write an essay on verner's law

Jacob Grimm, following up the suggestion of a Danish Scholar, Rask, formulated explanation which accounted for the correspondences between certain consonants in Germanic language and those found in Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin. According to Grimm, the original voiceless stops (p, t, k) were changed to spirants (ph, th, h). So, Latin (tres) became English (three), Latin (centum) was English (hundred). Similar, correspondences can be traced out for certain other groups of consonants and the formulation of these correspondences is known as Grimm’s Law.  The certain exception to Grimm’s Law was explained by Karl Verner and other. It was noted that between such a pair of words as Latin centum and English hundred, the correspondence between c and h was according to rule, but that between the t and d was not. The ‘t’ in the Latin should have been hunthed.

Such an exception to Grimm’s Law was further explained under a separated theory which is known as “Stress Shift” or Verner’s Law. According to it, the Indo-Aryan p, t, h immediately follow the Law accent in a word: it shifts regularly in Law German English to f, th, h. But, if p, t, k is preceded by an accented syllable then they became as it were by taking a double sound shifting to b, d, g. The English Father, Mother, and Brother  have Teutonic equivalents as gader, moder and broder which the true Aryan types are Pater, Mater, and Frater. The last syllables of these show ‘t’ shifting to  ‘d’  and it undertakes a double consonantal shift.

Verner has demonstrated that the factor which causes these variations is ‘accent’ Verner’s Law in fact, studied the shifting of the place of the accent. Verner held the opinion that Teutonic “German or English” accent was off on unaccented on the former syllable kept its “th” unchanged, but the Teutonic “father” accented (as in the earliest period) on the latter syllable further changed ‘th’ to ‘d’ and ‘father’ becomes ‘fader’.

Verner’s Law explains a large number of anomalies that had frequently been noticed and had never before received any satisfactory explanation. It is sufficient to say that Verner’s Law explains so many cases in which Grimm’s Law fails. Verner’s theory of Stress shift has left its mark on the structure of the language and has influenced it more than any other phonetic changes.

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Grimm's Law and Verner's Law Notes

Posted: Mar 05, 2007 14:03; Last Modified: May 23, 2012 19:05 Keywords:


Grimm’s Law

Grimm’s law concerns an unconditioned sound change that affects all Indo-European stops. In this change (examples mostly from Brinton and Arnovick),

Voiceless stops became voiceless fricatives

PIE PGmc Examples
Voiceless stops Voiceless fricatives
*p *f PIE *peisk- vs. OE fisc ‘fish’
*t PIE *tenu ‘to stretch’ vs. PDE thin
*k *x or *h (word-initial) PIE *krewə ‘raw meat/blood’ vs. OE hrēaw ‘raw’
*k *x or *h (word-initial) PIE *k od ‘what’ vs. OE hwæt ‘what’

Voiced stops became voiceless stops

PIE PGmc Examples
Voiced stops Voiceless stops
*b *p PIE *kan(n)abi- ‘cannabis’ vs. PDE hemp
*d *t PIE *dekm vs. PDE ten
*g *k PIE *grənom vs. PDE corn
*g *k PIE *g ei- vs. OE cwicu ‘alive’

Voiced aspirated stops became voiced fricatives and then voiced stops.

PIE PGmc Examples
Voiced aspirated stops Voiced fricatives Voiceless Fricatives
*bh *b PIE *bhrāter vs. OE broþer
*dh *d PIE * əndhero- vs. OE under
*gh *g or *h (word-initial) PIE *wegh vs. OE weg ‘road, way’
*g h *g or *w PIE *g her ‘to heat’ vs. OE warm

Verner’s law

The first group mentioned above (voiceless stops) underwent an additional change in certain contexts due to the change from variable accent in Indo-European to fixed initial accent in Germanic. When these sounds appeared in a voiced environment (i.e. not initially or finally or next to other voiceless consonants) and were not immediately proceeded by the Indo-European stress, they went on to become a voiced stop. Under the same conditions, Indo-European */s/ became Germanic */r/.

