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- National Income
National Income – Defining a Country’s Richness
To simply understand what National Income is, it can be represented as - National Income defines a country's wealth. This income depicts the value of goods and services which are produced by an economy. This gives effect to the net result of all the economic activities performed in the country.
Imagine how you would define a country’s wealth without any economic term? In that case, there would be no accountability and responsibility linked with the production in the country. The resources would go uncalculated and there would be a vague economic atmosphere. Thus, let us indulge in this study which talks about National Income.
Understanding National Income
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National income is the sum total of the value of all the goods and services manufactured by the residents of the country, in a year., within its domestic boundaries or outside. It is the net amount of income of the citizens by production in a year.
To be more precise, national income is the accumulated money value of all final goods and services produced in a country during one financial year. Computation of National Income is very vital as it indicates the overall health of our economy for that particular year.
The aggregate economic performance of a nation is calculated with the help of National income data. The basic purpose of national income is to throw light on aggregate output and income and provide a basis for the government to formulate its policy, programs, to maximize the national welfare of the people. Central Statistical Organization calculates the national income in India.
Definition of National Income
The definition of National Income if of two types-
Traditional Definition of National Income
Modern Definition
Traditional Definition of National Income-
According to Marshall: “The labor and capital of a country acting on its natural resources produce annually a certain net aggregate of commodities, material and immaterial including services of all kinds. This is the true net annual income or revenue of the country or national dividend.”
Modern Definition
This definition has two subparts
Gross Domestic Product
Gross Domestic Product, abbreviated as GDP, is the aggregate value of goods and services produced in a country. GDP is calculated over regular time intervals, such as a quarter or a year. GDP as an economic indicator is used worldwide to measure the growth of countries economy.
Goods are valued at their market prices, so:
All goods measured in the same units (e.g., dollars in the U.S.)
Things without exact market value are excluded.
Constituents of GDP
Wages and salaries
Undistributed profits
Direct taxes
The Formula for Calculation of GDP
GDP = consumption + investment + government spending + exports - imports.
Gross National Product
Gross National Product (GNP) is an estimated value of all goods and services produced by a country’s residents and businesses. GNP does not include the services used to produce manufactured goods because its value is included in the price of the finished product. It also includes net income arising in a country from abroad.
Components of GNP
Consumer goods and services
Gross private domestic income
Goods produced or services rendered
Income arising from abroad.
Formula to Calculate GNP
GNP = GDP + NR (Net income from assets abroad or Net Income Receipts) - NP (Net payment outflow to foreign assets).
Importance of National Income
Setting economic policy.
National Income indicates the status of the economy and can give a clear picture of the country’s economic growth . National Income statistics can help economists in formulating economic policies for economic development.
Inflation and Deflationary Gaps
For timely anti-inflationary and deflationary policies, we need aggregate data of national income. If expenditure increases from the total output, it shows inflammatory gaps and vice versa.
Budget Preparation
The budget of the country is highly dependent on the net national income and its concepts. The Government formulates the yearly budget with the help of national income statistics in order to avoid any cynical policies.
Standard of Living
National income data assists the government in comparing the standard of living amongst countries and people living in the same country at different times.
Defense and Development
National income estimates help us to bifurcate the national product between defense and development purposes of the country. From such figures, we can easily know, how much can be set aside for the defense budget.
Sets of methods for measuring National Income
There are four methods of measuring national income. The type of method to be used depends on the availability of data in a country and the purpose which is attempted for.
Income Method
In this method, we add net income payments received by all citizens of a country in a particular year. Net incomes that result in all the factors of production like net rents, wages, interest, and profits are all added together, but income received in the form of transfer payments are omitted.
Product Method
According to this method, the aggregate value of final goods and services produced in a country during a financial year is computed at market prices. To find out GNP, the data of all the productive activities-agricultural products, Minerals, Industrial products, the contributions to production made by transport, insurance, communication, lawyers, doctors, teachers. Etc are accumulated and assessed.
Expenditure Method
The total expenditure by the society in a financial year is summed up together and includes personal consumption expenditure, net domestic investment, government expenditure on goods and services, and net foreign investment. This concept is backed by the assumption that national income is equal to national expenditure.
Value Added Method
The distinction between the value of material outputs and material inputs at every stage of production is Value added.
The Gross Domestic Product and the Gross National Product are the two most widely used measures in a country’s calculation of aggregate economic unit.
GDP is the measure of the value of goods and services that are being produced within a country's borders, by the citizens and the non-citizens. While GNP determines the value of goods and services that are being produced by the country's citizens in the domestic and abroad spectrum. GDP is popularly used by the global economies at large. While, the United States eliminated the use of GNP in the year 1991, thereby adopting GDP as the measure to compare their economy with other economies.
India’s Richness: National Income of India 2020-2021
In the year 2020-2021, India had a total NI of 135.13 lakh crore, well this is a provisional estimate only. However, in the round of the fourth quarter (in the month of January-March), the country had an economic growth of 1.6%, while the GDP was calculated at Rs. 38.96 lakh crore in the fourth quarter in the year 2020-21, this is count is slightly different to Rs 38.33 lakh crore in the fourth quarter of 2019-20.
FAQs on National Income
1. Name the four top countries with the highest GDP?
The top four countries with the highest GDP are:
The United States with $19.485 trillion
China with $12.238 trillion
Japan with $4.872 trillion
Germany with $3.693 trillion
2. Who manages all the monetary policies of India?
The RBI, Reserve Bank of India manages the monetary policy of India. For further information check out the Vedantu app or website.
3. How are GDP and GNP different from each other?
GDP is the value of goods and services produced within a country's borders, by citizens and non-citizens in a financial year. GNP measures the value of goods and services produced by only a country's citizens but both within and outside the country’s borders.
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National income: meaning, measures, accounting methods & more.
National Income (NI) is a fundamental concept in economics, acting as a key metric for gauging a country’s economic performance. As an important economic metric of a nation, it influences policy decisions, investment considerations, and socio-economic planning. This article of NEXT IAS aims to study in detail the concept of National Income (NI), its measures including Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Product (GNP), methods employed to compute it, and other related concepts.
What is National Income (NI)?
It refers to the aggregate value of all the final goods and services produced in a country in a particular period of time (usually one financial year).
What is National Income Accounting?
It is a bookkeeping system that a national government uses to measure the level of the country’s economic activity in a given time period.
Basic Concepts Related to National Income Accounting
Understanding the concepts of National Income (NI) and National Income Accounting requires understanding some related concepts. These concepts are dealt with in the sections that follow.
Circular Flow of Income
The circular flow of income is a model of the economy in which major exchanges are represented as flows of money, goods, services, etc. among the economic agents. As per this model, money and goods & services flow in the opposite direction but move in a closed circuit.
Production, consumption, and investment are important economic activities of an economy. In carrying out these economic activities, people make transactions between different sectors of the economy. Because of these transactions, income and expenditure move in a circular form. This is called the circular flow of income.
Domestic/ Economic Territory
It refers to the geographical territory administered by the Government of India within which the person, goods, and capital can circulate freely.
Note: Foreign embassies located in India are NOT a part of domestic/economic territory. However, Indian embassies located abroad are a part of domestic/economic territory.
Market Price (MP)
- Market Price (MP) refers to the price that a consumer pays for the product while purchasing it from the seller.
- In other words, it is the price at which a product is sold in the market.
- Market Price (MP) includes indirect taxes (as they are added to the selling price) and excludes subsidies received (as they are deducted from the selling price).
Factor Cost (FC)
- Factor Cost (FC) refers to the cost of factors of production that are incurred by a firm when producing goods and services.
- In other words, it is the cost of producing a good or service.
- Factor Cost (FC) excludes indirect taxes (since they are not related to the production process) but includes subsidies received (as these are direct inputs into the production).
Factor Cost (FC) = Market Price – Indirect Taxes + Subsidy
Nominal Price or Current Price
The market price of any good or service in the current year is called the Nominal Price or Current Price. Since inflation is included in the current market price, the Nominal Price or Current Price changes as per the current level of inflation.
Base Price or Constant Price
In order to compare the National Income of various years, it is calculated with reference to a particular year. This reference year is called the Base Year, and the market price of any good or service in the base year is called the Base Price or Constant Price.
Depreciation, also known as the Consumption of Fixed Capital, refers to the loss in value of fixed assets due to wear and tear, accidental damages, and obsolescence.
Net Factor Income from Abroad (NFIA)
Net Factor Income from Abroad (NFIA) is equal to the difference between factor income (rent, wages, interest, and profit) earned by normal residents of India temporarily residing abroad and factor income earned by non-residents temporarily residing in India.
NFIA = Factor Income from Abroad to India – Factor Income from India to Abroad
Transfer Payments
- Transfer Payments refer to those unilateral payments corresponding to which there is no exchange of goods or services.
- Examples: scholarships, gifts, donations, etc.
- Transfer payments are not included in National Income (NI).
Capital Output Ratio (COR)
Capital Output Ratio (COR) refers to the amount of capital (investment) needed to produce one unit of output.
Capital Output Ratio (COR) = Capital/Output
Capital Output Ratio (COR) reflects the level of efficiency in an economy. The higher the COR, the more capital is required to produce, and hence less efficiency is there in the economy, and vice versa.
Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR)
Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR) refers to the additional unit of capital (investment) needed to produce an additional unit of output.
Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR) = Incremental Capital/Incremental Output.
Measures of National Income (NI)
There are various metrics for measuring the NI, such as:
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
- Gross National Product (GNP), etc
These measures are discussed in detail in the sections that follow.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measures the aggregate production of final goods and services taking place within the domestic economy during a year.
Two key phrases here are:
- Final Goods and Services: It means that only the final, and not the intermediate, goods and services are taken into account for the calculation of GDP.
- Within the Domestic Economy: It means that the produce of resident citizens as well as foreign nationals who reside within that geographical boundary is considered.
GDP at Market Price (GDPMP)
GDP at Market Price (GDPMP) is the market value of all final goods and services produced within a domestic territory of a country during one financial year.
GDP at Market Price (GDPMP) includes indirect taxes but excludes subsidies.
GDP at Factor Cost (GDPFC)
GDP at Factor Cost (GDPFC) refers to the aggregate value of income earned from the factors of production i.e. Land, Labor, Capital, and Entrepreneurship. GDP at Factor Cost (GDPFC) excludes indirect taxes but includes subsidies.
GDP at Factor Cost (GDPFC) = GDP at Market Price (GDPMP) – Indirect Taxes + Subsidies
Gross National Product (GNP)
Gross national product (GNP) is an estimate of the total value of all the final products and services produced in a given period by the production owned by a country’s citizens.
- Final Goods and Services : It means that only the final, and not the intermediate, goods and services are taken into account for the calculation of GNP.
- Owned by a Country’s Citizens : It means that the produce of resident as well as non-resident citizens of the country is considered, whereas that of the foreign nationals who reside within that geographical boundary of the country is NOT considered.
Thus, GNP = GDP + Factor Income from Abroad to India – Factor Income from India to Abroad.
= GDP + Net Factor Income from Abroad (NFIA)
Difference between GDP and GNP
The major difference between GDP and GNP lies in how the two concepts define the economy. While GDP defines the economy in terms of territory, GNP defines it in terms of citizens. Thus, GDP measures the aggregate production of final goods and services taking place within the domestic economy. On the other hand, GNP measures the total value of all the final products and services produced by the citizens of a country.
Real GDP Vs Nominal GDP
Real GDP refers to the total value of all goods and services produced by an economy in a given year, expressed in constant prices or base year’s prices.
Thus, Real GDP = GDP at Constant Price.
Nominal GDP
Nominal GDP refers to the total value of all goods and services produced by an economy in a given year, expressed in current market prices.
Thus, Nominal GDP = GDP at Current Price.
It is to be noted that Nominal GDP includes inflation, while Real GDP does not.
GDP Deflator
The GDP Deflator refers to the ratio of Nominal GDP to Real GDP.
Thus, GDP Deflator = Nominal GDP/Real GDP
As a ratio of the NI calculated at the Current Price and that at a reference price, the GDP Deflator is an economic measure of inflation.
Gross Value Added (GVA)
Gross value added (GVA) is defined as the value of output less the value of intermediate consumption. It represents the contribution of labor and capital to the production process. Thus, the value of GVA can be derived from the GDP as follows:
GVA = GDP – Indirect Taxes + Subsidies
Difference between GVA and GDP
Net national income (nni).
Net National Income (NNI) refers to Gross National Income minus the Depreciation of fixed capital assets. Thus, it takes into account the losses due to depreciation.
Prominent metrics for measuring the Net National Income (NNI) are:
- Net Domestic Product (NDP), and
Net National Product (NNP)
Net domestic product (ndp).
Net Domestic Product (NDP) is arrived at by deducting the depreciation from GDP. Thus,
Net Domestic Product = GDP – Depreciation.
