Essay on “Animals-Our Friends” for School, College Students, Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

Animals-Our Friends

From the very stone age man has been associated with animals. At one stage of evolution man Was just another animal. There was a very little difference. The rapid development of human brain lifted the man on a higher plane than the rest of the animals. Put his brotherhood with the animals continued. The scientists believe that the man evolved from one of the species of monkeys.

Intact, the growth of intelligence in humans brought them closer to the animals than ever before. The thinking human realized how animals could be useful to him as pets and tamed live stock. He could also/see the beauty of the animals that added colour and variety to the scene. It is believed that cave man happened to rear a wolf cub that evolved into dog, the man’s best friend. An abandoned everlasting relationship got founded which is growing stronger.

The relationship and love between a man and his pet are stable and lasts life- long. A pet does not make any demands from its master except love and in return it gives love without arty conditions. The pets respond better to our care, love and friendship. It is a sweet relationship. The friendship between humans rarely lasts long and it is never unconditional.

The human friendships is subject to motives, self-interests, incomplete trust, convenience and a host of pre-conditions. Pet, animals, birds and other creatures are never ungrateful. They are friends forever. Foul play, scheming, deceit and betrayal are not in their nature. Most of the animals are our true friends. In true harmony they live with us and make the life enjoyable.

Animals serve the human interest in many ways. The wild ones create a beautiful environment around us and maintain ecological balance. Butterflies and bees pollinate flowers and help the trees bear fruit. The earthworms hollow the soil and make it fertile for us to grow harvests of food grains. Birds paint the air with colours and sounds. Snakes eat field mice and save our harvests. There are a lot of things we don’t know about how wild creatures enrich our lives.

We know a lot about the domesticated animals like dogs, cats, horses, cattle, elephants, pigs, hens, ducks, turkeys, sheep, ponies, mules, yaks, camels, llamas, ostriches, reindeers etc. The dog is man’s oldest friend and the dearest. It is our companion, protector, guide and its presence has soothing effect.

Dogs help the law as well by serving as police dogs. They serve in wars also. Dogs help in hunting and in rearing sheep too. They prove wonderful guides for blind and old people. In snow bound areas the dogs draw sledges. They also help in rescuing travelers lost in snow storms or buried in snow. Now-a- days, doctors prescribe pet dogs to mentally troubled people, mentally retracted kids or the people with frayed nerves. The company of dogs keeps the nerves calmed down. There are a number of different breeds of dogs for different purposes. The loyalty of the dogs is legendary. Amazing stories of the loyal deeds of dogs keep appearing in the media.

Cats are kept as pets, for they kill rat species. They look pretty and add beauty to the house. Women particularly are fond of cats. They are good to play with and are cuddle some. They make a good constant company.

The cattle give us milk and yield hide for a variety of leather goods, the prominent being shoes. The cattle waste makes a good manure and it is traditionally used as domestic fuel in India. It is because of this usefulness that Hindu tradition considers cow to be a holy animal.

Yaks and bullocks are beasts of burden. The bullocks pull the ploughs in our country. In the western countries cattle meat is consumed as beef items. Sheep and goat provide meat, hide and wool. The goats yield milk as well. Pigs are loads of fat pork which is turned into ham, bacon, salami, sausages and other pork items. Llama, mules and camel are other beasts of burden. Camels provide milk also.

For snow covered regions of northern hemisphere reindeer is the life saver. It provides meat, fat oil for light and hide for leather wears. Bison served the same purpose for Red Indians. Poultry birds yield eggs and meat. Ostrich lays large eggs and is also used for riding.

Elephants are used for carrying logs in Thailand. They are also used for rides. In India Kings loved to ride decorated elephants. They were also used in wars to stonewall the enemy. These big animals are intelligent, brave and very hard working. They have a long memory.

The horse is another old friend of man. It is known for its speed, strength, swiftness, loyalty and excellent path finding sense. The horses are made for riding. Before the mechanization took over, the horses used to lead warriors into wars. It has a long history of fighting wars in tandem with humans. The horses can perform many tricks, pranks and feats. They are the stars of equestrian events.

For some people monkeys are nuisance. But many others like them. Indian Madaris perform several tricks with monkeys as their pets and business partners. Monkey are also used for testing new drugs or experimenting. Birds like parrots, bulbuls and mynahs are-kept as pets for-their ability to sing sweet songs or talk in human tongue. Kites, crows, vultures, eagles and peacocks also serve various purposes. They consume the dead animals or discarded eatables and keep our environment neat and clean. In that sense they are also our silent friends.

There is no animal that serves no purpose. Directly or indirectly every creature contributes to our happiness in some way. We must be kind to all our animal friends.

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Kindness to Animals Essay

The kindness to animals essay covers why we should always show compassion to animals. There are a few advantages to being kind to animals, and they are listed in the article. Some of these include showing respect for animals, being kind to them, and helping preserve our environment as it provides shelter to animals. Kindness to animals essay teaches us to be kind and tolerant towards furry friends.

Some people think that animals don’t have feelings or emotions, but they do. The relationship between humans and animals is much more than just giving them food and shelter. A human’s well-being depends on all living things, including animals. Humans are responsible for the treatment of domestic animals .

Kindness to animals is a common practice that many people engage in today. It is always a nice feeling to help animals in need. There are many ways that you can show kindness towards them. You can share your food with them, get a pet for yourself, or volunteer for an animal shelter.

Animals have an impact on our lives in many ways. As a society, we have focused more on human beings, which has caused a lot of harm to our planet and the animals that live on it. It is important to make decisions that help preserve wildlife to protect humans and animals.

animals are our friends essay 50 words

Importance of Protecting Animals

Animal activism and animal rights have been a growing trend in recent years. Animal advocates preach kindness to animals, highlighting that just as humans should be kind to each other, they should also extend that kindness to the wildlife around them. There are different types of animal activism by the people who believe in protecting animals.

There are many reasons to take care of animals and levels of kindness one can show to an animal. Some people believe that animals are a reflection of ourselves, and if we have loving animal companions, it will make us feel more fulfilled. There is also the argument that animals have the same rights as humans and that they should be protected for their welfare.

Kindness to animals essay discusses the benefits of animal-friendly practices and ideas. It also provides resources for those who want to make a difference in their own lives, whether they are working in the animal industry or not.

