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Creative Writing Prompts

Expand Your Creativity: Enter the World of Spacebattles for Innovative Writing

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My name is Debbie, and I am passionate about developing a love for the written word and planting a seed that will grow into a powerful voice that can inspire many.

Expand Your Creativity: Enter the World of Spacebattles for Innovative Writing

Have you ever found yourself yearning for a platform to unleash your creative ideas in a completely unique way? Look no further! Spacebattles, a thriving online community, offers a haven for writers to explore and expand their imaginations beyond the boundaries of conventional storytelling. In this article, we will delve into the exhilarating world of Spacebattles, a place where innovation and limitless possibility intersect. Whether you are a seasoned writer or simply seeking a creative outlet, get ready to embark on a journey that will ignite your imagination and forever transform the way you approach writing . With Spacebattles as your launchpad, let your creativity soar to new heights!

1. Unleashing Your Imagination: Embark on an Exciting Writing Journey with Spacebattles

2. exploring infinite possibilities: how spacebattles fosters innovative storytelling, 3. fueling creativity through collaboration: the power of engaging with the spacebattles community, 4. from fan fiction to original creations: uncover new avenues for expressing your ideas, 5. sharpening your writing skills: harnessing constructive criticism on spacebattles, 6. mastering the art of worldbuilding: creating realistic and captivating universes with spacebattles, 7. crafting engaging characters: insights and techniques from spacebattles’ writers, 8. unveiling your inner author: how spacebattles inspires and encourages new writers, frequently asked questions, future outlook.

Spacebattles is the ultimate platform for unleashing your imagination and diving into an exhilarating writing journey. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, this dynamic community provides endless opportunities to explore your creativity and connect with like-minded individuals.

With Spacebattles, you can immerse yourself in a wide range of genres, from science fiction and fantasy to romance and mystery. The diverse community of writers and readers encourages collaboration and feedback, allowing you to refine your skills and elevate your storytelling abilities. Through engaging discussions and brainstorming sessions, you’ll find inspiration and support to craft captivating narratives that will leave readers wanting more.

  • Discover a vast collection of prompts and challenges to ignite your creativity.
  • Engage in lively debates and discussions, expanding your perspectives.
  • Join collaborative projects, where multiple authors bring their unique talents together to create extraordinary stories.

Spacebattles is a hub of literary exploration and growth, providing a platform to showcase your writing prowess and receive valuable feedback. Unleash your imagination today and embark on an exciting writing journey unlike any other!

Spacebattles is a thriving online community that extends beyond the realms of imagination, offering writers a platform to explore boundless creativity and push the boundaries of storytelling. Within this vibrant community, members engage in collaborative writing exercises and fan fiction, unleashing their imagination to create thrilling narratives.

One of the key factors that sets Spacebattles apart is its emphasis on innovation. With a diverse range of genres and writing styles, it has become a hub where writers can experiment with unconventional storytelling techniques and concepts. From mind-bending alternate universes to intricate character development, Spacebattles encourages writers to challenge the norms and embrace the infinite possibilities of storytelling.

  • With its interactive nature, Spacebattles fosters a sense of collaboration among writers, allowing them to bounce ideas off one another and build upon each other’s narratives. This dynamic exchange of ideas often leads to unexpected plot twists and captivating storylines.
  • By constantly pushing the limits of imagination, Spacebattles fuels creative growth and enables writers to unlock their full potential. It encourages them to think outside the box, break free from traditional tropes, and create stories that captivate readers, taking them on extraordinary journeys.
  • The community on Spacebattles comprises individuals from diverse backgrounds and perspectives, enriching the storytelling experience further. This diversity attracts writers who can bring fresh insights, cultural richness, and unique approaches to the table, resulting in narratives that are richly textured and deeply immersive.

At Spacebattles, innovative storytelling is not just a mere possibility; it is a way of life. The platform continues to invigorate the writing community with endless opportunities to explore uncharted territories, redefine storytelling conventions, and create narratives that resonate with audiences in profound and extraordinary ways.

