parts of speech

Parts of Speech

Oct 09, 2014

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Parts of Speech. Grammar Review/ Introduction. 8 parts of speech. Noun Pronoun Verb Adjective Adverb Conjunction Preposition Interjection. What are parts of speech?. Definition: words that label the various kinds of words in a sentence

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Parts of Speech Grammar Review/ Introduction

8 parts of speech • Noun • Pronoun • Verb • Adjective • Adverb • Conjunction • Preposition • Interjection

What are parts of speech? • Definition: words that label the various kinds of words in a sentence • A word’s meaning & position in a sentence determine what part of speech it is. • Some words change depending on the context. Ex: ridecan be a verb or a noun.

Nouns FUNCTION EXAMPLES • Words that name persons, animals, places, things, or ideas • Proper nouns name particular people, animals, places, or things—they are almost always capitalized • Singular or plural form (#) • Woman, desk, teacher, student, bear, mountain, personality, religion, city, country, happiness • Ms. Schonhar, Greer Middle College, California, Mt. Everest, Furman University, etc. • Girl (singular) vs. girls (plural)

NOUN PRACTICE Circle the nouns (and determine whether singular—S—or plural—P) and underline the proper nouns. Charlie was so excited to go to school at Greer Middle College this August. He had planned for weeks to wear his snazzy blue shirt and Nike shoes. While he was enthusiastic about school, his sister was not. Susie did everything she could to avoid getting into the car that morning. She even hid under the covers and hoped her mom wouldn’t find her. That was a bad plan. Eventually, the siblings went to school and everything was fine! Who needs to worry about such things as school?

PRONOUNS FUNCTION EXAMPLES • A substitute for a noun (or for another pronoun). The word that the pronoun replaces it called its antecedent. • If the assignment is long, it will require some planning. • Here, it is the pronoun, and assignment is its antecedent. • Personal—I, me, we, us, you, she, he, him, they, it, etc. • Demonstrative— this, these, that, those • Interrogative—which, who, whose, etc. • Indefinite— each, many, none, one, some, both, anyone, neither, everything, etc. • Possessive—his, her, my, our, your, their, its

PRONOUN PRACTICE Highlight the pronouns and draw an arrow to their antecedents (if applicable). Also, write P if the pronoun is personal, D if it is demonstrative, INT if it is interrogative, IND if it is indefinite, and POS if it is possessive. Charlie was so excited to go to school at Greer Middle College this August. He had planned for weeks to wear his snazzy blue shirt and Nike shoes. While he was enthusiastic about school, his sister was not. Susie did everything she could to avoid getting into the car that morning. She even hid under the covers and hoped her mom wouldn’t find her. That was a bad plan. Eventually, the siblings went to school and everything was fine! Who needs to worry about such things as school?

VERBS FUNCTION EXAMPLES Describes an action or state of being Tenses—example Present Past Progressive Perfect Future • Changes to show: • Person=who did it (i.e. I writevs She writes) • Number= one or more? (i.e. he singsvs They sing) • Tense= when it happens (i.e. She arguesvs She argued) • Voice= acting or acted upon (i.e. She paid the bill vs The bill was paid) • Mood= speaker’s stance toward action (i.e. I am awesome vs If I were awesome)

VERB PRACTICE In the following paragraph, circle the verbs. Also, indicate if the verb is past, present, progressive, or perfect. Sarah participates well in class. While she disliked middle school, she truly enjoys high school. Sarah’s favorite thing about high school is the lunch; she loves Zaxby’s! Her friend Ruby is running cross country for GMC, and she has practiced every day with the team for a few weeks now. Sarah is not a fan of running, but she likes to exercise. Maybe Sarah will go to tryouts for golf, if her mom approves.

ADJECTIVES FUNCTION EXAMPLES • Adjectives modify (limit the meaning of) nouns and pronouns • They describe, identify, or quantify (#) these words • **Adjectives usually come before the words they modify, though they may follow verbs • ***Articles (a, an, the) are also adjectives • Thegreen Jeep ran off the road. • That Jeep has a flat tire. • I saw several Jeeps drive by. • Thedefective car was in the shop. • The car was defective. • I saw the car drive by.