Many wild animals are suffering and dying because of human cruelty. The best way to help is to be kinder. We should treat all animals with care, respect, love, kindness, and dignity.

Frequently Asked Questions on Kindness to Animals Essay

Why should kids refer to byju’s kindness to animals essay.

Kids must refer to BYJU’S kindness to animals essay because it discusses the benefits of animal-friendly practices and philosophies. Animals need to be protected because they are an important part of our ecosystem. Also, when an animal becomes extinct, this could have a huge impact on the ecosystem.

Why should we protect the animals?

Animals are a precious part of our world, and we should protect them. There are many animals that have been endangered because of human activities, like the animals in Africa that have been killed by poaching. We need to protect these animals so that we can stop global warming and other environmental issues.

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English Grammar Zone

Paragraph on Animals Are Our Friends in English for Students [100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 Words]

One warm afternoon, I was playing in the park when a friendly dog came up and gently put his head on my knee. It made me smile and realize that animals can be wonderful friends. Just like people, animals show us love and make us happy. In this article, we will explore why animals are our friends through paragraphs of different lengths. Get ready to discover how these amazing creatures bring joy and friendship into our lives!

Long and short paragraph on Animals Are Our Friends

animals our best friend essay

Paragraph on Animals Are Our Friends – 100 Words

Animals are our friends because they love us and make us feel special. When I play with my dog, I feel happy because he wags his tail and licks my face. Animals help us by being there when we are lonely and making us laugh. To be a good friend to animals, I make sure to feed them on time and give them clean water. Animals do friendly things like cuddling and playing with us. It’s great to have animal friends because they always care about us and make our days brighter.

Paragraph on Animals Are Our Friends – 150 Words

I think animals are our friends because they help us feel loved. When I come home, my cat always runs to greet me, which makes me feel very happy. Animals help us by keeping us company and sometimes protecting our homes. They show friendliness by snuggling close and sharing playful moments with us. I feel joy and comfort when I play with animals. To be a good friend to them, I treat animals with kindness, such as by not yelling and always being gentle. Taking care of animals and loving them shows that we appreciate their friendship. Animals are wonderful friends who bring smiles and happiness to our lives every day.

Paragraph on Animals Are Our Friends – 200 Words

Animals are truly our friends because they bring unconditional love and joy into our lives. They help us by providing companionship and sometimes even by helping people who have disabilities. For example, guide dogs help people who cannot see, and therapy animals help people feel less stressed. Animals show their friendliness by playing games with us, like fetch with a dog or chase with a cat. When I play with animals, I feel a strong bond of friendship and happiness. Being a good friend to animals means caring for them by giving them a safe home, healthy food, and lots of love. We should also protect them by making sure they have a clean environment and are treated well. Animals have a special way of understanding and connecting with us, which is why they are amazing friends.

Paragraph on Animals Are Our Friends – 250 Words

I believe animals are our friends because they show us affection and make our lives richer. Animals assist us in many ways, such as by being loyal companions, helping reduce our anxiety, and sometimes working with law enforcement to keep people safe. Friendly animals engage with us through gestures like purring, tail wagging, and gentle nuzzling. These actions demonstrate their affection and willingness to be our friends. When I interact with animals, I feel an overwhelming sense of joy and peace, knowing that these creatures trust and accept us. To be a good friend to animals, it’s important to ensure they are happy and healthy. This includes regular visits to the vet, proper grooming, and ensuring they have plenty of space to play and exercise. Additionally, educating others about the importance of animal welfare can help ensure that all animals are treated with the respect and kindness they deserve. Animals enrich our lives in countless ways, showing us the true meaning of friendship without expecting anything in return.

Paragraph on Animals Are Our Friends – 300 Words

I am convinced that animals are our friends because they offer us emotional support, companionship, and even health benefits. Animals like dogs, cats, and horses can sense our feelings and provide comfort during tough times. They assist us as service animals, like guide dogs for the blind and therapeutic animals that help with mental health issues. Animals express their friendliness through various behaviors such as licking, cuddling, and following us around, which strengthens our bond with them. Playing with animals always fills me with elation and a sense of belonging, as these moments are filled with genuine affection and fun. Being a good friend to animals involves more than just meeting their basic needs; it includes understanding their behaviors, respecting their space, and advocating for their rights. We must also protect their habitats and ensure they live in a healthy environment. By nurturing our relationships with animals, we learn valuable lessons about empathy, compassion, and unconditional love. Animals not only enrich our lives but also teach us the importance of friendship and caring for others in the purest form.

Animals are our friends paragraph

FAQs on Animals Are Our Friends

  • Why do I think animals are our friends? I think animals are our friends because they offer us companionship, affection, and loyalty. They can sense our emotions and often react in ways that provide comfort and happiness. Animals are capable of forming strong bonds with humans, demonstrating friendship through their behaviors and interactions.
  • How do animals help us? Animals help us in many ways, including providing emotional support, reducing stress and anxiety, and offering companionship. Some animals, like service dogs, have specific roles that assist people with disabilities, enhancing their quality of life and independence.
  • What are some friendly things animals do? Some friendly things animals do include wagging their tails, purring, licking, and cuddling up next to us. These behaviors are ways animals express their affection and willingness to connect with us.
  • How do I feel when I play with animals? When I play with animals, I feel joyful and comforted. Interacting with animals brings a sense of fun and happiness, and it’s a time when we can share affection and enjoy each other’s company.
  • What are some ways I can be a good friend to animals? To be a good friend to animals, ensure they have a healthy diet, a safe environment, and regular veterinary care. Show them affection, spend quality time with them, and respect their needs and boundaries.

Popular Quotes on Animals Are Our Friends

  • “Animals are such agreeable friends—they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms.” – George Eliot
  • “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole France
  • “Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life.” – James Cromwell
  • “The better I get to know men, the more I find myself loving animals.” – Charles de Gaulle
  • “An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language.” – Martin Buber
  • “The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man.” – Charles Darwin
  • “Animals are my friends…and I don’t eat my friends.” – George Bernard Shaw

Summaries on Animals Are Our Friends

Animals are our friends because they bring joy, companionship, and love into our lives. They help us emotionally and sometimes even physically, making our days better. Playing with animals makes me feel happy and loved, and being a good friend to them means taking care of their needs and ensuring they feel safe and happy. Animals show us the importance of friendship in the most beautiful ways.

