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【ict】stpm ict 958 paper- scope/syllabus (form 6 ict), sem 1 - introduction to information and communications technology (ict) and multimedia.

1. ICT and Multimedia Fundamentals 

(a) distinguish between data, information and knowledge;

(b) define ICT and multimedia;

(c) explain the hardware aspect of computing technology: central processing unit (CPU), storage, input

and output;

(d) explain the software aspect of computing technology: system software and application software;

(e) explain the communication technology: computer network, wired and wireless communication media and communication protocols;

(f) explain the information (content) types: text, audio, images, animation and video;

(g) explain the software development tools: programming languages, mark-up and scripting languages and authoring tools;

(h) explain the Internet and World Wide Web;

(i) describe the evolution of ICT convergence: information (content), computer and communication.

2. ICT and Multimedia Applications and Governance

(a) describe the application and impact of ICT and multimedia as an enabler in agriculture, manufacturing, e-government, Internet banking and e-commerce that contribute towards the socio-economic development; 

(b) describe ICT and multimedia as an industry that contributes towards business opportunity and job creation;

(c) describe the purpose of acts that govern the usage of ICT and multimedia in Malaysia: Communication and Multimedia Act 1998, Computer Crimes Act 1997, Telemedicine Act 1997 and Digital Signature Act 1997; 

(d) discuss the ethical and social issues in cyberspace of ICT and multimedia: privacy, obscenity, defamation, Internet and information security, Internet and computer crime;

(e) describe the types of threat to information, computer and network security: viruses, natural disasters, cyber crime and intrusive Internet.

3. Multimedia Design 

(a) explain the principles of design organisation: harmony, variety, balance, proportion, dominance, movement and economy; 

(b) explain the elements of two-dimensional (2D) design: line, shape, texture, value and colour; 

(c) explain the elements of threedimensional (3D) design: line, plane, volume and mass (space), texture and colour; 

(d) explain the elements of multimedia: text (fonts and faces, computer and text and hypertext and hypermedia), images (bitmaps, raster, vector, rendering and drawing and colour), animation (principles of animation), audio (digital, musical instrument digital interface (MIDI)) and video (video standard, analogue, digital, recording and editing); 

(e) describe the features of user interface design in multimedia environment.

4. Multimedia Delivery

(a) explain the multimedia delivery options (compact disc and www (World Wide Web)) in terms of its potential and limitation (capacity and speed); 

(b) calculate the content size of the multimedia elements on each delivery model; 

(c) describe other medium of delivery: mobile devices (phone and personal digital assistant (PDA)) and game consoles. 

5. Multimedia Development 

5.1 Idea analysis

(a) perform an analysis study with regard to the need of the given project; 

(b) estimate the overall project cost; 

(c) plan and develop a project timeline; 

(d) create content outline and prototype on paper; 

(e) analyse the content, technology and delivery medium; 

(f) write an idea analysis report. 

5.2 Task planning

(a) define project goals and skill set needs; 

(b) form a multimedia team specifying the role of each member; 

(c) identify attributes of quality multimedia production; 

(d) review content outline and prototype on paper; 

(e) write a task planning report.

5.3 Prototype development 

(a) build screen mock-up; 

(b) design content maps and user interface; 

(c) develop story; 

(d) test prototype; 

(e) write a prototype development report.

5.4 Alpha development

(a) detail the storyboard and flowcharts; 

(b) finalise story script; 

(c) produce graphic art, audio and video with the consideration of originality and user-friendliness; 

(d) test working prototype; 

(e) write an alpha development report. 

5.5 Beta development

(a) distribute to limited user testing; 

(b) response to bug report (modification and rectification) of the product; 

(c) prepare user document and packaging; 

(d) write a beta development report. 

5.6 Delivery

(a) prepare master compact disk (CD) including appropriate installers; 

(b) packaging and delivering; 

(c) write a final multimedia development report consisting of user manual and technical documentation.

Conclusion of SEM 1:

- learn more about the facts of ICT

- wide range of question (find other information/notes through online is more helpful to you)

-  do coursework in chapter 5 (create and edit your own video, it's fun!)


1. Introduction to Programming

(a) define a computer program; 

(b) distinguish between five generations of programming languages: first generation (machine languages), second generation (assembly languages), third generation (high-level procedural languages), fourth generation (problem-oriented languages) and fifth generation (natural languages); 

(c) give examples of programming languages according to generations; 

(d) distinguish between language translators: assemblers, compilers and interpreters. 

2. Fundamentals of C Programming Language 

2.1 C program

(a) explain the C program development environment: edit, preprocess, compile, link, load and execute; 

(b) explain types of programming errors: runtime error, syntax error and logic error; 

(c) explain the structure of a C program: preprocessor directives, global declarations, main function block and other required function blocks; 

(d) explain and use special commands on C preprocessor directives: #include and #define; 

(e) explain and use C language reserved words; 

(f) write a simple C program.

