147 Social Studies Topics for Your Research Project

Social studies is an integrated research field. It includes a range of topics on social science and humanities, such as history, culture, geography, sociology, education, etc. A social studies essay might be assigned to any middle school, high school, or college student. It might seem like a daunting task, but perhaps the most challenging part of the job is choosing the best topic from the many research topics in social studies. Sure, you might have a specific topic assigned to you.

If you’re looking for social science research topics, you’re in the right place! Custom writing experts have prepared a fresh list of ideas! This article contains social studies project topics on history, culture, politics, law, migration, and other fields.

New headings & sections:

  • Social Study Areas => Social Science Topics & Research Areas
  • Social Studies Topics on History => Social Studies Project Topics on History
  • Other Social Studies Topics => Other Research Topics in Social Studies
  • 🔝 Top 10 Topics

👨‍🎓 Social Study Areas

🎨 social studies topics on culture, 🏛️ social studies topics on politics & governance, 🏧 social studies topics on economics & consumption, 🏺 social studies topics on history, 💡 other social studies topics, 🔗 references, 🔝 top 10 social studies topics.

  • Pros and cons of monarchy.
  • Is voting a civic responsibility?
  • Should democracy be everywhere?
  • The causes of mass consumption.
  • Globalization vs. Americanization.
  • The elements of personal identity.
  • What are the USA’s major resources?
  • Do communication technologies impact politics?
  • The importance of cultural diversity in the workplace
  • How do religious institutions reinforce social stability?

Social studies can be represented by ten aspects described below:

  • Culture. While working with social studies, you need to understand how culture shapes our society and affects our lives. It includes learning how people create, adapt to, and share their cultural diversity.
  • People and the environment. This aspect helps students create their perception of the world and how human beings interact with their environment. It is achieved through learning about different locations, people, and resources that are there.
  • Production and consumption. Here, it is all about studying how people manage the production and distribution of goods. Usually, this theme is represented by subjects connected with economics.
  • Time. It is mostly related to history. Therefore, students get to know about the significant events and changes that influenced our present. In addition, they learn about the beliefs and values of our ancestors.
  • Identity. This theme is vital because it allows learners to understand how personal identity develops. They find out how family, culture, and friends affect people’s actions and personal growth.
  • Institutions and groups. There are multiple institutions created by people: families, colleges, governments, and religious organizations. This theme lets students understand how institutions are formed and maintained and what changes they bring.
  • Authority and governments. One of the essential parts of social studies is the theme of authority. Thanks to it, students can understand how different forms of governance are created. It also includes analyzing the functions and purposes of political systems.
  • Globalization. Learners are helped to discover the interconnections between societies and the issues they create on a global scale. Everything is interdependent nowadays, and the importance of global connections is rising.
  • Civic ideas. Students need to understand civic ideas to be fully functioning independent members of society. This vital theme includes learning about citizen’s rights and responsibilities.
  • Science and technology. This aspect is not only about the development of technology and scientific achievements. It is also about how society is connected to those processes. Moreover, students learn about their impacts on people.

If you are looking for social studies project topics on the culture, you might consider the following aspects.

Every social study project would focus on how cultural attributes, such as traditions, arts, literature, are created and shared. It is important to remember to highlight both differences and similarities while doing comparative research.

One of the features of culture is that it’s dynamic and continuously changing, which means it is correlated with the personal development and beliefs of citizens. Moreover, you can look into the influence of culture on different political and religious institutions.

All in all, the list of topics in social studies below is all about the interconnection between culture and society. If you’re not a fan of the listed options, you can at least take the keywords and use a generator of random topics to write about . This will give you a lot more variants to choose from.

  • The principles of the multicultural policy of Australia : benefits. Australia is one of the countries that support cultural diversity. The government even created an official policy based on four principles to ensure that everybody has equal rights to participate in the community.
  • Indonesian communities and ancestor worships. Practices connected to ancestor worship are based on the belief that the spirits of the dead have the powers to affect the destinies of the living.
  • The domestic etiquette of modern Americans. All cultures have different etiquette – a set of rules that governs social behavior. Those norms are changing along with the culture, but can also be different depending on the social situation.
  • Gender issues and women in Medieval society. In the Middle Ages, women were not allowed to receive education, had limited social rights, and had to obey their fathers’ and husbands’ will.
  • Gender roles: how are boys and girls raised in American families? Gender roles enforce some specific standards and expectations of how men and women should behave. Study the socially appropriate gender roles in modern families.
  • Taboos and emotions in modern society. Taboo is something prohibited from doing under the fear of punishment. Even though taboos are originally related to the sacred and spiritual practices, today, people are banned from expressing some emotions.
  • How have hippies created the US? This research would focus on the ways the hippie movement made a change in the history of the country. Their cultural practices have influenced many aspects of our lives.

The main goal of social studies is to teach students their roles in social affairs.

  • Family values and religion. The family has always been considered the base of a happy American life. However, to what extent has religion affected the most common family values?
  • Why does political correctness matter so much today? Political correctness means the ban on using some phrases that may be inappropriate. As a cultural phenomenon, it was created by college students in America in the 1980s.
  • Is our future in social responsibility? Social responsibility is a policy that encourages people to act for the benefit of their community and society as a whole. Could this approach help us build a better future?

One of the most important themes of social studies is about politics. When conducting science research related to this topic, you should possess a considerable amount of knowledge and experience in the issues described below.

Understanding the existing systems of governance means also knowing how political views and institutions were created. In the constantly changing world, the functions of authorities are dynamic as well.

However, you should not forget to include the relationship with citizens in this equation. Every member of society has needs, rights, and responsibilities, issues with which should also be addressed.

