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What is UX Research: The Ultimate Guide for UX Researchers

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How to write and present effective UX research reports

Regardless of how thorough or valuable your user research is, it quickly becomes meaningless if you’re unable to succinctly put it together and present it in a digestible UX research report.

UX research reporting is a skill just as valuable as being able to conduct the research in the first place. It lets you showcase methodology and findings of your research, and ensure a product’s user experience delivers with the first iteration.

Luckily, how to write and present UX research reports is something you can learn. What’s more, this chapter will guide you through it (and provide free templates for your UX report).

What is a UX research report?

A user research report is an easy-to-digest summary of a user research project that aims to update product stakeholders on results, inform product decisions with user data, and harmoniously guide a product build or iteration.

Once upon a time, UX research reporting was a cumbersome, dreaded box to tick. It was notorious for resulting in unnavigable reports that product teams would rather leave at the bottom of their inbox than try to consume.

The word 'report' conjures images of lengthy word documents, a PDF one-pager, or hour-long presentation with an occasional GIF—but a research report doesn't have to mean that.

Kevin Rapley , Senior User Researcher at Justice Digital, explains a UX report as being “about arming our teammates with data that allows them to decide on the direction of a product or service.”

A useful UX report includes:

  • The research goals and research process
  • Research questions the report is hoping to answer
  • A recap of the UX research plan
  • What UX research methods were used and why
  • Quantitative and qualitative data sets and conclusions
  • Key insights & actionable takeaways
  • An expanded data appendix

Why do you need a user research report?

Product teams need a user research report to reflect on research activities and accurately guide a product’s scope with key insights. A UX research report helps sort information, defend research, and affirm (or disprove) a hypothesis. No matter how well-organized your research repository is, sometimes simply having the research results available is not enough. A succinct report will align entire teams in one sitting by presenting findings in a unique way.

In short, a research report helps to:

  • Positively influence UX design
  • Make sense of data sets and explain complicated graphs or other quantitative research results
  • Provide actionable recommendations on next steps
  • Summarize key findings, so they can be translated into every role and responsibility of the product team

Where UX research enables product teams to understand the user, prove or disprove hypotheses, and prioritize and generate ideas, a UX research report ensures the user is at the center of every product decision. Presenting that UX report then aligns team members on goals and priorities, and provides authentic user insights to inform every product decision.

We’ve covered what a research report is , but what is it not ? A UX research report is not a static, one-time document that your team reads once. It’s an ongoing reference point; the guardrails and guiding insights that guarantees the entire build stays on track.

How to write an effective UX research report: the essential elements

No matter how you choose to present your research study, there are a few elements that every report needs to include for it to be both useful and effective. Let’s look at how to create a report.


Your introduction should lay out your research goals, plan, and scope. It should cover your product team’s pain points, and give a clear study overview. You need to answer what you did and why. The introduction can go on to include sales support data and competitive product analysis that inspired or guided this research project.

It’s a good idea to set up how this research helps to support and answer related company goals, team-level goals, and product-dev goals: so all stakeholders know it’s got something for them.

You can include questions from your UX research strategy you had originally hoped to answer, even if your results have gone on to answer other questions as well. Now’s also a good time to introduce research stakeholders: your fellow research team members.

As a secondary step to your introduction, ensure you’re including the approach you took to your UX research process : i.e. what research methods you used, as well as participant profiles and your user personas .

Don’t feel you need to spend too much time on this, says Charlie Herbozo Vidal , Senior User Experience Researcher at CVS Health. “As researchers, it’s not uncommon to dwell on the methodology for longer than needed. While interrogating methods might be valuable to other researchers, business partners might be disengaged by them.”

Ultimately, while methodology is important, it’s the results that most people are here for.

Key findings

This is where you get people on the edge of their seats! Give an overview of your findings, before breaking them down into more detail. Remind your audience ‘what we thought’ vs. what you actually learned.

Artifacts to use are:

  • User personas built
  • Insights from customer interviews
  • User journey maps
  • Prototype testing
  • Storyboards
  • Feedback & satisfaction reports

At the end of this section, and continuing throughout your presentation, you can pepper relevant atomic research nuggets.

Make sure you champion the user's needs throughout, and make special notes of 'offhand' comments users make. Often, it's the random comments that provide the most insight—they must not be forgotten about when writing the report.

Jack Dyer , Designer at Interactive Schools

Summarize your quantitative and qualitative research , and how they’ll both impact your product design and growth. Lay out opportunities versus risks, good-to-knows versus must-knows. Here you’ll want to convey the impact of each suggested step, roadmap designs, and figure out the long and short-term project scope. A few things to cover in your next steps are:

  • Long and short-term goals
  • ICE framework (Impact, confidence, ease)
  • Roles and responsibilities for each task
  • A timeline of events and project map
  • A request for resources
  • Desired outcomes

No matter how you’re presenting your research, be it asynchronously or not, you’ll need to include a Q&A. These can be subjective (based on what you think your team is likely to ask), pre-collected ahead of the presentation, answered live, or an opportunity to build an FAQ later.

What’s important is to acknowledge and be open to receiving questions. After all, questions are a positive thing—it means people are actually listening!

It’s easy to overlook the appendix after putting together a detailed report, but all that glorious research data needs to be accounted for and referenced clearly. Plus, you never know to what extent your team will want to dive into it. Your appendix is also where you’ll want to include secondary research that didn’t make the cut but backs up your research.

9 ways to present UX research findings

UX research reporting will look a little different depending on your internal personas and organizational culture. First, ask yourself: who is your audience? Who needs to see the report, and who will benefit from seeing it? This will help determine how to present your user research report.

A few things to consider:

  • Are you working with internal or external stakeholders? Tool limitation and file-sharing will differ for both.
  • Are you working with an in-office, fully-remote, or hybrid team?
  • Are you sitting in the same time zone or not?
  • What are the knowledge levels like within your team?
  • How does your team communicate daily/weekly/monthly?
  • Are there any predetermined knowledge bases or tools your team is comfortable with?

The most common players across a UX team that need to understand your UX research report are:

  • Product Designers (UX/UI)
  • Fellow Product Researchers
  • UX/UI Writers

However , it doesn’t stop at your product decision-making team. More often than not, there will be other stakeholders that can benefit from your research presentation. Your marketing, finance, sales, and even C-suite executives will massively benefit from your findings too. If you can tailor versions of your report or provide key summaries for each collective, even better!

Psst 👉 This is much easier to do when you have a research team that can host stakeholder interviews ahead of your research process.

Now, let’s get into the report formats to consider:

1. Workshops: for real-time, collaborative reports

ux research case study presentation

First up, workshops. Workshops are a unique way of keeping your report interactive and engaging. They can be held remotely or in-person, but are almost impossible to hold asynchronously—so time zones are a big factor here.

You’ll also want to consider workshopping tools if you’re hosting digitally—a few to consider are: Miro, Mural, FigJam, and Gather.

A plus with workshops is that your stakeholders will actively have a say early on in the product development process , allowing you to foster more diverse inputs, minimize research bias you may have accumulated in your summaries, and build a sense of responsibility for the product’s success early on.

A negative of workshops is that they can be culprits to in-the-room or bandwagon bias. People are quick to ride on the coattails of a strong conclusion, without fully understanding or trialing another (less popular) conclusion or suggestion.

2. Slack channels: for an asynchronous and interactive research repository

Slack is a great option (especially if you’re already using it) if your research team needs to deliver insights to a fully-distributed collection of stakeholders. Slack tends to be the go-to channel for startups and creative companies, and there’s some key features you can tap into:

  • Canvas: Store files, images, videos, and more in one place
  • Huddles: Jump on a quick chat to fill in any gaps
  • Clips: Post audio, video, or screen-sharing clips
  • Connect: Team up with freelancers and agencies working on the project with you
  • Workflow: Build drag-and-drop processes from your findings
  • Knowledge sharing: Tag your data accordingly so it's easy to find later

3. Knowledge bases: for self-serve UX research reports

Knowledge bases can be a great home for your research presentation, and work especially well for distributed teams working across different time zones.

However your team is set up, research repositories are incredibly valuable. Sharing your report in a centralized location, regardless of the other ways you distribute findings, can democratize research , showcase the impact of your work, and disseminate valuable insights throughout your entire organization.

Keep in mind that knowledge bases can be tough to navigate if poorly organized or tagged. If you’re storing your UX research report in a knowledge base, ensure you provide clear instructions on how someone can find it, and how to navigate through the report itself.

If you have the time, run a card sorting test with an internal focus group to see how you can logically sort your research for those who are going to be looking for it.

4. Presentations / slide decks: great for the PAS framework

ux research case study presentation

Live presentations tend to be the most impactful, but do risk being short-lived if you don’t have a follow-up plan for after your presentation.

While they’re great for sharing metrics and visuals, and can provide a beautiful overview of your research project, presentations can be a little one-sided. This one-way presentation style can prevent collaboration and innovation from the rest of the team. Consider how you can make your presentation interactive or engaging, whether it’s taking questions throughout or doing a ‘choose your own adventure’ session and asking people which sections they want to review first.