2.2 Basic data types

(a) identify and use types of integral data: integer, character and Boolean; 

(b) identify and use type of floating-point data: real; 

(c) identify and use types of constant data: integer constants and real constants; 

(d) identify and use types of derived data: array and structure; 

(e) declare and initialise integral, floatingpoint and constant data types; 

(f) write a C program that uses integral, floating-point and constant data types. 

2.3 Expressions and operators

(a) convert algebraic expressions to C expressions; 

(b) explain types of operators: arithmetic operators, assignment operators, unary operators, equality operators, relational operators and logical operators; 

(c) determine precedence of operators; 

(d) write a C program that uses different types of operators. 

2.4 Input and output

(a) explain formatting output with printf statement; 

(b) explain formatting input with scanf statement; 

(c) write a C program that uses formatted output and input statements.

3. Problem Solving in Programming

(a) explain the importance of the order of actions to be executed; 

(b) explain steps of problem solving in programming: program clarification, program design, program code, program test and program documentation and maintenance; 

(c) explain the meaning of an algorithm; 

(d) construct algorithms using flowcharts and pseudocodes. 

4. Control Structures 

(a) explain types of control structures: sequential, selection and repetition; 

(b) use suitable algorithm representations in constructing algorithms to solve problems using control structures; 

(c) explain the general format for each control structure; 

(d) convert algorithms which use sequential control structure into C statements; 

(e) convert algorithms which use selection control structures: if, if...else, nested if and into C statements; 

(f) convert algorithms which use repetition control structures: for, while and do...while into C statements; 

(g) use break and continue statements to alter the flow of control; 

(h) write a C program that uses control structures.

5. Functions 

5.1 Types of function 

(a) explain the meaning and the use of a function; 

(b) explain types of functions: standard library and programmer-defined;

(c) explain types of standard library: standard input/output library functions and math library functions; 

(d) explain the general format of a programmer-defined function; 

(e) write a C program that uses standard library functions.

5.2 Function statements

(a) explain types of function statements: function prototype, function definition and function call; 

(b) explain the use of function prototype, function definition and function call; 

(c) explain the general format of function prototype, function definition and function call; 

(d) write a C program that uses function prototype, function definition and function call. 

6. Data Structures 

6.1 Arrays 

(a) state the meaning of an array; 

(b) write an array definition statement; 

(c) initialise an array; 

(d) explain the application of an array in sorting (insertion and bubble) and searching (linear); 

(e) write a C program that performs up to two-dimensional array operations for simple statistical functions (minimum, maximum and mean); 

(f) write a C program that performs passing of a one-dimensional array to functions: call by value and call by reference.

6.2 Structures

(a) explain the meaning of a structure; 

(b) write a structure definition statement; 

(c) explain the general format of a structure; 

(d) distinguish between types of derived data: array and structure; 

(e) create and initialise a structure; (f) write a C program that uses structures.

Conclusion of SEM 2:

- included some general math question

- learn about how to write a program using a different type of ways

- easier to score in the exam

-  have coursework 


1. Information Systems Development 

(a) state the purposes of systems analysis and design; 

(b) explain the differences between manual systems and computerised systems; 

(c) describe the duties and responsibilities of personnel in systems development information system: managers, systems analysts and programmers; 

(d) describe the differences between types of information systems: transaction processing systems, management information systems, decision support systems and expert systems. 

2. Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 

2.1 Introduction to SDLC

(a) describe systems development methodologies: waterfall model, rapid application development model and spiral model; 

(b) describe the phases in SDLC: planning, analysis, design, implementation and maintenance with reference to waterfall model. 

2.2 Planning phase

(a) state the purpose of the planning phase; 

(b) describe and perform the activities in the planning phase: initial evaluation and feasibility study; 

(c) produce the deliverables of the planning phase: feasibility report, problem statement, project objective, project scope and project schedule.

2.3 Analysis phase 

(a) state the purpose of the analysis phase; 

(b) describe the activities in the analysis phase: determination of users’ requirements and structuring of system requirements; 

(c) state the methods of determining users’ requirements: interview, survey, observations and review of procedures and documents; 

(d) apply suitable methods of determining users’ requirements; 

(e) describe structuring of system requirements: process modelling, logical modelling and conceptual data modelling; 

(f) use data flow diagrams to model the processes; 

(g) use logical model representations: decision tree and decision table; 

(h) use entity-relationship (E-R) diagrams to model conceptual data; 

(i) produce the deliverables of the analysis phase: users’ requirements specifications, process model, decision tree or decision table and data model.

