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Speech on Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) (and message of Islam)

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There have been many biographies written and speeches given on Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) that have provided a glimpse of his life, the role that he played as a Messenger of God, and the message that he brought for mankind. However, the speech delivered by Jafar bin Abi Talib to the Christian king of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in the 7 th century to date is referenced as one of the most succinct and eloquent speeches that captured the moments of that era, and expressed the message of Islam concisely and clearly.

The First Muslim Migration to Abyssinia (Ethiopia)

The speech was delivered in the fifth year of Muhammad’s Prophethood. As we recall from the early days of Islam when Muslims were tortured, persecuted, and humiliated in many ways, a few Muslims emigrated to take refuge in Abyssinia (Ethiopia) that was ruled by Ashamah Negus (also known as al-Najashi), a Christian king. The prophet had known him as a fair ruler and thus had permitted the followers of Islam to take refuge in his kingdom.

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Makkans Send Envoys to Dissuade the Christian King

Makkah’s Quraish , who at the time were amongst the foremost in persecuting the new Muslims could not tolerate the Muslims living peacefully in the Christian kingdom. Hence, they made a last ditch effort to get those Muslims extradited to Makkah and sent two of their strongest envoys to demand their extradition. Those envoys were Amr bin Al-As and Abdullah bin Abi Rabia (the two embraced Islam a few years later). The two envoys took valuable gifts for the king and his clergy in the hopes of convincing the king to return the new Muslims. The pagan envoys demanded the Muslims’ extradition on grounds that they had abandoned the religion of their forefathers, and their leader (Mohammad) was preaching a religion different from theirs and from that of the king.

The Speech of Jafar bin Abi Talib to the Christian King

On hearing the claims against Muslims that the envoys had presented, the Christian king summoned the Muslims to his court. The Muslims selected Jafar bin Abi Talib to speak on their behalf. With silence in the court, Jafar bin Abi Talib stood up and addressed the king in the following words:

“O king! we were plunged in the depth of ignorance and barbarism; we adored idols, we lived in unchastity, we ate the dead bodies, and we spoke abominations, we disregarded every feeling of humanity, and the duties of hospitality and neighborhood were neglected; we knew no law but that of the strong, when Allah raised among us a man, of whose birth, truthfulness, honesty, and purity we were aware; and he called to the Oneness of Allah , and taught us not to associate anything with Him. He forbade us the worship of idols; and he enjoined us to speak the truth, to be faithful to our trusts, to be merciful and to regard the rights of the neighbors and kith and kin; he forbade us to speak evil of women, or to eat the substance of orphans; he ordered us to fly from the vices, and to abstain from evil; to offer prayers, to render alms, and to observe fast. We have believed in him, we have accepted his teachings and his injunctions to worship Allah, and not to associate anything with Him, and we have allowed what He has allowed, and prohibited what He has prohibited. For this reason, our people have risen against us, have persecuted us in order to make us forsake the worship of Allah and return to the worship of idols and other abominations. They have tortured and injured us, until finding no safety among them; we have come to your country, and hope you will protect us from oppression.” [Reference: Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum]

Click here to download the book: Muhammad’s Prophet hood, reality or myth

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It is quite obvious from the speech that it has stood the test of time and delivers the message of Islam today just as effectively as it did more than 1400 years ago. The eloquence of the speech leaves no doubt regarding the strength of the faith and clarity of the new Muslims’ understanding of Islam and the message brought by Allah’s messenger. This speech also serves as a reminder not just for us Muslims but also for those who are still struggling to get the message that Muhammad (peace be upon him) brought for mankind. ( Get the book on stories of the Quran here )


Other Reading:

  • Best Biography on Prophet Muhammad
  • Book on Islamic History of Shiite and Sunni
  • Quranic Duas on Healing and Shifa
  • 100+ Duas for Success
  • Click here to read stories from the Quran
  • Prohibition of Oppression in Islam
  • The Early History of Shia and Sunni

— End

Related Islamic posts:

  • First Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
  • Words of Wisdom by Ibn Al-Qayyim
  • The Quran and Allah on Prophet Muhammad (s)
  • Letter of Prophet Muhammad to Negus (Najashi) Calling him to Islam

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ASLK All, First of all I would like to thank you for providing this wonderful message from our beloved prophet Muhammad S.A.W(PBUH). Well as far as I am concerned I am not doing it; but inshallah hope Allah will give hidayat to me and inshaallah i will do it.

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The best and very touchable. Ya Rasulullah Ya Habibbullah.

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This is a grand speech but unfortunately in this present day of Islam the teachings of this are not being lived up to.

Women are enslaved in ‘supposed’ muslim countries and no one speaks up for them, hence, the media is having a field day with Islam bashing. That is the one example that glares at the world about this deen.

Where I live in the USA-they muslims are only social with their own culture and the new comer (me) does not have a place in their circle.

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Salaam my sister! So well said! It´s like you read my thoughts mash´Allah. I agree with you fully and as a practising Muslimah, it saddens me beyond belief that the best sisters I know are the ones suffering the most. Why, because of the behaviour of their families and how the value of a woman is close to nothing among Muslims. In Islam, the woman is so valued that I think not even the brothers can match up. However, among Muslims…no.

The worst thing is, these families claim their doing islamic things but no, they´re not. We´re once again back to Jahiliyya and if you research on it, it is in Muslim countries that daughters are considered the worst “gift” one can get. I´m extremely sorry to say all this but I´m so tired of the way my fellow Muslims are behaving. Wassalaam, sister Cas.

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Asalamu alaikum wrwb, to all the new sisters And brothers who have come to Islam Masha’ Allah ! Allah had guided you all to Islam for a reason so do not be disheartened and stay strong in your faith continue to seek knowledge of your deen and make duaa believe me Allah will guide you.

Dear Sister Fatimah & Sonja Salam Alaikum,

It is sad to know of the neglect of our community to new brothers and sisters.We have the best religion and message but we are the worst followers of that message. The fault is with we the followers not the message.

We should be helping our new brothers and sisters in Islam who are the true muslims as they have come to the fold of Islam on the inspiration of Allah and not got Islam as their inheritance. I am ashamed sisters, that we are not doing anything for you and probably because of this Allah is testing the Ummah collectively.

I am in Australia, so can’t be of much help to you, but is there an Internet forum for new converts to Islam where we can share some thoughts with you. Please let me know as that will also help me in helping someone else.

Praying for your success in Islam and for the whole Ummah of Prophet (PBUH). Your brother in Islam.

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AsalamoAlkum Dear Sis Fatimah

I hope the grand speech above will wake up Muslim Nation. I am sorry to hear we Muslims are not following Islam as we should, mostly lack of knowledge in Islam has lead people to oppression and resorting to terror and isolations and fearing others, instead of Allah, but it will all change soon, InShaAllah.

Please join us as our Brother Harun Yahya is trying very hard to spread Islam through intellect struggle and wants all Muslims to unite and speak for Justice, Peace and equal rights for women. I am supporting him in his quest and we are trying to enlighten people to truth n pure Islam without traditions which people are buried in deep and its time to came out of darkness and practise true Islam and teaching of our Prophet Mohammed PBUH who was Mercy for all Mankind and loved all women very much. Can I please suggest if you would like to join Harun Yahya Website and Facebook where all Brothers in Sisters are welcomed and have freedom of speech and equal rights for men n women as in Islam and encouraged to strive against oppression and demand for their rights for all. MaShaAllah our Brother Harun is very eloquent man and on a intellect struggle to spread Islam by Peace n Justice for all and I support him in his all works and you will be most welcome to join us. Allah bless you and Guide us all.

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Who do you think should live the teachings of Islam for you when you Muslim decided to migrate from it’s core values and teachings? How many women (and Men as well) live their lives by the dictates of Islam? How can one operates outside the parameters of a system and still expect to find solutions to her or his problems within it’s scope? Fatima should be Fatima please!!!

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Salaam sisters and brothers, I am also a new Moslem – from New Zealand. I am happy to say the born Moslem sisters and brothers have been very welcoming to me. Sometimes overwhelmingly so. I had been dreaming about living in a Moslem country, thinking that all would be like paradise there. Sadly I have discovered that many of these countries no-longer live the Islamic way. And I have decided to stop calling myself Moslem, and start calling myself a Follower of Islam. There is a huge difference.

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MashaAllah, it’s just in time to remind ourselves not to be spoiled, because the more we live the more fitnas we see. It’s really not easy to keep our hearts clean, we need to help each other, because no one else will help us to reach Jannat. Very good djazakha Llahu kheir

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As Salamu Alaykum.

Jazak Allah Khair. Every word and deed and even the name helps increase my Iman and I thank you for it.

Truly Alhumdolillah, that He made us Muslims.

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SubhanAllah, the people who accepted Islam by Will & Guidance of Allah (swt) & followed teachings of Allah’s Last Prophet Muhammad (sws), were so focussed & paid attention to detail. Even Prophet Muhammad (sws) last speech on Arafat. Their speeches covered the essence of the whole story in few short sentences & yet powerful enough to effect whoever heard it & could not help not only sympathize but revert to Islam because they told The Haq/The Truth. SubhanAllah & Al-Hamulillah. We need to learn from them to spread Islam, sympathize, be kind & help each other. Specially with new Muslameen. Women need & should be at the forefront starting with the children & especially girls who will teach their children when they become mothers, InshAllah, Ameen.

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As’salamu-alikum! Muslim Brothers & Sisters

Masha-Allah it was a mind blowing mssg, may ‘Allah’ s.w.t. guide us & correct our thinking, to follow the religion of islam & sunna of Prophet Mohammed s.a.w.s. in true sense – ameen.


MashAllah! That was very impressive and touching! It reminds me of how we are living today and the way we are actually supposed to live–treat each other, take the sincerity in prayer, fasting, and donations.

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Thank you for this thought provoking message. I have not read any Islamic text as precise, coincise and that captured the essence of Islam and the message of our dear Prophet Muhammad SAW. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. May Allah reward Jaffar bin Abi Talib and all others of that early era of Islam, with paradise. Perhaps if muslims will be as courageous, keep to the teaching of Islam and God fearing like our brothers of that era, Islam would have been far from what it is today. We are all guilty but we do not have any excuse not to leave by the teaching of Islam. Let us all ponder over this message and change our ways before the wrath of the Almighty Allah befall us. May Allah forgive us and protect Islam and muslims all over the world

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Very inspiring speech.It shows what real Islam is.I agree with Fatimah when she says that today there is a lot of discrimination against new Muslims.My wife and I are new Muslims and we have been looking for an Islamic institution to enroll in and study Islam but in [email protected]

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Assalam-O-Alaikum Brothers and Sisters This speech given by Jafar bin Abi Talib truly inspires us, no doubt in it, What he did by delivering the message to christian king, giving precise and correct picture of Islam is one thing which each and every followers of Islam should strive to do. Bcoz considering today’s scenario our non-Muslims brothers and sisters have a wrong notion regarding Islam and their followers. May Allah give all of us strength, Hidaya and sabr to forward his beautiful message to all of the mankind that has been passed to us. Ameen

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very touching indeed. so precise, instructive and to the point. my sympathy to the couple who are new converts and no one to guide them. That seems to be a real problem everywhere. maybe you can go to your nearest mosque, or Islamic library for information.

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thanks alot for your inspirational text messages which remind us from time to time the purpose of our existance. May Allah increase your knowledge and ability to disperse it .

Mashallah, what a GRAND speech…. If only their true beliefs would enter into every muslim heart!!! HOW STRONG WOULD WE BE????

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Assalamualaikum. MashaAllah – A very thought provoking speech. It defines the meaning of Islam very clearly. A speech worth circulating to non-muslims as well. It would deffinitely give them a true picture too. JazakAllah

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Asalam alaikum. What an inspiring speech! The best speech I have received in recent time, it defines clearly the purpose of our existence in this world. May God give us the strength, will and wisdom to practice all that have been preached. Cheers to all.

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I don’t know why I sometimes find it hard to explain to people about the teachings of Islam and Prophet Muhammad even if I am among Muslims. The speech given by Jafar Bin Abi Talib is so simple yet well versed that I would be surprised if anyone (especially among us Muslims) can still have trouble understanding it. After all nowdays in the era of understanding we should not limit ourselves from the wealth of knowledge made available to us by God. I hope everyone should free themselves from any uncertainty and believe in God and His Messenger wholly. May God bless…

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Assalamualikum wrb,

Thanx for sharing the speech. It is the raw truth about our Great Religion and must be considered while doing even the smallest things of life. Unfortunately today we have incorporated all the Haraam customs and traditions like those we see in marriages and parties, photography n videos, mixing of men and women, lack of hijaab, music and songs (even in cellphones in mosque), love and friendships amongst the teenagers, unnecessary talk, television depicting haraam objects(even looking at non mahram male or female is haraam), lack of interest and faith in prayers n so on….Shaitaan has slowly n carefully planned the intuition of all haraam and evil things and made it appear as a routine thing…we ourselves are not aware how much we r sinning each day knowingly or unknowingly. May Allah protect us and our generations from all the evil created by our biggest enemy iblees and his companions. Praise be to Allah and peace be upon our messenger prophet mohammed sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Jazakallah khair

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Assalamu alaikkum to all, Its quite interesting to know about this story. Eager to read the rest of the story also. Pls. publish.

Vassalam, habiba

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Simply awesome.It leaves no space for anyone to have ill feelings towards ISLAM. Wish we could say the same for the bulk of present days’ MUSLIMS

Allahu a’lam

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A truly beautiful speech given by the sahaba Br.Jaffar. I feel sad for sister Fatima and Br. Ibrahim. Please reach out to your local mosques. You are so lucky to have mosques in the U.S. Here in Australia I am isolated because there is no mosque close to where I live. Nor do I know any Muslims in my area. I communicate with a Muslim lady via email. May ALLAH S.W.T. help us increase our Ibaadat and stay on the path of Islam, which is so peaceful and logical. May our children and their children follow Islam as perfectly as the RasoolALLAH S.A.W. May ALLAH Subhana Wa Taala forgive our sins and guide us to the righteous path Ameen.

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In this world, we find difficulties and lots of sufferings, yet those who stand still in the name of Allah remain stable (inshaAllah) and living with peace. I am very proud and lucky to be part of this ummah, who worship Allah alone. Islam is the way, this is the way going to Jennah, a way of life and a way what our prophet Mohammad (SAW) instructed us. May all the blessings of Allah be with us.

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Salam. Thank you for sharing with us this wonderful message of Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. It will serve an enlightenment for all of us.

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Assalam alaikum very inspring speech it has touched my heart and sense it is a message for todays mullahs,preachers

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Assalam alaikum, You have published one part of the speech, Can you publish other part when Amr bin Al-As posed other question regarding our belief in Prophet Eisa a.s. that we do not believe him to be son of God, which will help us to explain our religion to Christians.

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A great piece of information to share. While we all would want to do something for Islam, i think most of us do not know how to start. The reason for this is we ourselves are not convinced with so many things. We are confused between our social life and religious thoughts. We do not make an attempt to understand Islam and thus fail to accept it fully and express discomfort when it comes to sharing with non muslims. I was a working women, not knowing many details of Islam, I started reading quran with the meanings and now I observe hijab and follow as many things as possible which are fardh and sunnah. We fear embarassment and think that we will be out numbered if we talk about our practices in todays modern world. But brothers and sisters remember, its Allah who bestows us with pride or insult. He is khaliq. It will hardly take a fraction of a second for him to convert one and all to muslims. He just wants to give us a chance. Best way to spread Mohammed the prophet s(PPBUH) message is to practice with full faith and belief. See how Allah supports you. JAZAK ALLAH KHAIR

Subhan-Allah one of the most time tested speech. In few sentences it gives enormous information about the Pre-Islamic and most importantly the transition phase from Pre-Islamic to Islamic phase. But Alas! even after 1400 years many of the ill practices figured out in the speech is still found in muslim today. The reason is very simple ………WE MUSLIM ARE DEVIATED FROM THE TEACHING OF ISLAM. WE HAVE WEAK FAITH ( IMMAN) AND DO NOT USE REASONING/RATIONAL. TO REVIVE THE TRUE SPIRIT OF IMMAN WE HAVE TO REVIVE THE CONCEPTUAL ISLAM AND MUST COME OUT OF THE RITUALISTIC ISLAM.