Net National Product (NNP) is calculated by subtracting the depreciation from GNP. Thus,
Net National Product = GNP – Depreciation.
Methods of Computing National Income (NI)
National Income (GDP or GNP) can be calculated by 3 methods: Income Method, Expenditure Method, and Production Method.
Income Method
Under this method, NI is obtained by summing up the incomes of all individuals in an economy. Individuals earn incomes by contributing their own services and the services of their property such as land and capital to the national production. Thus,
National Income (NI) = Employee compensation + Corporate profits + Proprietors’ Income + Rental income + Net Interest
Product or Value Added Method
This is also called “Output Method”.
Under this method, NI is computed by adding the values of output produced or services rendered by the different sectors of the economy during the year. It is to be noted that while computing the values of output figures, only the value added by each firm in the production process is taken into account. Thus, this method makes use of the concept of Value-added.
Expenditure Method
It is also called ‘Total Outlay Method’. This method assumes that the income earned by an individual is either spent on consumer goods/services or saved and invested. Thus,
National Income (NI) = Personal Consumption Expenditure (C) + Investments (I) + Government Expenditure (G) + Exports (X) – Imports (I)
New GDP Series
The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) launched a new series of GDP in 2019.
Major changes that have been made to the methodology of GDP calculation are as follows:
- Change in Base Year : The base year has been changed from 2004-05 to 2011-12.
- Factor Costs Replaced with Market Prices: The old series of GDP used Factor Costs for calculating GDP. The new series used market prices for calculating GDP.
- While the earlier data gave only a factory-level picture, the new data looks at the enterprise level.
These changes have led to a significant change in the GDP figures. For example, India’s GDP growth rate for the financial year 2013-14 was 4.7% as per the old methodology, and 6.9% as per the new methodology.
Difficulties in Estimating NI
Major problems faced while estimating NI can be studied under two heads – Conceptual Difficulties and Statistical or Practical Difficulties.
Conceptual Difficulties
The conceptual problem relates to how and what is to be included and what is not in the measurement of National Income (NI). Though the concept of NI implies that everything that is produced should be reckoned, by definition, we consider only those things that are exchanged for money or carry some price.
In order to mitigate these difficulties, certain guidelines have been laid down about the process of National Income estimation, and about what components have to be included.
Statistical or Practical Difficulties
- The lack of adequate statistical data due to flaws in extrapolation, and ineffective training of illiterate statistical staff, makes the task of National Income estimation more acute and difficult.
- Multiple counting is also an important problem while calculating NI.
- India is a country with large regional diversities. Thus, different languages, customs, etc., also create a problem in computing the estimates.
Shortcomings of GDP
GDP, as an indicator of economic growth, faces some shortcomings as explained below:
- It fails to measure the inequality status of a nation. Thus, it does not describe whether or not the people are truly benefitting from economic growth.
- It does not take into account non-market transactions, such as volunteer work.
- Black markets and illegal activities create distortions in values and hence the figures of GDP.
- A large part of many undeveloped economies relies on barter trade (trade through swapping goods) rather than the employment of debt instruments and banknotes. GDP figures underestimate economic activities in such cases.
- GDP does not take into account the loss to the environment and hence undermines the concept of sustainable economic growth.
- When an earthquake hits and requires rebuilding, GDP increases. Similarly, when someone gets sick and money is spent on their care, it’s counted as part of GDP. But, we’re not better off because of a destructive earthquake or people getting sick.
- For example, GDP makes no adjustment for leisure time.
Alternatives to GDP
Due to shortcomings of GDP to measure the welfare and well-being of the people, several other indicators have been proposed and are being used. Some of these indices are discussed below.
Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI)
- Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) is a metric that has been suggested to replace, or supplement GDP as a measure of economic growth.
- It measures whether the environmental impact and social costs of economic production and consumption in a country are negative or positive factors in overall health and well-being.
Gross National Happiness (GNH)
- Gross National Happiness (GNH) attempts to measure the sum total not only of economic output but also of net environmental impacts, the spiritual and cultural growth of citizens, mental and physical health, and the strength of the corporate and political systems.
- The term was first coined by Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the King of Bhutan in the early 1970s.
Gross Sustainable Development Product (GSDP)
- Gross Sustainable Development Product (GSDP) measures the economic impacts of environmental and health degradation or improvement; resource depletion, depreciation; the impact of people’s activity on the environment; quality of environment, etc.
- It has been developed by the Global Community Assessment Centre and the Society for World Sustainable Development.
Human Development Index (HDI)
- Health : Measured through – Life expectancy at birth
- Education : Measured through – Mean years of schooling, and Expected years of schooling
- Standard of Living: Measured through – Gross National Income per capita on a PPP basis.
- It was developed by Indian Economist Amartya Sen and Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq.
- It is published annually by the United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP ) as part of its Human Development Report.
Social Progress Index (SPI)
- The Social Progress Index (SPI) measures the extent to which countries provide for the social and environmental needs of their citizens.
- It focuses exclusively on indicators of social outcomes, rather than measuring inputs.
- It has been developed by the Social Progress Imperative.
Human Capital Index (HCI)
- The Human Capital Index seeks to measure the amount of human capital that a child can expect to attain by the age of 18.
- Survival : Measured by under-5 mortality rates.
- Quality : Measured by harmonizing test scores from major international student achievement testing programs
- Quantity : Measured by the number of years of school that a child can expect to obtain by age 18 given the prevailing pattern of enrollment rates across grades in respective countries.
- Health : Measured using two indicators – adult survival rates, and rate of stunting for children under age 5 years.
Green GDP is a term used generally for expressing GDP after adjusting for environmental damages such as biodiversity loss, climate change impacts, etc. Thus, it is an indicator of economic growth with environmental factors taken into consideration.
In conclusion, much more than just a numerical figure, National Income (NI) is a comprehensive reflection of a country’s economic vitality. Though the current measures of NI have some shortcomings, they play a crucial role in guiding governments, businesses, and individuals in making informed economic decisions. As we strive for a more holistic understanding of progress, research & development should be carried out to develop more comprehensive measures of National Income (NI) that encompass social well-being and environmental sustainability.
FAQs on National Income
How to calculate national income.
It is calculated by summing up the values of all the final goods and services produced in an economy during a financial year.
Who calculates India’s National Income?
The National Statistical Office (NSO), under the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation (MoSPI), calculates the NI in India.
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National Income: Components, Importance, Methods, Limitation
- Post author: Anuj Kumar
- Post published: 26 September 2021
- Post category: Commerce / Economics
- Post comments: 0 Comments
Table of Contents
- 1 What is National Income?
- 2.1 Gross Domestic Product GDP
- 2.2 Gross National Product GNP
- 2.3 Net National Product NNP
- 2.4 Net National Product at Factor Cost NNPfc
- 2.5 Net Domestic Product At Market Prices NDPMP
- 2.6 Income From Domestic Product Accruing To Private Sector
- 2.7 Private Income
- 2.8 Personal Income
- 2.9 Personal Disposable Income
- 3.1 Comparison of Real and Nominal Income
- 3.2 Indication of Prosperity
- 3.3 Regional Comparison
- 3.4 Reflect Sectoral Contribution
- 3.5 Guide to Economic Planning and Policy Formulation
- 3.6 Inflationary and Deflationary Gaps
- 3.7 Basis of Economic Welfare
- 3.8 Basis of Economic Policy
- 3.9 Basis of Economic Structure
- 3.10 Basis of Distribution of National Income
- 3.11 Basis of Budgetary Policies
- 3.12 National Expenditur
- 3.13 International Sphere
- 3.14 Distribution of Grants and Aids
- 3.15 Facilitates Business Forecasting
- 3.16 Indicator of Economic Progress
- 4.1 Census of Product Method
- 4.2 Census of Income Method
- 4.3 Census of Expenditure Method
- 4.4 Value Added Method
- 5.1 Does Not Include the Rate of Growth of Population
- 5.2 Does Not Reflect the Distribution of GDP
- 5.3 Does Not Include Non Economic or Non Monetary Exchanges
- 5.4 Does Not Include Externalities
- 5.5 Does not consider a change in prices
- 5.6 Composition of GDP
- 5.7 Contribution of Some Products in GDP may be Negative
- 6.1 Lack of Proper Accounts and Information
- 6.2 Rapid Increase in Population
- 6.3 Double Counting
- 6.4 Low Productivity of Agriculture
- 6.5 Non Availability of Goods and Services for Exchange
- 6.6 Problems of Non-Monetary Economy
- 6.7 Poor Industrial Development
- 6.8 Defective Classification
- 6.9 Problems of New Products and Services
- 6.10 Problems of Constituents of National Income
- 6.11 Regional Imbalances
- 6.12 Problem of Collection of Correct Data
- 6.13 Difficult to Know the Value of Services
- 7.1 Development of Industrial Sector
- 7.2 Practical Training for Effective Administration
- 7.3 Proper Utilisation of Resources
- 7.4 Development of Science and Technology
- 7.5 Double Counting
- 7.6 Development of Credit Facilities
- 7.7 Vocational Guidance
- 7.8 Technical Training and Public Health Facilities
- 7.9 Equal Distribution of Wealth
- 8.1 What is the national income and how it is calculated?
- 8.2 What is Importance of National Income?
- 8.3 What are the limitations of national income?
What is National Income?
A national income estimate measures the volume of commodities and services turned out during a given period counted without duplication. In other words, Is defined as the total market value of all the final goods and services produced in an economy in a given period of time.
Thus it measures the monetary value of the flow of output of final goods and services produced in an economy over a period of time.
Components of National Income
These are the component of national income discussed below:
Gross Domestic Product GDP
Gross national product gnp, net national product nnp, net national product at factor cost nnpfc, net domestic product at market prices ndpmp, income from domestic product accruing to private sector, private income, personal income, personal disposable income.
Gross domestic product relates to the product of the factors of production employed within the political boundaries i.e., within domestic territory. It is defined as a measure of the total flow of goods and services produced by an economy over a specified time period, usually a year.
All value of intermediate products is excluded. So only the market value of final products is included to define GDP.
Gross National Product has been defined as the total market value of all final goods and services produced in a year. It is the money value of all the final goods and services that the labour and capital of a country working on its natural resources have produced in a year.
It includes not only the part of the production which is brought to the market for sale but also that part of the product that is kept for self-consumption.
Formula: GNP= GDP + Net income from abroad(X-M) , where X= Export, M= Import
If the value of (X-M) is negative then, GDP > GNP
Net National Product (NNP) refers to the value of the net output of the economy during the year. It is obtained by deducting the value of depreciation or replacement allowance of the capital assets from the GNP. IN other words, The amount which comes after subtracting the depreciation or consumption of fixed capital from the gross domestic product is known as NDP.
F ormula: NNP = GNP – D
where D = depreciation allowances
This value is measured at current prices, while GNP is expressed at the current market price. Net National Product, in fact, is the value of total consumption plus the value of net investment of the community.
It is the sum total of net values added by each producer in the productive process of an economy during one year period.
Net national product at factor cost is the net output evaluated at factor prices. It includes income earned by factors of production through participation in the production process such as wages and salaries, rents profits, etc. NNP at factor cost is also called National Income .
Formula: NNPmp = NNPfc – S + (IT+ GS) or, NNPmp or,
NNPmp = NNPfc – subsidies + (indirect tax+ surpluses from government enterprises)
NNPfc = NNPmp + S – (IT+ GS) or,
NNPfc = NNPmp + subsidies – (indirect tax+ surpluses from government enterprises)
Normally, NNP at market prices is higher than NNP at factor cost because indirect taxes exceed government subsidies. However, NNP at market prices can be less than NNP at factor cost when government subsidies exceed indirect taxes.
When net domestic product value is measured on the basis of the current prices in the market then it is known as a net domestic product at market prices. (NDPMP=NNPMP-NFIA).
In other words, NDPmp refers to the market value of final goods and services produced by all the production units in the domestic territory of a country during a given time period. It excludes depreciation and includes indirect taxes. It is equal to the net value added at market price.
In India, the creation of domestic income is being made by both the sectors i.e. public sector and the private sector. Income from domestic products accruing to the private sector refers to that part of the domestic product at factor cost which is accrued by the private sector. It may be calculated by applying the following formula:- income from domestic product accruing to private sector=NDFC- govt income – non-departmental and enterprises savings.
Private income is income obtained by private individuals from any source, produce or otherwise, and retained income of corporations. It can be obtained from NNP at factor cost by making certain additions and deductions.
In other words, It refers to the income earned by individuals from whatever sources it also includes the retained income of companies
Formula : Private Income = National income (NNP at factor cost) +Transfer Payments + Interest on
Public Debt – Social Security – Profits and Surpluses of Public Undertakings.