ADJECTIVE PRACTICE Circle the adjectives and draw arrows to the nouns/pronouns they modify. 1. Stephen seemed angry after he finished the new book. 2. Martin’s diligent studying has made the difference in his grade. 3. Before the next meeting, the president will meet with the marketing staff. 4. Alabama’s governor replied quickly to the blunt question. 5. Their old dog has stopped retrieving the daily newspaper. 6. The painted dresser, which looked blue last evening, has green highlights. 7. The conductor was completely delighted with our strong performance. 8. Professor Dumbledore made a surprise announcement: Harry would compete in the upcoming tournament. 9. They answered the challenging questions but missed the easy ones. 10. Ted’s father generously provided him a weekly allowance.

ADVERBS FUNCTION EXAMPLES • Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, or entire clauses. Many adverbs end in –ly, though some don’t (always, never, very, well, etc.). • Tell how, when, or, where something happens • John recently visited his father in Greer. • It was unexpectedly exciting. • He verysoon discovered Jones Gap. • Frankly, he would have stayed another month.

ADVERB PRACTICE Underline the verb(s). Circle the adverb(s) in the sentences below. Be sure to find adverbs modifying adjectives/entire clauses as well. 1. Scott carefully completed his obnoxiously lengthy homework. 2. We’re going to the store today. 3. The sad dog ran away. 4. Noisily, the helicopter flew in the sky. 5. We often eat dinner with our family. 6. My parents are happily married. 7. He quickly closed the door. 8. Later, we will have an expertly prepared dinner. 9. Before their wedding, the happily engaged couple saved their money.


CONJUNCTIONS FUNCTION EXAMPLES Conjunctionsconnect words or groups of words to each other and tell something about the relationships between these words. Coordinating Conjunctions join equal structures (i.e. two or more nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, phrases, or clauses) Correlative Conjunctions join equal elements in pairs Subordinating Conjunctions show the relationship between an adverb clause (usually dependent) and another clause (independent) Coordinating Conjunctions: For And Nor But Or Yet So FANBOYS Correlative Conjunctions: Both/And Neither/ Nor Either/Or Not only/But also Just as/So Whether/Or Subordinating Conjunctions: Sweat ran down my face while I searched for my child. After, although, as, as if, because, before, even though, if, in order that, once, since, so that, than, though, unless, until, when, where, whether, while

Conjunction practice #1 Circle the conjunctions, and try to identify which type of conjunction each is. 1. I like apples and bananas. 2. You can come to the meeting as long as you don’t say anything. 3. We are losing now, but I think our team will win in the long run. 4. Both Jeremy and Joshua have red hair. 5. Keep your hand on the wound until the nurse tells you to remove it. 6. I didn’t study, so I will probably fail this quiz. 7. I am not only a daughter, but also a friend. 8. If it rains on Sunday, I will not be able to drive. 9. Neither my mother nor my father will be able to attend the parent-teacher conference.

Conjunction practice #2 Write your own sentences using the type of conjunction listed. Underline the conjunction used. 10. Coordinating 11. Correlative 12. Subordinating 13. Your choice! Label it.


Prepositions FUNCTION EXAMPLES Prepositions express relationships (in time, space, or other senses) between nouns or pronouns and other words in a sentence. Common Prepositions: About ByNear Above Between On Across DuringThrough At In Over Behind Into With We did not want to leave during the game. The contestants waited nervously for the announcement. Drive across the bridge, and go down the avenue past three stoplights.

PREPOSITIONS PRACTICE Circle or highlight all of the prepositions you can find. Feel free to just highlight the preposition at the beginning of the phrase. Francis Macomber had, half an hour before, been carried to his tent from the edge of the camp in triumph on the arms and shoulders of the cook, the personal boys, the skinner and the porters. The gun-bearers had taken no part in the demonstration. When the native boys put him down at the door of his tent, he had shaken all their hands, received their congratulations, and then gone into the tent and sat on the bed until his wife came in. She did not speak to him when she came in and he left the tent at once to wash his face and hands in the portable wash basin outside and go over to the dining tent to sit in a comfortable canvas chair in the breeze and the shade.

