Harvard University Theses, Dissertations, and Prize Papers

The Harvard University Archives ’ collection of theses, dissertations, and prize papers document the wide range of academic research undertaken by Harvard students over the course of the University’s history.

Beyond their value as pieces of original research, these collections document the history of American higher education, chronicling both the growth of Harvard as a major research institution as well as the development of numerous academic fields. They are also an important source of biographical information, offering insight into the academic careers of the authors.

Printed list of works awarded the Bowdoin prize in 1889-1890.

Spanning from the ‘theses and quaestiones’ of the 17th and 18th centuries to the current yearly output of student research, they include both the first Harvard Ph.D. dissertation (by William Byerly, Ph.D . 1873) and the dissertation of the first woman to earn a doctorate from Harvard ( Lorna Myrtle Hodgkinson , Ed.D. 1922).

Other highlights include:

  • The collection of Mathematical theses, 1782-1839
  • The 1895 Ph.D. dissertation of W.E.B. Du Bois, The suppression of the African slave trade in the United States, 1638-1871
  • Ph.D. dissertations of astronomer Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin (Ph.D. 1925) and physicist John Hasbrouck Van Vleck (Ph.D. 1922)
  • Undergraduate honors theses of novelist John Updike (A.B. 1954), filmmaker Terrence Malick (A.B. 1966),  and U.S. poet laureate Tracy Smith (A.B. 1994)
  • Undergraduate prize papers and dissertations of philosophers Ralph Waldo Emerson (A.B. 1821), George Santayana (Ph.D. 1889), and W.V. Quine (Ph.D. 1932)
  • Undergraduate honors theses of U.S. President John F. Kennedy (A.B. 1940) and Chief Justice John Roberts (A.B. 1976)

What does a prize-winning thesis look like?

If you're a Harvard undergraduate writing your own thesis, it can be helpful to review recent prize-winning theses. The Harvard University Archives has made available for digital lending all of the Thomas Hoopes Prize winners from the 2019-2021 academic years.

Accessing These Materials

How to access materials at the Harvard University Archives

How to find and request dissertations, in person or virtually

How to find and request undergraduate honors theses

How to find and request Thomas Temple Hoopes Prize papers

How to find and request Bowdoin Prize papers

  • email: Email
  • Phone number 617-495-2461

Related Collections

Harvard faculty personal and professional archives, harvard student life collections: arts, sports, politics and social life, access materials at the harvard university archives.


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EBSCO Open Dissertations

EBSCO Open Dissertations makes electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) more accessible to researchers worldwide. The free portal is designed to benefit universities and their students and make ETDs more discoverable. 

Increasing Discovery & Usage of ETD Research

EBSCO Open Dissertations is a collaboration between EBSCO and BiblioLabs to increase traffic and discoverability of ETD research. You can join the movement and add your theses and dissertations to the database, making them freely available to researchers everywhere while increasing traffic to your institutional repository. 

EBSCO Open Dissertations extends the work started in 2014, when EBSCO and the H.W. Wilson Foundation created American Doctoral Dissertations which contained indexing from the H.W. Wilson print publication, Doctoral Dissertations Accepted by American Universities, 1933-1955. In 2015, the H.W. Wilson Foundation agreed to support the expansion of the scope of the American Doctoral Dissertations database to include records for dissertations and theses from 1955 to the present.

How Does EBSCO Open Dissertations Work?

Your ETD metadata is harvested via OAI and integrated into EBSCO’s platform, where pointers send traffic to your IR.

EBSCO integrates this data into their current subscriber environments and makes the data available on the open web via opendissertations.org .

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Open Access Theses and Dissertations

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Advanced research and scholarship. Theses and dissertations, free to find, free to use.

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About OATD.org

OATD.org aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions . OATD currently indexes 7,241,108 theses and dissertations.

About OATD (our FAQ) .

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We’re happy to present several data visualizations to give an overall sense of the OATD.org collection by county of publication, language, and field of study.

You may also want to consult these sites to search for other theses:

  • Google Scholar
  • NDLTD , the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. NDLTD provides information and a search engine for electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs), whether they are open access or not.
  • Proquest Theses and Dissertations (PQDT), a database of dissertations and theses, whether they were published electronically or in print, and mostly available for purchase. Access to PQDT may be limited; consult your local library for access information.

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Resources to Find Dissertations: Home


This page provides links to databases and websites to find dissertations. This includes links to general databases to find dissertations, databases focused on the humanities, foreign dissertations, dissertations on religion, and dissertations hosted by other universities.

General Databases

Humanities dissertations, foreign dissertations, religion dissertations, dissertations of universities, yale divinity library.

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Open Access Theses and Dissertations

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How to find resources by format

Why use a dissertation or a thesis.

A dissertation is the final large research paper, based on original research, for many disciplines to be able to complete a PhD degree. The thesis is the same idea but for a masters degree.

They are often considered scholarly sources since they are closely supervised by a committee, are directed at an academic audience, are extensively researched, follow research methodology, and are cited in other scholarly work. Often the research is newer or answering questions that are more recent, and can help push scholarship in new directions. 

Search for dissertations and theses

Locating dissertations and theses.

The Proquest Dissertations and Theses Global database includes doctoral dissertations and selected masters theses from major universities worldwide.

  • Searchable by subject, author, advisor, title, school, date, etc.
  • More information about full text access and requesting through Interlibrary Loan

NDLTD – Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations provides free online access to a over a million theses and dissertations from all over the world.

WorldCat Dissertations and Theses searches library catalogs from across the U.S. and worldwide.

Locating University of Minnesota Dissertations and Theses

Use  Libraries search  and search by title or author and add the word "thesis" in the search box. Write down the library and call number and find it on the shelf. They can be checked out.