Here are some examples of social studies topics related to politics, which you may find useful:

  • The American Whig party: a case study of the South. In the 19th century, the Whigs were one of two main political parties in the US. In this research, you could concentrate on analyzing the political tensions of this party in the South.
  • Political parties and violence in the US. There are two major political parties nowadays. However, have you ever thought about why there are so much political violence and harsh competition between them?
  • The change of the ideology of the Republican party after the Civil War. The Civil War has changed the perception of many people. It left a mark on the political views as well. Track the transformation of the Republican party’s ideology since then.
  • Tory party and the British welfare under their rule. For the sake of some diversity, we have included a topic on the British political party as well. In this research, you would look into the social issues caused by the Tories.
  • Is there a connection between anti-Americanism and anti-Semitic movement? Study the roots of anti-Americanism as a political view. Also, you can work on contrasting and comparing it to anti-Semitism.
  • Student activism and the Black Power movement. This civil rights movement has been around for ages. For this research, you would need to study the Black Power’s topic and the student activism involved in it.
  • The difficulties of the civil war in Sri Lanka. This island country has suffered the Sinhalese-Tamil conflict and the proceeding civil war. Your task would be to look into the complexities of this conflict.
  • The power of Congress over presidential elections. It is one of the social science topics that requires gathering a lot of materials. You would have to analyze the Constitution and find the related cases in history.
  • Voting technology: what can the law do against election fraud? Bribery and other corrupt practices in relation to the election process is not anything new. However, how can the law make a change?
  • The most prominent political machines of the last decade. This paper would be interesting for students you prefer analyzing and comparing. You would need to gather information on the most prominent political machines in the US.
  • A discussion of judicial independence
  • Political culture in the U.S.
  • A comparison of the models of democracy
  • A comparison of electoral systems
  • Authoritarianism vs. totalitarianism

Research topics in social studies on economics would always be related to the theme of production and consumption. You would have to understand how people manage to produce and sell goods and services worldwide.

There are multiple issues in the global economics that you, as a student, could address in your argumentative paper. It includes the unequal distribution of goods along with the growing demand.

You might as well find it interesting to research how the production of specific goods is organized and the role of technology in that process. It is also essential to look into how governments cope with market failures and how they improve the well-being of the economies.

  • The flaws of the economic democracy system: a case study. Pick and analyze the issues that this socioeconomic system might have. It would be better if you add real-life cases to the analysis.
  • Morality and global capitalism. Your task would be to analyze the five features of global capitalism and determine how it can be socially acceptable. Look through every moral issue that arises.
  • The bankruptcy of the middle class in the US. This research focuses on the root causes, as well as consequences, of so many cases of bankruptcy among American middle-class families.
  • Can we foresee the future of the European Monetary System? Ever since 1979, the Euro has been serving its purpose. However, this paper would highlight the economic factors that can lead to disruptions in this system.
  • Wall Street: did we learn from the 2008 crash? The year of 2008 punched many Americans, leaving their wealth reduced noticeably. But did we learn from past mistakes? Can we prevent the crisis from happening again?
  • Understanding stock markets: profitable investments. To make a profitable investment, you need to know everything about the industry sector and stock market cycles. Compile the tips and tricks that can make it work.
  • How has the Silk Road influenced the current global economy? Connecting East and West, those trade routes existed for centuries. For this cool research, you would need to analyze the current economic situation and find the features that exist thanks to the Silk Road.
  • Coffee beans and fair trade. Selling coffee beans internationally, some communities and families depend on this business. However, how fair is this fair trade market? Who looks after social justice?
  • Pros and cons of dollarization: a case study. Currency substitution or dollarization can’t solve the economic crisis. Study some cases of this process in different countries and analyze the benefits and problems of it.
  • How to predict the exchange rate behavior? In this research, you would need to study the sources of changes in the exchange rates. You might as well look into the tools that might help predict the behavior of the rates.

Facts about inequality.

  • Provide real-life examples of how you or someone else plans their studies, controls pocket money, or organizes their working day.
  • How organizations foster social and civic responsibility
  • Crisis management post-9/11
  • The growth of management in developing countries
  • Conflict management in virtual and global teams
  • An analysis of the benefits vs. cost of attaining a post-secondary education
  • Wealth distribution and the availability of resources
  • An examination of the trickle-down effect in today’s society
  • Is the financial crisis of 2008 really over?
  • How advertisements can create a sense of separation and association with the feminine identity
  • The role of censorship in advertising
  • The image of perfection in advertising
  • Gender roles in advertising
  • Rhetorical analysis of various marketing campaigns. How global corporations influence people’s decisions?
  • Transnational organizations analytics. Determining the most appropriate and effective marketing strategies
  • Advertisement analysis. The significance of the assessment in a rhetorical essay.
  • Marketing reports. Explain the primary objectives of the document. When writing business or marketing essays, it is crucial to include analysis of particular examples.
  • The importance of an analytical paragraph in a business essay. How does it help to define specific company’s strengths and weaknesses?
  • Unethical advertising examples. What must be avoided when developing another strategy?
  • Is it always worth it to spend immense amounts of money on risky advertising campaigns?
  • Will the most common advertising methods work for every kind of a product?
  • What issues must be considered when organizing an ad campaign?
  • Positive and negative effects of advertising.

In the list of social science essay topics, there should always be at least a few questions dedicated to history. Unless we know our past, we can’t possibly understand human nature.

For high school students, it is necessary to learn about the changes and different experiences in society. The way that values, traditions, and rules have been changing shapes our current development.

While looking for interesting social studies topics in this field, consider analyzing the root causes and consequences of different changes. Look into the ways how our social system has been developing, and you would find something exciting, for sure!

  • What was the social meaning of corsets in the 20th century? Corsets are the part of the outfit that was designed to shape or modify the figure. By the 20th century, it has somewhat shaped the culture as well.
  • Demystifying the stereotypes about 19th-century women in the US. There was war, and there were changes. How did the life a woman look like back then? Find the most common misunderstandings about it and conduct a historical analysis.
  • African American: the historical study of social factors affecting crime. For this research, you could look into the cultural and social aspects that have influenced the response of African Americans to crimes and injustice.
  • The changes in the lives of average American citizens in the 1930s. Urbanization and technological development shook the world in those years. Find out how Americans were adjusting to their new lives.
  • How the environment shapes the perspective: the baby boomers? In the example of the baby boomers’ generation, study the effects of the social and cultural aspects on identity and personal values.
  • The process of development of Italian fashion and the US. You would be studying the historical facts in support of the idea that the US played an essential role in the Italian fashion industry development.
  • Generation X and global leaders. This topic focuses on the most prominent world leaders in different areas. Your task would be to find the connection between the personal specifics of generation X and global leaders.
  • Women in the Victorian Age and domestic rules. Conduct research on the ideology of Victorian women. What social challenges connected to industrialization were they forced to face?
  • Servants in the American houses in the middle of the 20th century. In the 1920s, women started quitting their housewives’ chores and hiring servants to do them instead. You would look into the social sources of such a change in the domestic life of that time.
  • What is the connection between social change and the American schooling system? Look into the development of the educational institutions in the US over a chosen period. Find out what social factors have affected the process.
  • Civil disorders
  • Political terrorism
  • Non-political terrorism
  • Limited political terrorism
  • Expand on the problem of democracy and domestic terrorism
  • A study of terrorist groups
  • State-sponsored terrorism
  • The tactics of terrorism
  • The history of terrorism
  • The causes of terrorism
  • Responses to terrorism and counter-terrorism global policy
  • For more topics ideas, check out Research Guide for Students .
  • How enlistment in the U.S. Army works
  • The top five army bases
  • Customs and courtesies in the military
  • The history of Memorial Day
  • The threat of homelessness for veterans
  • Turkic migration
  • Mongol invasions
  • Great migration of the 1630s
  • Great migration of African Americans
  • Government regulations
  • Socially irresponsible corporations
  • Antitrust provision
  • International business law and legal regulations for international corporations and companies
  • Business law in the Islamic world and how it differs from that of other countries


