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Starting a Shooting Range Business: A Complete Guide

private shooting ranges includes indoor commercial shooting range and outdoor range serves as a lucrative business that invloves tactical training and must meet up all safety requirements

Have you been thinking about starting a shooting range business?

Well, strap in.

I've got a complete guide locked and loaded with everything you need to know to get started.

Whether you're dreaming of an indoor haven or an outdoor shooting paradise, starting a shooting range business is no joke. It requires careful planning and thorough research on operational procedures, target customer base, existing customer base, safety features, zoning requirements, range design, local government laws and regulations, federal firearms license requirements, and so on.

In this blog, I'll discuss the steps needed for starting one from scratch.

Let’s dive in.

Starting a Shooting Range Business: A Step-By-Step-Guide

Starting a shooting range business can be a profitable venture. 

From calculating business expenses to promoting your business, I'll cover everything in this blog post.

Here are the steps you need to follow for starting your business.

1. Research the Shooting Range Industry

There are 3 types of shooting range businesses: indoor, outdoor, and hybrid ranges.

Indoor shooting ranges are popular in urban areas due to their convenience and controlled environment.

Outdoor shooting ranges offer a different shooting experience, allowing for longer distances and a more natural environment.

Hybrid ranges combine the best of both worlds, offering the freedom of open-air shooting and a controlled shooting environment.

Regardless of the type of shooting range, you must understand and comply with federal licensing requirements. Therefore, thorough research is a must.

Also, each state has its own specific regulations and licensing procedures for shooting range businesses, including:

  • Zoning restrictions
  • Safety inspections
  • Background checks
  • Record-keeping requirements

Abiding by these regulations ensures that shooting range owners can create a safe and legally compliant environment for their customers.

For more information on safety protocols, federal licensing, and state regulations, I recommend you visit the website of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives .

indoor shooting range remains one of the community recreation programs so all the safety requirements involved should be met

2. Know the Startup Costs for Shooting Range Businesses

industry professionals at outdoor shooting range and shooting bays should help clients handle range equipment and teach them eye and ear protection

Starting a shooting range business requires careful planning and a thorough understanding of the associated startup costs.

Here are some of the costs you will need to factor in:

  • Equipment: One of the major costs of starting a shooting range business is the purchase of equipment. This includes

           - Firearms

            - Ammunition

            - Targets

            - Safety gear

            - Range maintenance equipment

            - Shooting benches

            - Range dividers

            - Ventilation systems and more

  • Land/Structures: If you plan on building an outdoor range, you will need to acquire suitable land. The cost of land will depend on the location, proximity to residential areas, local zoning regulations, and the size of the range.Indoor ranges require constructing or renting a suitable building. You will also need to spend on constructing shooting lanes, bulletproof walls, soundproofing, lighting, and ventilation systems.
  • Labor: Hiring qualified staff members is crucial for the smooth operation and safety of your shooting range business. Consider labor costs for salaries, benefits, training, and ongoing staff development. 
  • Business Formation Costs: Establishing a legal entity for your shooting range business, such as an LLC or Corporation, involves certain costs. This may include registration fees, legal fees, licenses, permits, insurance, and more.
  • Marketing and Promotion: Promoting your shooting range business to attract customers will incur costs. This may include advertising, online marketing, creating a website, signage, brochures, social media campaigns, and other promotional materials.

I also recommend investing in lead generation software to target specific demographics and individuals who may be interested in your services. You may go through this lead generation software list by Attrock to find a suitable option for your business.

3. Come Up with a Detailed Business Plan

Creating a comprehensive business plan is necessary when starting a shooting range business like any other business. It helps outline your goals, strategies, and financial projections. 

Here are some key elements you should include in your business plan

  • Pricing strategy: Determine how you will price your services. You may consider factors such as the cost of equipment, overhead expenses, competitor analysis, and your target market's willingness to pay.
  • Funding sources: Identify the funding sources available to support your shooting range business, such as personal savings, bank loans, and so on. Your business plan should present a clear and realistic financial plan to use the funds to attract investors.
  • Marketing strategy: Develop a marketing strategy to attract customers and increase awareness of your shooting range. I suggest using traditional and digital marketing channels, such as social media, email marketing, local advertising, and partnerships with relevant organizations or clubs.
  • Tools and Software: You need to invest in required software such as sales management tools, business text messaging software, accounting software, and delivery management software to run your business successfully.

Here are some tips you can follow for writing a business plan.

existing establishment or new local ranges know your target audience and build your company image as one of the local businesses

4. Get Your Shooting Range Business Accredited

Getting accreditation is another important step when starting a shooting range business. It helps ensure the safety and legitimacy of your operations.

Before pursuing accreditation, ensure that you have obtained all the necessary license and zoning requirements, various permits required by federal, state, and local authorities, and local regulations.

Familiarize yourself with the safety standards and regulations applicable to shooting ranges. This includes compliance with zoning laws, noise ordinances, and environmental regulations.

Prepare the necessary documentation and forms as per the requirements of the accreditation organization. This may include details about your range's safety protocols, range rules, insurance coverage, and emergency procedures.

5. Find the Ideal Location

When starting a shooting range business, finding the right location is key to business success.

For outdoor ranges, evaluate the land size and shape to accommodate various shooting distances and target setups. Consider the surrounding vegetation and natural barriers to ensure safety and prevent stray bullets.

I strongly recommend locating your shooting range near your target market. This will help attract a steady flow of customers and reduce their travel time.

Consider these factors when choosing a location for your business.

build an indoor shooting range within city limits and also ensure range safety. contact local ranges and improve your commercial shooting business

6. Brand Your Shooting Range Business

Pay special attention to branding when starting your shooting range business. The right branding strategies help to establish a strong identity for your business. 

Understanding your target market is crucial for effective branding. Identify the demographics, preferences, and interests of your potential customers.

Selecting a strong and memorable name for your shooting range is also essential. Pick a name that reflects the nature of your business and also appeals to your target market.

It is also important to establish a cohesive visual identity for your shooting range business. This includes choosing appropriate colors, fonts, and logos that align with your brand's personality.

Here’s a tip. Leverage social media platforms to enhance your brand presence. Use tools like Movavi Video Editor , Lightworks , and Animoto to create engaging videos on shooting sports, safety, and other relevant topics.

7. Develop Safety Protocols and Obtain Insurance Cover

When starting a shooting range business, ensuring the safety of your customers and staff is of paramount importance. Besides adhering to safety protocols mandated by the state, it is important also to create your own protocols tailored to your shooting range facility.

For instance, you must have a robust emergency response plan that outlines procedures for handling various scenarios, including accidents, medical emergencies, fire, or unauthorized access to the range. 

It is also crucial to train your staff on executing the emergency response plan. Create videos quickly with AI-text-video-generators , including real-life scenarios to help your staff better understand how to apply the procedures in real-time situations.

Here is an example.

get helpful advice and teach all safety operational procedures to your clients and staff and get your shooting stations insured.

You must also acquire appropriate liability insurance coverage for your shooting range business. Liability insurance helps protect your business from financial loss in the event of accidents, injuries, or property damage.

8. Get Reservation Software for Your Shooting Range

Invest in reservation software when starting your shooting range business. Reservation software helps streamline the booking and scheduling process, allowing customers to easily book range time online. This minimizes administrative tasks, reduces the risk of double bookings, and ensures a smooth and efficient operation of your shooting range.

With reservation software, customers can conveniently view available time slots, make reservations, and even pay in advance. This can significantly enhance the customer experience .

Data from the software can help you make informed decisions regarding staffing and equipment allocation. You can also tailor your marketing efforts to attract and retain customers.

9. Promote Your Shooting Range Business

Promoting your shooting range business is crucial for attracting customers and building a strong reputation in the industry.

Word of mouth is a powerful tool for promoting any business. Encourage satisfied customers to spread the word and recommend your shooting range to their friends, family, and colleagues.

Create a professional website that showcases your shooting range facilities, services, and pricing. Use a form maker to embed forms on your website to gather leads.

Create enticing offers and promotions to attract new customers, encourage repeat visits and establish relationships.

Online reviews and ratings play a significant role in building trust and credibility for your shooting range business. Consider applying for a rating from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) . It can further enhance your reputation and attract customers looking for trusted shooting ranges.

establish contacts with promotional literature and promote your business to target customer and other interest groups improving your existing customer base


Starting a shooting range business does not have to be daunting. Just follow the step-by-step guide I’ve laid out for you. 

Do your market research, get the necessary permits, finalize a shooting area, and invest in quality equipment. Safety concerns should always be your top priority for either a new shooting range or an already operating establishment. Keep your customers happy, stay updated with regulations, and be adaptable. 

With hard work and dedication, your shooting range business can thrive in this exciting industry.

Unlock the full potential of your shooting range facility with strategic decision-making. Embracing a forward-thinking mindset is key to enhancing your facility's operations and maximizing efficiency. Streamlining and automating your processes empowers you to identify and address areas that require improvement.

Discover the transformative power of Omnify Facility Management Software , which has revolutionized operations for numerous recreation and sports facility businesses. By leveraging this cutting-edge solution, you can save valuable time and effort while providing exceptional services to your members. Take advantage of our FREE TRIAL today and propel your shooting range towards unprecedented growth.

shooting range business plan

Reena is the Director of Operations and Sales at Attrock, a result-driven digital marketing company. With 10+ years of sales and operations experience in the field of e-commerce and digital marketing, she is quite an industry expert. She is a people person and considers the human resources as the most valuable asset of a company. In her free time, you would find her spending quality time with her brilliant, almost teenage daughter and watching her grow in this digital, fast-paced era.

Looking to venture into the shooting range business? Omnify’s step-by-step Guide on starting one has got you covered. Continue reading for more information.

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Gun Range Business Plan Template

Writing a successful business plan for your gun shooting range business + template.

If you’re looking to start or grow a gun shooting range , you need a business plan. Your plan will outline your business goals and strategies, and how you plan on achieving them. It will also detail the amount of funding you need, and if needed, present a case to investors and lenders regarding why they should invest in your business.

In this article, we’ll explain why you should invest the time and energy into creating a gun shooting range business plan, and provide you with a gun shooting range business plan template that includes an overview of what should be included in each section.

Why Write a Business Plan For a Gun Shooting Range Business?

There are many reasons to write a business plan for a gun shooting range , even if you’re not looking for funding. A business plan can help you see potential pitfalls in your business strategy, as well as identify opportunities you may not have considered. It can also help you track your progress and adjust your plans as needed.

That said, if you are looking for funding, a business plan is essential. Investors and lenders want to see that you have a solid understanding of your industry, your customers, and your competition. They also want to know that you have a realistic view of your financial situation and how much money you’ll need to get started.

How To Write a Business Plan For a Gun Shooting Range Business

While every business plan is different, there are 10 essential components that all gun shooting range business plans should include:

Executive Summary

Company description, industry analysis, customer analysis, competitor analysis, marketing plan, operations plan, management team, financial plan.

Keep in mind that you’ll need to tailor this information to your specific type of gun shooting range business, but these 10 components should be included in every plan.

The executive summary is the first section of your business plan, but it’s often written last. This is because it provides an overview of the entire document.

In the executive summary, briefly explain what your business does, your business goals, and how you plan on achieving them. You should also include a brief overview of your financial situation, including how much money you’ll need to get started.

For organizational purposes, you could create headings for each main section of your business plan to highlight the key takeaways.

For example, your gun shooting range executive summary might look something like this:

Company Overview

[Insert Company Introduction / Short Summary]

Business Goals

[Insert Business Goals & How You Plan To Achieve Them]

Industry Overview

[Insert Industry Statistics on the Size of Your Market]


[Insert Overview of Competitors & Your Competitive Advantage]

[Insert Information About The Marketing Strategies You Will Use To Attract Clients/Customers]

Financial Overview

You can add and/or remove sections as needed, but these are the basics that should be included in every executive summary.

The next section of your gun shooting range business plan is the company description, where you’ll provide an overview of your business.

Include information about your:

  • Company History & Accomplishments To Date

Mission Statement and/or Company Values

With regards to the company overview, here you will document the type of gun shooting range business you operate. For example, there are several types of shooting range s such as:

  • Indoor Shooting Ranges
  • Outdoor Shooting Ranges
  • Mobile Shooting Ranges
  • Gun Safety Training Centers
  • Firearms Retailers

For example, a gun shooting range company description might look something like this:

We are an X type of gun shooting range business.

Company History

If an existing company: Since launching, our team has served X customers and generated $Y in revenue.

If startup: I conceived [company name] on this date. Since that time, we have developed the company logo, found potential space, etc. 

This is just an example, but your company description should give potential investors a clear idea of who you are, what you do, and why you’re the best at what you do.

The next section of your business plan is the industry analysis. In this section, you’ll need to provide an overview of the industry you’re in, as well as any trends or changes that might impact your business.

Questions you will want to answer include:

  • What is the overall size of the gun shooting range industry?
  • How is the industry growing or changing?
  • What are the major trends affecting the gun shooting range industry?
  • Who are the major players in the gun shooting range industry?

For example, your industry analysis might look something like this:

The size of the gun shooting range industry is $X billion.

It is currently growing at an annual rate of 5.6%, which is projected to continue for the next decade.

Major trends affecting the industry are : 

– The gun industry is growing rapidly.

– People are becoming more interested in recreational shooting.

– There is an increasing demand for safety and training.

How We Fit Into The Industry

This is just an example, but your industry analysis should give potential investors a clear idea of the overall industry, and how your company fits into that industry.

The next section of your gun shooting range business plan is the customer analysis. In this section, you’ll need to provide an overview of who your target customers are and what their needs are.

  • Who are your target customers?
  • What are their needs?
  • How do they interact with your industry?
  • How do they make purchasing decisions?

You want a thorough understanding of your target customers to provide them with the best possible products and/or services. Oftentimes, you will want to include the specific demographics of your target market, such as age, gender, income, etc., but you’ll also want to highlight the psychographics, such as their interests, lifestyles, and values.

This information will help you better understand your target market and how to reach them.

For example, your customer analysis might look something like this:

Target Market & Demographics

The demographic (age, gender, location, income, etc.) profile of our target gun shooting range customer is as follows: 

– Age: 25-54

– Gender: Male

– Location:Urban

– Income: $50,000-$150,000


Our core customer interests are as follows: 

– Safety: They want to feel safe when using firearms.

– Training: They want to be properly trained in how to use firearms.

– Competition: They want to be able to compete with others in firearm usage.

In summary, your customer analysis should give potential investors a clear idea of who your target market is and how you reach them.

The next section of your business plan is the competitor analysis. In this section, you’ll need to provide an overview of who your major competitors are and their strengths and weaknesses.

  • Who are your major competitors?
  • What are their strengths and weaknesses?
  • How do they compare to you?

You want to make sure that you have a clear understanding of your competition so that you can position yourself in the market. Creating a SWOT Analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) for each of your major competitors helps you do this. 

For example, your competitor analysis might look something like this:

Major Competitors

XYZ Company is our major competitor. Its offerings include this, this and this. Its strengths include XYZ, and its weaknesses include XYZ.

Competitive Advantage

Your competitor analysis should give potential lenders and investors a clear idea of who your major competitors are and how you compare to them.

The next section of your business plan is the marketing plan. In this section, you’ll need to provide an overview of your marketing strategy and how you plan on executing it.

Specifically, you will document your “4 Ps” as follows:

  • Products/Services : Here is where you’ll document your product/service offerings.
  • Price : Detail your pricing strategy here.
  • Place : Document where customers will find you and whether you will use distribution channels (e.g., partnerships) to reach them.
  • Promotion : Here you will document how you will reach your target customers. For instance, gun shooting range businesses often reach new customers via promotional tactics including print advertisements, online ads and word-of-mouth.

For example, your marketing plan might look something like this:


We offer the following products/services: 

We will use a premium pricing strategy to establish ourselves as the highest quality brand.

We will serve customers directly and through a partnership with XYZ company.

As you can see, your marketing plan should give potential investors a clear idea of your marketing objectives, strategies, and tactics.

The next section of your business plan is the operations plan. In this section, you’ll need to provide an overview of your company’s day-to-day operations and how they will be structured.

  • What are your company’s daily operations?
  • How are your company’s operations structured?
  • Who is responsible for each task?

Your operations plan should be detailed and concise. You want to make sure that potential investors have a clear understanding of your company’s day-to-day operations and how they are structured.

You will also include information regarding your long-term goals for your operations and how you plan on achieving them.

For example, your operations plan might look something like this:

Daily Operations

Our company’s daily operations include XYZ.

Operational Structure

Our company is structured as follows:

  • Department 1
  • Department 2
  • Department 3

Each department is responsible for XYZ tasks.

Long-Term Goals

Our long-term goals for our operations are to achieve the following over the next five years.

Date 1: Goal 1

Date 2: Goal 2

Date 3: Goal 3

Date 4: Goal 4

Your operations plan should give readers a clear idea of your company’s day-to-day operations, how they are structured, and your long-term goals for the company.

The next section of your business plan is the management team. In this section, you’ll need to provide an overview of your management team and their experience.

  • Who is on your management team?
  • What are their qualifications?
  • What is their experience?

Your management team ideally includes individuals who are experts in their respective fields. You want to make sure that lenders and investors have a clear understanding of your management team’s qualifications and experience, and feel they can execute on your plan.

For example, your management team might look something like this:

Our management team is comprised of the following X individuals with the following experience.

Team Member 1: 

Team member 1’s qualifications and experience include XYZ.

Team Member 2: 

Your management team should give potential lenders and investors a clear idea of who is on your team and how their qualifications and experience will help your company succeed.

The final core section of your business plan is the financial plan. In this section, you’ll need to provide an overview of your company’s financials.

  • What are your company’s projected revenues?
  • What are your company’s projected expenses?
  • What is your company’s projected growth rate?
  • How much funding do you need and for what purposes? For example, most startup gun shooting range businesses need outside funding for things like leasing a facility, purchasing equipment, and hiring staff.

Your financial plan should give potential investors a clear understanding of your company’s financials. While you may include a summary of this information in this section, you will include full financial statements in the appendix of your business plan.

For example, your financial plan might look something like this:

Our company’s projected revenues over the next five years are $XYZ.

Expenses & Net Income

Our company’s projected expenses and net income over the next five years are $XYZ.

Uses of Funding

This is just an example, but your financial plan should give potential investors a clear idea of your company’s financial projections.

The final section of your business plan is the appendix. In this section, you’ll need to provide any additional information that was not included in the previous sections.

This may include items such as:

  • Full financial statements
  • Resumes of key management team members
  • Letters of reference
  • Articles or press releases
  • Marketing materials
  • Product information
  • Any other relevant information

By including this information in the appendix, you are allowing potential investors and lenders to learn more about your company.

In summary, writing a gun shooting range business plan is a vital step in the process of starting and/or growing your own business.

A business plan will give you a roadmap to follow. It can also help you attract investors and partners.

By following the tips outlined in this article, you can be sure that your business plan will be effective and help you achieve your goals.

shooting range business plan

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Shooting Range Business Plan Template & Guidebook

Are you looking to launch a shooting range business but don't know how to get started? Search no more! The #1 Shooting Range Business Plan Template & Guidebook is the ultimate resource for entrepreneurs looking to achieve success in their new venture. With step-by-step instructions and comprehensive guidance, this template and guidebook gives aspiring shooting range business owners the tools they need to develop a competitive, profitable business.


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  • How to Start a Profitable Shooting Range Business [11 Steps]

How to Write a Shooting Range Business Plan in 7 Steps:

1. describe the purpose of your shooting range business..

The first step to writing your business plan is to describe the purpose of your shooting range business. This includes describing why you are starting this type of business, and what problems it will solve for customers. This is a quick way to get your mind thinking about the customers’ problems. It also helps you identify what makes your business different from others in its industry.

It also helps to include a vision statement so that readers can understand what type of company you want to build.

Here is an example of a purpose mission statement for a shooting range business:

Our mission as a shooting range is to provide a safe, enjoyable space where people can learn and practice their shooting skills. We are committed to providing a welcoming atmosphere and high-quality customer experience for our guests. We strive to be industry leaders in safety and knowledge, helping to build a well-educated generation of shooters for years to come.

Image of Zenbusiness business formation

2. Products & Services Offered by Your Shooting Range Business.

The next step is to outline your products and services for your shooting range business. 

When you think about the products and services that you offer, it's helpful to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is my business?
  • What are the products and/or services that I offer?
  • Why am I offering these particular products and/or services?
  • How do I differentiate myself from competitors with similar offerings?
  • How will I market my products and services?

You may want to do a comparison of your business plan against those of other competitors in the area, or even with online reviews. This way, you can find out what people like about them and what they don’t like, so that you can either improve upon their offerings or avoid doing so altogether.

