Kaltura Capture

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Thumbnail for Kaltura Personal Capture Walkthrough Video

03:38 duration 3 minutes 38 seconds

Kaltura Personal Capture Walkthrough Video

Thumbnail for Getting Started with Kaltura Capture Application

03:31 duration 3 minutes 31 seconds

Getting Started with Kaltura Capture Application

Thumbnail for How to Install the Kaltura Capture Application

02:17 duration 2 minutes 17 seconds

How to Install the Kaltura Capture Application

Thumbnail for How to Set the Recording Options in Kaltura Capture

03:06 duration 3 minutes 6 seconds

How to Set the Recording Options in Kaltura…

How to Set the Recording Options in Kaltura Capture

Thumbnail for How to Set and Create a Presentation Recording with Kaltura Capture

02:08 duration 2 minutes 8 seconds

How to Set and Create a Presentation Recording…

How to Set and Create a Presentation Recording with Kaltura Capture

Thumbnail for Enabling Kaltura Personal Capture in Kaltura MediaSpace and Kaltura Application Framework

02:42 duration 2 minutes 42 seconds

Enabling Kaltura Personal Capture in Kaltura…

Enabling Kaltura Personal Capture in Kaltura MediaSpace and Kaltura Application Framework

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  • How do I record a PowerPoint presentation with Kaltura Capture?

You may use the Kaltura Capture software to record and upload a PowerPoint presentation with the following features:

  • Slides are automatically indexed, allowing viewers to search their text and navigate the recording using the slides.
  • The video can include audio narration.
  • A recording from the speaker's webcam or a screen recording from an additional computer monitor can be displayed in a picture-in-picture window with corresponding slides.

Go to My Media.

what is a kaltura presentation

Select My Media from your Global Navigation Menu.

Tip: For details about global navigation, see How do I use the Global Navigation Menu as an instructor? (opens new window) or How do I use the Global Navigation Menu as a student? (opens new window) .

Select Add New, then Record with Kaltura Capture.

what is a kaltura presentation

  • Select  Add New .
  • Select  Record with Kaltura Capture .

Launch Kaltura Capture.

what is a kaltura presentation

The Kaltura window will display a message about The Kaltura Capture Desktop Recorder.   The Kaltura Capture program needs to be downloaded and installed on the computer you are using.

If Kaltura Capture is already installed on your computer, it will either open automatically, or you will be prompted to open it. If prompted, select Open Kaltura Capture .

If Kaltura Capture is not installed, you can open the section below for instructions to install it.

what is a kaltura presentation

How you download and install Kaltura Capture depends on your computer's operating system and configuration. To install the program:

  • On a personal computer or UVA-owned Mac: Follow the steps in this Kaltura article: Install Kaltura Capture (opens new window) .
  • On a UVA-owned Windows computer: If you are using a Windows computer managed by UVA Desktop Support, you can install Kaltura Capture from the Software Center . Access the Software Center app and search for Kaltura Capture . For help installing the program, contact your Local Support Partner (LSP) (opens new window and requires Netbadge login) .

Edit Kaltura Capture Settings. (Optional)

Kaltura Capture has several settings to modify the content that will be recorded:

  • Record system audio: Include audio from your computer in the recording ( disabled by default). If you will be playing an audio or video clip embedded in your PowerPoint presentation, enabling this option will allow its sound to be captured in the recording.
  • Highlight Cursor: Highlight your mouse cursor in the recording ( enabled by default).
  • Auto minimize when recording: Hide the Kaltura Capture window in the recording ( disabled by default). You may enable this option so the recording controls do not cover up part of your presentation.

Open the section below for steps to manage these settings.

Select Manage.

what is a kaltura presentation

Near the right side of the Kaltura Capture window, under the kaltura logo, select the Manage link.

Select Settings.

what is a kaltura presentation

In the larger kaltura capture window that appears, select the Settings ( cog ) icon.

Enable or disable settings.

Screenshot of Kaltura Capture Settings window. Graphic link opens modal with larger image. Press Escape to exit modal.

  • If you are using a Windows computer, you can include audio from your computer in the recording by selecting Yes for the Record system audio setting.
  • Highlight Cursor
  • Auto minimize when recording
  • Near the upper-right corner of the window, select Save .

Note: Kaltura Capture does not currently support recording system audio on a Mac.

Verify or select recording inputs.

what is a kaltura presentation

The Kaltura Capture software can record from two video sources and one audio source, if they are all available. When the finished recording is played, the video from the first source, next to the Record button, appears in the larger window by default, and the video from the second source appears in a smaller picture-in-picture window in the lower-right corner of the player.