The Spacebattles community is a vibrant hub of creative individuals, where imagination knows no bounds. By connecting with this community, you open the door to a world of inspiration, collaboration, and boundless possibilities. Whether you’re an aspiring writer, an avid reader, a game developer, or a fan of science fiction and fantasy, engaging with the Spacebattles community can truly fuel your creativity.

1. Diverse Perspectives: The wealth of perspectives within the Spacebattles community is invaluable. Collaborating with fellow members allows you to tap into a pool of diverse thoughts, ideas, and experiences. From different cultures and backgrounds to varying levels of expertise, this community offers a platform where creativity blossoms through the sharing of unique perspectives.

2. Constructive Feedback: In the Spacebattles community, input is valued and constructive feedback is encouraged. When you share your creations and ideas, you’ll receive thoughtful critiques and suggestions from other members. This feedback can be incredibly insightful, helping you refine your work and grow as a creative individual. Engaging with this community fosters an environment where you can continuously improve, adapt, and push the boundaries of your imagination.

4. From Fan Fiction to Original Creations: Uncover New Avenues for Expressing Your Ideas

Are you an avid fan fiction writer? Or maybe you’ve always had a hidden talent for storytelling but have been limited to working with existing characters and worlds. Well, it’s time to unleash your creativity and explore new avenues for expressing your ideas! Moving from fan fiction to original creations not only allows you to tap into your full potential as a writer but also opens up a world of possibilities where the only limit is your imagination.

By transitioning from fan fiction to original works, you can unlock a multitude of benefits. Here’s why you should give it a try:

  • Uniqueness: Stand out from the crowd by creating your own characters, worlds, and narratives. Express your personal style and share stories that are exclusive to your creative vision.
  • Flexibility: Free yourself from the constraints of existing storylines and explore uncharted territories unbound by established canon or character behaviors.
  • Growth: Challenge yourself as a writer by delving into unexplored genres, experimenting with diverse themes, and refining your storytelling skills.
  • Originality: Leave a lasting mark in the literary world by introducing fresh ideas and narratives that have the potential to captivate readers and inspire others to embrace their creativity.

So, if you’ve ever dreamed of taking your writing to a new level and leaving a lasting impact on your readers, why not embrace the journey from fan fiction to original creations? Unleash your imagination, tell your own stories, and watch as your work comes to life!

So, you’ve taken the leap and become part of the vibrant writing community on Spacebattles. Congratulations! Now, it’s time to level up your writing skills and make the most of the valuable feedback provided by fellow users. Constructive criticism is the key to honing your craft and transforming your writing from good to great. In this section, we will explore some strategies to effectively harness this feedback to sharpen your writing skills.

  • Embrace an open mindset: When receiving constructive criticism, it’s important to approach it with an open mind and view it as an opportunity for growth. Remember, no piece of writing is ever perfect, and there’s always room for improvement. Be receptive to different perspectives and ideas – they might just be the key to refining your work.
  • Focus on the specific: Detailed feedback is often more beneficial than general comments. While positive encouragement is always welcome, don’t shy away from asking for specific areas that can be improved. By asking for clarity, you’ll gain crucial insights into what elements of your writing need strengthening, enabling you to focus your efforts where it matters most.
  • Engage in constructive dialogue: Responding to feedback can be a fruitful learning experience. Engage in thoughtful discussions with those providing criticism, seeking clarification or further insights when needed. By actively participating in these conversations, you foster a sense of community and encourage others to offer more valuable feedback in the future.

Remember, constructive criticism is not an attack on your abilities as a writer but a powerful tool to help you grow and improve. Harnessing constructive feedback on Spacebattles will not only sharpen your writing skills but also build lasting connections within the writing community. Take this opportunity to embrace the feedback, learn from it, and watch your writing soar to new heights!