Animals enrich our lives with their friendship and loyalty. They offer comfort, reduce stress, and bring unconditional love. Being a good friend to animals involves caring for them and protecting their well-being. By understanding and respecting them, we strengthen our bond and learn the true essence of companionship. Animals are not just pets; they are our friends who deserve our love and respect.

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Animals Are Our Best Friends - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Animals are our best friends because they offer us unconditional love, loyalty, and companionship. They do not judge us, and they are always there for us, no matter what. They provide us with comfort and affection when we are sad or lonely, and they can easily relieve our stress and anxiety. Besides being great emotional support, different animals can also provide us with practical assistance, such as dogs guiding blind individuals, horses helping people with disabilities, and cats hunting mice and rats. Overall, animals have proven to be loyal and loving friends that bring joy, comfort and laughter into our lives.

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Essay on Our Animal Friends

animals are our friends essay 50 words

Man is a social animal. This fact itself proves our nearness to the animal kingdom or the animal world.

Animals are very faithful and helpful. Right from the very early stages a dog is perhaps the only animal who has helped mankind the most. Cow comes next. She provides us milk and bullocks for the agriculture work. Horse or the mule is yet another animal who helps mankind in more than one way.

A cat is also known to be the best pet. Children specially the younger ones like her very much. They carry her in their arms like a puppy, as she is lighter and softer to handle.

Among the animals we can include goats, lambs, hares or rabbits also. The presence of an animal in a house is considered to be a good omen in villages. Farmers own cows, buffaloes, bullocks, horses, mules, ponies and even asses, for milk, framework and over and above that, as a status symbol. The animals are our best friends.

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Essay on Pets are Our Best Friends [PDF]

Pets are not only just home animals but pets are also our companion throughout the day, they provide us both emotional and physical benefits, today in this essay presentation we are discussing why we called Pets are Our Best Friends. So let’s dive into the essay.

Pets are Our Best Friends feature image

Don’t we just love to entertain the idea of having a dog or cat- or any other pet at our home to play with? After returning home from school, won’t we all just love to play with our friends?

That’s true for most of the people as pets are the best friends. We don’t have to worry about what they will think about us when discussing our deepest worry or the momentary sadness or not feeling embarrassed about even sharing the story of how the teacher praised us and or that we well fell while running in school.

History is proof that pets are probably the best companion of humans. From the Indus Valley civilization domestication of animals such as cats started. They even had goddesses like Bast in Egyptian mythology to show the importance of pets in the lives of humans.

Pets can be our canine friends – dogs or feline cats to birds, reptiles, fishes to frogs. There are many types of animals one can take as pets and taking care of them is very important. Developing a good relationship with them makes the pet our best friends.

The best part of having a pet is having someone to rely on and play with whatever the situation or take care of when nobody is beside you. One can play constantly, sit and study besides their pets with the additional joy of having someone with you. When you are sad and miserable or when you feel so very happy you can always enjoy your pet.

They never resent us but for that having a good friendship and connection with them is necessary. Having a pet comes with the responsibility of taking care of them by giving food, water, medicines and grooming them according to their needs.

Going for a walk or playing with this or just plain stimulating and sitting beside them gives a tranquil heart and mind. We never realize when the time passes by when we play with our pets.

Treating a pet as an equal and understanding their needs and desires is really important. We should never let our pets feel sad or lonely. They always love to have us beside them. Some pets like dogs and mice or squirrels love to play and exercise while others like cats and replies or tortoises prefer lazing around.

Fishes in an aquarium or a single bowl also are among choice pets of people. Though animals can’t talk in a language they are very expressive and try their best to understand what we are saying and our hidden emotions. They excel at guessing their master’s temperament and mood. They act accordingly to appease and satisfy their loved humans.

Whenever one is sad they can turn up to their pet for solace and surely they will forget their sorrow gaining a great mental place. Pets enjoy our companionship as we do theirs and they trust us with their everything. Humans are a social creature and our curiosity urges us to communicate with these simple-minded creations of Nature and God – animals and live in harmony with happiness.

Pets play with us, eat with us and trust us. There are many instances where a pet takes extreme steps to save their masters exhibiting their loyalty. And many times some pets are so devoted to their human companions that they get seriously ill or even die after their master’s death.

These incidents, again and again, solidify the notion that pets are the best friends a human can have in their entire lifetime. Though they have short lifespans when compared to humans, time spent is something to cherish and remember forever and ever.

Adopting or taking a pet requires a lot of patience and love. Equally love is returned by them, if not more. It takes significant time to build a trusting relationship but once the bond is formed, nothing can stop or change this friendship which only deepens with time.

If you have a pet you’ll know the happiness and importance they have in your life. They never judge you and always try to do and make things better for you, even when scolding. And what else is to be considered, just fall in the charm of their cuteness.

So how was this essay on pets are my best friend? I hope you liked it, please do comment and share your thoughts regarding this essay, also do not forget to share this paper on your favorite social media platform and help us to grow!

Essay on Animals are our Best Friends | Short Composition | English |

Essay on Animals are our Best Friends

Animals have always been considered man’s best friend. No matter, what the situation is, they have always stood by humans in all the ups and down. Therefore, many people love to keep them as pets, spend time playing with them and taking care of them. It’s a widely-known fact that no body can be more truthful and honest than animals.

People and Animals have always been close and the Animals have not failed to meet their expectations. They have given us great company be it playing with us and helping us in our daily tasks. Although some of us may argue that it’s only a relationship of mutual benefit, yet we would never find an animal lying or deceiving us. Animals are always honest and loyal friends, because they do not know how to pretend nor even think about such a thing.

If there is one thing that has marked the history of Mankind it’s precisely the relationship between humans and animals. Since early times when we started domesticating them until now when almost half of Humanity keeps Animals as pets. From hunting dogs, donkeys and horses to cats and canaries: there is no corner of the world wherein they have not offered their services honestly.

These four-legged creatures don’t come in cuddly sizes but the love and affection they spread all around is unmatchable and can not be compared to any other person or thing. Some people are so fond of them that they give their animals humans name especially that they love the most. 

We must respect all the animals and treat them as we treat other creatures of this world. They must not be slaughtered just for the sake of food but given due respect and space they require. This way, we can maintain balance between both humans and animals. 

Anyone who has no feeling for animals has a dead heart.

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Essay on animals are our best friends.