Personal income is the total income received by the individuals of a country from all sources before direct taxes in one year. Personal income is never equal to the national income because the former includes the transfer payments whereas they are not included in national income.
Personal income is derived from national income by deducting undistributed corporate profits, profit taxes, and employee’s contributions to social security schemes. Personal income differs from private income actually it is less than private income because it excludes undistributed corporate profits.
Formula : Personal Income = National Income – Undistributed Corporate Profits – Profit Taxes – Social
Security Contributions + Transfer Payments + Interest on Public Debt.
It refers to that part of the personal income which is actually available to the consumers for consumption purposes or saving.
Though the concepts of national income are very clear in India there is difficulty is measuring it because there is a considerable non monetized section. The central statistical organization (CSO) who estimates the national income has gradually fined the method of estimation and has made estimates more accurate.
Formula: Disposable Income = National Income – Business Savings – Indirect taxes plus Subsidies –
Direct Taxes on persons – Direct Taxes on Business – Social Security
Importance of National Income
The followings are the importance of national income :
Comparison of Real and Nominal Income
Indication of prosperity, regional comparison, reflect sectoral contribution, guide to economic planning and policy formulation, inflationary and deflationary gaps, basis of economic welfare, basis of economic policy, basis of economic structure, basis of distribution of national income, basis of budgetary policies, national expenditur, international sphere, distribution of grants and aids, facilitates business forecasting, indicator of economic progress.
If the national income data for a number of years is available in the form of income and physical product, a comparison between real and nominal or money income can easily be made. This type of comparison will exhibit the trends of economic growth in a decade, a few decades or a century.
The national income data is an index of national progress and economic growth. Per capita income can indicate the rise or fall in the standard of living of the people.
National income data and other statistics help us to find out the contribution of a particular region in our total national product. the comparison between different regions will reflect the level of economic development and disparities between various regions.
The economy is generally divided into different sectors and sub-sectors. Through national income statistics, we can obtain a clear picture of the sectoral contribution to gross national product. This will determine the relative importance of each sector in the economy.
We know very well that the government plays an important role in the economy in modern times. Planning has come to stay as an important tool for economic growth. National income data shows its distribution between various sections of the society.
Free education, medical aid and social security schemes go a long way to reducing income and inequalities. National income statistics are helpful in formulating necessary plans to develop backward areas and sectors.
National income statistics enable us to have an idea of inflationary or deflationary forces in an economy. In fact, inflationary and deflationary gaps are the result of inconsistencies of certain sub totals related to national product and aggregate expenditure. The excess expenditure over the value of available output at the base level of prices will result in an inflationary gap.
National income analysis reflects the well being of the inhabitants of the country. They enable us to compare the standard of living of the people in different countries or the people living in the same country at different times. We can measure the increase or decrease in the standard of living of the people with the help of national income.
In the era of planning, national income statistics are regarded as a comprehensive tool of economic policy. They throw light on the data pertaining to the country’s gross income, output, saving, consumption etc. Without these estimates, planning is almost impossible.
National income statistics enable us to have a detailed knowledge of the economic structure of the country. By this, we can know the contribution made to national income by different sectors like mining, agriculture, industry, trade etc.
By national income, we can get data pertaining to wages, profits and interest which enables us to learn about the disparities in income among the different sections of the society.
National income statistics enable the government to prepare its budgetary policies. The taxation and borrowing policies can be framed to neutralize the fluctuations in the level of employment.
By national income, different departments can get the information on how to divide and use the national expenditure between consumption expenditure and investment expenditure.
National income statistics play a pioneering role in fixing the burden of international payments among different countries and to determine quotas of different countries to international organizations like IMF, IBRD, and UNO.
In the federal setup, national income estimates enable the central government to distribute the quantum of grants in aid among the state government and other constituent units.
On the basis of national income, producers can do changes in production and marketing mechanisms. Forecasting of long term trends of business activities is also made.
National income provides information about economic progress, and whether the nation is progressing well on the path of development or not.
Methods of Measuring National Income
According to this method, the incomes accruing to all the factors of production during the process of production are aggregated together to arrive at the national income of the country. This is known as national income at factor cost.
As is well known the various factors of production are paid remuneration for the services rendered by them in production. These payments are known as factor payments. They represent the cost of the producers
thus according to this method, the national product is obtained by adding up the factor incomes accruing to the concerned factors during the process of production.
Following are methods of measuring national income :
Census of Product Method
Census of income method, census of expenditure method, value added method.
According to this method, the aggregate production of the final goods and services in an economy in any one year is equivalent in terms of money. The entire output of final goods and services is multiplied by their respective market prices to find out the gross national product.
From the gross national product so estimated, we have to deduct the depreciation of equipment and machinery involved in the process of production to arrive at the country’s national income. This method is sometimes referred to as the inventory method.
As is well known the various factors of production are paid remuneration for the services rendered by them in production.
These payments are known as factor payments. They represent the cost of the producers; thus according to this method, the national product is obtained by adding up the factor incomes accruing to the concerned factors during the process of production.
According to this method, the national product is obtained by adding up :
- Personal Consumption Expenditure
- Gross domestic Private Investment
- Govts Purchase of goods and services
- Net foreign investment
The difference between the value of national outputs and inputs at each stage of production is the value-added.
In other words, the Product or value-added method is a way of computing the national income of a country. This system is also known as the output or inventory method. This method calculates national income by adding value to a product at every stage of its production.
Limitations of National Income Accounting
Following are the limitations of national income accounting :
Does Not Include the Rate of Growth of Population
Does not reflect the distribution of gdp, does not include non economic or non monetary exchanges, does not include externalities, does not consider a change in prices, composition of gdp, contribution of some products in gdp may be negative.
Real GDP indicates the overall performance of the country. But Real GDP does not consider the changes in the population of a country. The prosperity of the country is better judged by the per capita real GDP. The per capita real GDP equals total real GDP divided by population.
An increase in per capita real GDP indicates an increase in the per capita availability of goods and services. If the rate of growth of the population is higher than the rate of growth of real GDP, then it will decrease the per capita availability of goods and services, which will adversely affect the economic welfare .
There is inequality in the distribution of income in the economy. GDP does not take into account changes in inequalities in the distribution of income. If with an increase in per capita real income or GDP, the inequality in the distribution of income/ GDP increases i.e. rich becoming richer and poor becoming poorer, then it may lead to a decline in welfare (because the utility of a rupee of income to the poor is more than to the rich).
In such a situation, if welfare rises, it may rise in less proportion as compared to the rise in per capita GDP.
There are many goods and services which contribute to economic welfare but are not included in the GDP. For example services of housewives and other family members (leisure time activities) etc.
These are non-monetary exchanges i.e. those exchanges and activities which are left out from the estimation of GDP or national income on account of non-availability of data and problems of valuation. Since these activities do not command a price i.e. no price is attached to them, although they contribute to economic welfare.
Externalities refer to benefits or harms accompanying the production process for which no payment is made or received. They are excluded from the estimation of GDP. There are two types of externalities:
- Positive Externalities: These are the benefits that accompany the production process but for which no payment is received. They are not included in GDP although they result in an increase in welfare. For example, the construction of flyovers or highways reduces transport costs and journey time of its users who have not contributed anything towards its cost. Expenditure on construction is included in GDP but not the positive effects flowing from it hence underestimating the welfare indicated by GDP.
- Negative Externalities: These are the negative effects which accompany the production process and decrease the welfare of the people for which they are not penalized. For example environmental pollution caused by industrial plants. The output produced by plants is included in GDP but a decrease in welfare arising out of pollution of water and air caused by plants is not considered in the estimation of GDP. This pollution adversely affects the health of the people thus producing goods increases welfare but creating pollution decreases welfare. Therefore, taking only GDP as an index of welfare overstates the welfare.
If the increase in GDP is due to an increase in prices and not due to an increase in physical output, then it will not be a reliable index of economic welfare.
GDP includes different types of products like clothes, food articles, police and military services, house etc. Some of these products contribute more to the welfare of the people like food, clothes etc. whereas other products like police services and military services etc. may comparatively contribute less and may not directly affect the standard of living of the people.
Thus, if GDP increases, the increase in welfare may not be in the same proportion. Therefore, how much is the economic welfare, should depend more on the types of goods and services produced and not simply on how much is produced.
GDP includes all final goods whether it is milk or liquor, some goods included in GDP measurement may reduce economic welfare. For example, liquor, cigarettes etc. because of their harmful effect on health. GDP includes only the monetary value of the products and not their contribution to welfare.
Therefore, economic welfare depends not only on the volume of consumption but also on the type of goods and services consumed. This should be considered while drawing conclusions about economic welfare from GDP.
Problems in Calculating National Income
These some problems in calculating national income are given below:
Lack of Proper Accounts and Information
Rapid increase in population, double counting, low productivity of agriculture.
- Non Availability of Goods and Services for Exchang e
Problems of Non-Monetary Economy
Poor industrial development, defective classification, problems of new products and services, problems of constituents of national income, regional imbalances, problem of collection of correct data, difficult to know the value of services.
In developing countries, the economy is based on a small sector. The income of this sector is very low but the numbers of units are very large. These units are operated by very small artisans and uneducated and unskilled persons. In this sector, the accounts are not maintained properly, these industrialists do not keep proper accounts and records of their income.
The information provided by them is generally inaccurate and wrong and hence it is not possible to collect reliable information for national income.
The major reason for low per capita income is the speedy growth of the population along with the slower growth of the NI. Hence, to improve the rate of growth of per capita income in the country, it would be necessary to have a two-pronged attack. One is to step up the growth of NI and the second is to take necessary steps to bring down the rate of growth of the population.
This is the most important difficulty in the measurement of national income. Several commodities and services are such which are used in the production process more than once. In such conditions possibilities exist of there being counted repeatedly. It is also difficult to correctly and clearly distinguish between intermediary and final products.
Agriculture plays an important role in developing the economy, but in India, this sector has low productivity and poor performance.
Non Availability of Goods and Services for Exchange
We have studied that in the computation of national income only those commodities and services are included which are commercially used. In most the developing countries, people in rural areas do not incur many types of expenditure on the production of primary goods like villagers produce the required raw materials themselves.
Since their raw material is not sold in the market, it is not included in the national income. In such situations, national income is estimated on the lower side.
As we know, nearly 70% of the population of our country lives in the villages. In villages non-monetary transactions are common. Most of the activities are not brought by money but by the barter system . In such conditions, the non-monetary transactions are not methods of national income and it results in the computation of national production on the lower side.
In developing countries, industrial development is not proper. The causes of poor industrial development are lack of sufficient capital formation, failure of the public sector to play the assigned role in spite of its dominance; defective fiscal policy and the under-utilisation of the capacity in the industrial sector etc.
We calculate national income according to industries. But in developing countries, most of the workers are engaged in different activities partially in the agriculture sector or partially in the industrial sector. So it is difficult to calculate the true national income.
National income is estimated at constant prices, as also at current prices. Some products are such, which are being produced, at present but were not produced in the base year. The important problem that arises from such goods is how to know the prices for the base year?
This problem arises when we want to compare the national incomes of two or more countries. The problem is the constituents of national income are not the same in all countries of the world. therefore, it becomes difficult to compare the national income of various countries.
Many states in India are extremely backward and underdeveloped. So regional imbalance creates problems in calculating accurate national income.
Data collection methods are not reliable in developing countries like India because several defects exist in various methods applied for the collection of data required for the measurement of national income.
For example, data related to agriculture in India are collected by Gram Sevaks or Patvaries, who are not trained in the art of data collection. They are not able to devote adequate time to data collection. Hence, such data are also neither accurate nor reliable.
Various types of services are included in the computation of national income. For example, the nurses or doctors provide their services in extra hours also, in addition to their assigned duty hours. It is difficult to know the values of such services. Hence, estimation of national income is also difficult for dispensation of such services.
How to Increase National Income?
Some suggestions are here to overcome or increase the national incom e. These are:
Development of Industrial Sector
Practical training for effective administration, proper utilisation of resources, development of science and technology, development of credit facilities, vocational guidance, technical training and public health facilities, equal distribution of wealth.
The industrial and agricultural sectors should be developed rapidly. In this context, new agricultural techniques must be provided to the farmers and implemented in all agricultural areas. The fertilisers, pesticides, agricultural implements etc. should be used to improve the production. More stress should be laid on the development of cottage, small and rural industries.
The official should be trained for effective administration. An effective administrative arrangement should be made for the maintenance of proper accounts and the collection of reliable and complete information and data regarding national income.
The factors causing the underutilisation of productivity capacity must be removed. Natural resources and productive capacity should be utilised more effectively. Facilities for irrigation and power should be increased sufficiently.
The production techniques should be improved. More emphasis should be laid on the development of science and technology.
To overcome the problem of double counting Value of finally produce commodities and services alone should be included in national income estimates.
