
Speech on Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is an issue you might not think about often. It’s unwanted or excessive sound that disturbs the environment. This type of pollution can be harmful to both your health and quality of life. It’s important to understand and control noise pollution for a healthier, quieter world.

1-minute Speech on Noise Pollution

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Noise pollution, simply put, is the loud and disturbing sounds that harm us and our environment. Let’s think about it. When a loud truck roars by, or the music at a party shakes the walls, it’s not just annoying. It’s pollution.

First, let’s talk about what noise pollution does to us, humans. Imagine trying to read a book or complete a puzzle, and then someone starts banging a drum. It’s hard to concentrate, right? That’s what noise pollution does. It affects our concentration and leads to stress. It can even hurt our ears and cause headaches.

Now, let’s move to animals. They use sound to communicate, find food, and protect themselves. Noise pollution can confuse and frighten them. As a result, they may not eat, sleep, or behave properly. This is very dangerous for their survival.

Lastly, noise pollution doesn’t just affect living beings. It also harms our environment. The loud sounds of construction, traffic, and industry can make it hard for plants to grow. They need a peaceful environment to thrive and noise pollution disrupts that peace.

In conclusion, noise pollution is a serious problem. It hurts us, the animals, and our environment. But the good news is, we can do something about it! By keeping our music at reasonable levels, using quieter machines, and creating more green spaces, we can reduce noise pollution. Remember, every small step counts and together, we can create a quieter, healthier world for us all.

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2-minute Speech on Noise Pollution

Friends, today we will talk about a problem that often goes unnoticed – noise pollution. Just like air or water pollution, noise pollution is harmful, but not many of us are aware of it. Loud sounds around us all the time, like honking cars, loudspeakers, and construction work, are all sources of noise pollution.

Firstly, let’s understand what noise pollution is. It’s when the noise in our environment becomes too loud, disturbing and harmful. Imagine trying to study or sleep and a loud sound interrupts you. That’s noise pollution. It’s harmful just like dirty air or water, but it’s harder to see because it’s not something we can touch or see.

Now, let’s talk about where noise pollution comes from. Our everyday activities are a big source. The loud noise from traffic on busy roads, the sounds of construction work in our cities, the loud music from our radios and televisions, and even the constant noise from our household appliances – all these add to noise pollution.

You might be thinking, why is noise pollution a problem? Well, it harms us in many ways. It can make it hard for us to focus on our work or studies. It can cause stress and headaches. Over time, too much noise can even lead to hearing loss. But it’s not just us humans who are affected. Noise pollution also disturbs animals, especially birds and sea creatures who rely on sound for navigation and communication.

So, what can we do about noise pollution? There are many simple steps we can take. We can choose to use quieter machines and appliances. We can limit the use of loudspeakers. We can encourage the people around us to be quieter and more mindful of the noise they make. And most importantly, we must follow the rules on noise set by our local laws and regulations.

Lastly, I want to say that it’s not just up to us as individuals to fight noise pollution. We need our schools, our local communities, and our government to help. Schools can teach about the harm of noise pollution and how to prevent it. Communities can organize events that celebrate silence and peacefulness. Our government can make and enforce laws that limit noise pollution.

In conclusion, noise pollution might be invisible, but it is very real. It harms us and the world around us. But the good news is, each one of us can do something about it. If we all work together, we can reduce noise pollution and make our world a quieter and healthier place.

Thank you for your attention. Please remember, every small step towards reducing noise pollution counts. Let’s make our world a quieter place, for us and for all the creatures that share this world with us.

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Speech on noise pollution [1, 2, 3, 5 minutes], 1, 2, 3 minutes speech on noise pollution.

Dear teachers and students!

Greetings to all. and thank you to all of you to give me chance to give a speech.

Noise pollution is a severe problem that has an impact on both our physical and emotional wellbeing. It is described as sound that is unwelcome or excessive and has the potential to harm both the environment and human health.

Transportation, including vehicles like buses, trains, and cars, is one of the biggest causes of noise pollution. Cities are filled with incessant honking and engine noise, which disturbs inhabitants’ sleep and makes them stressed. Noise pollution is also a result of industrial processes like manufacturing and building.

Long-term exposure to high noise can cause hearing loss, heart disease, and mental health problems including sadness and anxiety. It may also have an impact on animal behaviour and disturb ecosystems’ natural balance.

It is our collective duty to lessen noise pollution in our neighbourhoods. Utilizing public transit, shutting off superfluous lights and devices, and supporting laws that restrict the noise from industrial activity are all small but effective changes that may be made.

It is crucial to keep in mind that situations of peace and quiet are necessary for both our physical and mental health. Let’s take action to lessen noise pollution and make the planet a more peaceful place for everyone.

I’m grateful.

5 Minutes Speech on Noise Pollution

I want to talk to you today about a problem called noise pollution that has an impact on all of us. The excessive and undesired sound known as “noise pollution” can have a harmful effect on our health and wellbeing.

Traffic, building projects, industrial activity, and even our own personal devices can all contribute to noise pollution. Numerous detrimental health consequences, such as hearing loss, difficulty sleeping, stress, and even heart disease, can be brought on by the relentless assault of noise.

Noise pollution has an adverse effect on our environment in addition to our health. For instance, wildlife can be disturbed by excessive noise, which might interfere with their mate-finding and eating cycles. This may cause population decreases and potentially the extinction of some species.

What steps can we take to reduce noise pollution, then? We may reduce the quantity of noise we make by ourselves as a remedy. This can entail reducing the level on our personal electronics, refraining from unnecessary horn use, and paying attention to the noise we produce at home.

Supporting stronger laws against noise pollution is another option. This can entail tighter restrictions on how loud certain industrial and construction operations can be as well as improved enforcement of already-existing laws.

Finally, we may promote the employment of urban planning strategies and noise-cancelling technologies to lessen the quantity of noise in our surroundings.

In conclusion, noise pollution is a significant problem that has an impact on both our environment and our health. We can all contribute to a peaceful and healthier environment by taking measures to reduce the noise we make and campaigning for stronger rules. I’m grateful.

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Essay on Noise Pollution: 100, 300 and 500 Words

speech on noise pollution in english

  • Updated on  
  • Sep 8, 2023

Essay on Noise Pollution

Noise pollution, an insidious environmental menace, refers to the excessive and undesirable sound that disrupts the tranquillity of our surroundings. Often originating from urban areas, transportation, industries, and recreational activities, noise pollution has far-reaching implications on human health and well-being. 

Prolonged exposure to high noise levels can lead to stress, sleep disturbances, hearing impairment, and even cardiovascular problems. Moreover, it disturbs the natural habitat of wildlife and affects the overall quality of life. In this blog, we will give you a 100, 300, and 500-word essay on noise pollution. 

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100 Words Essay on Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is a pressing environmental issue that has detrimental effects on human health and well-being. It refers to our surroundings’ excessive, unwanted, and disturbing sounds. These sounds can originate from various sources, such as traffic, industrial machinery, construction, and even recreational activities.

Exposure to high levels of noise pollution can lead to several health problems, including hearing loss, increased stress, sleep disturbances, and cardiovascular issues. Additionally, it can disrupt communication, hinder concentration, and decrease overall quality of life.

To mitigate noise pollution, it’s essential to implement sound regulations and promote noise-reducing technologies in urban planning and infrastructure development . Public awareness and responsible behaviour, such as reducing unnecessary honking and limiting loud activities during nighttime hours, also play a crucial role in combating this problem.