Animals having many characteristics similar to human like senses to see, and feel etc. They help us in different manners. Some people love pats and company of pets makes their life happy and brings happiness and joy in life. Animals live with us, take care of us and are always happy with us.

I also have a cute cate in my home and younger brother having a cute puppy.

At first glance, animals may seem like old-fashioned creatures that only walk on land or fly, but their true place is in our hearts. Their love and loyalty provide us with their beautiful and loving lives.

Animals love us sincerely. They support us in times of  sorrow. Let me share with you some of the qualities of the animals;

  • Love: Animals love their owners. Many times in my village, I seen many people walking on the road and their pet was walking with them.
  • Humility: Animals always remain humbly with their owners and never show anger or disrespect.
  • Comforting: Animals help to comfort their owners.
  • Protecting: Animals protect their owners and most of the people having dogs in their homes for security purpose. This trend is most common in villages.
  • Well-behaved: Some Animals show good manners and treat their owners well.
  • Trainability: Animals are trainable in a variety of commands and can be trained on new skills and cues.
  • Loyalty: Animals are great examples of loyality. They show loyalty to their owners and live with them faithfully.
  • Thief detection: Dogs are used as detectives to detect the thief.

The companionship of animals also provides us with social and psychological benefits. Their company helps us to face loneliness and also gives us peace of mind.

No doubt, Animals are our best friends. Their company gives us the opportunity to enjoy different aspects of life. Their company brings us love, joy and comfort and reminds us that it is important to value and care for animals.

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Essay on Helping Animals

Students are often asked to write an essay on Helping Animals in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Helping Animals

Why help animals.

Helping animals is important for many reasons. Animals are a part of our world. They make our environment rich and diverse. Some animals are our friends, like dogs and cats. Some animals help us in work, like horses and oxen. We must take care of them because they cannot speak or ask for help.

How Can We Help?

There are many ways to help animals. We can adopt pets from shelters instead of buying them. We can feed stray animals. We can also stop using things made from animal parts. This will save animals from being hurt.

Role of Animal Shelters

Animal shelters play a big role in helping animals. They take care of animals who have no home. They give them food, shelter, and love. They also help find new homes for them. We can support these shelters by donating money or volunteering.

Importance of Laws

There are laws to protect animals. These laws stop people from hurting animals. They also punish people who break these laws. We should know about these laws and follow them. We should also tell others about them.

250 Words Essay on Helping Animals

Why should we help animals.

Helping animals is important for many reasons. Animals are a crucial part of our world. They add beauty to nature and help in many ways. Some animals are our pets and give us company. Some animals help to keep our environment clean. So, we should care for them and help them when they are in need.

Ways to Help Animals

There are many ways to help animals. You can adopt a pet from an animal shelter instead of buying one. This gives a home to an animal who needs it. You can also feed stray animals. But remember to give them healthy food. Junk food is bad for their health.

Protecting Animal Habitats

One big way to help animals is by protecting their homes. Many animals lose their homes because of things like pollution and cutting down trees. We can help by not littering and by planting more trees.

Speaking Up for Animals

Animals cannot speak for themselves. So, we need to speak for them. If you see someone hurting an animal, tell an adult. You can also learn more about animals and tell others about how to help them.

In conclusion, helping animals is a good thing to do. It keeps them safe and healthy. It also helps our world be a better place. So, let’s all do our part to help animals.

500 Words Essay on Helping Animals

Introduction, helping pets at home.

Pets, like dogs and cats, are part of our families. They need love, care, and attention. We can help them by giving them good food, clean water, and a safe place to live. We should also take them to the vet for regular check-ups. This helps to keep them healthy. Playing with pets and giving them love can also make them happy.

Helping Stray Animals

Stray animals are those that don’t have homes. They live on the streets and often don’t have enough food or water. We can help them by giving them food and water. We can also take them to animal shelters where they can get care and a safe place to live. If we see a stray animal that is hurt, we should call an animal rescue group for help.

Helping Wild Animals

Helping animals in zoos.

Animals in zoos live in places made to look like their natural homes. But, they still need care. We can help them by being kind when we visit zoos. This means not yelling at them or throwing things at them. We can also help by learning about them and telling others to care for them too.

Helping animals is important. It shows that we care for all living things. It also makes the world a better place for everyone. We can all help animals in many ways. Whether it’s our pet at home, a stray on the street, a wild animal in the forest, or an animal in a zoo, every act of kindness counts. Let’s all do our part to help animals and make the world a better place.

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animals are our friends essay 50 words

Powerful Essay on Animals in English for School Students | 100, 150, 250, 300, 400 + Words

Powerful Essay on Animals in English

Essay on Animals in English for School Students- 100 Words

Animals are fascinating creatures. They have captured our attention for a long time. Animals come in all shapes, sizes, and colours. Each species has unique traits and behaviours that make them special. Animals hold a great place in our hearts. Some animals are sacred beings or symbols of power. Beyond just their beauty, animals play vital roles in our ecosystems . They help pollinate plants, control pest populations and maintain soil health. They are essential agents in the machinery of life on Earth. Unfortunately, many animal species are now facing threats such as habitat loss due to human development or climate change.

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Essay on Animals in English for School Students- 150 Words

Essay on Animals in English

Animals are an important part of our ecosystem. They play a vital role in maintaining its balance. For example, bees pollinate flowers, which allows plants to reproduce. Without bees, many plants would not be able to grow, and we would not have fruits and vegetables to eat. From domestic pets to wild animals, they hold a significant place in our environment. Animals have been serving humans for years, providing us with food and clothing. We need them to survive. We rely on animals for many things, such as food, clothing, and even medicine. However, some animals are in danger of disappearing forever. This is because humans are destroying their habitats and hunting them. We must protect animals and their natural habitats so that they can continue to thrive. In conclusion, animals are valuable living creatures, and we should take care of them. By doing so, we can ensure that animals will continue to be a part of our world for generations to come.