Image of Zenbusiness business formation

3. Build a Creative Marketing Stratgey.

If you don't have a marketing plan for your shooting range business, it's time to write one. Your marketing plan should be part of your business plan and be a roadmap to your goals. 

A good marketing plan for your shooting range business includes the following elements:

Target market

  • Who is your target market?
  • What do these customers have in common?
  • How many of them are there?
  • How can you best reach them with your message or product?

Customer base 

  • Who are your current customers? 
  • Where did they come from (i.e., referrals)?
  • How can their experience with your shooting range business help make them repeat customers, consumers, visitors, subscribers, or advocates for other people in their network or industry who might also benefit from using this service, product, or brand?

Product or service description

  • How does it work, what features does it have, and what are its benefits?
  • Can anyone use this product or service regardless of age or gender?
  • Can anyone visually see themselves using this product or service?
  • How will they feel when they do so? If so, how long will the feeling last after purchasing (or trying) the product/service for the first time?

Competitive analysis

  • Which companies are competing with yours today (and why)? 
  • Which ones may enter into competition with yours tomorrow if they find out about it now through word-of-mouth advertising; social media networks; friends' recommendations; etc.)
  • What specific advantages does each competitor offer over yours currently?

Marketing channels

  • Which marketing channel do you intend to leverage to attract new customers?
  • What is your estimated marketing budget needed?
  • What is the projected cost to acquire a new customer?
  • How many of your customers do you instead will return?

Form an LLC in your state!

shooting range business plan

4. Write Your Operational Plan.

Next, you'll need to build your operational plan. This section describes the type of business you'll be running, and includes the steps involved in your operations. 

In it, you should list:

  • The equipment and facilities needed
  • Who will be involved in the business (employees, contractors)
  • Financial requirements for each step
  • Milestones & KPIs
  • Location of your business
  • Zoning & permits required for the business

What equipment, supplies, or permits are needed to run a shooting range business?

In order to run a shooting range business, the following equipment and supplies are required:

  • Firearms and ammunition
  • Range equipment such as target stands, backstops, and shooting benches
  • Safety equipment such as hearing protection, eye protection, and cleaning supplies
  • Range lighting
  • Adequate ventilation
  • Protective barriers such as sandbags or bulletproof walls

In addition, permits are needed to lawfully operate a shooting range. Depending on the specific location and type of range, these may include firearms licensing permits, zoning permits, building permits, business licenses, and other local permits.

5. Management & Organization of Your Shooting Range Business.

The second part of your shooting range business plan is to develop a management and organization section.

This section will cover all of the following:

  • How many employees you need in order to run your shooting range business. This should include the roles they will play (for example, one person may be responsible for managing administrative duties while another might be in charge of customer service).
  • The structure of your management team. The higher-ups like yourself should be able to delegate tasks through lower-level managers who are directly responsible for their given department (inventory and sales, etc.).
  • How you’re going to make sure that everyone on board is doing their job well. You’ll want check-ins with employees regularly so they have time to ask questions or voice concerns if needed; this also gives you time to offer support where necessary while staying informed on how things are going within individual departments too!

6. Shooting Range Business Startup Expenses & Captial Needed.

This section should be broken down by month and year. If you are still in the planning stage of your business, it may be helpful to estimate how much money will be needed each month until you reach profitability.

Typically, expenses for your business can be broken into a few basic categories:

Startup Costs

Startup costs are typically the first expenses you will incur when beginning an enterprise. These include legal fees, accounting expenses, and other costs associated with getting your business off the ground. The amount of money needed to start a shooting range business varies based on many different variables, but below are a few different types of startup costs for a shooting range business.

Running & Operating Costs

Running costs refer to ongoing expenses related directly with operating your business over time like electricity bills or salaries paid out each month. These types of expenses will vary greatly depending on multiple variables such as location, team size, utility costs, etc.

Marketing & Sales Expenses

You should include any costs associated with marketing and sales, such as advertising and promotions, website design or maintenance. Also, consider any additional expenses that may be incurred if you decide to launch a new product or service line. For example, if your shooting range business has an existing website that needs an upgrade in order to sell more products or services, then this should be listed here.

7. Financial Plan & Projections

A financial plan is an important part of any business plan, as it outlines how the business will generate revenue and profit, and how it will use that profit to grow and sustain itself. To devise a financial plan for your shooting range business, you will need to consider a number of factors, including your start-up costs, operating costs, projected revenue, and expenses. 

Here are some steps you can follow to devise a financial plan for your shooting range business plan:

  • Determine your start-up costs: This will include the cost of purchasing or leasing the space where you will operate your business, as well as the cost of buying or leasing any equipment or supplies that you need to start the business.
  • Estimate your operating costs: Operating costs will include utilities, such as electricity, gas, and water, as well as labor costs for employees, if any, and the cost of purchasing any materials or supplies that you will need to run your business.
  • Project your revenue: To project your revenue, you will need to consider the number of customers you expect to have and the average amount they will spend on each visit. You can use this information to estimate how much money you will make from selling your products or services.
  • Estimate your expenses: In addition to your operating costs, you will need to consider other expenses, such as insurance, marketing, and maintenance. You will also need to set aside money for taxes and other fees.
  • Create a budget: Once you have estimated your start-up costs, operating costs, revenue, and expenses, you can use this information to create a budget for your business. This will help you to see how much money you will need to start the business, and how much profit you can expect to make.
  • Develop a plan for using your profit: Finally, you will need to decide how you will use your profit to grow and sustain your business. This might include investing in new equipment, expanding the business, or saving for a rainy day.

shooting range business plan

Frequently Asked Questions About Shooting Range Business Plans:

Why do you need a business plan for a shooting range business.

A business plan is an essential tool for a shooting range business as it provides a roadmap to guide the business's development and operations. It helps to set goals, determine the strategies and tactics needed to achieve those goals, assess potential risks, and analyze the financial implications of running a shooting range. A comprehensive business plan also allows potential investors or lenders to assess the viability of investing in the business.

Who should you ask for help with your shooting range business plan?

When developing a business plan for a shooting range, it is recommended to consult an experienced business advisor or lawyer who can help you evaluate all aspects of the venture. A professional with experience in the gun industry could also provide valuable insight. Additionally, speaking with other shooting range owners and industry professionals can also be beneficial as they will have first-hand knowledge about running such businesses.

Can you write a shooting range business plan yourself?

Writing a business plan for a shooting range can be an involved process that requires in-depth research and planning. It is recommended to seek out the assistance of a professional business plan consultant or writer to ensure that all aspects of the plan are properly addressed. Additionally, many local Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) may be able to offer additional resources and assistance for developing a business plan.

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I'm Nick, co-founder of, dedicated to helping aspiring entrepreneurs succeed. As a small business owner with over five years of experience, I have garnered valuable knowledge and insights across a diverse range of industries. My passion for entrepreneurship drives me to share my expertise with aspiring entrepreneurs, empowering them to turn their business dreams into reality.

Through meticulous research and firsthand experience, I uncover the essential steps, software, tools, and costs associated with launching and maintaining a successful business. By demystifying the complexities of entrepreneurship, I provide the guidance and support needed for others to embark on their journey with confidence.

From assessing market viability and formulating business plans to selecting the right technology and navigating the financial landscape, I am dedicated to helping fellow entrepreneurs overcome challenges and unlock their full potential. As a steadfast advocate for small business success, my mission is to pave the way for a new generation of innovative and driven entrepreneurs who are ready to make their mark on the world.

Business Plan Template for Shooting Range Operators

  • Great for beginners
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  • Get started in seconds

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Thinking of starting your own shooting range facility? You'll need a solid plan to hit the bullseye! ClickUp's Business Plan Template for Shooting Range Operators is here to help you lock and load your success.

With this template, you can:

  • Outline your goals, strategies, and financial projections to secure funding and attract potential partners.
  • Create a structured approach to managing and growing your shooting range business.
  • Analyze market trends, target audiences, and competition to stay ahead of the game.

Don't let your dreams of running a shooting range fade away. Get started with ClickUp's Business Plan Template for Shooting Range Operators today and shoot for the stars!

Business Plan Template for Shooting Range Operators Benefits

A business plan template for shooting range operators is an essential tool that offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Securing funding: A comprehensive business plan increases the chances of obtaining funding from investors and financial institutions.
  • Attracting potential partners: A well-crafted business plan showcases the potential of the shooting range facility, attracting potential partners and stakeholders.
  • Strategic planning: The template helps operators outline their goals, strategies, and action plans to effectively manage and grow their business.
  • Financial projections: By including financial projections, operators can demonstrate the profitability and sustainability of their shooting range facility.
  • Structured approach: The template provides a systematic structure for operators to organize their thoughts, ideas, and operational plans, ensuring a structured approach to business management.

Main Elements of Shooting Range Operators Business Plan Template

ClickUp’s Business Plan Template for Shooting Range Operators is designed to help shooting range operators create a comprehensive business plan that covers all aspects of their operation. Here are the main elements of this template:

  • Custom Statuses: Track the progress of each section of your business plan with statuses such as Complete, In Progress, Needs Revision, and To Do, ensuring that every aspect of your plan is accounted for and easily managed.
  • Custom Fields: Use custom fields like Reference, Approved, and Section to add specific details and organize your business plan, making it easier to navigate and update as needed.
  • Custom Views: With views like Topics, Status, Timeline, Business Plan, and Getting Started Guide, you can easily switch between different perspectives to focus on specific aspects of your plan, track progress, and create a timeline for implementation.
  • Financial Projections: Utilize ClickUp's table view to create financial projections, analyze data, and make informed decisions about the financial viability of your shooting range operation.
  • Collaborative Workspace: ClickUp's Business Plan Template provides a collaborative workspace where you can assign tasks, communicate with team members, and ensure everyone is aligned with the goals and strategies outlined in the plan.

How To Use Business Plan Template for Shooting Range Operators

Creating a business plan for your shooting range operator business can seem overwhelming, but with the Business Plan Template in ClickUp, you can break it down into manageable steps. Here's a 6-step guide to help you get started:

1. Executive Summary

Start by writing an executive summary that provides an overview of your shooting range operation, including your business model, target market, competitive advantage, and financial projections. This will give readers a snapshot of your business and entice them to learn more.

Use the Docs feature in ClickUp to easily create and format your executive summary.

2. Market Analysis

Conduct a thorough market analysis to identify your target market, competition, and industry trends. Determine the demand for shooting range facilities in your area, including the number of potential customers and their demographics. This information will help you tailor your business strategies to meet the needs of your target market.

Utilize the Table view in ClickUp to organize and analyze your market research data effectively.

3. Operational Plan

Outline your shooting range's daily operations, including hours of operation, range safety protocols, equipment and maintenance requirements, and staffing needs. Define your range's unique selling proposition, such as specialized shooting programs or amenities, to differentiate yourself from competitors.

Use custom fields in ClickUp to track and manage important operational details, such as equipment maintenance schedules and staff training requirements.

4. Marketing and Sales Strategies

Develop a comprehensive marketing and sales plan that outlines how you will attract and retain customers. Identify your target audience and create marketing campaigns that resonate with them. Consider offering discounts or promotions to attract new customers and implementing customer retention programs to encourage repeat business.

Utilize the Automations feature in ClickUp to automate marketing tasks, such as sending promotional emails or scheduling social media posts.

5. Financial Projections

Create detailed financial projections that include your shooting range's income, expenses, and profitability. Estimate your startup costs, including range construction, equipment purchases, and licensing fees. Project your revenue based on anticipated customer volume and pricing structure. Don't forget to factor in ongoing expenses, such as utilities, insurance, and employee salaries.

Use the Goals feature in ClickUp to track your financial projections and monitor your progress towards meeting your targets.

6. Review and Refine

Once your business plan is complete, review it carefully to ensure accuracy and consistency. Seek feedback from trusted advisors or mentors who can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement. Make any necessary revisions to strengthen your plan and increase its chances of success.

Set recurring tasks in ClickUp to remind yourself to review and update your business plan regularly as market conditions and business goals evolve.

By following these 6 steps and using the Business Plan Template in ClickUp, you can create a comprehensive and effective business plan for your shooting range operator business. Good luck!

Get Started with ClickUp’s Business Plan Template for Shooting Range Operators

Shooting range operators can use the Business Plan Template for Shooting Range Operators in ClickUp to create a comprehensive plan for their shooting range facility.

First, hit “Add Template” to sign up for ClickUp and add the template to your Workspace. Make sure you designate which Space or location in your Workspace you’d like this template applied.

Next, invite relevant members or guests to your Workspace to start collaborating.

Now you can take advantage of the full potential of this template to create a successful shooting range business:

  • Use the Topics View to outline the main sections of your business plan, such as Executive Summary, Market Analysis, Operations, and Financial Projections
  • The Status View will help you track the progress of each section, with statuses like Complete, In Progress, Needs Revision, and To Do
  • Utilize the Timeline View to set deadlines and milestones for completing each section of your business plan
  • The Business Plan View provides a comprehensive overview of your entire plan, allowing you to easily navigate and review each section
  • Use the Getting Started Guide View to access helpful resources and tips for creating a successful shooting range business
  • Customize the Reference, Approved, and Section custom fields to add additional information and track the status of each section
  • Collaborate with team members and stakeholders to gather input, feedback, and revisions for your business plan
  • Business Plan Template for Fundraising Campaigns
  • Business Plan Template for Paralegals
  • Business Plan Template for Team Building
  • Business Plan Template for Food Bloggers
  • Business Plan Template for Actors

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  • Product Roadmap
  • Affiliate & Referrals
  • On-Demand Demo
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How to open a shooting range?

how to start a shooting range

Want to start a shooting range but don't know where to begin? Then you've come to the right place!

Our comprehensive guide covers everything related to opening a shooting range - from choosing the right concept to setting out your marketing plan and financing your business.

You'll also learn how to assess the profitability of your business idea and decide whether or not it can be viable from a financial perspective.

Ready to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey? Let's begin!

In this guide:

  • What is the business model of a shooting range?

What is the ideal founding team for my shooting range?

Is there room for another shooting range on the market.

  • How should I position my shooting range on the market?

Where should I base my shooting range?

  • What legal form should I choose for my shooting range?

How much money do I need to start a shooting range?

  • How will I promote my shooting range's?

How do I build my shooting range financial forecast?

  • How do I choose a name and register my shooting range?
  • What corporate identity do I want for my shooting range?
  • What legal steps are needed to start a shooting range?
  • How do I write a business plan for a shooting range?

How to raise finance for my shooting range?

What to do after launching my shooting range, key takeaways, understanding how a shooting range works.

The very first step when exploring a business idea such as starting a shooting range is to make sure you understand how the business operates and makes money (which is what we call the business model).

This will not only give you an initial idea of how profitable the business can be, but it will also enable you to make sure that this is the right business idea for you, given your skills, start-up capital and family or personal lifestyle, in particular.

The best ways to get to grips with the shooting range's business model are to:

Talk to shooting range owners with experience

Work a few months in a shooting range already in operation, take a training course.

Experienced shooting range owners have valuable insights and can provide practical advice based on their firsthand experiences. 

They've likely encountered and overcome challenges that a newcomer might not anticipate. Learning from other’s mistakes can save you both time and money and potentially increase your venture’s chances of succeeding.

Obtaining work experience in the industry can be a crucial factor in confirming whether you truly want to start a shooting range, as it provides insight into the day-to-day activities.

For instance, if the working hours are longer than expected or if other business requirements don't align with your personal lifestyle or preferences, you might reconsider your entrepreneurial goals.

Even if you've decided that this business idea is a good fit for you, gaining work experience will still be valuable. It helps you better understand your target market and customer needs, which is likely to be beneficial when launching your own shooting range.

Obtaining training within your chosen industry is another way to get a feel for how a shooting range works before deciding to pursue a new venture.

Whatever approach you choose to familiarise yourself with the business, before going any further with your plans to open a shooting range, make sure you understand:

  • What skills are required to run the business (compare this with your own skills)
  • What a typical week in the business is like (compare this with your personal or family life)
  • What is the potential turnover of a shooting range and the long-term growth prospects (compare this with your level of ambition)
  • Your options once you decide to sell the business or retire (it's never too early to consider your exit)

Create your business plan online!

Think your business idea could be profitable? Find out how with a business plan

business plan online

The next step to opening your shooting range, is to decide whether to assemble an ideal team or venture solo.

The failure rate for business start-ups is high: almost half don't make it past the five-year mark, and setting up a shooting range is no exception.

Starting with a group of co-founders helps reduce this risk as each of you brings complementary skills and enables the financial risk to be spread on multiple shoulders.

However, managing a business with multiple partners comes with its own set of challenges. Disagreements among co-founders are quite prevalent, and they can pose risks to the business. That's why it's essential to carefully weigh all aspects before launching a business.

To help you think things through, we recommend that you ask yourself the following questions:

Do you need more co-founders for this venture?

Do you share the same vision and ambition as your potential partners for this project, what is your plan b.

Let's look at these issues in more detail.

To answer this question you will need to consider the following:

  • Are there any key skills missing for which you would rather have a business partner than recruit an employee?
  • Do we have enough equity? Would the company benefit from more capital at the outset?
  • Will the proposed number of founders make it easy to make decisions (an odd number of partners, or a majority partner, is generally recommended to avoid deadlock)?

In simple terms, co-founders bring skills, money, or both to the table. Having more partners is beneficial when there's a lack of either of these resources.

One of the main sources of conflict between co-founders comes from a lack of alignment on the long-term vision.

To avoid any risk of disagreement, it is advisable to agree on ambitions from the outset and to provide an exit mechanism for one of the partners in the event of disagreement.

We hope your shooting range takes off and thrives, but it's smart to have a "plan B" just in case things don't go as expected.

How you tackle potential failure can vary broadly depending on the type of co-founders (close friend, spouse, ex-colleague, etc.) and the personal circumstances of each of them. 

For example, launching a family business with your spouse might seem exciting, but if it fails, you risk losing all of your household income at once, which might be stressful.

Likewise, starting a business with a friend might strain the friendship if things go wrong or if tough decisions need to be made.

Before diving in, make sure to thoroughly think about your choices. This way, you'll be ready for whatever might come your way when starting up.

The next step in starting a shooting range is to undertake market research. Now, let's delve into what this entails.

The objectives of market research

The goal here is straightforward: evaluate the demand for your business and determine if there's an opportunity to be seized.

One of the key points of your market analysis will be to ensure that the market is not saturated by competing offers.

The market research to open your shooting range will also help you to define a concept and market positioning likely to appeal to your target clientele.

Finally, your analysis will provide you with the data you need to assess the revenue potential of your future business.

Let's take a look at how to carry out your market research.

Evaluating key trends in the sector

Market research for a shooting range usually begins with an analysis of the sector in order to develop a solid understanding of the its key players, and recent trends.

Assessing the demand

After the sector analysis comes the demand analysis. Demand for a shooting range refers to customers likely to consume the products and services offered by your company or its competitors.

Looking at the demand will enable you to gain insights into the desires and needs expressed by your future customers and their observed purchasing habits.

To be relevant, your demand analysis must be targeted to the geographic area(s) served by your company.

Your demand analysis should highlight the following points:

  • Who buys the type of products and services you sell?
  • How many potential customers are there in the geographical area(s) targeted by your company?
  • What are their needs and expectations?
  • What are their purchasing habits?
  • How much do they spend on average?
  • What are the main customer segments and their characteristics?
  • How to communicate and promote the company's offer to reach each segment?

Analyzing demand helps pinpoint customer segments your shooting range could target and determines the products or services that will meet their expectations.

Assessing the supply

Once you have a clear vision of who your potential customers are and what they want, the next step is to look at your competitors.

Amongst other things, you’ll need to ask yourself:

  • What brands are competing directly/indirectly against your shooting range?
  • How many competitors are there in the market?
  • Where are they located in relation to your company's location?
  • What will be the balance of power between you: are your competitors independent players or franchises?
  • What types of services and products do they offer? At what price?
  • Are they targeting the same customers as you?
  • How do they promote themselves? 
  • Which concepts seem to appeal most to customers?
  • Which competitors seem to be doing best?

The aim of your competitive analysis will be to identify who is likely to overshadow you, and to find a way to differentiate yourself (more on this see below).


Market research is also an opportunity to look at the regulations and conditions required to do business.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you need a special degree to open a shooting range?
  • Are there necessary licences or permits?
  • What are the main laws applicable to your future business?

At this stage, your analysis of the regulations should be carried out at a high level, to familiarize yourself with any rules and procedures, and above all to ensure that you meet the necessary conditions for carrying out the activity before going any further.

You will have the opportunity to come back to the regulation afterwards with your lawyer when your project is at a more advanced stage.

Take stock of the lessons learned from your market analysis

Market research should give you a definitive idea of your business idea's chances of commercial success.

