The PwC Case Interview (Including Strategy&) – A Complete Guide

  • Last Updated January, 2024

PwC is an accounting firm with a huge consulting arm. Its consulting business is as large as those of Bain, BCG, and McKinsey combined. If you’re interested in landing a job in the consulting industry, it’s a great firm to apply to because its business combines strategy consulting (Strategy&) as well as business transformation/implementation (PwC).

If you want to know more about PwC consulting and Strategy&, you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll discuss:

  • An overview of PwC Consulting and Strategy&.
  • The PwC recruitment process.
  • The PwC case interview.
  • The behavioral/fit interview.
  • The PwC group case.
  • The PwC individual presentation.
  • Our 5 tips for preparing for PwC and Strategy& interviews.

Let’s get started!

PwC Consulting and Strategy& - An Overview

The pwc group case, the pwc recruitment process, the pwc individual presentation, the pwc case interview (including strategy&).

5 Tips for Preparing for PwC and Strategy& Interview

The PwC Behavioral Interview

PwC Consulting and Strategy & - An Overview

5 Tips for Preparing for PwC and Strategy & Interview

PwC employs over a quarter of a million people in 155 countries worldwide. Its operations are divided into two parts: Trust Solutions and Consulting Solutions. Trust Solutions focuses on its accounting and tax services. PwC Consulting Solutions help a broad spectrum of clients navigate complex business issues by leveraging PwC’s significant experience and range of capabilities.

Client case studies include:

  • helping TransRe adopt an enterprise resource planning system to collect and manage data, offering insight and improved decision-making.
  • supporting Chipotle to implement a loyalty program to improve customer relationships, build loyalty, and drive business growth.
  • providing pro bono consulting to charity The Trevor Project to strengthen its technological capabilities and optimize its volunteer recruitment process.

How does PwC Consulting differ from Strategy&?

In 2014, PwC acquired Booz & Co., the commercial arm of consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton, and renamed it Strategy&. While PwC Consulting focuses on typical management consulting cases and implementation projects, Strategy& specializes in strategy consulting.

Set up by PwC to attempt to compete with McKinsey, Bain, and BCG, Strategy& has over 3,000 consultants helping businesses shape their future strategies. Strategy& focuses on creating competitive advantage by “developing corporate and business unit strategies and building differentiating capabilities that outperform the competition.” ( Source: PwC )

Implementation of those strategies is handed over to PwC consulting teams. If you join PwC’s management consulting team you will, “help clients translate strategy into execution, closing the gap between ideas and outcomes, to transform the organization and achieve tangible business results.” (Source: PwC)

Like most other Big 4 firms (EY, Deloitte, and KPMG), the PwC recruitment process has multiple stages:

Stage 1: The PwC Application

For entry-level recruitment, the first stage of the PwC process is to submit an application form for the particular roles you’re interested in. You can search for your school’s application deadline on PwC’s interactive campus map. If you can’t find your school or have recently graduated, you should submit by their September deadline. You’ll be asked to pick your top 2 preferred office locations and you’ll need to submit a resume.

To learn more about how to write a stellar consulting resume, read Consulting Resume: Everything You Need to Know .

Stage 2: The PwC Online Test

A few hours after you’ve submitted your application, PwC will send you an assessment to complete via email. You have to complete the online test within 3 calendar days so it’s worth thinking about that when applying. The PwC online test is a series of games-based assessments to measure cognitive ability, behavioral preferences, and verbal and numerical reasoning.

Learn more by reading PwC Online Test .

Stage 3: The PwC Interview

If you successfully pass the online test, PwC will invite you to a series of interviews. These will include a case interview and behavioral interview and may include a group case and an individual presentation. The first of these interviews is sometimes conducted as a video interview where you’ll record your answers to a range of questions and case studies. Group interviews have traditionally been part of the recruiting process for sophomore consulting internship candidates and select other groups. It’s a good idea to clarify with your recruiting contact what types of interviews you’ll have.

In the past, the bulk of the remaining interviews, group, or individual activities took place during an assessment day. However, for 2021-22 recruitment, PwC US is moving to virtual interviewing. For Consulting Services, you’ll face two virtual, live interviews back-to-back. If you move forward in the process, there may be a final additional  interview.

Nail the case & fit interview with strategies from former MBB Interviewers that have helped 89.6% of our clients pass the case interview.

The case interview process is similar for both PwC Consulting Services and Strategy&. The case interviews are both candidate-led, which means you’ll be responsible for deciding what analysis you want to do and what the approach should be.

The PwC case interviews for Consulting Services applicants typically focus on profit optimization, cost optimization, and market sizing. For example, a recent candidate was asked to “Run me through a market sizing estimate of the iPhone market in Asia.”

For a breakdown of precisely what each of these types is, read Case Interview Types: Master Common Ones Before Your Interview .

The PwC Strategy& case interview includes more strategy-focused cases (such as make-vs-buy decisions, new product introduction, M&A, etc.), but how you tackle a case interview is the same no matter which area you’re applying for.

Following this 4-step model gives you the best chance for success:

  • Understand the question . Make sure you understand what it is you’re being asked to do. Repeat back to the interviewing team what exactly you think the task is so they can correct you if necessary.
  • Create a structured approach to the problem . Analyze what data you’ve been given and identify areas where you need more information about the client’s problem. Use a business framework to explore the case further or, better yet, create one of your own that’s specific to the issues in your case.
  • Ask relevant questions and analyze the problem . Begin to share the assumptions you’re making about the case and ask the interviewing team questions about areas where you’re uncertain or need more data to inform your judgments.
  • Effectively communicate your recommendation . Walk the interviewing team through your recommendation(s), explaining how you used the data provided to back up your recommendations. Make sure you call out any assumptions made or any risks associated with the action you’re proposing.

The fit or behavioral interview is a way for interviewers to figure out how well candidates would work within the firm’s culture and how they’d be in front of clients. Interviewers want to feel that they could work well with you if you were part of their team and that you’d represent the firm effectively on client projects.

While the exact questions will differ between firms, here are ten common questions asked in behavioral interviews:

PwC's Core Values

PwC has 5 core values that define its culture and approach:     

  • Act with integrity
  • Make a difference
  • Work together
  • Reimagine the possible

It’s important to ensure that when answering interview questions, you keep these values in mind. For example, if the interviewer asks you to tell them more about yourself or what you do for fun, pick stories that show where you’ve made a difference, challenged the status quo, or tried something new.

If you’re interviewing for several different firms, it’s important to tailor your responses to each individual firm. Try not to rely on stock answers about why management consulting is the role for you. Many other candidates will also be waxing lyrical about working with the best people, on the most interesting projects, for the most exciting clients.

Try researching cases the firm has recently been involved in and explain why they’re interesting to you. Or look into work the firm does regarding corporate social responsibility and talk about how it aligns with your values.

The Best Answers to PwC Behavioral Interview Questions Are Stories

Frame your examples as stories. Stories engage interviewers even after a long day interviewing dozens of candidates. While you want to remain professional, it’s ok to talk with emotion as you share your stories. Interviewers want to see humans, not robots! One of PwC’s core values is ‘Care’ so interviewers want to know what’s important to you and more about the things that make you you.

Make sure you also reflect on your own learning from the examples you want to share in your interview. You’ll likely be asked about how you work in a team, how you handle conflict, and how you overcome failure. Using a model like the ASTAR(E) framework helps you remember to share the effect that going through that experience had on you and how it’s changed how you would approach things in the future.

For the Strategy& interview specifically, it’s worth noting that you may face more behavioral questions than you expect. PwC is keen to check that you’re not just using Strategy& as an MBB backup and wants to make sure you’re a great fit for the firm.

To learn more about acing the behavioral interview, read The Consulting Fit Interview: What to Say, What NOT to Say .

PwC has traditionally used a group case as part of its recruiting process during the assessment day for some applicants (most frequently, undergraduate sophomores applying for internships). A typical group case experience involves you working within a small group to solve a business case.

Interviewers assess both analytical and behavioral competencies as you work in your team to solve the case. This means you have 2 roles during a group case. First, you need to contribute to solving the case — providing analysis, making logical assumptions and judgments, and offering insight to shape the overall recommendation you present to the client.

Secondly, you need to showcase how well you can work within a team — offering an opinion, demonstrating active listening, summarizing and building on others’ points of view, and leading the team towards consensus.

Recent interviewees have not had a group case as part of their PwC interview process. This is likely due to Covid restrictions, so make sure you are ready for a group case in the event PwC reintroduces them. If you want more help on preparing for a group case interview, read This Is What You Need to Know to Pass Your Group Case Interview .

As part of the recruitment process, you may be asked to prepare an individual presentation. This comes in the form of a written case presentation. Unlike other firms, PwC releases the information you’ll need to prepare your recommendation 48 hours in advance of the interview.

Using the information provided, you’ll have to prepare a PowerPoint presentation showing your analysis of the data, explaining any assumptions you’ve made, and detailing your client recommendations.

On the day of the interview, you’ll spend 15–30 minutes presenting your findings and then 15–30 minutes taking questions on them from the interviewing team.

Bain and BCG commonly request a written case, so this may feel familiar if you’ve interviewed for them. For more information on preparing for a written case interview, check out Written Case Interviews – Everything You Need To Know .

5 Tips for Preparing for PwC and Strategy& Interviews

Now you’re clear on the different elements that make up the PwC interviews, here are our top 5 tips for acing them:

1. Research

Make sure you do your research before your PwC or Strategy& interview. Understand what it is about the firm that appeals to you, what type of case work they’re involved in, and how else they get involved in the community.

It can sometimes be helpful to figure out what a company isn’t as much as what it is. So compare PwC to other firms and note the differences and why PwC still appeals. Learn their core values and what a typical day would involve as an analyst, or the specific role you’re applying for.

Ensure you also know as much as possible about the format for the interview. Are you expected to complete several tasks or just one? How much time will you have? Will you have a single interviewer or multiple? Company websites often describe the people they’re looking for to join their team — those will be the attributes you’ll be assessed against, so make sure you’re clear on what they are.

2. Prepare and Practice

Once you’ve done all your research, start your preparation. Use case interview examples to practice your casing skills. The linked page includes several PwC case examples as well as ones from other consulting firms. Make sure you feel confident in your case interview math skills too.

For your behavioral interview, make sure you’ve prepared answers to typical questions such as “Tell me about yourself” and “How would you manage a challenging team member?” Make sure your answers follow the ASTAR(E) framework and that you’ve tailored them to show off how you meet the PwC core values. You can practice answering these questions with a friend or coach until you feel confident in your responses.

3. Follow a Structure

Consulting firms are looking for structured thinkers who can solve a wide variety of business problems. Show your structured problem-solving skills by creating a framework that identifies the key issues you want to address in the case and use this framework to keep your progress in the case on track. Building your answers around a framework can help ensure you cover all the important points succinctly and confidently.

4. Explain Your Approach and Any Assumptions

Remember your math teacher always used to tell you to show your work? Well, it’s the same during consulting interviews. If you’re using data or solving math problems during your PwC case interview and you end up with an incorrect answer, it’s important to gain as much credit as possible.

Maybe you just made a small error in your calculation but your assumptions and approach were sound. The interviewer will never know that unless you walk them through the steps you take as you’re solving the case. Make sure you talk aloud as you’re putting together the pieces of the case and ensure you clearly state any assumptions you’ve made as you present your final recommendation. By making your assumptions clear, you‘ll allow your interviewer to guide you if you get off-track.

5. Communicate Confidently

In the PwC case interview, once you’ve decided on a recommendation, make sure you communicate your thoughts confidently. While interviewers are obviously interested in your analytical skills, business acumen, and logical approach, they also care about how you’re going to appear in front of clients. They need you to be able to effectively communicate your thoughts and respond appropriately to questions and feedback.

This is also true of the behavioral interview, where your interviewers also care about how you’ll fit within their team and what it’d be like to work long hours on a project with you. They’ll expect you to talk with passion about things you care about, offer thoughtful or interesting stories in response to questions, and seem friendly, competent, and approachable.

– – – – –

In this article, we’ve covered:

  • The difference between PwC Consulting and Strategy&.
  • The stages of the PwC recruiting process.
  • What you need to know about the PwC case interview, behavioral interview, group interview, and individual presentation.
  • 5 tips for success in PwC interviews.

Still have questions?

  • Our Ultimate Guide to Case Interview Prep .
  • PwC Psychometric Assessment .
  • The Big 4: How Do They Fit Into the Consulting Industry
  • Group Case Interview .
  • Written Case Interview .

Help with Case Study Interview Prep

Thanks for turning to My Consulting Offer for advice on PwC case interviews. My Consulting Offer has helped almost 85% of the people we’ve worked with to get a job in management consulting. We want you to be successful in your consulting interviews too. For example, here is how Alex was able to get his offer from Strategy&.


3 Top Strategies to Master the Case Interview in Under a Week

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pwc case study interview example

PwC Case Interview Guide 2024: Criteria, Technique & Tips

PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) is one of the  Big Four Consulting Firms (along with KPMG, Deloitte, and EY). Every candidate who wishes to land the offer from PwC must go through an essential round called a “ case interview ” in the Assessment Center.

In this article, we’ll cover the complete overview of the PwC case interview and the tips and techniques to help you ace your case interview round. 

Overview of PwC case interview

The PwC case interview is a candidate-led interview used to assess candidates for technology and management consulting positions . Candidates are required to go through three to four 45-minute case study sessions, which simulate the actual work of consultants in the firm. 

The three common case types in the PwC case interview are individual case, group case, and written case.

A candidate must go through the case interview round in a full-day event consisting of two to three stages, known as “Assessment Center” in Europe/Middle East and “Super Day” in the US.

The PwC case interviews occur after the video interview

Candidates have to pass three rounds (Application -> Online test -> Video Interview) before getting into the case interview round .

If you successfully pass the case interview round, you will advance into the final round - partner interview. If you pass this final round, you will receive an offer from PwC within two weeks.

Application round: Submit your resume and cover letters via PwC online application platform. You need to craft your resume in consulting style and have an impressive cover letter .

