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Senior Thesis

A senior thesis is more than a big project write-up. It is documentation of an attempt to contribute to the general understanding of some problem of computer science, together with exposition that sets the work in the context of what has come before and what might follow. In computer science, some theses involve building systems, some involve experiments and measurements, some are theoretical, some involve human subjects, and some do more than one of these things. Computer science is unusual among scientific disciplines in that current faculty research has many loose ends appropriate for undergraduate research.

Senior thesis projects generally emerge from collaboration with faculty. Students looking for senior thesis projects should tell professors they know, especially professors whose courses they are taking or have taken, that they are looking for things to work on. See the page on CS Research for Undergrads . Ideas often emerge from recent papers discussed in advanced courses. The terms in which some published research was undertaken might be generalized, relaxed, restricted, or applied in a different domain to see if changed assumptions result in a changed solution. Once a project gets going, it often seems to assume a life of its own.

To write a thesis, students may enroll in Computer Science 91r one or both terms during their senior year, under the supervision of their research advisor. Rising seniors may wish to begin thinking about theses over the previous summer, and therefore may want to begin their conversations with faculty during their junior spring—or even try to stay in Cambridge to do summer research.

An information session for those interested in writing a senior thesis is held towards the end of each spring semester. Details about the session will be posted to the  [email protected] email list.

Students interested in commercializing ideas in their theses may wish to consult Executive Dean Fawwaz Habbal about patent protection. See  Harvard’s policy  for information about ownership of software written as part of your academic work.

Thesis Supervisor

You need a thesis supervisor. Normally this is a Harvard Computer Science faculty member. Joint concentrators (and, in some cases, non-joint concentrators) might have a FAS/SEAS Faculty member from a different field as their thesis supervisor. Exceptions to the requirement that the thesis supervisor is a CS or FAS/SEAS faculty member must be approved by the Director of Undergraduate Studies. For students whose advisor is not a Harvard CS faculty member, note that at least one of your thesis readers must be a Harvard CS faculty member, and we encourage you to talk with this faculty member regularly to help ensure that your thesis is appropriately relevant for Harvard Computer Science.

It’s up to you and your supervisor how frequently you meet and how engaged the supervisor is in your thesis research. However, we encourage you to meet with your supervisor at least several times during the Fall and Spring, and to agree on deadlines for initial results, chapter outlines, drafts, etc.

Thesis Readers

The thesis is evaluated by the thesis readers: the thesis supervisor and at least one other reader. Thesis readers must include at least one Harvard CS faculty member/affiliate . Ordinarily all readers are teaching faculty members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences or SEAS who are generally familiar with the research area.

The student is responsible for finding the thesis readers, but you can talk with your supervisor for suggestions of possible readers.

Exceptions to these thesis reader requirements must be approved by the Directors of Undergraduate Studies.

For joint concentrators, the other concentration may have different procedures for thesis readers; if you have any questions or concerns about thesis readers, please contact the Directors of Undergraduate Studies.

Senior Thesis Seminar

Computer Science does not have a Senior Thesis seminar course.

However, we do run an informal optional series of Senior Thesis meetings in the Fall to help with the thesis writing process, focused on topics such as technical writing tips, work-shopping your senior thesis story, structure of your thesis, and more. Pay attention to your email in the Fall for announcements about this series of meetings.

The thesis should contain an informative abstract separate from the body of the thesis. This abstract should clearly state what the contribution of the thesis is–which parts are expository, whether there are novel results, etc. We also recommend the thesis contain an introduction that is at most 5 pages in length that contains an “Our contributions” section which explains exactly what the thesis contributed, and which sections in the thesis these are elaborated on. At the degree meeting, the Committee on Undergraduate Studies in Computer Science will review the thesis abstract, the reports from the three readers and the student’s academic record; it will have access to the thesis.  The readers (and student) are told to assume that the Committee consists of technical professionals who are not necessarily conversant with the subject matter of the thesis so their reports (and abstract) should reflect this audience.

The length of the thesis should be as long as it needs to be to present its arguments, but no longer!

There are no specific formatting guidelines. For LaTeX, some students have used this template in the past . It is set up to meet the Harvard PhD Dissertation requirements, so it is meeting requirements that you as CS Senior Thesis writers don’t have.

Thesis Timeline for Seniors

(The timeline below is for students graduating in May. For off-cycle students, the same timeline applies, but offset by one semester. The thesis due date for March 2025 graduates is Friday November 22, 2024 at 2pm. The thesis deadline for May 2024 graduates is Friday March 29th Monday April 1st at 2pm.

Please be aware that students writing a joint thesis must meet the requirements of both departments–so if there are two different due dates for the thesis, you are expected to meet the earlier date.

Senior Fall (or earlier) Find a thesis supervisor, and start research. 

October/November/December Start writing.

All fourth year concentrators are contacted by the Office of Academic Programs and those planning to submit a senior thesis are requested to supply certain information, including name of advisor and a tentative thesis title. You may use a different title when you submit your thesis; you do not need to tell us your updated title before then. If Fall 2024 is your final term, please fill out this form . If May 2024 is your final term, please fill out this form .

Early February The student should provide the name and contact information for the readers (see above), together with assurance that they have agreed to serve. 

Mid-March Thesis supervisors are advised to demand a first draft. (A common reaction of thesis readers is “This would have been an excellent first draft. Too bad it is the final thesis—it could have been so much better if I had been able to make some suggestions a couple of weeks ago.")

April 1, 2024 * Thesis is due by 2:00 pm. Electronic copies in PDF format should be delivered by the student to all three readers and to [email protected] (which will forward to the Director of Undergraduate Studies) on or before that date. An electronic copy should also be submitted via the SEAS online submission tool on or before that date. SEAS will keep this electronic copy as a non-circulating backup. During this online submission process, the student will also have the option to make the electronic copy publicly available via DASH, Harvard’s open-access repository for scholarly work. Please note that the thesis will NOT be published to ProQuest. More information can be found on the SEAS  Senior Thesis Submission  page.

The two or three readers will receive a rating sheet to be returned to the Office of Academic Programs before the beginning of the Reading Period, together with their copy of the thesis and any remarks to be transmitted to the student.

Late May The Office of Academic Programs will send students their comments after the degree meeting to decide honors recommendations.

Thesis Extensions and Late Submissions

Thesis extensions Thesis extensions will be granted in extraordinary circumstances, such as hospitalization or grave family emergency, with the support of the thesis advisor and resident dean and the agreement of all readers. For joint concentrators, the other concentration should also support the extension. To request an extension, please have your advisor or resident dean email [email protected] , ideally several business days in advance, so that we may follow up with readers. Please note that any extension must be able to fall within our normal grading, feedback, and degree recommendation deadline, so extensions of more than a few days are usually impossible.

Late submissions Late submission of thesis work should be avoided. Work that is late will ordinarily not be eligible for thesis prizes like the Hoopes Prize. Theses submitted late will ordinarily be penalized one full level of honors (highest honors, high honors, honors, no honors) per day late or part thereof, including weekends, so a thesis submitted two days and one minute late is ordinarily ineligible to receive honors. Penalties will be waived only in extraordinary cases, such as documented medical illness or grave family emergency; students should consult with the Directors of Undergraduate Studies in that event. Missed alarm clocks, crashed computers, slow printers, corrupted files, and paper jams are not considered valid causes for extensions.

Thesis Examples

Recent thesis examples can be found on the Harvard DASH (Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard) repository here . Examples of Mind, Brain, Behavior theses are here .

Spectral Sparsification: The Barrier Method and its Applications

  • Martin Camacho, Advisor: Jelani Nelson

Good Advice Costs Nothing and it’s Worth the Price: Incentive Compatible Recommendation Mechanisms for Exploring Unknown Options

  • Perry Green, Advisor: Yiling Chen

Better than PageRank: Hitting Time as a Reputation Mechanism

  • Brandon Liu, Advisor: David Parkes

Tree adjoining grammar at the interfaces

  • Nicholas Longenbaugh, Advisor: Stuart Shieber

SCHUBOT: Machine Learning Tools for the Automated Analysis of Schubert’s Lieder

  • Dylan Nagler, Advisor: Ryan Adams

Learning over Molecules: Representations and Kernels

  • Jimmy Sun, Advisor: Ryan Adams

Towards the Quantum Machine: Using Scalable Machine Learning Methods to Predict Photovoltaic Efficacy of Organic Molecules

  • Michael Tingley, Advisor: Ryan Adams
  • DSpace@MIT Home
  • MIT Libraries

This collection of MIT Theses in DSpace contains selected theses and dissertations from all MIT departments. Please note that this is NOT a complete collection of MIT theses. To search all MIT theses, use MIT Libraries' catalog .

MIT's DSpace contains more than 58,000 theses completed at MIT dating as far back as the mid 1800's. Theses in this collection have been scanned by the MIT Libraries or submitted in electronic format by thesis authors. Since 2004 all new Masters and Ph.D. theses are scanned and added to this collection after degrees are awarded.

MIT Theses are openly available to all readers. Please share how this access affects or benefits you. Your story matters.

If you have questions about MIT theses in DSpace, [email protected] . See also Access & Availability Questions or About MIT Theses in DSpace .

If you are a recent MIT graduate, your thesis will be added to DSpace within 3-6 months after your graduation date. Please email [email protected] with any questions.


MIT Theses may be protected by copyright. Please refer to the MIT Libraries Permissions Policy for permission information. Note that the copyright holder for most MIT theses is identified on the title page of the thesis.

Theses by Department

  • Comparative Media Studies
  • Computation for Design and Optimization
  • Computational and Systems Biology
  • Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Department of Architecture
  • Department of Biological Engineering
  • Department of Biology
  • Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
  • Department of Chemical Engineering
  • Department of Chemistry
  • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
  • Department of Economics
  • Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
  • Department of Humanities
  • Department of Linguistics and Philosophy
  • Department of Materials Science and Engineering
  • Department of Mathematics
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering
  • Department of Ocean Engineering
  • Department of Physics
  • Department of Political Science
  • Department of Urban Studies and Planning
  • Engineering Systems Division
  • Harvard-MIT Program of Health Sciences and Technology
  • Institute for Data, Systems, and Society
  • Media Arts & Sciences
  • Operations Research Center
  • Program in Real Estate Development
  • Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies
  • Science, Technology & Society
  • Science Writing
  • Sloan School of Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • System Design & Management
  • Technology and Policy Program

Collections in this community

Doctoral theses, graduate theses, undergraduate theses, recent submissions.