Creating a captivating universe is a fundamental aspect of any great story, and with Spacebattles, you have the tools to master the art of worldbuilding. Building a realistic and immersive universe is vital to engage readers or viewers on a deeper level, allowing them to be fully invested in your story. Whether you are crafting a science fiction epic or a fantastical realm, here are some key tips to help you create worlds that come alive:

1. Consistency is Key: When developing your universe, it’s crucial to ensure consistency in its rules, laws, and principles. Establish a set of logical and believable rules that govern your world, such as the existence of magic, technological advancements, or alien species. Stick to these rules throughout your story to maintain a sense of realism.

2. Attention to Detail: The devil is in the details, and the same goes for worldbuilding. Pay close attention to every aspect of your universe, including cultures, history, geography, and ecosystems. Develop unique and interesting features that make your world stand out, from breathtaking landscapes to intricate political systems. These details will add depth and richness to your universe, making it all the more captivating for your audience.

Creating captivating and relatable characters is a fundamental skill for any writer, and Spacebattles’ talented community of writers have honed this craft to perfection. Dive into their invaluable insights and techniques, and take your character development to new heights. Here are a few key takeaways:

  • Complexity breeds authenticity: One-dimensional characters rarely resonate with readers. Infuse your characters with depth by giving them a range of emotions, motivations, and flaws. Real people are flawed, and flawed characters are inherently more relatable and believable.
  • Show, don’t tell: Instead of providing a laundry list of traits, let your characters’ actions and dialogue speak for themselves. Show readers their quirks, strengths, and vulnerabilities through well-crafted scenes and interactions. This not only engages your audience but also allows them to form their own connections with the characters.
  • The power of dynamic relationships: Well-developed character relationships add richness and intrigue to your story. Explore the dynamics between characters, be it friendships, rivalries, or love interests, and allow these connections to influence the story’s progression. Building tensions and resolving conflicts within these relationships will keep readers invested in the characters’ journeys.

Creating compelling characters that stay with readers long after they’ve finished your story is an art form. By implementing the insights and techniques cultivated by Spacebattles’ writers, you’ll be equipped to craft characters that leave a lasting impact and make your stories truly unforgettable.

Spacebattles, the vibrant online community for fans of science fiction and fantasy, serves as a powerful catalyst for budding authors looking to unleash their creative potential. Whether you’re an experienced writer looking for feedback or a complete novice taking their first steps into the literary world, Spacebattles offers a supportive environment that fosters growth and nurtures talent. Here’s how this unique platform inspires and encourages new writers:

  • Community Interaction: Spacebattles thrives on active community participation. Users can engage in lively discussions about their favorite books, movies, or TV shows, providing a refreshing space for creative exchange and inspiration. Aspiring authors can seek guidance from experienced writers, receive constructive criticism, and even find potential collaborators for ambitious projects. The sense of camaraderie and shared passion within the community creates an encouraging atmosphere that fuels the creative fire.
  • Writing Challenges and Competitions: Spacebattles organizes regular writing challenges and competitions to spur creativity and help writers refine their skills. Whether it’s crafting short stories, developing intriguing plotlines, or exploring alternate universes, these challenges push participants out of their comfort zones, inspiring them to experiment with different writing styles, themes, and genres. By embracing these opportunities, new writers gain invaluable experience, build confidence, and hone their abilities, setting them on a path towards becoming accomplished authors.

Beyond its interactive nature and structured writing activities, Spacebattles also offers a wealth of resources to support aspiring authors. From workshops and tutorials covering various aspects of writing, character development, and world-building, to an extensive library of guides on improving narrative and storytelling, the platform empowers writers with the knowledge and tools necessary to enhance their craft. Moreover, the constant influx of fresh ideas, imaginative concepts, and diverse perspectives on Spacebattles serves as a wellspring of inspiration, injecting new energy into the creative endeavors of aspiring authors.

Q: What is Spacebattles and how does it enhance creativity in writing? A: Spacebattles is an online forum community that serves as a platform for writers to engage in collaborative storytelling and share their creative work. By participating in the various writing challenges and discussions on Spacebattles, writers can explore innovative concepts and ideas that expand their creative boundaries.