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It is a summary of what a muslim should be. Very timely as a reminder and wake up call in this time of confusions and negligence.

masha Allah

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Assalam-o-alaikum, First of all I would like to appreciate the effort made behind posting the speech. It is indeed the call of time that we muslims are taught about the tenets of Islam, so that we don’t fall into the days of Jahiliya after the relevation. please post the reply of king Najashi as well, who was also influenced by the boldness and audacity of the new muslims and the message of Islam

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This speech is too good to read it only once

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Assalamu’alaikum ya brothers and sisters “This is a touching speech.” Please I will like to make comments also on contributor No. 3. That the culture of ISLAM is ONE and I am happy she is in the light now. All she could do is to try and acustom her self to the culture of ISLAM and she will find it much easier to be in their circle for ever. May ALLAH strengthen you more into ISLAM with knowledge.

Mashaallah…. very touching and inspiring speech… Must say, it says so much about Islam and its teachings… Just pray that people who have misused the religion name to do wrong things, may Allah show them the right path..aameen

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ASALAAM O ALAIKUM! with the depths of my heart would i like to thank iqrasense for spreading such a beautiful and friutful message of our beloved Prophet ( sallahu alaihi wa aleyhi wasallam). i am in no position of saying that i have enduered the true essence of Islam, but struggling to do so. i simply require hidayaa from my lord from the light spread by HIS true Messenger( sallahu alaihi wa aleyhi wasallam). but i would like to share that such mails n messages simply refreshes our belief, which is more than required these days. may you carry on the good job that u are already doing. Jazzak ALLAH. Wassalaam

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Masha Allah. If we read the biographies of the sahabas and those followers of Islam during the time the prophet (saws) was still alive, we can really say that they have been given by Allah (swt) great minds. Muslims in the early times are using the talents given to them by Allah (swt) by doing what our prophet and what the qur’an is teaching. Sub’hanallah, even on little mistakes, they feel broken. If Muslims today would have the same conviction and discipline as the Muslims before, we would be successful in our mission of propagating Islam.

We should even be ashamed calling ourselves Muslims if we do not do what the qur’an and the hadith of the prophet (saws) are telling us. Let us stand the pillars of Islam. Why is it so hard for many Muslims to pray 5 times a day or to give charity or to fast? I’m sad seeing Muslims doing shirk and celebrating ocassions not allowed in our religion like celebrating birthdays and joining parties.

Alhamdulillah, I belong to a community where Muslims are constantly reminding each other to forbid what is wrong and enjoin what is right. And I have a husband who is always reminding me to always think of death and the hereafter.

I am a convert and I am praying to Allah that one day Insha Allah, my siblings and father would embrace Islam. They will be happier in this world and in the hereafter.

For those who wants to communicate with me, I’ll be willing to give my email add insha Allah.

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we all know the story and it is and always will be a great one. to those who feel there is a ‘but’ to the story or lesson, stop thinking like west, east or where-ever it is that you’re from. think like a muslim, live and behave like you should, etc and you won’t need to seek acceptance from groups. find contentment within your own life-and-practice and you’ll see things getting better. remember only ALLAH(swt) is perfect. FATIMA (3) I hope you you don’t lose heart because Jannah is yours if you stay true to yourself. remember, a hand full of power seekers and whatever is in the media does not represent ISLAM. you have the example of the Prophet (saw) and the Quran as your guide.

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Masha Allah, May the peace and blessing of Allah be on Prophet Muhammad (SAW). See the wisdom of islam and remember this happened more than 1430 years ago. Subhanallahh

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I’ve gained immensely from the message and inspired by the valid but indicting comments by brothers & sisters.

I sincerely see it as a challenges to ALL of us who ALLAH in his mercy bless us with the provoking message. I think one of the wisdom behind it, is for each of us to heed, abstain and refocus the remaining days of our lives living by the Islamic values. I’ll encourage all of us to be observing Sallat at its time, and, Allah in his mercy will make it easy for us to live a successful life. What bad will happen to us if we stop music & unethical TV programs in our houses??? If men lower their gaze and women wear Hijab peace will begin to set in our soceity.

To the new Muslims, Alhamdu lil lah. Please be patient with the situation you find yourself, Allah is with the patient servants. As some comments suggest, many of the Muslims now adays lack the required sense of community and understanding of brotherhood.

May Allah’s RAHMA be with ALL of us amin.

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Asalamualaikum; the message delivered by our beloved rasuallah is haqq n this is the way of Allah which he promised all muslims that if they follow and obey this message it leads to Jannah

but unfortunatetly we muslims are more involved in this world which will be destroyed by Allah, we are not bothered about that we have to face Allah on the judgmnt day, when he (Allah) will be in his full anger.

the message bought by our Rasuallah is came to us with lots of sacrifice, so brothers and sisters please dont ignore the message of Rasuallah and pray for whole humanity, may Allah fogive us all and give us Jannah

Jaza Khalla khair, in fact a beautiful and motivating speech which is applicable to all of us brothers and sisters which has been new to the Muslim Umma.

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May Allah bless u and give u more wisdom to built up on ur efforts

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MASHALLAH a very precise message delivered by Ja’far bin Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) which still holds it validity after 1400 years or so. SO what are the lesson learned. Ja’far Bin abi Talib a muslim for just few years can have that courage and faith to talk to the king of Abyssinia about Islam, so what excuse we have the born muslims not to deliver this message to every that we interact in our daily lives. Brother and Sisters this time will pass anyway, but if you want to be successfull in this duniya and the hereafter you have to deliver this message, and should consider it as your first and foremost priority. Allah (SWT) does not require you and me to stand for His (SWT) Deen, if He (SWT) want to protect and propogate His (SWT) deen He (SWT) can get the job done by any of His (SWT) creation, may be ants, birds, Bees etc etc. Just remeber the story of the Hud Hud (the bird) that was in Suleman (May Alllah be pleased with him) kingdom who was so concerned about the nation of Sabah that she flew to Suleman (AS) and informed Him that she saw a nation that worship fire and not the Allah of Suleman (AS). So what excuse you are going to put forward to Allah (SWT) on the day of judgement when He (SWT) is going to raise that bird infront of Ummah that if she can do the job why can’t you. So brother and sisters time is running out on us, so please my humble request to you that which ever capacity you are in talk to you colleagues, clas mates, your staff, your bosses, your business associates about Islam. We in the west have more responsibility on our shoulder. I pray to Allah (SWT) that Allah (SWT) give us strength to stand for His deen and propogate it in its true spirit.

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now a days we muslims are sleeping but our eyes are open.We see but we pretend not to see.we hear but we pretend not to this kind of messages keeps optimum value for whole muslim ummah.

SubanAllah We Muslims being tested, Wake up call for all Muslims, end to all sufferings and Justice, Peace and Harmony for all Mankind. Ignorance is not a bliss, We Muslims need to educate our Nation and enlighten them to Truth and Pure Islam, it is our obligation. Allah says “Have they not travelled about the earth and do they not have hearts to understand with or ears to hear with? It is not their eyes which are blind but the hearts in their breasts which are blind.” (Surat al-Hajj, 46). Pray people will speek for Justice n Peace and Love and Fear Allah, InShaAllah. Allah Guide us all.

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It is indeed a reminder to all muslim ummah,May ALLAH continue to protect islam and muslim ummah.Ammen

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Alhamdulillah, May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala reward you abundantly for this good deed. However, a token of remembrance to us all is the Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW, wherein he said ‘None of you would be a True Believer until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself’ Let us imbibe this simple Hadith and the World would be a better place for all the Muslim Ummah

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MASHALLAH a very precise message delivered by Ja’far bin Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) the message delivered by our beloved rasuallah is haqq n this is the way of Allah which he promised all muslims that if they follow and obey this message it leads to Jannah.

I have been a muslim for nearly 3 years. As stated in an earlier statement. New comers have nowhere to go to bound with sisters as for they stay in their own communities and keep to themselves.

I say to us all if we are to continue to grow all over the world we have to be there for those reaching out / knocking on the door. It is our duty. Allah loves us all

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What a powerful speech full of meaning and very clear, Gave the right meaning of Islam in couple sentences with a clear , comprehensive and simple style.May allah reward the publisher for this good deed.

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May Allah whom to belong all the Glory and Honor reward those behind this good deed. It serves as a reminder to all of us. What a powerful speech full of meaning and very clear, Gave the right meaning of Islam in couple sentences with a clear , comprehensive and simple style.May allah reward the publisher for this good deed.

I think the whole world should be made to have a look at this message (speech) so that they will truly understand the message of Islam

I am PROUD to be a MUSLIM.

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Asalam Alayiakom waramatuallahhe wabarakatu

Mash’Allah! Mash’Allah . . . that speech was beautiful, It meaning of Islam was very clear. Alhumduallah. Inshallah I will FWD it to my family and friends. Jazakallah khir

Dear brothers and sisters, you will agree with me that the speech captured the whole essence of Islam.The contemporary muslim is faced with many challenges,these ranges from political,social,economic to educational challenges.unlike in the past,we seems not to know the religion itself any longer.I believe there is a need for a reawakening worldwide.there is a need to stress three esseence of Islam-Iman,sincerity and love.We need to have Iman-the prophet(saw)spent the better part of the message teaching the companions about Iman.then we have to be sincere about islam.we are muslims-we are intelligent reasonable,social,peaceful,organised and determined. though it is difficult,but we must try and live as muslims,our means of livelihood must be halal and finally,we need to love our muslims brothers and sisters world wide.there is nothing like nationhood in islam what we have is brotherhood.

Barakallahu fii, what an inspiring message that remind us of our obligation in the deen. Jazakallahu Khaeran

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All Praise To Allah (SWT). Sincere thanks to the effort that you have put in this Iqrasense. We just can’t sit here and wait for things to happen. We have to show the world what ISLAM really means to people and its clearly stated in this Prophet (PBUH) Message. May Allah gives us what needs to be given inorder to be a good muslim.Ameen

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Assalamu alaikum. The words of Ja’far bin Abu Talib (radiallahu anhu) is so short and concised. Islam today have alot of challenges from opposition. We muslims need to adhere to the teachings of quran and hadith of the prophet.

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asalam alaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatu. first and foremost there is no doubt that Prophet Muhammad SAW is and will always remain to be the most influential person to ever walk on the surface of the earth. You may be an antheist or an agnostic; or you may belong to any of the religious denominations that exist in the world today. You may be a communist or a believer in democracy and freedom. No matter what you are, and no matter what your ideological and political beliefs, personal and social habits happen to be – you must still know this man. islam is such a beautiful religion, its such a shame that even the muslims in today’s society cant see that, henceforth thay are lead astray. “may Allah swt give us all hidayah and help us to spread LAILLAHA ILLALLAH MUHAMMAD RASOOLULLAH!

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This is a wonderful speech. Am only sad that, most of us(muslims) are not even taking a single step to follow the message of Allah delievered by our Prophet Mohammad S.A.W(PBUH). Actually if you think about it, the message to us, is to bring peace within us, if we follow Allah’s message, there will not be any FITNA amongst us because after-all, we are all brothers and sisters in the end. I just pray for those who are still not following the message of Allah, to start today and not to wait for tomorrow after-all we never know when we will depart this world, and we have to take only our good deeds with us and nothing else and that(good deeds) only will help us in Al Akhera and nothing else.

May God Bless Us All (Ameen).


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Assalam alaekum, Jazakum llaha for bringing the message back for all muslims. I pray Almighty Allah (SAW) will assist we muslims of today to emulate those early muslims. We are too distracted to face our primary assignment in this world. I am not complying with all injuctions of Allah(SAW) but I thank Him for making my conscience to be alive. If one conscience is alive, one will readily realise a mistake the moment itis committed and one will feel sorrowful about it. For the newly converted accept what comes youyr way. You did not convert to be recognised by anybody other Allah (SAW) and He will surely reward you for it. Let we all muslims accept ourselves as brothers and sisters. Alla h(SAW) is , Islam is one. Lets all hold on together as one.

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Ma sha ALLAH. But the speech is incomplete. may the blessing of ALLAH be on MUHAMMAD(SAW)

what a beautiful speech.more christians should come to know about this.there is too much negative publicity against moslems and I think its not fair.they do not publish any negativity against christianity or christ whom I now see is one of their prophets too.

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To my knowledge all the messengers of almighty is choosen by god to guide the humans and jinns in the straight path.

all reveletions are true in its original form.

unfortunately humans made changes to previous revelations.

as muslims we believe in all the messengers of the almighty are true and their teachings also true as long as it is remain its original form.

Quran is the final revelation.

in Quran a chapter is named Maryam.

Maryam is Mary ( peace be upon her) the mother of Jesus (peach be upon him).

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Assalamu Alaikkum wr wb.

The speech s the kernel of Islam. If non muslims read this all over the world a phenomenal change will happen.

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Irrespective of Centuries, the speech is alive and instigates the truth to be practiced to reach Allah as conveyed by Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.S). This answers most of the queries of new entrants in to Islam and strengthens Iman of all of us.

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Assalamu Alaikkum.A great speach that even after centuries admires the beleivers and even the non muslims.the speach shows the full iman of the sahaba.every one should try to become like him.thank u

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it was a great speech delivered by a great man. muslims on earth have to read and learn from this message. may Allah bless those who brought this message back to life. jaza ka allahu khiaran

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“The question for Muslims today is whether they are living that message?” A very pertinent question. The message conveyed in the speech is simple and clear. There can be no doubt about its effectiveness as well. Still why does it become difficult for many Muslims to live that message? Are we too lazy to make the required effort? Are we so enamored by this world that we can’t think of making a few personal sacrifices that might be required in practicing the virtues encouraged by Islam? Are we blinding ourselves to the stark reality of the brevity of this life and the eternity of the life of the Hereafter? May Allah Grant all Muslims of the world the right perspective and May He (Subhanahu wa Ta’la) reward those who shared this speech with us with His Blessings, for awakening us. Aameen

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mashallah, very inspiring story, as a new convert. i am still seeking knowledge, and through Allah’s help, i pray to stay on the path of rightousness, may the blessings of allah be you all. ameen.

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This speech reflects the true spirit of Islam that we need to learn and propagate, while forgetting our minor differences.

God reward you for reminding us as always with this very important message of the Prophet. Islam is truly the only religion in the universe that till date has not changed and will never change. Imagine a speech delivered about 1400 years back is still very relevant in this present dispensation. May Allah guide us aright and protect our religion from these devils as mentioned in the holy Quran. Ameen

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We always thank for your effort by reminding us about our regilion, may God help your through life.

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Islam from what I understand preaches peace, learn to tolorate other who don’t share your religious belief, if some silly person mis-quotes or mis-represents your religion you don’t need to kill innocent people, instead I believe you should educate the individual(s) so that they can learn from their folly and amend their way(s). If we all go after each other at the slightest provocation then we will cease to exist and I don’t see how this will be beneficial to you if you intend spreading the word and teachings of your holy prophet. He was a man who preached peace. May the Peace of God Almighty which passeth all understanding be upon us all.