PwC Online test : Take a series of online psychometric assessments, including situational judgment and numerical, verbal, and logical reasoning.

Video interview: includes fit/behavioral interview and workplace case studies. You will record yourself answering the given questions. PwC has an e-learn preparation for the video interviews . You can check it out!

Case interview: includes a series of case interviews (individual and group) to assess candidates’ traits and abilities as consultants.

Partner interview: candidates will go through an “informal” talk with the partner or senior manager of the local office they apply. This is similar to the fit interview at Bain and BCG .

PwC interviewers value leadership and business acumen

To ace the PwC case interview, candidates must demonstrate they have the five crucial qualities needed by PwC. “Whole leadership” and “Business acumen” are highly valued since these two are essential qualities for an aspiring consultant.

The five qualities, as stated in their “The PwC Professional” framework , are:

Whole leadership: Lead yourself and others to make a difference and create a positive impact in a responsible, authentic, resilient, inclusive, and passionate manner.

Business acumen: Bring business knowledge, innovation, and insight to create distinctive value for clients and PwC.

Technical and digital: Apply a range of technical, digital, and other professional capabilities to deliver quality and value.

Global and inclusive: Operate and collaborate effectively with a mindset that transcends boundaries and embraces diverse perspectives.

Relationships: Build relationships of high value that are genuine and meaningful.

pwc case study interview example

Source: PwC Global

PwC case interview format is candidate-led 

PwC case interview is a candidate-led case interview , similar to the BCG case interview and Deloitte case interview . The interviewer will present the issue and require the applicant to lead and control every stage to solve the case: structure the problem, develop frameworks, request data, synthesize results, and provide solutions.

Candidate-led cases focus on one big problem

In candidate-led cases, you have to figure out how to solve a big case . This is opposed to interviewer-led cases , where the interviewer presents smaller questions about the case to the candidate.

You should take a top-down approach - break the problem into small parts of the issue tree and tackle each one at a time. 

Candidate-led cases are flexible

In a candidate-led interview, the candidate can choose their own suitable approach.

The interviewer usually forms a “universe” of data on the client and their problems for you to explore. If your issue trees and solutions seem to go beyond the given information (in a good direction), the interviewer can “make up” new information on the spot to help you solve the case in your way.

Candidate-led cases focus less on being right

In a candidate-led interview, you put less emphasis on giving a definite “correct” answer and focus more on creating a structured, reasonable approach .

An “acceptable” margin of error is allowed in the candidate-led interview since you must break down the problems by yourself without much assistance from the interviewer. 

pwc case study interview example

To ace the candidate-led case interview, you need to understand the fundamentals of a candidate-led case . Our Case Interview End-to-End Secrets Program features countless instant-result tips and techniques for case interviews to help you maximize your performance!

After learning the tips and some sample cases, you will need exclusive feedback. Book a meeting with our coaches at MConsultingPrep now! Those ex-consultants will help you practice specific candidate-led case interviews, give you the most detailed and concrete feedback, and suggest the most suitable improvement methods. 

Three PwC case types

PwC case interviews usually include three types of interviews: individual case interview, group case interview, and written case interview.

PwC individual case interview

This is the standard type of PwC case interview. PwC has a similar candidate-led case interview style to BCG and Deloitte. Candidates will receive the case from the interviewer, which they need to define the issue and give solutions. There will be two or three cases for a 45-minute session.

PwC group case interview

The group case interview is popular in BCG, Bain and Big Four firms. A group case interview will usually go through five stages:

Stage 1: You will be assigned to a group of 3–6 applicants.

Stage 2: The group will be given a case and relevant information to solve.

Stage 3: You will be given 10 minutes to examine the case and prepare alone or in collaboration with another team member.

Stage 4: The group will discuss case questions for 20 minutes while the interviewers observe and take notes.

Stage 5: The interviewers will ask questions about the cases in the next 20 minutes.

PwC written case interview

The final type of case interview at PwC is the written case presentation .

At PwC, the case question and data are usually provided 48 hours before the presentation. Candidates must prepare PowerPoint slides and evidence to support their findings on presentation day.

Each candidate would have 15-30 minutes for presentation and another 15-30 minutes for Q&A with the interviewer. 

Fundamental framework to solve PwC case interview

To solve the PwC case interview, you need to develop an issue tree to break down your case. To create a suitable issue tree, you can use common frameworks for case interviews : Profitability framework, Business situation framework, McKinsey M&A framework, 4P/7P marketing mix, or Porter’s five forces model. 

To further enhance your case interview performance, you can also apply five effective tools (or mini-frameworks): External vs Internal, Quantitative vs Qualitative, Costs vs Benefits, 2x2 Matrix, and SWOT analysis. 

Five common frameworks for case interview

Profitability framework is mostly used to mathematically break down problems before switching to the qualitative framework for solutions. To use the profitability framework, candidates will split profits into revenues and costs.

Business situation framework is used to analyze a company situation in four areas - Company, Competitor, Customer, Products (3C-1P). This 3C-1P framework is flexible for many purposes, however it may be too generic and need customization depending on the situations. 

McKinsey M&A framework is used to assess a proposed merger and/or acquisition on three aspects: standalone values of each involved company, their synergy, and other factors. This framework is MECE and promotes customizations, and is one of the best M&A frameworks. 

4P/7P marketing mix in marketing for tangible work analyzes the 4P - Product, Price, Place and Promotion; while in service marketing three other Ps will be added in - People, Process, and Physical evidence. This framework focuses on the marketing aspect, hence unsuitable for multi-function strategies. 

Porter’s five forces model analyzes the industry surrounding a business in five aspects - Suppliers, Customers, Competitors, New entrants, and Substitutes. This framework is used to get an industry overview and understand the client’s context.

Five effective tools for case interview

External vs Internal method is quick and easy to segment information about a particular entity. The internal branch concern what is inside or intrinsic of the said entity, and the external branch concerns the outside factors. 

Qualitative vs Quantitative mini-framework is used for evaluations. Dividing items into two MECE groups reduces confusion and minimizes the risk of missing an essential item. 

Cost vs Benefit in the decision-making process is very straightforward - if the benefits of an option outweigh its costs, that option can be chosen.

2x2 Matrix is a decision-making tool where options are examined using two criteria, each of which forms an axis of the matrix. 

SWOT analysis mini-framework is seldom used in case interviews for being too generic. However, it can be used for a quick and easy evaluation of a company’s positioning within the industry context. 

To have a deeper understanding of the common framework used in the case interview, you can check our free article on Case Interview Framework .

How to prepare for PwC case interview?

pwc case study interview example

To ensure the best performance possible in the PwC case interview, you can follow this 5-step preparation.

Step 1: Familiarize yourself with candidate-led case examples

PwC hasn’t provided any case examples on its official site. Still, you can start with candidate-led case interview examples from Bain to familiarize yourself with the format and how to interact with the interviewer.

Bain case sample: Coffee Shop Co.

Bain case sample: FashionCo.

Bain case sample: Associate Consultant Mock video

You can also get familiar with more case interview samples and all instantly-effective tricks for case interviews with our Case Interview E2E Secret Program . You can learn all the fundamentals and expose to a more detailed and in-depth analysis of case interview samples with suggestions.

Step 2: Practice consulting math

Interviewers intensely evaluate potential consultants' mental math because consultants have to deal with quantitative data daily. It might take too long for them to bring out a calculator whenever they need to calculate anything, and doing so during a negotiation appears unprofessional. 

Some people find consulting math challenging at first; however, a few techniques can help you ease into the process while still practicing effectively, such as:

Train your head: Do your daily calculations mentally unless an EXACT answer is required.

Start with small steps: At the start, a piece of scratch paper and a 5% margin of error help; once you are confident, discard the paper and narrow down the margin.

Establish a routine: Allocate some time for daily practice. This may be hard at first, but you can feel the improvement once you’ve overcome the inertia.

Step 3: Develop business intuition

Having business intuition sharpens your performance significantly in case interviews. Working on intuition is a gradual process that takes practice every day. You can improve your business intuition through two means:

Written material: It's a good idea to read business papers daily. You can also find excellent articles on the McKinsey , Bain , and BCG websites. Be careful, though, Because the important thing is not how many pages you read but what you learn from them.

Experience and observations: Don't just show up to work; try to figure out what the senior managers are doing, the reasoning behind each decision they made, and how it has affected the organization.

Step 4: Learn the fundamentals and frameworks

Practice the use of hypotheses and issue trees, the MECE principle, and the frameworks until you are comfortable using them– they are the backbone of candidate-led case interviews.

It might be tempting at first to go straight for the frameworks – if you make this common mistake, get ready for some very unpleasant surprises in the interview. Frameworks need a lot of customization to fit actual cases , and to customize effectively; you need fundamental knowledge.

Step 5: Perform mock interviews

Mock interviews are a great way to simulate the actual case interview session. Find a former consultant to help you practice; they have been through countless case interviews, both real and mock, and they know what’s required of a candidate, so they’re the best people to run your simulations with. 

MConsultingPrep can help you connect with ex-consultant coaches to receive more personalized feedback to improve what is lacking in your performance and enhance your chances of landing the offer. Book your mock case interview session with us right now!

Tips for the perfect PwC case interview

Nine tips for the perfect pwc individual case interview.

Tip #1: Understand the procedure of a candidate-led case interview

There is a five-step procedure to approach the PwC candidate-led case interview. 

Taking the case: You need to take notes on all information regarding the clients and the case situation. Keep your notes organized to refer back to them easier.

Clarifying: You will have time to gain more information and/or clarify the points you haven’t fully understood about the cases.

Structuring: You will need to break down the case business problem into smaller components to create the issue tree , allowing you to solve it in an effective and cohesive manner.

Hypothesizing: You must develop the hypothesis based on evidence and available data about the problems and find the root cause. If the initial hypothesis in a branch of the issue tree no longer makes sense, go to the next branch. If the hypothesis matches, stick to it to find the root causes and solutions.

Pitching: The pitch is your case interview's final product, where you summarize all findings and recommendations to solve the case. You need to deliver the pitch in a structured, top-down manner.

Tip #2: Have a perfect case opening

There are four reasons to make a good case opening while you deliver your case interview:

First, it shows you have complete control of the upcoming problem-solving process, which is critical in candidate-led cases.

Second, you can demonstrate your whole leadership and relationships with proactiveness - aligning yourself with PwC's five qualities mentioned above.

Third, a good case opening creates a great first impression. Consultants are expected to perfect everything from the beginning to the end, so this could make a good head start for a 30-minute interview.

Finally, this is an opportunity to align during the interview. After the interviewer has outlined the case details, explain the case to the interviewer in your own words to ensure you grasp the issue and align with the interviewer.

Watch more: How to open a case perfectly?

Tip #3: Map your next moves

Pause occasionally to summarize where you are and where you’re going next. It gives you a sense of direction and authority; additionally, you get plus points in the interview for an organized approach. 

This also gives your interviewer a chance to help you with your mistake. If your interviewer gives you advice, take it – assume it’s intended to be helpful.

Tip #4: Be consistent with your intended hypotheses

Always speak with the current hypothesis in mind, and that hypothesis must be in the issue tree. The sole purpose of the hypothesis-driven approach is to have your efforts and problem-solving steps guided and structured. 

Therefore, to avoid being overwhelmed by piles of data in your case interview, do a sanity check by returning to your issue tree - if what you're doing does not correspond to your present place on it, go back immediately!

Tip #5: Deliver your pitch in one structured manner

This is the most important tip to take because you need to show that you own the consultant qualities - being structured and straight to the point. Present your analyzes in one perfect, insightful, top-down, concise, and captivating final pitch.

Find a way to structure the problem; this will guide your discussion with the interviewer. Briefly explain the framework you plan to use, allowing the interviewer to comment. In general, the simpler the framework, the better. Once the interviewer endorses your framework, stick to it.

To structure your speech:

Begin with a summary line that states the key takeaway/intention.

Separate what you want to say into distinct sections. As much as possible, avoid jumping back and forth between items.

Number your items so you and your interviewer can keep track of them. It's even better to specify how many things you'll be discussing beforehand.

Make your recommendation based on the conclusions you reached from your discussion, even if you are unsure with so little data and time to discuss all the issues.

Tip #6: Make a personalized script

Make a script of what you're going to say and rehearse it a hundred times. Practice all of the formulaic phrases, such as the opening or data request. With enough practice, those lines will become second nature to you.

The secret to seeming professional in a case interview is to talk in a systematic and formal manner. Using scripts also saves brainpower, which you will undoubtedly want in case interviews.

Tip #7: Keep your notes organized

Neat note-taking greatly assists with your train of thought, making storing and organizing information easier. You're also demonstrating to the interviewer that you're well-organized and meticulous.

Divide your notes into three categories to make them easier to read and interpret: data, presentation, and scratch paper. When the interview begins, take three pieces of paper and name them appropriately. Here is the content that should be on each type of note:

Datasheet: note down and process any data the interviewer gives you, as well as your calculations.

Presentation sheets: draft things you’ll say to the interviewer.

Scratch paper: anything else you need to write out, such as brainstorming ideas.

Tip #8: Avoid long pauses

Take a minute to think; don't be afraid of the silence. If you really need silence to think, ask for a timeout or announce think-out-loud mode. However, taking it too long will backfire, especially if you can’t come up with something worthy of the long wait. Use the pause prudently, and always try to think as fast as possible while still being “correct”. 

Tip #9: Find and ask for more insights

Try your best to be in-depth and comprehensive with your analyzes. Always ask yourself, “Am I overlooking something?” and “Can I drill down further?”. 

This is also helpful when you are stuck in your analysis. You can try asking for insights from the interviewer (remember to state your purpose clearly) like this:

If you have a piece of data and don’t know what to make of it, ask for benchmarks to put the data into perspective.

If you are unsure which framework to employ, consider "segmentation" - look at how the customer or the industry often segments that item. If you need to know how they do it, ask the interviewer.

When you cannot see the problems in the case (probably resulting from the “MECE” of your issue tree), ask the interviewer nicely for a way out.

However, remember to manage your time well. If you take too long, the interviewer might force you to move on, and you will lose the time to solve the case holistically.