The following recording inputs are enabled by default:

  • Screen: A computer monitor, capturing your activity on the screen,
  • Camera: A webcam or other video camera,
  • Audio: Your microphone, capturing your audio.

Note: You will need to leave Screen enabled as one video source to capture a PowerPoint presentation. You can select the Turn off button for another source (the second screen or webcam or the audio input) to turn it off. The Turn off buttons are the screen , camera , and microphone icons. A gray icon with a slash through it will indicate that a recording device is disabled.

Tip: It is recommended to leave your webcam on because it makes the presentation more engaging.

Verify or change recording settings.

Check your screen recording settings..

what is a kaltura presentation

Specific Screen recording settings are required to capture a PowerPoint presentation. Verify these settings as follows:

  • Select Screen to display a preview of the screen that will be recorded and the recording options.
  • If a camera and/or multiple monitors are connected to your computer, make sure the monitor you will be using to present the PowerPoint is selected for the Screen .
  • By default, Kaltura Capture will record the Full Screen . Leave this option selected for the screen where you are recording the slides so they can be captured and indexed correctly.

Preview or change other recording inputs. (Optional)

Open the sections below for steps to preview or change the options for other recording inputs.

what is a kaltura presentation

  • Select Camera to display a preview of the webcam video that will be recorded.
  • A drop-down menu will be available underneath the preview to change the recording source. The source can be either a camera or a screen from a second monitor.

Note: If you select a second Screen for your source, you will also have the option to record either the Full Screen or a Select Area of the screen. Choosing Select Area will display a box that you can click and drag to resize and position on your screen, or select a preset size for the recording area from a drop-down menu.

what is a kaltura presentation

Select Audio to open a drop-down list of audio recording sources. For example, you might select a headset to record audio instead of a laptop's built-in microphone.

Open PowerPoint.

what is a kaltura presentation

On your computer, open Microsoft PowerPoint.

Open your presentation.

what is a kaltura presentation

Select your PowerPoint presentation to open it.

Start recording in Kaltura Capture.

what is a kaltura presentation

When you are ready to record, select the Start Recording button. The Start Recording button looks like a large, red circle.

Start the slide show in PowerPoint.

what is a kaltura presentation

In PowerPoint, start your slide show From Beginning .

Note: You need to enter presenter mode in PowerPoint for your slides to be indexed.

Finish recording.

what is a kaltura presentation

When you are done recording your presentation:

  • Select the Stop ( white square ) button.
  • Select Yes, Stop it to confirm.

Save and upload your recording.

Screenshot of Kaltura Capture window with new recording. Graphic link opens modal with larger image. Press Escape to exit modal.

The kaltura capture window will display a thumbnail image from your new recording. If you recorded both the screen where you were presenting the PowerPoint and another video source, an image from the first source (e.g., the first slide) will display on top, and an image from your webcam or other screen underneath it.

  • By default, the recording's Title will be Kaltura Capture recording with the date when it was recorded. It is recommended that you edit the Title to make your video easy to find in in  My Media .
  • Add a  Description  or  Tags  for searching (Optional).
  • Select Save & Upload to upload the file to My Media.

Note: Uploading the file from Kaltura Capture will not make it available in a Canvas course automatically. Because the file is saved in your personal My Media , you will need to take additional steps to make it available to others after it is uploaded.

Wait for the upload to complete.

Screenshot of Kaltura Capture window with elements described below highlighted. Graphic link opens modal with larger image. Press Escape to exit modal.

  • A progress bar in the kaltura capture window will indicate that the file is being uploaded.
  • Once the file is uploaded, the progress bar will disappear. A direct link to the video will display.
  • Options will also be available to Re-Upload the recording or Delete it from your computer.

Access and view your presentation.

After the file has been uploaded, you can access it from My Media and use the video player to navigate the recording using the slide index. Open the sections below for detailed steps.

Return to My Media.

what is a kaltura presentation

Go back to the internet browser window where UVACanvas was open. Select My Media from your Global Navigation Menu.

Select the video.

what is a kaltura presentation

Select the thumbnail or name of the video to access it.

If needed, wait for the recording to process.

what is a kaltura presentation

Your newly uploaded recording may take time to process. If a Media is being processed message appears when you access the file, it is recommended to wait at least 30 minutes for the processing to complete before trying to refresh or access the page again. Waiting will help ensure that the images from the recording display clearly when playing the video.

Tip: You can navigate away from the page and work on other tasks while you wait.