The greatest misservice we are doing to Islam is our intolerance nature. The Prophet never preached intolerance of non Muslims and harmless persons or turning against a visitor to your country. Why aren’t we crying out loud at the waywardness of our Muslim brothers and sisters in the Arab world? when you turn on most Arab stations this days, you don’t see any manifestation of the prophets teachings, rather, you see The Jahilliyya Period staring at you and you begin to wonder what the cry is all about when the very same people that take to the streets because of our dear Prophet don’t even follow His Teachings!!!!

May Allah surely reward you here and thereafter.

Salam I hope everybody that read the speech has learned something out of it and should be applied in our daily lives. We Muslims have to practice the teaching of the Prohet Mohammed(S.A.W.S) and to educate non Muslim and not to distance ourselves from them. To sister Fatima, I will say you are not alone but do not give up the practice of Islam as much as Islam preaches against discreminition, it still exist in Islam unfortunitly and I will sugest you get intouch with your local Musjeed and they will direct you to a lot of wonderful resources that can help you Inshah-Allah.

thanks our brother for sharing us this very spectacular story. really it is very impressive message that never be obsolete at any stage of human history. the moment I finished reading the story, several things came to my mind. first, I was highly touched how our prophate was diplomat and managed smartly and peacefully with their neighbors and followers of othere faith. second the speech delivered by Jafar was constructive and convincing at that time of jahilya or ignorance. third, how the king of abyysinia was wise, legal and moral guy and never used to kneel down to the bribes of jahil people. fourt, the speech delivered and the king’s reaction in response to it, apparently convey the message how that generations were tolerant to the values of one another. fifth, our current leaders should remid such magnificent story to build tolerances and fraternity among religions instead of being a poodle for some western governments. sixth, I m extremely fascinated on how justice was served by that great habesha king amid that dark era.

Alhamdulillah,,,for allah to make as muslim. thanks my allah..

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First of all thank you for sharing this. Hope we can understand Islam better and can make people all over the world understand Islam and Muslims better too, Amiiin…. P.S I do not understand why some people like to abbreviate the word Assalamualaikum become ASA or ASAK????? – loosing the meaning, isn’t it??? If it felt too long to write “Assalamualaikum”, we can just say “Salam”, right??? 🙂 Sorry if I am wrong…..

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ASALAAM O ALAIKUM! with the depths of my heart would i like to thank iqrasense for spreading such a beautiful and friutful message of our beloved Prophet ( sallahu alaihi wa aleyhi wasallam).

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may allah bless our beloving prophet (SAW) and may allah inshallah guide us to the right path.

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Assalamu Aleykum, Jazakumullah khairen for your effort on spreading the religion of truth, May Allah the Almighty be pleased with you and help you on your mission.

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Alhamdulillah,,,for allah to make as muslim.with the rock bottom of my spirit thank iqrasense for spreading such a beautiful message.

(Who knows death to be certain, yet does not take it seriously; Who believes in hell, [but still] commits sin;( Hazrat Usman RA) we all must should think about next destination … and do well things

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In my country, women are not generally allowed to attend mosque. so, though highly curious to know such messages; not sure about its dessimination among general citizen! Eeven I myself didn’t know of such a nicely & precisely expressed sermon! Hope in my Mosque rich country, mosque attendance would know it.

If today’s Muslims want to remain as Muslims, identify with true Islam and enter the same similar Paradise that Ja’afar aspired, they should be as focused, as knowledgeable and as courageous as Ja’afar!. Islam is best represented/practiced by those who understands it, have deep knowledge of it and are ever proud to be associated (identify) with it comes rain comes shine!. May Allah shower us with unmerited favors to enable practice Islam as required.

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may ALLAH bless all of us

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Alhamdulillah your blogs are very good. They teach us alot about Islam n of how we shud also follow SAW n become a true muslim.

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This is very good and I hope everyone follows this Prophet Muhammad (SAW) message inshallah. Please people do inshallah.

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The most perfect and beautiful Prophet of Allah our beloved Muhammad Mustapha (SAW) and the purest message ever.

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Alhamdulillah, the message is still enriching and adapted to the present realities. It is we the MUSLIMS that are not living as a TRUE MUSLIMS. Our attitude is unIslamic and I pray we change and a sincere Muslim life and behave as preached and demonstrated by my beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). I thank you all for re production of these messages.

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Unfortunately, the problem of the muslims today is that we are completely ignorant of the teachings of our deen. How many of us have taken time to read, understand and ponder about the personality of our noble Prophet(SAW)? May Allah give us the ability and wisdom to truly comprehend, understand and practise our deen, ameen.

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ASSALAAMU ALAIKUM JAZAK ALLAH KHAIRAN! You refresh our minds and religion.It is the gift of ALLAH SUBHANO WATA AALA,to whosoever keep on the right path.May ALLAH SUBHANO WATA AALA guide us and include us among pious muslim AAMEEN

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Prophet Muhammad’s Last Sermon: A Final Admonition

Description: the last sermon of prophet muhammad which he delivered at hajj, the annual pilgrimage made to mecca by muslims all over..

  • By Amatullah Abdullah (edited by
  • Published on 05 Mar 2007
  • Last modified on 18 Oct 2015
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God says in the Quran that he was sent as a mercy for the people of the world.

"We sent thee not save as a mercy for the peoples." (Quran 21:107)

His Prophetic Mission began at the age of forty, circa 610 C.E., and continued until 632 C.E.  From the path of ignorance, mankind was lead to the straight path and was blessed with the guidance of God.

Shortly before his death, Prophet Muhammad delivered a sermon during the Hajj , which came to be known as his "Final Sermon".  This final sermon was not only a reminder to his followers, but also an important admonition.  The final sermon confirms the end of his Prophetic Mission.

Year 10 A.H.  of the Islamic Calendar is considered to be one of the most significant years for three reasons.  Firstly, this was the year when the Prophet delivered his Last Sermon during his farewell pilgrimage to Mecca.  Secondly, this was the year where a number of deputations came to the Prophet to announce their Islam as well as their tribes.  Thirdly, it was the golden period of Islam when multitudes of people embraced the faith by accepting the message of the Prophet.

Prophet Muhammad undertook his farewell pilgrimage in the year 10 A.H.  His farewell pilgrimage to Mecca is one of the most significant historical events in the minds of Muslims, for it was the first and last pilgrimage made by Prophet Muhammad, as well as being the model for performing the fifth pillar of Islam, the Hajj .

Prophet Muhammad’s final sermon was delivered during the Hajj of the year 632 C.E., the ninth day of Dhul Hijjah, the 12th month of the lunar year, at Arafat, the most blessed day of the year.  There were countless Muslims present with the Prophet during his last pilgrimage when he delivered his last Sermon.

The Final Sermon:

After praising, and thanking God, the Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, said "O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again.  Therefore, listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today.

O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust.  Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners.  Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you.  Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your deeds.  God has forbidden you to take usury (interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived.  Your capital, however, is yours to keep.  You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequity.  God has Judged that there shall be no interest, and that all the interest due to Al-Abbas ibn Abd’el Muttalib shall henceforth be waived...

Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion.  He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.

O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you.  Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under a trust from God and with His permission.  If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness.  Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers.  And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste.

O People, listen to me in earnest, worship God, perform your five daily prayers, fast during the month of Ramadan, and offer Zakat.  Perform Hajj if you have the means.

All mankind is from Adam and Eve.  An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have any superiority over a white; [none have superiority over another] except by piety and good action.  Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood.  Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly.  Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.

Remember, one day you will appear before God and answer for your deeds.  So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.

O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me, and no new faith will be born.  Reason well, therefore, O people, and understand words which I convey to you.  I leave behind me two things, the Quran and my example, the Sunnah, and if you follow these you will never go astray.

All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and it may be that the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly.  Be my witness, O God, that I have conveyed your message to your people."

Thus the beloved Prophet completed his Final Sermon, and upon it, near the summit of Arafat, the revelation came down:

"…This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My Grace upon you, and have chosen Islam for you as your religion…" (Quran 5:3)

Even today the Last Sermon of Prophet Muhammad is passed to every Muslim in every corner of the world through all possible means of communication.  Muslims are reminded about it in mosques and in lectures.  Indeed the meanings found in this sermon are indeed astounding, touching upon some of the most important rights God has over humanity, and humanity has over each other.  Though the Prophet’s soul has left this world, his words are still living in our hearts.

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  • Imam al-Mahdi
  • Death and Dying
  • Hajj (Pilgrimage)
  • Zakat and Khums (Charity)
  • Islamic Laws
  • Hijab (Islamic Modest Dress)
  • Salaat (Ritual Prayer)
  • Supplications
  • Miscellaneous

Chapter 1: A Brief Biography Of Prophet Muhammad

We have sent thee not except as a mercy to all the Worlds. (The Holy Qur’an, The Prophets, 21:107 ).

We have sent thee not except as a giver of glad-tidings and a warner to all the peoples. (The Holy Qur’an, Sheba, 34:28 ).


Muhammad was son of Abdullah, who was son of Abdul-Muttalib, who was son of Hashim - whose ancestry reached the Prophet Ismael son of the Prophet Abraham, peace be upon them.

The Prophet Muhammad was born in the city of Mecca, in Arabia, on a Friday, the 17th day of the lunar month of Rabi-I, in the year 570 CE into a noble family whose fathers and ancestors were amongst the chiefs of the Quraysh tribe, and the Bani-Hashim clan. His Prophetic mission began on the 27th day of the month of Rajab, in the year 610 CE, when he received the first divine revelation. Then the Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet progressively according to the circumstances of the time over a period of 23 years.

The Prophet Muhammad was killed by poisoning on the 28th day of the month of Safar in the 11th year of the Hijrah 1 , 630 CE.

  • His Childhood

Muhammad's father Abdullah son of Abdul-Muttalib was the best and most pious among the sons of Abdul-Muttalib and his most beloved. Abdullah died while Muhammad was still in his mother's womb. All that he left behind were five camels and a servant girl named Barakah, also known as Umm Ayman, who was Muhammad's nanny.

Abdullah was a true believer and a monotheist. After his death, Muhammad's grandfather, Abdul- Muttalib, became his guardian. Abdul-Muttalib was one of the chieftains of the tribe of Quraysh, and a believer in Allah (in the way of Prophet Abraham), as was Abu Talib, a brother of Abdullah. Abdul-Muttalib always respected and honored treaties and adopted the finest of morals. He loved the poor and helped pilgrims. He would even feed the wild beasts and the birds of the mountaintops. He would feed people in times of famine and would restrain wrongdoers.

Muhammad's mother was Aminah, daughter of Wahab son of Abd Manaf, son of Kilab. She was also a believer in Allah. When Muhammad was born his mother said: “As soon as I put my child on the ground he leaned with his hands on the ground, raised his head to the skies and looked at the horizons all the while speaking in phrases of monotheism. Then a voice called out to me saying: 'The best of mankind has been born, so name him Muhammad.'“

Then Aminah sent for Abdul-Muttalib. He came to her and she said: 'A wondrous boy has been born to your family.' Then she brought baby Muhammad to him. Abdul-Muttalib looked at him and entered the Kabah 2 and prayed to Allah. He, then left the Kabah and returning the infant to his mother and named him Muhammad. Muhammad was not even seven years old when his mother died. After his mother’s death, his grandfather Abdul-Muttalib assumed his guardianship. Because of his knowledge of the status of the child and his faith in him, Abdul-Muttalib treated Muhammad with more care and attention than his other children. A group of the Medlaj Clan came to Mecca and when they saw Muhammad they said to his grandfather: ‘Take good care of him for we have never seen another of his station.’ Abdul-Muttalib told this to Abu Talib in his will and asked him to heed what they had said and take care of him. Muhammad was eight when his grandfather died, and he was taken into the care of his uncle Abu Talib. Abu Talib, chief of the Bani-Hashim clan within the Quraysh 3 then became the guardian of Muhammad from his eighth year. Abu Talib went on to protect and serve the Messenger of Allah, defending him and honoring him throughout the testing times of his Prophethood, until the last breath of his life.

  • His Adulthood

Muhammad grew up to become a fine young man. He became known for his excellent manners, and because of the honesty in his conduct and dealings he was referred to as al- Sadiq (The Truthful One) and al-Amin (The Trustworthy One).

As a youngster Muhammad used to accompany his uncle on his business trips to Syria. When the Messenger of Allah reached the age of twelve he journeyed with his uncle Abu Talib as far as Basra. A Christian monk, named George, saw him there and recognized him by his description. He took his hand and said: “This is the chief of the Worlds, God has send him as a mercy to the Worlds.”Abu Talib asked: “How do you know this?”He said: “We find him mentioned in our books.”He asked Abu Talib to take him back fearing for his safety.

As an adult, Muhammad worked as a trader between the cities of Mecca and Damascus, and earned a great reputation in the process. Having heard of the reputation of Muhammad, Lady Khadijah, one of the noblest of the Quraysh, on one occasion commissioned him to take charge of some of her trading business between the two cities.

Lady Khadijah sent one of her servants, Maysarah, along with him to keep an eye on him and report back to her. Having seen his performance in the business, and the returns he brought, as well as his honesty, Lady Khadijah put Muhammad in charge of her business.

Although she had many proposals of marriage from various dignitaries of the Quraysh, Lady Khadijah declined them all. It is reported that it was Lady Khadijah who, albeit indirectly and discreetly, made the marriage proposal to Muhammad. Some historians have reported that when they married in 595 CE they were both 25 years old.

Lady Khadijah gave birth to three children. All of the Prophet's children were from Khadijah except Ibrahim who was from Mary the Copt, who was born in Medina and lived for a year and ten months. The male children who were all born in Mecca were: al-Qasim, which is where Muhammad's epithet (Abul-Qasim; meaning Qasim's father) comes from, and Abdullah. The boys all died young during the lifetime of the Prophet.

His only daughter was Fatimah, who married Imam Ali son of Abu Talib, and bore him Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn, Zaynab and Umm Kulthum, and another son who was named Mohsin by the Prophet before his birth. Fatimah was the only one of the siblings to survive the Messenger of Allah. The Prophet Muhammad used to say Hasan and Husayn are two Imams (leaders) whether they rise up (against tyranny) or not.

Ali was born to Abu Talib and his wife Fatimah bint Asad in 600 CE. Ali's birth was associated with a particularly significant phenomenon. When Fatimah bint Asad was in labor she came to the Kabah pleading to God for help with her labor. It is reported by various narrators and recorded by many chroniclers that as she was engaged in her prayers by the southern wall of the Kabah, the wall split open and she entered the House, whereby the wall returned to its normal state.

Having observed this extraordinary phenomenon, people who were present tried to follow her into the House through the opening but did not succeed. They then tried to go inside the House through its door but could not unlock the door. Reports indicate that she was inside the House for three days, and when she left the House with her newborn she did so in the same manner as she had entered the House.

The Prophet Muhammad took particular interest in baby Ali, and he played a major role in Ali's upbringing and education. Ali would be the most ardent supporter of the Prophet throughout the difficult years of his mission to convey the divine message and the teachings of Islam to the masses.

  • Start Of His Mission

The Prophet Muhammad used to spend much time in prayer and worship of the one God. This he used to do in a cave, known as Hira, in the al-Noor mountain near the city of Mecca.

