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Essay Examples on Drunk Driving

Drunk driving essay - raising awareness and saving lives 🚫🍻.

Drunk driving isn't just a topic for essays; it's a matter of life and death. Writing an essay on drunk driving is more than an academic exercise; it's a chance to shed light on a pressing issue that affects countless lives. So, why should you write an essay about drunk driving? Let's explore the importance together! 🚫🍻

Drunk Driving Essay Topics for "Drunk Driving" 📝

Selecting the right essay topic is crucial for making a meaningful impact. Here's how to pick one:

Drunk Driving Argumentative Essay 🤨

Argumentative essays on drunk driving require you to defend a viewpoint or argument. Here are ten compelling topics:

  • 1. Argue for stricter penalties for first-time drunk driving offenders to deter potential future incidents.
  • 2. Defend your perspective on whether alcohol manufacturers should bear some responsibility for drunk driving incidents linked to their products.
  • 3. Debate the effectiveness of mandatory alcohol education programs for individuals convicted of drunk driving.
  • 4. Argue for or against lowering the legal blood alcohol content (BAC) limit for drivers to reduce drunk driving accidents.
  • 5. Defend the idea that drunk driving should be considered a felony rather than a misdemeanor, regardless of previous offenses.
  • 6. Debate the role of ride-sharing services and their impact on reducing drunk driving incidents.
  • 7. Argue for implementing advanced alcohol detection systems in vehicles to prevent drunk driving altogether.
  • 8. Defend your perspective on whether alcohol advertisements should carry warning labels about the dangers of drunk driving.
  • 9. Debate the impact of community-based initiatives and education programs in reducing drunk driving rates.
  • 10. Argue for the responsibility of friends and family members to report loved ones who are habitual drunk drivers to authorities.

Drunk Driving Cause and Effect Essay 🤯

Cause and effect essays on drunk driving explore the reasons behind incidents and their consequences. Here are ten topics to consider:

  • 1. Analyze the causes and effects of alcohol addiction and its correlation with repeat drunk driving offenses.
  • 2. Examine how stricter DUI laws and penalties have contributed to a decrease in drunk driving accidents.
  • 3. Investigate the effects of alcohol impairment on decision-making and reaction times while driving.
  • 4. Analyze the causes and consequences of underage drinking and its association with future drunk driving incidents.
  • 5. Examine how public awareness campaigns and advocacy groups have influenced societal attitudes toward drunk driving.
  • 6. Investigate the impact of drunk driving on the families and communities of victims and offenders.
  • 7. Analyze the causes of variations in drunk driving rates among different regions and demographics.
  • 8. Examine the effects of technology, such as breathalyzers and ride-sharing apps, on reducing drunk driving accidents.
  • 9. Investigate the consequences of legal measures, such as ignition interlock devices, in preventing drunk driving recidivism.
  • 10. Analyze the causes and effects of alcohol-related accidents and fatalities on society's healthcare and legal systems.

Drunk Driving Opinion Essay 😌

Opinion essays on drunk driving allow you to express your subjective viewpoints. Here are ten topics to consider:

  • 1. Share your opinion on whether first-time drunk driving offenders should receive mandatory counseling and rehabilitation instead of jail time.
  • 2. Discuss your perspective on the responsibility of bartenders and alcohol servers in preventing drunk driving incidents.
  • 3. Express your thoughts on the importance of parental guidance and education in reducing underage drinking and its associated risks.
  • 4. Debate the significance of advocating for the installation of more sobriety checkpoints to deter drunk driving.
  • 5. Share your views on the role of media and entertainment in influencing societal attitudes toward alcohol consumption and drunk driving.
  • 6. Discuss the impact of personal stories and testimonials from victims of drunk driving accidents in raising awareness and effecting change.
  • 7. Express your opinion on the responsibility of businesses to provide alternative transportation options for patrons leaving their establishments intoxicated.
  • 8. Debate the merits of stricter monitoring and enforcement of DUI laws, such as random breath testing, to curb drunk driving incidents.
  • 9. Share your perspective on whether individuals convicted of drunk driving should have their driver's licenses permanently revoked.
  • 10. Discuss your favorite anti-drunk driving campaign or initiative and its effectiveness in your community.

Drunk Driving Informative Essay 🧐

Informative essays on drunk driving aim to educate readers. Here are ten informative topics to explore:

  • 1. Provide an in-depth analysis of the historical evolution of DUI laws and regulations in the United States.
  • 2. Explore the psychological and physiological effects of alcohol consumption on driving abilities and judgment.
  • 3. Investigate the role of advocacy groups and non-profit organizations in combating drunk driving and supporting victims.
  • 4. Analyze the impact of alcohol awareness programs in schools and communities on reducing underage drinking and drunk driving incidents.
  • 5. Examine the effects of alcohol addiction treatment programs on the rehabilitation and recovery of individuals with multiple DUI convictions.
  • 6. Investigate the consequences of repeat drunk driving offenses on an individual's criminal record and future employment prospects.
  • 7. Provide insights into the technology and methods used in law enforcement for detecting and apprehending drunk drivers.
  • 8. Analyze the connection between blood alcohol content (BAC) levels and impairment while driving, with a focus on legal limits and penalties.
  • 9. Examine the effects of victim impact panels and offender education programs on reducing recidivism among drunk drivers.
  • 10. Investigate the therapeutic benefits of counseling and support groups for individuals struggling with alcohol addiction and its relation to drunk driving incidents.

Drunk Driving Essay Example 📄

Drunk driving thesis statement examples 📜.

Here are five examples of strong thesis statements for your drunk driving essay:

  • 1. "In a world where the consequences of a single choice can be catastrophic, addressing the issue of drunk driving is not just a responsibility but a moral imperative."
  • 2. "Drunk driving is a grave societal issue that demands immediate attention, as it affects not only the lives of individuals but also the safety of our communities and roadways."
  • 3. "Our pursuit of a world with zero tolerance for drunk driving begins with acknowledging the devastating effects of this behavior and implementing comprehensive measures to combat it."
  • 4. "The fight against drunk driving is a collective responsibility, and as a society, we must unite to enforce stricter laws, raise awareness, and protect innocent lives."
  • 5. "As we delve into the complexities of drunk driving, it becomes evident that our commitment to eradicating this menace is not just a legal obligation but a moral duty."

Drunk Driving Essay Introduction Examples 🚀

Here are three captivating introduction paragraphs to kickstart your essay:

  • 1. "In a world where the steering wheel becomes a weapon when in the wrong hands, the fight against drunk driving is a battle for lives, a battle that each of us must engage in. As we embark on this essay journey into the heart of this critical issue, we unravel the layers of responsibility, awareness, and change."
  • 2. "Picture a night marred by the recklessness of a single decision, where blurred vision leads to shattered lives. Drunk driving, a menace that haunts our roads, demands our immediate attention. Join us in this essay's exploration as we navigate the twists and turns of this life-and-death challenge."
  • 3. "Amid the clinking glasses and carefree laughter, a dark shadow looms on the horizon: the specter of drunk driving. As we venture into the heart of this essay, we are reminded that the responsibility to combat this issue lies not only with lawmakers but with every individual who values life and safety."

Drunk Driving Conclusion Examples 🌟

Conclude your essay with impact using these examples:

  • 1. "As we draw the curtains on this exploration of drunk driving, we recognize that our collective responsibility is the key to change. The journey to safer roads continues, with each essay, each advocacy effort, and each responsible choice propelling us closer to a world without the devastating consequences of drunk driving."
  • 2. "In the final stretch of our drunk driving essay, we stand at the crossroads of awareness and action. The road ahead is clear: we must steer away from complacency, accelerate our efforts, and ensure that the tireless pursuit of safer roads never loses momentum."
  • 3. "As the echoes of our essay on drunk driving linger, we are reminded that the fight against this perilous behavior extends beyond words on a page. It is a call to action, a commitment to change, and an unwavering dedication to preserving lives and safeguarding our communities."

Persuasive Speech on Drunk Driving

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Drunk driving refers to the act of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, impairing one's ability to safely control the vehicle and posing a significant risk to oneself and others on the road. It involves driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that exceeds the legal limit set by the jurisdiction, typically measured as a percentage.

Drunk driving is a serious issue that poses a significant threat to road safety in the United States. It refers to the act of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, impairing one's ability to drive safely. This dangerous behavior has severe consequences, both for the individuals involved and for society as a whole. Statistics reveal the alarming impact of drunk driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in the US, an average of 10,000 lives are lost annually due to alcohol-impaired driving accidents. Drunk driving is not only a risk to the driver but also to innocent pedestrians, passengers, and other drivers sharing the road. It can lead to devastating injuries, lifelong disabilities, and emotional trauma for victims and their families. Efforts to combat drunk driving include strict enforcement of DUI (Driving Under the Influence) laws, public awareness campaigns, and initiatives promoting responsible alcohol consumption. The implementation of measures like sobriety checkpoints, ignition interlock devices, and education programs aim to reduce the incidence of drunk driving and protect lives.

MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) is an organization founded by Candy Lightner in 1980 after her 13-year-old daughter was killed by a drunk driver. MADD has played a significant role in raising awareness about the dangers of drunk driving and advocating for stricter laws and penalties. Liam Neeson, the renowned actor, has been involved in campaigns against drunk driving following the tragic death of his wife, Natasha Richardson, in a skiing accident involving alcohol. Neeson has shared his personal story to emphasize the importance of responsible alcohol consumption and the devastating consequences of impaired driving. Jacqueline Saburido, a survivor of a drunk driving accident, became a prominent advocate for raising awareness about the dangers of drunk driving. Despite suffering severe burns and permanent injuries, she dedicated her life to sharing her story and educating others about the devastating impact of impaired driving.

Drunk driving has a long and troubling historical context. The issue gained significant attention in the United States during the Prohibition era in the 1920s when the production, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages were banned. Despite the ban, illegal speakeasies and bootlegging operations flourished, leading to an increase in drunk driving incidents. In the mid-20th century, as automobiles became more prevalent, the dangers of drunk driving became more apparent. However, it wasn't until the 1980s that the issue gained widespread public attention. The implementation of stricter laws and public awareness campaigns aimed at curbing drunk driving began to take place. Organizations like MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) emerged as influential advocates for change. Advancements in technology, such as the introduction of breathalyzer tests and ignition interlock devices, have also played a crucial role in combating drunk driving. These devices help prevent intoxicated individuals from operating a vehicle, reducing the risk of accidents and fatalities. Today, efforts to address drunk driving continue, with law enforcement agencies, advocacy groups, and government initiatives working together to raise awareness, enforce laws, and provide support for victims and their families.

Public opinion on drunk driving is largely united in its condemnation of the behavior. The vast majority of individuals recognize the severe risks and consequences associated with driving under the influence of alcohol. It is widely understood that drunk driving poses a significant threat to public safety and can result in devastating accidents, injuries, and loss of life. The public's stance on drunk driving has evolved over time. In the past, there may have been a more lenient or tolerant attitude towards the behavior. However, with increased awareness and education about the dangers of drunk driving, public opinion has shifted towards a zero-tolerance approach. Today, there is widespread support for strict laws and penalties targeting drunk driving offenses. Public opinion favors stringent law enforcement measures, such as sobriety checkpoints and breathalyzer tests, to deter individuals from getting behind the wheel while intoxicated. Furthermore, there is growing recognition of the importance of prevention, intervention, and rehabilitation programs to address the root causes of drunk driving.

Education and Awareness: Promote educational campaigns that highlight the dangers of drunk driving and raise public awareness about its consequences. Strict Law Enforcement: Implement and enforce laws that penalize individuals caught driving under the influence, including sobriety checkpoints and license suspension. Ignition Interlock Devices: Mandate the use of breathalyzer devices in vehicles, which require drivers to pass a breath test before starting the car. Designated Drivers: Encourage the use of designated drivers who remain sober and are responsible for driving others home safely. Alternative Transportation: Promote the availability and accessibility of alternative transportation options, such as public transportation, ridesharing services, taxis, or designated driving programs. Community Support: Establish community-based programs and initiatives that offer support, counseling, and treatment options for individuals struggling with alcohol abuse. Responsible Beverage Service: Train bartenders and servers to identify and refuse service to intoxicated patrons, preventing them from driving while impaired. Social Norms Campaigns: Shift societal attitudes towards drunk driving through campaigns that emphasize responsible drinking and discourage peer pressure. Parental Involvement: Educate parents about the risks of underage drinking and empower them to have open conversations with their children about responsible alcohol consumption.

One notable example is the film "MADD: Mothers Against Drunk Driving" (1983), which tells the story of Candy Lightner, the founder of the organization Mothers Against Drunk Driving. The film highlights the personal tragedy she experienced when her daughter was killed by a drunk driver and her subsequent efforts to combat drunk driving. Another example is the television show "DUI" (Driving Under the Influence) that aired from 2004 to 2008. The show followed real-life cases of individuals arrested for drunk driving, providing a glimpse into the legal consequences and personal impact of such actions. Public service announcements (PSAs) have also played a significant role in addressing drunk driving. For instance, the impactful "Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk" campaign by the Ad Council in the 1980s urged people to intervene and prevent friends from driving under the influence.

1. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), approximately 28 people in the United States die every day in motor vehicle crashes involving an alcohol-impaired driver. This accounts for one death every 52 minutes. 2. Studies have shown that the risk of being involved in a car accident increases significantly with higher blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels. For example, drivers with a BAC of 0.08% (the legal limit in many countries) are four times more likely to crash compared to sober drivers. At a BAC of 0.15%, the risk increases to about 25 times higher. 3. Despite increased awareness and efforts to prevent drunk driving, it remains a persistent problem. Based on data provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it was reported that in the year 2019 alone, an estimated 10,142 individuals lost their lives in motor vehicle accidents involving alcohol impairment in the United States. This accounted for nearly 29% of all traffic-related deaths that year.

Drunk driving is an incredibly important topic to write an essay about due to its profound impact on individuals and society as a whole. This issue poses serious risks to public safety, leading to tragic accidents, injuries, and loss of lives. Exploring the topic allows us to delve into the complex factors contributing to drunk driving and understand its consequences from various perspectives. An essay on drunk driving enables us to raise awareness about the dangers associated with impaired driving and the importance of responsible behavior. It provides an opportunity to discuss the legal, social, and ethical aspects surrounding this issue, including laws, regulations, and public attitudes. Moreover, addressing this topic can shed light on prevention strategies, such as education campaigns, stricter penalties, and technological advancements like ignition interlock systems. By writing about drunk driving, we can encourage open dialogue, prompt policy discussions, and advocate for change. Ultimately, it serves as a call to action, urging individuals to make responsible choices, support initiatives aimed at preventing drunk driving, and work towards creating safer roads for everyone.