Four tips for the perfect PwC group case interview

You are being evaluated with many other candidates in group case interviews. So, how can you make yourself stand out? Here are six helpful recommendations to ace a group case interview.

Tip #1: Manage your ideas

Take your time processing the question and developing an orderly and structured response. If you allow yourself time to analyze, your answer will be more robust. Ask the interviewer for a few minutes to organize your thoughts, but avoid excessive silence when necessary.

Try not to intervene forcefully while others are speaking in group interviews. If you have a brilliant idea, write it down. That way, the flash of brightness won't fade from your memory.

Tip #2: Decide whether your role is a leader or team member.

This is the decision that needs to be made on the spot - other candidates are going for the “leadership role” of the discussion. If you want to lead, go right at it. However, you can still demonstrate desirable consultant qualities even as a team member.

If you decide to be the team leader, emphasize your facilitator role.

It’s a good idea to be proactive in proposing what topics to discuss, in what order they should be addressed, and how much time should be allocated to each issue. You can bring the group’s focus back together if the group gets off track.

By the end of the group discussion, make a point to compile people's different points. This puts you in a position to bring everyone together and ensure all candidates are on the same page.

If you decide to be a team member, speak to add value.

Candidates will take turns presenting answers to the interviewer. Before it’s your turn, listen carefully to other people’s answers and the interviewer’s feedback. This way, you can add valuable and helpful insights to the discussion. Remember, good points go to the quality of what you say, not the number of times you speak up.

Tip #3: Ask good questions

Asking outstanding questions will set you apart. It demonstrates that you are attentive and willing to learn more.

Great questions often target one or more objectives: explaining an unfamiliar term, clarifying the issue's purpose, or expanding the team's understanding of the setting or business.

Tip #4: View others as teammates

Seeing people as colleagues puts you in a collaborative attitude, which allows you to work successfully with others. You look to be both a helpful leader and a team player in this manner.

You can be the first to answer your interviewer's question to avoid seeming timid. You can encourage co-interviewees by emphasizing their excellent ideas, adding what you believe is lacking, and explaining your reasoning.

Three tips for the perfect PwC written case presentation

Tip #1: Skim and scan to gain an overview of the case quickly

Skim the data for a summary, then focus on supporting evidence. You need to remove irrelevant data by starting with a defined goal to find the data that answers questions or supports your findings.

You can practice speed-reading in daily activities. When reading newspapers, for example, ask yourself questions regarding the topics being covered, then explicitly hunt for solutions in the articles.

Tip #2: Timebox your activities during the presentation

To ensure adequate time management, allocate a precise time limit for each activity.

When that time limit is nearly over, quickly wrap up what you’ve been doing (e.g., skimming data) and move on to the next (structuring the problem).

In such a pressured interview setting, you easily make mistakes, so set aside some time for contingencies.

Tip #3: Present recommendations first

Tell them your solutions first, and explain later – it’s the results that count!

On a consultant's slide, the chart titles contain the most valuable insights, and their presentations and pitches start with the conclusion. You are an aspiring consultant, so act the same way during case interviews.

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Hacking The Case Interview

Hacking the Case Interview

PwC and Strategy& case interviews

PwC (including Strategy&) interviews consist of case interviews, written case interviews, group case interviews, and behavioral or fit interview questions. The office and group that you are interviewing for will determine which of these types of interview questions you will get.

If you have an upcoming interview with PwC or Strategy&, we have you covered. In this article, we’ll go through in detail:

  • PwC and Strategy& interview processes
  • The 6 steps to solve any PwC (Strategy&) case interview
  • PwC (Strategy&) case interview examples
  • The PwC (Strategy&) group case interview
  • The PwC (Strategy&) written case interview
  • PwC (Strategy&) behavioral or fit interview questions
  • Recommended PwC (Strategy&) case interview resources

If you’re looking for a step-by-step shortcut to learn case interviews quickly, enroll in our case interview course . These insider strategies from a former Bain interviewer helped 30,000+ land consulting offers while saving hundreds of hours of prep time.

PwC and Strategy& Interview Processes

Strategy& interview process.

If you are applying to Strategy&, the interview process typically consists of two rounds. Each round has two to three 45-minute interviews.

These interviews will be focused on case interviews and behavioral or fit interview questions. Roughly half of the time will be spent on the case interview. Your interviewers will try to save the last 5 to 10 minutes of each interview for your questions.

Here is what a Strategy& interview process could look like:

  • Strategy& first round interview : Two 45-minute interviews. For both interviews, roughly 10 minutes will be spent on behavioral or fit questions, 30 minutes will be spent on the Strategy& case interview, and the last 5 minutes will be time for you to ask questions.
  • Strategy& final round interview : Three 45-minute interviews. One interview will be more heavily focused on behavioral or fit interview questions. The other two interviews will be primarily focused on Strategy& case interviews.

It is important to know that Strategy& emphasizes behavioral and fit interview questions much more than the average consulting firm. You’ll spend a bit more time answering these questions than you would at firms such as Bain, BCG, Deloitte, or Accenture.

Interviewers want to ensure that candidates that are interviewing for Strategy& actually want to work there. They want to screen out candidates that are treating Strategy& as a backup firm to McKinsey, BCG, and Bain.

PwC Consulting Interview Process

If you are applying to Management Consulting,  Technology Consulting , or Risk Consulting, you may have an online assessment and up to three rounds of interviews.  

  • PwC Assessment Test : online assessment used to evaluate cognitive skills and overall competency
  • PwC first round interview : One 30-minute interview with a recruiter focused on behavioral or fit interview questions
  • PwC second round interview : Two interviews focused on case interviews and behavioral or fit interview questions
  • PwC third round interview : Three to five interviews focused on case interviews, behavioral or fit interview questions, a written case interview, and/or a group case interview

There is a lot of variability in the types of interviews you could get in your last round of interviews. Depending on the office and group, some candidates may get a written case interview or a group case interview. Others may just get normal case interviews.

The 6 Steps to Solve Any PwC (Strategy&) Case Interview

PwC and Strategy& case interviews are all candidate-led. This means that you will be expected to drive the direction of the case. You will suggest what areas to explore, what analyses to do, and what the next step should be.

On Strategy&’s case prep website , they state that there is no single correct way to answer a case. If you show your thought process and develop logical and reasonable conclusions, you will have successfully solved the case.

Follow these six steps to solve any case interview.

1. Understand the case

The case will begin with the interviewer giving you the case information. While the interviewer is speaking, make sure that you are taking meticulous notes on the most important pieces of information. Focus on understanding the context of the situation, the company, and the objective of the case.

2. Verify the objective

Understanding the business problem and objective of the case is the most important part of the case interview. Not addressing the right business question is the quickest way to fail a case interview.

Make sure that you ask clarifying questions to better understand the business situation and problem. Then, confirm that you understand the case objective with the interviewer. This ensures that you start the case on the right track.

3. Create a framework

Develop a framework to help you tackle the business problem. A framework is a tool that helps you structure and break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable components. With a framework, you’ll be brainstorming different ideas and organizing them into different categories.

Afterwards, walk the interviewer through your framework. They may ask a few questions or provide some feedback to you.

For a complete guide on how to create tailored and unique frameworks for each case, check out our article on case interview frameworks .

4. Develop a hypothesis

After creating a framework, you should develop a hypothesis. A hypothesis is an educated guess on the answer based on the data and information that you have so far.

Your hypothesis does not need to be correct. You’ll be continuously testing and refining your hypothesis throughout the case. The purpose of having a hypothesis is to guide your analysis and ensure that you are spending your time answering the right questions.

5. Test your hypothesis

The majority of the case will be spent testing your hypothesis.

After stating your hypothesis, it is up to you to lead the direction of the case. Depending on the context of the case, you may want to ask for data to do some analysis. You may also want to explore qualitative questions that you have. As you uncover more information, your hypothesis will likely have to change. 

Sometimes, your hypothesis will be completely wrong and you’ll need to develop a completely new hypothesis to test. Other times, your hypothesis may be on the right track, but you’ll need to refine or narrow it down further.

Throughout the rest of the case, you’ll be answering a mix of quantitative and qualitative questions. Make sure that after each question, you explain how your answer impacts your hypothesis or answer to the case.

6. Deliver a recommendation

In the last step of the case interview, you’ll present your recommendation and provide the major reasons that support it. You do not need to recap everything that you have done in the case, so focus on summarizing only the facts that are most important.

It is also good practice to include potential next steps that you would take if you had more time or data. These can be areas of your framework that you did not have time to explore yet or lingering questions that you do not have great answers for.

PwC (Strategy&) Case Interview Examples

We've compiled examples of PwC and Strategy& case interviews below that were given to candidates in the past.

Example #1 : How can Royal Caribbean cruises double revenue over the next five years?

Example #2 : Your client is a national packaging manufacturing company that makes cardboard boxes in various sizes. How can they improve profitability?

Example #3 : The top two concrete suppliers in South America are considering a merger. Should they merge? What considerations would you think through when making this decision?

Example #4 : A fast food chain based in Alabama is considering introducing fresh meat hamburgers into their menu. They previously have only served hamburgers made from frozen meat patties. What will be the impact of introducing fresh meat hamburgers?

Example #5 : A construction company is considering increasing their prices for road maintenance services. Should they increase prices? If so, by how much should they increase prices by?

Example #6 : A national insurance company is looking for opportunities to cut costs. What recommendations would you have for them?

Example #7 : A prestigious undergraduate university in the northeast is considering launching online learning classes that would be available for students that are not enrolled in their on-campus classes. What considerations would you think through in order to determine if this is a good idea?

Example #8 : A local airline is considering adding alcoholic beverages to their menu of in-flight food and drink. What will be the impact on profitability for this business decision?

For more practice, check out our article on 23 MBA consulting casebooks with 700+ free practice cases .

The PwC (Strategy&) Group Case Interview

For some offices, PwC (Strategy&) uses a group case interview in their final round of interviews. This special type of case interview focuses on assessing how well you can collaborate and work with other people. Teamwork is an essential skill to have.

Here’s what you should expect:

  • You’ll be put into a group with 3 to 5 other candidates
  • The interviewer will hand out the case background materials
  • You’ll have 10 to 15 minutes to review the materials and prepare
  • The group will have an open discussion for 15 to 20 minutes
  • During this discussion, interviewers will be observing candidates and will not interfere
  • Afterwards, the interviewer will ask the group specific questions for 15 to 20 minutes

Your goal in a group case interview is to add value to the group. There are six different ways that you can do this:

  • Lead or facilitate the discussion : You can propose what topics to discuss, the order they should be discussed in, and how much time should be allocated towards each topic. If the group gets off track, you can bring the group’s focus back together.
  • Expand upon other people’s ideas : If a group member suggests a great idea or raises a good point, build upon it and make it even better.
  • Synthesize information : You can summarize information that other people have said and reconcile different viewpoints and ideas together.
  • Keep track of time : You can volunteer to keep track of time and make sure that the group is on track.
  • Play devil’s advocate : You can help your group develop strong ideas by testing the team’s thinking by considering potential risks or downsides of their ideas.
  • Take notes:  You can keep track of what other people are saying so that you can recall what has been discussed if any group members have questions.

An important thing to remember about group case interviews is to treat your group members as teammates instead of competition. This is not an exercise in which you are competing with others.

Interviewers are trying to determine whether you would be a great teammate. Multiple people or even all people in your group can receive job offers. Therefore, focus on adding value to the group rather than on making yourself look better than your group members.

For a full guide on group case interviews, check out our consulting group case interview step-by-step guide .

The PwC (Strategy&) Written Case Interview

For some offices, PwC (Strategy&) uses a written case interview in their final round of interviews. This special type of case interview focuses on assessing how well you can analyze information and communicate your insights.

  • PwC (Strategy&) will provide you with case background material
  • You will have an hour to review the material and prepare 3 to 5 slides
  • You will have 30 minutes to present and discuss your recommendation with the interviewer, who will challenge your assumptions and ask follow-up questions

To solve any written case interview, follow these eight steps.

1. Understand the business problem and objective

The first step in completing a written case interview is to understand what the objective is. What is the primary business question you are trying to answer with the data and information provided?

2. Read the list of major questions

Some written case interviews will provide you with a list of 3 – 4 key questions that you will be expected to address or answer. Read through these questions first since these will be the questions that you will want to prioritize.

If the written case interview is more open-ended and does not provide you with a list of key questions, skip this step and move onto the next step.  

3. Skim the materials

Next, flip through the information packet that is provided to see what information is available. Identify what data you have and what data you do not have.

The goal in this step is not to read and analyze every slide. That would take too much time. Instead, by seeing what information exists, you will be able to better prioritize what you spend your time reading and analyzing.

4. Create a framework

Before you begin reading and analyzing the information in the slides in more detail, you should create a basic framework to help guide your analysis. If you are provided with a list of key questions or pre-filled slide templates, then this will likely be the foundation of your framework.

Otherwise, based on what information exists in the information packet, identify the three to four key questions you need to answer or investigate.

5. Read and analyze the material 

Afterwards, read and analyze the information that is relevant to each area of your framework. As you begin answering questions and drawing insights, make sure to write a one or two sentence summary. This will make it easier to decide on a recommendation later.

6. Decide on a recommendation

Review the list of key takeaways that you have summarized from answering all of the major questions in your framework. Decide on what recommendation these findings collectively support.

Remember that there is typically no right or wrong recommendation. As long as your recommendation is supported by data and evidence, you will be in great shape.

7. Create your slides

Once you have a recommendation, it is time to start filling in your slides. You should use the following structure when creating your slides:

  • Slide 1: Present your recommendation and the three reasons that support it
  • Slide 2: Present your first reason and the data that supports it
  • Slide 3: Present your second reason and the data that supports it
  • Slide 4: Present your third reason and the data that supports it
  • Slide 5: Summarize everything that you’ve covered so far
  • Slide 6: Propose potential next steps

8. Prepare for potential questions

If you have any time remaining, brainstorm potential questions the interviewer may ask you during your presentation. They may want to know how you performed your analysis or how you reached your conclusions.

Preparing for these potential questions will help your presentation go much more smoothly. You will also feel much more confident while presenting.

