18 March Sentences and tense

Session 4: Tuesday 21 March Characters major and minor

Session 5: Tuesday 28 March Point of View

Session 6: Saturday 1 April Guest Speaker

Session 7: Tuesday 4 April Exercises and thoughts on structure


Session 8: Tuesday 2 May Dialogue

Session 9: Saturday 6 May Voice

Session 10: Tuesday 9 May Rhythm and pace

Session 11: Tuesday 16 May Guest speaker and more on character

Session 12: Tuesday 23 May Narrative drive

Session 13: Tuesday 30 May Guest Speaker

Session 14: Tuesday 6 June Place & Setting

Session 15: Tuesday 13 June The creative mind

Session 16: Tuesday 18 July Outlining

Session 17: Tuesday 25 July Object and detail: Language, description, metaphor. How to use ornament, from the pared back to the baroque.

Session 18: Tuesday 1 August Plot and structure: What happens next? How to build a compelling narrative.

Session 19: Saturday 5 August Beginnings: Your first pages are an invitation that can’t be ignored

Session 20: Tuesday 8 August Genre and anti-genre : What is ‘genre’? And which one are you working in? The good, the bad and the ugly of different literary forms.

Session 21: Tuesday 15 August Themes and symbolism: The thing you’ve come to say, and how to say it.

Session 22: Saturday 19 August Re-drafting bootcamp: Writing, writing, writing. And feedback.

Session 23: Tuesday 22 August Research and believability: How to incorporate research into authentic narrative.

Session 24: Tuesday 29 August Synopsis and pitch

Session 25: Saturday 2 September Acting coach

Session 26: Tuesday 5 September Publisher

Session 27: Tuesday 12 September Agent

Session 28: Tuesday 19 September Celebratory dinner class

Faber Writing Anthology sessions:

  •         Session 29: Meet the Editor in Residence
  •         Session 30: Meet the Faber UK Team

All evening sessions will take place on Tuesdays, 6.00 – 8.00pm. Full-day sessions will take place on Saturdays from 10.00am –4.00pm and are fully catered. All classes take place at Avid Reader bookstore. Anthology sessions take place on Zoom.

The exact course content could be adjusted according to the experience and concerns of the group and availability of guest writers. The detail of the course is at the discretion of the Course Director and Faber Writing Academy at Allen & Unwin.

‘The workshops were fantastic – particularly for gaining feedback from Emily.’  2022

‘I found Emily’s insight most helpful.’  2022

‘It’s a great way to show your work when you have no idea if it’s even worth reading, Kris has created a wonderfully supportive and caring environment that helps those with L plates gain some confidence.’  2021

How to Apply

creative writing course brisbane

  • Creative Writing Course for Teenagers
Jessica Miller is a children’s writer from Brisbane. Her first novel, Elizabeth and Zenobia, was shortlisted for the Text Prize and the Readings Prize and was a CBCA Notable Book, as was her second book, The Republic of Birds. Her third novel, The Hotel Witch will be released in February 2023. She has taught creative writing for adults and children in Brisbane, Berlin, and London.

Start Date: 4th June, 2024 Duration: 6 Weeks Price: $299 1 place remaining

Unlock Your Storytelling Talent: Creative Writing Course for Teens

Are you ready for an extraordinary literary adventure? Our 6-week online Creative Writing Course for Teens is tailor-made to ignite your imagination, unleash your inner storyteller, and elevate your writing skills. This immersive course offers expert guidance, interactive learning, and the flexibility to nurture your creative spirit.

As a young writer, you’ll receive personalized feedback from our experienced instructors, ensuring the development of your unique voice and writing style. Our carefully curated curriculum covers a diverse range of topics, from crafting unforgettable characters to mastering the art of description, empowering you to tap into your limitless potential.

Enjoy the freedom to learn at your own pace with no set class times, seamlessly fitting the course into your busy day. Our instructors, based in Australia, bring their wealth of knowledge and experience to students from around the globe.

Upon course completion, you’ll not only have a treasure trove of new writing tools and techniques at your disposal, but you’ll also have lifetime access to the course materials, allowing you to revisit lessons and refresh your knowledge whenever inspiration strikes.

What to Expect in this Course:

Each week, students will complete a written assignment and receive personalized feedback from their dedicated online tutor. We recommend dedicating approximately 2-3 hours per week to the course, with new modules released weekly as text lessons. No set class times mean you can work on assignments whenever it suits you. The first module will be emailed to students on the course start date (please check your SPAM folder).

With high demand for our courses, early registration is advisable to secure your spot.

Course Modules:

Week one – start where.