1. Beck, K. H., Rauch, W. J., & Baker, E. A. (2014). State alcohol laws and motor vehicle fatalities revisited. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 73, 220-228. 2. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). Impaired driving: Get the facts. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/motorvehiclesafety/impaired_driving/impaired-drv_factsheet.html 3. Fell, J. C., Scherer, M., & Thomas, S. (2017). A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of mandatory alcohol ignition interlock installation. Journal of Safety Research, 61, 177-182. 4. Hingson, R. W., & Winter, M. R. (2003). Epidemiology and consequences of drinking and driving. Alcohol Research & Health, 27(1), 63-78. 5. McCartt, A. T., Geary, L. L., & Nissen, W. J. (2004). Observational study of compliance with a state law requiring use of child restraints. Injury Prevention, 10(2), 112-116. 6. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (2017). Traffic safety facts: Alcohol-impaired driving. Retrieved from https://crashstats.nhtsa.dot.gov/Api/Public/ViewPublication/812450 7. Shults, R. A., Elder, R. W., Sleet, D. A., Nichols, J. L., Alao, M. O., Carande-Kulis, V. G., ... & Reviews of Evidence on Interventions for Alcohol-Impaired Driving. (2001). Task Force on Community Preventive Services. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 21(4), 66-88. 8. Voas, R. B., Torres, P., Romano, E., & Lacey, J. H. (2012). Alcohol ignition interlock effects on a national scale: A 10-year follow-up. Traffic Injury Prevention, 13(6), 594-600. 9. Williams, A. F., & Wells, J. K. (1995). Characteristics of drunk driving recidivists. Addiction, 90(7), 907-914. 10. Zador, P. L., Krawchuk, S. A., & Voas, R. B. (2000). Alcohol-related relative risk of driver fatalities and driver involvement in fatal crashes in relation to driver age and gender: An update using 1996 data. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 61(3), 387-395.

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Humanities LibreTexts

6.7: A Student Example- “Preventing Drunk Driving by Enforcement” by Daniel Marvins

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  • Page ID 6641

  • Steven D. Krause
  • Eastern Michigan University

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The assignment that was the basis for this essay asked students to write a “first person narrative” about the research project they would be working on for the semester. “It was really important to me think about a lot of different ideas and topics because I was worried that I might not be able to find enough research or stick with it,” Marvins said. “This project helped me think this through.”

Preventing Drunk Driving by Enforcement

Despite the fact that Americans are more aware of the problems of drunk driving than we were in the past, it is still a serious problem in the U.S. While educating everyone about the dangers of drunk driving is certainly important, I am interested in researching and writing about different ways to more strictly enforce drunk driving laws.

My working thesis for my research project is “While stronger enforcement measures to control drunk driving might be controversial and a violation of individual rights, they have to be enacted to stop drunk driving deaths.” By “stronger enforcement measures,” I mean things like police check points, lower legal levels of blood-alcohol, required breatholizer tests, less control on police searching cars, and stronger jail sentences.

I got the idea to focus on this topic by working on some of the different brainstorming techniques we talked about in class. I tried several different brainstorming techniques including freewriting and clustering. For me, the most useful technique was making a list of ideas and then talking it over with the other students in my group.

We all agreed that drunk driving would be a good topic, but I thought about writing about other topics too. For example, I think it would also be interesting to write about gun control laws, especially how they might effect deaths with kids and guns. I also thought it might be interesting to do research on the tobacco business and the lawsuits different states are conducting against them.

But I am more interested in exploring issues about drunk driving for a couple of different reasons. First, I think drunk driving is an issue that a lot of people can relate to because most people know that it is dangerous and it is a bad idea. For example, we hear and read messages about not driving drunk in a lot of different advertisements. Still, even though everyone knows it is a bad idea, there are still a lot of deaths and injuries that result from drunk driving.

Second, I’m interested in doing research on stronger enforcement of drunk driving laws because I am not sure I have made my own mind up about it. Like everyone else, I of course think drunk driving is bad and police and society should do everything they can do to prevent people from driving drunk. On the other hand, I also think it’s bad for police to pull over everyone they think might be drunk even when they don’t know for sure. Strong enforcement might stop a lot of drunk driving, but it also gives police more chances to violate individual liberties and rights.

I have done a little bit of research already and I don’t think I’m going to have any problem finding evidence to support my topic. Drunk driving seems to be a pretty common topic with a lot of different things written about it. I did a quick search of the library’s databases and the World Wide Web and I found thousands of different articles. I skimmed the titles and it seemed like a lot of them would be very relevant and useful for my subject.

Drunk driving is a serious problem and everyone agrees that we should do something about it. The question is what should “it” be? My hope is that through my research, I will learn more about how stronger enforcement of drunk driving laws can curtail drunk driving, and I hope to be able to convince my readers of this, too.

Writing Prompts about Drunk Driving

  • 🗃️ Essay topics
  • ❓ Research questions
  • 📝 Topic sentences
  • 🪝 Essay hooks
  • 📑 Thesis statements
  • 🔀 Hypothesis examples
  • 🧐 Personal statements

🔗 References

🗃️ drunk driving essay topics.

  • The consequences of drunk driving on individuals, families, and communities.
  • The effectiveness of educational campaigns in reducing drunk driving incidents.
  • Strategies for preventing drunk driving and promoting responsible alcohol consumption.
  • The dangers of drunk driving and its impact on road safety.
  • The role of technology in preventing and detecting drunk driving incidents.
  • The psychological and emotional toll of drunk driving accidents.
  • The legal and ethical implications of drunk driving.
  • The impact of drunk driving on insurance rates and premiums.
  • The importance of community involvement in addressing the issue of drunk driving.
  • The effectiveness of sobriety checkpoints in deterring drunk driving.
  • The long-term consequences of a drunk driving conviction on an individual’s life.
  • The role of law enforcement in combating drunk driving.
  • The influence of media and popular culture on attitudes towards drunk driving.
  • The role of alcohol addiction treatment programs in reducing drunk driving incidents.
  • The relationship between drunk driving and underage drinking.
  • Comparative analysis of drunk driving laws and penalties across different countries.
  • The use of ignition interlock devices as a preventative measure against drunk driving.
  • The economic costs of drunk driving for society.
  • The role of friends and family in intervening and preventing loved ones from drunk driving.
  • Understanding the root causes, social, and psychological factors of drunk driving.

❓ Research Questions about Drunk Driving

  • What are the main factors contributing to the prevalence of drunk driving incidents?
  • How do cultural and societal norms influence attitudes towards drunk driving?
  • What are the long-term psychological effects on individuals involved in drunk driving accidents?
  • What are the key risk factors for repeat offenses of drunk driving?
  • What are the most effective strategies for preventing drunk driving among underage individuals?
  • How do different demographic groups perceive and respond to anti-drunk driving campaigns?
  • What role does alcohol availability and accessibility play in drunk driving incidents?
  • How do education and awareness programs impact the attitudes and behaviors of potential drunk drivers?
  • What are the economic costs associated with drunk driving incidents and their aftermath?
  • How effective are current DUI laws in deterring drunk driving?
  • How do law enforcement practices and resources affect the detection and prevention of drunk driving?
  • How does peer influence contribute to instances of drunk driving among young adults?
  • What are the differences in drunk driving rates and patterns between urban and rural areas?
  • How effective are ignition interlock devices in preventing repeat offenses of drunk driving?
  • How does the implementation of ride-sharing services affect drunk driving rates?

📝 Drunk Driving Topic Sentence Examples

  • Drunk driving poses a significant threat to public safety, resulting in numerous fatalities and injuries each year.
  • The alarming prevalence of drunk driving incidents highlights the urgent need for stricter laws and more effective enforcement measures.
  • Understanding the psychological and social factors that contribute to drunk driving can help develop targeted prevention strategies and interventions.

🪝 Best Hooks for Drunk Driving Paper

📍 question hooks about drunk driving for essay.

  • Can comprehensive education on the dangers of drunk driving make a significant difference? This essay examines the role of schools, families, and community programs in cultivating awareness, responsible decision-making, and a culture of responsible alcohol consumption.
  • What underlying factors drive individuals to get behind the wheel while under the influence? From societal norms to personal circumstances, we delve into the complex web of influences that contribute to this risky behavior and seek to understand the motivations behind it.

📍 Statistical Hooks for Essay on Drunk Driving

  • A recent study published in the Journal of Safety Research revealed that approximately 29% of all traffic fatalities were attributed to drunk driving incidents.
  • According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, approximately 10,500 lives are lost each year in the United States due to alcohol-related crashes, making drunk driving a leading cause of preventable deaths on our roads.

📍 Quotation Hooks on Drunk Driving for Essay

  • “Drunk driving is the deadliest crime on American roads, claiming the lives of thousands each year. It’s a violent act that shatters families and forever alters the trajectory of countless lives.” – Mothers Against Drunk Driving
  • “Alcohol is the leading factor in fatal traffic crashes, playing a role in more than a quarter of all deaths on the road. We must come together to eliminate the senseless tragedy caused by drunk driving.” – National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

📑 Drunk Driving Thesis Statements

✔️ argumentative thesis examples on drunk driving.

  • Stricter penalties, enhanced law enforcement, and comprehensive educational campaigns are necessary to effectively combat the pervasive problem of drunk driving and protect public safety.
  • The implementation of ignition interlock devices for all convicted drunk drivers is a crucial step towards reducing repeat offenses, ensuring driver accountability, and ultimately saving lives.

✔️ Analytical Thesis Samples on Drunk Driving

  • Despite the implementation of strict laws and educational campaigns, the persistent issue of drunk driving necessitates a comprehensive examination of the underlying social and psychological factors that contribute to its prevalence, in order to develop more effective prevention strategies.
  • By analyzing the economic, legal, and emotional repercussions of drunk driving incidents, it becomes evident that a multi-faceted approach that includes stricter laws, enhanced enforcement, and targeted education is essential in curbing this dangerous behavior and ensuring public safety.

✔️ Informative Thesis about Drunk Driving

  • Drunk driving is a pervasive issue that demands immediate attention, as it not only jeopardizes the safety of individuals on the road but also carries significant societal and economic consequences.
  • The prevalence of drunk driving incidents underscores the need for comprehensive measures such as stricter laws, increased public awareness, and enhanced enforcement strategies to effectively address this dangerous behavior and mitigate its devastating impact.

🔀 Drunk Driving Hypothesis Examples

  • Young adults who have experienced parental or familial involvement in drunk driving incidents are more likely to engage in drunk driving themselves.
  • Implementation of stricter DUI laws and increased law enforcement efforts will lead to a decrease in the rate of drunk driving incidents.

🔂 Null & Alternative Hypothesis on Drunk Driving

  • Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference in the frequency of drunk driving incidents between areas with and without ride-sharing services.
  • Alternative Hypothesis: The availability and accessibility of ride-sharing services result in a decrease in the frequency of drunk driving incidents.

🧐 Examples of Personal Statement on Drunk Driving

  • As a student, I believe it is essential to recognize the grave consequences of drunk driving and actively promote responsible choices within our community. I am committed to raising awareness among my peers, organizing educational campaigns, and advocating for stricter enforcement of DUI laws. By working together, we can create a safer environment and prevent tragedies caused by drunk driving.
  • Having witnessed the devastating effects of drunk driving firsthand, I am deeply passionate about addressing this issue among students. By fostering a culture of responsible drinking and encouraging alternative transportation options, we can reduce the risks associated with drunk driving. I am dedicated to organizing workshops, collaborating with local organizations, and promoting initiatives that highlight the importance of making responsible choices.
  • Are state minimum jail laws associated with less frequent drunk-driving?
  • Predicting drunk driving using a variant of the implicit association test
  • Gasoline Prices and Their Relationship to Drunk-Driving Crashes
  • Ending Drunk Driving with a Flash of Light
  • Off the Roads & out of the Courts: Enter a Technology Fix for Drunk Driving

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Final Essay Outline (Rhetorical Analysis on Drunk Driving)

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Topic: How advertisements use rhetorical strategies to educate the public and dissuade them from drunk driving.

Purpose:  To save lives and prevent injuries that are caused within drunk driving accidents.         

Thesis Statement:  The two advertisements use the rhetorical triangle of ethos, pathos, and logos, whilst also invoking both intrinsic and extrinsic proofs to draw out compassion from the audience to come together and completely eradicate drunk driving.         


Attention Strategy: Start off giving statistics and an empathetical introduction line that makes the audience interested and concerned, whilst also making readers feel as though they can make a difference about the tragedy presented (number of deaths and injuries in Amerca caused by drunk driving each year)-NHTSA

Orienting Material:   Introduce both artifacts and describe them so that the audience may visualize them. Explain blandly where they are from, the message they try to convey, and how they contribute to the topic and purpose.