In conclusion, addressing noise pollution is vital for creating healthier, more livable urban environments and improving the overall well-being of communities.

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300 Words Essay on Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is a pervasive and often underestimated environmental issue that has a significant impact on the quality of life in urban areas. It refers to the excessive, unwanted, and disruptive sounds that fill our surroundings, leading to a wide range of physical, psychological, and social problems.

Sources of Noise Pollution

One of the primary sources of noise pollution in urban settings is traffic. The constant roar of engines, honking horns, and screeching brakes can be overwhelming. Industrial activities also contribute significantly, with the relentless hum of machinery and construction sites adding to the cacophony. In addition to these, social and recreational activities, such as concerts, parties, and even barking dogs, can add to the noise burden.

Consequences of Noise Pollution

The consequences of noise pollution are far-reaching. Physiologically, exposure to high noise levels can lead to hearing loss, elevated stress levels, and an increased risk of cardiovascular problems. It can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to chronic fatigue and irritability. Noise pollution can also impair cognitive functions and hinder concentration, impacting productivity and academic performance .

Moreover, noise pollution has social implications. It can strain relationships among neighbours, causing conflicts and reducing the sense of community. Children growing up in noisy environments may experience delays in language development and learning difficulties. Additionally, it affects wildlife, disrupting their natural habitats and communication.

How to Reduce Noise Pollution

Addressing noise pollution requires a multifaceted approach. Urban planning and zoning regulations can play a crucial role in minimizing noise exposure for residents. The development of noise barriers, quieter road surfaces, and improved public transportation can help mitigate the problem. Promoting the use of noise-reducing technologies, such as quieter machinery and better-insulated buildings, is also essential.

Individual responsibility is equally vital. Reducing unnecessary honking, limiting loud activities during nighttime hours, and using noise-cancelling headphones are practical steps individuals can take to reduce their contribution to noise pollution.

In conclusion, noise pollution poses a growing threat to urban life, affecting physical and mental health, social harmony, and overall well-being. To combat this issue effectively, a combination of government regulations, technological advancements, and individual awareness and responsibility is needed. 

500 Words Essay on Noise Pollution


Noise pollution encompasses unwanted and disruptive sounds generated by various sources, including transportation, industrial activities, and recreational events. 

This essay explores the causes, effects, and solutions to noise pollution, emphasizing the pressing need for collective action to mitigate its adverse impact on modern urban life.

Causes of Noise Pollution

1. Transportation: Urban areas are characterized by constant traffic flow, which is a primary source of noise pollution. The incessant rumble of engines, screeching tires, and incessant honking contribute significantly to the overall noise levels.

2. Industrial Activities: Industries and factories, often concentrated in urban zones, generate noise through the operation of heavy machinery, equipment, and manufacturing processes. Construction activities, with their bulldozers and pile drivers, are particularly notorious for their noise emissions.

3. Recreational Activities: Urban centres are hubs of entertainment and recreation, hosting concerts, sporting events, and social gatherings. These activities generate high levels of noise, especially when amplified music or cheering crowds are involved.

Effects of Noise Pollution

1. Health Implications: Prolonged exposure to high noise levels can lead to severe health problems. Hearing impairment is a common consequence, with noise-induced hearing loss being a well-documented issue. Noise pollution is also linked to increased stress, anxiety, and elevated blood pressure, which can escalate the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

2. Sleep Disturbances: Noise pollution disrupts sleep patterns, leading to chronic sleep disturbances. Poor sleep quality can result in fatigue, irritability, and decreased cognitive performance, affecting overall productivity and well-being.

3. Cognitive Impairment: Noise pollution impairs cognitive functions, making it difficult to concentrate and focus. This can hinder academic performance and reduce workplace productivity.

Solutions to Noise Pollution

1. Urban Planning: Thoughtful urban planning and zoning regulations are essential to mitigate noise pollution. Separating industrial areas from residential zones, implementing noise-buffering green spaces, and designing soundproofed buildings can significantly reduce noise exposure.

2. Noise Barriers: Erecting noise barriers along highways and busy roads can shield residential areas from traffic noise. These barriers are designed to absorb or reflect sound waves, reducing their impact.

3. Quiet Transportation: Promoting quieter modes of transportation, such as electric vehicles and hybrid engines, can substantially reduce noise pollution. Improved public transportation can also reduce the number of private vehicles on the road.

Noise pollution poses a significant threat to urban life, affecting physical and mental health, social harmony, and overall well-being. 

To effectively combat this issue, concerted efforts are required at the individual, community, and government levels. Implementing noise-reducing technologies, adopting responsible behaviour, and enacting sound urban planning policies are steps toward creating quieter, healthier, and more livable urban environments for all. 

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Ans. The primary sources of noise pollution include transportation, industrial activities, and recreational events. Transportation-related noise comes from vehicles on roads, railways, and aircraft in the sky. Industrial activities generate noise through machinery, equipment, and construction. Recreational events like concerts, sporting events, and social gatherings also contribute to noise pollution.

Ans. Noise pollution can have adverse effects on human health. Prolonged exposure to high noise levels can lead to hearing loss, increased stress, anxiety, and elevated blood pressure. It can disrupt sleep patterns, resulting in chronic fatigue and irritability. Noise pollution can also impair cognitive functions, making it challenging to concentrate and focus, which can impact productivity and overall well-being.

Ans. To reduce noise pollution, several measures can be implemented. These include: 1. Urban Planning: Thoughtful urban planning and zoning regulations can separate noisy industrial areas from residential zones and incorporate green spaces to buffer noise. 2. Noise Barriers: Installing noise barriers along highways and busy roads can shield residential areas from traffic noise by absorbing or reflecting sound waves. 3. Quiet Transportation: Promoting quieter transportation options like electric vehicles and hybrid engines can reduce noise emissions.

We hope that this blog on Noise Pollution has given you some known and unknown facts and secrets about Noise Pollution.  For more amazing reads on essay writing , follow Leverage Edu. 

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Aditi Gupta

A bachelors in Journalism and Mass Communication graduate, I am an enthusiastic writer. I love to write about impactful content which can help others. I love to binge watch and listen to music during my free time.

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Speech on Pollution for Students and Children

3 minute speech on pollution for students.

Pollution has become one of the most concerning issues for our planet and mankind. It takes place when pollutants contaminate our environment. In other words, pollution is responsible for disturbing the balance of the ecosystem. Moreover, it impacts our lifestyle severely and also contributes greatly to global warming. As the world is getting more modern, pollution is also enhancing day by day. It’s like we are the prisoners of our own creations. Further, it has become rather essential to learn about the causes, types, and impact of pollution to deal with this problem.

3 minute speech on pollution

Causes and Impact of Pollution

Think about it yourself and wonder how you contribute to pollution. As there isn’t just one person, organization or government to blame, but all of us. Moreover, pollution comes in different forms. To begin with, we have air pollution which means contamination of air. It is a very dangerous kind of pollution and which chemically and physically alters the air.

When toxic gases enter the atmosphere, life becomes difficult for human beings. The burning of fossil fuels, mining, automobile exhausts, and more contribute to it. Thus, it causes acid rains, respiratory problems, global warming and more.

Next up, water pollution is on the rise like anything. The industrial waste, sewage, wastewater, oil spills, and more contribute to it. Further, the impact is very deadly as we cannot survive without water. The water needed for drinking, cooking, agriculture and more is declining day by day.