Check the  University Digital Conservancy  for online access to dissertations and theses from 2007 to present as well as historic, scanned theses from 1887-1923.

Other Sources for Dissertations and Theses

  • Center for Research Libraries
  • DART-Europe E-Thesis Portal
  • Theses Canada
  • Ethos (Great Britain)
  • Australasian Digital Theses in Trove
  • DiVA (Sweden)
  • E-Thesis at the University of Helsinki
  • DissOnline (Germany)
  • List of libraries worldwide - to search for a thesis when you know the institution and cannot find in the larger collections

University of Minnesota Dissertations and Theses FAQs

What dissertations and theses are available.

With minor exceptions, all doctoral dissertations and all "Plan A" master's theses accepted by the University of Minnesota are available in the University Libraries system. In some cases (see below) only a non-circulating copy in University Archives exists, but for doctoral dissertations from 1940 to date, and for master's theses from 1925 to date, a circulating copy should almost always be available.

"Plan B" papers, accepted in the place of a thesis in many master's degree programs, are not received by the University Libraries and are generally not available. (The only real exceptions are a number of old library school Plan B papers on publishing history, which have been separately cataloged.) In a few cases individual departments may have maintained files of such papers.

In what libraries are U of M dissertations and theses located?

Circulating copies of doctoral dissertations:.

  • Use Libraries Search to look for the author or title of the work desired to determine location and call number of a specific dissertation. Circulating copies of U of M doctoral dissertations can be in one of several locations in the library system, depending upon the date and the department for which the dissertation was done. The following are the general rules:
  • Dissertations prior to 1940 Circulating copies of U of M dissertations prior to 1940 do not exist (with rare exceptions): for these, only the archival copy (see below) is available. Also, most dissertations prior to 1940 are not cataloged in MNCAT and can only be identified by the departmental listings described below.  
  • Dissertations from 1940-1979 Circulating copies of U of M dissertations from 1940 to 1979 will in most cases be held within the Elmer L. Andersen Library, with three major classes of exceptions: dissertations accepted by biological, medical, and related departments are housed in the Health Science Library; science/engineering dissertations from 1970 to date will be located in the Science and Engineering Library (in Walter); and dissertations accepted by agricultural and related departments are available at the Magrath Library or one of the other libraries on the St. Paul campus (the Magrath Library maintains records of locations for such dissertations).  
  • Dissertations from 1980-date Circulating copies of U of M dissertations from 1980 to date at present may be located either in Wilson Library (see below) or in storage; consult Libraries Search for location of specific items. Again, exceptions noted above apply here also; dissertations in their respective departments will instead be in Health Science Library or in one of the St. Paul campus libraries.

Circulating copies of master's theses:

  • Theses prior to 1925 Circulating copies of U of M master's theses prior to 1925 do not exist (with rare exceptions); for these, only the archival copy (see below) is available.  
  • Theses from 1925-1996 Circulating copies of U of M master's theses from 1925 to 1996 may be held in storage; consult Libraries search in specific instances. Once again, there are exceptions and theses in their respective departments will be housed in the Health Science Library or in one of the St. Paul campus libraries.  
  • Theses from 1997-date Circulating copies of U of M master's theses from 1997 to date will be located in Wilson Library (see below), except for the same exceptions for Health Science  and St. Paul theses. There is also an exception to the exception: MHA (Masters in Health Administration) theses through 1998 are in the Health Science Library, but those from 1999 on are in Wilson Library.

Archival copies (non-circulating)

Archival (non-circulating) copies of virtually all U of M doctoral dissertations from 1888-1952, and of U of M master's theses from all years up to the present, are maintained by University Archives (located in the Elmer L. Andersen Library). These copies must be consulted on the premises, and it is highly recommended for the present that users make an appointment in advance to ensure that the desired works can be retrieved for them from storage. For dissertations accepted prior to 1940 and for master's theses accepted prior to 1925, University Archives is generally the only option (e.g., there usually will be no circulating copy). Archival copies of U of M doctoral dissertations from 1953 to the present are maintained by Bell and Howell Corporation (formerly University Microfilms Inc.), which produces print or filmed copies from our originals upon request. (There are a very few post-1952 U of M dissertations not available from Bell and Howell; these include such things as music manuscripts and works with color illustrations or extremely large pages that will not photocopy well; in these few cases, our archival copy is retained in University Archives.)

Where is a specific dissertation of thesis located?

To locate a specific dissertation or thesis it is necessary to have its call number. Use Libraries Search for the author or title of the item, just as you would for any other book. Depending on date of acceptance and cataloging, a typical call number for such materials should look something like one of the following:

Dissertations: Plan"A" Theses MnU-D or 378.7M66 MnU-M or 378.7M66 78-342 ODR7617 83-67 OL6156 Libraries Search will also tell the library location (MLAC, Health Science Library, Magrath or another St. Paul campus library, Science and Engineering, Business Reference, Wilson Annex or Wilson Library). Those doctoral dissertations still in Wilson Library (which in all cases should be 1980 or later and will have "MnU-D" numbers) are located in the central section of the third floor. Those master's theses in Wilson (which in all cases will be 1997 or later and will have "MnU-M" numbers) are also located in the central section of the third floor. Both dissertations and theses circulate and can be checked out, like any other books, at the Wilson Circulation desk on the first floor.

How can dissertations and theses accepted by a specific department be located?

