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177 Great Artificial Intelligence Research Paper Topics to Use

artificial intelligence topics

In this top-notch post, we will look at the definition of artificial intelligence, its applications, and writing tips on how to come up with AI topics. Finally, we shall lock at top artificial intelligence research topics for your inspiration.

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

It refers to intelligence as demonstrated by machines, unlike that which animals and humans display. The latter involves emotionality and consciousness. The field of AI has gained proliferation in recent days, with many scientists investing their time and effort in research.

How To Develop Topics in Artificial Intelligence

Developing AI topics is a critical thinking process that also incorporates a lot of creativity. Due to the ever-dynamic nature of the discipline, most students find it hard to develop impressive topics in artificial intelligence. However, here are some general rules to get you started:

Read widely on the subject of artificial intelligence Have an interest in news and other current updates about AI Consult your supervisor

Once you are ready with these steps, nothing is holding you from developing top-rated topics in artificial intelligence. Now let’s look at what the pros have in store for you.

Artificial Intelligence Research Paper Topics

  • The role of artificial intelligence in evolving the workforce
  • Are there tasks that require unique human abilities apart from machines?
  • The transformative economic impact of artificial intelligence
  • Managing a global autonomous arms race in the face of AI
  • The legal and ethical boundaries of artificial intelligence
  • Is the destructive role of AI more than its constructive role in society?
  • How to build AI algorithms to achieve the far-reaching goals of humans
  • How privacy gets compromised with the everyday collection of data
  • How businesses and governments can suffer at the hands of AI
  • Is it possible for AI to devolve into social oppression?
  • Augmentation of the work humans do through artificial intelligence
  • The role of AI in monitoring and diagnosing capabilities

Artificial Intelligence Topics For Presentation

  • How AI helps to uncover criminal activity and solve serial crimes
  • The place of facial recognition technologies in security systems
  • How to use AI without crossing an individual’s privacy
  • What are the disadvantages of using a computer-controlled robot in performing tasks?
  • How to develop systems endowed with intellectual processes
  • The challenge of programming computers to perform complex tasks
  • Discuss some of the mathematical theorems for artificial intelligence systems
  • The role of computer processing speed and memory capacity in AI
  • Can computer machines achieve the performance levels of human experts?
  • Discuss the application of artificial intelligence in handwriting recognition
  • A case study of the key people involved in developing AI systems
  • Computational aesthetics when developing artificial intelligence systems

Topics in AI For Tip-Top Grades

  • Describe the necessities for artificial programming language
  • The impact of American companies possessing about 2/3 of investments in AI
  • The relationship between human neural networks and A.I
  • The role of psychologists in developing human intelligence
  • How to apply past experiences to analogous new situations
  • How machine learning helps in achieving artificial intelligence
  • The role of discernment and human intelligence in developing AI systems
  • Discuss the various methods and goals in artificial intelligence
  • What is the relationship between applied AI, strong AI, and cognitive simulation
  • Discuss the implications of the first AI programs
  • Logical reasoning and problem-solving in artificial intelligence
  • Challenges involved in controlled learning environments

AI Research Topics For High School Students

  • How quantum computing is affecting artificial intelligence
  • The role of the Internet of Things in advancing artificial intelligence
  • Using Artificial intelligence to enable machines to perform programming tasks
  • Why do machines learn automatically without human hand holding
  • Implementing decisions based on data processing in the human mind
  • Describe the web-like structure of artificial neural networks
  • Machine learning algorithms for optimal functions through trial and error
  • A case study of Google’s AlphaGo computer program
  • How robots solve problems in an intelligent manner
  • Evaluate the significant role of M.I.T.’s artificial intelligence lab
  • A case study of Robonaut developed by NASA to work with astronauts in space
  • Discuss natural language processing where machines analyze language and speech

Argument Debate Topics on AI

  • How chatbots use ML and N.L.P. to interact with the users
  • How do computers use and understand images?
  • The impact of genetic engineering on the life of man
  • Why are micro-chips not recommended in human body systems?
  • Can humans work alongside robots in a workplace system?
  • Have computers contributed to the intrusion of privacy for many?
  • Why artificial intelligence systems should not be made accessible to children
  • How artificial intelligence systems are contributing to healthcare problems
  • Does artificial intelligence alleviate human problems or add to them?
  • Why governments should put more stringent measures for AI inventions
  • How artificial intelligence is affecting the character traits of children born
  • Is virtual reality taking people out of the real-world situation?

Quality AI Topics For Research Paper

  • The use of recommender systems in choosing movies and series
  • Collaborative filtering in designing systems
  • How do developers arrive at a content-based recommendation
  • Creation of systems that can emulate human tasks
  • How IoT devices generate a lot of data
  • Artificial intelligence algorithms convert data to useful, actionable results.
  • How AI is progressing rapidly with the 5G technology
  • How to develop robots with human-like characteristics
  • Developing Google search algorithms
  • The role of artificial intelligence in developing autonomous weapons
  • Discuss the long-term goal of artificial intelligence
  • Will artificial intelligence outperform humans at every cognitive task?

Computer Science AI Topics

  • Computational intelligence magazine in computer science
  • Swarm and evolutionary computation procedures for college students
  • Discuss computational transactions on intelligent transportation systems
  • The structure and function of knowledge-based systems
  • A review of the artificial intelligence systems in developing systems
  • Conduct a review of the expert systems with applications
  • Critique the various foundations and trends in information retrieval
  • The role of specialized systems in transactions on knowledge and data engineering
  • An analysis of a journal on ambient intelligence and humanized computing
  • Discuss the various computer transactions on cognitive communications and networking
  • What is the role of artificial intelligence in medicine?
  • Computer engineering applications of artificial intelligence

AI Ethics Topics

  • How the automation of jobs is going to make many jobless
  • Discuss inequality challenges in distributing wealth created by machines
  • The impact of machines on human behavior and interactions
  • How artificial intelligence is going to affect how we act accordingly
  • The process of eliminating bias in Artificial intelligence: A case of racist robots
  • Measures that can keep artificial intelligence safe from adversaries
  • Protecting artificial intelligence discoveries from unintended consequences
  • How a man can stay in control despite the complex, intelligent systems
  • Robot rights: A case of how man is mistreating and misusing robots
  • The balance between mitigating suffering and interfering with set ethics
  • The role of artificial intelligence in negative outcomes: Is it worth it?
  • How to ethically use artificial intelligence for bettering lives

Advanced AI Topics

  • Discuss how long it will take until machines greatly supersede human intelligence
  • Is it possible to achieve superhuman artificial intelligence in this century?
  • The impact of techno-skeptic prediction on the performance of A.I
  • The role of quarks and electrons in the human brain
  • The impact of artificial intelligence safety research institutes
  • Will robots be disastrous for humanity shortly?
  • Robots: A concern about consciousness and evil
  • Discuss whether a self-driving car has a subjective experience or not
  • Should humans worry about machines turning evil in the end?
  • Discuss how machines exhibit goal-oriented behavior in their functions
  • Should man continue to develop lethal autonomous weapons?
  • What is the implication of machine-produced wealth?

AI Essay Topics Technology

  • Discuss the implication of the fourth technological revelation in cloud computing
  • Big database technologies used in sensors
  • The combination of technologies typical of the technological revolution
  • Key determinants of the civilization process of industry 4.0
  • Discuss some of the concepts of technological management
  • Evaluate the creation of internet-based companies in the U.S.
  • The most dominant scientific research in the field of artificial intelligence
  • Discuss the application of artificial intelligence in the literature
  • How enterprises use artificial intelligence in blockchain business operations
  • Discuss the various immersive experiences as a result of digital AI
  • Elaborate on various enterprise architects and technology innovations
  • Mega-trends that are future impacts on business operations

Interesting Topics in AI

  • The role of the industrial revolution of the 18 th century in A.I
  • The electricity era of the late 19 th century and its contribution to the development of robots
  • How the widespread use of the internet contributes to the AI revolution
  • The short-term economic crisis as a result of artificial intelligence business technologies
  • Designing and creating artificial intelligence production processes
  • Analyzing large collections of information for technological solutions
  • How biotechnology is transforming the field of agriculture
  • Innovative business projects that work using artificial intelligence systems
  • Process and marketing innovations in the 21 st century
  • Medical intelligence in the era of smart cities
  • Advanced data processing technologies in developed nations
  • Discuss the development of stelliform technologies

Good Research Topics For AI

  • Development of new technological solutions in I.T
  • Innovative organizational solutions that develop machine learning
  • How to develop branches of a knowledge-based economy
  • Discuss the implications of advanced computerized neural network systems
  • How to solve complex problems with the help of algorithms
  • Why artificial intelligence systems are predominating over their creator
  • How to determine artificial emotional intelligence
  • Discuss the negative and positive aspects of technological advancement
  • How internet technology companies like Facebook are managing large social media portals
  • The application of analytical business intelligence systems
  • How artificial intelligence improves business management systems
  • Strategic and ongoing management of artificial intelligence systems

Graduate AI NLP Research Topics

  • Morphological segmentation in artificial intelligence
  • Sentiment analysis and breaking machine language
  • Discuss input utterance for language interpretation
  • Festival speech synthesis system for natural language processing
  • Discuss the role of the Google language translator
  • Evaluate the various analysis methodologies in N.L.P.
  • Native language identification procedure for deep analytics
  • Modular audio recognition framework
  • Deep linguistic processing techniques
  • Fact recognition and extraction techniques
  • Dialogue and text-based applications
  • Speaker verification and identification systems

Controversial Topics in AI

  • Ethical implication of AI in movies: A case study of The Terminator
  • Will machines take over the world and enslave humanity?
  • Does human intelligence paint a dark future for humanity?
  • Ethical and practical issues of artificial intelligence
  • The impact of mimicking human cognitive functions
  • Why the integration of AI technologies into society should be limited
  • Should robots get paid hourly?
  • What if AI is a mistake?
  • Why did Microsoft shut down chatbots immediately?
  • Should there be AI systems for killing?
  • Should machines be created to do what they want?
  • Is the computerized gun ethical?

Hot AI Topics

  • Why predator drones should not exist
  • Do the U.S. laws restrict meaningful innovations in AI
  • Why did the campaign to stop killer robots fail in the end?
  • Fully autonomous weapons and human safety
  • How to deal with rogues artificial intelligence systems in the United States
  • Is it okay to have a monopoly and control over artificial intelligence innovations?
  • Should robots have human rights or citizenship?
  • Biases when detecting people’s gender using Artificial intelligence
  • Considerations for the adoption of a particular artificial intelligence technology

Are you a university student seeking research paper writing services or dissertation proposal help ? We offer custom help for college students in any field of artificial intelligence.

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65+ Topics In Artificial Intelligence: A Comprehensive Guide To The Field

Jane Ng • 24 July, 2023 • 8 min read

Welcome to the world of AI. Are you ready to dive into the 65+ best topics in artificial intelligenc e and make an impact with your research, presentations, essay, or thought-provoking debates?

In this blog post, we present a curated list of cutting-edge topics in AI that are perfect for exploration. From the ethical implications of AI algorithms to the future of AI in healthcare and the societal impact of autonomous vehicles, this "topics in artificial intelligence" collection will equip you with exciting ideas to captivate your audience and navigate the forefront of AI research.  

Table of Contents

Artificial intelligence research topics, artificial intelligence topics for presentation, ai projects for the final year, artificial intelligence seminar topics, artificial intelligence debate topics, artificial intelligence essay topics, interesting topics in artificial intelligence.

  • Key Takeaways

FAQs About Topics In Artificial Intelligence

artificial intelligence research titles

Here are topics in artificial intelligence that cover various subfields and emerging areas:

  • AI in Healthcare: Applications of AI in medical diagnosis, treatment recommendation, and healthcare management.
  • AI in Drug Discovery : Applying AI methods to accelerate the process of drug discovery, including target identification and drug candidate screening.
  • Transfer Learning: Research methods to transfer knowledge learned from one task or domain to improve performance on another.
  • Ethical Considerations in AI: Examining the ethical implications and challenges associated with the deployment of AI systems.
  • Natural Language Processing: Developing AI models for language understanding, sentiment analysis, and language generation.
  • Fairness and Bias in AI: Examining approaches to mitigate biases and ensure fairness in AI decision-making processes.
  • AI applications to address societal challenges.
  • Multimodal Learning: Exploring techniques for integrating and learning from multiple modalities, such as text, images, and audio.
  • Deep Learning Architectures: Advancements in neural network architectures, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs).

Here are topics in artificial intelligence suitable for presentations:

  • Deepfake Technology: Discussing the ethical and societal consequences of AI-generated synthetic media and its potential for misinformation and manipulation.
  • Cybersecurity: Presenting the applications of AI in detecting and mitigating cybersecurity threats and attacks.
  • AI in Game Development: Discuss how AI algorithms are used to create intelligent and lifelike behaviors in video games.
  • AI for Personalized Learning: Presenting how AI can personalize educational experiences, adapt content, and provide intelligent tutoring.
  • Smart Cities: Discuss how AI can optimize urban planning, transportation systems, energy consumption, and waste management in cities.
  • Social Media Analysis: Utilizing AI techniques for sentiment analysis, content recommendation, and user behavior modeling in social media platforms.
  • Personalized Marketing: Presenting how AI-driven approaches improve targeted advertising, customer segmentation, and campaign optimization.
  • AI and Data Ownership: Highlighting the debates around the ownership, control, and access to data used by AI systems and the implications for privacy and data rights.

artificial intelligence research titles

  • AI-Powered Chatbot for Customer Support: Building a chatbot that uses natural language processing and machine learning to provide customer support in a specific domain or industry.
  • AI-Powered Virtual Personal Assistant: A virtual assistant that uses natural language processing and machine learning to perform tasks, answer questions, and provide recommendations.
  • Emotion Recognition : An AI system that can accurately recognize and interpret human emotions from facial expressions or speech.
  • AI-Based Financial Market Prediction: Creating an AI system that analyzes financial data and market trends to predict stock prices or market movements.
  • Traffic Flow Optimization: Developing an AI system that analyzes real-time traffic data to optimize traffic signal timings and improve traffic flow in urban areas.
  • Virtual Fashion Stylist: An AI-powered virtual stylist that provides personalized fashion recommendations and assists users in selecting outfits.

Here are the topics in artificial intelligence for the seminar:

  • How Can Artificial Intelligence Assist in Natural Disaster Prediction and Management?
  • AI in Healthcare: Applications of artificial intelligence in medical diagnosis, treatment recommendation, and patient care.
  • Ethical Implications of AI: Examining the ethical considerations and responsible development of AI Systems.
  • AI in Autonomous Vehicles: The role of AI in self-driving cars, including perception, decision-making, and safety.
  • AI in Agriculture: Discussing AI applications in precision farming, crop monitoring, and yield prediction.
  • How Can Artificial Intelligence Help Detect and Prevent Cybersecurity Attacks?
  • Can Artificial Intelligence Assist in Addressing Climate Change Challenges?
  • How Does Artificial Intelligence Impact Employment and the Future of Work?
  • What Ethical Concerns Arise with the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Weapons?

Here are topics in artificial intelligence that can generate thought-provoking discussions and allow participants to critically analyze different perspectives on the subject.

  • Can AI ever truly understand and possess consciousness?
  • Can Artificial Intelligence Algorithms be Unbiased and Fair in Decision-Making?
  • Is it ethical to use AI for facial recognition and surveillance?
  • Can AI effectively replicate human creativity and artistic expression?
  • Does AI pose a threat to job security and the future of employment?
  • Should there be legal liability for AI errors or accidents caused by autonomous systems?
  • Is it ethical to use AI for social media manipulation and personalized advertising?
  • Should there be a universal code of ethics for AI developers and researchers?
  • Should there be strict regulations on the development and deployment of AI technologies?
  • Is artificial general intelligence (AGI) a realistic possibility in the near future?
  • Should AI algorithms be transparent and explainable in their decision-making processes?
  • Does AI have the potential to solve global challenges, such as climate change and poverty?
  • Does AI have the potential to surpass human intelligence, and if so, what are the implications?
  • Should AI be used for predictive policing and law enforcement decision-making?

artificial intelligence research titles

Here are 30 essay topics in artificial intelligence:

  • AI and the Future of Work: Reshaping Industries and Skills
  • AI and Human Creativity: Companions or Competitors?
  • AI in Agriculture: Transforming Farming Practices for Sustainable Food Production
  • Artificial Intelligence in Financial Markets: Opportunities and Risks
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Employment and the Workforce
  • AI in Mental Health: Opportunities, Challenges, and Ethical Considerations
  • The Rise of Explainable AI: Necessity, Challenges, and Impacts
  • The Ethical Implications of AI-Based Humanoid Robots in Elderly Care
  • The Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity: Challenges and Solutions
  • Artificial Intelligence and the Privacy Paradox: Balancing Innovation with Data Protection
  • The Future of Autonomous Vehicles and the Role of AI in Transportation

Here topics in artificial intelligence cover a broad spectrum of AI applications and research areas, providing ample opportunities for exploration, innovation, and further study.

