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Investment Banking Pitch Books: Design, Examples & Templates

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Investment Banking Pitch Book Presentation

Bankers like to complain about almost everything, but near the top of the complaint list is “investment banking pitch books.”

Some Analysts claim that you’ll devote all your waking hours to creating these documents, while others say they’re time-consuming but not that terrible to create.

Some senior bankers swear by pitch book presentations, claiming that they help to win and close deals, while others think they’re over-hyped.

We’ll look at all those points and more in this article, including downloadable pitch book examples and templates for you to use.

Table Of Contents:

  • What Is An Investment Banking Pitch Book?

How to Create a Pitch Book

Pitch book presentation, part 1: pitching your team as the advisor of choice, pitch book presentation, part 2: providing background and context, pitch book presentation, part 3: choose your own adventure, sell-side pitch books for sell-side mandates, buy-side pitch book examples, equity pitch book and debt pitch book examples for financing mandates, other types of pitch books, why do you spend so much time on investment banking pitch books as a junior banker, what do you need to know about pitch books as an intern or new hire, what is an investment banking pitch book.

Pitch Book Definition: In investment banking, pitch books refer to sales presentations that a bank uses to persuade a client or potential client to take action and pay for the bank’s services.  Pitch books typically contain sections on the merits of the transaction; analysis of potential buyers or sellers; pricing and valuation information; as well as key risks to mitigate.

That is the classic definition, but in practice, people use the term “pitch book” to refer to almost any presentation created by a bank.

We’re going to focus on presentations to potential clients here because they tend to be the most time-consuming ones, and they generate the most horror stories as well.

There’s no way to “measure” how much pitch books matter, but it’s safe to say that they’re less important than the time spent on them implies.

Bankers win deals primarily because of relationships cultivated over a long time ; a pretty presentation right before a company goes public means little compared with the 5-10 years of meeting the CEO and CFO before that point.

Pitch books matter to you as an investment banking analyst or associate primarily because you’ll spend a good amount of time creating them – and you can’t screw up if you want a good bonus .

Almost all investment banking pitch books use a structure similar to the following:

  • Situation, 0r “Current State”: Your prospective client is looking for growth.
  • Complication, or “Problem”: The potential client’s growth rate has been slowing down.
  • Hypothesis, or “Solution”: Acquiring a growing company can meet the potential client’s need for growth.

Then, you go into detail showing why the hypothesis might be true – including why your team is qualified to lead this transaction, similar transactions you’ve led before, and the valuation this company can expect to receive.

Investment Banking Pitch Book Sample PPT and PDF Files and Downloadable Templates

Here are a number of example pitch books in editable Powerpoint (PPT, PPTX) and PDF versions, drawn from some of the case studies within our investment banking courses :

  • Jazz Pharmaceuticals – Valuation and Sell-Side M&A Pitch Book (PPT)
  • Jazz Pharmaceuticals – Valuation and Sell-Side M&A Pitch Book (PDF)
  • KeyBank and First Niagara – FIG M&A Pitch Book (PPT)
  • KeyBank and First Niagara – FIG M&A Pitch Book (PDF)
  • Netflix – Equity, Debt, and Convertible Bond Financing Pitch Book (PPT)
  • Netflix – Equity, Debt, and Convertible Bond Financing Pitch Book (PDF)

Here’s what you can expect in the first few parts of any pitch book, including many examples from actual bank presentations:

The first section of investment banking pitch books introduces your firm’s platform, recent transactions, and team.

You might include stats on your firm’s position in the league tables , or explain its growth story and how it’s different from its competitors. Here are a couple of examples:

You might also write about distribution partnerships and other strategic developments here.

The next section consists of credentials , which include similar transactions your team has completed. Since turnover at banks is high, these lists often include transactions completed by team members when they were at other banks.

Here are a few examples:

what is investment banking presentation

These pages look simple, but they can be time-consuming to put together because you need to find the most relevant deals and rearrange elements from other presentations.

You may also go into more detail on a few deals and devote entire pages to them.

Banks often call these 1-page descriptions “ case studies ,” and you can see a few examples below:

what is investment banking presentation

Finally, this section will include a team biography , including previous firms, relevant deals/clients, and education for each member:

what is investment banking presentation

Before you move into the specific situation of the company you’re meeting, you’ll usually share some updates on the industry as a whole and recent deal activity in the sector.

Unlike the first part, which was about your team ’s experience, this one is more about general trends that affect everyone.

For example, if a tech startup is considering an initial public offering , you’ll review tech IPOs from the past 6-12 months, explain how they’ve performed, and discuss the types of companies that tend to go public.

Here are a few examples of industry updates:

what is investment banking presentation

And here are a few examples of deal/transaction updates:

what is investment banking presentation

After these first few sections, which are similar in any pitch book, the structure and content start to differ based on what the bank is pitching.

We’ll look at three broad categories here:

  • Sell-side mandates (i.e., convince a company to sell itself)
  • Buy-side mandates (convince a company to acquire another company)
  • Financing mandates (raise debt or equity).

Investment Banking Pitch Books, Part 3

You’ll start by including a few slides on how your bank would position the company and make it attractive to potential buyers.

For example, if the firm is a traditional services provider with a growing online presence, you might attempt to spin it as a “SaaS” (Software-as-a-Service) company – within reason.

If you’re pitching a large company on a divestiture, you might explain how you’ll make the division sound like more of a standalone entity – meaning that buyers won’t have to spend as much time and money integrating it.

Next, you’ll lay out the company’s valuation and the price it might expect to receive in a sale.

This valuation section might be only 1-2 slides in a short pitch book or 20+ slides in a longer one.

Common elements include the valuation football field , output of a DCF model , comparable public companies , and precedent transactions .

The “football field,” or summary valuation, pages range from simple to more interesting to so complicated they could be eye charts .

Here are a few examples of other valuation-related slides:

what is investment banking presentation

It is unusual to include a Contribution Analysis or any M&A analysis in this section unless the deal is highly targeted or has advanced quite far.

After the valuation section, you’ll discuss “potential buyers,” a list that is sometimes the longest and most time-consuming section of the entire pitch book.

Short summaries aren’t too bad, but if a senior banker wants a full page on each acquirer, you can look forward to a lot of monotonous work gathering the information.

Here are a few shorter examples:

what is investment banking presentation

You’ll conclude the pitch book with a summary of your recommendations and the company’s next steps.

For example, you might suggest that the company pursue a targeted sale process with the 5-10 best buyers and aim to complete a deal within 12 months.

These slides tend to be generic ones, used across multiple presentations:

what is investment banking presentation

Finally, in longer investment banking pitch books, there is often an Appendix with more detailed models and data, and sometimes even longer lists of potential acquirers.

No one reads this section, but bankers enjoy spending time on unnecessary work (read: evidence of effort).

Investment Banking Pitch Books, Part 4

Investment banking pitch books for buy-side M&A deals follow a similar structure, with a few key differences:

  • The “Positioning” part in the beginning might be more about the types of acquisitions the company should pursue and how your bank will help close these deals.
  • There may be valuation information, but the purpose will be different: in buy-side deals, you value the buyer to estimate how much a stock issuance to fund the deal might be worth. You might also include quick valuations of potential targets.
  • Instead of profiling potential acquirers, you’ll profile potential targets . This list is often longer than the list of potential buyers because a large company could, in theory, choose from hundreds or thousands of potential targets to acquire.

Buy-side M&A pitch books are often shorter than sell-side ones, but they can be more tedious to create due to the longer profile lists.

As a junior banker, you won’t have much input into the acquisition targets that are profiled in these presentations, but senior bankers try to present ideas that:

  • Maintain or exceed the firm’s cost of capital.
  • Maintain the firm’s competitive advantage.
  • Enhance the firm’s ability to serve clients.
  • Help the firm expand into high-growth geographies or industries.

Large companies often meet with dozens of bankers per month, so originality can be important as well; many investment banks pitch the same set of acquisition targets repeatedly.

If you present an idea the company has seen 100 times before, they’re unlikely to be excited – but if you find a company they haven’t considered, or you have some exclusive insight, you’ll capture their attention.

It’s tough to find real investment banking pitch books for these transactions because most buy-side M&A deals never close, so the banks do not disclose any of the documents.

But here are a few company profile and associated commentary slides similar to the ones found in buy-side pitch books:

  • Brookfield Canada Office Properties by Greenhill
  • Banco Santander S.A. by Goldman Sachs
  • Side-by-Side Comparison of Buyer and Seller by JP Morgan
  • Equity Research Commentary on Buyer’s Offer for Seller by Greenhill

Investment Banking Pitch Books, Part 5

In financing mandates – for equity, debt, and even restructuring deals – there are a few major differences compared with the investment banking pitch books described above:

  • No Profiles – You are simply pitching the company on raising capital or restructuring its capital, so there is no need to discuss potential buyers or sellers.
  • Financing Models Instead of / or In Addition to Valuation – Valuation still matters for equity and restructuring deals, but you will also have to present additional analyses that are relevant to the deal.

For example, if you’re pitching an IPO, you might show the range of multiples at which the company could go public, the range of proceeds it might receive, and how its value might change after the deal.

In a debt deal, you’ll show the credit stats and ratios for the company under different scenarios, such as Term Loans vs. Subordinated Notes, and explain which one is best based on that.

For more examples, please see the articles on ECM , DCM , and Restructuring .

Also, see our coverage of IPO valuation models and debt vs. equity analysis :

Many other presentations get labeled “pitch books” even if banks pitching their own services do not create them.

For example, management presentations for pitching clients to potential buyers are often labeled “pitch books.”

However, they’re just extended versions of the Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM) .

And in the EMEA region, they’re the same thing because CIMs tend to be more like presentations than written documents.

Banks also create presentations to deliver Fairness Opinions , update clients on recent buyer or seller activity, and update clients on the status of M&A deal negotiations.

None of these is a pitch book according to the classic definition, but the slides often look similar, and there may be some common elements, such as the valuation section.