Wilson Library contains a series of bound and loose-leaf notebooks, arranged by department and within each department by date, listing dissertations and theses. Information given for each entry includes name of author, title, and date (but not call number, which must be looked up individually). These notebooks are no longer current, but they do cover listings by department from the nineteenth century up to approximately 1992. Many pre-1940 U of M dissertations and pre-1925 U of M master's theses are not cataloged (and exist only as archival copies). Such dissertations can be identified only with these volumes. The books and notebooks are shelved in the general collection under these call numbers: Wilson Ref LD3337 .A5 and Wilson Ref quarto LD3337 .U9x. Major departments of individual degree candidates are also listed under their names in the GRADUATE SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT programs of the U of M, available in University Archives and (for recent years) also in Wilson stacks (LD3361 .U55x).

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Brown University Theses and Dissertations

Brown University Library archives dissertations in accordance with the Brown Graduate School policy .

For dissertations published prior to 2008, please consult the following Dissertation LibGuide

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  • 20 Africana Studies
  • 94 American Studies
  • 101 Anthropology
  • 175 Applied Mathematics
  • 11 Artificial Organs, Biomaterials, and Cell Technology
  • Show More...
  • 701 Bachelors Thesis
  • 3576 Doctoral Dissertation
  • 1352 Masters Thesis
  • 2378 English
  • 7 Portuguese
  • 15 Adolescent
  • 24 Aesthetics
  • 17 African Americans
  • 13 African diaspora
  • 1035 Biology and Medicine
  • 243 Biomedical Engineering
  • 94 Biostatistics
  • 3 Breathe Providence Digital Collection
  • 2 Brown University Open Data Collection
  • 19 Center for Computational Molecular Biology
  • 1 Center for Contemporary South Asia
  • 19 Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
  • 243 Chemistry
  • 51 Classics
  • 35 Cognitive Sciences
  • 145 Cognitive, Linguistic, and Psychological Sciences
  • 62 Comparative Literature
  • 26 Computer Music and Multimedia Composition
  • 186 Computer Science
  • 2 Contemplative Studies Initiative
  • 154 Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences
  • 1 East Asian Studies
  • 90 Ecological and Evolutionary Biology
  • 216 Economics
  • 3 Education
  • 2 Education Theses and Dissertations
  • 17 Egyptology and Assyriology
  • 87 Electrical Sciences and Computer Engineering
  • 4 Engaged Scholars Capstones
  • 379 Engineering
  • 149 English
  • 129 Epidemiology
  • 18 Ethnomusicology
  • 52 Fluid, Thermal, and Chemical Processes
  • 24 French Studies
  • 13 German Studies
  • 36 Graduate Research
  • 55 Health Services, Policy & Practice
  • 41 Hispanic Studies
  • 203 History
  • 54 History of Art and Architecture
  • 11 Independent Concentrations
  • 3 Institute at Brown for Environment & Society
  • 2 Integrative Studies
  • 2 International Relations
  • 9 International and Public Affairs
  • 33 Italian Studies
  • 36 Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World
  • 2 Linguistics
  • 111 Literary Arts
  • 47 Materials Science Engineering
  • 120 Mathematics
  • 78 Mechanics of Solids
  • 4 Middle East Studies
  • 65 Modern Culture and Media
  • 183 Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, and Biochemistry
  • 177 Molecular Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biotechnology
  • 182 Neuroscience
  • 11 Office of the Dean of the College
  • 134 Pathobiology
  • 2 Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women
  • 69 Philosophy
  • 236 Physics
  • 115 Political Science
  • 29 Portuguese and Brazilian Studies
  • 1 Program in Medieval Studies
  • 19 Psychology
  • 796 Public Health
  • 8 Public Policy
  • 70 Religious Studies
  • 20 Slavic Studies
  • 208 Sociology
  • 4 The Swearer Center Digital Archive
  • 11 The Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
  • 31 Theatre Arts and Performance Studies
  • 2 Urban Studies
  • 1 Who Has a Seat at the Table?
  • 1 Worldbuilding in Our World: Queer/Trans Oral Histories of Friends at the Table Fandom
  • 19 Algorithms
  • 22 Alzheimer's disease
  • 30 American literature
  • 15 American poetry
  • 13 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • 22 Anthropology
  • 13 Antibiotics
  • 13 Applied Micro Economics
  • 29 Applied mathematics
  • 30 Archaeology
  • 34 Artificial intelligence
  • 14 Asian Americans
  • 14 Astrophysics
  • 13 Biochemical markers
  • 17 Bioinformatics
  • 34 Biomechanics
  • 31 Biomedical engineering
  • 16 Biomedical materials
  • 13 Biophysics
  • 16 Biotechnology
  • 17 Brazilian literature
  • 39 COVID-19
  • 14 COVID-19 (Disease)
  • 16 Capitalism
  • 13 Cardiovascular system--Diseases
  • 18 Catalysis
  • 13 Chemistry, Inorganic
  • 13 Christianity
  • 17 Citizenship
  • 13 Climatic changes
  • 21 Cognitive neuroscience
  • 17 Collective memory
  • 13 Communism
  • 24 Computational biology
  • 13 Computational fluid dynamics
  • 15 Computational neuroscience
  • 19 Computer Vision
  • 13 Computer music
  • 15 Computer science
  • 20 Computer vision
  • 19 Cosmology
  • 16 Creative nonfiction
  • 14 Critical theory
  • 19 Dark matter (Astronomy)
  • 18 Databases
  • 19 Decision making
  • 24 Deep Learning
  • 31 Democracy
  • 14 Demography
  • 20 Depression, Mental
  • 23 Development
  • 26 Development economics
  • 25 Diabetes
  • 23 Differential equations, Partial
  • 30 Digital media
  • 17 Dopamine
  • 24 Drosophila melanogaster
  • 28 Drug delivery systems
  • 15 Dynamics
  • 41 Economic development
  • 34 Economics
  • 37 Education
  • 18 Electronic music
  • 13 Emergency medicine
  • 31 Emigration and immigration
  • 18 Environmental health
  • 59 Epidemiology
  • 14 Equality
  • 17 Ethnicity
  • 14 Ethnomusicology
  • 14 Evolution (Biology)
  • 19 Exercise
  • 14 Experimental fiction
  • 26 Experimental poetry
  • 22 Feminism
  • 16 Finite element method
  • 15 Gene expression
  • 23 Genetics
  • 20 Genomics
  • 13 Geometry, Algebraic
  • 15 Global Health
  • 17 Group identity
  • 19 HIV/AIDS
  • 16 History of Science
  • 17 Immigrants
  • 19 Immigration
  • 24 Immunology
  • 14 Imperialism
  • 19 Inequality
  • 14 Inflammation
  • 14 Intimate partner violence
  • 14 Labor economics
  • 19 Latin America
  • 28 Literature
  • 77 Machine Learning
  • 22 Machine learning
  • 16 Macroeconomics
  • 14 Magnetic resonance imaging
  • 14 Mars (Planet)
  • 20 Mass spectrometry
  • 20 Mathematics
  • 16 Media studies
  • 22 Medicaid
  • 17 Medical policy
  • 18 Medicare
  • 45 Mental health
  • 14 Microbiology
  • 20 Microfluidics
  • 20 Migration
  • 14 Mindfulness
  • 17 Mindfulness-based Interventions
  • 20 Molecular biology
  • 30 Nanoparticles
  • 18 Nanostructured materials
  • 16 Nanotechnology
  • 30 Nationalism
  • 14 Neoliberalism
  • 19 Neural networks (Computer science)
  • 14 Neuroscience
  • 34 Neurosciences
  • 14 Nineteenth century
  • 15 Nursing homes
  • 16 Nutrition
  • 21 Paleoclimatology
  • 14 Pediatrics
  • 21 Performance
  • 15 Photoelectron spectroscopy
  • 30 Photography
  • 16 Planetary science
  • 20 Political Economy
  • 33 Political science
  • 20 Polymers
  • 14 Popular culture
  • 24 Postcolonialism
  • 17 Pregnancy
  • 82 Public health
  • 55 Qualitative research
  • 24 Queer theory
  • 19 Refugees
  • 20 Reinforcement learning
  • 25 Religion
  • 23 Remote sensing
  • 15 Reproductive health
  • 33 Rhode Island
  • 15 Robotics
  • 18 Social media
  • 18 Social movements
  • 14 Sociology
  • 19 Solid Mechanics
  • 21 South Africa
  • 16 Spectroscopy
  • 14 Statistics
  • 16 Substance abuse
  • 14 Transnationalism
  • 24 United States
  • 23 Violence
  • 15 Visual perception
  • 30 causal inference
  • 21 climate change
  • 19 development
  • 15 epigenetics
  • 33 health disparities
  • 16 maternal health
  • 23 social determinants of health
  • 25 tissue engineering