Ideally, the conclusion is that there is a market opportunity because one or more customer segments are currently underserved by the competition.

On the other hand, the conclusion may be that the market is already taken. In this case, don't panic: the first piece of good news is that you're not going to spend several years working hard on a project that has no chance of succeeding. The second is that there's no shortage of ideas out there: at The Business Plan Shop, we've identified over 1,300 business start-up ideas, so you're bound to find something that will work.

Don't start from scratch!

With dozens of business plan templates available, get a clear idea of what a complete business plan looks like

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Choosing the right concept and positioning for your shooting range

Once your market research is completed, it's time to consider the type of shooting range you want to open and define precisely your company's market positioning in order to capitalise on the opportunity you identified during your market research.

Market positioning refers to the place your product and service offering occupies in customers' minds and how they differ from competing products and services. Being perceived as the premium solution, for example.

There are four questions you need to consider: 

How will you compete with and differentiate yourself from competitors already on the market?

  • Can you join a franchise to reduce the risk?

Is it better to start or buy a shooting range already in operation?

How will you validate your concept and market positioning.

Let's look at each of these in a little more detail.

When you choose to start up a shooting range, you are at a disadvantage compared to your rivals who have an established presence on the market. 

Your competitors have a reputation, a loyal customer base and a solid team already in place, whereas you're starting from scratch...

Entering the market and taking market share from your competitors won't happen automatically, so it's important to carefully consider how you plan to establish your presence.

There are four questions to consider here: 

  • Can you avoid direct competition by targeting a customer segment that is currently poorly served by other players in the market?
  • Can you offer something unique or complementary to what is already available on the market?
  • How will you build a sustainable competitive advantage for your shooting range? 
  • Do you have the resources to compete with well-established competitors on your own, or would it be wiser to explore alternative options (more on that below)?

Also, think about how your competitors will react to your arrival on their market.

Are there franchises available for you to join?

Opening a new shooting range from the "ground up" is exciting because you'll enjoy more freedom and flexibility. However, you'll need to put in extra effort to establish a trustworthy brand and attract customers.

On the other hand, joining a franchise might limit your personal flexibility, but you'll be operating under an established brand name. This is likely to bring significant benefits in terms of operational processes, supplier relationships, recruitment, and more.

Of course, joining a franchise is not free: you will have to pay an entry fee and an annual royalty (generally as a percentage of sales).

And franchising opportunities vary from country to country and region to region, so there's no guarantee that you will be able to find a franchise to join.

Nevertheless, where possible, joining a franchise is generally a good way of reducing the risk associated with setting up a shooting range, and is well worth considering.

Another alternative to opening a new business is to take over a shooting range already trading. 

Purchasing an existing shooting range means you get a loyal customer base and an efficient team. It also avoids disrupting the equilibrium in the market by introducing a new player.

A takeover hugely reduces the risk of the business failing compared to starting a new business, whilst giving you the freedom to change the market positioning of the business taken over if you wish.

This makes buying an existing shooting range a solid alternative to opening your own or operating under a franchise.

However, here again, buying a business requires more capital compared to starting a shooting range from scratch, as you will need to purchase the business from its current owner.

Regardless of how you choose to establish your business, it's crucial to make sure that the way you position your company aligns with the expectations of your target market.

To achieve this, you'll have to meet with your potential customers to showcase your products or services and get their feedback.

The next step in our guide on starting a shooting range involves making a key choice about where you want your business to be located.

Picking the ideal location for your business is like selecting the perfect canvas for a painting. Without it, your business might not showcase its true colors.

We recommend that you take the following factors into account when making your decision:

  • Visibility and foot traffic - A shooting range needs to be easily visible and accessible to attract customers. Foot traffic can also bring in potential customers.
  • Parking space, road and public transport accessibility - Customers will need a place to park their vehicles and easy access to public transportation can make it easier for them to reach the shooting range.
  • Proximity to target customers - A shooting range should be located near a community of gun enthusiasts or in an area with a high demand for shooting activities.
  • Competitor presence - It is important to consider the presence of other shooting ranges in the area and their level of competition.

This list is not comprehensive and will have to be adjusted based on the details of your project. 

The parameters to be taken into account will also depend on whether you opt to rent premises or buy them. If you are a tenant, you will need to consider the conditions attached to the lease: duration, rent increase, renewal conditions, etc.

Lease agreements differ widely from country to country, so it's essential to review the terms that apply to your situation. Before putting pen to paper, consider having your lawyer look carefully at the lease.

Decide on a legal form for your shooting range

It's now time to think about the legal structure for your shooting range.

The legal form of a business simply means the legal structure it operates under. This structure outlines how the business is set up and defines its legal obligations and responsibilities.

What are the most common legal structures?

Naturally, the names and intricacies of business structures differ by country. However, they typically fit into two main categories:

Individual businesses

Individual businesses are usually a good fit for self-employed individuals and freelancers who want limited administrative work. These types of entrepreneurs are commonly referred to as sole traders or sole proprietorships.

As mentioned above, the main benefit of being a sole trader is that minimal paperwork is required to launch and operate the business. Tax calculations are also relatively simple and annual accounts are not always required (and when they are, usually don't need to be audited) which saves a bit of time and money on bookkeeping and accounting fees.

Decision-making is also easy as the final decision is fully dependent on the sole trader (even if employees are hired).

However, being a sole trader also has drawbacks. The main disadvantage is that there is no separation between the individual running day-to-day operations and the business.

This means that if the business were to file for bankruptcy or legal disputes were to arise, the individual would be liable for any debts and their personal assets subsequently at risk. In essence, sole traders have unlimited liability.

This also means that profits earned by the business are usually taxed under the personal income tax category of the sole trader.

Another drawback is that sole traders might find it harder to finance their business. Debt (bank loan for example) is likely to be the only source of external financing given that the business doesn't have a share capital (effectively preventing equity investors from investing in their business).

Companies are more flexible and more robust than individual businesses. They are suitable for projects of all sizes and can be formed by one or more individuals, working on their own or with employees.

Unlike individual businesses, companies are recognised as distinct entities that have their own legal personality. Usually, there is also a limited liability which means that founders and investors cannot lose more than the capital they have invested into the business.

This means that there is a clear legal separation between the company and its owners (co-founders and investors), which protects the latter's personal assets in the event of legal disputes or bankruptcy.

Entrepreneurs using companies also gain the advantage of being able to attract equity investment by selling shares in the business.

As you can see companies offer better protection and more financing options, but this comes at a trade-off in terms of red-tape and complexity.

From a taxation perspective, companies are usually liable for corporation tax on their profits, and the income received by the owners running the business is taxed separately (like normal employees).

Normally, companies also have to produce annual accounts, which might have to be audited, and hold general assemblies, among other formalities.

How should I choose my shooting range's legal setup?

Choosing the right legal setup is often simple once you figure out things like how many partners you'll have, if you hire employees, and how much money you expect to make.

Remember, a great business idea can work well no matter which legal structure you pick. Tax laws change often, so you shouldn't rely too much on getting specific tax benefits from a certain structure when getting started.

You could start by looking at the legal structures most commonly utilised by your competitors. As your idea evolves and you're ready to officially register your business, it's a good idea to confirm your choice using inputs from a lawyer and an accountant.

Can I switch my shooting range's legal structure if I get it wrong?

Yes, you have the flexibility to change your legal setup later, which might include selling the existing one and adopting a new structure in certain situations. Keep in mind, though, that this restructuring comes with additional expenses, so making the right choice from the start is usually more cost-effective.

To answer this key question, we first need to look at the resources you'll need to launch your shooting range and keep it running on a daily basis. Let's take a look at what that entails.

Since each venture is distinct, providing an average budget for starting a shooting range is impossible.

We strongly advise careful consideration when reading estimates on the web. It’s best to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is my project similar (location, concept, planned size, etc.)?
  • Can I trust where this information is coming from?
  • Is the data fresh or stale?

Your thinking behind the investments and human resources required to launch and operate the business will then enable you to cost each item and include them in your financial forecast (which we'll look at later in this guide).

Once complete, the forecast will give you a precise idea of the initial investment required and profitability potential for your business idea.

Startup costs and investments to start a shooting range

Let's start with the investments. To set up a shooting range, initial working capital and investments can include the following items:

  • Indoor Range Equipment : This includes items such as shooting stalls, target retrieval systems, and ventilation systems. These are essential for the operation of your shooting range and require a significant upfront investment.
  • Firearms and Ammunition : As a shooting range, you will need to constantly replenish your stock of firearms and ammunition. These are considered fixed assets because they have a useful life of more than one year and are necessary for the daily operations of your range.
  • Safety Equipment : Safety is paramount in a shooting range, and therefore, you will need to invest in safety equipment such as ear and eye protection, bulletproof vests, and first aid kits. These items are not only necessary for the safety of your customers but also for your employees.
  • Security System : To protect your shooting range from theft and vandalism, you will need to invest in a security system. This may include CCTV cameras, alarm systems, and access control systems. These are considered fixed assets because they have a useful life of more than one year and are necessary for the protection of your business.
  • Building and Renovation Costs : If you are starting your shooting range from scratch, you will need to factor in the cost of purchasing or leasing a building and renovating it to suit your needs. This may include installing bulletproof walls, soundproofing, and creating a safe and welcoming environment for your customers.

Of course, you will need to adapt this list to your company's specific needs.

Staffing requirements to operate a shooting range

You'll also need to think about the staff required to run the business on a day-to-day basis.

The human resources required will vary according to the size of your company.

Once again, this list is only indicative and will need to be adjusted according to the specifics of your shooting range.

Operating expenses of a shooting range

The final point to consider when analyzing the resources required is the question of operating costs.

Operating expenses for a shooting range may include:

  • Staff costs: This includes the salaries and wages of your shooting range staff, such as range safety officers, instructors, and administrative personnel.
  • Accountancy fees: You may need to hire an accountant to help you manage your shooting range's finances and taxes.
  • Insurance costs: It is important to have insurance coverage for your shooting range to protect against potential accidents or lawsuits.
  • Software licenses: You may need to purchase software licenses for programs that help you manage your shooting range, such as range management software or accounting software.
  • Banking fees: Your shooting range may incur fees for banking services, such as processing credit card payments or wire transfers.
  • Rent or mortgage: If you do not own the building where your shooting range is located, you will need to pay rent or a mortgage to the property owner.
  • Utilities: This includes electricity, water, and other utility expenses for your shooting range.
  • Equipment maintenance: Your shooting range equipment, such as targets, guns, and sound barriers, will require regular maintenance and repairs.
  • Cleaning supplies: You will need to purchase cleaning supplies to keep your shooting range clean and sanitary.
  • Marketing and advertising: It is important to market and advertise your shooting range to attract customers and increase revenue.
  • Training and certifications: Your staff may need to undergo training and certification courses to ensure they are qualified to work at your shooting range.
  • Taxes: Your shooting range will be responsible for paying various taxes, such as income tax, property tax, and sales tax.
  • Legal fees: You may need to hire a lawyer to help you with legal matters related to your shooting range, such as drafting contracts or dealing with any legal disputes.
  • Office supplies: Your shooting range will need basic office supplies, such as pens, paper, and printer ink, to operate efficiently.
  • Security: It is important to invest in security measures, such as security cameras and alarm systems, to protect your shooting range from theft or vandalism.

Here also, this list will need to be tailored to the specifics of your shooting range but should be a good starting point for your budget.

Create a sales & marketing plan for your shooting range

The next step to launching your shooting range is to think about the actions you need to take to promote your products and services and build customer loyalty.

Here, you'll be looking at the following issues:

  • What is the best method to attract as many new customers as possible?
  • How to build customer loyalty and spread word of mouth?
  • What human and financial resources will be required to implement the planned actions?
  • What level of sales can I expect to generate in return?

The precise sales and marketing levers to activate will depend on the size of your shooting range. But you could potentially leverage some of the initiatives below.

Besides your sales and marketing plan, your sales forecast will be affected by seasonal patterns related to the nature of your business, such as fluctuations during the holiday season, and your competitive landscape.

Let's now look at the financial projections you will need to prepare in order to open a shooting range.

What is a shooting range's financial projection?

Your financial forecast will help you budget your project so that you can evaluate:

  • Its expected sales and growth potential
  • Its expected profitability, to ensure that the business will be viable
  • Its cash generation and financing requirements

Making your financial forecast is the only way to determine the amount of initial financing required to create your shooting range.

There are lots of business ideas out there, but very few of them are viable, and making a financial forecast is the only way to ensure that your project makes economic and financial sense.

Creating a shooting range financial projection is an iterative process, as you'll need to refine your figures as your business idea matures.

You'll start with a first high-level version to decide whether or not to continue working on the project.

Then, as your project takes shape, your forecasts will become increasingly accurate. You'll also need to test different assumptions to ensure that your idea of starting a shooting range holds up even if your trading environment deteriorates (lower sales than expected, difficulties in recruiting, sudden cost increases or equipment failure problems, for example).

financial forecast for a shooting range

Your financial forecast will be part of your overall business plan, which we'll look at in more detail later. Your financial partners will use your business plan to decide if they want to finance you.

Once you've launched your business, you can compare your actual accounting figures with your forecasts, to analyze where the discrepancies come from, and then update your forecasts to maintain visibility over your future cash flows.

Financial forecasts are, therefore, a financial management tool that will be with you throughout the life of your company.

What does a financial projection look like?

The following financial tables will be used to present your shooting range's financial forecast.

The projected P&L statement

Your shooting range's forecasted P&L statement will enable you to visualise your shooting range's expected growth and profitability over the next three to five years.

example of projected income statement for starting a shooting range

The projected balance sheet of your shooting range

The projected balance sheet gives an overview of your shooting range's financial structure at the end of the financial year.

financial forecast to open a shooting range balance sheet example

The cash flow projection

A cash flow forecast for a shooting range shows the projected inflows and outflows of cash over a specific period, providing insights into liquidity and financial health.

cash flow projection example to launch a shooting range

Which solution should you use to make a financial projection for your shooting range?

Using an online financial forecasting tool , such as the one we offer at The Business Plan Shop, is the simplest and safest solution for forecasting your shooting range.

There are several advantages to using specialised software:

  • You can easily create your financial forecast by letting the software take care of the financial calculations for you without errors
  • You have access to complete financial forecast templates
  • You get a complete financial forecast ready to be sent to your bank or investors
  • The software helps you identify and correct any inconsistencies in your figures
  • You can create scenarios to stress-test your forecast's main assumptions to stress-test the robustness of your business model
  • After you start trading, you can easily track your actual financial performance against your financial forecast, and recalibrate your forecast to maintain visibility on your future cash flows
  • You have a friendly support team on standby to assist you when you are stuck

If you are interested in this type of solution, you can try our forecasting software for free by signing up here .

Finding a name and registering your shooting range

The next step in starting a shooting range is to decide on a name for your entity. 

For starters, you cannot take a name similar to a name already registered by a competitor or protected by a trademark without inevitably risking getting sued. So you’ll need to find a name available, and reserve it before others can.

In addition, you will probably want to use the same name for:

  • Your company’s legal name - Example LTD or Example Inc
  • Your trading name - Example
  • A trademark - Example ® 
  • Your company’s domain name -

The issue is that you’ll need to register your name in three different places almost simultaneously, but with each place having its own timeframes:

  • Registering a domain name is instantaneous
  • Registering a trademark takes at least 3 months (if your application is accepted)
  • Registering a company depends on the country, but it's generally fairly quick

You will therefore be faced with the choice of either registering everything at once in the hope that your name will be accepted everywhere, or proceeding step by step in order to minimise costs, but taking the risk that someone else will register one of the names you wanted in the meantime.

Our advice is to discuss the strategy with your legal counsel (see further down in this guide) and to give priority to your domain names and your registered trademark. You'll always have the option of using a trading name that's different from your company's legal name, and that's not a big deal.  

To check that the name you want is not already in use, you should consult:

  • Your country's business register
  • The register of trademarks where you wish to obtain protection
  • Your preferred search engine
  • A domain name reservation company (such as GoDaddy)

If the name you want is available, you can go ahead and register it.

Deciding upon the corporate identity of your shooting range

The next step in opening a shooting range is to look at your company's visual identity. 

Your company's “visual identity” plays a crucial role in shaping your brand image. It helps you to be recognizable and to stand out from your competitors. 

Although you can define your visual identity yourself, it is generally advisable to call on the services of a designer or marketing agency to achieve a professional result.

At a minimum, you will need to define the following elements: 

Brand guidelines

Business cards, website theme.

Your shooting range's logo allows others to quickly identify your company. It will be used on all your communication media (website, social networks, business cards, etc.) and official documents (invoices, contracts, etc.).

In addition to its design, it's important that your logo is available in a variety of colors, so that it can be seen on all media (white, dark background, etc.).

Having brand guidelines enables you to maintain consistency in formatting across all your communications media and official documents. 

Brand guidelines define the font (family and size), design and colours used by your brand. 

In terms of fonts, for example, you may use Roboto in size 20 for your titles and Lato in size 14 for your texts. 

The colours used to represent your brand should generally be limited to five: 

  • The main colour, 
  • A secondary colour (the accent),
  • A dark background colour (blue or black),
  • A grey background colour (to vary from white),
  • Possibly another secondary colour.

Designing business cards for your shooting range is a must, as they will allow you to communicate your contact details to your customers, suppliers, partners, potential recruits, etc. 

In principle, they will include your logo and the brand guidelines that we mentioned above.

In the same way, the theme of your shooting range website will be based on your logo and the brand guidelines we mentioned above.

This involves defining the look and feel of your site's main graphic elements:

Understanding the legal and regulatory steps involved in opening a shooting range

The next step in opening a shooting range is to take the necessary legal and regulatory steps. 

We recommend that you be accompanied by a law firm for all of the steps outlined below.

Registering a trademark and protecting the intellectual property of your shooting range

The first step is to protect your company's intellectual property. 

As mentioned earlier in this guide, you have the option to register a trademark. Your lawyer can assist you with a thorough search to ensure your chosen trademark is unique and doesn't conflict with existing ones and help select the classes (economic activities) and jurisdictions in which to register your trademark. 

Your lawyer will also be able to advise you on other steps you could take to protect your company's other intellectual property assets.

Drafting the contractual documents for your shooting range

Your shooting range will rely on a set of contracts and legal documents for day-to-day operations. 

Once again, we strongly recommend that you have these documents drawn up by a lawyer. 

Your exact needs will depend on the country in which you are launching your shooting range and the size of the company you are planning. 

However, you may wish to consider the following documents at a minimum: 

  • Employment contracts 
  • General terms and conditions of sale
  • General terms and conditions of use for your website
  • Privacy Policy for your website
  • Cookie Policy for your website

Applying for licences and permits and registering for various taxes

The licenses and permits needed for your business will depend on the country where you are establishing it. Your lawyer can guide you on the regulations relevant to your activity.

Similarly, your chartered accountant will be able to help you register for taxes and take the necessary steps to comply with the tax authorities.

Writing a business plan for your shooting range

The next step in opening a shooting range is to draw up your business plan.

What is a shooting range's business plan?

A business plan serves as a comprehensive roadmap outlining the objectives, strategies, and key components of your venture. 

There are two essential parts to a business plan:

  • A numerical part, the financial forecast we mentioned earlier in this guide, which highlights the amount of initial financing needed to launch the business and its potential profitability over the next 3 to 5 years,
  • A written part, which presents in detail the project of creating a shooting range and provides the necessary context to enable the reader of the business plan to judge the relevance and coherence of the figures included in the forecast.

Your business plan helps guide decision-making by showcasing your vision and financial potential in a coherent manner.

Your business plan will also be essential when you're looking for financing, as your financial partners will ask you for it when deciding whether or not to finance your project to open a shooting range. So it's best to produce a professional, reliable, and error-free business plan.

In essence, your business plan is the blueprint to turn your idea into a successful reality. 

What tool should you use to create your shooting range business plan?

If you want to write a convincing business plan quickly and efficiently, a good solution is to use an online business plan software for business start-ups like the one we offer at The Business Plan Shop.

business plan to open a shooting range made with The Business Plan Shop

Using The Business Plan Shop to create a business plan for a shooting range has several advantages :

  • You are guided through the writing process by detailed instructions and examples for each part of the plan
  • You can access a library of dozens of complete startup business plan samples and templates for inspiration
  • You get a professional business plan, formatted and ready to be sent to your bank or investors
  • You can create scenarios to stress test your forecast's main assumptions
  • You can easily track your actual financial performance against your financial forecast by importing accounting data
  • You can easily update your forecast as time goes by to maintain visibility on future cash flows

If you're interested in using our solution, you can try The Business Plan Shop for free by signing up here .

Once your business plan has been drafted, you’ll need to think about how you might secure the financing necessary to open your shooting range.