For a full guide on written case interviews, check out our consulting written case interview step-by-step guide .

PwC (Strategy&) Behavioral or Fit Interview Questions

In addition to case interviews, you will likely be asked a few behavioral or fit interview questions. There are ten questions that are most commonly asked.

1. Why are you interested in working at PwC or Strategy&?

How to answer: Have at least three reasons why you’re interested in working at PwC or Strategy&. You could mention that you loved the people that you have met from the company so far. You can talk about PwC’s massive global presence and expertise in nearly any industry or function. You can speak to how PwC provides strategy and implementation, so you can see the impact of your work.

2. Why do you want to work in consulting?

How to answer: Again, have three reasons why you’re interested in consulting. You could mention the fast career growth opportunity, the opportunity to develop soft and hard skills, or the level of impact that you can make by working with large companies on their most challenging issues.

3. Walk me through your resume

How to answer: Provide a concise summary of your work experience, starting with the most recent. Focus on emphasizing your most impressive and unique accomplishments. At the end, tie your experiences to why you are interested in consulting.

4. What is your proudest achievement?

How to answer: Choose your most impressive, unique, or memorable accomplishment. Structure your answer by providing information on the situation, the task, the actions you took, and the results of your work.

5. What is something that you are proud of that is not on your resume?

How to answer: This is a great opportunity to highlight an accomplishment that is not related to your professional work experience. Perhaps there is a non-profit that you volunteer at, a side project or business that you work on, or a hobby that you have won awards or recognition for. Choose something that is impressive and interesting.

6. Tell me about a time when you led a team.

How to answer: If possible, choose a time when you directly managed a person or a team. For this question and the following questions, make sure that you structure your answer. Structure your answer by providing information on the situation, the task, the actions you took, and the results of your work. This is known as the STAR method and is commonly used to answer behavioral or fit interview questions.

7. Give an example of a time when you faced conflict or a disagreement.

How to answer: When answering this question, focus on emphasizing the steps you took to resolve the conflict or disagreement. Speak to the interpersonal skills you had to use in order to mediate the situation. Interviewers want to know that you are a great mediator and that you can handle conflict in a constructive way.

8. Tell me about a time when you had to persuade someone.

How to answer: Choose a time when you were able to change someone’s mind. Focus on emphasizing the steps that you took to persuade that person and what impact and results this had. Interviewers want to know that you are a great communicator and a good people person.

9. Describe a time when you failed.

How to answer: Choose a time when you failed to meet a deadline or did not meet expectations. Focus on emphasizing what you learned from the experience and how you used that experience to deliver even better results in the next opportunity that you got. Interviewers want to see that you don’t get discouraged from failure and that you treat those experiences as learning opportunities.

10. What questions do you have for me?

How to answer: This is a great opportunity to get to know the interviewer on a more personal level. Ask them questions about their experience in consulting or their career. Express genuine interest in what they have to share and ask follow-up questions. The more you can get the interviewer talking about themself, the more likely they will have a positive impression of you.

For a step-by-step guide on how to best answer all of these questions and more, check out our complete guide on consulting behavioral interview questions .

Recommended PwC (Strategy&) Interview Resources

Here are the resources we recommend to land a PwC or Strategy& consulting offer:

For help landing consulting interviews

  • Resume Review & Editing : Transform your resume into one that will get you multiple consulting interviews

For help passing case interviews

  • Comprehensive Case Interview Course (our #1 recommendation): The only resource you need. Whether you have no business background, rusty math skills, or are short on time, this step-by-step course will transform you into a top 1% caser that lands multiple consulting offers.
  • Case Interview Coaching : Personalized, one-on-one coaching with a former Bain interviewer.
  • Hacking the Case Interview Book   (available on Amazon): Perfect for beginners that are short on time. Transform yourself from a stressed-out case interview newbie to a confident intermediate in under a week. Some readers finish this book in a day and can already tackle tough cases.
  • The Ultimate Case Interview Workbook (available on Amazon): Perfect for intermediates struggling with frameworks, case math, or generating business insights. No need to find a case partner – these drills, practice problems, and full-length cases can all be done by yourself.

For help passing consulting behavioral & fit interviews

  • Behavioral & Fit Interview Course : Be prepared for 98% of behavioral and fit questions in just a few hours. We'll teach you exactly how to draft answers that will impress your interviewer.

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Business case prep

Our interview process includes a total of three to four 45-minute interviews. Both sessions include a real-world case discussion that allows you to demonstrate your analytical skills. 

The business case is your opportunity to show us how you go about solving sophisticated business problems and how you structure your thoughts.

Here are some tips to help you do well in the business case interview:.

  • Listen carefully; ask questions if there are any points you don’t understand.
  • After the interviewer outlines the case parameters, summarize the case for the interviewer in your own words to confirm you understand the problem.
  • Take a minute to think; don't be afraid of the silence.
  • Find a way to structure the problem; this will guide your discussion with the interviewer. Briefly explain the framework you plan to use, giving the interviewer a chance to comment. In general, the simpler the framework, the better. Once the interviewer endorses your framework, stick to it.
  • Start with the first element of your framework and work through the answer out loud so the interviewer can evaluate your analytical structure and help you along.
  • Be aware of the time you have; move through your framework at a pace that allows you to touch on all the elements you described at the beginning.
  • Pause every so often so your interviewer has a chance to course correct. If your interviewer gives you advice, take it – assume it’s intended to be helpful.
  • Toward the end of the case discussion, be prepared to take a stand and make a recommendation. You might feel uncomfortable making a call with so little data and so little time to discuss all the issues. Remember that this is just an exercise. Make your recommendation based on the conclusions you were able to reach from your discussion.
  • Be confident and – perhaps most important – relax and try to have some fun. You’ll feel more self-assured if you practice, practice, practice before the interview.
  • You can get sample cases to practice on from the consulting club at your school. Don’t read the cases ahead of practicing – find a partner (ideally a second-year student who just completed a consulting internship) to test you. Don’t be embarrassed if you don't do well. No one performs well on all cases, especially in the beginning.

Remember, there is no single right way of answering a case. If you’ve shown your thought process and come to logical and reasonable conclusions, you will successfully " crack the case. "

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Top 20 PwC Interview Questions & Answers

Get ready for your interview at PwC with a list of common questions you may encounter and how to prepare for them effectively.

pwc case study interview example

Interested in working for one of the world’s leading professional services firms? PwC, formerly known as PricewaterhouseCoopers, is a global network of firms providing assurance, tax, and consulting services. With offices in 157 countries, it’s one of the largest companies in the world.

If you’re applying for a job at PwC, you’ll need to be prepared for some tough questions during your interview. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most common questions asked by hiring managers at PwC, along with tips on how to answer them.

  • What experience do you have working in the corporate world?
  • How would you explain a complex problem to someone who is not familiar with the topic?
  • Tell me about a time when you had to work on tight deadlines and how did you handle it?
  • What consulting skills do you possess that will be beneficial to PwC?
  • Describe a project where you used data analysis to make decisions.
  • Are you comfortable leading teams of people?
  • What challenges do you think are facing the accounting industry today?
  • How do you stay current with changes in financial regulations?
  • If hired, what type of projects would you be most interested in working on?
  • Have you ever been involved in dispute resolution or litigation support?
  • Do you have any experience using software such as Microsoft Excel, Powerpoint, Access, etc.?
  • Can you discuss your experience in developing financial models?
  • How do you handle stress in high pressure situations?
  • Explain the importance of professional ethics in the accounting field.
  • How well do you collaborate with others in order to come up with creative solutions for clients?
  • What strategies have you implemented in order to increase efficiency in past roles?
  • How do you maintain client relationships over long periods of time?
  • What steps do you take to ensure accuracy in your work?
  • What do you think sets PwC apart from other firms?
  • How do you balance competing priorities while still delivering quality results?

1. What experience do you have working in the corporate world?

PwC is a professional services firm that works with clients from a wide range of industries. For this reason, employers want to make sure that potential hires have the experience necessary to understand the corporate landscape and the related challenges. This question will help the interviewer assess whether the candidate has the necessary experience to be successful in the role.

How to Answer:

To answer this question, you should speak to your background in the corporate world. Talk about any professional experiences that have given you an understanding of the corporate landscape and the challenges associated with it. You can also talk about any courses or certifications that you’ve taken related to the corporate world, as well as any internships or jobs that you’ve held in a corporate setting. Additionally, feel free to mention any volunteer work you’ve done or leadership roles you’ve had that provided insight into the corporate world.

Example: “I have a strong background in the corporate world, having worked in both internships and full-time roles. I have experience working with clients from various industries, including finance, healthcare, and technology. Additionally, I recently completed an online course on corporate governance and have been involved in several volunteer initiatives that have given me insight into the corporate landscape. As part of my current role at XYZ Corp, I interact daily with executives and senior leadership teams to ensure alignment between our business strategies and our operational goals.”

2. How would you explain a complex problem to someone who is not familiar with the topic?

PwC employees are expected to be able to take complex topics and explain them clearly to people who may not have an extensive background in the subject matter. This is an important skill since PwC employees are often tasked with helping clients understand the services they provide. Being able to clearly explain complex topics can help build trust and ensure that clients understand the services they are receiving.

Start by breaking the problem down into its simplest components. This will help you identify the key points to focus on and make sure that your explanation is clear and concise. Next, use analogies or metaphors to explain the problem in layman’s terms. This can be helpful for those who may not have a technical background and need a more basic understanding of the issue. Finally, provide examples or case studies that illustrate how the problem affects people or businesses. This can help put the problem into context and help the listener understand why it’s important to solve.

Example: “I was recently in a situation where I had to explain a complex problem to someone who wasn’t familiar with the topic. To ensure that they understood, I first identified what information they already knew and what they needed to know. Then, I broke down the explanation into small, manageable chunks and used analogies and examples to make it easier for them to understand. Additionally, I asked questions throughout the process to ensure that they were following along. In the end, the person was able to grasp the concept and apply it to their work.”

3. Tell me about a time when you had to work on tight deadlines and how did you handle it?

This question is asked to assess your ability to handle tight deadlines, prioritize tasks, and work independently. The interviewer is looking for evidence of your problem-solving skills, resourcefulness, and your ability to stay calm under pressure.

To answer this question, you should provide an example of a time when you had to work on tight deadlines and explain how you handled it. Talk about the steps you took to ensure that all tasks were completed on time and within budget. Describe how you managed your workload and prioritized tasks in order to meet the deadline. Focus on the strategies you used to stay organized and motivated under pressure, as well as the results of your efforts. Be sure to emphasize any positive outcomes or lessons learned from the experience.

Example: “I had to work on a tight deadline for the launch of a new product last year. To ensure that everything was completed on time, I created a detailed project plan and timeline with clearly defined tasks and deadlines. I also communicated regularly with my team to make sure everyone was on the same page. In order to stay organized, I used a task management system to keep track of all the tasks and their associated due dates. I also made sure to take regular breaks throughout the day in order to stay focused and motivated. As a result, we were able to successfully launch the product on schedule and within budget.”

4. What consulting skills do you possess that will be beneficial to PwC?

Interviewers want to make sure that you’re aware of the consulting skills that PwC values and that you possess them. These skills include analytical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and business acumen. They want to see that you have the ability to apply these skills to the challenges and opportunities that PwC will present to you.

You should be prepared to provide specific examples of how you’ve used these skills in the past. Talk about how your analytical thinking has helped you solve complex problems or how your communication skills have enabled you to effectively collaborate with clients and colleagues. You can also discuss how you’ve leveraged your business acumen to make informed decisions that have had a positive impact on your team or organization.

Example: “I believe that my analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, communication abilities, and business acumen will be very beneficial to PwC. For example, I recently managed a project for my current employer where I had to analyze data from multiple sources in order to identify trends. This required me to use my analytical thinking and problem-solving skills in order to draw meaningful conclusions. Additionally, I have also used my communication skills to successfully collaborate with clients on various projects. My ability to effectively communicate complex ideas has resulted in positive outcomes for my team and organization. Finally, I’ve demonstrated the ability to make informed decisions based on sound business principles and strategies which has enabled us to achieve our goals.”

5. Describe a project where you used data analysis to make decisions.

This question is designed to assess your ability to use data to make decisions and evaluate the success or failure of a project. They want to know that you are comfortable with data and understand the implications of various decisions.

Talk about a project you have worked on where data analysis was important. Explain the steps you took to analyze the data and how you used it to make decisions. Focus on what you learned from the experience, such as which techniques were most successful or challenges that arose. Showcase your problem-solving skills by discussing any obstacles you overcame in order to reach an optimal solution.

Example: “I recently worked on a project to improve customer retention for an e-commerce company. To assess the success of various strategies, I collected and analyzed data from multiple sources. This included web analytics, customer surveys, and A/B testing. After analyzing the data, I identified which strategies were most successful in retaining customers and recommended changes to the company’s marketing campaigns. Additionally, I monitored key metrics over time to ensure that the changes we implemented had a positive effect. As a result of my analysis, we saw a significant improvement in customer retention.”

6. Are you comfortable leading teams of people?

Being able to lead teams of people and manage complex projects is essential for success in this role. The interviewer wants to know that you are comfortable taking the lead on projects and working with a variety of people.

To answer this question, you should provide examples of how you have successfully led teams in the past. Talk about any challenges that you faced and how you overcame them. Showcase your ability to build relationships with team members and motivate them to work together towards a common goal. Finally, emphasize any experience you have managing projects or leading virtual teams.

Example: “Yes, I’m comfortable leading teams of people. In my current role as a business analyst at ABC Corporation, I lead virtual teams on projects involving data analysis and financial modeling. I’m adept at building relationships with team members and motivating them to work together to achieve our project goals. Additionally, I have experience managing complex projects from start to finish, ensuring that deadlines are met and quality standards are maintained.”

7. What challenges do you think are facing the accounting industry today?

This question is designed to assess your knowledge of the industry and your ability to think critically. The interviewer is looking for a comprehensive answer that demonstrates your understanding of the current landscape in the industry, as well as your ability to identify potential opportunities and threats. The interviewer wants to know that you’re aware of the issues the industry is facing and that you can think of potential solutions.