Capital formation should be stepped up. Saving schemes should be popularised more.
The problem of unemployment and under-employment must be tackled more effectively. Self-employment should be encouraged.
Technical training and public health facilities should be strengthened in order to increase the efficiency of labour. The regional inequalities must be eliminated from the backward regions.
Inequalities in the distribution of wealth income and economic opportunities should also be mitigated.
FAQ Related to National Income
What is the national income and how it is calculated.
National income in the general sense means the total value of commodities and services produced in any country during a year, it is a term which is used interchangeably with national dividend, national output and national expenditure. National income is related to any particular country and is also calculated for a year. The national income has various concepts like GNP, NNP, Personal income, Disposable income, Per Capita income etc.
What is Importance of National Income?
National Income is a way to find out about a country’s growth. National Income enables the calculation growth of a country.
What are the limitations of national income?
In National Income estimation some problems are faced. These are lack of proper accounts and information, double counting, low productivity of agriculture, non-availability of goods and services for exchange, problems of the non-monetary economy, and difficulty to know the value of services etc.
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- National Income Accounting
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What Is National Income Accounting? How It Works and Examples
What Is National Income Accounting?
National income accounting is a bookkeeping system that a government uses to measure the level of the country's economic activity in a given time period. Accounting records of this nature include data regarding total revenues earned by domestic corporations, wages paid to foreign and domestic workers, and the amount spent on sales and income taxes by corporations and individuals residing in the country.
Key Takeaways
- National income accounting is a government bookkeeping system that measures a country's economic activity—offering insight into how an economy is performing.
- Such a system will include total revenues by domestic corporations, wages paid, and sales and income tax data for companies.
- National income accounting systems allow countries to assess the current standard of living or the distribution of income within a population, as well as assess the effects of various economic policies.
- However, the accuracy of analysis relating to national income accounting is only as accurate as the data collected.
Investopedia / Matthew Collins
Understanding National Income Accounting
Although national income accounting is not an exact science, it provides useful insight into how well an economy is functioning, and where money is being generated and spent. When combined with information regarding the associated population, data regarding per capita income and growth can be examined over a period of time.
Some of the metrics calculated by using national income accounting include the gross domestic product (GDP) , gross national product (GNP) , and gross national income (GNI) . The GDP is widely used for economic analysis on the domestic level and represents the total market value of the goods and services produced within a specific nation over a selected period of time.
In the U.S., the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) prepares and publishes data on national income accounts. Examples of national income accounts published by the BEA include domestic product and income, personal product and income, savings and investments, and foreign transactions.
Uses of National Income Accounting
The information collected through national income accounting can be used for a variety of purposes, such as assessing the current standard of living or the distribution of income within a population.
Additionally, national income accounting provides a method for comparing activities within different sectors of an economy, as well as changes within those sectors over time. A thorough analysis can assist in determining overall economic stability within a nation.
For example, the U.S. uses information regarding the current GDP in the formation of various policies. The commonly used formula for calculating GDP—the expenditure approach—is also known as the national income accounting equation. The formula is:
GDP = C + G + I + NX
- C = consumption;
- G = government spending;
- I = Investment
- NX = net exports (exports - imports)
National Income Accounting vs. Economic Policy
The quantitative information associated with national income accounting can be used to determine the effect of various economic policies.
Considered an aggregate of the economic activity within a nation, national income accounting provides economists and statisticians with detailed information that can be used to track the health of an economy and to forecast future growth and development.
The data can provide guidance regarding inflation policy and can be especially useful in the transitioning economies of developing nations, as well as statistics regarding production levels as related to shifting labor forces.
This data is also used by central banks to set and adjust monetary policy and affect the risk-free rate of interest that they set. Governments also look at figures such as GDP growth and unemployment to set fiscal policy in terms of tax rates and infrastructure spending.
Globally, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) put together national income accounting information and publish it.
Criticisms of National Income Accounting
The accuracy of analysis relating to national income accounting is only as accurate as the data collected. Failure to provide the data in a timely fashion can render it useless in regard to policy analysis and creation.
Additionally, certain data points are not examined, such as the impact of the underground economy and illegal production. This means these activities are not reflected in the analysis even if their effect on the economy is strong.
As a result, it can be argued that certain national accounts, such as GDP or the consumer price index (CPI) used to measure inflation do not accurately capture the real economic output of the economy.
What Is a Primary Use for National Income Accounting?
National income accounting is used to measure economic growth and activity. It can also be useful in tracking trends and guiding monetary policy, such as policy tax rate setting.
What Are the Problems of National Income Accounting?
The key issues with national income accounting are the exclusion of goods or services that have no monetary value and the possible double counting of goods. Other issues include the fact that black market goods are excluded and reliable and adequate data is generally lacking.
What Government Purchases Are Included in National Income Accounting?
National income accounting includes government purchases, such as any federal, state, or local government spending. Government purchases include infrastructure spending, such as buying steel for a project and paying employees. However, transfer payments, such as Social Security payments, are not included.
National income accounting assesses the economic activity of a nation, from wages to corporate revenues to taxes and more. The information allows policymakers, economists, and investors to make decisions in their respective fields based on the data analyzed.
Without understanding the economic data of a nation, it would be hard for policymakers to adjust monetary policy, for example, for investors to gauge where stocks may move, and for economists to understand how economic factors impact all facets of life.
Bureau of Economic Analysis. " National Income and Product Accounts ."
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National Income: Concept, Measurement and Classes (With Diagram)
In this article we will discuss about National Income:- 1. Concept of National Income 2. Circular Flow of National Income 3. Major Types of Production 4. Measurement 5. Major Classes 6. Expenditure Approach 7. National Income as the Generic Term 8. Statistics 9. Interpreting Measures 10. National Income (Output) and Per Capita Income 11. Measurement Problems and Others.
- National Income and Welfare
1. Concept of National Income:
One of the most important concepts in all economic systems is the national income. Technically, it is called the gross national product (GNP). Economic growth is symptomized by an upward movement in GN P as the key variable. So GNP measures the economic performance. A more reliable indicator of the performance of the economy is per capital income.
It may be recalled that macroeconomics is the study of those forces, economic and physiological, that determine the four key macro variables, aggregate employment, production, real income, and the price level.
In the words of P. Samuelson, “The concept of national income is indispensable preparation for tackling the great issues of unemployment, inflation, and growth.” Modern economists are, however, more concerned with the quality of life than with the material growth. And it is in this context that the concept of net economic welfare (NEW) has been developed.
2. Circular Flow of National Income :
The foundation-stone of macroeconomics is the circular flow of national income. In fact, the whole of macroeconomics is built on the simple concept of circular flow. This simple circular flow model now provides the starting point of our study.
We first try to identify the major types of production in the economy. Then we study how the circular flow of income can be measured. We shall observe that there are three ways of arriving at an estimate of national income. The three methods give us identical results.
Any discrepancy among the three measures is largely due to statistical error (also known as rounding off error). We finally discuss a number of conceptual and practical problems associated with the measurement of national income.
Consumers and Households:
A consumer is an individual who purchases goods for his (her) own consumption. This term is used in microeconomics. In macroeconomics we use a broader term, viz., the household.
According to R.G. Lipsey, “A household refers to all people who live under the same roof and who make joint financial decisions about, among other things, the purchase and consumption of goods.” In macroeconomics we use this term ‘household’ to describe the basic purchasing unit for consumption goods.
A Circular Flow of Economic Activity :
Money, goods, and factor services (also called economic resources or inputs) flow through the economy in a circular manner, as depicted in Fig. 31.1. There are three major transacts (government, business, and households) and two basic kinds of markets (resource markets and product markets).
The participants in free enterprise markets exchange the resources that business and government need in order to operate: land, labour, capital, and entrepreneurial talent.
For example a business buys land, labour, and capital from resource markets and pays rents, wages, and interest for these resources. Households contribute land, labour, capital, and entrepreneurial talent to resource markets in exchange for income.
In product markets, households spend money for consumer goods and services, and government provide these goods and services, such as law court, or police protection to households and businesses. In turn, it receives taxes from them.
It also uses the markets to purchase resources and products (e.g., medicines for hospitals and the services of school teachers) paying for them from its tax resources. So, business, government, and households are interdependent.
Each of these three groups help create and maintain economic activity in a process that continues over and over again, as shown in Fig. 31.1. From this pattern, practicing managers learn that they must keep abreast of changes in households and government, as well as the activities of other businesses.
3. Major Types of Production in National Income :
The circular flow diagram identified two basic units of an economy, viz. producers and consumers. Recall that production is any activity directed to the satisfaction of other people’s want though exchange.
In a modern economy total production is divided into three main categories, viz. consumption goods (like bread, butter, clothing, etc.), investment (or capital) goods like coal, electricity , etc., and services such as (postal service, railway service, banking service, insurance service, etc.)
i. Consumption Goods :
Such goods include the output of all goods and services for consumption by households. Thus along with various commodities we include all types of economic services that are rendered to satisfy human wants (such as haircuts, legal advice, medical care, etc.).
We may now note the following three points about consumption goods and services:
1. Omission of Second-Hand Goods:
Consumption goods include only currently produced goods and services such as new cars produced by PAL in 1994. But we exclude the purchase of second hand (old cars) from the economy’s current production because it is just a transfer of ownership of an existing asset.
However, any commission to be paid to second hand car dealers is a part of current production because the car dealer is providing a useful service (which is paid for). His commission will be treated as part of the economy’s current production and will be reported as a current contribution to national product.
2. Reporting at the Time of Production:
The second point to note is that consumer goods and services are included in the measurement of production when they are produced, not when they are consumed.
For example a 1975 model car that lasted 15 years was produced in one year and its service was consumed over the 15 years. In case of perishable goods like vegetables or services like haircuts, there is hardly any difference between the time .of production and consumption.
3. Treatment of Housing:
Households buy houses. But in national income accounting housing is counted as an investment good and not as consumption good.
ii. Investment (Capital) Goods :
In macroeconomics investment is divided into three parts: fixed capital (like plant, equipment and machinery), circulating capital (including stocks of finished goods, any raw materials) and residential housing.
Society’s total investment in an accounting year consists of the following:
(1) The amount of new capital goods,
(2) New additions to circulating capital and
(3) New residential houses constructed over that period.
An economy’s current output of fixed capital includes the following terms:
(1) Currently constructed factory and
(2) Currently produced capital goods (like machines and equipment).
Circulating Capital:
Circulating capital is known as stocks or inventories. In agriculture, corn is treated as circulating capital because corn is required to produce corn. This is why a farmer sets aside a certain portion of his output every year, to be used as seed next year. So the distinction between output and input gets blurred.
But in industry, circulating capital consists of the following three types of stocks:
1. Stocks of Finished Goods:
These are held because production and sales do not always coincide. A publisher, for example, may print 10,000 copies of a textbook. This may be sold over a period of 10 months or one year.
2. Stocks of Semi-Finished Goods or Goods-in- Process:
Such stocks are held as a matter of routine because the same commodity or resource may have to pass through different stages of production before being finally consumed by households and business firms. An example of this is paper.
A publisher has to keep printed paper for some time to be made available in the form of textbooks at the beginning of the academic year. Or an automobile manufacturer like PAL may keep stocks of car chasis to be made available in the form of finished cars when demand arises.
3. Stocks of Raw Materials:
Business firms have also to keep stocks of raw materials like coal, oil, or steel to ensure uninterrupted production of finished goods. A shortage of raw materials may lead to sudden disruption of production. A firm’s current investment in stock is the difference between end- of-year stocks. We say that there has been an accumulation of stocks or positive investment in stocks.
The converse is also true. If, for instance, stocks held at the end of the year are smaller than stocks held at the beginning of the year, stocks are being reduced. In this case, economically useful things produced in the past have not been replaced.
Two related points may be noted in this context. Firstly, the word ‘stock’ is used in a restricted sense, to denote circulating capital. Secondly, in a general sense the term is used to refer to a quantity that does not have a time dimension.
Investment may be gross or net. Gross investment is net investment plus depreciation (or capital consumption allowance). In other words, net investment is gross investment minus depreciation. There is need to provide for depreciation because capital goods wear out through use and have to be replaced. So differently put, total investment = replacement investment + net addition to society’s existing stock of capital.
Government Production :
It is necessary to distinguish between two main types of government expenditure, viz.,
(1) Current expenditure on goods and services or on factors of production and
(2) Transfer expenditure.
The government’s current (exhaustible) expenditure refers to outlay on such things as road building and maintenance, national health, salary of government employees (such as police personnel, lawyers, managers of public sector enterprises, etc.,) and defence. All government current expenditure is included in national output, i.e., they are counted as producing output of goods and services.