Items (1-20) out of 5739 results

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"'One guy goes to jail, two people are ready to take his spot': Perspectives on drug-induced homicide laws among incarcerated individuals" and "Pre-exposure prophylaxis awareness and interest among participants in a MAT program..."

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"A Land Cleansed of Heretics”: Cult Practice and Contestation in the Christianization of Late Antique Constantinople

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"A Mirror to Turke": "Turks" and the Making of Early Modern England

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"A Tale of 2-Spheres": How Conformal Symmetry, Chaos, and Some Elementary Algebra Led to Insights in Black Holes and Quantum Cosmology

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"By the Power of Signs and Wonders": Paul, Divinatory Practices, and Symbolic Capital

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"Canned History": American Newsreels and the Commodification of Reality, 1927-1945

Thumbnail for "Canned History": American …

"Cheap plywood and glue": American Theatrical Enclosure at the End of the Frontier

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  • Senior thesis (AB)--Brown University, 2021
  • Concentration: English

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"Delenda est Carthago [et Iraq]:” A Comparison of the Third Punic War and the 2003 U.S. Invasion of Iraq and Their Manufacturing of the Case For War

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Thumbnail for "DOCUMENT"

"Drama Sustains the Spirit": Art, Ritual, and Theater in Jin and Yuan Period Pingyang, 1150-1350

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"El melancólico vacío": Poesía, poética y melancolía entre La Galatea de Cervantes y las Soledades de Góngora (1585-1614)

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"Ethiopia Shall Soon Stretch Out Her Hands unto God": Ethiopianism, Conjure, and Repatriation in Black Religious Thought

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"Freedom Is not Won with Flowers:" An Operational Analysis of the U.S. Occupations of Cuba (1906), Haiti (1915), and Nicaragua (1927)

Thumbnail for "Freedom Is not …

"Frenchmen from Algeria": The 1943 Campaign to Restore the Crémieux Decree and its Limits

Thumbnail for "Frenchmen from Algeria": …

"From a Calmer Height of Love and Wisdom": Emerson, Religious Sentiment, and Environmental Intimacy

Thumbnail for "From a Calmer …

"Half-read Wisdom": Classics, Modernism and the Celtic Fringe

Thumbnail for "Half-read Wisdom": Classics, …

"He can run away, life goes on;" Factors in Partner Disclosure among HIV Positive Adolescents in Cape Town, South Africa

Thumbnail for "He can run …

"How can we support our sisters?” Rhode Island’s Integrated Approach to Addressing Health Disparities: A Qualitative Study of Provider and Community Perspectives on Barriers and Facilitators to Cervical and Breast Cancer Screening

Thumbnail for "How can we …

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Open Access Theses and Dissertations

Access is available to everyone, anywhere.

Indexes over 4 million graduate-level electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) freely available from over 1,100 institutions worldwide . Search for keywords from titles, author names, abstracts, subjects, university/publisher and more. Use More search options to limit searches to a particular field, language, and date range. The search results will include links to full-text theses/dissertations residing on the original hosting site, usually the institutional repository of the school that granted the degree.