Preview:  Talk about the two artifacts whilst bringing up that they invoke ethos, pathos, and logos, Without explaining thoroughly, allow the audience to piece together some of the essay prior to reading it, whilst also lacking basic information so that they would like to read more. For example, talking about the statistics (logos) of the number of people dead, injured, and victimized (pathos) and how companies such as BMW make advertisements about it, and big social media platforms contain thousands of posts demoting drunk driving (ethos)

(A)Main Idea: The presence of Ethos within the artifacts, creating a credible source of information to be displayed

(A) Support 1- BMW uses Ethos as a big brand name (multi-billion dollar car company) within the first artifact

(A) Specific Support 1a- BMW wouldn’t mislead the audience, because they would lose credibility and sales, so we can trust BMW knowing that their word is with truth or belief of the truth (A) Specific Support 1b- W hen BMW focuses its time and money on an advertisement regarding an issue, we know it is a serious problem that needs attention immediately

(A)Support 2- The second artifact has no name to it, but the credibility is found through proven statistics

(A) Specific Support 2a- we can prove that over 800 people (NHTSA) are handicapped due to drunk driving every day, through math, we can figure out that the artifact is telling the truth (A) Specific Support 2b- The public is not being misled, this artifact is trying to genuinely do good, and by telling the truth, we can listen to what it has to say and know they are in the right set of mind

(B)Main Idea: The presence of Pathos within the artifacts, displaying passion and empathy towards the audience, encouraging them to support the advertisements

(B) Support 1- The first artifact utilizes intrinsic proofs to establish pathos in its advertisement

(B) Specific Support 1a- The image of the organic leg next to the artificial prosthetic (BMW) shows the difference between the two and the oddness between living with a new difficulty in your life, that could’ve been prevented (B) Specific Support 1b- No stats or specifics were detailed, allowing the audience to visualize the terrible actions the victim went through, evoking pain and empathy form whatever story they made up. (For example, and for whatever reason, I imagined a young girl hit at night by a drunk man driving, and now at a young age, will never be able to grow up with the same capabilities as she would have with the two legs she was born with)

(B)Support 2-The second artifact uses extrinsic proofs to establish pathos in its advertisement

(B) Specific Support 2a- Casualties/Fatalities seen as a number is now seen as an effect on people’s lives. (B) Specific Support 2b- As a bland source of statistics, this artifact may even intrigue the viewers to investigate farther, looking at more statistics , using the same tactic I used in the introduction to invoke people’s emotions and learn more about how these “numbers” are ruining lives, and change needs to occur to decrease them

(C)Main Idea: The presence of Logos within the artifacts, displaying logic and reason to believe and support the common cause addressed by the artifacts

(C) Support 1- The first artifact uses rhetorical speech to induce logos into their artifact’s message

(C) Specific Support 1a- BMW is saying that cars can break down and be replaced some odd years with no second thought, but the human body has more value than that, and cannot be switched around, with parts given and taken as easily as the car is without invoking trauma and physical pain. (C) Specific Support 1b- Disabilities are not the worst-case scenario (death is arguably the worst) but preventable disabilities that hinder somebody’s life, more often not a civilian who wasn’t the one DUI, can be prevented, which in turn allow people to live the life they want to live.

(C)Support 2- The second artifact uses extrinsic and intrinsic proofs to provide logistical reasoning and logos in the artifact’s message

(C) Specific Support 2a- The advertisement shows statistics, which can be proven or disproven (I used CDC and NHTSA) to show continuity of the destruction of human lives and welfare brought about by drunk driving (C) Specific Support 2b- Creators of the artifact did not just throw out statistics, the intention was to draw in public concern and relay the message about the awfulness of drunk driving and the accidents they cause

Summary Statement – By proving the presence of ethos, pathos, and logos within the artifacts, the essay fulfilled the thesis that the advertisements are trying to do good as well as address the whole public with the truth and credibility. It is now up to the people to make the right choice with that information.

Concluding Remark – The general public now has a decision whether to be informed by these artifacts and to be a part of the movement that saves lives from drunk driving accidents, as these advertisements try to set in motion.

Reference Page(s)

BMW. “BMW Artifact Post (For Essay Works Cited).” Edited by Kevin Murray,  Kevin Murray RCL , Penn State Blogs, 7 Oct. 2020, sites.psu. edu / kevinmrcl /2020/10/07/ bmw -artifact-post-for-essay-works-cited/.   

Cantor, DM. “10 Most Effective Anti-Drunk Driving Advertisements.”  David Cantor DUI Defense Lawyers , 19 Dec. 2019, cantorduilawyers.com/10-effective-anti-drunk-driving-advertisements.   

CDC. “Impaired Driving: Get the Facts.”  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 24 Aug. 2020,  www.cdc.gov/motorvehiclesafety/impaired_driving/impaired-drv_factsheet.html .   

Nathan Law, Geoffrey G. “National Drunk Driving Facts &  Statistics . ”  Geoffrey G Nathan Law Offices , 2019,  www.geoffreygnathanlaw.com/topics/national-drunk-driving-statistics/ .   

NHTSA. “Traffic Safety Facts 2018 Data.”  CrashStats   , National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2018, (crashstats.nhtsa.dot.gov/ Api /Public/ ViewPublication /812864 #:~ :text=In%202018%20there%20were%2010%2C511%20people%20killed%20in%20alcohol%2 Dimpaired,the %20United%20States%20in%202018. ) .  

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Drunk Driving

This essay will explore the issue of drunk driving, discussing its consequences, legal implications, and the efforts being made to reduce and prevent drunk driving incidents. At PapersOwl too, you can discover numerous free essay illustrations related to Alcoholism.

How it works

Drunk driving is a precedent issue that has taken a toll on a multitude of lives nationwide. Drivers have responsibilities which include driving sober, driving for the safety of yourself and others. Drinking and driving may seem harmless, until you take the lives of innocent people due to improperly operating a vehicle. When an innocent person dies due to drunk driving, not only does it affect the person who was drunk, but it affects the families and friends of the victims.

When someone is caught drinking and driving, drastic punishment follows. Many people who drive drunk are very aware that they are intoxicated. However, most people feel as if they are capable of driving a motor vehicle no matter what their blood alcohol content is. Ignition interlocks should be installed in cars to measure alcohol on every driver’s breath before they can start their car. Drunk driving should be terminated due to the harmful risks and consequences that effect many lives, innocent and guilty.

Drunk driving takes the lives of thousands of people every year. “In 2016 there were 10,497 fatalities in motor vehicle traffic crashes involving drivers with BACs of .08 g/dL or higher. This totaled 28 percent of all traffic fatalities for the year. An average of 1 alcohol-impaired-driving fatality occurred every 50 minutes in 2016. Every day, 29 people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. The estimated economic cost of all alcohol-impaired crashes (involving alcohol-impaired drivers or alcohol- impaired nonoccupants) in the United States in 2010 (the most recent year for which cost data is available) was $44 billion.

Of the traffic fatalities in 2016 among children 14 and younger, 17 percent occurred in alcohol-impaired-driving crashes. The 25 to 34-year-old age group had the highest percentage (27%) of drivers with BACs of .08 g/dL or higher in fatal crashes compared to other age groups in 2016.” (Crashstats.nhtsa.dot.gov, 2019) This evidence shows that drinking and driving is very dangerous, not only to the drunk driver, but to others. In some cases, the lives of innocent people are taken due to people whose BAC is .08 or higher. .08 is the blood alcohol content which means that a person is legally intoxicated. Imagine being so intoxicated or over the legal limit that you don’t remember taking an innocent life or hurting yourself during the process.

In the United States, alcohol is a thriving industry that makes up to $16 billion a year. The American Beverage Institute represents restaurants and bars. Utah is the first state to lower the blood alcohol content level to .05 trying to prevent deaths due to drunk driving. They are hoping that other states take repressive measures to lower the number of fatalities per year due to impaired driving.

The American Beverage Institute opposes of these new laws because it’s going to cause restaurants and bars to lose money. They believe that lowering the blood alcohol content level will not save many lives. They’re more so concerned with the money that thousands of restaurants and bars will lose due to the limited amount of alcoholic beverages sold. Although drunk driving is dangerous, there are people and businesses that oppose new laws to lower the amount of deaths due to drunk driving.

Alcohol is a depressant. It hinders the function of the central nervous system. How are people content with being impaired and slowed down, physically and psychologically? Consuming alcohol makes a person vulnerable and prone to accidental injury or death. A person should never drive under the influence of alcohol. It will kill you, or someone else who doesn’t deserve it.

Why put yourself at risk? “As alcohol levels rise in a person’s system, the negative effects on the central nervous system increase, too. Alcohol is absorbed directly through the walls of the stomach and small intestine. Then it passes into the bloodstream where it accumulates until it is metabolized by the liver.” . The negative effects that comes from driving drunk are more likely to occur than getting home safely.

I strongly disagree with the American Beverage Institute opposing drunk driving. Although bars and restaurants will lose money, that’s far less important than people losing their lives. Businesses are so money hungry that they could care less about the lives of others. My solution to drunk driving is to have ignition interlocks installed in every car for the safety of the drivers and passengers.

An ignition interlock is a device that’s attached to the cars ignition and it requires the driver to blow to analyze their blood alcohol content level. I believe that ignition interlocks is the most effective way to eliminate drunk driving. With this solution, the rate of drunk driving crashes and fatalities will decline. Although alcoholics may oppose, everyone else who drives and have family members who drive, will feel a lot safer.

In conclusion, drinking and driving is very dangerous. Many people are affected by the decisions others decide to make once getting behind the wheel intoxicated. Drunk driving is a major issue that’s been going on for decades. A change needs to be made in order to prevent deaths and fatalities due to drunk driving. A multitude of people don’t understand or realize the dangers of drunk driving until it happens to them or someone they love. I believe that installing ignition interlocks is the best way to eliminate and prevent DUI’s and deaths due to drunk driving.


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How to Write a Drunk Driving Essay

Haiden Malecot

Table of Contents

Driving while drunk is illegal and dangerous.

You can also be asked to write an essay about why drunk driving is dangerous. It is here where you can use statistical data as well as physiological information on how drunkenness makes it impossible for a person to control a vehicle. The following are some of the steps you can take to deliver a good essay.

How to spice up your drunk driving essay

  • Select the topic

Even if your essay cannot be supportive of drunk driving, there are many topics you can write about where drunk driving is concerned. Good writing is usually a result of a combination of passion and style. When choosing your topic, choose the one you are passionate about. Your essay could contain information about the inequality in Law on drunk drivers in different states. Of course, if you have been provided with a topic on which you have to write, then go with it.

Conduct thorough research

Essay on drunk driving should contain only accurate information. It is, therefore, of utmost importance for you to make sure that all of the information you include in your paper is accurate and up to date. This is only achievable if you, as a writer, will take the time to look at the statistics and facts that have to do with this issue. Conducting research on this topic is fairly easy owing to the prevalence of road accidents it causes. Studying the recent headlines is one strategy to get additional information on drunk driving and its impact.

Using statistics to show the numbers of individuals and families affected by drunk driving can be a powerful way of creating a clear picture of what drunk driving causes It is also important to include expert views on the topic. These experts include police officers, EMTs, and health professionals. These are individuals who spend a lot of time dealing with drunk people and the consequences of drunk driving.

Formulate a thesis statement

A drunk driving essay by its nature is analytical. This means that you have to bring arguments for your stand-point. Owing to the diversity of topics you can write about will pull your essay towards different directions making it impossible to understand. An essay full of generalities would end up fulfilling no objective. Your thesis statement should argue from a standpoint that would allow someone else argue against your point of view. It is also important for you to be careful with the thesis statement. As observed earlier, the direction taken by your essays on drunk driving is already prescribed. To make your essay memorable, your thesis statement cannot be general. It has to enable you to write an informative essay.

After taking all of these steps, it is important for you to remember that the ultimate mark of a good essay is in writing. Get all of the information you need and gather all of the facts, then make sure that your writing style binds the information in a way that is interesting to the reader and that it communicates the information clearly.

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On the Issue of Drunk Driving Essay

Introduction, drinking and driving, reference list.

Driving while drunk is collectively known as impaired driving where one drives when under alcohol or any other drug influence. In some countries such as Canada, drinking and driving is an offence and one could be jailed for although cancelling of driving licenses and fines are the most used punishments for such offences.

Driving while one is intoxicated or drunk poses great danger to drivers since they are more likely to get vehicle accidents which may involve injuries or even deaths to themselves and their passengers (if there are any). Many countries especially the UK have set different blood alcohol concentration for drivers to help prevent road accidents.

Driving while drunk has been, for many years, under discussions as the number of vehicle accidents are increasing every day in our roads. Drugs affect one’s ability to react to normal and small things that happen instantly especially when driving.

The concentration of alcohol in a driver’s blood is directly proportional to the driver’s ability to judge distances as well react appropriately to sudden happenings in the road. For instance, the number of deaths of single vehicle drivers registering high blood alcohol content is hundreds times more than those of the same drivers but with a zero blood alcohol content.

What makes the matter worse is the fact that some people drink to the extent of getting blurred vision but still they go on and drive. This situation is worsened more when a blurred driver is driving at night especially in areas where there are no street lights. To many people, drugs that affect one’s ability to drive safely are only the illegal drugs such as marijuana and bhang.

However, these include many of the prescription drugs and the over the counter drugs as long as the drug changes one’s mood or ability to see properly. Ignorance such side effects from the prescription drugs have contributed to a certain percentage of road accidents especially drugs that cause drowsiness. It is therefore up to the driver to plan not to drive if after all he is planning on drinking.

Enquiring from doctors about the side effects associated with prescription medications is also a good move in combating the problem. Some of these drugs, when combined with alcohol, have more drastic effects than either of them could by themselves (Hanson, 2009, p. 1).

Similar to many other social problems in the society today, drinking and driving has not been able to be stopped by the simple rules such as road signs.

As a result, other measures have been taken to effectively reduce the vice. Many countries have now implemented the automatic annulment of one’s license which has proved to be one of the most effective measures towards solving the problem because naturally, no one would want for his license to be cancelled. This has caused many drivers to be cautious on the same matter.

Mandatory jail sentence is also another effective way of getting drivers to avoid driving while they are drunk. Cessation of number plates may be as well an effective method of solving this problem. Laws should be put into place to prevent movement of certain vehicles whose drivers violate the ‘don’t drink and drive rule’.

The use of an alcohol blow gadget that detects the content of one’s alcohol has been helpful in determining drunk drivers in many countries. This makes it possible to identify and therefore punish the defective drivers. Setting up social programs that address the problems and risks associated with drunk driving may as well enlighten the drivers and give them a reason to take the matter seriously.

Restrictions to prevent night time driving especially among the youth who are always going to late night drinking parties could also prevent vehicle accidents. This may also involve getting a designated driver or one may choose to walk home instead of driving.

However, if you have to drink and drive, it is advisable for one to stay sober by either limiting the number of drinks (this differs with many people). Another way of staying sober is by eating protein rich foods such as especially meat while drinking to help lower the body’s rate of alcohol absorption (Hanson, 2009, p. 1).

It is disturbing how drinking and driving habits has caused many deaths on our roads. Many road accidents have been associated with careless driving resulting from drunk drivers. This is because many drugs lower the driver’s ability to coordinate his thoughts and respond to sudden happenings on the roads.

Due to the increase in road accidents, many countries have gone beyond the normal road signs rules to putting other strict measures into place in an effort to prevent these occurrences. Among the most effective measures that have worked in many nations are: jail sentencing or fining and annulment of one’s driving license.