The second type of expenditure is called transfer expenditure because it is merely transfer of purchasing power from one group of people to another. This is expenditure on such things as interest on government bonds, unemployment compensation, retirement pensions, etc. In a modern economy, payments are made to certain sections of society at the cost of the tax-payers.
Those who receive such payments (such as the unemployed, the handicapped, the needy families, etc.) do not provide anything to the government in exchange. This is why such payments are called transfer payments. However, because of such payments the modern mixed economy is called by the name ‘welfare state.’
Transfer expenditures do not add anything to current marketable output: they merely transfer purchasing power from tax-payers to the recipients. Therefore such expenditures or payments made by the government are not treated as a part of the government’s current output of goods and services. So in our discussion of national income we confine ourselves to current expenditures.
4. Measurement (Estimation) of National Income :
There are three different, but interrelated, ways of measuring a country’s national income or the total market value of a nation’s output, viz., the output method, the income method and the expenditure method. These three methods are illustrated in the following circular flow diagram (Fig. 33.3). We may now discuss in detail how national output or income is measured by using each of the three methods (approaches).
1. The Output (or product) Method:
The first approach is to add up the market values of all output produced by business firms. In order to estimate total output of society we have to add up the money values of different types of production such as tonnes of steel, barrels of oil, number of motorcars, etc.
We have to express the market value of every commodity (or service) in terms of money because the units of measurement are different for different commodities. This approach measures the circular ‘flow by going directly to producers and is illustrated by the middle of the circular flow diagram presented in Fig. 31.3.
Double Counting :
When we use this method we face a problem. While measuring the value of each producer’s output, we face the problem of double (multiple) counting. In a modern economy, characterised by division of labour and specialization, the output of one industry (such as iron one) becomes the input of another industry (such as steel).
In other words, the same commodity may pass through different stages of production or the output of almost every commodity occurs over a series of stages, each stage being carried out by separate firms. Thus teaspoons may be made by one firm, from stainless steel provided by a second firm, which, in its turn, used iron ore provided by a third firm, and transported by a fourth.
If we add up the market value of the sales (output) of all the four firms, viz., the iron ore mining firm, the steel plant, the transport firm and the spoon manufacturer, we would surely get a total well in excess of the value of final output of teaspoons.
The problem of double counting is avoided by using the value added concept, i.e., by defining the output of each firm as its value added.
The term value added is the difference between the output of a firm and the costs of raw materials and other inputs (intermediate goods) it purchased from other firms. In other words, the term refers to the amount added to the value of the production (under consideration) by the firm’s own activities.
According to the product method (also known as the value added method) the national output of a country is the sum of the values added by all the firms in the economy. This concept is illustrated in Table 31.1. From this table it is clear that production passes though three stages, started by the basic producer X, through the intermediate firm, Y, and ending up in the producer of the final product, Z.
Here firm X produces the basic material (iron ore) valued at Rs. 100 (provided it has not purchased any input from other firms). Firm Y purchases these new materials, valued at Rs. 100, and produces semi-finished (intermediate) goods (finished steel) which it sells for Rs. 130.
Firm Z purchases these semi-manufactured goods for Rs. 130 and converts them into a finished product, such as spoons. It then sells these spoons for Rs. 180.
It thus adds value of Rs. 50. Thus there are two ways of finding out the value of finished goods (Rs. 180):
(a) either by counting the sales of firm Z or
(b) by taking the sum of the values added by each firm at three different stages (of this example).
This value is less than the Rs. 410 that we arrive at by adding up the market value of the commodities sold by each firm.
In Fig. 31.4, we illustrate the concept of ‘value added’. Here the value of the annual output of the steel industry is represented by the height of Column A. This forms the input of the spoon industry (Col. B), which in turn forms the input of retailing (Col. C). To add A, B, and C together would involve double counting.
For instance, the value of steel output would be added three times instead of only once. So care must be taken to add together only the values added at each stage of production. In Fig. 31.4 these are shown by the shaded areas.
The above illustration enables us to distinguish between two types of goods: intermediate goods and final goods. The former are goods and services that are sold by one firm to be used as inputs by another firm. The latter are the end-product of economic activity i.e., they are the economy’s output.
The final output includes all consumption and investment (capital) goods as also goods and services produced by the government. The contribution of each firm to final output is measured by its value added.
Thus national output or gross national product is the sum total of all final goods produced in the economy in an accounting year. This is why the output (product) method of measuring national income is also known as the value added method.
Market Price:
National output is measured at market prices. So the total of gross national product (GNP) is simply the sum of annual flow of final goods and services:
price of apples (p 1 ) x number of apples (x 1 )+ price of bread (p 2 ) x number of bread (x 2 ), etc. plus the money values (p j ) of services (S j ):
We use market prices as weights in evaluating and adding up diverse physical commodities and services. And here the definition of J.R. Hicks is quite relevant.
In his language:
“National income is a collection of goods and services reduced to a common basis by being measured in term of money.”
Now market prices are relevant variables here inasmuch as they are reflectors of the relative desirability of diverse goods and services. To use the language of Samuelson:
“The net national product or ‘national income evaluated at market prices’ …. is …. the total money value of the flow of final products of the community.”
The Income Method :
According to the income method, total output can be looked at in terms of the incomes generated in the process of producing the output. It measures the flow around the left hand part of the circular flow diagram (Fig. 31.3).
Not only accounting convention but sheer common sense also tell us that all market value that is produced must belong to someone. Thus all output produced automatically generates income for the factors that take part in the production process, plus an amount that goes to the government.
The sum-total of all these is the total value of this output. Thus whatever production occurs in an economy, some income is simultaneously (automatically) generated in the process. However, the income may be paid out only after selling the output.
5. Major Classes of National Incomes :
Usually five major classes of income are included in national income.
These are the following:
1. Wages and Salaries:
These are called income from employment since these represent that part of the value of production which is attributed to labour. This is perhaps the major component of a country’s national income. This includes gross salary and compensation before deduction of income tax, social security and provident fund contributions.
2. Gross Trading Profits:
This refers to the incomes of privately and publicly owned producers who sell their outputs in the market: So we have to include trading surpluses of public sector enterprises in national income along with profits and dividends accruing to the private sector.
3. Capital Consumption Allowance:
This refers to depreciation. If we subtract this from gross national product (GNP) we arrive at net national product (NNP).
4. Income of the Self-Employed:
This is a very small item. It includes incomes of the self-employed persons such as farmers, doctors, lawyers, traders, etc. It also includes income from unincorporated business.
5. Imputed Income:
It includes rents received by those owning property let out to others as also what is called ‘inputted rent’ of owner occupied houses (i.e., income from house property). In most countries, a rental value of houses occupied by its owners is imputed to the owner’s income even though no actual rent is paid or received. Let us see why this is so.
When a multi-storied building (consisting of, say, 96 flats) is built, the expenditure incurred on it is a part of the gross profit of the owners of the flats. When a private dwelling house is constructed, the expenditure on it is a part of this year’s investment.
When it is occupied by the owner, say next year, a rental value for the use of the housing facility is imputed and included in the total value of output of goods and services. This imputation of rent to owner-occupied housing is absolutely essential if all housing, whether owner-occupied or rented, is to be treated at par.
Taxes and Subsidies :
In the absence of all types of taxes and subsidies, the market value of all output would be identically equal to the incomes earned by the owners of the land, labour and capital used in the production process. Taxes and subsidies, however, create gap between these two totals. The following example will clarify the point.
Suppose the Government of India provides a subsidy of 50 paisa per kg to the producer of wheat. Now every kg of wheat produced can generate 50 paisa of income to the farmer over and above its market value. Suppose wheat sells for Rs. 4 per kg but there is a subsidy of 50 paisa to producers. Then the factors engaged in producing wheat will earn Rs. 4.50 for every kg produced.
Now we may consider the effect of indirect taxes such as excise duty or sales tax on goods and services produced and consumed: Suppose instead of subsidy, there is a tax of 50 paisa on every kg of wheat sold. While the market value of each kg of wheat produce remains at Rs. 4, the incomes earned by the factors used to produce that wheat will be only Rs. 3.50: the extra 50 paisa will go to the Government as revenue.
So it is clear that in the case of a subsidy, incomes earned by the factors of production (market value of production plus subsidies) exceed the total value of output. On the other hand, in case of an indirect tax, income earned (the. market value of output less taxes collected by the government) fall short of the total market value of output.
Two adjustments:
Because of taxes and subsidies it becomes necessary to make two adjustment when we add up incomes generated by production in order to arrive at the total value of production measured at market prices. Otherwise, NNP and NNI will not be identical. There will be discrepancy between the two.
Tax adjustment:
Firstly we have to add indirect taxes, since these are very much part of the market value of output that does not give rise to factor incomes, i.e., incomes going to land, labour or capital.
Subsidy adjustment:
Secondly, one has to subtract subsidies on goods and services from NNP since these allow incomes to exceed the market value of society’s output.
Net indirect taxes: taxes minus subsidies:
In measuring national income we consider the combined effect of the taxes and subsidies. What is considered is therefore net indirect taxes which is the difference between total indirect taxes and total subsidies. This point is slightly complicated. To avoid confusion we have to be very careful.
Confusion can be avoided if we remember the following two points:
1. If we have all factor incomes and want to get the market value of output, we must add in net indirect taxes.
2. If, on the other hand, we have the market value of total output and want to get factor earnings, we must deduct net indirect taxes.
NNP vs. NNI :
While NNP is the sum of all values added, NNI is the total value of income generated by output. Thus while the output approach measures the nation’s output as the sum of all value added in the economy the income method measures the value of total output at market prices as the sum of all factor incomes generated by the production process.
This is obviously the sum of all wages, interest, profits and rent plus net indirect taxes.
Transfer Income:
While using this method we have to omit any transfer incomes in order to avoid the problem of double counting. Thus the pocket money received by a student from his father is to be excluded. Similarly if you receive a gift from your father who is also a resident of India it is to be excluded from India’s national income.
6. Expenditure Approach in National Income :
The expenditure approach is also known as the total spending approach. When we use this method we arrive at the nation’s total output by adding up the expenditures or outlays needed to purchase all of the final output of the economy. This method measures the flow around the right-hand part of Fig. 31.3.
Three main categories of total spending are the following:
(a) Consumption:
This refers to society’s total expenditure on consumption goods and services in an accounting year and is denoted as C.
(b) Investment:
This refers to the value of the output of capital goods over the year and is denoted by the symbol I.
(c) Government Expenditure:
The current expenditure of the government is included in society’s output. In this context we have to note an important point. When the government spend money to produce goods and services that are sold in the market, they are valued at current market prices.
However, various types of current expenditure of the government are not associated with the production of goods or services that are sold in the market such as public parks, government hospital, roads, highways etc. The value of the output resulting from such expenditure is arrived at by calculating the amount of money spent on them. Hence their valuation is at cost.
While estimating the government’s contribution to national income from the expenditure side, we need only to meet the government’s current expenditure. This is denoted as G. We exclude all transfer expenditure.
The Total Value of Expenditure:
A closed economy:
In a closed economy, having no trading relation with the rest of the world, the total value of expenditure (E c ) on society’s output is expressed as:
E c = C + I + G
where E c is total expenditure in a closed economy. Here investment I includes change in stocks while government expenditure excludes government transfer payments.
An open economy:
However, in the real world no country is self-sufficient. Each country has to import certain things which it cannot produce at all or produce efficiently. Similarly, to pay for such imports it has to export certain things which it can produce efficiently (i.e., at low cost). Therefore a portion of the expenditure in each of the categories (C, I, or G) goes to purchase goods produced in other countries.
For example, total expenditure on oil bought in India includes not only purchases of oil made in India but also purchases of oil produced in other countries and imported to India. The expenditure on imports creates incomes in the producing countries, not in India. Thus, to discover the output produced by the oil industry in India, we must subtract from total expenditure on oil by India, the amount that is spent to import oil.
The same type of consideration applies to all other types of domestic expenditure. Some expenditure on investment goes to buy equipment (such as picture tubes) and materials (such as fertilizers) imported from abroad.
The same argument applies in case of government expenditure. For example, the Ministry of Finance may import a Japanese computer or the State Trading Corporation of India may purchase food grain form abroad in a year of bad crop.
Thus to arrive at national output from the expenditure side, it is necessary to subtract from C + I + G the value of all expenditures on imports which may be expressed by the symbol M.
Exports: Exports (denoted as X) create a similar problem. When Italians, Swedes and Germans buy Indian textiles this is expenditure on Indian production. Thus in order to calculate India’s national output from the expenditure side, we have to add in all expenditures by foreigners on Indian goods (exports).
Net exports:
Thus to estimate national output by expenditure we have to add exports and subtract imports. The difference between the two (X — M) is called balance of trade or net export. So we get:
E 0 = C + I + G + (X – M)
where E 0 , total expenditure in open economy which is the sum of C, I, G and net export (X — M).