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Dissertations and Theses (Ph.D. and Master's)

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Dissertations and theses submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for master's or doctoral degrees at the University of Michigan. This collection also includes theses written by U-M faculty.

Ph.D. dissertations at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor are awarded by the Rackham School of Graduate Studies .

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Theses & Dissertation Databases

Use these databases to find dissertations and theses.


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  • Last Updated: May 8, 2024 12:02 PM
  • URL: https://guides.libraries.uc.edu/edcomplete

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Global ETD Search

Search the 6,480,011 electronic theses and dissertations contained in the NDLTD archive:

The archive supports advanced filtering and boolean search.


  • Cambridge Libraries

Physical & Digital Collections

Theses & dissertations: home, access to theses and dissertations from other institutions and from the university of cambridge.


This guide provides information on searching for theses of Cambridge PhDs and for theses of UK universities and universities abroad. 

For information and guidance on depositing your thesis as a cambridge phd, visit the cambridge office of scholarly communication pages on theses here ., this guide gives essential information on how to obtain theses using the british library's ethos service. .

On the last weekend of October, the British Library became the victim of a major cyber-attack. Essential digital services including the BL catalogue, website and online learning resources went dark, with research services like the EThOS collection of more than 600,000 doctoral theses suddenly unavailable. The BL state that they anticipate restoring more services in the next few weeks, but disruption to certain services is now expected to persist for several months. For the latest news on the attack and information on the restoration of services, please follow the BL blog here:  Knowledge Matters blog  and access the LibGuide page here:  British Library Outage Update - Electronic Legal Deposit - LibGuides at University of Cambridge Subject Libraries

A full list of resources for searching theses online is provided by the Cambridge A-Z, available here .

University of Cambridge theses

Finding a cambridge phd thesis online via the institutional repository.

The University's institutional repository, Apollo , holds full-text digital versions of over 11,000 Cambridge PhD theses and is a rapidly growing collection deposited by Cambridge Ph.D. graduates. Theses in Apollo can be browsed via this link . More information on how to access theses by University of Cambridge students can be found on the access to Cambridge theses webpage.   The requirement for impending PhD graduates to deposit a digital version in order to graduate means the repository will be increasing at a rate of approximately 1,000 per year from this source.   About 200 theses are added annually through requests to make theses Open Access or via requests to digitize a thesis in printed format.

Locating and obtaining a copy of a Cambridge PhD thesis (not yet available via the repository)

Theses can be searched in iDiscover .  Guidance on searching for theses in iDiscover can be found here .   Requests for consultation of printed theses, not available online, should be made at the Manuscripts Reading Room (Email:  [email protected] Telephone: +44 (0)1223 333143).   Further information on the University Library's theses, dissertations and prize essays collections can be consulted at this link .

Researchers can order a copy of an unpublished thesis which was deposited in print form either through the Library’s  Digital Content Unit via the image request form , or, if the thesis has been digitised, it may be available in the Apollo repository. Copies of theses may be provided to researchers in accordance with the  law  and in a manner that is common across UK libraries.  The law allows us to provide whole copies of unpublished theses to individuals as long as they sign a declaration saying that it is for non-commercial research or private study.

How to make your thesis available online through Cambridge's institutional repository

Are you a Cambridge alumni and wish to make your Ph.D. thesis available online? You can do this by depositing it in Apollo the University's institutional repository. Click here for further information on how to proceed.    Current Ph.D students at the University of Cambridge can find further information about the requirements to deposit theses on the Office of Scholarly Communication theses webpages.

university thesis database

UK Theses and Dissertations

Electronic copies of Ph.D. theses submitted at over 100 UK universities are obtainable from EThOS , a service set up to provide access to all theses from participating institutions. It achieves this by harvesting e-theses from Institutional Repositories and by digitising print theses as they are ordered by researchers using the system. Over 250,000 theses are already available in this way. Please note that it does not supply theses submitted at the universities of Cambridge or Oxford although they are listed on EThOS.

Registration with EThOS is not required to search for a thesis but is necessary to download or order one unless it is stored in the university repository rather than the British Library (in which case a link to the repository will be displayed). Many theses are available without charge on an Open Access basis but in all other cases, if you are requesting a thesis that has not yet been digitised you will be asked to meet the cost. Once a thesis has been digitised it is available for free download thereafter.

When you order a thesis it will either be immediately available for download or writing to hard copy or it will need to be digitised. If you order a thesis for digitisation, the system will manage the process and you will be informed when the thesis is available for download/preparation to hard copy.

university thesis database

See the Search results section of the  help page for full information on interpreting search results in EThOS.

EThOS is managed by the British Library and can be found at http://ethos.bl.uk . For more information see About EThOS .

World-wide (incl. UK) theses and dissertations

Electronic versions of non-UK theses may be available from the institution at which they were submitted, sometimes on an open access basis from the institutional repository. A good starting point for discovering freely available electronic theses and dissertations beyond the UK is the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) , which facilitates searching across institutions. Information can also usually be found on the library web pages of the relevant institution.

The DART Europe etheses portal lists several thousand full-text theses from a group of European universities.

The University Library subscribes to the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses  (PQDT) database which from August 31 2023 is accessed on the Web of Science platform.  To search this index select it from the Web of Science "Search in" drop-down list of databases (available on the Documents tab on WoS home page)

PQDT includes 2.4 million dissertation and theses citations, representing 700 leading academic institutions worldwide from 1861 to the present day. The database offers full text for most of the dissertations added since 1997 and strong retrospective full text coverage for older graduate works. Each dissertation published since July 1980 includes a 350-word abstract written by the author. Master's theses published since 1988 include 150-word abstracts.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The University Library only subscribes to the abstracting & indexing version of the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database and NOT the full text version.  A fee is payable for ordering a dissertation from this source.   To obtain the full text of a dissertation as a downloadable PDF you can submit your request via the University Library Inter-Library Loans department (see contact details below). NB this service is only available to full and current members of the University of Cambridge.