In 610 CE, at the age of forty, Muhammad received the first of the divine revelations when he was engaged in devotion and prayer inside the cave of Hira:

In the name of Allah the Merciful, the Compassionate; Read in the name of thy Lord who created, Created man from a clot, Read and thy lord is the most noble, Who taught by pen, Taught man what he knew not ... ( 96:1 -5).

The Prophet Muhammad conveyed the news and the Message to Ali and Lady Khadijah. Ali and Lady Khadijah both embraced the new revelation instantly and without any hesitation.

Khadijah was thus the first woman to believe in the Messenger of Allah and the first woman to pray with him. She supported him wholeheartedly and spent all her wealth in the way of Allah. She was the first woman that the Prophet married and he married no other during her lifetime. She was immensely loyal to the Prophet. The Angel Gabriel ordered him to convey a special greeting and a blessing from God and ordered that he gave the land of Fadak to Fatimah as an appreciation for what her mother had spent in the way of Allah.

The Prophet Muhammad began to invite individuals to the new revelation, albeit in secret. There were very few supporters and believers. When the Prophet performed a congregational prayer, he was joined by were Lady Khadijah and Ali. This low-key approach continued for three years.

Afterwards, on instructions from the Almighty, the Prophet's invitation to Islam started to became more and more public. The Almighty instructed His messenger to begin with his clan:

And warn your nearest kinsmen ( 26:214 ).

For this purpose the Prophet Muhammad prepared a banquet and invited the elders and chiefs of the Bani-Hashim, who were forty in number. After they were served with a good feast, the Prophet invited them to Islam. He called upon them to support him in his mission, and promised them that whoever did so would be appointed as his successor.

Yet, none took up the offer dismissing the Prophet and his mission as nonsense, with the sole exception of Ali. Ridiculing the whole thing, the Bani Hashim chiefs turned to Abu Talib saying, “Your son will be your commander, you should obey him!”Nevertheless the mission continued unabated albeit with very few supporters.

  • Resonance Of His Call

The followers of the new religion started to grow, and so did the concern of the Quraysh towards them. The elders of Quraysh send Abu Talib, the trusted uncle of the Prophet to him, asking him to stop his call for this new religion, and in return they would give him whatever he wanted. “If you want wealth, we will give you as much as you want, if you want women we will marry you the most beautiful women of Arabia, and if you want position and status we will make you the owner-king over us.”

When Abu Talib conveyed the message of the elders of Quraysh to his nephew-prophet, the Messenger of Allah replied, “I swear by the Almighty that if they put the Sun in my right hand and the Moon in my left on condition so that I desist from this affair I would not leave it until Allah causes it to prevail or I die in the process.”Then the Messenger of Allah began to weep and rose and made to leave, but Abu Talib called him and said: “Come back my nephew. Say what you like my nephew, for by Allah I will never hand you over to them ever.”

The Quraysh realized that they were dealing with a true and determined prophet. From then on, open hostility towards this new religion, its prophet, and its followers started to increase. Lady Khadijah dedicated all her wealth and resources for the cause of her prophet-husband's mission. The extent of this hostility reached blatant persecution of the followers of the new religion and its prophet.

'Neutralise The Messenger And His Message'

Then the Quraysh plotted amongst themselves about the companions of the Messenger of Allah who had entered Islam with him from amongst their tribes. Each tribe pounced upon any of its own who were Muslims, tormented them and forced them out from their religion.

Abu Talib protected the Messenger of Allah, and seeing what the Quraysh were doing to the sons of Hashim and Abdul-Muttalib, he called upon them to protect the Messenger of Allah just as he was protecting him. So they gathered with him and stood up with him, except for Abu Talib's brother Abu Lahab and his sons who had assisted the Quraysh against the Prophet.

Then the Quraysh openly decided to kill the Messenger of Allah. When this news reached Abu Talib he gathered the sons of Hashim and Abdul-Muttalib and took the Messenger of Allah to his quarter and protected him from those who sought to kill him.

The Quraysh imposed total and complete embargo against the Prophet and his followers in all its forms; social, economic, political, etc. No citizen of Mecca was allowed to buy from or sell to them, no one was allowed to marry anyone of them, or even befriend or socialize with them, not even help them. Nor would a peace settlement be accepted from them ever, nor they would be shown any mercy until they had handed over the Messenger of Allah to be killed.

The Quraysh agreed to draw up a document to this effect, and one of them wrote this document in his own hand, which subsequently was afflicted by paralysis, and then they hung the document inside the Kabah.

The Prophet and many of his followers, and members of the Hashim clan withdrew to Abu Talib and entered the Abu Talib’s Quarter known as Sheb Abu Talib, which had become their virtual open-top prison. Their condition deteriorated as time went by, and although some friends of sympathizers managed to smuggle in some help to the Muslims, but this was few and far between. There they remained in the quarter for three years until they were exhausted. The voices of the children could be heard from the quarter crying of hunger.

The Quraysh also increased the pressure on those who had entered Islam but had not entered the quarter. The trials became grave and the Muslims were severely shaken. It is reported that Ali son of Abu Talib used to secretly leave the quarter in disguise and fetch foodstuff to the besieged, carrying it into the quarter on his back.

In one of the divine revelations made to him, the Messenger of Allah informed his uncle Abu Talib that Allah had sent woodworms to their document that had eaten every word except the name of Allah. Having heard this Abu Talib said: “No! By the falling stars, you have not lied to me.”

Abu Talib set out with a group of the clan of Abdul-Muttalib until he reached the vicinity of the Kabah, which was full of the people of Quraysh. He spoke and said to them:

“Something has occurred which may be a cause for a settlement between you and us so bring out your document. They said: 'The time has come for you to accept and recant. Only one man has caused the split between you and us, and you have put your people in jeopardy because of him.'

Abu Talib said: “I propose a matter for you in which there is fairness. My nephew has told me and he has not lied to me, that Allah distances Himself from this document and has erased all your treachery and enmity and all that remains written is His name. If it is as he has said then by Allah, we will never hand him over to you until the last of us dies. If what he has said is false then we will hand him over to you so that you may kill him or spare him as you wish.'

They said: “We agree.”Then they opened the document and found it as they had been told but some of them clung to their falsehood and obstinacy and said: “This is sorcery from your companion.”Then some of those who had made the pact spoke and tore up the document.

  • End Of One Torment And Start Of Others

The clan of Hashim then felt safe enough to emerge from their quarter and once more mingle with the people. This was in the tenth year of the noble prophethood, circa 620 CE.

It was less than six months after the end of this trial when Abu Talib passed away. Then the Prophet's wife Lady Khadijah also died only three days after Abu Talib according to some accounts. The Messenger of Allah was very saddened and named this year the 'Year of Sorrow'.

The loss of Abu Talib and Lady Khadijah dealt a severe blow to the Prophet at a time when he needed these two most. The death of Abu Talib cleared the last hurdle for the Quraysh, and if the presence of Abu Talib imposed certain limits and drew some red lines for the Quraysh that they could not cross, now his death left them free to do to the Prophet what was the unthinkable while Abu Talib was alive.

With the death of Abu Talib, the trials meted out by his tribe to the Messenger of Allah grew more barbaric and audacious. Once when the Prophet was praying by the Kabah, one of the idolaters approached and violently tried to strangle him.

The Quraysh encouraged the foolish to throw dirt on the Prophet's face and head. They used to throw filth, blood and thorns at his door. Ummayah ibn Khalaf used to insult the Prophet until his face became red but still the Prophet would not say anything to him. When a fool threw the dirt in the face of the Messenger of Allah, he entered his house with the dirt still on his head. Fatimah began to clean the dirt from his head. She was crying and the Messenger of Allah saying: “Do not cry my daughter, for Allah will protect your father.”He also said: “The Quraysh could not harm me until Abu Talib died.”

It is related from Khabab who said: 'I approached the Prophet when he was reclining in the shade of the Kabah. This was after we had received some harm from the Polytheists. I said to him: “O Messenger of Allah, will you not invoke Allah?”He sat up red in face and said: “Among those who came before you, there were those whose skins would be scraped off with combs of iron down to the bone and this did not divert them from their religion. Allah will complete this matter until a rider may travel from Sana to Hadralmaut with nothing to fear but the wolf getting to his sheep.'

  • Migration Of The Messenger Of Allah

The Quraysh and their allies made the decision that Muhammad had to be physically eliminated in order to finish with him and his religion once and for all. However, whoever did this would have to deal with the consequences and face the wrath of the respectable Bani-Hashim clan. In order to divide the guilt between as many clans and tribes as possible, forty clans were involved in the task.

The best warrior from each clan is chosen for the task. They were instructed to storm the house of Muhammad and every single one of them was to ensure to strike Muhammad with his sword at least once. This was so that if Bani-Hashim, Muhammad's clan, were to seek revenge for his blood, they would be confronted with forty clans, and thus making it impossible for them to seek any retribution.

The Almighty instructed the Prophet Muhammad to leave for the city of Yathrib, which later became known as Medinat al-Rasul or the City of the Messenger, or Medina for short. In 622 CE, after some thirteen years of calling the people to Islam, the Messenger of Allah left Mecca for Medina.

The Prophet Muhammad asked Ali son of Abu Talib to stay behind to deal with a number of issues, and Ali volunteered to sleep in the Prophet's bed acting as a decoy. The Messenger of Allah managed to slip through those who were surrounding his house just before they stormed it. When they stormed the house to kill him they found Ali instead in the Prophet's bed with no sign of their target.

On his way out of Mecca, Abu Bakr came across the Prophet as he was leaving the city, and asked the Prophet where he was going at that time. The Prophet Muhammad could not tell him other than the truth, and thereafter the Messenger of Allah asked him to join him on his migration to Medina, in order to keep the news of this mission secret until he was out of danger.

With first daylight, the forty brave warriors set off in pursuit of the Prophet by following his track. They used an expert guide to help them track him, and the guide led the warriors to the cave of Thawr, some five miles outside Mecca, where the Prophet Muhammad and his companion were actually inside, but the pursuers did not enter the cave.

It is reported that the pursuers did not enter the cave since by the time they had arrived, through divine intervention, a spider had spun its web across the opening of the cave, and a pigeon had placed its nest near there, after the two had entered the cave. The chasers did not attempt to enter the cave on the presumption that had anyone entered the cave, the spider web and the pigeon nest would have been disturbed.

Having failed to capture the Prophet, the Quraysh announced a reward of 100 camels for anyone capturing him or giving information leading to his capture.

The Prophet Muhammad left Mecca on the eve of the first day of the lunar month of Rabi-I, and arrived on the outskirts of Medina, some 400 km north of the city of Mecca, on Monday, the 12th day of the same month.

Another task that Ali ibn Abu Talib had to do when the Prophet left Mecca was to return any goods and valuables that people had given to the Prophet for safekeeping. Many of those who were the Prophet opponents also used to give their valuables to the Prophet for safekeeping every time they went on a long journey and such like. This was because the Prophet was recognized for his trustworthiness even towards his foes. They could not trust their best friends for safekeeping of their valuables, but they trusted Muhammad al-Amin (the trustworthy one). Ali returned all the goods and valuables that were given to the Prophet for safekeeping, including those of the Prophet's foes.

After Ali had returned all the goods the Prophet Muhammad had he given him, to their rightful owners, he went to the roof of the Kabah and yelled at the top of his voice, “if anyone has any claim against Muhammad, or had entrusted him with anything that he has not got back yet, then they should come forward.”It has been reported that nobody did.

Having discharged all his tasks in Mecca, Ali set off for Yathrib together with his mother Fatimah bint Asad, Fatimah the daughter of the Prophet, and Fatimah daughter of Zubair.

  • Messenger Of Allah Arrives At Medina

When the news of the Messenger's exodus from Mecca to Medina reached the Muslims in Medina, they began to go every morning to the lava fields and wait there until the heat of noon drove them back. Many days they waited until one day when they returned to their houses, it so happened that a Jewish man was looking out from his fortress when he saw the Prophet shimmering in the haze. No sooner had he sighted him than he hailed the Muslims at the top of his voice saying:

“O Muslims, here is your Master whom you await!”

The Muslims immediately rushed to meet the Messenger of Allah on the crest of the lava fields. He then kept going until they had reached Quba where he stopped with the clan of Amr ibn Awf. The Muslims hailed 'Allahu Akbar' (God is Greatest) with joy at his arrival. The Prophet stopped at Quba for three days awaiting the arrival of Ali. He did not want to enter the Medina without Ali.

The Prophet remained with the clan of Amr ibn Awf for a day or two along with Ali. During his stay in Quba he established the mosque of Quba, and thus it became the first ever mosque established in Muslim era.

And on the Friday, the Prophet entered the Quba mosque and led the Muslims in the Friday prayers and gave a sermon. And this was the first Friday sermon ever given. The Prophet prayed in the direction of Jerusalem and one hundred men prayed behind him. After performing the prayers, the Prophet mounted his camel. He headed towards Medina along with Ali, who never left his side, and the rest of Muslims.

Once in Medina, Muslim families invited the Messenger of Allah to stay with them. In order not to turn down the request of any one of them, the Prophet decided that he would stay with the family by whose house his she-camel would stop. He said: “Let her be for she is being ordered.”The camel kept on walking until she reached the door of the house of Abu Ayyub, who happened to be amongst the poorest in Medina.

Then Abu Ayyub hurried to the Prophet's baggage and took it into his house. Abu Ayyub's mother, who was blind, said: “O if only I had sight so that I could see my master the Messenger of Allah!”The Prophet Muhammad then called to Allah for her and her eyes opened. This was the first of his miracles in Medina.

It is said that when the Messenger of Allah entered Medina, it was the most joyous occasion ever witnessed by the people. One eyewitness said: “I saw the day when he entered Medina and I have never seen a brighter or better day than that day. And I saw the day he died and I have never seen a worse or darker day than the day on which he died.”

  • First Muslim Community

With a significant number of those who embraced Islam migrating from Mecca to Medina, as well as the majority of the natives of Medina, it could be said that the first Muslim community began to take shape in the city, under the guidance of the Prophet.

Through his teachings, the Messenger of Allah brought about harmony and peace between the different rivalries and warring groups and tribes of the city and its surroundings. Whereas prior to his arrival, greed, enmity and wars prevailed between the inhabitants, in a short space of time the Prophet managed to sow the seeds of a peaceful cohesive order to the extent that they shared everything they had amongst themselves and with the Muslim migrants from Mecca despite their poverty.

With the city of Medina being some 400 km north of Mecca, some of the Muslims considered it to be a reasonably safe distance from the Quraysh who were mostly in Mecca. However, the Quraysh and their allies did not relent, and they forced the Muslims of Medina into a number of battles and skirmishes. These were usually unequal, especially at the early days, with the Quraysh and their allies being superior in number and armor. For example at the battle of Badr, which was one of the early clashes between the two sides, the Muslims combatants were 313 men, who had seventy camels and two horses, while their opponents were about one thousand, had seven hundred camels and one hundred horses.

Peace between the two sides was eventually brought about through the peace treaty of Hudaybiyah - signed in the eleventh month of the sixth year after Hijrah - which was highly biased in favor of the Quraysh and their allies, to the extent that some of the companions of the Prophet protested to him for agreeing and signing a treaty that was 'unfair and unacceptable'. However, subsequent events after the Hudaybiyah were pointedly in the interest of the Muslims, which in turn exonerated the Prophet's judgement and decision, and proved his wisdom and farsightedness.

  • Mecca Liberated

Less than two years after the treaty of Hudaybiyah, Quraysh grew impatient with the environment of peace and security that reigned in the land. Muslim losses in the battle of Mutah in north Arabia - in today's Jordan - encouraged the Quraysh to stir up unrest in the land and break the treaty that they had signed with the Messenger of Allah at Hudaybiyah. They began to distribute weapons to their allies and urged them to attack the allies of the Muslims at night, in breach of the peace treaty they had with the Muslims.