A development in East Boston, Massachusetts 


Operating and financial policy of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, 1921-1926 


A study of rotational flow in a pipe line 

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Thesis Examples

Latex Example (shortened M.Sc. with urthesis.sty)  (ZIP)

Latex Example (complete M.Sc. with no .sty)  (ZIP)

How to Write a M.Sc. Thesis

The following guide to writing an M.Sc. thesis was prepared by Howard Hamilton and Brien Maguire, based on previous guides by Alan Mackworth (University of British Columbia) and Nick Cercone (Simon Fraser University), with their permission.

Quick Guide to the M.Sc. Thesis

An acceptable M.Sc. thesis in Computer Science should attempt to satisfy one or more of the following criteria:

  • Original research results are explained clearly and concisely.
  • The thesis explains a novel exploratory implementation or a novel empirical study whose results will be of interest to the Computer Science community in general and to a portion of the Computer Science community in particular, e.g., Artificial Intelligence, Computational Complexity, etc.
  • Novel implementation techniques are outlined, generalized, and explained.
  • Theoretical results are obtained, explained, proven, and (worst, best, average) case analysis is performed where applicable.
  • The implementation of a practical piece of nontrivial software whose availability could have some impact on the Computer Science community. Examples are a distributed file system for a mobile computing environment and a program featuring the application of artificial intelligence knowledge representation and planning techniques to intelligent computer assisted learning software.

Writing an acceptable thesis can be a painful and arduous task, especially if you have not written much before. A good methodology to follow, immediately upon completion of the required courses, is to keep a paper or electronic research notebook and commit to writing research oriented notes in it every day. From time to time, organize or reorganize your notes under headings that capture important categories of your thoughts. This journal of your research activities can serve as a very rough draft of your thesis by the time you complete your research. From these notes to a first M.Sc. thesis draft is a much less painful experience than to start a draft from scratch many months after your initial investigations. To help structure an M.Sc. thesis, the following guide may help.

One Formula for an M.Sc. Thesis for Computer Science

Chapter 1 Introduction: This chapter contains a discussion of the general area of research which you plan to explore in the thesis. It should contain a summary of the work you propose to carry out and the motivations you can cite for performing this work. Describe the general problem that you are working towards solving and the specific problem that you attempt to solve in the thesis. For example, the general problem may be finding an algorithm to help an artificial agent discover a path in a novel environment, and the specific problem may be evaluating the relative effectiveness and efficiency of five particular named approaches to finding the shortest path in a graph where each node is connected to at most four neighbours, with no knowledge of the graph except that obtained by exploration. This chapter should also explain the motivations for solving each of the general problem and your specific problem. The chapter should end with a guide to the reader on the composition and contents of the rest of the thesis, chapter by chapter. If there are various paths through the thesis, these should also be explained in Chapter 1.

Chapter 2 Limited Overview of the Field: This chapter contains a specialized overview of that part of a particular field in which you are doing M.Sc. thesis research, for example, paramodulation techniques for automated theorem proving or bubble figure modelling strategies for animation systems. The survey should not be an exhaustive survey but rather should impose some structure on your field of research endeavour and carve out your niche within the structure you impose. You should make generous use of illustrative examples and citations to current research.

Chapter 3 My Theory/Solution/Algorithm/Program: This chapter outlines your proposed solution to the specific problem described in Chapter 1. The solution may be an extension to, an improvement of, or even a disproof of someone else's theory / solution / method / ...).

Chapter 4 Description of Implementation or Formalism: This chapter describes your implementation or formalism. Depending on its length, it may be combined with Chapter 3. Not every thesis requires an implementation. Prototypical implementations are common and quite often acceptable although the guiding criterion is that the research problem must be clearer when you've completed your task than it was when you started!

Chapter 5 Results and Evaluation: This chapter should present the results of your thesis. You should choose criteria by which to judge your results, for example, the adequacy, coverage, efficiency, productiveness, effectiveness, elegance, user friendliness, etc., and then clearly, honestly and fairly adjudicate your results according to fair measures and report those results. You should repeat, whenever possible, these tests against competing or previous approaches (if you are clever you will win hands down in such comparisons or such comparisons will be obviated by system differences). The competing or previous approaches you compare against must have been introduced in Chapter 2 (in fact that may be the only reason they actively appear in Chapter 2) and you should include pointers back to Chapter 2. Be honest in your evaluations. If you give other approaches the benefit of the doubt every time, and develop a superior technique, your results will be all the more impressive.

Chapter 6 Conclusions: This chapter should summarize the achievements of your thesis and discuss their impact on the research questions you raised in Chapter 1. Use the distinctive phrasing "An original contribution of this thesis is" to identify your original contributions to research. If you solved the specific problem described in Chapter 1, you should explicitly say so here. If you did not, you should also make this clear. You should indicate open issues and directions for further or future work in this area with your estimates of relevance to the field, importance and amount of work required.

References Complete references for all cited works. This should not be a bibliography of everything you have read in your area.

Appendices include technical material (program listings, output, graphical plots of data, detailed tables of experimental results, detailed proofs, etc.) which would disrupt the flow of the thesis but should be made available to help explain or provide details to the curious reader.

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Computer science style guide suggestions.

Collect a basic set of information for each one of your references, and then format this information to match an accepted Bibliographic Style (ACM, APA or IEEE).

If writing for a specific journal/conference, you may need to adapt your references to fit with the style variation used by your specific journal/conference. Using a citation manager , or BibTex and LaTex might help you automate this process.

  • Computer Science examples using ACM, APA and IEEE Shows how to write a Reference using three different styles
  • ACM Citation Style and Reference Formats Examples for most common reference types formatted for ACM journals.
  • ACM Word and LaTeX Templates For use in Microsoft Word or in LaTex.
  • Dalhousie University APA quick style Guide This APA style guide give you a quick overview of some common APA citation methods and examples of APA references and citations. It is based on the 7th edition of the APA style
  • APA Citation Style Dal Libraries page with links to many resources on using the APA citation style, including videos.
  • IEEE Style Reference Guide Examples for many types of documents. See page 5 for conference abbreviations, pages 20-24 for common abbreviations, and page 20 for the many options for formatting online references.
  • IEEE LaTex templates For use with LaTex.
  • IEEE Standard Abbreviations Monash University guide to standard abbreviations, with links to several online tools

The Faculty of Graduate Studies is your link for meeting the graduation requiprements associated with writing a dissertation, a thesis or a project report.

  • Forms & Documents Start here if you are getting ready to write your Thesis, or planning for your Defence.
  • Formatting your Thesis Provides Checkists, Guidelines, Samples and Templates.
  • Sample for a Project or Thesis ( .doc ) This sample format is for MS Word.
  • Electronic Thesis Submission Describes how to submit your thesis electronically (you must use the PDF/A format) and provides a list of binding companies (to make print copies).
  • Academic Integrity @ Dalhousie
  • Paraphrasing Tips Online tutorial about paraphrasing

Zotero is a free tool that helps you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources. It is a plug-in for the Firefox browser - to use it, you need to download and install it.

  • Download site Open source tool comes from George Mason University
  • Learn the Basics Includes a demo and how-to-use tutorials
  • Quick Start User Guide Follow the Table of Contents to meet your needs
  • Zotero and LaTex Guide from the University of Melbourne on managing BibTex entries with a reference management program such as Zotero.
  • Zotery - Citation Management Learn more about plugins, working in groups, and creating collections in Dal Libraries' guide
  • << Previous: Welcome to Dal Libraries
  • Next: Examples for ACM, APA & IEEE >>
  • Last Updated: Jun 19, 2024 1:08 PM
  • URL: https://dal.ca.libguides.com/csci

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Computer Science and Engineering Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Refining the Machine Learning Pipeline for US-based Public Transit Systems , Jennifer Adorno

Insect Classification and Explainability from Image Data via Deep Learning Techniques , Tanvir Hossain Bhuiyan

Brain-Inspired Spatio-Temporal Learning with Application to Robotics , Thiago André Ferreira Medeiros

Evaluating Methods for Improving DNN Robustness Against Adversarial Attacks , Laureano Griffin

Analyzing Multi-Robot Leader-Follower Formations in Obstacle-Laden Environments , Zachary J. Hinnen

Secure Lightweight Cryptographic Hardware Constructions for Deeply Embedded Systems , Jasmin Kaur

A Psychometric Analysis of Natural Language Inference Using Transformer Language Models , Antonio Laverghetta Jr.

Graph Analysis on Social Networks , Shen Lu

Deep Learning-based Automatic Stereology for High- and Low-magnification Images , Hunter Morera

Deciphering Trends and Tactics: Data-driven Techniques for Forecasting Information Spread and Detecting Coordinated Campaigns in Social Media , Kin Wai Ng Lugo

Deciphering Trends and Tactics: Data-driven Techniques for Forecasting Information Spread and Detecting Coordinated Campaigns in Social Media , Kin Wai NG Lugo

Automated Approaches to Enable Innovative Civic Applications from Citizen Generated Imagery , Hye Seon Yi

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Towards High Performing and Reliable Deep Convolutional Neural Network Models for Typically Limited Medical Imaging Datasets , Kaoutar Ben Ahmed

Task Progress Assessment and Monitoring Using Self-Supervised Learning , Sainath Reddy Bobbala

Towards More Task-Generalized and Explainable AI Through Psychometrics , Alec Braynen

A Multiple Input Multiple Output Framework for the Automatic Optical Fractionator-based Cell Counting in Z-Stacks Using Deep Learning , Palak Dave

On the Reliability of Wearable Sensors for Assessing Movement Disorder-Related Gait Quality and Imbalance: A Case Study of Multiple Sclerosis , Steven Díaz Hernández

Securing Critical Cyber Infrastructures and Functionalities via Machine Learning Empowered Strategies , Tao Hou

Social Media Time Series Forecasting and User-Level Activity Prediction with Gradient Boosting, Deep Learning, and Data Augmentation , Fred Mubang

A Study of Deep Learning Silhouette Extractors for Gait Recognition , Sneha Oladhri

Analyzing Decision-making in Robot Soccer for Attacking Behaviors , Justin Rodney