Ask any writer, and they’ll tell you that getting started is often the most difficult part. The greatest idea of all-time pops into your head, only for a blank page to glare back. For week one of the beginners course, we will ease some of the pressure by setting ourselves meaningful writing goals. By lessening that fear of putting pen to paper, we will make writing feel not only possible, but successful.

Week Two – Inspiration Is Everywhere

A cat sniffing your bowl of cereal. An unexpected text message from an old friend. In module two we will take inspiration from our surroundings to help generate and develop our writing ideas. You will begin to understand how anything can find its way into a story.

Week Three – Characters That Come Alive on The Page

Week three of our online writing course will look into more than just interesting description and dialogue. We will delve into the idea of complex characters, narrators and speakers of stories. By using a variety of tips and tricks, you will create a character that both you and your reader can truly invest in.

Week Four – If in Doubt, Describe

Module four will present how description can both set a scene and turn it on its head. Think: carefully placed sensory details and zooming in and out of the action unfolding. We will explore a variety of these techniques to allow your writing to truly leap off the page.

Week Five – Structure, Structure, Structure

This week we lay out what is happening in your story, when, and where. We will explore how learning the rules, only to break them, can work powerfully when it comes to the structure of a story, and how unexpected twists and turns can surprise both writer and reader.

Week Six – What We Did, What We Will Do Next

For the final module of the beginners creative writing course, we will reflect on all that we have achieved (no matter how seemingly small). We will then look ahead to the steps that we might take to continue writing. These might include a promise to continue revising a current story, or simply carving out space in your day-to-day life to keep going, and growing, as a writer.

Embark on Your Creative Journey:

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey of self-discovery, creative exploration, and literary mastery? Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to invest in your passion, unlock your creative potential, and join the ranks of the next generation of great storytellers. Register now, and let the adventure begin!

creative writing course brisbane

For budding authors

Teenage Creative Writers’ Program is ideal for teenagers who love to write and want to discover the key skills for creating compelling stories.

Teens will: Develop outstanding skills in character-building, description, structure and storytelling Understand how to use a stimulus to develop an engrossing story Receive feedback and guidance from an award-winning author on three pieces of writing Learn creative techniques they can easily apply at school Have fun exploring their imagination!

“My online tutor was wonderful. When she reviewed my writing and gave me her feedback, it was really positive and was the first feedback I’ve received from someone who is a professional in this field. When I showed the feedback to my mum, she had tears of pride for me. If you enrol in the Australian Writers’ Centre, I one hundred percent guarantee that you will not be disappointed.” – Joshua, Teenage Creative Writers’ Program graduate

See more reviews

Whether your teen is a total novice or has already been writing for a while, the Teenage Creative Writers’ Program for budding authors is the ideal starting point on their road to creative development and skills building. They will learn how to kick-start the creative writing process, tap into their imagination and build a framework on which they can add memorable characters, plot, dialogue and more.

Paired with an award-winning author mentor, they will work one-on-one in a safe and secure environment, developing their skills and their understanding of the writing process.

Unleash their potential with the right guidance

Teenagers are founts of creativity and potential: all they need is help to harness that and channel it into amazing stories. Perhaps they are a budding author, seeking professional guidance in developing the skills which will propel them into their career. Or maybe they just want to have fun, and explore their creativity which is crucial to so many areas in both school and life.

Writing is an engrossing, exciting, and fulfilling activity. It builds on itself, so the satisfaction of creating pushes the writer to create more and more. But without guidance, new writers (adults included) can flounder, not satisfied with their work but not knowing why, or how to make it better. That’s why the Teenage Creative Writers’ Program is an emerging author’s secret weapon .

Jo Riccioni, author of young adult novel The Branded, is passionate about mentoring teenagers.

A unique opportunity to learn from an award-winning author

In the Teenage Creative Writers’ Program, teenagers work one-on-one with their mentor, an award-winning author. It’s the perfect program for passionate young writers eager to learn fiction techniques from an industry professional and receive personalised feedback on their writing along the way.

Whether they’re in Year 7 and just starting out, or in Year 12 and taking their writing more seriously, their mentor will help them develop their writing skills from their present level.

All high school students have to write stories – but the people teaching them are usually not professional writers. (Whereas art and music are typically taught by specialists…) The Teenage Creative Writers’ Program fills that gap.

This course is designed both for teens who just want to have fun and explore their creativity, and for those who want to improve their narrative writing for assignments and exams.

“The Teenage Creative Writers' Program taught me everything I was curious about in creative writing, including common tricks authors use to make their stories interesting and satisfying to read. The course has made me so much more confident in any creative writing I do and now I feel fully equipped to reach my goal of writing a young adult fiction book.”