Not all pitch books take days or weeks to complete – shorter ones might require only a few hours of work.

But they can easily spiral into never-ending projects that require all-nighters and extraordinary effort to finish, resulting in those legendary investment banking hours .

That’s because of:

  • Attention to Detail – You’ll spend a lot of time making sure your punctuation is consistent, that all the footnotes are in the right spots, and that the dates are correct.
  • Dozens of Revisions – Senior bankers love to make changes well past the point of diminishing returns. It’s not uncommon to see “v44” at the end of file names.
  • Conflicting Changes – The Associate wants one thing, the VP wants another, and the MD wants something else. And if you implement the MD’s version based on seniority, the others may fight back.
  • Random Graphic Design Work – This one is more of an issue at boutique firms that lack presentations departments, but sometimes you’ll have to spend time creating fancy visual elements on slides – which end up being useless once your MD changes his mind and rips out those slides.

If you’re new to the industry, you should familiarize yourself with the layout and design elements of pitch books, but you do not need to be an expert on the creation process.

Different banks use different tools and methods, so it might be counterproductive to learn too much in advance.

You should also learn the key PowerPoint shortcuts very well, including how to customize PowerPoint to make it more efficient (see our tutorial on PowerPoint Shortcuts in Investment Banking below):

Everyone knows that Excel is important in finance, but people tend to underestimate PowerPoint – even though most junior bankers spend more time in PowerPoint than Excel.

To learn those efficiently, check out our PowerPoint Pro course , which covers the fundamentals of presentation creation, including how to set up PowerPoint properly in the first place, alignment and formatting tricks, slide organization, pasting in Excel data, and applying the “finishing touches.”

There are also practice exercises for creating deal and company profiles and fixing slides with formatting problems.

If you learn all that and understand the structure and layout of investment banking pitch books, you won’t have much to complain about – even as the other interns and analysts around you are whining.

You might be interested in a detailed tutorial on investment banking PowerPoint shortcuts or this article titled Stock Pitch Guide: How to Pitch a Stock in Interviews and Win Offers .

what is investment banking presentation

About the Author

Brian DeChesare is the Founder of Mergers & Inquisitions and Breaking Into Wall Street . In his spare time, he enjoys lifting weights, running, traveling, obsessively watching TV shows, and defeating Sauron.

Free Exclusive Report: 57-page guide with the action plan you need to break into investment banking - how to tell your story, network, craft a winning resume, and dominate your interviews

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10 thoughts on “ Investment Banking Pitch Books: Design, Examples & Templates ”

' src=

Hi Brian. Thank you for valuable information!

what is investment banking presentation

I’m currently interning. After sitting in a client presentation. What questions should I ask my supervisor regarding the presentation. As we’re going to have a follow up call

I’m not sure I understand your question. The questions you ask are completely dependent on the presentation, so I can’t really answer this without knowing the contents of the presentation.

' src=

Its a great article. Appreciate if you also have a link or article for new PE firm Pitch Deck (presenting to investment banks or FIGs), please. Thanks

Sorry, don’t have anything there.

' src=

Great article! The information is very helpful and informative. Where and how can I find other examples of sell-side pitchbooks similar to the ones mentioned in this article?

Thanks, Ryan

Thanks. Unfortunately, sell-side pitch books are hard to find because they’re not disclosed publicly. You can find presentations for recently announced deals by Googling the deal’s name and limiting the search to the site and going through those results.

' src=

Is an information memorandum informally called a teaser or is this something else?

A teaser is a much shorter document, such as a 1-2-page summary of the company’s key benefits, financials, growth opportunities, etc.

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Perfect Your PowerPoint Skills

The BIWS PowerPoint Pro course gives you everything you need to complete pitch books and presentations in half the time and move straight to the front of the "top tier bonus" line.

How to Create an Investment Banking Pitch Book

what is investment banking presentation

As the competition in the investment banking space intensifies, service providers are finding ways to market themselves more successfully. One tool central to these marketing efforts is investment banking pitch books, also known as pitch decks. These tools are designed to present a specific investment bank as the most compelling choice for existing and potential clients.

In this article, we’ll discuss investment banking pitch books and how to create them. We’ll also explain how investment banks can pitch better using Macabacus’ Prepare to Share tool .

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What Is an Investment Banking Pitch Book?

An investment banking pitch book or pitch deck is a sales presentation used by investment banks to attract and engage current and potential clients. This specialized report, which is typically created using PowerPoint, aims to demonstrate why a particular investment bank is best suited to provide advisory services for a potential client.

Investment banking pitch books cover everything from the background and key executives of a bank to its experience and past achievements.

Types of Pitch Books

There are many types of pitch books based on what investment bankers are pitching:

  • General pitch book: This provides potential investors or clients with key insights into an investment firm. It highlights the firm’s track record, advisory expertise, and proven ability to drive returns .
  • Sell-side pitch books: These involve advising and representing a company looking to sell or divest part or all of its business. The investment banking team on the sell-side works to maximize the value of the assets being sold and facilitate a successful transaction for their client.
  • Buy-side M&A pitch books: Here, investment bankers assist clients looking to acquire other companies or assets. The focus is on identifying suitable acquisition targets, conducting due diligence, and negotiating favorable terms for the buyer.
  • Financing mandate: This involves helping clients raise capital through various financial instruments, such as equity or debt. Investment bankers on financing mandates assist in structuring and executing transactions to secure the necessary funds for their clients, whether it’s for expansions, acquisitions, or other financial needs.

Key Components of a Pitch Book

A pitch book can have the following outline:

  • Cover page: This displays your logo, company name, document titles, and dates.
  • Table of contents: This lists the various sections of your pitch book.
  • Bank introduction and executive summary: This section provides a general overview of your investment firm, its team, corporate history, and track record. It summarizes key points and the purpose of the pitch.
  • Market overview: This part analyzes the market, industry trends, and potential opportunities.
  • Valuation summary: This involves presenting various valuation methods (DCF analysis, comparable company analysis) to support your target price.
  • Transaction strategy: This discusses the investment bank’s services and transaction process along with the proposed deal structure and strategic alternatives.
  • Rationale of the bank’s strategy and financial solution: This explains the strategic reasons behind the proposed transaction. It also discusses the key risks to mitigate for potential clients.
  • Summary: This highlights why the investment bank is the most suitable choice for the prospective client—all things considered.
  • Appendix: This features any supplementary materials such as additional financial models, charts, or market research.

How to Create a Pitch Book

Investment pitch books must be created in a way that establishes credibility in the eyes of potential clients, investors, and partners. Below are the main steps involved in creating effective pitch books.

Understand the Needs of Your Target Client

Different clients have distinct interests and concerns. Identifying your target client’s needs helps you tailor your pitch to them, which increases your chance of being hired.

Write a Compelling Introduction

The introduction sets the tone for the entire pitch and is an opportunity to make a memorable first impression. So, try to write an introduction that captures attention, sparks interest, and establishes a connection with your audience.

Discuss Your Target Client’s Situation or Challenges and Your Proposed Solutions

Your target client may be looking to acquire a competitor, get acquired, raise capital, or pursue a similar agenda. You must demonstrate your understanding of the client’s situation and suggest a compelling plan of action. This positions your bank as a valuable proposition and helps build a narrative that resonates with the client.

Highlight Tour Team’s Expertise

Showcase key team members, their expertise, and their roles in the company. You can include the resumes of key company executives, other senior members, and the sales team. A strong, experienced team boosts confidence and highlights your ability to execute the business plan effectively.

Talk About Your Business Model and Economic Outlook

This step sheds light on how your investment bank operates, as well as its revenue streams, cost structures, and value propositions. This step also provides context for the scale and potential of your bank by reviewing your market position, growth story, and the specific gap your service addresses. The aim here is to show how you plan to scale operations and capture an increasing market share over time.

Perform Financial Forecasts

Financial forecasting provides a quantitative outlook on the potential success of your bank. This step involves presenting revenue projections, expense forecasts, and key performance indicators (KPIs). It shows the financial strength and sustainability of your bank, which is crucial for attracting potential clients, investors, and partners.

Conclude with a Clear Call to Action

Adding a clear call to action guides your audience on the next steps. Whether it’s an investment opportunity, a collaboration proposal, or a call for early adoption, a well-defined call to action ensures that your potential client knows how to engage and move forward.

Tips for Success

Creating a pitch book that works requires strategic storytelling. The following tips can increase your chances of success:

  • Collaboration and team dynamics: Coordinate with analysts, researchers, and other team members while drafting pitch books. Collaboration provides unique insights and promotes a smoother workflow.
  • Specifics and clarity: Tailor the pitch book to the specific needs and preferences of your audience. Keep the content clear, concise, and focused on key selling points. Avoid unnecessary jargon and ensure a logical flow of information.
  • Visual appeal: Incorporate visually appealing elements such as charts, graphs, and infographics to enhance engagement.
  • Regular updates: Stay up-to-date with market changes and update your pitch book accordingly. A current and relevant marketing presentation boosts confidence in your audience.

Investment Banking Pitch Book Templates

These investment banking pitch book samples can serve as a guide:

  • Valuation and Sell-Side M&A Pitch Book – Jazz Pharmaceuticals (PPT)
  • Equity, debt, and convertible bond financing pitch book – Netflix (PDF)
  • CFI investment banking pitchbook template

How Macabacus Can Help

Macabacus can support your investment pitching efforts in a few different ways:

  • Financial modeling : Macabacus offers a high-quality operating model that boosts the accuracy of your financial projections. Our tool helps junior and senior bankers alike generate financial models that showcase their firm’s financial performance and outlook.
  • Sharing the pitch book: It always helps to send a digital copy of your pitch book to your audience after the initial presentation. Macabacus’ Prepare to Share tool makes sharing easier by enabling you to quickly clean up various aspects of your presentation at once.