  • What are the ethical considerations for using AI in educational assessments?
  • What are the potential biases and fairness concerns in AI algorithms for criminal sentencing?
  • Should AI algorithms be used to influence voting decisions or electoral processes?
  • Should AI models be used for predictive analysis in determining creditworthiness?
  • What are the challenges of integrating AI with augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)?
  • What are the challenges of deploying AI in developing countries?
  • What are the risks and benefits of AI in healthcare?
  • Is AI a solution or a hindrance to addressing social challenges?
  • How can we address the issue of algorithmic bias in AI systems?
  • What are the limitations of current deep learning models?
  • Can AI algorithms be completely unbiased and free from human bias?
  • How can AI contribute to wildlife conservation efforts?

artificial intelligence research titles

Key Takeaways 

The field of artificial intelligence encompasses a vast range of topics that continue to shape and redefine our world. In addition, AhaSlides offers a dynamic and engaging way to explore these topics. With AhaSlides, presenters can captivate their audience through interactive slide templates , live polls , quizzes , and other features allowing for real-time participation and feedback. By leveraging the power of AhaSlides, presenters can enhance their discussions on artificial intelligence and create memorable and impactful presentations. 

As AI continues to evolve, the exploration of these topics becomes even more critical, and AhaSlides provides a platform for meaningful and interactive conversations in this exciting field.

What are the 8 types of artificial intelligence?

Here are some commonly recognized types of artificial intelligence:

  • Reactive Machines
  • Limited Memory AI
  • Theory of Mind AI
  • Self-Aware AI
  • Superintelligent AI
  • Artificial Superintelligence

What are the five big ideas in artificial intelligence?

The five big ideas in artificial intelligence, as outlined in the book " Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach " by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, are as follows:

  • Agents are AI systems that interact with and impact the world. 
  • Uncertainty deals with incomplete information using probabilistic models. 
  • Learning enables AI systems to improve performance through data and experience. 
  • Reasoning involves logical inference to derive knowledge. 
  • Perception involves interpreting sensory inputs like vision and language.

Are there 4 basic AI concepts?

The four fundamental concepts in artificial intelligence are problem-solving, knowledge representation, learning, and perception. 

These concepts form the foundation for developing AI systems that can solve problems, store and reason with information, improve performance through learning, and interpret sensory inputs. They are essential in building intelligent systems and advancing the field of artificial intelligence.

Ref: Towards Data Science | Forbes | Thesis RUSH  

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12 Best Artificial Intelligence Topics for Research in 2024

Explore the "12 Best Artificial Intelligence Topics for Research in 2024." Dive into the top AI research areas, including Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Reinforcement Learning, Explainable AI (XAI), AI in Healthcare, Autonomous Vehicles, and AI Ethics and Bias. Stay ahead of the curve and make informed choices for your AI research endeavours.


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Table of Contents  

1) Top Artificial Intelligence Topics for Research 

     a) Natural Language Processing 

     b) Computer vision 

     c) Reinforcement Learning 

     d) Explainable AI (XAI) 

     e) Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) 

     f) Robotics and AI 

     g) AI in healthcare 

     h) AI for social good 

     i) Autonomous vehicles 

     j) AI ethics and bias 

2) Conclusion 

Top Artificial Intelligence Topics for Research   

This section of the blog will expand on some of the best Artificial Intelligence Topics for research.

Top Artificial Intelligence Topics for Research

Natural Language Processing   

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is centred around empowering machines to comprehend, interpret, and even generate human language. Within this domain, three distinctive research avenues beckon: 

1) Sentiment analysis: This entails the study of methodologies to decipher and discern emotions encapsulated within textual content. Understanding sentiments is pivotal in applications ranging from brand perception analysis to social media insights. 

2) Language generation: Generating coherent and contextually apt text is an ongoing pursuit. Investigating mechanisms that allow machines to produce human-like narratives and responses holds immense potential across sectors. 

3) Question answering systems: Constructing systems that can grasp the nuances of natural language questions and provide accurate, coherent responses is a cornerstone of NLP research. This facet has implications for knowledge dissemination, customer support, and more. 

Computer Vision   

Computer Vision, a discipline that bestows machines with the ability to interpret visual data, is replete with intriguing avenues for research: 

1) Object detection and tracking: The development of algorithms capable of identifying and tracking objects within images and videos finds relevance in surveillance, automotive safety, and beyond. 

2) Image captioning: Bridging the gap between visual and textual comprehension, this research area focuses on generating descriptive captions for images, catering to visually impaired individuals and enhancing multimedia indexing. 

3) Facial recognition: Advancements in facial recognition technology hold implications for security, personalisation, and accessibility, necessitating ongoing research into accuracy and ethical considerations. 

Reinforcement Learning   

Reinforcement Learning revolves around training agents to make sequential decisions in order to maximise rewards. Within this realm, three prominent Artificial Intelligence Topics emerge: 

1) Autonomous agents: Crafting AI agents that exhibit decision-making prowess in dynamic environments paves the way for applications like autonomous robotics and adaptive systems. 

2) Deep Q-Networks (DQN): Deep Q-Networks, a class of reinforcement learning algorithms, remain under active research for refining value-based decision-making in complex scenarios. 

3) Policy gradient methods: These methods, aiming to optimise policies directly, play a crucial role in fine-tuning decision-making processes across domains like gaming, finance, and robotics.  

Introduction To Artificial Intelligence Training

Explainable AI (XAI)   

The pursuit of Explainable AI seeks to demystify the decision-making processes of AI systems. This area comprises Artificial Intelligence Topics such as: 

1) Model interpretability: Unravelling the inner workings of complex models to elucidate the factors influencing their outputs, thus fostering transparency and accountability. 

2) Visualising neural networks: Transforming abstract neural network structures into visual representations aids in comprehending their functionality and behaviour. 

3) Rule-based systems: Augmenting AI decision-making with interpretable, rule-based systems holds promise in domains requiring logical explanations for actions taken. 

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)   

The captivating world of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) unfolds through the interplay of generator and discriminator networks, birthing remarkable research avenues: 

1) Image generation: Crafting realistic images from random noise showcases the creative potential of GANs, with applications spanning art, design, and data augmentation. 

2) Style transfer: Enabling the transfer of artistic styles between images, merging creativity and technology to yield visually captivating results. 

3) Anomaly detection: GANs find utility in identifying anomalies within datasets, bolstering fraud detection, quality control, and anomaly-sensitive industries. 

Robotics and AI   

The synergy between Robotics and AI is a fertile ground for exploration, with Artificial Intelligence Topics such as: 

1) Human-robot collaboration: Research in this arena strives to establish harmonious collaboration between humans and robots, augmenting industry productivity and efficiency. 

2) Robot learning: By enabling robots to learn and adapt from their experiences, Researchers foster robots' autonomy and the ability to handle diverse tasks. 

3) Ethical considerations: Delving into the ethical implications surrounding AI-powered robots helps establish responsible guidelines for their deployment. 

AI in healthcare   

AI presents a transformative potential within healthcare, spurring research into: 

1) Medical diagnosis: AI aids in accurately diagnosing medical conditions, revolutionising early detection and patient care. 

2) Drug discovery: Leveraging AI for drug discovery expedites the identification of potential candidates, accelerating the development of new treatments. 

3) Personalised treatment: Tailoring medical interventions to individual patient profiles enhances treatment outcomes and patient well-being. 

AI for social good   

Harnessing the prowess of AI for Social Good entails addressing pressing global challenges: 

1) Environmental monitoring: AI-powered solutions facilitate real-time monitoring of ecological changes, supporting conservation and sustainable practices. 

2) Disaster response: Research in this area bolsters disaster response efforts by employing AI to analyse data and optimise resource allocation. 

3) Poverty alleviation: Researchers contribute to humanitarian efforts and socioeconomic equality by devising AI solutions to tackle poverty. 

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Autonomous vehicles   

Autonomous Vehicles represent a realm brimming with potential and complexities, necessitating research in Artificial Intelligence Topics such as: 

1) Sensor fusion: Integrating data from diverse sensors enhances perception accuracy, which is essential for safe autonomous navigation. 

2) Path planning: Developing advanced algorithms for path planning ensures optimal routes while adhering to safety protocols. 

3) Safety and ethics: Ethical considerations, such as programming vehicles to make difficult decisions in potential accident scenarios, require meticulous research and deliberation. 

AI ethics and bias   

Ethical underpinnings in AI drive research efforts in these directions: 

1) Fairness in AI: Ensuring AI systems remain impartial and unbiased across diverse demographic groups. 

2) Bias detection and mitigation: Identifying and rectifying biases present within AI models guarantees equitable outcomes. 

3) Ethical decision-making: Developing frameworks that imbue AI with ethical decision-making capabilities aligns technology with societal values. 

Future of AI  

The vanguard of AI beckons Researchers to explore these horizons: 

1) Artificial General Intelligence (AGI): Speculating on the potential emergence of AI systems capable of emulating human-like intelligence opens dialogues on the implications and challenges. 

2) AI and creativity: Probing the interface between AI and creative domains, such as art and music, unveils the coalescence of human ingenuity and technological prowess. 

3) Ethical and regulatory challenges: Researching the ethical dilemmas and regulatory frameworks underpinning AI's evolution fortifies responsible innovation. 

AI and education   

The intersection of AI and Education opens doors to innovative learning paradigms: 

1) Personalised learning: Developing AI systems that adapt educational content to individual learning styles and paces. 

2) Intelligent tutoring systems: Creating AI-driven tutoring systems that provide targeted support to students. 

3) Educational data mining: Applying AI to analyse educational data for insights into learning patterns and trends. 

Unleash the full potential of AI with our comprehensive Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Training . Join now!  


The domain of AI is ever-expanding, rich with intriguing topics about Artificial Intelligence that beckon Researchers to explore, question, and innovate. Through the pursuit of these twelve diverse Artificial Intelligence Topics, we pave the way for not only technological advancement but also a deeper understanding of the societal impact of AI. By delving into these realms, Researchers stand poised to shape the trajectory of AI, ensuring it remains a force for progress, empowerment, and positive transformation in our world. 

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Grad Coach

Research Topics & Ideas

Artifical Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

Research topics and ideas about AI and machine learning

If you’re just starting out exploring AI-related research topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll help kickstart your research topic ideation process by providing a hearty list of research topics and ideas , including examples from past studies.

PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point . To develop a suitable research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan  to fill that gap.

If this sounds foreign to you, check out our free research topic webinar that explores how to find and refine a high-quality research topic, from scratch. Alternatively, if you’d like hands-on help, consider our 1-on-1 coaching service .

Research topic idea mega list

AI-Related Research Topics & Ideas

Below you’ll find a list of AI and machine learning-related research topics ideas. These are intentionally broad and generic , so keep in mind that you will need to refine them a little. Nevertheless, they should inspire some ideas for your project.

  • Developing AI algorithms for early detection of chronic diseases using patient data.
  • The use of deep learning in enhancing the accuracy of weather prediction models.
  • Machine learning techniques for real-time language translation in social media platforms.
  • AI-driven approaches to improve cybersecurity in financial transactions.
  • The role of AI in optimizing supply chain logistics for e-commerce.
  • Investigating the impact of machine learning in personalized education systems.
  • The use of AI in predictive maintenance for industrial machinery.
  • Developing ethical frameworks for AI decision-making in healthcare.
  • The application of ML algorithms in autonomous vehicle navigation systems.
  • AI in agricultural technology: Optimizing crop yield predictions.
  • Machine learning techniques for enhancing image recognition in security systems.
  • AI-powered chatbots: Improving customer service efficiency in retail.
  • The impact of AI on enhancing energy efficiency in smart buildings.
  • Deep learning in drug discovery and pharmaceutical research.
  • The use of AI in detecting and combating online misinformation.
  • Machine learning models for real-time traffic prediction and management.
  • AI applications in facial recognition: Privacy and ethical considerations.
  • The effectiveness of ML in financial market prediction and analysis.
  • Developing AI tools for real-time monitoring of environmental pollution.
  • Machine learning for automated content moderation on social platforms.
  • The role of AI in enhancing the accuracy of medical diagnostics.
  • AI in space exploration: Automated data analysis and interpretation.
  • Machine learning techniques in identifying genetic markers for diseases.
  • AI-driven personal finance management tools.
  • The use of AI in developing adaptive learning technologies for disabled students.

Research topic evaluator

AI & ML Research Topic Ideas (Continued)

  • Machine learning in cybersecurity threat detection and response.
  • AI applications in virtual reality and augmented reality experiences.
  • Developing ethical AI systems for recruitment and hiring processes.
  • Machine learning for sentiment analysis in customer feedback.
  • AI in sports analytics for performance enhancement and injury prevention.
  • The role of AI in improving urban planning and smart city initiatives.
  • Machine learning models for predicting consumer behaviour trends.
  • AI and ML in artistic creation: Music, visual arts, and literature.
  • The use of AI in automated drone navigation for delivery services.
  • Developing AI algorithms for effective waste management and recycling.
  • Machine learning in seismology for earthquake prediction.
  • AI-powered tools for enhancing online privacy and data protection.
  • The application of ML in enhancing speech recognition technologies.
  • Investigating the role of AI in mental health assessment and therapy.
  • Machine learning for optimization of renewable energy systems.
  • AI in fashion: Predicting trends and personalizing customer experiences.
  • The impact of AI on legal research and case analysis.
  • Developing AI systems for real-time language interpretation for the deaf and hard of hearing.
  • Machine learning in genomic data analysis for personalized medicine.
  • AI-driven algorithms for credit scoring in microfinance.
  • The use of AI in enhancing public safety and emergency response systems.
  • Machine learning for improving water quality monitoring and management.
  • AI applications in wildlife conservation and habitat monitoring.
  • The role of AI in streamlining manufacturing processes.
  • Investigating the use of AI in enhancing the accessibility of digital content for visually impaired users.

Recent AI & ML-Related Studies

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a research topic in AI, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual studies in the AI and machine learning space to see how this all comes together in practice.

Below, we’ve included a selection of AI-related studies to help refine your thinking. These are actual studies,  so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • An overview of artificial intelligence in diabetic retinopathy and other ocular diseases (Sheng et al., 2022)
  • Editorial: Artificial Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Drug Repurposing: Methods and Applications (Zheng et al., 2022)
  • Review of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technologies: Classification, Restrictions, Opportunities, and Challenges (Mukhamediev et al., 2022)
  • Will digitization, big data, and artificial intelligence – and deep learning–based algorithm govern the practice of medicine? (Goh, 2022)
  • Flower Classifier Web App Using Ml & Flask Web Framework (Singh et al., 2022)
  • Object-based Classification of Natural Scenes Using Machine Learning Methods (Jasim & Younis, 2023)
  • Automated Training Data Construction using Measurements for High-Level Learning-Based FPGA Power Modeling (Richa et al., 2022)
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Assisted Biomedical Systems for Intelligent Healthcare (Manickam et al., 2022)
  • Critical Review of Air Quality Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques (Sharma et al., 2022)
  • Artificial Intelligence: New Frontiers in Real–Time Inverse Scattering and Electromagnetic Imaging (Salucci et al., 2022)
  • Machine learning alternative to systems biology should not solely depend on data (Yeo & Selvarajoo, 2022)
  • Measurement-While-Drilling Based Estimation of Dynamic Penetrometer Values Using Decision Trees and Random Forests (García et al., 2022).
  • Artificial Intelligence in the Diagnosis of Oral Diseases: Applications and Pitfalls (Patil et al., 2022).
  • Automated Machine Learning on High Dimensional Big Data for Prediction Tasks (Jayanthi & Devi, 2022)
  • Breakdown of Machine Learning Algorithms (Meena & Sehrawat, 2022)
  • Technology-Enabled, Evidence-Driven, and Patient-Centered: The Way Forward for Regulating Software as a Medical Device (Carolan et al., 2021)
  • Machine Learning in Tourism (Rugge, 2022)
  • Towards a training data model for artificial intelligence in earth observation (Yue et al., 2022)
  • Classification of Music Generality using ANN, CNN and RNN-LSTM (Tripathy & Patel, 2022)

As you can see, these research topics are a lot more focused than the generic topic ideas we presented earlier. So, in order for you to develop a high-quality research topic, you’ll need to get specific and laser-focused on a specific context with specific variables of interest.  In the video below, we explore some other important things you’ll need to consider when crafting your research topic.