The Identity of output, Income and Expenditure Methods :
In all three approaches the total value of the value of the nation’s output at market prices is the same. This identity of income, output and expenditure may be expressed s follows:
O = Y – E
where O is the aggregate output, Y is the income it generates and E is the expenditure incurred to purchase it.
Firstly Y and O are identical in that Y does not measure incomes actually paid out during the course of the year, but instead measures the incomes generated by producing O (plus the amount realised or collected by the government form net indirect taxes.) The identity of Y and O then follows from the conventional accounting practice that the value of all output must accrue to someone.
Thus what is not wages, interest or rent must become either the profits of the producers or must go to the government as indirect taxes. All factor incomes are accounted for by output.
It is because someone must own the value of output (GNP) that has been created or, in other words, the net value of all that has been produced is the joint contribution of all factors. So each factor has to be paid according to its contribution to net output. Thus all factors are to be paid for offering their services.
The money value of all factor incomes is net national income. In other words, the net value of all output produced in an economy is identically equal to the net flow of income generated through the production process in an accounting year. The two have to be identically equal.
Moreover, goods produced and not sold are valued at market prices, and the difference between their value and their cost of production is treated as profit. This is recorded as part of profit income. However, this does not accrue until the goods are actually sold.
The identity of O and E follows from the fact that E measure the expenditure required to produce the nation’s output, which is the same thing as the market value of that output. In arriving at an estimate of total expenditure, the national income accountants add up the amounts of money actually spent to purchase what is sold.
To this must be added the amount that would have to be spent if the output added to stocks had been sold instead, i.e., firms are assumed to have purchased the inventories and to have paid the market price for; them. This establishes the equivalence of E and O.
Why these three Measures are Needed?
Thus total output is the same for all three approaches. But the breakdown is different in each case. These three estimates are needed not for the sake of definition but because they serve different purposes. Their breakdown differs.
In case of O, it is of industry of origin, such as electricity generation or car production, in case of E, it is by type of expenditure; in the case of Y, it is by type of income, such as wages and salaries, interest, profits and dividends. Figure 31.5 shows the major components of each of the three measures.
7. National Income as the Generic Term :
We have seen that, when properly (correctly) measured, output, income and expenditure are identical.
They yield a single final figure that measures three things at the same time, viz,:
(1) The market value of output,
(2) The incomes earned by producing that output (plus) net indirect taxes and
(3) The expenditure to be made to purchase that output.
The usual term used to refer to this single total is national income and is denoted by the symbol Y. Thus, when we speak of national income, we are referring to the total value of income earned in the country in an accounting year, as well as to the total value of current output, as also to the total value of the expenditure needed to purchase that output.
8. Statistics of National Income :
While measuring national income we come across a series of expenditure measures. Each one gives a somewhat different final figure, and each gives us useful and interesting information.
The relation among them is illustrated in Fig. 31.6 and discussed below:
Various Measures of Total Expenditure :
1. Total Domestic Expenditure:
The most important and reliable measure is total domestic expenditure (TDE). It is the foundation of all other expenditure measures. It is defined as the sum of all expenditure on final output that is made within a country irrespective of where the output was produced. TDE = C + I + G.
2. Total Final Expenditure:
The second concept is total final expenditure (TFE) which is expressed as TFE = C + I + G + X
So we add export (X) to TDE to get TFE. Thus TFE is the sum of expenditure on final output incurred within an economy, irrespective both of the country in which goods and services were produced or the country in which they were consumed.
Suppose indirect taxes are Rs. 35; household disposable income (gross income less direct taxes) is Rs. 5100; government net taxes form households is Rs. 900; consumption spending is Rs. 4600; investment spending is Rs. 500; and government spending is Rs. 935.
Find out GNP. [GNP is found by summing indirect taxes, household disposable income and direct taxes (35 + 5100 + 900), or by summing consumption, investment and government spending (4600 + 500 + 935).The figure is Rs. 6035.]
(a) From the following data for India, establish the amount of domestic output available for Indian purchase, and the total amount of goods and services available for Indian purchases: GNP is Rs. 1000; gross exports equal Rs. 100 while gross imports are Rs. 150.
The amount of domestic output available for Indian purchases is GNP— Exports = Rs. 1000 – Rs. 100 = Rs. 900. The total amount of goods and services available for Indian purchase is Rs. 1050 – the Rs. 900 from domestic production plus the Rs. 150 of imported goods and services.
3. Gross Domestic Product:
This measure is perhaps the most comprehensive of all. This is domestic product (GDP) at market prices. It is arrived at by deducting imports from TFE. This expresses GDP (at market prices) = C + I + G + (X — M).
Thus by subtracting imports from GDP we reduce its value by the amount of expenditure that is directed to purchase goods and services produced in other countries. The convention is to lump exports and imports together into a single (X — M). This is also called net exports.
The GDP at market prices give the value of all final expenditure on goods and services that are produced within the country.
4. GDP at Factor Cost:
The fourth measure is gross domestic product at factor cost. It is a measure of GDP at the cost of the factors used in producing it, and thus of the income received (earned) by those factors. It differs from GDP at market price due to the presence of net indirect taxes.
So there is need to change GDP at market prices, by adding government subsidies to the production or sale of society’s output and by subtracting taxes on production or sale of the social product. Due to subsidies, or negative taxes, factor income exceed the market value of goods sold.
On the other hand due to indirect taxes (or taxes on expenditure) incomes received fall short of the market value of goods sold. It is because some of sale proceeds accrue to the government as revenue.
Thus we get:
GDP (at factor cost) = GDP (at market prices) + subsidies – taxes on expenditure.
5. GN P at Factor Cost:
The fifth measure is GNP at factor cost. This is the sum of all incomes earned by Indian residents in exchange of contributions to current product that takes place anywhere in the world. If your father (who resides in the UK) send an annual remittance of $ 2000 for the maintenance of your family in India, this will be a part of India’s national income.
If we are to arrive at GNP form GDP we have to proceed in two steps. Firstly, we have to add wages, interest, profits and dividends received by Indian citizens from assets that they own overseas. Thus if you receive a dividend income of Rs. 100 from a company based in the USA it will be a part of India’s national income. Such receipts are part of incomes earned by Indian citizens but they are not a part of India’s production.
Secondly, we have to subtract interest, profits and dividends received by foreigners on assets located in India, but owned in other countries, if we want to arrive at income earned by Indian residents.
Although these are a part of India’s production, these are incomes earned, not by India, but by foreign residents. After making these adjustments we arrive at a final figure, called net factor (property) income from abroad.
This is expressed as:
GNP (at factor cost) = GDP (at factor cost) ± net factor income from abroad.
6. NNP at Factor Cost:
The sixth and final measure is net national product (NNP) at factor cost. This is arrived at by subtracting depreciation (or capital consumption allowance) form GNP. Thus NNP is the net flow of output generated in the economy after deducting from GNP an amount necessary to keep intact society’s existing stock of capital.
The NNP measures the maximum amount that could be consumed by the private and government sectors, keeping the economy’s stock of capital unchanged. (In Indian National Account, this is known as net national income).
NNP (at factor Cost) = GNP- depreciation (or capital consumption).
In a similar fashion, if we subtract depreciation form GDP we arrive at NDP. Similarly GNP – C + I + X – M and NNP = C + I n + G + X – M. Here I is gross investment and I n is net investment. Thus the difference between the two measures is due to the single term, depreciation.
Other Measures: Personal Income and Personal Disposable Income :
All the six measures are of total output and total income. We may now consider two more measures. The object is to highlight some important parts of national income. So from the physiology of national income we pass on to its anatomy.
Personal Income:
National income accountants also make use of the term personal income. It refers to the gross income of the household sector, whether as factor payment or total outputs, before deduction of personal income tax. It thus excludes incomes received by the corporate sector or by government.
But personal income includes transfer income which is not included in national income. Thus at least three important adjustments are to be made to NNP (at factor cost) to arrive at personal income.
1. Firstly, we have to subtract from NNP all income taxes paid by business (since these are included in the value of output that is not paid to households).
2. Secondly, we have to add to NNP all transfer payments (since these generate incomes for persons that do not arise out of current production).
3. Thirdly, we have to deduct all undistributed business profits (or retained earnings of the corporate sector). It is because these incomes are not paid out to persons. The firms usually retain the funds for their own expansion and diversification.
So national income is not necessarily the sum of all personal incomes.
Personal Disposable Income:
So long we have said nothing about direct taxes such as income taxes. We have only referred to indirect taxes which create a divergence between two measures of NNP, viz, NNP at market price and NNP at factor cost. Now we may see what accounting treatment is given to direct taxes.
Any factor income includes a certain amount of direct tax which is deducted at the source. Thus if we subtract direct (income) taxes form personal income we arrive at personal disposable income. This is what is left to households, after paying taxes and social security contributions, for spending or saving. Thus
DI = Y – T = C + S
where DI is disposable income, Y is NNI,T is income tax paid, C is consumption spending and S is saving.
Disposable incomes (DI) figure tells us what actually gets into our hands, to disposes of as we please. To get the figure we have to subtract from the GNP figure, depreciation, all taxes (direct and indirect), retained earnings of the corporate sector, and then to add transfer payments of welfare or interest -on-national debt type.
The disposable income figure is important because it is this sum that people divide between consumption spending and net personal saving. Of course people also pay interest on loans out of this income. Businessmen keep a close watch on the trend of DI for obvious reasons.
Like DI, personal income (PI) removes depreciation and corporate saving from GNP and adds back all transfer income including subsidies.
The distinction between personal income and disposable income is that the former does not attempt to estimate personal income-tax (which is basically a direct tax). If it excluded all taxes, PI would be identical with DI.]
The Identity of Measured Saving and Measured Investment :
One of the most important relationship that arises from national income accounting is that between saving and investment. To provide the necessary background to our study of the Keynesian theory of income, determination, it will be useful to show here that, under the accounting rules described above, actual (measured) saving is identically equal to actual (measured) investment.
The basic question here is: what is the basic measure of investment in standard national accounting system? In a simple closed-economy without government, we know that investment (I) is that part of output shown in the circular-flow diagram which is not spent on consumption goods (C).
The next question is: what is the measure of saving? If we assume that in our simple economy without government and foreign trade companies do not save and retain earnings, saving, shown in the lower part of the circular flow diagram, is that part of disposable income, or GDP, which is not spent on C.
In short: I Less C
S = GDP (from the income side) less C
But the two approaches do give the same measure of GDP. Hence we have I = S: the identity between measured saving and investment.
In a more complex economy, total gross national investment (In) will include both gross domestic investment (I) and net foreign investment (X).
But gross saving (5) has to be divided into three broad components:
(1) Household (personal) saving (HS) which originates from disposable incomes;
(2) Gross corporate saving (GCS), which is depreciation plus any earnings retained in the firm; and
(3) Government revenue surplus (GRS), which is the excess of government’s current tax revenue over its current expenditures on goods and services and on transfers.
Now in a four-sector economy the identity of measured national saving and investment, S and In. can be shown in terms of the three components of total S:
In = HS + GCS + GRS = total saving.
In a situation where companies do not save and retain earnings, this identity reduces to
I + X = HS + GRS.
This simply means that domestic investment plus net exports equals personal saving plus the budget surplus.
In fact, we can derive the fundamental identity from the very definitions of GDP. and of saving. The fundamental identity for GDP from the product side is
GDP = C + I + G + X.
Since gross national investment (In) is the sum- total or I and X, we can express the product side of GDP as
GDP = C + In + G.
Now a breakdown of GDP from the earnings of cost side shows GDP – DI + GCS + Tr-Tp where Tr = tax revenue and Tp = transfer payments.
Since DI = C + HS, we have
GDP = C + (HS + GCS) + (Tr – Tp – G) + G.
= C+ In + G
Since GRS = Tr – Tp – G, we can cancel G and G to obtain our required saving-investment identity:
In = HS + GCS + GRS.
If we assume that there is no business saving, we can derive a final useful identity. Now we have
I + X = HS + GRS
The simply means that domestic investment plus net exports equals personal saving plus the budget surplus. The relationships can be summarized in the following words of Paul Samuelson and W.D. Nordhause: “National saving always equals national investment in plant, equipment, and inventories and investment abroad. The sources of saving are personal saving, business earnings and depreciation, and government saving (i.e., the government budget surplus). This identity must hold whether the economy is in tranquil times, is going into depression, or in a wartime boom”.
In a two-sector (household and business) model, suppose households receive the following compensation from business: wages Rs. 520, interest Rs. 30, rent Rs. 10, profits Rs. 80; consumption spending is Rs. 550 and business investment is Rs. 90. Find
(a) The market value of output and household saving,
(b) What is the relationship of saving and investment?