Generative Spatio-Temporal and Multimodal Analysis of Neonatal Pain , Md Sirajus Salekin

Secure Hardware Constructions for Fault Detection of Lattice-based Post-quantum Cryptosystems , Ausmita Sarker

Adaptive Multi-scale Place Cell Representations and Replay for Spatial Navigation and Learning in Autonomous Robots , Pablo Scleidorovich

Predicting the Number of Objects in a Robotic Grasp , Utkarsh Tamrakar

Humanoid Robot Motion Control for Ramps and Stairs , Tommy Truong

Preventing Variadic Function Attacks Through Argument Width Counting , Brennan Ward

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Knowledge Extraction and Inference Based on Visual Understanding of Cooking Contents , Ahmad Babaeian Babaeian Jelodar

Efficient Post-Quantum and Compact Cryptographic Constructions for the Internet of Things , Rouzbeh Behnia

Efficient Hardware Constructions for Error Detection of Post-Quantum Cryptographic Schemes , Alvaro Cintas Canto

Using Hyper-Dimensional Spanning Trees to Improve Structure Preservation During Dimensionality Reduction , Curtis Thomas Davis

Design, Deployment, and Validation of Computer Vision Techniques for Societal Scale Applications , Arup Kanti Dey

AffectiveTDA: Using Topological Data Analysis to Improve Analysis and Explainability in Affective Computing , Hamza Elhamdadi

Automatic Detection of Vehicles in Satellite Images for Economic Monitoring , Cole Hill

Analysis of Contextual Emotions Using Multimodal Data , Saurabh Hinduja

Data-driven Studies on Social Networks: Privacy and Simulation , Yasanka Sameera Horawalavithana

Automated Identification of Stages in Gonotrophic Cycle of Mosquitoes Using Computer Vision Techniques , Sherzod Kariev

Exploring the Use of Neural Transformers for Psycholinguistics , Antonio Laverghetta Jr.

Secure VLSI Hardware Design Against Intellectual Property (IP) Theft and Cryptographic Vulnerabilities , Matthew Dean Lewandowski

Turkic Interlingua: A Case Study of Machine Translation in Low-resource Languages , Jamshidbek Mirzakhalov

Automated Wound Segmentation and Dimension Measurement Using RGB-D Image , Chih-Yun Pai

Constructing Frameworks for Task-Optimized Visualizations , Ghulam Jilani Abdul Rahim Quadri

Trilateration-Based Localization in Known Environments with Object Detection , Valeria M. Salas Pacheco

Recognizing Patterns from Vital Signs Using Spectrograms , Sidharth Srivatsav Sribhashyam

Recognizing Emotion in the Wild Using Multimodal Data , Shivam Srivastava

A Modular Framework for Multi-Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Military Operations , Dante Tezza

Human-centered Cybersecurity Research — Anthropological Findings from Two Longitudinal Studies , Anwesh Tuladhar

Learning State-Dependent Sensor Measurement Models To Improve Robot Localization Accuracy , Troi André Williams

Human-centric Cybersecurity Research: From Trapping the Bad Guys to Helping the Good Ones , Armin Ziaie Tabari

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Classifying Emotions with EEG and Peripheral Physiological Data Using 1D Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network , Rupal Agarwal

Keyless Anti-Jamming Communication via Randomized DSSS , Ahmad Alagil

Active Deep Learning Method to Automate Unbiased Stereology Cell Counting , Saeed Alahmari

Composition of Atomic-Obligation Security Policies , Yan Cao Albright

Action Recognition Using the Motion Taxonomy , Maxat Alibayev

Sentiment Analysis in Peer Review , Zachariah J. Beasley

Spatial Heterogeneity Utilization in CT Images for Lung Nodule Classication , Dmitrii Cherezov

Feature Selection Via Random Subsets Of Uncorrelated Features , Long Kim Dang

Unifying Security Policy Enforcement: Theory and Practice , Shamaria Engram

PsiDB: A Framework for Batched Query Processing and Optimization , Mehrad Eslami

Composition of Atomic-Obligation Security Policies , Danielle Ferguson

Algorithms To Profile Driver Behavior From Zero-permission Embedded Sensors , Bharti Goel

The Efficiency and Accuracy of YOLO for Neonate Face Detection in the Clinical Setting , Jacqueline Hausmann

Beyond the Hype: Challenges of Neural Networks as Applied to Social Networks , Anthony Hernandez

Privacy-Preserving and Functional Information Systems , Thang Hoang

Managing Off-Grid Power Use for Solar Fueled Residences with Smart Appliances, Prices-to-Devices and IoT , Donnelle L. January

Novel Bit-Sliced In-Memory Computing Based VLSI Architecture for Fast Sobel Edge Detection in IoT Edge Devices , Rajeev Joshi

Edge Computing for Deep Learning-Based Distributed Real-time Object Detection on IoT Constrained Platforms at Low Frame Rate , Lakshmikavya Kalyanam

Establishing Topological Data Analysis: A Comparison of Visualization Techniques , Tanmay J. Kotha

Machine Learning for the Internet of Things: Applications, Implementation, and Security , Vishalini Laguduva Ramnath

System Support of Concurrent Database Query Processing on a GPU , Hao Li

Deep Learning Predictive Modeling with Data Challenges (Small, Big, or Imbalanced) , Renhao Liu

Countermeasures Against Various Network Attacks Using Machine Learning Methods , Yi Li

Towards Safe Power Oversubscription and Energy Efficiency of Data Centers , Sulav Malla

Design of Support Measures for Counting Frequent Patterns in Graphs , Jinghan Meng

Automating the Classification of Mosquito Specimens Using Image Processing Techniques , Mona Minakshi

Models of Secure Software Enforcement and Development , Hernan M. Palombo

Functional Object-Oriented Network: A Knowledge Representation for Service Robotics , David Andrés Paulius Ramos

Lung Nodule Malignancy Prediction from Computed Tomography Images Using Deep Learning , Rahul Paul

Algorithms and Framework for Computing 2-body Statistics on Graphics Processing Units , Napath Pitaksirianan

Efficient Viewshed Computation Algorithms On GPUs and CPUs , Faisal F. Qarah

Relational Joins on GPUs for In-Memory Database Query Processing , Ran Rui

Micro-architectural Countermeasures for Control Flow and Misspeculation Based Software Attacks , Love Kumar Sah

Efficient Forward-Secure and Compact Signatures for the Internet of Things (IoT) , Efe Ulas Akay Seyitoglu

Detecting Symptoms of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Congestive Heart Failure via Cough and Wheezing Sounds Using Smart-Phones and Machine Learning , Anthony Windmon

Toward Culturally Relevant Emotion Detection Using Physiological Signals , Khadija Zanna

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Beyond Labels and Captions: Contextualizing Grounded Semantics for Explainable Visual Interpretation , Sathyanarayanan Narasimhan Aakur

Empirical Analysis of a Cybersecurity Scoring System , Jaleel Ahmed

Phenomena of Social Dynamics in Online Games , Essa Alhazmi

A Machine Learning Approach to Predicting Community Engagement on Social Media During Disasters , Adel Alshehri

Interactive Fitness Domains in Competitive Coevolutionary Algorithm , ATM Golam Bari

Measuring Influence Across Social Media Platforms: Empirical Analysis Using Symbolic Transfer Entropy , Abhishek Bhattacharjee

A Communication-Centric Framework for Post-Silicon System-on-chip Integration Debug , Yuting Cao

Authentication and SQL-Injection Prevention Techniques in Web Applications , Cagri Cetin

Multimodal Emotion Recognition Using 3D Facial Landmarks, Action Units, and Physiological Data , Diego Fabiano

Robotic Motion Generation by Using Spatial-Temporal Patterns from Human Demonstrations , Yongqiang Huang

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thesis in computer science format

Master's Thesis in Computer Science

A Master's Thesis is expected to contain the following items:

  • Introduction and Motivation
  • Background of the Research Problem
  • Related Work (state of the art)
  • Problem Definition and Technical Solution
  • Evaluation of Developed Solution
  • Conclusions

In particular, the review of the state of the art should be thorough and the work performed should advance the state of the art.

Each Master's Thesis will be read and judged by a thesis committee consisting of the candidate's supervisor, a faculty member appointed by the supervisor, and a faculty member appointed by the Department through the GPD. The candidate is required to present a seminar on the thesis topic.

To register for MS Thesis (CS 699), the candidate must first obtain the approval of the GPD on the proposal.

Required Format

For more information on the format and procedure for completing the thesis, see ODU's Thesis & Dissertation Guide . Also see the guides under "Electronic Theses and Dissertations" at the Graduate School page .

Model Journal

Before you submit your thesis to ProQuest, the format must be approved by the College of Sciences . The College expects that you submit a "model journal" article along with your thesis. Your thesis format should match the journal for placement of table titles, placement of figure titles, and reference format. Your advisor may suggest a model journal, for example IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing .

Recommended Deadlines

  • Submission of thesis to committee: six weeks prior to the last day of classes for the semester (must be at least two weeks before the defense)
  • MS thesis defense: four weeks prior to the deadline for college review
  • Include all required documents (see College of Sciences Thesis & Dissertation Review Procedures )
  • The College will follow-up with you about one week after submission
  • Any subsequent submissions to the College may be sent as PDF via email
  • Submission of approved thesis to ProQuest: see the official academic calendar for exact deadlines

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Computer Science Theses and Dissertations

This collection contains theses and dissertations from the Department of Computer Science, collected from the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository

Theses/Dissertations from 2024 2024

A Target-Based and A Targetless Extrinsic Calibration Methods for Thermal Camera and 3D LiDAR , Farhad Dalirani

Investigating Tree- and Graph-based Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing Applications , Sudipta Singha Roy

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Classification of DDoS Attack with Machine Learning Architectures and Exploratory Analysis , Amreen Anbar

Multi-view Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Brain-Computer Interfaces , Sepehr Asgarian

Improved Protein Sequence Alignments Using Deep Learning , Seyed Sepehr Ashrafzadeh


Algorithms and Software for Oligonucleotide Design , Qin Dong

Framework for Assessing Information System Security Posture Risks , Syed Waqas Hamdani

De novo sequencing of multiple tandem mass spectra of peptide containing SILAC labeling , Fang Han

Local Model Agnostic XAI Methodologies Applied to Breast Cancer Malignancy Predictions , Heather Hartley

A Quantitative Analysis Between Software Quality Posture and Bug-fixing Commit , Rongji He

A Novel Method for Assessment of Batch Effect on single cell RNA sequencing data , Behnam Jabbarizadeh

Dynamically Finding Optimal Kernel Launch Parameters for CUDA Programs , Taabish Jeshani

Citation Polarity Identification From Scientific Articles Using Deep Learning Methods , Souvik Kundu

Denoising-Based Domain Adaptation Network for EEG Source Imaging , Runze Li

Decoy-Target Database Strategy and False Discovery Rate Analysis for Glycan Identification , Xiaoou Li


Developing A Smart Home Surveillance System Using Autonomous Drones , Chongju Mai

Look-Ahead Selective Plasticity for Continual Learning , Rouzbeh Meshkinnejad

The Two Visual Processing Streams Through The Lens Of Deep Neural Networks , Aidasadat Mirebrahimi Tafreshi

Source-free Domain Adaptation for Sleep Stage Classification , Yasmin Niknam

Data Heterogeneity and Its Implications for Fairness , Ghazaleh Noroozi

Enhancing Urban Life: A Policy-Based Autonomic Smart City Management System for Efficient, Sustainable, and Self-Adaptive Urban Environments , Elham Okhovat

Evaluating the Likelihood of Bug Inducing Commits Using Metrics Trend Analysis , Parul Parul

On Computing Optimal Repairs for Conditional Independence , Alireza Pirhadi

Open-Set Source-Free Domain Adaptation in Fundus Images Analysis , Masoud Pourreza

Migration in Edge Computing , Arshin Rezazadeh

A Modified Hopfield Network for the K-Median Problem , Cody Rossiter

Predicting Network Failures with AI Techniques , Chandrika Saha

Toward Building an Intelligent and Secure Network: An Internet Traffic Forecasting Perspective , Sajal Saha

An Exploration of Visual Analytic Techniques for XAI: Applications in Clinical Decision Support , Mozhgan Salimiparsa

Attention-based Multi-Source-Free Domain Adaptation for EEG Emotion Recognition , Amir Hesam Salimnia

Global Cyber Attack Forecast using AI Techniques , Nusrat Kabir Samia


A Computational Framework For Identifying Relevant Cell Types And Specific Regulatory Mechanisms In Schizophrenia Using Data Integration Methods , Kayvan Shabani

Weakly-Supervised Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos Based on Two-Stream I3D Convolution Network , Sareh Soltani Nejad

Smartphone Loss Prevention System Using BLE and GPS Technology , Noshin Tasnim

A Hybrid Continual Machine Learning Model for Efficient Hierarchical Classification of Domain-Specific Text in The Presence of Class Overlap (Case Study: IT Support Tickets) , Yasmen M. Wahba

Reducing Negative Transfer of Random Data in Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation , Anthony Wong

Deep Neural Methods for True/Pseudo- Invasion Classification in Colorectal Polyp Whole-Slide Images , Zhiyuan Yang

Developing a Relay-based Autonomous Drone Delivery System , Muhammad Zakar

Learning Mortality Risk for COVID-19 Using Machine Learning and Statistical Methods , Shaoshi Zhang

Machine Learning Techniques for Improved Functional Brain Parcellation , Da Zhi

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

The Design and Implementation of a High-Performance Polynomial System Solver , Alexander Brandt

Defining Service Level Agreements in Serverless Computing , Mohamed Elsakhawy

Algorithms for Regular Chains of Dimension One , Juan P. Gonzalez Trochez

Towards a Novel and Intelligent e-commerce Framework for Smart-Shopping Applications , Susmitha Hanumanthu

Multi-Device Data Analysis for Fault Localization in Electrical Distribution Grids , Jacob D L Hunte

Towards Parking Lot Occupancy Assessment Using Aerial Imagery and Computer Vision , John Jewell

Potential of Vision Transformers for Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems: An Evaluative Approach , Andrew Katoch

Psychological Understanding of Textual journals using Natural Language Processing approaches , Amirmohammad Kazemeinizadeh

Driver Behavior Analysis Based on Real On-Road Driving Data in the Design of Advanced Driving Assistance Systems , Nima Khairdoost

Solving Challenges in Deep Unsupervised Methods for Anomaly Detection , Vahid Reza Khazaie

Developing an Efficient Real-Time Terrestrial Infrastructure Inspection System Using Autonomous Drones and Deep Learning , Marlin Manka

Predictive Modelling For Topic Handling Of Natural Language Dialogue With Virtual Agents , Lareina Milambiling

Improving Deep Entity Resolution by Constraints , Soudeh Nilforoushan

Respiratory Pattern Analysis for COVID-19 Digital Screening Using AI Techniques , Annita Tahsin Priyoti

Extracting Microservice Dependencies Using Log Analysis , Andres O. Rodriguez Ishida

False Discovery Rate Analysis for Glycopeptide Identification , Shun Saito

Towards a Generalization of Fulton's Intersection Multiplicity Algorithm , Ryan Sandford

An Investigation Into Time Gazed At Traffic Objects By Drivers , Kolby R. Sarson

Exploring Artificial Intelligence (AI) Techniques for Forecasting Network Traffic: Network QoS and Security Perspectives , Ibrahim Mohammed Sayem

A Unified Representation and Deep Learning Architecture for Persuasive Essays in English , Muhammad Tawsif Sazid

Towards the development of a cost-effective Image-Sensing-Smart-Parking Systems (ISenSmaP) , Aakriti Sharma

Advances in the Automatic Detection of Optimization Opportunities in Computer Programs , Delaram Talaashrafi

Reputation-Based Trust Assessment of Transacting Service Components , Konstantinos Tsiounis

Fully Autonomous UAV Exploration in Confined and Connectionless Environments , Kirk P. Vander Ploeg

Three Contributions to the Theory and Practice of Optimizing Compilers , Linxiao Wang

Developing Intelligent Routing Algorithm over SDN: Reusable Reinforcement Learning Approach , Wumian Wang

Predicting and Modifying Memorability of Images , Mohammad Younesi

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Generating Effective Sentence Representations: Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Approaches , Mahtab Ahmed

A Physical Layer Framework for a Smart City Using Accumulative Bayesian Machine Learning , Razan E. AlFar

Load Balancing and Resource Allocation in Smart Cities using Reinforcement Learning , Aseel AlOrbani

Contrastive Learning of Auditory Representations , Haider Al-Tahan

Cache-Friendly, Modular and Parallel Schemes For Computing Subresultant Chains , Mohammadali Asadi

Protein Interaction Sites Prediction using Deep Learning , Sourajit Basak

Predicting Stock Market Sector Sentiment Through News Article Based Textual Analysis , William A. Beldman

Improving Reader Motivation with Machine Learning , Tanner A. Bohn

A Black-box Approach for Containerized Microservice Monitoring in Fog Computing , Shi Chang

Visualization and Interpretation of Protein Interactions , Dipanjan Chatterjee

A Framework for Characterising Performance in Multi-Class Classification Problems with Applications in Cancer Single Cell RNA Sequencing , Erik R. Christensen

Exploratory Search with Archetype-based Language Models , Brent D. Davis

Evolutionary Design of Search and Triage Interfaces for Large Document Sets , Jonathan A. Demelo

Building Effective Network Security Frameworks using Deep Transfer Learning Techniques , Harsh Dhillon

A Deep Topical N-gram Model and Topic Discovery on COVID-19 News and Research Manuscripts , Yuan Du

Automatic extraction of requirements-related information from regulatory documents cited in the project contract , Sara Fotouhi

Developing a Resource and Energy Efficient Real-time Delivery Scheduling Framework for a Network of Autonomous Drones , Gopi Gugan

A Visual Analytics System for Rapid Sensemaking of Scientific Documents , Amirreza Haghverdiloo Barzegar

Calibration Between Eye Tracker and Stereoscopic Vision System Employing a Linear Closed-Form Perspective-n-Point (PNP) Algorithm , Mohammad Karami

Fuzzy and Probabilistic Rule-Based Approaches to Identify Fault Prone Files , Piyush Kumar Korlepara

Parallel Arbitrary-precision Integer Arithmetic , Davood Mohajerani

A Technique for Evaluating the Health Status of a Software Module Using Process Metrics , . Ria

Visual Analytics for Performing Complex Tasks with Electronic Health Records , Neda Rostamzadeh

Predictive Model of Driver's Eye Fixation for Maneuver Prediction in the Design of Advanced Driving Assistance Systems , Mohsen Shirpour

A Generative-Discriminative Approach to Human Brain Mapping , Deepanshu Wadhwa

WesternAccelerator:Rapid Development of Microservices , Haoran Wei

A Lightweight and Explainable Citation Recommendation System , Juncheng Yin

Mitosis Detection from Pathology Images , Jinhang Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Visual Analytics of Electronic Health Records with a focus on Acute Kidney Injury , Sheikh S. Abdullah

Towards the Development of Network Service Cost Modeling-An ISP Perspective , Yasmeen Ali

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Formatting Guides

Formatting thesis/project guideline.

To help you prepare your thesis/project formatting paper, the graduate studies website steps toward completing your paper has a  formatting guide  that you can follow. 

For those who are using LaTex please visit the link below from the Math department , you can obtain the template.


  • Title Page. (no page number) The title page templates show the recommended form and spacing. Alter your font and typeface choices to conform to the rest of your document. The page is counted, but the number is not printed.    
  • Committee Membership. (page ii) The Committee Membership page templates show the recommended form and spacing. Alter your font and typeface choices to conform to the rest of your document. The name of each member of the committee is included with department or discipline identification; the chairman is always listed first. Make sure the form of your name is consistent with what appears on the title page. In the date area, indicate the semester & year submitted. 
  • Acknowledgement Page. (page iii) An acknowledgement page is optional and should be decided between the candidate and their major professor.  
  • Abstract (page iii, iv, etc.) An abstract is required and should be at least 250 words.
  • Table of  Contents ( page iv, v, etc.) Required. The template is an example of one format, but you may use other formats as recommended by your committee. Check for correct page numbers before final review and submission.
  • List of Tables. ( If  any, continue with Roman Numerals) Separate page, following the table of contents.  
  • List of Figures. ( If  any, continue with Roman Numerals) Separate page, following the list of tables, or if no list of tables, following the table of contents.      
  • Text ( Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3, etc.) The student’s thesis/project adviser will specify which style manual (citation) is to be followed. It is the responsibility of the student’s thesis/project committee to see that proper bibliographic forms are followed. When the thesis/project is presented to the format library reviewer for approval, you must identify the style manual used.
  •  Bibliography / References. Use a style manual (citation) to construct your bibliography or list of references. Check with your advisor or department for the recommended style manual for your subject area. Complete citations are required .    
  • Appendices. ( If  any) Provide numbering for all pages and list appendices in the table of contents. Proper margin requirements still apply.