Kevin Rapley , Senior User Researcher at Justice Digital, recommends presenting slides using the PAS framework:

  • Problem: State the problem you set out to overcome
  • Agitate: Detail the impact or opportunity missed by not meeting the problem
  • Solution: Offer a route forward from the research findings and insights, the next steps, and likely outcomes by solving the problem

Kevin explains that the PAS framework cuts to the detail people are invested in: “Stakeholders want to know the path forward: Are we on the right track to build this service? Have we uncovered user engagement or uptake issues? Have we learned that our assumptions are incorrect and we now have a better understanding of user needs? Presenting slides in this way delivers what’s needed.”

5. Written reports: for direct and simple sharing

If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. A written report is probably the idea that jumped to the front of your mind when you read the title of this chapter. For many, this may seem like the ‘OG’ of UX reports.

These types of reports often come as a PDF or a word document, making them static, reluctant to change, and resulting in low engagement or re-reads. Delivering a written report via email also means you can’t guarantee your audience is going to read it. On the other hand, written reports can be incredibly detailed, scanable for different stakeholders, and include all kinds of results from visual data to qualitative findings.

For many teams this method still works, especially if you’re trying to communicate findings to a distributed, asynchronous team. Written UX reports enable people to go through things in their own time—and come back to it when they need to.

6. Atomic research nuggets: to eliminate ‘bad research memory’

Deriving from an atom—the smallest unit of matter—atomic UX research nuggets are minute and succinct conclusions from data points. They’re always aligned and tagged with a product direction. Formalized by Tomer Sharon and Daniel Pidcock , it’s described as “the concept of breaking UX research down into its constituent parts”:

Experiments: “We did this…” Facts: “…and we found out this…” Insights: “…which makes us think this…” Conclusions: “…so we’ll do that.”

Atomic research nuggets help to fight ‘bad research memory’—the idea that knowledge gets lost or forgotten amid the depths of a larger report. These nuggets are accessible, usable, and searchable. They can be delivered (or accessed) throughout an entire product build, serving as North Stars for micro goals. Research nuggets can be a firm reminder your team is, or isn’t, taking the right action.

ux research case study presentation

7. Pre-recorded video: for better knowledge retention

People retain 90% of the information they receive via video versus text. There’s no question that, for many, video is a better way of onboarding and remembering information. At the same time, it can be easier to share information via video if your UX researchers aren’t the most confident of writers.

Although pre-recorded video is an easy way to share a UX research report with a team, as with other formats on this list, you’ll need to ensure people actually watch it.

Loom can be a great screen-sharing video recording tool. Some of their features and paid plans will enable you to see who from your team has watched your video, as well as spark conversation and engagement opportunities throughout the video. Alternatively, you can share the video as a watch-along during a synchronous meeting and discuss afterwards, while still sharing the video with those who can’t attend live.

8. Case studies: for sticky storytelling

Case studies aren’t just for winning potential customers. At their very core, case studies are put together to convince someone of something due to a real-life story. This is why they can be great if your UX research report needs to convince a diverse or largely cautious selection of stakeholders.

What’s more, case studies tend to rely on storytelling tactics and a strong narrative to get their point across. They can pull from user personas to further a point and make it more relatable for your design team. Muhammad Ahmad , UX Designer at VentureDive, shares the value presenting reports as case studies holds:

“Case studies show how you think. As a UX Researcher or Designer, how you percieve problems and what framework you use to evaluate them matters a lot. Your case studies are supposed to show just that.”

9. Maze reports: for all-in-one research and reporting

ux research case study presentation

Automate your reporting with Maze. Maze automatically generates a report for each test you run, turning it into an easy-to-navigate dashboard. Add comments to generate conversation, highlight key responses and generate usability scores for your prototype testing .

If you’re working with moderated research, Maze AI can speed up the reporting process with automated sentiment tagging, project naming, and even generating summaries and identifying critical learnings from user interviews . So you can sit back, and let Maze take care of the data processing.

When you’re happy with your report, generate a custom link that you can share with your team, and further internal and external stakeholders.

Using Maze reports will enable you to share:

  • Introduction and mission slides
  • An analysis of each UX research method: From card sorting to live website testing
  • In-depth breakdowns of research data
  • Overviews of the report metrics: From misclicks to bounce rates and time-on-screen
  • A usability score

These reports will also allow you to download CSV files of your data, and customzie filters and views to bring your stakeholders the numbers they need, fast. Your team will be able to collaborate in a comments section and let AI identify key themes and takeaways if you’re struggling to spot them.

Overall, UX research tools with in-built reporting are a great way to translate and share all of your research into visual data sets that can be digested by the rest of the team in a few clicks.

7 UX research report templates

There are some fantastic research report templates to help get you started on your journey. Here are some of our favorites to help you better present those deliverables, key learnings, and everything in between.

Maze: Usability testing report

ux research case study presentation

Hosted on Pitch, this report template is clear, simple, and follows a lot of the design and framework best practices shared in this chapter.

Access the template here

Aadil Khan: UXR report with examples

ux research case study presentation

A straightforward report template is designed by Aadil Khan , UX Researcher at IBM, who says: “I made this template based on tons of mentoring calls I’ve been in with people looking to land UXR jobs where we discuss how to present UXR case studies during interviews and such. Oftentimes their case studies were too lengthy and lacked some sort of narrative structure to make it easier to present.”

EaTemp: Key findings report

ux research case study presentation

A beautifully-designed template hosted on Figma. Get access to personas, empathy maps, and card sorting. All colors, fonts, and shapes are customizable.

Miro: Research repository template

ux research case study presentation

Build a centralized research hub on Miro. Connect your team in a few clicks and allow them to collaborate with this free template. Note: you’ll need to sign up for a (free) Miro account.

Furquan Ahmad: UX research report template

ux research case study presentation

A sleek and vibrant presentation, this template was created by Furquan Ahmad , Product Designer at Meta, “to help people focus their energy and time on the insights they're providing rather than worry about what the presentation will look like. I'm always shocked at how many people have benefited from the community.”

Estefanía Montaña Buitrago: Atomic UX research canvas

ux research case study presentation

Beautifully designed on FigJam, this canvas by Estefanía Montaña Buitrago , UX Designer at Globant, has been used by over 7,000 people and now comes with several useful remixes too.

Muhammad Ahmad: UX research kit

ux research case study presentation

Muhammad Ahmad , UX Designer at VentureDive, shared this minimalistic template. Here you’ll get 60+ customizable templates in both light and dark modes. There’s a free version, or a (paid) premium version which may be worth the investment for you.

Best practices for writing an effective UX research report

The functionality of your research report will come down to how you write it. Sitting down and being faced with copious amounts of data can make UX reporting feel like a daunting task—here’s some techniques and tips to help you along the way.

Take a leaf from your UX design book with user-friendly copy

No matter the format, you want your UX report to be as accessible and skim-able as possible for your audience. It’s a good idea to mimic some of the same mentalities you would use in UX design.

Gestalt grouping principles are good to consider for UX report writing. Think similarity , proximity , and common-region for grouping relevant information.

Similarly, UI design principles such as the figure-ground and focal point will help direct your readers’ eyes to the most important information first, as well as make for a more accessible read.

Lastly, Gestalt’s continuity principle is a great one to apply to your UX report. Readers naturally follow patterns for easier flows in information, so if you’re including stylistic elements like bolding, italics, asides, indenting, or something else, ensure these run consistently throughout your report.

At the same time, think about the structure, layout, and formatting of your written report. Are you leaving enough negative space for your reader to process information? These are especially important for readers with dyslexia, but will generally lift your readability on the whole:

  • Is all of your copy aligned left?
  • Is your font choice clear with a good amount of spacing between letters and words?
  • Are you bolding important words and sentences rather than underlining them?
  • Are you peppering your report with enough headings and subheadings?

Release oxytocin: Follow storytelling tactics

A Forbes article reported that “immersive storytelling releases the empathy-related chemical oxytocin in our brains.” If you’re not familiar with oxytocin, it’s known as a natural ‘feel-good’ chemical, promoting feelings of trust and attachment.

Why else do you think case studies are so effective? They rely on storytelling: they have characters, plots, beginnings, endings, peaks, and pits. User research reports that mimic storytelling threads and tactics are more likely to create sticky data points, as well as hold your readers’ attention throughout. This is why the PAS framework works so well, but whatever format your report takes, bear in mind a story-like structure with a beginning, middle, and end.

Ask your editor to edit your research presentation with the three Cs in mind

Clear , Concise , Compelling . These core principles exist everywhere the written word does, but it can be hard to spot them when editing your own work. Just because something is clear, concise, and compelling for you, doesn’t mean it is for someone else—ask a colleague to read your report (or, better yet—a content editor).

Failing that, if you don’t have access to an editor or are in a time crunch, here are some tools to help you edit your own work.

  • Grammarly: Good for catching those little typos and grammatical errors
  • Hemingway Editor: Gives a readability score and helps to simplify sentences

Consider your reader, and rethink the jargon

Tailoring your report to meet the needs and knowledge level of each stakeholder is a balancing act. Many will tell you to avoid jargon, acronyms, and technical language at all costs. But, that’s not always the case. Sometimes, using industry jargon is the most direct way of getting your point across, and if you know your reader understands it, go for it.

However, keep in mind that if your report is going to other teams: sales, C-suite, finance, etc, then you may need to find alternative terms that aren’t department-specific—or provide a glossary or acronym dictionary within the report.