Eden, Teenage Creative Writers' Program graduate

Skills that will last a lifetime

We take a craft-based approach, to help new writers think about their writing in a new way, using a deeper understanding of how writing really works from a practitioner’s point of view. And, of course, we’ll be giving lots of opportunities to practise those skills.

During the 10-week program, teens will be able develop their writing skills through optional exercises and assignments. The optional exercises can be done at any time – but taken together, in the right order, they will build the skills and the content which will help create a great story.

The Teenage Creative Writers’ Program includes processes professional writers use, and the kind of stimulus-based writing prompts used in exams. Students will be guided in how best to assess and respond to stimuli quickly in order to create imaginative and well-crafted stories.

Or, they can ignore these exercises and just let their imagination roam free!

Either way, they will gain both knowledge and practice in writing, and be guided by an award-winning author to find their true potential.

Participants will end up with a full gamut of writing tools and techniques at their fingertips. The audio programs, handouts and exercises will be downloadable, so can be revisited at any time during their writing career.

[Note: this course is not suitable for those writing poetry. But if there is a poet who needs mentoring, contact us and we may be able to help.]


How do students interact online? Teenagers participating in the 10-week program will complete the weekly modules at their own pace and interact solely with their mentor, who has had a Working With Children check and has had significant experience teaching teens to write.

All of the teenager’s details are kept securely, and their work will not be shared with others. For teen protection reasons, this course does not have any opportunity for participants to interact with each other. Note that AWC staff who have Working With Children checks will have access to the course and may be on hand to answer any technical questions about how the platform works.

How does the online course work? The online tutor-led course has ten modules, and we release one module each Monday of the course. Each module consists of audio lessons and handouts. There are no set class times – you can complete each module whenever it suits you.

In Modules 1, 5 and 10, the student is invited to complete a short assignment which is due by midnight Sunday (Sydney/Melbourne time) of that week. Your online mentor gives personalised feedback on each assignment submitted.

How much time should teens set aside to complete the program? We suggest that 2-3 hours be set aside each week to complete the module, read the handouts and complete the assignment or exercises. Most writing activities can be completed in 30-60 minutes, except for the final short story. There are some exercises which have specifically been designed to match the 45 minutes high school students are often given to write a narrative in an exam.

Of course, teens may take more or less time on some exercises/assignments depending on their level of enthusiasm or the complexity of their story – one thing we know about budding authors is that once they start, it can be difficult to stop!

Do you need to log in at a set time each week? Not at all. We all lead busy lives, so modules can be completed at any pace during the week. However each of the three assignments will have a due date and need to be submitted by the deadline. When these are submitted by the due date, the participant will receive their feedback from the mentor.

Will there be homework? There will be three small assignments to complete during the 10-week course and the mentor provides the student with feedback for each one. We won’t hound the student about their assignments, and if your teen really does not want to submit their writing, that’s fine – it’s entirely up to them. However, they won’t receive the full benefit of the course if they miss receiving this valuable feedback from their mentor. The course also offers a series of optional exercises to help them build their writing skills. These exercises can be completed anytime and don’t include mentor feedback.

My child is 11/12 but loves to write. Can they do the course? The Teenage Creative Writers’ Program has been specifically developed for teenage writers in high school. But we do have a great course designed for younger writers aged 9-14: Creative Writing Quest for Kids with children’s author Allison Tait.

My teen is 13/14 but they’re not a confident writer. Is this course suitable? We have been very careful in constructing the course to make sure it’s suitable for a whole range of teenagers. Remember teens will be interacting only with their mentor, so there is no chance of feeling out of place with an advanced class. Our mentors have taught children of all ages, so a ‘young’ 13-year-old will be treated gently and appropriately. But, if you’re concerned, you may be interested in our other children’s writing course, Creative Writing Quest for Kids which is focused on storytelling for 9-14 year old writers.

My teen is 18/19. Are they too old for the course? The course is aimed specifically at helping high school students, although the content of the course would be useful to any aged writer. If an 18/19 year-old wants to learn the fundamentals of fiction writing, we recommend they do our Creative Writing Stage 1 course which is the equivalent course for adults.

If your teen is still at school, and wants help with writing for their final exams, we would recommend this Teenage Creative Writers’ Program, as it has a number of exercises designed to help exam-style writing.

Can students write fan fiction? Fan fiction is a wonderful way to develop the skills you need to write. Character, dialogue, setting, pace and structure, as well as editing. Many very successful authors (including our own Pamela Freeman) started out writing fan fic. Teens won’t be able to publish a fan story professionally, but it’s well worth them writing it. Apart from anything else, writing should be fun, and there’s nothing more fun than writing fan fic!