You can download this page from the "Supporting materials for formatting your project or thesis" box on the left-hand sight. 

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  • Last Updated: Jun 12, 2024 2:52 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.library.cpp.edu/Libraryformatreview

Ph.D. / M.S. Thesis Format Review Guidelines

  • Complete the CS Department format review by the posted deadline for the term. Please refer to the Thesis Office requirements for formatting instructions and "Steps for Deposit" for their electronic deposit guidelines. Allow a week to submit your electronic deposit for the Thesis Office review prior to their deadline. This will allow them to review your thesis and respond back to you with any required changes before their final posted deposit deadline .
  • The departmental format review is completed by Jennifer Comstock (PhD dissertations) and Cassandra Phelps (MS theses) in the Academic Office. No appointment is necessary. The CS Department formatting requirements are the same as the Thesis Office requirements. (Students planning to use a template can request a copy from Jennifer Comstock or Cassandra Phelps . Please do not use templates prepared for other departments.) To complete your Ph.D. dissertation format review, please email your dissertation in PDF format to Jennifer Comstock.   MS theses must be sent as a PDF file to Cassandra Phelps .

You must type in the information on the TDA form. Information cannot be hand-written on the form. Student name must match how it appears in the Banner system.  Title Page guidelines and samples are available from the Graduate College. Students can also check with Jennifer Comstock in the Academic Office. It is very important to have a Title Page check done in the Graduate College Thesis Office prior to having this form signed. The Thesis Office can now review your title page by email ( [email protected] ). Students should attach a PDF or MS Word document and include the words "title page" in the subject line. Please allow up to two business days for the Graduate College Thesis Office to review your title page.

  • Review the options to release your thesis/dissertation to IDEALS and ProQuest (for doctoral dissertations only) at the Graduate College.
  • If a thesis needs to be withheld from public release to protect materials or for patents issues, the student should submit a Thesis Withholding Request Form prior to submitting the thesis for review at the Graduate College. The Thesis Office encourages students to read the Graduate College's statement on the use of previously copyrighted material in a thesis and the responsibility of students to exercise sound authorship practices.
  • Upload any copyright permission letters (if needed) with your thesis submission.
  • PhD students need to complete the Doctoral Exit Survey and the Survey of Earned Doctorates .
  • Complete the CS Graduate Release form . You will need to log in with your netID and active directory password.
  • If you are planning on participating in the graduation ceremonies, please refer to the Commencement Office website for complete deadlines and details. Hooding ceremonies for the PhD and MS students will be held at May graduation. In addition, the Graduate College organizes a December doctoral hooding ceremony for doctoral degree recipients whose degrees are conferred in December. PhD students graduating in the Fall term can participate in the Graduate College doctoral hooding ceremony and/or the May graduating ceremonies.

LaTex Wiki Page :

Students on assistantships and fellowships:.

Students holding fellowships must notify the Graduate College Fellowship Office in advance of thesis deposit. Depositing your thesis when holding a fellowship may result in a change in the terms of the fellowship award, including its termination. Effective Spring 2008, students with assistantship appointments (RA, TA, GA, PPGA) are eligible to hold their assistantships through the end of the semester in which they deposit, regardless of the deposit date during that semester.

For additional information on campus fellowship and assistantship policies, please refer to Chapter 8 of the Graduate College Handbook (Note: Graduate students on fellowships should pay close attention to " Thesis Deposit / Graduation for Fellows " section of Chapter 8 in the Grad College Handbook ). Questions regarding these policies should be addressed to the Graduate College Fellowship Office .

thesis in computer science format

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This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

Recent Submissions

Processing clinical guideline text for formal verification , automatic evaluation of geopolitical risk , automating inventory composition management for bulk purchasing cloud brokerage strategy , biologically-informed interpretable deep learning techniques for bmi prediction and gene interaction detection , equivalence-preserving preprocessing of propositional logic formulae using existential graphs and implication hypergraphs .


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Computer Science Masters Theses

Theses from 2024 2024.

Enabling smart healthcare applications through visible light communication networks , Jack Manhardt

Time series anomaly detection using generative adversarial networks , Shyam Sundar Saravanan

Theses from 2023 2023


MAT: Genetic Algorithms Based Multi-Objective Adversarial Attack on Multi-Task Deep Neural Networks , Nikola Andric


Theses from 2022 2022

Maximising social welfare in selfish multi-modal routing using strategic information design for quantal response travelers , Sainath Sanga

Man-in-the-Middle Attacks on MQTT based IoT networks , Henry C. Wong

Theses from 2021 2021

Biochemical assay invariant attestation for the security of cyber-physical digital microfluidic biochips , Fredrick Eugene Love II

Theses from 2020 2020

On predicting stopping time of human sequential decision-making using discounted satisficing heuristic , Mounica Devaguptapu

Theses from 2019 2019

Advanced techniques for improving canonical genetic programming , Adam Tyler Harter

Evolved parameterized selection for evolutionary algorithms , Samuel Nathan Richter

Design and implementation of applications over delay tolerant networks for disaster and battlefield environment , Karthikeyan Sachidanandam

Theses from 2018 2018

Mixed-criticality real-time task scheduling with graceful degradation , Samsil Arefin

CARD: Concealed and remote discovery of IoT devices in victims' home networks , Sammie Lee Bush

Multiple security domain non deducibility in the FREEDM smart grid infrastructure , Manish Jaisinghani

Reputation and credit based incentive mechanism for data-centric message delivery in delay tolerant networks , Himanshu Jethawa

Solidification rate detection through solid-liquid interface tracking , Wei Luo

Cloud transactions and caching for improved performance in clouds and DTNs , Dileep Mardham

Cyber-physical security of an electric microgrid , Prashanth Palaniswamy

An approach for formal analysis of the security of a water treatment testbed , Sai Sidharth Patlolla

Analyzing large scale trajectory data to identify users with similar behavior , Tyler Clark Percy

Precise energy efficient scheduling of mixed-criticality tasks & sustainable mixed-criticality scheduling , Sai Sruti

A network tomography approach for traffic monitoring in smart cities , Ruoxi Zhang

Improved CRPD analysis and a secure scheduler against information leakage in real-time systems , Ying Zhang

Theses from 2017 2017

Cyber-physical security of a chemical plant , Prakash Rao Dunaka

UFace: Your universal password no one can see , Nicholas Steven Hilbert

Multi stage recovery from large scale failure in interdependent networks , Maria Angelin John Bosco

Multiple security domain model of a vehicle in an automated vehicle system , Uday Ganesh Kanteti

Personalizing education with algorithmic course selection , Tyler Morrow

Decodable network coding in wireless network , Junwei Su

Multiple security domain nondeducibility air traffic surveillance systems , Anusha Thudimilla

Theses from 2016 2016

Automated design of boolean satisfiability solvers employing evolutionary computation , Alex Raymond Bertels

Care-Chair: Opportunistic health assessment with smart sensing on chair backrest , Rakesh Kumar

Theses from 2015 2015

Dependability analysis and recovery support for smart grids , Isam Abdulmunem Alobaidi

Sensor authentication in collaborating sensor networks , Jake Uriah Bielefeldt

Argumentation based collaborative software architecture design and intelligent analysis of software architecture rationale , NagaPrashanth Chanda

A Gaussian mixture model for automated vesicle fusion detection and classification , Haohan Li

Hyper-heuristics for the automated design of black-box search algorithms , Matthew Allen Martin

Aerial vehicle trajectory design for spatio-temporal task satisfaction and aggregation based on utility metric , Amarender Reddy Mekala

Design and implementation of a broker for cloud additive manufacturing services , Venkata Prashant Modekurthy

Cyber security research frameworks for coevolutionary network defense , George Daniel Rush

Energy disaggregation in NIALM using hidden Markov models , Anusha Sankara

Theses from 2014 2014

Crime pattern detection using online social media , Raja Ashok Bolla

Energy efficient scheduling and allocation of tasks in sensor cloud , Rashmi Dalvi

A cloud brokerage architecture for efficient cloud service selection , Venkata Nagarjuna Dondapati

Access control delegation in the clouds , Pavani Gorantla

Evolving decision trees for the categorization of software , Jasenko Hosic

M-Grid : A distributed framework for multidimensional indexing and querying of location based big data , Shashank Kumar

Privacy preservation using spherical chord , Doyal Tapan Mukherjee

Top-K with diversity-M data retrieval in wireless sensor networks , Kiran Kumar Puram

On temporal and frequency responses of smartphone accelerometers for explosives detection , Srinivas Chakravarthi Thandu

Efficient data access in mobile cloud computing , Siva Naga Venkata Chaitanya Vemulapalli

An empirical study on symptoms of heavier internet usage among young adults , SaiPreethi Vishwanathan

Theses from 2013 2013

Sybil detection in vehicular networks , Muhammad Ibrahim Almutaz

Argumentation placement recommendation and relevancy assessment in an intelligent argumentation system , Nian Liu

Security analysis of a cyber physical system : a car example , Jason Madden

Efficient integrity verification of replicated data in cloud , Raghul Mukundan

Search-based model summarization , Lokesh Krishna Ravichandran

Hybridizing and applying computational intelligence techniques , Jeffery Scott Shelburg

Secure design defects detection and correction , Wenquan Wang

Theses from 2012 2012

Robust evolutionary algorithms , Brian Wesley Goldman

Semantic preserving text tepresentation and its applications in text clustering , Michael Howard

Vehicle path verification using wireless sensor networks , Gerry W. Howser

Distributed and collaborative watermarking in relational data , Prakash Kumar

Theses from 2011 2011

A social network of service providers for trust and identity management in the Cloud , Makarand Bhonsle

Adaptive rule-based malware detection employing learning classifier systems , Jonathan Joseph Blount

A low-cost motion tracking system for virtual reality applications , Abhinav Chadda