Muhammad shares more: “Typically UX folks (or even product folks) are not that well-equipped with research terminologies. So giving them the summary of the research in plain language is the approach that works best for me.”

Wrapping up how to present user research findings

There you have it, a complete guide on how you can write and present your user experience research in a way that everyone can benefit from it.

Remember, be conscious of your audience, your format, and your language. Different stakeholders and team cultures require different reporting styles, it’s up to you to curate the information into a report that delivers the insights you’ve uncovered.

Generate UX reports that have impact

From AI-generated summaries of your user interviews, to usability scores for your prototype tests, automate UX research reporting with Maze.

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The User Research and Insights Tool for Design and Product Teams

How to Present UX Research and Turn Insight to Action

UX research presentation

Most companies know the importance of UX research in building sustainable and user-friendly products that meet the needs of their audience.  

However, conducting the research is one-half of the equation. Presenting UX research in a way that compels stakeholders to take action is the second half.

Without adequate reporting, research is just a pile of data. Reporting, by way of presentation, makes your data actionable. By adopting effective UX presentation techniques such as storytelling, visualization, and slides, you ensure that your research influences the development process instead of ending up in storage without being used.

In this article, we’ll discuss:

  • What is a UX research presentation
  • Why UX presentations are important 
  • The challenges of presenting UX research
  • 9 Tips to Improve Your Research Presentations

What Is UX Research Presentation? 

A UX research presentation is sharing insights from your user research findings with stakeholders. You make recommendations for product improvement and capture decisions from research methodologies and testing phases. 

UX research presentations require you to condense your research notes , insights, and recommendations into 8-10 captivating slides that justify the research and compel stakeholders to take action. Sharing your research findings can help the design and product teams to:

  • Make design decision
  • Refine existing user needs
  • Prioritize their workflow
  • Develop a product roadmap based on your recommendations
  • Write new user stories
  • Improve usability of your product

Why Is UX Presentation Important?

Importance of UX research presentation

Make Sense of Your Research Findings

Research presentations are an opportunity to share your findings in an easy way for stakeholders to understand. A good presentation fulfills the following:

  • Describes the goal of the research and gives context about what happened during the UX research process . For example, you may have made some assumptions about your target audience, encountered bias, or failed to include a user group during the planning phase
  • Explain the why behind each research outcome that rationalizes why research participants liked or didn’t like a feature of your product
  • Inform decision making for the product team to help them prioritize resources during development

Quickly Relay Findings

Sharing research findings ensures that nothing slips through the cracks and decisions are relayed quickly with the team. In this scenario, a presentation is not a 60-page document. Instead, it’s a UX research nugget made up of high-priority action items that require immediate attention.

Capture Insights and Make Informed Recommendations 

The most essential element of a good UX presentation is sharing the right insights and making recommendations that lead to a successful product launch. Research repository tools like Aurelius allow you to analyze large batches of raw research data faster. This way, it’s easy to draw insight and make recommendations that lead to product success.

Document Your Process for Future Use

You can document processes that didn’t work as insights and explain the why behind methods that worked. It ensures that you don’t repeat the mistake in the future. In addition, your team can use your presentation as a reference to make smarter design decisions and as a background for product update research.

Improve Your UX Research Process

You can’t move forward if you don’t learn from the past. A UX research presentation is an opportunity for the product team and stakeholders to reflect on the decisions made during the product development. It’s hindsight that ensures designers will avoid patterns that underperform or overperform in testing. 

What Are the Challenges of Presenting UX Research?

Lack of trust in qualitative data .

This mostly happens with stakeholders who have a background in data science. They do not trust results from qualitative research because they say that findings are not statistically significant and do not hold any value. For example, you’ve interviewed 20 people as part of your research, but your audience is squirming because they think that’s a small sample size.

One way to get past this constraint is to be upfront about limitations in your UX research. Skeptics are more likely to trust you when you admit to the shortcomings of qualitative research.

Another way is to explain that qualitative research may not be statistically significant, but it is often statistically representative of your larger audience.

Keeping Bias Out of the Results

It’s not enough to be aware of your bias as a researcher. It’s also important not to fuel bias among your audience. 

Be careful how you draw insights from research. Share the research findings, tell the audience what the study doesn’t show, and advise how to use the results to make changes. 

Remind your audience that the objective of UX research is to collect information, not create absolute truth. So, you form a hypothesis and try to prove it, but it’s not perfect as some may wrongly assume.

Properly Conveying the Participant’s Perspective to Stakeholders 

Empathy is a huge part of conducting research. It’s understanding the frustrations and emotions of research participants and conveying these unique viewpoints in a way that your audience understands. 

Using visuals such as video or audio recordings during your presentation is a great way to communicate emotion in a genuine and unfiltered way. 

Inspiring Action

Perhaps the biggest challenge for UX researchers is turning research insight into action. You’ve collected feedback through multiple UX research methods , made recommendations, and given an excellent presentation. But it’s all meaningless if stakeholders don’t take action.

Apart from the reasons we’ve mentioned above, such as distrust in research data and lack of understanding, scientists found that personal trust between audience and researcher plays a role in convincing stakeholders to take action. 

Trust-building is a crucial skill for every researcher. It’s easier to drive action when you have a relationship with stakeholders. 

How to Create Better UX Research Presentations

1. know your audience.

how to make ux research presentations

You’re better able to capture and retain audience attention when you speak directly to their interests. One of the biggest mistakes first-time researchers make when presenting research is not reading the room and just going through your slides. It’s impossible to make an emotional connection with an audience you don’t know.

When you know your audience, you can tell a story that immediately connects you to your audience and sets the tone for the rest of your presentation. You can also tailor your deliverables and recommendations to the interest and needs of your audience. 

For example, if you’re speaking to C-level executives, you’ll discuss how the research findings could increase conversion rate, revenue, and customer retention. For the product team , you’d focus on how research could improve user experience and remove obstacles that customers previously faced. 

2. Opt for Quick Findings Over Detailed Reports 

One of the debates for teams when presenting UX research is choosing whether to share a full report or quick findings.

A detailed report is long-form. It gives you the freedom and space to describe your findings in detail and make comprehensive recommendations. It usually ends up being 30-40 pages long.

In reality, a CEO or C-suite executive on the move won’t have time to sit through a 30-slide presentation. Instead, they want something quick, efficient, and concise. You can achieve this goal through UX research nuggets .

Making your research presentation efficient forces you to eliminate fluff and stick to the most essential information to help stakeholders take action.

Include the original goal of the research and 4-6 key insights. Then, attach recommendations and next steps to key i nsights.

3. Embrace Storytelling

Stories are the fastest way to connect with a cold audience. According to researcher Paul Zak , stories cause the brain to produce oxytocin, a feel-good chemical related to empathy and a desire to cooperate. 

In another research, Princeton University Neuroscientist Uri Hasson researched the effect of storytelling on the brain . He found that listeners’ brain activity synced on a deep level with the storyteller’s brain activity when telling a story. Intentional stories that have a tie-in with the research topic move the audience to take action.

A few tips to guide you when using storytelling during presentations include:

  • Tell a story your audience can relate to
  • Use details to transport the reader to the scene so they can experience it
  • Make it personal
  • Ensure the story relates to the research topic

4. Use an Inverted Pyramid

how to present UX research

With the inverted pyramid, your most important information sits at the top. The first section of your presentation contains:

  • What is the problem I want to solve?
  • Who am I speaking to? (teammates, manager, decision-makers, engineers)
  • Why am I speaking? (What is the desired action you want the audience to take)

Use a high-level overview slide to cover the first section. Your audience is more likely to sit through your entire presentation if they understand the value at a glance.

The second section is the body covering the argument, controversy, evidence, and supporting visuals. The final part is the tail that summarizes the presentation and includes any additional information.

5. Simplify Data with Visualization 

Vision is our primary sense for understanding the world around us. The human brain processes and retains visuals faster than text. Your presentation should have more visuals than text. Always remember the golden rule – show, not tell.

Large blocks of text are boring. Visual aids such as infographics, videos, screenshots, gifs, and charts break up text and engage your audience. Where text can quickly become complicated, visuals clarify information and make information easier to digest and remember.

A few visualization tips to remember:

  • Use consistent fonts, colors, and icons when designing your presentation
  • Use graphs and charts to present data
  • Do not add multiple graphics in one slide. One message per visual
  • Use the right graph type to communicate clearly
  • Edit ruthlessly
  • Use muted colors

6. Keep it Short

The human mind can only store 3-4 things at once. So, focus your research outcomes on three to four key insights and recommendations you want your audience to take away.

Keep your presentation within 20 minutes. I know it’s hard, but you shouldn’t share everything you learned in the study during the presentation, or you’ll overwhelm your audience. 

Share high-level information during the presentation and send the research report as a PDF or email so everyone can look further into the research. In addition, you can use Aurelius to share a live link of an automatically generated report with your audience.

7. Use Slides During Presentations

Split your slides presentation into three sections:

  • What we did – discuss your research process
  • The finding slides – Key Insight slides
  • What to do next – Recommendation slides

Each slide should have a heading that summarizes an important finding and explains the impact with visuals. Use quotes taken from research participants to support key insight.