Are there further courses my teen can do? We have a number of creative writing courses for students aged 17 years and over, designed to further hone their fiction writing skills. Some of these include the Fiction Essentials self-paced course which are targeted to different areas of storytelling, such as characters , dialogue , point of view and grammar and punctuation .

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Creative writing courses

Learn how to tell a compelling story

Introduction to Creative writing

Discover practical online writing courses that will help you grow as a writer. It doesn’t matter if you want to pen a novel, become a poet, work as a journalist, or write for the joy of it—there’s a study option to suit you here. 

These courses will teach you the craft behind different writing styles, so you can discover what inspires you most. You can search short courses or full qualifications. Either way, you will learn from published authors and editors who can guide you towards wherever you want to be in your writing career. 

Start comparing online creative writing courses across universities. We can offer advice on entry requirements, flexible study arrangements, fees and enrolments. When you study through us, it’s easier to balance your learning with other commitments in your life. 


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Online creative writing subjects and short courses.

Undergraduate | CUR-CWG100

Creative Writing

100% online

No ATAR required. Start with a subject.

Starts 27 May 2024, 26 Aug 2024, 25 Nov 2024

Enrolments open until 30 May

Undergraduate | CUR-CWG320

Travel Writing

Starts 26 Aug 2024

Undergraduate | CUR-PWP110

Introduction to Creative and Professional Writing

Undergraduate | GRF-CWR111

Writing the Short Story

Starts 04 Nov 2024

Online creative writing degrees

Undergraduate | MAQ-ART-DEG

Bachelor of Arts

An arts degree that no one else has

3 years full time or part time equivalent

Available majors

  • Ancient History , 
  • Applied Ethics , 
  • Creative Writing , 
  • Indigenous Studies , 
  • International Relations , 
  • Modern History , 
  • Philosophy , 
  • Politics , 

Undergraduate | GRF-ART-DEG

Innovators, communicators and creators start here!

  • Art History , 
  • Criminal Justice , 
  • Journalism , 
  • Literature , 
  • Public Relations , 
  • Screen and Media Studies , 

Undergraduate | USQ-ACW-DEG

Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing)

Undergraduate | CUR-CWP-DEG

Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing) (Professional Writing and Publishing)

Write your own stories and develop the work of others

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Discover 80 ways to study creative writing with leading Australian universities.

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Creative writing study FAQs

What is a creative writing course.

A creative writing course teaches you how to approach different styles of writing, like fiction, short fiction, poetry and creative non-fiction. You will be encouraged to share your work so it can be critiqued by others, which helps you develop your skills to a publishable standard. 

What do you learn in a creative writing course?

Creative writing courses are both inspiring and practical. You’re given the space to experiment with your own ideas, but you also learn writing for different genres, platforms and formats. 

Depending on your course, you’ll learn how to:

  • kickstart your creativity
  • develop a distinctive writing style
  • think critically about work produced by other writers 
  • write across areas like short fiction, long-form fiction, genre fiction, poetry and children’s fiction
  • act on feedback and edit your own work
  • deliver critical feedback during virtual workshop discussions
  • submit your work for publication
  • navigate the Australian publishing industry.

Why should I study creative writing?

There are countless reasons to study creative writing. Enrol if you want to develop your craft, write professionally, or inspire yourself artistically. You’ll have the space to work on projects that matter to you, which could lead to a publishable story, collection or manuscript that you might not have finished otherwise. 

You’ll gain incredibly valuable knowledge about the path to publication from people who’ve been there. And you’ll network with like-minded creatives from all over the country. These connections often end up being the writers, editors and publishers you collaborate with in your career.   

Why should I study an online course in creative writing?

It’s not uncommon to juggle your creative projects with other work. Studying online gives you the time and flexibility to do that. Plus, you’re not restricted by location—you can access universities from across Australia. This has its advantages. It means you can choose your course based on the writing teachers who appeal to you most.  

Why should I study online through Open Universities Australia?

There are a lot of reasons to study your course online through us.

  • You can enrol without entry requirements  We have a unique open-door policy  that makes it possible for everyone to enrol in university study, no matter their academic history. If you don’t meet the entry requirements for a degree, we’ll help you get in through single undergraduate subjects and transition into a qualification from there.
  • You have total control over how you study Upskill without committing to a whole degree upfront. Or enrol in a full degree, but take it a subject at a time. We’ll introduce you to flexible study options you didn’t even know about, so you can fit uni around what matters to you.
  • You’ll graduate with the same qualification as an on-campus student Once you enrol through us, you’ll study online with the university that provides your degree. This means that when you complete your qualification, you’ll graduate with the same degree as on-campus students.
  • We’ll help you navigate the university world Our friendly student advisors will be your guide every step of the enrolment journey. They'll help you compare universities, choose a course, provide documentation and understand your finance options.