The amount of initial financing required will obviously depend on the size of your shooting range and the country in which you wish to set up.

Businesses have access to two main categories of financing: equity and debt. Let's take a closer look at how they work and what sources are available.

Equity funding

At a high level, the equity of your shooting range will consist of the money that founders and potential investors will invest to launch the company.

Equity is indispensable as it provides the company with a source of long-term (often permanent) financing and demonstrates the founders' conviction in the company's chances of success, since their investments would be lost in the event of bankruptcy.

Equity investors can generate a return on their investment through dividends (which can only be paid out if the company is profitable) or capital gains on the resale of their shares (if the company is attractive enough to attract a buyer).

As you can see, the equity investors' position is extremely risky, since their capital is at risk and can be lost in the event of bankruptcy, and the company must be profitable or resellable before they can hope to generate a return on their investment.

On the other hand, the return on investment that equity investors can expect to generate by investing in a shooting range can be very substantial if the company is successful.

This is why equity investors look for start-up ideas with very high growth or profitability potential, in order to offset their risk with a high potential return on investment.

In technical terms, equity includes:

  • Share capital and premiums: which represent the amount invested by the shareholders. This capital is considered permanent as it is non-refundable. In return for their investment, shareholders receive shares that entitle them to information, decision-making power (voting in general assembly), and the potential to receive a portion of any dividends distributed by the company.
  • Director loans: these are examples of non-permanent capital advanced to the company by the shareholders. This is a more flexible way of injecting some liquidity into your company than doing so as you can repay director loans at any time.
  • Reserves: these represent the share of profits set aside to strengthen the company's equity. Allocating a percentage of your profits to the reserves can be mandatory in certain cases (legal or statutory requirement depending on the legal form of your company). Once allocated in reserves, these profits can no longer be distributed as dividends.
  • Investment grants: these represent any non-refundable amounts received by the company to help it invest in long-term assets.
  • Other equity: which includes the equity items which don't fit in the other categories. Mostly convertible or derivative instruments. For a small business, it is likely that you won't have any other equity items.

The main sources of equity are as follows:

  • Money put into the business from the founders' personal savings.
  • Money invested by private individuals, which can include business angels, friends, and family members.
  • Funds raised through crowdfunding, which can take the form of either equity or donations (often in exchange for a reward).
  • Government support to start-ups, for example, loans on favourable terms to help founders build up their start-up capital.

Debt funding

The other way to finance your shooting range is to borrow. From a financial point of view, the risk/return profile of debt is the opposite of that of equity: lenders' return on investment is guaranteed, but limited.

When it borrows, your company makes a contractual commitment to pay the lenders by interest, and to repay the capital borrowed according to a pre-agreed schedule.

As you can see, the lenders' return on investment is independent of whether or not the company is profitable. In fact, the only risk taken by lenders is the risk of the company going bankrupt.

To avoid this risk, lenders are very cautious, only agreeing to finance when they are convinced that the borrowing company will be able to repay them without problems.

From the point of view of the company and its stakeholders (workforce, customers, suppliers, etc.), debt increases the risk of the venture, since the company is committed to repaying the capital whether or not it is profitable. So there's a certain distrust towards heavily indebted companies.

Companies borrow in two ways:

  • Against their assets: this is the most common way of borrowing. The bank finances a percentage of the price of an asset (a vehicle or a building, for example) and takes the asset as collateral. If the company cannot repay, the bank seizes the asset and sells it to limit its losses.
  • Against their future cash flows: the bank reviews the company's financial forecast to estimate how much the company can comfortably borrow and repay, and what terms (amount, interest rate, term, etc.) the bank is prepared to offer given the credit risk posed by the company.

When creating a shooting range, the first option is often the only one available, as lenders are often reluctant to lend on the basis of future cash flows to a structure that has no track record.

The type of assets that can be financed using the first method is also limited. Lenders will want to be sure that they can dispose of foreclosed assets if needed, so they need to be assets that have an established second-hand market.

That being said, terms and conditions also depend on the lender: some banks are prepared to finance riskier projects, and not all have the same view of your company's credit risk. It also depends on the collateral you can offer to reduce risk, and on your relationship with the bank.

In terms of possible sources of borrowing, the main sources here are banks and credit institutions.

In some countries, it's also possible to borrow from private investors (directly or via crowdlending platforms) or other companies, but not everywhere.

Takeaways on how to finance a shooting range

Multiple options are available to help you raise the initial financing you need to launch your shooting range.

There are two types of financing available to companies. To open a shooting range, an equity investment will be required and may be supplemented by bank financing.

Launching your shooting range is the beginning of an exciting entrepreneurial adventure, and the culmination of your efforts to turn your idea into a reality. But this is also when the real work begins.

As you know, nearly half of all new businesses fail, so you'll need to do everything you can to make your business sustainable right from the start.

Estimating the future financial performance of a shooting range inevitably involves a degree of uncertainty. That's why we recommend simulating several scenarios: a central case with the most likely scenario, an optimistic case, and a pessimistic case designed to test the limits of your business model.

Normally, your company's actual financial performance, observed after you start trading, should fall somewhere between your pessimistic and optimistic cases.

The important thing will be to quickly measure and compare this actual performance with the figures in your forecast to see where you stand, then update the forecast to re-estimate the future cash flows and cash position of your shooting range.

This forward-looking financial management exercise is the only way to know where you stand and where you're going. And, when your figures fall short of expectations, to quickly implement actions to turn things around before the company runs out of cash.

There's nothing more dangerous than waiting until you have your accounts, which takes up to nine months after the end of your financial year (if you are in the UK, abroad your mileage will vary), to then realize that you're not on the right track and that your shooting range won't have enough cash to operate over the next twelve months.

This is where using a forecasting solution that integrates actuals vs. forecast tracking, like The Business Plan Shop's financial dashboards do, can simplify the financial management of your business and help reduce the risk associated with your start-up project.

  • There are 15 key steps to opening a shooting range.
  • Your financial forecast will enable you to accurately assess your initial financing requirements and the potential profitability of your project.
  • Your business plan will give your financial partners the context they need to be able to judge the consistency and relevance of your forecast before deciding whether or not to finance the creation of your shooting range.
  • Post-launch, it's essential to have an up-to-date forecast to maintain visibility of your business's future cash flows.
  • Using a financial planning and analysis platform that integrates forecasts, business plans and actual performance monitoring, such as The Business Plan Shop, makes the process easier and reduces the risks involved in starting a business.

We hope this guide has helped you understand how to open a shooting range. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or want to share your experience as an entrepreneur.

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  • Start-up business plan examples

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Guillaume Le Brouster

Founder & CEO at The Business Plan Shop Ltd

Guillaume Le Brouster is a seasoned entrepreneur and financier.

Guillaume has been an entrepreneur for more than a decade and has first-hand experience of starting, running, and growing a successful business.

Prior to being a business owner, Guillaume worked in investment banking and private equity, where he spent most of his time creating complex financial forecasts, writing business plans, and analysing financial statements to make financing and investment decisions.

Guillaume holds a Master's Degree in Finance from ESCP Business School and a Bachelor of Science in Business & Management from Paris Dauphine University.

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How To Write a Business Plan for Gun Range Business in 9 Steps: Checklist

By henry sheykin, resources on gun range.

  • Financial Model
  • Business Plan
  • Value Proposition
  • One-Page Business Plan
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Business Model
  • Marketing Plan

Are you passionate about firearms and looking to turn that passion into a successful business? A gun range business might just be the perfect venture for you. With the ever-increasing popularity of shooting sports and the demand for safe and professionally-managed shooting ranges, now is the perfect time to enter the industry. In fact, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the number of gun ranges in the United States has grown by more than 100% in the past decade.

Whether you're an avid shooter yourself or simply see the potential in this booming industry, it's crucial to have a well-thought-out business plan in place. This will not only guide your decision-making process but also help you secure financing and attract customers. In this blog post, we'll provide you with a nine-step checklist on how to write a business plan for a gun range business that will set you up for success.

Identify The Target Market And Potential Customer Demographics

One of the first steps in creating a business plan for a gun range business is identifying the target market and understanding the potential customer demographics. This knowledge will help you tailor your services and marketing strategies to effectively reach and attract your desired clientele.

1. Define your target market: Begin by determining the specific segment of the population that you want to target with your gun range business. Consider factors such as age, gender, occupation, and interests. Are you targeting recreational shooters, professionals looking for training, or competitive shooters? Clearly defining your target market will help you develop services and amenities that cater to their needs.

2. Conduct market research: Conducting thorough market research is crucial to gaining insights into your target market and understanding their preferences, needs, and behaviors. Utilize surveys, focus groups, and online research to collect data on potential customers' interests, purchasing habits, and their opinions about gun ranges in your area.

3. Analyze competitors: Study your competitors in the gun range industry to identify their target market and understand how they are catering to their customers. Analyzing their pricing strategies, services, and marketing efforts can help you differentiate your business and develop a competitive advantage.

  • Tip 1: Consider offering specialized training programs or classes for different customer segments, such as beginners, advanced shooters, or those interested in self-defense.
  • Tip 2: Utilize social media platforms and online forums frequented by your target market to gain insights and engage with potential customers.
  • Tip 3: Offer incentives or loyalty programs to encourage repeat business and build customer loyalty.

Conduct Market Research And Analyze Competitors

Before starting a gun range business, it is crucial to conduct market research and analyze the competition in your area. This step will provide important insights into the demand for gun range services and help you identify any potential challenges or opportunities.

First, identify your target market and potential customer demographics. This will allow you to tailor your services and marketing efforts to effectively reach your desired audience. Consider factors such as age, gender, interests, and disposable income to better understand the needs and preferences of your potential customers.

Next, conduct thorough research on existing gun range businesses in your area. Identify their strengths, weaknesses, and the unique value propositions they offer. This analysis will help you identify gaps in the market that you can capitalize on and differentiate your business from competitors.

  • Consider visiting local gun ranges to observe their operations and gain insights into their target audience, services offered, and pricing structure.
  • Research their online presence and customer reviews to gauge customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.
  • Take note of any additional services or amenities they provide, such as gunsmithing or training classes, to assess potential opportunities for your business.
  • Identify any market trends or industry developments that could impact your business, such as changes in gun legislation or shifts in consumer preferences.
  • Use online tools and resources, such as industry reports and market analysis websites, to gather data and insights on the gun range industry.
  • Consider conducting surveys or focus groups with potential customers to gather valuable feedback and insights into their needs and preferences.
  • Monitor social media platforms and online forums to stay updated on customer discussions and sentiments regarding gun ranges in your area.

Determine The Legal And Regulatory Requirements For Operating A Gun Range Business

When starting a gun range business, it is crucial to understand and comply with the legal and regulatory requirements specific to operating this type of establishment. Failing to do so can lead to serious consequences and potential closure of your business. Below are some important considerations:

  • Firearm Laws: Familiarize yourself with federal, state, and local firearm laws and regulations. These laws may dictate who can own and possess firearms, where they can be used, and how they should be stored and transported.
  • Licensing and Permits: Research the licenses and permits necessary to operate a gun range in your area. This may include obtaining a Federal Firearms License (FFL) from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), as well as any state or local permits required.
  • Zoning and Land Use: Check local zoning regulations to ensure that your chosen location is zoned appropriately for a gun range business. Some areas may have restrictions on the proximity of gun ranges to residential areas or schools.
  • Safety Regulations: Implement safety protocols and procedures that meet or exceed industry standards. This may include having a certified range safety officer (RSO) on staff, conducting regular safety inspections, and providing customers with safety equipment such as ear and eye protection.
  • Insurance Coverage: Obtain adequate insurance coverage for your gun range business to protect against potential liabilities. Consult with an insurance professional who specializes in firearms-related businesses to ensure you have the appropriate coverage for your unique needs.
  • Employee Background Checks: Depending on your location, you may be required to conduct background checks on employees who will have access to firearms or interact closely with customers. This helps ensure that individuals with criminal histories or other disqualifying factors are not working in your establishment.
  • Consult with an attorney who specializes in firearms law to ensure you are fully compliant with all legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Stay informed about any changes or updates to firearm laws and regulations in your area, as they may impact your business operations.
  • Establish a strong relationship with local law enforcement agencies to demonstrate your commitment to safety and compliance.

Identify The Necessary Licenses And Permits Needed To Open The Business

When opening a gun range business, it is crucial to ensure that you have obtained all the necessary licenses and permits required by law. Operating without the appropriate licenses and permits can result in fines, legal complications, and potential closure of your business. Here are some of the key licenses and permits you need to obtain:

  • Federal Firearms License (FFL): To legally sell firearms and ammunition, you must obtain an FFL from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). The type of FFL you need will depend on the activities you plan to conduct, such as selling or manufacturing firearms.
  • State and Local Licenses: Each state and local jurisdiction may have specific licenses and permits required to operate a gun range business. It is important to research and comply with the regulations in your area. Contact your state and local government agencies, such as the Department of Revenue and Department of Licensing, to determine the specific requirements.
  • Zoning and Land Use Permits: Check your local zoning regulations to ensure that your chosen location is zoned appropriately for a gun range. You may need to obtain land use permits from the local planning department or zoning board.
  • Environmental Permits: Depending on the services you offer, such as firearm cleaning or ammunition disposal, you may need to obtain specific environmental permits to ensure compliance with environmental regulations.
  • Health and Safety Permits: As a gun range, you will need to meet certain health and safety standards. This may involve obtaining permits related to ventilation systems, lead management, noise control, and other safety measures. Consult with local health and safety departments to determine the necessary permits.
  • Research the licensing requirements for your specific location thoroughly. Regulations can vary significantly from one jurisdiction to another.
  • Consult with an attorney or licensing specialist who has experience in the firearms industry to ensure you meet all legal requirements.
  • Start the licensing and permitting process well in advance, as it can take time to gather all the necessary documentation and approvals.
  • Keep copies of all licenses and permits on-site and ensure they remain up to date.

Evaluate Potential Locations And Consider Factors Such As Accessibility, Safety, And Zoning Regulations

When selecting a location for your gun range business, it is crucial to thoroughly evaluate potential locations and consider various factors to ensure the success and safety of your operation. The following are important considerations to keep in mind:

  • Accessibility: Look for a location that is easily accessible to your target market. Consider proximity to major roads, public transportation, and parking facilities to ensure convenience for your customers.
  • Safety: Safety should be a top priority when choosing a location for your gun range business. Assess the surrounding area for any potential hazards, such as industrial sites or high-crime areas. Additionally, ensure the property has adequate space for the range and appropriate safety measures in place, such as soundproofing and ventilation systems.
  • Zoning Regulations: Research local zoning regulations and ensure that the chosen location is zoned for gun range businesses. Contact the local planning department or consult an attorney familiar with zoning laws to ensure compliance.
  • Proximity to Competitors: Evaluate the proximity of potential competitors. While some competition may be healthy, consider whether the market is saturated in the target area. Opening a gun range too close to existing ones may result in reduced market share and profitability.
  • Consider conducting a traffic analysis to assess the number of potential customers passing by the location. High visibility and traffic can increase awareness of your business and attract more customers.
  • Consult with local law enforcement agencies to ensure they are supportive of your gun range business. Establishing a positive relationship with law enforcement can help address any safety concerns and enhance community trust.

By carefully evaluating potential locations based on accessibility, safety, zoning regulations, and competition, you can choose a location that aligns with your business goals and enhances the overall experience for your customers.

Determine The Initial Startup Costs And Create A Budget

One of the crucial steps in starting a gun range business is determining the initial startup costs involved, as well as creating a budget to outline the financial aspects of the venture. By accurately assessing these costs and creating a comprehensive budget, you can effectively plan your business's financial resources and make informed decisions moving forward.

To determine the initial startup costs, begin by conducting thorough research on the expenses specific to the gun range industry. Consider factors such as:

  • Range construction and equipment: This includes the cost of building or leasing a suitable facility, purchasing target systems, bullet traps, ventilation systems, range safety equipment, and other necessary infrastructure.
  • Firearms and ammunition inventory: Calculate the cost of acquiring a diverse range of firearms, ammunition, and other shooting supplies that align with the services you plan to offer.
  • Range safety officer: Determine the wages or salary required to employ a qualified range safety officer who will oversee the daily operations and ensure customers' safety.
  • Marketing and advertising: Consider the expenses associated with promoting your gun range, such as online and traditional advertising, website development, social media marketing, and signage.
  • Insurance costs: Research and obtain the necessary insurance coverage for the business, including general liability insurance and property insurance.
  • Legal and licensing fees: Account for the costs associated with obtaining the required licenses and permits to operate a gun range business in your region.
  • Obtain quotes from multiple suppliers and contractors to secure competitive prices for range construction and equipment.
  • Consider both the initial costs and ongoing expenses for firearm and ammunition inventory, as well as maintenance and restocking.
  • Consult with an experienced attorney to navigate the legal and regulatory requirements, ensuring compliance and avoiding potential fines or legal issues.
  • Factor in additional costs such as utilities, payroll, and unexpected expenses when creating the budget.

Once you have documented all the potential costs, it is essential to create a budget that outlines your projected revenue, expenses, and cash flow. This budget will serve as a blueprint for managing your financial resources effectively, helping you make informed decisions and adjustments as your business grows.

Regularly review and update your budget as needed to ensure it remains aligned with your business goals and objectives. By carefully monitoring and managing your startup costs and budget, you can increase the likelihood of running a successful and financially sustainable gun range business.

Secure Financing Or Funding For The Business

Securing financing or funding is a crucial step in launching any business, including a gun range. Having the necessary capital to cover startup costs and ongoing expenses is essential for a successful venture. Here are some important considerations when seeking financing for your gun range business:

  • Evaluate your funding options: Begin by assessing the available funding options that align with your business needs. This can include traditional bank loans, Small Business Administration (SBA) loans, personal savings, or partnerships with investors.
  • Prepare a comprehensive business plan: A well-written and detailed business plan is crucial when presenting your business concept to potential lenders or investors. It should clearly outline your market analysis, financial projections, and how you plan to differentiate your gun range from competitors.
  • Research grants and funding programs: Explore grants or funding programs specifically designed for businesses in the firearms or shooting range industry. These opportunities may provide additional financial support or resources to help you successfully launch your gun range.
  • Build relationships with potential lenders or investors: Networking and building relationships with individuals or financial institutions that specialize in funding businesses within the firearms industry can increase your chances of securing financing. Attend industry events, join relevant associations, and seek out opportunities to connect with potential funding sources.
  • Consider partnerships or joint ventures: Collaborating with like-minded individuals or businesses can provide access to additional funds, expertise, and industry connections. Explore the possibility of strategic partnerships or joint ventures to leverage shared resources and increase your financial stability.
  • Prepare a strong financial projection: Demonstrating to lenders or investors that your gun range business has a solid financial plan is crucial. Include a comprehensive projection of expenses, revenues, and anticipated profitability over a specific time frame. This will help them understand the viability and potential return on investment.
  • Be prepared to provide collateral or personal guarantees when applying for loans.
  • Consider seeking advice from a professional financial advisor or attorney specializing in business funding.
  • Research any local, state, or federal funding programs or incentives available for firearm businesses or range development.
  • Make sure to clearly communicate your business model, market analysis, and competitive advantage to potential lenders or investors.

Develop A Comprehensive Marketing Strategy To Attract Customers

Developing a comprehensive marketing strategy is crucial for attracting customers to your gun range business. A well-executed marketing plan will help raise awareness about your facilities, services, and the unique value your gun range offers. Here are some important steps to consider:

  • Target Audience: Identify your target market and potential customer demographics. This will help you tailor your marketing efforts to reach the right audience effectively. Consider factors such as age, gender, interests, and geographic location.
  • Branding and Messaging: Develop a strong brand identity that aligns with your target audience and appeals to them. Create a compelling brand message that highlights the benefits of using your gun range business and differentiates you from competitors.
  • Online Presence: Establish a strong online presence through an engaging and user-friendly website. Optimize your website with relevant keywords to improve visibility in search engine results. Leverage social media platforms to connect with potential customers and share updates, promotions, and engaging content.
  • Advertising and Promotions: Consider various advertising channels to reach your target audience effectively. This may include print advertisements in local publications, radio spots, billboards, or digital marketing tactics such as pay-per-click advertising or social media advertising campaigns. Offer promotions or discounts to attract new customers and generate interest.

Tips for an Effective Marketing Strategy:

  • Partner with local shooting clubs, firearm retailers, or gun enthusiasts to increase exposure and referrals.
  • Host events or workshops to showcase your range's services and expertise.
  • Utilize email marketing campaigns to stay connected with your customer base and offer exclusive promotions.
  • Offer referral incentives to encourage satisfied customers to bring in new business.
  • Monitor and track the success of your marketing efforts using analytics tools to refine your strategies and ensure a positive return on investment.