When using video clips, you don’t have to share the entire recording. Instead, trim it down to the key scenes or combine several sequences about the same key insight into a 30 seconds reel.

use slides during presentation

Ensure you’re using images taken during the research process (ethnography, observation, usability testing sessions) to show participants in action with the product. Again, it’s more likely to elicit an emotional response than using generic images.

Focus each key insight slide on the user. It should distill their personality, behavior, needs, use of your product, and what happened during user testing. Then, prioritize the most critical information into five slides.

8. Give Recommendations and Next Steps

Your UX research presentation should include recommendations based on key research insight. For every problem, have a recommendation. Then, tell your audience how the research should be incorporated in design or product updates .

Also, don’t forget to demonstrate the value of your research. Show your audience how the recommendations will support your company’s goals and impact the product roadmap.

9. Ask Listeners to Save Questions Until After the Presentation 

save questions for later during presentations

You can either allow your audience to ask questions during or after the presentation. Asking questions during the presentation will enable you to clear any confusion on the spot and carry everyone along. 

However, it’s distracting each time you’re interrupted during the presentation. You’ll also risk losing the audience if the question isn’t relevant to the specific section you’re talking about.

The second approach is better. You ask your audience to save questions until the end of the presentation. This method ensures that you maintain a great flow throughout the presentation and answer all questions at once.

10. Share Your Research

Your UX presentation only contains high-level recommendations you want your audience to implement. However, you still have great insight that provides context, and you couldn’t share those during the presentation due to time constraints. 

You can create a more enriched report in Aurelius and share it with key stakeholders after the presentation to make it stick.

However, sending emails, PDFs, or a link isn’t enough. People are busy. Emails get buried, and attention span is low. 

If you want your research to be implemented, send follow-up emails and reach out personally to the executives. Share the report in your company’s internal knowledge base with a relevant title and tags, so it’s easy to find. 

If you have a departmental or company Slack, share it there, so they see the presentation in multiple places. In addition, you can integrate Slack and Jira with Aurelius to share your findings with other teams.

Focus on Showing Value That Stakeholders Want to See

Congratulations! You’ve created a value-driven UX research presentation. But it’s not ready yet. Read through your slides again. Does your presentation reflect the goals you promised stakeholders when you set out on the research journey? Have you demonstrated value in a way that even non-UX audience members would understand?  

These are questions to answer as you wrap up your UX presentation slides. Be ruthless when trimming the fat from your presentation. Just because your discovery is exciting to you doesn’t necessarily mean it’s valuable to stakeholders. 

Find out how Aurelius can improve UX research presentations

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UX Design Case Study

Elevate your design storytelling with our UI & UX Case Study Presentation Template. Tailored to guide UI & UX professionals through every crucial phase of case study development, this template empowers you to showcase your design projects with precision and impact. Perfect for crafting in-depth narratives that chronicle the entire design journey, from initial research to compelling outcomes.

Who can benefit from the UX Case Study template?

The UX Case Study Template is designed for UX researchers, UI designers, product designers, and teams looking to document and present their design projects in a format that is both accessible and professional. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting your career in UX design, this template provides a structured framework to effectively communicate your design process, insights, and outcomes.

What the UX Case Study Template helps you accomplish:

1. detail each project phase:.

From defining the user problem to discussing your design process and showcasing the solution, each section of the template prompts you to delve into the specifics of your project, ensuring a thorough presentation. By following the provided structure, you can effectively communicate the key aspects of your UI & UX projects.

2. Guide your narrative:

Utilize the guided questions provided in each section to articulate the critical aspects of your design project. These prompts are designed to help you think critically and present your findings and decisions effectively. By answering these questions thoughtfully, you can create a compelling narrative that engages your audience and highlights the value of your work.

3. Showcase your design solutions:

With dedicated sections for challenges, solutions, and the overall design process, the template allows you to demonstrate the reasoning behind your design choices and the effectiveness of the final product. By incorporating visuals such as sketches, wireframes, and data visualizations, you can enhance the visual appeal of your case study and make it more engaging.

4. Reflect on results and learnings:

Capture the success and learnings of your project with sections focused on the results and next steps. This enables continuous improvement and forward-thinking, demonstrating your ability to iterate and enhance your designs based on user feedback and project outcomes.

How to use the UX Case Study template with step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: comprehensively answer guided questions:.

Reflect on each section of your project and provide detailed responses to the questions provided in the template. This will ensure a robust and insightful case study that covers all essential aspects of your design project.

Step 2: Assemble your narrative:

Collate your answers into the template, allowing the provided structure to guide the flow of your case study. Ensure a logical and impactful progression from problem identification to solution implementation. This will help your audience understand the journey of your UI & UX project and the value it brings.

Step 3: Utilize visuals and data:

Incorporate sketches, wireframes, and data visualizations to enrich your case study. Visual elements not only make your case study visually appealing but also help communicate complex ideas and concepts effectively.

Step 4: Review and finalize:

Ensure coherence and continuity in your narrative by reviewing each section and checking that they transition smoothly to the next. This will create a comprehensive story of your UI & UX journey, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

By using our SEO-optimized UX Case Study Template, you can confidently illustrate the depth and breadth of your design projects, making a strong impact on potential clients, employers, or stakeholders. Follow the step-by-step instructions provided to create a compelling case study that showcases your expertise in UX design and demonstrates the value of your work.

Remember, a well-crafted case study can be a powerful tool to attract new opportunities and establish yourself as a skilled UX professional. Start using the UX Case Study Template today and elevate your design narratives to new heights.

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UX Case Study Presentation Template

ux research case study presentation

What you'll get

Used by designers and teams from, product overview.

  • Without a solid structure, presenting a UX case study can feel disjointed or scattered. Designers also often struggle to pinpoint the most impactful highlights of their work.
  • Our UX Case Study Presentation Template captures all the important details. It gives you a clear guide to confidently show off your work, even in stressful situations like job interviews.
  • Quickly set up your UX case studies and remove the repetitive work of creating new documents. This template organizes your content to tell a polished story that showcases your successes.
  • Customize your presentation with preset elements for consistency. Use sections to define problems, identify insights, and propose solutions.
  • A well-crafted UX case study presentation can help you land new opportunities. Turn your UX case studies into a powerful narrative that impresses clients and stakeholders.

How will it help me?

  • Set up your document in seconds: Get everything you need in one straightforward template. There's no need to keep creating the same document for every new case study
  • Organize content effortlessly: Sort all the information you need with pages neatly arranged
  • Improve your workflow: Work smarter with a professional presentation that showcases your attention to detail
  • Keep it all consistent: Build the presentation to fit your brand's identity. Customize your style with color schemes, typefaces, and more
  • Template pages: Capture your UX case study in 22 pre-designed pages to guide your study ‍
  • Presentation-ready slides: Present anytime with responsive slides and a 16:9 ratio
  • Customizable style guide: Keep your presentations on-brand by customizing color schemes, fonts, and more
  • Well-defined sections: Identify key information with sections for problems, insights, solutions, and conclusions
  • Structured content: Essential elements for a strong presentation in a fuss-free, straightforward design
  • Easy navigation: Form seamless narratives with content flow arranged logically


  • A basic understanding of UX/UI design principles and Figma
  • A desire to improve your case study presentations
  • A laptop or desktop computer with steady internet access
  • A Figma account (recommended)

Who is this product for?

Students & Junior Designers ‍

Kickstart your design career with a professional and well-organized template.

‍ Senior Designers

Highlight your design expertise by showcasing your work's depth and attention to detail.

Independent Freelancers ‍

Win over new clients and secure more projects with a polished, cohesive presentation.

Design Teams & Startups ‍

Showcase your team's achievements in a compelling and streamlined narrative.

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Figma Annotation Kit


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Variety matters. A wider selection of component variants to work with ensures a broader audience gets the best possible experience. That’s why Shipfaster UI 2.5 is packed with new components, even more variants, and refined states.

  • Updated icon set in the latest heroicon
  • New "labels" text style in typography foundation to differentiate from paragraphs and headings
  • More grid layouts for a responsive guide to sidebar grids
  • More sizes and enhanced colors for Focused rings
  • New flag resource with complete country names and ISO
  • Added updated social and media logo icons
  • New pie chart components
  • New chip components
  • New video player components
  • More variant styles and enhanced states for accordions
  • More variant styles for badges
  • More variant styles and enhanced states for breadcrumbs
  • New icon, social, and social group components for buttons
  • New organizational components and templates for data display
  • New and specific date and time picker with more variants
  • More variant styles and enhanced states for file uploads
  • More variant styles and enhanced states for form control
  • More variant styles and enhanced states for inline alerts
  • Enhanced states, layout and component properties for input fields
  • More variant styles and enhanced states for loaders
  • More variant styles and enhanced states for progress bars
  • Marketing pages samples now have all responsive views from desktop to mobile

Shipfaster UI v.2.5 is updated just for you. We aim to bring you an elevated design experience with regular design system updates. Be the first to know about the latest news and changes to Shipfaster UI by subscribing to our newsletter.

ux research case study presentation

Meet Shipfaster UI v2.6: Your new and improved design UI kit! 🚀 We've upgraded our components and added user-friendly variants to simplify your design process. Get ready for clearer labels, more dynamic states, and a sleeker interface. Plus, we've fixed the small issues and made finding icons a breeze.

Shipfaster UI v2.6 is all about making your design work faster and easier. Speed up your workflow—see the changes below.

