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Best AI Cover Letter Generator - 10 Tested Tools

published on February 9, 2024

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Best AI Cover Letter Generator

If you are here searching for the best AI cover letter generator, I’ve got you covered.

I’ve spent a lot of time trying out different ones to see which are the best. I wanted to find tools that not only do the job quickly but also make your cover letter feel like it’s truly yours, all without using complicated terms or sounding like an advertisement.

In this guide, I’m sharing my findings with you. I’ve looked into each tool’s features, how easy they are to use, and how well they work, so I can tell you which ones I think are worth trying.

Best AI Cover Letter Generator

1. kickresume.


After going through many AI cover letter generators, I found KickResume to be the most suited for me. It caught my eye for its sleek design and promise of simplicity. From the get-go, its user-friendly interface and diverse array of templates made it clear that this tool was designed with the user’s needs in mind.

Key Features:

  • Extensive Template Library : From conservative to creative fields, KickResume’s range of templates ensures there’s something for everyone.
  • Customization Options : The ability to tweak every section allows you to express your personality and design your cover letter as per your requirements.
  • LinkedIn Integration : A feature that pulls your professional history directly from LinkedIn
  • Expert Tips : It offers actionable advice to elevate your cover letter.

Why is KickResume in my best AI cover letter generator list?

cover letter generated through KickResume

KickResume isn’t just a tool; it’s a partner in your job search. The mix of aesthetic templates with deep customization options allows for a cover letter that looks professional and feels personal. Its spot on my list is earned through its balance of form and function, making the daunting task of cover letter writing surprisingly pleasant.

2. Grammarly Cover Letter Generator


Grammarly , known for its writing assistance, brings its prowess to cover letter generation too. This tool intrigued me with its dual promise: not only to create content but to refine it, ensuring clarity, conciseness, and correctness. The Grammarly generative AI is still in the beta phase, but it worked fine for me.

Key Features

  • Advanced Grammar and Tone Checks : Beyond basic grammar, it assesses tone to ensure your cover letter matches the intended professionalism and enthusiasm.
  • Job Description Tailoring : Offers suggestions to align your cover letter more closely with the job you’re eyeing.
  • Integration with Grammarly’s Suite : For those already using Grammarly, this tool seamlessly integrates, providing a unified writing experience.

Why is Grammarly Cover Letter Generator in my best AI cover letter generator list?

Grammarly Cover Letter Generator

Grammarly’s tool excels where many others fall short: in polishing your cover letter to perfection. It’s not just about generating text; it’s about crafting a message that’s both articulate and impactful. For those who value precision in communication, Grammarly is a standout choice.

3. MyPerfectResume


MyPerfectResume offers a blend of guidance and autonomy in creating a cover letter. It’s as if the platform holds your hand through the cover letter-generating process while encouraging you to express your personal brand into every paragraph.

  • Interactive Builder : Guides you step-by-step, ensuring no critical information is missed.
  • Rich Customization : Offers a range of templates and pre-written phrases that can be molded to your specific experience and skills.
  • Expert Advice : Alongside the builder, you receive tips and examples to refine your content.
  • Effortless Export : Once satisfied, downloading your cover letter in various formats is straightforward.

Why is MyPerfectResume in my best AI cover letter generator list?

myperfectresume ai cover letter generator

Its balance of guidance and personalization makes MyPerfectResume a standout. The tool doesn’t just automate the process; it enhances it, ensuring that the end product is both professional and personal. 


Rytr, an AI writing assistant, appealed to me for its straightforwardness and efficiency. It’s designed to serve a wide array of writing needs, including the niche of cover letter creation, with a no-frills approach.

  • Versatile Content Creation : Whether it’s a cover letter, a blog post, or an email, Rytr can handle it.
  • Customization Options : You can adjust the tone, style, and format to suit your needs.
  • User-Friendly Interface : Simplicity is key with Rytr, making it accessible even to those less tech-savvy.

Why is Rytr in my best AI cover letter generator list?

Rytr ai cover letter generator

Rytr’s simplicity and versatility are its strongest suits. It offers a quick solution for cover letter writing, providing coherent and contextually relevant content with minimal input. For those in a rush or in need of content beyond cover letters, Rytr is an invaluable tool.

cover letter generator ai grammarly

In today’s job market, beating the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is crucial, and Rezi focuses precisely on this challenge. It assists in crafting your cover letter and ensures it’s optimized to get past those pesky ATS filters.

  • ATS Optimization : Utilizes knowledge of ATS algorithms to enhance your cover letter’s visibility.
  • Content Scoring : Offers real-time feedback on how your cover letter might perform in ATS screenings.
  • Job Description Integration : Design your cover letter based on the specific job listing, ensuring relevance.
  • Simplicity and Efficiency : Designed to be straightforward, minimizing the time spent on cover letter creation.

Why is Rezi in my best AI cover letter generator list?

Rezi ai cover letter generator

Rezi’s focus on ATS optimization is a game-changer. It acknowledges the reality of modern job applications and equips you with the tools to navigate it successfully. This specific feature makes Rezi a great choice for any job seeker.

6. ResumeGenius


While testing ResumeGenius, I was intrigued by its promise of leveraging deep learning for a more personalized cover letter experience. It aims to go beyond generic templates, offering content that reflects your unique career path.

  • Deep Learning Insights : Utilizes advanced algorithms to tailor your cover letter more precisely to your experiences.
  • Seamless Resume Integration : Ensures consistency across your resume and cover letter, a critical factor in maintaining professionalism.
  • Industry-Specific Templates : Offers templates designed to meet the expectations of various fields.
  • Guided Process : Even with its advanced tech, the platform remains user-friendly, guiding you through each step.

Why is ResumeGenius in my best AI cover letter generator list?

resumegenius ai cover letter generator

The depth of personalization possible with ResumeGenius is its strongest feature. It doesn’t just fill in blanks; it seeks to understand and articulate your career narrative, making your cover letter as individual as your fingerprints.

7. Cover Letter Simple AI


As the name suggests, Cover Letter Simple AI prioritizes simplicity and speed in the cover letter creation process. It’s designed for those who want to get straight to the point without sacrificing quality.

  • Streamlined Process : Minimizes the steps required to generate a cover letter.
  • Quality Over Quantity : Focuses on delivering concise, impactful content.
  • Basic Customization : Allows for some personal touches without overwhelming options.
  • Quick Turnaround : Ideal for last-minute applications without compromising on professionalism.

Why is Cover Letter Simple AI in my best AI cover letter generator list?

Cover Letter Simple AI ai cover letter generator

Cover Letter Simple AI is a perfect match for the job seeker who values efficiency and clarity. It cuts through the clutter, offering a straightforward path to a quality cover letter, a refreshing approach in a field often mired in complexity.

8. CoverDoc.AI


CoverDoc.AI aims to merge the efficiency of AI with the shade of human creativity. It’s a tool for those who seek not just to inform but to impress, offering cover letters that aim to stand out in a crowded inbox.

  • Creative AI Writing : Generates content that mimics human writing styles, adding a personal touch.
  • Customizable Flair : Allows users to inject their personality into the cover letter, ensuring it reflects their unique voice.
  • Job Description Alignment : Designs content to the nuances of the job listing, enhancing relevance.
  • Ease of Use : Despite its advanced features, the interface remains clear and approachable.