A well-planned and executed marketing strategy will help attract customers to your gun range business and build a loyal customer base. Remember to regularly evaluate and adapt your marketing efforts to stay relevant and capture the attention of your target audience.

Create A Detailed Operational Plan Outlining The Range's Facilities, Services, And Safety Protocols

Creating a detailed operational plan for your gun range business is crucial in ensuring the smooth and safe operation of your facility. This plan will outline all the essential aspects of your range, including the facilities, services, and safety protocols that will be implemented to protect your customers and staff. Here are some key elements to consider when creating your operational plan:

  • Facilities: Start by describing the physical layout of your gun range. Include details about the number of shooting lanes, the types of targets available, and any additional amenities such as a gunsmithing area or classroom space. It is important to also include information on any safety features installed, such as bulletproof barriers or ventilation systems to ensure a secure and comfortable shooting environment.
  • Services: Outline the services your gun range will offer beyond just target shooting. This may include firearm rentals, safety training classes, shooting tournaments, or gunsmithing and cleaning services. Each service should be clearly defined, including any associated fees or requirements for participation. Additionally, highlight any membership options or loyalty programs that you plan to offer to incentivize repeat business.
  • Safety Protocols: Safety is paramount in a gun range business, and it is essential to establish and communicate strict safety protocols. Clearly outline rules and regulations that all customers must adhere to while on the premises, such as proper handling and storage of firearms, wearing appropriate safety equipment, and following range commands. Additionally, detail the role of your range safety officers, including their certifications and responsibilities in ensuring a safe shooting environment.

Tips for Creating a Comprehensive Operational Plan:

  • Consult with industry experts or experienced range owners to gain insights and best practices for operating a gun range.
  • Consider conducting regular safety drills and training sessions for staff and customers to reinforce safe shooting practices.
  • Stay updated on industry regulations and standards regarding gun range operations and adapt your operational plan accordingly.
  • Regularly review and update your operational plan to incorporate any changes in regulations, equipment, or services offered.

By creating a detailed operational plan for your gun range business, you can ensure that your facility operates efficiently, providing a safe and enjoyable experience for your customers. This plan will serve as a roadmap for your staff and an important reference point for maintaining consistent operations and safety protocols.

In conclusion, starting a gun range business requires careful planning and consideration of various factors. By following the nine steps outlined in this checklist, aspiring gun range owners can create a solid foundation for their business venture. Identifying the target market, conducting market research, understanding legal requirements, securing financing, and developing a comprehensive marketing strategy are all essential components of a successful gun range business plan.

Additionally, evaluating potential locations, determining startup costs, obtaining the necessary licenses and permits, and creating a detailed operational plan will help ensure the smooth operation and sustainability of the gun range business. Providing a safe and professional environment for customers to practice and enjoy shooting activities, along with offering additional services such as gunsmithing and firearm inspections, will help attract a loyal customer base.

By carefully considering each step in this checklist, entrepreneurs can pave the way for a rewarding and profitable gun range business that promotes responsible gun ownership and maintains high standards of safety and customer satisfaction.

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shooting range business plan

Home » Defense & Security

A Sample Indoor Shooting Range Business Plan Template

An indoor shooting range is a facility that provides indoor targets for firing weapons such as handguns, shotguns, rifles, and other arms. It is a facility where professional shooters go to hone their skills in preparation for games and competitions.

Please note that it is the norm for a standard indoor gun shooting range to provide target practice, shooting lessons, gun rentals, and protective equipment rentals.

Statistics have it that in the United States of America, the market size of the Shooting Ranges industry is $4.0 billion in 2023, and the shooting ranges market is expected to cross US$ 38.6 billion by the end of 2030 progressing at a CAGR of 8 percent during the forecast period.

There are about 2,523 registered and licensed shooting range facilities scattered all across the United States and an estimated 16,000 to 18,000 indoor firing ranges are in operation in the country. Indoor ranges differ in construction, depending on the type of weapons to be fired. Shooting ranges are responsible for employing about 17,448 people.

Steps on How to Write an Indoor Shooting Range Facility Business Plan [Sample Template]

Executive summary.

Point Target® Indoor Shooting Range, Inc. is a registered indoor shooting range facility that will be located in Greensboro, North Carolina; in a sport-loving estate. We have been able to secure all the necessary permits for our facility.

Point Target ® Indoor Shooting Range, Inc. will ensure that all our indoor shooting range facilities meet international standards. We want to build a business that cuts across people of different interests and financial status.

We have CRM software that will enable us to manage a one-on-one relationship with our customers no matter how large our customer base may grow. Jonah Micah is the founder and CEO of Point Target® Indoor Shooting Range, Inc.

Company Profile

A. our products and services.

Point Target ® Indoor Shooting Range, Inc. will establish an indoor facility that will provide target practice, shooting lessons, gun rentals, and protective equipment rentals.

We are set to service a wide range of shooting lovers not just in Greensboro, North Carolina, but also across major cities in North Carolina and the United States where we hope to open our indoor shooting facilities.

b. Nature of the Business

Our indoor shooting range will operate essentially as a club where patrons can pick up a membership and pay their subscription monthly, quarterly, or annually. We will also open our business to one-off customers, especially tourists and visitors who just want to try shooting weapons.

c. The Industry

Point Target ® Indoor Shooting Range, Inc. will operate in the shooting range industry.

d. Mission Statement

Our mission is to establish a world-class indoor shooting facility that will not only teach proper firearms usage and responsible gun ownership but also attract organizers of shooting competitions to host their local, national, and international competitions in our facility.

e. Vision Statement

Our vision is to become the ‘go to’ indoor shooting range facility in the whole of Greensboro and its environs when it comes to world-class indoor shooting range facilities.

f. Our Tagline (Slogan)

Point Target ® Indoor Shooting Range, Inc. – The Best Indoor Shooting Range Facility!

g. Legal Structure of the Business

Point Target ® Indoor Shooting Range, Inc. will be formed as a Limited Liability Company (LLC). The reason why we are forming an LLC is to protect our assets by limiting the liability to the resources of the business itself. The LLC will protect our CEOs’ assets from claims against the business, including lawsuits.

h. Our Organizational Structure

  • Chief Executive Officer (Owner)
  • Facility Manager
  • Accountant/Cashier
  • Marketing and Sales Officer
  • Coach/Shooting Instructor/Assistant (5)
  • Customer Care Executive/Front Desk Officer
  • Security Officers

i. Ownership/Shareholder Structure and Board Members

  • Jonah Micah (Owner and Chairman/Chief Executive Officer) 56 Percent Shares
  • Roseline Micah (Board Member) 14 Percent Shares
  • Titus Moore (Board Member) 10 Percent Shares
  • Marcus Abel (Board Member) 10 Percent Shares
  • Lara Page (Board Member and Sectary) 10 Percent Shares.

SWOT Analysis

A. strength.

  • Ideal Location for an indoor shooting range facility
  • Highly experienced and qualified employees and management
  • Access to gun manufacturers
  • Highly secured and clean facility

b. Weakness

  • Budget limitations
  • Inability to attract and retain superstar shooters in our city
  • Inability to properly manage the off-peak season
  • A new business that will be competing with well-established indoor and outdoor shooting range facilities
  • Inability to retain our highly experienced and qualified employees longer than we want

c. Opportunities

  • Greensboro is a thriving market for indoor shooting range facilities.
  • Firearm hobbyists and professional marksmen are likely to find themselves in need of a proper firing range.
  • Good support structure for indoor shooting facilities from the government
  • A growing number of people would want to be equipped with shooting skills.

i. How Big is the Industry?

The shooting range industry is pretty big. The industry is currently worth over $4 billion in the United States of America.

ii. Is the Industry Growing or Declining?

The shooting range industry is a growing industry. The market size of the industry is expected to cross US$ 38.6 billion by the end of 2030 progressing at a CAGR of 8 percent during the forecast period.

iii. What are the Future Trends in the Industry

The shooting range industry is changing, and players in the industry are improvising. No doubt, technology, and social media will change the landscape of the shooting ranges industry going forward. With revenue heavily linked to the millennial generation, participation in sports will likely dictate industry progression over the next five years.

iv. Are There Existing Niches in the Industry?

No, there are no niche ideas in the indoor shooting range business because indoor shooting facilities are a niche idea in the shooting ranges industry.

v. Can You Sell a Franchise of your Business in the Future?

Point Target ® Indoor Shooting Range, Inc. has plans to sell franchises in the nearest future and we will target the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and South Africa.

  • Competition from other indoor and outdoor shooting facilities
  • Community resistance
  • Government regulations
  • Liability problems
  • Continuously changing consumer demands

i. Who are the Major Competitors?

  • Colonial Shooting Academy
  • Waterloo Rifle & Pistol Club
  • Sand & Sage Rifle and Pistol Club
  • Ben Avery Shooting Facility
  • Athena Gun Club
  • Diamondback Shooters
  • Bird’s Landing Hunting Preserve
  • Top Gun Shooting Sports
  • Sage Hill Clay Sports
  • Autrey’s Armory
  • Tucson Trap & Skeet Club
  • Elm Fork Shooting Sports
  • Great Guns Sporting
  • Machine Gun Vegas
  • Knob Creek Gun Range
  • Indian River County Shooting Range
  • Range USA, Inc.
  • Six Machine Gun Shooting Ranges.

ii. Is There a Franchise for Indoor Shooting Range Facility Business?

  • Hammer Down Range (Total Investment: $500,000)
  • THOR Global Defense Group
  • Denver Gun Range Franchise
  • Engage Virtual Range.

iii. Are There Policies, Regulations, or Zoning Laws Affecting the Indoor Shooting Range Business?

Yes, and zoning laws require indoor shooting range operators to follow specific rules and regulations, including some that apply only to players in the industry. Please note that in many communities, zoning laws require indoor shooting facilities to apply for a permit from the city.

At their discretion, the city council is allowed to design regulations on zoning and land usage, as well as business ordinances and fire codes, on the condition that their regulations do not intentionally limit or prohibit firearm or firearm-related commerce.

Zoning requirements for private gun ranges vary by state and locality. For example, Texas leaves most land use regulations to individual counties and subordinate municipalities, only imposing a few limitations. Ask your local government offices for regulatory information specific to gun ranges in your area.

Marketing Plan

A. who is your target audience.

i. Age Range

Our target market falls within 18 years and 65+ years

ii. Level of Educational

We don’t have any basic educational qualifications for those we are targeting; everyone who falls within our target age range is welcome to use our indoor shooting facility.

iii. Income Level

Anyone who can afford our membership fee will be welcome to make use of our indoor shooting facility.

iv. Ethnicity

There is no restriction when it comes to the ethnicity of the people we are looking forward to welcoming to our indoor shooting facility.

v. Language

There is no restriction when it comes to the language spoken by the people we are looking forward to welcoming to our indoor shooting range.

vi. Geographical Location

Anybody from any geographical location will be welcome in our indoor shooting range.

vii. Lifestyle

Point Target ® Indoor Shooting Range, Inc. will not restrict any patron from our indoor shooting facility based on their lifestyle, culture, or race.

b. Advertising and Promotion Strategies

  • Host Themed Events That Catch Attention.
  • Tap Into Text Marketing.
  • Use FOMO to Run Photo Promotions.
  • Share Your Events in Local Groups and Pages.
  • Turn Your Social Media Channels into a Resource
  • Develop Your Business Directory Profiles
  • Build Relationships with Other Businesses in Your Area

i. Traditional Marketing Strategies

  • Marketing through Direct Mail.
  • Print Media Marketing – Newspapers & Magazines.
  • Broadcast Marketing -Television & Radio Channels.
  • OOH, Marketing – Public Transits like Buses and Trains, Billboards, Street Furniture, and Cabs.
  • Including direct sales, direct mail (postcards, brochures, letters, fliers), print advertising (coupon books, billboards), referral (also known as word-of-mouth marketing), radio, and television.

ii. Digital Marketing Strategies

  • Social Media Marketing Platforms.
  • Influencer Marketing.
  • Email Marketing.
  • Content Marketing.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Marketing.
  • Pay-per-click (PPC).
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Mobile Marketing.

iii. Social Media Marketing Plan

  • Start using chatbots.
  • Create a personalized experience for our customers.
  • Create an efficient content marketing strategy.
  • Create a community for our audience.
  • Gear up our profiles with a diverse content strategy.
  • Use brand advocates.
  • Create profiles on the relevant social media channels.
  • Run cross-channel campaigns.

c. Pricing Strategy

When working out our pricing strategy, Point Target ® Indoor Shooting Range, Inc. will make sure it covers premium, safety, skimming, economy, or value penetration. All our pricing strategies will reflect;

  • Cost-Based Pricing
  • Value-Based Pricing
  • Competition-Based Pricing.

Sales and Distribution Plan

A. sales channels.

Our channel sales strategy will involve using partners and third parties—such as referral partners, affiliate partners, managed service providers, marketplaces, or value-added resellers—to market our indoor shooting range facility.

Point Target ® Indoor Shooting Range, Inc. will also leverage the 4 Ps of marketing which are place, price, product, and promotion. By carefully integrating all these marketing strategies into a marketing mix, we can have a visible, in-demand service that is competitively priced for our customers.

b. Inventory Strategy

Point Target ® Indoor Shooting Range, Inc. will operate an inventory strategy that is based on a day-to-day methodology for ordering, maintaining, and processing items in our warehouse. We will develop our strategy with the same thoroughness and attention to detail as we would if we were creating an overall strategy for the business.

c. Payment Options for Customers

Here are the payment options that Point Target ® Indoor Shooting Range, Inc. will make available to its clients;

  • Payment with cash
  • Payment via credit cards
  • Payment via online bank transfer
  • Payment via mobile money transfer

d. Return Policy, Incentives, and Guarantees

Point Target ® Indoor Shooting Range, Inc. will operate a no refund policy hence we will not provide compensation for purchased services (membership fees inclusive). However, we will guarantee our customers of their safety whenever they are within our indoor shooting facility.

e. Customer Support Strategy

Our customer support strategy will involve seeking customer feedback. This will help us provide excellent customer service to all our patrons. We will make use of effective CRM software to be able to achieve this. Regularly, we will work towards strengthening our Customer Service Team and also Leverage Multi-Channel Servicing as part of our customer support strategy.

Operational Plan

We plan to expand our revenue by 50 percent in the second year and the plan will include a marketing, sales, and operations component. The operations component of the plan would include organizing regular shooting competitions at the local and state levels, the sale of firearms and related merchandise, and attracting shooting clubs. These strategies will enable the firm to boost our service offerings and support revenue growth.

a. What Happens During a Typical Day at an Indoor Shooting Range Facility?

  • The facility is open for the day
  • Administrative work is done concurrently
  • The facility is cleaned, and other inventories are arranged to welcome patrons
  • Patrons come in and they engage in shooting range practice within the hours allotted to them.
  • Firearms and shooting related merchandise are sold
  • The facility is cleaned and arranged
  • The facility is closed for the day.

b. Production Process

There is no production process when it comes to the indoor shooting range business.

c. Service Procedure

When an indoor shooting range is opened, they will either choose to welcome patrons based on membership or open their doors to everyone in the city who can afford their fees.

d. The Supply Chain

Point Target® Indoor Shooting Range, Inc. will rely on trusted agents to supply some of the firearms, ammunition and other shooting-related merchandizes we need. We have been able to establish business relationships with wholesale supplies of all these merchandises.

e. Sources of Income

  • Indoor shooting facility rental services for shooting competitions and other related events
  • Sale of firearms, ammunition, and other shooting-related merchandise
  • Membership fee.

Our Membership fee will cost $20,000 for the start and then a $15,000 annual fee will be added in the subsequent year (VAT inclusive and subject to change).

Financial Plan

A. amount needed to start your indoor shooting range facility business.

Point Target ® Indoor Shooting Range, Inc. would need an estimate of $750,000 to successfully set up our indoor shooting range facility in the United States of America. Please note that this amount includes the salaries of all staff for the first month of operation.

b. What are the Costs Involved?

  • Business Registration Fees – $750.
  • Legal expenses for obtaining licenses and permits – $7,300.
  • Marketing, Branding and Promotions – $5,000.
  • Business Consultant Fee – $2,500.
  • Insurance – $5,400.
  • Rent/Lease – $200,000.
  • Other start-up expenses like commercial satellite TV subscriptions, phone and utility deposits ($2,800).
  • Operational Cost (salaries of employees, payments of bills et al) – $60,000
  • Start-up inventory – $150,000
  • Counter area equipment – $9,500
  • Store Equipment (cash register, security, ventilation, signage) – $4,750
  • Furnishing and Equipping – $250,000
  • Website: $600
  • Opening party: $3,000
  • Miscellaneous: $2,000

c. Do You Need to Build a Facility? If YES, How Much Will it Cost?

Point Target ® Indoor Shooting Range, Inc. will build a new facility for our indoor shooting facility and it will cost us $550,000 (acquiring land, construction, furnishing, and equipping the facility).

d. What are the Ongoing Expenses for Running an Indoor Shooting Range Facility Business?

  • Cost of stocking up supplies such as guns, firearms, ammunition, and other shooting merchandise
  • Cost of toiletries
  • Utility bills (gas, internet, phone bills, signage and sewage et al)
  • Maintenance of facility
  • Salaries of employees

e. What is the Average Salary of your Staff?

  • Chief Executive Officer (Owner) – $55,000 per year
  • Facility Manager – $40,000 per year
  • Accountant/Cashier – $36,0000
  • Marketing and Sales Officer – $35,000 per year
  • Coach/Shooting Instructor/Assistant (5) – $35,000 per year
  • Customer Care Executive/Front Desk Officer – $25,396 per year
  • Cleaners – $22,000 per year
  • Security Officers – $21,150 per year.

f. How Do You Get Funding to Start an Indoor Shooting Range Facility 

  • Raising money from personal savings and sale of personal stocks and properties
  • Raising money from investors and business partners
  • Sell shares to interested investors
  • Applying for a loan from your bank/banks
  • Source for soft loans from your family members and friends.

Financial Projection

A. how much should you charge for your product/service.

Aside from our membership fee, Point Target ® Indoor Shooting Range, Inc. will charge patrons based on the industry standards in the United States. For one-off usage, we will charge $25 per person (unlimited time); Gun Rental: $20 for each gun rental plus the cost of ammunition; Ammunition: varies based on the caliber.

b. Sales Forecast?

  • First Fiscal Year (FY1): $350,000
  • Second Fiscal Year (FY2): $750,000
  • Third Fiscal Year (FY3): $1.2 million

c. Estimated Profit You Will Make a Year?

Point Target ® Indoor Shooting Range, Inc. is projecting to make;

  • First Fiscal Year (FY1): $175,000 (50% of revenue generated)
  • Second Fiscal Year (FY2): $337,000 (45% of revenue generated)
  • Third Fiscal Year (FY3): $540,000 (45% of revenue generated)

d. Profit Margin of an Indoor Shooting Range Facility Business

The profit margin of an indoor shooting range facility is not fixed. It could range from 25 percent to 35 percent depending on some unique factors.

Growth Plan

A. how do you intend to grow and expand .

Point Target ® Indoor Shooting Range, Inc. will grow by first opening other outlets in key cities in the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Australia, and South Africa within the first five years of establishing the business and then will start selling franchise from the sixth year.

b. Where do you intend to expand to and why? (Geographical locations)

Point Target ® Indoor Shooting Range, Inc. plans to expand to Sumter, South Carolina, Tinton Falls, New Jersey, Santa Fe, California, Stillwater, Oklahoma, Dallas, Texas, Wintergreen, Virginia, Charleston, West Virginia, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida and Los Angeles, Texas.

We intend to expand to these locations because residents of the locations are known to patronize indoor shooting facilities. Internationally, we plan to expand to Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and South Africa.

Point Target ® Indoor Shooting Range, Inc. intends to build a family business hence our exit plan will be family succession. For that reason, the founder Jonah Micah is already grooming his son Jones Micah to take over from him. Jones Micah is at the moment being groomed to go through the company’s employment process without any bias.

More on Defense & Security

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How to Start a Shooting Range Business

shooting range business plan

A shooting range business can be a great way to capitalize on the growing popularity of firearms while also providing a valuable service to your community. If you’re thinking about starting a shooting range business, there are a few things you’ll need to do to get started. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about how to start a shooting range business.

Why start a shooting range?

Choose the right location, purchase supplies and equipment, develop a business plan, get the necessary permits and licenses, find the right insurance policy, promote your business, the bottom line.

In recent years, the demand for shooting range businesses has increased significantly. This is likely due to many factors, including increased gun ownership, changing attitudes toward guns, and a growing interest in recreational shooting. Whatever the reason, this trend presents a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors.