Optimization of textual affect entity relation models , Ajith Cherukad Jose

MELOC - memory and location optimized caching for mobile Ad hoc networks , Lekshmi Manian Chidambaram

A framework for transparent depression classification in college settings via mining internet usage patterns , Raghavendra Kotikalapudi

An incentive based approach to detect selfish nodes in Mobile P2P network , Hemanth Meka

Location privacy policy management system , Arej Awodha Muhammed

Exploring join caching in programming codes to reduce runtime execution , Swetha Surapaneni

Theses from 2010 2010

Event detection from click-through data via query clustering , Prabhu Kumar Angajala

Population control in evolutionary algorithms , Jason Edward Cook

Dynamic ant colony optimization for globally optimizing consumer preferences , Pavitra Dhruvanarayana

EtherAnnotate: a transparent malware analysis tool for integrating dynamic and static examination , Joshua Michael Eads

Representation and validation of domain and range restrictions in a relational database driven ontology maintenance system , Patrick Garrett. Edgett

Cloud security requirements analysis and security policy development using a high-order object-oriented modeling technique , Kenneth Kofi Fletcher

Multi axis slicing for rapid prototyping , Divya Kanakanala

Content based image retrieval for bio-medical images , Vikas Nahar

2-D path planning for direct laser deposition process , Swathi Routhu

Contribution-based priority assessment in a web-based intelligent argumentation network for collaborative software development , Maithili Satyavolu

An artificial life approach to evolutionary computation: from mobile cellular algorithms to artificial ecosystems , Shivakar Vulli

Intelligent computational argumentation for evaluating performance scores in multi-criteria decision making , Rubal Wanchoo

Minimize end-to-end delay through cross-layer optimization in multi-hop wireless sensor networks , Yibo Xu

Theses from 2009 2009

Information flow properties for cyber-physical systems , Rav Akella

Exploring the use of a commercial game engine for the development of educational software , Hussain Alafaireet

Automated offspring sizing in evolutionary algorithms , André Chidi Nwamba

Theses from 2008 2008

Image analysis techniques for vertebra anomaly detection in X-ray images , Mohammed Das

Cross-layer design through joint routing and link allocation in wireless sensor networks , Xuan Gong

A time series classifier , Christopher Mark Gore

An economic incentive based routing protocol incorporating quality of service for mobile peer-to-peer networks , Anil Jade

Incorporation of evidences in an intelligent argumentation network for collaborative engineering design , Ekta Khudkhudia

PrESerD - Privacy ensured service discovery in mobile peer-to-peer environment , Santhosh Muthyapu

Co-optimization: a generalization of coevolution , Travis Service

Critical infrastructure protection and the Domain Name Service (DNS) system , Mark Edward Snyder

Co-evolutionary automated software correction: a proof of concept , Joshua Lee Wilkerson

Theses from 2007 2007

A light-weight middleware framework for fault-tolerant and secure distributed applications , Ian Jacob Baird

Symbolic time series analysis using hidden Markov models , Nikhil Bhardwaj

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  • Check HOLLIS, the Library Catalog, and refine your results by using the   Advanced Search   and limiting Resource  Type   to Dissertations
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  • Many  universities  provide full-text access to their dissertations via a digital repository.  If you know the title of a particular dissertation or thesis, try doing a Google search.  

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Home > Engineering > Computer Science > Computer Science Graduate Projects

Computer Science Graduate Projects and Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

High-Performance Domain-Specific Library for Hydrologic Data Processing , Kalyan Bhetwal

Verifying Data Provenance During Workflow Execution for Scientific Reproducibility , Rizbanul Hasan

Remote Sensing to Advance Understanding of Snow-Vegetation Relationships and Quantify Snow Depth and Snow Water Equivalent , Ahmad Hojatimalekshah

Exploring the Capability of a Self-Supervised Conditional Image Generator for Image-to-Image Translation without Labeled Data: A Case Study in Mobile User Interface Design , Hailee Kiesecker

Fake News Detection Using Narrative Content and Discourse , Hongmin Kim

Anomaly Detection Using Graph Neural Network , Bishal Lakha

Sparse Format Conversion and Code Synthesis , Tobi Goodness Popoola

Portable Sparse Polyhedral Framework Code Generation Using Multi Level Intermediate Representation , Aaron St. George

Severity Measures for Assessing Error in Automatic Speech Recognition , Ryan Whetten

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Improved Computational Prediction of Function and Structural Representation of Self-Cleaving Ribozymes with Enhanced Parameter Selection and Library Design , James D. Beck

Meshfree Methods for PDEs on Surfaces , Andrew Michael Jones

Deep Learning of Microstructures , Amir Abbas Kazemzadeh Farizhandi

Long-Term Trends in Extreme Environmental Events with Changepoint Detection , Mintaek Lee

Structure Aware Smart Encoding and Decoding of Information in DNA , Shoshanna Llewellyn

Towards Making Transformer-Based Language Models Learn How Children Learn , Yousra Mahdy

Ontology-Based Formal Approach for Safety and Security Verification of Industrial Control Systems , Ramesh Neupane

Improving Children's Authentication Practices with Respect to Graphical Authentication Mechanism , Dhanush Kumar Ratakonda

Hate Speech Detection Using Textual and User Features , Rohan Raut

Automated Detection of Sockpuppet Accounts in Wikipedia , Mostofa Najmus Sakib

Characterization and Mitigation of False Information on the Web , Anu Shrestha

Sinusoidal Projection for 360° Image Compression and Triangular Discrete Cosine Transform Impact in the JPEG Pipeline , Iker Vazquez Lopez

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Training Wheels for Web Search: Multi-Perspective Learning to Rank to Support Children's Information Seeking in the Classroom , Garrett Allen

Fair and Efficient Consensus Protocols for Secure Blockchain Applications , Golam Dastoger Bashar

Why Don't You Act Your Age?: Recognizing the Stereotypical 8-12 Year Old Searcher by Their Search Behavior , Michael Green

Ensuring Consistency and Efficiency of the Incremental Unit Network in a Distributed Architecture , Mir Tahsin Imtiaz

Modeling Real and Fake News Sharing in Social Networks , Abishai Joy

Modeling and Analyzing Users' Privacy Disclosure Behavior to Generate Personalized Privacy Policies , A.K.M. Nuhil Mehdy

Into the Unknown: Exploration of Search Engines' Responses to Users with Depression and Anxiety , Ashlee Milton

Generating Test Inputs from String Constraints with an Automata-Based Solver , Marlin Roberts

A Case Study in Representing Scientific Applications ( GeoAc ) Using the Sparse Polyhedral Framework , Ravi Shankar

Actors for the Internet of Things , Arjun Shukla

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Towards Unifying Grounded and Distributional Semantics Using the Words-as-Classifiers Model of Lexical Semantics , Stacy Black

Improving Scientist Productivity, Architecture Portability, and Performance in ParFlow , Michael Burke

Polyhedral+Dataflow Graphs , Eddie C. Davis

Improving Spellchecking for Children: Correction and Design , Brody Downs

A Collection of Fast Algorithms for Scalar and Vector-Valued Data on Irregular Domains: Spherical Harmonic Analysis, Divergence-Free/Curl-Free Radial Basis Functions, and Implicit Surface Reconstruction , Kathryn Primrose Drake

Privacy-Preserving Protocol for Atomic Swap Between Blockchains , Kiran Gurung

Unsupervised Structural Graph Node Representation Learning , Mikel Joaristi

Detecting Undisclosed Paid Editing in Wikipedia , Nikesh Joshi

Do You Feel Me?: Learning Language from Humans with Robot Emotional Displays , David McNeill

Obtaining Real-World Benchmark Programs from Open-Source Repositories Through Abstract-Semantics Preserving Transformations , Maria Anne Rachel Paquin

Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) for Brand Logos , Enjal Parajuli

A Resilience Metric for Modern Power Distribution Systems , Tyler Bennett Phillips

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Edge-Assisted Workload-Aware Image Processing System , Anil Acharya

MINOS: Unsupervised Netflow-Based Detection of Infected and Attacked Hosts, and Attack Time in Large Networks , Mousume Bhowmick

Deviant: A Mutation Testing Tool for Solidity Smart Contracts , Patrick Chapman

Querying Over Encrypted Databases in a Cloud Environment , Jake Douglas

A Hybrid Model to Detect Fake News , Indhumathi Gurunathan

Suitability of Finite State Automata to Model String Constraints in Probablistic Symbolic Execution , Andrew Harris

UNICORN Framework: A User-Centric Approach Toward Formal Verification of Privacy Norms , Rezvan Joshaghani

Detection and Countermeasure of Saturation Attacks in Software-Defined Networks , Samer Yousef Khamaiseh

Secure Two-Party Protocol for Privacy-Preserving Classification via Differential Privacy , Manish Kumar

Application-Specific Memory Subsystem Benchmarking , Mahesh Lakshminarasimhan

Multilingual Information Retrieval: A Representation Building Perspective , Ion Madrazo

Improved Study of Side-Channel Attacks Using Recurrent Neural Networks , Muhammad Abu Naser Rony Chowdhury

Investigating the Effects of Social and Temporal Dynamics in Fitness Games on Children's Physical Activity , Ankita Samariya

BullyNet: Unmasking Cyberbullies on Social Networks , Aparna Sankaran

FALCON: Framework for Anomaly Detection In Industrial Control Systems , Subin Sapkota

Investigating Semantic Properties of Images Generated from Natural Language Using Neural Networks , Samuel Ward Schrader

Incremental Processing for Improving Conversational Grounding in a Chatbot , Aprajita Shukla

Estimating Error and Bias of Offline Recommender System Evaluation Results , Mucun Tian

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Leveraging Tiled Display for Big Data Visualization Using D3.js , Ujjwal Acharya

Fostering the Retrieval of Suitable Web Resources in Response to Children's Educational Search Tasks , Oghenemaro Deborah Anuyah

Privacy-Preserving Genomic Data Publishing via Differential Privacy , Tanya Khatri

Injecting Control Commands Through Sensory Channel: Attack and Defense , Farhad Rasapour

Strong Mutation-Based Test Generation of XACML Policies , Roshan Shrestha

Performance, Scalability, and Robustness in Distributed File Tree Copy , Christopher Robert Sutton