PIE PGmc Examples
Voiceless stops Voiced fricatives Voiced stops
*p *b PIE *septm vs. Gothic síbun ‘seven’
*t *d PIE *pətēr vs. OE fæder ‘father’ (medial sound: d rather than t)
*k *g PIE *dukā vs. OE togian ‘tow’
*s *z *r PIE *ghaiso ‘stick’ vs. OE gār ‘spear’

A useful way of remembering these sound changes (taught to me by Philip Rusche of UNLV ) is to diagram each row of the above tables as a triangle:

To find the result of Grimm’s law, go one step clockwise around the triangle. Thus using the first triangle, we can see that PIE *bh became Gmc *b, PIE *b became Gmc *p, and PIE *p became Gmc *f. Verner’s law only affects the consonants at the top of the triangle. To see what they became after the effect of Verner’s law, go two steps clockwise around the triangle: so PIE *p became Gmc *b when it was subject to Verner’s law.

Posted: Monday March 5, 2007. 14:37.

Last modified: Wednesday May 23, 2012. 19:16.

Comment [11]

I just wanted to thank you. You’ve been of graet help to me; I am a student of English language and literature at Belgrade University, Serbia.History of the English language is my final exam and you really helped me to prepare it. Thank you once more. Kindest regards Jelena

Hello Professor. I wanted to say thank you as well:). It has been helping me a lot! I am majoring in English at University in Korea. I’m preparing for history of Englsih organization so that I have to know concept of these laws. It helps me to memorize easily and understand easily. Thank you!!!

Thank you, you helped me nail down Verner’s and Grimm’s Laws

I was just browsing the net. And I just found it bizarre that I am studying IE linguistics, and that we have the same name. Tarride is not that common.

And you are both in the same city and at the same IP Provider… Are you sure you just haven’t driven the memory of your last visit here from your mind?

thaanks alot it helped me alot ….

I just want to say thank you profesor, your notes helped me so much on my first individual asignment,Am taking B.A, English, University of Dodoma Tanzania.

so nice that we are learning english all over the world, Korea, Serbia, Tanzania, and I am from Hungary…and accidentally we all ended up on this site!:)

Thanks a lot for ur great assistance,i m a student of English at Magadh Mahilla College in Patna,Bihar.Your guidance has really proved to be very usefull to me,thanx a lot again….

thank you for sharing this information, it really help me in understanding the Grimm’s Law. iam a student of English Language and Literature in Princess Nora University.

Thanks a lot and God richly bless you for the good work you are doing, prof.I am a student of the University of Ghana and I find your explanations very useful.

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Grimm’s Law and Verner’s Law: Building the Foundation of Modern Linguistics

Transcript of Presentation:

Hello, my name is Kimberly Reach and I am studying the History of English at UMGC. This week we are discussing Grimm’s Law and Verner’s Law. Both laws are important to the study of linguistics. Grimm’s Law discusses how the consonants move in Indo-European languages. Through his study and observations of non-Germanic Indo-European languages, he discovered that all Indo-European languages stem from a common Proto Indo-European language. Non-Germanic languages, such as Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit, have more written records, native people studying and preserving them, and are closer to the original Proto Indo-European language. However, there were exceptions in Germanic languages that could not be classified according to Grimm’s Law. Verner’s Law explains the consonant shifts from non-Germanic to Germanic Indo-European languages that were previously unexplained exceptions to Grimm’s Law. Verner published his law under the title, “An Exception to the First Consonant Shift.” Essentially, his law explains how in Indo-European languages, consonants shift due to their stresses, if they are voiced or voiceless. Both Grimm’s Law and Verner’s Law became part of the foundation to modern linguistics. Thank you for watching my video and I hope this assists in your study of the History of English.

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The observation that voiceless fricatives in Germanic predicted by Grimm's Law became voiced if the preceding syllable in the corresponding Indo-European word was unstressed. It is named after Karl A. Verner (1846–96), Danish philologist.

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Grimm's Law: Germanic Consonant Shift

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Grimm's Law defines the relationship between certain stop consonants in Germanic languages and their originals in Indo-European  [IE]; these consonants underwent shifts that changed the way they are pronounced. This law is also known as the Germanic Consonant Shift, First Consonant Shift, First Germanic Sound Shift, and Rask's Rule.

The basic principle of Grimm's law was discovered in the early 19th century by Danish scholar Rasmus Rask. Soon after, it was outlined in detail by German philologist Jacob Grimm. What was once a probing theory is now a well-established law in the field of linguistics.