  • Crime prevention
  • Juvenile delinquency
  • Victimology
  • Deviant behavior

When you write an essay on justice, you have a great opportunity to present your opinion on the subject. Here are some potential topics:

  • Justice: A Myth or Reality?
  • Tell about today’s idea of justice. What do people do to establish justice in the world?
  • Give your reasons why absolute justice is impossible.
  • How justice is portrayed in Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky
  • Discuss the Heaven Justice

Gender Studies

  • Women and the Taliban
  • Chinese women as seen through the Chinese culture
  • Women and Confucian cultures in Korea
  • Witch hunts in the Western world
  • The influence of feminism on men
  • The challenge of feminist biblical interpretation
  • Gender identity and the particulars of word-of-mouth communication
  • How leadership styles differ based on gender
  • Women empowerment
  • Why do women think that their rights are neglected in free countries?
  • Gender inequality: are men more likely to receive well-paid jobs than women with precisely same characteristics?
  • Are men considered to be better employees than women?
  • Can feminists persuade the government to make changes in the law beneficial for them?
  • Gender discrimination in everyday life
  • The purpose of feminist demonstrations
  • Are people concerned about the problem of gender inequality in their everyday lives?
  • Where are the human rights of women neglected and why?
  • Causes of gender inequality
  • Is the factor of overall equality necessary for the development of the world or not?
  • What are the most popular examples of equality among citizens of one country?

Fact about gender equality.

  • Gender stratification definition. Where can it be observed in the modern society?
  • What can be changed because of mass feminism?
  • Gender stereotypes . Is everything that we hear about discrimination right?
  • What is gender stratification?
  • Are females discriminated in the modern society, or this issue is fabricated?
  • Gender roles in the workplace
  • Factors contributing to gender inequality.
  • Disadvantages of gender equality
  • Gender equality theory
  • Gender imbalance definition. What is the origin of the term and where it is used?
  • Gender superiority. Is it true that males were always dominant figures in the history?
  • History of gender discrimination . Was this societal rule present in the prehistoric times, and when it was introduced?
  • Gender disparity definition. What is the origin of the term and where it is used today?

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Theses and Dissertations: A List