  • Improvement and configuration of all the main components
  • Refined semantic naming and dynamic states
  • New & improved variants for:
  • Progress Step and Progress Bar
  • Input Fields
  • A new set of icons for File Formats
  • Improved semantic naming and states
  • New header variants in the marketing samples
  • Modified neutrals for better contrast and compatibility with our main primary color
  • Improved Video Player component
  • Fixed missing component properties and variants
  • Descriptions and tags for easier searching of icons
  • New and refined visuals for marketing sections
  • Off-site component documentation

Shipfaster UI v.2.6 is updated just for you. We aim to bring you an elevated design experience with regular design system updates. Be the first to know about the latest news and changes to Shipfaster UI by subscribing to our newsletter.

ux research case study presentation

We realised there was a small issue with some members not being able to load all the images in the design file. What we have learnt is that Figma is a browser-based app which means it’s subjected to a 2GB available memory limit that applies to each browser tab, including those in the desktop app. When loading or editing Figma files nears or or exceeds this memory limit, it can cause performance issues like long load times, crashes and others. Please keep in mind when using our design system, to limit the number of browser tabs you have opened.

  • Updated file thumbnails.
  • Moved checkboxes, radio buttons and toggles into a new section called Form Controls.
  • Compressed all JPG images in the file to reduce file size.
  • Members that raised images not loading have confirmed this has solved their issues.

A few members reported seeing ‘3 missing libraries’ upon importing the design system.

  • Fixed mission libraries issue.

Figma made some major updates to their platform in May 2022. This included component properties, a re-designed Autolayout, dark mode and much more. In v.2.3 of Shipfaster UI, we have decided to introduce a number of updates that have helped improve the kit’s performance and it’s relevancy with the latest updates.

  • Removed .styled components to improve the performance of our design system.
  • Updated all components with the new component properties and Autolayout feature.
  • Updated all templates with the revised components.
  • Migrated our icon system from ‘component variants’ to individual components, to allow for an improved toggling experience.
  • Added tablet and mobile versions for all templates.
  • Provided pre-designed templates for quick use.
  • Included a Shipfaster Starter template for anyone that wants to use a lighter version of our design system.

ux research case study presentation

With Shipfaster 2.4, we’ve focused on adding new styles and components in the Foundation section. There are new secondary color ranges, graphic elements and an all new featured Mockup page to supercharge the way you present your designs. We’ve fine-tuned every detail in v.2.4 of Shipfaster UI to help elevate your designs and keep up with the latest trends in the industry.

  • 10 new linear palette gradient options
  • 10 new mesh gradient palette options
  • Enhance Shadows to complement UI designs with natural-looking shadows
  • New blurred option (XXL) for Blurs
  • New 3D graphic elements to enhance your designs visuals
  • New divider lines to create spaces and sections in your designs
  • An all-new dedicated Mockup page which includes:
  • Credit card
  • iPhone 14 Pro
  • Screen Mock Up
  • iPad landscape & portrait
  • Macbook Pro
  • New avatar components including:
  • Integrated avatar icons with indicator for badges, status, and notifications
  • Shape variant for the master component to easily switch up avatar shape
  • New breadcrumb variants with updated indicators
  • Updated designed marketing sections and pages with all new mock-ups and avatars, new secondary color palette (with over 12 color ranges) for more color options

ux research case study presentation

Today we’re excited to announce the launch of our Shipfaster UI - A Figma Design System 2.0 🎉 This is our first major upgrade and overhaul to our design system.

  • 150+ new global design styles.
  • 2,800+ new media assets.
  • 6,000+ components and variants.
  • 140+ template examples.
  • Written instructions for every key component.
  • Master components provided with all primary components.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What's the ux case study presentation template for.

The UX Case Study Presentation Template from Designership is a template that helps designers explain their work clearly and confidently in job interviews or meetings. It guides you to organize your design steps, choices, and results in an engaging way.

Is the UX Design Case Study Template free?

Yes, this is a premium template that Designership provides to help you give your project presentations a professional and consistent look.

Can I customize the UX Case Study Template to fit my brand's identity?

Absolutely. You can easily customize the UX Case Study Template to match your own brand, including your colors, fonts, and style, to make it truly yours.

How many sections does the UX Case Study Presentation Template have?

Our UX Case Study Presentation Template comes with organized sections to define problems, insights, solutions, and conclusions. This is so that you don't miss any key details in your presentations. It has everything need to cover every part of your case study.

Can I use the UX Case Study Template in Figma?

Yes, this template works in Figma.

How will the template help organize my case study?

The template gives you a clear outline to follow. It guides you through each step of your case study, from the challenges and solutions to the methods you used and the results you achieved. That way, you tell a clear story of your project.

What sets this UX Case Study Template apart from other templates found online?

Our UX Case Study Template is crafted to help you tell the story of your project in a compelling way. It's designed for easy customization, thanks to expert input from Michael Wong (Mizko).

Do I need any specific software to use the UX Case Study Presentation Template?

It's best to use this template in Figma to get the most out of its features, but it's also made to be flexible enough for use with other design tools.

How can I learn UX Research?

A quick Google or Youtube search can teach the theory behind UX research. But if you want to apply what you learn in the workplace, take our Practical UX Research & Strategy Course. Learn how to apply tactical UX research strategy to your designs and make better-informed decisions. This course takes you through the entire UX research process, from planning your research strategy to getting insights from participants and presenting data-backed design solutions. By the end of the course, you'll be able to deliver business-driven designs and gain the confidence of stakeholders and clients with actionable insights and clear strategies.

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11 Inspiring UX Case Studies That Every Designer Should Study

Gene Kamenez

A UX case study is a sort of detailed overview of a designer's work. They are often part of a UX designer's portfolio and showcase the designer's skill in managing tasks and problems. From a recruiter's perspective, such a UX portfolio shows the skill, insights, knowledge, and talent of the designer.

Therefore, UX case studies play an important role in the recruitment and demand for designers.

What Makes a Powerful Case Study

Building a UX case study includes showing the design process through compelling stories. They will use plain language to demonstrate how they handled key design issues, offering a comprehensive view of their process. Well done case studies often include:

  • A  problem statement and solutions with real applications.
  • Relevant numbers, data, or testimonials to demonstrate the work and efforts.
  • A story that directly connects the problem to the solution.

Any competent UX professional will know that creating a stunning UX case study is about the little details.

11 Best UX Case Studies for Designers

The best way to understand what a good case study looks like is to go over other examples. Each of these UX case study examples shows a designer's insights, basic skills, and other designers' lessons learned through their experience.

1. web editor

A case study of a video-creation platform

For this video-creation platform , UX designer Sascha was brought on to revamp v2.0, adding new features that could work alongside the existing UX design. The point was to work on interface details that would help create a user friendly platform, and that users could find simple enough to use.

User personas mapped by the UX designer revealed the most common confusion to be the process of inserting particular features into the video, such as subtitles. The designer's goal, therefore, was to create a platform with improved editor controls.

The designer then used a common text-editor layout to include top and side navigation bars that made it easy to access and implement text editing.

Key Learnings from

This case study focuses on addressing a particular problem that customers were currently facing. Its main theme is to show a problem, and how the product designer addressed this problem. Its strength points include:

  • clearly highlighting the problem (i.e. inaccessible and limited video-text editor options)
  • conduction research to understand the nature of the problem and the kind of solutions customers want
  • implementing research insights into the redesign to create a platform that actively served customer needs

2. Productivity tracker app

A case study of a productivity tracker app

The main concept behind this UX case study is to address a pre-existing problem through the design of the app. Immediately from the start, the study highlights a common pain point among users: that of a lack of productivity due to device usage.

This UX case study example addressed some of the main problems within existing productivity apps included:a poor UI and UX that made navigation difficult

  • a poorly-built information architecture
  • limited functions on the mobile application

Key Learnings from the Productivity app case study

The case study highlights the simple design process that was then used to build the app. Wireframes were created, a moldboard developed, and finally, individual pages of the app were designed in line with the initial goals.

3. Postmates Unlimited

A case study of a food delivery app

This case study clearly identifies the improvements made to the Postmates app in a simple overview before jumping into greater detail. The redesign goal, which it achieved, was to improve the experience and other interface details of the app.

The problems identified included:

  • usability that led to high support ticket volume.
  • technical app infrastructure issues that prevented scalability.
  • lack of efficient product management, such as batching orders.

A UX research course can help understand the kind of research needed for a case study. The app redesign involved bringing couriers in and running usability testing on improvements. The final model, therefore, had input from real users on what worked and what caused issues.

Key Learnings from Postmates

The Postmates redesign works as a great UX case study for the simple way it approaches problem-solving. Following an overview of the work, it addresses the problems faced by users of the app. It then establishes research processes and highlights how changes were made to reduce these issues.

4. TV Guide

A case study of a video streaming platform

Addressing the fragmentation of content across channels, this case study sought to redesign how people consume media. The key problems identified included:

  • the overabundance of content across various TV and streaming platforms
  • the difficulty in discovering and managing content across all platforms

To deliver on the key goals of content personalization, smart recommendations, and offering cross-platform content search, the design process included conducting interviews, surveys, and checking customer reviews.

The design of TV Guide enables users to get custom recommendations sourced from friends' and family's watchlists.