Alternatively you can pay yourself for the dissertation PDF on the PQDT platform. Link from Web of Science record display of any thesis to PQDT by clicking on "View Details on ProQuest".  On the "Preview" page you will see an option "Order a copy" top right.  This will allow you to order your own copy from ProQuest directly.

Dissertations and theses submitted at non-UK universities may also be requested on Inter-Library Loan through the Inter-Library Loans department (01223 333039 or 333080, [email protected] )

  • Last Updated: Dec 20, 2023 9:47 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.cam.ac.uk/theses

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Linguistics Graduate Dissertations ( Department of Linguistics )

Linguistics Undergraduate Senior Essays ( Department of Linguistics )

Masters of Environmental Design Theses ( Yale School of Architecture )

Public Health Theses ( School of Public Health )

Yale Divinity School Theses ( Yale Divinity School )

Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Dissertations

Yale Medicine Thesis Digital Library ( School of Medicine )

Starting with the Yale School of Medicine (YSM) graduating class of 2002, the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library and YSM Office of Student Research have collaborated on the Yale Medicine Thesis Digital Library (YMTDL) project, publishing the digitized full text of medical student theses on the web as a valuable byproduct of Yale student research efforts. The digital thesis deposit has been a graduation requirement since 2006. Starting in 2012, alumni of the Yale School of Medicine were invited to participate in the YMTDL project by granting scanning and hosting permission to the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, which digitized the Library’s print copy of their thesis or dissertation. A grant from the Arcadia Fund in 2017 provided the means for digitizing over 1,000 additional theses. IF YOU ARE A MEMBER OF THE YALE COMMUNITY AND NEED ACCESS TO A THESIS RESTRICTED TO THE YALE NETWORK, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR VPN (VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK) IS ON.

Yale School of Medicine Physician Associate Program Theses ( School of Medicine )

Starting with the Yale Physician Associate (PA) Program’s Class of 2020, the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library and the Yale PA Research Program have collaborated to publish the digitized full text of PA student theses on the web as a valuable byproduct of Yale student research efforts. Please review the Terms & Conditions in the left-hand column in order to avoid copyright infringement.

Yale School of Nursing Digital Theses ( School of Nursing )

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Theses and Dissertations

Theses and Dissertations Available from ProQuest

Full text is available to Purdue University faculty, staff, and students on campus through this site. No login is required.

Off-campus Purdue users may download theses and dissertations by logging into the Libraries' proxy server with your Purdue Career Account. Links to log in to the proxy server directly below the download button of each thesis or dissertation page.

Non-Purdue users, may purchase copies of theses and dissertations from ProQuest or talk to your librarian about borrowing a copy through Interlibrary Loan. (Some titles may also be available free of charge in our Open Access Theses and Dissertations Series, so please check there first.)

Access to abstracts is unrestricted.

Open Access Theses

This series contains theses that students have wished to make openly available. The full content is available to all, although some theses may have embargoes. If an embargo exists the date will be listed instead of the download button. The download button will appear once a thesis is no longer embargoed. To browse a fuller listing of theses from Purdue please visit the Theses and Dissertations Available from ProQuest series.

Open Access Dissertations

This series contains open access dissertations that students have wished to make openly available. The full-text content is available to all, although some theses may have embargoes. If an embargo exists the date will be listed instead of the download button. The download button will appear once a dissertation is no longer embargoed. To browse a fuller listing of dissertations from Purdue please visit the Theses and Dissertations Available from ProQuest series.

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Doctoral Theses

Academic Commons holds the full text of doctoral theses written since 2011 at Columbia and of theses written for a Doctorate of Education at Teachers College since mid 2018. A selection of dissertations from Union Theological Seminary, and from Columbia before 2011, are also available. You can start exploring theses by selecting one of the doctoral programs below.