Abstracts and other related info may be viewed via the tuklas portal . just type the author's name and click accordingly. to inquire if and how you can access the dissertations, please email this email address is being protected from spambots. you need javascript enabled to view it. document.getelementbyid('cloak187e5a118218a09154f501be61c6cb90').innerhtml = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy187e5a118218a09154f501be61c6cb90 = 'aclib.upd' + '@'; addy187e5a118218a09154f501be61c6cb90 = addy187e5a118218a09154f501be61c6cb90 + 'up' + '.' + 'edu' + '.' + 'ph'; var addy_text187e5a118218a09154f501be61c6cb90 = 'aclib.upd' + '@' + 'up' + '.' + 'edu' + '.' + 'ph';document.getelementbyid('cloak187e5a118218a09154f501be61c6cb90').innerhtml += ' '+addy_text187e5a118218a09154f501be61c6cb90+' '; or call 8 981 8500 local 3579. the library may/does not have access to electronic files of the theses and dissertations, nor can they be accessed since the university is closed due to quarantine. you can send your request to us, and we can forward it to the author (s) if feasible under university policies , including this 2015 memorandum . , view list of theses and dissertations from 1963 to the present . all theses and dissertations are for room-use only., please click on the year to view the dissertations., abelgas, franz jude solana, "not quite diasporic: diasporicity of southeast asian migrants' children in the macau special administrative region" (ma), abuan, romina eloisa manabat, "interrogating sense of belonging and citizenship among filipinos in diaspora in taiwan" (ma), agonos, mariam jayne macafe, "building a city: the environmental and social challenges and impacts of the development of indonesia's new capital" (ma), alvarez, bea roselle mance, "disaster memories of ivatan women: narratives before, during and after a typhoon" (ma), argonza, gladys mae zabala, "state and the peasantry: social and historical contestations over land use in rural vietnam" (ma), ariate, maria ima carmela laugo, “ibaloy notions of homeland from memories of place: an oral history of laokan, baguio city” (ph.d.), bahni, rosella camte, "revolution in exile: transnational mobilizations of filipinos in the united states and china, 1971-1986" (ma), briones, jervy cariño, "mei nu: examining chinese women's deployment of beauty in four biographical texts" (ma), carreon, latasha quiles, "exploring china's cultural soft power: cinderella chef as a case study" (ma), cruz, melodina sy, “komentaryo ni kalabaw: the carabao in jess abrera's a. lipin cartoon strips (1985-2018) as an image of the filipino's resistance identity and the philippines' cultural species" (ph.d.), del rosario, peter jerome bayot, "the covid-19 pandemic in binmaley: changes in space, experience of religion, and faith expressions" (ma), diaz, rizelle ablaza, “pagpapakahulugan sa mga naratibong nakapaloob sa mga banal na ukit ng mga sangley at mestiso, 1590-1898” (ph.d.), galang, romeo bala, "the human rights defenders in post-edsa philippines" (ma), gultia, christian baloran, “the shaping of a scientific built evironment (likhang kaligiran): the university of the philippines los banos, 1965-1986” (ph.d.), hufana, mary cita m., “the filipino ballet: examining process of indigenization and its identification in/of nation” (ph.d.), jacinto, joelle florence patrice banzon, “kabilin ug bahandi: traditional games as an educational tools in the preservation of heritage and culture among universities in cebu city” (ph.d.), macasil, ma. alena novillo, “diyandi: kultural na perfomans bilang kabilin at kasaysayan ng dakbayan sa iligan” (ph.d.), magdadaro, marjorie joy almario, "japanese sociocultural influence on migrant entrepreneurship: exploring the entrepreneurial activities of former filipina entertainers in the philippines" (ma), marcaliñas, jandell villena, “the symphony orchestra in the philippines: a cultural outline (1896-1986)” (ph.d.), martinez, edna marcil morato, “danas at dagok ng tokhang: state terror, gender, and the war on drugs” (ph.d.), mijares, aileen may paguntalan, “assessing the ethnolinguistic vitality of pahanan towards developing an instrument for measurement” (ph.d.), peña, andrew rey sosa, "seeking admission: mobility of indian medical students in the philippines (2014-2022)" (ma), ploteña, irene bel rosquillo, "oto valentin: stories of leadership, resistance, and compromise in the mountains of 20th century maasin, iloilo" (ma), ravena, kyle philip manzano, “pagsinaryo kag pangabuhian: implications of changes in the concept of land ownership among the ati of nagpana in barotac viejo, iloilo” (ph.d.), sabio, rodolfo cajilo, “the cooperative model in the philippine social economy: contributions and challenges of three local cooperatives” (ph.d.), salonga, norby roque, "land readjustment and disaster resilience in japan: exploring possible applications in the philippines" (ma), santiago, arlene de regla, "arab perceptions towards overseas filipino workers (ofws) in qatar: an exploratory study" (ma), suelto, emmeviene ann poson, "teaching and learning activism as experienced in two senior high schools: a grounded theory approach" (ma), tadle, frauline cainglet, "ang ating ha(pagpag)-kainan: analyzing the food (in)security situation and philippine food 'culture' through pagpag narratives" (ma), ugaddan, bryan gabriel ibañez, “the filipino contemporary commercial music singer: mimicry or phenomenon” (ph.d.), valdellon-molina, katherine frances romero, "sakay, salakay, salaysay: navigating (im) mobility and everyday commuting in a metro manila transport route" (ma), vargas, jericho lester magbilang, “saysay-laum: kritikal na pag-arok sa panlipunang balor ng mga kwentong-bayang daluyan ng kabayanihan at paghihimagsik ni agustin sumuroy ng hilagang samar” (ph.d.), verano, jay neil garciso , filipina migrant domestic worker's identity and narrative practices: from self to nation (ma), bancoro, sharon vergara, kendo as soft power and its role in japan's cultural diplomacy with the philippines (ma), bautista, roehl niño andrada, rethinking bakla: a keyword in philippine conceptual, sexual, and social history (ma), caliguia, gregorio iii recto, institutionalizing policies for persons with disabilities: a policy review and implementation verification of marikina city (ma), catura, severo severo, memories of the cultural revolution: analyzing selected written memoirs in english in the construction of conflict, survival, and escape (ma), lim, roberto jr. pangilinan, imperial temporalities, insurgent futures: comparisons of 20th century political thinkers in indonesia and the philippines (ma), magaling, christian lemuel magtaka, pasyon show: kwentong buhay ng mga camarerong bakla (ma), porciuncula, angelo palencia, loob at kapwa in action: analysis of "wanted sa radyo" in socio-cultural context (ma), ramos, chenny villaruz, political opportunity structure during the administration of pres. benigno aquino iii: a case study of a social movement of informal settler families in the philippines (ma), raymundo, alicia san pedro, contents tourism and local community revitalization – the case of hida-furukawa as an anime sacred site for “your name", reyes, maria corazon corre (ma), the testimonial narratives of the tausug survivors during the militarization of sulu and the 1974 battle of jolo: counterhistory, identities, and collective memories (ma), salomon, elgin glenn regencia, walls within walls: the architecture of intramuros by the end of the spanish colonial regime (ma), arcilla, john paul, firm-level knowledge and technology transfer in chinese engineering, procurement and construction projects in the philippines, diokno, harold andamo, mga lente sa likod ng lente: ang ningning at liwanag sa ilang piling retrato ng manila carnival (1908-1917) (phd), camba, moreal n., kababaihan, potograpiya, at kasaysayan: isang pagsusuri sa imahen ng kababaihan sa potograpiyang kolonyal sa harap ng imperyalismong amerikano (phd), jose, mary dorothy d.l, moro heroes in philippine history textbooks: the marginalization of the historical narratives of muslim filipino heroes in social studies education (ma), mejorada, alvin, governing climate change adaptation towards disaster resilience in selected coastal communities in the philippines (2006-2020) (phd), paje, philip michael i., serepungan: ang “katutubo” sa hugpungan ng mga diskurso (isang pag-aaral sa mga erumanen ne menuvu at teduray-lambangian) (phd), rodriguez, mary jane b., culture as transformative innovation: paglingap in the practice of family medicine in the philippines (phd), romabiles, maria socorro l., becoming to being filipino: a social history of music in manila 1860-1940 through journalistic print (phd), silvestre, maria patricia b..

  Censorship, Obscenity and Power: Regulation of Erotic Films from the Marcos to Estrada Administration, 1972-2001 (MA)