Q: How does Spacebattles foster innovative writing? A: Spacebattles encourages writers to think outside the box by providing a collaborative and supportive environment. The forum offers writing prompts, competitions, and workshops that challenge participants to develop unique storylines, characters, and settings. By interacting with other talented writers, users gain inspiration and receive feedback that fuels their creative growth.

Q: Can you give some examples of the writing challenges on Spacebattles? A: Sure! Spacebattles hosts several writing challenges like the “Story Seed Contest” where participants share intriguing concepts or premises, sparking a wave of creative responses. In the “Creative Writing Archive,” users can find a wide range of short stories and serials crafted by talented writers in the community. Other challenges include “Character Creation Contest” and “Worldbuilding Showcase,” which prompt writers to develop compelling characters and intricate fictional worlds.

Q: What are the advantages of joining and participating in Spacebattles community? A: Joining Spacebattles offers aspiring writers a chance to receive constructive criticism, improve their writing skills, and expand their network within the writing community. By actively engaging with other members, writers can gain valuable insights, discover new techniques, and ultimately enhance their creative abilities. The platform also facilitates collaboration among writers, leading to unique partnerships and joint projects.

Q: Are there any specific rules or guidelines to follow in the Spacebattles community? A: Yes, Spacebattles has a set of rules and guidelines that maintain a positive and productive atmosphere for all participants. These rules ensure respectful and constructive discussions, prohibit plagiarism and personal attacks, and set clear standards for acceptable content. It is important for users to familiarize themselves with these guidelines to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience on the platform.

Q: Is Spacebattles exclusively for experienced writers, or can beginners also benefit from it? A: Spacebattles warmly welcomes writers of all experience levels. The community appreciates diversity and understands the importance of nurturing talent and fostering growth. Beginners can learn from more seasoned writers, receive guidance, and improve their skills through exposure to a supportive and knowledgeable community. The forums provide a safe space for writers to experiment and develop their unique voices.

Q: How can one get started on Spacebattles? A: Getting started on Spacebattles is easy! Simply create an account on the website and explore the various sections and threads to find topics of interest. Engage in conversations, participate in writing challenges, and contribute to the community by sharing your work or providing feedback to others. The more active you are, the more you’ll benefit from the platform’s enriching environment.

Q: Can users connect with others outside the virtual realm of Spacebattles? A: Absolutely! While Spacebattles primarily exists as an online community, users often form connections that extend beyond the forum. The platform provides opportunities to collaborate on writing projects, exchange contact information for further discussions, or even meet likeminded writers in real life through conventions or local events. Spacebattles serves as a gateway to building lasting friendships within the writing community.

In conclusion, exploring the world of Spacebattles can unlock your creative potential, offering a unique platform for innovative writing. Join this community and let your imagination flourish!

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At Creative Writing Prompts, we believe in the power of words to shape worlds. Our platform is a sanctuary for aspiring writers, seasoned wordsmiths, and everyone. Here, storytelling finds its home, and your creative journey begins its captivating voyage.

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  • The serious stories, most notably the story written by Arkado which first appeared on the Spacebattles Creative Writing forum in early September 2010. There is also another story with a similar premise being written by Charles Bhepin, author of Shinji and Warhammer40k , under the title Lovehammer: The Scattering of Serenity , which went live on FF.net around the end of September 2010. Bhepin cites Arkado’s version as his inspiration.

However, in general Lovehammer begins during the Great Crusades just after the God-Emperor has finished vanquishing the warlords of Terra and united the planet under his rule. Several universes over, the Silver Millennium comes crashing down around Queen Serenity’s ears, and her attempts to reincarnate Princess Serenity and the Senshi are sabotaged by Chaos, which redirects the Senshi’s souls outside of time and space. Unfortunately for the Ruinous Powers, however, the infant Serenity lands practically in the Emperor’s lap ; sensing a power to rival his own, the Emperor promptly adopts the girl and raises her as his daughter. As the Emperor and the Princess search the galaxy for the lost Primarchs, they discover that Serenity's original guardians, the Senshi have come along as well. Usually as the partners, (adopted) family or even lovers of the very Primarchs they are searching for.