The Messenger of Allah left Medina on a Friday in the month of Ramadan in the eighth year of the Hijrah. He took with him all the Muslim troops which numbered ten thousand and nearly four hundred horsemen. Then the Messenger of Allah proceeded until he arrived at Marr al-Dhahran, the heights of Mecca, in the evening. He ordered his companions to light more than ten thousand fires. News of his progress had been kept hidden from the Quraysh who were concerned and feared that he might attack them.

It is reported that Abu Sufyan, the Prophet's archenemy, was saying: “I have never seen such fires as last night nor such a camp.”He said: “What is the news and what are all these fires?” The narrator responded to him: “The news is that the Messenger of Allah has arrived here. He has come with a force you cannot resist; with ten thousand of the Muslims.”

Abu Sufyan said: “What is to be done?”I said: “By Allah, if he defeats you he will surely strike off your head. So ride this donkey with me so that I can take you to the Messenger of Allah and I will ask him for an amnesty for you.”So he rode behind me.

It is related that Ali ibn Abu Talib said to Abu Sufyan ibn al- Harith: “Go to the Messenger of Allah and say to him what Joseph's brothers said to Joseph:

“By Allah, Allah has preferred you over us and we have certainly been sinful. ( 12:91 ).

Then the Messenger of Allah said in answer to him and seeking to behave best to him in speech: “He said:

Let there be no reproach upon you this day. Allah will forgive you and he is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy.”( 12:92 ).

The banner of the Muslims was with Saad ibn Ibadah and when he passed by Abu Sufyan he said to him: “Today is the day of slaughter, today the women will be captured.”Abu Sufyan heard him and kept it to himself until the Messenger of Allah passed by him when he said: “Do you know what Saad ibn Ibadah has said?”The Messenger of Allah said: 'What he has said is of no consequence.' Then he sent someone to Saad and took the banner from him and passed it to Ali and said: “Enter with kindness.”

Ali took the banner and began to proclaim: “Today is the day of mercy, today honor will be protected.”Then the Messenger of Allah turned to Abu Sufyan and said to him: “O Abu Sufyan, proceed to Mecca and let them know of the sanctuary.”

When the Messenger of Allah entered Mecca, a tent was pitched for him by the grave of his uncle Abu Talib. He refused to enter his house or the houses of his companions in Mecca that had been confiscated by the Polytheists.

Then the Messenger of Allah, after having rested a little in his tent, bathed and mounted his camel and set out for the sacred mosque. The Muslims were before him and behind him and all around him and they were repeating along with the Messenger of Allah the words of Allah Almighty:

The truth has come and falsehood has perished, indeed falsehood is (by nature) perishing.”( 17:81 ).

Mecca resounded with the sound of their voices until he entered the sacred mosque and approached the black stone at the corner of the Kabah, and kissed it. Then he circled the House upon his camel and with a bow in his hand. Around the House there were some three hundred and sixty idols and he began to strike at them with his bow saying, while the idols fell upon their faces:

The truth has come and falsehood has perished, indeed falsehood is perishing… ( 17:81 ).

The truth has come and falsehood will not revive again and will not return. ( 34:4 ).

Then he raised Ali upon his shoulders so that he could bring down the rest of the idols, which were upon the Kabah. And thus a whole era of idol worshipping in Arabia was brought to an irreversible end, and Mecca was liberated. The conquest of the Capital City of the idolaters and the liberation of the holy city of Mecca at the hands of Prophet Muhammad took place without bloodshed.

The Prophet, however, never again took his birth city, Mecca, as his abode. The Prophet only stayed in the city for fifteen days to manage its affairs. He appointed Etab ibn Osayd, who was twenty-one years of age, as the city's governor when he left the city of Mecca for Medina.

  • Ideal Islamic Order

From early days, the Prophet gradually established an Islamic system of governance and a way of life. In its first years, the nascent Muslim community in Medina had to contend with a number of attacks and onslaughts by the Quraysh and their allies. The Prophet used every opportunity to teach the Muslims the right code of conduct for a Muslim in times of war and peace; from personal and ethical qualities they must aspire for, to social, political and fiscal policies.

On the political front, the Prophet enjoined the community to avoid wars and violence as far as possible, and it should only be the absolute last resort, when all other avenues have been exhausted. The Prophet Muhammad went out of his way to avoid conflict and violence, and it is recorded that in the ten years that the Prophet was in Medina, despite the many battles that the Muslims were drawn into, a total of some 800 men were killed on both sides throughout the period.

The Prophet instructed his army against destroying houses or pillaging or cutting down trees bearing fruits. He ordered them not to draw out their swords except when in dire need. He used to rebuke some of his generals and physically amend for their mistakes.

Another social-political principle instilled by the Prophet Muhammad was that “Land belongs to Allah and whoever develops it” 4 . This had a very significant impact on the development of the country both socially and politically, not to mention the economic progress and revival it entailed.

Another socio-economic policy was established by the Prophet's declaration “I am responsible for them” 5 . He who died and left behind a family who would not have enough to make ends meet, then the Prophet would be responsible for them and they should go to him. On the other hand, “he who died and left a wealth behind, it was for his heirs” 6 . All the wealth was for the family the departed left behind, i.e. there was no inheritance tax in Islam.

This policy did not stop there, and it went further when the Prophet announced that if a person died and left behind a debt, then he (Muhammad, and subsequently the leader of the Islamic state in general) was responsible for repaying it 7 .

The Prophetic legislation also addressed the interest of the non-Muslims living under the Islamic state, referred to as dhimmy ; literally means “the responsibility of”(the Islamic state): “He who hurts a dhimmy , then indeed he has hurt me” 8 . Such laws, and the peaceful liberation of Mecca, encouraged many to come and live under the Islamic State, for there were guarantees of at least economic and security for them and their families, in the present and in future. People started to embrace Islam as a way of life en masse. Thus came the divine revelation:

By the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

When came Allah's succor and the conquest, ( 110:1 ).

And thou saw the peoples entering into the religion of Allah in troops ( 110:2 ).

So glorify the praise of thy Lord and seek His forgiveness, indeed He is relenting. ( 110:3 ).

  • The Two Momentous Things

In the holy city of Medina, Messenger of Allah ensured that he addressed the two most vital issues during his lifetime, so that these should be the sanctuary, guide and leader for the Muslims after his departure from this life. These were the compilation of the Holy Qur’an as a bound copy, and the appointment of his successors to lead the nation after him. Both of these, he did on direct instructions from the Almighty.

  • The Holy Qur’an

The Prophet ensured arrangements be made to compile a 'bound' copy of the Holy Qur’an - known at the time of the holy Prophet, and also today, as the mus-haf . The Messenger of Allah commissioned Ali son of Abu-Talib to gather and compile the entire Qur’an, which Imam Ali did during the lifetime of the holy Prophet and under his supervision 9 .

The Messenger of Allah validated and authenticated the end result - the mus-haf - even verifying the order and position of the individual verses within a given chapter or surah, as instructed by the Almighty. According to traditions, when archangel Gabriel used to reveal a particular ayah or verse to the Prophet, the former would also indicate its position within the surah or chapter of the Qur’an and the surah that it belonged to. 10

Reports state that during the lifetime of the Prophet, when the entire text of the Holy Qur’an was committed to writing and it had been compiled as mus-haf , people used to come to the mosque of the Prophet, where the compiled Qur’an - mus-haf - was kept by the pulpit, to make their copies of the Holy Scripture. 11

It is sometimes stated, through a minor misunderstanding, that the Holy Qur’an was first compiled during the reign of the third ruler Uthman ibn Affaan, some twenty years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. The root of this misunderstanding stems from the incorrect assumption of the meaning of the Arabic word jame that means 'to collect'. Instead it was taken to mean 'to compile'.

What was in fact commissioned at that time was to collect the incomplete documents holding some verses or chapters of the Holy Qur’an and to complete them as copies of the entire Qur’an. Any compilation that took place during this time was to reproduce the authentic copy of the Holy Qur’an as per the version compiled by Imam Ali during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad and under his supervision.

  • The Ahl Al-Bayt

The other fundamental and vital task that the Prophet had to secure during his lifetime was to address the question of his succession. On instructions from the Almighty, the Messenger of Allah named and appointed the successors who would lead the Muslim community after him according to the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and the Messenger of Allah.

The Prophet Muhammad used numerous occasions to instruct the people to follow and adhere to his twelve appointed successors, 'Caliphs' or 'Imams', the first of whom was Imam Ali son of Abu Talib, and the twelfth is the living Imam Mahdi, who is hidden from public view 12 until such a time when the Almighty will instruct him to reappear in public “in order to lead the nations of this world from tyranny and oppression to tranquillity and bliss”. The Prophet Muhammad, his daughter Fatimah, his cousin and son-in-law Imam Ali and the eleven impeccable Imams descendants of Ali and Fatimah form Ahl al-Bayt as referred to in the Holy Qur’an 33:33 .

In 630 CE, seventy days before his death, and just after performing the farewell Hajj pilgrimage, on instructions from the Almighty, at the location of Ghadir Khum, the Prophet appointed Ali as his successor and ordered the Muslims who were present there to pay Ali homage of allegiance as The Commander of the Faithful, and their leader after the Prophet. The revelation from the Almighty on this day in this particular respect was:

O Messenger! Convey that that has been revealed to thee from thy Lord, and if thee do not, then thee would have not conveyed His Message; and Allah will protect thee from the people. Surely Allah guides not the disbelieving people. ( 5:67 ).

After the revelation of the above instruction, the Messenger of Allah declared: “For whoever I am his master and leader, then Ali is his master and leader too. O Lord support whoever supports Ali, and oppose whoever opposes him. 13 Ali is my Caliph and successor upon ye after me.” 14

Some chroniclers put the number of those present at Ghadir Khum, who gave their homage and allegiance to Imam Ali as the Commander of the Faithful and the successor of the Prophet Muhammad, at up to 120,000 men and women.

To confirm and conclude this momentous event, the Almighty then revealed:

Today I have perfected your religion for ye, completed My favor upon ye and have sanctioned Islam for ye as a religion. ( 5:3 ).

In order to reveal the station of his successors present and future, the Prophet frequently used to refer the Muslims to the Ahl al-Bayt - at the time notably Ali - for they were the most knowledgeable about the teachings of the Qur’an and the Prophet himself. To clarify any possible doubt about his immediate successor, in the famous tradition of “City of Knowledge”, the final Messenger of Allah states:

“I am the City of Knowledge and Ali is its Gate, so whosoever wishes to access this City, then let him do so through its Gate.” 15

According to many Prophetic teachings and traditions the Holy Qur’an and the Ahl al-Bayt are considered as the two inseparable and complementary components of the divine message. Towards the end of his life, the Messenger of Allah often used to say: “I leave with ye the two momentous things - the book of Allah and my kin the people of my Ahl al-Bayt. As long as ye adhere to them both ye will never go astray after me.” 16

However, after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, the people did not honor their pledge of allegiance that they had been given at the time to the Prophet when he appointed his successor on instructions from the Almighty.

After several failed attempts on his life by various means, the culprits eventually succeeded in assassinating the Prophet Muhammad - this time through poisoning. The final Messenger of Allah to humanity died on the 28th day of the lunar month of Safar in the 11th year of the Hijrah, 630 CE.

The Prophet Muhammad brought about a nation and a civilization that in a relatively very short space of time won the prime position amongst all other nations. The Muslims attained such achievement so long as they adhered to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. Today even though the Muslims are numerous, they do not occupy the eminent station amongst the nations anymore, because they did not adhere to “the two momentous things”that the Prophet Muhammad left behind for them. The Muslim nation may still be a candidate to lead mankind to bliss and prosperity if they ensure to adhere to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and his successors.

  • 1. The occasion of the Hijrah (literally migration, and by extension the migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina).
  • 2. The Kabah is a cubical structure symbolizing the House of God that was built by the Prophet Adam on instructions from the Almighty God in an uninhabited valley, which in turn brought about the creation of the holy city of Mecca around it.
  • 3. The Quraysh is a collection of clans and tribes all of whom are blood related.
  • 4. al-Kafi, by al-Kulayni, vol. 5, p279.
  • 5. Wasael al-Shia, by Muhammad Hasan al-Hurr al-Ameli, vol. 26, p. 251.
  • 6. al-Kafi, by al-Kulayni, vol. 7, p. 167.
  • 7. al-Kafi, by al-Kulayni, vol. 1, p. 407.
  • 8. Bihar al-Anwar, by al-Majlesi, vol. 22, p. 486.
  • 9. Bihar al-Anwar, by al-Majlesi, vol. 89, p. 48, Beirut ed. See also “The Qur’an: When was it compiled?” by the same Author.
  • 12. Imam Mahdi lives amongst the public but without being recognized by them. However, as and when required, he would make himself recognizable to those who are sincerely pious and devout.
  • 13. Mustadrak al-Sahihayn, vol. 3, pp 118, 126, 613. Dar al-Kotob al-Elmiyah, Beirut; Musnad Ahmad, vol. 1, pp 84, 88, 118, 152, vol. 4, pp 378, 370, pub. Cordoba Foundation, Cairo; Musnad Abi-Yacla, vol. 1, p249, pub. Dar al-Mamoon lil-Turath, Damascus; Fada'el al-Sahabah, by Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, vol. 2, pp 572, 585, 586, 613, 682, 705 pub. al-Risalah Foundation, Beirut; Fada'el al-Sahabah, by al-Nasa'ie, vol.1, p15, Dar al-Kotob al-Elmiyyah, Beirut; Tafsir of Ibn Kuthayr, vol. 2, p15, pub. Dar al-Fikr, Beirut, al-Sunan al-Kubra, by al-Nasaie, vol. 5, pp 45, 130-136, 154, Dar al- Kotob al-Elmiyyah, Beirut, al-Kafi, by al-Kulayni, vol. 1, p 286. etc.
  • 14. Bihar al-Anwar, by al-Majlesi, vol. 5, p. 69. Tohaf al-Uquol, p. 458.
  • 15. al-Mustadrak ala al-Sahihayn, by al-Hakim al-Naysabouri, vol. 3, p. 137-138, pub. Dar al-Kutub al-Elmiyyah, Beirut; Majmac al-Zawaid, by Nur-ed-Din Ali ibn Abu Bakr al-Haythami, vol. 9, p. 114, pub. Dar al-Bayan lil-Turath, Cairo; Tarikh Baghdad, by Abu Bakr Ahmad al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, vol. 2, p. 377, pub. Dar al-Kotob al-Elmiyyah, Beirut, and also vol. 4, p. 348, and vol.7, p. 172, and vol. 11, p. 49-50.
  • 16. Sahih al-Tirmidhi, vol. 5, p. 328, hadith 3874 & 3876, pub. Dar al-Fikr, Beirut, and vol. 13, p. 99-200, pub. Maktabat al-Sawi, Egypt, and vol. 2, p. 308, pub. Boulaq, Egypt; Musnad Ahmad, vol. 3, pp 17, 26, 59, and vol. 4, p. 366, 371, and vol. 5, p181, pub. al-Maymaniyyah, Egypt; Sahih Muslim, Book of Merits, Merits of Ali ibn Abi Talib, vol. 2, p. 362, pub. Isa al-Halabi, and vol. 7, p. 122, pub. Sabih, and vol. 15, p. 170 with al- Nuwawi commentary, Egypt; Dorar al-Semtayn, by al-Zarandi al-Hanafi, p. 231, pub. Qadha al-Najaf; Yanabic al-Mawaddah, by al-Qunduzi al-Hanafi, p. 29-31, 36, 28, 41, 183, 191, 296, 370, pub. Istanbul; Tafsir of Ibn Kuthayr, vol. 4, p. 113, pub. Dar Ihiya al-Kutub al-Arabiyah, Egypt; Jami al-Usul, by Ibn Athir, vol. 1, p. 187, hadith 65-66, pub. Egypt; Mu’jam al-Kabir by al-Tabarani, p 137.
  • Introduction
  • Transliteration
  • About The Author
  • 'Neutralise The Messenger And His Message'
  • Inspirational Conducts
  • His Dealings With The People
  • His Humility
  • The Symbol Of Love And Blessings
  • His Clement And Forgiving Nature
  • His Steadfastness
  • His Abstinence
  • His Merciful Nature
  • His Kindness To Animals
  • His Bravery
  • His Justice
  • Praising Almighty God
  • Encouragement Of Almsgiving
  • Qualities Reflected In His Conducts
  • An Overview
  • In The Eyes Of His Opponents
  • Conducts And Strategies Of Battle
  • With The Prisoners Of Battle Of Badr
  • Ransom Of His Son-In-Law
  • Prohibition Of Torture And Mutilation
  • Returns Evil With Good
  • Gives His Foes The Choice Of Peace
  • His Magnanimity
  • His Care For His Companions
  • He Goes Hungry
  • Foe Turned Into Friend
  • Tolerated The Enemy Of The State
  • His Adherence To The Peace Treaty Of Hodaybiyah
  • Among The Blessings Of The Treaty Of Hodaybiyah
  • Kindness To Captives
  • The Protectorate
  • The Jews Enter Islam
  • Forgiveness Not Revenge
  • A Jew's Word Was Enough
  • The Bearer Of The White Banner
  • The Prophet Forgives The Traitor
  • Before Entering Mecca
  • Conduct Of Islam Upon Victory
  • With The Custodian Of The Kabah
  • Forgive Your Archenemies
  • With His Would Be Assassin
  • Abandoning The Prophet's Teachings
  • Treachery And Making Amends
  • His Government
  • His Manners And Ethics
  • His Compassion
  • His Tolerance
  • His Forgiveness
  • His Generosity
  • Earn Your Living
  • His Helping And Hospitality
  • He Endeavoured To Please Others
  • He Turned Foes Into Friends
  • Foes Testified To His Distinction
  • Kindness Beautifies
  • His Loyalty
  • His Humbleness
  • He Served At Home
  • The Trustworthy One
  • The Pragmatic Statesman
  • He Never Changed
  • The Prophet Should Be Emulated
  • Selected Sayings Of Prophet Muhammad
  • On Supplication
  • On Familial Bonds
  • On Good Morals And Conducts
  • On Clemency
  • On Forgiveness, Kindness And Mercy
  • On Toiling And Earning That Which Is Lawful
  • On Humility
  • On The Reprehensibility Of Arrogance
  • On Consultation
  • On Generosity
  • On Discouraging Miserliness
  • On Fulfilling Promises
  • On Patience And Bearing Hardships
  • On Almsgiving
  • On Truthfulness
  • On Abstinence
  • Words Of Light
  • Chapter 6: Prophet Muhammad As Seen By Western Thinkers
  • ‹ About The Author
  • Chapter 2: Sublime Qualities O... ›