Katwiran ng kasaysayan: ang alegoryang pangkasaysayan at ang diskurso ng kasaysayan, nasyunalismo, at bayan sa mga nobelang pangkasaysayan sa wikang tagalog, 1905–1927 (phd), cerda, christoffer mitch , lustful lords, dead deities: female sexuality in indonesian folk literature (ma), grutas, sarah jean , subli (ang pamana): philippine culture and values in the governance of filipino-owned family corporations in the philippines (phd), galura, maria-teresa , diskarte: understanding design culture through the chairs of the filipino design exemplars (phd), mendoza, guillerma, the converging role of traditional leaders and non-traditional leaders in conflict resolution: the case of mindanao, philippines and maluku, indonesia (ma), panganting, abulwahid , naratibo ng lubi sa ating gunita: ang industriya ng niyog sa panitikan at kasaysayang pilipino, 1940–2018 (phd), peña, romeo, piso, the image of filipino identity: the concealed value of philippine new generation currency (phd), reyes, minard, pramoedya ananta toer's buru quartet: literature as counter-hegemony and site of contestation in indonesia's new order (ma), umali, marie bernardine , the bangsamoro project: the role of malaysia, indonesia and brunei in the mindanao peace process (ma), the mandukit of sta. ursula, betis pampanga: carving sacred images, negotiating heritage (phd), boquiren, laya, agritourism: transforming farmers and changing communities (ma), cabigas - sy, charmielyn, the role of philippine ngos in international disaster risk reduction regime (ma), claudio, ivy, asean intra regional humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (hadr) 2012-2016: the philippine case (ma), cortez, danilo, jr, pagkalalaki at maka-diyos: a dialogical look at masculinity and religiosity among filipino males  (phd), fast, michael john, cubao expo, the hub in escolta, salcedo art in the park: examining three art retail spaces in metro manila as sites of the creation of distinction in the philippines (ma), garchitorena, aj, contemporary piña: exploring development and social change through the work of three actor innovators (ma), lim, amihan, challenges and prospects in promoting cultural diplomacy between indonesia and the philippines: a philippine perspective (phd), liwanag, marichu, the fourth horseman: infectious diseases and the philippine american war (phd), lozada, dave iii, social media, filipino youth, and political participation: an exploration of university students’ political actions during the 2016 philippine election (ma), lucas, jerome, pagtatahip-dunong: pagsusuri ng mga awit ng mga kilusang bayan sa kalakhang maynila mula 1986 hanggang 2016 na mabisang magagamit sa pagtuturo ng kamalayang bayan (phd), malabanan, joel, perceiving patriotism: china’s patriotic education campaign and insights for philippine education (ma), manalo, marvie, kadagaan sa sarita at pakasaritaan: ang kilusang masa ng san antonio at sta. isabel, ilagan, isabela (phd), manzano, joanne ,  ang diviner sa kaniyang divinasyon sa syudad: isang naratibo ng krisis (phd), salanga-torralba, elyrah, identities, issues, and interactions in southeast asian facebook groups and its effects (ma), uyseco, wayne, rebolusyonaryong partido ng manggagawa sa mindanao (prmm): the pursuit of an alternative revolutionary strategy (phd), villasanta, felix, participation from below: typologies and comparisons of the local development council planning process among the cities and municipalities of bulacan (ma), yonaha, yvan ysmael, schools and their influence on students' asean awareness: a study of quezon city high schools (ma), andres, brenson, darna and the intermediality of the filipino superhero genre (phd), brillon, cherish, the bagani spirit through the moral imagination of philippine army officers: strengthening military leadership based on the agyu epic (phd), ebrada, sandra, facility-based delivery: implikasyon sa paghulma sa pang-inang kalusugan (phd), encinares-enaje, ivy, ganting-loob at pamuling-pamudod: dalumat at realidad sa lipunang tagalog ng caciquismong espanyol, 1571–1896 (phd), enriquez, edelyndon, viewing mistresses: filipina audiences constructing meanings of gender and sexuality in media and everyday life (ma), erbite, kristina, the concept of 'ilmu' pagkausug in the jawi materials from sulu (phd), hairulla, munap, assessing the impact of thailand's government policies and programs in local context: the case study of karen's baan huai lad nai (ma), macalib-og, ariane, de(familial)izing the family: anak ng ofws' emergent narratives on parent-child communication, religious socialization, and self-perceived identities (phd), pinzon, mary jannette , sapatero in marikina city: enacting economies in the philippines' footwear capital (phd), rapisora-lagos, concepcion, malasakit in a public utility company: expression of kapwa, buhay, ginhawa, dangal, and tulong in the workplace (phd), reyes, jesusa, the imperative of the philippines’ signature and ratification of the international convention for the protection of all persons from enforced disappearance, bacalso, mary, ang amo at ang maamo: pangangamuhan at pagkatao ng mga aeta ng pampanga (ma), david, kara, new chinese migrants in the philippines: exploring non-economic factors in migration decisions based on personal narratives (ma), ganadillo, ivy, identity, transformation and customary law among bago igorots: examining conflict resolutikon methods in a changing ethnoscape, pawilen, ryan, apostolic catholic church: an ethnohistory of a social movement (ma), de leon, ann louise, refusing a life without poverty: scarcity and abundance in dolphy’s situation comedies (ma), israel, lorna, kontra-diskurso: testimonial narratives of filipino workers (1986-2012) [phd], moratilla, noel christian, making the foreign familiar: examination of the philippine remake of the korean drama first shop of the coffee prince (ma), pasigan, renz, the animation industry in the philippines: institution building for skill formation (phd), repackaging japanese culture: the digitalization of folktales in the pokémon franchise (ma), sumilang, erika, maximizing the social life chances: a case study on the cross-border adaptation of first generation indonesian migrants in the municipality of glan, sarangani province (ma), tadeo, erika, illustrating recovery: traditional japanese art styles and modern graphic design styles in the graphic design of tokyo 1964 (ma), tantoco, clio, women’s images in liwayway short stories post-edsa, 1992-2002 (phd), vergara, evelyn, japanese pop culture exposure and consumption: influence on youth attitudes based on two asian study survey datasets (ma), villota, alleson ii, retokadong talambuhay, manipuladong salaysay: ang pananalambuhay kina manuel m. quezon at ferdinand e. marcos (phd), javar, roderick, filipino philosophy in the martial traditions of the philippines: the dungan as philosophic principle (phd), mendoza, perseville, of forgetting and remembering: social memory, commemoration, and the jewish refugees in the philippines during the second world war (phd), tirol, jose maria, tiangge online: the proliferation of philippine micro, small, and medium enterprises (msmes) in the internet (phd), triumfo, cristina, the role of post 1990-bollywood films in identity formation of second-generation indian transnationals in metro manila (ma), que, gilbert, pagtatanghal ng bayan: ang pulitika sa kultura ng mga ritwal na pananampalatayang katoliko sa angono, rizal (phd), zarate, maria jovita, civil society and political change in burma/myanmar: exploring the role of civil society in the transition to a “disciplined democracy” (ma), alicias, maria dolores, indian textiles in the philippines: contexts of encounter and traces of practice (phd), canta, marilyn, forging peace in south thailand: a case study of the building peace by teaching peace program in pattani province (ma), ferrer, jasmine, the role of indonesia and malaysia in the peace process in southern philippines: a comparative assessment (ma), maamor, asnawi, communicating the popular and the quotidian in japan: when filipino wives engage in image production through facebook (ma), sioson, erica, demystifying the dorimu boi: understanding the representation of japanese pop idol masculinity through visual and discourse analysis of various media productions (ma), alegre, herlyn, the acculturation of korean students in the philippines and its implications on koreanness: the case of koreans in an urban private school (ma), blanca, ringo, philippines-china relations: the linkage of economic and security interests (ma), de guzman, charles, the globalization of hangugeo: exploring the spread of korean language in the philippines and its prospects for promoting philippine national interests (ma), domingo, sarah, culture in governance: marikina’s ka-angkan festival, meaning-making and urban policy process, southeast asia and china: south-south development cooperation on new hegemony (ma), garcia, shayne, kalinangang pinanday sa ginto: a cultural history of gold in philippine society (phd), gatbonton, esperanza, baybayin: makabayang hibik sa tinig ng sinaunang titik 1882–2012 (phd), lapiz, eduardo, muslim-christian intermarriage: complications and compromises (ma), magat, edel, nihon no imeji (japan’s images) through anime: perceptions of filipino students in selected universities (ma), obispo, joanna, the influence of the 1986 people power revolution on the basic education curriculum: a case study of two private secondary schools in metro manila (phd), panganiban, evangeline, diverging narratives: lives and identities of japanese-filipino children in the philippines (ma), ubalde, marrianne, identity and representation: the life and work of five philippine chinese neo-realist visual artists, 1954–1975 (phd), young, stewart.