Key Takeaways

Investment banking pitch books are a powerful tool for attracting new business. These financial reports aim to show why the authoring bank is best suited to provide investment advisory services for prospective clients. Many things go into writing an effective pitch book, including understanding the client’s needs, showcasing solid expertise, and featuring a compelling call-to-action.

After presenting your pitch book, consider using Macabacus’ Prepare to Share tool to send a soft copy of the deck. Our solution makes sharing easier by making voluminous slides easily workable. Get in touch today.

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PowerPoint Hacks for Investment Banking and Consulting

Investment bankers and consultants spend countless hours in PowerPoint and efficiency means the difference between leaving early and pulling all-nighters

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Table of Contents

5 Keys You’ll Need to Master to Become a PowerPoint Guru:

Key #1: formatting like a power user, what is the quick access toolbar, key #2: being really, really fast (shortcuts), key #3: mastering your alignments, key #4: working smarter with tables, key #5: formatting your charts 10x faster, tying it all together.

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Learn Our Top 5 PowerPoint Time Savers. 5 free lessons delivered to your inbox.

Because pretty much everyone has used PowerPoint before, many people consider themselves fairly competent when it comes to throwing some slides together and calling it a day.

But if you’re one of the over 500 million professionals that use PowerPoint every day for your job, having superior PowerPoint productivity and efficiency tips up your sleeve will boost your employability and professionalism and will help you stand out among your peers.

So, what are some of the tips and tricks that Investment Bankers and Consultants — two of the groups who have practically turned PowerPoint into a competitive sport — have learned to make getting their jobs done that much more efficient? We’ve broken it down into five major areas you’ll need to master to level-up and become the Consulting & Investment Banking PowerPoint authority in your office.

  • Stop wasting time with formatting by optimizing your QAT
  • Hit your top speed with shortcuts
  • Make every slide polished and professional by mastering alignments
  • Show up all your coworkers by demystifying tables
  • Learn how to seamlessly integrate data into your slides from outside sources

When you’ve finished this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Update and edit slides that take your colleagues hours to make in half the time or less
  • Use keyboard shortcuts for everything—even commands that don’t have shortcuts
  • Know that every slide that leaves your desk is perfectly, professionally aligned and formatted

If you are using PowerPoint for pitching clients and creating client deliverables, 40% or more of your time in PowerPoint will be spent formatting things in your slide. That’s because everything in PowerPoint requires multiple levels of formatting, all of which regularly change as your project progresses and you switch between clients.

what is investment banking presentation

Take a simple rectangle for example, it has 6 basic levels of formatting you are responsible for: 1. Shape fill color; 2. Shape outline color; 3. Shape outline weight; 4. Font style; 5. Font size; 6. Font color

On top of that, a rectangle can also be formatted with gradients, transparencies, dashed outlines, shape effects, and more.

How do you set yourself up as the PowerPoint authority in your office? The answer lies in the Quick Access Toolbar .

But at a minimum, if your pitch book contains 100 rectangles, that means you are responsible for making up to 600 formatting adjustments. Then you throw in lines, text boxes, charts, tables and pictures, and you can see why updating a pitch book or client deliverable, can take you all night long to finish.

That’s why knowing how to format like a “power user” will make you the PowerPoint authority in your office, or at the very least on your project team.

So, how do you set yourself up as the PowerPoint authority in your office? The trick is to set up the Quick Access Toolbar with all of your formatting options.

The Quick Access Toolbar (or QAT ) is a customizable band of commands that sits either above or below your PowerPoint ribbon.

what is investment banking presentation

A quick operating system note, the QAT is only available for PC based versions of Microsoft Office. If you’re a Mac user, you’re out of luck.

There is no way to hide the QAT, so yours is in one of these two places.

By customizing the QAT with your most frequently-used formatting commands, you can then use your mouse or Alt shortcuts (more about that later) to format things like a pro.

The beauty of the QAT is it only takes a couple of minutes to set up, and then you can use it forever for all of your presentations.

If your Quick Access Toolbar looks like the default QAT below, get excited. You are about to learn how to save yourself a ton of time in PowerPoint!

what is investment banking presentation

Adding commands to your Quick Access Toolbar

what is investment banking presentation

  • Right-click the command in your PowerPoint Ribbon
  • Select Add to Quick Access Toolbar

You’ll then see the command added to the end of the QAT.

what is investment banking presentation

The formatting commands I recommend adding in PowerPoint are: 1. Font Color; 2. Shape fill; 3. Shape outline weight .

Note: To add the shape fill and shape outline weight commands, you’ll first need to insert a shape and select it to open up up the Shape Format tab, as pictured below:

what is investment banking presentation

Adding commands to your QAT is the first step. The next step for taking your formatting skills to the next level is to strategically arrange the commands on your QAT.

Strategically arranging QAT commands

what is investment banking presentation

  • Click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar command
  • Select More options  

As a result, the PowerPoint Options dialog box opens up, drilled into the Quick Access Toolbar options.

what is investment banking presentation

This is where you can see what is already on your QAT and all the commands you can add to your QAT.

what is investment banking presentation

While right-clicking the commands in your Ribbon is typically easier, you can also use this dialog box to add and remove commands from your QAT. This is especially helpful for commands that are hard to find or don’t exist in your Ribbon.

To rearrange commands on your QAT:

  • Select a Command in your QAT window
  • Use the Move Up / Move Down arrows to rearrange your commands
  • Click OK when you’re finished

In the picture below you can see I’ve arranged the formatting commands into the first three positions of my Quick Access Toolbar .

what is investment banking presentation

Using the Quick Access Toolbar

With your QAT all setup, you can now use those commands by either:

  • Clicking the commands with your mouse
  • Using your QAT Guide Shortcuts (see Key #2)

  If you’ve ever built a financial model in Excel, you know that the fastest way to be productive is to use shortcuts.This not only speeds up everything you do, but it also keeps you dialed into the task at hand instead of getting distracted, hunting around for things in the Ribbon. When working 60 to 80 hours a week at the office, this can make or break your evening plans.

The same is true when working in PowerPoint. Learning your PowerPoint shortcuts is the fastest way to double productivity when building pitchbooks, reports, or just about anything in the program. That’s because instead of clicking to search through your file tabs and menus like a college student, you can instead hit a few keys and move on to your next task.

what is investment banking presentation

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Designed for finance professionals and consultants. Learn strategies and techniques for building better IB pitchbooks, consulting decks and other presentations.

Most people know only a handful of PowerPoint shortcuts, such as Ctrl + S to Save, Ctrl + Z to Undo, Ctrl + Y to Redo and Ctrl + P to Print.

But these types of shortcuts are extremely limited and barely scratch the surface of the different types of shortcuts you can use to fast-track your workflow in PowerPoint.

Here are 3 different types of shortcuts you can use to fast-track anything in PowerPoint, including commands that don’t have a shortcut.

Shortcut Type 1: Menu Guide Shortcuts

Anything in your PowerPoint right-click menus can be shortcutted using a combination of your mouse and keyboard. For example, if you right-click a slide in the thumbnail view, you will see a list of commands, as pictured below.

what is investment banking presentation

If you simply hit the underlined letter after right-clicking, you will trigger that command.

Here are a few of the many useful commands you can shortcut using your right-click menu like this:

  • New Slide (Right-Click, N). Adds a new blank slide to your presentation using the same exact layout of the slide you are currently on.
  • Duplicate Slide (Right-Click, A). Creates an identical copy of the slide you right-click so that you don’t have to start from scratch for your next slide.
  • Delete Slide (Right-Click, D). Deletes the slide you are on. This can be faster than clicking a slide and then hitting the Delete key.
  • Add Section (Right-Click, A). Adds a new section to your presentation, helping you better organize and rearrange the slides in your deck.
  • Change Layout (Right-Click, L). Allows you to quickly change your layout and have all of your content flow into the proper placeholders.
  • Reset Slide (Right-Click, R). Reverts all of your placeholder positioning and formatting to that of your Slide Master. So if you accidentally nudge your placeholders out of position or use the wrong formatting, you can easily go back to the template settings.

Shortcut Type 2: Ribbon Guide Shortcuts

Ribbon Guide shortcuts are an alphabetical numbering system that you can use to visually get at any command that exists in the PowerPoint Ribbon.

To activate the numbers system, simply hit the Alt key on your keyboard, as pictured below.

what is investment banking presentation

With your Ribbon guides active, you can then navigate through the Ribbon.

For example, if you hit the H key, you will move to the Home tab, with all of the commands there now lit up with newly available keyboard shortcuts , as you can see below.

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In this way, you can continue to hit the alphabetical letters and numbers to get at any command in your Ribbon.

For example, hitting Alt, H and then U on your keyboard opens up your bullet point options.

what is investment banking presentation

If you want to backtrack through your Ribbon, you can hit the Esc key to walk back one level at a time.

This can be tricky to get used to at first, but once you have it down, you can easily access any command in PowerPoint, even if it doesn’t technically have a shortcut—without memorizing anything.

Shortcut Type 3: Quick Access Toolbar Shortcuts

Once you set up your Quick Access Toolbar with your most frequently used commands (see Key #1 above), you can use your Alt key to quickly access those commands.

what is investment banking presentation

Then hit the number indicated for the command in order to access it.

In the picture above, hitting 1 on your keyboard pops open the Alignment Tool, with all of its subsequent commands lit up with new shortcut keys, as you can see in the picture below.

what is investment banking presentation

This allows you to take a command like the Alignment Tool, which doesn’t have an easy to use shortcut, and make it fast and easy to use.

For example, based on the image above, aligning two shapes to the right would be: Alt, 1, R .

Note: Placing the Alignment Tool in the first position of your QAT is one of the smartest things you can ever do in PowerPoint (see Key #3).

If you are going to be taken seriously by your clients and colleagues, everything on your slides needs to be perfectly aligned.

Which of these PowerPoint layouts do you think looks more professional?