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Further, we have soil pollution where contaminants and toxic chemicals hamper the quality of our soil. Soil pollution has a very negative impact, especially on wildlife and vegetation. In addition to human life and groundwater are also severely damaged. Improper waste disposal, industrial activities, acid rains and more contribute to soil pollution.

Thus, it can contaminate the health of human beings. Moreover, it impacts the growth of plants as it decreases the fertility of the soil. Moreover, it also alters the structure of the soil due to pollution.

How to Curb Pollution?

As pollution impacts our lives negatively, we need to find out ways to curb it and implement them immediately. It does not only degrade the life of humans but also animals and vegetation. We must all begin by adopting conservation approaches and sustainable strategies. It is important more than ever to restore the ecological balance.

We need to bring a change in our transportation choices. Begin with opting for public transportation instead of a private one. Try to carpool or walk and ride bikes to places. Further, we must also make sustainable food choices. Local and organic produce is the way to go.

Furthermore, the little things will go a long way. For instance, switching off the lights and fans when not in use. Unplugging electrical appliances and using energy-efficient appliances.

Moreover, we must also practice recycling and reducing waste production.  Do not use plastic and carry your own cloth or plastic bags when shopping. Use glass containers for storage instead of plastic ones. Further, conserve water at all times. Fix any leakages if present and do not use hot water unnecessarily.

To sum it up, we see that the change begins with us. You don’t have to bank on the government or the industries to curb pollution, as we all contribute to it. We need to control pollution so as to create a healthy future for our upcoming generations. Every person on this earth has a great role to play in restoring the balance of the earth. Educate the public about menacing issues and protect the earth from degrading.

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Paragraph on Noise Pollution - Check Samples for Various Word Limits

Noise pollution is hazardous to health. A person exposed to noise pollution may develop health problems. Several distracting noises can lead to issues later in life. To know more about noise pollution and to write a paragraph on noise pollution, refer to the samples provided below.

Table of Contents

Paragraph on noise pollution in 100 words, paragraph on noise pollution in 150 words, paragraph on noise pollution in 200 words, paragraph on noise pollution in 250 words, frequently asked questions on noise pollution.

What is noise? Anything unpleasant to our ears can be considered noise. We all listen to music, but it becomes irritating when very loud music is played. The smoothness and the originality of the music are lost, and it becomes unpleasant. This is how it pollutes the whole environment and becomes hazardous to our ears. The effects of water and air pollution can be visible, but noise pollution is hardly seen but is equally threatening. When we are exposed to loud noises for a more extended time, it becomes hazardous and may cause life-threatening diseases. It is always advisable to be careful while listening to music.

Noise pollution is a type of pollution that is caused due to loud, unpleasant noises. The adverse effects of noise pollution are not visible, just like the effects of water and air pollution, but it is equally threatening to the environment. Noise pollution is hazardous to our health. It is not merely an unpleasant and irritating sound for our ears. Our bodies and mind are harmed as a result of it. Noise pollution not only affects the ears but also harms concentration. Blood pressure and deafness are also caused due to noise pollution. The deafness can be either temporary or permanent. Along with human lives, it is also detrimental and hazardous to the lives of animals. It affects the brain’s functionality in animals. Therefore, keeping your pets and other animals away from unnecessary noise is always advisable.

Like air and water pollution, noise pollution is also a dangerous threat to the environment. Noise pollution can originate from our homes themselves. Playing loud music on the roads, burning loud crackers, etc., can be hazardous to the environment. Many older adults, newborn babies, pregnant ladies, patients, etc., will be affected due to the noise pollution caused by us.

There is a threshold above which sound that stop being pleasant to our ears. Any sound above 65 DB can be considered noise, and beyond 75 DB can be painful. Therefore, we need to start controlling it from our homes themselves by reducing the volumes of television, listening to music at low volumes, etc. We can avoid using loud horns and loud sounds from other vehicles in our society. We can restrict using unnecessary horns in public places. We cannot avoid the use of electric devices, but we can always limit their use at home, like mixers, drilling machines, etc.

Noise pollution is a threat to the environment that can cause adverse effects on human lives and also animals. It can affect our blood pressure and cause deafness, turning into a permanent disease. When it is Diwali, a festival of lights, we can stop burning high noise-making crackers, which is sometimes painful to our ears.

Like air and water pollution, noise pollution is a serious hazard to the environment. Noise pollution often starts at our own homes. Loud music on the roads, loud crackers, and other similar activities can be harmful to the environment. It is equally harmful to humans and animals – may be pets or street animals. Many older people, newborn babies, pregnant women, patients, and others will be harmed as a result of our noise pollution. Due to the increasing global urbanisation and industrialisation, noise pollution also has been increasing. The cities develop high rush and traffic and large crowds of people as a result of urbanisation. With the growing population and modernisation, the number of vehicles also increases, resulting in increased noise pollution. The Industrial Revolution resulted in many new inventions on the market. Almost all new inventions are equipped with heavy noise-making instruments. The noise pollution caused by this machinery affects a large area surrounding the companies and a large number of people. When these machines run for a long time, it affects the ears.

In celebrations, parties, marriages, etc., crackers are a significant source of making unnecessary noise. For the sake of our health, we must think about them and put a stop to these noises. It affects people of all ages, including children, the elderly, and those with cardiac problems. A noise-free environment will be a wonderful setting and atmosphere in which to live for everyone.

What are the effects of noise pollution?

Noise pollution can affect the brains of animals and newborn babies, which can have adverse effects on their lives for a long time period. It can affect someone’s heart, blood pressure, brain, ears, etc. Therefore, for our health, we must be careful and save lives.

How can I write a paragraph on noise pollution?

To write a paragraph on noise pollution, you will have to add the effects of noise pollution. You can write about the major sources of noise pollution and how it is affecting the environment.

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Speech on noise pollution: sources, effects and measures.

speech on noise pollution in english


Speech on Noise Pollution: Sources, Effects and Measures!

There is very little demarcation of sound and noise. Sound is a normal phenomenon of life while noise is nothing but unwanted sound. Therefore, noise pollution is unwanted sound, dumped into the atmosphere without regard to the adverse effects it may have. Encyclopedia Britannica defines noise pollution thus “In acoustics noise is defined as any undesired sound. According to this definition, a sound of church bells may be music to others. Usually, noise is a mixture of many tones combined in a non-musical manner.

Sources of Noise Pollution

There are two main sources of noise pollution:

(a) Industrial sources; and

(b) Non-industrial sources

(a) Industrial Sources:

The industrial sources may include noise from various industries operating around cities. Most of the major industries run with heavy machinery and produce with higher intensity.

(b) Non-industrial Sources:

These include the following sources of noise pollution:

(i) Loudspeaker:

In India, one of the very common man-made sources of noise pollution is the frequent use of loudspeaker. For every occasion, religious, political party gathering or marriage party, the presence of loudspeaker is a must.

(ii) Domestic Appliances:

Noise is generated from domestic appliances like sewing machines, coolers, water pumps, food mixers and floor mills etc.

(iii) Means of Transport:

Development of transport sector is the main cause of noise pollution in India. The increase in the number of vehicles like cars, jeeps, trucks, auto rickshaws, motor cycles and buses have resulted in increased noise pollution. Construction of new roads and railway lines has led to increase in the number of vehicles and trains.

(iv) Other Causes:

Harvesters, tractors and harrows are among some agricultural devices used in fields, which produce noise. Noise is also generated from TV, radio and tape recorders.

Effects of Noise Pollution:

Noise pollution has many ill-effects on living as well as non-living things.