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The Welsh Hymn to the Virgin: contexts and reception

The Hymn to the Virgin is a poem attributed to the Welsh poet Ieuan ap Hywel Swrdwal, thought to have been written around 1470 while he was a student at the University of Oxford. It is reputedly the f...

Quantifying scribal behavior : a novel approach to digital paleography

We propose a novel approach for analyzing scribal behavior quantitatively using information about the handwriting of characters. To implement this approach, we develop a computational framework that r...

An examination of the characteristics of disguised and traced handwriting

There has recently been a lack of judicial confidence in the evidence provided by handwriting analysis which has highlighted the need for objective research to be conducted in this area. In response t...

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Undergraduate Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

A different rhythm of a similar tune- learning , Ma. Lavina A. Aganinta

Discriminant analysis programming and application , Wilfredo E. Cabezon

Principal component analysis: programming and application , Manuel M. Lantin

Exponential regression analysis programming and application. , Francisco K. Mallion

A comparison between the power efficiency of the Friedman two-way analysis of variance and the F-test , Nelia O. Medenilla

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Knowledge, attitude and practices on complementary feeding of caregivers with children 6-23 months old in Brgy. Panicuason, Naga City , Justine A. Aga

Food neophobia and its association with nutritional status and diet quality in selected Filipino children ages 2 to 5 in Barangay Gulang-Gulang, Lucena City, Quezon Province , Brian Floyd Andremer B. Albitos

Video gaming lifestyle, dietary habits, and physical activity level of university students aged 18-24 years old , Maria Criszel Joy Logronio Alpe

An exploration into the motivations, benefits, and barriers , Maria Cinderella B. Angeles

Level of stress and coping styles of chams teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic , Angelo Rafael Rabut Ariles

Relationship of nutritional status with income level, dietary intake, and physical activity level of late adolescent students (ages 18-24) of the College of Human Ecology (CHE) University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) during the Covid-19 pandemic , Lance Gabriel C. Baligod

Socioeconomic status, diet quality, and nutritional status of selected night shift workers in the Philippines , Rona Bianca A. Balmedina

The effects of corporal punishment on the relationship between selected College of Human Ecology students and their parents , Dorothy W. Basinillo

Love meter: mate characteristic preferences of young adults from the National Housing Authority (NHA) relocation site in Calauan, Laguna , Alenah Auden C. Borbe


Analyzing Patterns of Household Expenditure on Recreation and Culture in the Philippines , Earl Joshua Cabatingan

Exploring the influence of the pandemic online learning setup on the quality of social interactions among BS Human Ecology college students , Julia S. Cabello

Assessment Of lacatan banana Musa acuminata (AA Group) waste-loss in Santa Ana public market, Manila, Philippines , Renier Dylan N. Cabilzo

Pagsubok at pagharap sa panahon ng pandemya at kakayahang makiangkop ng mga traysikel drayber ng upland toda sa Bay, Laguna , Ziah Bernadette S. Capio

Dietary diversity of public and private high school teachers in a blended work environment during the COVID-19 pandemic in Batangas City , Lefain Stefy Marih V. Cruzat

Qualitative analysis of acceptability of telenutrition among adult patients in IHNF Nutrition & Wellness Clinic during the Covid-19 pandemic , Krecencia M. Cruz


Assessing Climate Change Vulnerability in the Flood-Prone Barangays Santo Niño, Butuan City , Lora Noreen S. Domingo


Promotion of Filipino language and culture to the Italian-born children of Filipino immigrants in Turin, Italy , Carlo Ace Ismael Celino Escala

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Psychology Bachelor's Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

The moderating roles of perceived family and peer social support on the relationship between perceived stress and academic motivation , Daniella Marie Velayo Atilano, John Kyle Terana Bautista, and Rhys Hahn Jermaine Alabado Collado

Discovering sexual satisfaction by spirituality: The mediating role of sexual self esteem , Josef John G. Dumapit, Miguel Alfonso L. Calma, Jilai S. Reboredo, and Cyrus Louis V. San Juan

The process of grief: Mediating role of unfinished business on social media mourning amidst the Covid-19 pandemic , Crista C. Fernandez, Nidhya P. Kumar, Dorothy Anne DL. Sabangan, and Gabrielle Marie C. Tagle

Aerobic fitness and mental well-being: The moderating effect of college student-athlete life stress , Eunhae Kim, Mary Martina A. Olivarez, Aiyana K. Perlas, and Jarell Lorenz L. Tiberio

The relationship of the triarchic model of grit, self-control, and academic engagement , Rochelle Deina Panahon Rocha, Sofia Marie Lallana Espanillo, and Nina Simone Valdez Aguilar

The moderating role of loneliness on the relationship between loot box engagement on problematic gaming behavior and gambling behavior , Michelle Nicole Pasion Santos, Travis Mitchel Meily Cowper, and Hyock Ho Song

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Filipino female police officers investigating women and children cases: Secondary traumatic stress, burnout, and coping strategies , Jacquiline Noche Alagos, Kyla Marie Chua Peralta, and Arene Katrien Dulay Uy

The influence of religious identity and religiosity on political participation of catholic Filipino youth , Alyssa Jairus P. Alcantara, Reigne Ann S. Corrales, Raenald Gail A. Resurreccion, and Jilliane G. Salayog

"Wala kang utang na loob!" Adult Filipino children's experiences with regard to parental expectations , Nicole Anne G. Alcantara, Arthur Andre H. Bo, Maria Vivian Alyssa C. Constantino, and Enya Russia Julianne E. Espiritu

Kapwa-kalikasan: Extending the scope of nature to kapwa , Sandra Rose A. Alquiros, Albert A. Bofill, Patricia Mae A. Dela Cruz, and Adellie Z. Salvador