2.4 Design phase 

(a) state the purpose of the design phase; 

(b) describe and perform the activities in the design phase: logical data design, physical data design and program structure design; 

(c) produce the deliverables of the design phase: logical data design, user interfaces, form design, report design and program structures using structure charts.

2.5 Implementation phase

(a) state the purpose of the implementation phase; 

(b) describe and perform the activities in the implementation phase: coding, testing, installation, evaluation, documentation, training and support; 

(c) explain the types of testing: manual (inspections, walkthroughs and desk checking) and automated (syntax checking, unit testing, integration test and system test) and user acceptance testing (alpha and beta); 

(d) produce the deliverables of the implementation phase: test report, installed system (direct, parallel, pilot and phased) and documentation (system and user); 

(e) explain user training and support: (design and content) and (method and delivery). 

2.6 Maintenance phase

(a) state the purpose of the maintenance phase; 

(b) describe the activities in the maintenance phase: obtaining maintenance requests, transforming requests into changes, designing changes and implementing changes.

3. Fundamental of Relational Database Systems 

(a) explain the importance of data as an asset to organisations such as schools and hospitals; 

(b) explain the types of data operation: sorting, validation and abstraction; 

(c) describe the characteristics of good data and information which can help users in making decisions;

(d) explain the data hierarchy; 

(e) define database, database systems and database management systems (DBMS); 

(f) explain the importance of database systems in administration, business and daily life; 

(g) explain the importance of software, hardware, data, people and procedure as integrated components of a database system; 

(h) describe the functions of the DBMS components: data dictionary, data manipulation language (DML) and data description language (DDL); 

(i) describe the advantages of database systems as compared to file processing systems; 

(j) describe the representations of a relational database: table, row and column; 

(k) explain the concept of keys: primary key, foreign key and candidate key; 

(l) explain the concept of data integrity. 

4. Database Systems Planning, Design and Administration

(a) explain data redundancy, data inconsistency, data independency and data abstraction in the context of a database design; 

(b) identify the entity set, attribute, relational set and cardinality in data modelling; 

(c) use E-R diagrams to model data; 

(d) map the E-R diagram to a relational model: one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many binary relationships; 

(e) explain the concepts of full functional dependency, partial functional dependency and transitive functional dependency;

(f) normalise the database scheme up to the third normal form (3NF); 

(g) explain the importance of an effective database administration; 

(h) state the duties and responsibilities of database administrators. 

5. Query Language

(a) use the structured query language (SQL) to implement basic data manipulation: adding, deleting, updating, arranging and retrieving; 

(b) use SQL to create tables and to define views.

Conclusion of SEM 3:

-  learn more about the facts of database

- drawing ERD , write SQL expressions (can score high mark in this kind of question) 

- do coursework by using Microsoft Access (don't worry if you don't know how to use it, your teacher will teach you~)


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How to score in your STPM – tips from a top student

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You’d like to know how the top STPM scorers do it. What’s their secret? So here’s what a top 4.0 STPM student has to say.

Rule 1: Don’t procrastinate

How is that a tip you say? Everyone knows that. Well, everyone does and yet no one practices it religiously. It’s essential to make early preparations. Start revising at least a month before your exams. You might be tempted to put it off because you’ve got a certain number of days still, but, time flies and before you know it, it’s the day of your exam! However, when it’s close to exams and the pressure is on, you should be way ahead of the pack so that you don’t burn the midnight oil.

Rule 2: Have a schedule

This will help to discipline you. Make a schedule of when and what to study and how long will it take you to cover all chapters. That way, you can also factor in time to practice exam papers.

Rule 3: Sit for every exam like it’s the real thing

Whether they’re monthly tests, pop quizzes, trial exams – you’ll have to take them seriously. They’ll prepare you to revise so that you don’t end up doing it at the last minute. This is also a good opportunity to understand the type of questions you’ll face.

Rule 4: Study everything

It’s good to spot questions, but to be on the safe side, you should study everything. The difference between getting an A and a B is the willingness and commitment to do what others don’t do.

Rule 5: Strike a healthy balance

To do well in your STPM, you don’t need to end up becoming a hermit. You don’t have to totally forgo your social life or stop hanging out with your friends. Even if the exams are nearing, spend your time watching TV, wind down to some of your favourite music or even exercise. These will help relief stress and you’ll be more motivated to study after that.

Rule 6: Study smart

Do not memorise. Link information together and make them relevant to you. Make up stories, write short notes and tell yourself that you’re studying for knowledge, not because you have to. When you love what you’re reading, studying doesn’t become a chore.

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The steady, robust economy of Malaysia has seen the growth of many industries and increased interest in a number of study fields. Whilst Malaysian universities are globally ranked and offer students high-calibre education, it is within these fields that they’re offered unique perspectives and insight in growing international fields. Thinking of studying abroad in Malaysia? Let our overview of three key fields you should consider studying help outline your


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