By now it should be clear to every driver that careful driving (either sober or drunk), is all for one’s benefit as well as the other people around him. Drivers should therefore be responsible enough to ensure safety on the roads without being pushed by the law.

Hanson, D.J. (2009). Drinking & Driving. Web.

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Drunk Driving, Outline Example

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Specific Purpose: To persuade my audient to prevent drunk driving

Thesis Statement:

Thesis Statement: Drunk driving is an epidemic that continues growing with the pass of the time, if we simply take a few steps against drunk driving we can help decrease this epidemic.


Attention Getter

Every day in America, another 28 people die as a result of drunk driving crashes. (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 2011.)

  • We need to consider the question; why do people prefer to drink and drive? Another important question is; how many of you guys at one time of your life driven when you were drunk??
  • I have enough experience with drinking and I quit drinking about five years ago. I am therefore qualified to speak about the topic.


  • Recall story about my friend receiving phone call that his brother, Peter, had been involved in a drunken driving accident.
  • I have also witnessed a number of road accidents and about 28% of them are attributed to drunk driving. I therefore confirm that the topic needs great attention.
  • This topic has also been a focus for research and the findings indicate that there is need to address drunk driving as a growing epidemic in the society.

Preview main points/thesis statement.

  • Drunk driving has already been pointed out as a critical epidemic that continues growing with the pass of the time in our society, it is therefore imperative that we must consider some vital steps against drunk driving so that we decrease this epidemic.

Transition: having identified drunk driving as an epidemic in our society today, lets start with some facts about this controversial topic

  • Drunk driving occurs every day, and many lives are taken because of one-person choice.
  • Specific problem: The problems that are associated with drunk driving include higher risks of accidents, injuries as well as deaths.
  • Unfulfilled needs: appropriate actions are needed to stop this menace that is continuously taking away the lives of innocent people every day.
  • Despite the concerted efforts in this field however, drunk driving has persisted as a grievous national epidemic with tragic effects on many victims throughout the year.
  • Every 52 minutes on average, someone is killed in a drunken driving crash (10,288 people in total in 2013), (Madd.org “About drunk Driving”).
  • About 900,000 people are arrested each years and 1/3 of those are repeat offenders. (drinkinganddriving.org “Drunk Driving Statistics”).
  • The annual cost of alcohol- related crashes totals more than $51 billion. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “ Impaired Driving: Get the Facts”).
  • An average drunk driver will drive drunk 87 times before being pulled over. (Word Press, “Statistics”).
  • Three in every five Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related crash at some time in his/her life (NHTSA, 2011).
  • This problem relates to the audience. It is a common practice among people to overlook the dry statistics and fail to relate them to real lives as well as real people who have been involved in these accidents.

Internal summary statement

Each injury or death arising from an accident that is attributed to drunk driving is absolutely preventable.

After you known all those incredible facts, I will now proceed to discuss some important things that can help us to prevent drunk driving.


We all need to actively help prevent drunk driving. Drunk driving is one of the many social problems that are characterized with resistance to simple solutions by the victims. However, it is important to consider some important actions that have been proven to have significant role in reducing the risks that are associated with drunk driving:

  • Plan ahead. In case the driver must take alcohol, you need to consider some important action plans.
  • Put money aside for a taxi.
  • Have a designated driver.
  • Have a back up designated driver.
  • Never let anyone drive drunk.
  • Offer to drive them home.
  • Offer to get them a taxi.
  • Stop being afraid to speak up.
  • Hosting a party
  • Make sure people are leaving with a sober driver.
  • Offer for them to have a sober driver take them home.
  • Offer for them to stay the night.
  • Take their keys.

Internal summary

Considering and implementing the things mentioned above will increase safety on the road and evade dangerous situations. If you suspect that a driver in another vehicle is impaired due to drinking, report the case to the police by calling 9-1-1 while keeping a safe distance from that vehicle.

If we put in practice all those things that I said before I am pretty sure all those irrational statistics about drunk driving will decrease.


  • If we actively start taking the steps planning ahead, and not allowing anyone to drive while drunk, and if hosting a party make sure no one leaves drunk, then we are all helping to prevent more fatalities due to drunk driving.
  • If we don’t start preventing drunk driving actively then, it is going to become a bigger crisis than it already is. More and more people will continue to perish in road accidents that are caused by drunk driving and can otherwise be prevented.

Everyone is always hearing about a drunken driving incident that happens, but are you going to step up and help to prevent this problem that is increasing with the pass of the time Action

It is the responsibility of all people to prevent drunk driving!

  • We all need to make a conscience effect to plan ahead.
  • Stop letting people drive drunk because you think someone else is going to say something.
  • Never let anyone leave your house drunk because you are responsible for that person’s actions when they cant make them.

Works Cited

Drinking and Driving.org. “Drunk Driving Statistics.” Drinking And Driving .Org. Drinking and Driving .org, Web. 23 July 2012. <http://www.drinkinganddriving.org/>.

U.S. Department of Transportation. “About Drunk Driving.”

MADD – About Drunk Driving. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 25 Jan. 2011. Web. 23 July 2012. <http://www.madd.org/drunk-driving/about/>.

Word Press. “Statistics.” Drunk Driving Statistics, Drinking and Driving Stats |. Word Press, Web. 23 July 2012. <http://dontdiedrunk.org/drunk-driving-stats/>.

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Drunk driving crash victim takes charge of her second chance at life by telling her story to offenders

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KANSAS CITY, Mo. — All month long, Mothers Against Drunk Driving Heartland are running, or biking, in a new fundraiser to raise money for crash survivors. They’re calling it Bike Like MADD ‘Tour De Heart.’

People all over the Midwest are getting on their bikes to help the cause. One Kansas City woman helps the cause a different way. She shares her crash story with offenders to try to change the minds of those who have driven impaired.

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Amy Ebers-Jumet is an impaired driving crash victim and survivor. She considers being a survivor her second chance at life and is now using her story to not just bring awareness to the dangers of impaired driving, but to change the minds of those who have driven impaired.

“We had just finished celebrating Mother’s Day,” said Amy Ebers-Jumet, victim survivor.

On a day that usually brings this mother of seven so much happiness, May 9, 2020, brought Amy Ebers-Jumet the worst day of her life.

“I was loading my husband’s pickup truck. An impaired driver hit the parked vehicle, and then the truck ran over my chest,” said Ebers-Jumet. “I was dying. I cardiac arrested. I flatlined.”

Her hero paramedics were able to bring her back as she got to the hospital. From there, she started a long road to recovery.

“I might not ever understand why this happened, but I can make meaning out of what happened to me. Use my story in hopes that others will make a decision to never drive impaired again,” said Ebers-Jumet.

She tells her story to offenders in hopes they’ll never drive impaired again.

Two out of three people will be affected by an impaired driver. Mothers Against Drunk Driving, or MADD, recognizes that it's a large number of people, and works to support victims.

“When we talk about victim services it can be anything from emotional support, crisis intervention, helping with victim advocacy,” said Jerod Breit, MADD Heartland Director.

Breit tells me that money raised during bike like MADD will keep these services free for victims.

“Between cyclists and pedestrians that are out there we can’t forget impaired drivers impact those individuals just at the same rate as they do those driving in a motor vehicle,” said Breit.

Ebers-Jumet was one of those individuals. She knows the value of victim support.

“At the end of the day we’re all humans and we deserve love, and care, and connection,” said Ebers-Jumet.

Four years later, she’s giving her crash date a new meaning: Gratitude.

“I get a second chance and I am so grateful,” said Ebers-Jumet.

Anyone who lives in the Heartland can walk, run, bike outside or even on a stationary bike to support the cause.

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People Who Found Out About Their Spouses' Sinister Secrets After Marrying Them Are Sharing What Happened, And It's Really Frightening

"I had no idea when I married the loser that everything he said was a lie."

Hannah Dobrogosz

BuzzFeed Staff

We recently covered a Reddit thread that asked users who discovered major secrets about their spouses after marriage to share their stories. This inspired members of the BuzzFeed Community who have endured similar revelations to open up about their experiences. Here's what people shared:

1. "my ex-husband neglected to tell me that he was more interested in men than women. when i did find out, i was pregnant and not working due to severe morning sickness. i wanted to run, but i felt trapped. more of his lies came out, and we divorced a couple of years later. i found out during the divorce that he was soliciting men on craigslist and inviting them to the house while he was taking care of my daughter.", 2. "after working to get my husband through medical school and putting off finishing my college career until he graduated, he had an affair with his assistant, and she had his baby while we were still married. i finished my master's and divorced him.".

White dress shirt on a wooden surface with a lipstick kiss mark on the collar and a patterned necktie nearby

3. "This guy was pursuing me to no end, even sending flowers to my job. I finally agreed to marry him. I never loved him, really. But I was willing to learn to love him. Then, he started acting strange when we picked out a house to buy. I had a VA loan and discovered his name couldn't be on the deed because of a foreclosure. His ex-wife still lived in the home and refused to pay mortgage payments. So, once I purchased our home on my own, he was infuriated that he'd have to sign a disclosure agreement and that he'd have no rights to the property. That didn't stop him from getting a restraining order against me a year later and trying to have me forced from the home when I filed for divorce. He was a true loser."

4. "my husband didn't tell me he still owned a condo with his ex and was still close with her and her current husband. i found an email in which he complained to her about how rude my children were. he invited his ex and her husband to visit us, but he didn't tell me until they arrived, and we were scheduled to join them for dinner.".

A man peers from behind a tree, watching a couple walking together in a park

5. "My husband didn't tell me he was already married to another man. At first, I was horrified, but it turns out they are both bi and very into me. I'm now enjoying two husbands."

6. "he told me he didn't want to buy me an engagement ring because he'd rather use the money for a down payment on a house. i found out after we were married that there was no money. he said he had a bs in sociology when he was actually five classes shy of his degree. i found this out after being married for 18 years. he told me he never used any drugs, but i found out when we were divorcing that he was getting high with our kids as a bonding experience and that when he was younger, he used to get so drunk/high that he'd crawl out to his car from bars. he was a boy scout leader for our son's troop, and i found out he was forging signatures on badges, so my son's scouting career was false. it took me 24 years to be rid of him.".

A hand holding an open ring box with an engagement ring inside with an X drawn over it

7. "He told me he was divorced. Then, a week before our wedding, he had to go to court to get his divorce finalized. I would never have dated a married man. Then, he had an affair and told his new woman that he and I were already divorced. Pathological liar."

8. "my ex-husband of 20 years told me after we were married and moved to another state that he had a little girl. the little girl is six months younger than my son. my son was born in july; she was born in december of the same year. we also got married in march of that year. he claims it was before we were married, but we were engaged and had set plans to fly to miami to get married. i never had another child by him.".

Ultrasound image showing a developing baby in the womb, featured in an article on Sex &amp;amp; Love

9. "My ex didn't tell me he had a problem with being on the internet. I found out after six years of marriage that he had a secret Facebook account with only women on it, saying he liked to get down and dirty. I also found out he was doing live porn on the internet with other people posting his privates all over the internet. Needless to say, I divorced him."

10. "before marriage, he pretended to be kind, helpful, a good father, and employed with a steady job. he later admitted to stealing all of my money and all of the kids' money from their savings accounts, as well as spending tens of thousands of dollars on sex workers during work hours as a children's social worker. we're divorced.".

A man in a suit and tie puts a stack of money into his jacket pocket

11. "Lying is integral to my soon-to-be ex's negative value system. He said he loved me; he didn't. He said his grandparents had a small bank account in our name; they didn't. He said he had kidney cancer; he didn't. He said he didn't get money from his brother's estate; he did. He said he'd take me to Hawaii when I finished my thesis; he didn't. I had no idea when I married the loser that everything he said was a lie."

12. "this happened in the late 1990s. about a year or so into our marriage, my then/first wife showed me a final collection notice on unpaid college loans. she was visibly upset, insisting that she never got any prior notices in the mail. it got me mad. i cashed out an investment and paid it off to make the debt collector disappear. a couple years later, she asked for a divorce and moved out. in the summer of 1999, i was going through my house, clearing out her excess stuff, when i opened up a storage bin and found — surprise, surprise — all the prior collection notices she had hidden away. that was the least of the eye-opening discoveries i learned about her. we divorced in march 2000. exactly a year later, i met a sweet woman and married her two years later. we've been happily married for 21 years. oh yeah, and we both pay our bills on time.".

A person is filling out a student loan application form with a pen. Glasses, a calculator, and financial documents are also shown

13. "Three years after we were married, I found out that my husband is sexually attracted to men. I found a questionable male picture on his computer while restoring it from a virus, and I made it his desktop image, hoping he would object to it somehow. Instead, he didn't bat an eye. When I confronted him, he said, 'I'm working on that.' We obviously are not together anymore."

14. "wooh where do these folks come from first, it was his age (older than he stated), then a story about being in the military. now, the icing on the cake: his baby momma was in labor with twins on our wedding day all his guests knew what was up. i had no clue and was pregnant really soon after the wedding. now it makes sense why he wasn't thrilled we were pregnant.".

Two newborn baby feet wrapped in a soft, fluffy blanket

15. "I only found out that my husband had previously been married when I went to register my child's birth at the embassy. To top it off, he was still married to that person in another country. He did not think it counted since he permanently left that country. Needless to say, he had to pay legal fees in two countries and travel there to get a divorce. I only believed him when I saw the legal documents translated and submitted to our local courts."

16. "my then-boyfriend, now husband, always brought me little gifts and cards. i was young and he was 10 years older. i thought it was so sweet and thoughtful. it definitely was a big reason i fell for him. it wasn't until years later that i realized his mom and sister were buying the cards and gifts. it wasn't his thoughtfulness at all.".

A person in a blue shirt is unwrapping a ribbon from a small gift box. The image is used in an article categorized as Sex &amp;amp; Love

17. "I am a physician, and he is a teacher. Years after we were married, he basically told me that I was not good enough and that he would never have married me if he had been a physician or lawyer. I am his third wife. We are in the process of getting divorced."

18. "my ex-husband went into great detail about his yellow truck at home in california (i'm in ct) and said he had broken off an engagement. at our wedding, his mother told me that she had to break up with his ex-fiancée for him when she came over for her regular dinner time when the family was preparing to come for the wedding. also, he never owned a vehicle. i had been driving him everywhere. he never let me talk to his mom. he cheated on me, so we are not together anymore.".