Key Learnings from TV Guide

Like previous UX design case studies, this one tackled the issue head-on. Describing the research process, it goes into detail regarding the approach used by the UX designers to create the app. It takes readers on a journey, from identifying pain points, to testing solutions, and implementing the final version.

5. The FlexBox Inspector

A case study of a CSS flexbox tool

Designer Victoria discusses how she developed the investigator tool for the Mozilla Firefox browser. Surveys into understanding the problems with the existing CSS Flexbox tool revealed a need for a user-friendly design. Interviews with a senior designer and other designers helped developers understand the features design-focused tools ought to have. A feature analysis revealed what most users look for in such tools.

The final result of the development process was a design that incorporated several new features, including:

  • a new layout
  • color-coded design
  • multiple entry points to make workflow management efficient

Key Learnings from the Flexbox

This UX design case study starts with a clear goal, then addresses multiple user needs. It clearly defines the design process behind each feature developed by the time, and the reasoning for including that feature. To give a complete picture, it also discusses why certain features or processes were excluded.

6. The Current State of Checkouts

A case study of e-commerce checkout pages

This Baymard UX design case study looks into the checkout process in over 70 e-commerce websites. Through competitive analysis, it isolates problem points in the UX design, which, if addressed, could improve the customer's checkout process.

The study found at least 31 common issues that were easily preventable. The study was designed and conducted on a large scale, over 12 years, to incorporate changing design patterns into the review.

Recommendations based on findings include:

  • prominent guest checkout option
  • simple password requirements
  • specific delivery period
  • price comparison tool for shipping vs store pickup

Key Learnings from Checkout Case Study

Each identified issue is backed up by data and research to highlight its importance. Further research backs up each recommendation made within the case study, with usability testing to support the idea. As far as UX case studies go, this one provides practical insight into an existing, widely used e-commerce feature, and offers practical solutions.

7. New York Times App

A case study of a New York Times app

Using a creative illustration website, the designers proposed a landing page feature "Timely" that could counter the problems faced by the NYT app . Its major issues included too much irrelevant content, low usage, and undesirable coverage of content.

The goal behind Timely was to improve user incentives, build long-term loyalty, and encourage reading. Design mapping for the app covered:

  • identifying the problem
  • understanding audience needs
  • creating wireframes
  • designing and prototyping

The end result was an app that could help readers get notifications regarding news of interest at convenient moments (at breakfast, before bed). This encouraged interaction and improved readability with short-form articles.

Key Learnings from NYT App

The UX case study proposes a problem solution that works with an existing information architecture, instead adding custom graphics to the mobile app. It leads from a simple problem statement to discuss the project that could address these issues without changing was customers already loved.

A case study of the body activity monitoring app

UX case studies focused on redesign include the FitBit redesign, which started off by understanding personas and what users expect from a fitness tracker. Developing use cases and personas, Guerilla usability testing was employed to assess pain points.

These pain points were then ranked based on their importance to users and to app performance. They were addressed through:

  • Highlighting essential parts and features of the app
  • Changing easily missed icons to more recognizable icons
  • relabelling tracking options to guide users better to its usage

Key Learnings from Fitbit

While the case study maps user experiences and offers solutions, it does not begin with an intensive research-based approach. The prototype is successful in testing, but problem factors are not identified with research-based statistics, meaning key factors could have been ignored.

9. Rating System UX

a case study of a rating system

The designer behind the rating system UX redesign sought to solve issues with the 5-star rating system. Highlighted issues included:

  • the lack of subjective accuracy of a 5-point rating system
  • the issue of calculating the average of a zero-star rating
  • average ratings are misleading

Better alternatives include:

  • 5-star emoticon rating that relates the user experience
  • Like/dislike buttons that make approval/disapproval simple

The final design incorporated both these styles to make full use of the rating system.

Key Learnings from Rating System UX

The UX case study stemmed from insight into the limitations of the existing rating system. The new design addressed old issues and incorporated better efficiencies.

A case study for a content design system

The Intuit redesign was focused on making content readable, more engaging, and accessible. Looking into product personalization, the content was found to be lacking aesthetic value, as well as being hard to find. The goal was to create content that was easy to find, clear, and consistent.

The implemented solutions included:

  • increased readability with increased body text and header spacing
  • table of contents on the sidebar for easier navigation
  • visible and prominent search bar
  • illustrations and designs for pretty visuals

Key Learnings from Intuit

The Intuit case study approaches the problem from a practical point of view. It begins with isolating problems with the interface, in particular with the content. This is an example of a case study that breaks down problems into broader categories, and solves each problem with a practical solution.

A case study for a social plaform

This UX case study about a social platform tackles a commonly-faced problem from existing platforms. It addresses the issue of recognizing non-monetary user engagement, to help creators identify their user base.

The case study addresses the problem statement and establishes the design process (building wireframes and prototypes) as well as conducting user testing. The final result is to develop "Discover" pages, engaging layouts, and animated interactions to increase usability.

Key Learnings from Jambb

The study goes into detail regarding problem identification, then moves on to propose solutions that take into account the perspective of all stakeholders involved. It then explains why each design decision was made, and proves its efficacy through testing and prototyping.

Key Takeaways

Developing good UX case studies examples is as much about the details you include as the ones you leave out. Going over UX courses can give you a better understanding of what your case study should look like. A good case study should provide an overview of the problem, include numbers and statistics, and offer practical solutions that directly address the problem. The above-discussed UX case studies provide a good example of the dos and don'ts of a well-structured UX design case study that should be part of every UX portfolio .

Additional Resources

Check out these resources to learn more about UX case studies:

8 UX Case Studies to Read

UX Design Case Study

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Top 7 resources for ux/ui designers for meaningful design inspiration, how to write a ux case study in 10 steps, the impact of ux design on application success: exploring costs and trends, cookie settings 🍪.

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Table of Contents 💡

Home - UX Portfolio - Tips on presenting your UX case study

Tips on presenting your UX case study

Imagine this. You’ve made it through the first job interview. You’re now asked for a second round interview to show your work. But how do you prepare? And what do you need to keep in mind? Here’s how to present a UX case study during a job interview.

  • Updated on August 26, 2024

Tips on how to present a UX case study

This article will teach you how to present your UX case study during a job interview. If you follow along, you’ll increase your chances of getting invited to the next round.

We’ll talk about the basics, such as attending the meeting on time, and more advanced tactics, like how you structure your presentation.

I’ve based the following tips on presenting my  UX portfolio  to multiple potential clients for almost a decade and the  UX mentorships I’ve hosted for aspiring designers. In other words, these tips are based on real-world experience.

Table of Contents

How to present a ux case study.

The most important part of an excellent  UX case study  presentation is showing you can solve a business challenge. To be more specific, you have to be able to solve your potential employer’s business challenge.

Even though your primary goal as a UX designer is to be there for the user, you must remember you’re going to work somewhere to help a business make money.

If you only talk about users during your case study presentation and forget to mention how you can help your potential employer grow a business, you’re likely to miss out.

Then, there are several  basic job interview rules  to consider. Let’s discuss those first.

Presentation basics

These basics are essential. People expect you to follow them. Because of that, doing so will not get you any bonus points. However, failing to follow the basics will leave a bad taste during your interview. Make sure you check the following basics off of your list.

  • Arrive on time.
  • Dress appropriately (mostly in person).
  • Stable internet connection (remote only).
  • Position yourself in the middle of your frame (remote only).
  • Make sure you’re able to focus without disturbance (remote only).
  • Make sure your camera and mic are working correctly (remote only).

Picking the right case study

At some point during your interview, the interviewer will ask you to present your work. This means you have control over the case study you decide to present. And that’s a good thing.

In my experience, there’s always a case study you prefer over your other case studies. Creating that one  UX case study  has been easier, more recent, or more fun than your other projects.

So make sure you’re ready to pick one of your case studies on the spot if asked to. Pick the one you’re most comfortable with, but also one that aligns with the things your future employer is looking for.

Start with a case study summary

Once you’re asked to present your UX portfolio, most people start to explain their case study from start to finish. Try to stay away from doing that. 

First of all, you’ll likely lose your audience’s attention because an ‘and then I did this…’ story isn’t nice to listen to. You’ll also put yourself in a position to receive challenging questions because you gave away all the easy answers during your presentation.

Instead, give a summary first. Here’s what to include.

  • The business challenge, your role, and what you were asked to do.
  • What your main deliverable was. 
  • The results of your project and deliverables.

Here’s an example of what your UX case study summary might look like.

An example of a UX case study summary

The example from the image above is a very specific summary. Presenting this case study summary first allows your audience to ask questions. Because you keep a lot of information to yourself, you’re likely to get questions about that same information. You can answer these questions with ease.

If you had presented every detail of your case study, you’re more likely to get questions you can’t answer.

Answering case study questions

After presenting your UX case study summary, it is time to answer questions. As I said, you leave room for questions on purpose to have more control over the questions you get.

My main advice is to be honest when you don’t have an answer to one of the questions. I’ve seen many designers desperately try to answer every question. However, the people listening to your presentation will notice this.

Instead, be honest when you’re not sure. Let your audience know you’re willing to learn or redirect the question by asking what they think or what the company expects you to do.

That way, you show you know what you can improve and that you’re willing to have a good talk about it. That’s way more valuable than being someone who pretends to know everything.