What Is Grimm's Law?

Grimm's law is a set of rules dictating how a handful of Germanic letters differ from their Indo-European cognates. Roshan and Tom Mcarthur summarize the rules within this law as follows: "Grimm's Law holds that unvoiced IE stops became Germanic unvoiced continuants, that voiced IE stops became Germanic unvoiced stops, and that unvoiced IE continuants became Germanic voiced stops," (Mcarthur and Mcarthur 2005).

Studying Grimm's Law

A detailed outline—as thorough as it was—did little to explain the "why" behind this law. Because of this, modern researchers still rigorously study the phenomenon presented by Grimm's Law in search of clues that will make its origins more clear. They look for the patterns in history that launched these language changes.

One of these linguists, researcher Celia Millward, writes: "Beginning sometime in the first millennium B.C. and perhaps continuing over several centuries, all the Indo-European stops underwent a complete transformation in Germanic," (Millward 2011). 

Examples and Observations

For more findings regarding this rich branch of linguistics, read these observations from experts and scholars.

Sound Changes

"Rask's and Grimm's work ... succeeded in establishing once and for all that the Germanic languages are indeed part of Indo-European. Secondly, it did so by providing a brilliant account of the differences between Germanic and the classical languages in terms of a set of amazingly systematic sound changes, " (Hock and Joseph 1996).

A Chain Reaction

"Grimm's Law can be considered a chain reaction: aspirated voice stops become regular voiced stops, voiced stops, in turn, become voiceless stops, and voiceless stops become fricatives ... Examples of this change taking place at the beginning of words are provided [below]. ... Sanskrit is the first form given (except for kanah which is Old Persian), Latin the second, and English the third.

It is important to remember that the change takes place only once in a word: dhwer corresponds to door but the latter does not change to toor : Thus, Grimm's Law distinguishes Germanic languages from languages such as Latin and Greek and modern Romance languages such as French and Spanish. ... The change probably took place a little over 2,000 years ago," (van Gelderen 2006).

"Grimm's Law ... explains why Germanic languages have 'f' where other Indo-European languages have 'p.' Compare English father , German vater (where 'v' is pronounced 'f'), Norwegian far , with Latin pater , French  père , Italian padre , Sanskrit pita, " (Horobin 2016).

Verner's law

Definition of verner's law, word history.

after Karl A. verner , who formulated it

1878, in the meaning defined above

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Grimm’s law , description of the regular correspondences in Indo-European languages formulated by Jacob Grimm in his Deutsche Grammatik (1819–37; “Germanic Grammar”); it pointed out prominent correlations between the Germanic and other Indo-European languages of Europe and western Asia. The law was a systematic and coherent formulation, well supported by examples, of patterns recognized as early as 1814 by the Danish philologist Rasmus Kristian Rask . It is important for historical linguistics because it clearly demonstrates the principle that sound change is a regular phenomenon and not a random process affecting only some words, as had been thought previously.

Grimm described two consonant shifts involving essentially nine consonants. One shift (probably a few centuries before the Christian era) affected the Indo-European consonants and is evident in English, Dutch, other Low German languages, and Old Norse. The other shift (about the 6th century ce ) was less radical in scope and affected the Germanic consonants , resulting in the consonant system evident in Old High German and its descendants, Middle High German and Modern High German (standard German). According to the law, the ancient unvoiced p , t , k became the English unvoiced f , th , h and the Old High German f , d , h , producing such correlations as that between the initial consonants of Greek pod- , English fod , and Old High German fuo . The law further stated that the ancient voiced b , d , g became the English unvoiced p , t , k and the Old High German spirant stops f , ts , kh —hence the correlation between Latin duo , English “two,” and modern German zwei (pronounced “ ts vai”). Also, the originally voiced bh , dh , gh became the English voiced b , d , g and the Old High German p , t , k ; compare Sanskrit bhárati , English “bear,” and the Upper German dialects of Old High German ki-peran (later standard German ge-bären ). The Old High German examples show the second shift in addition to the first, which is seen in English.