"My other ex-husband, as it turned out, had never been with another woman before me. That would be fine, but he told me he had been with three. Two didn't have names, but one was named Zoe, and he made up her backstory. It all came crashing down when he said he had gone to Machu Pichu with her and didn't know what country it was in. I was with him for eight years, and so many wild stories about him exist. I've been divorced for quite a while."

— awkwardlamp47

A yellow pickup truck is parked on a cobblestone street next to a white wall with a window

19. "I was working with a dental office shortly after graduating from high school, but before I started design school at the Pasadena School of Design. This character supposedly was a dental student at USC, and I was naïve enough to believe him. Two years later, married to this delusional liar and pregnant with our first child, I was still unaware that he wasn't a dentist but just a guy making false teeth for patients. It got worse. He became physically abusive, but my two children and I were able to escape his lies and abuse. I recently got a friend request from him on Facebook. No way in hell would I befriend him."

20. "we got engaged after 10 glorious days. a year and a half later, we married. then, he casually told me everything he told me when we got together was all lies. he didn't know or want me, much less love me. he just wanted to 'do' me but knew i wanted to wait for marriage. also, he was homeless because his ex left, and he couldn't pay the rent. many years and kids later, i still feel used. people think we are so happy, but i feel empty inside. our children, who are on their own and doing well, know their dad is only here because i pay all the bills.".

A person with braided hair sits on a couch facing away, gazing out a window with sheer curtains, lost in thought

21. "My dad was 12 years older than my mom, so he lied about being 40 since he didn't think she would be interested at 28. He had always looked young, so it was easy to pull off. The day she found out his real age was at the courthouse when they were signing the marriage license. He thought she would be so mad, but she laughed it off since she was so in love at that point and didn't care how old he was. She would always lovingly retell the story while he looked on embarrassed."

— cute-as-ducks419

22. "He only married me for a green card. He was dating other women the whole time we were married. One of his dates called and clued me in. Hello, divorce lawyer!"

Close-up of a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services document with a blurred American flag in the background

23. "When I met my future husband, we were making small talk at a Saturday night gathering for single people. I was in my early 20s. He was 10 years older than me, incredibly handsome, and seemed kind. I asked him if he had plans for the upcoming week. He said his friend was having a baby, and he was going to see them sometime that week. It sounded normal enough. I innocently assumed he meant a guy friend, and the friend's wife was having a baby, and my dude was being supportive. Two years later, we were engaged. After we were married, he told me the 'friend' he had mentioned the night we met was actually his ex-girlfriend."

"They were going through a breakup when I met him; the baby was his. That pregnancy had ended due to a stillbirth the week we met. I was amazed that he thought he couldn't tell me the truth about that situation at some reasonable point before we married. I would not have married him if they'd had a baby, but I chalked it all up to 'live and learn.' I was trying to do the 'right thing' and honor my marriage vows by forgiving him and putting that in the past. 

I divorced him 24 years later when I gradually found out he had racked up many thousands of dollars in debt over the years without telling me and had hidden that from me by eventually taking over the financial 'management' of our shared bank account, a task I had openly done for us for years. He had also invested his pension from early retirement, which was a substantial sum of money that could have sustained a humble but secure lifestyle for us for the rest of our lives, into a business venture with an acquaintance against my adamant disagreement. 

The acquaintance turned out to be a crook who had convinced my ex to allow him to 'manage the finances' since they were business partners. The guy stole all of my ex's (our) money and disappeared with all of the equipment, files, and computers from the business. The acquaintance was operating under an alias and wanted in another state for doing the same thing to somebody else. I am so relieved to be out of that tough marriage. I am much poorer, wiser, and not impressed with the quality of men my age I've met. The bar now is so incredibly low. I don't know if I want to be with anyone again."

24. And: "My first husband told me right after we were married that he wasn't in love with me yet, but he said he would learn to love me over time. We lasted 20 years and had three kids before his dysfunctional behavior finally made me realize I couldn't fix what started broken."

Gosh, how devastating and unsettling. it's incredible how some people can hide their true colors from even those closest to them. scary stuff. if you also married someone who hid major parts of themselves from you, what happened tell us in the comments or submit anonymously using this form ..

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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Photo: Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for Live Nation

Lady Gaga's Biggest Songs: 15 Tracks That Show Her Avant-Garde Pop Prowess

As fans relive the exhilarating spectacle of Lady Gaga's 2022 stadium tour with a new HBO Max concert film, 'GAGA CHROMATICA BALL,' jam out to 15 of her signature songs, from "Poker Face" to "Rain on Me."

Nearly two years after bringing her 2020 album Chromatica to life with a sold-out stadium tour, Lady Gaga is bringing The Chromatical Ball to your living room. GAGA CHROMATICA BALL , an HBO Original special that premieres May 25 exclusively on MAX, will take Little Monsters into the mesmerizing, colorful world the 13-time GRAMMY winner crafted with her sixth studio set. 

The Chromatica Ball was a joyful cultural triumph as the world emerged from lockdown, hitting 20 stadiums across Europe, North America and Asia in the summer of 2022. While it was named after Chromatica and featured the majority of the dance-driven album's track list — including the smash Ariana Grande duet, "Rain On Me," and lead single "Stupid Love" — the tour was a celebration of the breadth of her acclaimed career as a whole, which has spanned decades, genres, styles, and entire industries. 

GAGA CHROMATICA BALL documents Lady Gaga's sold-out September 2022 show at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, which was one of the biggest venues on the tour. Showcasing a stage inspired by brutalist architecture and a set list stretching from the pop star's 2008 debut album, The Fame , to her Top Gun: Maverick track, "Hold My Hand," the film will also take fans inside the raw passion Gaga brings to each and every live show. 

In celebration of the concert film, GRAMMY.com revisits 15 of Gaga's most career-defining songs to date, from early hits like "Poker Face" to stunning deep cuts like Chromatica 's "Free Woman."

"Just Dance" (feat. Colby O'Donis), The Fame (2008)

Lady Gaga burst onto the scene in 2008 with a fully realized point of view and pop star persona, but her debut single actually wasn't an immediate smash on the charts. Instead, "Just Dance" served as the sleeper hit that kick-started Gaga's legendary career, landing at the precipice of the Billboard Hot 100 after a 22-week climb from its initial entry at No. 76 to the nascent pop star her very first No. 1 hit. 

A polished dance floor banger produced by RedOne and co-written with Akon , "Just Dance" perfectly crystallizes the dance-pop resurgence of the late 2000s that Gaga not only helped spearhead, but masterfully rode into the upper echelon of 21st century pop stardom. Notably, the song also earned Gaga the first GRAMMY nomination of her career for Best Dance Recording in 2009 — a full year before her debut album would announce itself as a major force at the 2010 ceremony.

"Poker Face," The Fame (2008)

If "Just Dance" set expectations sky high for the music Gaga had up her well-manicured sleeve, "Poker Face" majorly surpassed them — and subsequently, became one of the defining pop songs of the decade. With its relentless rhythm, sing-song  "Po-po-po-poker face, po-po-poker face" refrain, and winkingly naughty lyrics ("'Cause I'm bluffin' with my muffin," anybody?), the song proved Gaga knew how to expertly construct an earworm while delivering a high-concept visual spectacle in spades. 

"Poker Face" became the singer's second consecutive No. 1 single on the Hot 100, marking the first time a brand-new artist had accomplished the feat since Christina Aguilera 's one-two punch of "Genie in a Bottle" and "What a Girl Wants" a full decade prior. By year's end, "Poker Face" had become top-selling single of 2009 across the globe, and the following year, it earned Gaga her first nods for both Song Of The Year and Record Of The Year at the 2010 GRAMMYs, with The Fame also being nominated for Album Of The Year.

Though the song and LP ultimately lost in the major categories, they respectively took home the golden gramophones for Best Dance Recording and Best Electronic Dance Album, officially making Gaga a GRAMMY-winning artist after less than two years in the industry. 

"The Fame," The Fame (2008)

While it was never released as an official single, the title track off Gaga's 2008 debut album serves as something of an early thesis statement for the avant garde star who so confidently declared , "POP MUSIC WILL NEVER BE LOWBROW" as she burst from New York City's underground scene to the global stage.

Gaga lays bare her ambitions with brazen clarity on the punchy electronic track, as she gushes over her single-minded love for "runway models, Cadillacs and liquor bottles" and sings, "Give me something I wanna be/ Retro glamor, Hollywood, yes we live for the fame/ Doin' it for the fame/ 'Cause we wanna live the life of the rich and famous." Later on the song's bridge, the pop star vows, "Don't ask me how or why/ But I'm gonna make it happen this time," and in retrospect, there's no denying Gaga accomplished everything she set out to achieve at the start of her career. 

"Bad Romance," The Fame Monster (2009)

The Fame heralded Gaga as the next big thing in pop music. But rather than spend a couple years fine-tuning her follow-up, the newly minted star decided to double down while the iron was red hot by reissuing the album as The Fame Monster , complete with eight new songs. And in doing so, she catapulted herself to superstar status with just five syllables: "Ra-ra-ah-ah-ahh." 

If the Gaga of "Just Dance" and "Poker Face" was a flashy striver fighting her way to the center of the cultural zeitgeist, "Bad Romance" presented Gaga as a high-fashion pop queen ready to turn her coronation into a victory lap. Not only did "Bad Romance" score Gaga her fifth consecutive top 5 hit on the Billboard 200, it also won her the GRAMMYs for Female Pop Solo Performance and Music Video/Short Form in 2011. ( The Fame Monster , meanwhile, took home the golden gramophone for Pop Vocal Album — the first of Gaga's four nominations and counting in the category.)

"Telephone" (featuring Beyoncé), The Fame Monster (2009)

"Hello, hello, baby, you called, I can't hear a thing…" On its face, "Telephone" may sound like a garden variety electro-pop bop, but Gaga turned the track into an unforgettable club banger of the highest order by recruiting the one and only Beyoncé . The two superstars play off one another with panache as they shrug off responsibility and incessant calls from home in favor of giving into the music.

The single's murderous, Jonas Åkerlund-directed visual remains one of the most iconic in Gaga's storied visual history. Fourteen years after Gaga and Honey B drove off in the Pussy Wagon with the promise to never come back, Little Monsters and the Beyhive are still clamoring for a follow-up. Need proof? Just look at the internet frenzy Queen Bey caused when she appeared driving a similarly hued taxi in a teaser for the album that became COWBOY CARTER earlier this year.

"Born This Way," Born This Way (2011)

Almost from the moment she emerged onto the national consciousness, Gaga was considered a gay icon in the making, proudly advocating for the queer community — and in turn, cultivating a passionate, devoted LGBTQ+ fan base who worshiped at the feet of Mother Monster. So, naturally, she used her 2010 sophomore album to gift the masses with the Pride anthem of a generation . 

Drawing comparisons to Madonna 's "Express Yourself," "Born This Way" became a defining hit of the 2010s and helped empower listeners from the clubs, to the streets, to the inside of the closet to embrace what makes them special and fearlessly declare, "Baby, I was born this way!" Additionally, the gay anthem holds the distinction of being the 1,000th No. 1 hit in the history of the Billboard Hot 100, as well as Gaga's first single to bow at the top of the chart upon its debut.

"Yoü And I," Born This Way (2011)

Though she would go on to explore the genre further in 2016's Joanne , Gaga pretty much perfected her interpretation of classic Americana with the country-rock stomp of "Yoü and I" in 2011. Released as the fourth single from Born This Way , the gutsy power ballad found the singer driving a muscle car right through the glitzy, electro-pop aesthetic of her past as she wailed, "This time I'm not leavin' without you" over a sample of Queen 's "We Will Rock You" and an original electric guitar line by none other than Brian May himself.

The music video for "Yoü And I," meanwhile, was classically high-concept in the most Gaga of terms. It saw the star transform into a number of alter egos including Yüyi the mermaid and the snarling, chain-smoking Jo Calderone. Whether running through the Nebraska cornfields of the song's setting or being brought back to life a la bride of Frankenstein by future ex-fiancé Taylor Kinney, Gaga proved that she could make a visit to America's heartland as avant-garde as ever.

"Marry The Night," Born This Way (2011)

Among Born This Way 's litany of hits, "Marry the Night" is widely regarded among Little Monsters as something of a cult favorite. Though it didn't ascend quite as high up the charts as preceding singles like "Judas" or "The Edge of Glory," the track's music video might just be the most autobiographical visual the New York City native has ever released. 

As the fantastical clip opens on an unconscious Gaga lying prone in a hospital bed wearing "next season Calvin Klein" and custom Giuseppe Zanoti, the singer lays out her entire approach to her artistry. "When I look back on my life, it's not that I don't want to see things exactly as they happened, it's just that I prefer to remember them in an artistic way," she explained. "And truthfully, the lie of it all is much more honest because I invented it…

"It's sort of like my past is an unfinished painting," she continues. "And as the artist of that painting, I must fill in all the ugly holes and make it beautiful again. It's not that I've been dishonest; it's just that I loathe reality." Gaga's rejection of the ordinary in favor of artistic reinterpretation has given fans not only the creative explosion of "Marry the Night," but the entirety of the pop star's avant-garde oeuvre.

"The Lady Is a Tramp" (with Tony Bennett), Duets II (2011)

Smack dab in the middle of Gaga's Born This Way era, Tony Bennett invited Gaga to duet on his 2011 album, Duets II . The pair's charming, spunky rendition of the Rodgers and Hart classic "The Lady is a Tramp" not only opened the album, but it showcased an irrepressible chemistry between the two stars that led to two more collaborative full-length albums, 2014's Cheek to Cheek and 2021's Love For Sale — both of which won GRAMMYs for Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album. 

The song ultimately became something of a cheeky hallmark to how much Gaga and Bennett adored one another; even after they'd released an album full of jazz standards like Cole Porter 's "Anything Goes" and Irving Berlin's "Cheek to Cheek," the young pop ingénue chose to sing "The Lady Is a Tramp" for Bennett's 90th birthday celebration at Radio City Music Hall, dedicating it to her friend as he beamed from the front row.

The pair's sweet friendship would continue on all the way until Bennett's death in 2023 following a years-long battle with Alzheimer's disease. In a heartfelt social media tribute , Gaga shared the impact of Bennett's friendship: "Sure he taught me about music, about showbiz life, but he also showed me how to keep my spirits high and my head screwed on straight."