Now flash forward to the 41st Millennium. Princess Serenity is worshiped as the first child of the Emperor and the Senshi — called Anima by the citizens of the Imperium — are revered to the same degree as the Primarchs, but the galaxy is still much the same Grimdark battlefield that it is in canon, though there are numerous changes which make themselves apparent as the story goes on.

Our story begins when COMMISSAR CIAPHAS CAIN , HERO OF THE IMPERIUM! and the Valhallan 597th find themselves abruptly dispatched to the Death World Hades VI, where an ork space hulk has crash-landed and its contents have begun harassing the locals. The Valhallans have barely made landfall when the orks mount a major offensive, setting off a chain of events that leads Cain to stumble onto the lost resting place of Sailor Saturn, who went missing shortly before the Horus Heresy. In typical Cain fashion, the situation proceeds to escalate very quickly and very badly when the Ruinous Powers arrive in orbit intent on claiming the planet and snuffing out Saturn's life before she can adjust to her new surroundings. At the same time, other factions across the galaxy begin to react to Saturn's return, and none of them have her best interests in mind, not even the Imperium she serves...

This fanfic contains examples of:

  • Almighty Janitor : The Hades VI planetary defense forces are an entire Badass Army of Almighty Janitors . This is because they used to be Saturn's Royal Guard .
  • Badass Adorable : Hotaru, of course.
  • Badass Army
  • Badass Boast : This is like Captain Neodalis of the Saturn Royal Guard exhorts his troops in chapter 6: "Men! We stand before the Enemy of the Imperium. Before the Enemy of Him and His Daughter. We will not falter. We will not fall back. We will not fail. We will bathe them in the Holy Fires of His Wrath. We will spear them with the Light of His Wisdom. We will annihilate them with the Power of His Might. Jupiter be with us! We are the Thunder! We are the Lightning! We are Hades!" Captain Neodalis called out, his powerful voice carrying loud and clear along the pass.
  • Big Brother Mentor : The fandom's more conservative approach to Cain's relationship with Hotaru.
  • The Chains of Commanding : Cain and Kasteen, once faced with the *ahem* Saturnian Royal Guard . Later, Amberley, once she takes over getting Hotaru to safety, which is essentially heresy .
  • Civil War : What will likely happen once word of Hotaru's survival gets out, and what our heroes are trying to avoid at all costs.
  • Colonel Badass : Colonel Radev. There’s not much else you can call a man who kills a Bloodthirster with a Power Sword and The Power of Rock .