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Obviously, objects in a polished presentation will be perfectly aligned. Thankfully, there’s an easy way to do this: PowerPoint has an Alignment Tool command that you can use to perfectly align your objects without any guesswork. On top of that, you can shortcut the command if you set it up in the first position of your Quick Access Toolbar.

what is investment banking presentation

To open your Alignment Tool in PowerPoint, simply:

  • Select an object on your slide
  • Navigate to the Home tab
  • Open the Arrange dropdown
  • Open the Align options
  • Choose your Alignment direction

what is investment banking presentation

Understanding how these different options work can make or break your day at the office, so don’t skip this next part.

While it’s not rocket science, understanding the alignments tool isn’t super intuitive the first time through. This is especially true if you don’t understand the crucial but confusing Align to Slide and Align Selected Objects options.

Alignment Options

Align to Slide means that all of your alignments and distributions are based on the outside of your slide (the top, bottom, left and/or right sides).

what is investment banking presentation

For example, if you select 3 rectangles and distribute horizontally, the left and right sides of your slide are used as the anchors for your horizontal distribution.

Align Selected Objects means that all your alignments and distributions are based on your selected objects.

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For example, if you select 3 rectangles and distribute horizontally, the left side of the leftmost rectangle and the right side of the rightmost rectangle are used as the anchors for the horizontal distribution.

If you get these two alignment options wrong, you might think that your Alignment Tool isn’t working; but you simply don’t have the right setting selected.

As 90% of the time you’ll want to align based on your selected objects, I recommend keeping the Alignment Tool set to Align Selected Objects until you need to align to your slide.

Top, Bottom, Left and Right Alignments

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Align Selected Objects By selecting two or more objects and aligning to the Top, Bottom, Left or Right, the most extreme positioned object is used as the anchor shape that all your other objects are aligned to.

Align to Slide When selecting two or more objects and aligning Top, Bottom, Left or Right, the edges of your slide are used as the anchor that all your objects are aligned to.

Horizontal and Vertical Distributions

what is investment banking presentation

Align Selected Objects If you select 3 or more objects and distribute horizontally or vertically, the two most extreme positioned objects will be used as the anchors that all your other objects will be vertically or horizontally distributed between.

Align to Slide If you select 3 or more objects and distribute horizontally or vertically, the edge of your slide will be used as the anchor that all of your objects will be vertically or horizontally distributed between.

Center and Middle Alignments

These two alignments are easily confused, so for clarity:

  • A center alignment is a horizontal alignment of your objects
  • A middle alignment is a vertical alignment of your objects

And there are two important scenarios to be aware of when you center and middle align objects in PowerPoint.

Scenario #1: Encompassed objects

what is investment banking presentation

Align Selected Objects If you select two or more objects, and the smaller object is 100% within the framework of the larger object, aligning center or middle moves it to the center or middle of the larger object. In this situation, only the smaller object will move.

Align to Slide If you select two or more objects and middle or center align to your slide, your objects align themselves with the center or middle of the slide.

Scenario #2: Non-encompassed objects

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Align Selected Objects If you select two or more objects, and the smaller object is not 100% within the framework of the larger object, a new total combined area is created, and it’s the middle of that area that is used for the middle or center alignment. In this situation, both the larger and smaller objects will move.

Align to Slide All your objects will be aligned to the center (horizontally) or middle (vertically) of your slide.

Setting Up the Alignment Tool as a Shortcut

The smartest thing you can do if you use PowerPoint on a daily basis is to set up the Alignment Tool in the first position of your QAT. That’s because it will make an otherwise hard to reach command that you frequently use into a fast and easy Alt driven keyboard shortcut .

Step #1 – Add the Alignment Tool to your QAT

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To add the Alignment Tool to your Quick Access Toolbar , simply:

  • Navigate to the Home Tab
  • Right-click the Alignment Tool

Doing so adds the command to the end of your Quick Access Toolbar as you can see in the picture above.

Step #2 – Open the More Commands dialog box

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To customize the arrangement of your QAT, simply:

  • Click More Commands

Step #3 – Move the Alignment Tool into the first position

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To put the Alignment Tool in the first position of your QAT, simply:

  • Select the Align Objects command
  • Use the Up Arrow to click it to the top of your QAT

If you followed along, back in the Normal View, the Alignment tool should now be sitting in the first position on your QAT.

what is investment banking presentation

Once you have the Alignment Tool shortcut set up like this, you can shortcut all of your alignment options using the following keystrokes.

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The Alignment Tool shortcuts are:

  • Alt, 1, L – Align Left
  • Alt, 1, C – Align Center
  • Alt, 1, R – Align Right
  • Alt, 1, T – Align Top
  • Alt, 1, M – Align Middle
  • Alt, 1, B – Align Bottom
  • Alt, 1, H – Distribute Horizontally
  • Alt, 1, V – Distribute Vertically
  • Alt, 1, A – Align to Slide
  • Alt, 1, O – Align Selected Objects

In PowerPoint, tables can simultaneously be your best friend for presenting financial data, and also your worst formatting enemy. That’s because tables behave differently than all other objects in PowerPoint. On top of that, you lose all your Excel formatting when you paste your tables into PowerPoint.

what is investment banking presentation

If you don’t know any better, you can waste a tremendous amount of time manually formatting your tables, when PowerPoint can easily do it for you 10x faster.

Here are a few steps to significantly cut down the time you spend formatting your tables in PowerPoint.

PowerPoint Table Shortcuts

Table shortcut #1: navigating a table in powerpoint.

Before you worry about formatting your table in PowerPoint, here are some useful table shortcuts and tricks in PowerPoint.

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Hitting Tab moves you forward through your PowerPoint table, selecting the entire contents of the cell. If you reach the end of your table, hitting Tab again creates a new table row in PowerPoint.

Hitting Shift + Tab moves you backward through your PowerPoint table, selecting the entire contents of the cell.

Table Shortcut #2: Selecting entire rows and columns

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If you hover your mouse cursor on the outside of a table, you can select an entire row or column of information.

You can also click and drag to select multiple rows and columns at the same time.

Table Shortcut #3: Deleting vs. backspacing rows and columns

what is investment banking presentation

Selecting an entire row or column and hitting the Backspace key deletes the entire row or column from a table.

For example, selecting a column in a three-column table and hitting Backspace leaves you with a two-column table.

what is investment banking presentation

This is a fast way to remove rows and columns tables in PowerPoint.

what is investment banking presentation

Selecting an entire row or column and hitting the Delete key deletes the contents of the row or column, but does not delete the row or column itself.

For example, selecting a column in a three-column table and hitting Delete , all the contents of the third column are removed, but you are still left with a three-column table.

what is investment banking presentation

This is useful when you want to remove the contents of your table, without changing the number of rows or columns.

Table Shortcut #4:  Resizing and scaling a PowerPoint table

When resizing a table in PowerPoint, you don’t want to just click and drag it with your mouse. If you do, you will end up with a poorly resized PowerPoint table as pictured below.

what is investment banking presentation

You can avoid this by simply using the Shift key to resize and scale your table.

what is investment banking presentation

Using the Shift key and dragging the white circular resizing handles, everything will resize and scale properly, saving you a lot of unnecessary formatting and adjusting, as you can see in the picture below.

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Table Shortcut #5: Automatically collapse a column

Instead of trying to manually click and drag to resize your column widths, you can automatically collapse them using your mouse.

what is investment banking presentation

To automatically collapse a column width , simply hover your mouse over the right-column border that you want to collapse and double-click it with your mouse.

When beginning to format a table in PowerPoint, it’s always best to start with a Table Style first. This ensures you don’t waste time formatting the odds and ends of your table when PowerPoint can automatically do it for you.

Note: You can only collapse a column width in this way. You cannot collapse a row height using this double-click trick.

Automatically Set the Table Style Formatting First

what is investment banking presentation

To set a Table Style for your table, simply:

  • Select your table
  • Navigate to the Table Design tab
  • Open your Table Style Options
  • Click on the Table Style you want to apply

This allows you to instantly move from a non-formatted table to a formatted table in just a few clicks.

what is investment banking presentation

Note: You can preview what the table will look like with a style applied to it by hovering on the style, before clicking on it.

Set Your Favorite Table Style Formatting as Default

A common beginner’s mistake in PowerPoint when working with tables is trying to manually band the table rows or columns. The reason this is a mistake is that you can easily do this automatically by ticking either Banded Rows or Banded Columns inside the Table Style Options in the Table Design tab of the Ribbon.

Now that you know the power of using the Table Style formats in PowerPoint, you can save yourself even more time by setting your favorite style as the default formatting.

what is investment banking presentation

To set a default table formatting style, with your table selected, simply:

  • Right-click your Table Style
  • Select Set as Default

Setting a default table style means that any new table you create or copy and paste in from Excel will start with the table style you set as the default.

Here are a few key points to keep in mind about setting a default table style:

  • Only the Table Style is set as default. None of the Table Style Options you selected are carried into the default formatting. You will still need to apply these to your tables individually.
  • Your default table style will only be applied to new tables you create or copy and paste into your presentation. Any existing table will not be affected.
  • The default table style you set is only applicable to your current presentation. None of the tables in other presentations are affected, and none of your other default table styles are affected.
  • You can change your default table style at any time for future tables you add or copy and paste into that presentation.

Automatically Distributing Row and Column Spacing

Another place you can lose a lot of time when formatting your tables in PowerPoint is in trying to manually distribute your rows or columns.

This is another time when PowerPoint can help you out, with its distribution commands in the Table Layout tab.

what is investment banking presentation

You have two options for distributing your table rows and columns:

  • Select your table and distribute all your rows and columns at once
  • Click and select the specific rows or columns you want to distribute

Now that you know how to handle your tables in PowerPoint, let’s talk about charts.

Charts are the most complicated object class, because they have the most individual elements, and all of them can take multiple levels of formatting. If you aren’t careful, formatting the charts in your presentations and pitch books to look the same can take you hours, instead of just minutes.

what is investment banking presentation

As you can see in the image above, every element of a chart can be formatted, including (but not limited to):

  • The axis; The axis labels; The chart area; The chart title; The legend; The data labels; The data series

Standardize charts by setting up a chart template and using it to format all your charts in Word, Excel and PowerPoint

And a lot of these charting elements can take multiple levels of formatting like shape fills, shape outline colors, shape outline weights, font styles, font sizes, gap widths, etc.