Self-reflection and positive mental health in Filipino young adults: The mediating role of self-concept , Mikaela Renee Padilla Awid, Alessandra Patricia Maria Rualo Lozada, Austin Rafael Roque Papa, and Marie Bernadette Teodoro Sison

Does body appreciation have a moderating effect on the negative impact of social media exposure on body image? , Joyce Anne Abraham Buban, Frances Joy Sagadraca Bumagat, Erika Maxine Juan del Mundo, and Ma. Kiara Nicole Panes Lao

The role of Filipino values towards partner choice , Megan Alyssa Santiago Cabazor, Jared Portugal Castro, Vince Gabriel Beratio Grajo, and Mira Alexandra Gonzaga Uriarte

‘Is there something wrong with me?’: A qualitative study on Covid-19 brain fog experience among selected Filipino college students , Ma Lucellina Bartolome Cabrera, Bianca Denise Roa Bautista, Ricci Marie Cuesta Mendoza, and Anne Faustine Jomoc Nasol

The mediating role of religiosity in the relationship between adherence to traditional gender roles and male rape myth acceptance , Ernest Monty B. Castro, Elisha Noelle M. Comia, Therese Celine D. Garciano, and Joshua Salvio S. Navarro

Dissociation with time perception among college students amidst the pandemic , John Vincent Reyes Chua, Mylene Bea Santiago Francisco, Kyle David Toh Lim Tan, and Armando Miguel Ascalon Valdes

An exploratory research on the role of personality, values, and ideological attitudes on political choice of Filipinos during the 2022 Philippine presidential elections , Bianca Ysabel T. Cruzabra, Marielle M. Manahan, Ma. Bea Joelline D. Martinez, and Ricardo B. Medenilla III

Transformational leadership and the members’ performance: The moderating effect of followership , Kim Elizabeth M. De Jesus, Nicole Therese S. Go, and Keena Tracy F. Lim

The call for help: Exploring the experiences of mental health hotline service users , Sophia Lynne G. Dela Cerna, Riane Krister P. Casquejo, Isabela P. De Jesus, and Jan Dominique R. Nedamo

Quaran-teen pregnancy: Pregnant teenage couples' attitudes and subjective norms towards teenage pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic , Adrian Neil C. Holgado, Ma. Azapurn Redge B. Apuang, Jonas Robert E. Calimlim, and Elijah Nicolas F. Ferrera

Lost in translation: A qualitative study of the experience of toxic relationships among Filipino young adults and why they choose to stay , Mariella Angela Santiago Leyson, Janica Bianca Gavina Alpapara, Leigh La Charlize Valconcha Cruz, and J Maria Johanna Lim Flores

An interpretative phenomenological analysis on the lived experiences of Filipino K-pop merchandise collectors , Larissa Faye V. Marquez, Julia Micah S. Pacquing, Cara Dominique D. Parayno, and Monica Louise C. Yap

A phenomenological study on imposter syndrome of pandemic college graduates , Enrique Luis L. Reyes, Joey T. Delfinado, Eiman Lander D. Hernandez, and Maria Leira S. Lopez

Sa'yo and boto ko, kapwa!: A qualitative study on the content of parasocial relationships in Philippine politics , Chloe Louise Chua Say, Sydney Margret Ong Cu, and Vicki Marie Virtudazo Punzalan

Understanding the link between socioeconomic status and belief in fake news: The mediating role of uncertainty avoidance , Jose Gabriel D. Vilar, Athena G. Marasigan, Emmanuel Serom K.. Narciso, and Liezel M. Clemente

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

The replication of the dual process model of Chinese-Filipino prejudice due to Covid-19 anxiety and competitiveness among Filipino college students , Carlo Miguel F. Caluag

The dual process model of Chinese-Filipino prejudice due to COVID-19 anxiety and competitiveness among Filipino young adults , Michele Kathleen G. Caseres, Nicole Liao Gan, and Dominic Matthew Espinosa Lim

Vaccine hesitancy of Filipinos during the COVID-19 pandemic , Naomi Diaz De Leon, Lorenzo Miguel Gangcuangco Garcia, Czarina Alexandra Torres Hilado, and Pelibert Torres Sanchez Jr

Exploring collegiate coaches perspective on coaching strategies and coaching-efficacy in handling women’s football team , Arantxa Steffi May B. Del Mundo

Grit and optimism as predictors of students’ psychological well-being during COVID-19 , Kaye Adriana C. Go, Maria Eloisa D.C. Escalante, Cydney Gabrielle S. Ko, and Jose Piolo A. Tolentino

The experiences of student-athletes undergoing online training during the pandemic , Andre Braden S. Magpantay, Adrianne Sachi O. Alviar, Jose Miguell U. Gran, and Chenelle Misha O. Tan

What are the factors that contribute to student engagement in synchronous and asynchronous online learning modalities? a qualitative descriptive study , Ina Katalina L. Nava, Maria Isabel D. Padilla, and Arianne Nina M. Arevalo

Social isolation as a predictor for depressive symptoms among college students: The moderating role of future orientation , Rad Jasper L. Ramos, Marga Ysabel B. Jimenez, Bernice Marie Therese P. Paraiso, and Geneve Edrielle J. Ramos

Lived experiences of primary caregivers of persons with disability during the Covid-19 pandemic , Divine P. Romero, Carmila S. Cadorna, Ella Grace L. Moulic, Caressha Faye A. Bernaldez, and Charmea Kingay Quelino

Filipinos facing adversity: Emotional invalidation as a mediator between the perceived optimism and personal resilience of college students , Camille Nicole Diomangay So Seng, Jaymee Beatriz Parducho Lara, and Angelica Chantalle Uy Beley

Telework stressors and job burnout: A study on the Influence of psychological capital , Brian Kyle Cruz Yatco, Thomas Villanueva Ignacio, Joshua Miguel Gonzales Continuado, and Mathew Dean Roque Agoncillo

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Institute of Islamic Studies, University of the Philippines-Diliman

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Details about the theses are written below.

List of Theses by Nassef Manabilang Adiong


  1. 147 Social Studies Topics for Your Research Project

    147 Social Studies Topics for Your Research Project. Social studies is an integrated research field. It includes a range of topics on social science and humanities, such as history, culture, geography, sociology, education, etc. A social studies essay might be assigned to any middle school, high school, or college student.