Frequently asked questions

With the above structure, presenting your UX case study during a job interview should go much better. However, there are still some questions to answer. I’ve collected several in the list below.

How long should a UX case study presentation be?

The length of your case study presentation depends on the structure of the interview. In almost all cases, that’s up to the hiring company. It is common for an interview to take between 30 and 60 minutes.

However, your UX case study presentation can be shorter than that. Those 30 or 60 minutes will likely include the introduction, asking questions, and discussing the next steps. That leaves between 15 and 30 minutes for the actual case study presentation.

How many slides are in a UX case study presentation?

The number of slides in your UX case study can vary between 5 and 15. Less than that would mean you don’t include the basics like the cover page, challenge, things you’ve done during the project, and your results.

However, when you go over 15 slides, you risk losing your audience’s attention. Be strict in the number of slides you include!

What should a UX presentation include?

Your presentation should include at least the main building blocks of your project. These include the business problem you’re solving, what the client has asked you to do, what you actually did, and the impact of your work.

Make your case study presentation very visual with mockups, photos of you working on the project, and a user testimonial from your tests. Before and after images also help you tell a better story.

UX Case Study (Course + Template)

I’ll walk you through the steps of creating a case study based on my 10 years of experience in UX.

  • Video course and template.
  • Includes real-world examples.
  • Get personal feedback.

Case studies are what make up most of your UX portfolio. Therefore, being able to present them is a crucial skill you need to have when you want to  get hired in UX .

These crucial steps will increase your chances of reaching the next round.

  • Get the basics right. Make sure you’re on time, in a place where you can focus, and with a stable internet connection.
  • Start with a summary of your case study to leave room for questions you can answer.
  • Accept the fact that you can’t answer everything. It is better to acknowledge that than to try and desperately answer every question you get.

Profile picture of author Nick Groeneveld, a senior UX designer and mentor for The Designer's Toolbox

About the author

Hi! I'm Nick Groeneveld , a senior designer from the Netherlands with experience in UX, visual design, and research. I'm a UX coach that supports other designers and have completed design projects in finance, tech, and the public sector.

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Your ultimate UX portfolio presentation guide: How to present your UX design portfolio in a job interview

If you’re applying for UX design jobs, you can expect to give a UX portfolio presentation as part of the interview process. This is your chance to talk through some of your favourite portfolio projects—and to show the hiring panel what you’re capable of. It’s a nerve-wracking task, but it’s a crucial step towards landing a UX job. 

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If you’re applying for UX design jobs, you can expect to give a UX portfolio presentation as part of the interview process. 

This is your chance to talk through some of your favourite portfolio projects—and to show the hiring panel what you’re capable of. It’s a nerve-wracking task, but it’s a crucial step towards landing a UX job. 

New to UX interviews and portfolio presentations? Then keep reading. 

This is your ultimate UX portfolio presentation guide . We’ll show you not only how to structure your UX portfolio presentation, but how to deliver it successfully on the day.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

What is a UX portfolio presentation?

What should a ux portfolio presentation include, how long should your ux portfolio presentation be.

  • How to structure your UX portfolio presentation: A framework 
  • How to prepare for (and ace) your UX portfolio presentation: 5 steps

Ready to become a UX portfolio presentation pro? Let’s begin. 


A UX portfolio presentation is a key step in the UX hiring process . Whenever you apply for a UX or product design role, you’ll likely be required to present your portfolio to a panel—either in person or via Zoom. Typically, the UX portfolio presentation takes place once you’ve passed the initial phone screen(s) and have moved to the interview stage. 

What’s the purpose of a UX portfolio presentation?

Your UX portfolio presentation is your opportunity to show the hiring manager, and the wider team, what you’re capable of. You’ll talk them through 1 or 2 portfolio projects, giving insight into your UX design process and your approach to problem-solving. 

It’s also a chance for the hiring manager to assess your communication and presentation skills. Most UX roles will require you to present to stakeholders, so employers want to make sure that you can effectively communicate your work. 

Your UX portfolio presentation should include the following:

  • A brief yet powerful introduction: Tell the hiring panel who you are and what you’re all about before you jump into the presentation itself.
  • 1 or 2 case studies: These are the crux of your UX portfolio presentation, demonstrating your skills, process, and problem-solving approach in action.
  • Outcomes and learnings: For each case study you present, you’ll show the panel not only what you achieved but also what you learned.
  • Supporting visuals: Just like your portfolio itself, your UX portfolio presentation should contain plenty of interesting visuals to illustrate the story of each project and ensure the presentation is engaging.
  • Q&A: At the end of the presentation, be prepared to answer questions (usually about 10-15 minutes). 

Hiring managers will usually allocate between 45 minutes and 1 hour for your UX portfolio presentation. The recruiter should be able to provide you with the timeframe. But, if not, plan to present for around 40 minutes and leave enough time for questions at the end. As with any kind of presentation, practise a few times beforehand to make sure you’ve got plenty of time to cover everything at a comfortable speed. 


How to structure your UX portfolio presentation

There is no universally approved template for a UX portfolio presentation. However, there are certain key components that all portfolio presentations should include, as well as a broad structure that will help you tell a logical story.

Here’s an outline you can use to structure your UX portfolio presentation. And remember: it’s just a template—adapt it to make it work for you. 

  • Opening slide
  • Introduction (a bit about you)
  • UX portfolio case studies
  • Closing slide

With that framework in mind, here’s how to structure your UX portfolio presentation .

1. Opening slide

Every good presentation begins with an opening slide. It doesn’t need to be fancy—it’s just nice to have it up on the screen while the audience settles in and you make any final preparations. 

This slide can be as simple as your name, your professional title, and the presentation title, or you can jazz it up with some fun visuals. 

opening slide example

2. Introduction (a bit about you)

First things first: introduce yourself. 

There may be people on the panel who haven’t met you yet, so take a moment to share who you are, what you do, and why you’re passionate about UX design (or your niche area if you’re going for a specialist role such as UX researcher or UX writer ). If you have time, you might also share a fun fact about yourself. This can be a good icebreaker!

This is just a quick overview of what you’ll cover throughout your UX portfolio presentation. It gives the audience an idea of what’s to come, and in what order. As you introduce the projects you’ll present, it’s also worth explaining why you’ve chosen to highlight these particular projects. Take this moment to convey your passion for what you do. 

ux portfolio agenda

4. UX case studies

Your case studies will span several slides. Begin with a title slide introducing the name of the project and, if you haven’t done so already, explain why you’ve chosen to include this project in your UX portfolio presentation. 

Is it based on a topic you’re passionate about? Did it present a particularly valuable learning curve? Was it one of your most successful projects? Explain why you’re excited to share this project—and get the hiring panel excited, too. 

Next, you’ll want to cover the following points for each case study. Each point can span 1 or 2 slides as necessary, and you can combine several points into one. All that matters is that you tell a clear, cohesive story which the hiring panel can follow. 

  • Project overview: What is the project about? Set the scene and provide important context. Here you can talk about when/in what context you completed the project—for example, as part of your UX design course or bootcamp or at a previous job.
  • Your role: Who were you collaborating with and what was your contribution? Explain who was involved in the project and where you fit into the team. What were your main responsibilities and areas of expertise? Who did you collaborate with along the way? This is a great opportunity to demonstrate teamwork while clearly defining your individual role.
  • The challenge: What problem were you trying to solve and who were you solving it for? Clearly state the challenge and provide some background. For example, what led to the problem and/or to the discovery of the problem? What pain-points were you seeking to address—and, most importantly, who for? At this point, you can also allude to the final solution. This might not seem logical, but it will actually help the audience to follow and understand your process.

portfolio presentation example

  • Your approach: How did you go about solving the problem? Provide a high-level overview of the process you followed to address the design challenge. For example, your approach might have looked something like: User research, ideation, prototyping, testing and iterating, development.
  • A closer look at your process and specific methods: Zoom in on specific aspects of the process—outlining the methods you used, why you used them, what value or purpose they served, and how they shaped your design decisions. For example, if one aspect of your approach was user research , explain which research methods you used and why, as well as what insights they helped you to uncover.
  • The solution: Where did your chosen process and methods lead to? How did you arrive at the final solution? Refer back to the original problem and explain how you reached your final solution. It’s worth sharing the different solutions you considered before making a decision—outlining the pros and cons of each and explaining why the chosen solution made the most sense.
  • The end results: What did or does your solution look like? You’ve explained how you came up with a solution to the problem. Now share how that solution looks (or looked) in action. Did you design new features for an app or come up with user personas ? What was the impact of the solution? Are there any measurable results you can share, either for the business or the end user?
  • Learnings and reflections: What did you learn from the project? What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them? What would you do differently next time? Even if you’re highlighting this as your most successful project, it’s unlikely that everything went completely smoothly. Impress the hiring panel with your ability to reflect and learn by sharing what you’d do differently next time, or how you course-corrected along the way.
  • Questions: You’ll usually have a longer Q&A session at the end of your portfolio presentation, but it’s worth carving out some additional time at the end of each case study. This encourages the panel to engage and gives you the chance to elaborate on points of interest. 

5. Q&A session

Once you’ve talked the panel through your UX projects, wrap up your portfolio presentation with a Q&A. Thank your audience for listening and say you’d be happy to answer any questions they have. 