Why is CoverDoc.AI in my best AI cover letter generator list?

Coverdoc AI ai cover letter generator

CoverDoc.AI impresses with its ability to create content that feels personally crafted rather than machine-generated. It balances creativity and automation, making it a standout for those looking to make a memorable first impression.


Who doesn’t know ChatGPT today? The ChatGPT Plus comes with various GPTs, including one particularly designed for generating cover letters. However, even the free version is good enough. Its advanced language model can craft narratives that resonate on a personal level, making each cover letter uniquely yours.

  • Deep Customization : ChatGPT can generate content based on detailed prompts, incorporating your experiences and aspirations.
  • Complex Instruction Understanding : It’s adept at following specific instructions, allowing for a high degree of personalization.
  • Versatile Writing Styles : Capable of adapting to various tones and styles, from formal to casual.
  • Free Access : Available for use without subscription, making it accessible to a wide audience.

Why is ChatGPT in my best AI cover letter generator list?

ChatGPT ai cover letter generator

ChatGPT’s ability to produce detailed and personalized content places it in a league of its own. It’s more than a tool; it’s a virtual writing assistant capable of bringing depth and personality to your cover letter.

10. LazyApply


LazyApply takes a holistic approach to the job application process. Beyond generating cover letters, it offers a suite of tools designed to automate the tedious aspects of job hunting, allowing you to focus on opportunities that excite you.

  • Automated Job Applications : Streamlines the application process across multiple platforms.
  • Basic Cover Letter Generator : Simplifies the creation of cover letters, though with less emphasis on customization.
  • LinkedIn and Resume Integration : Enhances your applications by aligning your LinkedIn profile and resume.
  • Application Tracking : Provides insights into your job application’s performance, a valuable feedback loop.

Why is LazyApply in my best AI cover letter generator list?

LazyApply ai cover letter generator

LazyApply’s comprehensive approach to the job application process, including its automation feature, sets it apart. For those looking to maximize efficiency in their job search, LazyApply offers tools that cover every step of the journey.

How to write a cover letter with AI: A step-by-step guide using KickResume

Here is how I generated a cover letter using the KickResume:

Sign up for KickResume

  • Begin by exploring KickResume’s extensive template library. Choose one that resonates with your industry and personal style to ensure your cover letter stands out. If you want a simple cover letter, just go with a free one.

Fill in the basic details

  • If you don’t like the current version, you can regenerate the content. You can also edit it or add something from your side.

cover letter export options

Get Closer to Your Dream Job

Just as 88% of companies use AI in the recruitment process , job seekers can also make use of these tools for cover letters and even resumes .

Cover letters are important to showcase your skills and get the attention of the recruiters. No matter where you are in your job search, finding the right AI tool can save you a lot of time and stress.

With one of these AI cover letter generator tools, you can simplify your job application process and get closer to getting recruited. 

After thorough testing and consideration, KickResume is my top pick for its blend of design, functionality, and user experience.

This guide is based on my own experience with these tools, and I hope it helps you pick the best one for you, so you can send out an awesome application and get the job you want.

Pranav Bhardwaj

Windows Expert

Pranav is a technical writer with a focus on making complex tech topics accessible and understandable. Since beginning his journey in 2019, he has developed a niche in troubleshooting for Windows, iOS, and Android, as well as an understanding of cybersecurity. His work has appeared in a variety of publications, including MakeUseOf, OnMSFT, GeekChamp, and MalwareFox. When not immersed in the tech world, Pranav enjoys spending his time playing video games, following cricket, and playing chess.

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cover letter generator ai grammarly

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AI Cover Letter Generator

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12 Best AI Cover Letter Generators

Yakov Itai Samelson

AI Cover Letter Generator

Navigating the job market can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to crafting the perfect cover letter. This is where an AI cover letter generator steps in as a game-changer for job seekers. The technology behind these generators is designed to alleviate the stress of writing by providing a structured, coherent, and customized cover letter at the click of a button. An AI cover letter generator harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to analyze job descriptions and user profiles, ensuring that the final product is not only tailored to the specific job but also highlights the candidate’s strengths in a professional and engaging manner. The integration of such technology into the job application process reflects the evolving landscape of recruitment, where efficiency and precision are paramount. With the use of an AI cover letter generator, applicants can generate cover letters that are optimized for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), increasing their chances of making it past the initial screening and into the hands of a hiring manager.

The Need for AI Cover Letter Generator

The demand for an AI cover letter generator stems from the increasing complexity of job applications and the desire for personalization in the hiring process. In a competitive job market, a cover letter is often the first impression a candidate makes on a potential employer. It needs to be concise, error-free, and reflective of the job seeker’s qualifications and enthusiasm for the position. However, writing such a document can be time-consuming and challenging, particularly for those who may not be confident in their writing abilities or are applying to multiple positions. An AI cover letter generator fills this gap by providing a quick and effective solution that personalizes the job application experience. It allows candidates to present themselves in the best possible light, using data-driven insights to emphasize the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the job at hand. This not only saves time but also increases the likelihood of a job seeker’s resume being reviewed by a real person. With the job market becoming increasingly digitized, the role of AI in streamlining the application process is becoming more significant, making AI cover letter generators an indispensable tool for modern job seekers.

AI Cover Letter Generators

  • Rytr AI Cover Letter Generator
  • FZCO AI Cover Letter Generator
  • Grammarly AI Cover Letter Generator
  • AI Cover Letter Creator
  • Cover Letter Pilot
  • Get Hired Cover Letter Creator
  • LazyApply AI Cover Letter Generator
  • Simplified AI Cover Letter Writer
  • HyperWrite AI Cover Letter Writer
  • AIApply AI Cover Letter Generator
  • Beamjobs Free AI Cover Letter Generator

How does AI Cover Letter Generator work?

An AI cover letter generator is a sophisticated tool that leverages artificial intelligence to create personalized cover letters. The process begins with the user inputting their personal information, job history, and details about the job they are applying for. The AI then analyzes this data against a vast library of cover letter formats, job descriptions, and industry-specific keywords.

The AI cover letter generator uses natural language processing to understand the context and nuances of the job seeker’s experience and the job’s requirements. It then crafts a cover letter that not only matches the job seeker’s qualifications with the job’s needs but also presents the information in a coherent and engaging manner. The AI ensures that the tone of the cover letter aligns with the company’s culture and the industry’s standards.

As the AI processes the input data, it identifies the most relevant skills and achievements from the user’s profile and strategically places them in the cover letter. This ensures that the cover letter highlights the applicant’s strengths and directly addresses the employer’s needs. The result is a tailored cover letter that feels personal and professional, increasing the chances of standing out in a competitive job market.

How to choose an AI Cover Letter Generator?

Selecting the right AI cover letter generator involves considering several key factors that can significantly impact the quality and effectiveness of the generated cover letters. The first aspect to consider is the customization capabilities of the tool. A good AI cover letter generator should allow for a high degree of personalization, enabling you to input specific details about your work experience, skills, and the job you’re targeting.

Another critical factor is the AI’s ability to adapt to different industries and job levels. The generator should have a comprehensive understanding of various sectors and their roles within them to provide relevant and industry-specific content. Additionally, the user interface should be intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy for job seekers to navigate and input their information without any hassle.