Start by discussing the challenges that you’ve identified in your research. This could include changes in technology, increasing competition, and globalization of markets. Then, explain how PwC is addressing these challenges. For example, PwC has developed innovative solutions to help clients manage their financial data more efficiently, such as cloud-based accounting software. You can also discuss potential opportunities for PwC, such as expanding into new markets or offering additional services like consulting or tax advice. Finally, end with a discussion of how PwC is positioning itself to take advantage of these opportunities while mitigating the risks posed by industry challenges.

Example: “The accounting industry is facing a number of challenges, including changes in technology, increasing competition, and globalization. These trends have created both threats and opportunities for PwC and other firms in the field. To address these issues, PwC has developed innovative solutions such as cloud-based accounting software to make it easier for clients to manage their financial data. Additionally, PwC is positioning itself to take advantage of new opportunities by expanding into new markets and offering additional services like consulting or tax advice. By staying ahead of the curve and leveraging its strengths, PwC is well positioned to continue to be a leader in the accounting industry.”

8. How do you stay current with changes in financial regulations?

PwC employees are expected to stay up to date on the latest developments in financial regulations. Interviewers will want to assess your knowledge of the industry and your commitment to staying ahead of the curve. By asking this question, they will be able to gauge your level of awareness of the industry and your willingness to stay on top of changes.

To answer this question, you should explain the various methods and resources you use to stay informed. Examples of these include attending industry conferences or seminars, reading trade publications, staying in touch with colleagues, and researching online. Additionally, you can discuss how you have used your knowledge of financial regulations to provide value to clients or employers in the past.

Example: “I recognize the importance of staying up to date with the latest financial regulations so I make a point of regularly attending industry conferences and seminars. I also read the most relevant trade publications and stay in touch with colleagues and other professionals in the field. Additionally, I’m always researching online and following the latest developments in the industry. I believe that this knowledge is invaluable for providing value to clients and employers, and I’m proud of the fact that I have been able to use my understanding of financial regulations to help them achieve their goals.”

9. If hired, what type of projects would you be most interested in working on?

This question is aimed at understanding your career aspirations, as well as what type of work you’re best suited for. It also helps the interviewer assess how well you’d fit into the team and the company culture. The answer can also provide valuable insight into your knowledge of the industry, as well as any areas of specialization that you may have.

Your answer should be tailored to the specific role you’re applying for. If it’s a generalist position, focus on your broad range of skills and experiences that make you an ideal candidate. If it’s more specialized, use this opportunity to showcase any areas of expertise or interest that you have. Additionally, if there are any particular projects being worked on at the company, mention how excited you would be to work on them. This shows that you’ve done your research and are genuinely interested in the job.

Example: “I’m very interested in working on projects that allow me to use my skills in data analysis and financial modeling. I have a strong background in both and I think I could bring a lot to the table. Additionally, I’m excited about the possibility of working on projects involving the development of new technologies and innovative solutions. I believe my experience in this area would be an asset to the team and I’m eager to learn and grow in this field. Finally, I’m very interested in the projects PwC is currently working on and I would love the opportunity to contribute to them.”

10. Have you ever been involved in dispute resolution or litigation support?

PwC employees are expected to be highly knowledgeable and skilled in dispute resolution and litigation support. They need to know how to analyze complex legal and financial issues and provide sound advice to clients. By asking this question, the interviewer is looking to see if you have the experience and skills necessary to provide this type of support.

In your answer, you should discuss any relevant experience that you have in dispute resolution or litigation support. Be sure to provide specific examples of how you have handled these types of issues in the past and what the outcome was. If you don’t have direct experience in this area, explain how your background and skills make you an ideal candidate for the role. You can also discuss any additional training or certifications that you may have obtained that would be beneficial for this type of work.

Example: “I have experience in dispute resolution and litigation support from my previous role as a legal assistant. I worked closely with attorneys to review documents and evidence, prepare pleadings and motions, and analyze case law. I also had the opportunity to draft legal memorandums and provide research support. My background in legal research and analysis has given me a solid foundation for this type of work, and I am confident that I can provide valuable support to PwC’s clients in this area. I also recently completed a certification in dispute resolution from the National Institute for Conflict Resolution.”

11. Do you have any experience using software such as Microsoft Excel, Powerpoint, Access, etc.?

This question helps the hiring manager gauge your technical knowledge and experience in software programs commonly used in their company. Working at PwC requires a certain level of proficiency in the use of these programs and the interviewer is trying to determine if you have the necessary skills to succeed in the position.

You should be prepared to discuss your experience with the specific software programs that PwC uses. Talk about any projects or tasks you have completed in the past using these programs and explain how you used them to complete those tasks. If you don’t have direct experience, make sure to emphasize your ability to learn quickly and adapt to new technologies. You can also mention any certifications or courses you have taken related to the use of these programs.

Example: “Yes, I have experience with Microsoft Excel, Powerpoint, Access, and other software programs. I have completed several projects in the past using these programs, such as creating complex spreadsheets for budgeting and forecasting, preparing presentations for client meetings, and creating databases for tracking customer data. I’m also familiar with other software programs such as QuickBooks and Salesforce. I have taken courses in Excel and Access and I’m certified in both of these programs. I’m confident that I have the necessary skills to be successful in this role.”

12. Can you discuss your experience in developing financial models?

PwC employees are expected to possess a wide range of skills, including the ability to develop financial models. This question is designed to assess your experience and competency in this area in order to determine whether or not you are a suitable candidate. By discussing your experience in developing financial models, you can demonstrate your understanding of the complexities involved in such a task and your ability to effectively manage them.

Begin your answer by discussing the types of financial models you have developed and any relevant experience you have had in this area. Provide examples of how you have used these models to analyze data, develop forecasts, and make decisions. Additionally, discuss any challenges you faced while developing these models and how you overcame them. Finally, explain why you believe that having a strong understanding of financial modeling is important for a PwC employee.

Example: “I have extensive experience in developing financial models, particularly in the areas of forecasting and budgeting. I have used these models to analyze data and develop forecasts for various projects, and have also used them to make decisions regarding investments, cost savings, and resource allocation. I have also faced challenges in developing these models, such as working with incomplete or inaccurate data, but I have been able to overcome these issues by utilizing my problem-solving and analytical skills. I understand the importance of financial modeling for a PwC employee, as it is an essential tool for evaluating investments, making sound business decisions, and ensuring the success of a project.”

13. How do you handle stress in high pressure situations?

PwC employees need to be able to handle high-pressure situations, as they often have to work on complex projects with tight deadlines. Knowing how you handle stress in those situations can help the interviewer determine if you are the right fit for the job.

Start by talking about how you recognize when stress levels are rising and the strategies you use to stay calm. Then, discuss how you manage your time in order to complete tasks efficiently and effectively under pressure. Finally, explain how you prioritize tasks to ensure that all important deadlines are met. Be sure to provide specific examples of times when you have successfully handled stressful situations in the past.

Example: “I recognize when stress levels are rising, and I stay calm by using a combination of deep breathing exercises, positive self-talk, and breaks throughout the day. I also manage my time effectively, breaking down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks and assigning each one a timeline. I prioritize tasks according to importance and urgency, and I never miss a deadline. For example, when I was working on a tight deadline for an audit project last year, I broke the project up into smaller tasks, prioritized them according to urgency and importance, and worked efficiently to ensure that all tasks were completed on time.”

14. Explain the importance of professional ethics in the accounting field.

Professional ethics and integrity are critical in the accounting field. Companies put their trust in their accountants to be responsible and honest in their work, and any breach of trust could have serious legal and financial repercussions. Interviewers will want to make sure you understand the importance of being ethical, and that you have the skills and knowledge to ensure that your work meets the highest standards.

Start by discussing the importance of professional ethics in accounting and how it is essential for accountants to act with honesty and integrity. Explain that as an accountant, you have a responsibility to ensure accuracy in your work and maintain confidentiality when dealing with sensitive information. You should also emphasize the consequences of unethical behavior, such as fines and criminal prosecution. Finally, discuss any specific ethical codes or standards that you adhere to, such as those set out by PwC or other relevant organizations.

Example: “Professional ethics is of the utmost importance in the accounting field. As an accountant, I have a responsibility to ensure accuracy in my work and maintain confidentiality when dealing with sensitive information. I also understand the potential repercussions of unethical behavior, such as fines and criminal prosecution. I adhere to the ethical codes set out by PwC and other relevant organizations, and I take great care to ensure that my work meets the highest ethical standards.”

15. How well do you collaborate with others in order to come up with creative solutions for clients?

PwC’s core values are collaboration, innovation and trust, so it’s important to show that you can work with others to come up with creative solutions for clients. This question allows you to demonstrate your ability to think outside the box and work with others to generate ideas that are beneficial to the client. It also allows you to show how you work in teams, how well you listen to others, and how you can manage disagreements between team members.

Talk about any past experiences where you have successfully collaborated with others to come up with creative solutions for clients. Describe how you listened to the ideas of other team members and worked together to develop a solution that was beneficial to the client. Talk about how you managed disagreements between team members, if applicable, and how you were able to reach a compromise that everyone could agree on. Show your interviewer that you understand the importance of collaboration and can work well with others in order to create great results for clients.

Example: “I have a great deal of experience working with others to come up with creative solutions for clients. In my past role as a PwC consultant, I worked with a team of five other consultants to develop a creative solution for a client’s tax planning needs. We met regularly to discuss ideas and brainstorm solutions, and I was responsible for listening to everyone’s ideas and helping to manage disagreements between team members. We eventually came up with a solution that was beneficial to the client, and they were very satisfied with our work. I understand the importance of collaboration and I’m confident that I can work with others to come up with creative solutions for PwC’s clients.”

16. What strategies have you implemented in order to increase efficiency in past roles?

Efficiency is a key factor in any role, especially in a professional services firm like PwC. The interviewer is looking to understand how you have gone about increasing efficiency in the past, and how you might be able to do the same in this role. They want to know that you have a track record of taking initiative and looking for ways to streamline processes, so be sure to provide a few examples of the strategies you have implemented in the past.

Examples of strategies you could mention include automating processes, introducing new technology and software, creating systems to help with tracking progress and results, delegating tasks, and developing training programs. Talk about the challenges you faced in implementing these strategies and how you overcame them. Explain how your actions increased efficiency and improved the overall performance of your team or organization.

Example: “In my previous role, I implemented several strategies to increase efficiency and streamline processes. For example, I automated several manual processes that were taking up a lot of time and resources. I created a system to track progress and results, and I also developed a training program to ensure that everyone was on the same page. I delegated tasks to team members to ensure that everyone was able to contribute their skills and expertise to the project. These strategies resulted in increased efficiency and improved performance for the team overall.”

17. How do you maintain client relationships over long periods of time?

This question is looking for your ability to maintain trust and build relationships with clients. Working in a professional services organization like PwC, you will need to establish a long-term relationship with clients in order to provide the best services. Interviewers will want to know that you can develop and nurture relationships with clients over extended periods of time.

The best way to answer this question is to provide examples from your past experience of how you have maintained relationships with clients over long periods. Talk about the strategies you used to build trust and foster a positive relationship, such as regularly checking in with them on progress or providing additional value-added services. You should also emphasize any times when you went above and beyond for a client, such as offering them discounts or helping them out of a difficult situation. Showing that you understand what it takes to maintain strong client relationships will go a long way in demonstrating your ability to do this job well.

Example: “I understand the importance of developing and maintaining strong relationships with clients over long periods of time. In my previous role, I was responsible for managing client relationships with some of our largest corporate clients. I would make sure to check in with them regularly to ensure that their needs were being met and that they were satisfied with our services. I also made sure to provide additional value-added services, such as offering discounts or helping them out of a difficult situation. This approach enabled me to build trust with the clients and ensure that the relationship was strong over the long term.”

18. What steps do you take to ensure accuracy in your work?

Working at PwC means taking on a lot of responsibility and having a high level of accuracy in the work you produce. This question is designed to assess your attention to detail and your ability to double-check your work. The interviewer wants to know that you understand the importance of accuracy in the work you do and that you have a process in place to ensure that your work is as error-free as possible.

Your answer should demonstrate that you have a system in place to ensure accuracy. Talk about the steps you take before submitting your work, such as double-checking calculations and reviewing the document for typos or other errors. You can also mention any specific tools or processes that you use to make sure your work is accurate, such as using software to check equations or having a colleague review your work before submission.

Example: “I take accuracy very seriously in my work and always strive to produce error-free documents. Before submitting any work, I double-check calculations and review the document for typos or other errors. I also use software to check equations and I often have a colleague review my work before submitting it. In addition, I keep detailed records of all my work so that I can easily refer back to them if any questions arise.”

19. What do you think sets PwC apart from other firms?

Interviewers want to understand why you’re interested in working at PwC and how you can contribute to the firm. By understanding what sets the firm apart, you can demonstrate that you understand the company’s culture and mission, and that you’re passionate about what the firm stands for. This question will also give you an opportunity to explain how your skills and experience can add value to PwC’s team.

Before answering this question, do some research about PwC to understand the company’s mission and values. Some of the things that set PwC apart include its commitment to diversity and inclusion, global reach, and focus on technology. Additionally, you can discuss how PwC has a strong reputation for providing quality services to clients as well as career development opportunities for employees. Be sure to explain why these qualities stand out to you and how they fit into your professional goals.

Example: “PwC stands out to me because of the firm’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. It’s important to me to work in an environment that values different perspectives and backgrounds and I appreciate that PwC takes that seriously. Additionally, I’m drawn to the global reach of the firm and the opportunity to work with clients from around the world. I also think PwC’s focus on technology is really impressive and I’m looking forward to leveraging my skills in this area to help the firm deliver even better services to its clients.”

20. How do you balance competing priorities while still delivering quality results?

This question is an opportunity to demonstrate to the interviewer that you can manage your workload, prioritize tasks, and handle stress while still delivering high-quality work. It also shows that you understand the importance of meeting deadlines, even when it means juggling multiple tasks.