Screenshot of player highlighting the steps below. Graphic link opens modal with larger image. Press Escape to exit modal.

When you view your presentation, you can use the following features of the player to navigate:

  • Select the Navigation ( three horizontal bars ) button to open the slide index.
  • Enter text in the Search box at the top to find specific terms in the slides, then select the text in the list that displays to jump to the corresponding slide.
  • Navigate to a slide by scrolling up and down with your mouse or using Tab or Shift + Tab on your keyboard, and select it by clicking on the slide or pressing Enter on your keyboard.
  • You can select the Locate current slide ( white bar with a circle ) button under the slide index to automatically scroll the slide index up or down to the slide that is displayed on the screen.
  • By default, if two video sources were recorded, the video from the first source appears in the background, larger, and the video from the second source displays in a smaller picture-in-picture window in the lower-right corner of the player. In the example pictured above, the Screen with the presentation was the first video source, making the slides appear in the larger window, and the Camera was the second source, displaying the recording of the speaker in the smaller window. Select the Toggle View ( two arrows ) button to change which video displays in the larger and smaller window.
  • Select the Picture in Picture ( window ) button to open options to display the two videos in Single View , hiding what is shown in the smaller window, or Side by Side .
  • If you are using a mouse, you can click on the small picture-in-picture window and drag it to a different position on the screen, or click on one of the white brackets around the corners of the window and drag it to change the size of the window.

Note: If you only recorded from one video input, the Toggle View and Picture in Picture options will not be available.

Add captions.

After you have saved the page with your video embedded, follow the steps to request captions in My Media (opens new window) to make the video accessible.

Publish your presentation.

Don't forget to follow the steps in one of the articles linked below to make your presentation available to others!

  • How do I publish videos, audio files, or images in Media Gallery?
  • How do I embed a file from My Media in the Rich Content Editor?
  • Prev: How do I upload a video, audio file, or image to My Media or Media Gallery?
  • Next: How do I upload a video or image to My Media from a phone or tablet?
  • How do I enable cookies in my browser?
  • How do I add an external tool assignment in UVACanvas?
  • Top Troubleshooting Tips
  • What is the Anonymous Feedback tool?
  • How do I submit anonymous feedback to my instructor?
  • How do I access anonymous feedback from my students?
  • How do I create an email address for a course or section?
  • How do I send messages to a Course Email address?
  • How do I set the Preferences for a Course Email list?
  • How do I view and manage the Archive (sent messages) for a Course Email list?
  • How do I use my preferred email address to send and receive Course Emails?
  • Course Email: New Features & Updates
  • What is the Export Grades to SIS tool?
  • How do I update grading schemes for course grades?
  • How do I save course grade overrides in Export Grades to SIS?
  • How do I export course grades to SIS?
  • Export Grades to SIS: New Features & Updates
  • How do I combine/cross-list multiple courses or sections into one course site?
  • How do I add or remove waitlisted students in my Canvas course?
  • Manage SIS Sections: New Features and Updates
  • What are the My Media and Media Gallery tools?
  • How do I change the display and playback speed of media?
  • How do I customize captions in My Media or Media Gallery?
  • How can I use a transcript in Media Gallery?
  • How do I upload a video, audio file, or image to My Media or Media Gallery?
  • How do I upload a video or image to My Media from a phone or tablet?
  • How do I add a YouTube video to My Media or Media Gallery?
  • How do I add and play a 360° video in My Media or Media Gallery?
  • How do I copy a video or audio file in My Media?
  • How do I request to add captions to a file in My Media?
  • How do I enable captions requests for all files in Media Gallery?
  • How do I edit captions in My Media?
  • How do I schedule a file's availability in Media Gallery?
  • How do I record a video in my browser to embed in the Rich Content Editor?
  • How do I upload a video or audio file to embed in the Rich Content Editor?
  • How do I set up a video or audio assignment using Media Gallery?
  • How do I copy an embed code for public display on the web?
  • What is a video quiz, and how can I use it?
  • How do I create a video quiz?
  • How do I add a video quiz as an automatically-graded assignment?
  • How do I download a video from My Media?
  • How do I allow others to download my Media Gallery files?
  • How do I allow someone to view, publish, or edit a file in My Media?
  • How do I access media analytics in My Media or Media Gallery?
  • How do I import Media Gallery files and playlists from one Canvas course to another?
  • How do I hide Media Gallery from students?
  • How do I embed a file from My Media in WordPress?
  • What is the Online Meetings tool?
  • Tips for Attending Class in Zoom
  • How do I schedule online meetings?
  • How do I set up online office hours in Zoom?
  • How do I book a meeting for Zoom office hours?
  • How do I join Zoom office hours?
  • How do I import a Zoom meeting into Online Meetings?
  • How do I join a scheduled online meeting?
  • How do I access a recording of an online meeting?
  • How can I add an audio transcript to my Zoom recording?
  • How do I turn off Zoom cloud recording sharing?
  • What is the Photo Roster tool?
  • How do I filter and search the roster?
  • How do I print the roster?
  • How do I export the roster?
  • Photo Roster: New Features & Updates
  • What is the Poll Everywhere tool?
  • How do I log in and sync my roster to Poll Everywhere?
  • How do I log into Poll Everywhere as a student?
  • How do I log into the Poll Everywhere app as a student?
  • What is the Posted Feedback tool?
  • How do I add posted feedback?
  • How do instructors view posted feedback?
  • How do instructors preview a student's view of posted feedback?
  • How do instructors download a Posted Feedback file?
  • How do I release or unrelease posted feedback?
  • How do I edit or delete posted feedback files?
  • How do I view my posted feedback?
  • Posted Feedback: New Features & Updates
  • What is the Qualtrics LTI tool?
  • How do I connect my Qualtrics account to UVACanvas?
  • How do I format text with Markdown in the Rich Content Editor?
  • What is the SensusAccess tool?
  • How do I convert a document using SensusAccess?
  • What is the UVA Library Portal tool?
  • How do I create blogs for each student in WordPress as an instructor?
  • How do I access a student's WordPress blog as an instructor?
  • How do I access my WordPress Student Blog?