(1) Effects on Industry :

(a) Effect on Audition:

No environmental factor has caused so much confusion regarding its effect on workers’ efficiency and health as industrial noise. Its effect on audition is well recognised. Mechanics, locomotive drivers, telephone operators etc., all have their hearing impairment as a result of noise at the workshops. Continuous exposure to the higher level of noise causes permanent hearing loss.

(b) Effect on Worker’s Efficiency:

Regarding the impact of noise on human efficiency, there are a number of studies which point out that human efficiency increases with noise reduction. Further, effect of noise reduction on efficiency varies from worker to worker. The effect of noise is not only a function of the noise itself and of the work/task, but also a function of the noise, the task and the individual workers.

It has been observed that noise is a source of psychological stress. It is also a fact that precision and accuracy is affected resulting in a poor quality of work under such noisy atmosphere. Noise also has undesirable psychological reactions like irritability, nervousness and fatigue.

(2) Effects on Non-living Things

Noise has harmful effects on non-living materials too. Numerous examples can be cited where old places and even newly constructed buildings have developed cracks under the stress of explosive sound.

Other Effects on Human Health:

Some recent studies have revealed effects of noise pollution on human health:

(a) There is a close relationship between high noise levels and cardiovascular diseases;

(b) Noise is one of the important factors causing hyper-tension;

(c) Sleep disruption (because of noise) can cause a wide range of problems like low quality work, irritability and aggressive behaviour etc. and

(d) It has also connection with accidents.

Intensity of Noise Pollution:

The unit of sound intensity is decibel [dB]. The sound intensity from 0 to 100 [dB] is pleasant, and intensity above 120 [dB] is called noise. Sound intensity of 130 [dB] is the upper limit of the threshold of hearing and beyond this, is threshold of pain which may cause damage to ear leading to hearing impairment. Therefore, sound of more than 130 [dB] causes noise pollution. Table 55.1 shows permissible noise levels in the case of industrial, commercial and residential areas and silence zone.


Measures to Control Noise Pollution:

There can be several ways and means to tackle this problem but it depends on the nature of source, kind and intensity of sound.

(i) Use of Silencing Devices. In the first approach, design and fabrication of silencing devices and their use in all the power producing sources should be used for aircrafts, trucks, buses, motor cycles, industrial machines and home appliances. It can also be reduced by changing designs and operation of machines, vibration, control, sound proof cabins and sound absorbing materials.

(ii) Traffic Management. The second approach is that of traffic management of roads. There may be limits of noise producing traffic in different zones of dwellings notifying as silence zones where noisy traffic, procession and other noise raising should be prohibited. Similarly, industrial areas may be separated from the peace zones.

(iii) Maximum restriction should be imposed to the use of loudspeakers in social ceremonies.

(iv) Irregular and unnecessary use of pressure horns by the drivers of trucks, buses and other automobiles should be checked.

(v) Punishment should be provided for non-use of silencers and proper horns.

(vi) Public Awareness. Public awareness about noise control can play an important role to reduce it. Family elders should teach their children to keep radio, TV and transistors at low volume. There should be limited timings for use of loud speakers for advertisements, religious as well as political activities. This may also help in a big way in the solution of this problem.

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Speech on Pollution for Students in English | 3 Minutes Speech

December 10, 2020 by Sandeep

Speech on Pollution : The presence of harmful contaminants into the environment causing damage to the air, water and land resources in our environment is called pollution. Pollutants could be naturally occurring like volcanic ash or human-made materials like smoke, chemicals and trash substances. Pollution is a global problem. Common types of pollution are – air, water, soil, noise and light pollution. Long term exposure to pollution can lead to chronic diseases, cancers and other fatal disorders.

Speech on Pollution 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Pollution Speech in English, written in easy and simple words for class 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

“Pollution is a necessary result of the inability of man to reform and transform waste.” Said by Patti Smith

A warm welcome to one & all present here. Today we are here to discuss the very burning topic of the decade that is pollution. According to a report by the World Health Organization, eleven out of twelve cities with the highest levels of particulate pollution are located in India. A study says 86% of the Indian water bodies are deemed critically polluted. Land pollution has resulted in a loss of around 25 billion tons of valuable soil each year.

As per the Global Burden of Disease Report by the World Health Organization, the prevalence of hearing loss was estimated to be 6.3% in India due to noise pollution. These are the few reports which have become often in today’s media & still we are not serious about the problem. Air Pollution in India has become a severe problem. As per a study, at least 140 million people in India breathe air that is ten times over the safe limit.

57% of the total air pollution are by the industries, 27% by vehicles, 17% by crop burning & around 5% by Diwali fireworks. India, as a country, is the third-largest greenhouse gas producer after China and the United States. There is a decrease in the Air Quality Index of all the major cities of the country. All these have resulted in an increase in several airborne diseases & the premature deaths in India.

Now the second type of pollution which has impacted is water pollution. The largest source of water pollution is untreated sewage. Other factors include agricultural runoff & unregulated small scale industries, solid wastes etc. These factors have resulted in contamination of both surface water & groundwater. Lack of toilets & defecation is also adding to the cause. Many rivers water has been declared unfit for domestic use due to high pollution with organic matter.

Not only humans but also the life in water is getting adversely affected by this.Now let us briefly discuss the land degradation. Soil Contamination or land pollution is caused by xenobiotic chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil. It is due to the intensive farming, deforestation, improper disposal of wastes & industrial activities. Except for these few major pollution’s, there are several other types of pollution’s like noise pollution, light pollution, plastic pollution which has been ignored since long.

Pollution cannot be seen or felt, but its effects are evident on the earth & the biodiversity. Global warming, increase in sea level, extinction of species, scarcity of drinking water, decrease in air quality, acid rain etc. are few major impacts which are posing a threat to the existence of human life on earth. To sum it up, all types of pollution’s are detrimental to the planet & comes with terrible consequences.

All of us must take steps to bring the changes in industries to the individual level. A joint effort by the government & the citizens will curb the situation from getting worse. So let us make a stand for our mother earth & listen to its pains to save it from the upcoming global calamity.

Thank You. Have a good day.

Short Speech on Pollution 150 Words in English

Below we have provided a short speech on Pollution, suitable for class 3, 4, 5 and 6 students.

Very good morning to everyone present over here. Today the topic we will be discussing is a very well known & often heard in the news. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the environment, which affects it adversely. Pollution can be of several types like air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, etc. Not to our surprise, human activities are the major cause of misbalanced environment & pollution.

The rise in population, industrialization, deforestation, and mining are the major contributor to the damage we have done to the environment. We have entirely exploited the natural resources & the nature around us. According to an estimation by the World Health Organization, air pollution causes premature death of around 8.8 million people worldwide which is likely to increase in coming years.

Water pollution has raised the alarming issue of the sharp decrease in domestic water for use. Land pollution has resulted in a loss of around 25 billion tons of valuable soil each year. Noise pollution has affected both behaviour & health of humans. Not only the humans but pollution has given a significant threat to the flora & fauna on the earth too.

Pollution has also led to many more serious problems like global warming , melting of polar ice, ozone layer depletion, and climatic disturbances on a global level. The reasons are many & all of us need to acknowledge that we have created a threat to life on earth. The consequences of pollution are hazardous. We must become more alert & proactive towards the situation & make every effort to turn the situation another way around.

All of us must pledge to bring a better tomorrow for the World. With an urge for everyone to give their best in the joint effort to eliminate pollution, I would like to end my speech.

Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment. These harmful materials are called pollutants.

Biology, Ecology, Health, Earth Science, Geography

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Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment . These harmful materials are called pollutants . Pollutants can be natural, such as volcanic ash . They can also be created by human activity, such as trash or runoff produced by factories. Pollutants damage the quality of air, water, and land. Many things that are useful to people produce pollution. Cars spew pollutants from their exhaust pipes. Burning coal to create electricity pollutes the air. Industries and homes generate garbage and sewage that can pollute the land and water. Pesticides —chemical poisons used to kill weeds and insects— seep into waterways and harm wildlife . All living things—from one-celled microbes to blue whales—depend on Earth ’s supply of air and water. When these resources are polluted, all forms of life are threatened. Pollution is a global problem. Although urban areas are usually more polluted than the countryside, pollution can spread to remote places where no people live. For example, pesticides and other chemicals have been found in the Antarctic ice sheet . In the middle of the northern Pacific Ocean, a huge collection of microscopic plastic particles forms what is known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch . Air and water currents carry pollution. Ocean currents and migrating fish carry marine pollutants far and wide. Winds can pick up radioactive material accidentally released from a nuclear reactor and scatter it around the world. Smoke from a factory in one country drifts into another country. In the past, visitors to Big Bend National Park in the U.S. state of Texas could see 290 kilometers (180 miles) across the vast landscape . Now, coal-burning power plants in Texas and the neighboring state of Chihuahua, Mexico have spewed so much pollution into the air that visitors to Big Bend can sometimes see only 50 kilometers (30 miles). The three major types of pollution are air pollution , water pollution , and land pollution . Air Pollution Sometimes, air pollution is visible . A person can see dark smoke pour from the exhaust pipes of large trucks or factories, for example. More often, however, air pollution is invisible . Polluted air can be dangerous, even if the pollutants are invisible. It can make people’s eyes burn and make them have difficulty breathing. It can also increase the risk of lung cancer . Sometimes, air pollution kills quickly. In 1984, an accident at a pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, released a deadly gas into the air. At least 8,000 people died within days. Hundreds of thou sands more were permanently injured. Natural disasters can also cause air pollution to increase quickly. When volcanoes erupt , they eject volcanic ash and gases into the atmosphere . Volcanic ash can discolor the sky for months. After the eruption of the Indonesian volcano of Krakatoa in 1883, ash darkened the sky around the world. The dimmer sky caused fewer crops to be harvested as far away as Europe and North America. For years, meteorologists tracked what was known as the “equatorial smoke stream .” In fact, this smoke stream was a jet stream , a wind high in Earth’s atmosphere that Krakatoa’s air pollution made visible. Volcanic gases , such as sulfur dioxide , can kill nearby residents and make the soil infertile for years. Mount Vesuvius, a volcano in Italy, famously erupted in 79, killing hundreds of residents of the nearby towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Most victims of Vesuvius were not killed by lava or landslides caused by the eruption. They were choked, or asphyxiated , by deadly volcanic gases. In 1986, a toxic cloud developed over Lake Nyos, Cameroon. Lake Nyos sits in the crater of a volcano. Though the volcano did not erupt, it did eject volcanic gases into the lake. The heated gases passed through the water of the lake and collected as a cloud that descended the slopes of the volcano and into nearby valleys . As the toxic cloud moved across the landscape, it killed birds and other organisms in their natural habitat . This air pollution also killed thousands of cattle and as many as 1,700 people. Most air pollution is not natural, however. It comes from burning fossil fuels —coal, oil , and natural gas . When gasoline is burned to power cars and trucks, it produces carbon monoxide , a colorless, odorless gas. The gas is harmful in high concentrations , or amounts. City traffic produces highly concentrated carbon monoxide. Cars and factories produce other common pollutants, including nitrogen oxide , sulfur dioxide, and hydrocarbons . These chemicals react with sunlight to produce smog , a thick fog or haze of air pollution. The smog is so thick in Linfen, China, that people can seldom see the sun. Smog can be brown or grayish blue, depending on which pollutants are in it. Smog makes breathing difficult, especially for children and older adults. Some cities that suffer from extreme smog issue air pollution warnings. The government of Hong Kong, for example, will warn people not to go outside or engage in strenuous physical activity (such as running or swimming) when smog is very thick.

When air pollutants such as nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide mix with moisture, they change into acids . They then fall back to earth as acid rain . Wind often carries acid rain far from the pollution source. Pollutants produced by factories and power plants in Spain can fall as acid rain in Norway. Acid rain can kill all the trees in a forest . It can also devastate lakes, streams, and other waterways. When lakes become acidic, fish can’t survive . In Sweden, acid rain created thousands of “ dead lakes ,” where fish no longer live. Acid rain also wears away marble and other kinds of stone . It has erased the words on gravestones and damaged many historic buildings and monuments . The Taj Mahal , in Agra, India, was once gleaming white. Years of exposure to acid rain has left it pale. Governments have tried to prevent acid rain by limiting the amount of pollutants released into the air. In Europe and North America, they have had some success, but acid rain remains a major problem in the developing world , especially Asia. Greenhouse gases are another source of air pollution. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane occur naturally in the atmosphere. In fact, they are necessary for life on Earth. They absorb sunlight reflected from Earth, preventing it from escaping into space. By trapping heat in the atmosphere, they keep Earth warm enough for people to live. This is called the greenhouse effect . But human activities such as burning fossil fuels and destroying forests have increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This has increased the greenhouse effect, and average temperatures across the globe are rising. The decade that began in the year 2000 was the warmest on record. This increase in worldwide average temperatures, caused in part by human activity, is called global warming . Global warming is causing ice sheets and glaciers to melt. The melting ice is causing sea levels to rise at a rate of two millimeters (0.09 inches) per year. The rising seas will eventually flood low-lying coastal regions . Entire nations, such as the islands of Maldives, are threatened by this climate change . Global warming also contributes to the phenomenon of ocean acidification . Ocean acidification is the process of ocean waters absorbing more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Fewer organisms can survive in warmer, less salty waters. The ocean food web is threatened as plants and animals such as coral fail to adapt to more acidic oceans. Scientists have predicted that global warming will cause an increase in severe storms . It will also cause more droughts in some regions and more flooding in others. The change in average temperatures is already shrinking some habitats, the regions where plants and animals naturally live. Polar bears hunt seals from sea ice in the Arctic. The melting ice is forcing polar bears to travel farther to find food , and their numbers are shrinking. People and governments can respond quickly and effectively to reduce air pollution. Chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are a dangerous form of air pollution that governments worked to reduce in the 1980s and 1990s. CFCs are found in gases that cool refrigerators, in foam products, and in aerosol cans . CFCs damage the ozone layer , a region in Earth’s upper atmosphere. The ozone layer protects Earth by absorbing much of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation . When people are exposed to more ultraviolet radiation, they are more likely to develop skin cancer, eye diseases, and other illnesses. In the 1980s, scientists noticed that the ozone layer over Antarctica was thinning. This is often called the “ ozone hole .” No one lives permanently in Antarctica. But Australia, the home of more than 22 million people, lies at the edge of the hole. In the 1990s, the Australian government began an effort to warn people of the dangers of too much sun. Many countries, including the United States, now severely limit the production of CFCs. Water Pollution Some polluted water looks muddy, smells bad, and has garbage floating in it. Some polluted water looks clean, but is filled with harmful chemicals you can’t see or smell. Polluted water is unsafe for drinking and swimming. Some people who drink polluted water are exposed to hazardous chemicals that may make them sick years later. Others consume bacteria and other tiny aquatic organisms that cause disease. The United Nations estimates that 4,000 children die every day from drinking dirty water. Sometimes, polluted water harms people indirectly. They get sick because the fish that live in polluted water are unsafe to eat. They have too many pollutants in their flesh. There are some natural sources of water pollution. Oil and natural gas, for example, can leak into oceans and lakes from natural underground sources. These sites are called petroleum seeps . The world’s largest petroleum seep is the Coal Oil Point Seep, off the coast of the U.S. state of California. The Coal Oil Point Seep releases so much oil that tar balls wash up on nearby beaches . Tar balls are small, sticky pieces of pollution that eventually decompose in the ocean.