Show the interviewer your ability to prioritize tasks and manage competing demands. Talk about how you use organizational skills, such as lists or calendars, to ensure that deadlines are met and quality is maintained. You can also discuss any strategies you have in place for managing stress, like taking breaks or delegating certain tasks when necessary. Finally, talk about how you’ve been able to stay motivated and productive even when faced with competing priorities.

Example: “I’m an organized and disciplined worker, which helps me manage competing priorities. I start each day by making a list of tasks in order of importance and prioritize based on that list. I also use a calendar to help me manage my time and ensure that I’m meeting deadlines. When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I take short breaks to clear my head and refocus. And when I find myself with too many tasks, I delegate to team members and trust them to do the job. I’m able to stay motivated and productive by setting short-term goals and rewarding myself for completing them. Ultimately, I’m able to balance competing priorities while still delivering quality results.”

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Case interview pwc (financial services - transaction services).

My name is Marco and I am currently appyling for an internship (6 months) at PwC in Financial Services (within Transaction Services). I already had an online assessment and I have now been invited for an interview (Frankfurt) in about a weeks time. On the phone the recruiter told me, that I had to expect a case study and a "regular" interview with partners/senior managers of the team I am applying to.

It's my first interview of this type and I wanted to ask you: What kind of case study could I expect? What could it be about and how do I approach (suggestions or links very much appreciated).

Thanks a lot

Overview of answers

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PwC Corporate Finance Technical Case

Corporate finance interviews are different from consulting and are usually much more technical and detailed in financial part. Usually, they give you much more time to prepare and do the model on paper. Depending on the company you'll need to:

  • Find the relevant information in P&L, Balance sheet, CF statement
  • Do the simplified valuation using NPV: calculate cash flows and make assumptions about growth rate and discount rate
  • Do the valuation using comps - you'll have to explain which comps you will use and why
  • Do the valuation of the synergies
  • Play with different scenarios (e.g. how the stock-price will change if the deal terms leak into media, or how should the companies behave in a bidding process)

There are two types of frameworks you may use:

  • Commercial due-diligence of the target company
  • Synergies calculation of two merging companies

Note also that it can be a mix of both.

1. For Due Diligence you can use the following structure:

  • Growth rates
  • Profitability
  • Distribution channels


  • Market shares of competitors and their segments (see the next point)
  • Concentration / fragmentation (Fragmented market with lots of small players is less mature and easier to enter from a scratch. Concentrated market is hard to enter but has potential acquisition targets)
  • Unit economics of the players (Margins, relative cost position)
  • Key capabilities of the players (e.g. suppliers, assets, IP, etc)
  • Unit economics (Margins, costs) in current or target markets
  • Product mix
  • Key capabilities

Feasibility of exit (in case of a PE company) :

  • Exit multiples
  • Existence of buyers

2. For Synergies Calculation you can use the following structure:

  • Revenue synergies - here you calculate the synergies in price and quantity (depending on the case it may be new geographies, new products, new distribution channels, bigger share on shelves crosselling opportunities, etc.)
  • Cost synergies - typically you use a value chain structure tailored to the industry (e.g. supply-production-distribution-marketing-after sales support)
  • Financial synergies - working capital, capital structure, tax
  • Risks - major risks that can decrease the synergies (tip: don't underestimate the merging companies culture factor)
  • Total synergies potential in $, adjusted by risk (probability of failure)

While the b asic consulting services have mainly classic cases (Market sizing, profitability, market situation, etc), f inancial consulting may have specialized cases as well. For example, Transaction has M&A cases (Basic accounting, Due diligence, calculating NPV on paper, calculating Stock basis and earnings & profits, etc).

The cases will be much more detailed in financial part . Depending on the company you'll need to:

  • Find the relevant information in P&L and Balance sheet
  • Calculate the share splits and price per share

I recommend finding someone from that practice and check the details of the interview in the particular department

Here are some good frameworks you may use:

1. For commercial DD you can use the following structure:

Feasibility of exit :

  • Financial s ynergies - access to capital, restructuring, etc

it can really be anything. 

To be more targeted with the scope of your preparation, it's worth reaching out to the recruiter and discussing with them whether you should expect the case to be from a specific industry or topic. 

Otherwise, you can literally expect the case to be from any topic.

Congratulations on reaching the interview stage with PwC! Having been there myself I am happy to share some insights. In a case study for an internship in Transaction Services, you might encounter a scenario related to financial analysis, valuation, or due diligence. Warm regards, Frederic 

Understand the Basics:

  • Brush up on fundamental financial concepts: financial statements, valuation methods, and accounting principles.

Case Study Format:

  • The case might involve analyzing financial statements, assessing investment opportunities, or conducting due diligence on a company.

Industry Research:

  • Familiarize yourself with the financial services industry, especially transaction-related activities.

Practice Financial Modeling:

  • Practice creating a simple financial model. Focus on forecasting, valuation, and cash flow analysis.

Review Previous Transactions:

  • Look into recent mergers or acquisitions in the financial services sector. Understand the financial implications and rationales behind these transactions.

Problem-Solving Approach:

  • Break down the case into manageable components.
  • Clearly articulate your thought process and assumptions.
  • Be ready to discuss the implications of your analysis.

Communication Skills:

  • Practice presenting your findings in a clear and concise manner.
  • Be prepared to discuss your reasoning with the interviewers.

There are a few set of questions, which you might be asked:

CV questions. Walk me through your resume OR tell me about yourself.

Why did you choose your university?

Why did you choose your faculty?

How you showed your social activity, and why this exactly?

Why do you have these hobbies? 2. Motivational questions are designed to understand your internal drivers to be a consultant

Why consulting?

Why this region?

Why X firm? 3. Behavioral questions

by being prepared for this kind of questions, you can crack similar questions in any other company:

The Entrepreneurial Drive / Drive and Achieving Question

The Personal Impact / Persuasion / Conflict Resolution Question

The Leadership / Teamwork Question

Regarding the case-solving, Here is a good preplounge article:

Start by studying this one but don't waste your time studying plain theory because case solving is all about PRACTICE.

Here are some cases you might want to check out:

For Beginner level:  

Laundry Chain - Revenue Increase

Launching Caskets in North Africa

For Intermediate level:

Grain Co-operative – Brand Launch

Case with a twist: Chinese Alloy Wheels – US Market Entry

I suggest you start with the intermediate level after you are confident with the beginner ones.

Hope it was helpful,

i came across your post and i just want to know what Kind of questions did you had at the online test and how do you prepare for it

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47 case interview examples (from McKinsey, BCG, Bain, etc.)

Case interview examples - McKinsey, BCG, Bain, etc.

One of the best ways to prepare for   case interviews  at firms like McKinsey, BCG, or Bain, is by studying case interview examples. 

There are a lot of free sample cases out there, but it's really hard to know where to start. So in this article, we have listed all the best free case examples available, in one place.

The below list of resources includes interactive case interview samples provided by consulting firms, video case interview demonstrations, case books, and materials developed by the team here at IGotAnOffer. Let's continue to the list.

  • McKinsey examples
  • BCG examples
  • Bain examples
  • Deloitte examples
  • Other firms' examples
  • Case books from consulting clubs
  • Case interview preparation

Click here to practise 1-on-1 with MBB ex-interviewers

1. mckinsey case interview examples.

  • Beautify case interview (McKinsey website)
  • Diconsa case interview (McKinsey website)
  • Electro-light case interview (McKinsey website)
  • GlobaPharm case interview (McKinsey website)
  • National Education case interview (McKinsey website)
  • Talbot Trucks case interview (McKinsey website)
  • Shops Corporation case interview (McKinsey website)
  • Conservation Forever case interview (McKinsey website)
  • McKinsey case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)
  • McKinsey live case interview extract (by IGotAnOffer) - See below

2. BCG case interview examples

  • Foods Inc and GenCo case samples  (BCG website)
  • Chateau Boomerang written case interview  (BCG website)
  • BCG case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)
  • Written cases guide (by IGotAnOffer)
  • BCG live case interview with notes (by IGotAnOffer)
  • BCG mock case interview with ex-BCG associate director - Public sector case (by IGotAnOffer)
  • BCG mock case interview: Revenue problem case (by IGotAnOffer) - See below

3. Bain case interview examples

  • CoffeeCo practice case (Bain website)
  • FashionCo practice case (Bain website)
  • Associate Consultant mock interview video (Bain website)
  • Consultant mock interview video (Bain website)
  • Written case interview tips (Bain website)
  • Bain case interview guide   (by IGotAnOffer)
  • Digital transformation case with ex-Bain consultant
  • Bain case mock interview with ex-Bain manager (below)

4. Deloitte case interview examples

  • Engagement Strategy practice case (Deloitte website)
  • Recreation Unlimited practice case (Deloitte website)
  • Strategic Vision practice case (Deloitte website)
  • Retail Strategy practice case  (Deloitte website)
  • Finance Strategy practice case  (Deloitte website)
  • Talent Management practice case (Deloitte website)
  • Enterprise Resource Management practice case (Deloitte website)
  • Footloose written case  (by Deloitte)
  • Deloitte case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)

5. Accenture case interview examples

  • Case interview workbook (by Accenture)
  • Accenture case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)

6. OC&C case interview examples

  • Leisure Club case example (by OC&C)
  • Imported Spirits case example (by OC&C)

7. Oliver Wyman case interview examples

  • Wumbleworld case sample (Oliver Wyman website)
  • Aqualine case sample (Oliver Wyman website)
  • Oliver Wyman case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)

8. A.T. Kearney case interview examples

  • Promotion planning case question (A.T. Kearney website)
  • Consulting case book and examples (by A.T. Kearney)
  • AT Kearney case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)

9. Strategy& / PWC case interview examples

  • Presentation overview with sample questions (by Strategy& / PWC)
  • Strategy& / PWC case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)

10. L.E.K. Consulting case interview examples

  • Case interview example video walkthrough   (L.E.K. website)
  • Market sizing case example video walkthrough  (L.E.K. website)

11. Roland Berger case interview examples

  • Transit oriented development case webinar part 1  (Roland Berger website)
  • Transit oriented development case webinar part 2   (Roland Berger website)
  • 3D printed hip implants case webinar part 1   (Roland Berger website)
  • 3D printed hip implants case webinar part 2   (Roland Berger website)
  • Roland Berger case interview guide   (by IGotAnOffer)

12. Capital One case interview examples

  • Case interview example video walkthrough  (Capital One website)
  • Capital One case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)

12. EY Parthenon case interview examples

  • Candidate-led case example with feedback (by IGotAnOffer)

14. Consulting clubs case interview examples

  • Berkeley case book (2006)
  • Columbia case book (2006)
  • Darden case book (2012)
  • Darden case book (2018)
  • Duke case book (2010)
  • Duke case book (2014)
  • ESADE case book (2011)
  • Goizueta case book (2006)
  • Illinois case book (2015)
  • LBS case book (2006)
  • MIT case book (2001)
  • Notre Dame case book (2017)
  • Ross case book (2010)
  • Wharton case book (2010)

Practice with experts

Using case interview examples is a key part of your interview preparation, but it isn’t enough.

At some point you’ll want to practise with friends or family who can give some useful feedback. However, if you really want the best possible preparation for your case interview, you'll also want to work with ex-consultants who have experience running interviews at McKinsey, Bain, BCG, etc.

If you know anyone who fits that description, fantastic! But for most of us, it's tough to find the right connections to make this happen. And it might also be difficult to practice multiple hours with that person unless you know them really well.

Here's the good news. We've already made the connections for you. We’ve created a coaching service where you can do mock case interviews 1-on-1 with ex-interviewers from MBB firms . Start scheduling sessions today!

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Questions to ask at the end of a consulting interview

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Interviews and assessment centres

Tips for how to answer pwc interview questions.

Jacky Barrett

30 Oct 2023, 09:59

Read on for an overview of the PwC interview process for its graduate roles and for approaches for answering some of the PwC interview questions you might encounter.

White speech bubbles against a pink background.

Jump to: Past PwC interview questions you could be asked

You may face up to three separate interviews before being offered a graduate role at PwC. The first is the pre-recorded PwC video interview. The second could be a video call with a member of staff during the virtual assessment day. Depending on the role, you may be invited to a third and final interview that takes place after the virtual assessment day – the firm, however, doesn’t state whether this is held in person or remotely.

At any one of your interviews, you can expect to be asked motivational questions that assess why you want to work for PwC, behavioural questions that determine how well you match the firm’s core values and competency-based questions that assess your skills against the skills that make up the ‘PwC Professional’ leadership framework. You can learn about the ‘PwC Professional’ framework in our overview of the PwC graduate recruitment process and also on the employer’s website.


Read graduate insights and more advice tailored to landing a job at PwC.

PwC interview questions you are likely to be asked for graduate roles

We can’t tell you exactly what questions you’ll be asked at your PwC interview, but we can talk about questions applicants have faced in the past and offer advice on good approaches to take.

Make sure to research the PwC Professional framework, the graduate role and the organisation’s core values to gain an understanding of the skills and behavioural traits that PwC is looking for. You could use your findings to come up with a list of questions that you might get in addition to the ones we’ve listed below. Practising in advance how you’d respond to each question will increase your chances of interview success.

Jump to a specific question:

  • Describe a situation in which you’ve had to deal with a difficult person .
  • Describe a problem that you have encountered in your studies or work experience and how you managed to overcome it .
  • Why do you want to work in this role ?
  • What are your major achievements to date ?
  • What was the latest technology you learned, what inspired you to learn it and how has it been useful to you ?
  • What do you anticipate that you’ll be doing in your first year at PwC ?
  • Tell us about a time when you led a team .
  • Tell us about a time when you’ve shown courage or done something out of the ordinary ?

PwC interview question 1: Describe a situation in which you’ve had to deal with a difficult person

Approach to take: Imagine, for example, that you were part of the team at PwC working on the case of a gaming retailer who recently went into administration. Hundreds, potentially thousands, of jobs could be lost and you’re attempting to sell at the best price while saving as many jobs as possible. On one side, you’ll have concerned employees, and on the other you’ll have hard-negotiating business people looking to keep the sale price as low as possible.