(a) The market value of final output is Rs. 640, found by summing household compensation (wages of Rs. 520 + interest of Rs. 30 + rent of Rs. 10 + profits of Rs. 80), or by summing consumption and investment Rs. (550 + 90). Household saving is Rs. 90, found by subtracting consumption spending of Rs. 550 from the Rs. 640 received by households.
(b) Both saving and investment equal Rs. 90. This relationship always holds true in a two-sector model, since saving leakages must always equal spending injections.
(a) Find GNP and NNP for a private sector model from the following data: consumption, Rs. 850; gross investment, Rs. 100; depreciation, Rs. 40; household compensation (wages + rent + interest + profit), Rs. 910. (b) Prove that for a private sector model depreciation D plus household saving S equals gross investment I g : (2) household saving equals net investment I n .
(a) GNP is Rs. 950 of this private sector model, found by summing household compensation (Rs. 910) and depreciation (Rs. 40) or by summing consumption (Rs. 850) and gross investment (Rs. 100). NNP is Rs. 910 the sum of household compensation or the sum of consumption (Rs. 850) and net investment (Rs. 60)
(b) In a private sector model, GNP = C + I g , GNP = C + S + D. and I g = I n + D. Thus, I g = GNP-C and S = GNP-C-D or S+D = GNP – C. Since GNP – C equals I g as well as S + D, I g = S + D. Subtracting D from both sides of I g = S + D we get I g – D = S and I n = S since by definition I g – D = I n .
From the following data, find (a) national income,
(d) personal income,
(e) personal disposable income and
(f) personal saving.
(a) National income = compensation of employees + business interest payments + rental income of persons + corporate profits + proprietors’ income. National income = Rs. 1866.3 + Rs. 264.9 + Rs. 34.1 + Rs. 164.8 + Rs. 120.3 = Rs. 2450.4.
(b) NNP = national income + indirect taxes = Rs. 2450.4 + Rs. 2663 = Rs. 2716.7
(c) GNP = NNP + capital consumption allowance = Rs. 2716.7 + Rs. 356.4 = 3073.1.
(d) Personal income:
(e) Personal disposable income = Personal income – personal taxes = Rs. 2578.6 – 402.1 = Rs. 2176.5.
(f) Personal saving = Personal disposable income – (personal consumption expenditures + interest paid by consumers)
Personal saving = Rs. 2176.5 – (Rs. 1991.9 + Rs. 64.4) = Rs. 120.2.
9. Interpreting Measures in National Income :
The information provided by measures of national income can prove to be very useful for various purposes. However, if these measures are not properly and carefully interpreted these can mislead us too often.
Moreover, each specialized measure gives us a different type of information. Hence each may be most useful for studying a particular problem. We may start with two variations of NNP. Each one gives us some useful information.
Real vs. Money National Product:
So far we have been concerned with money value of national product and we used money prices in the market to combine various goods like apples, oranges, haircuts, plastic surgery to a single figure. But this nominal measure precludes any sensible comparative analysis.
If the 1995 price level turns out to be much higher than 1994 level, with the same amount of physical quantities of goods and services, we will arrive at much higher 1991 nominal national product figure. So, measurement by the rubber yardstick is undesirable.
What we need is a real GNP/NNP measure. To arrive at a real figure, we have to deflate the money national product figure by the index number of price.
The procedure is simply this:
This is also known as national income at constant prices. See table 31.2.
Thus it is because of inflation (deflation) that we draw a distinction between two measures of national income: national income at current price and national income at constant price. Even India’s national figures are expressed at two set of prices.
Price vs. quantity change:
When there is a change in money income, we know that the market value of total output has changed. This may be due to change in either, or both, the quantities and prices of final goods. When there is a change in real income, we know that this is due to changes in the quantity of final output (with the prices at which output are valued remaining unchanged).
10. National Income (Output) and Per Capita Income :
For some purposes, particularly for studying changes in standards of living over time in a country, or for making international comparisons of income and living standards we need a measure of per capita income or output per head. It is obtained by dividing national income or NNP by the size of the population. We often compare living standards on the basis of per capita disposable income at constant prices.
This measure enables us to compare living standards of a single country over time as also make an international comparison, if disposable incomes are all measured in one currency, such as US dollars (or in terms of prices prevailing in one country such as the UK).
Sometimes we divide GNP by the number of persons employed to arrive at GNP per employed person. We also divide GNP by the total number of hours worked to arrive at output per hour of labour input. This is called GN P per hour worked. Since the last two measures give us estimate of overall labour productivity they are a test of economic efficiency rather than well-being.
11. Measurement Problems in National Income:
We have already referred to some theoretical (conceptual) problems that arise when we seek to measure a country’s national income in three different but interrelated ways. Some practical problems also crop up when we attempt to measure national income.
The following three problems appear to be the most important in this context:
1. Classification:
The first problem is how to classify those items which are suppose to be a part of national income. While expenditure on all durable goods are treated as consumption goods, expenditure on housing is normally classified as investment expenditure. This is done arbitrarily as it is the convention in most countries.
Similarly paint used by a painter to do his art work is a raw material. Sup- Dose he is left with some surplus paint with which by paints his own house. In that case it is a consumption (final) good.
2. Coverage:
There are practical problems regarding coverage of items in national income (expenditure). Let us consider, for example, interest on debt. In general, interest on private sector debt is included in national income but interest on public debt is not. The latter is an example of transfer income.
Interest on private sector debt is considered to be a return for the service of private investors in providing productive capital to firms. But if the government builds up a power plant, the interest that is paid on this debt is counted as transfer payment and hence excluded form national income.
The reason is that interest is paid on such debt by imposing tax on others and not from the profit generated from the power plant. If government debt incurred in the past exists for a long time, the government will be making annual interest payments. But society’s product of goods and services is not affected by it or these payments are not associated with current output.
3. Valuation problems:
The valuation problem arises because some commodities are produced in the economy but are not purchased or sold through the market. Such non-market output cannot be valued at its market price.
The following two types of expenditure are valuation problems:
(a) Government non-marketed production:
A certain portion of output created by the government is not sold through the market. We can cite the example of education, defence, or fire service. Since there is no market price at which to value these goods and services, they are valued ‘at cost’.
The implication is that value of the output of such a service provided is taken as the cost incurred by the government in providing it. Thus, the government’s total production of goods and services is taken to be equal to the total of the government’s current expenditure.
(b) Stock adjustment:
The second valuation problem arises because stocks are often accumulated by the private sector. Since they are goods that have not been sold, they could be valued either at cost or at current market prices.
Valuation at cost means using the amount of money spent on them so far (net of the value of inputs purchased from other firms to avoid double counting). Valuation at market prices means valuing them at what they could be sold for today.
If the latter method is followed some profit margin will have to be added to cost to determine their selling price. In official national income statistics of most countries, market prices are used to value stocks. (However, accounting practices do vary from firm to firm).
Valuation of stocks at market prices has its own problems. In times of business recession, or a sudden fall in sales, stocks of unsold goods may rise. Because market prices are used to value stock, measured business profits will include the unrealized profits on these stocks.
This explains why the recorded level of profits in the national accounts is often very high even in a period of unexpected fall in sales. This often sounds like a paradox or creates confusion.
12. Omissions from Measured National Income :
Certain undesirable omissions often occur largely due to measurement problems and not due to methodological (conceptual) difficulties.
1. Illegal activities:
In measuring national income or output, we exclude all illegal transactions even though many such goods and services are sold on the market and generate factor incomes such as income from sale of drugs, or income from smuggling and black marketing. Such incomes are excluded because they are not reported to income tax authorities. So we do not have reliable information about these.
Similarly, a carpenter may do some work in one’s house and take payment in cash in order to avoid tax. As a result official figure of national income is a gross under-estimate of a country’s true national income. In a country where the volume of such transactions is very high we see the emergence of a parallel economy. The underground (or black) economy is often as strong as the official economy.
The rapid growth of the underground economy in most developing countries in the last two decades is largely attributable to income-tax evasion. It is also attributable to the faster growth of the service sector or the growing importance of services in the nation’s output.
A T.V. repairman or a window cleaner can easily pass unnoticed by the authorities than a large manufacturing establishment or a salaried person. It is also attributed to the fact that many people claim unemployment benefits while actually earning significant amount of income.
2. Non-marketed economic activities:
In a predominantly agricultural economy like our own farmers produce food mainly for themselves and their families. This is usual practice in subsistence farming, where farmers produce food for self-consumption and not for sale through the market. Or suppose you grow vegetables in your kitchen garden. If you sell a portion of it in the market due to some reason or the other, India’s NNP or national income will increase.
Non-market activities also include the services of housewives such as drawing water, or cooking or washing clothes, any do-it-yourself exercise, and voluntary work such as coaching or nursing or even canvassing for a political party.
In those cases where the value of non-marketed economic activities is very high official figure of NNP will significantly understate the real values of output and income earned. If we could measure the value of such consumption, we could include them in NNP.
The omissions of non-marketed economic activities become very serious when we try to compare the standards of living of different countries. In general the non-market sector of the economy is larger in rural than in urban areas and in less developing countries than in developed countries. For example India’s per capita income in 1994 was equal to U.S. $ 310.
It was not possible to live in the USA with that income. But one must not forget many of the things that are very costly to a US citizen are provided to an average Indian by a number of non-marketed goods and services.
Which Measure is the Best?
We have noted that there are various measures of national income. These are different but no doubt interrelated. No one can be said to be the best for all purposes. In fact, each method bears relevance to a particular problem and serves a particular purpose.
The following points may be noted in this context:
Firstly, GDP provides the best answer to be question: What is the market value of goods and services produced for final demand: Moreover, for assessing a country’s potential military strength, we need to know (among other things) the maximum output (including goods) it is capable of producing.
Moreover, if we wish to assess the importance of a country as a market for our exports, we must look at its total sale and purchase figures.
It answers the question: ‘By how much does the economy’s production exceed the amount necessary to replace the capital equipment used up?’
3. Personal disposable income:
It answers the question: How much income do households have at their disposal to allocate between consumption and saving?
4. Real income:
Real (constant price) measures eliminate purely monetary changes and allow comparisons of purchasing power over time. Now answer the question: ‘With a rise of 10 per cent in the cost of living index, if a 20 per cent increase is allowed in the .wages by what per cent does the real wage increase? (Ans. By 100 per cent. Try to guess why.)
5. Per capita income:
It focuses attention on the average person rather than the nation as a whole. For studying change in living standards, we need per capita income figures.
To conclude with R.G. Lipsey and C. Harbury: “Economists and policy-markers who are interested in the ebb and flow of economic activity that passes through markets, and in the variations in employment opportunities for factors of production whose services are sold on markets, will continue to use GDP as the measure that comes closest to telling them what they need to know.”
13. National Income and Welfare :
Economists often raise the question: does an increase in national income lead to an increase in social welfare? Surely not.
The following points bear relevance in this context:
1. Leisure:
Firstly, many things contribute to social welfare but are not included in national income. An obvious example is leisure. If people in general enjoy more leisure NNP may fall, but people may feel happier than before.
2. Quality of Goods:
Secondly, the GNP may not adequately reflect changes in quality of products. A 1995 radio is a much superior product to a 1940 radio. It has better reception, and is more reliable and durable.
3. Different Levels of Consumer Satisfaction:
Thirdly, GNP fails to take note of the fact that different people derive different types of satisfaction from different goods, example, if the government increases its defence expenditure, GNP may increase, but may not raise welfare of the common people appreciably. On the other hand the same amount of expenditure incurred in hospitals or schools may produce great consumer satisfaction.
4. NEW and MEW:
National income, or more accurately per capita income, is used as an index of economic welfare. However, in recent years, recognition of shortcomings in national income accounts of various countries has prompted considerable interest in developing improved measures of output and economic welfare.
In this concept James Tobin and William Nordhaus of Yale University developed the concept of MEW in 1972. Arguing that the ultimate purpose of economic activity is consumption of production, they modify the currently used national income account data to provide an index called the measure of economic welfare (MEW).
In broad terms, to obtain MEW, GNP totals are adjusted by:
(1) Reclassification of expenditures into C. I. and intermediate production where only C contributes to economic welfare,
(2) Imputations of the value of sources of consumer capital, that of leisure, and the value of household work, and
(3) A negative correction for some of the disamenities of urbanisation. Samuelson calls it net economic welfare (NEW).
5. Illegal Activities:
Certain illegal and non- market activities add to people’s living standards but are not related to GNP.
Man does not live by bread alone’ like many other proverb have an element of truth. But it is nevertheless important to know how much bread one is having. Whatever may be the relation between national income and national welfare, there is no denying the fact that high levels, or fast growth rates, of national (per capita) income is needed for a better life.
Green Accounting :
It is interesting to note that from 1994 the US Commerce Department has augmented national ac : counts with the introduction of environmental accounts (also known as ‘green’ accounts), that are supposed to estimate the contribution of natural and environmental resources to the nation’s income.