Essay on Animals in English for School Students- 250 Words

Essay on Animals

We all know that animals are an integral part of our world and play an important role to support our lives. From domesticated pets to wild animals, they all have their own unique characteristics that make them fascinating creatures. It is important for us to learn about animals as it helps in understanding their significance and promotes empathy towards them. There are various types of animals that one can come across such as mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and insects. Each category has its own traits which makes them distinct from others. For example, mammals like dogs and cats are known for being loyal companions while reptiles like snakes and lizards have the ability to regenerate lost body parts. Animals also serve as companions and help us navigate our world. For example, we use dogs to guide us or perform specific tasks like search and rescue operations, guiding visually impaired individuals and providing emotional support. Apart from their physical abilities, animals also serve us in many ways such as providing food through livestock farming or helping with pollination through bees. However, many animal species are facing extinction due to human activities such as deforestation and poaching which highlights the need for conservation efforts. Endangered species like tigers, polar bears, and rhinoceroses are losing their habitats and being hunted to extinction. Climate change is also critically impacting animals’ lives, putting many populations at risk. In conclusion, animals not only expand our knowledge but also teach us valuable lessons on caring for other living beings who share this planet with us. By appreciating their diversity and uniqueness we can work towards creating a more sustainable future where both humans and animals thrive together.

Essay on Animals in English for School Students- 300 Words

Animals have always been a necessary part of our lives. From the pets we keep at home to the wild animals that roam free in nature, they all play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy and balanced ecosystem. From being loyal companions to providing us with food and other resources they are amazing creatures. One of the most important things about animals is their ability to adapt to different environments. From the cold and frozen Arctic tundra to the hot deserts of Africa, animals have evolved over millions of years to survive in some incredibly challenging conditions. Moreover, while many people may view animals as inferior beings, they are actually much more complex than we give them credit for. Scientists continue to discover new aspects of animal intelligence every day. From social bonds among elephants to tool use by primates. Let’s discuss their behaviour, characteristics, and importance. One of the most fascinating things about animals is their unique behaviours. Each species has its own set of traits that make it distinct from others. For example, some animals are solitary creatures while others live in groups or packs. Some are carnivores while others are herbivores or omnivores. Another interesting aspect of animals is their physical characteristics. From the smallest insects to big elephants and whales, every animal has its own distinctive features for survival in their environment. They have evolved over millions of years to adapt to different habitats and climates. We cannot ignore the importance of animals in our lives. They provide us with food, clothing materials like wool from sheep or silk from silkworms and medicines derived from naturally occurring compounds from plants and marine life forms alike. In conclusion, studying about animals can be both informative as well as enjoyable! due to habitat destruction and hunting for human consumption or entertainment purposes, there are some species of animals which are at the edge of extinction Therefore it is essential for everyone to learn about animals’ importance in society at large so they can develop empathy towards all living beings.

Essay on Animals in English for School Students- 400 + Words


Animals have always been an integral part of our lives. From the domestic pets we keep at home to the wonderful creatures that roam free in the forest, they fascinate us. They have diverse appearances and behaviours. Moreover, animals play a vital role in maintaining ecological balance on Earth. They help pollinate plants and disperse seeds, control pests, fertilize soil, and contribute to nutrient cycling.

So let’s dive into the fascinating world of fauna!

Let’s explore the different types of animals, why they are important, and ways to protect them.

The Different Types of Animals

Different Types of Animals

Animals can be classified into various categories based on their characteristics, behaviour, and habitat. Let’s take a closer look at the different types of animals. Domestic Animals- These animals have been tamed by humans and live alongside us in our homes or farms. Examples of domestic animals include dogs, cats, cows, and horses among others. These animals provide companionship to humans while also serving specific purposes such as providing food or transportation. Wild Animals- These animals live independently in nature without human intervention or control. They exist in various ecosystems around the world ranging from forests to deserts. Wild animals include lions, elephants, and giraffes among others and they play an important role in balancing the ecosystem by controlling populations of other organisms like herbivores. Aquatic Animals- Aquatic animals are those that live in water. The three main types of aquatic animals are fish, amphibians, and reptiles. Fish are the most common type of aquatic animal. There are more than 32,000 species of fish. They range in size from the tiny goby to the giant whale shark.

Why are Animals Important?

Animals play an important role in maintaining the balance and harmony of nature. Each animal species has unique characteristics that contribute to their importance in the grand scheme of things. One important reason why animals are vital is that they help pollinate plants, which makes it possible for us to grow crops and fruits. Without bees, butterflies and other pollinators, we would lose many plant species that provide us with food. Another reason why animals are essential is because they serve as natural pest control agents. For instance, owls prey on rodents while bats eat insects like mosquitoes that can spread diseases. This helps maintain a healthy environment for humans to live in. Furthermore, some animals have medicinal properties and can be used to develop drugs that treat various ailments. For example, snake venom has been used to create anticoagulants while horseshoe crab blood contains bacteria-fighting cells. In addition to these reasons, animals also bring joy into our lives through companionship or providing entertainment such as watching them in zoos or aquariums. Thus, it’s important that we recognize their value and take steps towards protecting them.

How can we Protect Animals?

It’s our responsibility to protect their habitats. There are several ways we can help preserve the lives of animals. Firstly, we must reduce our carbon footprint by consuming less energy and using eco-friendly products. We should avoid buying products that exploit animals or contribute to deforestation. By supporting companies that practice sustainable production methods, we can promote a healthier planet for both humans and animals. Secondly, educating ourselves about animal welfare is crucial. We need to understand how certain actions like littering or hunting affect wildlife survival rates negatively. Awareness campaigns on social media platforms can be incredibly effective in promoting animal conservation efforts. Thirdly, volunteering at local animal shelters or wildlife rehabilitation centres could be a great way to get involved with helping animals directly. You’ll learn more about animal behaviour, and habitat preservation techniques while contributing your time towards a worthy cause. Protecting animals requires a collective effort from everyone around the world; no action is too small when it comes to conserving the earth’s biodiversity!

To sum up, animals are an essential part of our ecosystem and play a significant role in maintaining the balance of nature. We should respect them and treat them with kindness. Domestic animals provide us with food, clothing, and companionship while wild animals play their part in biodiversity conservation. However, many animal species are at risk due to habitat destruction, poaching, climate change, pollution, and other human activities. It is crucial for us to take action to protect these vulnerable creatures before it’s too late. In conclusion, let us all work together towards creating a world where humans coexist peacefully with animals so that every creature has a fair chance at survival!