Prepositions practice answers Francis Macomber had, half an hour before, been carried to his tent from the edge of the camp in triumph on the arms and shoulders of the cook, the personal boys, the skinner and the porters. The gun-bearers had taken no part in the demonstration. When the native boys put him down at the door of his tent, he had shaken all their hands, received their congratulations, and then gone into the tent and sat on the bed until his wife came in. She did not speak to him when she came in and he left the tent at once to wash his face and hands in the portable wash basin outside and go over to the dining tent to sit in a comfortable canvas chair in the breeze and the shade.


INTERJECTIONS FUNCTION EXAMPLES Interjections express surprise or emotion—oh, ouch, ah, hey, etc.They often stand alone as fragments, and even when interjections are part of a sentence, they do not relate grammatically to the rest of the sentence. Hey, no one said life would be easy. Whoa! Chill out, brother. Yikes! That test was difficult. Wow, I didn’t know you were going to say that. Ouch, that hurt! I don’t know but, goodness, that experience was crazy!

INTERJECTIONS PRACTICE Circle the interjections in the sentences below. 1. Hey! Keep your hands off that camera. 2. Darn, Alice is late again. 3. Gee, I really thought I would have won. 4. I think I, uh, forgot your name. Write your own sentences with interjections, expressing the following emotions: 5. Surprise 6. Hesitation 7. Pain 8. Impatience

Interjections practice answers 1. Hey! Keep your hands off that camera. 2. Darn, Alice is late again. 3. Gee, I really thought I would have won. 4. I think I, uh, forgot your name.

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Parts of Speech

  • What is a noun?
  • A noun is a person, place, thing or idea
  • What are some examples of nouns?
  • Dancer (person)
  • Street (place)
  • Lamp (thing)
  • Freedom (idea)
  • How is a proper noun different?
  • A proper noun is a noun that is specific to one person, place, thing or idea. In short, a proper noun is a name.
  • Mrs. Etter (person)
  • Winnetka (place)
  • Snuggie (thing)
  • What is a pronoun?
  • A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.
  • What are some examples of pronouns?
  • What does that look like in a sentence?
  • Mrs. Etter went to lunch.
  • She went to lunch.
  • What is a verb?
  • A verb is a word that identifies an action, movement or state of being.
  • What are some examples of verbs?
  • What about the forms of “to be”? Example: is, was, were & are.
  • Yes, these are verbs. They all describe a state of being and are therefore verbs
  • Example: Sam is nice
  • What about odd ones like “will”, “shall”, “could”, “would”, “must”, “may”, “might”, etc?
  • Yes, these are also verbs. They are called “modal verbs” and are usually seen helping another verb along.
  • Example: I think we will go to the party.
  • What are the verbs in this sentence?
  • What is an adjective?
  • An adjective is a word that modifies or describes a noun. In other words, it is a word that makes a noun more specific.
  • What are some examples of adjectives?
  • Which of the following words are adjectives?
  • The dancing, purple dog sat beside his house
  • What is an adverb?
  • An adverb is a word that is used to modify (further describe) a verb, adjective or other adverb.
  • What are some examples of adverbs?
  • Which of the following words are adverbs?
  • The sun often rises above the extremely green horizon, very rapidly casting an orange glow over the world.
  • What is a preposition?
  • Shows a relationship, often physical, spatial or concerning time, between two nouns or pronouns in a sentence.
  • What are some examples of prepositions?
  • Which of the following words are prepositions?
  • The cat went to the store. The store was past the park. He passed over the bridge on his way.


  • What is a conjunction?
  • A word that is used to join words, phrases or clauses.
  • What are some examples of conjunctions?
  • Which of the following words are conjunctions?
  • The hunter and his friend went camping because they enjoy the outdoors. They paid for the campsite ahead of time so that they could reserve it. It was either that or just show up and hope for the best.


  • What is an interjection?
  • An interjection is a single word that is used to express emotion. It is usually separated from the sentence by an exclamation point or a comma.
  • What are some examples of interjections?
  • Which of the following words are interjections?
  • Ow! You stepped on my toe!
  • Eek! I saw a mouse!
  • Hey, do you know when class starts tomorrow?


  • What is an article?
  • An article is a word that identifies or specifies a noun. It proceeds the noun in a sentence.
  • What are some examples of articles?
  • There are only three articles:
  • Which of the following words are articles?
  • The cat sat beside a river and caught a fish.