The initial step in this exercise was the development of accounts to measure the contribution of subsoil assets like oil, gas or even coal.
The new national income estimates take into consideration the fact that discovery adds to USA’s measured reserves, while extraction subtracts or depletes the same. In truth, these two activities virtually cancelled each other out. So the net effect was negligible.
In the next stages, the Commerce Department is planning to investigate renewable resources like soils and forests and then to cover even environmental assets like air, water and wild animals. This new development is no doubt exciting. Developing countries may also carry out similar exercises by taking a leaf from the USA’s book.
So we have reviewed the measurement of national output from various angles and identified the short-comings of the GDP. Now our final question: What conclusion can we draw about the adequacy of a country’s national accounting system as a measure of economic welfare? Perhaps the best answer to this question can be given in the following words of Arthur Okun:
It should be no surprise that national prosperity does not guarantee a happy society, any more than personal prosperity ensures a happy family.
So growth of GDP can counter the tensions arising from an unpopular and unsuccessful war, a long overdue self-confrontation with conscience of racial injustice, a volcanic eruption of sexual mores, and an unprecedented assertion of independence by the young. Still, prosperity is a precondition for success in achieving many of our aspirations.
Uses of National Income Data :
National income figures are used for various purposes.
The following points may be noted in this context:
(a) Economic Planning and Regulation of the Economy:
Although economic planning was feature of socialist economies such as that of the former USSR, now socialist countries as also mixed economies also control their economies. Consequently in such countries national income statistic provide a great deal of valuable information to both local and national governments.
The planning and decision-making authorities are able to interpret what is happening to investment outlay, consumers expenditure, public authorities spending, etc., and see which industries and regions are expanding or contracting.
The statistics published annually in India in the White Paper on National Income by C.S.O. (of the Planning Commission) play an important part in the determination of the Government’s economic policy. For example, the White Paper provides details of changes in three important variables, namely, saving, investment and consumption.
Saving represents the proportion of national income which is not spent on consumption goods and services. The economic importance of saving lies in its relationship to investment that is, the production of producer’s goods such as new factory buildings.
Saving is a necessary pre-requisite of investment. Consumption means the total output of consumer’s goods and services. Detailed information of these changes are essential for the formulation of any form of national economic planning.
(b) To Compare a Country’s Standard of Living Over Time:
It is normally assumed that when national income increases this is a good indicator because the standards of living within the country are supposed to improve as a result.
It may apparently seem that if national income rises, the standard of living of the people of the country must rise. If an individual’s income goes up, then the country is better off, i.e., the standard of living has improved.
However, certain qualifications have to be added to this view. The rise in national income may be due to price inflation. Even if there are real increases in the national income, there are still other factors to be borne in mind when interpreting the figures.
These include the following:
1. Population changes should also be brought into consideration. For example, if over a certain period the national income of a country rises by 25 per cent, but over the same period there is a 40 per cent increase in the population, can we say that living standards have gone up? If we wish to use national income statistics to find out something about the standard of living, the important figure in this respect is per capita income.
2. Rises in national income may be accompanied by effects which adversely influence the standard of living of the vast majority of the people. A rise in national income may be accompanied by an increase in the amount of pollution. This environmental damage may more than offset any advantageous effects of the rise in national income.
Moreover, it may be that the national income of a country has risen because people are being forced to work more hours. Is it then possible to say that the standard of living has risen, i.e., that the people are better off?
3. It is important to bear in mind the distribution of the national income. If there is an increase in national income, but all of this increase goes to only a few people, can we say that the standard of living in the country in general has risen? India’s Green Revolution, for instance, has benefitted the rich farmers and landlords.
A comparison based on per capita GN P is subject to the general limitations of arithmetic averages. For example, it reveals nothing about the distribution of goods and services.
A rise in the average figure per head does not show whether the increase has gone to a small number of very rich people, leaving the rest of the community in exactly the same position as before or whether the fruit of progress was shared equally by everyone.
In developing countries like India a figure for national income per head of the population will indicate little about the economic welfare of the people in general, because there are marked deviations from the average figure.
The rich, although relatively few in number, will pull up the average, but the poor, in much larger number, will be well below the average. Hence we must look at the trends in income distribution when using national income figures to assess living standards.
However in spite of these qualifications we cannot deny that national income per head figures still provide the best single indication available of changes in a country’s standard of living.
4. Fourthly, the per capita GNP figure tells us nothing about the composition of the goods and services available to the members of society.
For example, an increase in the Gross National Product may be due to a rise in spending on military equipment for defence purposes. Hence, while the statistics will suggest a rise in the standard of living, in fact, the extra production does not comprise goods and services which improve economic welfare.
Likewise, if the GNP figure rises due to a rise in the output of producer goods (machinery, factory building, etc.), the per capita figure will give an over-optimistic impression of the standard of living. It is the output of consumer goods and services that determines the current standard of living, although investment in producer goods permits a higher standard to be enjoyed in the future
(c) Comparison of Standards of Living in Different Countries:
Per capita GNP figures are often used to compare the standards of living in different countries. Thus if India’s national income is greater than that of Nigeria it is concluded that India has a higher standard of living. Such comparisons are useful for various purposes.
1. They provide an indicator of those countries which are in need of economic assistance.
2. They provide a basis of assessing each country’s financial contribution to international institutions. For example, the contribution of the United Kingdom to the European Economic Community budget was worked out in this way.
3. They provide estimates of the value of joining an alliance of other countries or of the strength of a potentially hostile nation.
(d) To Measure a Country’s Economic Growth:
Although economists are not unanimous about what constitutes economic growth, the most common measure is national income. Percentage growth rates are usually expressed in terms of percentage increases in GNP. Perhaps the best indicator of economic growth is real national income (per capita).
The term, economic growth, is generally taken to mean the annual per cent rate of increase of the real GNP, that is, the total annual value of home produced goods and services at constants prices.
When GDP is calculated a statistical correction has to be made to allow for changes in prices and in order to obtain the real rate of growth (of output). For example, if GDP increases by 25 per cent in money terms, the rise in real terms may be much smaller due to the effect of rising prices.
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National Income, Concept, Calculation Method, Formula, Importance
National Income refers to the value of goods and services produced by a country during a financial year. Read all about National Income Formula, Calculation Method and Importance for the UPSC exam.
Table of Contents
National Income
National income refers to the total value of all goods and services produced within a country’s borders in a given period of time (usually a year) and is used to measure the economic performance of a country. It includes all the income earned by individuals, businesses, and the government in the country, and can be calculated using different methods such as the production or income approach, expenditure approach, or value-added approach.
National income is an important concept in macroeconomics and is used by policymakers to make decisions related to economic growth, development, and distribution of resources.
Read More: Lorenz Curve
Gross National Income and Net National Income
Here is a tabulated comparison between Gross National Income (GNI) and Net National Income (NNI):
Read about: GDP Deflator
National Income Formula and Method
Here’s a detailed tabulated explanation of the three methods of calculating National Income along with their formulae:
Limitations of these Methods of Calculating National Income
Some common limitations of these methods of calculating national income are:
- Difficulty in measuring the informal economy and underground activities
- Inaccurate or incomplete data due to the lack of records or poor record-keeping
- Inability to capture the effects of inflation, changes in technology, and changing market conditions
- Exclusion of non-monetary transactions, such as barter and non-market production
- Differences in accounting practices and standards between countries may affect comparability
Read More: Types of Inflation
National Income Importance
The importance of calculating national income in an economy is:
- Measure of Economic Performance: National income is used as a measure of a country’s economic performance and helps in understanding the overall economic growth and development.
- Formulation of Economic Policies: National income data helps in formulating economic policies related to taxation, government spending, and trade.
- International Comparisons: National income provides a basis for comparing the economic performance of different countries and determining their relative strengths and weaknesses.
- Resource Allocation: National income data helps in allocating resources efficiently, identifying areas that require more investment, and boosting economic growth.
- Forecasting: National income data provides a basis for economic forecasting and predicting future economic trends and challenges.
- Employment Generation: National income data helps in analyzing employment trends and identifying areas that require more job creation.
- Standard of Living: National income data helps in determining the standard of living of people in a country and improving it by devising policies that boost economic growth.
- International Aid: National income data is used by international organizations to provide aid and assistance to countries facing economic challenges.
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National Income Limitations
National income is a useful tool for measuring the economic performance of a country, but it has certain limitations. Some of the limitations of national income are:
- Non-Monetary Transactions: National income only takes into account monetary transactions, which means that it does not consider non-monetary transactions such as unpaid housework or volunteer work, which can have a significant impact on the economy.
- Informal Sector: National income only considers formal sector activities and does not take into account the informal sector. This can lead to an underestimation of the actual economic activity in a country.
- Quality of Life: National income does not take into account the quality of life of the citizens of a country. It is possible for a country to have a high national income but low quality of life due to factors such as income inequality, poor living conditions, and lack of basic amenities.
- Environmental Impact: National income does not take into account the impact of economic activities on the environment. It is possible for a country to have a high national income but also high levels of pollution and environmental degradation.
- Distribution of Income: National income does not provide information on the distribution of income within a country. It is possible for a country to have a high national income but also high levels of income inequality, which can lead to social and economic problems.
- Time Lag: The calculation of national income involves a time lag, which means that the data may not be up-to-date. This can be a problem in rapidly changing economies.
Therefore, it is important to use national income in conjunction with other economic and social indicators to get a comprehensive picture of the economic performance of a country.
Read about: Purchasing Power Parity
National Income UPSC
National Income is an important topic for UPSC as it is a key indicator of the economic health of a country. It is a part of the UPSC Syllabus under the Economics subject and is covered in both UPSC Online Coaching and UPSC Mock Test . Understanding the various methods of calculating national income, its limitations, and the significance of national income in the economy is crucial for aspirants preparing for the UPSC exam. Additionally, questions related to national income are frequently asked in both the Prelims and Mains examinations.
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National Income FAQs
What is national income.
National income is the total value of goods and services produced by a country in a given period of time.
What is national income formula?
National income formula: NI = compensation of employees + operating surplus + mixed income + taxes - subsidies on production and imports
What is national income and GDP?
GDP is the total value of goods and services produced within a country's borders, while national income is the total income earned by the country's residents.
What is national income in India?
India's national income in 2021 was estimated to be around $3.05 trillion.
Who measure national income in India?
National income in India is measured by the Central Statistics Office (CSO).
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National income is the sum total of the value of all the goods and services manufactured by the residents of the country, in a year., within its domestic boundaries or outside. It is the net amount of income of the citizens by production in a year. To be more precise, national income is the accumulated money value of all final goods and ...
National Income (NI) is a fundamental concept in economics, acting as a key metric for gauging a country’s economic performance. As an important economic metric of a nation, it influences policy decisions, investment considerations, and socio-economic planning. This article of NEXT IAS aims to study in detail the concept of National Income ...
National income in the general sense means the total value of commodities and services produced in any country during a year, it is a term which is used interchangeably with national dividend, national output and national expenditure. National income is related to any particular country and is also calculated for a year.
Study Notes on National Income: Definition, Measurement Problems and Estimate (With Diagram)! Definition of National Income: National income of a country means the sum total of incomes earned by the citizens of that country during a given period, say a year. It should be noted that national income is not the sum of all incomes earned by all citizens, but only those incomes which accrue due to ...
Let us make an in-depth study of the National Income. After reading this article you will learn about: 1. National Income Accounting 2. Importance of National Income 3. The Circular Flow Model of the Economy 4. GDP and GNP 5. Avoidance of Double-Counting 6. Meaning of a Final Good or Service 7. Treatment of Raw Materials Vs Treatment of Capital Goods — Double Counting Vs Depreciation ...
The Real GDP will be the value of the current year's output using the base year's prices: Real GDP in the Current Period = (4,240 X $1.00) + (5,000 X $8.00) + (1,060 X $100.00) = $150,240. The GDP Deflator is equal to the Nominal GDP divided by the Real GDP and multiplied times 100.
National income accounting is a government bookkeeping system that measures a country's economic activity—offering insight into how an economy is performing. Such a system will include total ...
In this article we will discuss about National Income:- 1. Concept of National Income 2. Circular Flow of National Income 3. Major Types of Production 4. Measurement 5. Major Classes 6. Expenditure Approach 7. National Income as the Generic Term 8. Statistics 9. Interpreting Measures 10. National Income (Output) and Per Capita Income 11. Measurement Problems and Others. Contents: Concept of ...
Calculates national income by adding up all income received by the factors of production such as wages, profits, and rent. National Income = Wages + Interest + Rent + Profits. Excludes non-monetary income such as barter exchange and the underground economy. Expenditure Method. Calculates national income by adding up all expenditures on goods ...
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