"Applause," ARTPOP (2013)

She lives for the applause! For the lead single for her 2014 album ARTPOP , Gaga shined a spotlight back on the parasocial relationship and adoration that comes with fame. This time, though, the pop star demands listener participation rather than simple voyeurism as she belts, "Give me that thing that I love/ Put your hands up, make 'em touch!" 

In the song, Gaga also shares the complex philosophy behind the album's title ("Pop culture was in art, now art's in pop culture in me.") But between shouting out famed sculpturist Jeffrey Koons (whom she commissioned to create the iconic ARTPOP cover art ) and referencing everything from Botticelli's The Birth of Venus to the pop iconography of Andy Warhol in the surrealist music video, Gaga's message was deceptively simple: She lives for the A-P-P-L-A-U-S-E, baby.

"Aura," ARTPOP (2013)

When it came time to present the highbrow themes of ARTPOP to the masses, Gaga chose to open the 2013 iTunes Festival with "Aura," a frenetic exploration of fame, celebrity, suppression and identity built over a skittering sonic palette inspired in equal parts by Middle Eastern music, spaghetti Westerns and mariachi.

Though she initially faced some backlash over accusations that she had appropriated the wearing of a Muslim burqa in the song's lyrics, "Aura" effectively set the stage for ARTPOP as a piece of sophisticated performance art unlike anything Gaga had created before — all while promising fans a glimpse "behind the curtain" at the girl underneath the camp and artistry. And though ARTPOP may have been more than a bit misunderstood at the time of its release, it arguably remains the boldest and bravest album in Gaga's manifold discography.

"Joanne," Joanne (2016)

Gaga found inspiration for her fifth studio album from the life and death of her late aunt (and namesake), Joanne Stefani Germanotta. The singer never met her relative, but Joanne's spirit was imbued throughout the album, from its homespun lyricism to its stripped-back sonic palette that found the singer exploring the sounds of country, soft rock and Americana.

Nowhere on the record is Gaga's profound connection to her aunt more evident than the title track, which she recorded two different versions of and released as the album's third and final single. "Take my hand, stay Joanne/ Heaven's not ready for you/ Every part of my aching heart/ Needs you more than the angels do," she sings softly over a spare piano line on "Joanne (Where Do You Think You're Goin'?)."

With its roots in her family tree, the song clearly holds a special place in Gaga's heart — especially considering she chose to mix it with "Million Reasons" for her performance at the 2018 GRAMMYs. (A full year later, she took home the GRAMMY for Best Pop Solo Performance in 2019 for the acoustic piano version.)

"Shallow" (with Bradley Cooper), A Star Is Born (2018)

"I can see myself in the movies/ With my picture in city lights," Gaga memorably sang in "The Fame." And a decade later, she manifested her dream into reality with a starring role in the 2018 remake of A Star Is Born . 

Opposite Bradley Cooper , the singer proved she had plenty of star quality on the silver screen on top of her status as a pop supernova. The movie musical's soundtrack was also dominated by Gaga's vulnerability and vocal abilities, fully giving herself over to the story of a star-crossed love that ends in superstardom and tragedy — particularly on the emotional keystone that is "Shallow." In fact, by the time she lets out her famous, guttural wail in the song's emotional bridge, it's easy to forget that "Shallow" is, in fact, a duet rather than a dazzling showcase of Gaga's chops. 

On top of being an essential touchstone in Gaga's canon, "Shallow" is also memorable for being the song that turned Mother Monster into an Oscar winner after she, co-writer Mark Ronson and the rest of their collaborators took home the trophy for Best Original Song at the 2019 Academy Awards. (The song also won a GRAMMY for Best Pop/Duo Group Performance that year.)

"I've worked hard for a long time," Gaga said through tears while accepting her Oscar. "And it's not about winning, but what it's about is not giving up. If you have a dream, fight for it. There's a discipline for passion, and it's not about how many times you get rejected or you fall down or you're beaten up. It's about how many times you stand up and are brave and you keep on going." 

"Rain On Me" (with Ariana Grande), Chromatica (2020)

Gaga's Chromatica era began with "Stupid Love" and its colorful, Power Rangers-chic video, but the star hit peak pop excellence by joining forces with Ariana Grande on the album's second single "Rain on Me." 

"I'd rather be dry but at least I'm alive/ Rain on me, rain, rain," the two superstars harmonized on the house-fueled disco fantasia's upbeat refrain, before letting the beat drop and giving in to the impulse to dance it out. Released in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, the track provided hope, joy and a message of hard-fought resilience at a scary, unpredictable and unprecedented time when it felt like the world was ending as we knew it.

The following year, Gaga and Grande won the GRAMMY for Best Pop/Duo Group Performance at the 2011 ceremony, becoming the first female collaborators to take home the award in GRAMMYs history. 

"Free Woman," Chromatica (2020)

"Free Woman" was a bit overlooked when it was released as Chromatica 's fourth and final single in the spring of 2021, but the narrative Gaga shares on the jubilant track is central to her personal history and experiences in the music industry. Over a thumping Eurodance-leaning beat, she recounts the PTSD she suffered from after being sexually assaulted by an unnamed producer early in her career.

Gaga also offers a rallying cry for her beloved LGBTQ+ fan base on the song, particularly those in the trans community, as she belts, "This is my dance floor I fought for/ Ain't hard, that's what I'm livin' for…We own the downtown, hear our sound." Ultimately, that empowering lyric is a notion that encapsulates the overarching theme of Gaga's career thus far — one that fans around the world can revel in again and again with GAGA CHROMATICA BALL .

Explore The World Of Lady Gaga

Watch Lady Gaga Bring "Born This Way" To Life On The GRAMMYs Stage | GRAMMY Great Performance

Watch Lady Gaga Bring "Born This Way" To Life On The GRAMMYs Stage | GRAMMY Great Performance

For The Record: The Liberating Joy Of Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' At 10

For The Record: The Liberating Joy Of Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' At 10

10 Reasons Why 'ARTPOP' Is Lady Gaga’s Bravest Album

10 Reasons Why 'ARTPOP' Is Lady Gaga’s Bravest Album

How Lady Gaga Changed The Music Industry With Dance-Pop & Unapologetic Feminism | Run The World

How Lady Gaga Changed The Music Industry With Dance-Pop & Unapologetic Feminism | Run The World

What Is Lady Gaga's Real Name? 7 Facts To Know About The GRAMMY-Winning 'Chromatica' Singer

What Is Lady Gaga's Real Name? 7 Facts To Know About The GRAMMY-Winning 'Chromatica' Singer

Watch Lady Gaga Advocate For Mental Health Awareness During Her Win For "Shallow" In 2019 | GRAMMY Rewind

Watch Lady Gaga Advocate For Mental Health Awareness During Her Win For "Shallow" In 2019 | GRAMMY Rewind

Amy Winehouse performs "Rehab" during 2007 MTV Movie Awards

Photo: Chris Polk/FilmMagic

How Amy Winehouse's 'Back To Black' Changed Pop Music Forever

Ahead of the new Amy Winehouse biopic 'Back To Black,' reflect on the impact of the album of the same name. Read on for six ways the GRAMMY-winning LP charmed listeners and changed the sound of popular music.

When Amy Winehouse released Back To Black in October 2006, it was a sonic revelation. The beehive-wearing singer’s second full-length blended modern themes with the Shangri-Las sound, crafting something that seemed at once both effortlessly timeless and perfectly timed. 

Kicking off with smash single "Rehab" before blasting into swinging bangers like "Me & Mr. Jones," "Love Is A Losing Game," and "You Know I’m No Good," Black To Black has sold over 16 million copies worldwide to date and is the 12th best-selling record of all time in the United Kingdom. It was nominated for six GRAMMY Awards and won five: Record Of The Year, Song Of The Year, Best New Artist, Best Female Pop Vocal Performance, and Best Pop Vocal Album. 

Winehouse accepted her golden gramophones via remote link from London due to visa problems. At the time, Winehouse set the record for the most GRAMMYs won by a female British artist in a single year, though that record has since been broken by Adele , who won six in 2011.

Written in the wake of a break-up with on-again, off-again flame Blake Fielder-Civil, Black To Black explores heartbreak, grief, and infidelity, as well as substance abuse, isolation, and various traumas. Following her death in 2011, Back To Black became Winehouse’s most enduring legacy. It remains a revealingly soulful message in a bottle, floating forever on the waves. 

With the May 17 release of Sam Taylor-Johnson’s new ( and questionably crafted ) Winehouse biopic, also titled Back To Black , it's the perfect time to reflect on the album that not only charmed listeners but changed the state of a lot of popular music over the course of just 11 songs. Here are five ways that Back To Black influenced music today.

She Heralded The Arrival Of The Alt Pop Star

When Amy Winehouse hit the stage, people remarked on her big voice. She had classic, old-time torch singer pipes, like Sarah Vaughn or Etta Jones , capable of belting out odes to lost love, unrequited dreams, and crushing breakups. And while those types of singers had been around before Winehouse, they didn’t always get the chance — or grace required — to make their kind of music, with labels and producers often seeking work that was more poppy, hook-packed, or modern.

The success of Back To Black changed that, with artists like Duffy , Adele , and even Lady Gaga drawing more eyes in the wake of Winehouse’s overwhelming success. Both Duffy and Adele released their debut projects in 2007, the year after Back To Black , bringing their big, British sound to the masses. Amy Winehouse's look and sound showed other aspiring singers that they could be different and transgressive without losing appeal.

Before she signed to Interscope in 2007, "nobody knew who I was and I had no fans, no record label," Gaga told Rolling Stone in 2011 . "Everybody, when they met me, said I wasn’t pretty enough or that my voice was too low or strange. They had nowhere to put me. And then I saw [Amy Winehouse] in Rolling Stone and I saw her live. I just remember thinking ‘well, they found somewhere to put Amy…’" 

If an artist like Winehouse — who was making records and rocking styles that seemed far outside the norm — could break through, then who’s to say someone else as bold or brassy wouldn’t do just as well? 

It Encouraged Other Torch Singers In The New Millenium

Back To Black might have sounded fun, with swinging cuts about saying "no" to rehab and being bad news that could seem lighthearted to the casual listener. Dig a little deeper, though, and it’s clear Winehouse is going through some real romantic tumult. 

Before Back To Black was released, Fielder-Civil had left Winehouse to get back together with an old girlfriend, and singer felt that she needed to create something good out of all those bad feelings. Songs like "Love Is A Losing Game" and "Tears Dry On Their Own" speak to her fragile emotional state during the making of the record, and to how much she missed Fielder-Civil. The two would later marry, though the couple divorced in 2009.

Today, young pop singers like Olivia Rodrigo , Taylor Swift , and Selena Gomez are lauded for their songs about breakups, boyfriends, and the emotional damage inflicted by callous lovers. While Winehouse certainly wasn’t the first to sing about a broken heart, she was undoubtedly one of the best.

It Created A Bit Of Ronsonmania

Though Mark Ronson was already a fairly successful artist and producer in his own right before he teamed with Winehouse to write and co-produce much of Back To Black, his cred was positively stratospheric after the album's release. Though portions of Back To Black were actually produced by Salaam Remi (who’d previously worked with Winehouse on Frank and who was reportedly working on a follow-up album with her at the time of her death), Ronson got the lion’s share of credit for the record’s sound — perhaps thanks to his his GRAMMY win for Best Pop Vocal Album. Winehouse would even go on to guest on his own Version record, which featured the singer's ever-popular cover of "Valerie."

In the years that followed, Ronson went on to not only produce and make his own funky, genre-bending records, but also to work with acts like Adele, ASAP Rocky , and Paul McCartney , all of whom seemingly wanted a little of the retro soul Ronson could bring. He got huge acclaim for the funk-pop boogie cut "Uptown Funk," which he wrote and released under his own name with help from Bruno Mars , and has pushed into film as well, writing and producing over-the-top tracks like A Star Is Born ’s "Shallow" and Barbie ’s "I’m Just Ken."  To date, he’s been nominated for 17 GRAMMY Awards, winning eight.

Ronson has always acknowledged Winehouse’s role in his success, as well, telling "BBC Breakfast" in 2010 , " I've always been really candid about saying that Amy is the reason I am on the map. If it wasn't for the success of Back To Black , no one would have cared too much about Version ."

Amy Showcased The Artist As An Individual

When the GRAMMY Museum hosted its "Beyond Black - The Style of Amy Winehouse" exhibit in 2020, Museum Curator and Director of Exhibitions Nicholas Vega called the singer's sartorial influence "undeniable." Whether it was her beehive, her bold eyeliner, or her fitted dresses, artists and fans had adopted elements of Winehouse’s Back To Black style into their own fashion repertoire. And though it’s the look we associate most with Winehouse, it was actually one she had truly developed while making the record, amping up her Frank -era low-slung jeans, tank tops, and polo shirts with darker eyeliner and much bigger hair, as well as flirty dresses, vibrant bras, and heels.

"Her stylist and friends were influential in helping her develop her look, but ultimately Amy took bits and pieces of trends and styles that she admired to create her own look," Vega told GRAMMY.com in 2020. While rock ‘n’ rollers have always leaned into genre-bending styles, Winehouse’s grit is notable in the pop world, where artists typically have a bit more of a sheen. These days, artists like Miley Cyrus , Billie Eillish , and Demi Lovato are willing to let their fans see a bit more of the grit — thanks, no doubt, to the doors Winehouse opened.

Winehouse also opened the door to the beauty salon and the tattoo studio, pushing boundaries with not just her 14 different vintage-inspired tattoos — which have become almost de rigeur these days in entertainment — but also with her signature beehive-like bouffant, which hadn’t really been seen on a popular artist since the ‘60s.It’s a frequent look for contemporary pop divas, popping up on artists like Ariana Grande , Lana Del Rey , and Dua Lipa .

The Dap-Kings Got The Flowers They Deserved

Six of Back To Black ’s 11 songs , including "Rehab," got their "retro" sound via backing from t he Dap-Kings , a Brooklyn-based soul act Ronson recruited for the project. 

While Winehouse’s lyrics were mostly laid down in London, the Dap-Kings did their parts in New York. Ronson told GRAMMY.com in 2023 that the Dap-Kings "brought ['Rehab'] to life," saying, "I felt like I was floating because I couldn’t believe anybody could still make that drum sound in 2006." Winehouse and the Dap-Kings met months later after the record was released, and recorded "Valerie." The band later backed Winehouse on her U.S. tour. 