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  • Deader than Dead : Hotaru's command of the Silence allows her to do this to daemons, killing them permanently instead of just banishing them back to the Warp.
  • Defector from Decadence : What Operation Keep Messiah Alive is likely turning into.
  • Emotion Bomb : Hotaru, of the Getting Smilies Painted on Your Soul variety. Not that anyone's complaining.
  • Everybody's Dead, Dave : What Cain gets to explain to Hotaru, regarding her family.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water : Hotaru’s biggest issue; she’s exceptionally compassionate, idealistic, and she dislikes killing, which would be fine if she were still living before the Horus Heresy, but in the Grimdark 41st Millennium, those three traits are not conductive to a long life expectancy. However the ability to be a walking Exterminatus is.
  • Hammerspace : Cain thinks Hotaru keeps dropping her weapon someplace.
  • Healing Hands : Hotaru's nicer power is healing injuries through her hands.
  • Heroic BSoD : Hotaru goes through one of these after Cain breaks the news to her that the Imperium has gone to hell in a handbasket since she went to sleep.
  • Silently commented on by Amberley , later.
  • I Did What I Had to Do : Just about everyone . Except for Hotaru , of course.
  • In Spite of a Nail : At first glance, it seems as if little has changed from the regular 40K universe (in fact Ciaphas Cain and company are still around). The devil is in the details though: among other things, the Imperial Guard apparently treat Jupiter as its patron saint.
  • Irony : The Messiah is met with much Oh, Crap! from her own subjects. An Inquisitor calls in a Battle Barge of Space Marines to Exterminatus the planet with said Messiah on it . Another Inquisitor ends up leading the above mentioned Operation Keep Messiah Alive, which will be seen by many as Heresy against the Imperial Creed. This point of contention will likely trigger a Civil War. Isn't a Messianic Archetype supposed to be a good thing?
  • Knight Templar : Par for the course in 40K, naturally. But a shining example comes in the form of a Space Marine force commander who refuses to believe that anyone on the planet is anything other than a Chaos-worshiping Heretic. Not even when Hotaru shows up, and despite his own Chaplain's efforts to beat some sense into him .
  • Leg Focus : According Cain, Amberley's legs are very distracting.
  • Let's Get Dangerous! : Cain is briefly overcome by a very uncharacteristic zealous fervor when he realizes he's standing between a sleeping Senshi and a group of hostile orks.
  • Meaningful Name : The names of pretty much every Original Character introduced by the author are anagrams. Radev and Soudisi for instance.
  • Also played straight when the Hades PDF, originally thought as a joke by the Valhallans, reveal their first ace in the hole. A customized Baneblade variant with Plasma Cannons . When that proves to not be effective enough, they reveal their second. An Imperator Class Titan backed up by a dozen Baneblades .
  • Must Have Caffeine : The 597th ran out of tanna and didn't have time to restock before being sent to Hades VI, and Cain is not happy about this.
  • My Greatest Failure : Hotaru was originally put to sleep by the G Eo M because she screwed up a routine mission and had to Silence a planet to eliminate a Chaos insurgency.
  • Noodle Incident : Apparently Cain knows what it feels like to be hit over the head with a wet grox.
  • Oh, Crap! : The general reaction to Hotaru's existence in a world where, literally, Status Quo Is God .
  • Power Creep, Power Seep : Averted. Readers who are only familiar with the Sailor Moon anime might cry foul at the massive power-up the Senshi appear to have been given or scoff at the idea of Serenity being the Emperor's equal, but Arkado has explicitly based this story off of the manga continuity, which is both Darker and Edgier than the anime adaptation and significantly more hardcore insofar as Power Levels are concerned.
  • Puppy-Dog Eyes : Used to great effect by Hotaru, especially on Cain.
  • Reluctant Warrior : Hotaru tries to talk an ork out of fighting her at one point.
  • She Is All Grown Up : Hotaru is a bit older than she appears in Sailor Moon canon; Cain notes that she looks about sixteen-ish in a few places and judging from his description, she’s apparently filled out in all the right places.
  • Shoulder Cannon : Saturn's new fuku has a pair of twin-linked Hellguns mounted on each shoulder.
  • Darth Vader's Expy Colonel Radev who even does some of his quotes
  • Corporal Fordo greets the good Commissar while brandishing a DC-15A. "Standard equipment for ARC Troopers."
  • "This! Is! Hades!"
  • The Starscream : Depends on who you are and who's telling the story.
  • Status Quo Is God : A driving in-universe conflict, given all of the factions who do not need an Anima of the Imperium suddenly showing up.
  • Took a Level in Badass : All the Senshi, as mentioned above, are spoken of with the same reverence as the primarchs, though compared to their brothers they were apparently more spiritual leaders than they were great warriors and they don't have an equivalent force to the Space Marines . That's not to say they couldn't kick ass; Jupiter is apparently the patron saint of the Imperial Guard, and Hotaru — despite being fresh out of 10,000 years of cold sleep — is virtually a One-Man Army against orkish and Chaos forces.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist : Almost everyone, given the setting, but the most spectacular examples so far include the Saturnian Royal Guard ( who will follow the Anima, even if it means fighting the Imperium ), a bulk of the SpaceMarines ( who remain convinced that everyone from Hades VI, Hotaru included, are lying heretic scum like the Chaplain who realizes the truth ), and Amberley (who is so used to having to manipulate everyone that she goes behind Hotaru and even Ciaphas' backs to protect them all) .
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Wormfic. Do not post story ideas.