6. Closing slide

Just like your opening slide, this is a nice bookend to your presentation. A simple “Thank you for listening!” is perfect—but, as always, feel free to get creative with visuals if you want to inject some extra personality. 

Compiling your presentation is just one part of the process. To close our guide, we’ll outline 5 key steps you can follow to prepare for—and ace—your UX portfolio presentation .

How to prepare for (and ace) your UX portfolio presentation 

We’ve shown you how to structure your UX portfolio presentation. But what other preparation is involved?

Follow these steps to ensure your UX portfolio presentation is a success:

  • Choose the projects you want to showcase
  • Write an outline for each project case study
  • Prepare your UX portfolio presentation slides
  • Practice with a timer (and with an audience)
  • Anticipate possible questions from the hiring panel

1. Choose the projects you want to showcase

The purpose of your UX portfolio presentation is to show the hiring team what you’re capable of. Before you start putting your presentation together, spend some time going through your UX portfolio and choosing which projects to showcase. 

You might simply go for your favourite projects or the ones you’re most proud of—and that’s not a bad approach. You want to be able to talk passionately and enthusiastically about your work. However, make sure you’re also choosing projects that highlight the skills and qualities the employer is looking for.

For example: if you’re going for a UX research role, you’ll want to present a project where you were responsible for user research. If you’re interviewing with a healthcare company and you’ve worked on a healthcare app in the past, that would be a good case study to highlight.

In short: Choose the projects which best demonstrate your suitability for the job.

2. Write an outline for each project case study

You’ve chosen your projects; now you need to plan how you’ll present them. Before you start putting your presentation deck together, draft an outline of how you’ll talk about each project and the main points you’ll cover. 

Hopefully, you’ve already been through the process of creating your UX portfolio and have several projects written up in the form of detailed case studies—which you can use as the basis for your presentation. You can refer back to our UX portfolio presentation framework (in the previous section) for an overview of the kind of detail to include, and here are the main points at a glance: 

  • Project overview
  • The problem you were solving
  • Your approach, process, and methods
  • The solution and end results

At this stage, your project outlines don’t need to be word perfect. The main goal is to have a clear idea of what each project should demonstrate—and how you’ll get the most important points across. 

In short: Pick out the most important points you want to cover for each portfolio project and draft an outline. 

3. Prepare your UX portfolio presentation slides

With your portfolio projects chosen and your outlines drafted, you’re ready to compile your UX portfolio presentation. For this step, follow the presentation framework we outlined earlier on in this guide. 

Here’s a recap of how to structure your UX portfolio presentation:

  • Title slide
  • Case studies
  • Closing slide (thanks for listening!)

Now you might be wondering which format your presentation should take. Always read the recruiter’s instructions carefully to see if they’ve specified any exact requirements. If not, use your tool of choice to create a presentation deck (e.g. Google Slides) and be sure to download it in PDF format, too. You never know what the WiFi situation will be on the day, so make sure you can access your presentation offline if you need to. 

When it comes to designing your presentation deck, follow all the usual design rules and principles —clear, legible text, plenty of contrast, and a good image-to-text ratio. Beyond that, you have all the creative freedom you could ask for. 

In short: Use a tool like Google Slides to design and compile your UX portfolio presentation deck. Download it as a PDF, too, in case the Internet fails you on the day.

4. Practice with a timer (and with an audience)

One of the trickiest parts of a UX portfolio presentation is getting the timing right. You want to provide enough detail without going on for too long—and you want to present at a comfortable pace. 

Once you’ve put your presentation deck together, practice going through it with a timer. Most UX portfolio presentations last between 45 minutes and an hour (the recruiter should let you know how long you’ve got), so make sure you can get through the whole thing without rushing. 

Based on your practice runs, make cuts (or additions) to get your presentation to the ideal length. 

Then, if you can, practise in front of an audience. This will help you to make sure you’re telling a cohesive and logical story about each project. If your practice audience can easily follow along and finds your presentation engaging, you’re onto a winner. If they have feedback, iterate and adapt til you get it right. 

In short: Practise your presentation in front of an audience and with a timer. This will ensure you’ve got the length just right, and that you’re communicating clearly and effectively. 

5. Anticipate possible questions from the hiring panel

Most UX portfolio presentations will end with questions from the hiring panel, so it’s a good idea to anticipate what these questions might be. 

They might ask about specific aspects of your UX projects, or about your design process in general. Brainstorm some possible questions (you can ask your practice audience to come up with some, too) and think about how you’ll answer them.

While it’s impossible to anticipate exactly what will come up, having some answers prepared will help you to enter your UX portfolio presentation feeling confident and ready.

In short: Brainstorm possible questions the hiring panel might ask you and think about how to answer them. 

Wrapping up

We’ve covered everything you need to know about structuring and delivering an effective UX portfolio presentation. Hopefully, with the help of this guide, you can tackle your UX job search with confidence. For more helpful career advice and resources, check out these guides:

  • Are you just starting out in UX? Here’s how to reframe your previous work experience (and use it to your advantage)
  • How to recognise UX maturity while job hunting (and why it matters)
  • What kind of salary can you expect as a UX designer?

The following video has some great portfolio tips too:

  • UX Portfolios

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  10. UX Research Case Study Presentations: Best Practices

    On top of that, I've been having some enlightening conversations with my mentees about their UX research case study presentations, and I'm excited to share some thoughts and advice with all of you! 1️⃣ Start with Impact 💥 Insights and impact should take center stage in your case study. While it may seem counterintuitive not to organize ...

  11. UX Portfolio Case Study template (plus examples from ...

    A UX case study is a detailed but summarized presentation of a design project, its goals and objectives, the research methods used, the process to find a solution and the results achieved. I hope to share with you a UX portfolio Case Study template for making your portfolio simpler and less overwhelming with the aim of getting you a job ...

  12. How to Put Together a UX Research Portfolio Presentation

    For more junior candidates, you might want to include how you got into UX research. You might also want to include a slide about your interests/hobbies outside of work. This whole section should ...

  13. Free UX presentations

    Use these free UX presentation templates to present your analyses, deliver user research findings, and get your team on the same page. Get started in a few clicks.

  14. UX Research Portfolios That Will Get You Hired: 20 Templates and Examples

    6. Alexandra Nguyen's evaluative research hardware project with Nuro. While the case studies in this UX research portfolio are password-protected, this UX research portfolio by Alexandra M. Nguyen, a UX researcher at Nuro, provides a high-level timeline overview of how she created her path to UX research.

  15. UX Design Case Study Presentation Template

    This presentation template is perfect for anyone who wants to create a professional presentation about their user experience (UX) project. It's designed to help you outline your entire design and research process in a clear and visually appealing way. Just a heads up, the content was inspired by Google, specifically their UX design course.

  16. UX Case Study Presentation Template

    Template pages: Capture your UX case study in 22 pre-designed pages to guide your study. ‍. Presentation-ready slides: Present anytime with responsive slides and a 16:9 ratio. Customizable style guide: Keep your presentations on-brand by customizing color schemes, fonts, and more. Well-defined sections: Identify key information with sections ...

  17. 11 Inspiring UX Case Studies That Every Designer Should Study

    As far as UX case studies go, this one provides practical insight into an existing, widely used e-commerce feature, and offers practical solutions. 7. New York Times App. Using a creative illustration website, the designers proposed a landing page feature "Timely" that could counter the problems faced by the NYT app.

  18. Tips on presenting your UX case study

    It is common for an interview to take between 30 and 60 minutes. However, your UX case study presentation can be shorter than that. Those 30 or 60 minutes will likely include the introduction, asking questions, and discussing the next steps. That leaves between 15 and 30 minutes for the actual case study presentation.

  19. How To Prepare for (and Ace) a UX Portfolio Presentation

    Write an outline for each project case study; Prepare your UX portfolio presentation slides; Practice with a timer (and with an audience) Anticipate possible questions from the hiring panel; 1. Choose the projects you want to showcase. The purpose of your UX portfolio presentation is to show the hiring team what you're capable of.

  20. UX Research Case Study / Report Template

    Open in Figma. About. Comments 8. Use this easy research template to make research reports or case studies! Simply plug in your data and export as a pdf or use your web design skills to add it to your site. Whats Included? A responsive template file with autolayout.

  21. 5 Storytelling Tips for your UX Research Presentation

    Tap "Show More" for Timestamps and more helpful UXR Resources ⬇️ 0:00 Intro1:24 What is a good story2:34 Tip No.13:33 Demo time 5:23 Tip No.2 and examples6:5...

  22. How To Build a Stronger UX Research Portfolio

    Example 2: Sample UX research case study presentation from Alessandro Battisti. Employers will want a sense of how you communicate with your stakeholders to keep them informed and engage them as your strategic partners. Oftentimes, stakeholders come to researchers with lots of high-level questions or gaps in their understanding.

  23. The 80/20 rule in design job interviews

    Fig 2: A minimalist UX case study deck template that uses the 80/20 rule to help you prepare for your case study presentation. Prepare answers to interviewers' follow-up questions This is the most important part of the most important part of the interview: interviewers' follow-up questions.

  24. 15+ Case Study Templates

    Display your projects and research in an organized and presentable format with free templates to get you started. ... UX Case Study Template made to help UX Designers create and organize their case study without any struggle. ... Case study presentation template complete with project overview, wireframes and key journey insights.