  2. PDF The Development of A Framework for The Study of Social Studies

    Social Studies Curriculum in the Philippines. By using the refraction as a tool for analysis (Goodson and Rudd, 2014), the study of Social Studies Curriculum in the Philippines was divided into four (4) key historical turning points namely: (1) 1900-1940- The Genesis of Philippine Social Studies Curriculum; (2) 1946-1973-

  3. Theses and Dissertations: A List

    The Asian Center is the University of the Philippines' only unit with a regional area of specialization and one of the colleges in the university's Diliman campus. Established in 1955 as the Institute of Asian Studies, the Asian Center offers graduate-level multidisciplinary academic programs on Asian Studies and on Philippine Studies.

  4. PDF Social Work Purpose, Motivation and Identity: Filipino Social Workers

    A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the University of Brighton for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy June 2014 ... participants in the Philippines: 11 social workers; 1 social worker in training; 7 social work academics; 5 policy makers) and also via semi-structured interviews with 9 Filipino social ...

  5. Theses and Dissertations

    International Studies. Law. Literature. Management and Organization. Manufacturing Engineering and Management. Marketing and Advertising. Master's Theses. Mathematics and Statistics. Mechanical Engineering. Philosophy. Physics. Political Science and Development Studies. Psychology. Science Education. Sociology and Behavioral Sciences. Software ...

  6. Teachers as Builders: Professional Development and Community

    This study explores the perspectives of a cohort of 16 public school teachers in Manila, Philippines as they reflect on their professional development experiences and community participation.

  7. Filipiniana Theses and Dissertations from ProQuest

    University of the Philippines Diliman Temporary Location: Environmental and Energy Engineering Building T.H. Pardo de Tavera St. Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Philippines T: (+632) 8981-8500 loc. 2856 F: (+632) 8981-8500 loc. 2851 [email protected]. Reference Librarian (+632) 8981-8500 loc. 2861 [email protected]

  8. Political Science Department Student Theses

    Follow. Browse the Political Science Department Student Theses Collections: . Graduate Student Theses. Undergraduate Student Theses

  9. PDF Aquino, Haidee N

    List of MAEd Thesis. Faculty of Education (FEd) Master of Arts in Education Thesis. Author Title Year Program. Nuñez, Julius M. Development of a Thematic and Integrated Learning Unit for English IV 2004 Master of Arts in Education Major in Language Teaching. 2.

  10. Open Access Theses

    CAS DSpcase Thesis. The College of Arts and Sciences eTheses Repository is a web-based service for the management and dissemination of electronic theses and dissertations. The system also provides self-archiving, and access for global visibility of the college scholarly research and to store and preserve other digital assets.

  11. Philippine Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    One Stop Research. The Philippine Electronic Theses and Dissertations (PETD) is an initiative to create a platform that will serve as a repository of theses and dissertations for masteral and doctoral degrees from different academic institutions in the Philippines.

  12. Theses and Dissertations

    Browse the Theses and Dissertations Collections: Theses and Dissertations (All) Gokongwei Brothers School of Education and Learning Design Theses and Dissertations. Catholic Education Philosophy and Practice Department. Educational Leadership and Management Department. Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Assessment Department.

  13. Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2023. Benefits of the technical-vocational education and training for the Filipinos: An impact evaluation study, Martha Joy J. Abing. PDF. Finding meaning in motherhood and examining the sense of self through the lived experiences of first-time mothers, Ailyn Sabdilon Absara. PDF.

  14. PDF Public Education in the Philippines: Social Inclusion and Education

    doing as much to improve social and economic conditions in the Philippines. The year 1803 is a significant year for education in the Philippines. An educational decree was established, the last in a long time of royal decrees issued by Spain. This pertained to the education of Filipinos and it reflected the guidelines for a liberal, secular state.

  15. (PDF) Araling Panlipunan (Social Studies) in the ...

    PDF | On Jan 1, 2019, Nikolee Marie A. Serafico-Reyes and others published Araling Panlipunan (Social Studies) in the Philippine Makabayan Learning Area: Problems and prospects in articulating ...

  16. Political Science Master's Theses

    The role of social capital in the reintegration of returning Overseas Filipino Workers: The case of the City of Batangas, Philippines, Ilyanna Xeandria D. Zamora. Theses/Dissertations from 2020 PDF. Using facebook for public engagement: An analysis of the public facebook pages of the local government units in Metro Manila, Nicole Marie D. Afable

  17. Historical Background of Social Studies in The Philippines

    Historical Background of Social Studies in the Philippines - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. During the pre-colonial period, most children received vocational training through oral tradition from parents and community members. When the Spanish colonized the Philippines, they established the first formal schools and universities in the 16th century to ...

  18. Thesis and Dissertation

    Thesis and Dissertation - Library. It is the University of the Philippines Open University's open access database of scholarly outputs. As UPOU's institutional repository, it includes pre- and post-refereed journal articles, conference proceedings, theses and dissertations, working papers, reports, and datasets.

  19. Undergraduate Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2023. Knowledge, attitude and practices on complementary feeding of caregivers with children 6-23 months old in Brgy. Panicuason, Naga City, Justine A. Aga. Food neophobia and its association with nutritional status and diet quality in selected Filipino children ages 2 to 5 in Barangay Gulang-Gulang, Lucena City ...

  20. Psychology Master's Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2023. PDF. How (un)fairness at work relates to Filipino emerging adult workers' feelings of emptiness: A serial mediation model of organizational (in)justice and emotional exhaustion, Clifford Paul A. Andawi Jr. PDF.

  21. Sample Thesis Title For Criminology Students in The Philippines

    This document discusses the challenges of writing a thesis for criminology students in the Philippines. Some of the primary challenges identified are the vast and dynamic nature of criminology as a field, requiring students to synthesize diverse theories and studies. Additionally, the research process can be daunting as students must sift through large amounts of literature and data to ...

  22. Psychology Bachelor's Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2023. The moderating roles of perceived family and peer social support on the relationship between perceived stress and academic motivation, Daniella Marie Velayo Atilano, John Kyle Terana Bautista, and Rhys Hahn Jermaine Alabado Collado. Discovering sexual satisfaction by spirituality: The mediating role of sexual ...

  23. List of Theses

    Institute of Islamic Studies, University of the Philippines-Diliman. Facebook Facebook Youtube. About IIS. History of IIS; Deanship; ... Institute of Islamic Studies LIST OF THESES Details about the theses are written below. ... Title:-Author:-Subject:-Keywords:-Creation Date:-Modification Date:-Creator:-PDF Producer:-