short speech on hazrat muhammad in english

short speech on hazrat muhammad in english

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short speech on hazrat muhammad in english

The Kindness of Prophet Muhammad (s)

short speech on hazrat muhammad in english

The Prophet Muhammad taught love, kindness and compassion to his people, and was seen to be the most loving, kind, and compassionate of all of them. The Quran mentions his kind and gentle behavior in these words: "O Messenger of Allah! It is a great Mercy of God that you are gentle and kind towards them; for, had you been harsh and hard-hearted, they would all have broken away from you" (Quran 3:159 ).

There are many instances that show his kindness and gentleness, especially to the weak and the poor. Anas, who was his helper, said: "I served Allah's Messenger for ten years and he never said to me, 'Shame' or 'Why did you do such-and-such a thing?' or 'Why did you not do such-and-such a thing?'" (Bukhari, 2038).

Once he said to his wife: "0 'A'ishah! Never turn away any needy man from your door empty-handed. 0 'A'ishah! Love the poor; bring them near to you and God will bring you near to Him on the Day of Resurrection". He also went much further on to say: "Seek me among your weak ones, for you are given provision, or you are given help only by reason of the presence of your weak ones". (Rahman, Encyclopedia of Seerah, VOL. VIII, p. 151) God Almighty is Kind, and the Prophet imitated Allah's example in its perfection by showing kindness to his servants and all creatures without any regard for their beliefs, color or nationality. The Prophet said: "God is kind and likes kindness in all things" (Bukhari, 6601).

His heart ached within him at the corrupt state of his fellow-Meccans and their rejection of One God. The Holy Quran testifies to it in these words: "0 Muhammad, you will, perhaps, consume yourself with grief because the people do not believe" (Quran 26:3 ) . In Surah Kahf, we read: "Well, 0 Muhammad, it may be that you will kill yourself for their sake out of sorrow if they do not believe in this Message." (Quran 18:6 ) . And Surah Fatir says: " So let not your life be consumed in grief for their sake." (Quran 35:8 ). 

He took a great interest in the welfare of all people and had great compassion for people in trouble. The Prophet Muhammad imitated the attributes of God par excellence and translated them into practice in the highest form possible for man. Kindness is an attribute of Allah, which has no limits. It is extensive and encompasses all things and all beings without discrimination. Likewise was the kindness of the Prophet. He extended it to all beings, both animate and inanimate and benefited all without measure. The Quranic words for the Prophet's kindness, ra'ufun rahirn (Quran 9:128 ) are very intensive and comprehensive in meaning and convey the true nature and extent of the Prophet's kindness to people. The Prophet said: "One of the finest acts of kindness is for a man to treat his fathers' friends in a kindly way after he has departed" (Abu dawud, 5123)

The issue of treating friends well was also extended to include relations: "He who wishes to have his provision enlarged and his term of life prolonged should treat his relatives well" (Bukhari, 5985). He emphasized on this matter because he deeply held the view that "Only kindness prolongs life, and a person is deprived of provisions for the faults he commits" (Ibn Majah). Bahz b. Hakim, on his father's authority, said that his grandfather told him that he had asked Allah's Messenger to whom he should show kindness and that the Prophet had replied: "Your mother." He asked who came next and he replied: "Your mother." He asked who came next and he replied for the third time: "Your mother." He again asked who came next and he replied: "Your father, then your relatives in order of relationship" (Abu dawud, 5120). He dwelled on the issue of treating orphans humanely as he stated that "The best house among the Muslims is one which contains an orphan who is well treated, and the worst house among the Muslims is one which contains an orphan who is badly treated" (Ibn Majah, 3679). This means that the Prophet cautioned his followers against general maltreatment of anyone regardless of his status. By extending good treatment from friends to relatives and now to neighbors, Prophet Muhammad was intent in making all humans interdependent as he emphasized in the following words: "All creatures are Allah's dependants, and those dearest to God are the ones who treat His dependants kindly" (Rahman, VOL VIII, p. 154). He emphasized the kind treatment of women again and again in his speeches:

Treat women kindly, since they are your helpers; . . . you have your rights upon your wives and they have their rights upon you. Your right is that they shall not allow anyone you dislike to enter your bed or your home, and their right is that you should treat them well. (from the Farewell Sermon of the Prophet)

Once a number of women complained to the Prophet's wives about their ill-treatment by their husbands. On hearing of this, the Prophet said: "Such persons among you are not good persons." (Abu Dawud, 1834). This condemnation by the Prophet himself was an indication that no one will be accepted before God who, while on earth, decided to be unkind to women. Another person said to the Prophet: "0 Messenger of Allah! My relatives are such that although I cooperate with them, they cut me off; I am kind to them but they ill treat me." The Prophet said this in reply: "So long as you continue as you are, God will always help you and He will protect you against their mischief" (Muslim, 4640). This was not only a way of bringing comfort to the mind of the worried person but one of the communicative techniques of the Prophet to assure who ever found himself in that situation to look up to God to be consoled and protected. So it was pointless to preach vengeance to this kind of people suffering from this similar fate. Indeed, Prophet Muhammad was nothing short of a competent counselor.

He was always counseling people to be goodhearted regardless of their sex, age or gender. Once Asma bint Abu Bakr's mother, who was still an unbeliever, came to see her in Madinah. She told this to the Prophet and said: "My mother has come to see me and she is expecting something from me. May I oblige her?" The Prophet said: "Yes, be kind to your mother" (Muslim, 2195). This attitude of the Prophet was equally extended to Zainab as-Saqafia, the wife of Abdullah ibn Mas'ud and an Ansari woman. She went to see the Prophet and to inquire whether it would be a charity if they spent something on their husbands and on the orphans under their care. The Prophet said: "They will get a two-fold reward, one for kindness towards their relatives and the other for charity" (Bukhari, 1466).

There are many Ahadith concerning his kindness to animals, birds and insects: "God prescribed kindness towards everything; so when you slaughter any animal, slaughter it well; when you sacrifice, make your sacrifice good. And let everyone sharpen his weapon and make it easy for his sacrificed animal" (Muslim, 5055). He made this kind of statement to demonstrate his love for both humans and animals. In essence, Prophet Muhammad was equally showing his followers that he too is feels pain.

Source: Prophet Muhammad Leadership

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The Prophet Muhammad: A Mercy for all Creation

  • Section: His Attributes

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A Mercy for the Believers

The Messenger’s compassion towards the believers was of the utmost degree. The Quran describes his compassion in the following verse, which means: “There has certainly come to you a Messenger from among yourselves. Grievous to him is what you suffer; [he is] concerned over you [i.e. your guidance] and to the believers is kind and merciful.” [Quran: 9:128]

A Mercy towards his Enemies

In Makkah, his people inflicted him with every kind of suffering, eventually forcing him to migrate to Madeenah, and then waged war on him for five years. However, when he conquered Makkah without bloodshed in the twenty-first year of his Prophethood, he asked the unbelievers in Makkah who were awaiting his decision about them: “How do you expect me to treat you?” They responded unanimously: “You are a noble one, the son of a noble one.” He announced to them his decision:

“You may go free! No reproach this day shall be on you; may Allah forgive you.”

A Mercy for Women

A Mercy for Children

A Mercy for Slaves

A Mercy for Animals

His compassion encompassed not only human beings, but also animals.

“Indeed, in this [Quran] is notification for a worshipping people. And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds.” [Quran: 21:106-107]

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Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

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Prophet Muhammad short essay, Long Essay, Paragraph, 10 lines for students and children

How to write an essay on prophet muhammad, key points to remember when writing an essay on prophet muhammad.

When composing an essay on Prophet Muhammad, keep the following key points in mind:

  • Research: Begin by gathering information about Prophet Muhammad's life, teachings, and significance.
  • Structure: Organize your essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • Accuracy: Ensure factual accuracy and avoid misconceptions.
  • Respect: Approach the topic with reverence and respect for religious sentiments.

10 Lines On Prophet Muhammad In English

  • Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, around 570 CE.
  • He received revelations from Allah through the angel Gabriel, which later became the Quran.
  • Muhammad preached monotheism and social justice.
  • His migration (Hijra) from Mecca to Medina is a significant event in Islamic history.
  • Muhammad established a just and compassionate society in Medina.
  • He emphasized kindness, honesty, and compassion toward all.
  • The Prophet's farewell sermon emphasized equality and unity among believers.
  • His legacy includes the Five Pillars of Islam: Shahada, Salat, Zakat, Sawm, and Hajj.
  • Muslims regard him as the final prophet.
  • Prophet Muhammad passed away in 632 CE.

Paragraph On Prophet Muhammad

Prophet Muhammad, known as the "Seal of the Prophets," played a pivotal role in shaping Islam. Born into the Quraysh tribe in Mecca, he received divine revelations over 23 years. His teachings emphasized compassion, justice, and devotion to Allah. The migration to Medina marked a turning point, where he established a model Islamic community. His legacy continues to inspire millions worldwide.

Short Essay On Prophet Muhammad In English

Prophet Muhammad's life exemplified unwavering faith, resilience, and compassion. From his early years in Mecca to the establishment of the Muslim community in Medina, he led by example. His teachings emphasized social justice, equality, and kindness. His legacy lives on through the Quran, Hadith, and the Five Pillars of Islam.

Long Essay On Prophet Muhammad In English


Prophet Muhammad, born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, in 570 CE, transformed the course of human history. His life, marked by divine revelations, compassion, and leadership, continues to inspire millions of Muslims worldwide.

Early Life and Revelation

Muhammad grew up in Mecca, a bustling trading city. At the age of 40, he received revelations from Allah through the angel Gabriel. These revelations formed the Quran, the holy book of Islam. Muhammad's mission was to convey monotheism and social justice to humanity.

The Hijra and Medina

Facing persecution in Mecca, Muhammad and his followers migrated to Medina in 622 CE. This event, known as the Hijra, marked the beginning of the Islamic calendar. In Medina, Muhammad established a just and compassionate society, emphasizing equality, charity, and cooperation.

Teachings and Legacy

Muhammad's teachings centered on compassion, honesty, and devotion to Allah. The Five Pillars of Islam—Shahada (faith), Salat (prayer), Zakat (charity), Sawm (fasting), and Hajj (pilgrimage)—reflect his core principles. His farewell sermon emphasized unity and equality among believers.

Prophet Muhammad's legacy extends beyond his lifetime. His example inspires Muslims to seek knowledge, practice compassion, and uphold justice. His impact on humanity remains profound.

What Will Your Child Learn From An Essay On Prophet Muhammad?

An essay on Prophet Muhammad will teach your child:

  • Historical Awareness: Understanding the life and times of Prophet Muhammad.
  • Values: Learning about compassion, justice, and kindness.
  • Religious Significance: Appreciating the role of the last prophet in Islam.

Interesting Facts About Prophet Muhammad For Kids

  •  Muhammad loved nature and often spent time in contemplation.
  • He was known for his honesty and integrity, earning the title "Al-Amin" (the trustworthy).
  • The Prophet's favorite color was green.
  • He encouraged education and sought knowledge throughout his life.
  • Muhammad's humility and simplicity endeared him to people from all walks of life.

Remember to approach this topic with respect and sensitivity, considering its religious significance. 🌟

The article is about short essay on Prophet Muhammad in English. The level of these 10 sentences about Prophet Muhammad is medium so any student can write on this topic. This short essay on Prophet Muhammad is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3.

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short speech on hazrat muhammad in english

Muhammad peace be upon him was not the founder of Islam. This is a factual mistake I came across in this article. Similarly, Prophet's father died even before his birth, while his mother Aamina was six months pregnant to be precise and his mother passed away while he was just six months old. If you don't know something please ask those who are knowledgeable. Don't circulate your half baked knowledge here. Thank you

short speech on hazrat muhammad in english

In this essay , you wrote that when Muhammad was 6 years old, his parents died. Actually his mother died when he was 6 years old. His father died before his born. Please correction this sentence.

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The farewell sermon of prophet muhammad (pbuh).

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Every year, more than 2.5 million Muslims from around the world visit the House of Allah SWT (Holy Kaaba) to perform Hajj. Around 1431 years ago, on the 9 th of Dhul-Hijjah, while standing on the parched terrain of the Mount of Arafat, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) delivered Khutbatul Wada (farewell sermon) .