The quality of the content is paramount. The AI should produce well-structured, grammatically correct, and error-free cover letters. It should also be capable of generating content that is unique and not just a rehash of common templates. This uniqueness is vital to ensure that your cover letter doesn’t appear generic to potential employers.

Lastly, consider the AI’s learning capabilities. The best AI cover letter generators are those that learn from user interactions and feedback, continuously improving their output. This means that the more you use the tool, the better it becomes at crafting cover letters that are aligned with your personal style and professional needs.

By carefully evaluating these features and capabilities, you can choose an AI cover letter generator that will provide you with a strong foundation for your job applications, saving you time while helping you make a great first impression on potential employers.

AI Cover Letter Generator Free & Paid

1. rytr ai cover letter generator.

Rytr AI Cover Letter Generator

Rytr AI Cover Letter Generator is a tool designed to assist job seekers in creating professional cover letters with ease. It leverages artificial intelligence to craft documents that highlight an individual’s skills and experiences, aiming to make a strong impression on potential employers. The platform offers a variety of features, including language selection, tone shaping, and personalized content generation, to ensure that each cover letter is tailored to the job application and resonates with the hiring manager.

What does Rytr AI Cover Letter Generator do?

Rytr AI Cover Letter Generator simplifies the process of writing cover letters by using AI technology. Users can initiate their job application process by selecting their preferred language, as the generator can create cover letters in over 30 languages. The tool also allows users to shape the tone of their cover letter from a selection of over 20 presets or customize their own to match the professional tone of their application. By providing a job description, sentence, or keyword, the AI uses this input to produce a personalized cover letter that is instantly generated, streamlining the job application process.

Rytr AI Cover Letter Generator Key Features

Language Selection : The ability to choose from over 30 languages ensures that users can apply for positions globally without language barriers.

Tone Customization : With more than 20 preset tones available, users can select or customize the tone of their cover letter to align with the desired professional image.

Personalized Content : The AI generates content that is tailored to the user’s input, such as job descriptions or keywords, making each cover letter unique and relevant to the job application.

In-Line Editor : This feature allows users to easily improve their text, adjust the length, and modify the tone directly within the platform, enhancing the overall quality of the cover letter.

Chrome Extension and Integrations : Rytr offers a Chrome extension and other integrations, enabling users to generate content seamlessly wherever they write online.

2. FZCO AI Cover Letter Generator

FZCO AI Cover Letter Generator

FZCO AI Cover Letter Generator is an innovative application designed to assist job seekers in creating compelling cover letters with ease. Developed by Focused Value – FZCO and available for iPad users, this tool leverages advanced algorithms to offer personalized cover letter solutions. This AI cover letter generator stands out by providing a range of customizable templates and the flexibility for multiple revisions, ensuring that users can craft a professional cover letter that aligns with their job application requirements. The application is designed to be user-friendly, enabling users to generate a professional cover letter in a matter of minutes, thus streamlining the job application process.

What does FZCO AI Cover Letter Generator do?

FZCO AI Cover Letter Generator simplifies the process of creating a cover letter by utilizing artificial intelligence to generate content tailored to the user’s job details and qualifications. It offers a seamless experience where users input their professional information, and the AI takes over to craft a cover letter that highlights their strengths and suitability for the role. This tool is versatile, catering to a wide range of job roles from volunteer positions to legal roles, making it a valuable asset for anyone in the job market. The application also provides examples for inspiration and offers both free and premium options, accommodating users with different needs and preferences.

FZCO AI Cover Letter Generator Key Features

AI Cover Letter Maker : This is the core functionality of the application, where artificial intelligence is used to create personalized cover letters. The AI analyzes the user’s input regarding job details and qualifications to generate a cover letter that is both compelling and tailored to the job application.

Multiple Revisions : Understanding that perfection is key to making a great first impression, the application allows users to make unlimited revisions to their cover letters. This ensures that every user can refine their cover letter until it meets their exact standards and preferences.

Cover Letter Examples : For users seeking inspiration or guidance, the application provides a wide range of cover letter examples. These examples cover various job roles and industries, offering valuable insights into effective cover letter writing.

Free and Premium Options : To cater to a broad audience, FZCO AI Cover Letter Generator offers both free and premium options. Users can access basic features at no cost or opt for premium features, which include additional templates and advanced customization options, by purchasing in-app currency, Stars.

3. Grammarly AI Cover Letter Generator

Grammarly AI Cover Letter Generator

Grammarly AI Cover Letter Generator is a tool designed to streamline the job application process by assisting users in creating personalized and professional cover letters. Leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, this platform simplifies the task of writing a cover letter by generating a draft based on user-provided details. It offers a user-friendly experience that caters to the needs of job seekers aiming to make a strong first impression on potential employers. The AI cover letter generator is equipped to handle various aspects of writing, from ensuring grammatical correctness to fine-tuning the tone and formality to match the job application’s requirements.

What does Grammarly AI Cover Letter Generator do?

The Grammarly AI Cover Letter Generator functions as a writing assistant that helps job applicants produce cover letters that are both clear and tailored to the specific job they are applying for. By inputting key information about their work experience, the role in question, and the desired tone, users can receive a draft that reflects their qualifications and intentions. The tool’s AI analyzes the input to construct a cover letter that not only aligns with the job’s requirements but also showcases the applicant’s strengths in a coherent and impactful manner. This process not only saves time but also enhances the overall quality of the cover letter, potentially increasing the chances of securing an interview.

Grammarly AI Cover Letter Generator Key Features

Personalization : The core of Grammarly’s AI Cover Letter Generator lies in its ability to personalize cover letters. It considers the specific experiences and skills of the user, ensuring that each cover letter is unique and directly relevant to the job being applied for.

Tone Adjustment : Understanding the importance of tone, the tool offers suggestions to modify the cover letter to suit the formality and culture of the company. This feature helps in striking the right chord with the hiring manager.

Error Correction : Grammarly is renowned for its error correction capabilities, and this extends to the cover letter generator. It identifies and suggests corrections for grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors, which is crucial for making a professional impression.

Efficiency : The generator is designed for efficiency, allowing users to quickly produce a draft that can then be further customized. This speeds up the job application process, a significant advantage in a competitive job market.

Writing Assistance : Beyond the cover letter, Grammarly offers AI-powered writing assistance across various platforms, which can be beneficial for job seekers in all their written communications.

4. AI Cover Letter Creator

AI Cover Letter Creator

AI Cover Letter Creator is an innovative application designed to assist job seekers in crafting personalized and impactful cover letters with ease. Leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, this AI cover letter generator app simplifies the process of creating cover letters that stand out to recruiters and hiring managers. By inputting basic information about their career profile and the job they are applying for, users can generate cover letters that are not only tailored to their unique strengths but also aligned with industry trends and job requirements. This app aims to eliminate the stress and time-consuming nature of writing cover letters, making it a valuable tool for anyone looking to enhance their job application process.

What does AI Cover Letter Creator do?