Human activity also contributes to water pollution. Chemicals and oils from factories are sometimes dumped or seep into waterways. These chemicals are called runoff. Chemicals in runoff can create a toxic environment for aquatic life. Runoff can also help create a fertile environment for cyanobacteria , also called blue-green algae . Cyanobacteria reproduce rapidly, creating a harmful algal bloom (HAB) . Harmful algal blooms prevent organisms such as plants and fish from living in the ocean. They are associated with “ dead zones ” in the world’s lakes and rivers, places where little life exists below surface water. Mining and drilling can also contribute to water pollution. Acid mine drainage (AMD) is a major contributor to pollution of rivers and streams near coal mines . Acid helps miners remove coal from the surrounding rocks . The acid is washed into streams and rivers, where it reacts with rocks and sand. It releases chemical sulfur from the rocks and sand, creating a river rich in sulfuric acid . Sulfuric acid is toxic to plants, fish, and other aquatic organisms. Sulfuric acid is also toxic to people, making rivers polluted by AMD dangerous sources of water for drinking and hygiene . Oil spills are another source of water pollution. In April 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, causing oil to gush from the ocean floor. In the following months, hundreds of millions of gallons of oil spewed into the gulf waters. The spill produced large plumes of oil under the sea and an oil slick on the surface as large as 24,000 square kilometers (9,100 square miles). The oil slick coated wetlands in the U.S. states of Louisiana and Mississippi, killing marsh plants and aquatic organisms such as crabs and fish. Birds, such as pelicans , became coated in oil and were unable to fly or access food. More than two million animals died as a result of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Buried chemical waste can also pollute water supplies. For many years, people disposed of chemical wastes carelessly, not realizing its dangers. In the 1970s, people living in the Love Canal area in Niagara Falls, New York, suffered from extremely high rates of cancer and birth defects . It was discovered that a chemical waste dump had poisoned the area’s water. In 1978, 800 families living in Love Canal had to a bandon their homes. If not disposed of properly, radioactive waste from nuclear power plants can escape into the environment. Radioactive waste can harm living things and pollute the water. Sewage that has not been properly treated is a common source of water pollution. Many cities around the world have poor sewage systems and sewage treatment plants. Delhi, the capital of India, is home to more than 21 million people. More than half the sewage and other waste produced in the city are dumped into the Yamuna River. This pollution makes the river dangerous to use as a source of water for drinking or hygiene. It also reduces the river’s fishery , resulting in less food for the local community. A major source of water pollution is fertilizer used in agriculture . Fertilizer is material added to soil to make plants grow larger and faster. Fertilizers usually contain large amounts of the elements nitrogen and phosphorus , which help plants grow. Rainwater washes fertilizer into streams and lakes. There, the nitrogen and phosphorus cause cyanobacteria to form harmful algal blooms. Rain washes other pollutants into streams and lakes. It picks up animal waste from cattle ranches. Cars drip oil onto the street, and rain carries it into storm drains , which lead to waterways such as rivers and seas. Rain sometimes washes chemical pesticides off of plants and into streams. Pesticides can also seep into groundwater , the water beneath the surface of the Earth. Heat can pollute water. Power plants, for example, produce a huge amount of heat. Power plants are often located on rivers so they can use the water as a coolant . Cool water circulates through the plant, absorbing heat. The heated water is then returned to the river. Aquatic creatures are sensitive to changes in temperature. Some fish, for example, can only live in cold water. Warmer river temperatures prevent fish eggs from hatching. Warmer river water also contributes to harmful algal blooms. Another type of water pollution is simple garbage. The Citarum River in Indonesia, for example, has so much garbage floating in it that you cannot see the water. Floating trash makes the river difficult to fish in. Aquatic animals such as fish and turtles mistake trash, such as plastic bags, for food. Plastic bags and twine can kill many ocean creatures. Chemical pollutants in trash can also pollute the water, making it toxic for fish and people who use the river as a source of drinking water. The fish that are caught in a polluted river often have high levels of chemical toxins in their flesh. People absorb these toxins as they eat the fish. Garbage also fouls the ocean. Many plastic bottles and other pieces of trash are thrown overboard from boats. The wind blows trash out to sea. Ocean currents carry plastics and other floating trash to certain places on the globe, where it cannot escape. The largest of these areas, called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, is in a remote part of the Pacific Ocean. According to some estimates, this garbage patch is the size of Texas. The trash is a threat to fish and seabirds, which mistake the plastic for food. Many of the plastics are covered with chemical pollutants. Land Pollution Many of the same pollutants that foul the water also harm the land. Mining sometimes leaves the soil contaminated with dangerous chemicals. Pesticides and fertilizers from agricultural fields are blown by the wind. They can harm plants, animals, and sometimes people. Some fruits and vegetables absorb the pesticides that help them grow. When people consume the fruits and vegetables, the pesticides enter their bodies. Some pesticides can cause cancer and other diseases. A pesticide called DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) was once commonly used to kill insects, especially mosquitoes. In many parts of the world, mosquitoes carry a disease called malaria , which kills a million people every year. Swiss chemist Paul Hermann Muller was awarded the Nobel Prize for his understanding of how DDT can control insects and other pests. DDT is responsible for reducing malaria in places such as Taiwan and Sri Lanka. In 1962, American biologist Rachel Carson wrote a book called Silent Spring , which discussed the dangers of DDT. She argued that it could contribute to cancer in humans. She also explained how it was destroying bird eggs, which caused the number of bald eagles, brown pelicans, and ospreys to drop. In 1972, the United States banned the use of DDT. Many other countries also banned it. But DDT didn’t disappear entirely. Today, many governments support the use of DDT because it remains the most effective way to combat malaria. Trash is another form of land pollution. Around the world, paper, cans, glass jars, plastic products, and junked cars and appliances mar the landscape. Litter makes it difficult for plants and other producers in the food web to create nutrients . Animals can die if they mistakenly eat plastic. Garbage often contains dangerous pollutants such as oils, chemicals, and ink. These pollutants can leech into the soil and harm plants, animals, and people. Inefficient garbage collection systems contribute to land pollution. Often, the garbage is picked up and brought to a dump, or landfill . Garbage is buried in landfills. Sometimes, communities produce so much garbage that their landfills are filling up. They are running out of places to dump their trash. A massive landfill near Quezon City, Philippines, was the site of a land pollution tragedy in 2000. Hundreds of people lived on the slopes of the Quezon City landfill. These people made their living from recycling and selling items found in the landfill. However, the landfill was not secure. Heavy rains caused a trash landslide, killing 218 people. Sometimes, landfills are not completely sealed off from the land around them. Pollutants from the landfill leak into the earth in which they are buried. Plants that grow in the earth may be contaminated, and the herbivores that eat the plants also become contaminated. So do the predators that consume the herbivores. This process, where a chemical builds up in each level of the food web, is called bioaccumulation . Pollutants leaked from landfills also leak into local groundwater supplies. There, the aquatic food web (from microscopic algae to fish to predators such as sharks or eagles) can suffer from bioaccumulation of toxic chemicals. Some communities do not have adequate garbage collection systems, and trash lines the side of roads. In other places, garbage washes up on beaches. Kamilo Beach, in the U.S. state of Hawai'i, is littered with plastic bags and bottles carried in by the tide . The trash is dangerous to ocean life and reduces economic activity in the area. Tourism is Hawai'i’s largest industry . Polluted beaches discourage tourists from investing in the area’s hotels, restaurants, and recreational activities. Some cities incinerate , or burn, their garbage. Incinerating trash gets rid of it, but it can release dangerous heavy metals and chemicals into the air. So while trash incinerators can help with the problem of land pollution, they sometimes add to the problem of air pollution. Reducing Pollution Around the world, people and governments are making efforts to combat pollution. Recycling, for instance, is becoming more common. In recycling, trash is processed so its useful materials can be used again. Glass, aluminum cans, and many types of plastic can be melted and reused . Paper can be broken down and turned into new paper. Recycling reduces the amount of garbage that ends up in landfills, incinerators, and waterways. Austria and Switzerland have the highest recycling rates. These nations recycle between 50 and 60 percent of their garbage. The United States recycles about 30 percent of its garbage. Governments can combat pollution by passing laws that limit the amount and types of chemicals factories and agribusinesses are allowed to use. The smoke from coal-burning power plants can be filtered. People and businesses that illegally dump pollutants into the land, water, and air can be fined for millions of dollars. Some government programs, such as the Superfund program in the United States, can force polluters to clean up the sites they polluted. International agreements can also reduce pollution. The Kyoto Protocol , a United Nations agreement to limit the emission of greenhouse gases, has been signed by 191 countries. The United States, the world’s second-largest producer of greenhouse gases, did not sign the agreement. Other countries, such as China, the world’s largest producer of greenhouse gases, have not met their goals. Still, many gains have been made. In 1969, the Cuyahoga River, in the U.S. state of Ohio, was so clogged with oil and trash that it caught on fire. The fire helped spur the Clean Water Act of 1972. This law limited what pollutants could be released into water and set standards for how clean water should be. Today, the Cuyahoga River is much cleaner. Fish have returned to regions of the river where they once could not survive. But even as some rivers are becoming cleaner, others are becoming more polluted. As countries around the world become wealthier, some forms of pollution increase. Countries with growing economies usually need more power plants, which produce more pollutants. Reducing pollution requires environmental, political, and economic leadership. Developed nations must work to reduce and recycle their materials, while developing nations must work to strengthen their economies without destroying the environment. Developed and developing countries must work together toward the common goal of protecting the environment for future use.