Using DNA For Data Storage: Encoding and Decoding Algorithm Development , Kelsey Suyehira

Detecting Saliency by Combining Speech and Object Detection in Indoor Environments , Kiran Thapa

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Identifying Restaurants Proposing Novel Kinds of Cuisines: Using Yelp Reviews , Haritha Akella

Editing Behavior Analysis and Prediction of Active/Inactive Users in Wikipedia , Harish Arelli

CloudSkulk: Design of a Nested Virtual Machine Based Rootkit-in-the-Middle Attack , Joseph Anthony Connelly

Predicting Friendship Strength in Facebook , Nitish Dhakal

Privacy-Preserving Trajectory Data Publishing via Differential Privacy , Ishita Dwivedi

Cultivating Community Interactions in Citizen Science: Connecting People to Each Other and the Environment , Bret Allen Finley

Uncovering New Links Through Interaction Duration , Laxmi Amulya Gundala

Variance: Secure Two-Party Protocol for Solving Yao's Millionaires' Problem in Bitcoin , Joshua Holmes

A Scalable Graph-Coarsening Based Index for Dynamic Graph Databases , Akshay Kansal

Integrity Coded Databases: Ensuring Correctness and Freshness of Outsourced Databases , Ujwal Karki

Editable View Optimized Tone Mapping For Viewing High Dynamic Range Panoramas On Head Mounted Display , Yuan Li

The Effects of Pair-Programming in a High School Introductory Computer Science Class , Ken Manship

Towards Automatic Repair of XACML Policies , Shuai Peng

Identification of Unknown Landscape Types Using CNN Transfer Learning , Ashish Sharma

Hand Gesture Recognition for Sign Language Transcription , Iker Vazquez Lopez

Learning to Code Music : Development of a Supplemental Unit for High School Computer Science , Kelsey Wright

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Identification of Small Endogenous Viral Elements within Host Genomes , Edward C. Davis Jr.

When the System Becomes Your Personal Docent: Curated Book Recommendations , Nevena Dragovic

Security Testing with Misuse Case Modeling , Samer Yousef Khamaiseh

Estimating Length Statistics of Aggregate Fried Potato Product via Electromagnetic Radiation Attenuation , Jesse Lovitt

Towards Multipurpose Readability Assessment , Ion Madrazo

Evaluation of Topic Models for Content-Based Popularity Prediction on Social Microblogs , Axel Magnuson

CEST: City Event Summarization using Twitter , Deepa Mallela

Developing an ABAC-Based Grant Proposal Workflow Management System , Milson Munakami

Phoenix and Hive as Alternatives to RDBMS , Diana Ornelas

Massively Parallel Algorithm for Solving the Eikonal Equation on Multiple Accelerator Platforms , Anup Shrestha

A Certificateless One-Way Group Key Agreement Protocol for Point-to-Point Email Encryption , Srisarguru Sridhar

Dynamic Machine Level Resource Allocation to Improve Tasking Performance Across Multiple Processes , Richard Walter Thatcher

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Developing an Application for Evolutionary Search for Computational Models of Cellular Development , Nicolas Scott Cornia

Accelerated Radar Signal Processing in Large Geophysical Datasets , Ravi Preesha Geetha

Integrity Coded Databases (ICDB) – Protecting Integrity for Outsourced Databases , Archana Nanjundarao

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    University of Southern California
  Jun 23, 2024  
USC Catalogue 2024-2025    
USC Catalogue 2024-2025

The Department of Computer Science offers a Master of Science in Computer Science as well as multiple emphases within the discipline. The degree can be completed with or without a thesis.  

Requirements for Graduation without a Thesis

A minimum grade point average of 3.0 must be earned on all course work applied toward the master's degree in computer science. This average must also be earned on all graduate courses completed at USC (400-level and above). Transfer units count as credit (CR) toward the master's degree and are not computed in the grade point average. Total units required for the degree is 32. No examination is required for the degree. Other requirements for the Master of Science in Computer Science are the same as set forth in the general requirements for Viterbi School of Engineering master's degrees.

Core Requirement (4 units):

  • CSCI 570 Analysis of Algorithms Units: 4

Additional Course Work:

The remaining elective units necessary to earn the degree are completed by selecting additional 500-level CSCI courses. 

  • Note: A maximum of 2 units of CSCI 590    and a maximum of 2 units of CSCI 591    may be applied. Furthermore, up to four units may be 400-level, and up to eight units may be 600-level. Approval for enrollment in 600-level courses must come from the faculty instructor and department adviser. With adviser approval, one non-Computer Science course may be selected from the approved list . Thesis courses ( CSCI 594a   , CSCI 594b   , CSCI 594z   ) and Internship courses (such as ENGR 595abz) are not eligible for elective credit

Thesis Option:

The MS thesis option is available to highly qualified students but requires the student to find an adviser willing to supervise their research. In practice, availability of advisers is extremely limited and this option is exercised rarely.

With the approval of a supervising professor, qualified students may be allowed to pursue a thesis option. Students pursuing the thesis option must satisfy all of the policies and course requirements for the master’s degree and, in addition, must enroll in a minimum of two semesters of CSCI 594a   , CSCI 594b   , CSCI 594z    for a maximum of 4 units. Total units required for the degree with thesis is 36. The thesis must comply with all requirements set by the Graduate School. Students interested in a thesis while enrolled in a Computer Science specialization should consult with their department adviser.

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Computing Science

The doctor of philosophy (PhD) in computing science, is a research-intensive program that has a primary emphasis on the thesis. The program provides an environment for interdisciplinary education in theoretical and applied computer science. Through training in formal coursework and hands-on research in areas such as artificial intelligence, computer systems and networks, computer graphics, and data mining, graduates will be capable of working with integrity to design, improve, and apply cutting-edge computational techniques to support a career in academia, industry or the public sector.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must satisfy the university admission requirements as stated in Graduate General Regulations 1.3 in the SFU Calendar. Students must hold a master's degree or the equivalent in Computer Science or another related field.

At its discretion, the school's graduate admissions committee may recommend PhD admission to exceptional students holding only a bachelor's degree or equivalent in computer science or a related field with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.67.

Program Requirements

This program consists of course work and a thesis for a minimum of 30 units selected in consultation with the Graduate Chair or supervisor.

Students will demonstrate breadth of knowledge, and the capacity to conduct original research through completion and defence of an original thesis.

Students must complete

four graduate courses in computing science for a minimum of 12 units

and a thesis

Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location

Students without an MSc or equivalent

complete additional four graduate courses in computing science for a minimum of 12 units selected in consultation with the Graduate Chair or supervisor.

Program Length

Students are expected to complete the program requirements in 12 to 15 terms (4 to 5 years).

Other Information

Course work.

Students are required to complete breadth requirements selected from five different areas. This is to be done in consultation with the supervisor or graduate program chair if the supervisor has not been appointed yet. For more information on breadth requirements and restrictions, see program website .

Supervisory Committee

A supervisory committee consists of the student's supervisor, at least one other computing science faculty member, and others (typically faculty) as appropriate. The choice of supervisor should be made by mutual consent of the graduate student and faculty member based on commonality of research interests. The student and supervisor should consult on the remainder of the committee members.

Transfer from MSc to PhD Program

As per GGR 1.3.7b , students enrolled in the MSc program may apply to transfer to the doctor of philosophy (PhD) program after two terms and normally before the seventh term. Students must have a CGPA of 3.5 or above, completed 75% of the required master's course work and evidence must be provided that the student is capable of undertaking substantial original research.

Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations

All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the Graduate General Regulations , as well as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled.

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  • Machine Learning for Clinical Score Prediction from Longitudinal Dataset: A Case Study on Parkinson's Disease - MSc Thesis Proposal by: Nourin Ahmed

Machine Learning for Clinical Score Prediction from Longitudinal Dataset: A Case Study on Parkinson's Disease - MSc Thesis Proposal by: Nourin Ahmed

The School of Computer Science is pleased to present…

Machine Learning for Clinical Score Prediction from Longitudinal Dataset: A Case Study on Parkinson's Disease

MSc Thesis Proposal by: Nourin Ahmed

Date: Friday, 28 Jun 2024

Time:   11:30 am

Location: Erie Hall, Room 186

Accurate prediction of Parkinson's disease (PD) progression is vital for personalized treatment and effective clinical trials. This study presents a machine learning approach to predict the Movement Disorder Society-Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Part III scores, quantifying motor symptom progression in PD patients. Using the longitudinal Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) dataset, we examined the impact of dataset format (wide vs. cross-sectional), dimensionality reduction techniques (PCA, NMF), and regression models (Linear Regression, Random Forest, XGBoost, SVR) on prediction performance. Our findings indicate that models trained on wide-format datasets consistently outperformed those on cross-sectional data. The combination of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) and Support Vector Regression (SVR) achieved the best performance, with a mean absolute error (MAE) of 1.91 and R^2 of 0.83. These results underscore the importance of data arrangement and highlight NMF's effectiveness in feature extraction for longitudinal datasets.

Thesis Committee:

Internal Reader: Dr. Dan Wu       

External Reader: Dr. Esam Abdel-Raheem            

Advisor: Dr. Ziad Kobti

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Thesis Defense Announcement for Jagdeo Singh – 06/26/2024 at 4:00 PM

June 20, 2024

Thesis title: Architecture selection and propulsion supervisory control strategies for all-wheel drive electric vehicles (EVs) When: 06/26/24 at 4:00 p.m. Where: Simrall 228 and Microsoft Teams : Meeting ID: 258 938 360 464 Passcode: 9sxXUG

Candidate: Jagdeo Singh Degree: Master of Science in Electrical & Computer Engineering Committee Members: Dr. John Ball, Dr. Masoud Karimi-Ghartemani, and Dr. Umar Iqbal

Abstract: The automotive industry is shifting towards the development of electric vehicles (EVs) at a rapid pace with most manufacturers intending to be producing solely electric vehicles by 2050. This is due in large part to government regulations aiming to reduce emissions from the transportation sector. As a result, significant research is being conducted to advance the development of EV propulsion technology. This research explores two aspects of EV design: the analysis and selection of an efficient EV propulsion architecture, and the implementation and testing of an efficiency-based energy management strategy (EMS) for implementation on Mississippi State’s EcoCAR team vehicle for the EcoCAR EV Challenge (2023 Cadillac LYRIQ). The proposed EMS serves as a first step in the development of a complex and robust propulsion supervisory controller with the objective of minimizing energy consumption, maximizing vehicle acceleration performance and minimizing jerk, to deliver a pleasant driving experience.