While summarising exhortations based on the core teachings of Islam in the last sermon, the Messenger (PBUH) of Allah SWT addressed around 144,000 pilgrims and asked them to forward the Divine message. Here is everything you need to know about the farewell sermon of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) Last Sermon Explained

Unlike any other speech, the farewell sermon of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the ultimate source of guidance on how to live in a God-fearing way. Capturing the ethos of Islam, Khutbatul Wada (farewell sermon) provides Muslims with a great lens for viewing the religion of peace. While focusing on the fundamental touchstones of faith, Prophet Muhammad (SAW), in the final sermon, gives a universal message of equality, peace, justice, non-violence, forgiveness, the rights of women, the sanctity of property and life, and the teachings of the pillars of Islam.

When Did the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Deliver His Last Sermon?

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) delivered the last sermon on the 9 th of Dhul Hijjah, 10 AH (06 March 623 AD).

Where Did the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Deliver His Last Sermon?

prophet muhammad pbuh last sermon was delivered on mount arafat

Speech of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in English

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) delivered the farewell sermon in the Uranah Valley of Mount Arafat in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, on the ninth of Dhul-Hijjah. The words of the Messenger (SAW) of Allah SWT were relatively concise and clear. Addressing all of humanity, Prophet Muhammad (SAW), after praising and thanking Allah SWT said:

“O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today.

O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord and that He will indeed reckon your deeds. Allah has forbidden you to take usury (interest); therefore, all interest obligations shall henceforth be waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequity. Allah has judged that there shall be no interest and that all the interest due to Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib ( Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) uncle) shall henceforth be waived…

Beware of Satan for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.

O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under Allah’s trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right, then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them, for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with anyone of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste.

“O People , listen to me in earnest, worship Allah, perform your five daily prayers (salah), fast during the month of Ramadan , and give your wealth in zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford it .

All mankind is from Adam and Eve; an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also, a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have any superiority over a white, except by piety and good action.

Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.

Remember, one day, you will appear before Allah and answer for your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.

O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me, and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Quran and my example, the Sunnah, and if you follow these, you will never go astray.

All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again, and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness, O Allah, that I have conveyed your message to your people”.

(Reference: See Al-Bukhari, Hadith 1623, 1626, 6361) Sahih of Imam Muslim also refers to this sermon in Hadith number 98. Imam al-Tirmidhi has mentioned this sermon in Hadith nos. 1628, 2046, 2085. Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal has given us the longest and perhaps the most complete version of this sermon in his Masnud, Hadith no. 19774.)

After successfully delivering the last sermon, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) recited the following verse which had been just revealed onto him:

“This day the disbeliever’s despair of prevailing against your religion, so fear them not, but fear Me (Allah)! This day have I perfected for you, your religion and fulfilled My favour unto you, and it hath been My good pleasure to choose Islam for you as your religion.” (Holy Quran, 5:3)

Human Rights and the Last Sermon: Correlation

the worlds first human charter of human rights

  • Right to self-dignity, security, and life
  • Right to reclaim trust by the owner
  • Right to own a property
  • Right to safety
  • Right to personal freedom and financial independence
  • Freedom from discrimination
  • Right to access to information
  • Rights of men and women, husband and wife
  • Rights to maintain the religious institutions and practice the religion freely
  • Equal social and economic rights
  • Right to justice
  • Rights of inheritance of both male and female children
  • Right to protection from the law

What Is the Importance of the Last Sermon?

The last sermon was the first-ever human charter and was delivered by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to humankind. While standing on Jabal al-Rahmat, it was a message so serene and sincere yet so thought-provoking and melodious.

It educates all of humanity with regards to the fundamental laws of life, the guiding principles concerning the rights of humankind and shows us the light, the hope that everyone deserves equal rights and equal chance to reform and become a better human being.

Regarded as a Universal Manifesto, it is the farewell sermon of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that shows us the true light of Islam, teaches us how to have faith, live, and pray, and that even then, if we have any questions, he (the Messenger (PBUH) of Allah SWT) is leaving behind his Sunnah and the Holy Quran as eternal sources of guidance.

Hadiths on the Prophet’s (SAW) Last Sermon

Highlighting the significance of the farewell sermon, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “O People! Verily your lives and your wealth are sacred and forbidden upon you until you meet your Lord, as sacred as this day and this month are.”

Jabr ibn Abdullah (RA) narrated that while addressing the Muslim Ummah in the middle of the day and at the end of the (Hajj) pilgrimage, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “O people, your Lord is one, and your father Adam (RA) is one. There is no virtue of an Arab over a foreigner, nor a foreigner over an Arab, and neither white over Black nor Black over white, except by righteousness. Have I not delivered the message?” They said, “Of course, O Messenger (PBUH) of Allah SWT.” The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “Let the witness inform those who are absent.” (Source: Shu’ab al-Imān 4706)

Sulaiman bin Amr bin Ahwaz (RA) reported, “My father told me that he was present on the Farewell pilgrimage with the Messenger of Allah. He praised and glorified Allah and reminder and exhorted (the people). Then he said: ‘I enjoin good treatment of women, for they are prisoners with you, and you have no right to treat them otherwise unless they commit clear indecency. If they do that, then forsake them in their beds and hit them, but without causing injury or leaving a mark.

If they obey you, then do not seek means of annoyance against them. You have rights over your women, and your women have rights over you. Your rights over your women are that they are not to allow anyone whom you dislike to tread on your bedding (furniture) not allow anyone whom you dislike to enter your houses. And their right over you is that should treat them kindly with regard to their clothing and food.” (Sunan ibn Maja Vol 3, Book 9, Hadith 1851)

5 Lessons from the Farewell Sermon

Also known as Khutbatul Wada, the farewell sermon was delivered by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at the beginning of the day of Arafah till Tasyriq, the middle of the day. Being the ultimate message of guidance for all mankind, the farewell sermon of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) taught us many lessons. Five lifetime lessons that were taught in the last sermon are mentioned below:

Respect and Honour the Rights of Women

muslim couple together

While stating that women deserve equal respect, love, and trust, the Messenger (PBUH) of Allah SWT said, “O People, it is true that you have certain rights concerning your women, but they also have rights over you.” The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) later mentioned, “Remember that you have taken them as your wives, only under Allah’s SWT trust and with his permission.” He later added, “I enjoin you to treat women well and be kind to them.” (Bukhari)

Uphold Human Dignity

Dhul-Hijjah is one of the most significant and sacred months in the Islamic calendar. It is the month when Muslims from all over the world gather in the Holy Kaaba to perform Tawaf and seek the blessings and forgiveness of Allah SWT.

While delivering the last sermon, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) highlighted the value of equality, respecting others, and doing everything in your power to help those in need.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in a hadith said, “A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor should he hand him over to an oppressor. Whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfil his needs; whoever brought his (Muslim) brother out of a discomfort, Allah will bring him out of the discomforts of the Day of Resurrection. Whoever screens (humiliates) a Muslim, Allah will screen him on the Day of Resurrection.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) later added that in order to maintain peace in society, people should not trespass or harm one another: “Hurt no one, so that no one may hurt you.” (Bukhari)

In short, the farewell sermon of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) teaches us not to discriminate against people on the basis of race, character, and colour and to have good intentions and show care and love for one another.

Hold on to the Teachings of Islam

Islam being the religion of peace teaches us everything there is to know about living a righteous, happy and peaceful life. While delivering the last khutbah (farewell sermon), Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), at various instances reminded us of the importance of the rights of humanity, that he is the last messenger of Allah SWT and that there would be no prophet after him, and that he is leaving us with the Holy Quran and his Sunnah as the sources of guidance to live a better life.

“O people, no Prophet or Messenger will come after me, and no new faith will be born. Therefore, understand the words which I convey to you. I will leave two things; the Quran and the Sunnah, and if you follow these, you will never go astray.” (Bukhari)

Therefore, it is the responsibility of Muslims to be mindful of their duties towards Allah SWT, including believing in His Oneness, fasting in the month of Ramadan, performing Hajj and Umrah, giving Zakat, and praying five times a day.

Avoid Economic Inequality

Socio-economic instability is when opportunity and wealth aren’t distributed equally within society. This results in making the poor poorer and the rich richer. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), while emphasising the significance of socio-economic justice, said, “And give your wealth in Zakat.” (Bukhari)

Zakat, the third pillar of Islam, is an obligation on Muslims as it purifies one’s wealth and brings a sense of well-being, care, and serenity towards others.

Allah SWT in the Holy Quran says, “Take (O Muhammad (SAW)), from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them to increase.” (Holy Quran, Surah Al-Taubah, 9:103)

Don’t Discriminate between One Another

In this temporary world, humans tend to be judged on the basis of their colour, race, religion, caste, and socio-economic status. This creates an imbalance in society. As humans, we tend to judge people based on their physical attributes and not what their heart or soul has to offer.

Stating every person as equal in the eyes of the All-Mighty, Prophet Muhammad (SAW), in the farewell sermon, said, “All humankind is from Adam (AS) and Hawa (AS). An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have superiority over an Arab; also, a white has no superiority over a black, nor a black has any superiority over a white – except by piety and good action.” (Bukhari)

Therefore, instead of focusing only on physical attributes, we must treat everyone as an equal and give them a chance to speak their hearts while we listen patiently – as every man is equal in the eyes of Allah SWT.

Summary – The Farewell Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Being an integral part of the annual pilgrimage (Hajj) even today, the farewell sermon of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is addressed to Muslims worldwide. Khutbatul Wada reminds Muslims about the teachings of Islam; praying five times a day, helping each other, giving zakat and sadaqah, fasting in Ramadan, and treating everyone with kindness.

The last sermon reminds us that Allah SWT is the Creator of the entire universe, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the last messenger and that the Holy Quran and Sunnah are gifted to us to teach us the righteous way of life and make us better human beings.

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Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him)

By khaoula from kenitra.

My hero is as great and kind as an angel. I am proud of being one of his followers. He is the prophet of Islam Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Prophet Muhammad is a great figure in the world, and one of the most influential people humanity has ever witnessed. His words and deeds greatly affected human thought and behavior throughout history. He was a religious teacher, a great father, a wonderful husband, a faithful friend, an excellent guide, a strong believer, social and political reformer, and the best companion.

I love him more than myself because of his special status in our religion. Allah has honored him. All Muslims are grateful to him for his achievements.

Muhammad (p.u.h) is a prophet sent from Allah to all humankind. He is the last prophet. He was born in Makah in the year 570. He was orphan. So, he was raised by his uncle Abd Al Motaleb who was from a tribe called Quraysh.

Muhammad was illiterate and most of people at that time were illiterate too. But he was famous for being truthful, trustworthy, confident, and generous. He used to help the poor by giving them charity; he used to play with children and make them happy and he was so honest and sincere to the extent that people called him the trustworthy.

At forty Muhammad received his first revelation from Allah through the angel, Gabriel. At first, he was afraid. When he returned home, he told his wife Khadija what was going on. Khadija took him to her cousin (Waraka Ibn Nawfal) who told Muhammad that he was going to be a prophet.

Muhammad was very happy and waited for the second revelation from Allah. For twenty -three years, the verses of The Holy Quran came successively.

He and his followers suffered from unbelievers who tried to hurt them. Allah allowed them to emigrate from Makah to The Medina in the year 622.Some years later, Muhammad and his followers became stronger and were able to return to Makah. 

After the death of the prophet (p.u.h.) ,Islam had spread to remote lands in the world. Among the reasons for the fast and peaceful spread of Islam was the truth and clarity of this religion and the simplicity of its message.

Prophet Muhammad is up to now a perfect example of honesty, fairness, mercifulness, compassion, faith, courage and commitment; an exceptional, thoughtful human being in brief.

Many famous figures recognized him as an important person in the history of mankind. Some of these are well-known writers and leaders: Bernard Show, LaMartine, and Gandhi.

Page created on 5/11/2013 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 7/31/2017 3:58:30 PM

short speech on hazrat muhammad in english

Hadith of Prophet Muhammad

49 Best Hadith of Prophet Muhammad in Arabic and English

This is the right place if you want to learn about the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad . You’ll also find information about justice and success here.

Hadiths of the Prophet  are nothing but bits of his biography. Hadiths are recordings of the preaching of Prophet Muhammad. Peace and blessings be upon him. They are the moral ground on which the followers of Islam function and work in their day-to-day lives. It is the law of the religion and holds the second authority to the Quran.

Its development holds a crucial place in the first three centuries of Islamic history. It provides a wide glance into the ethics, minds, and culture of the followers.

There are many narrations on the virtue of memorizing, preserving, and teaching forty hadiths. In one of the Hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “ Whoever memorizes and preserves for my people forty Hadith about his religion, Allah will resurrect him on Judgment Day as a jurist and religious scholar. ””

These narrations have made memorizing hadiths a crucial part of Islamic studies for centuries.

Table of Contents

What is Hadith?

Hadith comes from the Arabic word h-d-th, which means ‘to happen.’ It means ‘to report,’ ‘to give,’ or ‘speak of.’ Through Hadith, Prophet Muhammad has shaped the lives of many households. The two reasons behind its legal acceptance are.

First, the Prophet acquired a unique status among the followers and believers of Islam. Second, the religion rapidly expanded and became accepted across geography.