Though the Dap-Kings were known in hip musical circles for their work with late-to-success soul sensation Sharon Jones , Back To Black ’s immense success buoyed the listening public’s interest in soul music and the Dap-Kings' own profile (not to mention that of their label, Daptone Records).

"Soul music never went away and soul lovers never went away, but they’re just kind of closeted because they didn’t think it was commercially viable," Dap-Kings guitarist Binky Griptite said in the book It Ain't Retro: Daptone Records & The 21st Century Soul Revolution . "Then, when Amy’s record hit, all the undercover soul fans are like, I’m free. And then that’s when everybody’s like, Oh, there’s money in it now."

The success of Back To Black also seems to have firmly cemented the Dap-Kings in Ronson’s Rolodex, with the group’s drummer Homer Steinweiss, multi-instrumentalist Leon Michaels, trumpeter Dave Guy , and guitarist/producer Tom Brenneck appearing on many of his projects; the Dap-Kings' horns got prominent placement in "Uptown Funk."

Amy Exposed The Darker Side Of Overwhelming Success

Four years after Winehouse died, a documentary about her life was released. Asif Kapadia’s Amy became an instant rock-doc classic, detailing not only Winehouse’s upbringing, but also her struggles with fame and addiction. It won 30 awards after release, including Best Documentary Feature at the 88th Academy Awards and Best Music Film at the 58th GRAMMY Awards.

It also made a lot of people angry — not for how it portrayed Winehouse, but for how she was made to feel, whether by the British press or by people she considered close. The film documented Winehouse’s struggles with bulimia, self-harm, and depression, and left fans and artists alike feeling heartbroken all over again about the singer’s passing. 

The documentary also let fans in on what life was really like for Winehouse, and potentially for other artists in the public eye. British rapper Stormzy summed it up well in 2016 when he told i-D , "I saw the [documentary, Amy] – it got me flipping angry... [Amy’s story] struck a chord with me in the sense that, as a creative, it looks like on the outside, that it’s very ‘go studio, make a hit, go and perform it around the world, champagne in the club, loads of girls’. But the graft and the emotional strain of being a musician is very hard. No one ever sees that part." 

These days, perhaps because of Winehouse’s plight or documentaries like Amy , the music-loving population seems far more inclined to give their favorite singers a little grace, whether it’s advocating for the end of Britney Spears ’ conservatorship or sympathizing with Demi Lovato’s personal struggles. Even the biggest pop stars are still people, and Amy really drove that point home.

We Only Said Goodbye With Words: Remembering Amy Winehouse 10 Years Later

Lady Gaga holds her 2019 GRAMMY Awards

Photo: Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images

GRAMMY Rewind: Watch Lady Gaga Advocate For Mental Health Awareness During Her 2019 Win For "Shallow"

Lady Gaga accepts the Best Pop/Duo Group Performance award for "Shallow" from 'A Star Is Born' at the 2019 GRAMMYs while encouraging the audience "to take care of each other."

Between two award seasons, A Star Is Born received seven nominations — including Record Of The Year and two nods for Song Of The Year — and four wins for Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media, Best Song Written for Visual Media twice, and Best Pop/Duo Group Performance.

In this episode of GRAMMY Rewind , travel to 2019 to watch Lady Gaga accept one of the album's first GRAMMY wins for Best Pop/Duo Group Performance for "Shallow."

After thanking God and her family for their unwavering support, Lady Gaga expressed gratitude for her co-star, Bradley Cooper . "I wish Bradley was here with me right now," Gaga praised. "I know he wants to be here. Bradley, I loved singing this song with you."

Gaga went on to express how proud she was to be a part of a movie that addresses mental health. "A lot of artists deal with that. We've got to take care of each other. So, if you see somebody that's hurting, don't look away. And if you're hurting, even though it might be hard, try to find that bravery within yourself to dive deep, tell somebody, and take them up in your head with you."

Press play on the video above to hear Lady Gaga's complete acceptance speech for A Star Is Born 's "Shallow" at the 2019 GRAMMY Awards, and check back to GRAMMY.com for more new episodes of GRAMMY Rewind.

Run The World: How Lady Gaga Changed The Music Industry With Dance-Pop & Unapologetic Feminism

thesis statement about drunk driving

Photo: Kevin Mazur/WireImage

Released in 2013 and following the iconic 'Born This Way,' Lady Gaga's 'ARTPOP' was maligned and misunderstood. Yet the avant garde album took admirable leaps in genre, style and presentation — and deserves serious applause.

A decade ago, the music industry was practically eulogizing Lady Gaga ’s career. Cause of death: her fourth album, ARTPOP .

Universally deemed a misfit (even among Gaga’s off-kilter discography), it was all too easy to crack “artflop” jokes as the record’s reception paled in comparison to the thunder of 2011’s Born This Way . In addition to Billboard -charting bangers aside, Born This Way pledged to be a champion for LGBTQIA+ rights, employing the word “bravery” so frequently that the two are now inextricably bound. The album’s daring demeanor had created a tough spectacle to follow, even for the shock-pop maven.

But rebukes of ARTPOP ’s avant-garde concepts and stylings, disregard the record’s brazen interweaving of music, fashion, technology, and digital art. Released after Gaga broke her hip and canceled the  Born This Way Ball tour, ARTPOP was a canvas of earth-shattering bursts of pain and passion, and an electronic confessional.

For her efforts and vision, Gaga's maligned 2013 album would become a blueprint for contemporary alt-pop artists — not just with its experimental clash of genres, but through its winking subversion of industry expectations.  

In honor of ARTPOP ’s tenth anniversary this month, read on for 10 reasons why  the overlooked outcast of Gaga’s catalog is actually the bravest album of them all.

It Prioritized Creativity Over Sales And Charts

When the public slams an artist for “only” selling one million copies of an album in a week, record sales lose their shine. After facing flack for her Born This Way numbers in 2011, Lady Gaga entered the ARTPOP era with clear intentions: creativity for creativity’s sake.

“Really, it’s about freeing yourself from the expectations of the music industry and the expectations of the status quo,” she explained during an interview at SXSW. And you know she meant it, because that same week she bucked those pressures by climbing atop a mechanical bull , where she served as the human canvas for the "creative output” of vomit artist Millie Brown.

“I write for the music not for the charts,” she tweeted , addressing a comparison between her lead single “Applause” and Katy Perry ’s song “Roar,” which outperformed “Applause” on the Billboard charts. The singles were released days apart, stirring up a heated conversation about which singer was a more powerful pop star. Gaga was, of course, quick to crush the debate.

“Applause” peaked at No. 4 on the Billboard Hot 100, and despite being released in mid-November, ARTPOP nabbed 2.3 million album sales worldwide by the end of 2013. In contrast, Born This Way sold 2.1 million copies between its May 2011 release and the end of its debut year in the United States alone. 

It Put Gaga In The Producer's Seat — Alone 

By 2013, Lady Gaga boasted an impressive list of co-producing credits from working alongside collaborators like RedOne, DJ White Shadow, and Fernando Garibay. Yet ARTPOP marks the first time she slipped behind the soundboard by herself.

For "Venus," an intergalactic ode to lust that blossoms into starry-eyed infatuation, she saluted the titular goddess of love and pushed the men out of the room, folding a hybrid Sun Ra reference/Zombie Zombie sample into her sexually-emboldened EDM. Gaga cites "Venus" as the first song she ever self-produced , a major milestone for the multi-hyphenate and for women producers as a whole.

It Wasn't Afraid To Get Messy

One decade’s definition of "sloppy" is the next decade’s epitome of style. In 2013, the general consensus among critics was that ARTPOP ’s sound was often too messy to take seriously. Their examples were copious; "Aura," for instance, dedicates 15 seconds to nothing but hysterical, autotuned laughter over an unraveling country western guitar riff. Manic deep cuts "MANiCURE" and "Jewels N’ Drugs" were labeled choppy and sonically inconsistent, as Gaga allegedly struggled to find common ground between rock, trap, and electronic music.

Compared to the streamlined pop sound of the time — including some of Gaga’s prior hits — ARTPOP ’s frenetic mishmash of sounds felt totally alien. "I was desperate, in pain, and poured my heart into electronic music that slammed harder than any drug I could find," Gaga reflected , explaining her need for catharsis over catchiness (a choice that she was lambasted for at the time). 

Ten years later, her avant garde approach to pop suddenly seems remarkably en vogue, as genre-hopping and highly-textured sonic palettes become the norm — especially in the alt-pop sphere. In hindsight, it’s apparent that ARTPOP was ridiculed so artists like SOPHIE, Charli XCX , and Dorian Electra could rave.

It Was, Literally, Designed To Be Out Of The World

ARTPOP prioritized pushing art into uncharted territory, and not just on Earth.In addition to a naked Jeff Koons sculpture of Gaga herself, the album’s release was feted with the debut of a flying dress named Volantis . The original creation from Gaga’s TechHaus (a branch of her Haus Labs team) is technically an "electric powered hover vehicle" that fits around Gaga’s body to hoist her into the air. Gaga offered a less technical term for it, calling the dress a metaphor. "I will be the vehicle of their voices," she said during a press conference, sharing her vision for representing young fans in the sky.

Volantis arrived alongside news that Gaga would become the first musician to perform in space aboard a Virgin Galactic ship. The flying dress successfully cleared its first flight; the Virgin ship unfortunately did not. After a fatal test flight , the plans for Gaga’s galactic debut were canceled.

It Crushed Tabloid Trash-Talking  

It’s admittedly hard to recall ARTPOP ’s ill-conceived R. Kelly collaboration "Do What U Want" without wincing. Beyond Kelly’s unnerving presence on the track, his lone sexually-charged verse ultimately skewed the true message of the song, transforming a kiss off to tabloid journalism into randy radio fodder.

Gaga scrubbed the song from streaming services in 2019, sparing the alternative version that instead features Christina Aguilera . Here, Gaga’s intended retaliation shines: "You can’t have my heart / and you won’t use my mind / but do what you want with my body," she taunts on the chorus, welcoming the public’s superficial — and therefore meaningless — judgments.  

When unveiling the track in October of 2013, she took to X (then named Twitter) to trounce a litany of rumors and nitpicks about her weight, likeness to Madonna , and erroneous identity as a hermaphrodite. At its core, "Do What U Want" proved that the only gesture more pointed than a middle finger is cackling while inviting the world to do its worst. 

It Invented A New Artistic Concept 

Lady Gaga can’t take credit for the notion of art-pop, but she did coin a new phrase, calling the conceptual glue of ARTPOP a " reverse Waholian expedition. " Translation: if Andy Warhol transformed mass-produced items like Campbell’s soup into high art, then Gaga wanted to flip the process, placing high art where it could be easily accessible to the public.

As a result, the visual aspects of ARTPOP present a mosaic of the most esteemed masterpieces of all time. The busy album cover fuses the brilliance of American sculptor Jeff Koons with fragments of Sandro Boticelli’s magnum opus "The Birth of Venus," while her outfits for public appearances nodded to greats like Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali with brash makeup and fake mustaches. The concept opened her up to mockery — including from Maroon 5 frontman Adam Levine — but introduced the basics of art history to millions of listeners worldwide.

It Openly Examined Gaga's Relationship With Drugs And Alcohol

Many of ARTPOP ’s most exuberant moments orbit high or drunken states, such as Gaga sneaking around Amersterdam while stoned and incognito on "Mary Jane Holland." Trap outlier "Jewels N’ Drugs," which collects verses from T.I., Twista, and Too $hort, packs the same giddy punch despite its somewhat awkward execution. Yet the party pauses on "Dope," ARTPOP ’s sole piano ballad.

The sobering single gazes inward, where Gaga finds a startling void, her spirit gutted after years of addiction. While the song’s lyrics vow to prioritize loved ones over drugs and liquor, Gaga revealed the most personal promise during her album release show.

"I do not have to be high to be creative," she professed from behind her piano, hand raised in the air as if taking an oath. "I do not need to be drunk to have a good idea. I can sit with my thoughts and not feel crazy." On an album bursting with innovation, "Dope" is her firmest pledge to self-improvement, delivered with aching sincerity.

It Ventured Into The Tech World 

Designing mind-bending art? There’s an app for that. Or there was, anyways. ARTPOP arrived with a supplemental app , designed to enhance Gaga’s multimedia approach to the album’s release. As a way to empower fans to dabble in digital art, one of the app’s main features was a gif and still image generator that allowed users to choose from a rainbow of gyrating geometric shapes and backgrounds. Most creations straddled the line between optical illusion and Tumblr-ready art. The app also offered fans the ability to stream the album and chat with each other.

It was an entertaining endeavor, albeit ultimately a short-lived one. Despite an in-app countdown for other features, including a stream of new behind the scenes videos and a digital audio workshop called TrakStar, neither element came to fruition. Due to Gaga’s shift in management, the project was never developed further. 

Still, the ARTPOP app remains a unique addition to pop’s first brushes with modern tech, long predating crossovers like Charli XCX performances on Roblox and AI-created music.

It Refused To Shy Away From Themes Of Sexual Assault

When ARTPOP hit shelves, the world was still three years away from the awareness about pervasive sexual assault revealed by the #MeToo movement. But a hush around the topic didn’t stop Gaga from eeking out a screech or two about her own experiences with abuse in 2013. While Gaga has since divulged more information about her unfortunate experiences with predators as a fledgling popstar, the ARTPOP track "Swine" dropped some of the first angsty breadcrumbs about her survival story.

"I know you want me / You’re just a pig inside a human body / Squealer, squealer, squealer, you’re so dis-GUS-ting," she practically spits with revulsion on the chorus. The deep cut is an exorcism dressed up as a rave, revealing a gut-churning snapshot of a woman publicly processing her own violation years before the act was deemed acceptable.

It Was Her First Record After Canceling The Born This Way Ball 

Scrapping a major tour over an injury shouldn’t warrant a comeback, but that’s what the world demanded of Lady Gaga when her Born This Way Ball hit the brakes. Gaga was forced to end the tour early in February 2013 when she broke her hip, thwarting her ability to walk, let alone dance. As she underwent surgery and paparazzi vied for photos of her in a Louis Vuitton wheelchair, the public largely viewed the truncated Born This Way Ball as a personal failure on Gaga’s part. 

By the time ARTPOP arrived, the expectations for her next move couldn’t have been higher — which made Gaga’s spasmic, genre-jumping, vomit-covered return to pop all the more daring.