Category: Dissertations and Theses

San Diego Union-Tribune

Newsom is right to seek limits on phone use in…

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Newsom is right to seek limits on phone use in schools, it’s time to finally act on all the evidence that phones and social media have warped our kids.

thesis in computer science format

Her thesis: “The advent of the smartphone and its cousin the tablet was followed quickly by hand-wringing about the deleterious effects of ‘screen time.’ But the impact of these devices has not been fully appreciated … . The arrival of the smartphone has radically changed every aspect of teenagers’ lives, from the nature of their social interactions to their mental health. …  The trends appear among teens poor and rich; of every ethnic background; in cities, suburbs and small towns. Where there are cell towers, there are teens living their lives on their smartphone.”

The piece got a mixed response — and dismissive critics extended beyond the powerful tech firms profiting from phone addictions. Some saw it as alarmism driven by technological ignorance. Some saw it as akin to overblown concerns about the societal impacts of cars, radio and TV in the early and middle 20th century. But here’s who grimly nodded to themselves and said Twenge is right: readers who were among the parents of millions of kids whose middle school and high school experiences often required navigating a gauntlet of phone-driven bullying, derision and cruelty.

Given this history, it is far past time for sharp limits to be put on smartphone use in schools. That is why all should welcome Gov. Gavin Newsom’s announcement Tuesday that he would work with the state Legislature to pass a bill toward that end before it adjourned in August. Newsom, who had to pull one of his four children out of school because of vicious online posts, offered no specifics. And he will certainly face some parental opposition if he tries to entirely ban kids’ access to smartphones while at school. In an era of terrifying, intermittent massacres at U.S. schools, many parents want to be able to hear from their kids instantly. That also holds for parents of children with health issues.

But there are obvious solutions in sight. It is hardly a daunting technological challenge to set up controls on phones that prevent their use for anything but contacting relatives or 911 during the school day. No more sharing cruel gossip about classmates — or videos of fights staged or incited solely to create in-demand content. No more playing of video games. No more ready access to pornography.

Schools that have imposed such limits have quickly seen improvements in student behavior and academics. In Naples, Florida, a private K-12 school reported a 94 percent drop in mental health interventions over a two-year period as well as gains in test scores. In a suburb of Albany, N.Y., a public high school saw its culture “completely transformed,” in the words of its principal, after students were no longer able to instantly share every in-school dispute, insult or provocation.

So let’s follow suit. Newsom is far from the only lawmaker who wants major changes. State Sen. Henry Stern, D-Calabasas, and Assemblymember Josh Hoover, R-Folsom, have been outspoken on the topic. Here’s hoping that other elected leaders only starting with those from the San Diego area quickly offer their support.

Author Jonathan Haidt has called “the rewiring of childhood … the largest uncontrolled experiment humanity has ever performed on its own children.” It’s time to address — and repair — the consequences of this experiment.

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  1. PDF Writing a Computer Science Thesis

    Writing a computer science thesis is a considerable challenge for stu-dents. In this text, we give some tips and structure to write a great thesis. We will go over the research process in general, finding a topic, writing an expos´e, and thesis structure. At the end, we include some tips on researching and writing. 1 Introduction

  2. PDF How to Produce a Computer Science Thesis

    the bricks that help build that tower. Contributions are always made in relationship to both the discipline of Computer Scienc. and the thesis statement you have made. For example, writing a piece of software would n. t normally be considered a contribution. However, defining a methodology or algorithm.

  3. PDF Writing a Bachelor Thesis in Computer Science

    A good thesis is self-contained: anyone with a bachelor in computer science should be able to understand it You should refer to the literature for any detail that is not strictly relevant to your text eg., you usually do not need to repeat a proof given in the literature, unless the reader needs to be

  4. Senior Thesis :: Harvard CS Concentration

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  5. MIT Theses

    MIT's DSpace contains more than 58,000 theses completed at MIT dating as far back as the mid 1800's. Theses in this collection have been scanned by the MIT Libraries or submitted in electronic format by thesis authors. Since 2004 all new Masters and Ph.D. theses are scanned and added to this collection after degrees are awarded.

  6. Thesis Format

    The School of Graduate Studies has this to say about the Dissertation Format: As a general rule, the School of Graduate Studies requires that Ph.D. dissertations be extended studies that go well beyond the scope of individual scholarly articles. They are expected to present a broad review of relevant literature and theory, to study extensively ...

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  8. How to Write a Master's Thesis in Computer Science

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  9. LibGuides: Computer Science Research Guide: Writing & Citing

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  10. PhD Thesis Structure and Content

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  11. PDF Master in Computer Science

    a research thesis, which a description of new techniques and / or innovative and original results obtained by the author of the thesis in a specific field of Computer Science. Remember that the commission, and other readers, will not have followed the project throughout. Make the presentation reasonably self-contained.

  12. Computer Science and Engineering Theses and Dissertations

    Design, Deployment, and Validation of Computer Vision Techniques for Societal Scale Applications, Arup Kanti Dey. PDF. AffectiveTDA: Using Topological Data Analysis to Improve Analysis and Explainability in Affective Computing, Hamza Elhamdadi. PDF. Automatic Detection of Vehicles in Satellite Images for Economic Monitoring, Cole Hill. PDF

  13. Master's Thesis in Computer Science

    Master's Thesis in Computer Science. A Master's Thesis is expected to contain the following items: In particular, the review of the state of the art should be thorough and the work performed should advance the state of the art. Each Master's Thesis will be read and judged by a thesis committee consisting of the candidate's supervisor, a faculty ...

  14. Computer Science Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2023. PDF. Classification of DDoS Attack with Machine Learning Architectures and Exploratory Analysis, Amreen Anbar. PDF. Multi-view Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Brain-Computer Interfaces, Sepehr Asgarian. PDF.

  15. Master's Thesis/Project Formatting Library Guidelines

    The student's thesis/project adviser will specify which style manual (citation) is to be followed. It is the responsibility of the student's thesis/project committee to see that proper bibliographic forms are followed. When the thesis/project is presented to the format library reviewer for approval, you must identify the style manual used.

  16. Ph.D. / M.S. Thesis Format Review Guidelines

    Siebel School of. Computing and Data Science. This new school will provide an even greater depth of resources to our top-5 ranked computer science program and a planned new building, made possible through a generous $50 million gift from Illinois alumnus Thomas M. Siebel.

  17. PDF MANUAL For Thesis and Dissertations STYLE & FORMAT

    Your thesis or dissertation committee is responsible for reviewing both the style and the content of your manuscript. The guidelines explained here focus primarily on physical format. If you follow these guidelines, the format of your thesis or dissertation will meet the minimal requirements.

  18. Computer Science Theses

    All of our academic staff are research active, working with a team of post-graduate and post-doctoral researchers and a lively population of research students. Our research focuses on core themes of theoretical and practical computer science: artificial intelligence and symbolic computation, networked and distributed systems, systems ...

  19. Computer Science Masters Theses

    COMPUTER VISION IN ADVERSE CONDITIONS: SMALL OBJECTS, LOW-RESOLUTION IMAGES, AND EDGE DEPLOYMENT, Raja Sunkara. Theses from 2022 PDF. Maximising social welfare in selfish multi-modal routing using strategic information design for quantal response travelers, Sainath Sanga. PDF. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks on MQTT based IoT networks, Henry C. Wong

  20. Computer Science Library Research Guide

    How to search for Harvard dissertations. DASH, Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard, is the university's central, open-access repository for the scholarly output of faculty and the broader research community at Harvard.Most Ph.D. dissertations submitted from March 2012 forward are available online in DASH.; Check HOLLIS, the Library Catalog, and refine your results by using the Advanced ...

  21. Computer Science Graduate Projects and Theses

    The Department of Computer Science is a discipline concerned with the study of computing, which includes programming, automating tasks, creating tools to enhance productivity, and the understanding of the foundations of computation. The Computer Science program provides the breadth and depth needed to succeed in this rapidly changing field. One of the more recent fields of academic study ...


    BS COMPUTER SCIENCE BEST THESIS 2010 Mantaring, Mara Tricia Adviser: Ma. Sheila A. Magboo, M.Sc. Generic Pathway Generator (GPG) "A metabolic pathway within an organism is a series of enzymatic reactions consuming certain metabolites and producing others. These metabolites do not only play a part in one metabolic pathway

  23. Program: Computer Science (MS)

    The degree can be completed with or without a thesis. Requirements for Graduation without a Thesis. A minimum grade point average of 3.0 must be earned on all course work applied toward the master's degree in computer science. This average must also be earned on all graduate courses completed at USC (400-level and above).

  24. Computing Science (Doctor of Philosophy)

    The doctor of philosophy (PhD) in computing science, is a research-intensive program that has a primary emphasis on the thesis. The program provides an environment for interdisciplinary education in theoretical and applied computer science. Through training in formal coursework and hands-on research in areas such as artificial intelligence, computer systems and networks, computer graphics, and ...

  25. Machine Learning for Clinical Score Prediction from Longitudinal

    The School of Computer Science is pleased to present… Machine Learning for Clinical Score Prediction from Longitudinal Dataset: A Case Study on Parkinson's Disease MSc Thesis Proposal by: Nourin Ahmed Date: Friday, 28 Jun 2024 Time: 11:30 am Location: Erie Hall, Room 186 Abstract: Accurate prediction of Parkinson's disease (PD) progression is vital for personalized treatment

  26. Thesis Defense Announcement for Jagdeo Singh

    Thesis title: Architecture selection and propulsion supervisory control strategies for all-wheel drive electric vehicles (EVs) When: 06/26/24 at 4:00 p.m. Where: Simrall 228 and Microsoft Teams: Meeting ID: 258 938 360 464 Passcode: 9sxXUG Candidate: Jagdeo Singh Degree: Master of Science in Electrical & Computer Engineering Committee Members: Dr. John Ball, Dr. Masoud Karimi-Ghartemani, and

  27. Newsom is right to seek limits on phone use in schools

    Her thesis: "The advent of the smartphone and its cousin the tablet was followed quickly by hand-wringing about the deleterious effects of 'screen time.' But the impact of these devices has ...