AI Cover Letter Creator transforms the daunting task of writing a cover letter into a straightforward and efficient process. By harnessing artificial intelligence, the app personalizes cover letters based on the user’s career achievements, the specifics of the job they’re applying for, and the nuances of their industry. This AI cover letter generator offers smart content suggestions, including powerful keywords and dynamic phrases, to ensure that every cover letter is compelling and designed to catch the eye of potential employers. Furthermore, the app provides a range of industry-specific templates, making it easier for users to start with a solid foundation that they can then customize. Whether you’re applying for a job in tech, finance, healthcare, or any other field, AI Cover Letter Creator helps you create a cover letter that effectively communicates your skills and enthusiasm for the position.

AI Cover Letter Creator Key Features

AI-Powered Personalization : This feature allows the app to generate cover letters that are specifically tailored to the user’s professional background and the job they’re applying for. By analyzing the user’s input and the job description, the AI crafts a cover letter that highlights the user’s strengths and aligns with the employer’s requirements.

Smart Content Suggestions : The app provides users with intelligent suggestions for content and keywords to include in their cover letters. This helps overcome writer’s block and ensures that the cover letter is impactful, engaging, and optimized for the job application.

Industry-Specific Templates : With a wide array of templates designed for various industries, users can choose a template that best fits their field. This feature simplifies the initial steps of creating a cover letter and ensures that the format and content are appropriate for the user’s specific industry.

Customizable Design Options : Users can personalize their cover letters by selecting from various design elements. This customization enhances the visual appeal of the cover letter, making it more likely to stand out in a competitive job market.

5. Cover Letter Pilot

Cover Letter Pilot

Cover Letter Pilot is an AI-powered tool designed to assist job seekers in crafting compelling cover letters with ease. It harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to generate personalized cover letters tailored to individual job applications and user profiles. This innovative AI cover letter generator aims to streamline the job application process by providing a user-friendly platform that can produce professional and impactful cover letters, which are often a critical component of a successful job search.

What does Cover Letter Pilot do?

Cover Letter Pilot operates as a virtual writing assistant, focusing on the creation of customized cover letters for job applicants. It analyzes the user’s resume, job description, and personal information to construct a unique cover letter that highlights the candidate’s strengths and qualifications. By integrating specific job requirements and industry keywords, Cover Letter Pilot ensures that each cover letter is optimized for applicant tracking systems, increasing the chances of making a memorable first impression on potential employers.

Cover Letter Pilot Key Features

Personalization : Cover Letter Pilot offers a high degree of personalization by incorporating the user’s professional background and the specifics of the job they are applying for into the cover letter.

Industry-Specific Templates : The tool provides a variety of templates that are tailored to different industries, allowing users to start with a foundation that is relevant to their field of expertise.

Keyword Optimization : Understanding the importance of keywords in the job application process, Cover Letter Pilot includes features that help optimize the cover letter for applicant tracking systems, ensuring that the language used matches what recruiters are looking for.

User-Friendly Interface : The platform is designed with simplicity in mind, making it accessible for users of all technical abilities to create a professional cover letter quickly and efficiently.

Guided Assistance : Cover Letter Pilot offers step-by-step guidance throughout the cover letter creation process, offering suggestions and best practices to help users improve the quality of their cover letters.

6. Get Hired Cover Letter Creator

Get Hired Cover Letter Creator

Get Hired Cover Letter Creator is an innovative application designed to assist job seekers in crafting compelling cover letters with ease. Developed by Andras Kovacs and available for iPhone users, this AI cover letter generator app leverages artificial intelligence to generate personalized cover letters tailored to specific job descriptions. It simplifies the job application process by allowing users to import their CVs in PDF format and integrate job descriptions effortlessly. With its user-friendly interface and powerful AI engine, Get Hired Cover Letter Creator aims to enhance users’ job-seeking potential and accelerate their journey towards securing their dream job.

What does Get Hired Cover Letter Creator do?

Get Hired Cover Letter Creator streamlines the process of creating professional and personalized cover letters for job applications. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, it analyzes users’ CVs and the requirements of the job they are applying for, generating a cover letter that highlights their qualifications and suitability for the position. The app offers the convenience of importing CVs directly and the ability to scan or paste job descriptions, ensuring that each cover letter is perfectly aligned with the job’s demands. This approach not only saves time but also significantly increases the chances of making a strong first impression on potential employers.

Get Hired Cover Letter Creator Key Features

Import Your CV in a Snap : This feature allows users to easily import their CVs in PDF format, ensuring that their professional profiles are securely stored and readily accessible for generating personalized cover letters.

Effortless Job Description Integration : Users can simply paste or scan job descriptions using their camera. The app’s AI processes the details swiftly, aligning the cover letter with the job’s specific requirements.

AI-Generated Cover Letters : The core of the app, this feature utilizes an AI engine to create personalized cover letters based on the user’s CV and the job description. It ensures that each application stands out, saving users time and effort.

Create and Manage Unlimited Profiles : For those applying to multiple roles, this functionality enables the creation and management of unlimited profiles. It allows for the tailoring of cover letters to diverse roles effortlessly, enhancing the job application process.

Pro Features : The app also offers pro features for users looking to supercharge their job applications. These include the ability to craft an endless array of cover letters suited to every job opportunity, further empowering users in their job hunt.

7. LazyApply AI Cover Letter Generator

LazyApply AI Cover Letter Generator

LazyApply AI Cover Letter Generator is an innovative tool designed to assist job seekers in creating compelling and personalized cover letters with ease. Leveraging the power of GPT-3 technology, it offers a streamlined process for generating cover letters tailored to specific job applications. Recognized for its user-friendly interface, LazyApply enables users to produce high-quality cover letters that can significantly enhance their job application process. With a rating of 4.5 stars from over 500 users, it has proven to be an effective solution for many, facilitating a more efficient job search experience. Whether applying through LinkedIn, Indeed, or other job platforms, LazyApply has received positive feedback for its versatility and the quality of cover letters it produces.

What does LazyApply AI Cover Letter Generator do?

LazyApply AI Cover Letter Generator simplifies the task of writing cover letters by automating the process with advanced AI technology. It understands the nuances of job applications and creates customized cover letters that align with the job seeker’s profile and the job description. By inputting basic information about the job and personal qualifications, users can receive a professionally crafted cover letter in minutes. This tool is particularly beneficial for those who struggle with writing or need to apply to multiple jobs efficiently. It not only saves time but also helps in making a strong first impression on potential employers by providing well-structured and persuasive cover letters.

LazyApply AI Cover Letter Generator Key Features

User-Friendly Interface : The platform is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, ensuring a smooth experience for all users, regardless of their technical expertise.

Customization : LazyApply offers high levels of customization, allowing users to tailor their cover letters to match the specific requirements of each job application, making each submission unique and

8. CoverCraft


CoverCraft is an application designed to streamline the cover letter creation process for job seekers. By leveraging artificial intelligence, it assists users in crafting personalized and professional cover letters tailored to specific job roles and experiences. The AI cover letter generator app aims to save time and reduce the stress associated with writing cover letters, offering a modern solution for a task that is crucial in the job application process.

What does CoverCraft do?

CoverCraft is an AI cover letter generator that simplifies the task of writing a cover letter by automating the process with AI technology. Users input their job title and required skills, and the app generates a cover letter that is customized for the position. It considers the nuances of the job description and the individual’s professional background to produce a letter that not only matches the job requirements but also showcases the applicant’s strengths and achievements in a coherent and impactful manner.