On top of that, once you format all the individual pieces of your chart, it’s next to impossible to figure out how everything is individually formatted. This makes it challenging to standardize all your charts with the same formatting, without duplicating and copying and pasting your data.

Instead of making this common mistake, you can set up a chart template and use it to format all your charts in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

If you use lots of charts, this charting trick will save you from spending hundreds of hours over your career unnecessarily formatting charts in PowerPoint, Word, and Excel.

Chart Formatting Step #1. Format your chart EXACTLY the way you want it

As a first step, format your chart exactly the way you want it for however many data series you will be using. And don’t hold back, because you are going to use your formatting as a template for your future charts, so take the time now to go the distance with your formatting to get it exactly the way you want it.

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The last thing you want to do is get sloppy with your template and have to immediately update it.

Formatting your chart exactly the way you want it ensures that you can seamlessly use it for any chart in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Note: If you already have a chart with all the formatting you want, you can skip this step, and simply use the chart you already have.

Chart Formatting Step #2. Save your formatted chart as a Chart Template

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To save your chart formatting as a Chart Template , simply:

  • Select your chart on the outside edge
  • Select Save As Template
  • Give your template a unique File Name

Note: If you don’t see the Save As Template option in your right-click menu, you probably right-clicked a data series within your chart. Try right-clicking the plot area of your chart or first selecting your chart as an object by selecting its outside edge.

Clicking Save , your chart formatting is then saved so that you can then apply to any chart in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint.

what is investment banking presentation

You can save as many chart templates as you like in this way as Chart Template Files .

Note: All of your Chart Template Files are saved as to your own personal version of Microsoft Office. They are not saved as part of your presentation. To share your Chart Template Files with a client or colleague, you’ll need to copy and paste the files from your computer to theirs.

Chart Formatting Step #3. Apply your chart template to your other charts

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To apply a saved Chart Template in Word, Excel or PowerPoint, simply:

  • Select your chart
  • Navigate to the Chart Design tab
  • Select Change Chart type
  • Select the Templates folder
  • Choose your Template

Clicking OK , all of the chart formatting you saved as a template.

In this way, you can now cycle through your pitch book or proposal and standardize all your charting formatting using your template.

If you master these five areas of PowerPoint, you are well on your way to becoming a true PowerPoint Guru.

To learn even more about how to level up your PowerPoint skills for consulting & investment banking, take the course used in productivity training programs at top financial institutions and business schools: The Wall Street Prep PowerPoint Crash Course has everything you need to build better pitchbooks and fly through slide decks with lightning-fast efficiency.

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Top 10 Investment Banking Templates to Attract a Loyal Base of Investors [Free PDF Attached]

Top 10 Investment Banking Templates to Attract a Loyal Base of Investors [Free PDF Attached]

Nawsheen Muzamil


Investment banking concerns big organizations, firms, and even governments because it involves the financial dealings that would later impact the economy. 

For instance, if your organization is in need of financial consultations for public funding, needs professionals to oversee Initial Public Offerings(IPOs), or requires assistance in marketing stocks and bonds, investment banks are your go-to place. 

Investment banking also helps firms in underwriting their debt and equity securities and aids in the profitable sale of securities. They also facilitate mergers, acquisitions, reorganizations, etc, for institutions and private investors.

While success in this field is directly related to the bank’s deep-rooted origin, new players in the market can make their mark with the right strategies in place. Because investment bankers convey factual information about stock pricing, market strength, and the risks involved, their research department becomes crucial for stakeholders looking to invest and issue their bonds. 

With these strategies, banks gain a reputation among their clients and become reliable middle mwn for future dealings.

In all this, communication is the key, and presentations will help you pitch your effectiveness in growing together with corporations and investors. On this note, we have taken the liberty of sharing our 10 best designs for investment banking. Explore our investment PPT templates here:

Template 1: Investment Banking Presentations PowerPoint Presentation Slides

As new players who wish to grow into existing markets or as established players who want to expand their client base, this is a great presentation for you to pitch your service. Utilize this 50-slides complete deck to showcase your in-depth market analysis, portray the advantages of investment banking, and identify potential investing corporations. The PPT is embedded with infographics, charts, and graphs to help your clients visualize stats easily and thus make crucial decisions in light of them. Deploy this effective PPT layout now!

Investment banking presentations PowerPoint presentation slides

Download this template 

Template 2: Investment Banking Collection PowerPoint Presentation 

Here is another thematic presentation to pitch your unmatched banking and consultation services. Deploy this 54-slide PowerPoint presentation to discuss aspects such as financial overview, top customers, market CAGR growth, liquidity analysis of the bank, etc. Graphs and charts within this PPT will convey your previous achievements to convince your new clients to invest and sell securities. Get ahead of your competitors by downloading this PPT layout now!

Investment banking collection PowerPoint presentation slides

Template 3: Investment Banking Value Propositions Channels Revenue Streams

Deploy the slides of this 12-template compilation to explain your investment banking model. Identify your value propositions, channels, and revenue streams with easy-to-edit charts and infographics. Label important components and departments that must operate cohesively to deliver on the bank’s principles. Highlight your areas of improvement and mark your important victories over the years. Use this PPT design to conduct quarterly or annual training. Download now!

Investment banking value propositions channels revenue streams PPT

Download this template

Template 4 One Page Summary Investment Banking Financial Overview Report PPT

Do you want a one-page design to report your bank’s financial overview? This characteristic template will serve well in this regard by helping you give a succinct overview of your engagements over the years. Use this PPT layout to pitch clients or include it as a part of annual yearbooks. Download now!

One page summary investment banking financial overview report PPT PDF document

Template 5: Financial Overview Investment Banking One Page Summary Report PPT 

This is another one-pager to summarize the key highlights of your financial and core accomplishments. Share insights on your pricing, key stats, market data, etc. Using excel-linked graphs; this PPT design is an opportunity to track metrics like revenue vs. EV/Revenue, EBITDA vs EV/EBITDA, etc. Plot these important metrics and track them with this vibrant one-pager layout. Download here.

Financial overview investment banking one page summary report PPT PDF document

Template 6: One Page Investment Banking Summary Financial Overview Report PPT

Here is another creative one-pager to summarize your financial highlights with a diversity of graphs. Compare parameters such as volatile equity markets, price performance, transactional valuation, etc, with these editable graphs. Secure this PPT layout in your PowerPoint folder now. Check out the link below!

One page investment banking summary financial overview report PPT PDF document

Template 7: One Page Summary Financial Overview Investment Banking Report PPT

Here is an all-in-one banking overview template to focus on your financial highlights, which simultaneously serve as a business card. Share your contact details with relevant clients, including investors and stock issuers, to get in touch. Infuse this PPT layout with your key achievements to draw their attention to doing business with you. Head over to the download link below and explore the potential of this one-pager design. 

One page summary financial overview investment banking report PPT PDF document

Template 8: Investment Consultant Four Page Brochure Template

Serving your financial highlights is part of client pitching. Let them know about the rainbow of services that your organization offers. With this four-page brochure template, you can eloquently convey your strengths and serviceability in terms of consulting services, middleman activities, and research in bringing the most compatible parties together for a profitable business. Utilize this editable brochure design to connect with prospects today!

Investment consultant four page brochure template

Template 9: Business Overview of an Investment Bank PPT

With this single slide, investment bankers can showcase a business overview of their major operations by sharing their financial highlights over the years. This creative layout also designates a space to summarize the bank’s evolution over the years with a glimpse of its important key partners. The editable framework allows users to fill in their characteristics and attempt to win new clients. Claim this template by clicking on the download link below.

Investment banking business overview of an investment bank PPT PowerPoint presentation skills

Template 10: Investment Bank’s Competitor Matrix Template

Besides being original and well-versed with your business activities, what else can the banking organizations dig into to win over their prospects? It is the awareness of competition around them. With this template, you can address this aspect and in fact, align your competitors via a comprehensive matrix based on their dominance. Categorize their threat as low, medium, and high while comparing their market size. Use this PPT design to keep your team updated on the competition around. Download now!

Investment bank competitor matrix investment pitch presentation raise funds PPT grid

These were the 10 actionable templates that investment bankers are constantly seeking. Deploy these fully editable, easy to share, and high-quality PowerPoint layouts and perform your crucial role in bringing investors and corporations together.

PS: Looking for an investment statement policy template to enlist the terms and conditions for your investors and stakeholders? Utilize this guide in preparing your financial exchange policies. You’ll find the practical templates embedded in it. Check now!

Download the free Investment Banking PDF .

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Knowledge Base: PowerPoint Tutorials

After Excel,  PowerPoint is the most critical software for investment banking roles (and even related ones in private equity, corporate development, and corporate finance).

However, many people tend to underestimate it because it “seems” easy: How hard could it be to manipulate shapes and change the colors and font sizes?

But the issue with PowerPoint is  speed .

Yes, anyone can make simple edits to a slide, but most people do not know all the shortcuts or the most efficient ways of making major changes to an entire presentation.

Our PowerPoint Pro course focuses on these points, with a short “crash course” module in the beginning, followed by training that goes into topics like text and tables, the Slide Master, presentation templates, practice exercises, and VBA and macros.

Make sure you review our 30-minute summary of the key PowerPoint shortcuts for investment banking if you want an “all-in-one” tutorial, in addition to the more specific samples below:

Building A Company Profile in PowerPoint: Alignment Tricks (12:50)

Building A Company Profile in PowerPoint: Alignment Tricks (12:50) Image

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PowerPoint Maps: How to Create Slides for Global Operations, Teams, and More

PowerPoint Maps: How to Create Slides for Global Operations, Teams, and More Image

PowerPoint Quick Access Toolbar: Full Download, Setup, and Guide

PowerPoint Quick Access Toolbar: Full Download, Setup, and Guide Image

PowerPoint Sections: How to Create Sections in PowerPoint to Reorganize Presentations Quickly

PowerPoint Sections: How to Create Sections in PowerPoint to Reorganize Presentations Quickly Image

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Goldman Sachs

Investment Bank Presentation Examples

Want to see the presentations investment bankers make for real, completed transactions?