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Hardcover Verner's Law in Italy: An Essay in the History of the Indo-European Sibilants Book

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Verner's Law in Italy: An Essay in the History of the Indo-European Sibilants

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This groundbreaking work of linguistic scholarship by the noted British historian Robert Seymour Conway examines the evolution of the Indo-European sibilants in ancient Italy, using the principle of Verner's Law. Blending rigorous analysis with engaging writing, Conway sheds new light on the history and development of the Italian language.

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  12. Verner's law, phonetic substance and form of historical phonological

    This is of no consequence for the matter discussed here. 18-19 Juin 2009 JEL'2009 / JEG'2009 Verner's law, phonetic substance and form of historical phonological description. 39 arrival of this segment in this mode of articulation. In an OT analysis, the fact the T1has to move out is expressed by a constraint *T1.

  13. Verner's Law In Italy: An Essay In The History Of The Indo-european

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around ...

  14. Verner's Law in Italy: An Essay in the History of the Indo-European

    Excerpt from Verner's Law in Italy: An Essay in the History of the Indo-European Sibilants B. Except in Latin and Faliscan where it he came r even when following an accented syllable, if it was (i) followed by i or u. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important ...

  15. Definition and Examples of Grimm's Law

    Grimm's Law defines the relationship between certain stop consonants in Germanic languages and their originals in Indo-European [IE]; these consonants underwent shifts that changed the way they are pronounced. This law is also known as the Germanic Consonant Shift, First Consonant Shift, First Germanic Sound Shift, and Rask's Rule.

  16. verner's law essay

    An informative essay is any type of essay that has the goal of informing or educating an audience. By definition, it is not used to persuade or to give one's personal beliefs on a subject.... A "who am I" essay is a simple type of open-ended introductory essay. It is used in certain schools, workplaces and around the world to help members of a group introduce themselves through their ...

  17. Verner's Law in Italy: An Essay in the History of the Indo-European

    Verner's Law in Italy: An Essay in the History of the Indo-European Sibilants. Robert Seymour Conway. Trübner and Company, 1887 - Indo-European languages - 120 pages. ... What people are saying - Write a review. We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. Selected pages. Title Page. Table of Contents.

  18. Verner's law Definition & Meaning

    Verner's law: [noun] a statement in historical linguistics: in medial or final position in voiced environments and when the immediately preceding vowel did not bear the principal accent in Proto-Indo-European, the Proto-Germanic voiceless fricatives f, þ, and χ derived from the Proto-Indo-European voiceless stops p, t, and k and the ...

  19. Verner's Law in Italy: An Essay in the History of the Indo-European

    Verner's Law in Italy: An Essay in the History of the Indo-European Sibilants - Ebook written by Robert Seymour Conway. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Verner's Law in Italy: An Essay in the History of the Indo-European Sibilants.

  20. Grimm's law

    Verner's law. Grimm's law, description of the regular correspondences in Indo-European languages formulated by Jacob Grimm in his Deutsche Grammatik (1819-37; "Germanic Grammar"); it pointed out prominent correlations between the Germanic and other Indo-European languages of Europe and western Asia. The law was a systematic and ...

  21. Full text of "Verner's law in Italy, an essay in the history of the

    Full text of "Verner's law in Italy, an essay in the history of the Indo-European sibilants" See other formats ...

  22. Verner's Law in Italy: An Essay in the... book

    from: $3.99. from: $3.59. Buy a cheap copy of Verner's Law in Italy: An Essay in the... book. This groundbreaking work of linguistic scholarship by the noted British historian Robert Seymour Conway examines the evolution of the Indo-European sibilants in... Free Shipping on all orders over $15.

  23. 2024 ELI Writing Competition Winning Essay

    This essay proposes the passage of a federal law for the ROP that includes post-mortem protection, in addition to an industry focus on proactive estate planning for artists to address musicians' concerns about the legacy of their NIL. ... At the time of writing and submission, Olivia Fortunato was a third-year law student at Benjamin N ...

  24. Verner's law in Italy, an essay in the history of the Indo-European

    Verner's law in Italy, an essay in the history of the Indo-European sibilants by Conway, Robert Seymour, 1864-1933. ... Publication date 1887 Topics Verner, Karl Adolf, 1846-1896, Italic languages and dialects, Indo-European languages Publisher London, Trübner and co. ... Be the first one to write a review. 2,087 Views . 2 Favorites. DOWNLOAD ...