How long is a creative writing course?

It depends on the course and whether you choose something short or long-term. Here’s a general guide: 

If you study a degree in creative writing through Open Universities Australia, you have the flexibility to choose how many subjects you take per term. This means you can complete your qualification at a faster or slower pace than you would on campus.   

Is creative writing a difficult course?

Creative writing is a skill that requires practice and patience—but it’s a skill anyone can learn with the right guidance. Many of our students find workshopping to be the hardest thing about their course, because they can’t help taking the feedback about their work personally. It’s tricky to separate yourself from your writing, but your tutors and peers only have your development in mind. If you’re open to a bit of constructive criticism, you should find your course fun and rewardingly challenging. 

What jobs can you get with a creative writing degree?

Creative writing graduates have the critical thinking and writing skills to work across all sorts of industries. Students commonly pursue work as:

  • Journalists
  • Copywriters 
  • Digital marketers
  • Magazine publishers and editors
  • Book publishers and editors
  • Screenwriters
  • Arts administrators

How do I know if I’m eligible to apply for a course?

Before starting an enrolment, it’s important to read the entry requirements for your chosen course to ensure that you’re eligible to apply. If you don’t quite meet the requirements, we may be able to help you find a pathway into your course through open-entry subjects, which anyone can study.

Chat with us  to find out more.

How do I enrol?

Here at Open Universities Australia, we make enrolling online as straightforward as possible. To get started, find the course for you by browsing the options on this page. You can also compare different qualifications using our handy comparison tool , or request help from one of our student advisors.

When you’ve made your choice, click ‘Apply now’ on the relevant course page and follow the prompts to begin your enrolment. We’ll ask you to supply some supporting documentation, including proof of your identity, your tax file number, and a unique student identifier (USI)  during this process.

Your university will get in touch with you via email to confirm whether or not your application has been successful.

If you get stuck at any time, reach out to us  and we’ll talk you through it.

You can also take a look at our online self-service enrolling instructions .

Student stories and study advice

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10 classic Australian books to read in your lifetime

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How to write a book and get published

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Studying through Open Universities Australia means we take care of the guesswork and administration of university study, so you can focus on learning.

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We make it possible for everyone to start university through single subjects, regardless of ATAR or study experience. These subjects are covered by government loans, and can be used to upskill or gain entry into a qualification.

You have the flexibility to start at multiple points during the year

We’re not restricted by a traditional academic calendar, so you can enrol when it suits your life. You also have total control over how you study. You can scale up (or down) your study load and even pause your course if you need to.

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As a not for profit, we have your best interests at heart. Our advisors are here 7 days a week to guide and support you. It’s our priority to get you qualified with the university of your choice.

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  5. Online Writing Courses Brisbane & Queensland

    Contact Us By Email. Or you can phone the Studio between 11.30am and 3pm Monday to Friday on (02) 9386 4994. We'd love to hear from you! Join an online creative writing course with like-minded writers and own online tutor. Specialising in Short Stories, Novels and Screenplays.

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  11. QUT

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    Creative Writing Stage 1 is ideal for writers of all levels who want to learn the secrets to writing compelling fiction. You will: Indulge your creativity. Learn the key skills needed to write engaging stories. Receive direct feedback on your own writing. Enjoy access to experts who are active in the industry. Unlock your storytelling potential!

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  16. Writing a Novel

    7 March - 19 September 2023. Avid Reader - Brisbane. Avid Reader. 193 Boundary St. West End QLD 4101. Get directions. $6,500/$5.525 alumni. This is a past course. Presented by Australia's leading independent publishing house Allen & Unwin, in partnership with the prestigious UK Publishers Faber & Faber, Writing a Novel is a highly ...

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    Business writing. Our courses are online so you can learn from anywhere. Online with weekly feedback courses give you the online classroom experience so you can connect with other writers and you will receive regular feedback from an experienced writer or editor. Online self-paced courses give you the flexibility to do the course in your own time.

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  22. Creative writing courses

    Creative writing courses. Discover practical online writing courses that will help you grow as a writer. It doesn't matter if you want to pen a novel, become a poet, work as a journalist, or write for the joy of it—there's a study option to suit you here. These courses will teach you the craft behind different writing styles, so you can ...