How Long Does It Last? Different materials decompose at different rates. How long does it take for these common types of trash to break down?

  • Paper: 2-4 weeks
  • Orange peel: 6 months
  • Milk carton: 5 years
  • Plastic bag: 15 years
  • Tin can: 100 years
  • Plastic bottle: 450 years
  • Glass bottle: 500 years
  • Styrofoam: Never

Indoor Air Pollution The air inside your house can be polluted. Air and carpet cleaners, insect sprays, and cigarettes are all sources of indoor air pollution.

Light Pollution Light pollution is the excess amount of light in the night sky. Light pollution, also called photopollution, is almost always found in urban areas. Light pollution can disrupt ecosystems by confusing the distinction between night and day. Nocturnal animals, those that are active at night, may venture out during the day, while diurnal animals, which are active during daylight hours, may remain active well into the night. Feeding and sleep patterns may be confused. Light pollution also indicates an excess use of energy. The dark-sky movement is a campaign by people to reduce light pollution. This would reduce energy use, allow ecosystems to function more normally, and allow scientists and stargazers to observe the atmosphere.

Noise Pollution Noise pollution is the constant presence of loud, disruptive noises in an area. Usually, noise pollution is caused by construction or nearby transportation facilities, such as airports. Noise pollution is unpleasant, and can be dangerous. Some songbirds, such as robins, are unable to communicate or find food in the presence of heavy noise pollution. The sound waves produced by some noise pollutants can disrupt the sonar used by marine animals to communicate or locate food.

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March 6, 2024

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English Summary

2 Minute Speech On Pollution In English

Good morning to everyone in this room. I would like to thank the principal, the teachers, and my dear friends for allowing me to speak to you today about pollution. One of the biggest problems the world is now dealing with is pollution. The degradation of the quality of the air, water, and soil is caused by the introduction of dangerous contaminants into the ecosystem.

As human civilization developed, humans created tools and things to make life easier. We began to abuse nature and pollute it throughout this process. The melting of Antarctic glaciers as a result of global warming is a problem we are currently experiencing.

In addition to harming the environment, pollution also spreads illnesses that have the potential to eradicate all living things. Water quality has decreased and aquatic life has been wiped off by toxic substances dumped into the environment. Asthma and other lung conditions are brought on by the emission of toxic gasses into the atmosphere.

More and more laws are being established to reduce pollution, and governments all around the world have embraced them. However, simply laws and regulations cannot aid in pollution control since each individual has a responsibility to take independent action to reduce pollution. Additionally, it is important that young children learn about pollution and how it affects both the environment and their future.

To sum up my speech, I would like to emphasize that all forms of pollution harm the environment, animals, and people. People must bring important decisions for a brighter future. Since pollution puts many innocent lives in danger, we should take part in efforts to combat and manage this issue. As a team, we can reduce pollution. Thank you.

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Long and Short Speech on Plastic Pollution

Plastic waste makes its way from our homes and workplaces to landfills and bodies of water, resulting in plastic contamination. There is an immediate need to correctly dispose of such plastic waste and to reduce its widespread usage in the interests of health and the environment. Here we have provided both long and short speeches on plastic pollution for students of Class 5 to 12 along with 10 lines for a speech on plastic for students of Class 1 to 4. 

Long Speech on Pollution by Plastic Bags

Today, I am here to deliver a speech on plastic pollution. Plastic has very seriously impacted the health and life of human beings in the last decade. Several events have drawn the attention of the whole world and placed a question mark on the use of plastic in everyday life.

Plastic, the wonder material we use for anything that pollutes our atmosphere, is probably the most destructive waste deposited in the sea by sailors and sea-goers because it does not break down easily. The plastic that goes in the river today might still be around to ruin the fishing gear, ship propellers, and beaches for future generations.

Plastic is non-degradable material, it does not completely mix up with the natural elements unlike degradable materials like food, clothes, paper etc Hence, it persists in nature for a longer time than other materials. India generates around 9 million tons of plastic waste annually. It is so sad to know that 40% of the total waste generated is not even collected from the source. Most of the plastic waste generated is single-use plastic which is discarded by people with minimal use of it. 

Plastics can be broadly divided into microplastics and macroplastics. Microplastics are smaller in particle size with less than five millimeters. They include microbeads that are used in making cosmetics, personal hygiene products, industries, and microfibers which are used for sanitation. On the other hand, macroplastics are particles with more than five millimeters. Comparatively, microplastics cause more damage as they are easily transferred from one trophic level to another trophic level.