Why do spacebattles and sufficientvelocity not have a search by popular or highest rated for creative writing thread list? It only has weird stuff I don’t understand like “first message reaction score” and “last threadmark”.

Sure it has a sort by views but a lot of bad fics have high views just cus title reels I’m interested ppl


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    Spacebattles' Trending Stories (Weekly Stats about Creative Writing Subforum) Summertime Madness. Jan 22, 2024. Words: 12k. 1 ... 33 34 35. creative writing.

  2. creative writing

    Spacebattles' Trending Stories (Weekly Stats about Creative Writing Subforum) Hi Everyone, TLDR: Weekly Summary Statistics for Creative Writing posted every Monday Over the years of being a Spacebattle's member, I have noticed a lack of statistics about how stories are trending. It's hard to work out what stories are generating discussion or ...

  3. Creative Writing Archives

    Creative Writing Archives | SpaceBattles. New posts. Awards. New threadmarks. The tag system overhaul has now been fully applied to our Quests (interactive fiction) section! If you are running a quest, please check to make sure that the correct tags are added to your thread. If you are interested in interactive stories, check out our Quests ...

  4. Spacebattles' Trending Stories (Weekly Stats about Creative Writing

    Recent threadmarks Meta-analysis: Creative Writing Subforum Part 2 New Quest Analysis: Ashen Legacy Part 1 Meta-analysis: Creative Writing Subforum Part 1 Story Analysis: State of Competitive Questing Story Analysis: A Young Girl's Game of Throne Meta-analysis of Spacebattles Readers: Orochimama (Naruto SI) Story Analysis: Pound the Table | An X-Men Self-Insert Story Analysis: Ciaphas Cain ...

  5. SpaceBattles

    Creative Writing. For writers and readers of original and fan fiction! Post your stories for others to read and comment on. Criticism must be constructive. Threads 50.2K ... Link your SpaceBattles account to Discord for access to the official server! Sign up or login Forum statistics. Threads 623,320 Messages 49,001,304 Members

  6. Creative Writing

    Creative Writing Archives. For stories to be archived and/or posted without extraneous comments. Threads 603 Messages 14.6K. Threads 603 Messages 14.6K. Table of Indexes - A Thin Veneer - Chapters, Comments & Stats. Jun 15, 2024; kclcmdr; Worm. For all fan fiction related to the webnovel Worm and the Parahumans series by Wildbow. Threads 7.2K

  7. crossover

    Forum: Creative Writing Scenario discussion of what would happen if multiple space gates were opened in australia and connected that country to multiple worlds? Very well, this arose from a chat among friends after reading a well-known fanfic called Event Horizon, where a 22nd century land reaches various fantasy planets such as Middle Earth ...

  8. self-insert

    Forum: Creative Writing; A Certain Magical Battle Nun. Threadmarks: Chapter 1: False Start ... Hello this is my first time writing something or more like attempting it. But I think it will go alright. I hope that you guys can comment on the thing that needs to changed. All of it from the world to most of the characters belong to George R.R. Martin.

  9. Creative Writing

    Creative Writing is one of Spacebattles' more popular forums, and is the most popular in the creative forums. Aside from holding a number of more specific subforums, it serves as the primary repository of fanfiction threads on SB. Zero Shock. Bioshock/ZNT crossover. Written by rogue_vector...

  10. Platform / SpaceBattles.com

    SpaceBattles.com, often known as "SpaceBattles" or simply "SB", is a message board dedicated to geek culture and creativity. ... Includes a creative writing forum, a forum for story ideas and recommendations, and a forum for art and design. Creative Interaction: A section for interactive fiction creations by members of the site. Includes forums ...

  11. fanfiction

    A gloomy mountain, built with stacked rocks, stood in darkness, its solemn silence broken only by a faint orange glow emanating from a cave halfway up the slope. A man with black hair and eyes stared quietly at the flames in front of him. The firelight... Threadmarks.