As we mentioned, several factors have contributed to the increased demand for shooting ranges. Let’s take a look at each of these in turn:

  • An increase in gun ownership: According to a 2017 survey by Pew Research Center, 40% of American households own guns, up from 32% in 2014. This trend is likely due in part to concerns about personal safety; as crime rates have fallen in recent years, people have become less worried about being victims of crime and more interested in protecting themselves and their families.
  • Changing  attitudes toward guns : There has been a shift in public attitude toward guns in recent years, with more people seeing them as instruments of recreation or self-defense rather than tools of violence. This change is likely due to the increased prominence of women and minorities in the gun community; according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, 36% of gun owners are women, and 21% are non-white.
  • A growing interest in recreational shooting: In addition to self-defense and hunting, more and more people are taking up shooting as a hobby. This is partly due to the rise of competitive shooting sports like 3-gun and USPSA (United States Practical Shooting Association), which have seen explosive growth in recent years. The popularity of shows like Top Shot and American Sniper has also helped raise interest in recreational shooting.

Starting your business

male architect on the job

Now that you know why there’s a growing demand for shooting ranges let’s talk about what you’ll need to do to start your own. Here are the steps you’ll need to take:

The first step in starting any business is choosing the right location, especially for a shooting range business. When selecting a location for your shooting range, you’ll want to consider factors such as the cost of land, the property’s size, and the area’s zoning regulations. You’ll also want to consider the proximity of your shooting range to potential customers.

After you’ve taken care of all the legalities in starting your shooting range business, it’s time to purchase supplies and equipment. When selecting supplies and equipment for your shooting range, choose high-quality products that will withstand frequent use. You’ll also want to ensure that you have  secured commercial gun storage  so your customers’ firearms can be safely stored while they’re shooting.

Once you’ve selected a location for your shooting range, it’s time to develop a business plan. Your business plan should include your marketing strategy, target market, financial projections, and operating procedures.

Before you can open your doors for business, you’ll need to obtain the necessary permits and licenses from local, state, and federal authorities. The process for obtaining these permits and licenses can vary depending on your location, so it’s essential to do your research and ensure you comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

As with any business, it’s crucial to have the right insurance policy before opening for business. This will help protect you from liability if something goes wrong at your shooting range. When shopping for insurance, make sure to get quotes from multiple providers and compare coverage options so that you can find the best policy for your needs.

Now that everything is up and running, it’s time to start promoting your new shooting range businesses! There are many ways to  promote your business . Still, some of the most effective methods include online marketing (such as creating a website or blog), print marketing (such as flyers or brochures), and word-of-mouth marketing (telling family and friends about your new business).

These are the things you’ll need to do to get started in a shooting range business. You can turn your passion for shooting into a profitable and successful business with some hard work and dedication. Keep in mind that it’s always essential to stay up-to-date with industry trends and regulations to ensure your business is compliant and operating safely.

About The Author

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Mark Anderson

Sample Shooting Range Business Plan

Shooting range business plan sample.

Are you planning on establishing a shooting range?

One of the things you’ll need to know is that this phase should be treated as a business. The planning phase will require a lot of work to get desired outcomes.

Proper planning requires knowing what needs to be focused on or covered.

Through this shooting range business plan, you’re able to see how a good outline can be developed or written. This plan considers the many difficulties new entrepreneurs face in developing a business plan.

With the guide provided here, you should plan effectively for your shooting range business.

Introducing the Key Elements

One of the first things you’ll need to figure out when writing your shooting range business plan is the project’s main elements.

These help with the proper structuring of the plan as they highlight the different aspects of the shooting range business. They include the executive summary and the business description.

Other essential elements of the plan include the services and products section, market analysis, strategy & implementation, organization & management team, and the financial plan & projections.

It’s not enough to mention these, but also essential to know how each point is developed.

You must supply specific details for each of the sections mentioned.

These details help provide comprehensive coverage for the plan. If you have no idea how to go about the whole process, the tips provided here should be of great help.

i. Executive Summary

The executive summary section of your shooting range business plan should appear at the beginning of the project. The name suggested summarizes the entire business plan and presents it as short, concise, and optimistic.

Through the executive summary, your audience should quickly understand what the plan is about.

Also, the summary should capture or hold the reader’s attention to make them want to learn more about the business idea.

Although the executive summary appears first, it should be written last to summarize your thoughts more accurately.

A summarized view of all the main sections of the plan is included here with information on business name and location, services offered, mission & vision statements, and the specific purpose of the project.

You’ll have to state or provide the name your shooting range business will be known by. This information is its identity. Also, you should give the shooting range location.

You will determine the suitability of the location to this kind of business. Due to the use of firearms, it should be sited far away from residential areas.

A shooting range business is mainly service-oriented, and you must provide information on such services here. Remember that you’re still within the executive summary section.

As such, you shouldn’t draw out details about services. You want to make this as brief as possible.

Your mission statement should articulate your business’s purpose. The report also reveals the main goals you plan on achieving with your shooting range business.

The mission statement should convey your dream for the business. It charts a path for the business’s future.

What specific purpose does your shooting range business plan serve? You should have explicit knowledge of this when you decide to write the program.

Some entrepreneurs write it to secure investors, while others set strategies.

ii. Business Description

Under the business description section, your audience gets to learn more about your shooting range business. Here, you’ll have to explain who you are, how you operate, and what your goals are.

The legal structure of your business is an essential piece of information you’ll need to provide.

Also, how do you plan on making a profit?

Provide a summary of your short and long-term business goals. A brief history of the business and its nature is among other details you should consider adding.

What needs or demands do you wish to fill or provide? Provide a summary of business growth with financial or market highlights included.

iii. Services & Products

As a largely service-based business, you’ll need to give a detailed breakdown of the services you provide.

This breakdown should include service costs and the expected net revenue from the sale of such services. Also, provide information on the benefits of your services to clients.

Explain the market role of your products and what advantages such have compared to similar services from competitors.

iv. Market Analysis

The market analysis section shows your knowledge of your industry. Thorough market research is necessary to showcase such knowledge.

Provide a sketch of your target customer segments with size and demographics. Also, a detailed assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors is essential.

Give an industry description and outlook with supporting statistics where necessary. What more? You’ll need to add historical, current, and projected marketing data for offered services.

v. Strategy & Implementation

The sales and marketing strategies adopted for your shooting range business and how you plan on implementing such should be part of this section—the different areas to cover pricing, costs, and promotions.

How will your business function?

How many employees will be required, and what are your labor sources? Explain how you plan on promoting the business to customers.

Details on operating hours and your facilities need to be included.

vi. Organization & Management Team

The organizational structure for your shooting range business is of utmost importance to how well it performs.

Provide an organizational chart with descriptions of departments and key employees. Also, provide details about owners such as names, percentage ownership, the extent of involvement, and biography.

Details for your management team should include names, positions, primary responsibilities, and prior experience.

vii. Financial Plan & Projections

Your financial plan gives an insight into the financial status of your shooting range business. The project should be developed with the help of a professional accountant and should cover details such as historical financial data.

Other areas to focus on including realistic prospective financial data and brief analysis of financial data.

There you have it! This shooting range business plan shows you all the details of writing your plan.

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  • Commercial Shooting Range

Getting Your Commercial Shooting Range Launched

Spire Ranges has the most current and technical information on owning, operating and opening a  commercial shooting range . We can help you plan and budget appropriately in regard to discussing all of the variables that are involved. After reading this; we have no doubt that you will be completely satisfied in having all of your questions answered! Specifically, “How much does building a commercial shooting range cost?”

Starting a commercial shooting range is a significant investment and something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Spire Ranges’ main goal here is to help with your commercial shooting range requirements by getting you pointed in the right direction from the very beginning saving you many hours and unnecessary mistakes. We promise to eventually get to the exciting material and discuss the customization of your commercial gun shooting range soon enough. We are more than willing to take as much time as you need to fully educate you with all of the best knowledge, experience and facts to ensure a long-term success.

shooting range business plan

Common Commercial Shooting Range Problems

One of several reasons men and women have trouble succeeding in the commercial shooting range business is that they are making too many decisions based on their personal emotions. Being passionate about your business is crucial in succeeding; however you also need to use your business mind as well. It is best to base your company decisions on what’s going to make the business more efficient and profitable. The ongoing revenue component of your business must come first!

Another issue commercial shooting range owners constantly run into; is from putting money in places that that don’t yield the value they are hoping for. Spending money to have Spire Ranges develop a beautifully designed commercial shooting range with many upgrades and extras isn’t such a bad idea.

However, you ought to make sure to save money for other expenses like: marketing, land improvements, or even general maintenance. The goal is to always develop revenue streams so that the commercial shooting range starts paying for itself and eventually begins to turn a profit. Having the most luxurious commercial shooting range in the world is irrelevant if you fail to reach the people to let them know about your great facility.

The last thing to think about is your possibility of diverse legal issues. In neighborhood surroundings, you can face challenges with noise ordinances, along with other legal issues that will tie the hands up of your business. This isn’t something that should make you abandon your goals but having a firm understanding and research about it and being ready for this is key in setting up your business to flourish.

The Requirements Of A Commercial Shooting Range

For every indoor commercial shooting range, there are three main components that you have to have for safety concerns or for standard common-sense items.

The very first component is the granular rubber trap. This is the component at the end of the range that stops seals and then rounds the bullet shrapnel. Second you require a safety ceiling. This is what keeps everyone in the surrounding area safe in the event of an accidental discharge; when the bullet travels upward towards the ceiling. The last component that’s required is a proper HVAC system. The HVAC system keeps the air quality very clean and fresh throughout the commercial shooting range by pushing any lead or smoke particles away from your clientele. Please refer to our website where we discuss the components of a commercial shooting range on an even more in-depth description.

Make Your Money Go To Work For You

The first point to bring up outside of the fundamental components of a commercial  shooting range  is your dollars spent compared to the return on your initial investment. Purchasing a commercial shooting range is similar to buying a vehicle. On almost any car or truck, you have the ability to put in all the fancy upgrades.

However you could buy a car with roll-up windows and no power seats. That’s the beauty of the current world we are living in. You have the capability to customize your vehicle based on the things you value most. For instance, someone in Florida has very little need for heated seats so, this additional feature carries very little value to them. Conversely; if you were from Utah, (Spire Ranges Headquarters) heated seats are now a prerequisite.

Spire Ranges can create the ideal commercial shooting range beyond any of your current expectations. From the minute you first start working with us; you will be involved with creating the ultimate plans for a state-of-the-art commercial shooting range! Our first measure is determining what your revenue drivers are going to be. From that point, we give you options that are appropriate to your goals. This is the reason why it’s hard to throw out a generic price for a commercial shooting range over the phone without fine tuning the intricate details. Every commercial shooting range owner’s goals are much different from the next.

Finding Your Commercial Shooting Range Marketplace

Let’s imagine you need to build a commercial shooting a range catered towards a luxury type customer base. A place where people pay for membership. It would be very important in this kind of situation to have a nice couch for the members to relax on after some shooting. You may also want to include custom stone work behind the shooting bays with beautiful wood grain gun stands. These enhanced features are what your costumers are looking for and desire. If your primary source of profits is going to be coming from people; then you need to include interesting spinning targets or other similar pop up targets.

Or maybe you wish to open your commercial shooting range doors to your local military and/or law enforcement. If this was your goal, you should consider installing ballistic rubber on both walls. You will also want to install reduced light settings throughout the commercial shooting range in order to offer advanced training methods.

These are just a few types of different commercial shooting range installments to consider. The options are limited to your creativity as you will notice that for every possible revenue driver; the right kind of equipment is equally matched. In the event that you were leaning towards a generic public commercial shooting range; there are no requirements to include any of those previously mentioned wood grain gun racks. This is primarily because it will not match your demographic. You would get much less value out of this compared to money you are putting in. This is essential to making a commercial shooting range succeed. However, this also makes it difficult to give one cost that fits all over the phone or in an email.

Installation Of Your Commercial Shooting Range

Spire Ranges has many different options for installation when it comes to building a commercial shooting range. We are able to take care of everything. This means we provide the supplies with the onsite manger to help all of the plans go easily and seamlessly. We perform full installs at which we have our contractors tighten every nut and bolt for you. Depending on if we just provide you the plans/designs and supplies or if we handle everything from start to finish; your price will greatly vary. With the understanding of different factors involved within the various expenses of a commercial shooting range, we can absolutely answer your question regarding exactly how much does a commercial shooting range cost? Give us a call or fill out our form today!

For a very simple, 10-lane range, with a top-notch rubber trap, safety ceiling, along with a ventilation package. You can expect the total price to be around $468,000 or approximately $47,000 for each lane. Keep in mind this cost will not reflect the installation expenses incurred. An installation of this sort of commercial shooting range can include 30% more of the current price.

Additional Commercial Shooting Range Information

So, there you have it now! $468,000 for a basic commercial shooting range. If you have any more questions about this topic or anything you have read within this post, I would highly recommend you check out our other blog posts and/or the detailed information on our site. Granted, you can always just fill out a form or give us a call as well. Don’t forget you can also sign up to receive Spire Ranges notifications for our news/upcoming events which is an extraordinary place to gather information. You can always talk with one of our commercial shooting range specialists for further information if ever needed.

How To Get Your Commercial Shooting Range Accredited

In the process of building a commercial shooting range, perhaps the most intimidating area is getting it permitted/certified by your local government. After you’ve done all the work, raised all the money, and planned everything out, the final stage now comes down to a small number of elected officials or set of policies and procedures. Do not let this overwhelm you or make you feel helpless. Even though the ultimate decision is in someone else’s hands; there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of succeeding.

Your local government officials want to know as soon as possible about your plans to design and build a commercial shooting range. They will especially appreciate it if you inform them early on of your intentions; and that communication can open doors for you later on. You’ll have a better chance of getting your commercial shooting range permitted in the event that you’ve established a relationship with local leaders right from the beginning.

Having an open line of communication will help you find out zoning and other issues you will have to overcome. In most circumstances, land needs to be zoned as commercial or industrial for a commercial shooting range to be constructed on it. Find out if the land you’re looking at is zoned appropriately. Zoning requirements for building a commercial shooting range fluctuate depending on where you live, and some places might not have special guidelines.

Your local officials will have the most accurate information and can help you fully understand certain detailed requirements. In the event you discover that the land you plan to build on is not zoned appropriately for a commercial shooting range, consult the planning, and zoning committee to find out if it can be re-zoned. Often, city governments are willing to work with local businesses on zoning issues to keep likely commerce from going everywhere.

The more you learn about what’s required to get your commercial shooting range accredited, the better. Become familiar with local noise and firearms regulations as well as environmental restrictions that are relevant to your commercial shooting range. Here are a list of questions to consider in regards to commercial shooting range requirements:

How will you manage noise abatement?

How will you dispose of lead?

How will you keep customers and staff protected?

All of these type of issues will come up when presenting to the city council. If you already know what their concerns are through asking questions and doing research, you can adequately prepare to answer them now well in advance. Contact us today if you want further assistance in making sure your commercial shooting range is able to become accredited/certified in your local area.

Once you know what specifications your commercial shooting range will likely be required to meet, speak with one our experts to find out what options are readily available. Spire Ranges specializes in building state-of-the-art commercial shooting ranges! We offer several different ideas and technology to meet the stringent requirements of any government regulations. For example, we can provide you with an environmentally-friendly bullet trap that also makes lead containment protected and straightforward.

With the help of our proprietary technology, all bullets and range debris can be safely collected and deposited into a sealed cone for convenient disposal. Spire Ranges also provides sound-abating safety baffles, acoustically-rated wall systems that lessen reverberation by 95+%, bullet-proof see-through lane dividers, and ventilation systems that filter air and defend customers from direct vulnerability. No matter what requirements your commercial shooting range has, Spire Ranges has the knowledge and technology to meet it.

Once you’ve spoken to your local government officials and heard everything you need to understand the requirements, regulations and restrictions; all that’s left to do is present your plan towards the city council. For many inexperienced in public speaking, this might be the most demanding aspect of the process. To make the experience smoother, consult a city council member in advance to discover what type of information they want from you. Write a list of questions that they can possibly ask during your council meeting and put together all of your answers ahead of time so you never forget what to say in the heat of the moment.

If you feel as though you will require additional help, a Spire Ranges representative is more than willing to be of service! Even if that means you need us to physically attend the city council meeting with you (regardless of where you live). Having a commercial shooting range expert standing next to you; able to personally answer any questions about the technological and safety features is extremely helpful in getting the approval you need.

The information and expertise of Spire Ranges has been proven to be helpful to our clients throughout the years; but still may not apply in all situations. Make sure you use judgment in determining which tips will be most beneficial in your particular situation.  The Spire Ranges team is willing to do whatever it can to make the approval process as simple and successful as possible. In the event you have some questions or concerns about getting your commercial shooting range approved, call us today and speak with your local representative. If you are not ready to call, that is completely fine as well as all you have to do is fill out a quick form on our website and we will get back in touch with you shortly!

How To Start A Commercial Shooting Range Business

An indoor or outdoor shooting range can be described as a lucrative business in the event that you are the kind of person who can operate under rigid national, state, and local regulations, including safety, insurance, record keeping, and reporting requirements. You can begin from scratch or buy an already-operating establishment, depending on your situation and the startup funds you have at your disposal.

Research your license and zoning requirements. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms has an informative website and offers amazingly great advice. Your local city officials can educate you on the zoning laws in various places and certain requirements you need to meet.

Visit commercial shooting ranges in and out of your city and attend as many gun shows as you can. Ask questions of the people involved in the industry and establish contacts with gun producers who are very likely to have helpful guidance for opening a commercial shooting range establishment that can promote and sell their firearms.

Join the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the industry’s largest trade association. Also consider the National Rifle Association (NRA) and other interest groups at which you can obtain news and helpful advice.

Write your business plan, giving special attention to the expenses involved. It can be costly to build a commercial shooting range from scratch; particularly if it is an indoor commercial shooting range. Contact local ranges to see whether they would consider selling or taking on a partner because the cost of improving an existing establishment could be far less than building a new one and you would have the added plus of an existing customer base.

Contact several commercial property estate brokers and establish relationships with people who are proficient in zoning laws and safety requirements involved in a commercial shooting range. You’ll also need insurance to protect you against liability from errors on the part of you or your staff.

Decide what your company image/logo is going to be and employ that image to your name, logo, center decorations, promotional literature and overall advertising. Your company image needs to meet the needs of your target customer. Promote your business to local gun and service clubs, sporting goods shops and commercial entities. Provide exceptional discounts and contests to draw on customers during your first months of operation. Offer classes in responsible gun ownership, maintenance and use through local night school and community recreation programs. Lastly, make sure to promote yourself through ongoing advertising and start with a bang (pun intended) with an awesome grand opening celebration.

An average commercial shooting range charges around $10.00/hour which means you will need upwards of 100 daily customers to make $30,000 monthly. To brake down this math you will make an average of $1,000/day at 30 days/month which equals $30,000.This amount in most scenarios may only cover your costs associated with rent, salaries, utilities and liability insurance. Gun sales and rentals of ammunition and equipment are crucial considerations in the profitability of your overall operation.

Before you get started, make sure to get your accounting in order. As well as your record keeping and operational skillsets. Struggling to comply with record keeping and reporting requirements can put you out of business very rapidly. Most any computer software will assist you in these type of daily nuances, however; you and your staff will still need to know exactly how to use it efficiently.

Spire Ranges Offers The Best  Commercial Shooting Range

With many years of experience in designing and building commercial shooting ranges, Spire Ranges brings you the industry’s best design, development, installation and service experience to every project. Whether you are a retail shop owner looking to build your first firearms training center, or perhaps even a current range proprietor in need of an update or maintenance to your existing center; we have all of the resources you want under one roof to guide you during the entire process of commercial shooting range requirements, design, development and management.

It’s possible for commercial shooting range owners to feel overwhelmed with questions about hardware, ventilation, lead abatement, overall environmental concerns, zoning regulations, range equipment that the list seems infinite. Rest assured that our team of experts, from engineering to sales, will streamline this process. We can help you through each step, from your research process by means of range design, construction, and maintenance.

With a Spire ranges commercial shooting range planning expert, you now have access to the very best indoor/outdoor commercial shooting range equipment in the industry! Some of the more popular technologies we offer are as listed:

  • Target Carriers
  • Recovery Systems
  • Range Control Devices
  • Steel Bullet Seals
  • Rubber Bullet Seals
  • Shooting Stalls
  • Audio Communication Systems
  • Visual Communication Systems
  • Ballistic Baffles
  • Ballistic Walls
  • Mobile Ranges
  • Ventilation Systems
  • Shooting Houses

Spire Ranges designs, builds and installs the very best and most affordable commercial shooting range systems in the US as well as globally in the industry.