1. How do I write an essay on animals, our great teacher? Answer – There’s no doubt that animals are great teachers. They can teach us about patience, loyalty, and living in the moment. They can also teach us some important life lessons that we might not otherwise learn. Here are just a few of the things that animals can teach us: Animals can teach us about patience. Dogs, for example, often have to wait patiently for their owners to come home from work. They don’t get angry or frustrated; they just wait patiently until their loved ones return. This is a lesson that we could all stand to learn. Animals can also teach us about loyalty. No matter how bad things get, our furry friends always stick by our side. They never desert us when times are tough, and they are always there to offer a comforting presence when we need it most. This is a quality that we should aspire to in our own lives. Finally, animals can teach us to live in the moment. They don’t worry about the past or the future; they just enjoy the present moment. This is something that we humans could definitely learn from! By living more like animals, we might find that we’re happier and more content with our lives.

2. What are some tips for writing a good introduction for an animal essay? Answer- A strong introduction to your animal essay is key to grabbing readers’ attention. Here are some tips:

  • Introduce the specific topic, explain the main purpose of your essay and give some background information.
  • Make sure that all the information you include is related to the topic at hand.
  • Additionally, try to insert some interesting facts or anecdotes which will capture your reader’s attention.
  • Finally, make sure that your introduction finishes with a clear idea or statement that sets up what will be discussed in the rest of your essay.
  • You may also want to include some relevant quotes or stories from people in the field to give your essay credibility.

3. What are some examples of good research questions that relate to animals for EE (extended essay)?

  • What are the effects of climate change on the migratory patterns of polar bears?
  • To what extent do captive breeding programs help to conserve endangered species?
  • How does habitat loss affect the behavior of primates in the wild?
  • What are the long-term effects of pollution on the reproductive systems of aquatic animals?
  • How does the introduction of non-native species impact the biodiversity of a particular ecosystem?
  • How do changes in temperature affect the hatching success of sea turtles?
  • To what extent do hunting and poaching impact the population growth of African elephants?
  • How does the presence of predators affect the behaviour and distribution of prey species in a particular ecosystem?
  • What are the environmental and ethical implications of using animals in medical research?
  • How does the use of antibiotics in livestock farming impact the development of antibiotic resistance in bacterial populations, and what are the potential consequences for human health?

4. What are some tips for writing an argumentative essay on animals? Answer – Writing an argumentative essay on animals can be a challenging task, but here are some tips to help you get started:

Choose a specific topic: When it comes to animals, there are many different topics you could choose to write about, such as animal testing, animal rights, animal welfare, endangered species, or the ethics of eating meat. Choose a specific topic that you are interested in and that you can research thoroughly. Research your topic: Once you have chosen your topic, it is important to do thorough research to support your argument. Look for credible sources such as academic articles, books, and reputable websites. Take detailed notes and organize your research to help you stay focused and on track. Develop a clear theory statement: Your theory statement should clearly state your position on the topic and the main points you will be arguing in your essay. Make sure your theory is specific, clear, and debatable. Use evidence to support your argument: In an argumentative essay, it is important to use evidence to support your claims. Use your research to find facts, statistics, and examples that support your argument. Be sure to specify your sources properly. Address counterarguments: Anticipate counterarguments and address them in your essay. This shows that you have considered multiple perspectives and strengthens your argument. Use strong, effective language: Use language that is clear, concise, and effective. Use strong verbs and avoid vague or passive language. Be sure to proofread and edit your essay for grammar and spelling errors.

Remember, an argumentative essay is designed to persuade your audience to agree with your position. Use these tips to develop a well-supported argument that will engage and convince your readers.

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624 Words Essay on our Animal Friends

Man’s relation with animals is very old. They can be traced back to the beginning of civilization. Basically man is also an animal, but a rational and wise animal. Man is the best creation and measure of all things. However, his kinship with animals is well established. Darwin believed that man has evolved from monkeys. Thus, they are our ancestors.

The friendship between man and animals is more reliable and lasting. The pet animals respond better to our care, love and friendship. Man’s friendship with man may not last long, but it is of permanent nature with the domesticated and pet animals. Animals, birds and such other creatures are never ungrateful. Once friends, they are always friends. They will never turn hostile or enemies came what may. They are constant, loyal and faithful till the last. They do not know betrayal, deceit or foul play. That is why they have been so useful to mankind. Many of the animals are our real and true friends. They live in perfect harmony and friendship with us.

Cats, dogs, horses, cows, elephants, hens, ducks, monkeys etc., are our friends. Cats are kept as pets, for they kill rats and other rodents. They are also very good to play with. In western countries cats are very popular as pets. They make a good constant company. Dogs are kept as pets for protection and safety. They are matchless in faithfulness and loyalty. They help in hunting, in rearing sheep and in protecting properties. They also help in detecting and tracking thieves and criminals. For the police, they are very useful in this respect. Dogs are intelligent and have a very sensitive nose. Their sense of smelling is very sharp. The dog is man’s one of the oldest friends. They are trained for many other purposes as well. They are very good guides and can help wonderfully the blind. They draw sledges in snow-bound areas. They can also save travelers lost in snow-storms or buried in snow and ice. St. Bernard’s dogs are very famous for such rescuing services.

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Horses are domesticated, for they are well-known for their speed, strength, agility, faithfulness and an unerring road sense. They are dependable friends both in war and peace. The name of the horse Chetek of Maharani Pratap is a famous name in history. They can also perform many pranks, tricks and feats. It is really delightful to see a horse dance or perform tricky jumps. Similarly, elephants have been great and reliable friends of mankind from times immemorial. An elephant is very intelligent, brave, faithful and hardworking animal. It can be used in fights, to carry loads, for rides and hunting. Being an intelligent animal, it never forgets both the acts of kindness and acts of wrongdoing.

Donkeys, camels, yaks, bullocks are the beasts of burden. They serve us in a way that none can do. Similarly, the cow is kept as a pet for its milk, dung and hide. In western countries cow-meat is also eaten with relish. But in India cow is worshipped by the Hindu as mother, and held in much respect. She is a symbol of holiness, care, affection and innocence.

Monkeys are also our friends. They are made pets to perform tricks. They are also used in the discovery of medicines. Whenever a new medicine is discovered, it is first tried on them. Birds like parrots, bulbuls, manias etc., are kept as pets for their sweet songs. Kites, crows and vultures are also our friends. They are scavenging birds and keep our surroundings neat and clean. Really, these animals and birds are great and reliable friends of ours. Without them life would have lost half of its charm and usefulness. We should always be kind to them.