Identify each word in the sentence by its correct part of speech

The cat ran quickly down the stairs

Article noun verb adverb preposition article noun

What parts of speech do we have here?

Beside the lake sat the beautiful princess.

Preposition article noun verb article adjective noun

Carol and Lisa were laughing at his haircut.

Proper noun conjunction proper noun verb verb preposition adjective noun

Ugh! You are so mean!

Interjection Pronoun verb adverb adjective

The very angry teacher slammed her books on the table.

Article adverb adjective noun verb adjective noun preposition article noun

Who was spreading that rumor?

Pronoun verb verb adjective noun

Everyone went to the party but me.

Pronoun verb preposition article noun conjunction pronoun.

My house is between the slowly flowing river and the school.

Adjective noun verb preposition article adverb adjective noun conjunction article noun

Someone was calling your phone.

The black car was somewhat noisy and old.

Article adjective noun verb adverb adjective conjunction adjective.

She was standing against the wall.

Pronoun verb verb preposition article noun

What are we having for dinner?

Pronoun verb pronoun verb preposition noun

They always arrive before noon.

Pronoun adverb verb preposition noun

She and I went to the store on Tuesday.

Pronoun conjunction pronoun verb preposition article noun preposition Proper noun

I had a very scary dream about you.

Pronoun verb article adverb adjective noun preposition pronoun

Jenny nor Sally could come to the dance.

Proper noun conjunction proper noun verb verb preposition article noun.

We sometimes go there after school.

Pronoun adverb verb noun preposition noun

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Parts of Speech PowerPoint

Parts of Speech PowerPoint

Subject: English

Age range: 11-14

Resource type: Lesson (complete)

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8 February 2022

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Teaching parts of speech? Help your students reach proficiency with this comprehensive, instructional 21-slide PowerPoint. Presentation addresses all eight parts of speech, including: nouns, verbs, pronouns, prepositions, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, and interjections - with examples and kid-friendly pictures.

Assess your students with a formative/summative review that will let you know their comprehension level. Easy for you - engaging for them!

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Parts of Speech Bundle

Teaching parts of speech? Teach, practice, and assess this important literacy skill with the Parts of Speech PTA Skills Bundle! The PTA Skills Bundle includes three research-based, best practice products that allow for instruction, practice, and assessment: PowerPoints - 22 slides Task Cards - 40 Task Cards Assessment - 30-question test with answer key About PTA Skills Bundles: The Guaranteed-To-Succeed PTA Skills Bundles includes three research-based, best practice products (PowerPoint, Task Cards, and Assessment) that allow for instruction, practice, and assessment – the three most important components of your lesson. PTA Bundles are an all-inclusive easy way to teach skills and concepts while reaching 100% student engagement and proficiency in no time. Here’s how it works: 1) You TEACH the skill with an easy-to-understand, comprehensive instructional PowerPoint. 2) Students PRACTICE the skill as they review the content with high yield Task Cards that generate active engagement. 3) You ASSESS the skill with a Common Core-aligned assessment that will let you know in no time who is advanced, proficient, basic, and below basic. Need more products for all your literacy lessons? Check out the PTA ELA Skills Jumbo Bundle - Volume 1 and PTA ELA Skills Jumbo Bundle - Volume 2 for an entire year of resources! 10 Benefits of the PTA Skills Bundle: ➢PTA Bundles are instructional time-friendly! ➢PTA Bundles are perfect for standout evaluations. You’ll shine as your evaluator commends your use of materials, creativity, content, and assessment. ➢PTA Bundles are minimal prep work…it’s all there! ➢PTA Bundles include Common Core-aligned assessments will let you know in no time who is advanced, proficient, basic, and below basic in this important ELA skill. ➢PTA Bundles are time savers…they last for years! ➢PTA Bundles include research-based high yield strategies that keep students actively engaged. ➢PTA Bundles are super sub friendly…Keep them learning even when you’re not there! ➢PTA Bundles have built in standardized test prep, so no need to stress come spring! ➢PTA Bundles make collaboration easy. Share the wealth of your knowledge and resources with your colleagues the easy way. ➢PTA Bundles are Easy for you – Engaging for them!! Add PTA Skills Bundles to your teaching library today!

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Parts of Speech.