Final Considerations In Designing A Commercial Shooting Range

If you are a gun fanatic that enjoys teaching others about firearms, then a commercial shooting range may be the perfect business for you. Unfortunately acquiring a license to open up such an operation requires you to obtain various permits and permissions from government officials/councils. However, if you are proficient about gun-safety issues, it shouldn’t be too difficult. You might have to build your commercial shooting range according to the general consensus of your local rules and requirements; so pay close attention to the interests of the customers and board/council members in your area.

Remember to c ontact your local government office about zoning legislation for shooting and building permits. Additionally, there are many restrictions regarding exactly where you can open a commercial shooting range; the times you can operate it and what you must have in your indoor/outdoor shooting range. Which is a perfect introduction to the next topic.

Determine if you want to open up an indoor or outdoor commercial shooting range. For an indoor range, consider opening it near a shopping mall or somewhere near downtown. You will want room for at least five shooting stalls, a money register, room to host classes, bathrooms, and also a showroom for leasing guns, selling various merchandise, as well as any guns. For an outdoor range, you will want to get land outside of city limits or in a metropolitan area. You will need at least two acres for your outdoor range to accomplish this.

Here are some other important steps to take when opening up a commercial shooting range for a business. Incorporate your business and obtain a national tax identification (EIN) number. Purchase at least $500,000 in liability insurance coverage. Apply for a Federal Firearms License to buy and promote firearms. If you are unsure of how to best take these steps on your own. Please feel free to contact us today to get the ball rolling in the right direction.

It is also really important that you d etermine the types of services you will offer. An indoor commercial shooting range may have a pistol range, rifle range, and paintball area or even arena, which is actually a great means to draw in the younger crowd. An indoor and outdoor commercial shooting range may offer firearm safety lessons and training for people seeking a concealed carry license. You can offer set classes, events, and functions for birthdays, coworkers, and bachelor and bachelorette parties. In the event you choose to offer special events, contact a local pizzeria or deli, and ask them about catering. Consider putting in vending machines, because customers can spend hours at your place of business.

Become proficient about guns and shooting. You have to understand the details about each of your guns, how they function and for whom they are most appropriate for. If you do not have a background in firearms; consider enrolling in the NRA Basic Firearm Training Program. Once completed, become an NRA instructor, especially if you intend to seek the services of instructors to teach your classes.

Invest in your equipment and ongoing business. Buy handguns, rifles, paintball guns, paintballs, various earplugs, safety goggles, various ammunition, clips, targets of varied sizes, snare, and skeet targets (for an outdoor range) and cleaning kits, etc. Purchase custom t shirts, hats, and infant clothing with your logo to sell to satisfied customers.

Legal Issues When Building A Commercial Shooting Range

Commercial shooting range requirements and regulations mandated by national, state, or municipal laws need to be properly addressed. Your commercial shooting range needs to comply with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations, as well as those compiled by other agencies concerned with conservation and environmental issues. Specifically, commercial shooting range noise limits, safety precautions and importantly, the adverse impact of lead bullets on soil around outdoor commercial shooting ranges; which are all topics that have to be resolved when you set up your indoor/outdoor shooting range. To help you gain a lot of important information, contact the National Rifle Association (NRA) or the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF). This way you are sure to discover all of the lawful regulations required in building a commercial shooting range.

On a final note, Spire Ranges wants to take time out to briefly discuss long-term safety so your patrons can enjoy your commercial shooting range for many years to come. This is especially crucial to execute as you never want to have to deal with a major accident or even death! To avoid such a travesty it is best to hire a full-time staff that is well trained and efficient in helping all of your customers in having a fun and safe experience.  This also helps ensure you have someone on the front lines monitoring everything to make sure everyone complies with all of the rules.

Your commercial shooting range rules should be very detailed and clearly visible/posted/shared by staff as well as strictly adhered to so your customers understand the seriousness of the situation. This will also help you resolve any potential disputes that may arise. Some cardinal rules should include certain safety mandates such as: requiring eye and ear protection at all times while in the shooting area, etc. Do not allow more than two people to one shooting booth as that can cause an accident as well. Do not allow your customers to cross fire into other shooting lanes. Figure out the rules in advance related to clearing and benching firearms so your customers know how to secure their weapons when they have finished shooting for the day.

Our Projects

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Residential Basement

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Houston County Sheriff

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Sliver Eagle Group

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Legacy Shooting Center

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Command Treadwell

Business hours.

Monday–Friday: 9am to 5pm Saturdays: Closed Sundays: Closed

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You can’t afford downtime. We can’t either. We take pride in our ability to identify issues and fix them quickly to ensure that your range is always up and running. That’s the guarantee we put on every range we install.

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  • Range Controls
  • Containment
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  • Range Financing


Gun Shooting Range Business Plan [Sample Template]

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business ideas » Security Industry » Shooting Range

Outdoor Shooting Range Business

Are you about starting a gun shooting range business? If YES, here is a complete sample shooting range business plan template & feasibility report you can use for FREE .

The security situation in the country has caused a lot of people to become security conscious and resorting to means to protecting themselves and their families. While a gun shooting range business will not provide people with the needed security, it provides a place where people can learn about guns and how to protect themselves if need be by practicing their aim.

It is also a place where security agents and law enforcement agents go to practice in order to serve the society better. A gun shooting range is therefore a lucrative business to start-up by determined entrepreneurs.

Everyone intending to start a business of whatever nature needs to conduct a feasibility study of the industry they intend going into. This is the reason why most people usually prefer to hire a business consultant who would help handle this aspect of the business.

However in hiring a business consultant, ensure that you hire one who is not only reputable but has vast information regarding the gun industry which you intend going into.

Another important thing to consider when starting your business is in writing a business plan. However, due to the intricacies in a business plan, you can get a professional business plan writer to write out a comprehensive one for you. Below is one of such sample gun shooting business plan;

A Sample Gun Shooting Range Business Plan Template

1. industry overview.

The shooting range industry has no major companies with a dominant hold in the marketplace. The industry generates about $1 billion annually with a projected growth that was pegged at 1.9% from between 2010 to 2015. There are more than 2,700 gun shooting ranges in the united states of America that employs more than 14,000 people.

Prior to 2010, the shooting range industry was plunged into a recession that it only started recovering from in 2010. The recover stemmed from the fact due to high profile shootings, there were fears of stricter gun control, which saw demand for guns and ammunitions especially in the affected states where the shooting occurred, rise.

However, the industry began to normalize in 2012 when the gun control legislation didn’t see the light of day at the federal level, allowing demand to drop but still remain on the high side. The next five years will likely see the industry revenue growing at a much slower pace that the previous five years before.

According to IBISWorld, the shooting range industry is in its mature lifecycle phase. However, between 2010 and 2022, Industry Value Added (IVA) a measure that is used to determine the industry’s contribution to the economy is expected to grow annually at 3.1%, with the GDP growing annually at 2.5%, which indicates the shooting range industry is growing.

Globally, as at 2014, America led Europe by having the highest shares in the global shooting ranges market. Owing to a rise in its military training services in order to gain advanced capabilities by armed personnel, the American market is projected to grow to a CAGR of 10.67% from 2015 to 2022.

Interests by gun loving consumers picked up in 2015, after demand had plunged in 2014, especially when manufacturers started introducing new products into the market. The interest is expected to continue into 2016, with manufacturing companies keeping up with the demand.

Political interference also has a lot to do with the rise and fall of demand in this industry, especially as another election is approaching. Demand usually surges when the Democrats win as people run to shore up on ammunitions expecting a strict gun control policy, which might affect their ability to purchase firearms in the near future.

However not all increase in demand has been due to fear of political interference has greater interests from customers in their 20s and 30s has seen demand for certain brands such as MSR increase.

2. Executive Summary

Pop-Pop Star Shooting Range Inc. is a standard gun shooting range that is located in Southaven – Mississippi, USA and will serve clients that are in the security industry and those that are not. We intend to offer a two range system, where we have both the indoor and the outdoor range in the same situation. We intend to offer several services to all our numerous clients.

Part of our services includes teaching our customers about how to handle firearms and how to shoot properly. We intend to also help customers clean their guns and show them how they can carry out light cleaning on their guns. We also will gunsmith for several of our clients.

Our vision is to be the go-to shooting range company for all those living in and around Southaven – Mississippi. Our intention is to gain national recognition for our brand all over the United States of America. This is why we are willing to go the extra mile to ensure that we hire only the best that would help attain these visions and objectives.

Our location is not only strategic but also enabling and conducive to all our various customers as well as our employees. Our location is easily accessible and conspicuous, so that even new customers intending to use the range for the first time can easily locate us.

Our marketing and publicity strategies are second to none as we have drafted effective strategies to ensure that we not only penetrate the market so as to gain more customers but that we increase awareness about our brand as well to potential and even existing customers. Our strategies are not cast in iron as they are constantly reviewed and tweaked to make them more effective.

Our strong selling point is the fact that we have hired competent employees that are experts who have a great knowledge about the industry and also understand our vision as a company and willing to work to ensure that it becomes a reality.

Paying our staff well is a top priority for us and so we would ensure that they are adequately compensated with a welfare package that is similar to other huge start-ups in this industry. We would also ensure that our employees are constantly trained so that their skills could be enhanced.

Finally, our owners Mr. Paul Jack and Mr. Poke Blank ate two military Veterans, ex-marines who have the necessary experience to ensure that the business becomes a success. The two owners have fought on behalf of the country in several wars and after returning have had some experience working in the security related industry.

3. Our Products and Services

As two military veterans, we intend to fully bring our experience to bear in this business by ensuring that Pop-Pop Star Shooting Range Inc. offers all our customers various services not offered by other gun shooting ranges in and around Mississippi.

Our various services stem from the fact that we would be operating two types of shooting ranges in one location. This will not only broaden our scope and allow us have more customers coming to our gun shooting range but it will also ensure we generate more revenue and grow as a business.

All the services we intend to offer are fully permissible under the laws of the United States of America. Below are some of the products and services we intend to offer;

  • Gun rentals and shooting range for legal adults
  • Rifle, pistol range and paintball for young adults and children
  • Firearms safety training and classes
  • Sale of firearms
  • Gun cleaning
  • Sale of gun related accessories
  • Range membership fees

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our vision is to be the preferred got-to all inclusive shooting range for all our various customers here in Mississippi.
  • To be able to achieve our vision, we intend to operate both the indoor and outdoor shooting range so that we would have a large pool of customers both old and young, and also be widely recognized throughout the United States of America.

Our Business Structure

Having the right business structure is very important to us as a business because it ensures that we are able to focus on other important aspects necessary to make the business a success. This is why we intend to ensure that our business structure is not only perfect but adheres to our principles and the direction we are going as a company.

We are willing to go the extra mile in ensuring that we get the right employees to work at our gun range business in the assigned position that fits each person’s skill and pay them well. It is necessary for us that these employees are attuned to our vision as a company and are ready to work to ensure that we achieve our intended vision and objectives.

The welfare of our employees is very important to us and we know that if we provide an enabling environment for them to carry out their tasks, their productivity will be enhanced which is for the good of the company. Also, due to the various services we intend to offer, we are going to hire the required employees to be able to handle the various positions at Pop-Pop Star Gun Shooting Range Inc.

Below is the business structure we are looking to build at Pop-Pop Star Gun Shooting Range Inc.:

  • Outdoor Range Manager
  • Indoor Range Manager

Store Manager

Purchasing Manager

Admin and Human Resources Manager

Marketing Team

Customer Service Executive

Security Guard

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

Outdoor Range Manager (Co-owner)

  • In charge of all outdoor shooting range activities
  • Ensures that all is in order before customers start showing up
  • Makes strategic decision on behalf of the company

Indoor Range Manager (Co-owner)

  • In charge of all the indoor shooting range activities
  • Constantly seek out new innovative activities that will keep customers engaged
  • Makes strategic decisions on behalf of the company
  • In charge of inventory of all the guns in the store
  • Records the guns that are collected and those returned
  • Inspects guns returned for sign of damage
  • Sources for reliable gun vendors and manufacturers on behalf of the company
  • Prepares and reviews contract documents for gun vendors and manufacturers
  • In charge of all the administrative functions in the organization
  • Sources for and recruits the right employees on behalf of the company
  • In charge of employee welfare
  • Conducts market research on the target market so as to determine how best to penetrate the market
  • Carries out direct marketing on behalf of the organization
  • Drafts and tweaks marketing strategies to make them effective before implementing them
  • Balances the books of the organization, and ensure that all accounts are reconciled
  • Prepares tax reports and submits them to tax authorizes
  • Possesses updated information about the industry and the businesses so as to pass on relevant information to the customer
  • Attends to all customers’ enquiries and requests
  • Keeps an accurate customer database on behalf of the company
  • Ensure that the premises is kept clean before work hours
  • Stock up on cleaning supplies
  • Monitors the surveillance cameras to check if anything is amiss
  • Secures and patrols the premises after work hours

6. SWOT Analysis

Due to the fact that we intend to run a business that is of a high standard, we have contracted reputable business consultants here in Southaven to help us not only look through our business concept but to also examine this concept and know if we were suitable enough to compete with others in this market, and what leverage we had over others in the same business.

Our hired business consultant evaluated our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in order to determine how we would likely fare in Southaven – Mississippi and in relation to the United States of America as well. Below is the result for the SWOT analysis that was conducted on behalf of Pop-pop Star Shooting Range Inc.;

Our strength lies in the fact that we are offering a two in one type of shooting range – indoor and outdoor, and we are also offering several other services as well that will bring us a wide range of customers. Also, our innovativeness in creating awareness for our brand can also be regarded as one of our strengths.

Our shooting range is conducive enough and provides an enabling environment for all our customers.  Other factors that add to our strengths are our owners who are ex-Marines and therefore have the necessary expertise to ensure that the business attains its intended standard.

The weaknesses that we are likely to face is the fact that we are establishing our gun shooting range business in Southaven, a city that isn’t so popular and will therefore see us having less customers than we were wont to if we were located in a popular city. However, our exact location is also close to other major cities and as such we are sure of meeting and surpassing our revenue target in our second year of running the business.

  • Opportunities

The opportunity available to us in this market is that we would be able to tap into the online market in order to market to and attract customers from there for our gun shooting range business. The fact that we would also be offering firearms and safety training is another opportunity for us.

The threats we are likely to face in this business are intense competition from fellow other gun shooting ranges in the same location, offering similar services to what we were and within the same price range; stricter government regulations which might come from policies to try and stem how individuals bought and handled guns, as well as the fact that the market is regarded as a mature one.

Every business is likely to face threats every now and them, but we have proactive strategies in place that will help us combat these threats.


  • Market Trends

A shooting gun range used to be a place for people who worked in security or law enforcement industry, the military and a few gun loving individuals to practice and perfect their gun shooting skills. However, things have changed now as more people are getting security conscious and have decided to get a gun to protect themselves or their families.

This is why there has been an increase in the way in the people visiting shooting ranges either to practice their shots or to learn more about the guns they intended to procure form themselves and how well to use it.

Another trend that has hit the gun shooting range is that more of these ranges are offering other services asides just allowing people to come and practice their shots. Such services are gun cleaning, where those with guns can get their guns disassembled and cleaned, and also purchase gun related accessories. Also, gun shooting ranges now have vending machines for clients who spent long hours in a shooting range.

Finally, with the influx of video games that are adventurous in nature, some shooting ranges have incorporated this into their services to help those especially the young adults learn to shoot virtually first. Asides this, there are also ranges for children and adult where they can have adventurous games while shooting paintballs. The gun shooting range has really evolved from focusing on a narrow niche to focusing on various customers.

8. Our Target Market

While there were few target markets available for the gun shooting ranges in time past, all that has changed as the evolvement of the industry has seen it open up to accommodate more target market, therefore the target market can no longer be restricted to a few people, but now involves the veterans, the adventurous and the new people.

In trying to determine who exactly our target market are and what they expect from us, and we from them, we conducted a market research that also touched on our strategic location and got promising results. Our market research led us to realize that we are in this business to cater to the following group of people;

  • Law enforcement officers
  • Security Agents
  • Military men and women
  • Celebrities
  • Corporate Executives
  • Business People
  • Young adults

Our competitive advantage

Pop-Pop Star Shooting Range Inc. is a business that has been established to not only generate revenue and maximize profit; we also intend to be able to favorably compete amongst our competitors here in Southaven –Mississippi and in the whole of the United States of America as well. This is the reason why we have come up with several competitive advantages that would give us an edge over our competitors.

We are the only shooting range in the whole of Mississippi offering both indoor and outdoor shooting range facilities for all our various customers, old and young, professional and novice.

Another competitive advantage is in the fact that we would be offering several services such as gun cleaning, gunsmithing, sale of firearms and trainings on the use of firearms in addition to our core and several other services here in Southaven – Mississippi.

The owners who understand the security business quite well as they are military veterans have also recruited experienced personnel who are not only knowledgeable but understand what it means to ensure that our business attains the standard that we have intended for it. They also understand the fact that offering more services meant more responsibilities and that the strength of our business is in ensuring that customers get the best care.

Finally, we believe in taking good care of our employees, which is why we intend to create an enabling environment by ensuring the workplace is conducive enough and that they are paid well. Also, the welfare packages for our employees will be the best amongst similar start-ups within the same category all over the United States of America. Employees that are well taken care of are more efficient and effective, leading to a higher productivity for the business.


  • Sources of Income

Pop-Pop Star Shooting Range Inc. has been established to generate revenue and have a huge profit margin, in essence improving our bottom line due to the different services we intend to offer our different customers from all over Mississippi.

We intend to generate revenue for our company by offering the following services;

10. Sales Forecast

Security conditions are not going to get anytime better as they are worsening, leading to a situation where citizens have seen the need to take care of and protect themselves. Southaven in Mississippi is the perfect location for our business as with the target market here, we are sure of not only generating revenue but also improving our bottom line and making profit by the second year of business.

Our facts stem from the critical analysis that we conducted on the market in order to analyze our chances of success in the market and industry at large. The information and data gathered for these sales projections was based on similar start-ups here in Southaven – Mississippi.

Below are the sales projections on behalf of Pop-Pop star Shooting Range Inc. in Southaven – Mississippi based on certain factors such as our location and the industry trend at this particular point in time;

  • First Fiscal Year-: $500,000
  • Second Fiscal Year-: $950,000
  • Third Fiscal Year-: $1,900,000

N.B: The above stated sales projections were conducted based on the trends obtainable in this industry. They were also conducted on the assumptions that customers won’t lose interest in security related activities, there will be no arrival of a competitor and that there won’t be stricter policies from the government. Should there be any change in the above factors, it might lead to an increase or decrease in the above stated figures

  • Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy

­­­­In starting and managing a gun shooting range, marketing cannot be neglected. Any business that has been established to make profit cannot succeed or grow if it does not engage in any form of marketing at all. Marketing is a two edge sword as it not only generates revenue for a business so that it maximizes on profit, it also ensures that the business gets awareness through the several marketing efforts.

Therefore it is highly necessary to conduct a market survey on the industry, so that one will garner enough information on how best to penetrate the market and get a share of the target market.

Our intention is not only to attract the number of customers we require for a business, we also want to be able to compete fairly with other gun shooting ranges so as to achieve our vision and objectives, which is why we hired the services of a reputable marketing consultant here in Southaven – Mississippi to help us look critically into the market and help us draft the best strategies that would best suit our intentions.

We also intend to empower our marketing team and allow them work with the marketing consultant so that the final strategies drafted would be in line with the company’s visions and objectives. Our marketing executives will also increase sales for our company by networking with other gun shops and security agencies and in so doing increase awareness for Pop-Pop Star Shooting Range Inc.

The internet is also one of the major tools we intend to use in marketing our business as we will ensure that we use our interactive website and social media platforms to market our brand to our customers. In summary, the marketing and sales strategies that we intend to adopt at Pop-Pop Star Shooting Range Inc. to deliver our services and sell our products are;

  • Offering free range passes to new visitors so as to keep them as customers
  • Starting up professional games and shooting contests
  • Throw a grand opening party that will not only create awareness for our business but bring in new customers too
  • Engage in direct marketing and sales
  • Use the internet – website and social media platforms – to massively promote our gun shooting range business
  • Network with gun shops and other security related outfits in order to gain new customers

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

Even though the gun shooting range business is still garnering attention as more people have understood the worth of such businesses, publicity to a large extent is still required. A business that does not engage in promoting itself will not only find itself unable to generate revenue and sustain itself as it should or to favorably compete with competitors in the same industry, it will also fail.

This is why at Pop-Pop Star Shooting Range Inc. we intend to explore various means at ensuring that we promote our brand in such a way that potential customers cannot help but notice our business. We know that if we get our publicity strategies right, we will generate revenue for our business to help sustain it and also compete against our competitors.