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Essay on Animal , Essay on Pets

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Essay on Animals | Animals Essay for Students and Children in English

March 18, 2023 by Prasanna

Essay on Animals: The presence of animals is essential because it maintains the balance in the ecosystem. In today’s world, some animals also serve as companions and help reduce our stress, anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Every organism has a unique place in the food chain, and each contributes to maintaining the existence of life on this planet. The man had learned early that with their more complex and advanced mind, they are superior to any other animal on the Earth.

What makes man superior to them? Humans had learned the ways they can use some animals for their survival, like for transportation or as a food source.

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Long and Short Essays on Animals for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with essay samples, both long and short essay type, on the topic ‘Animals.’ We will also include ten pointers on the same topic so that the students can use these to construct their essays.

On the topic ‘Science,’ we are providing readers with long essays of 400-500 words and short essays of 100-200 words. Animal essay will help the students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6; whereas, the long essay will be highly beneficial for students of classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Long Essay on Animals 500 Words in English

The living organisms that are eukaryotes and formed of numerous cells and those who sexually reproduce are called animals. Animals play a unique role in maintaining the balance of nature. Several animal species exist in both land and water, and each has a purpose for their existence.

The animals are divided into particular groups in biology for better understanding of their species like- amphibians (the animals that can live on both land and water), reptiles (scaled body and cold-blooded animals), mammals (the animals that give birth to the offspring in the womb and has mammary glands), birds (forelimbs evolved to wings, mostly feather-covered body, and lays eggs for giving birth), fishes (has fins in place of limbs, and gills for respiration in water), insects (they are mostly six-legged or more, and most have a head, thorax, and abdomen), etc.

Since human beings’ existence and evolution, we have established ourselves as the greater and more superior species for our sophisticated and more advanced way of thinking and applying. Humans have also learned to use animals for their benefit and have realized how to incorporate animals into our social lives. Animal husbandry is not a new practice done and has been in existence for a very long time.

The bond between humans and animals has increased, and now both coexist with a mutual understanding of nature. We have also strived to preserve the near exist and rare species through modern modes of conservation like zoological gardens and sanctuaries.

We have used animals for clothes, food, transportation, and entertainment. Animals have also been beneficial for us to discover new things from research and tests. Several vaccines and medicines are the blessings of the resources we obtained from animals. Animals have also been a part of outer-space explorations, which has achieved milestones in scientific discoveries.

Among these activities, some were for good reasons and to sustain a livelihood, but some were just the act of evil and torture the poor animals. With the modernization of the world, people started thinking about animals and worked for their rights.

It is essential to realize that with power, great responsibility comes as well. Hence, we should never abuse animals for our benefits. As good human beings, we must always revolt against any inhumane activity that harms our fellow wild friends.

Esssay about Animals

Short Essay on Animals 150 words in English

From the beginning of human civilization, we have interacted with wildlife. Before trade and commerce existed, human life had to depend on animal resources in some places solely. Our ancestors who lived in caves and were nomads and some big animals were a threat to their life.

But eventually, they learned to fight and survive and use the skin of the animal for clothing as a layer of protection from cold, used the meat as food or bait, and also came to use ivory elements as utensils or ornaments. Now animals contribute to many more aspects like our transportation, social life, economy, etc. Hence, it is our responsibility to preserve and protect them against any abuse that is not necessary for our existence.

10 Lines on Essay on Animals in English

  • It would be a shame not to mention bees in the list of essential animals for they are the most potent pollinators in this world, and almost one-third of the world’s food source depends on pollination.
  • Dogs have been a loyal and faithful companion to man throughout their life, and they ensure physical security and emotional support as our loving pets.
  • Squirrels are responsible for growing several trees on this planet, for they often collect nuts and seeds for winter and forget the place they stored them; eventually, those seeds and nuts grow into trees and sustain our ecosystem.
  • Birds are called the ecological handyman, for they are responsible for many things like pollination, pest control, reforestation, soil fertilization, etc.
  • Elephants are called the largest mammals living on land, whereas Blue Whales are the largest animals that exist on Earth.
  • We all are aware of the importance of fishes and other aquatic animals, and firstly they maintain the balance of the marine ecosystem. They are also a source of food and have a significant contribution to our economy.
  • Giraffes initially didn’t have an as long neck as we see them now; it was because of gradual evolution that their neck lengthened so that they can reach the upper branches of trees for leaves, i.e., their food.
  • The Camel is called the ‘Ship of the desert,’ and they are highly used as a medium of transportation in dry sandy areas by humans.
  • People often mistake camels to carry water in their humps, but it is fat that is stored in the tissues of a camel’s hump. These fatty tissues help to convert into energy or water, and hence a camel can survive for almost six months without water or food.
  • Animal rights are the idea submitted by humans, which declares that some of the animals are entitled to some rights of their existence and their fundamental interests. This was introduced to reduce the exploitation of animals and stop the torture that man does to them.

Esssay on Animals

FAQ’s on Essay on Animals

Question 1. What is the study of animals called?

Answer: The scientific study of animals is called zoology, which involves research and discoveries about different animals.

Question 2. What is the definition of animals?

Answer: The animals are the multi-cellular eukaryotic (living) organisms that belong to the biological kingdom ‘Animalia’ and can sexually reproduce (other than the asexual animals).

Question 3. What is a zoo?

Answer: A ‘zoo’ is the abbreviation of the zoological garden or zoological park, and it is a confined facility that encloses several breeds of animals. A zoo is a place open for public viewing, and the purpose of this facility is to entertain and educate the people while also serving as a scientific research opportunity for those species present in the zoo. Zoos are also used for rare species conservation and are regulated by the government.

Question 4. What are the living organisms other than plants, which are not considered to be animals?

Answer: Apart from plants and animal species, several living organisms exist on Earth. Examples of some of these organisms are bacteria, protozoa, algae, fungi, etc.

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Essay On Animals

The quote by Anatole France, “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened”, sums it all about animals. Planet Earth is home to humans as well as animals. According to the survey, it is estimated that over 8 million species of animals exist on Earth, living on land and water. Each species has a unique place in the environment and balances the ecosystem. These species play a significant role in the stability of the ecosystem, environment, and our lives.

100 Words Essay On Animals

200 words essay on animals, 500 words essay on animals.