Check out some examples from Goldman Sachs Bank.

  • 3 real investment banking (M&A) presentations
  • From real transaction
  • Full pitch decks

Tl;dr: 5 examples of presentations prepared by Goldman Sachs for their clients in real transactions. Learn how investment bankers do their job by seeing real examples of the PowerPoints they create.

About the Investment Banking Decks here

Investment banking presentations are rarely if ever made public. When I was junior in M&A it would have been so helpful to have access to see how banking decks were made and how other banks made them.

The issue is they are never made available, so I set out to help you.

What you will find here

You will find 2-4 real M&A decks from one bank. They are in a fancy form of PDF you can open and go through (best on your computer). If you want to see more, there are options to purchase more access (which funds a little team of analysts to make updates).

If you want to see more, this is part of a collection of 67 free M&A presentations from the top 20 banks (based on ranking, and also the quality of presentation for you to learn from).

Legal notice for banks : No information is privately sourced and is protected by the Securities Exchange Act, 17 U.S.C. § 78ll (1) (D).

Why the heck should you care?

Investment banks (historically) attracted the best and the brightest.

  • Slide structure/design : Learn how complicated concepts are structured and designed in PowerPoint
  • Analysis approach : See exactly how complex financial methods are presented
  • Strategy and communication : M&A deals are not (normally, other than many Duff and Phelps decks) cookie cutter. There’s a host of topics that need to be dealt with
  • Morbid interest : I used to do this for a living, but it’s still interesting to see how PPT are made… but then maybe it’s just me and so FML 😉

Who this will help

  • You want to work in banking : There’s a lot of applicants. Knowing the job helps you answer questions
  • You work in banking : Even if you’re an MD, you need to know how the best are structuring their thoughts/analysis
  • You write presentations : You can’t buy learnings like this. You can learn from the slides
  • You have a curious mind : Good for you

About Goldman Sachs

Top tier bulge bracket firm, consistently ranked number one.

Goldman Sachs provides a wide range of financial services to a substantial and diversified client base that includes corporations, financial institutions, governments and high-net-worth individuals. Founded in 1869, the firm is headquartered in New York and maintains offices in all major financial centers around the world.

  • INVESTMENT BANKING:  Goldman Sachs provides a broad range of investment banking services to a diverse group of corporations, financial institutions,investment funds and governments. Services include advisory assignments with respect to mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, corporate defense activities, risk management, restructurings and spin-offs, and debt and equity under writing of public offerings and private placements, as well as derivative transactions directly related to these activities.
  • INVESTING & LENDING:  Goldman Sachs invests in and originate loans to provide financing to clients. These investments and loans are typically longer-term in nature. The company make investments, directly and indirectly through funds that we manage, in debt securities, loans, public and private equity securities, real estate, consolidated investment entities and power generation facilities.
  • INSTITUTIONAL CLIENT SERVICES:  Goldman Sachs facilitates client transactions and makes markets in fixed income, equity, currency and commodity products, primarily with institutional clients such as corporates, financial institutions, investment funds and governments. The company also makes markets and clears client transactions on major stock, options and futures exchanges worldwide and provides financing, securities lending and prime brokerage services to institutional clients
  • INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT:  Goldman Sachs provides investment management services and offer investment products (primarily through separately managed accounts and commingled vehicles, such as mutual funds and private investment funds) across all major asset classes to a diverse set of institutional and individual clients. The company also offers wealth advisory services, including portfolio management and financial counseling, and brokerage and other transaction services to high-net-worth individuals and families.

Goldman Sachs Investment Banking Presentation Examples

Craft brew alliance, inc..

Craft Brew Alliance, Inc. (CBA) is a prominent craft brewing company based in Portland, Oregon. Founded in 1981, the company engages in brewing, branding, and marketing craft beers and beverages. Its portfolio includes several well-known brands such as Kona Brewing, Appalachian Mountain Brewery, Cisco Brewers, Omission Brewing, Redhook Brewery, Square Mile Cider, Widmer Brothers Brewing, and Wynwood Brewing.

CBA operates breweries and brewpubs across the United States, with its products available in all 50 states and 30 countries globally. The company’s operations were significantly impacted by its strategic partnership and subsequent acquisition by Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev). This acquisition, completed in September 2020, aimed to streamline operations and enhance market reach by integrating CBA’s brands into Anheuser-Busch’s extensive distribution network.

The company has undergone various strategic moves to adapt to market demands and regulatory requirements, including the sale of its Kona Brewing operations in Hawaii to PV Brewing Partners. This move facilitated the merger with Anheuser-Busch by addressing regulatory concerns.

CBA’s approach focuses on leveraging the unique identity and appeal of each of its brands while expanding its market presence through effective distribution and marketing strategies. The company continues to innovate within the craft brewing industry, maintaining its commitment to quality and brand integrity under the ownership of Anheuser-Busch.

Antero Midstream Partners LP

Antero Midstream Partners LP, now operating under Antero Midstream Corporation, is a leading midstream energy infrastructure company based in Denver, Colorado. The company specializes in the gathering, compression, and transportation of natural gas and natural gas liquids (NGLs) from the Marcellus and Utica Shales in the Appalachian Basin, primarily serving its parent company, Antero Resources.

Antero Midstream provides integrated services that include natural gas gathering, compression, water handling, and treatment services. The company operates extensive midstream assets, including high-pressure gas gathering pipelines and compressor stations, which support the efficient transportation of natural gas from production sites to processing facilities and end markets. Antero Midstream is committed to providing sustainable energy solutions and continues to invest in infrastructure that supports clean and affordable energy delivery, aiming to create long-term value for its stakeholders.

International Speedway Corp

International Speedway Corporation (ISC), founded in 1953, is a leading promoter of motorsports activities in the United States. Headquartered in Daytona Beach, Florida, ISC owns and operates 13 major motorsports entertainment facilities, including iconic tracks like Daytona International Speedway, Talladega Superspeedway, and Homestead-Miami Speedway. These tracks collectively host numerous high-profile events annually, including NASCAR races, IndyCar Series races, and other motorsports-related activities.

In 2019, ISC merged with NASCAR in a deal valued at approximately $2 billion. This merger was aimed at consolidating control over key racetracks, enabling NASCAR to make strategic changes to the racing schedule and improve the overall fan experience. The merger allowed NASCAR to operate ISC’s tracks privately, eliminating the need for public financial disclosures and streamlining operations to better address the challenges facing the motorsports industry.

ISC’s history is deeply intertwined with NASCAR, having been founded by NASCAR’s founder Bill France Sr. The company has played a pivotal role in the development and promotion of motorsports in America, hosting some of the most prestigious events in racing history.

GGP Inc., originally known as General Growth Properties, was a leading real estate investment trust (REIT) focused on owning, managing, leasing, and redeveloping high-quality retail properties throughout the United States. In 2018, GGP was acquired by Brookfield Property Partners and became part of Brookfield’s retail property operations. The company, which was headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, was known for its significant portfolio of shopping malls and retail centers across the country, making it one of the largest retail real estate companies in the U.S. The acquisition marked Brookfield’s strategic investment to expand its retail property holdings and leverage GGP’s extensive market presence.

Asiainfo-Linkage, Inc

AsiaInfo-Linkage, Inc., founded in 1993 and headquartered in Beijing, is a leading provider of software and IT services primarily for the telecommunications industry. The company offers business support systems (BSS), operations support systems (OSS), and business intelligence (BI) systems. AsiaInfo’s solutions help telecom operators enhance customer experience, optimize monetization, and manage network operations efficiently.

AsiaInfo-Linkage has a significant market share in China and has been expanding globally. The company is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange under the ticker 01675.HK​.

Want more IBD decks?

There are resources for you to purchase if they are helpful to you.

I recommend “Premium” for anyone serious about learning slide structures.

Only get the “Pro” version if you are serious about learning about M&A decks (VP to MD).

These decks A lot more decks Everything useful

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Awesome article and very inforamtive!

Ai – You’re welcome mate

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investment banking 101 what is investment banking

Investment Banking 101: What Is Investment Banking?

Nov 06, 2014

180 likes | 495 Views

David Kwan. Geoffrey Kwan. Investment Banking 101: What Is Investment Banking?. September 25, 2003. What Is Investment Banking? . Contrary to popular belief, Investment Bankers are NOT stock brokers! Stock brokers deal with individuals and manage money

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Presentation Transcript

David Kwan Geoffrey Kwan Investment Banking 101:What Is Investment Banking? September 25, 2003

What Is Investment Banking? • Contrary to popular belief, Investment Bankers are NOT stock brokers! • Stock brokers deal with individuals and manage money • Investment Bankers deal primarily with corporations • Investment Bankers provide financial advice to corporations and assist them with services, some of which include: • Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) • Financing (Equity and Debt) • Restructurings and Divestitures • General Advisory Services • Examples of Investment Banks: • Canada: RBC Capital Markets, BMO Nesbitt Burns, CIBC World Markets, TD Securities, Scotia Capital • U.S.: Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, CSFB, JP Morgan Chase

Transaction Product Group Services Provided by an Investment Bank • Investment Bankers work with the different “product” groups within the broader Investment Bank to service our clients’ needs • Other key resources: Equity and Debt Research, Merchant Bank, Sales & Trading (e.g. Derivative instruments) Equity Capital Markets (ECM) Equity Debt Capital Markets (DCM) Debt - Bonds Investment Bankers Client Corporate Bankers Debt - Loans M&A Group M&A, Restructuring, Divestiture