  • Anthropology (125)
  • Anthropology and Education (26)
  • Applied Anthropology (27)
  • Applied Behavior Analysis (79)
  • Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics (131)
  • Architecture (36)
  • Art History and Archaeology (182)
  • Arts and Humanities (125)
  • Astronomy (63)
  • Behavioral Nutrition (32)
  • Biobehavioral Sciences (25)
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics (35)
  • Biological Sciences (221)
  • Biomedical Engineering (228)
  • Biomedical Informatics (58)
  • Biostatistics (66)
  • Business (208)
  • Cellular Physiology and Biophysics (20)
  • Cellular, Molecular and Biomedical Studies (190)
  • Cellular, Molecular, Structural, and Genetic Studies (12)
  • Chemical Engineering (117)
  • Chemical Physics (35)
  • Chemistry (269)
  • Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics (119)
  • Classical Studies (16)
  • Classics (32)
  • Clinical Psychology (78)
  • Cognitive Studies in Education (92)
  • Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design (2)
  • Communications (44)
  • Comparative and International Education (45)
  • Computer Science (252)
  • Counseling Psychology (65)
  • Counseling and Clinical Psychology (4)
  • Curriculum and Teaching (89)
  • Developmental Psychology (14)
  • Earth and Environmental Engineering (89)
  • Earth and Environmental Sciences (186)
  • East Asian Languages and Cultures (110)
  • Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology (65)
  • Economics (285)
  • Economics and Education (71)
  • Education Leadership (17)
  • Education Policy (16)
  • Electrical Engineering (275)
  • English Education (76)
  • English and Comparative Literature (181)
  • Environmental Health Sciences (47)
  • Epidemiology (131)
  • French and Romance Philology (50)
  • Genetics and Development (66)
  • Geological Sciences (1)
  • Geology (1)
  • Germanic Languages (45)
  • Health and Behavior Studies (115)
  • History (264)
  • History and Education (12)
  • Human Development (8)
  • Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (131)
  • Intellectual Disabilities-Autism (13)
  • Interdisciplinary Studies in Education (26)
  • International and Transcultural Studies (8)
  • Italian (44)
  • Kinesiology (14)
  • Latin American and Iberian Cultures (58)
  • Materials Science and Engineering (34)
  • Mathematics (142)
  • Mathematics Education (76)
  • Mathematics, Science, and Technology (61)
  • Measurement and Evaluation (37)
  • Mechanical Engineering (151)
  • Microbiology, Immunology, and Infection (45)
  • Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies (73)
  • Music (141)
  • Neurobiology and Behavior (204)
  • Neuroscience (4)
  • Nursing (78)
  • Nutritional and Metabolic Biology (55)
  • Ophthalmology (1)
  • Organization and Leadership (136)
  • Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine (54)
  • Pathology and Cell Biology (6)
  • Pharmacology and Molecular Signaling (39)
  • Philosophy (78)
  • Philosophy and Education (42)
  • Physical Disabilities (13)
  • Physics (217)
  • Political Science (220)
  • Politics and Education (25)
  • Population and Family Health (21)
  • Psychology (149)
  • Pure Science (1)
  • Religion (69)
  • School Psychology (51)
  • Science Education (68)
  • Slavic Languages (26)
  • Slavic Languages and Literatures (19)
  • Social Work (180)
  • Social-Organizational Psychology (42)
  • Sociology (94)
  • Sociology and Education (19)
  • Sociomedical Sciences (77)
  • Speech and Language Pathology (28)
  • Statistics (103)
  • Sustainable Development (60)
  • Teaching of Social Studies (27)
  • Theatre (29)
  • Union Theological Seminary (5)
  • Urban Planning (45)

Theses and Dissertations

Check Cornell’s library catalog , which lists the dissertations available in our library collection.

The print thesis collection in Uris Library is currently shelved on Level 3B before the Q to QA regular-sized volumes. Check with the library staff for the thesis shelving locations in other libraries (Mann, Catherwood, Fine Arts, etc.).

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

According to ProQuest, coverage begins with 1637. With more than 2.4 million entries,  ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global  is the starting point for finding citations to doctoral dissertations and master’s theses. Dissertations published from 1980 forward include 350-word abstracts written by the author. Master’s theses published from 1988 forward include 150-word abstracts. UMI also offers over 1.8 million titles for purchase in microfilm or paper formats. The full text of more than 930,000 are available in PDF format for immediate free download. Use  Interlibrary Loan  for the titles not available as full text online.

Foreign Dissertations at the Center for Research Libraries

To search for titles and verify holdings of dissertations at the Center for Research Libraries (CRL), use the CRL catalog . CRL seeks to provide comprehensive access to doctoral dissertations submitted to institutions outside the U. S. and Canada (currently more than 750,000 titles). One hundred European universities maintain exchange or deposit agreements with CRL. Russian dissertation abstracts in the social sciences are obtained on microfiche from INION.  More detailed information about CRL’s dissertation holdings .

Please see our resource guide on dissertations and theses for additional resources and support.

UT Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Permanent URI for this community https://hdl.handle.net/2152/4

This collection contains University of Texas at Austin electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). The collection includes ETDs primarily from 2001 to the present. Some pre-2001 theses and dissertations have been digitized and added to this collection, but those are uncommon. The library catalog is the most comprehensive list of UT Austin theses and dissertations.

Since 2010, the Office of Graduate Studies at UT Austin has required all theses and dissertations to be made publicly available in Texas ScholarWorks; however, authors are able to request an embargo of up to seven years. Embargoed ETDs will not show up in this collection. Most of the ETDs in this collection are freely accessible to all users, but some pre-2010 works require a current UT EID at point of use. Please see the FAQs for more information. If you have a question about the availability of a specific ETD, please contact [email protected].

Some items in this collection may contain offensive images or text. The University of Texas Libraries is committed to maintaining an accurate and authentic scholarly and historic record. An authentic record is essential for understanding our past and informing the present. In order to preserve the authenticity of the historical record we will not honor requests to redact content, correct errors, or otherwise remove content, except in cases where there are legal concerns (e.g. potential copyright infringement, inclusion of HIPAA/FERPA protected information or Social Security Numbers) or evidence of a clear and imminent threat to personal safety or well-being.

This policy is in keeping with the  American Library Association code of ethics  to resist efforts to censor library resources, and the  Society of American Archivists code of ethics  that states "archivists may not willfully alter, manipulate, or destroy data or records to conceal facts or distort evidence." Please see UT Libraries'  Statement on Harmful Language and Content  for more information.

Authors of these ETDs have retained their copyright while granting the University of Texas Libraries the non-exclusive right to reproduce and distribute their works.

Collections in this Community

  • UT Electronic Theses and Dissertations   30995


  1. Harvard university thesis database

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  2. PhD thesis

    university thesis database

  3. (PDF) PhD Thesis

    university thesis database

  4. htc thesis database

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  5. AU Thesis Format for Anna University Template

    university thesis database

  6. (PDF) Summary of PhD Thesis

    university thesis database


  1. How To Find Bibliographies on Your Topic in Dissertations and Theses

  2. Thesis Database: How to access full text thesis ?

  3. 12 Thesis Database

  4. SENS Research Thesis Programs

  5. Borcelle University Thesis Defense Presentation by Estelle Darcy



  1. Harvard University Theses, Dissertations, and Prize Papers

    The Harvard University Archives' collection of theses, dissertations, and prize papers document the wide range of academic research undertaken by Harvard students over the course of the University's history.. Beyond their value as pieces of original research, these collections document the history of American higher education, chronicling both the growth of Harvard as a major research ...