CoverCraft Key Features

Instant Cover Letters : The app provides immediate results, generating cover letters quickly without leaving any sections incomplete. This feature is designed to help job seekers apply to positions faster, with the confidence that their cover letter is both complete and tailored to the job.

Job-Focused Letter : CoverCraft’s AI analyzes the job title and industry trends to ensure the cover letter aligns with the role. It emphasizes the user’s relevant skills and experiences, aiming to make a compelling argument for why they are the ideal candidate for the job.

Professional Language : The app uses advanced language generation technology to create well-structured and error-free sentences. This feature is intended to impress potential employers with a high level of professionalism in the applicant’s written communication.

PDF File : Once the cover letter is generated, users have the option to export it as a PDF file. This convenient feature allows for easy sharing and submission of the cover letter in a widely accepted format.

9. Simplified AI Cover Letter Writer

Simplified AI Cover Letter Writer

Simplified AI Cover Letter Writer is an innovative tool designed to assist job seekers in creating professional and personalized cover letters with ease. Leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, this platform streamlines the cover letter writing process by generating content that aligns with the specific requirements of various job postings. It aims to save time for applicants while enhancing the quality of their applications by producing content that is both relevant and tailored to the job they are targeting.

What does Simplified AI Cover Letter Writer do?

Simplified AI Cover Letter Writer functions as a personal writing assistant, utilizing advanced algorithms to craft cover letters that stand out to potential employers. By inputting job-related information and personal qualifications, users can generate a cover letter that not only matches the job description but also showcases their unique skills and experiences. The tool is designed to address common challenges in cover letter writing, such as writer’s block and the need for customization, providing a solid foundation upon which job seekers can build a compelling narrative for their job applications.

Simplified AI Cover Letter Writer Key Features

Tailored Content Generation : The AI technology behind Simplified AI Cover Letter Writer analyzes the job description and user-provided data to create a cover letter that is customized for the specific role and company, ensuring that the final product is highly relevant and targeted.

Keyword Optimization : Recognizing the importance of keywords in the job application process, the tool incorporates industry-specific terms and phrases that are likely to resonate with employers and applicant tracking systems, increasing the chances of the cover letter making a strong impression.

Time Efficiency : By automating the initial drafting process, Simplified AI Cover Letter Writer significantly reduces the time required to produce a cover letter, allowing job seekers to apply to more positions in less time without compromising on quality.

User-Friendly Interface : The platform is designed with a focus on user experience, making it accessible and easy to navigate even for those who may not be tech-savvy, thereby democratizing the job application process.

Continuous Improvement : As AI technology evolves, Simplified AI Cover Letter Writer benefits from ongoing updates and refinements, which means that the tool is constantly improving and adapting to the latest trends in recruitment and hiring practices.

10. HyperWrite AI Cover Letter Writer

HyperWrite AI Cover Letter Writer

HyperWrite AI Cover Letter Writer is a tool designed to assist job seekers in creating personalized cover letters with ease. It leverages artificial intelligence to analyze job descriptions and user resumes, generating a cover letter that highlights the candidate’s relevant skills and experiences. This tool aims to simplify the job application process by providing a structured and professional approach to cover letter writing, which can often be a time-consuming and challenging task for many individuals.

What does HyperWrite AI Cover Letter Writer do?

HyperWrite AI Cover Letter Writer streamlines the process of crafting a cover letter by using advanced algorithms to tailor content to the specific requirements of a job posting. It takes into consideration the nuances of the job description, the user’s professional background, and the industry standards to produce a coherent and compelling narrative. The tool’s objective is to enhance the job seeker’s chances of making a strong impression on potential employers by delivering a cover letter that effectively communicates their qualifications and enthusiasm for the role.

HyperWrite AI Cover Letter Writer Key Features

Customization : The AI-driven platform offers personalized cover letter creation, ensuring that each letter is tailored to the job seeker’s unique profile and the job they are applying for.

Efficiency : It significantly reduces the time and effort required to write a cover letter by automating the process and providing instant suggestions and edits.

User-Friendly Interface : The tool is designed with simplicity in mind, making it accessible for users of all skill levels to generate professional cover letters without prior experience.

Integration with Job Descriptions and Resumes : It seamlessly integrates the content of the user’s resume and the specifics of the job description to create a relevant and targeted cover letter.

Real-Time Content Generation : The AI technology enables the generation of content in real-time, allowing for quick adjustments and iterations based on user feedback or changes in the job application.

Learning and Adaptation : Over time, the tool learns from the user’s preferences and writing style, leading to increasingly personalized and improved cover letter outputs.

11. AIApply AI Cover Letter Generator

AIApply AI Cover Letter Generator

AIApply AI Cover Letter Generator is a tool designed to assist job seekers, students, and professionals in creating tailored cover letters for their job applications and university submissions. Utilizing the advanced capabilities of GPT-4, this platform offers a user-friendly experience that simplifies the process of drafting compelling cover letters. The AI cover letter generator service caters to a variety of needs, from entry-level positions to more senior roles, and even supports freelancers in crafting proposals. With a focus on customization, the generator takes into account individual career histories, skills, and specific job descriptions to produce a cover letter that aligns with the applicant’s professional profile.

What does AIApply AI Cover Letter Generator do?

AIApply AI Cover Letter Generator analyzes the user’s personal information, employment history, and the nuances of the job they are applying for to create a personalized cover letter. The process is streamlined to ensure ease of use, requiring users to simply upload their resume and provide the necessary details for the generator to work its magic. The AI technology behind the generator is adept at crafting letters that are not only tailored to the job but also styled to match the applicant’s level of experience, from the tone of a recent graduate to the authority of a seasoned professional.

AIApply AI Cover Letter Generator Key Features

Personalization : The AIApply AI Cover Letter Generator stands out for its ability to produce highly personalized cover letters. By analyzing provided details such as job history and skills, it crafts a narrative that is unique to each user.

Ease of Use : The platform is designed with user experience in mind, ensuring that generating a cover letter is a straightforward task that can be completed directly on the webpage without navigating through complex dashboards.

Advanced AI Technology : At the core of AIApply is a custom version of OpenAI’s GPT-4, fine-tuned specifically for cover letter creation, which sets it apart from other AI writing tools.

Security : User privacy and data security are prioritized, with robust encryption measures in place to protect personal information and a commitment to not sharing data with third parties.

Continuous Improvement : The AI models used by AIApply are continuously updated to improve their performance and to ensure that the cover letters produced are able to bypass AI-detection algorithms used by some employers.

12. Beamjobs Free AI Cover Letter Generator

Beamjobs Free AI Cover Letter Generator

Beamjobs Free AI Cover Letter Generator is an innovative tool designed to assist job seekers in crafting compelling cover letters with ease. This AI cover letter generator platform leverages the latest in artificial intelligence to provide a seamless experience for users looking to enhance their job application process. By automating the creation of personalized cover letters, it aims to save time and reduce the stress typically associated with tailoring applications to different job postings. The generator is intuitive and user-friendly, making it accessible to a wide range of users, from those just entering the job market to seasoned professionals seeking new opportunities.

What does Beamjobs Free AI Cover Letter Generator do?