The Day in the Life of an Analyst • There is no such thing as a typical day • Each “assignment” you work on is either a live deal or a pitch • Things you could be doing on any given day: • Financial modeling and analysis • Developing client presentations • Prospectus / circular drafting • Valuation analysis (DCFs, Comps, Precedents) • Other analytical work • Competitive strategic analysis for companies and industries • Development of marketing materials • Market analysis • Maintaining databases

The Typical Term of an Analyst • Contract terms are typically two years in length but which can be extended for a third year based on performance • After the three years, some potential outcomes include: • Promotion to Associate (based on performance) • Transfer to another product group or even a new city • Pursue an MBA or other advanced degree • Leave the industry to pursue other interests • You can start as a Generalist (work for any industry group) and eventually “funnel” into one specific industry group or immediately be dedicated to a specific industry group (e.g. Real Estate, Power & Utilities, Mining, Technology, etc.) • Royal Bank, Bank of Montréal and Scotiabank have Generalist programs • CIBC and TD have Analysts start in specific industry groups

Investment Banking Analyst Required Skills • Exceptional analytical and quantitative skills and attention to detail • Excel and PowerPoint will become your best friend • Interpersonal and communication skills • Demonstrated teamwork and leadership abilities • Proven track record of initiative, achievement and success • Good academic record and involvement in extracurricular activities • Focus on Finance and/or Accounting are assets but not necessarily required • Excellent work ethic and time management skills • Solid business acumen • Knowledge of a specific industry is helpful, but not expected

What Is So Great About Investment Banking? • Incredible learning experience • Develop an exceptional skill set that you can leverage to other positions • Learn many transferable skills in a short period of time • Most banks offer a 1-3 week training course before you start working • Excellent networking opportunities both within the firm and with top executives at major corporations • Fast-paced challenging environment with as much responsibility as you can handle • Work hard, play hard • Money

The Downside of Investment Banking • Long, unpredictable hours • In Canada, expect, on average, 80 hours per week which can easily top 100 hours when busy • Hours in the U.S. are significantly higher, especially at the “bulge bracket” U.S. Investment Banks • Exceptional sacrifices • Must keep flexible as frequently required to work late nights and weekends (all-nighters are not unheard of) • Usually non-existent social life • Steep learning curve • You are expected to learn concepts quicker than most other jobs

Useful Job Application and Résumé Tips • Keep it clean and simple!!! • Cover letters should not be more than one page • 3/4 of a page is ideal • Highlight one (or more) relevant skills/achievements that makes you unique versus all the other applicants • Résumés should be no more than 2 pages, ideally 1 page • Include only relevant info • Double check your spelling and grammar • Ensure you have the correct company name and contact person

Job Interview Tips • DON’T LIE!!!!! • If you don’t know the answer to a question, say “I don’t know” but add that you would take the necessary steps to find the answer • Investment Bankers are very good at knowing when you are lying • Research the firm you are interviewing with • E.g. know transactions that they recently worked/ advised on • Keep answers short and concise • Interviewers are looking for people they can work with so personality fit is a key criteria • At the end of the interview, ask good and memorable questions demonstrating interest and a desire to work for that firm

Potential Job Interview “Technical” Questions • You will be asked the usual behavioural questions • What does an investment banker (analyst) do? • Why do you want to become an investment banker? • Why do you want to work for us? • How would you value a company? • Discounted Cash Flow • Comparable Company Analysis • Precedent Transaction Analysis • Discuss what has recently been going on in the capital markets • Other finance theory-related questions

So You Got A Job Offer...Now What? • Some things you should consider before accepting an offer • Corporate culture • Meet with as many people as possible from every firm to see if you think you would fit in • Ask yourself “Can I see myself working with these people for 15 hours a day, everyday?” • Deal flow • Typically, the greater the deal flow, the better the learning experience • Location • Branch vs. Head Office • International offices

Useful Commerce Courses / Other Suggestions • Courses related to: • Financial statement analysis • Company and asset valuation • Strategic management • Finance-theory • Accounting (e.g. corporate tax, consolidation) • Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Program • Read the Business section of the Globe & Mail and/or Financial Post (or other financial publications if available) EVERYDAY!

Who Should Consider Investment Banking? • People who are: • Willing to focus on career first • Willing to work however long it takes to get the job done right • Looking for a great learning experience • Looking for a challenge • You have to want to be an Investment Banker to be able to survive!

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Investment banks help private as well as public companies and organizations to gathers funds in both debt and equity capital markets.

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Investment Banking 101: What Is Investment Banking?

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Contrary to popular belief, Investment Bankers are NOT stock brokers! ... Solid business acumen. Knowledge of a specific industry is helpful, but not expected ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

  • Contrary to popular belief, Investment Bankers are NOT stock brokers!
  • Stock brokers deal with individuals and manage money
  • Investment Bankers deal primarily with corporations
  • Investment Bankers provide financial advice to corporations and assist them with services, some of which include
  • Mergers Acquisitions (MA)
  • Financing (Equity and Debt)
  • Restructurings and Divestitures
  • General Advisory Services
  • Examples of Investment Banks
  • Canada RBC Capital Markets, BMO Nesbitt Burns, CIBC World Markets, TD Securities, Scotia Capital
  • U.S. Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, CSFB, JP Morgan Chase
  • Investment Bankers work with the different product groups within the broader Investment Bank to service our clients needs
  • Other key resources Equity and Debt Research, Merchant Bank, Sales Trading (e.g. Derivative instruments)
  • There is no such thing as a typical day
  • Each assignment you work on is either a live deal or a pitch
  • Things you could be doing on any given day
  • Financial modeling and analysis
  • Developing client presentations
  • Prospectus / circular drafting
  • Valuation analysis (DCFs, Comps, Precedents)
  • Other analytical work
  • Competitive strategic analysis for companies and industries
  • Development of marketing materials
  • Market analysis
  • Maintaining databases
  • Contract terms are typically two years in length but which can be extended for a third year based on performance
  • After the three years, some potential outcomes include
  • Promotion to Associate (based on performance)
  • Transfer to another product group or even a new city
  • Pursue an MBA or other advanced degree
  • Leave the industry to pursue other interests
  • You can start as a Generalist (work for any industry group) and eventually funnel into one specific industry group or immediately be dedicated to a specific industry group (e.g. Real Estate, Power Utilities, Mining, Technology, etc.)
  • Royal Bank, Bank of Montréal and Scotiabank have Generalist programs
  • CIBC and TD have Analysts start in specific industry groups
  • Exceptional analytical and quantitative skills and attention to detail
  • Excel and PowerPoint will become your best friend
  • Interpersonal and communication skills
  • Demonstrated teamwork and leadership abilities
  • Proven track record of initiative, achievement and success
  • Good academic record and involvement in extracurricular activities
  • Focus on Finance and/or Accounting are assets but not necessarily required
  • Excellent work ethic and time management skills
  • Solid business acumen
  • Knowledge of a specific industry is helpful, but not expected
  • Incredible learning experience
  • Develop an exceptional skill set that you can leverage to other positions
  • Learn many transferable skills in a short period of time
  • Most banks offer a 1-3 week training course before you start working
  • Excellent networking opportunities both within the firm and with top executives at major corporations
  • Fast-paced challenging environment with as much responsibility as you can handle
  • Work hard, play hard
  • Long, unpredictable hours
  • In Canada, expect, on average, 80 hours per week which can easily top 100 hours when busy
  • Hours in the U.S. are significantly higher, especially at the bulge bracket U.S. Investment Banks
  • Exceptional sacrifices
  • Must keep flexible as frequently required to work late nights and weekends (all-nighters are not unheard of)
  • Usually non-existent social life
  • Steep learning curve
  • You are expected to learn concepts quicker than most other jobs
  • Keep it clean and simple!!!
  • Cover letters should not be more than one page
  • 3/4 of a page is ideal
  • Highlight one (or more) relevant skills/achievements that makes you unique versus all the other applicants
  • Résumés should be no more than 2 pages, ideally 1 page
  • Include only relevant info
  • Double check your spelling and grammar
  • Ensure you have the correct company name and contact person
  • DONT LIE!!!!!
  • If you dont know the answer to a question, say I dont know but add that you would take the necessary steps to find the answer
  • Investment Bankers are very good at knowing when you are lying
  • Research the firm you are interviewing with
  • E.g. know transactions that they recently worked/ advised on
  • Keep answers short and concise
  • Interviewers are looking for people they can work with so personality fit is a key criteria
  • At the end of the interview, ask good and memorable questions demonstrating interest and a desire to work for that firm
  • You will be asked the usual behavioural questions
  • What does an investment banker (analyst) do?
  • Why do you want to become an investment banker?
  • Why do you want to work for us?
  • How would you value a company?
  • Discounted Cash Flow
  • Comparable Company Analysis
  • Precedent Transaction Analysis
  • Discuss what has recently been going on in the capital markets
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Denmark/Germany: EIB to co-finance RWE's new Gigawatt offshore wind farm with a €1.2 billion green loan

what is investment banking presentation

  • The Thor wind farm in the Danish part of the North Sea with a capacity of 1.1 Gigawatt will provide enough green electricity to supply the equivalent of more than a million Danish households.  
  • The loan of the European Investment Bank supports RWE’s decarbonization strategy.

The European Investment Bank (EIB) supports the construction of a new 1.1-Gigawatt wind farm in the North Sea by German company RWE with a loan of €1.2 billion. The Thor wind farm in the Danish part of the North Sea will be the largest in Denmark, consisting of 72 wind turbines with 15 MW capacity each. The wind farm will be capable of producing enough green electricity to supply the equivalent of more than a million Danish households, or one in three Danish households.

RWE is the second biggest developer of offshore wind globally and an experienced operator of such projects. The company is making a significant contribution to the success of the energy transition and the decarbonization of the economy by investing €55 billion in renewables, batteries, flexible generation, and hydrogen projects worldwide from 2024 until 2030. RWE has already made net investments of €20 billion between 2021 and 2023. The company has committed to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2040.