Bear scenarios like these in mind when selecting your example for this question – try to think of a similar situation where you’ve had to consider the interests of two conflicting groups. Explain the problem you faced and explain how you went about your actions. Don’t complain about the difficult person: you need to show that you were capable of managing the working relationship.

Key thing to remember: Think about the competencies you will be tested on. For example, this question could be an opportunity to demonstrate that you have courage and integrity. But don’t just cite these buzzwords – back them up with evidence.

PwC interview question 2: Describe a problem that you have encountered in your studies or work experience and how you manged to overcome it

Approach to take : A workplace or academic problem could be one of many things – a difficult group-project teammate, struggling to balance university and work commitments, difficulty understanding course material or having a lack of confidence in your part-time job, for example. With your answer, try to choose an example that resembles a situation you might encounter in the graduate role (you’ll need to have researched the role) and show PwC interviewers that you’re someone that focuses on solutions rather than problems by emphasising the measures you took to overcome and successfully resolve a problem rather than the problem itself.

Key thing to remember: There’s a behavioural and competency element to this question. PwC wants to see that you are a problem solver, but is also looking at the way that you approach tackling a problem and that you are resilient enough to see your solution through. Your example should demonstrate your ability to think methodically with an outcome in mind and to then act accordingly. The CAR method will help you to explain your example by giving the c ontext of the situation (in this case the problem), the a ctions you took as an individual and the r esults (that you resolved the problem).

  • Find out what makes an employee a good problem solver and why resilience is important for dealing with setbacks.

PwC interview question 3: Why do you want to work in this role?

Approach to take : Ask yourself, what is it about the role that interests you and why do you want this position at PwC over another organisation? You’ll need to consider the different aspects of the graduate programme, such as the responsibilities, the type of clients that you’ll work with, how your role fits into the business area and the aims of the business area. Arm yourself with knowledge of client projects relevant to the department you’re applying to (which you can find in the case study directory on PwC’s website) so that you can give specific examples of the type of work that you are excited to get involved in at the firm.

Key thing to remember: PwC interviewers are looking for genuine enthusiasm for working for PwC in this role. They will judge this partly by the amount of research you've carried out into both the role and the organisation, and how you can link your personal career ambitions with what you'd be doing in the role and with the firm's values and work culture. They will also judge this partly by your demeanour and body language.

  • Learn the art of answering ‘ Why do you want this position? ’

PwC interview question 4: What are your major achievements to date?

Approach to take: You won’t be able to include everything here – that’s why PwC is asking for ‘major’ achievements. This could be almost anything but don’t go back to your school days (unless you have a unique and outstanding achievement from then). It could be a successful campaign to become a student committee member, winning an essay prize or raising a significant sum for a charity, for example. Almost anything is valid, but don’t be vague. You can work outside the box a little on this one by using a more personal achievement, such as overcoming shyness, as your example. The important thing is that you can put your finger on how you achieved your goal.

Key thing to remember: It’s not enough just to reference a position – you may well have been president of the finance society at your university but, if you can’t give a specific example of a major achievement while in that post, it’s irrelevant. Bear in mind that PwC wants to see evidence of certain competencies, such as adapting quickly to change, so choose examples that show your flexibility.

  • We’ve got more, in-depth advice on answering interview questions about achievements .

PwC interview question 5: What was the latest technology you learned, what inspired you to learn it and how has it been useful to you?

Approach to take : The fact that PwC asks how the latest technology you learned has been of use suggests that your inspiration for learning it should be tied to how the technology has been helpful to you. Think about what you were trying to achieve by learning this technology. How has it made your life easier? Did you perhaps learn it to help resolve a problem? For example, have you learned how to create a CV in Adobe InDesign to better your job application prospects? Or have you recently learned how to create spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel in order to record funds raised at university society events?

Key thing to remember: Don’t fret if the latest technology that you learned wasn’t something highly technical such as a computer programming language. The firm isn’t trying to gauge whether you are a technology whiz, but rather that you are technically and digitally oriented (an attribute outlined in the PwC professional framework), that you see the value in and importance of upskilling and learning new technologies and that you do so with specific intentions in mind.

  • Discover top tips on how to build coding skills from industry professionals.

PwC interview question 6: What do you anticipate you will be doing in your first year at PwC?

Approach to take: The groundwork needs to be done first by researching the business area and role and you can do this by heading to the ‘Our business areas’ page of the PwC website. Some of you will be conducting research to help clients rearrange or sell parts of their business as they go into administration. Others will be preparing documentation and presentations on things like sector surveys. Other graduates will be interviewing members of staff for audits of companies. Many of these tasks will overlap, but each will be distinct to divisions and their sub-divisions.

Key thing to remember: Don’t jump the gun and state everything that you want to achieve in your career; you may well also be asked where you see yourself in five to ten years, but that’s not what this question is about. You need to stay focused on what you will be doing day to day in your team – PwC wants to know that you’ve made an informed choice and that you’ll be happy working for the organisation.

  • Get more first-hand insight into working at PwC from accounting associate Shuyan Liu and technology consultant Kerry Beckett .

PwC interview question 7: Tell us about a time when you led a team

Approach to take: Focus on yourself –applicants often fall down on this question by saying what the team did, rather than what they did. Think about the kind of team you’ll be involved with at PwC – if you’re applying for a role in audit and assurance, you may well be the person in your team who takes responsibility for researching a particular topic. You’ll need to be able to relay your research to colleagues and will sometimes have to take the lead in determining how to apply that research. Is there anything from your background that matches this kind of scenario?

Key thing to remember: Know your CV inside and out!

  • Discover how to develop your leadership potential .

PwC interview question 8: Tell us about a time when you’ve shown courage or done something out of the ordinary

Approach to take : Think of the cowardly lion from The Wizard of Oz . Courage is not necessarily about fighting off evil hordes in battle armour – it’s about facing something you don’t want to face.

You’ll find in your first years with PwC that you’ll frequently be put into new scenarios and, while this is exciting to some, it can be extremely daunting to others. If, for example, you’re given the task of working through the line items in the accounts of a relatively small firm, you’re likely to find you’re given a broader field of personal responsibility and this will change to some degree for every single company you help to audit.

Go back to times when you’ve been taken out of your comfort zone while at university – perhaps in doing a presentation on a topic you knew nothing about, or taking the lead on a project when you hadn’t been given that kind of responsibility before. You probably found you had the courage all along.

Key thing to remember : ‘Out of the ordinary’ does not have to be something completely bizarre. Think of this more as doing something out of the ordinary for you . When have you had to do something you wouldn’t ordinarily do, given the choice?

If you haven’t already, make sure to create your profile on targetjobs to follow PwC and receive the latest advice, events, vacancies and news from the employer.

targetjobs editorial advice

This describes editorially independent and impartial content, which has been written and edited by the targetjobs content team. Any external contributors featuring in the article are in line with our non-advertorial policy, by which we mean that we do not promote one organisation over another.

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All in on digital transformation: Creating a stronger, nimbler, more resilient PwC


Business and professional services

Changing how business gets done with BXT, automation and a focus on people

BXT <br/> Emerging Tech

Growth was strong, but costs and frustrations were rising

For more than 165 years, PwC was known for delivering high quality services and for being a place where employees could thrive. But we knew we needed to raise the bar even higher to meet the demands of the digital age. We had to keep growing, make work less manual and more data-driven for our people and deliver an ever-better and more tech-driven experience for clients. And we had to do it without costs getting out of control.

Our business was growing, but costs were rising even faster. So were tech-related frustrations among our employees. If we didn’t make changes we’d fall behind our competitors and our financial goals, and most importantly, be unable to deliver for our clients and our people.

We needed to go all in on a digital transformation to change the course of the firm and to bring our people with us into the future. That meant overhauling our business from the inside out to be more nimble, cut unnecessary costs, increase automation and allow people to do more meaningful work. If we could stop doing the things that weren’t productive or helping us get to those outcomes, we could invest those dollars into technology, experiences and strategies that would help drive the business forward. We had to reinvest to secure our future in a way that would bring our strategy to life and provide return on our investment. As critical: we had to stay focused on our shared values and purpose and keep our people and culture at the heart of these changes. This was going to be a community effort, even the hard parts, from the start. The transformation had to make  all  of us stronger, more resilient and much more agile.

Key drivers for our change

What drives change? It’s never just one thing. These triggers, combined, drove our transformation. They’re not so different from the motivations of many companies. The difference: We dove in and are seeing the results.

In 2016, leadership changes within PwC prompted a new strategic direction that more clearly aligned our organization with our values and purpose to support long-term sustainable growth. We focused on why we do what we do, what we want to achieve, and how we could innovate the way we do it.

Workforce of the Future

New leadership

In 2016, PwC set a new strategic direction

For nearly a decade, our revenues continued to grow each year, but costs to run the firm were increasing faster. We applied PwC’s own Fit for Growth approach to streamline processes and technology, enabling our people to help drive efficiencies and reduce cost to run the business.

Fit for Growth

Profit pressures

Costs to run the firm were increasing

We knew we had to disrupt how we work to meet our clients’ demand for more value, higher quality and a technology-enabled experience, at a lower cost. We leveraged cost savings to strategically reinvest in our people, processes and technology.

Growth strategy

We knew we had to disrupt how we work

Our people wanted skills to remain relevant in a digital world and be leaders in their field. We invested in tools, technologies and our people to help future-proof our workforce and establish a continuous improvement culture.

New World. New Skills.

Workforce Transformation

Our people wanted skills to grow in their careers

By listening to the “voice of the customer,” we identified pain points in functions and processes that were slowing our people down. We invested in cloud technology and used human-centered design to help improve the customer experience across business services functions.

Finance transformation

IT transformation

Legacy processes

Outdated processes and technologies were slowing us down

We needed a way to empower people to develop and share citizen-led innovations across the firm. We established a technology strategy arm to centralize intellectual property IP and help us efficiently address clients’ needs.

Workforce productivity

We needed to enable our people to create efficiencies and work smarter

A people-first approach to save time and money, and boost the client experience

We began our digital transformation in 2016 by examining PwC Business Services, our back office and shared services center and functions, located primarily in Tampa, Florida. We identified operational improvements that could reduce costs and reinvested some of those savings into a transformation, based on PwC’s Fit for Growth methodology. We committed to “leave no one behind” with a firm-wide program that would help both accelerate adoption and upskill employees. 

Bringing together people with business strategy focus (B), human-centered design experience (X), along with the right technologies (T), we used our BXT approach to plan, develop and implement solutions together.

The only way we could transform our back office was to put the experience of our people first. We needed to know exactly where the pain points were in Business Services. First, we sent a survey to our 3,500 partners, asking what slowed down their work and the work of the people who worked for them.

By tapping into the entire community, we quickly identified 25 processes that had to change, including human resources, learning and development, finance, IT, real estate and administrative services. Everyone had something to address to help transform our process and our people, especially since our processes impact multiple activities. 

We also asked leaders of our individual Business Services functions to help us figure out how to use that information to create more value from our transformation for the people who do the work day to day. And that also had to create a better user experience for their people. They identified approximately $100 million in cost savings, largely from eliminating manual and repetitive activities that took up employee time. As importantly, these leaders, with the help of their teams, identified areas that would benefit from investments in automation as well as other types of service delivery. Every leader and staffer also thought about what new skills were needed to help our people deliver greater value. 

Ultimately, all of this would bring our back office talents to the “front office” to help our client service teams develop products and services that benefit our clients and society.

Toss what isn’t working and strategically re-invest in what works for the future

We needed to focus on a strategy that could simplify our business and invest in new, technology-focused areas. We focused on automation to help eliminate transaction-related inefficiencies, and we launched a new intranet and cognitive assistant that gets stronger as it integrates with other applications. It helps our people do almost everything from resetting passwords to recording time, quickly and easily, to save them time for more important tasks and the firm money to reinvest in the transformation.

We aim to build innovative technology solutions that differentiate us from our competitors and digitize the business. From a business strategy perspective, putting flexible and adaptive processes in place helped us create an industry-leading back office that’s able to meet the needs of our business faster, while generating better insights, and at a lower cost of delivery.

Part of that included a strategic decision to invest in upskilling programs so our 55,000 people could learn how to use digital tools for data visualization as well as automation, data cleansing and more. If our people could use these tools to solve common problems, they’d help us become more efficient and growth-oriented now and more innovative later in Business Services and beyond. Now, employees are learning to build bots – over 2,400 have been created so far – to automate workflows. We continue to invest to make processes more intuitive using machine learning and eventually artificial intelligence (AI). These are key to working faster and solving problems differently for ourselves and our clients.

Making everything easier, faster and more intuitive

We know that the way people work will keep changing, which is why we have worked hard to create a culture of infinite learning where everyone can understand and feel connected to our organization’s purpose, values and goals. That required reassessment of how our people would adapt and learn, and importantly, apply what they learned immediately (which is a better way to incorporate training and new skills). We had to inspire people to challenge themselves and make it stick. We brought together people from individual functions—from finance to human resources—and had client services professionals from across the firm join in for a BXT-style session and used what we learned from our Partner survey as a guide.

We wanted better insights from the data we were gathering. That meant improving self-service options, for people to build automations themselves to help make their work easier. This was key to changing the experience for our people. Getting there hinged on a culture of citizen-led digital innovation , introduced through digital academies for our people so they could learn how to make data work harder, faster. Rather than just offer up a process and press go, we taught everyone how to make their own automations.

We also selected people across the firm to become digital ambassadors, training them with deeper experiences in digital, agile thinking and problem solving so they could go back to their teammates and bring them forward. Creating easy and usable interfaces, quick courses and incentives has made it simpler for employees to create and use our automation tools, which in turn helps them reduce their time spent on repetitive tasks. We created an interactive lab for our people to collaborate on and share new automations and ideas, incenting time spent exploring and creating. And digital badges let our people learn and earn credentials.

We began to see time and cost savings as people applied the new tools and learnings in their day-to-day work. More than this, we saw our culture shift to one of innovation and experimentation.

“We were trying to get to new ways of doing things faster and better, and at a lower cost for us and our clients. And if you can't replicate that across all employees, then it's not going to be a success. You're just going to have little pockets of change.”