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If you’re still unsure about how to find a quality research topic, check out our Research Topic Kickstarter service, which is the perfect starting point for developing a unique, well-justified research topic.

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Our research covers a wide range of topics of this fast-evolving field, advancing how machines learn, predict, and control, while also making them secure, robust and trustworthy. Research covers both the theory and applications of ML. This broad area studies ML theory (algorithms, optimization, etc.); statistical learning (inference, graphical models, causal analysis, etc.); deep learning; reinforcement learning; symbolic reasoning ML systems; as well as diverse hardware implementations of ML.

artificial intelligence research titles

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8 Best Topics for Research and Thesis in Artificial Intelligence

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Imagine a future in which intelligence is not restricted to humans!!! A future where machines can think as well as humans and work with them to create an even more exciting universe. While this future is still far away, Artificial Intelligence has still made a lot of advancement in these times. There is a lot of research being conducted in almost all fields of AI like Quantum Computing, Healthcare, Autonomous Vehicles, Internet of Things , Robotics , etc. So much so that there is an increase of 90% in the number of annually published research papers on Artificial Intelligence since 1996. Keeping this in mind, if you want to research and write a thesis based on Artificial Intelligence, there are many sub-topics that you can focus on. Some of these topics along with a brief introduction are provided in this article. We have also mentioned some published research papers related to each of these topics so that you can better understand the research process.


So without further ado, let’s see the different Topics for Research and Thesis in Artificial Intelligence!

1. Machine Learning

Machine Learning involves the use of Artificial Intelligence to enable machines to learn a task from experience without programming them specifically about that task. (In short, Machines learn automatically without human hand holding!!!) This process starts with feeding them good quality data and then training the machines by building various machine learning models using the data and different algorithms. The choice of algorithms depends on what type of data do we have and what kind of task we are trying to automate. However, generally speaking, Machine Learning Algorithms are divided into 3 types i.e. Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms, Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms , and Reinforcement Machine Learning Algorithms.

2. Deep Learning

Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning that learns by imitating the inner working of the human brain in order to process data and implement decisions based on that data. Basically, Deep Learning uses artificial neural networks to implement machine learning. These neural networks are connected in a web-like structure like the networks in the human brain (Basically a simplified version of our brain!). This web-like structure of artificial neural networks means that they are able to process data in a nonlinear approach which is a significant advantage over traditional algorithms that can only process data in a linear approach. An example of a deep neural network is RankBrain which is one of the factors in the Google Search algorithm.

3. Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning is a part of Artificial Intelligence in which the machine learns something in a way that is similar to how humans learn. As an example, assume that the machine is a student. Here the hypothetical student learns from its own mistakes over time (like we had to!!). So the Reinforcement Machine Learning Algorithms learn optimal actions through trial and error. This means that the algorithm decides the next action by learning behaviors that are based on its current state and that will maximize the reward in the future. And like humans, this works for machines as well! For example, Google’s AlphaGo computer program was able to beat the world champion in the game of Go (that’s a human!) in 2017 using Reinforcement Learning.

4. Robotics

Robotics is a field that deals with creating humanoid machines that can behave like humans and perform some actions like human beings. Now, robots can act like humans in certain situations but can they think like humans as well? This is where artificial intelligence comes in! AI allows robots to act intelligently in certain situations. These robots may be able to solve problems in a limited sphere or even learn in controlled environments. An example of this is Kismet , which is a social interaction robot developed at M.I.T’s Artificial Intelligence Lab. It recognizes the human body language and also our voice and interacts with humans accordingly. Another example is Robonaut , which was developed by NASA to work alongside the astronauts in space.

5. Natural Language Processing

It’s obvious that humans can converse with each other using speech but now machines can too! This is known as Natural Language Processing where machines analyze and understand language and speech as it is spoken (Now if you talk to a machine it may just talk back!). There are many subparts of NLP that deal with language such as speech recognition, natural language generation, natural language translation , etc. NLP is currently extremely popular for customer support applications, particularly the chatbot . These chatbots use ML and NLP to interact with the users in textual form and solve their queries. So you get the human touch in your customer support interactions without ever directly interacting with a human.

Some Research Papers published in the field of Natural Language Processing are provided here. You can study them to get more ideas about research and thesis on this topic.

6. Computer Vision

The internet is full of images! This is the selfie age, where taking an image and sharing it has never been easier. In fact, millions of images are uploaded and viewed every day on the internet. To make the most use of this huge amount of images online, it’s important that computers can see and understand images. And while humans can do this easily without a thought, it’s not so easy for computers! This is where Computer Vision comes in. Computer Vision uses Artificial Intelligence to extract information from images. This information can be object detection in the image, identification of image content to group various images together, etc. An application of computer vision is navigation for autonomous vehicles by analyzing images of surroundings such as AutoNav used in the Spirit and Opportunity rovers which landed on Mars.

7. Recommender Systems

When you are using Netflix, do you get a recommendation of movies and series based on your past choices or genres you like? This is done by Recommender Systems that provide you some guidance on what to choose next among the vast choices available online. A Recommender System can be based on Content-based Recommendation or even Collaborative Filtering. Content-Based Recommendation is done by analyzing the content of all the items. For example, you can be recommended books you might like based on Natural Language Processing done on the books. On the other hand, Collaborative Filtering is done by analyzing your past reading behavior and then recommending books based on that.

8. Internet of Things

Artificial Intelligence deals with the creation of systems that can learn to emulate human tasks using their prior experience and without any manual intervention. Internet of Things , on the other hand, is a network of various devices that are connected over the internet and they can collect and exchange data with each other. Now, all these IoT devices generate a lot of data that needs to be collected and mined for actionable results. This is where Artificial Intelligence comes into the picture. Internet of Things is used to collect and handle the huge amount of data that is required by the Artificial Intelligence algorithms. In turn, these algorithms convert the data into useful actionable results that can be implemented by the IoT devices.


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artificial intelligence research titles

The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) is dedicated to the rapid dissemination of important research results to the global artificial intelligence (AI) community. The journal’s scope encompasses all areas of AI, including agents and multi-agent systems, automated reasoning, constraint processing and search, knowledge representation, machine learning, natural language, planning and scheduling, robotics and vision, and uncertainty in AI.

Current Issue

Vol. 80 (2024)

Published: 2024-05-10

Individual Fairness, Base Rate Tracking and the Lipschitz Condition

Simulating counterfactuals, counting complexity for reasoning in abstract argumentation, robust average-reward reinforcement learning, using constraint propagation to bound linear programs, the toad system for totally ordered htn planning, methods for recovering conditional independence graphs: a survey, best of both worlds: agents with entitlements, computing unsatisfiable cores for ltlf specifications, general policies, subgoal structure, and planning width, mitigating value hallucination in dyna-style planning via multistep predecessor models, exploiting contextual target attributes for target sentiment classification, similarity-based adaptation for task-aware and task-free continual learning, scalable primal heuristics using graph neural networks for combinatorial optimization, on the trade-off between redundancy and cohesiveness in extractive summarization, understanding sample generation strategies for learning heuristic functions in classical planning, block domain knowledge-driven learning of chain graphs structure, expressing and exploiting subgoal structure in classical planning using sketches, effectiveness of tree-based ensembles for anomaly discovery: insights, batch and streaming active learning, experimental design of extractive question-answering systems: influence of error scores and answer length, estimating agent skill in continuous action domains, computing pareto-optimal and almost envy-free allocations of indivisible goods.

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Until the turn of the millennium, AI’s appeal lay largely in its promise to deliver, but in the last fifteen years, much of that promise has been redeemed. [15]  AI already pervades our lives. And as it becomes a central force in society, the field is now shifting from simply building systems that are intelligent to building intelligent systems that are human-aware and trustworthy.

Several factors have fueled the AI revolution. Foremost among them is the maturing of machine learning, supported in part by cloud computing resources and wide-spread, web-based data gathering. Machine learning has been propelled dramatically forward by “deep learning,” a form of adaptive artificial neural networks trained using a method called backpropagation. [16]  This leap in the performance of information processing algorithms has been accompanied by significant progress in hardware technology for basic operations such as sensing, perception, and object recognition. New platforms and markets for data-driven products, and the economic incentives to find new products and markets, have also contributed to the advent of AI-driven technology.

All these trends drive the “hot” areas of research described below. This compilation is meant simply to reflect the areas that, by one metric or another, currently receive greater attention than others. They are not necessarily more important or valuable than other ones. Indeed, some of the currently “hot” areas were less popular in past years, and it is likely that other areas will similarly re-emerge in the future.

Large-scale machine learning

Many of the basic problems in machine learning (such as supervised and unsupervised learning) are well-understood. A major focus of current efforts is to scale existing algorithms to work with extremely large data sets. For example, whereas traditional methods could afford to make several passes over the data set, modern ones are designed to make only a single pass; in some cases, only sublinear methods (those that only look at a fraction of the data) can be admitted.

Deep learning

The ability to successfully train convolutional neural networks has most benefited the field of computer vision, with applications such as object recognition, video labeling, activity recognition, and several variants thereof. Deep learning is also making significant inroads into other areas of perception, such as audio, speech, and natural language processing.

Reinforcement learning

Whereas traditional machine learning has mostly focused on pattern mining, reinforcement learning shifts the focus to decision making, and is a technology that will help AI to advance more deeply into the realm of learning about and executing actions in the real world. It has existed for several decades as a framework for experience-driven sequential decision-making, but the methods have not found great success in practice, mainly owing to issues of representation and scaling. However, the advent of deep learning has provided reinforcement learning with a “shot in the arm.” The recent success of AlphaGo, a computer program developed by Google Deepmind that beat the human Go champion in a five-game match, was due in large part to reinforcement learning. AlphaGo was trained by initializing an automated agent with a human expert database, but was subsequently refined by playing a large number of games against itself and applying reinforcement learning.

Robotic navigation, at least in static environments, is largely solved. Current efforts consider how to train a robot to interact with the world around it in generalizable and predictable ways. A natural requirement that arises in interactive environments is manipulation, another topic of current interest. The deep learning revolution is only beginning to influence robotics, in large part because it is far more difficult to acquire the large labeled data sets that have driven other learning-based areas of AI. Reinforcement learning (see above), which obviates the requirement of labeled data, may help bridge this gap but requires systems to be able to safely explore a policy space without committing errors that harm the system itself or others. Advances in reliable machine perception, including computer vision, force, and tactile perception, much of which will be driven by machine learning, will continue to be key enablers to advancing the capabilities of robotics.

Computer vision

Computer vision is currently the most prominent form of machine perception. It has been the sub-area of AI most transformed by the rise of deep learning. Until just a few years ago, support vector machines were the method of choice for most visual classification tasks. But the confluence of large-scale computing, especially on GPUs, the availability of large datasets, especially via the internet, and refinements of neural network algorithms has led to dramatic improvements in performance on benchmark tasks (e.g., classification on ImageNet [17] ). For the first time, computers are able to perform some (narrowly defined) visual classification tasks better than people. Much current research is focused on automatic image and video captioning.

Natural Language Processing

Often coupled with automatic speech recognition, Natural Language Processing is another very active area of machine perception. It is quickly becoming a commodity for mainstream languages with large data sets. Google announced that 20% of current mobile queries are done by voice, [18]  and recent demonstrations have proven the possibility of real-time translation. Research is now shifting towards developing refined and capable systems that are able to interact with people through dialog, not just react to stylized requests.

Collaborative systems

Research on collaborative systems investigates models and algorithms to help develop autonomous systems that can work collaboratively with other systems and with humans. This research relies on developing formal models of collaboration, and studies the capabilities needed for systems to become effective partners. There is growing interest in applications that can utilize the complementary strengths of humans and machines—for humans to help AI systems to overcome their limitations, and for agents to augment human abilities and activities.

Crowdsourcing and human computation

Since human abilities are superior to automated methods for accomplishing many tasks, research on crowdsourcing and human computation investigates methods to augment computer systems by utilizing human intelligence to solve problems that computers alone cannot solve well. Introduced only about fifteen years ago, this research now has an established presence in AI. The best-known example of crowdsourcing is Wikipedia, a knowledge repository that is maintained and updated by netizens and that far exceeds traditionally-compiled information sources, such as encyclopedias and dictionaries, in scale and depth. Crowdsourcing focuses on devising innovative ways to harness human intelligence. Citizen science platforms energize volunteers to solve scientific problems, while paid crowdsourcing platforms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk provide automated access to human intelligence on demand. Work in this area has facilitated advances in other subfields of AI, including computer vision and NLP, by enabling large amounts of labeled training data and/or human interaction data to be collected in a short amount of time. Current research efforts explore ideal divisions of tasks between humans and machines based on their differing capabilities and costs.

Algorithmic game theory and computational social choice

New attention is being drawn to the economic and social computing dimensions of AI, including incentive structures. Distributed AI and multi-agent systems have been studied since the early 1980s, gained prominence starting in the late 1990s, and were accelerated by the internet. A natural requirement is that systems handle potentially misaligned incentives, including self-interested human participants or firms, as well as automated AI-based agents representing them. Topics receiving attention include computational mechanism design (an economic theory of incentive design, seeking incentive-compatible systems where inputs are truthfully reported), computational social choice (a theory for how to aggregate rank orders on alternatives), incentive aligned information elicitation (prediction markets, scoring rules, peer prediction) and algorithmic game theory (the equilibria of markets, network games, and parlor games such as Poker—a game where significant advances have been made in recent years through abstraction techniques and no-regret learning).

Internet of Things (IoT)

A growing body of research is devoted to the idea that a wide array of devices can be interconnected to collect and share their sensory information. Such devices can include appliances, vehicles, buildings, cameras, and other things. While it's a matter of technology and wireless networking to connect the devices, AI can process and use the resulting huge amounts of data for intelligent and useful purposes. Currently, these devices use a bewildering array of incompatible communication protocols. AI could help tame this Tower of Babel.

Neuromorphic Computing

Traditional computers implement the von Neumann model of computing, which separates the modules for input/output, instruction-processing, and memory. With the success of deep neural networks on a wide array of tasks, manufacturers are actively pursuing alternative models of computing—especially those that are inspired by what is known about biological neural networks—with the aim of improving the hardware efficiency and robustness of computing systems. At the moment, such “neuromorphic” computers have not yet clearly demonstrated big wins, and are just beginning to become commercially viable. But it is possible that they will become commonplace (even if only as additions to their von Neumann cousins) in the near future. Deep neural networks have already created a splash in the application landscape. A larger wave may hit when these networks can be trained and executed on dedicated neuromorphic hardware, as opposed to simulated on standard von Neumann architectures, as they are today.

[15]  Appendix I offers a short history of AI, including a description of some of the traditionally core areas of research, which have shifted over the past six decades.

[16]  Backpropogation is an abbreviation for "backward propagation of errors,” a common method of training artificial neural networks used in conjunction with an optimization method such as gradient descent. The method calculates the gradient of a loss function with respect to all the weights in the network.

[17]  ImageNet, Stanford Vision Lab, Stanford University, Princeton University, 2016, accessed August 1, 2016,  www.image-net.org/ .

[18]  Greg Sterling, "Google says 20% of mobile queries are voice searches,"  Search Engine Land , May 18, 2016, accessed August 1, 2016,  http://searchengineland.com/google-reveals-20-percent-queries-voice-queries-249917 .

In this section

Overall Trends and the Future of AI Research

Cite This Report

Peter Stone, Rodney Brooks, Erik Brynjolfsson, Ryan Calo, Oren Etzioni, Greg Hager, Julia Hirschberg, Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan, Ece Kamar, Sarit Kraus, Kevin Leyton-Brown, David Parkes, William Press, AnnaLee Saxenian, Julie Shah, Milind Tambe, and Astro Teller.  "Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030." One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence: Report of the 2015-2016 Study Panel, Stanford University, Stanford, CA,  September 2016. Doc:  http://ai100.stanford.edu/2016-report . Accessed:  September 6, 2016.

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AI100 Standing Committee and Study Panel 

© 2016 by Stanford University. Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030 is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 License (International):  https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ .

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The Future of AI Research: 20 Thesis Ideas for Undergraduate Students in Machine Learning and Deep Learning for 2023!

A comprehensive guide for crafting an original and innovative thesis in the field of ai..

By Aarafat Islam on 2023-01-11

“The beauty of machine learning is that it can be applied to any problem you want to solve, as long as you can provide the computer with enough examples.” — Andrew Ng

This article provides a list of 20 potential thesis ideas for an undergraduate program in machine learning and deep learning in 2023. Each thesis idea includes an  introduction , which presents a brief overview of the topic and the  research objectives . The ideas provided are related to different areas of machine learning and deep learning, such as computer vision, natural language processing, robotics, finance, drug discovery, and more. The article also includes explanations, examples, and conclusions for each thesis idea, which can help guide the research and provide a clear understanding of the potential contributions and outcomes of the proposed research. The article also emphasized the importance of originality and the need for proper citation in order to avoid plagiarism.

1. Investigating the use of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in medical imaging:  A deep learning approach to improve the accuracy of medical diagnoses.

Introduction:  Medical imaging is an important tool in the diagnosis and treatment of various medical conditions. However, accurately interpreting medical images can be challenging, especially for less experienced doctors. This thesis aims to explore the use of GANs in medical imaging, in order to improve the accuracy of medical diagnoses.

2. Exploring the use of deep learning in natural language generation (NLG): An analysis of the current state-of-the-art and future potential.

Introduction:  Natural language generation is an important field in natural language processing (NLP) that deals with creating human-like text automatically. Deep learning has shown promising results in NLP tasks such as machine translation, sentiment analysis, and question-answering. This thesis aims to explore the use of deep learning in NLG and analyze the current state-of-the-art models, as well as potential future developments.

3. Development and evaluation of deep reinforcement learning (RL) for robotic navigation and control.

Introduction:  Robotic navigation and control are challenging tasks, which require a high degree of intelligence and adaptability. Deep RL has shown promising results in various robotics tasks, such as robotic arm control, autonomous navigation, and manipulation. This thesis aims to develop and evaluate a deep RL-based approach for robotic navigation and control and evaluate its performance in various environments and tasks.

4. Investigating the use of deep learning for drug discovery and development.

Introduction:  Drug discovery and development is a time-consuming and expensive process, which often involves high failure rates. Deep learning has been used to improve various tasks in bioinformatics and biotechnology, such as protein structure prediction and gene expression analysis. This thesis aims to investigate the use of deep learning for drug discovery and development and examine its potential to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the drug development process.

5. Comparison of deep learning and traditional machine learning methods for anomaly detection in time series data.

Introduction:  Anomaly detection in time series data is a challenging task, which is important in various fields such as finance, healthcare, and manufacturing. Deep learning methods have been used to improve anomaly detection in time series data, while traditional machine learning methods have been widely used as well. This thesis aims to compare deep learning and traditional machine learning methods for anomaly detection in time series data and examine their respective strengths and weaknesses.

artificial intelligence research titles

Photo by  Joanna Kosinska  on  Unsplash

6. Use of deep transfer learning in speech recognition and synthesis.

Introduction:  Speech recognition and synthesis are areas of natural language processing that focus on converting spoken language to text and vice versa. Transfer learning has been widely used in deep learning-based speech recognition and synthesis systems to improve their performance by reusing the features learned from other tasks. This thesis aims to investigate the use of transfer learning in speech recognition and synthesis and how it improves the performance of the system in comparison to traditional methods.

7. The use of deep learning for financial prediction.

Introduction:  Financial prediction is a challenging task that requires a high degree of intelligence and adaptability, especially in the field of stock market prediction. Deep learning has shown promising results in various financial prediction tasks, such as stock price prediction and credit risk analysis. This thesis aims to investigate the use of deep learning for financial prediction and examine its potential to improve the accuracy of financial forecasting.

8. Investigating the use of deep learning for computer vision in agriculture.

Introduction:  Computer vision has the potential to revolutionize the field of agriculture by improving crop monitoring, precision farming, and yield prediction. Deep learning has been used to improve various computer vision tasks, such as object detection, semantic segmentation, and image classification. This thesis aims to investigate the use of deep learning for computer vision in agriculture and examine its potential to improve the efficiency and accuracy of crop monitoring and precision farming.

9. Development and evaluation of deep learning models for generative design in engineering and architecture.

Introduction:  Generative design is a powerful tool in engineering and architecture that can help optimize designs and reduce human error. Deep learning has been used to improve various generative design tasks, such as design optimization and form generation. This thesis aims to develop and evaluate deep learning models for generative design in engineering and architecture and examine their potential to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the design process.

10. Investigating the use of deep learning for natural language understanding.

Introduction:  Natural language understanding is a complex task of natural language processing that involves extracting meaning from text. Deep learning has been used to improve various NLP tasks, such as machine translation, sentiment analysis, and question-answering. This thesis aims to investigate the use of deep learning for natural language understanding and examine its potential to improve the efficiency and accuracy of natural language understanding systems.

artificial intelligence research titles

Photo by  UX Indonesia  on  Unsplash

11. Comparing deep learning and traditional machine learning methods for image compression.

Introduction:  Image compression is an important task in image processing and computer vision. It enables faster data transmission and storage of image files. Deep learning methods have been used to improve image compression, while traditional machine learning methods have been widely used as well. This thesis aims to compare deep learning and traditional machine learning methods for image compression and examine their respective strengths and weaknesses.

12. Using deep learning for sentiment analysis in social media.

Introduction:  Sentiment analysis in social media is an important task that can help businesses and organizations understand their customers’ opinions and feedback. Deep learning has been used to improve sentiment analysis in social media, by training models on large datasets of social media text. This thesis aims to use deep learning for sentiment analysis in social media, and evaluate its performance against traditional machine learning methods.

13. Investigating the use of deep learning for image generation.

Introduction:  Image generation is a task in computer vision that involves creating new images from scratch or modifying existing images. Deep learning has been used to improve various image generation tasks, such as super-resolution, style transfer, and face generation. This thesis aims to investigate the use of deep learning for image generation and examine its potential to improve the quality and diversity of generated images.

14. Development and evaluation of deep learning models for anomaly detection in cybersecurity.

Introduction:  Anomaly detection in cybersecurity is an important task that can help detect and prevent cyber-attacks. Deep learning has been used to improve various anomaly detection tasks, such as intrusion detection and malware detection. This thesis aims to develop and evaluate deep learning models for anomaly detection in cybersecurity and examine their potential to improve the efficiency and accuracy of cybersecurity systems.

15. Investigating the use of deep learning for natural language summarization.

Introduction:  Natural language summarization is an important task in natural language processing that involves creating a condensed version of a text that preserves its main meaning. Deep learning has been used to improve various natural language summarization tasks, such as document summarization and headline generation. This thesis aims to investigate the use of deep learning for natural language summarization and examine its potential to improve the efficiency and accuracy of natural language summarization systems.

artificial intelligence research titles

Photo by  Windows  on  Unsplash

16. Development and evaluation of deep learning models for facial expression recognition.

Introduction:  Facial expression recognition is an important task in computer vision and has many practical applications, such as human-computer interaction, emotion recognition, and psychological studies. Deep learning has been used to improve facial expression recognition, by training models on large datasets of images. This thesis aims to develop and evaluate deep learning models for facial expression recognition and examine their performance against traditional machine learning methods.

17. Investigating the use of deep learning for generative models in music and audio.

Introduction:  Music and audio synthesis is an important task in audio processing, which has many practical applications, such as music generation and speech synthesis. Deep learning has been used to improve generative models for music and audio, by training models on large datasets of audio data. This thesis aims to investigate the use of deep learning for generative models in music and audio and examine its potential to improve the quality and diversity of generated audio.

18. Study the comparison of deep learning models with traditional algorithms for anomaly detection in network traffic.

Introduction:  Anomaly detection in network traffic is an important task that can help detect and prevent cyber-attacks. Deep learning models have been used for this task, and traditional methods such as clustering and rule-based systems are widely used as well. This thesis aims to compare deep learning models with traditional algorithms for anomaly detection in network traffic and analyze the trade-offs between the models in terms of accuracy and scalability.

19. Investigating the use of deep learning for improving recommender systems.

Introduction:  Recommender systems are widely used in many applications such as online shopping, music streaming, and movie streaming. Deep learning has been used to improve the performance of recommender systems, by training models on large datasets of user-item interactions. This thesis aims to investigate the use of deep learning for improving recommender systems and compare its performance with traditional content-based and collaborative filtering approaches.

20. Development and evaluation of deep learning models for multi-modal data analysis.

Introduction:  Multi-modal data analysis is the task of analyzing and understanding data from multiple sources such as text, images, and audio. Deep learning has been used to improve multi-modal data analysis, by training models on large datasets of multi-modal data. This thesis aims to develop and evaluate deep learning models for multi-modal data analysis and analyze their potential to improve performance in comparison to single-modal models.

I hope that this article has provided you with a useful guide for your thesis research in machine learning and deep learning. Remember to conduct a thorough literature review and to include proper citations in your work, as well as to be original in your research to avoid plagiarism. I wish you all the best of luck with your thesis and your research endeavors!

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Artificial Intelligence Research Topics, Future Perspectives and Innovations in AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly significant in our modern world, transforming various industries and shaping our lifestyles and work. Artificial intelligence can revolutionize crucial fields such as healthcare, transportation, finance, and education.

Given its profound impact, discussing and exploring artificial intelligence topics and answering AI research questions is essential to understand its capabilities, challenges, and ethical implications. This article aims to provide valuable insights into artificial intelligence topics, inspiring researchers, college students, and professionals to delve into different themes within artificial intelligence and contribute to its growth and development.

How to Write Research Papers on Artificial Intelligence Topic?

Writing a research paper on an artificial intelligence topic requires a systematic approach and careful consideration of key elements. If you’re not sure ​​ how to write a research paper and achieve success, follow these steps:

  • Choose a specific artificial intelligence research question or problem by focusing on a particular aspect of artificial intelligence, such as machine learning or computer vision.
  • Conduct a comprehensive literature review to familiarize yourself with existing research and identify gaps in knowledge and areas requiring further investigation.
  • Formulate a clear research objective by defining the purpose of your study and crafting a research question or hypothesis to guide your efforts.
  • Collect and analyze data by gathering relevant datasets, conducting experiments, or working with existing data sources, and then applying appropriate Artificial Intelligence techniques to derive meaningful insights.
  • Present your findings effectively within your research paper, organizing the topics in artificial intelligence with clear sections like introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. Use visual aids like tables, graphs, and figures for enhanced presentation.
  • Conclude and discuss implications by drawing conclusions based on your analysis and discussing your research’s significance and potential impact on computer science.
  • Include references and citations properly to acknowledge the contributions of other researchers and ensure adherence to the appropriate citation style, such as APA or MLA.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively write research work with artificial intelligence topics that contribute to existing knowledge and advances computer science.

Interesting Artificial Intelligence Topics

Artificial intelligence topics cover several subfields. Here are some intriguing artificial intelligence research topics with different subthemes:

Innovative AI Research Ideas

Artificial Intelligence holds promise in this age of technological advancement, including being a big help to write your research , which links to the ability to generate new research ideas for groundbreaking innovations.

Some innovative AI research ideas include:

  • Explore the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Augmenting Human Creativity by Using AI Systems and Machine Learning to Assist Creative Minds in Generating Novel and Imaginative Works.
  • Develop Artificial Intelligence Models for Art Generation, Music Composition, and Innovative Product Design.
  • Research Artificial Intelligence’s Role in Renewable Energy, Climate Remodeling and Disaster Prediction.
  • Develop Artificial Intelligence-Powered Virtual Assistants for Personalized Healthcare by Implementing Artificial Intelligence Algorithms and Natural Language Processing.
  • Investigate Artificial Intelligence Techniques Like Anomaly Detection, Behavior Analysis, Fraud Detection, and Threat Intelligence to Improve Cybersecurity.
  • Develop AI-Based Systems to Strengthen Cybersecurity Defenses and Identify and Mitigate Cyber Threats in Real-Time.
  • Examine Artificial Intelligence’s Impact on Autonomous Vehicles, Traffic Management, and Transportation Optimization.
  • Develop Artificial Intelligence Algorithms to Enhance Vehicle Navigation, Improve Traffic Flow, and Ensure Safer Transportation Systems.
  • Utilize Artificial Intelligence to Analyze Financial Data, Identify Patterns, and Make Accurate Predictions.
  • Develop Artificial Intelligence Models to Assist in Stock Market Forecasting, Risk Assessment, and Portfolio Optimization.

Artificial Intelligence Topics For High School Students

Engaging high school students in Artificial Intelligence project research can foster interest and curiosity in emerging technologies. The experts from  Edusson  developed some Artificial Intelligence topics for research papers suitable for high school students interested in computer science and quantum com.

Take a look:

  • Explore the Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence, Investigating Ethical Frameworks for Artificial Intelligence Development, Machine Learning, and Usage.
  • Address Issues Such as Bias, Transparency, Accountability, and the Replacement of Human Functions by Robots.
  • Study Artificial Intelligence’s Application in Education and Personalized Learning Through Adaptive Learning Environments, Large-Scale Deep Learning, and Big Data Analytics.
  • Develop Artificial Intelligence Models That Adapt to Student’s Learning Styles, Provide Tailored Feedback, and AI Intelligence Support Personalized Learning Paths.
  • Investigate the Development and Implementation of Artificial Intelligence-Driven Chatbots in Various Fields Such as Customer Service, E-Commerce, and Virtual Assistants.
  • Develop Chatbot Systems That Can Understand and Respond to Natural Language Queries, Enhancing Customer Experiences and Efficiency.
  • Analyze the Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science in Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Mitigation.
  • Study Artificial Intelligence’s Role in Monitoring Environmental Resources, Using Deep Learning Systems for Analyzing Environmental Data, and Promoting Sustainability.
  • Study the Effects of Artificial Intelligence and Automation on the Job Market and Workforce, Analyzing the Potential for Job Displacement.
  • Investigate Strategies for Reskilling and Upskilling to Adapt to a Changing Job Landscape Impacted by Artificial Intelligence and Automation.

Machine Learning Research Topics

Machine Learning (ML) is a key subfield of artificial intelligence with diverse research areas. Here are some compelling machine-learning research papers:

  • Explore Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Autonomous Robotics, Developing Advanced Algorithms in Dynamic Environments.
  • Research the Use of Machine Learning in Machine Translation and Sentiment Analysis.
  • Develop New Techniques for Ensuring Fairness in Artificial Intelligence and ML Models to Promote Ethical and Unbiased Decision-Making.
  • Explore the Use of Generative Adversarial Networks (Gans) For Creating Realistic Synthetic Data to Augment Limited Datasets in Machine Learning Tasks.
  • Study the Integration of ML With Internet of Things (IoT) Devices to Create Autonomous Systems for Applications Such as Smart Homes and Healthcare.
  • Create Artificial Intelligence Models That Allow Robots to Perform Complex Tasks and Interact With the Environment Autonomously.
  • Develop Explainable Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Enhance the Interpretability and Transparency of AI Models.
  • Investigate Methods for Visualizing the Decision-Making Processes of a Complex AI System, Making Them More Understandable and Trustworthy.
  • Investigate Transfer Learning Techniques in Machine Learning to Improve AI Knowledge Across Domains.
  • Develop Meta-Learning Approaches That Help AI Models Learn Human Cognition Efficiently.

Deep Learning Research Topics

Deep learning, a subfield of machine learning, focuses on training deep neural networks to learn complex patterns and representations from data. If you need to write about this issue and find it too complex, remember to contact a  research paper writing service . Here are some intriguing artificial intelligence research paper topics:

  • Explore Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Recognition and Computer Vision Tasks.
  • Investigate Techniques to Enhance the Accuracy and Efficiency of Deep Learning Models for Visual Recognition.
  • Investigate the Potential of Gans for Realistic Image Synthesis, Including Image Editing, Virtual Content Creation, and Data Augmentation.
  • Explore Using Autoencoders for Unsupervised Representation Learning, Enabling Efficient Data Compression and Feature Extraction Across Various Domains.
  • Discover Recurrent Neural Networks for Language Processing and Text Generation.
  • Create AI Models That Can Understand and Generate Natural-Sounding Text.
  • Investigate Attention Mechanisms in Deep Learning to Improve the Interpretability, Performance, and Robustness of AI Models.
  • Explore Methods Like Self-Attention and Transformer Architectures for Human-Language Processing and Computer Vision Tasks.
  • Apply Deep Learning Techniques to Medical Image Analysis and Disease Diagnosis, Focusing on X-Rays, MRIs, and CT Scans.
  • Develop AI Models to Assist in Disease Detection, Diagnosis, and Prognosis, Enhancing Accuracy and Efficiency in Healthcare.

Computer Science Artificial Intelligence Topics

Computer science plays a crucial role in advancing AI research and development. Consider these artificial intelligence topics for paper within the domain of computer technology:

  • Design and Develop Intelligent Systems With AI Capabilities to Learn, Adapt, and Make Intelligent Decisions Using Complex Software Systems.
  • Explore Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, and Planning Techniques for Building Robust and Efficient Intelligent Systems.
  • Investigate High-Performance Computing Techniques for Optimizing and Accelerating AI Algorithms Using Quantum Computing and Specialized Hardware.
  • Explore the Utilization of Gpus, Tpus, and Other Architectures for Training and Inference Tasks.
  • Study the Integration of Artificial Intelligence Models and Algorithms Into Cloud High Performance Computing Infrastructure.
  • Explore Scalable and Cost-Effective AI Deployments, Including Distributed Training, Model Serving, and Real-Time Inference on Human Tasks.
  • Discover the Intersection Between AI and Robotics in Developing Autonomous Systems for Use in the Human World and Cloud Computing.
  • Determine AI Applications in Technical Spheres Such as Office Organization and Security.
  • Investigate Computational Intelligence Models Inspired by Natural Intelligence, Such as Evolutionary Algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks.
  • Explore Their Applications in Optimization, Pattern Recognition, and Problem-Solving Domains.

Artificial Intelligence Ethics Topics

As artificial intelligence becomes increasingly pervasive, addressing ethical considerations is crucial. Consider these Artificial Intelligence topics in ethics research:

  • Examine the Ethical Implications and Challenges of AI Computer Technology, Investigating Frameworks and Guidelines for Responsible AI Perspective.
  • Ensure Fairness, Transparency, and Accountability in Artificial Intelligence Through Data Science.
  • Investigate the Use of AI in Environmental Monitoring and Prevention of Avoidable Hazards.
  • Develop Methods to Enhance the Interpretability of AI Systems, Using Rule Extraction and Model Visualization to Understand AI Decision-Making Processes.
  • Explore the Responsible Use of AI in Balancing Public Safety With Individual Freedoms.
  • Analyze the Potential Impact of AI on Social Inequality, Addressing the Unequal Distribution of AI Technologies and Opportunities.
  • Create New Interests in Protecting Students’ Privacy Using AI for Personalized Learning.
  • Investigate Ways to Bridge the Digital Divide and Promote Inclusive Benefits of Artificial Intelligence Through Large-Scale Machine Learning and AI Engineering.
  • Analyze the Ethical Implications of Using AI as Autonomous Vehicles Needed for Regulations on Public Safety.
  • Consider the Responsible Use of AI in Ensuring Fairness in Law-Making and Judicial Processes.

AI Natural Language Processing (NLP) Research Topics on Artificial Intelligence

NLP is a vital area of artificial intelligence in computational science. Consider these artificial intelligence topics:

  • Develop Techniques for Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining in Text Data, Including Sentiment Classification and Opinion Summarization.
  • Investigate AI Perspective for Named Entity Recognition and Classifying Entities Using Rule-Based, and Explain Deep Learning Approaches.
  • Explore Methods for Text Summarization, Generating Concise Summaries of Long Documents or Articles Through Extractive and Abstract Summarization.
  • Investigate Advanced Techniques for Machine Translation, Enabling Automatic Text Translation Between Different Languages With Neural Machine Translation Models.
  • Study the Integration of Multimodal Information Systems for Human Behavior in  Language Processing of AI Machines.
  • Develop AI Models That Allow User Personalization Through Changes in Tones and Writing Styles While Preserving the Original Contents.
  • Explore Intelligent Question-Answering Systems, Capable of Understanding and Responding to Human Intelligence and Generated Questions.
  • Discover the Use of AI in Information Retrieval, Question Classification, and Passage Ranking Methods.
  • Generate AI Models for Sentiment-Aware Systems With Considerations for Personalized Content Suggestions.
  • Consider Cross-Lingual Natural Language Processing Which Improves Language Accessibility and Diversity.

Controversial Topics in AI

AI may have simplified mundane living but arguably have privacy risks, algorithm biases, and negative impacts on the workforce and job markets. These make for excellent controversial AI topics. Here are controversial topic ideas:

Take a Critical Analysis of AI and Privacy, Determining Risks and Challenges in Computational Science Concerning Personal Privacy and Data Protection.

  • Explore Privacy-Preserving Software Development and Regulations to Address Privacy Concerns.
  • Determine the Implication of Ai-Driven Surveillance on Civil Rights and Freedoms.
  • Examine Biases in AI Algorithms, Quantum Computing, and Cloud Computing, and Assess Their Potential Impact on Decision-Making, Fairness, and Discrimination.
  • Develop New Methods for Bias Detection, Mitigation, and Algorithmic Transparency.
  • Analyze the Potential for AI to Manipulate Public and Personal Information and Its Implication on Democracy and Governance.
  • Explore the Ethical Implications of Developing Autonomous Weapons Systems Using Machine Learning.
  • Discuss the Potential Consequences of AI in Warfare and International Security, Emphasizing the Need for Regulations and Ethical Guidelines.
  • Analyze the Impact of AI Projects and Automation on the Job Market and Workforce.
  • Develop Strategies to Mitigate Job Displacement, Including Retraining, Upskilling, and Promoting Collaboration Between AI and Human Intelligence.

Artificial intelligence offers a vast array of research topics across various themes and subfields. By delving into these topics, researchers can contribute to advancing artificial intelligence knowledge and address significant challenges and ethical considerations. Engaging in artificial intelligence fosters innovation promotes responsible development, and ensures AI technologies align with societal needs and values.

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Top 10 Research and Thesis Topics for AI Projects in 2022

Top 10 Research and Thesis Topics for AI Projects in 2022

This article features the top 10 research and thesis topics for AI projects in 2022

Today, both humans and machines generate the amount of data. Far outpacing humans' ability to absorb, interpret, and make complex decisions based on that data. Artificial Intelligence has made a lot of advancements recently. There is a lot of research happening in almost all fields of AI like quantum computing, healthcare, autonomous vehicles, computer vision, the Internet of Things, robotics, and more. This article features the top 10 research and thesis topics for AI projects in 2022.

Machine Learning

Machine learning (ML) is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows software applications to become more accurate at predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed to do so. Machine learning algorithms use historical data as input to predict new output values. However, generally speaking, there are three types of machine learning algorithms: supervised machine learning algorithms, unsupervised machine learning algorithms and reinforcement machine learning algorithms. It is one of the best research and thesis topics for AI projects in 2022.

Deep Learning

Deep learning is a machine learning technique that teaches computers to do what comes naturally to humans: learn by example. Deep learning is a technology behind driverless cars, enabling them to recognize a stop sign or distinguish a pedestrian from a lamppost.

Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning is an area of machine learning . It is about taking suitable action to maximize reward in a particular situation. Various software and machines use reinforcement learning to find the best possible behavior or path it should take in a specific situation. It is one of the best research and thesis topics for AI projects in 2022.

Robotics is a field that deals with creating humanoid machines that can behave like humans and perform some actions like human beings. Robots can act like humans in certain situations, but can they think like humans? This is where artificial intelligence comes in! AI allows robots to act intelligently in certain situations. These robots may be able to solve problems in a limited sphere or even learn in controlled environments.

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing (NLP) refers to the AI method of communicating with an intelligent system using a natural language such as English. Processing of natural language is required when you want an intelligent system like a robot to perform as per your instructions when you want to hear a decision from a dialogue-based clinical expert system and more.

Computer Vision

Computer vision is the field of computer science that focuses on creating digital systems that can process, analyze and make sense of visual data (images or videos) in the same way that humans do. The concept of computer vision is based on teaching computers to process an image at a pixel level and understand it. Technically, machines attempt to retrieve visual information, handle it, and interpret results through special software algorithms. It is one of the best research and thesis topics for AI projects in 2022.

Recommender Systems

On OTT platforms, you get recommendations of movies and series based on your past choices or genres you like. This is done by recommender systems that provide you with some guidance on what to choose next among the vast choices available online. A recommender system can be based on content-based recommendations or even collaborative filtering.

Internet of Things

Artificial intelligence deals with the creation of systems that can learn to emulate human tasks using their prior experience and without any manual intervention. Internet of Things is a network of various devices connected over the internet and they can collect and exchange data with each other.

Heart Disease Prediction Project

It is one of the best research and thesis topics for AI projects in 2022 designed to provide online medical consultation and guidance to patients suffering from heart diseases. Patients often complain that they cannot find good doctors to support their medical needs. This heart disease prediction application will help combat the issue.

Banking Bot

Banking bot is one of the excellent research and thesis topics for AI projects in 2022. This AI project involves building a banking bot that uses artificial intelligence algorithms that analyze user queries to understand their message and accordingly perform the appropriate action. It is a specially designed application for banks where users can ask for bank-related questions like account, loan, credit cards, etc. If you are looking for good AI projects to add to your resume, this is the one.

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Artificial Intelligence Topics for Dissertations

Published by Carmen Troy at January 6th, 2023 , Revised On May 30, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the process of building machines, robots, and software that are intelligent enough to act like humans. With artificial intelligence, the world will move into a future where machines will be as knowledgeable as humans, and they will be able to work and act as humans.

When completely developed, AI-powered machines will replace a lot of humans in a lot of fields. But would that take away power from humans? Would it cause humans to suffer as these machines will be intelligent enough to carry out daily tasks and perform routine work? Will AI wreak havoc in the coming days? Well, these are questions that can only be answered after thorough research.

To understand how powerful AI machines will be in the future and what sort of world we will witness, here are the best AI topics you can choose for your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question ,  aim and objectives ,  literature review , and the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics for 2022 here.

You may also be interested in technology dissertation topics , computer engineering dissertation topics , networking dissertation topics , and data security dissertation topics .

List Of The Best Dissertation Topics & Ideas On AI

  • How To Balance Transparency and Performance in Deep Learning Models
  • The Ethical Implications of AI in Algorithmic Bias and Decision-Making
  • How to Mitigate Threats and Secure Your Digital Presence Through AI
  • Natural Language Processing for Real-world Applications
  • AI in Substance Use Discovery and Development
  • The Impact of AI on the Future of Transportation
  • How to Enable Smart Cities and Connected Living
  • The Use of AI in Combating Climate Change
  • The Rise of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
  • The Impact of AI on Social Media: Content Moderation and the Challenge of Misinformation
  • Can AI Achieve Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)? Exploring the Path to Human-Level Intelligence
  • The Role of AI in Scientific Discovery
  • AI for Personalised Finance
  • How to Enhance Efficiency and Optimize Logistics through AI in Supply Chain Management
  • Personalized Learning and Adaptive Teaching Systems
  • AI for Fraud Detection and Prevention
  • Automating Content Creation and the Future of News
  • The Need for Human-Centered AI Design
  • The Future of Work in the Age of AI: Automation, Upskilling, and the Evolving Job Market
  • AI and the Creative Industries: Music Composition and Film Production
  • How to Balance Innovation with Data Protection
  • Can AI Achieve Sentience? Exploring the Philosophical and Scientific Implications

Topic 1: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Supply Chain Management- An Assessment of the Present and Future Role Played by AI in Supply Chain Process: A Case of IBM Corporation in the US

Research Aim: This research aims to find the present, and future role AI plays in supply chain management. It will analyse how AI affects various components of the supply chain process, such as procurement, distribution, etc. It will use the case study of IBM Corporation, which uses AI in the US to make the supply chain process more efficient and reduce losses. Moreover, through various technological and business frameworks, it will recommend changes in the current AI-based supply chain models to improve their efficiency.

Topic 2: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain Technology a Transition Towards Decentralised and Automated Finance- A Study to Find the Role of AI and Blockchains in Making Various Segments of Financial Sector Automated and Decentralised

This study will analyse the role of AI and blockchains in making various segments of financial markets (banking, insurance, investment, stock market, etc.) automated and decentralised. It will find how AI and blockchains can eliminate the part of intimidators and commission-charging players such as large banks and corporations to make the economy and financial system more efficient and cheaper. Therefore, it will study the applications of various AI and blockchain models to show how they can affect economic governance.

Topic 3: AI and Healthcare- A Comparative Analysis of the Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning Models for Cancer Diagnosis

Research Aim: This study aims to identify the role of AI in modern healthcare. It will analyse the efficacy of the contemporary ML and DL models for cancer diagnosis. It will find out how these models diagnose cancer, which technology, ML or DL, does it better, and how much more efficient. Moreover, it will also discuss criticism of these models and ways to improve them for better results.

Topic 4: Are AI and Big Data Analytics New Tools for Digital Innovation? An Assessment of Available Blockchain and Data Analytics Tools for Startup Development

Research Aim: This study aims to assess the role of present AI and data analytics tools for startup development. It will identify how modern startups use these technologies in their development stages to innovate and increase their effectiveness. Moreover, it will analyse its macroeconomic effects by examining its role in speeding up the startup culture, creating more employment, and raising incomes.

Topic 5: The Role of AI and Robotics in Economic Growth and Development- A Case of Emerging Economies

Research Aim: This study aims to find the impact of AI and Robotics on economic growth and development in emerging economies. It will identify how AI and Robotics speed up production and other business-related processes in emerging economies, create more employment, and raise aggregate income levels. Moreover, it will show how it leads to innovation and increasing attention towards learning modern skills such as web development, data analytics, data science, etc. Lastly, it will use two or three emerging countries as a case study to show the analysis.

Artificial Intelligence Research Topics

Topic 1: machine learning and artificial intelligence in the next generation wearable devices.

Research Aim: This study will aim to understand the role of machine learning and big data in the future of wearables. The research will focus on how an individual’s health and wellbeing can be improved with devices that are powered by AI. The study will first focus on the concept of ML and its implications in various fields. Then, it will be narrowed down to the role of machine learning in the future of wearable devices and how it can help individuals improve their daily routine and lifestyle and move towards a better and healthier life. The research will then conclude how ML will play a role in the future of wearables and help people improve their well-being.

Topic 2: Automation, machine learning and artificial intelligence in the field of medicine

Research Aim: Machine learning and artificial intelligence play a huge role in the field of medicine. From diagnosis to treatment, artificial intelligence is playing a crucial role in the healthcare industry today. This study will highlight how machine learning and automation can help doctors provide the right treatment to patients at the right time. With AI-powered machines, advanced diagnostic tests are being introduced to track diseases much before their occurrence. Moreover, AI is also helping in developing drugs at a faster pace and personalised treatment. All these aspects will be discussed in this study with relevant case studies.

Topic 3: Robotics and artificial intelligence – Assessing the Impact on business and economics

Research Aim: Businesses are changing the way they work due to technological advancements. Robotics and artificial intelligence have paved the way for new technologies and new methods of working. Many people argue that the introduction of robotics and AI will adversely impact humans, as most of them might be replaced by AI-powered machines. While this cannot be denied, this artificial intelligence research topic will aim to understand how much businesses will be impacted by these new technologies and assess the future of robotics and artificial intelligence in different businesses.

Topic 4: Artificial intelligence governance: Ethical, legal and social challenges

Research Aim: With artificial intelligence taking over the world, many people have reservations about the technology tracking people and their activities 24/7. They have called for strict governance of these intelligent systems and demanded that this technology be fair and transparent. This research will address these issues and present the ethical, legal, and social challenges governing AI-powered systems. The study will be qualitative in nature and will talk about the various ways through which artificial intelligence systems can be governed. It will also address the challenges that will hinder fair and transparent governance.

Topic 5: Will quantum computing improve artificial intelligence? An analysis

Research Aim: Quantum computing (QC) is set to revolutionise the field of artificial intelligence. According to experts, quantum computing combined with artificial intelligence will change medicine, business, and the economy. This research will first introduce the concept of quantum computing and will explain how powerful it is. The study will then talk about how quantum computing will change and help increase the efficiency of artificially intelligent systems. Examples of algorithms that quantum computing utilises will also be presented to help explain how this field of computer science will help improve artificial intelligence.

Topic 6: The role of deep learning in building intelligent systems

Research Aim: Deep learning, an essential branch of artificial intelligence, utilises neural networks to assess various factors similar to a human neural system. This research will introduce the concept of deep learning and discuss how it works in artificial intelligence. Deep learning algorithms will also be explored in this study to have a deeper understanding of this artificial intelligence topic. Using case examples and evidence, the research will explore how deep learning assists in creating machines that are intelligent and how they can process information like a human being. The various applications of deep learning will also be discussed in this study.

Topic 7: Evaluating the role of natural language processing in artificial intelligence

Research Aim: Natural language processing (NLP) is an essential element of artificial intelligence. It provides systems and machines with the ability to read, understand and interpret the human language. With the help of natural language processing, systems can even measure sentiments and predict which parts of human language are important. This research will aim to evaluate the role of this language in the field of artificial intelligence. It will further assist in understanding how natural language processing helps build intelligent systems that various organisations can use. Furthermore, the various applications of NLP will also be discussed.

Topic 8: Application of computer vision in building intelligent systems

Research Aim: Computer vision in the field of artificial intelligence makes systems so smart that they can analyse and understand images and pictures. These machines then derive some intelligence from the image that has been fed to the system. This research will first aim to understand computer vision and its role in artificial intelligence. A framework will be presented that will explain the working of computer vision in artificial intelligence. This study will present the applications of computer vision to clarify further how artificial intelligence uses computer vision to build smart systems.

Topic 9: Analysing the use of the IoT in artificial intelligence

Research Aim: The Internet of Things and artificial intelligence are two separate, powerful tools. IoT can connect devices wirelessly, which can perform a set of actions without human intervention. When this powerful tool is combined with artificial intelligence, systems become extremely powerful to simulate human behaviour and make decisions without human interference. This artificial intelligence topic will aim to analyse the use of the Internet of Things in artificial intelligence. Machines that use IoT and AI will be analysed, and the study will present how human behaviour is simulated so accurately.

Topic 10: Recommender systems – exploring its power in e-commerce

Research Aim: Recommender systems use algorithms to offer relevant suggestions to users. Be it a product, a service, a search result, or a movie/TV show/series. Users receive tons of recommendations after searching for a particular product or browsing their favourite TV show list. With the help of AI, recommender systems can offer relevant and accurate suggestions to users. The main aim of this research will be to explore the use of recommender systems in e-commerce. Industry giants use this tool to help customers find the product or service they are looking for and make the right decision. This research will discuss where recommender systems are used, how they are implemented, and their results for e-commerce businesses.

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How to find artificial intelligence dissertation topics.

To find artificial intelligence dissertation topics:

  • Study recent AI advancements.
  • Explore ethical concerns.
  • Investigate AI in specific industries.
  • Analyse AI’s societal impact.
  • Consider human-AI interaction.
  • Select a topic that aligns with your expertise and passion.

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106 Artificial Intelligence Essay Topics & Samples

In a research paper or any other assignment about AI, there are many topics and questions to consider. To help you out, our experts have provided a list of 76 titles , along with artificial intelligence essay examples, for your consideration.

💾 Top 10 Artificial Intelligence Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on artificial intelligence, 🖱️ interesting artificial intelligence topics for essays, 🖥️ good ai essay titles, ❓ artificial intelligence research questions.

  • AI and Human Intelligence.
  • Computer Vision.
  • Future of AI Technology.
  • Machine Learning.
  • AI in Daily Life.
  • Impact of Deep Learning.
  • Natural Language Processing.
  • Threats in Robotics.
  • Reinforcement Learning.
  • Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.
  • The Problem of Artificial Intelligence The introduction of new approaches to work and rest triggered the reconsideration of traditional values and promoted the growth of a certain style of life characterized by the mass use of innovations and their integration […]
  • Artificial Intelligence: The Helper or the Threat? To conclude, artificial intelligence development is a problem that leaves nobody indifferent as it is closely associated with the future of the humanity.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Positive or Negative Innovation? He argues that while humans will still be in charge of a few aspects of life in the near future, their control will be reduced due to the development of artificial intelligence.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Related Social Threats It may be expressed in a variety of ways, from peaceful attempts to attract attention to the issue to violent and criminal activities.
  • Artificial Intelligence Managing Human Life Although the above examples explain how humans can use AI to perform a wide range of tasks, it is necessary for stakeholders to control and manage the replication of human intelligence.
  • Artificial Intelligence Reducing Costs in Hospitality Industry One of the factors that contribute to increased costs in the hospitality industry is the inability of management to cope with changing consumer demands.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Humans Co-Existence Some strategies to address these challenges exist; however, the strict maintenance of key areas under human control is the only valid solution to ensure people’s safety.
  • Artificial Intelligence Advantages and Disadvantages In the early years of the field, AI scientists sort to fully duplicate the human capacities of thought and language on the digital computer.
  • Application of Artificial Intelligence in Business The connection of AI and the business strategy of an organization is displayed through the ability to use its algorithm for achieving competitive advantage and maintaining it.
  • What Progress Has Been Made With Artificial Intelligence? According to Dunjko and Briegel, AI contains a variety of fields and concepts, including the necessity to understand human capacities, abstract all the aspects of work, and realize similar aptitudes in machines.
  • Artificial Intelligence and People-Focused Cities The aim of this research is to examine the relationship between the application of effective AI technologies to enhance urban planning approaches and the development of modern smart and people focused cities.
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  • Autonomous Controller Robotics: The Future of Robots The middle level is the Coordination level which interfaces the actions of the top and lower level s in the architecture.
  • Artificial Intelligence: A Systems Approach That is to say, limitations on innovations should be applied to the degree to which robots and machine intelligence can be autonomous.
  • Turing Test: Real and Artificial Intelligence The answers provided by the computer is consistent with that of human and the assessor can hardly guess whether the answer is from the machine or human.
  • Saudi Arabia Information Technology: Artificial Intelligence The systems could therefore not fulfill the expectations of people who first thought that they would relieve managers and professionals of the need to make certain types of decisions.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Video Games Development Therefore, in contrast to settings that have been designed for agents only, StarCraft and Blizzard can offer DeepMind an enormous amount of data gathered from playing time which teaches the AI to perform a set […]
  • Artificial Intelligence System for Smart Energy Consumption The proposed energy consumption saver is an innovative technology that aims to increase the efficiency of energy consumption in residential buildings, production and commercial facilities, and other types of structures.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Delivery and Control Side Effects This report presents the status of AI in healthcare delivery and the motivations of deploying the technology in human services, information types analysed by AI frameworks, components that empower clinical outcomes and disease types.
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  • Artificial Intelligence and the Associated Threats Artificial Intelligence, commonly referred to as AI refers to a branch of computer science that deals with the establishment of computer software and programs aimed at the change of the way many people carry out […]
  • Artificial Intelligence in the Documentary “Transcendent Man” The artificial intelligence is becoming a threat to the existence of humanity since these machines are slowly but steadily replacing the roles of mankind in all spheres of life.
  • Non Experts: Artificial Intelligence Regardless of speed and the complexity of mathematical problems that they can solve, all that they do is to accept some input and generate desired output. This system is akin to that found in a […]
  • Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence: Prediction versus Judgment
  • Maintaining Project Networks in Automated Artificial Intelligence Planning
  • The Effects Artificial Intelligence Has Had On Society And On Business
  • What Role Will Artificial Intelligence Actually Play in Human Affairs in the Next Few Decades?
  • How Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Can Impact Market Design
  • The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Today’s Technological Devices
  • The Correlation of Artificial Intelligence and the Invention of Modern Day Computers and Programming Languages
  • How Artificial Intelligence Will Affect Social Media Monitoring
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  • Comment on Prediction, Judgment, and Complexity: A Theory of Decision Making and Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence And Law: A Review Of The Role Of Correctness In The General Data Protection Regulation Framework
  • Artificial Intelligence: Compared To The Human Mind’s Capacity For Reasoning And Learning
  • A Comparison Between Two Predictive Models of Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence as a Positive and Negative Factor in Global Risk
  • Search Applications, Java, and Complexity of Symbolic Artificial Intelligence
  • Integrating Ethical Values and Economic Value to Steer Progress in Artificial Intelligence
  • Computational Modeling of an Economy Using Elements of Artificial Intelligence
  • The growth of Artificial Intelligence and its relevance to The Matrix
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Innovation
  • The Potential Negative Impact of Artificial Intelligence in the Future
  • An Overview of the Principles of Artificial Intelligence and the Views of Noam Chomsky
  • How Artificial Intelligence Technology can be Used to Treat Diabetes
  • Artificial Intelligence and the UK Labour Market: Questions, Methods and a Call for a Systematic Approach to Information Gathering
  • An Overview of Artificial Intelligence and Its Future Disadvantage to Our Modern Society
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications in Smart Production: Progress, Trends, and Directions
  • Comparing the Different Views of John Searle and Alan Turing on the Debate on Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • A Comparison of Cognitive Ability and Information Processing in Artificial Intelligence
  • Improvisation Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence and Its Implications for Income Distribution and Unemployment
  • The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Strategy Games
  • Advancement in Technology Can Someday Bring Artificial Intelligence to Reality
  • Artificial Intelligence Based Congestion Control Mechanism Via Bayesian Networks Under Opportunistic
  • Artificial Intelligence Is Lost in the Woods a Conscious Mind Will Never Be Built Out of Software
  • An Analysis of the Concept of Artificial Intelligence in Relation to Business
  • The Different Issues Concerning the Creation of Artificial Intelligence
  • Traditional Philosophical Problems Surrounding Induction Relating to Artificial Intelligence
  • The Importance of Singularity and Artificial Intelligence to People
  • Man Machine Collaboration And The Rise Of Artificial Intelligence
  • What Are the Ethical Challenges for Companies Working In Artificial Intelligence?
  • Will Artificial Intelligence Have a Progressive or Retrogressive Impact on Our Society?
  • Why Won’t Artificial Intelligence Dominate the Future?
  • Will Artificial Intelligence Overpower Human Beings?
  • How Does Artificial Intelligence Affect the Retail Industry?
  • What Can Artificial Intelligence Offer Coral Reef Managers?
  • Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Computational Economists Any Time Soon?
  • How Can Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Impact Market Design?
  • Can Artificial Intelligence Lead to a More Sustainable Society?
  • Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Humans at Job?
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  • Can Artificial Intelligence Become Smarter Than Humans?
  • How Would You Define Artificial Intelligence?
  • Should Artificial Intelligence Have Human Rights?
  • How Do Artificial Intelligence and Siri Operate in Regards to Language?
  • What Are the Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on the Creative Industries?
  • How Can Artificial Intelligence Help Us Understand Human Creativity?
  • When Will Artificial Intelligence Defeat Human Intelligence?
  • How Can Artificial Intelligence Technology Be Used to Treat Diabetes?
  • Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Mankind?
  • How Will Artificial Intelligence Affect Social Media Monitoring?
  • Can Artificial Intelligence Change the Way in Which Companies Recruit, Train, Develop, and Manage Human Resources in Workplace?
  • How Does Mary Shelley’s Depiction Show the Threats of Artificial Intelligence?
  • Why Must Artificial Intelligence Be Regulated?
  • Will Artificial Intelligence Devices Become Human’s Best Friend?
  • Does Artificial Intelligence Exist?
  • Can Artificial Intelligence Be Dangerous?
  • Why Do We Need Artificial Intelligence?
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IvyPanda. (2023, November 8). 106 Artificial Intelligence Essay Topics & Samples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/artificial-intelligence-essay-examples/

"106 Artificial Intelligence Essay Topics & Samples." IvyPanda , 8 Nov. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/artificial-intelligence-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '106 Artificial Intelligence Essay Topics & Samples'. 8 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "106 Artificial Intelligence Essay Topics & Samples." November 8, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/artificial-intelligence-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "106 Artificial Intelligence Essay Topics & Samples." November 8, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/artificial-intelligence-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "106 Artificial Intelligence Essay Topics & Samples." November 8, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/artificial-intelligence-essay-examples/.

222 Artificial Intelligence Essay Topics & Research Questions about AI

If you’re looking for interesting AI research questions or essay topics, you’ve come to the right place! In this list, we’ve compiled the latest trending essay topics on artificial intelligence, research questions, and project ideas. It doesn’t matter if you’re a high school student or a Ph.D. holder: here, you will find research questions about artificial intelligence for beginners as well as professionals.

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Artificial Intelligence

✍️ artificial intelligence essay topics for college, 🌶️ hot artificial intelligence ideas to write about, 👍 good artificial intelligence research topics & essay examples, ⭐ simple & easy artificial intelligence essay titles, 🎓 most interesting artificial intelligence research titles, 💡 artificial intelligence argumentative essay topics, ❓ research questions about artificial intelligence.

  • Artificial Intelligence Pros and Cons: Essay Sample
  • Artificial Intelligence and Unemployment
  • Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Young People
  • Artificial Intelligence Versus Human Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on the Future
  • Artificial Intelligence and Effects of Its Rise
  • Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Artificial intelligence (AI) and similar technologies are becoming more common in business and society, and now even integrating into healthcare.
  • Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Humans? The paper discusses whether artificial intelligence replaces humans. There is no single answer to the question because it affects several areas of human life.
  • Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace The paper states that artificial intelligence has enabled many companies to achieve their dreams. It has also improved the human knowledge of AI.
  • Artificial Intelligence in the Hotel Industry The results of the analysis have shown that, overall, Artificial Intelligence proves to have a positive impact on the quality of hotel services and risk management.
  • Artificial Intelligence as a Potential Threat to Humanity Artificial intelligence (AI) demonstrates immense potential in terms of improving society as long it is developed and implemented properly.
  • Artificial Intelligence in the Labor Market The paper states that the continuous improvements in terms of developing artificial intelligence make render this technology close to reality.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Effects on Business Artificial intelligence is a wide range of technological advancements that deal with current and future effects on the business sector to enhance profitability.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Music The paper discusses use of Artificial Intelligence is rapidly expanding, with several innovative companies adopting it to create music.
  • Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Education System The paper analyzes how the education system can maximize the advantages of Artificial Intelligence. It compares the traditional education system.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Hospitality Industry The purpose of this paper is to explore the use application of AI in the hospitality industries. The paper focuses on the utilization of booking engines and hotel software systems.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Its Role in Business The paper looks into the peculiarities of replacing human work with AI to define its potential for development and issues associated with such implementation.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Ethical, Social, Legal Issues The field of artificial intelligence indeed brings numerous ethical, social, professional and legal issues; but are those so disturbing as some people claim?
  • Helpmewrite.AI Software’s Business Feasibility The report offers research on Helpmewrite.ai software, which is a product that helps writers, lawyers, and paralegals to compose distinct legal pamphlets promptly.
  • The Promises and Perils of Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence is a powerful technology that can generate economic gains; therefore, it is critical to explore its prehistory and practical and ethical concerns.
  • Usage of AI and Robotics in Project Management Technological progress has allowed humanity to use the technologies they could not implement in the past centuries.
  • Artificial Intelligence as an Enhancer of Human Abilities The paper states that using Artificial Intelligence to enhance human capabilities is a trending factor that is growing and receiving attention.
  • Artificial Intelligence Economy This annotated bibliography aims to discuss seven articles devoted to the topic of the artificial intelligence economy.
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Work Artificial intelligence is requested in the modern business world because it can lead to many positive outcomes when applied to employee monitoring.
  • AI System in Smart Energy Consumption The primary aim of the paper is to expose the significant impacts of AI integration in intelligent energy consumption methods.
  • AI In Accounting Essay Example Introducing artificial intelligence (AI) into accounting is viewed by many researchers as a promising practice, which has been the subject of numerous studies.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Use and Potential Risks Automation and intelligent algorithms can significantly benefit business owners by inducing substantial savings.
  • Technologies & Artificial Intelligence Challenges For innovative organizations, new technologies introduce not only benefits but also new challenges as the use of artificial intelligence (AI) changes the way organizations work.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Self-Driving Cars The paper states that artificial intelligence in self-driving vehicles cannot conclude several favorable outcomes – or, the “least bad” effects.
  • Artificial Intelligence in the Oil and Gas Industry Construction, mining, and oil and gas companies are the latecomers in this digitalization, increasingly depending on AI and machine learning (ML) based solutions frenzy.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Accounting ​Artificial Intelligence is already replacing some accounting operations, and research indicates that automating these processes is a cost-effective option.
  • Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Nursing The benefits of AI technologies include time and cost efficiency, as well as a high level of care consistency and comprehensiveness.
  • Algorithmic Bias of Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence is a rapidly developing technology which is already extensively utilized in different spheres, yet it has many considerable issues.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Economics Currently, the amount of data available to businesses continues to grow at an exceptional rate due to the developments in artificial intelligence and big data.
  • Artificial Intelligence Threat for Employees The article “U.S. Lost Over 60 Million Jobs” published focuses on the ongoing unrest around the future of the job market and AI presence within.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Business Management The use of artificial intelligence in business management is a sound practice due to many benefits that this technology offers and an opportunity to secure operational controls.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Pros & Cons Rapidly advancing artificial intelligence technologies are gradually changing health care practices and bring a paradigm shift to the medical system.
  • Game Playing in Artificial Intelligence The 9th of March, 2016, was a watershed moment in the development of artificial intelligence when the Go champion Lee Sedol was beaten by AlphaGo.
  • E-Commerce: The Role of Artificial Intelligence Though the implementation of artificial intelligence within e-commerce continues to develop rapidly, there are several areas in which it affects the experiences of customers.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Global Societal Issues Examination of the latest trends in the sphere of development of manufacturing processes indicates significant growth in the interest in artificial intelligence.
  • The Dawn of Artificial Intelligence: Robots Robots were created by people to satisfy their large insatiable appetites. Such a sacrilegious act against the miracle of creation may cost a lot.
  • Artificial Intelligence Projects Failed The research paper provides a detailed worldwide timeline of artificial intelligence projects that were attempted and failed and the threats they have caused.
  • Using Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence in Critical Care Medicine Artificial Intelligence in critical care is helping to care for patients faster, supervise more patients, calculate the exact dosage for patients, and collect more detailed data.
  • Artificial Intelligence and the Labor Market This essay will argue that although the use of AI is a controversial issue, AI could be implemented positively, allowing the effective cooperation of people and robots.
  • Business Model Canvas and Artificial Intelligence The nine blocks in the business model canvas, which include vital partners, cost structure, and others in relation to AI, can be summarized to explain their role in business.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chain Management This paper establishes the benefits, opportunities, and challenges of adopting machine learning technologies in logistics to help SMEs boost their performance.
  • The Limits of Global Inclusion in AI (Artificial Intelligence) Development This article is devoted to the theme of the development and implementation of elements of artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of various countries.
  • Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Labor Market The document presents annotated article in question considers the impact the spread of artificial intelligence technology may have on the labor market.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Medical Field The medical field constantly innovates and develops new technologies to improve patient care. Societies, in general, are significantly impacted by technological innovations.
  • How AI and Machine Learning Influence Marketing in the Fashion Industry The study aims to determine if the perception of AI in fashion is a novel concept and whether it holds enough appeal to impact the purchasing decisions of fashion consumers.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Aviation and Human-Machine Interfaces The following study analyzes the research results to determine the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on aviation.
  • Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Business AI’s modern field came into being in the 1950s; still, decades were spent on making serious progress in the development of an AI system and turning it from a dream into a reality.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Machinery This essay explores an operation case, discussing the tools in AI, particularly TensorFlow and Theano, and their implementation issues.
  • Artificial Intelligence Bias and Ethical Algorithms The paper argues in order to solve the problem of lack of diversity and assessing human needs correctly, there is a need to implement better guidelines for Artificial Intelligence.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Integrated in Healthcare This paper aims to talk about AI as an innovative idea that can be integrated into healthcare. It will detail the strategies used in executing AI.
  • New Technology in the Air Cargo Industry: Artificial Intelligence The article “Transport logistic: Artificial Intelligence at Air cargo” discusses how artificial intelligence will revolutionize the air cargo industry.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Its Usage in Modern Warfare and Healthcare This paper discusses the question of AI usage in modern warfare, and the usage of Artificial Intelligence used in healthcare in the current situation with the ongoing pandemic.
  • The Fundamental Role of Artificial Intelligence in the IT Industry Artificial intelligence is aimed at machine learning and providing software to address the problems in a way similar to human intelligence.
  • Position on AI’s Role in Education Today, educational establishments can benefit from numerous technologies, and artificial intelligence (AI) is among them.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Pros and Cons Artificial intelligence is definitely a huge step in global technological progress, and like any other technology, it can be both a weapon and a lifesaver.
  • Marketing Artificial Intelligence Problems The alignment problem when applying artificial intelligence in marketing occurs when managers ask a question that does not align with the set objectives.
  • Companies’ Reputation and Artificial Intelligence This paper discusses companies’ reputations and whether artificial intelligence (AI) has the capacity to predict customer and competitor behavior.
  • Could Artificial Intelligence ‘End Mankind’ or Is It All Alarmist Nonsense? The idea of AI ending humankind and leading to a global catastrophe does not represent modern reality accurately.
  • Medical Innovations: 3D Bioprinting Artificial Intelligence This paper will discuss two medical technological innovations that are significant for the future of a medical organization and how different stakeholders could benefit from them.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Article Review Review of an article by Vinyals, Gaffney & Ewalds (2017) discussing the use of the StarCraft II video game as a platform for AI development and testing.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Impacts on Citizens The concept of artificial intelligence is complex and broad. However, researchers, theorists, and writers contribute to the creation of a clear and factual definition of this term in different ways.
  • Artificial Intelligence-Related Images Analysis The paper states that the leading scientific and technological idea demonstrated in the photographs is the interaction of artificial intelligence with humans.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Its Positive Outcomes The development and growth of AI have brought positive impacts to society, from improved healthcare and education to increased business efficiency.
  • The Role and Impact of Artificial Intelligence AI-based techniques take an interdisciplinary approach such that they are applicable in different fields, like health and medicine.
  • AI Prediction of Telecom Churners and Using AI Recommender System The paper aims to have a cost reduction in the OPEX of the company while targeting an improved customer experience throughout the lifecycle of the customer.
  • The Mayo Clinic’s Artificial Intelligence Program The Mayo Clinic is one of the companies that evaluated its Artificial Intelligence program, looking at both the positive and negative aspects of the change.
  • The “Why AI Will Never Fully Capture…” Article by Wilson The article “Why AI Will Never Fully Capture Human Language” by Joseph Wilson, discusses the reasons why artificial intelligence will never fully capture human language.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Emergence of Employment Issues Artificial intelligence has become particularly widespread in the modern world, but there are significant controversies about the benefits of this technology in people’s lives.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence Comparison AI performs many tasks that are impossible for humans to perform and can be equal to human tasks in interpreting CT scans, recognizing faces and voices, and playing games.
  • Comparing Artificial Intelligence to Human Intelligence Intelligence is essential for humanity, as it can isolate important information from the environment and systematize it into knowledge used to solve specific problems.
  • Customer’s Brand Engagement: The Use of Artificial Intelligence Marketers are currently using artificial intelligence in marketing to automate procedures and provide clients with a distinctive brand experience.
  • Risks of Artificial Intelligence Data-Mining by Tech Corporations With the exponential advancement of Artificial Intelligence, the notion of data being valuable regarding marketability has permeated the cultural zeitgeist.
  • Integrated Apple Home-Based Artificial Intelligence System Integrated Apple Home-based Artificial Intelligence system is an artificial intelligence system that has been tailored to meet the end-users’ home needs.
  • The Turing Test and Development of Artificial Intelligence The Turing test is conducted with two people and a program, in which the program and one person communicate with a judge.
  • Artificial Intelligence, Insurtech, and Virtual Reality from a Market Perspective AI, Insurtech, and Virtual reality will be presented and discussed in relation to their impact on the market, as well as the disruptions and benefits they may cause.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Impact on Labor Workforce The development of artificial intelligence often affects drivers and retail workers, healthcare workers, lawyers, accountants, and financial professionals.
  • The Issue of Artificial Intelligence Integration in Private Health Sector It is possible to develop a particular insight into the perspectives of Artificial Intelligence integration in the private health sector.
  • What Will Happen When AI Picks Up Social Biases About Gender? Social biases on gender will not have room when Artificial Intelligence takes over and the systems are put into everyday life.
  • Artificial Intelligence as a Part of Imperialism: Challenges and Solutions Artificial intelligence is part of the process of imperialism, its offshoot, which is commonly called information imperialism.
  • Enabling Successful AI Implementation in the Department of Defense This paper seeks to provide a summary and discuss three main points of the article “Enabling Successful AI Implementation in the Department of Defense.”
  • Can the World Have a Fair Artificial Intelligence? It is important to consider issues to do with AI because the matter has adverse effects on the depreciation of human labor, information protection, and manipulation of people.
  • AI-Improved Management Information System This paper evaluates a current management information system and directs on ways to improve it using artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Human Trust in Healthcare In the modern epoch of digitalization, artificial intelligence (AI) is widely utilized in education, transportation, media, banking, navigation, and healthcare.
  • Artificial Intelligence: The Monstrous Entity The conversation around the artificial intelligence as a monstrous entity can provide new perspectives for all discourse communities revolving around this topic.
  • Implementing Artificial Intelligence and Managing Change in Nursing This paper is going to talk about a planned change, namely the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in perception, thinking, planning, learning, etc.
  • AI and Transitional Management The article presented the two sides of artificial intelligence from an objective perspective since the general implementation of AI is almost inevitable.
  • The Portrayal of Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence seems to be Frankenstein’s monster of the new age. Different sources provide significant insight into the portrayal of AI as monstrosity.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Related Ethical Concerns Technological progress allows people to use AI capabilities increasingly, but this concept is also related to many ethical issues about human rights.
  • Thinking Processes of Artificial Intelligence This essay will discuss the topic of artificial intelligence in whether artificial intelligence can be capable of thinking processes.
  • The Finance Portfolio Management: Impact of Artificial Intelligence Despite the existing limitations, various artificial intelligence applications can make portfolio management much more accessible.
  • The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Fiction and Science Although there are numerous technological advancements, not many of them have caused such a tremendous controversy as artificial intelligence.
  • AI, Human Control and Safety The given evaluative analysis will primarily focus on the topic of artificial intelligence, human control, and safety.
  • Artificial Intelligence: The Articles Review This paper presents the annotated bibliography dedicated the artificial intelligence technologies, their safety or harm to society.
  • Artificial Intelligence Implementation in Accounting Processes Artificial intelligence seems to be a prospective technology, and its implementation in accounting processes is inevitable.
  • How to Create a Fair Artificial Intelligence The current research aims to find possible ways to create a fair AI: exploring power concentration, mass manipulation, depreciation of human labor, and information protection.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Scientific and Fiction Works I decided to research what possible benefits can come from cooperation between scientists and science fiction writers regarding the negative image of artificial intelligence.
  • AI Development, Unemployment, and Universal Basic Income The theme of AI-human relationships takes an important place in science fiction literature, movies, and video games, but it is not limited by them.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Advantages and Applications The advantages mentioned above introduce multiple opportunities for applying AI to acquire improved outcomes. Discussion of such applications.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Universal Basic Income Articles included in the annotated bibliography describe problems of Automation and the spread of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based technologies.
  • AI in Customer Service: Argument Flaws Analyzing AI’s comprehensive functionality can provide sufficient arguments for a variety of options to implement to attract and retain customers.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Ethical Risks Technological progress went far beyond our imagination, and Artificial Intelligence became an indispensable companion in everyday life.
  • AI and Hardware Integration in Business Work Processes AI-driven hardware within businesses has little competition as it is the leading tool for time-saving, cost-reduced, and efficient method processes.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Singularity Technological development will inevitably shift humanity’s future in a highly radical way. It is especially true in the case of artificial intelligence (AI).
  • Fire Scene Investigation: Artificial Intelligence Each container should be labeled uniquely, including the investigator’s name, date and time, sample number, case number, and location of recovery.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Potential Problems and Threats Artificial intelligence can be used for unsuitable purposes, but this is not a scientific problem but rather a moral and ethical one.
  • Implementation of AI in Law Practice There are many benefits of AI application to large firms that have a lot of unprocessed data or smaller firms that do not have the staff to cover all the tasks.
  • AI: Agent Human Interactions In this case study a system that detects the status of the baby, that is, if the baby is awake, and it has an interface implemented with agent human interaction is considered.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Business Administration Changes The current state of AI technology does not allow launching ambitious projects that will completely change the way businesses operate.
  • Artificial Intelligence in the Working Process The purpose of this paper is to describe the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the job and its results. AI can do the job that was done by the employee for decades.
  • Artificial Intelligence. Unmanned Mission Communications Communication networks are essential in facilitating the operations of autonomous systems as they are used in monitoring, collecting data, and exploring hard-to-reach areas.
  • Artificial Intelligence and How It Affects Hospitality The main challenge in regards to Artificial Intelligence is its current state, which still requires extensive development in order for it to become practical and useful.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Its Potential and Use Artificial intelligence has been presented as a technology that will not replace human beings, but help them perform tasks better.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Science Fiction Novels Many writers created stories and novels in the science fiction genre in an attempt to predict how the life where robots are not just machines but equal members of society would be.
  • “Artificial Intelligence: A Competitive Advantage for the US Army” Review The document offers a substantial review of how the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) may become a crucial competitive advantage for the US military.
  • The Use of Starcraft II Video Games for AI Research The article is devoted to the rules for writing effective thesises, for each rule there are examples of good and bad writing.
  • AI and Machine Self-Learning Machine self-learning has become a perfect solution for complex business problems that cannot be solved by software engineering or human judgment.
  • Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Accounting The broad implementation of AI in such fields as accounting lays the ground for the drastic changes in management and methods that are utilized by specialists.
  • Blockchain and Other Artificial Intelligence Systems The project describes the basic features of blockchain and AI technologies, along with the possibilities for their future use in different spheres of human activity.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Health Care The use of AI has increased over the past decades, making it easier for researchers to investigate the most complicated issues.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Enterprise Processes AI affects ERP systems even though AI-driven solutions are not implemented by the majority of businesses. AI is integrated into ERP systems to increase customer satisfaction
  • Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, and the Impact on Facilities’ Environments The use of AI and IoT is unlikely to replace facilities’ teams because the decision-making process still requires human input.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Ethical Implications If we create artificial intelligence based on human intelligence, some of the less needed qualities will be omitted during the process of abstraction.
  • Artificial Intelligence Through Human Inquiry Much about the possible uses of A.I. and its potential capacities and abilities remains uncertain, which raises many questions as to what the future of A.I. will hold for humans.
  • The Artificial Intelligence Machine AlphaGo Zero The selected technology is an artificial intelligence (AI) machine by the name of AlphaGo Zero. It is an evolution of previous well-known machines from the company Deep Mind.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Strategic Business Management Artificial intelligence basically refers to the intelligence that is created in the software or machines by mankind.
  • Regional Employment and Artificial Intelligence in Japan
  • Artificial Intelligence and the Human Race
  • Medicine and Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applied at the Point of Care
  • Difference Between Artificial Intelligence and Human
  • The Four Debatable Viewpoints One May Have About Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Accounting
  • Rational Choice and Artificial Intelligence
  • The Ethics and Its Relation To Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence and Medicine
  • Privacy, Algorithms, and Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence: Can Computers Think
  • Cognitive Science and Its Link to Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence Replacing the Art of Traditional Selling
  • The Beauty and Danger of Artificial Intelligence
  • Digital Devices for Artificial Intelligence Applications
  • Artificial Intelligence and the Field of Robotics
  • Could Artificial Intelligence Replace Teachers
  • Artificial Intelligence and Neuromorphic Engineering
  • Artificial Intelligence Based Improvised Explosive Devices
  • Big Data Technologies and Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence and Its Effects on Business
  • Modern Technology and Artificial Intelligence
  • Multilayered Perceptron and Artificial Intelligence
  • Distributed, Decentralized, and Democratized Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence and Video Games
  • Some Considerations About Artificial Intelligence and Its Implications
  • Comparing Human Intelligence With Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence During the World Today
  • Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Human Rights
  • Economic Policy for Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence for Human Intelligence and Industrial
  • The Morality and Utility of Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence and Behavioral Economics
  • Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence Technologies
  • The Effects Artificial Intelligence Has Had on Society and Business
  • Marketing and Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machines Automation
  • People Copy the Actions of Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare in Africa
  • Healthcare System Using Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence for the Future Radiology Diagnostic Service
  • Artificial Intelligence and Marketing
  • Copyright Protection for Artificial Intelligence
  • The Potential and Future of Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence and the Human Mind
  • Expert Systems and Its Relationship With Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence and Its Effect on Mankind
  • The Nexus Between Artificial Intelligence and Economics
  • Artificial Intelligence, Based Training and Placement Management
  • Artificial Intelligence and Its Implications for Income Distribution and Unemployment
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Finance
  • The Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence and the Legal Profession
  • Continual Learning: The Next Generation of Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence and Its Uses
  • Regulation Within the Development of Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science
  • Mysteries, Epistemological Modesty, and Artificial Intelligence in Surgery
  • Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Reasoning
  • Can Artificial Intelligence Become Smarter Than Humans?
  • Should Humanity Fear Advances in Artificial Intelligence?
  • How Does Artificial Intelligence Affect the Retail Industry?
  • What Are Some of the Ethical Challenges Posed by the Use of Artificial Intelligence for Hiring?
  • Does Artificial Intelligence Impact the Creative Industries?
  • Can Artificial Intelligence Change the Way in Which Companies Recruit, Train, Develop, and Manage Human Resources in Workplace?
  • Will Artificial Intelligence Defeat Human Intelligence?
  • How Can Artificial Intelligence Help Modern Society?
  • Can Artificial Intelligence Lead to a More Sustainable Society?
  • What Role Will Artificial Intelligence Play in Human Affairs in the Next Few Decades?
  • How Can Artificial Intelligence Help Us Understand Human Creativity?
  • Will Artificial Intelligence Devices Become Human Best Friend?
  • Why Must Artificial Intelligence Be Regulated?
  • Should Artificial Intelligence Have Human Rights?
  • Why Artificial Intelligence Won’t Dominate the Future?
  • How Does Artificial Intelligence Impact Today’s Society?
  • Will Artificial Intelligence Overpower Human Beings?
  • Should Artificial Intelligence Take Over the Jobs of the Tertiary Sector?
  • How Will Artificial Intelligence Impact the World?
  • Should People Develop Artificial Intelligence?
  • How Does Mary Shelley’s Depiction Show the Threats of Artificial Intelligence?
  • What Can Artificial Intelligence Offer Coral Reef Managers?
  • How Will Artificial Intelligence Affect the Job Industry in the Future?
  • Should the Innovative Evolution of Artificial Intelligence be Regulated?
  • Will Artificial Intelligence Have a Progressive or Retrogressive Impact on Our Society?

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StudyCorgi. (2022, March 1). 222 Artificial Intelligence Essay Topics & Research Questions about AI. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/artificial-intelligence-essay-topics/

"222 Artificial Intelligence Essay Topics & Research Questions about AI." StudyCorgi , 1 Mar. 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/artificial-intelligence-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2022) '222 Artificial Intelligence Essay Topics & Research Questions about AI'. 1 March.

1. StudyCorgi . "222 Artificial Intelligence Essay Topics & Research Questions about AI." March 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/artificial-intelligence-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "222 Artificial Intelligence Essay Topics & Research Questions about AI." March 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/artificial-intelligence-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "222 Artificial Intelligence Essay Topics & Research Questions about AI." March 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/artificial-intelligence-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Artificial Intelligence were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 20, 2024 .


What Is AI?

This article was reviewed by a member of Caltech's Faculty .

Artificial intelligence is transforming scientific research as well as everyday life, from communications to transportation to health care and more. Explore what defines artificial intelligence, how it has evolved, and what we might expect from it in the future.

The field of artificial intelligence arose from the idea that machines might be able to think like humans do. It required an analysis of how our brains process information and use it to perform new tasks and adapt to novel situations. Continuing exploration of these concepts has fueled technological innovation and led to the development of AI applications that use data to identify patterns, carry out predictions, and make decisions. Often these applications are more efficient and precise than humans are—sometimes replacing people to perform repetitive or tedious tasks and calculations. Today, rapid advances in the field have opened new avenues for research and discovery but also raise ethical and safety questions.

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The Art of Predicting Tastes in Art

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New Caltech Center Sheds Light on the Future of Generative AI, Innovation, and Regulation

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A Test of Artificial Intelligence

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163 Unique Artificial Intelligence Topics For Your Dissertation

Artificial Intelligence Topics

The artificial intelligence industry is an industry of the future, but it’s also a course many students find difficult to write about. According to some students, the main reason is that there are many research topics on artificial intelligence. Several topics are already covered, and they claim not to know what to write about.

However, one of the interesting things about writing a dissertation or thesis is that you don’t need to be the number one author of an idea. It would be best if you write about the idea from a unique perspective instead. Writing from a unique perspective also means coupling your ideas with original research, giving your long essay quality and value to your professors and other students who may want to cover the same topic in the future.

This blog post will cover basic advanced AI topics and interesting ones for your next research paper or debate. This will help prepare you for your next long essay or presentation.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the concept that enables humans to perform their tasks more smartly and faster through automated systems. AI is human intelligence packed in machines.

AI facilitates several computer systems such as voice recognition, machine vision, natural language processing, robotics engineering, and many others. All these systems revolutionize how work is done in today’s world.

Now that you know what artificial intelligence is, here are some advanced AI topics for your college research.

Writing Tips to Create a Good Thesis or Dissertation

Every student wants to create the best thesis and dissertation in their class. The first step to creating or researching the perfect dissertation is to write a great thesis. What are the things to be on the lookout for?

  • Create a Strong Thesis Statement You need this to have a concise approach to your research. Your thesis statement should, therefore, be specific, precise, factual, debatable, and logical enough to be an assertive point. Afterwards, the only way to create a competitive dissertation is to draw from existing research in journals and other sources.
  • Strong Arguments You can create a good dissertation if you have strong arguments. Your arguments must be backed by reputed sources such as academics, government, reputed media organizations, or statistic-oriented websites. All these make your arguments recognizable and accepted.
  • Well Organized and Logically Structured Your dissertation has different subsections, including an abstract, thesis statement, background to the study, chapters (where your body is), and concluding arguments. If you’ve embarked on quantitative data analysis, you must report the data you got and what it means for your discourse. You can even add recommendations for future research. The information you want to convey must be well structured to improve its reception by your university professors.
  • Concise and Free of Errors Your essay must also be straightforward. Your ideas must not be complex to understand, and you must always explain ambiguous industry terms. Revising your draft to check for grammatical errors several times is also important. Editing can be difficult, but it’s integral to determining whether your professors will love your dissertation or otherwise.

Artificial Intelligence Research Topics

Artificial intelligence is here to stay in several industries and sectors worldwide. It is the technology of the present and the future, and here are some AI topics to write about:

  • How will artificial intelligence contribute to the flight to Mars?
  • Machine learning and the challenges it poses to scientists
  • How can retail stores maximize machine learning?
  • Expatiate on what is meant by deep learning
  • General AI and Narrow AI: what does it mean?
  • AI changes the world: a case study of the gambling industry
  • AI improved business: a case study of SaaS industries
  • AI in homes: how smart homes change how humans live
  • The critical challenges scientists have not yet solved with AI
  • How students can contribute to both research and development of AI systems
  • Is automation the way forward for the interconnected world: an overview of the ethical issues in AI
  • How does cybernetics connect with AI?
  • How do artificial intelligence systems manifest in healthcare?
  • A case for artificial intelligence in how it facilitates the use of data in the criminal department
  • What are the innovations in the vision system applications
  • The inductive logic program: meaning and origin
  • Brain simulation and AI: right or wrong
  • How to maximize AI in Big data
  • How AI can increase cybersecurity threat
  • AI in companies: a case study of Telegram

Hot Topics in Artificial Intelligence

If you’d love to be one of the few who will cover hot topics in AI, researching some sub-sectors could be a way to go. There are several subsections of AI, some of which are hot AI topics causing several arguments among scholars and moralists today. Some of these are:

  • How natural language is generated and how AI maximizes it
  • Speech recognition: a case study of Alexa and how it works
  • How AI makes its decisions
  • What are known as virtual agents?
  • Key deep learning platforms for governments
  • Text analytics and the future of text-to-speech systems
  • How marketing automation works
  • Do robots operate based on rules?
  • AI and emotion recognition
  • AI and the future of biometrics
  • AI in content creation
  • AI and how data is used to create social media addiction
  • What can be considered core problems with AI?
  • What do five pieces of literature say about AI taking over the world?
  • How does AI help with predictive sales?
  • Motion planning and how AI is used in video editing
  • Distinguish between data science vs. artificial intelligence
  • Account for five failed AI experiments in the past decade
  • The world from the machine’s view
  • Project management systems from the machine’s view

Artificial Intelligence Topics for Presentation

Students are sometimes fond of presentations to show knowledge or win debates. If you’re in a debate club and would love to add a presentation to your AI topics, here are topics in artificial intelligence for you.

You can even expand these for your artificial intelligence research paper topics:

  • How AI has penetrated all industries
  • The future of cloud technologies
  • The future of AI in military equipment
  • The evolution of AI in a security application
  • Industrial robots: an account of Tesla’s factory
  • Industrial robots: an account of Amazon’s factories
  • An overview of deep generative models and what they mean
  • What are the space travel ideas fueling the innovation of AI?
  • What is amortized inference?
  • Examine the Monte Carlo methods in AI
  • How technology has improved maps
  • Comment on how AI is used to find fresh craters on the moon
  • Comment on two previous papers from your professor about AI

AI Research Topics

If you’d like to take a general perspective on AI, here are some topics in AI to discuss amongst your friends or for your next essay:

  • Are robots a threat to human jobs?
  • How automation has changed the world since 2020
  • Would you say Tesla produces robot cars?
  • What are the basic violations of artificial intelligence?
  • Account for the evolution of AI models
  • Weapon systems and the future of weaponry
  • Account for the interaction between machines and humans
  • Basic principles of AI risk management
  • How AI protects people against spam
  • Can AI predict election results?
  • What are the limits of AI?
  • Detailed reports on image recognition algorithms in two companies of your choice
  • How is AI used in customer service?
  • Telehealth and its significance
  • Can AI help predict the future?
  • How to measure water quality and cleanness through AI
  • Analyze the technology used for the Breathometer products
  • Key trends in AI and robotics research and development
  • How AI helps with fraud detection in a bank of your choice
  • How AI helps the academic industry.

Argument Debate Topics in AI

You’d expect controversial topics in AI, and here are some of them. These are topics for friendly debates in class or topics to start a conversation with industry leaders:

  • Will humans end all work when AI replaces them?
  • Who is liable for AI’s misdoing?
  • AI is smarter than humans: can it be controlled?
  • Machines will affect human interactions: discuss
  • AI bias exists and is here to stay
  • Artificial Intelligence cannot be humanized even if it understands emotions
  • New wealth and AI: how will it be distributed?
  • Can humans prevent AI bias?
  • Can AI be protected from hackers?
  • What will happen with the unintended consequences of using AI?

Computer Science AI Topics

Every computer science student also needs AI topics for research papers, presentations or scientific thesis . Whatever it is, here are some helpful ideas:

  • AI and machine learning: how does it help healthcare systems?
  • What does hierarchical deep learning neural network mean
  • AI in architecture and engineering: explain
  • Can robots safely perform surgery?
  • Can robots help with teaching?
  • Recent trends in machine learning
  • Recent trends in big data that will affect the future of the internet of things
  • How does AI contribute to the excavation management Industry?
  • Can AI help spot drug distribution?
  • AI and imaging system: Trends since 1990
  • Explain five pieces of literature on how AI can be contained
  • Discuss how AI reduced the escalation of COVID-19
  • How can natural language processing help interpret sign languages?
  • Review a recent book about AI and cybersecurity
  • Discuss the key discoveries from a recent popular seminar on AI and cybercrime
  • What does Stephen Hawking think about AI?
  • How did AI make Tesla a possibility?
  • How recommender systems work in the retail industry
  • What is the artificial Internet of Things (A-IoT)?
  • Explain the intricacies of enhanced AI in the pharmaceutical industry

AI Ethics Topics

There are always argumentative debate topics on AI, especially on the ethical and moral components. Here are a few ethical topics in artificial intelligence to discuss:

  • Is AI the end of all jobs?
  • Is artificial intelligence in concert with patent law?
  • Do humans understand machines?
  • What happens when robots gain self-control?
  • Can machines make catastrophic mistakes?
  • What happens when AI reads minds and executes actions even if they’re violent?
  • What can be done about racist robots?
  • Comments on how science can mediate human-machine interactions
  • What does Google CEO mean when he said AI would be the world’s saviour?
  • What are robots’ rights?
  • How does power balance shift with a rise in AI development?
  • How can human privacy be assured when robots are used as police?
  • What is morality for AI?
  • Can AI affect the environment?
  • Discuss ways to keep robots safe from enemies.

AI Essay Topics Technology

Technology is already intertwined with AI, but you may need hot AI topics that focus on the tech side of the innovation. Here are 20 custom topics for you:

  • How can we understand autonomous driving?
  • Pros and cons of artificial intelligence to the world?
  • How does modern science interact with AI?
  • Account for the scandalous innovations in AI in the 21st century
  • Account for the most destructive robots ever built
  • Review a documentary on AI
  • Review three books or journals that express AI as a threat to humans and draw conclusions based on your thoughts
  • What do non-experts think about AI?
  • Discuss the most ingenious robots developed in the past decade
  • Can the robotic population replace human significance?
  • Is it possible to be ruled by robots?
  • What would world domination look like: from the machine perspective
  • He who controls AI controls the world: discuss
  • Key areas in AI engineering that man must control
  • How Apple is using AI for its products
  • Would you say AI is a positive or negative invention?
  • AI and video gaming: how it changed the arcade Industry
  • Would you say eSports is toxic?
  • How AI helps in the hospitality industry
  • AI and its use in sustainable energy.

Interesting Topics in AI

There are interesting ways to look at the subject of AI in today’s world. Here are some good research topics for AI to answer some questions:

  • AI can be toxic: Should a high school student pursue a career in artificial intelligence?
  • Prediction vs. judgment: experimenting with AI
  • What makes AI know what’s right or wrong?
  • Human judgment in AI: explain
  • Effects of AI on businesses
  • Will AI play critical roles in human future affairs?
  • Tech devices and AI
  • Search application and AI: account for how AI maximizes programming languages
  • The history of artificial intelligence
  • How AI impacts market design
  • Data management and AI: discuss
  • How can AI influence the future of computing
  • How AI has changed the video viewing industry
  • How can AI contribute to the global economy?
  • How smart would you say artificial intelligence is?

Graduate AI NLP Research Topics

NLP (Natural Language Processing) is the aspect of artificial intelligence or computer science that deals with the ability of machines to understand spoken words and simplify them as humans can. It’s as simple as saying NLP is how computers understand human language.

If you’d like to focus your research topics on artificial intelligence on NLP, here are some topics for you:

  • How did natural language processing help with Twitter Space discussions?
  • How language is essential for regulatory and legal texts
  • NLP in the eCommerce industry: top trends
  • How NLP is used in language modelling and occlusion
  • How does AI manoeuvre semantic analysis in natural language processing?
  • History and top trends in NLP conference video call apps
  • Text mining techniques and the role of NLP
  • How physicians detected stroke since 2020 through NLP of radiology results
  • How does big data contribute to understanding medical acronyms in the NLP section of AI?
  • What does applied natural language processing mean in the mental health world?

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These 163 custom artificial intelligence topics are carefully selected and written by dissertation writers to help you prepare a quality dissertation. However, there are instances where you may be unable to come up with a quality dissertation by yourself.

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    Robust and trusted artificial intelligence research hinges on the foundation of Open Science practices and the meticulous curation of data which PLOS takes pride in highlighting and endorsing thanks to our rigorous standards and commitment to Openness. As a leading publisher in the field, these articles showcase research that has influenced ...

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