Last Updated

Mar 31, 2023

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  • Table of Contents
  • [email protected]


  1. Faculty: Narrated Presentation with Kaltura in Blackboard

    what is a kaltura presentation

  2. Kaltura Presentation

    what is a kaltura presentation

  3. Kaltura Capture

    what is a kaltura presentation

  4. Kaltura Presentation

    what is a kaltura presentation

  5. Recording a PowerPoint Presentation Using Kaltura

    what is a kaltura presentation

  6. SOLUTION: Kaltura power point presentation

    what is a kaltura presentation


  1. Kaltura is a great place to work

  2. Kaltura Capture recording May 11th 2024, 4 03 18 pm

  3. Kaltura clips B

  4. Kaltura Capture recording June 14th 2024, 9 04 01 am

  5. Using Kaltura for Assignments

  6. Add a Kaltura Video to A Brightspace Discussion


  1. Record PowerPoint slides | Kaltura Knowledge Center

    Record PowerPoint slides | Kaltura Knowledge Center

  2. How to Set and Create a Presentation Recording with Kaltura ...

    This video demonstrates how to set and create a presentation Recording with Kaltura Capture.

  3. Kaltura: Record a Presentation Step by Step Guide

    Kaltura: Record a Presentation Step by Step Guide. Kaltura CaptureSpace is a desktop recording application that allows you to record your own video content via your computer. You can use multiple inputs, including audio, webcam(s), screen‐recording, and PowerPoint.

  4. Recording a PowerPoint Presentation Using Kaltura - YouTube

    This is an example of how to record a PowerPoint or similar kind of presentation using the Kaltura screen capture tool, for integration into Blackboard.

  5. Kaltura Capture - Kaltura Learning

    This video demonstrates how to set and create a presentation Recording with Kaltura Capture

  6. Lecture Capture - Recording PowerPoint Slides | Kaltura ...

    Lecture Capture - Recording PowerPoint Slides | Kaltura Knowledge Center.

  7. Kaltura Capture overview | Kaltura Knowledge Center

    Learn about Kaltura Capture, a versatile tool for creating videos from your desktop. Explore its features, benefits, and use cases in this overview.

  8. Recording a Presentation with Kaltura Capture - YouTube

    Recording a Presentation with Kaltura Capture. This video describes the process of creating a narrated PowerPoint presentation video using Kaltura Capture.To learn how to submit this video as...

  9. Guide - Kaltura and Kaltura Capture – University of St ...

    What is Kaltura Capture? Kaltura Capture is the desktop application that can be used to record and automatically upload videos to your Kaltura account. It can be used with your webcam and/or capture desktop applications, such as Microsoft PowerPoint.

  10. How do I record a PowerPoint presentation with Kaltura ...

    You may use the Kaltura Capture software to record and upload a PowerPoint presentation with the following features: Slides are automatically indexed, allowing viewers to search their text and navigate the recording using the slides. The video can include audio narration. A recording from the speaker's webcam or a screen recording from an ...