The Beamjobs Free AI Cover Letter Generator simplifies the task of writing a cover letter by using artificial intelligence to analyze the user’s resume and the job description they are applying for. It then generates a customized cover letter that highlights the applicant’s skills and experiences in relation to the job’s requirements. This tool is designed to create cover letters that are not only tailored to the job but also formatted to meet the expectations of hiring managers and applicant tracking systems. It provides a starting point that can be further refined and personalized, offering a balance between automation and customization.

Beamjobs Free AI Cover Letter Generator Key Features

Personalization : The generator personalizes each cover letter based on the user’s resume and the specific job description, ensuring that the final product is unique and targeted.

Speed : With the ability to quickly generate cover letters, the tool significantly cuts down on the time job seekers spend on each application.

User-Friendly Interface : The platform is designed to be intuitive, allowing users to easily navigate and utilize the tool without requiring extensive technical knowledge.

Integration with Job Tracker : The cover letter generator is integrated with Beamjobs’ Job Tracker, keeping all job application documents organized in one place.

Customization : After the initial generation, users have the option to customize their cover letters, giving them control over the final message and tone.

ATS-Friendly : Cover letters created with the generator are designed to be friendly to Applicant Tracking Systems, increasing the chances of the application being noticed by potential employers.

FAQs on AI Cover Letter Generator

What is an ai cover letter generator.

An AI cover letter generator is a sophisticated software tool that leverages artificial intelligence to assist job seekers in creating personalized cover letters. It operates by analyzing the user’s resume, the job description they are applying for, and any additional input provided to generate a cover letter that highlights the candidate’s skills and experiences in relation to the job. The AI uses natural language processing to ensure the text is coherent, contextually relevant, and engaging, aiming to increase the applicant’s chances of securing an interview.

How does an AI Cover Letter Generator work?

The AI cover letter generator typically requires the user to input their personal information, work history, and details about the job they are applying for. It may also ask for specific achievements or skills to be emphasized. Using this data, the AI analyzes and selects relevant keywords and phrases that match the job description and industry standards. It then constructs sentences and paragraphs to form a draft cover letter, which the user can review, edit, and personalize further.

What are the benefits of using an AI Cover Letter Generator?

The primary benefits include time savings, as it can produce a draft much quicker than writing from scratch. This AI cover letter generator also helps in maintaining a professional tone and structure, which might be challenging for some applicants. Additionally, it can assist non-native English speakers by providing grammatically correct and well-phrased content. For those experiencing writer’s block, it offers a starting point that can be built upon to create a more personalized letter.

Can an AI Cover Letter Generator create a cover letter that stands out?

While AI can provide a strong starting point, the uniqueness of a cover letter ultimately depends on the user’s input and customization. AI-generated letters can sometimes be generic, so it’s crucial for users to infuse their personality, tailor the content to the specific job, and include unique experiences and achievements that differentiate them from other candidates.

Are there any drawbacks to using an AI Cover Letter Generator?

One potential drawback is the risk of creating a cover letter that lacks personalization and authenticity. Since AI generates content based on patterns and data, it may not capture the nuances of an individual’s experiences or the specific culture of a company. Additionally, over-reliance on AI without proper review and customization can result in a cover letter that does not effectively represent the candidate.

How can I ensure my AI-generated cover letter is effective?

To ensure effectiveness, it’s important to thoroughly review and customize the AI-generated draft. Add personal anecdotes, align the letter with the company’s values, and make sure it reflects your genuine interest in the position. It’s also advisable to have someone else proofread the final version to catch any errors or inconsistencies that the AI may have overlooked.

Will employers know if I used an AI Cover Letter Generator?

Employers may not necessarily know if a cover letter was AI-generated, especially if it has been well-customized and reviewed. However, if the letter contains generic phrases or lacks depth, employers might suspect it wasn’t personally written. To avoid this, invest time in making the letter your own by adding specific details and ensuring it aligns with your voice and the job’s requirements.

Crafting an effective cover letter is a critical step in the job application process, and an AI cover letter generator offers a convenient way to begin this task. It can save time and provide a professional structure, but the onus remains on the job seeker to personalize and refine the content. By injecting personal experiences, aligning with the company’s culture, and thoroughly reviewing the AI-generated draft, candidates can create compelling cover letters that resonate with employers. While AI offers a starting point, the human touch is indispensable for creating a cover letter that truly reflects the candidate’s qualifications and enthusiasm for the role.

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AI Cover Letter Generator

The AI Cover Letter Generator tells a compelling, individualized story about your recent career to help position you as a great fit for the role. Generate a tailored, memorable cover letter in seconds with AI.

cover letter generator

A Smarter Way to Write Your Cover Letters

cover letter generator ai grammarly

Write a Tailored Cover Letter In Seconds

The AI Cover Letter Generator writes a highly personalized cover letter based on both your career history and the requirements of the position you’re applying for.

Use AI to tell a cohesive, impactful story in your next cover letter.

cover letter generator ai grammarly

Accelerate Your Job Application Process and Save Hours

Streamline your cover letter writing process with AI and save yourself hours.

Use Teal to enhance your workflow and automate manual, time-consuming tasks.

Quickly craft unique, meaningful narratives in your cover letters with the click of a button.

cover letter generator ai grammarly

Strengthen Your Job Applications with a Custom Cover Letter

Pairing your resume with a customized cover letter is still an effective way to stand out amongst other candidates, and it doesn’t have to be a daunting challenge.

Take your job applications to the next level with our Cover Letter Generator and create a memorable cover letter in a matter of seconds.

Take Your Cover Letters to the Next Level with AI

cover letter generator ai grammarly

Ultimately, the effectiveness of your cover letter comes down to how well it presents you as the best possible candidate for the role.

Gone are the days of writing one cover letter and re-using it as a boilerplate template for multiple applications.

Your cover letter should be individualized.

Our Cover Letter Generator is designed to factor in both your existing career information (previous positions, experiences, achievements, etc.) and the requirements & responsibilities of the position, to develop a cohesive cover letter that makes a compelling case for how you’re an exceptional fit for the job.

Start taking advantage of Teal to step up your cover letters and get hired sooner with Teal.

How to Use the AI Cover Letter Generator

Import your existing resume into the resume builder.

Or, you can create a new one easily by starting in the Work History section

The more career details you provide, the better your cover letter will be.

Import your resume

Go to the “Cover Letter” Section and Attach a Job Description

Once your resume is all set, it’s time to pair it with an individual job that you’ll be applying to.

If you’ve already added the job to your account, simply select it from the dropdown to attach it. Otherwise, you can easily create a new job in just a few clicks.

Generate Your Cover Letter with AI

Simply click “Generate with AI” and let the magic happen.

Feel free to copy and paste your cover letter text in a separate Google Doc or Word Doc to save it for later.

generate your cover letter with AI

Review & Regenerate Your Cover Letter

From here, you can make adjustments to your resume, attach a new job description, or simply click “Re-generate with AI” to create a new cover letter based on the existing settings.

You can use this technology to accelerate your process and apply to more jobs, without sacrificing any quality.