Joe Killian US Finance and Shared Services Leader, PwC

Simplify, integrate, scale and innovate for the win

To succeed, we needed to streamline processes, from contracts to our firm-wide analytics platform. We invested in and adopted Robotics Process Automation (RPA) and Business Process Integration (BPI), which helped automate a lot of the transactional work we do. We also replaced hundreds of pages of written business rules with an automated process and as a result, created a more intuitive experience for client service professionals. At the same time, we adopted user friendly, mobile cloud solutions to provide self-service access to data and insights that help meet the needs of our people no matter where they are working. This end-to-end automation transformed processes to help eliminate inefficiencies in our routine transactions.

By investing more in data analytics and artificial intelligence to pull data from disparate systems and platforms into one visual dashboard, we get a snapshot into team performance and business metrics. This will easily integrate and give more insights as a new intranet and cognitive digital assistant are added. The system can also nudge people to take important actions and meet critical deadlines.

Saving, improving and change at every level

Simplifying helped us save millions of dollars and created a workforce that is more satisfied, productive and skilled. We eliminated more than 50 processes in Business Services to save money and time. For example, simplifying with RPA has allowed us to reduce the time it takes to complete a contract by as much as 80%. Many manual processes are now automated. Data to drive insights is easy to pull, analyze and visualize so every team can make decisions more confidently. 

In fiscal 2019, we saved almost 160,000 hours through automation across our Internal Firm Services functions including administrative support, controller operations, HR shared services and real estate operations.

A focused investment in our people and their skills changed the culture and abilities at the firm—jobs and functions that either did not exist or required external hires can now be filled by our own staff. Learning & Development (L&D) expanded virtual training programs to help reduce resource needs and travel costs—which made continuing and enhancing training when travel stopped due to the pandemic simple and seamless. 

More than this, the firm is agile, more purpose-focused and people-driven. We’re better positioned to control costs and the quality of Business Services is higher than ever.

Results by function:

A focus on digital upskilling, tighter coordination through an end-to-end process that lasered in on collaboration among teams and technologies and automating once-manual processes, helped drive our transformation. Every back office function in Business Services improved some processes and eliminated certain costs, though headcount in the division declined by just 2% overall.

Information technology

Administrative services, learning and development, security and real estate, human resources, acceleration centers.

We shifted from a traditional waterfall delivery approach toward agile delivery using the scrum framework where people work in short sprints and solve problems as they arise, to deliver value quickly and continuously. IT filled more than 100 positions within six months to equip the team with the skills needed to make change real. That meant hiring scrum masters to embed agile principles in delivery teams, developers and cloud engineers to help build strong technology and application development skill sets.

Our IT transformation has been instrumental in helping drive change companywide and delivering the firm’s tech-enabled priorities. Everyone in IT, regardless of their role, is trained in agile methodology and lean process training, the backbone of this new way of working. Business owners now have a closely linked IT team leader for end-to-end collaboration – in many cases, they no longer have to move between different groups. Leaders are also learning agile methodology to work alongside IT. The agile model is helping to vastly improve the employee experience across our teams, and that is helping lead to better outcomes.

We used to have a 1:1 ratio of executive assistants to senior leaders. Now our administrative services work with people throughout the firm via a centralized, virtual executive concierge structure. Our teams pool resources and while they still specialize, they’re also getting broader experience. As a result, people are better able to support client teams tackling specific problems that in the past 1:1 assistants might never have encountered. We adopted human-centered approaches to help keep the culture of trusted relationships alive. “We provided new hires with rigorous onboarding and training, which was a combination of existing soft skills, technical skills, and teaming activities so they can rely on one another to help deliver white-glove service,” said Jose Limardo, Support Operations Leader.

Four of the top nine issues identified in the initial 2016 assessment were finance-related processes. The insights gleaned from the finance function’s challenges helped validate and steer our entire transformation efforts. “It was painfully obvious we had a user experience problem that we needed to fix,” said Controller Tom Alexander. The group, which wanted to be an industry leading, modern finance team, allocated resources to innovation and shifted their culture to help drive continuous improvement. They reimagined the way they work by adopting a structure centered on the skills needed to succeed and scale.

The Controller Operations (CO) saved 30,000 hours each year for nearly four years by automating repetitive tasks, reimagining processes and applying more agile ways of working, which has led to efficiencies, improved job satisfaction and more time spent on activities that are adding value. Today, more than 40% of the Controller Operations team consists of data engineers, data scientists and data architects who are helping to pinpoint and address the business’s data needs.

As we continue to upskill people, we are making L&D a better experience. We shifted 70% in-person training to about 40% in-person, and created a virtual learning environment and infrastructure that made for seamless delivery when the pandemic of 2020 turned our workforce remote. As a result, the firm saved nearly $70 million, while also saving our people the burden of travel and hotel stays.

PwC’s security team uses a tool that enables our people to report back to us during a critical event, whether in office, during travel or at a client site, instead of piecing together information from different systems. This has proven to be invaluable for our employees throughout the pandemic and during natural disasters. But it doesn’t stop there. Our real estate business intelligence teams are using occupancy sensors to gather data about how workspaces are used. Through dashboards and data visualization tools, they are turning millions of reports into clear snapshots of how people use workspaces today and how they may be used over the next three to five years.

Our HR professionals have always been a repository of institutional knowledge of our business and operations. We developed an internal platform to help automate staffing needs. It is a go-to for teams to look at skills and availability of staff, and to help forecast engagement needs and assign our internal client service staff to those projects. The process of staffing and projecting now takes minutes, not days. Leveraging automation in the platform can help significantly reduce the resources and time required to process information that’s needed in order to staff an engagement. As a result, we are able to move our own people to higher-value work.

Over the last few years, PwC Business Services has automated about 400,000 hours of work that would have otherwise been done by our client service professionals, on- or offshore, or by third parties. Our Acceleration Centers (ACs) have been at the heart of this transformation, helping drive new, digital ways of working and creating savings for our firm and our clients. For our back offices alone, this translated into cost savings of around $50 million for work that was previously done by third parties.

Since 2018, PwC Labs has become integral to our technology strategy. We are empowering our people and our clients to reach their digital potential, at scale. We are leading the charge on creating innovative solutions designed for humans, driven by data, that utilize intelligent automation. Our people are reimagining how we build technology, collaborate and improve the quality of our deliverables. By embedding the latest AI and automation into our culture, our people can develop a growing digital inventory that can be tailored to meeting our clients’ unique needs.

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See how PwC transformed its business services and finance groups through BXT, automation and a focus on people.





Joe Killian

Joe Killian

US/MX Business Services Leader & Tampa Campus Leader, PwC US

Dr. Deniz  Caglar

Dr. Deniz Caglar

Principal, Strategy&, Strategy& US

Cornel Nolte

Technology and Transformation Platform Leader, PwC US

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Welcome to r/Big4, a place to discuss everything related to the Big 4 accounting firms: PwC, Deloitte, EY, & KPMG.

Case study interview at PWC

I have an upcoming case study interview at PWC for the Deals & Analytics team (U.K.) and I was wondering if anyone could give some insight on how best to prepare?

I haven’t done a case study before so I am struggling to know the best way to prepare, what to expect etc. as the recruiter has told me very limited information


  1. PwC Case Interview: A Complete Guide (2023)

    pwc case study interview example

  2. PwC Case Interview Example

    pwc case study interview example

  3. PwC Case Interview: A Complete Guide (2023)

    pwc case study interview example

  4. PwC Case Interview Guide 2024: Criteria, Technique & Tips

    pwc case study interview example

  5. PwC Case Interview: A Complete Guide (2023)

    pwc case study interview example

  6. PWC

    pwc case study interview example


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  1. The PwC Case Interview (Including Strategy&)

    The case interviews are both candidate-led, which means you'll be responsible for deciding what analysis you want to do and what the approach should be. The PwC case interviews for Consulting Services applicants typically focus on profit optimization, cost optimization, and market sizing.

  2. PwC Case Interview (+Strategy&)

    Keys to the PwC Case Study Interview. In order to crush the PwC & Strategy& case study interview, it is important to take a step back and think through the keys to these interviews. ... PwC / Strategy& Case Study Interview Example. An example PwC / Strategy& case study can be found on Strategy&'s website here. To get a complete case study ...

  3. PwC Case Interview Guide 2024: Criteria, Technique & Tips

    A group case interview will usually go through five stages: Stage 1: You will be assigned to a group of 3-6 applicants. Stage 2: The group will be given a case and relevant information to solve. Stage 3: You will be given 10 minutes to examine the case and prepare alone or in collaboration with another team member.

  4. PwC Case Interview Example

    Prepping for a PwC case interview? Get expert help: PwC case interview example features a mock case led by Jenny Rae (ex-Bain). Ou...

  5. PwC Interview

    A business case interview is essentially a business test. PwC wants to see how you perform as a consultant. They are putting you through the paces now to test how you: Identify issues/problems. Synthesize data/information. Solve math and analytical problems. Make recommendations to client problems/issues.

  6. PwC (Strategy&) Case Interview (questions, process, prep)

    1. PwC consulting is bigger than all the MBB firms. When it comes to consulting, PwC is a juggernaut. With $22bn in consulting revenue in 2022, PwC's consulting business line is bigger than McKinsey, BCG and Bain combined. The huge growth of PwC's consulting business has been driven primarily through acquisitions.

  7. PwC (Strategy&) Case Interview: Step-by-Step Guide

    Strategy& first round interview: Two 45-minute interviews. For both interviews, roughly 10 minutes will be spent on behavioral or fit questions, 30 minutes will be spent on the Strategy& case interview, and the last 5 minutes will be time for you to ask questions. Strategy& final round interview: Three 45-minute interviews.

  8. Business case prep

    Here are some tips to help you do well in the business case interview: Listen carefully; ask questions if there are any points you don't understand. After the interviewer outlines the case parameters, summarize the case for the interviewer in your own words to confirm you understand the problem. Take a minute to think; don't be afraid of the ...

  9. T-Mobile

    Video Example. PwC Case Interview Intro. Our client is T-Mobile, one of the largest US mobile carriers (but not the largest). The company has been experiencing declining growth, particularly with respect to its competitors. We have been brought on to develop a cost-effective growth strategy. Overview of the Case.

  10. Top 20 PwC Interview Questions & Answers

    5. Describe a project where you used data analysis to make decisions. This question is designed to assess your ability to use data to make decisions and evaluate the success or failure of a project. They want to know that you are comfortable with data and understand the implications of various decisions.

  11. Case Interview PwC (Financial Services

    My name is Marco and I am currently appyling for an internship (6 months) at PwC in Financial Services (within Transaction Services). I already had an online assessment and I have now been invited for an interview (Frankfurt) in about a weeks time. On the phone the recruiter told me, that I had to expect a case study and a "regular" interview ...

  12. 47 case interview examples (from McKinsey, BCG, Bain, etc.)

    12. Capital One case interview examples. Case interview example video walkthrough (Capital One website) Capital One case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer) 12. EY Parthenon case interview examples. Candidate-led case example with feedback (by IGotAnOffer) 14. Consulting clubs case interview examples. Berkeley case book (2006) Columbia case book ...

  13. Business consulting case studies: PwC

    Streamlining Financial Processes: First Tee and PwC's automated solutions enhance efficiency, save time, and enable confident data-driven decisions. Hyatt worked with PwC to build a listening strategy that collects employee feedback to improve their experiences and maintain its culture of care. Mustang Machinery boosts operations by leveraging ...

  14. Hotel Disaster Recovery

    Case Study Overview. In this PwC case interview, your firm has been hired to develop a worst-case-scenario risk plan and a recovery plan for a major hotel chain. Your job is to dig into the revenue impact that 9/11 inflicted on the hotel business in Manhattan, and carry those learnings into your risk/recovery plans for the hotel operator.

  15. Hints on answering PwC interview questions

    PwC interview question 1: Describe a situation in which you've had to deal with a difficult person. Approach to take: Imagine, for example, that you were part of the team at PwC working on the case of a gaming retailer who recently went into administration. Hundreds, potentially thousands, of jobs could be lost and you're attempting to sell ...

  16. PwC Business services transformation case study: PwC

    A people-first approach to save time and money, and boost the client experience. We began our digital transformation in 2016 by examining PwC Business Services, our back office and shared services center and functions, located primarily in Tampa, Florida. We identified operational improvements that could reduce costs and reinvested some of ...

  17. PDF Consulting: Case Study

    3) Consider what other firms are doing. Look at the examples in the articles supplied in the pack and think about which of these Freshways could apply. 4) Think about how the PwC consulting team could help Freshways with implementing the recommendations. For instance, could you help the client by researching the food waste

  18. PwC Deals Intern Case Study : r/Accounting

    PwC Deals Intern Case Study. Hey Everyone, I landed an interview for an internship at PwC in their FDD practice. They mentioned a case study interview and I'm a little lost on how to prepare. Does anyone have any experience with case study interviews and how to prepare specifically for Big 4?

  19. PwC Case Interview Example

    Billy is prepping for a diverse range of firms, from MBB to LEK to Kearney. The case is run PwC-style. Grab a pen and paper and work the case alongside Billy! Find the recording below, and write to us with any follow-up questions. If you're looking for quality practice cases, check out our Case Library for access to 500+ cases.

  20. Case study interview at PWC : r/Big4

    I did a case for PwC on Friday and I did one for EY today. It's my opinion that there's really not too much one can do to prepare for them specifically. Just learn how to communicate your thought processes clearly and effectively. Be concise, ask important questions, give insightful answers. They're not necessarily looking for the right ...

  21. Health Care Costs

    Video Example. PwC Case Interview Prompt. ... The best (and most impressive) frameworks are those that are custom-tailored to the specific problem in the case study. The PwC case interview contains no math exhibits. This is an entry-level case that will set you up for success in a PwC first round interview.

  22. PWC

    PWC - Case Study Example 1 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Consulting case study example

  23. Steelco

    In this PwC case interview, your client is a steel producer that is seeing declining profits in an industry that has recently seen record profit growth. You need to dig into the company's profitability, find the root causes, and develop a strategy to reverse the decline. We recommend that you implement the Profitability Framework as part of ...