Published by Cora Jefferson Modified over 8 years ago

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Katy Perry Edits Harrison Butker’s Commencement Speech ‘For My Girls, My Graduates and My Gays’

Perry says she fixed the original speech, in which the football player condemned LGBTQ rights and women's rights, telling female college grads to become a "homemaker."

By Ashley Iasimone

Ashley Iasimone

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Katy Perry attends the American Idol Grand Finale on May 19, 2024 in Los Angeles, CA.

Happy Pride from Katy Perry ! As Pride Month begins, the pop star marked the occasion with a message of encouragement in the form of a heavily reworked take on the controversial — to say it lightly — grad speech given by the Kansas City Chiefs’ Harrison Butker at Benedictine College .

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“fixed this for my girls, my graduates, and my gays — you can do anything, congratulations and happy pride,” Perry captioned a post on Instagram on Saturday (June 1). She shared a Perry-approved version of Butker’s speech.

Here is a transcript of the edit of Butker’s commencement speech posted by Perry: “For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You should be proud of all that you have achieved to this point in your young lives. How many of you are sitting here now, about to cross this stage, and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you’re going to get in your career? I would venture to guess the women here today are going to lead successful careers in the world. I say all of this to you because I have seen it firsthand: how much happier someone can be supporting women, and not saying that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. The road ahead is bright. Things are changing. Society is shifting and people young and old are embracing diversity, equity and inclusion. With that said, I want to say Happy Pride to all of you, and congratulations class of 2024.”

In a puzzling move, Butker’s speech had also quoted a lyric from Taylor Swift (“my teammate’s girlfriend,” he said, instead of naming names), apparently forgetting Swift’s decades-long dedication to her career; this week Swift, still on her historic international Eras Tour, holds onto No. 1 on the Billboard 200 for the sixth week in a row with her latest studio album, The Tortured Poets Department .

Watch Perry’s version of the much-talked-about commencement speech below. The star just finished her run on American Idol and has been teasing that new music is on the horizon.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by KATY PERRY (@katyperry)

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Clooney Foundation Invokes United Nations Over Death of Thai Free Speech Activist Netiporn Sanesangkhom

By Patrick Frater

Patrick Frater

Asia Bureau Chief

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Protests against Thailand's lese majeste laws

The Clooney Foundation for Justice, the human rights campaign group established by George and Amal Clooney, has petitioned the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention over the death in custody of Thai activist Netiporn “Bung” Sanesangkhom.

Sanesangkhom died on May 14 following a 65-day hunger strike after repeatedly being denied bail while facing charges of insulting the monarchy (lèse majesté). She was 28.

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Thailand has some of the world’s strictest lèse majesté laws and authorities regularly use Section 112 of the Criminal Code to stifle pro-democracy commentary.

According to TrialWatch, more than 270 people have been charged with lèse majesté in Thailand in the past four years. One person recently found guilty, in relation to a post on Facebook, was given a 50-year jail sentence.

“Thailand’s lèse majesté law is a blunt instrument of oppression against Thai citizens exercising their rights, under international law, of freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and freedom from arbitrary detention,” said David J. Scheffer, TrialWatch expert and former U.S. ambassador at large for war crimes issues.

The country is also bidding for a seat on the UN Human Rights Council. The Clooney Foundation’s Trialwatch, however, says that the government’s clampdown on criticism of the monarchy appears to be escalating.

The organization says it is monitoring a case in which a defendant is facing charges simply for repeating the UN’s views of the lèse majesté law. And in January, the Thai Constitutional Court ruled that a political party’s efforts to reform the law were treasonous.

The organization says the presumption of guilt is “a concerning tactic in lèse majesté cases.” That leads courts to either deny defendants bail pending trial or make the offer of bail on the condition that they refrain from activism.

“There is much work to be done now to challenge the vagueness and misguided enforcement of the lèse majesté law and to ensure that Thailand does not obtain membership in the UN Human Rights Council until it protects fundamental human rights, which it so woefully failed to do in Netiporn’s case,” Scheffer said. “Netiporn’s tragic death should be a wake-up call both to the Thai government, which should finally heed calls for reforming its lèse majesté law, and to the international community.”