10 Reasons Why Outkast's 'Speakerboxxx/The Love Below' Is One Of Rap's Most Influential Double Albums

Jungkook performing in 2023

Photo: Gotham/WireImage

New Music Friday: Listen To New Music From Jungkook & Jack Harlow, PinkPantheress, *NSYNC And More

As September comes to a close, listen to these new songs, albums and collaborations from Ed Sheeran, Lil Wayne and more.

As we close out the month, this New Music Friday has loads of fresh beginnings and highly anticipated reunions.

Several big-name collaborations dropped on Sept. 29, from an electric team-up of the Rolling Stones and Lady Gaga to an R&B and rap fusion from Jungkook and Jack Harlow . 

Two nostalgic releases arrived as well, with Lil Wayne 's new album Tha Fix Before Tha Vi continuing his "Tha Carter" series, while *NSYNC fans were treated to the boy band's first new song in 20 years with "Better Place."

Dive into these seven new releases that blend the old generation with the new. 

Jungkook ft. Jack Harlow — "3D"

BTS singer Jungkook takes us through a nostalgic journey with "3D," a song reminiscent of an early 2000s boy band hit. The hypnotizing lyrics illustrate his close connection to someone he can't reach, so he'll watch them in 3D.

"So if you're ready (So if you're ready)/ And if you'll let me (And if you'll let me)/ I wanna see it in motion/ In 3D (Uh-uh)," he sings in the chorus. 

Jack Harlow pops in, dropping a few verses boasting about his global attraction with women. "Mr. First Class" claims he can "fly you from Korea to Kentucky," as he closes out the song.

With an addictive chorus and groovy baseline, this track has a different vibe from his "Seven" collaboration with Latto . The song marks Jungkook's seventh solo single and second of 2023.

Rolling Stones & Lady Gaga ft. Stevie Wonder — "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"

The Rolling Stones , Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder blended their talents, to create a harmonic symphony of a song that lives up to its heavenly title. Seven minutes of gospel- and blues-inspired rhythms, enriched by Gaga and Mick Jagger 's distinct riffs, make this collaboration an immersive experience. Stevie Wonder grounds the track with his command of piano and melodic tempo.

The track is the second peek of the Rolling Stones' upcoming album, Hackney Diamonds , their first LP release in 18 years; their first release, "Angry," arrived Sept. 6. With production from GRAMMY-winning Andrew Watt , the soulful essence makes "Sweet Sounds of Heaven" an exciting taste of the long-overdue album.

*NSYNC — "Better Place"

Yes, you read correctly. After two decades and a recent reunion at the 2023 MTV Video Music awards, *NSYNC is back with a new single, "Better Place," appearing in the new animated Trolls movie (due Nov. 17). With a nostalgic dance-pop beat, familiar production and breezy lyrics, this single is a remarkable comeback.

"Just let me take you to a better place/ I'm gonna make you kiss the sky tonight," they sing in the chorus. 

The reunion was first teased Sept. 14, through a video of the group's emotional studio session, as Justin Timberlake shared on Instagram . "When the stars align… got my brothers back together in the studio to work on something fun and the energy was special," he wrote in the post. 

PinkPantheress — "Mosquito"

Dive into this musical daydream as PinkPantheress serenades us on her new single, "Mosquito," a dreamy, lucid song reminiscent of old-school R&B. After recently hopping on the energetic remix of Troye Sivan's "Rush" and teaming up with Destroy Lonely on "Turn Your Phone Off," PinkPantheress is transporting us through a new era, full of charm and surprises.

"Cause I just had a dream I was dead/ And I only cared 'cause I was taken from you/ You're the only thing that I own/ I hear my bell ring, I'd only answer for you," she sings in the chorus. 

Co-crafted by GRAMMY-winning producer Greg Kurstin , this song is a transcending, surreal experience. This single isn't about romance, instead she takes us through her entanglements with treasures and money. That's further portrayed in the lavish video, which features a European shopping spree starring "Bridgerton" stars Charithra Chandran, India Amarteifio and "Grown-ish" star Yara Shahidi.

Ed Sheeran — Autumn Variations

The era of mathematical-themed albums seems to be over, as Ed Sheeran has entered a new chapter with Autumn Variations, his second project this year. Sheeran is singing from his heart, sharing soulful tales from emotional events in his life including the death of his dearest friend Jamal Edwards and his wife's health challenges during pregnancy — an extension of the stories he told with May's Subtract .

Autumn Variations is very raw, stripped down and authentic as he takes us through his personal journey. Amidst this, Sheeran still brings in some buzzing tracks including catchy songs like "American Town," "Paper Bag" and "Amazing."

Lil Wayne — Tha Fix Before Tha Vi

Lil Wayne celebrated his 41st birthday with a special present to his fans: the release of a new album two days later. The alluring 10-track project,"Tha Fix Before Tha Vi" dives into past vibes with songs like "Tity Boi," a reference to 2 Chainz's initial stage name, which may be a reference to the upcoming joint album between the two. Each song has a different feel including "Tuxedo," which features a more punk-rock melody and "Chanel No.5 ft. Foushee," which features a sensational beat.

His first album since 2020, Tha Fix Before Tha Vi features rather unexpected collaborators, including Jon Batiste, Fousheé and euro. With different sounds and features than past projects, we could possibly be entering a new Weezy era. 

Thomas Rhett & Morgan Wallen — "Mamaw's House"

Country superstars Morgan Wallen and Thomas Rhett unite for "Mamaw's House," a country-folk track relishing the memories of their grandparents' home and cozy fireplace tales.  

" It's where I spent my summers and she put me to work/ Shellin' peas and shuckin' corn until my fingers hurt/ No tellin' who I'da been without Mamaw's house," Rhett sings in the second verse. 

Rhett said the duo decided to write about their small-town culture — Rhett is from Valdosta, Georgia, while Wallen hails from Sneedville, Tennessee — and the significant presence of grandparents brought to their upbringings. 

"This song just kind of brings up how our mamaws used to act when we were little kids," Rhett told Audacy. . "It's an ode to all the grandmas out there."

10 Ways Britney Spears' "...Baby One More Time" Changed Pop Music Forever

  • 1 Lady Gaga's Biggest Songs: 15 Tracks That Show Her Avant-Garde Pop Prowess
  • 2 How Amy Winehouse's 'Back To Black' Changed Pop Music Forever
  • 3 GRAMMY Rewind: Watch Lady Gaga Advocate For Mental Health Awareness During Her 2019 Win For "Shallow"
  • 4 10 Reasons Why 'ARTPOP' Is Lady Gaga’s Bravest Album
  • 5 New Music Friday: Listen To New Music From Jungkook & Jack Harlow, PinkPantheress, *NSYNC And More


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  1. Drunk Driving Essay Examples for Free • GradesFixer

    Here are five examples of strong thesis statements for your drunk driving essay: 1. "In a world where the consequences of a single choice can be catastrophic, addressing the issue of drunk driving is not just a responsibility but a moral imperative." 2. "Drunk driving is a grave societal issue that demands immediate attention, as it affects not ...

  2. 86 Drunk Driving Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol. One of the implications of the adolescent and adult driving while intoxicated is enduring the life after the occurrence of breaking the law. Alcohol and Drugs in Fatally Injured Drivers. The researchers targeted to examine the prevalence of drugs in a sample of drivers.

  3. Thesis and Preview: Drunk Driving

    According to the National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration, there were a total of 10,497 fatalities involving alcohol in 2016 (NHTSA, 2017). Thesis and Preview: Drunk driving is a problem that has severe and life-threatening consequences to those who are involved. If we take preventive measures, we can decrease this epidemic and ...

  4. Thesis Statement For Drunk Driving

    1126 Words. 5 Pages. Open Document. Introduction: Drunk Driving is an issue that could prompt the driver, the traveler, and onlookers harmed or most noticeably bad not withstanding harms to property. It's an avoidable circumstance that happens frequently at any rate. Plastered driving is characterized as "the demonstration of working or driving ...

  5. 6.7: A Student Example- "Preventing Drunk Driving by Enforcement" by

    While educating everyone about the dangers of drunk driving is certainly important, I am interested in researching and writing about different ways to more strictly enforce drunk driving laws. My working thesis for my research project is "While stronger enforcement measures to control drunk driving might be controversial and a violation of ...

  6. The Main Causes of Drunken Driving

    Drunk driving is one of the leading causes of death in the United States of America. In 2008 alone, 11773 people were killed due to auto accidents triggered by drunk drivers. ... Conclusion against Thesis Statement: The main reason for the current spate of alcohol consumption incidents can be attributed to the strong puritanical associations ...

  7. Drunk Driving and Its Consequences

    According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), about 40% of death on road accidents in 2006 was as a result of drunk-driving; it estimated that 17,941 people died in 2006 in alcohol-related collisions. It is the realisation of such statistics that each state in the country has its own drunk-driving reinforcement ...

  8. Sample Thesis Statement For Drunk Driving

    Crafting an effective thesis statement for drunk driving is challenging due to the complexity of the issue. Developing a thesis requires thorough research into the various causes, effects, legal implications, and societal impacts of drunk driving. This comprehensive understanding must then be distilled into a clear and concise statement that succinctly conveys the main argument while providing ...

  9. Writing Prompts about Drunk Driving

    📑 Drunk Driving Thesis Statements ️ Argumentative Thesis Examples on Drunk Driving . Stricter penalties, enhanced law enforcement, and comprehensive educational campaigns are necessary to effectively combat the pervasive problem of drunk driving and protect public safety.

  10. Writing Thesis Statements

    How is [he thesis statement used effectively? -If you were to write a paper discussing the issue of dtünk driving, and you felt that drunk drivers should be punished because they are dangerous, irresponsible, and bad examples, an effeCtive theses statement might be: eople who drive under the influence of alcohol should be punished I ecause ...

  11. Final Essay Outline (Rhetorical Analysis on Drunk Driving)

    Kevin Murray on October 7, 2020. Topic: How advertisements use rhetorical strategies to educate the public and dissuade them from drunk driving. Purpose: To save lives and prevent injuries that are caused within drunk driving accidents. Thesis Statement: The two advertisements use the rhetorical triangle of ethos, pathos, and logos, whilst also ...

  12. Drunk Driving

    Drunk driving takes the lives of thousands of people every year. "In 2016 there were 10,497 fatalities in motor vehicle traffic crashes involving drivers with BACs of .08 g/dL or higher. This totaled 28 percent of all traffic fatalities for the year. An average of 1 alcohol-impaired-driving fatality occurred every 50 minutes in 2016.

  13. How to Write a Drunk Driving Essay

    How to spice up your drunk driving essay. Conduct thorough research. Formulate a thesis statement. Driving while drunk is illegal and dangerous. Your essay, therefore, should be focused on reinforcing this statement. Essays on this topic are particularly common if you are a law student or if you are learning something related to the law.

  14. Thesis Statement For Drunk Driving

    Thesis Statement For Drunk Driving. Better Essays. 1605 Words. 7 Pages. Open Document. Topic: 1. Persons who drink and drive should be banned from driving for five years. Introduction: Often times one puts on the news, there can be seen vehicular accidents of some sort, often the result of drunk drivers. Why such continues to happen is baffling ...

  15. PDF Drunk Driving: Existing Programs Fail to Stop the Problem

    a. Statement of the problem i. Brief Discussion of Drunk Driving ii. Alcohol Effects on an Individual iii. Drunk Driving Effects on the Roadway iv. Statistics v. Methods of Control b. Purpose of the Research c. Significance of Research II. Literature Review a. What is Drunk Driving i. Statistics about Drunk Driving ii. How is Drunk Driving ...

  16. Drunk Driving Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    Drunk Driving The First eview: Eisenberg's Evaluation of policies' effectiveness in relation to drunk driving is the first policy review piece chosen for this article. In the research Eisenberg (2003) presented novel findings on the effectiveness of public policies on the state-level linked to drunk driving, effectiveness in this context refers to reduction in the number of fatal crashes.

  17. On the Issue of Drunk Driving

    Introduction. Driving while drunk is collectively known as impaired driving where one drives when under alcohol or any other drug influence. In some countries such as Canada, drinking and driving is an offence and one could be jailed for although cancelling of driving licenses and fines are the most used punishments for such offences. We will ...

  18. Essay on the Dangers of Drunk Driving

    Some countries have driving classes and tests that include the dangers of drunk driving. Other countries even make the students watch a video showing real-life victims of drunk driver mishaps (Nelson, 2015). The drinks industry itself also needs to take the initiative to educate its drinkers about the dangers of drunk driving.

  19. Drunk Driving Persuasive Speech Essay

    Persuasive Speech. I. Attention 1. You tube video clip, "Dedicated to Loved Ones Lost". 2. Every day in America, another 28 people die as a result of drunk driving crashes. (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 2011.) II. Central Thesis. Drunk driving is an epidemic that continues to have severe and life threatening consequences ...

  20. Drunk Driving, Outline Example

    Thesis Statement: Thesis Statement: Drunk driving is an epidemic that continues growing with the pass of the time, if we simply take a few steps against drunk driving we can help decrease this epidemic. Introduction . Attention Getter. Every day in America, another 28 people die as a result of drunk driving crashes. (National Highway Traffic ...

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    Thesis Statement on Drunk Driving A thesis statement serves as the guiding idea for your paper, providing a clear, concise argument that you will support throughout your essay. Continue reading. Discover more from: Medical/Surgical Nursing 2 VN220. Glendale Career College. 39 Documents.

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    All month long, Mothers Against Drunk Driving Heartland are running, or biking, in a new fundraiser to raise money for crash survivors. 1 weather alerts 1 closings/delays Watch Now

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    Drunk Driving. S00027026 IENG 030-11 Mr. Morgan Fall 2012 Topic: Drunk Driving Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to stop driving while they are drunk if they do so. Thesis Statement: There are more and more accidents happening as a result of drunk driving ‚ and these drunk drivers should be severely punished.

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  26. Lady Gaga's Biggest Songs: 15 Tracks That Show Her Avant-Garde Pop

    As fans relive the exhilarating spectacle of Lady Gaga's 2022 stadium tour with a new HBO Max concert film, 'GAGA CHROMATICA BALL,' jam out to 15 of her signature songs, from "Poker Face" to "Rain on Me." Glenn Rowley. |GRAMMYs/May 23, 2024 - 07:29 pm. Nearly two years after bringing her 2020 album Chromatica to life with a sold-out stadium ...