We intend for our brand to be fully recognized and accepted here in Southaven – Mississippi, as well as in the whole United States of America. Therefore the platforms we intend to leverage on in promoting and advertising Pop-Pop Star Gun Shooting Range Inc. are;

  • Write informative articles and post to several websites, blogs and forums
  • Create an interactive website and promote it massively by ensuring it appears tops on search engine sites
  • Distribute our attractive handbills and paste same posters in strategic locations
  • Install our billboards in strategic areas here in Southaven, and surrounding areas here in Mississippi
  • Use social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter to promote our brand
  • Create contests and events in our shooting range so as to drum up awareness about our brand

12. Our Pricing Strategy

Deciding on what rates or prices to set for a product is very important, as the wrong pricing can either lead to a loss for the business or chase customers away. We therefore will set our prices after considering several factors such as overheads, running expenses and what our competitors are offering.

Also, the pricing that will be set will be determined by several of the services we intend to offer our various clients. Since we intend to offer various services for both the old and young, we would carefully set our rates in such a way that it would be affordable for each category of service.

Due to the fact that we are still new in the industry, we would offer all our customers a low discount in the first three months of operation, so as to create more awareness and boost our bottom line. We however wish to assure our stakeholders that we will not run at a loss during this period of lowering our rates.

  • Payment Options

Due to the different services that we would be offering, we intend to offer our various customers several payment options that will suit their preference and suit us as a business as well. Therefore, the payment options we intend to offer our customers at Pop-Pop Star Shooting Range Inc. are;

  • Payment via cash
  • Payment via Point of Sale (POS) Machine
  • Payment via check
  • Payment via online payment portal
  • Payment via credit card

We have been assured by our bank that the various payment platforms chosen on our behalf is what best suits the business and will work without any hitches.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

The start-up capital for a shooting gun range depends on how big the entrepreneur starting the business intends to make it to be. However, regardless of how big or small the shooting range is or what type of shooting range it is, certain amount of the capital will still be spent on aspects such as procuring the firearms, leasing the land meant for the shooting range and paying employee salaries as well as certain utility bills.

Therefore the key areas where we intend to spend our start-up capital on are;

  • Total fee for incorporating the business in the United States of America – $750
  • Other legal expenses, obtaining of several licenses and permits, and accounting software – $4,250
  • Cost of leasing a land and building shooting stalls, gun rooms and administrative offices – $280,000
  • Cost of purchasing different guns for sale and rent – $300,000
  • Cost of hiring a business consultant – $2,000
  • Insurance coverage (General liability and workers’ compensation) – $5,000
  • Marketing and publicity expenses (grand opening promotion expenses and general marketing and publicity expenses) – $5,000
  • Operational cost for the first 3 months (employee salaries and utility bills) – $100,000
  • Other start-up expenses (furniture, phones, stationeries, computers and printers) – $5,000
  • Cost of store equipment (security, cash register, signage) – $7,500
  • Cost of gun cleaning tools and related accessories – $30,000
  • Cost of official vehicle – $40,000
  • Cost of launching a website – $500
  • Cost of throwing an opening party – $5,000
  • Miscellaneous – $15,000

From the above estimate, we would need the sum of $800,000 if we intend to fully start and make our gun shooting range business a success here in Southaven – Mississippi. It should be noted that the bulk of the capital would be covering the buying of the needed guns, leasing a place and also paying the salaries of employees amongst other things.

Generating Funding / Startup Capital for Pop-Pop Star Shooting Range Inc. Business

Pop Star Shooting Range Inc. is a business owned by two friends who are military veterans. The two men have the necessary experience and a bit of capital to start the business but are seeking for more capital in order to be able to successfully offer all the intended products and services to customers. This is why we have decided to restrict their sources of generating capital to just two.

Therefore the areas where we intend to generate our start-up capital from are;

  • From personal savings and sell of properties
  • Apply for loan from bank

N.B: We were able to generate the sum of $250,000 from our personal savings and sale of properties. We approached the bank for a sum of $550,000 and are at the final stages of signing the documents that would see the bank credit our account with that amount any time soon.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

Our aim of establishing a gun shooting range business is so as to generate the required revenue that will sustain and eventually expand the business. However, because we intend to be proactive in sustaining and expanding our business, we have drafted strategies that will allow us build on our business and grow.

These strategies such as having a good business structure, having good publicity strategies and retaining a high number of our customers are part of our sustainability and expansion strategies.

Without a good business structure our business is likely to fail, as there won’t be anyone to help run our desired vision and objectives, especially as we both cannot handle the whole aspects of the business ourselves. We therefore intend to employ competent employees that also have a good knowledge of the industry and will therefore take our business from where it is to where we desire it to be.

Secondly, a business is only as good as its publicity strategies, which we intend to fully deploy to help us gain a huge share of the market. Our publicity strategies were drafted by a reputable publicity consultant here in Southaven and will promote our brand positively to our target market.

Our publicity strategies is intended to gain new customers as we cannot totally rely on just our old customers who might due to several circumstances – work, leaving town or other personal reasons – not be able to patronize us.

Retaining customers in this business is important and so we would ensure that we give special discounts to our loyal customers who are long standing customers and also special incentives to those who refer us to other people. We also intend to give them the best customer care as can be attained in this industry. We know that if this is done, we would be able to sustain and expand our business.

Check List / Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check: Completed
  • Business Registration: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts: Completed
  • Securing Point of Sales (POS) Machines: Completed
  • Opening Mobile Money Accounts: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID: In Progress
  • Application for business license and permit: Completed
  • Purchase of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Conducting feasibility studies: Completed
  • Generating capital from family members: Completed
  • Applications for Loan from the bank: In Progress
  • Writing of Business Plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents and other relevant Legal Documents: In Progress
  • Design of The Company’s Logo: Completed
  • Graphic Designs and Printing of Packaging Marketing / Promotional Materials: In Progress
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Creating Official Website for the Company: In Progress
  • Creating Awareness for the business both online and around the community: In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement (License): Secured
  • Opening party / launching party planning: In Progress
  • Establishing business relationship with vendors – wholesale suppliers / merchants: In Progress
  • Purchase of trucks: Completed

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Shooting Range Business Plan and SWOT Analysis

Shooting Range Business Plan, Marketing Plan, How To Guide, and Funding Directory

The Shooting Range Business Plan and Business Development toolkit features 18 different documents that you can use for capital raising or general business planning purposes. Our product line also features comprehensive information regarding to how to start a Shooting Range business. All business planning packages come with easy-to-use instructions so that you can reduce the time needed to create a professional business plan and presentation.

Your Business Planning Package will be immediately emailed to you after you make your purchase.

  • Bank/Investor Ready!
  • Complete Industry Research
  • 3 Year Excel Financial Model
  • Business Plan (26 to 30 pages)
  • Loan Amortization and ROI Tools
  • Three SWOT Analysis Templates
  • Easy to Use Instructions
  • All Documents Delivered in Word, Excel, and PDF Format
  • Meets SBA Requirements

Shooting ranges are extremely popular businesses within the United States. A substantial number of American citizens own firearms and they enjoy taking them to shooting ranges to practice. These businesses are relatively immune from negative economic changes even though the pricing points associated with going to a shooting range are somewhat high. Typically, most indoor shooting ranges have a startup cost of roughly $300,000 to $500,000 while purely outdoor ranges usually have startup costs ranging from $100,000 to $200,000. The barriers to entry for a new shooting range are considered moderately high given the substantial zoning requirements associated with these businesses. Additionally, some states require that these businesses maintain extensive licenses and insurance policies in place in case of an on-site accident. As such, while shooting ranges can be very lucrative businesses they also have very high operating costs.

Most financial institutions love to place money with shooting ranges given the large amount of real estate and tangible assets that are acquired in the process of launching one of these businesses. Additionally, the gross margins generated from revenues range anywhere from 75% to 95% depending on whether or not the shooting range provides emanation ammunition on-site. Within a shooting range business plan a fully developed three-year profit and loss statement, cash flow analysis, balance sheet, breakeven analysis, and business ratios page should be developed. If an entrepreneur is looking to raise capital via a bank loan that it needs to be very clearly shown what tangible assets, land, and real estate will be purchased with these funds. Beyond the financial information, a full demographic profile that includes an examination of the population size, population density, percentage of people owning firearms, median household income, median family income, and competition should be discussed as well. In most areas competition is limited given that there are very few zoning permits handed out for new shooting range facilities. Of course, this varies heavily state to state.

The shooting range marketing plan should be a complex document that showcases how the entrepreneur will promote the business among the general public while concurrently developing relationships with local law enforcement agencies. One of the ways that mow shooting ranges become profitable quickly is by developing ongoing referral or contractual relationships with area police departments so that their police officers training at the facility. Additionally, a moderate scale print campaign is usually introduced as well that includes the distribution of flyers to local residents. The on relationships with law enforcement agencies and print campaigns, a online presence is also needed. This website should showcase the rules of the shooting range also informing the general public of the hours of operation, pricing, and other pertinent information as it relates to operating a shooting range. Many shooting ranges also maintain profiles on popular social networking platforms such as FaceBook, Twitter, and Google in order to let ongoing customers know whether or not the range going to be closed on any given day. These social media websites are also popular for distributing coupons for usage at the range.

The shooting range SWOT analysis focuses heavily on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that are normally found at these facilities. As it relates the strengths, shooting ranges generate very high gross margins also having very high barriers to entry. For weaknesses, the operating expenses of the shooting range are very high given that very substantial insurance policies must be held on an ongoing basis. Also, there are a number of flaws – both federal and state – that need to be addressed and complied with at all times. For opportunities, many shooting ranges will seek to expand revenues by offering things such as ammunition as well as a limited food and beverage service at the facility. Additionally, some shooting ranges once they have reached 100% capacity will establish additional locations with any given regional market. For threats, this is somewhat limited to a shooting range but changes in firearms laws may impact the way that these companies conduct business moving forward.

Moscow Shooting Club

Moscow Shooting Club

Real weapons.

AK 47 Kalashnikov, Glock, Dessert Eagle, Dragunov, pump action shotguns & 40+ more weapons.


No weapon licence needed. Beginners welcome. We speak English.


Open daily. Available in three locations. Easy access or optional transfers.


Strict security rules. All safety equipment included. Passport or ID required.

Our packages

Package 2 - kalashnikov & pistol.

AK47 Kalashnikov

Group size Price per person

  • More info about Package 2 - Kalashnikov & Pistol

Package 3 - Kalashnikov & Friends

Dragunov SVD-63 Sniper Rifle

  • More info about Package 3 - Kalashnikov & Friends

Package 4 - Hardcore Shooting

Taurus 94 .22LR Revolver

  • More info about Package 4 - Hardcore Shooting

Popular searches

Private shooting.

Moscow Private Shooting

Group Shooting

Group Shooting in Moscow

Sniper Shooting

Sniper Shooting in Moscow

Large packages

Large packages

Budget Shooting

Moscow Budget Shooting

AK47 Kalashnikov Shooting

AK47 Shooting

Exciting Stag Activities

Moscow Stag Activities


Skillful instructor. It was first time I shot, he guided and helped me with all the weapons I had in the package.

I found online recommendation for your gun range & arranged swift booking. In 3 hours I was at your place, with gun in hands & bullets were tearing paper target into pieces

Always wanted to try to shoot the real AK-47 Kalashnikov and Moscow Shooting club made this come true. Thanks guys!

Where is your shooting range located?

We operate our shooting events at two shooting ranges located within Moscow. Most frequently we have our shooting events at indoor shooting range near Park Pobedy. The exact location is typically sent to customer 5 days before the event once we have schedule fixed at all our partner ranges.

What types of firearms are available at the Moscow shooting range?

At our Moscow shooting range, enthusiasts of all skill levels can enjoy a wide selection of firearms, including pistols, rifles, shotguns, and automatic weapons. Each category includes a range of models from world-renowned manufacturers, ensuring a comprehensive shooting experience.

Do I need a shooting license to use the Moscow shooting range?

No, you do not need a personal shooting license to use our facilities. Our range is open to both beginners and experienced shooters, with professional instructors available to guide you through the safe handling and operation of all firearms.

Are there any age restrictions for participants?

Yes, participants must be at least 18 years old to use the shooting range. Minors may be allowed to participate in certain activities if they are accompanied by a legal guardian, but this is subject to specific restrictions and requires prior approval from our staff.

Can I book a private event or group session at the range?

Absolutely! Our Moscow shooting range offers tailored packages for private events, corporate gatherings, bachelor parties, and other group sessions. We recommend booking in advance to ensure the availability of your preferred date and time.

What safety measures are in place at the range?

The safety of our guests and staff is our top priority. We enforce strict safety protocols, including mandatory safety briefings for all participants, provision of personal protective equipment (PPE), and constant supervision by experienced instructors. Our range is designed to meet the highest safety standards.

About us

Our team provides  real shooting experience for clients without a shooting license .

Our Moscow shooting range is accessible by metro or car and is  one of the most visited shooting ranges in Moscow  area.

Our arsenal includes famous  Soviet & Russian weapons from early 20th century , through  WW2 & Cold War firearms  to modern weapons like  AK47 Kalashnikov, SVD Dragunov sniper rifle, Shpagin submachine gun, Maxim machine gun  among many others guns.

We work with trusted partners


We will handle your request in accordance with our Privacy Policy

Reservation form

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Taking aim in Ireland’s first shooting range simulator - in Belfast

£250,000 investment at the haymarket is first stage multi-million pound redevelopment plan for city centre.

The Armoury

Ireland’s first licensed shooting range simulator will open in Belfast at the end of April following a £250,000 investment by the owners of the Haymarket, the indoor/outdoor bar and street food hangout.

It is the first stage of a multi-million pound redevelopment plans to expand into vacant units along Royal Avenue.

The new venue will operate a simulation shooting range, using replica firearms and incorporating state of the art technology.

“The Armoury is the beginning of the exciting plans we have for the rejuvenation of the Royal Avenue complex,” according to Kate McNally, managing director of Haymarket Belfast

shooting range business plan

Bank rate setter says he is now ‘more confident’ about UK inflation

shooting range business plan

Price gap for road fuel and alcohol widens between Northern Ireland and the Republic

She added: “We believe our investment will breathe life into the city centre cementing our commitment to presenting Belfast as a world-class tourist and leisure destination.”

The full venue ( ) can be hired with a variety of activity, food and drink packages available, or groups can book out a single shooting booth.

The Haymarket on Gresham Street was launched in July 2021 following a £250,000 cash injection from investors.

It was part of efforts to rejuvenate the ‘Smithfield and Union’ quarter of Belfast, which stretches from the Smithfield Market to the new Ulster University campus.

The venue features a ‘street’ food menu, outdoor arcade and a dedicated gin bar, with a focus on cocktails and local liquor, beer and ale, and has also garnered a reputation for its bottomless brunches.

ND Small Business Development Centers

Powering the creation, growth, and success of small business in North Dakota.

Success Story – The Range

The range – fargo 2024.

FARGO – Tim Brown, a former United States Army Medic and Fargo Police officer, fulfilled a lifelong dream of starting his own business in November 2023. His vision was to create a business that not only aligned with his passion for training and teaching, but also allowed him to maintain his current role as a police officer. The Range, a virtual shooting range and training center opened last fall.

Drawing on his extensive background as a medic along with his former role as a police officer, Tim identified a unique market segment – combining his love for training with the booming virtual shooting range industry. His desire to provide valuable services to the community while utilizing his network of first responders as early customers fueled his entrepreneurial journey.

Despite his strong foundation, Tim faced the challenge so many other face, not knowing the details of where or how to start his business. After a referral from a friend that also owns a small business, Tim’s journey took a turn when he reached out to the ND SBDC.

shooting range business plan

To fund his business, Tim leveraged the micro-loan program through Lake Agassiz Development Group. Chris’s guidance proved instrumental as Tim kept expenses minimal, only borrowing what he needed, resulting in a quick loan approval. Within two months of opening, The Range began showing a profit. Tim attributes this rapid success to his solid understanding of business basics, thanks to the guidance provided by Chris and the ND SBDC. The community, being receptive to Tim’s idea, played a crucial role in supporting and sustaining the business.

Reflecting on his journey with the ND SBDC, Tim shares, “Chris helped with everything from building a business plan, financial planning, location planning, and finding a lender. I got an extremely helpful and personalized experience.”

shooting range business plan

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Sample Shooting Range Business Plan

Shooting range business plan sample.

Are you planning on establishing a shooting range?

One of the things you’ll need to know is that this phase should be treated as a business. The planning phase will require a lot of work to get desired outcomes.

Proper planning requires knowing what needs to be focused on or covered.

Through this shooting range business plan, you’re able to see how a good outline can be developed or written. This plan considers the many difficulties new entrepreneurs face in developing a business plan.

With the guide provided here, you should plan effectively for your shooting range business.

Introducing the Key Elements

One of the first things you’ll need to figure out when writing your shooting range business plan is the project’s main elements.

These help with the proper structuring of the plan as they highlight the different aspects of the shooting range business. They include the executive summary and the business description.

Other essential elements of the plan include the services and products section, market analysis, strategy & implementation, organization & management team, and the financial plan & projections.

It’s not enough to mention these, but also essential to know how each point is developed.

You must supply specific details for each of the sections mentioned.

These details help provide comprehensive coverage for the plan. If you have no idea how to go about the whole process, the tips provided here should be of great help.

i. Executive Summary

The executive summary section of your shooting range business plan should appear at the beginning of the project. The name suggested summarizes the entire business plan and presents it as short, concise, and optimistic.

Through the executive summary, your audience should quickly understand what the plan is about.

Also, the summary should capture or hold the reader’s attention to make them want to learn more about the business idea.

Although the executive summary appears first, it should be written last to summarize your thoughts more accurately.

A summarized view of all the main sections of the plan is included here with information on business name and location, services offered, mission & vision statements, and the specific purpose of the project.

You’ll have to state or provide the name your shooting range business will be known by. This information is its identity. Also, you should give the shooting range location.

You will determine the suitability of the location to this kind of business. Due to the use of firearms, it should be sited far away from residential areas.

A shooting range business is mainly service-oriented, and you must provide information on such services here. Remember that you’re still within the executive summary section.

As such, you shouldn’t draw out details about services. You want to make this as brief as possible.

Your mission statement should articulate your business’s purpose. The report also reveals the main goals you plan on achieving with your shooting range business.

The mission statement should convey your dream for the business. It charts a path for the business’s future.

What specific purpose does your shooting range business plan serve? You should have explicit knowledge of this when you decide to write the program.

Some entrepreneurs write it to secure investors, while others set strategies.

ii. Business Description

Under the business description section, your audience gets to learn more about your shooting range business. Here, you’ll have to explain who you are, how you operate, and what your goals are.

The legal structure of your business is an essential piece of information you’ll need to provide.

Also, how do you plan on making a profit?

Provide a summary of your short and long-term business goals. A brief history of the business and its nature is among other details you should consider adding.

What needs or demands do you wish to fill or provide? Provide a summary of business growth with financial or market highlights included.

iii. Services & Products

As a largely service-based business, you’ll need to give a detailed breakdown of the services you provide.

This breakdown should include service costs and the expected net revenue from the sale of such services. Also, provide information on the benefits of your services to clients.

Explain the market role of your products and what advantages such have compared to similar services from competitors.

iv. Market Analysis

The market analysis section shows your knowledge of your industry. Thorough market research is necessary to showcase such knowledge.

Provide a sketch of your target customer segments with size and demographics. Also, a detailed assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors is essential.

Give an industry description and outlook with supporting statistics where necessary. What more? You’ll need to add historical, current, and projected marketing data for offered services.

v. Strategy & Implementation

The sales and marketing strategies adopted for your shooting range business and how you plan on implementing such should be part of this section—the different areas to cover pricing, costs, and promotions.

How will your business function?

How many employees will be required, and what are your labor sources? Explain how you plan on promoting the business to customers.

Details on operating hours and your facilities need to be included.

vi. Organization & Management Team

The organizational structure for your shooting range business is of utmost importance to how well it performs.

Provide an organizational chart with descriptions of departments and key employees. Also, provide details about owners such as names, percentage ownership, the extent of involvement, and biography.

Details for your management team should include names, positions, primary responsibilities, and prior experience.

vii. Financial Plan & Projections

Your financial plan gives an insight into the financial status of your shooting range business. The project should be developed with the help of a professional accountant and should cover details such as historical financial data.

Other areas to focus on including realistic prospective financial data and brief analysis of financial data.

There you have it! This shooting range business plan shows you all the details of writing your plan.

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  25. Sample Shooting Range Business Plan

    The executive summary section of your shooting range business plan should appear at the beginning of the project. The name suggested summarizes the entire business plan and presents it as short, concise, and optimistic. Through the executive summary, your audience should quickly understand what the plan is about.