According to the Central Pollution Control Board in India, we generate around 26,000 tons of all types of plastics every day and half of it is not even collected from the source. They choke the drains, get eaten by animals, enter the water resources and pollute the environment. On average, every Indian consumes 11 kgs of plastic every year. Though it is 10 times less than the USA, as India has more population, we seem to generate a lot of waste comparatively.

Careless plastic handling can have dire repercussions. For an indiscriminate feeder like the sea turtle, a plastic bag seems like a delicious jellyfish, but plastic is indigestible. It can choke, block the intestines of those animals that eat it or cause infection.

A plastic bag can clog the cooling system of an outboard engine as well. Monofilament fishing lines lost or discarded may foul propellers, break oil seals and lower engine units, or may become an enveloping web for fish, seabirds, and marine mammals.

More and more plastic is collected in our oceans every day. Recreational boaters are not the only party to dispose of plastic refuse at sea improperly. Through waste outfalls, merchant shipping, commercial fishing activities, and beachgoers, plastics are also entering the marine environment.

It is very flexible in the middle stage and, depending on temperature and pressure, any shape can be provided. In the practice of plastic waste preparation, urea, formaldehyde, polyethene, polystyrene, polycythylcholide, phenolic compounds and other substances are used.

The most widespread plastic contamination nowadays is caused by polyvinyl chloride (P.V.C.). The soluble chemical is eventually dissolved in them when any food substance or blood is deposited in the aforementioned plastic containers, causing death due to cancer and other skin diseases.

The fertility of animals and their respiratory systems have also been found to be destroyed by polyvinyl chloride. It causes paralysis when combined with water and also affects bones and causes skin irritation.

Here are several steps we should take to reverse the tide of harmful, non-biodegradable waste so that our world will not be overtaken by it.

Use of paper, canvas, and other healthy-fiber containers, placed produce.

Using bags of wax paper, cloth napkins, or reusable sandwich boxes (e.g., tiffins, described below).

Using bottles or cans of glass only.

We need to acknowledge that we only have one planet, which we are supposed to pass down to our future generations. It is our responsibility to keep it safe and clean.

Short Speech on Plastic Waste Management

Today, I am here to deliver a speech on plastic waste management. The influx of plastics into our environment has reached crisis levels, and it is evident through the pollution of our oceans. Up to 12 million metric tons of plastic are expected to flood our ocean each year.

Our oceans are increasingly becoming plastic broth, and the effect on the survival of the oceans is chilling. Discarded plastic fishing lines entangle turtles and seabirds, and bits of plastic of all sizes choke and clog the stomachs of animals, from small zooplankton to whales, which confuse it for food. Plastic is now entering all layers of the food chain and is even showing up on our plates with seafood.

Our world can no longer accept throw-away plastics as a society. Our landfills are being filled up with single-use plastics, choking our waterways, and contaminating our oceans. Corporations have been blaming us all for far too long to deal with their own failed design problem. We have been advised that citizens should simply recycle the billions of tons of output from plastic companies and that it will make the required difference to sustain our world.

We were told a lie.

There is no recycling of over 90 percent of plastics. Recycling alone will simply never solve this problem. A radical change in how they deliver goods to people must be faced with the size of the problem companies have developed. It is up to all of us to demand more, to tell these industrial companies that the plastics they impose on us will no longer be accepted. Our planet deserves better and if they fail to adapt, we don't need their goods.

For a lifetime, nothing that is used for a few minutes should end up polluting our oceans. It's time for us to denounce the old corporate story that we are content with a throw-away lifestyle and build a better future. 

10 Lines for Speech on Plastic

Plastic is a synthetic substance that is non-bio-degradable.

We use it indiscriminately in almost all day-to-day products.

Environmental contamination comes from plastic accumulation.

Land, rivers and oceans are plagued by its accumulation.

It releases poisonous gases such as nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide upon burning.

It also contributes to the loss of marine life and wildlife.

We ought to use biodegradable materials instead of plastic.

It is compulsory to use advanced incinerators for successful waste disposal.

In the soil, chlorinated plastics emit harmful chemicals that seep into the groundwater and damage us.

If we want to preserve Mother Earth, we should stop using plastic and use only natural biodegradable materials.


FAQs on Speech on Plastic Pollution

1. What are the sources of Plastic Waste?

One major invention that changed the entire manufacturing sector and industries is “Plastic”. It helped in increasing the concept of consumerism as plastic is cheap and has many advantages to use in industries compared to its alternatives. Following are the major sources of plastic:

Most of the plastic debris is found in ocean and land base

They enter the ocean or wastelands from the urban and stormwater runoff from the towns and cities.

Inadequate waste management plans, improper disposal of waste materials also contribute to this issue

Main sources for ocean-based plastic pollution are the fishing industry, aquaculture, naval activity, letting the wastewater from nearby places into the water bodies

When the UV rays, wind and other agents act on the plastics, they remove the plastics and turn them into microplastics which are comparatively much more harmful.

2. What are the impacts of Plastic Waste?

Plastic is a non-biodegradable substance. They either take a lot of time to get degraded or they never get degraded completely. Hence they lead to persistent ill effects on the environment including biotic and abiotic components. Following are some of the effects:

Plastics that persist on the shoreline will ruin the scenery of the beach and damage the revenue obtained from the tourism sector of a place

When plastic is ingested by aquatic animals, they get stuck in the digestive tract and leading to their death or starvation.

Animals can get trapped in the plastic materials like bottles and covers. They can not come out by themselves and thus die due to suffocation and starvation

Plastics can have toxic elements and thus they damage the vital organs of the animals. Sometimes plastics have carcinogenic agents leading to the death of the living being

Chemicals and toxins that are leached from the plastics might contain anti-androgen and other hormones that affect the human reproductive system badly. 

The toxins leached from the plastic enter the land, water and other natural resources and pollute them. They turn unfit for human consumption.

3. What are the measures taken to reduce the Pollution caused by Plastic?

Plastic pollution affects not only the finite natural resources but also animals, plants and humans directly. Following are the measures to reduce plastic pollution:

Most of the plastic items we use in our daily life are single-use plastics. Try to trace such items and replace them with reusable alternatives.

20 billion plastic bottles are generated every year and simply tossed after using them. Try to replace them and carry your bottle when you go out

Microbeads are a type of microplastics, they are used in scrubs, cosmetics and many personal hygiene products. They are very minute and cause enormous damage to the animals, especially to the aquatic animals when they are consumed. Try buying products that do not have microbeads.

4. What is the International Agreements made to control Plastic Pollution?

Plastic pollution is a much wider issue and requires a global solution. Any effect of pollution is felt across the geographical area. Hence international cooperation is needed to control plastic pollution. Following are some of the measures and targets taken up to control plastic pollution:

170 countries have decided to reduce plastic usage by 2030. This was done after the UN assembly held at Nairobi. 

Initially, an attempt was made to ban single-use plastic by 2025 but this was discarded by many members

Plastic wastes are considered harmful under the Basel Convention and measures were taken to stop dumping them into water resources and targets were fixed accordingly.

5. How are Plastics made?

The use of plastic has changed the entire production process. It has reduced our dependence on paper to some extent and we need to cut down the trees. But excessive dependence and improper waste management mechanisms led to plastic pollution. Plastic is made from oil, natural gas and plants which are processed into ethane and propane. These elements are further treated by applying enormous heat energy to convert them into ethylene and propylene. Several ethylene and other materials are combined to form “polymers”. It is sent into an extruder and then into a pipe after melting. They're made into tubes, cubes after settling them down.


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