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Robert De Niro’s Invite To NAB Event Rescinded After Speech Outside Trump Trial

The National Association of Broadcasters Leadership Foundation has rescinded an invitation to Robert De Niro to attend its Celebration of Service to America Awards next week after the Oscar-winning actor’s fiery anti-Trump remarks outside the former president’s criminal trial in Manhattan on Tuesday. De Niro had been invited to the press conference by Joe Biden ‘s presidential campaign.

At the NAB event, De Niro was to receive the organization’s 2024 Service of Leadership Award, the NABLF’s highest individual honor in recognition of charitable work and public service.

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The statement continued: “While we strongly support the right of every American to exercise free speech and participate in civic engagement, it is clear that Mr. De Niro’s recent high-profile activities will create a distraction from the philanthropic work that we were hoping to recognize. To maintain the focus on service of the award winners, Mr. De Niro will no longer be attending the event.”

In response, in a statement to The Hill, De Niro said, “I support the work of the NAB Leadership Foundation and would like to express my appreciation and gratitude for what the Foundation has done and will continue to do for the good of us all, and I wish them well for their continued good work.”

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De Niro, who recently narrated a Biden campaign ad , warned of Trump’s potential return to the White House, calling him a “tyrant.”

“Now he’s promising to use our own military to attack U.S. citizens,” De Niro said. “That’s the tyrant, that is the tyrant he is telling us he will be, and believe me, he means it.”

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De Niro’s response to the verdict? “Justice was served.”

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Biden highlights US commitment to Israel, Ukraine in West Point Speech

WEST POINT (Reuters) -  President Joe Biden  emphasized the critical role of U.S. support to allies around the world including  Israel ,  Ukraine  and the Indo-Pacific in a speech on Saturday at the commencement for the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York.

The speech before 1,036 graduating U.S. Army cadets is part of a push by Biden to highlight the administration's efforts to support active and retired military personnel. These include a bipartisan law he signed two years ago to help veterans who have been exposed to burn pits or other poisons obtain easier access to healthcare.

Biden described American soldiers as "working around the clock" to support Ukraine in its effort to repel a two-year long Russian invasion, but repeated his commitment to keeping them off the front lines.

"We are standing strong with Ukraine and we will stand with them," Biden told the crowd to a round of applause.

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He also highlighted the U.S. role in repelling Iranian missile attacks against Israel and support for allies in the Indo-Pacific against  increasing Chinese militarism  in the region.

"Thanks to the U.S. Armed Forces, we're doing what only America can do as the indispensable nation, the world's only superpower," Biden said.

The president is scheduled to participate in Memorial Day services at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia on Monday. A week later, he will travel to Normandy, France, to participate in ceremonies marking the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion.

Biden is expected to give a major speech about the heroism of Allied forces in World War Two and the continuing threats to democracy today.

As vice president, he twice addressed a graduating class of cadets at the academy about 40 miles (64 km) north of New York City, but this was the first time as president.

Donald Trump , Biden's Republican challenger in  the 2024 election , was the last president to speak at a West Point commencement, in 2020.

College campuses nationwide have erupted in sometimes-violent protests over Biden's support for Israel's war against Hamas following the militant group's Oct. 7 attack. Students have used commencement speeches at universities such as  Harvard ,  Duke  and  Yale  to protest Biden's actions.

Earlier this month, the Democratic president gave the  commencement speech  at Morehouse College, a historically Black men's college, where protests were sparse.

The military academy was founded in 1802 by President Thomas Jefferson to train Army officers and has produced some of the United States' greatest generals, including two who went on to become president.

Trump has seen some of his support from the military community erode.

In 2016, he won 60% of voters who said at the time that they served in the military, according to exit polls conducted by NBC News. That figure dropped to 54% in 2020, according to NBC News.

In 2020, Biden won 44% of voters who said they served in the military, according to the data.


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    The statement continued: "While we strongly support the right of every American to exercise free speech and participate in civic engagement, it is clear that Mr. De Niro's recent high-profile ...

  27. Parts of speech: English ESL powerpoints

    A presentation on parts of speech and collocations. Parts of Speech (aka word classes, e.g. nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs)

  28. Biden highlights US commitment to Israel, Ukraine at West Point

    The speech before 1,036 graduating U.S. Army cadets is part of a push by Biden to highlight the administration's efforts to support active and retired military personnel.

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