Essay On Animals

Since the beginning of human civilisation, humans have interacted with wildlife. Before the era of industrialisation and urbanisation, human life was dependent on animals. The big animals were a threat to our ancestors who once lived in caves and were nomads. Eventually, they learned to survive, fight and use the animal's skin for clothing, the meat for food or bait, and ivory elements as utensils or ornaments. Even as humans evolved, animals have contributed to various aspects like transportation, the economy, social life etc. The increased dependence of humans on animals has caused threats to their existence. Hence, their preservation and protection against any abuse is our responsibility.

Animals are the most adorable and loving creatures existing on Earth. They might not be able to speak, but they can understand. They have a unique mode of interaction which is beyond human understanding. There are two types of animals: domestic and wild animals.

Domestic Animals | Domestic animals such as dogs, cows, cats, donkeys, mules and elephants are the ones which are used for the purpose of domestication. Wild animals refer to animals that are not normally domesticated and generally live in forests. They are important for their economic, survival, beauty, and scientific value.

Wild Animals | Wild animals provide various useful substances and animal products such as honey, leather, ivory, tusk, etc. They are of cultural asset and aesthetic value to humankind. Human life largely depends on wild animals for elementary requirements like the medicines we consume and the clothes we wear daily.

Nature and wildlife are largely associated with humans for several reasons, such as emotional and social issues. The balanced functioning of the biosphere depends on endless interactions among microorganisms, plants and animals. This has led to countless efforts by humans for the conservation of animals and to protect them from extinction. Animals have occupied a special place of preservation and veneration in various cultures worldwide.

Animals are made up of numerous cells that can move, sense and reproduce. They play a vital role in maintaining nature’s balance. Numerous animal species exist in the land as well as water, and each has a purpose for their existence.

Different Types Of Animals

Biologists have divided into particular groups for better understanding at the species level, for instance – amphibians - animals which live on land as well as water, reptiles – which are scaled bodies and cold-blooded animals, mammals – animals which give birth to the offspring in the womb and have mammary glands, birds – animals with forelimbs evolved to wings and feather-covered body, and also lays eggs for giving birth, fishes – aquatic animals having fins in place of limbs, and gills for the respiration, insects – they are mostly six-legged or more, and mostly having a head, abdomen, and thorax.

How Animals Help Humans

Since the time of existence and evolution of human beings, we have established ourselves as the greater and more superior species because of sophisticated and advanced ways of thinking and applying. With time, humans have learned to use animals to their benefit and have also realised how to incorporate animals into our social lives:-

Animal husbandry has been in existence for a very long period of time.

Animals have been used for numerous purposes like clothing, food, entertainment, and transportation.

Animals have also been used to discover new things from tests and research. Several vaccines and medicines obtained from animals have turned out to be benison.

Animals have also been used for outer-space explorations, leading to milestone achievements in scientific discoveries.

Humans have used animals for good (sustain livelihood) and evil purposes (acts of torture to poor animals). Even as the world modernised, people have started thinking about animals and working for their rights, creating awareness among humans.

The bond between humans and animals has evolved as a strong bond, and now both coexist with a mutual understanding of nature. Humans have strived to preserve those endangered and rare species via modern conservation modes, including national parks, sanctuaries, etc.

My Experience With Animals

As a child raised in a city, I never had first-hand experience with animals. Though people domesticate animals, I was always afraid of them. Due to the fear of getting infected and being bitten, I never went near them. One fine day, I saw finches in the pet shop near my house. At first glance, I loved them for a long time, but then one of my friends asked me to reach out to them and observe them. To my astonishment, the finches drew near me and were looking at me. I thought to take them with me, and when I took them – I was amazed by their understanding, love and interactions. This led me to love the animals and look at them from a different perspective, not with a fearful heart. They are the most loving creatures existing on Earth.

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Trees Our Best Friend Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on trees are our best friend.

Trees are our best friend essay: It is correctly said that “when you plant a tree, you plant a life”. Trees are one of the greatest blessings for humans from mother earth. The most important thing one must remember is that trees do not need us, rather we need them. Apart from the countless benefits they have, trees our certainly our best friends. They are the friends who always give us everything without expecting a single thing in return. Trees have inherited this earth longer than humans; however, humans tend to forget this fact. They fail to recognize their significance and continue to exploit them endlessly for short-term benefits.

Trees Are Our Best Friend

Significance of Trees

Just like our friends, trees also come in our use in various ways. We usually share everything with our friends, similarly, trees do the same. They give us their fruits , seeds , flowers , herbs and more. It is impossible for human life to function without trees as they belong to the category of principal sources of oxygen on earth.

They are responsible for protecting us under their shade. Further, they even help in preventing natural calamities like droughts and floods. In addition to being useful for humans, trees are also a home for several birds and animals.

They provide shelter to them which ultimately benefits humans as well. In other words, trees fulfill the role of a best friend in every human being’s life irrespective of anything.

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Over-exploitation of Trees

Despite holding such a great significance in our lives, humans have been overexploiting trees for the longest time. This constant practice can prove to be extremely devastating for the earth and human life, both.

For instance, the industrial sector is cutting down trees rapidly for attaining raw materials in bulk. Subsequently, even governments are contributing to deforestation by clear-cutting in order to build huge buildings.

animals are our friends essay 50 words

To sum it up, as life gets hard without our best friend, the same will happen with the lack of trees too. The least we can do for trees is save them from being cut down. Without trees, this planet will turn into a desert.

While various governments of different countries are taking measures to conserve them, we must do it too individually. Encourage planting of trees and join campaigns that do the same. Make the world a greener place and protect our best friends.

FAQs on Trees

Question- How can you label trees as your ‘best friend’?

Answer- As it is quite evident, there are numerous similarities between a best friend and trees. We see how trees do the same things for us, sometimes even more, as our best friends. They are always there when we need them. Trees protect us from everything just like our friends. They benefit us in several ways and enhance our lives by their presence, similar to best friends.

Question- Why are trees being overexploited?

Answer- As trees have plentiful advantages; humans are exploiting or rather overexploiting them endlessly. Without realizing or simply ignoring that they are essentially non-renewable resources. On the corporate level as well as individual level, they are being exploited for the wood they provide useful in industries. They are cut down for agricultural use. People also clear land by cutting trees to build buildings and homes. One of the main reasons for this overexploitation is the need for wood, paper, and palm oil.

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