  2. Dissertations

    Over the last 80 years, ProQuest has built the world's most comprehensive and renowned dissertations program. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (PQDT Global), continues to grow its repository of 5 million graduate works each year, thanks to the continued contribution from the world's universities, creating an ever-growing resource of emerging research to fuel innovation and new insights.

  3. EBSCO Open Dissertations

    EBSCO Open Dissertations is a collaboration between EBSCO and BiblioLabs to increase traffic and discoverability of ETD research. You can join the movement and add your theses and dissertations to the database, making them freely available to researchers everywhere while increasing traffic to your institutional repository.

  4. OATD

    You may also want to consult these sites to search for other theses: Google Scholar; NDLTD, the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.NDLTD provides information and a search engine for electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs), whether they are open access or not. Proquest Theses and Dissertations (PQDT), a database of dissertations and theses, whether they were published ...

  5. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global

    The ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (PQDT) ™ database is the world's most comprehensive curated collection of multi-disciplinary dissertations and theses from around the world, offering over 5 million citations and 3 million full-text works from thousands of universities. Within dissertations and theses is a wealth of scholarship, yet ...

  6. Resources to Find Dissertations: Home

    WorldCat.com This database provides fast and convenient access to the dissertations and theses available in OCLC member libraries. Many theses are available electronically, at no charge, directly from the publishing institution. The advanced search screen allows you to limit by Content to Thesis/Dissertation under "Format."

  7. Open Access Theses and Dissertations

    Database of free, open access full-text graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Direct Link. University of Southern California. 3550 Trousdale Parkway. Los Angeles , CA 90089.

  8. Thesis & Dissertation Database Examples

    Thesis & Dissertation Database Examples. Published on September 9, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on May 10, 2024. During the process of writing your thesis or dissertation, it can be helpful to read those submitted by other students. Luckily, many universities have databases where you can find out who has written about your dissertation topic ...

  9. Dissertations and theses

    The Proquest Dissertations and Theses Global database includes doctoral dissertations and selected masters theses from major universities worldwide. Searchable by subject, author, advisor, title, school, date, etc. ... For dissertations accepted prior to 1940 and for master's theses accepted prior to 1925, University Archives is generally the ...

  10. Brown Digital Repository

    This thesis follows the development of Marilynne Robinson's ecotheology across her four novels. Robinson's theologically-grounded engagement with the environment is not simply marginal or incidental …. Year: 2021. Contributor: Kim, Naomi (creator) Kuzner, James (thesis advisor) Nabers, Deak (reader) Brown University.

  11. Open Access Theses and Dissertations

    Access is available to everyone, anywhere. Description: Coverage: 1990s to the present. Indexes over 4 million graduate-level electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) freely available from over 1,100 institutions worldwide. Search for keywords from titles, author names, abstracts, subjects, university/publisher and more.

  12. Dissertations and Theses (Ph.D. and Master's)

    Date. Dissertations and theses submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for master's or doctoral degrees at the University of Michigan. This collection also includes theses written by U-M faculty. Ph.D. dissertations at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor are awarded by the Rackham School of Graduate Studies.

  13. Theses & Dissertations

    Theses & Dissertation Databases. Use these databases to find dissertations and theses. Access to a body of well over 8,000 University of Cincinnati electronic dissertations and theses, this is the best link to the broadest collection of electronic UC dissertations. The time period covers mainly from 1955 to the present.

  14. Finding Dissertations and Theses

    University of Alabama. This database is a companion to ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, featuring current research from the University of Alabama with citations and abstracts for dissertations and theses. Full text can be downloaded by authorized University of Alabama users.

  15. Global ETD Search

    Global ETD Search. Search the 6,479,935 electronic theses and dissertations contained in the NDLTD archive:

  16. Theses & Dissertations: Home

    Each dissertation published since July 1980 includes a 350-word abstract written by the author. Master's theses published since 1988 include 150-word abstracts. IMPORTANT NOTE: The University Library only subscribes to the abstracting & indexing version of the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database and NOT the full text version.

  17. Browse Dissertations and Electronic Theses

    The digital thesis deposit has been a graduation requirement since 2006. Starting in 2012, alumni of the Yale School of Medicine were invited to participate in the YMTDL project by granting scanning and hosting permission to the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, which digitized the Library's print copy of their thesis or dissertation. A grant ...

  18. Theses and Dissertations

    This series contains open access dissertations that students have wished to make openly available. The full-text content is available to all, although some theses may have embargoes. If an embargo exists the date will be listed instead of the download button. The download button will appear once a dissertation is no longer embargoed.

  19. Doctoral Theses

    Academic Commons holds the full text of doctoral theses written since 2011 at Columbia and of theses written for a Doctorate of Education at Teachers College since mid 2018. A selection of dissertations from Union Theological Seminary, and from Columbia before 2011, are also available. You can start exploring theses by selecting one of the ...

  20. Theses and Dissertations

    ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. According to ProQuest, coverage begins with 1637. With more than 2.4 million entries, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global is the starting point for finding citations to doctoral dissertations and master's theses. Dissertations published from 1980 forward include 350-word abstracts written by the author.

  21. UT Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    The library catalog is the most comprehensive list of UT Austin theses and dissertations. Since 2010, the Office of Graduate Studies at UT Austin has required all theses and dissertations to be made publicly available in Texas ScholarWorks; however, authors are able to request an embargo of up to seven years. Embargoed ETDs will not show up in ...