The EIB loan will co-finance monopile foundations, turbines, inter-array cabling, an offshore converter station, export cables, a section of onshore cables and an onshore substation.  The turbines are provided by Siemens Gamesa.  The connection to the Danish national grid is built by the Danish transmission system operator Energinet.

The project is located on the west coast of Jutland, approximately 22 kilometres from Thorsminde in the municipality of Holstebro. Main offshore installation works are scheduled for 2025 and 2026. It is planned that the wind farm is fully operational no later than the end of 2027.

The North-Sea coastal states, the EU-Commission, and Luxemburg want to accelerate the construction of windfarms and have agreed on the North Sea Energy Cooperation , a giant wind-energy-program to facilitate the cost-effective deployment of offshore renewable energy. The governments of Denmark, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Ireland, Norway, together with Great Britain want to ensure that wind turbines with an output of 120 gigawatts are installed in the North Sea by 2030. By 2050, offshore wind farms should even have at least 300 gigawatts delivery capacity.

“The EIB was one of the very first investors in wind power technology and offshore wind farms. We will continue to support the development and the roll out of this technology,” said EIB-Vice-President Nicola Beer, who is responsible for the oversight of projects in Germany. “A large offshore wind farm that can provide power to more than a million households supports the transition to a net zero economy in Europe, fostering one of the big priorities of European Union for a better and resilient future of citizens.” 

Michael Müller, CFO of RWE said: “At RWE, we are fully committed to working towards a net-zero energy system. This loan at attractive terms helps to further diversify our funding sources. With our Growing Green investment programme, we are investing heavily in renewables. And we are also focusing on circularity. That is why we are installing recyclable rotor blades at Thor and are the first developer in the world to pilot new CO2-reduced steel towers that significantly reduce the carbon footprint of wind turbines.”

Background information

The European Investment Bank (ElB) is the long-term lending institution of the European Union, owned by its Member States. It finances sound investments that contribute to EU policy objectives . EIB projects bolster competitiveness, drive innovation, promote sustainable development, enhance social and territorial cohesion, and support a just and swift transition to climate neutrality.

The EIB Group, which also includes the European Investment Fund (EIF) , signed a total of €88 billion in new financing for over 900 projects in 2023 . These commitments are expected to mobilise around €320 billion in investment, supporting 400,000 companies and 5.4 million jobs.

All projects financed by the EIB Group are in line with the Paris Climate Accord. The EIB Group does not fund investments in fossil-fuels. We are on track to deliver on our commitment to support  €1 trillion in climate and environmental sustainability investment in the decade to 2030 as pledged in our Climate Bank Roadmap . Over half of the EIB Group’s annual financing supports projects directly contributing to climate change mitigation, adaptation, and a healthier environment.

Approximately half of the EIB's financing within the EU is directed towards cohesion regions, where per capita income is lower. This underscores the Bank's commitment to fostering inclusive growth and the convergence of living standards.

RWE is leading the way to a green energy world. With its investment and growth strategy Growing Green, RWE is contributing significantly to the success of the energy transition and the decarbonisation of the energy system. Around 20,000 employees work for the company in almost 30 countries worldwide. RWE is already one of the leading companies in the field of renewable energy. Between 2024 and 2030, RWE will invest 55 billion euros worldwide in offshore and onshore wind, solar energy, batteries, flexible generation, and hydrogen projects. By the end of the decade, the company’s green portfolio will grow to more than 65 gigawatts of generation capacity, which will be perfectly complemented by global energy trading. RWE is decarbonising its business in line with the 1.5-degree reduction pathway and will phase out coal by 2030. RWE will be net-zero by 2040. Fully in line with the company’s purpose - Our energy for a sustainable life.

Related project(s)

Rwe thor offshore wind farm green loan.

Design, implementation and operation of a 1000MW offshore wind farm including offshore substation and export cable, located in the North Sea west of Nissum Fjord, min. 20 km from the shore of Jutland, Denmark.

Related pages

  • Germany and the EIB
  • Environmental sustainability

Donata Riedel

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  • environment
  • renewable energy
  • management committee
  • Nicola Beer

More press releases

The netherlands: dutch renewable energy boosted by eur 587m eib backing for world’s largest wind farm.

The European Investment Bank today agreed to provide EUR 587 million for the world’s largest wind farm to be constructed 85km north of the Netherlands, at a site not visible from land. Once operational the 600MW Gemini offshore wind farm will supply renewable electricity for more than 1.5 million people, equivalent to the all the inhabitants of the neighbouring Dutch provinces of Friesland, Drenthe and Groningen combined.

EUR 134 mio for the world’s largest offshore wind farm in Denmark

United kingdom: eib to fund world’s largest operational offshore wind farm.

With 100 wind turbines, each 115m tall, and a generating capacity of 300MW, the Thanet Offshore Wind Farm is the largest offshore wind farm operating anywhere in the world. Inaugurated in September 2010, it is an important step in enabling the United Kingdom to achieve renewable energy targets and generating 15% of energy needs from renewable sources by 2020.

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To celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on 3 December, the EIB organises a full week of events to promote exchanges on disability inclusion with staff and expert guests. Diversity is the essence of humanity and a core value of the European Union. As the EU bank, we are committed to promote diversity and inclusion in everything we do.

  • Bahasa Indonesia

Indonesia Economy Projected to Remain Resilient

Sustained commitment to reform needed to unleash full business potential

Indonesia Economic Prospects June 2024

Indonesia’s gross domestic product growth is forecast to average 5.1% per year from 2024 to 2026, the World Bank’s Indonesia Economic Prospects report said, despite headwinds from a subsiding commodity boom, increased volatility in food and energy prices, and rising geopolitical uncertainty.

“Indonesia’s successful economic performance is in big part thanks to the government’s robust macroeconomic policy framework, which helped attract investment,” said World Bank Director for Indonesia and Timor-Leste Carolyn Turk. “It is important to maintain prudent, credible, and transparent macro policy, whilst creating fiscal space that enables priority spending on social protection and investment in human capital and infrastructure.”

Rising food prices lifted headline inflation this spring. Consumer prices rose 2.8% from a year earlier in May, up from a 2.6% year-over-year increase in January. Adverse climate conditions reduced domestic rice harvests and affected food prices more broadly. Headline inflation is expected to average around 3% in 2024.

In April 2024, Bank Indonesia raised its benchmark interest rate by a quarter percentage point to 6.25%, the highest level since 2016. The rate hike came as central banks in advanced economies delayed anticipated policy rate cuts, triggering notable portfolio and other investment outflows, and causing currency pressures in Indonesia and other emerging markets. Bank Indonesia is expected to begin cutting rates next year.

The government is ramping up social spending and public investment while revenues decline because of subsiding commodity windfalls. Public debt is projected to remain steady.

The report also highlights four emerging structural challenges: rising concentration in the manufacturing sector, slowdown in reducing regional income disparities, weaker wage growth and rising inequality since the COVID-19 pandemic, and limited geographic mobility of the labor force, which makes it harder to match workers with jobs and locations that lead to improved living standards.

The second part of the report focuses on Indonesia’s pathway to a more dynamic and productive economy—and achieving its goal of climbing from middle-income status to high-income status by 2045.

“A boost in private sector investment and dynamism is needed to accelerate long-term growth,” said World Bank Lead Economist for Indonesia and Timor-Leste Habib Rab. “This calls for regulatory reforms that help open markets and enhance the productivity of firms across manufacturing and services.”

The Indonesia Economic Prospects is supported by funding from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Download the report (.pdf)

Executive Summary in Bahasa (.pdf)

Slide on Indonesia's economy (.pdf)

Slide on Indonesia's Business Potential (.pdf)

Launch event

Previous economic reports

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Roadshow Presentation

A presentation by a company seeking to raise capital.

What is a Roadshow Presentation?

A roadshow presentation takes place over a series of in-person meetings held between the management team of a corporation seeking to raise money and the institutional investors considering the investment opportunity.

How does a roadshow work?

After the corporate issuer files a preliminary prospectus, underwriters often arrange one or more meetings between the issuer’s senior management and institutional investors and brokers to discuss the offering. These meetings are called a roadshow.

roadshow presentation

Benefits of a roadshow

Roadshows are a valuable tool for building the order book and assisting underwriters in appropriately pricing a marketed offering. They allow for the management of the corporation to meet many of their largest potential investors in a short amount of time and give them a compelling presentation on why they should invest.

Guidelines for investment bankers

While investment bankers typically attend roadshows, the issuer’s management team should have primary responsibility for preparing any written roadshow materials for delivering the roadshow presentation and for answering any questions from institutional investors and brokers.  It may be prudent to engage assistance from a professional roadshow consultant and legal counsel in preparing roadshow materials.

Equity research analysts cannot participate in a roadshow and are not permitted to assist in the preparation of roadshow presentation materials.

Management presentations

Management roadshow presentations should be consistent in all material respects with the information contained in the preliminary prospectus and other public sources. Any written roadshow materials should be prepared by the issuer’s management and be reviewed by the issuer’s and underwriters’ legal counsel.

More investment banking resources

We hope this has been a helpful guide on roadshow presentations in investment banking.  Please visit some of our most popular resources, including:

  • What is investment banking?
  • How to get a job in investment banking
  • Confidentiality agreements in IB
  • How to make a pitch book
  • Financial modeling guide
  • See all valuation resources
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    The European Investment Bank (EIB) supports the construction of a new 1.1-Gigawatt wind farm in the North Sea by German company RWE with a loan of €1.2 billion. The Thor wind farm in the Danish part of the North Sea will be the largest in Denmark, consisting of 72 wind turbines with 15 MW capacity each. The wind farm will be capable of producing enough green electricity to supply the ...

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  24. Roadshow Presentation

    A roadshow presentation is a series of in-person meetings held between the management team of a corporation raising money and the institutional investors. ... More investment banking resources. We hope this has been a helpful guide on roadshow presentations in investment banking. Please visit some of our most popular resources, including: