The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Academic Cover Letters

What is this handout about.

The long list of application materials required for many academic teaching jobs can be daunting. This handout will help you tackle one of the most important components: the cover letter or letter of interest. Here you will learn about writing and revising cover letters for academic teaching jobs in the United States of America.

What is an academic cover letter?

An academic cover letter describes your experiences and interest as a candidate for a specific position. It introduces you to the hiring committee and demonstrates how your academic background fits with the description of the position.

What do cover letters for academic teaching jobs typically contain?

At their most basic level, academic cover letters accomplish three things: one, they express your interest in the job; two, they provide a brief synopsis of your research and teaching; and three, they summarize your past experiences and achievements to illustrate your competence for the job. For early-career scholars, cover letters are typically no more than two pages (up to four pages for senior scholars). Occasionally, a third page may make sense for an early-career scholar if the application does not require a separate teaching statement and/or research statement. Digital versions of cover letters often contain hyperlinks to your CV or portfolio page. For some fields, cover letters may also include examples of your work, including music, popular articles, and other multimedia related to your research, service, or teaching available online. Typically, letters appear on departmental or university letterhead and include your signature. Above all, a strong cover letter presents your accomplishments and your familiarity with the institution and with the position.

How should I prepare to write my academic cover letter?

Like all writing, composing a cover letter is a process. The process may be as short as a few hours or as long as several weeks, but at the end the letter should present you as a strong candidate for the job. The following section has tips and questions for thinking through each stage of this writing process. You don’t need to answer all of these questions to write the letter; they are meant to help you brainstorm ideas.

Before you begin writing your cover letter, consider researching the institution, the department, and the student population. Incorporating all three aspects in your letter will help convey your interest in the position.

Get to know the institution. When crafting your cover letter, be aware of the type of institution to which you are applying. Knowing how the institution presents itself can help you tailor your letter and make it more specific.

  • Where is the institution located?
  • Is it on a quarter-system or semester-system?
  • What type of institution is it? Is it an R1? Is it an R2? Is it a liberal arts college? Is it an HBCU? Is it a community college? A private high school?
  • What is the institution’s culture? Is it teaching-focused or research-focused? Does it privilege experiential learning? Does it value faculty involvement outside the classroom? Is it affiliated with a specific religious tradition?
  • Does it have any specific institutional commitments?
  • How does the institution advocate for involvement in its local community?
  • What are the professional development opportunities for new and junior faculty?

Learn about the department. Knowing the specific culture and needs of the department can help you reach your audience: the department members who will be reading your documents and vetting you as a candidate.

  • Who is on the search committee? Who is the search committee chair?
  • What is the official name of the department?
  • Which different subfields make up the department?
  • Is it a dual appointment or a position in a dual department?
  • How does the department participate in specific types of student outreach?
  • Does the department have graduate students? Does it offer a terminal Master’s degree, Ph.D., or both? How large are the cohorts? How are they funded?
  • Does the department encourage or engage in interdisciplinary work?
  • Does the majority of the department favor certain theoretical or methodological approaches?
  • Does the department have partnerships with local institutions? If so, which ones?
  • Is the department attempting to fill a specific vacancy, or is it an entirely new position?
  • What are the typical course offerings in the department? Which courses might you be expected to teach? What courses might you be able to provide that are not currently available?

Consider the students. The search committee will often consider how you approach instructing and mentoring the student body. Sometimes committees will even reserve a position for a student or solicit student feedback on a candidate:

  • What populations constitute the majority of the undergraduate population?
  • Have there been any shifts in the student population recently?
  • Do students largely come from in-state or out-of-state?
  • Is there an international student population? If so, from which countries?
  • Is the university recruiting students from traditionally underrepresented populations?
  • Are students particularly active on campus? If so, how?

Many answers to these questions can be found both in the job description and on the institution’s website. If possible, consider contacting someone you know at the institution to ask about the culture directly. You can also use the institution’s course catalog, recruitment materials, alumni magazine, and other materials to get answers to these questions. The key is to understand the sort of institution to which you are applying, its immediate needs, and its future trajectory.

Remember, there is a resource that can help you with all three aspects—people. Reach out to your advisor, committee members, faculty mentors, and other contacts for insight into the prospective department’s culture and faculty. They might even help you revise your letter based on their expertise. Think of your job search as an opportunity to cultivate these relationships.

After you have done some initial research, think about how your experiences have prepared you for the job and identify the ones that seem the most relevant. Consider your previous research, internships, graduate teaching, and summer experiences. Here are some topics and questions to get you started thinking about what you might include.

Research Experiences. Consider how your research has prepared you for an academic career. Since the letter is a relatively short document, select examples of your research that really highlight who you are as a scholar, the direction you see your work going, and how your scholarship will contribute to the institution’s research community.

  • What are your current research interests?
  • What topics would you like to examine in the future?
  • How have you pursued those research interests?
  • Have you traveled for your research?
  • Have you published any of your research? Have you presented it at a conference, symposium, or elsewhere?
  • Have you worked or collaborated with scholars at different institutions on projects? If so, what did these collaborations produce?
  • Have you made your research accessible to your local community?
  • Have you received funding or merit-based fellowships for your research?
  • What other research contributions have you made? This may include opinion articles, book chapters, or participating as a journal reviewer.
  • How do your research interests relate to those of other faculty in the department or fill a gap?

Teaching Experience. Think about any teaching experience you may have. Perhaps you led recitations as a teaching assistant, taught your own course, or guest lectured. Pick a few experiences to discuss in your letter that demonstrate something about your teaching style or your interest in teaching.

  • What courses are you interested in teaching for the department? What courses have you taught that discussed similar topics or themes?
  • What new courses can you imagine offering the department that align with their aim and mission?
  • Have you used specific strategies that were helpful in your instruction?
  • What sort of resources do you typically use in the classroom?
  • Do you have anecdotes that demonstrate your teaching style?
  • What is your teaching philosophy?
  • When have you successfully navigated a difficult concept or topic in the classroom, and what did you learn?
  • What other opportunities could you provide to students?

Internships/Summer/Other Experiences. Brainstorm a list of any conferences, colloquiums, and workshops you have attended, as well as any ways you have served your department, university, or local community. This section will highlight how you participate in your university and scholarly community. Here are some examples of things you might discuss:

  • Professional development opportunities you may have pursued over the summer or during your studies
  • International travel for research or presentations
  • Any research you’ve done in a non-academic setting
  • Presentations at conferences
  • Participation in symposia, reading groups, working groups, etc.
  • Internships in which you may have implemented your research or practical skills related to your discipline
  • Participation in community engagement projects
  • Participation in or leadership of any scholarly and/or university organizations

In answering these questions, create a list of the experiences that you think best reflect you as a scholar and teacher. In choosing which experiences to highlight, consider your audience and what they would find valuable or relevant. Taking the time to really think about your reader will help you present yourself as an applicant well-qualified for the position.

Writing a draft

Remember that the job letter is an opportunity to introduce yourself and your accomplishments and to communicate why you would be a good fit for the position. Typically, search committees will want to know whether you are a capable job candidate, familiar with the institution, and a great future addition to the department’s faculty. As such, be aware of how the letter’s structure and content reflect your preparedness for the position.

The structure of your cover letter should reflect the typical standards for letter writing in the country in which the position is located (the list below reflects the standards for US letter writing). This usually includes a salutation, body, and closing, as well as proper contact information. If you are affiliated with a department, institution, or organization, the letter should be on letterhead.

  • Use a simple, readable font in a standard size, such as 10-12pt. Some examples of fonts that may be conventional in your field include Arial, Garamond, Times New Roman, and Verdana, among other similar fonts.
  • Do not indent paragraphs.
  • Separate all paragraphs by a line and justify them to the left.
  • Make sure that any included hyperlinks work.
  • Include your signature in the closing.

Before you send in your letter, make sure you proofread and look for formatting mistakes. You’ll read more about proofreading and revising later in this handout!

The second most important aspect of your letter is its content. Since the letter is the first chance to provide an in-depth introduction, it should expand on who you are as a scholar and possible faculty member. Below are some elements to consider including when composing your letter.

Identify the position you are applying to and introduce yourself. Traditionally, the first sentence of a job letter includes the full name of the position and where you discovered the job posting. This is also the place to introduce yourself and describe why you are applying for this position. Since the goal of a job letter is to persuade the search committee to include you on the list of candidates for further review, you may want to include an initial claim as to why you are a strong candidate for the position. Some questions you might consider:

  • What is your current status (ABD, assistant professor, post-doc, etc.)?
  • If you are ABD, have you defended your dissertation? If not, when will you defend?
  • Why are you interested in this position?
  • Why are you a strong candidate for this position?

Describe your research experience and interests. For research-centered positions, such as positions at R1 or other types of research-centered universities, include information about your research experience and current work early in the letter. For many applicants, current work will be the dissertation project. If this is the case, some suggest calling your “dissertation research” your “current project” or “work,” as this may help you present yourself as an emerging scholar rather than a graduate student. Some questions about your research that you might consider:

  • What research experiences have you had?
  • What does your current project investigate?
  • What are some of the important methods you applied?
  • Have you collaborated with others in your research?
  • Have you acquired specific skills that will be useful for the future?
  • Have you received special funding? If so, what kind?
  • Has your research received any accolades or rewards?
  • What does your current project contribute to the field?
  • Where have you presented your research?
  • Have you published your research? If so, where? Or are you working on publishing your work?
  • How does your current project fit the job description?

Present your plans for future research. This section presents your research agenda and usually includes a description of your plans for future projects and research publications. Detailing your future research demonstrates to the search committee that you’ve thought about a research trajectory and can work independently. If you are applying to a teaching-intensive position, you may want to minimize this section and/or consider including a sentence or two on how this research connects to undergraduate and/or graduate research opportunities. Some questions to get you started:

  • What is your next research project/s?
  • How does this connect to your current and past work?
  • What major theories/methods will you use?
  • How will this project contribute to the field?
  • Where do you see your specialty area or subfield going in the next ten years and how does your research contribute to or reflect this?
  • Will you be collaborating with anyone? If so, with whom?
  • How will this future project encourage academic discourse?
  • Do you already have funding? If so, from whom? If not, what plans do you have for obtaining funding?
  • How does your future research expand upon the department’s strengths while simultaneously diversifying the university’s research portfolio? (For example, does your future research involve emerging research fields, state-of-the-art technologies, or novel applications?)

Describe your teaching experience and highlight teaching strategies. This section allows you to describe your teaching philosophy and how you apply this philosophy in your classroom. Start by briefly addressing your teaching goals and values. Here, you can provide specific examples of your teaching methods by describing activities and projects you assign students. Try to link your teaching and research together. For example, if you research the rise of feminism in the 19th century, consider how you bring either the methodology or the content of your research into the classroom. For a teaching-centered institution, such as a small liberal arts college or community college, you may want to emphasize your teaching more than your research. If you do not have any teaching experience, you could describe a training, mentoring, or coaching situation that was similar to teaching and how you would apply what you learned in a classroom.

  • What is your teaching philosophy? How is your philosophy a good fit for the department in which you are applying to work?
  • What sort of teaching strategies do you use in the classroom?
  • What is your teaching style? Do you lecture? Do you emphasize discussion? Do you use specific forms of interactive learning?
  • What courses have you taught?
  • What departmental courses are you prepared to teach?
  • Will you be able to fill in any gaps in the departmental course offerings?
  • What important teaching and/or mentoring experiences have you had?
  • How would you describe yourself in the classroom?
  • What type of feedback have you gotten from students?
  • Have you received any awards or recognition for your teaching?

Talk about your service work. Service is often an important component of an academic job description. This can include things like serving on committees or funding panels, providing reviews, and doing community outreach. The cover letter gives you an opportunity to explain how you have involved yourself in university life outside the classroom. For instance, you could include descriptions of volunteer work, participation in initiatives, or your role in professional organizations. This section should demonstrate ways in which you have served your department, university, and/or scholarly community. Here are some additional examples you could discuss:

  • Participating in graduate student or junior faculty governance
  • Sitting on committees, departmental or university-wide
  • Partnerships with other university offices or departments
  • Participating in community-partnerships
  • Participating in public scholarship initiatives
  • Founding or participating in any university initiatives or programs
  • Creating extra-curricular resources or presentations

Present yourself as a future faculty member. This section demonstrates who you will be as a colleague. It gives you the opportunity to explain how you will collaborate with faculty members with similar interests; take part in departmental and/or institution wide initiatives or centers; and participate in departmental service. This shows your familiarity with the role of faculty outside the classroom and your ability to add to the departmental and/or institutional strengths or fill in any gaps.

  • What excites you about this job?
  • What faculty would you like to collaborate with and why? (This answer may be slightly tricky. See the section on name dropping below.)
  • Are there any partnerships in the university or outside of it that you wish to participate in?
  • Are there any centers associated with the university or in the community that you want to be involved in?
  • Are there faculty initiatives that you are passionate about?
  • Do you have experience collaborating across various departments or within your own department?
  • In what areas will you be able to contribute?
  • Why would you make an excellent addition to the faculty at this institution?

Compose a strong closing. This short section should acknowledge that you have sent in all other application documents and include a brief thank you for the reader’s time and/or consideration. It should also state your willingness to forward additional materials and indicate what you would like to see as next steps (e.g., a statement that you look forward to speaking with the search committee). End with a professional closing such as “Sincerely” or “Kind Regards” followed by your full name.

If you are finding it difficult to write the different sections of your cover letter, consider composing the other academic job application documents (the research statement, teaching philosophy, and diversity statement) first and then summarizing them in your job letter.

Different kinds of letters may be required for different types of jobs. For example, some jobs may focus on research. In this case, emphasize your research experiences and current project/s. Other jobs may be more focused on teaching. In this case, highlight your teaching background and skills. Below are two models for how you could change your letter’s organization based on the job description and the institution. The models offer a guide for you to consider how changing the order of information and the amount of space dedicated to a particular topic changes the emphasis of the letter.

Research-Based Position Job Letter Example:

Date: Month Day, Year

Search Committee Chair’s First and Last Name, Graduate Degree
Full Department Name
Name of Institution
Department Address

Dear Dr./Mr./Ms. Search Committee Chair’s last name and/or Search Committee Members:

Paragraph 1 [3-5 Sentences]: Identify the position you are applying for. Introduce yourself to the committee and your research interests. Connect your interests to the department and describe what makes you interested in becoming part of this departmental community.

Paragraph 2 [3-5 Sentences]: Briefly explain your research to date. Consider mentioning your research questions, methods, key findings, as well as where and when you published and/or presented this work.

Paragraph 3 [4-5 Sentences]: Elaborate on your current research project. Consider mentioning your most prestigious funding awards for this project. Explain your key findings in more detail.

Paragraph 4 [3-5 Sentences]: Introduce your future research plans and goals. Point out the intellectual merit and/or broader impacts of this future work.

Paragraph 5 [3-5 Sentences]: Briefly discuss your teaching experience and strategies. Provide examples of teaching strategies or an anecdote highlighting your teaching effectiveness. You may also want to introduce your philosophy on diversity in an academic setting.

Paragraph 6 [2-3 Sentences]: Make a connection between your work and the department to which you are applying. Include how you will participate in the intellectual life of the department both inside and outside the classroom. Provide concrete examples of how you will be a hard-working and collaborative colleague.

Paragraph 7 [1-2 Sentences]: A thank you for the search committee’s time and consideration.


Your Name
Credentials and Position
Institution/Affiliation Name

Teaching-Based Position Job Letter Example:

Date: Month Day, Year

Search Committee Chair’s First and Last Name, Graduate Degree
Full Department Name
Name of Institution
Department Address

Dear Dr./Mr./Ms. Search Committee Chair’s last name and/or Search Committee Members:

Paragraph 1 [3-5 Sentences]: Identify the position you are applying for. Introduce yourself to the committee and your research interests. Connect your interests to the department and describe what makes you interested in becoming part of this departmental community.

Paragraph 2 [3-5 Sentences]: Briefly discuss your teaching experience and pedagogical commitments. Provide examples of teaching strategies or an anecdote highlighting your teaching effectiveness. You may also want to introduce your philosophy on diversity in an academic setting.

Paragraph 3 [3-4 Sentences]: Provide a discussion of how you involved yourself with students or the broader university community outside of the traditional classroom setting. Discuss how those interactions influenced your teaching.

Paragraph 4 [2-3 Sentences]: Briefly explain your current research interests to date and how it relates to your teaching. State your research questions, methods, and key findings or arguments. Point out the intellectual merit and/or broader impacts of this future work.

Paragraph 5 [3-5 Sentences]: Highlight when and where your research was published and/or presented this work or any forthcoming publications. Mention any prestigious funding or awards. Introduce your future research plans and goals.

Paragraph 6 [2-3 Sentences]: Make a connection between your work and the department to which you are applying. Include how you will participate in the intellectual life of the department both inside and outside the classroom. Provide concrete examples of how you will be a hard-working and collaborative colleague.

Paragraph 7 [1-2 Sentences]: A thank you for the search committee’s time and consideration.


Your Name
Credentials and Position
Institution/Affiliation Name

Remember your first draft does not have to be your last. Try to get feedback from different readers, especially if it is one of your first applications. It is not uncommon to go through several stages of revisions. Check out the Writing Center’s handout on editing and proofreading and video on proofreading to help with this last stage of writing.

Potential pitfalls

Using the word dissertation. Some search committee members may see the word “dissertation” as a red flag that an applicant is too focused on their role as a graduate student rather than as a prospective faculty member. It may be advantageous, then, to describe your dissertation as current research, a current research project, current work, or some other phrase that demonstrates you are aware that your dissertation is the beginning of a larger scholarly career.

Too much jargon. While you may be writing to a specific department, people on the search committee might be unfamiliar with the details of your subfield. In fact, many committees have at least one member from outside their department. Use terminology that can easily be understood by non-experts. If you want to use a specific term that is crucial to your research, then you should define it. Aim for clarity for your reader, which may mean simplification in lieu of complete precision.

Overselling yourself. While your job letter should sell you as a great candidate, saying so (e.g., “I’m the ideal candidate”) in your letter may come off to some search committee members as presumptuous. Remember that although you have an idea about the type of colleague a department is searching for, ultimately you do not know exactly what they want. Try to avoid phrases or sentences where you state you are the ideal or the only candidate right for the position.

Paying too much attention to the job description. Job descriptions are the result of a lot of debate and compromise. If you have skills or research interests outside the job description, consider including them in your letter. It may be that your extra research interests; your outside skills; and/or your extracurricular involvements make you an attractive candidate. For example, if you are a Latin Americanist who also happens to be well-versed in the Spanish Revolution, it could be worth mentioning the expanse of your research interests because a department might find you could fill in other gaps in the curriculum or add an additional or complementary perspective to the department.

Improper sendoff. The closing of your letter is just as important as the beginning. The end of the letter should reflect the professionalism of the document. There should be a thank-you and the word sincerely or a formal equivalent. Remember, it is the very last place in your letter where you present yourself as a capable future colleague.

Small oversights. Make sure to proofread your letter not just for grammar but also for content. For example, if you use material from another letter, make sure you do not include the names of another school, department, or unassociated faculty! Or, if the school is in Chicago, make sure you do not accidentally reference it as located in the Twin Cities.

Name dropping. You rarely know the internal politics of the department or institution to which you are applying. So be cautious about the names you insert in your cover letters. You do not want to unintentionally insert yourself into a departmental squabble or add fire to an interdepartmental conflict. Instead, focus on the actions you will undertake and the initiatives you are passionate about.

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Ball, Cheryl E. 2013. “Understanding Cover Letters.” Inside Higher Ed , November 3, 2013. .

Borchardt, John. 2014. “Writing a Winning Cover Letter.” Science Magazine , August 6, 2014. .

Helmreich, William. 2013. “Your First Academic Job.” Inside Higher Ed , June 17, 2013. .

Kelsky, Karen. 2013. “How To Write a Journal Article Submission Cover Letter.” The Professor Is In (blog), April 26, 2013. .

Tomaska, Lubomir, and Josef Nosek. 2008. “Ten Simple Rules for Writing a Cover Letter to Accompany a Job Application for an Academic Position.” PLoS Computational Biology 14(5). .

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The Graduate College at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Writing academic cover letters.

The purpose of a cover letter is to introduce yourself and demonstrate the fit between your background and the advertised position. A cover letter must accompany and be tailored to any application you submit.

Take this opportunity to:

  • Briefly tell your story, explaining why you are applying for this position and will be a good fit.
  • Guide the reader’s attention to the most significant portions of your CV.
  • Explain how your particular experiences and education have provided you with the skills and experiences you need to be successful in the position.
  • Convey enthusiasm for the position for which you are applying.
  • Focus on your potential contributions to this institution—not just on why you need or want the job.
  • Answer any questions they might have. For example, “When will you complete your degree?” or “When are you available?”

What to Write About

Although most cover letters follow a similar structure, you should tailor each one for the job to which you are applying. STEM letters should typically be one page, and letters for the humanities and social sciences should not exceed two pages. Sample academic cover letter can demonstrate the basic structure.

Research each institution to which you are applying, especially its philosophy, mission statement, size, and internal structure. The Carnegie Classifications website is a great tool to assist your research. Identify the areas you find most interesting and think about ways in which you could make a contribution to the department and/or institution as a whole. Work this information into your letter. This research personalizes your letter and demonstrates your sincere interest and potential fit.

  • Address the letter to the person named in the job description, or with “Dear Members of the Search Committee.”
  • Proofread and spell check!
  • Your cover letter is a writing sample. Write concisely and effectively.
  • Single-space text with a line of space between paragraphs.

Opening paragraph

  • Introduce yourself: Mention the university you attend, your degree program, and when you expect to graduate.
  • Refer to the specific position for which you are applying.
  • Briefly, but specifically, describe what attracted you to the position and institution to which you are applying.
  • Demonstrate your enthusiasm and include a thesis statement outlining the reasons why you are a good fit for this position.

Body paragraphs

  • Use these paragraphs to paint a picture of yourself in this position.
  • Highlight your achievements and qualifications, your interest in the position, and match your skills, experiences, and philosophy to the position. Support your statements with specific examples of your skills.
  • Tailor to each application. For instance, if you are applying to a teaching-focused institution, lead with one or more paragraphs about your teaching experience and commitment. (In a letter to a more research-focused institution, these paragraphs may instead come at the end of your letter.)
  • Indicate your knowledge of the institution and perhaps give examples of how you could fit in there. For example, if there are faculty or research centers that are potential collaborators, mention these.

Concluding paragraph

  • Reinforce your interest in the position and enthusiasm for the institution.
  • Take care of any final business matters, such as indicating that letters of recommendation are being sent under separate cover (and from whom).
  • Offer to provide extra materials or additional information if necessary.
  • Indicate what you would like to see as next steps. For example, you look forward to speaking with the search committee.
  • Thank them for their time and consideration.
  • End with a professional closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Kind Regards” and your full name.

Emailing Application Materials

  • If email application is encouraged, send documents as attachments.
  • Use a short email message to indicate your application materials are attached. Then attach your cover letter and other materials as PDF document(s).
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ImPACKful Tips: How to Write a Better Academic Cover Letter

writing academic cover letter

Everybody has a story. The ability to identify the narrative arc of that story, and share it in a concise and compelling way, is what separates a good cover letter from the slush pile. Want to write an excellent cover letter? Make sure you know—and care—enough about your audience so that you can adapt your storyline to complement theirs.

What is an academic cover letter, and why do I need to write one?

Essentially, the cover letter introduces you to the search committee. (An academic cover letter should be one to two pages long.) It works in tandem with the CV to make an argument about your suitability for the advertised position—in other words, your “fit.”

It is my contention that there are two kinds of search committee members in the world:

  • those who start with the CV, and
  • those who start with the cover letter.

For that reason, your cover letter needs to stand on its own as a meaningful document . It interprets the timeline you set out in your CV without reiterating it. So if there’s something you want the committee to see in your CV, or understand about you as a candidate, you need to address it in your cover letter.

Think about it this way: your cover letter, working together with your CV, is what persuades the search committee to read the rest of your application package.

What do most cover letters look like and why are they boring?

writing academic cover letter

Most cover letters are, at least in my experience, about the applicant. They focus on what the applicant has done and is currently doing, what the applicant likes or dislikes, and the applicant’s hopes and dreams for the future.

An analogy to the world of dating is apt here: imagine that you’ve met someone who wants to establish a lifelong (tenured or contract renewable!) relationship with you. You’re open to hearing how the two of you will forge a better life together—and then your date starts talking about their amazing qualities, their past relationships, their five-year plan for personal fulfillment, and in the last five minutes of the date they mention that you’re a great listener.

In short, most cover letters are one-sided and therefore, of limited interest to the reader who (in the vast majority of academic job searches) is an actual human.

How do I write a better cover letter?

Step one:  read the job ad carefully & adapt accordingly.

The first step is to read the job advertisement very carefully, and then adapt your message accordingly. If, for example, the advertised position is for a 4/4 course load at a teaching-intensive liberal arts college, focusing your cover letter on your cutting-edge research agenda is unlikely to be effective. A better strategy is to address how your research informs your teaching practice and how you would involve undergraduates in a meaningful way.

Conversely, a cover letter for a research-focused position should emphasize past, current, and future research directions as they align with the department’s priorities.

Step Two: Align your experience and future plans with the job description

writing academic cover letter

The order in which the job ad outlines responsibilities and priorities gives you a basic template for your letter. If you find yourself resisting this order—struggling to talk about teaching or research in a way that aligns with the advertised position, for example—it’s a sign that you might not want to invest your time in applying for that position.

You’re thinking about getting a job—but the search committee wants to hire someone who will be successful in the advertised role. Your goal in the cover letter is not just to impress the search committee with what you’ve done; it’s to demonstrate that you will be a solid long-term investment as a colleague .

Step Three: Focus only on the positions that match your research & teaching profile and that you’re most excited about!

At this point, most would ask, “In this job market, shouldn’t everyone apply for everything?” Not everyone will agree with me on this, but I say no. Having analyzed the data from my own academic job searches, I can affirm that I achieved equivalent or better results (measured in quantity and quality of interviews) by focusing only on the positions that best matched my research and teaching profile instead of adopting the scattershot approach of my first full-scale job search.

By limiting the number of positions you apply to, you will be able to devote more time to researching the department, the institution, the student demographics, the geographical region—anything and everything that will help you connect with the audience reading your cover letter, demonstrate your fit for the position , and convey your enthusiasm.

And while we’re on the subject, showing time and care and attention in your cover letter will express your enthusiasm far more effectively than resorting to everyone’s default sentence, I am passionate.

This sounds like a lot of time to spend, and a lot of effort!

writing academic cover letter

  • be able to use all of this information in an interview setting;
  • accept an offer with confidence in your chances of success and happiness;
  • have a realistic plan when you step into your new role as a faculty member; and
  • show respect for your potential future colleagues.

You’re making a significant investment of time and energy in your job search—why not make every word count?

Interested in learning more about cover letters and getting feedback on your work in progress?

Attend one of our cover letter workshops or ask a member of your PACK to read your letter. You can view sample cover letters from the UCSF Office of Career and Professional Development and from our own postdoc manager, Dr. Christopher Smith .

Dr. Erin Frey (postdoctoral teaching fellow, CVM) writes,

“I was able to transform my cover letter into an authentic statement that highlighted personal stories of my passion and vision for the position and for the department.”

She adds that working with the professional development team “ helped me to understand what resonates with search committees and how to use concrete experiences to demonstrate my clinical teaching philosophies.”

Sign up for one of our workshops in the fall or ask someone in your PACK to help you with your cover letter today. Using our ImPACKful tips and resources, your story will shine bright in your cover letter.

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How to Write a Successful Cover Letter

By  Victoria Reyes

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writing academic cover letter

Sociologist Andrew Whitehead started a Twitter thread some months ago detailing his take on various stages of the academic job market. For the cover letter, he gave excellent advice . He suggested among other things, keeping it at a suggested length (one and a half to two pages) and avoiding jargon. He also stressed the importance of strong lead sentences, using the cover letter to highlight and point to other parts of your application, and controlling the narrative you want to tell .

Others have also written about writing a cover letter. Cheryl E. Ball, for example, provides excellent advice and a paragraph-by-paragraph breakdown . Indeed, a simple Google search on “how to write an academic cover letter” brings back 49,600 results if the clause is in quotations, and 526 million results without quotations.

I want to build on the foundational advice of those before me and provide additional insight into the purpose of a cover letter, tips for writing a successful one and what to avoid in it. At the very least, I find having multiple perspectives, styles of writing and exposure to different ways of thinking about the same topic to be useful.

This essay draws on an invited prep talk on how to write a cover letter that I gave at the 2019 American Sociological Association’s annual meeting and on my own experience as a job applicant and as a faculty member on search committees. It’s meant to be helpful for those new on the job market, as the following advice may seem obvious to those who have been in academe for a while.

The first thing that Ph.D. students need to remember about the academic cover letter is its purpose: to introduce who you are as a scholar, what you would bring to the department as a potential colleague and how you fit the requirements listed in the advertisement. The cover letter may be the first thing search committee members see, alongside the CV, so you want to make sure that it captures their attention in a good way.

Here are some tips that I hope you’ll find helpful.

Don’t assume knowledge on the part of the reader. Don’t presuppose that faculty members are reading your application holistically, or that if you mentioned something in a research statement, you won’t have to repeat it in the cover letter. As Whitehead suggests, you should walk your reader through the narrative you want to tell of who you are as a scholar. For example, what is it you study? Are you a scholar of globalization? Social movements? Race? What is the overarching question your research addresses? Even if the content of your publications covers particular topics, and it seems obvious to you who you are as a scholar, you need to specify in your cover letter what it is you study. Take the lead in shaping the narrative of you who are. If you don’t, others will.

Another aspect of not assuming knowledge on the part of the reader means that you need to be explicit, stating what you think is obvious -- because what is obvious to you is not always obvious to the reader. For example, although your dissertation may use qualitative methods, you may be able to teach undergraduate statistics. But you decide not to say in your cover letter that you are able to teach that class because you assume that anyone who has a Ph.D. in sociology could do so. However, that assumption would be incorrect, and the search committee will not know that you can, and want, to teach undergrad statistics unless you say that explicitly in your cover letter and teaching statement.

Tailor your letter. As others, like Karen Kelsky, have written , do your research on the institution and department behind the ad. Take care to understand and communicate how you fit with a given department and how you and your work connect to departmental activities and communities across the college or university. That means elaborating on your approach to teaching for a liberal arts college, for example, and demonstrating what your publications and research can specifically bring to a research university.

Tailoring your letter also means tailoring it to the job ad, remembering to be as explicit as you can about how you fit the listed requirements. If the job ad states that the position is for someone who studies religion, for example, say you study religion. Additionally, show how your broader research agenda ties to religion in some way. My department is currently hiring in organizations and institutions, and successful applicants clearly state they are scholars that study these areas. More important, the most successful applicants demonstrate that they are primarily interested in expanding theoretical knowledge about organizations and institutions more generally, rather than being theoretically interested in a different topic that happens to take place within an organization.

Something I didn’t realize until I was on the faculty side of hiring is that the areas of specialization asked for in the ad, other than those few open hires that call for anyone in any specialization to apply, are often tied to holes in the curriculum. So, for instance, at my institution, an applicant who demonstrates a teaching record related to organizations and institutions is the strongest, while a desire to teach -- with no prior record -- is slightly less ideal but still a potentially strong applicant. Someone who does not explicitly state their experience or their desire to teach in organizations and institutions is not as strong a candidate. The search committee only knows what you write down in your materials, so be sure to mention the obvious!

Write as a potential colleague rather than as a graduate student. When you write about your research, focus on your arguments and contributions rather than simply describing the details of your specific study. That demonstrates you’ve shifted to being a producer of knowledge who knows how your research fits into the broader field. Another way to write as a potential colleague, rather than as a graduate student, is to discuss how you see yourself fitting into, and contributing to, the department, college and university. That means doing your homework and seeing what centers and institutions are on the campus, as well as any workshops, symposia or other events that occur in your department and how you could contribute or add to those ventures. This involves a transition to seeing yourself as someone who is a useful resource that brings something to the academic table.

Write fact-based statements that highlight your accomplishments, including publications, awards, fellowships and teaching. It is not bragging or self-promotion to say that you’ve received an award or fellowship. It’s a statement of fact. For example, saying that you’ve won a teaching or mentoring award is evidence of excellence in teaching or mentoring. That is different than adjective-filled comments that talk about your “passion for teaching,” for example. Fact-based statements that highlight your accomplishments show , rather than tell, the reader of your commitment. Of course, you could still say you are passionate about teaching. Just follow it up with a sentence that provides concrete evidence or data that supports your claim -- such as a teaching award.

Be clear and concise. Write short, declarative sentences. Do not write long, complicated sentences, as your point may get lost in the details.

Here are a few things to avoid when writing a cover letter.

Excessive detail. Don’t try to describe each and every paper you’ve written in the cover letter. Instead, highlight one or two given papers and discuss their arguments and significance. Also, don’t give a detailed description of how your paper fits into the existing literature. That is appropriate for an article but not a cover letter, because it takes up too much space that could be better used to highlight your own accomplishments rather than others’ arguments. To be sure, you can gesture to how it fits into the existing literature, but limit it to just a short sentence or two. You should not write a whole paragraph on the intricacies of the subfield.

Jargon. Similar to what Verena Hutter and Kelsky write, be sure to avoid jargon and clichés . Remember that members of the search committee are likely not in your subfield. Translating your research for a general audience means getting rid of the jargon, or at the very least, defining the jargon you use. While each subfield’s jargon differs, think about whether a certain concept or word is familiar to an educated lay audience. If not, then it is important to try to explain your work without using the jargon.

For example, if you are dedicated to feminist praxis, talk about your commitment to both feminism and putting theory in action in lay terms, and/or define what you mean by “feminist praxis” -- particularly if you are applying to a department other than gender studies or related subfields. That said, avoiding jargon means knowing your audience, as it depends on the discipline and subfield. For example, writing that you are committed to feminist praxis may not be jargon in a gender studies department. In contrast, writing that you are committed to having students discover their “sociological imagination” may be jargon for gender studies but is a taken-for-granted concept across subfields within sociology.

Hyperbole. As previously mentioned, stick to fact-based statements that highlight your accomplishments. Remember you are probably competing with hundreds of applicants, many of whom have competitive records and accomplishments. So saying something such as “I am uniquely qualified to fill the position” is very likely to be untrue.

The three things to avoid that I mention above are common mistakes that signal someone who is still positioning themselves as a grad student, not a colleague, and thus, someone who may not be ready for a faculty job. That is a tricky but extremely important transition to make. It requires walking a delicate line between drawing on and acknowledging the work that senior scholars have done in the field and being confident enough to know you have something to contribute.

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Writers Workshop


Academic Cover Letters

A cover letter is central to your academic job application. It allows you to explain the narrative of your academic career and demonstrate the cohesion of your application packet. Since it is often the first document read by the hiring committee, the cover letter acts as an initial writing sample and an introduction to your other application materials (CV, teaching philosophy, writing sample, letters of recommendation, etc.). The letter must therefore go through numerous drafts in order to show the hiring committee that you are a strong writer and a good fit for the position. Be sure to ask for feedback on these drafts from your advisor, professors in your field, colleagues, or a consultant at the Writers Workshop before including it in your application.

Keeping your audience and tone in mind is essential in crafting your academic cover letter. Even if you are still a graduate student finishing your dissertation, you should not present yourself as such. To persuade the committee that you are the ideal candidate for the position, write your cover letter as a potential colleague (rather than from the perspective of a graduate student or someone desperate for the job). Since most hiring committees are diverse in terms of areas of expertise, be sure to explain your terms, minimize jargon, and tie technical points to the larger aims of your work. Finally, it is especially important to cater your cover letter to the position by addressing all of the qualifications listed in the job ad. Connecting your experience to the institution you are applying to will help show your enthusiasm for the position and demonstrate how you will use your knowledge and skills to benefit the institution as a whole.

  • 1 ½ – 2 pages, single-spaced (STEM letters should not exceed 1 page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Font 12 point (possibly 11 point)
  • Minimal white space
  • Begin with “Dear Members of the Search Committee:” or address the letter to the individual indicated in the job ad

Content by Paragraph

An academic cover letter typically follows the 5-7 paragraph format outlined below. This structure may vary depending on your discipline, where you are in your career, and what type of job you are applying to.


  • Start with the full name of the institution/position (“I write to indicate my interest in the position of X at Y institution”)
  • Your current status (ABD, PhD, Instructor)
  • Your defense date and/or graduation date
  • Be sincere and specific by responding to the qualifications listed in the job ad

Dissertation / Current Research

  • How/what it contributes to your field
  • Major themes/areas/issues covered
  • Field-specific content
  • Your conclusions/outcomes

Future / Related Research

  • Show that you have a coherent research trajectory by describing current/future publications (journal articles, articles in edited collections, plan in place to turn your dissertation into a book, etc.)
  • Demonstrate your productivity and commitment to a broader research agenda
  • Document your path to tenure (if applicable) and success at their institution
  • May be 1-2 paragraphs, depending on type of position
  • Define terms as needed
  • Connect to your research if applicable
  • Provide examples showing how you demonstrate your teaching philosophy / pedagogical approach in the classroom (or plan to)
  • Describe learning goals, projects and their purposes, classroom values, etc.
  • Include classes you have taught as TA, Instructor, etc. or classes (appropriate to the institution) that you would like to teach
  • Expand on the statement above in an additional paragraph
  • Move these teaching paragraphs before the dissertation/research paragraphs
  • Demonstrate that you are a collaborative colleague
  • Show that you offer more to the department and institution than only research/teaching
  • Avoid listing your service work–that’s already on your CV
  • Highlight the work that contributes to your field, teaching, department, etc.
  • Respond to job ad and institutional needs
  • Usually short, ~3-4 sentences
  • Reiterates your interest in the position and primary qualifications
  • When/how to expect any materials sent separately
  • Some fields – availability for interview
  • Some fields – contact information
  • Again, sound like a future colleague!

Related Links

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Teaching Philosophy Statements
  • Diversity Statements

You can find additional information and sample academic cover letters through the Graduate College Career Development Office , Purdue Online Writing Lab , and  Inside Higher Ed .

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Academic Cover Letters

The cover letter is a single spaced, two-page introductory document that creates a narrative for your application package. It introduces the search committee to your:

  • Enthusiasm for the position and your expected availability (e.g., expected defense date)
  • Teaching and teaching assistantships
  • Other relevant experience (internships, previous professional experience, etc.)
  • Fit (why you are the right person for the position, understanding of campus culture and values, etc.)

Because no cover letter can convey all this information appropriately in only two pages, you will need to tailor your letter depending on the department, the university, the requirements specified in the job call, your application package, etc.

Keep in mind, the cover letter should not directly lift content from other supporting material. For example, if a job call also asks for a Teaching Statement or Philosophy, you should not feel pressure to condense all of that content into a paragraph. Rather use the cover letter to illustrate how your teaching fits into your scholarly identity. Consider how it is informed by your research, commitment to equity and inclusion, etc.

  • How the job call is written, which responsibilities are presented and in what order – is teaching prioritized over research?
  • What application documents are requested – is there something not requested that you could elaborate on in the cover letter?
  • What student populations would you engage with as a faculty member in the department – undergraduate? graduate? both?
  • Is the institution mission-driven – how does that impact your professional narrative?

The cover letter could include a combination of the following paragraphs:

Opening Paragraph

Just like articles and dissertations have a central “thesis” or research question, this paragraph gives the letter’s thesis statement, clarifying how your mix of experience makes you the best candidate for the job. This paragraph lists the basics of the cover letter:

  • Introduce yourself
  • Explain your interest in the position and institution
  • Basic rundown of who you are as a scholar in relation to the role

Body Paragraphs

This content could address your research project(s), areas of interest, methodological training, and future research agendas. Think about how you would fit into the department and the expertise you would provide. If you are applying to a research institution, your research paragraphs should come first.

You will want to include some of the following points:

  • Your current research project (dissertation)
  • Potential future projects (dissertation to book, next research project, etc.)
  • Impact of your project(s) (publications, conference or poster presentations, public lectures, etc.)
  • Other achievements (grants and funding won, awards earned, public-facing work, etc.)
  • Potential collaborations within the department and/or across the institution, depending on the interdisciplinary nature of the position.

This content discusses your teaching experience, whether as an instructor of record or a TA, your pedagogical training, and any mentoring/advising. If the job is teaching-focused, this should be where you start. Use this space to introduce how your teaching is a part of who you are as a scholar.

  • Your approach to teaching
  • Other ways you have engaged with and/or mentored students (office hours, summer research opportunities, etc.)
  • Expertise in relation to courses you are prepared to teach

This content communicates how you contribute to the collegial nature of the institution or department to which you are applying. It might range from a full paragraph to a few sentences supplementing your research or teaching paragraphs.

You can pull from:

  • Graduate Assistantships or other service you have done within your department (e.g., serving on committees), the institution, or professional organizations
  • Conference volunteering and service
  • Search committee participation
  • Other volunteer work and community involvement

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

This content discusses how your current and future experiences consider diversity, equity, inclusivity, and accessibility. Commitment to DEI can be shown through:

  • Research areas, pedagogical applications, or service in and outside of institutions
  • Where you align with the mission statement of the institution and/or department
  • How you can contribute to the student population or wider community

These considerations are communicated most seamlessly not as stand-alone paragraphs, but woven into your document as a whole.

Closing Paragraph

Think back to your thesis statement and reinforce your excitement about the role. Keep it short and to the point – thank them for their time and consideration, ending with a professional sign off and full name.

General Tips Before Submission

  • Prior to submitting, double check that the cover letter is signed and saved as a PDF (preferably on Northwestern letterhead).
  • As with all application documents, make sure to have multiple eyes on the content before submitting it to the hiring committee.
  • Take advantage of the support Northwestern provides from the Graduate Writing Place and Northwestern Career Advancement.
  • Postdocs can make appointments for individualized feedback with the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs.

How to Write an Academic Cover Letter With Examples / Getty Images

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Requred Job Application Materials

Submitting your application.

When you are applying for a faculty position at a college or university, your  cover letter  will differ significantly from the standard business cover letter.

Your cover letter may be reviewed by Human Resources department staff to determine if you meet the basic qualifications for the job. If it does, it will be forwarded to a search committee comprised mostly of faculty members and academic deans. 

These individuals will be accustomed to reading more lengthy academic cover letters and  resumes  or curriculum vitae (CV) than would be customary in the business world. They will also often be more interested in the philosophical foundations for your work than the typical business recruiter.

Kelly Miller / The Balance

Tips for Writing an Academic Cover Letter

Your initial challenge will be to pass through the Human Resources screening. Review each of the required qualifications included in the job announcement and compose statements containing evidence that you possess as many of the skills, credentials, knowledge, and experiences listed as possible. 

Address as many of the preferred qualifications as possible. 

Give concrete examples to support your assertions about your strengths. 

Your faculty reviewers will typically have an interest in your philosophy and approach to teaching and research within your discipline. They will also be evaluating how your background fits with the type of institution where they work.

Research the faculty in your target department to assess their orientation and expertise. Emphasize points of intersection between your philosophy and the prevalent departmental philosophy.

If you possess traditionally valued areas of expertise that are not already represented by the current faculty, make sure to point those strengths out in your cover letter. It's important to tailor your letter to the orientation of the college and adjust the mix of emphasis on teaching and research based on the expectations in that setting. 

Colleges will typically want to hire new faculty who are passionate about their current research and not resting on past research credits.

Describe a current project with some detail and express enthusiasm for continuing such work. 

Try to do the same with any evolving teaching interests. 

Highlight any grants and funding you have received to undertake your research activities. Incorporate any awards or recognition which you have received for your teaching or research activities. Some text should also be devoted to other contributions to the college communities where you worked, such as committee work, advising, and collaborations with other departments.

Your cover letter should be written in the same basic format as a business cover letter. An academic cover letter is typically two pages compared to a single page for non-academic letters.

Here’s an example of the appropriate format for a cover letter and guidelines for formatting your letters.

Academic Cover Letter Example

You can use this sample as a model to write an academic cover letter. Download the template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online), or read the text version below.

Academic Cover Letter Example #1 (Text Version)

Robin Applicant 123 Main Street, Anytown, CA 12345 555-555.5555

April 5, 2021

Dr. Sylvia Lee Chair, English Department Search Committee Acme College 123 Business Rd. Charlotte, NC 28213

Dear Dr. Sylvia Lee,

I am writing to apply for the position of assistant professor of English with an emphasis in nineteenth-century American literature that you advertised in the MLA Job Information List. I am a Dean’s Fellow and Ph.D. candidate at XYZ University, currently revising the final chapter of my dissertation, and expecting to graduate in May I am confident that my teaching experience and my research interests make me an ideal candidate for your open position.

Over the past five years, I have taught a variety of English courses. I have taught a number of American literature survey courses, as well as writing courses, including technical writing and first-year writing. I have extensive experience working with ESL students, as well as students with a variety of learning disabilities, including dyslexia and dysgraphia, and disabilities like ADD and ADHD. I pride myself on creating a classroom environment that accommodates the needs of my students while still promoting a high level of critical thought and writing skills. Some of my most satisfying experiences as a teacher have come from helping struggling students to grasp difficult concepts, through a combination of individual conferences, class activities, and group discussion. I know I would thrive as a teacher in your college, due to your belief in small classroom size and individualized support for students.

Not only does my teaching experience suit the needs of your school and department, but my research interests also fit perfectly with your description of the ideal candidate. My dissertation project, “Ferns and Leaves: Nineteenth-Century Female Authorial Space,” examines the rise and development of American female authors in the 1840s and 1850s, with a particular focus on patterns of magazine publication. I argue that, rather than being submissive to the requirements of the editor or publisher, female authors, in fact, developed a more transparently reciprocal relationship between themselves and their readers than previously has been assumed. I apply recent print-culture and book-history theory to my readings of novels, magazine articles, letters, and diary entries by various female authors, with a particular focus on Sara Willis (known by her pseudonym Fanny Fern). I plan to develop my dissertation into a book manuscript and continue to research the role of female writers in antebellum magazine culture, with a particular focus on the rise and influence of female magazine editors on literary culture.

My research interests have both shaped and been shaped by my recent teaching experiences. Last spring, I developed and taught a course on the history of print culture in America. I combined readings on theory and literature that addressed issues of print with visits to local historical museums and archives. My students conducted in-depth studies on particular texts (magazines, newspapers, novels) for their final papers. I believe my interdisciplinary teaching style, particularly my emphasis on material culture, would fit in well with the interdisciplinary nature of your English department.

I am therefore confident that my teaching experience, my skill in working with ESL and LD students, and my research interests all make me an excellent candidate for the assistant professor of English position at ABC College. I have attached my curriculum vitae and the two requested sample publications. I would be happy to send you any additional materials such as letters of reference, teaching evaluations, and past and proposed course syllabi. I will be available to meet with you at either the MLA or C19 conference, or anywhere else at your convenience. Thank you so much for your consideration; I look forward to hearing from you.

Robin Applicant (hard copy letter)

Robin Applicant

Academic Cover Letter Example #2 (Text Version)

Betty Applicant 567 North Street, Boston, MA 02108 555-555.555

Dr. Robert Smith Chair, Department of Biology Acme University 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321

Dear Dr. Smith,

I am writing to apply for the position of Assistant Professor of Biology with a focus on molecular biology at XYZ University, as advertised in the March issue of Science. I am currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University of XYZ in the Department of Molecular Biology, working under the advisement of Professor Linda Smith. I am confident that my research interests and teaching experience make me an ideal candidate for your open position.

My current research project, which is an expansion on my dissertation, “[insert title here],” involves [insert research project here]. I have published my dissertation findings in Science Journal and am in the processing of doing the same with my findings from my current research. The laboratory resources at XYZ University would enable me to expand my research to include [insert further research plans here] and seek further publication.

Beyond my successes as a researcher (including five published papers and my current paper in process), I have had extensive experience teaching a variety of biology courses. As a graduate student at Science University, I served as a teaching assistant and guest lecturer for both biology and chemistry introductory courses and won the university award for outstanding teacher’s assistant. As a postdoctoral fellow at the University of ABC, I have had the opportunity to teach Introduction to Biology as well as a graduate-level course, Historicizing Molecular Biology. In every class, I strive to include a blend of readings, media, lab work, and discussion to actively engage students with the material. I would love the opportunity to bring my award-winning lesson planning and teaching skills to your biology department.

I am confident that my research interests and experience combined with my teaching skills make me an excellent candidate for the Assistant Professor of Biology position at XYZ University. I have attached my curriculum vitae, three recommendations, and the two requested sample publications. I would be happy to send you any additional materials such as teaching evaluations or past and proposed course syllabi. I will be available to meet with you at the ASBMB conference or anywhere else at your convenience. Thank you so much for your consideration; I look forward to hearing from you.

Betty Applicant (hard copy letter)

Betty Applicant

It’s important to submit all your application materials in the format requested by the college or university. You may be asked to email, mail, or apply online via the institution’s applicant tracking system.

You may be required to provide references with your application, so be prepared to submit a list of references. The institution may also request transcripts, teaching evaluations, and writing samples.

Send only what is requested. There's no need to include information that the institution hasn't ask for.

However, you can offer to provide additional materials like writing samples, syllabi, and  letters of recommendation  in the last paragraph of your letter.

Follow the instructions in the job posting for submitting your application. It should specify what format the college wants to receive.

Here are some examples of what you may be asked to include with your cover letter and resume or CV:

  • A cover letter, CV/resume, and contact information for three references.
  • A cover letter (PDF format) of interest indicating your qualifications and reason for application, Curriculum Vitae (PDF format), and a minimum of three professional references, including phone and email contact information.
  • A letter of interest, a Curriculum Vitae, a teaching vision statement, a research vision statement that specifically indicates how you would interact with or collaborate with other department faculty, and three references.
  • A cover letter, CV/resume, and contact information for three references. Please upload these as ONE document in RTF, DOC or PDF format.
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Writing Cover Letters

What is a cover letter? What to include in a cover letter How to organize a cover letter Questions to guide your writing How to format a cover letter Sample cover letters

What is a cover letter?

To be considered for almost any position, you will need to write a letter of application. Such a letter introduces you, explains your purpose for writing, highlights a few of your experiences or skills, and requests an opportunity to meet personally with the potential employer.

Precisely because this letter is your introduction to an employer and because first impressions count, you should take great care to write an impressive and effective letter. Remember that the letter not only tells of your accomplishments but also reveals how effectively you can communicate.

The appropriate content, format, and tone for application letters vary according to the position and the personality of the applicant. Thus, you will want to ask several people (if possible) who have had experience in obtaining jobs or in hiring in your field to critique a draft of your letter and to offer suggestions for revision.

Despite the differences in what constitutes a good application letter, the suggestions on these pages apply generally.

What to include in a cover letter

  • Try to limit your letter to a single page. Be succinct.
  • Assess the employer’s needs and your skills. Then try to match them in the letter in a way that will appeal to the employer’s self-interest.
  • As much as possible, tailor your letter to each job opportunity. Demonstrate, if possible, some knowledge of the organization to which you are applying.
  • Write in a style that is mature but clear; avoid long and intricate sentences and paragraphs; avoid jargon. Use action verbs and the active voice; convey confidence, optimism, and enthusiasm coupled with respect and professionalism.
  • Show some personality, but avoid hard-sell, gimmicky, or unorthodox letters. Start fast; attract interest immediately. For more information see Business Letter Format .
  • Arrange the points in a logical sequence; organize each paragraph around a main point.

How to organize a cover letter

Below is one possible way to arrange the content of your cover letter.

Opening Paragraph

State why you are writing.

Establish a point of contact (advertisement in a specific place for a specific position; a particular person’s suggestion that you write): give some brief idea of who you are (a Senior engineering student at UW; a recent Ph.D. in History).

Paragraph(s) 2(-3)

Highlight a few of the most salient points from your enclosed resume.

Arouse your reader’s curiosity by mentioning points that are likely to be important for the position you are seeking.

Show how your education and experience suit the requirements of the position, and, by elaborating on a few points from your resume, explain what you could contribute to the organization.

(Your letter should complement, not restate, your resume.)

Closing paragraph

Stress action. Politely request an interview at the employer’s convenience.

Indicate what supplementary material is being sent under separate cover and offer to provide additional information (a portfolio, a writing sample, a sample publication, a dossier, an audition tape), and explain how it can be obtained.

Thank the reader for his/her consideration and indicate that you are looking forward to hearing from him/her.

Questions to guide your writing

  • Who is my audience?
  • What is my objective?
  • What are the objectives and needs of my audience?
  • How can I best express my objective in relationship to my audience’s objectives and needs?
  • What specific benefits can I offer to my audience and how can I best express them?
  • What opening sentence and paragraph will grab the attention of my audience in a positive manner and invite them to read further?
  • How can I maintain and heighten the interest and desire of the reader throughout the letter?
  • What evidence can I present of my value to my audience?
  • If a resume is enclosed with the letter, how can I best make the letter advertise the resume?
  • What closing sentence or paragraph will best assure the reader of my capabilities and persuade him or her to contact me for further information?
  • Is the letter my best professional effort?
*From Ronald L. Kraunich, William J. Bauis. High Impact Resumes & Letters. Virginia Beach, VA: Impact Publications, 1982.

How to format a cover letter

  • Type each letter individually, or use a word processor.
  • Use good quality bond paper.
  • Whenever possible, address each employer by name and title.
  • Each letter should be grammatically correct, properly punctuated, and perfectly spelled. It also should be immaculately clean and free of errors. Proofread carefully!
  • Use conventional business correspondence form. If you are not certain of how to do this, ask for help at the Writing Center.

Sample cover letters

Looking at examples of strong cover letters is a great way to understand how this advice can become implemented. We’ve compiled and annotated a range of different kinds of cover letters from different kinds of student applicants. We encourage you to look through these letters and see some of what we’ve highlighted as working particularly well in these real world examples.

  • Cover Letter Example 1. Undergraduate student applying for a restaurant hosting position.
  • Cover Letter Example 2. Undergraduate sophomore applying for an internship with a non-profit, political organization.
  • Cover Letter Example 3. Graduate student applying for a Project Assistant position at UW-Madison. The original job posting for this position can be found here .
  • Cover Letter Example 4. A graduated student with an English literature and Spanish language double major applying to work as a law firm legal assistant.

In addition to these sample cover letters, you can find a range of other, often discipline-specific cover letter examples through these UW-Madison resources:

  • SuccessWorks has developed a useful resource that features an overview of cover letters. It provides a breakdown of this genre’s main parts as well as an example cover letter and resume, all in response to an included job posting for a position with Americas Society Council of the Americas. All of this is located here .
  • UW-Madison’s Law School has several wonderful examples of cover letters for law-related jobs here . These are organized according how far the applicants were into their law school careers (i.e., L1, L2, and L3).
  • The Career Center for the School of Education has information about cover letters as well as sample cover letter for someone applying to be an elementary school teacher here .

writing academic cover letter

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Academic Writer Cover Letter: Examples, Format & Sample Letter

When applying for an academic writer position, a well-crafted cover letter is an essential tool to showcase your skills, expertise, and passion for academic writing. In this article, we will explore the best format for an academic writer cover letter and provide a sample letter to guide you in creating a compelling application.

Academic writing requires a unique set of skills, including research, critical thinking, and the ability to communicate complex ideas effectively. An academic writer cover letter should not only demonstrate your proficiency in these areas but also highlight your understanding of academic standards, disciplines, and research methodologies.

The format of your cover letter plays a crucial role in capturing the attention of hiring managers and showcasing your qualifications. A well-structured cover letter should include a professional header, a personalized introduction, a section highlighting your relevant experience and skills, a demonstration of your knowledge of academic writing conventions, and a concise conclusion that expresses your enthusiasm and interest in the position.

By following the best format and incorporating the right elements into your cover letter, you can create a compelling application that sets you apart from other candidates. Furthermore, it is important to avoid common mistakes such as generic language, lack of specificity, and neglecting proofreading.

To provide you with a practical example, we will also include a sample academic writer cover letter. This sample letter will demonstrate how to effectively showcase your experience, highlight your academic achievements, and convey your passion for academic writing.

By understanding the best format and utilizing a sample letter as a guide, you can create a strong and persuasive academic writer cover letter that increases your chances of securing the position. So, let’s dive in and explore the elements that will make your cover letter stand out in the competitive academic writing job market.

Academic Writer Cover Letter Template

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Today’s Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Job Title] [Company/Organization Name] [Company/Organization Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to express my strong interest in the academic writer position at [Company/Organization Name], as advertised on [Source of Job Listing]. With a passion for research, exceptional writing skills, and a deep understanding of academic standards, I believe I am an ideal candidate for this role.

As an accomplished academic writer with [X] years of experience, I have honed my ability to produce high-quality content across various disciplines. My expertise lies in conducting extensive research, analyzing complex data, and synthesizing information into clear and concise academic papers. I am well-versed in different citation styles, including APA, MLA, and Chicago, and have a strong command of grammar, syntax, and academic writing conventions.

Throughout my career, I have successfully collaborated with professors, researchers, and students, providing them with comprehensive support in their academic endeavors. I take pride in my ability to deliver well-structured and compelling papers that engage readers and contribute to scholarly conversations. Additionally, my experience as a peer reviewer has given me valuable insights into the publishing process and the importance of adhering to rigorous academic standards.

I hold a [Degree] in [Field of Study] from [University Name], where I developed a solid foundation in critical thinking, research methodologies, and academic writing. My academic achievements, including [Highlight Relevant Accomplishments], further demonstrate my commitment to excellence in academia.

I am excited about the opportunity to bring my skills and knowledge to [Company/Organization Name], known for its dedication to advancing scholarly research and promoting academic integrity. I am confident that my expertise in academic writing, attention to detail, and ability to meet deadlines would make me a valuable asset to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I have attached my resume for your review. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my qualifications align with your organization’s goals further. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience.

[Your Name]

What Should the Cover Letter Include?

A cover letter for an academic writer position should include several key elements to effectively showcase your qualifications and make a strong impression on potential employers. Here are the essential components that a cover letter for an academic writer should include:

  • Introduction : Start with a professional and personalized greeting, addressing the hiring manager or recipient by name. Introduce yourself and state the specific position you are applying for. Express your enthusiasm and interest in the role.
  • Summary of Qualifications : Highlight your relevant qualifications and experience as an academic writer. Discuss your educational background, degrees, and any specialized training or certifications that demonstrate your expertise in academic writing. Briefly mention your research skills, knowledge of specific disciplines, and familiarity with academic standards and citation styles.
  • Publication and Writing Experience : Discuss your experience with academic writing, including any publications, articles, or research papers you have authored or co-authored. Emphasize your ability to conduct thorough research, analyze complex data, and communicate ideas effectively in written form. Highlight any experience you have in peer reviewing or editing academic work.
  • Research Skills and Methodologies : Discuss your proficiency in research methodologies, data analysis, and critical thinking. Mention any specific research techniques or software you are proficient in. Explain how your research skills contribute to your ability to produce high-quality academic content.
  • Academic Contributions : Highlight any contributions you have made to the academic community, such as conference presentations, participation in academic societies, or involvement in research projects. Show how your work aligns with the goals and values of the hiring organization.
  • Passion for Academia : Convey your passion for academic writing and your commitment to scholarly pursuits. Explain why you are drawn to the field and how your work as an academic writer contributes to the advancement of knowledge and the academic community.
  • Closing : Express gratitude for the opportunity to apply and reiterate your interest in the position. Include your contact information and express your willingness to provide additional materials or participate in an interview. Sign off with a professional closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards.”

By including these essential components in your cover letter, you can present a compelling case for why you are the ideal candidate for an academic writer position. Remember to tailor your letter to the specific job requirements and organization, showcasing your unique qualifications and passion for academic writing.

Best Format for an Academic Writer Cover Letter

The format of an academic writer cover letter is crucial in presenting your qualifications, skills, and experience in a clear and organized manner. Here, is the best format for an academic writer cover letter:

  • Header : Begin with a professional header that includes your name, address, email address, and phone number. Place this information at the top of the cover letter, aligned to the right or left margin.
  • Date and Recipient’s Information : Below the header, include the date of writing and the recipient’s name, job title, company/organization name, and address. Address the letter to a specific individual whenever possible.
  • Salutation : Greet the recipient with a formal salutation, such as “Dear [Recipient’s Name],” or “Dear Hiring Manager,”. If you are unsure of the recipient’s name, use a general salutation like “Dear Hiring Team,”.
  • Introduction : Begin the letter with a strong and engaging introduction. State the position you are applying for and briefly mention your interest in the role. Consider mentioning how you learned about the position or why you are drawn to the organization.
  • Summary of Qualifications : In the following paragraph, provide a concise summary of your qualifications as an academic writer. Highlight your relevant degrees, certifications, and any specialized training related to academic writing. Mention your research skills, knowledge of academic standards and citation styles, and familiarity with specific disciplines.
  • Publication and Writing Experience : Detail your experience in academic writing, including any publications, research papers, or articles you have authored or co-authored. Emphasize your ability to conduct thorough research, analyze data, and communicate complex ideas effectively. Mention any experience in peer reviewing or editing academic work.
  • Research Skills and Methodologies : Discuss your proficiency in research methodologies, data analysis, and critical thinking. Highlight specific research techniques or software you are proficient in. Explain how your research skills contribute to your ability to produce high-quality academic content.
  • Academic Contributions : Showcase any contributions you have made to the academic community, such as conference presentations, participation in academic societies, or involvement in research projects. Explain how your work aligns with the goals and values of the organization you are applying to.
  • Closing : Express gratitude for the opportunity to apply and reiterate your interest in the position. Provide your contact information and mention your willingness to provide additional materials or participate in an interview. End with a professional closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” followed by your name.
  • Attachments : If applicable, mention any attachments you have included with the cover letter, such as your resume, writing samples, or references.

By following this format, you can ensure that your academic writer’s cover letter is well-structured and effectively highlights your qualifications and passion for academic writing. Remember to tailor the content to the specific job requirements and organization, showcasing your unique skills and experience.

Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Cover Letter

When writing a cover letter for an academic writer position, it’s important to avoid common mistakes that could undermine your chances of securing the job. Here are some basic mistakes to avoid:

  • Generic Language : Avoid using generic language and clichés in your cover letter. Instead, tailor your letter to the specific position and organization. Use specific examples and language that demonstrate your understanding of academic writing and the requirements of the role.
  • Lack of Specificity : Be specific about your qualifications, skills, and experiences. Vague statements without concrete examples can make your cover letter seem generic and unconvincing. Provide specific details regarding your research experience, publications, and relevant projects to demonstrate your expertise.
  • Neglecting Proofreading : Failing to proofread your cover letter can lead to embarrassing typos and errors. Always proofread your letter carefully, checking for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. It’s also helpful to have someone else review your letter to catch any errors you may have missed.
  • Excessive Length : Keep your cover letter concise and to the point. Avoid including irrelevant information or going into excessive detail. Aim for a length of around three to four paragraphs, focusing on the most important and relevant aspects of your qualifications and experience.
  • Lack of Research : Show that you have done your research on the organization and position. Tailor your cover letter to highlight how your skills and experience align with the specific requirements of the job. Mentioning the organization’s mission, recent projects, or publications can demonstrate your genuine interest and commitment.
  • Ignoring Academic Writing Conventions : As an academic writer, it’s crucial to adhere to proper writing conventions in your cover letter. Use formal language and a professional tone throughout. Ensure that your letter is well-structured, with clear paragraphs and appropriate headings.
  • Failing to Customize : Avoid sending out generic cover letters to multiple employers. Customization is key to showing that you have taken the time to understand the needs and requirements of the specific position. Tailor your letter to highlight how your skills and expertise directly align with the job description.
  • Overusing Jargon : While it’s important to demonstrate your knowledge and familiarity with academic writing, avoid overusing jargon and technical terms. Use plain language that can be easily understood by a wider audience, including non-specialists who may be involved in the hiring process.

By avoiding these basic mistakes, you can ensure that your cover letter for an academic writer position is professional, and engaging, and effectively communicates your qualifications and passion for academic writing. Take the time to carefully review and revise your letter to make it a compelling representation of your skills and experiences.

Crafting a well-written and effective cover letter is crucial when applying for an academic writer position. By following the best format and avoiding common mistakes, you can increase your chances of standing out among other applicants. The format should include a professional header, a clear introduction, a summary of qualifications, relevant experience, research skills, academic contributions, and a strong closing. Tailoring your cover letter to the specific job requirements and organization is essential to showcase your unique qualifications and passion for academic writing.

Avoiding generic language, lack of specificity, proofreading errors, excessive length, and neglecting research are common mistakes to steer clear of. It is important to demonstrate your understanding of academic writing conventions, while also using plain language that can be understood by a wider audience. Customization is key, as a personalized and tailored cover letter shows your genuine interest and dedication to the position.

In the sample letter, the candidate introduces themselves, highlights their qualifications, discusses their writing and research experience, and emphasizes their contributions to the academic community. The letter is concise, well-structured, and exhibits a professional tone.

Remember, your cover letter is an opportunity to make a strong first impression, showcasing your skills, experience, and enthusiasm as an academic writer. By carefully following the best format and avoiding common mistakes, you can create a compelling cover letter that increases your chances of landing the academic writer position you desire.

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Academic Cover Letter Sample

An academic cover letter is a perfect way to market yourself for opportunities that relate to your true passion, education. However, it isn't very different from other cover letters, so don't let it intimidate you! 

Here’s what you’ll learn in this article about writing a great academic cover letter:

  • How to format your cover letter
  • How to write a heading
  • How to write the date and Company details 
  • How to write the greetings
  • How to write the cover letter body 
  • How to write a closing statement
  • How to highlight your skills
  • How to research a company

Sometimes, even the most motivated and distinguished academics find it difficult to write a cover letter for an academic job. This is why an online cover letter writing service is a good way to learn how to write an effective cover letter on Skillhub or hire professionals to help you with write my cover letter request.

In this article, you’ll learn how to write the perfect cover letter and land your dream job.

Cover Letter for an Academic [Example]

Writing a good cover letter is crucial to getting noticed. Here’s an academic job cover letter example that’s bound to get attention.

[Your name]

[Your address]

[Your phone and email]

[Today’s Date]

[Hiring Manager’s Name]

[Company Address]

[Company City, State]

Dear [Mr./Mrs./Ms./] [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I write in reference to the Assistant Professor role that has opened up at your university for this coming academic year. As I have experience teaching courses on both undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as experience working with industry partners through consultancy work at my former role, I would like to bring forth my application for this role.

Responsibilities I undertook in my role included:

  • Leading research project teams of business, industry, and academic stakeholders to achieve common research goals.
  • Convening regular team meetings (monthly) to discuss progress against deliverables, issues that may impact the project plan, action items that need to be completed, and upcoming events/activities.
  • Providing regular updates on the project via presentations to stakeholders, Wufoo reports, and email correspondence.
  • Collaborating with others in cross-functional teams to achieve common goals.

Thank you for taking the time to review my application. I hope that we can set up a time to connect soon so that I can share more about myself and give you an opportunity to ask me any questions that you might have.

I appreciate your time and look forward to connecting with you.

[Your Name]

Academic Cover Letter Template

A cover letter template includes: 

  • Your personal information
  • Hiring manager’s information
  • Body (3-4) paragraphs
  • Closing statement

Here's how to format a modern cover letter:

  • Align: Left-Align, no justification
  • Font: Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana
  • Line spacing: 1.15
  • Margins: 1 inch
  • Spacing: Double-space between paragraphs

Ultimate Guide on How to Write an Academic Cover Letter

Not all academics are well versed in writing self-promotional material, i.e., a cover letter. Having a guide to refer to takes away the stress and mistakes that lead to a poor cover letter.

We understand how important a great cover letter is when applying for a job, and we'll help you create that significant first impression. Don't lose out on a wonderful opportunity; contact our cover letter writers today, and a cover letter will be waiting for you. 

In the next section, you’ll learn how to format your cover letter. If you need professional resume help, resume writing services near me are a solution! They are in Houston, Chicago, NYC, Dallas, Seattle, San Diego, Phoenix, Austin, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Charlotte, San Antonio, Columbus, Kansas, Minneapolis, Indianapolis, Philadelphia, Jacksonville, Detroit. We are near you and always ready to give you a hand!

Use the Right Formatting for your Cover Letter

When it comes to cover letters, the format is important because cover letter formatting can determine how much attention your cover letter will get. 

If you look at good academic cover letter samples, they contain: 

  • An introduction
  • Your background
  • Why you want to work for the company
  • Your availability for an interview and contact information

Cover Letter Heading

A good cover letter heading is the difference between your job application being taken seriously or ignored. It’s also a great way to get the attention of a hiring manager and make a good impression.

The example below shows just how easy it is to write one.

Cover Letter Sample for Academic [Heading]

[Your contact]

Let’s take a look at the next cover letter example

Date and Company Details on Cover Letter

A cover letter for academic position must include the date and company details to inform the hiring manager that the letter is meant for them. 

Proceed by writing the date under your name, followed by a space. Then, list the hiring manager's name, the company’s name, and address. 

Example Cover Letter Academic [Date and Company Details]

Here’s an academic cover letter example you can apply when writing your letter:

University of Maryland

2433 Washburn Street

Baltimore, Maryland

Cover Letter Greeting

A good cover letter greeting helps establish you as a good candidate and shows that you’re knowledgeable about the employer. A suitable greeting would be Dear [Mr./Ms./Mrs.] [Hiring Manager’s Surname] if you know the hiring manager's name or Dear Sales Management Team if you don’t know their name. It’s advisable to avoid the To Whom It May Concern greeting as it's impersonal.

Cover Letter Example for Academic [Greeting]

An example of a good cover letter greeting would be Dear Mr. Smith,  Dear Mrs. Winslow, or Dear Product Development Team. 

Let’s take a look at more academic cover letter examples below.

What to include in an Academic Cover Letter [Body]

The letter should provide an overview of your qualifications that are appropriate for the position being applied for. The body should also highlight your accomplishments and why you think the company would benefit from hiring you. Conclude by restating your interest and your contact details.

For example, take a look at the sample academic cover letter below.

Academic Cover Letter Sample [Body]

I am writing to apply for the position of [job title] at [name of company]. I was drawn to your position because [briefly state reasons for applying for this specific job]. After looking over the website, it's clear that you are a dynamic organization with a firm focus in [insert field]. As an applicant, I am confident that my strengths and experience would be a valuable asset to your team; thus, I hope you will consider me for this position. 

Closing Paragraph for Cover letter

How you end the cover letter is just as important as how you begin. It shouldn't be impersonal, rude, or demanding. You have to show that you want to be part of a team and aren’t just looking for a paycheck. That could be the difference between getting hired or ignored.

The academic cover letter example below is a good start.

Academic cover letter example [Closing]

It pays to write a strong ending. Here’s how:

With my skills combined with my enthusiasm for the position, I am confident that I will be a valuable member of your staff.

Please let me know if you have any questions or want to schedule an interview.

Thank you for considering me.

Let’s look at the next cover letter academic example.

Describe Your Skills and Abilities

If you're looking for a job, an applicant tracking system (ATS) optimization cannot be ignored. Employers use ATS to scan your resume for keywords. The better you are at including the correct skills and keywords, the higher you'll rank in an employer's applicant pool when they search for prospective employees. 

Here’s a list of soft and hard skills from an academic position cover letter sample.

Soft Skills

  • Content Development 
  • Team Management and Collaboration

Hard skills

  • Special Education Curriculum Design and Instruction 
  • Psychology Principles and Practices 
  • Adult Learning and Facilitation Methodologies

Look Into The Company

The hiring manager will always look for specific keywords in your application to see if you are fit for the role. The best way to determine these keywords is to look at the job description. This will give you a good idea of what the company is looking for. This way, you can tailor your application to the position. 

Here’s an example of keywords that might capture a hiring manager's attention. 

  • Communication
  • Published articles
  • Writing reports

Important Points to Remember

A well-crafted cover letter is essential in getting you an interview and, ultimately, a job offer. And small mistakes can ruin those chances. There’s a lot to focus on when writing a letter but let's recap some of the key components of a great academic cover letter: 

  • Properly format the cover letter
  • Add your personal information
  • Directly address the hiring manager
  • Have a strong opening statement
  • Highlight your skills and qualification for the position
  • Prove that you'd be an asset to the company
  • Have a strong closing statement

As you can see, writing an academic cover letter can be challenging, but with the proper guidance, you can craft a letter that lands you your dream job. For more tips, tricks, and help writing the perfect resume and cover letter, check out our affordable resume writing service and start getting more job offers!

writing academic cover letter

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More Cover Letter Examples

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StandOut CV

Academic cover letter examples

Andrew Fennell photo

You’ve worked hard and you’ve got some pretty impressive academic achievements under your metaphorical belt. Now you just need to prove it to the recruiter.

Sure, you can outline your studies on your CV, but a cover letter gives you a better chance to provide detailed facts and figures that showcase why you’re perfect for the position.

But if you need some help getting started, study our top tips and academic cover letter examples in the writing guide below.

CV templates 

Academic cover letter example 1

Academic cover letter 1

Academic cover letter example 2

Academic cover letter 2

Academic cover letter example 3

Academic cover letter 3

These Academic cover letter examples provide you with some guidance and inspiration for writing a cover letter that gets noticed and ensures your CV will get opened.

But if you really want to master the art of writing a winning cover letter , then follow our step-by-step cove letter writing guide below.

How to write an Academic cover letter

Here’s how to write your own winning Academic cover letter

How to write a cover letter

Write your cover letter in the body of an email/message

Type the content of your cover letter directly into the email you are sending, or if you are applying via a job board, directly into their messaging system.

The reason for doing this it to ensure that your cover letter gets seen instantly and you can start connecting with the recruiter as soon as they open your message.

If you attach your cover letter as a separate document, the recipient will have to open up the document, which will slow the process down, or make them less likely to even open your cover letter – which could mean your application gets skipped over.

Write cover letter in body of email

Start with a friendly greeting

Cover letter address

Start you cover letter with a greeting that is professional but friendly.

This will build rapport with the recruiter whilst showing your professionalism.

  • Hi, hope you’re well
  • Hi [insert recruiter name]
  • Hi [insert department/team name]

Avoid overly formal greetings like “Dear sir/madam ” unless applying to very traditional companies.

How to find the contact’s name?

Addressing the recruitment contact by name is an excellent way to start building a strong relationship. If it is not listed in the job advert, try these methods to find it.

  • Check out the company website and look at their  About page. If you see a hiring manager, HR person or internal recruiter, use their name. You could also try to figure out who would be your manager in the role and use their name.
  • Head to LinkedIn , search for the company and scan through the list of employees. Most professionals are on LinkedIn these days, so this is a good bet.

Identify the role you are applying for

Once you’ve opened up the cover letter with a warm greeting to start building a relationship, it is time to identify which role you want to apply for.

Recruiters are often managing multiple vacancies, so you need to ensure you apply to the correct one.

Be very specific and use a reference number if you can find one.

  • I am interested in applying for the position of *Academic job role* with your company.
  • I would like to apply for the role of Sales assistant (Ref: 406f57393)
  • I would like to express my interest in the customer service vacancy within your retail department
  • I saw your advert for a junior project manager on Reed and would like to apply for the role.

See also: CV examples – how to write a CV – CV profiles

Highlight your suitability

The sole objective of your cover letter is to motivate recruiters into to opening your CV. And you achieve this by quickly explaining your suitability to the roles you are applying for.

Take a look at the job descriptions you are applying to, and make note of the most important skills and qualifications being asked for.

Then, when crafting your cover letter, make your suitability the central focus.

Explain why you are the best qualified candidate, and why you are so well suited to carry out the job.

This will give recruiters all the encouragement they need to open your CV and consider you for the job.

Cover letter tips

Keep it short and sharp

It is best to keep your cover letter brief if you want to ensure you hold the attention of busy recruiters and hiring managers. A lengthy cover letter will probably not get read in full, so keep yours to around 3-6 sentences and save the real detail for your CV.

Remember the purpose of your cover letter is to quickly get recruiters to notice you and encourage them to open your CV, so it only needs to include the highlights of your experience.

Sign off professionally

To finish off your cover note, add a professional signature to the bottom, stating your important contact details and information.

This not only provides recruiters with multiple means of contacting you, but it also adds a nice professional appearance to the cover letter, which shows that you know how to conduct yourself in the workplace.

Include the following points;

  • A friendly sign off – e.g. “Warm regards”
  • Your full name
  • Phone number (one you can answer quickly)
  • Email address
  • Profession title
  • Professional social network – e.g. LinkedIn

Here is an example signature;

Warm regards,

Aaron Smith Customer service professional 075557437373 [email protected] LinkedIn

Quick tip : To save yourself from having to write your signature every time you send a job application, you can save it within your email drafts, or on a separate document that you could copy in.

Email signatures

What to include in your Academic cover letter

Here’s what kind of content you should include in your Academic cover letter…

The exact info will obviously depend on your industry and experience level, but these are the essentials.

  • Your relevant experience – Where have you worked and what type of jobs have you held?
  • Your qualifications – Let recruiters know about your highest level of qualification to show them you have the credentials for the job.
  • The impact you have made – Show how your actions have made a positive impact on previous employers; perhaps you’ve saved them money or helped them to acquire new customers?
  • Your reasons for moving – Hiring managers will want to know why you are leaving your current or previous role, so give them a brief explanation.
  • Your availability – When can you start a new job ? Recruiters will want to know how soon they can get you on board.

Don’t forget to tailor these points to the requirements of the job advert for best results.

Academic cover letter templates

Copy and paste these Academic cover letter templates to get a head start on your own.

Hi Jonathan

I would like to express my sincere interest in the Senior Lecturer position you have available at the University of London’s Faculty of Psychology, as advertised on your website. With my 18+ years of experience as a Clinical Psychologist, with a passion for research, I am excited to contribute my pedagogical skills to your institution.

Throughout my 13-year academic journey as a Lecturer at the University of Manchester, I have been deeply committed to both advancing the field of clinical psychology and nurturing the next generation of mental health professionals. I hold a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Manchester, where my research focused on cognitive-behavioural interventions for anxiety disorders.

I have had the privilege of working with diverse populations in addressing a wide range of psychological challenges. I previously secured £1M+ grants to support various research projects, constantly received 10 out of 10 evaluations from students for engaging lectures and contributed towards a 20% increase in pass rates.

I am excited about the opportunity to meet you at your earliest convenience to discuss how I could add value to your department.

Kind regards

Martin Maguire  ¦  07777777777  ¦  [email protected]

Hope you’re well. I am thrilled to apply for the position of Sociology Lecturer at Oxford University, as advertised on LinkedIn. As an enthusiastic educator and dedicated sociologist with 10+ years of experience, I am eager to contribute my expertise and passion for sociology to the esteemed academic community at your institution.

With a Ph.D. in Sociology, I have cultivated a deep understanding of sociological theories, research methodologies, and the dynamic social processes that shape our world. Throughout my academic journey, teaching has been both a joy and a calling. As an Assistant Lecturer at the University of London for over five years, I developed and delivered engaging lectures for undergraduate courses, such as Introduction to Sociology and Social Research Methods. I have received a student evaluation rating of 5 out of 5 for course satisfaction, increased average grades by 15%, and obtained £500K in funding sociology-related research during those five years.

I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss how my career aspirations align with your objectives. I am available for an interview at your convenience.

Natalie Woods  ¦  07777777777  ¦  [email protected]

Good morning, Adam

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to in response to the University of Birmingham’s advertisement for an Accounting Professor. As a dedicated educator, seasoned accounting professional, and passionate advocate for academic excellence, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my expertise to the esteemed department at your institution.

In my current role as an Associate Professor of Accounting at Durham University for the past 10 years, I have had the privilege of shaping the academic and professional growth of countless students. With a Ph.D. in Accounting, I possess a strong foundation in both theoretical and applied aspects of accounting. My pedagogical approach underlines critical thinking, problem-solving, and real-world applications of accounting principles. During my tenure at Durham University, I have mentored 50+ doctoral scholars in their conference presentations and publications, received four awards for teaching, and contributed to a 15% increase in the pass rates and overall performance.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of joining your department and I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience.

Laura Stanley  ¦  07777777777  ¦  [email protected]

Writing a strong attention-grabbing cover letter is a vital step in landing a good Academic job.

Use the tips, strategies and examples above to get more responses from you job applications and start lining job interview up.

Good luck with your job search!

2 Inspiring Examples of Academic Advisor Cover Letters

By Editorial Team on March 12, 2024 — 9 minutes to read

Applying for the role of an academic advisor requires you to present a clear and compelling case for your qualifications, akin to crafting an argument in an academic paper. Your cover letter is your chance to narrate your educational philosophy and highlight the skills that make you the right candidate for the job. It’s important to tailor your cover letter to each institution, showcasing your awareness of their academic programs, student population, and overall mission.

Understanding the Role of an Academic Advisor

Before diving into the details, know that the role of an academic advisor means more than just course selection; it’s about guiding students through their educational journey.

Key Responsibilities

  • Student Guidance : Your main task is to assist students in creating educational plans that fit their career goals. This might involve discussing potential majors, deciding on classes for the upcoming semester, and making sure students meet graduation requirements.
  • Support Services Navigation : You’ll direct students to various campus resources, such as tutoring services, career counseling, or mental health support when needed. It’s important to facilitate their access to these services to enhance their academic success.
  • Performance Monitoring : Keep an eye on your advisees’ academic progress. You might need to schedule regular check-ins or intervene with additional supports if a student is at risk of not meeting their goals.
  • Administrative Duties : From updating student records to preparing reports, you handle a range of administrative tasks to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Qualities of a Successful Advisor

  • Communication Skills : A successful advisor must express complex information in a way that is easy to understand. Whether you’re discussing course options or explaining institutional policies, clear communication is key.
  • Empathy : You aim to understand each student’s unique circumstances and challenges. Demonstrating empathy goes a long way in building trust and rapport with students.
  • Organization : With many students to manage, it’s important that you’re organized. Keeping detailed records and managing your schedule effectively ensures you can meet your students’ needs efficiently.
  • Problem-Solving : When students encounter academic hurdles, you’re there to help strategize solutions, whether it’s tackling time management issues or finding the right study resources.

Structuring Your Academic Advisor Cover Letter

When you’re putting together your cover letter for an academic advisor position, structuring it effectively will help demonstrate your communication skills and suitability for the role.

Opening Statement

Your opening statement is your first opportunity to make a strong impression. Start with a friendly greeting and introduce yourself.

  • I am thrilled to express my interest in the Academic Advisor position listed on your university’s careers page.
  • I recently came across the job posting for an Academic Advisor at your esteemed institution and felt compelled to apply.
  • Your announcement for an Academic Advisor caught my eye, and I am excited to apply for the opportunity to contribute to your team.
  • With a strong commitment to supporting student success, I am eager to apply for the Academic Advisor role at [University Name].
  • As someone who is passionate about education and student development, I am submitting my application for the Academic Advisor role.
  • The position of Academic Advisor at [University Name] seems like a perfect match for my skills and aspirations.
  • Your search for a dedicated Academic Advisor ends with my application, backed by five years of advising experience.
  • I’m writing to you with great enthusiasm about the Academic Advisor role as advertised on [Job Board].
  • It is with keen interest that I apply for the role of Academic Advisor, bringing a track record of fostering positive student outcomes.
  • I am excited about the opportunity to merge my advising experience with [University Name]’s innovative approaches as your next Academic Advisor.

Body of the Letter

In the body of your letter, you need to outline your qualifications and explain how they align with the requirements of the job. List your experiences and achievements as they relate to the role.

  • Coordinated and implemented a Freshman Orientation program that increased retention rates by 15%.
  • Advised over 400 students per semester with a focus on academic planning and career readiness.
  • Developed comprehensive student resource guides that improved the academic performance of at-risk students by 25%.
  • Collaborated with faculty to tailor academic plans for students in the honors program, ensuring a 95% graduation rate.
  • Utilized data-driven strategies to support student athletes, leading to a significant decrease in academic probation instances.
  • Implemented a peer mentoring program that enhanced academic success rates for first-year students.
  • Orchestrated workshops on time management and study skills that were frequently cited in student surveys for their effectiveness.
  • Regularly reviewed and updated curriculum advising tools to reflect the most recent academic regulations and program changes.
  • Liaised with the career services department to align students’ academic paths with their professional goals.
  • Worked closely with diverse student populations, delivering personalized advising that respected each student’s unique circumstances and aspirations.

Highlighting Your Educational Background

When detailing your educational history in your cover letter for an academic advisor position, it’s important to focus on qualifications that are most relevant to the role. Start by mentioning your highest degree first, as this catches attention quickly. For instance, if you hold a Master’s in Education, make sure to list that prominently.

Your major or minors can also be significant, especially if they tie into the realm of academic advising. If you majored in Psychology, for example, you can highlight how the coursework provided a strong foundation for understanding student needs and devising personalized academic plans.

Consider including details about any academic honors, such as magna cum laude, or relevant coursework that has prepared you for the academic advisor role. If you participated in relevant extracurricular activities or held leadership roles in academic clubs, these experiences show your commitment to education and student engagement.

If you’ve completed professional development courses or certifications related to academic advising or counseling, these can bolster your educational profile.

  • Master’s in Education, Specialization in Student Counseling
  • Honors: Graduated Summa Cum Laude
  • Relevant Coursework: Developmental Psychology, Educational Administration, and Ethics in Counseling
  • Certification in Academic Advising (NACADA)

Education does not exist in a vacuum, so also briefly touch on how these experiences translate into practical skills. For example, mention a particular project or paper where you analyzed student retention strategies, which directly relates to the responsibilities of an academic advisor.

Addressing Your Advisee Engagement Strategies

When writing a cover letter for an Academic Advisor position, explaining how you plan to engage with advisees is a key aspect that can set you apart. Your approach to engagement is a testament to your investment in students’ academic success and personal growth.

  • To start, describe how you personalize your interactions with each student. You might say, “I tailor my advising sessions to align with your individual academic goals and learning styles.” This shows a consideration for the unique needs of each advisee.
  • It’s important to express that you maintain consistent communication. For instance, “I schedule regular check-ins to ensure you are on track and feel supported throughout the semester.” This strategy indicates that you’re proactive in maintaining the advisor-advisee relationship.
  • Explain that you utilize a variety of resources to aid in their academic journey. You can mention, “I connect you with campus resources such as tutoring centers, career counseling, or study workshops to enhance your academic experience.”
  • You can mention your collaborative approach: “I work with you to develop a comprehensive academic plan that includes short-term and long-term goals.” By doing this, you emphasize your role in helping students look ahead and plan effectively for their future.

Examples of Academic Advisor Cover Letters

When you’re applying for an academic advisor position, your cover letter is a great opportunity to showcase your communication skills and your commitment to assisting students in their educational journey. Whether you’re fresh out of college or have years of experience, a well-crafted cover letter can make a strong impression.

Example of Academic Advisor Cover Letter: No Experience

Dear (…),

I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to apply for the Academic Advisor position at (…) University, as advertised on your careers page. With a recent Master’s degree in Education and a dedicated history of volunteer mentorship at (…) Community Center, I am eager to transition my passion for helping others into a career in academic advising.

During my time at (…) Community Center, I worked closely with at-risk youth to develop individual learning plans and facilitated workshops on study strategies. This experience taught me how to adapt my approach to meet diverse needs, a skill I believe is invaluable for an effective academic advisor.

I am keen to bring my dedication, empathy, and educational background to (…) University, and I am excited about the prospect of contributing to student success at your esteemed institution.

Warm regards,

Example of Academic Advisor Cover Letter: With Experience

As an experienced Academic Advisor with over five years of expertise at a thriving community college, I am thrilled about the possibility of bringing my skills to the team at (…) University. My background includes a proven track record of supporting a diverse student body and collaborating with academic departments to enhance student success.

In my previous role at (…) College, I successfully managed a caseload of over 300 students each semester, providing them with personalized academic planning and support. My efforts contributed to a noticeable increase in student retention rates because I take the time to understand each student’s unique challenges and strengths.

Your reputation for academic excellence and student support aligns perfectly with my professional values and experience. I am excited about the chance to work with your team to further develop and implement strategies that drive student achievement at (…) University.

Best regards,

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i craft an effective cover letter for an academic advisor role with no prior experience.

To compensate for a lack of experience, focus on your transferable skills and enthusiasm for helping students succeed. Highlight related volunteer work, internships, or coursework that show your capability and commitment to the field. Emphasize your communication, organizational, and problem-solving skills, which are vital in academic advising.

What elements are essential to include in an Academic Advisor cover letter?

Your cover letter should include your passion for supporting student growth, understanding of academic programs, and ability to create individualized academic plans. Mention your interpersonal skills and experiences with diverse student populations. Detailing your approach to counseling and your familiarity with academic regulations adds weight to your qualifications.

What’s the best way to format an Academic Advisor cover letter in a PDF?

When formatting your cover letter for PDF, use a professional font like Arial or Times New Roman, size 11 or 12. Margins should be around one inch. In a PDF, take care to ensure that headers and footers, if present, do not intrude on the body text and are aligned with the overall document styling. Save your final version as a PDF to preserve formatting.

How should I introduce myself in a cover letter addressed to an Academic Advisor?

Begin with a warm greeting, and in the opening paragraph, mention the position you’re applying for. Introduce yourself by highlighting your educational background and the skills you bring to the role, focusing on how you can contribute to the institution’s objectives and the success of their students.

Can you provide tips on writing a compelling Director of Academic Advising cover letter?

Be specific about your leadership abilities and how you’ve successfully managed advising teams in the past. Describe your strategic planning skills, your vision for the advising department, and success stories where your guidance significantly improved student outcomes or academic program efficiency.

What are some key points to mention in a Student Success Coach cover letter?

Showcase your dedication to student development and persistent effort in guiding students through academic and personal challenges. You can share your tactics for motivating students, monitoring their progress, and your interpersonal skills. Give examples when you’ve contributed to the improvement of retention rates or student satisfaction within an educational institution.

  • 3 Inspiring Nonprofit Cover Letter Examples
  • 90 Sample Phrases and 2 Examples of Library Assistant Cover Letters
  • 2 Detailed Examples of Product Manager Cover Letters
  • 75 Sample Phrases and 3 Examples of Manager Cover Letters
  • 2 Examples of Customer Service Representative Cover Letters
  • 3 Examples of Cover Letters That Stand Out (with Tips)

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How To Write A Cover Letter in 2024 (Expert Tips and Examples)

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to write a cover letter that will get you noticed by recruiters.

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A survey revealed that 77% of recruiters prefer candidates who send in a cover letter, even if submitting it is optional. Additionally, 90% of executives consider cover letters invaluable when assessing job candidates.

So, if you think cover letters are no longer important and necessary in 2024, think again.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you write a cover letter that effectively sells your skills and professional experience, increases your chances of getting interviews, and gets your foot in the door.

Table of Contents

What is a cover letter and do you still need one in 2024?

A cover letter is a letter of introduction accompanying your resume that paints why you are the best person for the job, what you bring to the table, and how you can help move the company forward.

Is the cover letter dead? No! In fact, a recent study by ResumeLab revealed that 64% of job vacancies still require that you include a cover letter in your application and 83% of HR pros said that cover letters are important for their hiring decision.

The bottom line is that a cover letter is still a valuable piece of your job search collateral. Nail your cover letter and you could end up getting that dream job.

So what exactly do you need to accomplish in your cover letter?

What is the purpose of a cover letter?

According to 49% of HR managers , your cover letter is the second best way to call attention to your resume and distinguish yourself from other applicants.

So the main purpose of your cover letter is to compel the recruiter to read more about you on your resume and move you to the next part of the hiring process.

Further, according to award-winning resume expert Melanie Denny , your cover letter is your value proposition letter. It proves why you are the best candidate to address the company’s needs with the professional skills and qualifications to succeed in the job.

Here’s an example of a great cover letter:


Now let’s get into the details of what your cover letter needs to include.

Cover Letter Structure Checklist

Here’s a quick rundown of what you need to include in your cover letter.

  • Contact Details Name Address (or City, State with zip code) Phone number Email address
  • Greeting Whenever possible, address the hiring manager by name.
  • Opening Who are you? What are your relevant skills and accomplishments?
  • Body (1-2 paragraphs) What do you know about the company? Why are you applying for this job? What value can you bring to the company? Include measurable results when possible.
  • Closing Reiterate your interest. Add a Call to Action. Mention any attachments. Use a professional sign-off like “Best” or “Sincerely” before your full name.

Here’s an example for the visual learners out there:


Now that you know the basics of what to include in your cover letter, let’s go through the process from start to finish to see how you can write a cover letter that will make you stand out from the rest of the candidates.

How to write a cover letter in 9 steps

It can be intimidating to try to parse down all your best qualities into a few quick paragraphs for your cover letter.

Here are 9 steps you can take to make sure you’re headed in the right direction:

Step 1. Do your research

Before writing your cover letter, thoroughly read the job description and the requirements for the job.

Melanie Denny , award-winning resume expert, likens the job description to your cover letter cheat sheet. And when checking the job description, she says you need to consider the following:

  • What are the company’s priorities?
  • What are their goals for the role?
  • What outcomes and accomplishments in your previous roles match the goals?
  • What are the key phrases and verbiage the company uses?

This will help you customize your cover letter, angle yourself and your narrative to fit the role better, and impress the hiring manager.

Try reaching out to the recruiter, hiring manager, or someone working in the company if you want more in-depth information about the company and the position you are applying for.

Step 2. Customize your cover letter for every job

Make sure your cover letter matches the job you are applying for. Writing a generic cover letter is a missed opportunity as this will not appeal to the recruiter or hiring manager. According to research from ResumeGo , 81% of HR professionals value job-specific cover letters over generic ones. Jobseekers who had tailored cover letters received a 53% higher callback rate compared to those who had no cover letter.

Remember, your cover letter is your chance to prove that you are passionate about working for a given company, so take the time to write a tailored cover letter for each position . You can do this by mentioning your skills and experience that are directly related to what’s mentioned in the job description. If you’re applying for a data analyst role that requires expertise in Microsoft Power BI, cite an example of a Power BI dashboard you built and how it helped the company.

Read our full guide: How to Optimize Your Cover Letter

Step 3. Include all of your contact info

You should make it easy for the hiring manager to reach you. In your cover letter, list these three things:

  • Address (including zip code– for ATS purposes )
  • Phone number with area code
  • Email address
  • Name of the Hiring Manager
  • Name of the Company
  • Address of the Company

Traditionally, your contact information is included in the upper left corner of your cover letter if you’re writing in a document. If you’re writing an email, this can be included beneath your signature at the end of the message.

Cover Letter Header Example:

Jane Jobscan Seattle, WA 98101 (555) 555-5555 • [email protected]

February 25, 2024

Lavinia Smith Hiring Manager Media Raven, Inc. Plantersville, MS 38862

Step 4. Address your cover letter to a real person

According to Melanie Denny, resume expert and President of Resume-Evolution, addressing your cover letter to a real person and addressing them by their name feels more personal and shows recruiters and hiring managers that you took time and did the research.

You can usually find the hiring manager’s name by searching the company website or LinkedIn profile, or by calling the company and asking which hiring manager is assigned to the particular position.

Once you learn the name, a simple greeting of “John” or “Hello John” is all you need.

If you can’t find the hiring manager’s name, you can use any of the following:

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear (Department) Team
  • To whom it may concern

Read our full guide: How to Address a Cover Letter

Step 5. Write a strong opening statement

Melanie Denny suggests that you start your cover letter with a bang. This will hook the hiring manager’s interest and show them how you can be a valuable addition to the team.

Here are things you can do:

  • Open with a thought-provoking question
  • Make a big claim about what you can do for the company
  • Say something relevant and specific to the company

For example,

“I want to bring the marketing department of Media Raven Inc. to the next level and help the company exceed goals and reach more customers as Marketing Manager.”

Step 6. Prove how your professional background and skills help the company in the body of your cover letter

Take advantage of this real estate and prove to the prospective employer how your background, values, and professional experiences position you as the best fit for what the role requires.

This is especially important if you are switching careers. Highlight your relevant accomplishments in your cover letter, showcase your transferable skills, and explain how you can help the company address its challenges and succeed.

For example:

“As the Director of Marketing at ABC Company since 2018, I directed all phases of both the creative and technical elements of marketing initiatives, including data mining, brand creation, print/web collateral development, lead generation, channel partner cultivation, customer segmentation/profiling, as well as CRM and acquisition strategies.

Perhaps most importantly, I offer a history of proven results, as evidenced by the following marketing accomplishments for my current employer:

  • Captured a 28% expansion in customer base since 2018, achieved during a period of overall decline in the retail industry.
  • Led national marketing campaign (comprised of trade shows, media, and PR initiatives) for my company’s newly launched technology services division
  • Developed and executed SEO strategy that achieved and sustained top 3 rankings on Google (organic, nonpaid results) for key product search terms.
  • Oversaw the creation of a new company logo and rebranded 100+ products to cement a cohesive corporate identity and support new company direction.”

Just like when writing a resume, your cover letter should only include the most relevant and positive information about you. To home in on the right skills and qualifications to mention, try scanning your cover letter .

Read our full guide: What Do You Put in a Cover Letter?

Step 7. Write a strong closing statement and a call to action

Use the closing of your cover letter to:

  • Thank the hiring manager for their time
  • Mention any attachments (resume, portfolio, samples)
  • Invite to schedule an interview
  • Let the hiring manager know that you will follow up

Keep the closing professional and try not to sound too eager since that can come off as desperate. You must also keep in mind the tone and personality of the company you’re communicating with.

“Given the opportunity, I’m confident I can achieve similar groundbreaking marketing results for Media Raven, Inc.

Ms. Smith, I would welcome the chance to discuss your marketing objectives and how I can help you attain them. Feel free to call me at (555) 555-5555 or email me at [email protected] to arrange a meeting. I look forward to speaking with you.”

Read our full guide: How to End a Cover Letter With a Call to Action

Step 8. End with a professional closing salutation

To finish out the closing , use a formal signature. You can use “Sincerely,” “Best,” “Regards,” “Yours,” or any other professional signoff.

Use your first and last name as your signature. If you’re sending your cover letter in the body of an email, make sure it’s your personal email account that does not list your current work signature beneath the email. Your other option is to write the cover letter in a word document, save it as a PDF, and attach it to your email.

Step 9. Optimize your cover letter for the ATS

The Applicant Tracking System or the ATS is a software that companies use to screen applications and shrink their pool of applicants. Through the ATS database, a recruiter or hiring manager can just search for specific skills and keywords and the ATS will return a list of the top candidates who match the search criteria.

To optimize your cover letter for ATS, you need to:

  • Carefully read the job description
  • Take note of skills and resume keywords frequently mentioned
  • Incorporate these keywords into your cover letter

Read our full guide: How to Optimize Your Cover Letter to Beat the ATS

Does your cover letter pass the test?

Scan your cover letter to see how well it matches the job you're applying for. Optimize your cover letter and resume with Jobscan to get more interviews.

Computer with resume

How to Format Your Cover Letter

A cover letter is a letter, but that doesn’t mean you should just plop everything onto the page in a stream-of-consciousness flow. After all, cover letter formats determine the order in which the hiring manager learns about you, which can significantly influence their first impression. Use the format order below as a guideline for building the structure of your cover letter.


Notice how the topics flow like a conversation? When you first meet someone, you introduce yourself, tell them your name and a little about yourself, and then leave the conversation open for future meetings.

Your cover letter is just a like having a conversation with someone for the first time. Keeping that in mind will help you to keep things simple and focus on the right information.

Below are some examples of how to format your cover letter for different types of applications.

How to format your cover letter for a job

  • State your name
  • Explain your work history
  • Tell them what you can do for their company
  • Say goodbye

How to format your cover letter for an internship

  • Explain your coursework history and education
  • Explain what you can gain professionally

How to format your cover letter with no experience

  • Explain your skillset and character qualities that make you well-suited for the role
  • Outline entry-level achievements

You can also check out our cover letter templates to help you as you write your own cover letter.

Do you want to save time and receive instant feedback on your cover letter? Check out Jobscan’s cover letter tool .

Read more : How to Write a Resume for Today’s Job Market

Cover Letter Examples

Here are some examples to help you create a cover letter that will make you stand out and give a strong first impression.

1. Internship Cover Letter Example


2. Career Change Cover Letter Example


3. Operations Manager Cover Letter Example


4. Communications Professional Cover Letter Example


5. Software Engineer Cover Letter Example


Cover Letter Do’s and Don’ts

Aside from the basic steps of how to write a cover letter, there are some things you definitely need to make sure you avoid – and things you can’t skip! Follow these do’s and don’ts for writing a cover letter, and you’ll end up with a much better result.

  • Use a cover letter unless one was requested.
  • Attach a cover letter directly to your resume unless requested to do so.
  • Use the same boilerplate cover letter for multiple job applications.
  • Over-explain your work history, employment gaps, or qualifications – save it for the interview.
  • Badmouth any of your past employers.
  • Use the cover letter to complain or tell about your job search journey.
  • Use non-standard formatting like tables, columns, or graphics. (ATS can’t read those and your cover letter copy might not be scannable by the system.)
  • Use long paragraphs.
  • Customize a cover letter for every job application that asks for one.
  • Incorporate the top skills or keywords from the job description in your cover letter.
  • Include the company name and address, the job title, and point of contact’s name on your cover letter.
  • Incorporate relevant and compelling measurable results in your cover letter.
  • Explain, briefly, any dramatic shifts in a career (i.e. you are changing industries or job titles).
  • Use company information to relate your interest in the job.
  • Keep your cover letter concise.
  • Convey WHY you are right for the position.

More Cover Letter Tips

  • When emailing your cover letter, be strategic with your subject line. Never leave the subject line blank, and double-check for specific instructions in the job posting. If possible, use the email subject line to sell yourself. For example: “Experienced Software Engineer Seeks Senior Level Mobile Position.”
  • Keep your cover letter brief and to the point. The hiring manager will be reading many cover letters. By carefully selecting your words and experiences to include, you can stand out from the crowd of applicants.
  • Be confident. Let the hiring manager know the reasons why you deserve this position, and make yourself believe them too!
  • Your cover letter should not be simply a rephrasing of your resume. Let your personality show and go into further detail about your most valuable skills and experiences.
  • Do your research on the company and position before writing the cover letter. It should be customized to that specific company’s values and needs. Hiring managers can spot a generic resume from a mile away.
  • Use the job posting as your guide for what topics, skills, and experience to focus on.
  • The best cover letters include keywords from the job posting. Applicant tracking systems may scan your cover letter along with your resume and will be using these keywords to sort through the applicants.
  • Check for spelling and grammar errors.
  • Send your cover letter as a PDF to avoid readability issues and to present the most professional application package.
  • Scan Your Cover Letter with Jobscan to make sure you’re checking all the boxes.

Optimize Your Cover Letter with Jobscan’s Cover Letter Scanner

In addition to resume scans, Jobscan Premium users can also scan their cover letters against a job description.

This generates a report of the top hard skills and soft skills found in the job description that should be included in your cover letter, plus additional checks for optimal length, contact information, measurable results, and more.

Here’s how it works:

Key Takeaways

Your cover letter gives recruiters, hiring managers, and prospective employers an overview of your professional qualifications and relevant accomplishments that position you as the best candidate for the job.

So you have to make your cover letter powerful and interesting enough to make the recruiter or hiring manager read your resume and move you to the next step of the hiring process.

Here are key pointers when writing your cover letter.

  • Make sure you’ve read the job description and done your research about the company.
  • Get to know the name of the recruiter or hiring manager so you can address your cover letter properly.
  • Include relevant and measurable accomplishments in the body of your cover letter to prove to the hiring manager that you have what it takes to succeed in the job.
  • Keep your cover letter short and concise.
  • Your cover letter is not a substitute for your resume so don’t just copy and paste whatever is in your resume into your cover letter.

One last important reminder!

Having a strong cover letter is not enough. You also need to create a killer resume to make sure you stand out and land job interviews.

Learn more about writing a cover letter

How to Address a Cover Letter-block

How to Address a Cover Letter

10 Tips for Writing a Cover Letter-block

10 Tips for Writing a Cover Letter

The Career Change Cover Letter: How to Get it Right-block

The Career Change Cover Letter: How to Get it Right

What Do You Put in a Cover Letter?-block

What Do You Put in a Cover Letter?

Is Your Cover Letter Robot-Approved?-block

Is Your Cover Letter Robot-Approved?

How to End a Cover Letter with a Call to Action-block

How to End a Cover Letter with a Call to Action

Frequently asked questions, what are the different types of cover letters.

There are four types of cover letters.

  • Application cover letter An application cover letter is what you send to the recruiter or hiring manager along with your resume.
  • Prospecting cover letter You send this when you want to inquire prospective employers about open positions in their company or put yourself top-of-mind when they do decide to hire.
  • Networking cover letter You will send this to professionals in your network in hopes of getting referrals, introductions, job search advice, and job opportunities.
  • Career change cover letter This is what you send when you are switching careers or industries.

What tense should I use when writing a cover letter?

It can be appropriate to change tenses throughout your cover letter.

For example, you can explain who you are in the present tense and explain important aspects of your work history in the past tense. You can switch to future perfect tense when discussing the ways you would perform if given the position.

Think of it like this, “I am ABC, I did XYZ previously, and I look forward to doing EFG in this position.”

What to include in a cover letter

Our cover letter guidelines above explain how to write a cover letter more deeply, but in summary, you should always include your name, relevant work experience, and reasons why you are right for the job in your cover letter.

When not to include a cover letter

  • When the job posting clearly states not to include a cover letter
  • When you don’t have the time and energy to customize your cover letter. It’s better not to send a cover letter than to send a half-baked and mediocre one.
  • When you are applying online and there is no field to upload your cover letter.
  • When your cover letter has a lot of typos and errors.

What should you send first: a cover letter or a resume?

Typically, your cover letter and resume will be sent as a pair, but your cover letter is meant to be an introduction to your resume. If it is an email, use the cover letter in the body and attach your resume, otherwise, attach both.

Pro Tip: Be sure to review all instructions in the job description to follow the hiring manager’s requests.

How long should a cover letter be?

According to 70% of recruiters, a cover letter should not exceed 250 to 300 words.

Although there is no hard and fast rule about this, the ideal cover letter length should be around half a page to one full page in length to keep your message concise, clear, and easy to digest.

Should a cover letter be sent as a file attachment?

If it is not specified in the job posting, a cover letter can be sent either as an attachment (PDF is best) or in the body of an application email with your resume attached.

How to share a cover letter with a potential employer

There are several methods of sharing a cover letter with potential employers, depending on their application process.

Cover letters can be written on a document and turned into a PDF to be uploaded to a job application website or attached to an email along with your resume.

In other cases, your cover letter can simply be written in the email message to a hiring manager, with your resume attached.

How to title and save your cover letter

The key in every aspect of job applications is to make yourself an easy “yes” for your potential employer. That means making it easy for the hiring manager to keep track of your application materials for later review. With this in mind, make sure your full name and the phrase “cover letter” are included in the file label. Other helpful details might include the job title you’re applying for or the year of your application.

Here are a few examples:

  • Your Name_Cover Letter_Job Title.pdf
  • Cover Letter_Your Name_Job Title.pdf
  • Job Title_Your Name_Cover Letter.pdf
  • Your Name_Cover Letter_2024.pdf
  • Cover Letter_Your Name_2024.pdf

Explore more cover letter resources


Cover Letter Formats


ATS-Optimized Cover Letter


Cover Letter Templates

Generate a personalized cover letter in as little as 5 seconds

Say goodbye to the stress of writing a cover letter from scratch. Our AI-powered cover letter generator uses GPT-4 technology to create a personalized and ATS-friendly cover letter in one click. Stand out from the competition and land more job interviews.

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  3. PDF Cover Letters for Academic Positions

    Academic Positions The purpose of a cover letter is to introduce yourself and to demonstrate the fit between your background and the advertised position. THE BASICS A cover letter must accompany and be tailored to any application you submit. STEM letters should not exceed one page. Humanities and social sciences letters may extend up to two pages.

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  5. Writing Academic Cover Letters

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  6. Academic Cover Letter Example & Tips

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  8. Academic Cover Letter: Samples & Ready-to-Fill Templates

    How to format your cover letter for academic posts. A fill-in-the-blanks template that will produce your academic cover letter within 15 minutes. Save hours of work and get a cover letter like this. Pick a template, fill it in. Quick and easy. Choose from 18+ cover letter templates and download your cover letter now. Create your cover letter now.

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  10. ImPACKful Tips: How to Write a Better Academic Cover Letter

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  12. PDF How to Write a Cover Letter for Academic Jobs

    2 3 How to Write a over etter for cademi obs Tweet this ebook, share on Facebook, LinkedIn or Google+ The cover letter exists to: •emonstrate your enthusiasm for theD post, based on the research you have done about the role and the institution •our rationale for applying andExplain y how the role fits with your career plans

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  14. PDF CVs and Cover Letters

    Getting Started with CVs and Cover Letters Achievement Administrative Communication Creative Financial . accelerated arranged addressed authored allocated . ... Real Estate Academic Initiative Research Grant, Harvard University, 2016-17 Graduate Student Council Summer Research Grant, Harvard University, 2016 ...

  15. Academic Cover Letters

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  16. Academic Cover Letters

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  17. How to Write an Academic Cover Letter With Examples

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    Date and Company Details on Cover Letter. A cover letter for academic position must include the date and company details to inform the hiring manager that the letter is meant for them. Proceed by writing the date under your name, followed by a space. Then, list the hiring manager's name, the company's name, and address.

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    These Academic cover letter examples provide you with some guidance and inspiration for writing a cover letter that gets noticed and ensures your CV will get opened. But if you really want to master the art of writing a winning cover letter, then follow our step-by-step cove letter writing guide below. How to write an Academic cover letter

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  25. The Cover Letter

    This presentation will describe the fundamentals of writing a professional and compelling cover letter. Attendees will get an overview of writing letters for academic as well as industry and nonprofit positions. There will be time at the end for audience questions. The Cover Letter - Professional Development Workshop - Graduate Education ...

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  27. Free Cover Letter Templates (Try Now) 2024 ·

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    Entry-level cover letter template Ideal for recent college graduates or those with more limited work experience, focusing heavily on transferable skills and academic achievements.‍ Mid-career cover letter template Intended for professionals with at least several years of experience, emphasizing career progression and key achievements.

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