Top 49 Hadith of Prophet Muhammad

1. “Those people who show no mercy will receive no mercy from Allah.” [ Muslim, Al-Fada’il (Excellent Qualities of the Prophet and His Companions); 66]

2. “Make things easier, do not make things more difficult, spread the glad tidings, do not hate.” [ Bukhari, Al-Ilm (Knowledge); 12]

3. “Those who are the means for good deeds are the same as those who perform good deeds.” [ Tirmidhi, Al-Ilm (Knowledge); 14]

4. “Who cheats us is not one of us.” [ Muslim, Al-Iman (Faith); 164]

5. “Allah is pleased with the task performed by you in which both the action and duty are sound and which is performed well. [ Tabarani, Al-Mu’jam Al-Awsat; 1/275]

6. “Not one of you can (truly) believe if you do not want for your (believing) brother what you want for yourself.” [ Bukhari, Al-Iman (Faith); 7]

7. “He who is not merciful to our young (people) and who shows no respect to our elderly is not one of us.” [ Tirmidhi, Al Birr (Virtue); 15]

8. “You cannot enter heaven until you believe, and you will not truly believe until you (truly) love one another.” [ Muslim, Al-Iman (Faith); 93]

9. “No father has ever given a child a gift that is superior to good manners.”  [Tirmidhi, Al-Birr (Virtue); 33]

10. “Do not have ill-will towards one another, do not be envious of one another, do not turn your back on one another; O, servants of Allah, be brothers (and sisters). It is not permissible for Muslims to remain angry with their brother [in religion] for more than three days. [Bukhari, Al-Adab (Good Manners); 57-58]

11. “Allah will examine neither your physical appearance nor your possessions. He will only examine your hearts and your actions.”  [Muslim, Al-Birr (Virtue); 33]

12. “He who abandons that which does not concern him is a good Muslim.”  [Tirmidhi, Al-Zuhd (Piety); 11]

13. “When a human being dies, all their actions and blessings come to an end, except for these three things: continuous charity (sadaqah Jariyah), the knowledge from which they have benefited, and a blessed child who prays for them.”  [Muslim, Al-Wasiyya (Bequests); 14]

14. “I leave you two things. As long as you follow these, you will never go astray: Allah’s Book and the Sunnah of the Prophet.”  [Muwatta, Al-Qadr (Decree); 3]

15. “Wisdom and knowledge are things that the believer lacks. He should take them wherever he finds them.” [Tirmidhi, Al-Ilm; (Knowledge) 19]

16. “One who does not behave gently is considered to have been deprived of all their good deeds.”  [Muslim, Al-Birr (Virtue) 74]

17. “No one has ever eaten anything more blessed than that which is from what they have earned.” [Bukhari, Al-Buyu (About Business Transactions); 15]

18. “Never belittle a good act, even if it is nothing more than smiling at a fellow Muslim!”  [Muslim, Al-Birr (Virtue); 144]

19. “As long as the heart is not honest, the faith of a servant cannot be sincere. As long as the tongue is not sincere, the heart cannot be sincere.”  [Ahmed b. Hanbal, Musnad, III/198]

20. “It is enough evil for a person to disparage their Muslim brother.” [Muslim, Al-Iman (Faith); 164]

Hadith of Prophet Muhammad about Justice

21. “Every person makes mistakes. The most blessed of those who make errors is he who repents.”  [Tirmidhi, Al-Qiyama (Judgement); 49]

22. “Wherever you may be, do not oppose Allah; if you perform an evil action, perform a good one afterward to cancel the evil out; act towards people as required by good morals.”  [Tirmidhi, Al-Birr (Virtue), 55]

23. “A Muslim is someone from whom other Muslims are safe, both from their actions and their words. A believer is someone from whom the property and lives of others are safe.”  [Tirmidhi, Al-Iman (Faith); 12]

24. “One who distances themselves from idle deeds is the most beautiful of Muslims.”  [Tirmidhi, Al-Zuhd (Piety); 11]

25. “There are two characteristics that a believer does not have: Meanness and bad morals.”  [Tirmidhi, Al-Birr (Virtue); 41]

26. “No one should judge between two people when they are angry.”  [Muslim, Al-Aqdiyya (About Judicial Matters); 16]

27. “If a servant covers the shame of another servant on the Day of Judgement, Allah will cover their shame.”  [Muslim, Al-Birr (Virtue); 72]

28. “The approval of Allah is the approval of the mother and father. The anger of Allah is the anger of the mother and father.”  [Tirmidhi, Al-Birr (Virtue); 3]

29. “The most blessed house among Muslims is the one in which an orphan is cared for. The worst house among Muslims is the one in which an orphan is mistreated.”  [Ibn Maja, Al-Adab (Manners); 6]

30. “O, Allah! I seek protection with You from helplessness, idleness, cowardice, from becoming old and having to beg, and from miserliness. I seek protection with You from torment in the grave and instigation in life and death.”  [Muslim, Al-Dikhr (Remembrance of Allah); 50]

Hadith of Prophet Muhammad about Success

31. “The [members] of every religion have a moral quality that [is dominant] in their essence. The moral quality [that is dominant in the members] of Islam is modesty/shame.”  [Ibn Maja, Al-Zuhd (Piety); 17]

32. “The believer possesses cordiality. There is no goodness in the person who is not cordial (who does not socialize with people) and does not permit cordiality (allows others to socialize with them).”  [Ahmed b. Hanbal, II/400]

33. “O, People! Do your tasks with energy. Because when you become weary of [prayers and worshipping], Allah becomes weary of recording blessings. The most pleasant effort to Allah is that which is little, but constant.” [Bukhari, Al-Iman (Faith); 16]

34. “There is no veil between the prayer of the oppressed and Allah. Beware of being cursed.”  [Bukhari, Al-Iman (Faith); 4]

35. “When trusts are lost [when tasks are given to those who are not competent], await the day of Judgement.”  [Bukhari, Al-Ilm (Knowledge); 59]

36. “There are two blessings, and most people evaluate these blessings incorrectly: Health and free time.”  [Bukhari, Al-Riqaq (Heart-Melting Traditions); 1]

37. “The one who is strong in belief is more blessed in Allah’s presence than he who is weak in belief.”  [Muslim, Al-Qadr (Destiny); 8]

38. “Reporting everything one hears is enough of a lie for every [believer].”  [Muslim, Al-Iman (Faith); 3]

39. “Account to yourself before you are called to account.”  [Tirmidhi, Al-Qiyama (Judgement); 25]

40. “If you see there to be a danger with the truth, do not deviate from it. For salvation is only with the truth.”  [At-Targhib wa-t- Tarhib, III/590]

The Prophet For Muslims To Follow In Daily Life

41.  “Those people who show no mercy will receive no mercy from Allah.” [Muslim, Al-Fada’il]

42.  “Wisdom and knowledge are things that the believer lacks. He should take them wherever he finds them.” [Tirmidhi, Al-Ilm; (Knowledge) 19]

43.  “Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens himself in his religion will not be able to continue in that way. So you should not be extremists, but try to be near to perfection and receive the good tidings that you will be rewarded; and gain strength by worshipping in the mornings, the nights.” [Bukhari, Fath-ul-Bari]

44.  “Those who are the means of good deeds are the same as those who perform good deeds.” [Tirmidhi, Al-Ilm; (Knowledge) 14]

45.  “It is one of the greatest sins that a man should curse his parents.” It was asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! How does a man curse his parents?” The Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) replied, “The man abuses the father of another man and the latter abuses the father of the former and abuses his mother.” [Bukhari]

46.  “No father has ever given a child a gift that is superior to good manners.” [Tirmidhi], Al-Birr (Virtue); 33]

47. His sincerity in yearning for this was rewarded with guidance from his Creator. The Prophet was instructed, “Say [O Muhammad], ‘My Lord has commanded justice…’” (Quran 8:29).

48. Abu Malik at-Ash’ari reported: The Messenger of Allah ( ‌صلی ‌اللہ ‌علیہ ‌وسلم ‌ ) said: Cleanliness is half of faith and al-Hamdu Liliah (Praise be to Allah) fills the scale, and Subhan Allah (Glory be to Allah) and al-Hamdu Liliah (Praise be to Allah) serve up what is between the heavens and the earth, and prayer is a light, and charity is proof (of one’s faith), and endurance is brightness, and the Holy Qur’an is a proof on your behalf or against you. All men go out early in the morning and sell themselves, thereby setting themselves free or destroying themselves.

49. Silah reported: ‘Ammar ibn Yasir, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “Whoever has three qualities has completed the faith: a sense of fairness in yourself, spending in charity despite difficult circumstances and offering peace to the world.” [Muṣannaf Ibn Abī Shaybah 30440]

Hadith of Prophet Muhammad Question (FAQs)

How many hadiths did the prophet muhammad have.

Muwatta Imam Malik is usually described as the earliest written collection of Hadith. Still, Muhammad’s companions mix their words with his. According to one edition number, Muhammad’s Hadith had 822, and the other had 898.

What is the Hadith of the Prophet?

Hadith is a record of the customs or adages of the Prophet Muhammad. People respect it as the primary source of strict laws and moral standards. They also acknowledge it. The holy Quran, the sacred book of Islam, is the only book held in higher regard.

What are the 4 types of Hadith?

To know a hadith, you need to classify it. You classify it as dhaif (weak), maudhu (fabricated), or sahih (authentic).

What are the 6 Articles of the Islamic Faith?

This incorporates the Quran, given to Muhammad. It also includes the Torah, given to Moses. Jesus received the Gospel. David received Psalms. Abraham received scrolls.

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My name is Ashraf Ali, and I am a freelance writer and blogger. I have received my education from religious seminaries. I thoroughly enjoy writing on religious topics, and through my articles, I strive to convey the correct Islamic message to people.

6 thoughts on “49 Best Hadith of Prophet Muhammad in Arabic and English”

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  6. Essay on My Favorite Personality in English

    short speech on hazrat muhammad in english


  1. Class 7 English

  2. Speech on Seerat un Nabi in Urdu

  3. Urs e Ala Hazrat 2012-Urdu Speech by Allama Umar Hayat Qadri Saheb-Masjid e Usmani Leicester

  4. Seerat un Nabi ( SAW) speech || Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH )|| سیرت النبی صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم

  5. Part of a Speech from Mawlana Hazar Imam, Aga Khan IV

  6. Speech on Seerat un Nabi ( SAW) || سیرت النبی صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم || Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH )


  1. Prophet Muhammad: A Mercy For All Creation

    He was a Prophet raised by Allah, the Creator and Sustainer of all beings, for the guidance and happiness of conscious beings - mankind and jinn - and the harmony of existence. Therefore, he lived not for himself but for others; he is a mercy for all the worlds. Adapted from the article "The Prophet Muhammad: A Mercy for all Creation" by IslamWeb.

  2. Speech on Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) and message of Islam

    Source : / 19 Feb 2013. There have been many biographies written and speeches given on Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)that have provided a glimpse of his life, the role that he played as a Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), and the message that he brought for mankind.However, the speech delivered by Ja'far bin Abi Talib to the Christian ...

  3. Speech on Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) (and message of Islam)

    Even Prophet Muhammad (sws) last speech on Arafat. Their speeches covered the essence of the whole story in few short sentences & yet powerful enough to effect whoever heard it & could not help not only sympathize but revert to Islam because they told The Haq/The Truth. SubhanAllah & Al-Hamulillah.

  4. A beautiful English speech on the Prophet Muhammad SAW by a Madrasa

    A beautiful English speech on the life of Prophet Muhammad SAW by a madrasa graduate, Hassan Khan Ishaati delivered during the Convocation Ceremony held on 2...

  5. English Speech The Lifestory of Prophet Muhammad

    English Speech the Lifestory of Prophet Muhammad - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document provides a summary of the life story of the Prophet Muhammad in 3 paragraphs. It describes that he was born in Mecca in 571 AD, became an orphan at a young age, and worked as a merchant before marrying Khadijah.

  6. Prophet Muhammad's Last Sermon: A Final Admonition

    Prophet Muhammad's final sermon was delivered during the Hajj of the year 632 C.E., the ninth day of Dhul Hijjah, the 12th month of the lunar year, at Arafat, the most blessed day of the year. There were countless Muslims present with the Prophet during his last pilgrimage when he delivered his last Sermon.

  7. Chapter 1: A Brief Biography Of Prophet Muhammad

    The Muslim nation may still be a candidate to lead mankind to bliss and prosperity if they ensure to adhere to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and his successors. 1. The occasion of the Hijrah (literally migration, and by extension the migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina). 2.

  8. The Kindness of Prophet Muhammad (s)

    Indeed, Prophet Muhammad was nothing short of a competent counselor. He was always counseling people to be goodhearted regardless of their sex, age or gender. Once Asma bint Abu Bakr's mother, who was still an unbeliever, came to see her in Madinah. ... The bad guys are protected in the name of "freedom of speech" which in fact is a misuse of ...

  9. The Prophet Muhammad A Mercy for all Creation

    The Prophet Muhammad: A Mercy for all Creation. Allah's Messenger was the kindest of men in the same way as he excelled all others in courage and valor. Being extremely kind-hearted, his eyes brimmed with tears at the slightest sign of inhumanity. A Companion, Shaddad bin 'Aws, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet said:

  10. PDF Stories from the Life of Prophet Muhammad (s)

    rapes to the Holy Prophet Muhammad as a gift. He was very excited t. be able to bring a gift for the Prophet (s). He placed the grapes beside the Prophet (s) and said, 'O Prophet of Al. ah, please accept this small gift from me'. He was a poor man who could not afford more. His face beame. with happiness as he offered his small gift. I.

  11. PDF The Life Of The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

    The Coming of The Archangel Gabriel. Muhammad (pbuh) believed that there was only one Allah, Creator of the sun, the moon, the earth, the sky, and of all living things, and that all people should worship only Him. Muhammad (pbuh) would often leave the crowded city and go to the cave in Mount Hira'.

  12. PDF Muhammad The Last Prophet pbuh

    9 • • Muhammad - The Last Prophet Prophet (pbuh) and was informed about the martyrdom of her husband. She asked the same question the third time and was assured that the Prophet was safe. Upon hearing it, she uttered the memorable words: "If the Prophet is safe, all afflictions are bearable." If a believer does not

  13. Story of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

    Muhammad was born in Mecca (Makkah), Arabia, on Monday, 12 Rabi' Al-Awal (2 August A.D. 57O). His mother, Aminah, was the daughter of Wahb Ibn 'Abdu Manaf of the Zahrah family. His father, Abdullah, was the son of Abdul Muttalib. His genealogy has been traced to the noble house of Ishmael, the son of Prophet Abraham in about the fortieth descent.

  14. Farewell Sermon

    The Farewell Sermon (Arabic: خطبة الوداع, Khuṭbatu l-Widāʿ) also known as Muhammad's Final Sermon or the Last Sermon, is a religious speech, delivered by the Islamic prophet Muhammad on Friday the 9th of Dhu al-Hijjah, 10 AH (6 March 632) in the Uranah valley of Mount Arafat, during the Islamic pilgrimage of Hajj. Muhammad al-Bukhari refers to the sermon and quotes part of it in ...

  15. The Farewell Sermon of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

    Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) undertook his farewell pilgrimage in the year 10 A.H. His farewell pilgrimage to Mecca is one of the most significant historical events in the minds of Muslims, for it was the first and last pilgrimage performed by Prophet Muhammad. ... But, in my opinion, the most powerful speech in history, which reverberates through ...

  16. Speech on Prophet Muhammad in English

    Speech on Prophet Muhammad in English | Speech on Eid Milad un Nabi | The Holy Prophet essay You can also watch this;°°°°°°Watch ...

  17. Our Holy Prophet PBUH Speech in English || Short Speech on Hazrat

    Our Holy Prophet Speech in English || Hazrat Muhammad SAW Speech in English Subscribe our channel for More English Speech. Thank You😊 ⏩ Topics Covered ⏪ Hol...

  18. Prophet Muhammad short essay, Long Essay, Paragraph, 10 lines for

    10 Lines On Prophet Muhammad In English. Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, around 570 CE. He received revelations from Allah through the angel Gabriel, which later became the Quran. Muhammad preached monotheism and social justice. His migration (Hijra) from Mecca to Medina is a significant event in Islamic history.

  19. The Farewell Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

    The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, "Let the witness inform those who are absent." (Source: Shu'ab al-Imān 4706) Sulaiman bin Amr bin Ahwaz (RA) reported, "My father told me that he was present on the Farewell pilgrimage with the Messenger of Allah. He praised and glorified Allah and reminder and exhorted (the people).

  20. Short Speech On The Prophet Muhammad

    Short Speech on the Prophet Muhammad - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. (1) Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca in 571 AD and was orphaned as a child, being raised by his grandfather and uncle. (2) As a young man, he worked as a merchant and married a wealthy widow named Khadija ...

  21. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him)

    Muhammad (p.u.h) is a prophet sent from Allah to all humankind. He is the last prophet. He was born in Makah in the year 570. He was orphan. So, he was raised by his uncle Abd Al Motaleb who was from a tribe called Quraysh. Muhammad was illiterate and most of people at that time were illiterate too. But he was famous for being truthful ...

  22. 49 Best Hadith of Prophet Muhammad in Arabic and English

    Top 49 Hadith of Prophet Muhammad. 1. "Those people who show no mercy will receive no mercy from Allah.". [ Muslim, Al-Fada'il (Excellent Qualities of the Prophet and His Companions); 66] 2. "Make things easier, do not make things more difficult, spread the glad tidings, do not hate.". [ Bukhari, Al-Ilm (Knowledge); 12]

  23. Holy Prophet Essay |English Essay on Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

    Holy Prophet Essay |English Essay on Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) Welcome to ma infotainment .The essay is about The Holy Prophet,Who is the last prophet of Allah....