What's Free & What's

  • Unlimited Resumes
  • Unlimited Resumes Templates
  • Unlimited Job Tracking
  • Top 5 Keywords
  • 1 Email Template Per job stage
  • Limited AI Usage for Resume Achievements (5), Professional Summaries (2) and Cover Letter (1)
  • Basic analysis in the resume builder
  • Basic Resume Keyword Matching
  • Everything in Teal Free
  • Unlimited Advanced Resume Analysis
  • Unlimited Resume Keyword Matching
  • Unlimited AI Usage for Resume Achievements, Professional Summaries and Cover Letter
  • Unlimited keywords (hard and soft skills) listed in the job tracker
  • Unlimited Email Templates
  • No ads across the entire platform
  • 24/7 Email Support

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the AI Cover Letter Generator can be an excellent tool to enhance your writing process and improve the quality of your job applications.

However, it's important to note that the quality of the cover letter output will depend on the level of information and detail you’ve included in your resume.

To maximize the quality of your cover letter text, make sure to both update your resume and attach a relevant job description to the tool.

Our Cover Letter Writer uses two sources of information to personalize your cover letter.

  • Your Resume
  • The Job Description of the job you’ve attached

As mentioned, to get your cover letter right, it should both align with your resume, and should be tailored to the needs and requirements of the position.

The Cover Letter Generator aims to make this process seamless and efficient.

Yes, simply sign up for a free Teal account , and follow the steps outlined above.

You will be allotted one free cover letter AI generations in the free tier, and unlimited AI usage as a Teal+ member (along with many other benefits).

Better Resume. Faster Search. More Offers.

Resume Worded

Generate your cover letters with ai, get proven cover letters in seconds, not hours. use our ai cover letter generator to write effective, hyper-personalized cover letters that hiring managers will love. save time and stand out in your job search..

Our AI cover letter generator will take your resume and your job description, and craft a unique, targeted cover letter that will show your enthusiasm and excitement for the job.

See it in action

You'll never get stuck writing a cover letter again. see it for yourself in the example below. it's absurdly simple to generate a complete cover letter that you can use with your application. the whole process takes around 45 seconds., cover letters...the easy way., writing cover letters sucks. it’s hard to know what to say, what experience to highlight, or skills to mention, and even though most employers still ask for a cover letter, they rarely tell you what they want it to include. what a headache well. not anymore. with our ai-powered cover letter generator, you can create a personalized cover letter for every job application that highlights your unique skills and qualifications, stands out from the crowd with compelling prose, and uses engaging, professional phrasing to showcase not only your skills but also your personality. our unique tool pulls relevant details from your resume and tailors your cover letter to the specific job requirements so you know your letter will show a recruiter precisely what they’re looking for - no more guessing required. and even better, it saves you time. our generator will scan your resume and job description in seconds, delivering a high-performing, well-crafted cover letter in less than a minute. so you can spend less time worrying about what to write and more time preparing for all the interviews your cover letters will get you., what sets our cover letter generator apart from the rest, our cover letter generator is so much more than an ai writing tool. it knows how to write professional, engaging cover letters that will win you interviews and make your next application a success..

  • Developed by recruiters Developed by our team of professional recruiters and hiring managers, our AI-powered software knows what employers are looking for in a great cover letter. Our wealth of resume writing knowledge ensures our software is up-to-date with current recruitment trends and is specifically developed with industry professionals in mind.
  • Filled with personality Our generator doesn’t just write words. It crafts compelling stories that showcase your personality. Our AI Generator creates cover letters that highlight your skills, personality, and enthusiasm for the role. It also detects your resume's tone and phrasing to make a cover letter that sounds like you.
  • Tailored to the job Just like any good resume, our AI-generated cover letters include the right mix of industry-specific keywords, hard skills, and relevant experience to ensure your letter is tailored to the specific role and company you’re applying for, leaving the guesswork out of writing your next cover letter.

Get a cover letter that recruiters will love

An introductory paragraph generated by our cover letter generator

Get a cover letter that adds in real unique personality

Why is a good cover letter so important?

Cover letters are often the first part of your application an employer will see, so it’s crucial to ensure that first impression is a good one. a poorly written cover letter can cause a recruiter to disregard your application, just as a good cover letter can make a hiring manager excited to read your resume. a cover letter should give the reader enough information to see why you’re the right candidate for the job without simply re-writing your resume. it needs to demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position, show an employer that you understand their company, and showcase a little of your personality while maintaining a professional tone. it’s hard to sell yourself as the perfect candidate when you don’t know what an employer is looking for, and even harder to write concise, memorable, error-free prose specifically tailored to each application. that’s where our tool comes in. don’t fret about capturing the right mix of personable and professional. use our ai-powered generator to quickly write a cover letter that does all of the above and lets you focus on getting back to your job search., rules for writing a good cover letter, when you’re writing a cover letter, open with a strong introduction. if possible, find the name of the hiring manager and address them directly to show initiative and attention to detail. then, mention the job you’re applying for and your enthusiasm for the role. the following paragraph should highlight particular skills and qualifications relevant to the position, paying special attention to any hard skills and keywords mentioned in the job description. next, show you've done some research on the employer by describing how your skills align with the company's goals or values, and end by thanking the reader for their consideration. your cover letter should be 3 or 4 paragraphs in total. remember, you’re not rewriting your whole resume. the key is to be concise and direct, choosing one or two examples to showcase your points. when you’re finished, remember to proofread for grammar and spelling mistakes, as we all know how poor typos look on professional documents..

Our cover letter generator is fully customizable, and you can tell it to emphasize certain elements that you want to highlight.

Ready to generate your cover letter?

So, are you ready to generate your first cover letter here’s how it works. all you have to do is upload your resume and the job description of the role you’re applying for, and our ai tool will detect your relevant achievements, skills, and experience. it will then craft those skills into a compelling cover letter that is pre-formatted, error-free, and personalized to capture your professional voice. you can also tell the ai software to specifically highlight certain aspects of your resume if there’s a particular qualification you want your cover letter to focus on. as the process is so quick, you can create multiple cover letters for each application if you wish, allowing you to choose whichever you prefer. you can also play around and see if highlighting a certain aspect of your resume creates a more compelling narrative, or combine your favorite parts from multiple letters. it’s so easy to use, it’s really up to you..

  •   Resume Optimizer Is your resume optimized to get past hiring managers and the ATS? Upload it to this tool and instantly get actionable steps to improve it.
  •   Job Description Keyword Finder Your resume needs to include the right keywords to get past resume screening systems. Find out what those keywords are, using the job description.
  •   Google Docs Resume Templates Need a resume template that's recruiter-approved and passes automated hiring systems? Choose one from 300+ free Google Docs templates we've curated that you can edit online.

Get your free cover letter in 60 seconds

Don't waste time writing your cover letters. let ai use your past work experience and information about the job to generate a perfect cover letter.,    get expert feedback on your resume, instantly, get access to our resume ai tool that will find and fix your resume's mistakes, so you get more interviews..

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Resume Worded

Ai Cover Letter Generator

Generate catchy and convincing cover letter using lazyapply free cover letter generator tool. download and create unlimited cover letters and accelerate your job search..

4.5 Star Rated / 523 Users

AI cover letter generator

Free cover letter creator tool to create cover letter for your job search powered by gpt-3., cover letter generator - lazyapply reviews.


LazyApply is hands down the best online cover letter generator I have used. It has a user-friendly interface that enables you to quickly and easily generate a p...... show more

I recently tried out the linkedin cover letter creator and was really surprised with the results. i think if you are not using such tools in your job search the...... show more, i recently used the indeed cover letter generator and was incredibly pleased with the results. the interface was easy to use and the resulting cover letter was ...... show more, if you're looking for someone to help you write your next cover letter, i highly recommend this cover letter ai. recently i was applying for jobs so i started l...... show more.