  12. Creative Writing

    Creative Writing Archives. For stories to be archived and/or posted without extraneous comments. Threads 603 Messages 14.6K. Threads 603 Messages 14.6K. Table of Indexes - A Thin Veneer - Chapters, Comments & Stats. Jun 15, 2024; kclcmdr; Worm. For all fan fiction related to the webnovel Worm and the Parahumans series by Wildbow. Threads 7.2K

  13. How do you post on SpaceBattles? : r/FanFiction

    I've been trying to post my story on SpaceBattles but I fear I don't quite understand how to do so properly. What is the „Initial Thread", what is the „Thread haeder"? Could someone give me a step-by-step guide? Maybe im just being stupid. Help is much appreciated!

  14. Battle Fantasia Project (Fanfic)

    Hosted at the SpaceBattles Creative Writing Forum, it is a multi-author collaborative effort. At present the project is still mostly in the planning stages due to one author handling the entire first arc on his own, but numerous snippets of plot have been written by various authors and the thread broke the 100-page mark in just over a week.

  15. The Knights Errant (Fanfic)

    The Knights Errant is a RWBY fanfic written by Zam and hosted on the Spacebattles Creative Writing forum. The premise is simple: by way of a series of nails caused by circumstances outside their control, none of the main cast ever makes it to Beacon Academy. Blake's identity as a White Fang "agent" is leaked to Vale police, Yang gains a criminal record for smashing up Junior's club and is ...

  16. Unleash Your Imagination: Creative Writing Spacebattles

    A: Although creative writing is a prominent aspect of Spacebattles, the community also covers a wide range of other topics, including science fiction, video games, technology, and more. This diversity allows writers to draw inspiration from different sources and further expand their creativity in various areas.

  17. There Is No Epic Loot Here, Only Puns (Literature)

    There Is No Epic Loot Here, Only Puns (original title being Dungeon before "Mendeleev" provided a better name) is a piece of online original fiction by Stewart92 written on Spacebattles Creative Writing, starting in 2017.It was later also cross-posted to Royal Road ().. The story follows the adventures of a girl named Delta, who one day wakes up and discovers she's a dungeon core in a Role ...

  18. [META] Creative Writing at SpaceBattles.com (A good source for new

    I often keep an eye on CW on Spacebattles and their Index threads as well that keep track of (mostly good-ish) fanfics from elsewhere. My favorite fic currently being published on the Creative Writing forum is Overlady. While not particularly rational in any meaningful way, it is really well written - better than either parts of it's source ...

  19. Expand Your Creativity: Enter the World of Spacebattles for Innovative

    Spacebattles hosts several writing challenges like the "Story Seed Contest" where participants share intriguing concepts or premises, sparking a wave of creative responses. In the "Creative Writing Archive," users can find a wide range of short stories and serials crafted by talented writers in the community.

  20. Help with Space Battles : r/WormFanfic

    The first thing you need to realize is that SB started out as a discussion forum and Fanfic/creative writing was tacked on later. As such, as a fanfic platform, it is objectively trash. Tags are finicky and hardly ever used by anyone, there are very few sorting or filtering options, etc etc. ... SpaceBattles is harder to find specific works in ...

  21. Finding websites. : r/FanFiction

    Website link is here: SpaceBattles. You are looking specifically for Creative Writing, though the Story Ideas & Recommendations will also help you find stuff you're into. There are also Quests (who are incredibly intense, it's downright competitive), roleplays, and a lot of stuff that may or may not be related to fandom. Have fun! ...

  22. Lovehammer (Fanfic)

    The serious stories, most notably the story written by Arkado which first appeared on the Spacebattles Creative Writing forum in early September 2010. There is also another story with a similar premise being written by Charles Bhepin, author of Shinji and Warhammer40k , under the title Lovehammer: The Scattering of Serenity , which went live on ...

  23. Why do spacebattles and sufficientvelocity not have a search ...

    Why do spacebattles and sufficientvelocity not have a search by popular or highest rated for creative writing thread list? It only has weird stuff I don't understand like "first message reaction score" and "last threadmark". ... The new owner is a writer and is focusing on creative writing, so it probably will see improvement in the ...