1 . What is a Cover Letter Generator?

A cover letter generator is a ai based tool that is used to generate personalized cover letter for each job posting based on the information you tell it. the ai cover letter generator is trained on millions of cover letter templates to generate a personalised catchy and convincing cover letter for each job post., 2 . how do i use the cover letter ai, using cover letter ai is really simple. just enter your information like your name, position for which you are writing cover letter, to whom you want to send this cover letter and company to which you are planning to apply using this cover letter. hit generate cover letter button and let ai handle rest of things for you., 3 . is the cover letter ai free, yes, the ai cover letter generator is free to can create daily 5 personalised cover letter using this. if you want to create more than 5 cover letters daily, you will have to purchase unlimited plan to do so., 4 . can i write cover letter for all categories, yes, the ai writer tool can write cover letter for all job fields and can personalised it too based on the company profile as well as your profile., 5 . how can i make sure my cover letter stands out, you already got it cover with the lazyapply cover letter creator tool. the ai is trained to create a personalised catchy and conviencing cover letter for every job you apply for., 6 . does this ai cover letter generator letter check for grammar and spelling errors, yes, you don’t have to worry about grammer and spelling mistakes at all, 7 . how quickly can i generate a cover letter , enter your information and once you click the button, it’s just a matter of couple of seconds before you get your cover letter., 8 . can i download cover letter, yes, you can download unlimited cover letters in pdf format as well as you can directly email these cover letters to your email using email me this cover letter button, 9 . can this cover letter ai can be used as linkedin cover letter generator, yes, this linkedin cover letter generator can be used for writing cover letters for job posted on linkedin. it’s very useful linkedin cover letter builder tool., 10 . can this cover letter creator can be used as indeed cover letter generator, yes, this indeed cover letter generator can be used for writing cover letters for job posted on indeed..


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  1. Free AI Cover Letter Generator

    cover letter generator ai grammarly

  2. Make a cover letter instantly with Rezi AI cover letter generator. : r/Rezi

    cover letter generator ai grammarly

  3. Cover Letter Generator You Can Use For Free

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  4. Free AI Cover Letter Generator

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  5. Free AI Cover Letter Generator

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  6. AI Cover Letter Generator

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  1. Cramly AI Cover Letter Generator

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  3. Using AI to write my internship cover letter

  4. The Future of Content Creation| Hyper-Personalized 4000 Word AI Blog Writing in 10 Minutes

  5. Why "Easy Apply" On Linkedin Will Ruin Your Chances Of Getting The Job

  6. How To Use AI To Write Cover Letter (Step-by-Step Guide)


  1. The 5 Best AI Cover Letter Generators and Writers Compared

    Jasper AI — Popular AI writer with a handy Content Improver tool for grammatical accuracy and AIDA template. Rytr — The best free cover letter writer with 40+ use cases, 20+ tones, and AI image generator. Simplified — One of the most easy-to-use AIs with one-line prompts and minimal grammatical errors.

  2. How to Write a Cover Letter With Generative AI

    Learn how to craft the perfect cover letter by using GrammarlyGO, Grammarly's generative AI offering. In this video, we break down how to organize yourself, ...

  3. Top 9 Best Online Cover Letter Generators

    Grammarly. You might already be familiar with Grammarly through their popular editing app. In addition to helping you check your writing, Grammarly also provides a free, AI-powered cover letter generator. Unlike most of the websites on this list, Grammarly's cover letter builder actually uses AI to make your cover letter, ...

  4. Best AI Cover Letter Generator

    Grammarly, known for its writing assistance, brings its prowess to cover letter generation too. This tool intrigued me with its dual promise: not only to create content but to refine it, ensuring clarity, conciseness, and correctness. The Grammarly generative AI is still in the beta phase, but it worked fine for me.

  5. Free AI Cover Letter Generator: Powered By ChatGPT

    AI Cover Letter Generator. Powered by the same AI behind ChatGPT. Create a cover letter by pasting the job post and your resume. It's that easy. Generate Cover Letter It's Free. We Helped People Land Jobs At. Dear Hiring Manager, I am excited to apply for the Business Analyst position at XYZ Corp. As an experienced professional with expertise ...

  6. 12 Best AI Cover Letter Generators

    Grammarly AI Cover Letter Generator is a tool designed to streamline the job application process by assisting users in creating personalized and professional cover letters. Leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, this platform simplifies the task of writing a cover letter by generating a draft based on user-provided details.

  7. Cover Letter Generator

    Accelerate Your Job Application Process and Save Hours. Streamline your cover letter writing process with AI and save yourself hours. Use Teal to enhance your workflow and automate manual, time-consuming tasks. Quickly craft unique, meaningful narratives in your cover letters with the click of a button.

  8. The Best AI Cover Letter Builders in 2024

    GPT-3.5 is free to use and works quite well. In fact, GPT-3.5 is probably the best completely free AI cover letter generator on the market. ChatGPT-4 is more advanced and requires a paid account. It costs $20 a month for a ChatGPT subscription, but with this subscription, you receive total access to the full power of ChatGPT and its cover ...

  9. AI-Powered Cover Letter Generator

    A cover letter generator can create a custom cover letter for your job application, but the level of customization varies depending on the quality of the generator. Jobscan's generator is industry leading because it uses GPT-4, the latest AI technology, and your complete resume and a specific job description to highlight relevant skills and ...

  10. The Best AI Cover Letter Generators to Assist Your Job Hunt

    Grammarly The grammar-checking software now has its own AI cover letter generator. By using your resume, job title, and job posting, their AI tool will create cover letter templates that you can edit to add the company and hiring manager information. There are no other special features to their tool, it will simply generate one cover letter ...

  11. AI Cover Letter Generator

    Our AI Generator creates cover letters that highlight your skills, personality, and enthusiasm for the role. It also detects your resume's tone and phrasing to make a cover letter that sounds like you. Just like any good resume, our AI-generated cover letters include the right mix of industry-specific keywords, hard skills, and relevant ...

  12. AI cover letter generator

    The AI cover letter generator is trained on millions of cover letter templates to generate a personalised catchy and convincing cover letter for each job post. 2. How do I use the Cover Letter ai? using cover letter ai is really simple. Just enter your information like your name, position for which you are writing cover letter, to whom you want ...

  13. LPT: Use AI to generate cover letters to save time applying to ...

    It's even better when you type in "create a cover letter for the following job posting" and then paste in the job post. Then go on to write, "take that last cover letter and add in specific examples from my resume" and paste your resume. Reply reply. astralwannabe.

  14. NEW: AI-Generated Cover Letters & Resumes

    Here's how it works: 1. Sign up. 2. Choose your start date—it can be today or in the future. 3. On your chosen date, you'll receive 5 daily tips and action items straight to your inbox to help ...

  15. 100% of jobs asking for a cover letter, but AI is better at writing

    I spent hours learning through free college resources how to write a cover letter, and every job application no matter how small took far too much time. Now, if you're pushing for some high end position, sure, a cover letter is probably good. But for, let's say 99% of jobs out there, a cover letter is about as relevant as a VCR.