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PhD/MPhil Culture and Creative Industries

Postgraduate research degree

The Centre for Cultural and the Creative industries has a long history of internationally renowned research and scholarship, and is one of the world’s oldest places of specialisation in this field.

Research centres and groups

  • Culture and the Creative Industries

Key information

Starting date Deadline for application
Sep 2024 30 September 2024 Aug 2024 20 August 2024

Culture and Creative Industries Postgraduate research degrees PhD/MPhil course Overview

As a researcher for the Cultural and the Creative Industries PhD/MPhil programme, you will join a diverse, highly specialised international research community. Encompassing sociology, geography, economic development, cultural studies and policy development

Areas of expertise include:

  • Challenges to Identity, Place, and Practices
  • Heritage and the urban organization of culture
  • In/equalities and labour conditions in the cultural industries
  • Mediated identity, consumption and intimacy
  • Lack of diversity in the creative economy, and its representations
  • Creative Economy policy for cities, and (world) regions

We have close links with national and international agencies including the UN. This will give you a unique insight into how our research translates into solid outcomes.

You may also have the opportunity to be involved with projects being carried out by scholars working with these organisations.

The Programme

The PhD at City is designed to assist you with your research project and give you transferable skills for the years after you finish. The PhD programme is structured as follows: Year 1 - Student’s work with their supervisors to develop the literature review in their specific area. They will outline their methodology and plan for the thesis. They participate in peer seminars and research events in the department. Year 2 - In order to progress from MPhil to PhD students present an upgrade paper. They will outline their review of the literature, their methodology and gives an indication of the overall shape of the thesis.* Year 3 - The formal requirements in third year are focused around the writing up and submission of the thesis. Year 4 - The fourth year of a PhD is only used as a writing up year.

* Students on graduate research programmes are initially registered for an MPhil award. Promotion to registration to PhD is not automatic, but contingent on the satisfactory outcome of a review process.

The PhD programme concludes with the candidate submitting their research in the form of a PhD thesis. Then attending a viva voce examination with two examiners, at least one of whom will be external to City.

Candidates are required to demonstrate the following:

  • understanding of previous research literature and current academic and professional thinking
  • the ability to undertake sustained, high level research and master the theoretical (and where appropriate, practical) aspects of the subject areas relevant to the research field
  • the ability to communicate the subject matter of the research field, and the conclusions of the particular research project, in the accepted academic form of a research thesis.

The research thesis/dissertation must contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the understanding of the subject.

An MPhil thesis should demonstrate evidence of systematic study. It should be either a record of original work or a critical exposition of existing knowledge. A PhD thesis should similarly demonstrate evidence of systematic study and in addition make a new contribution to the subject.

Please visit the Essential Information section of the Doctoral College page.


Entry requirements.

Candidates should normally have or be expecting an upper second or first class degree in any related discipline. We also expect a Master's degree or equivalent with the dissertation component marked at Distinction level (70+).

However, we also welcome applications from mature students with substantial research experience. Candidates can be considered for a PhD by Prior Publication.

We also expect:

  • A mature and independent attitude to research
  • Adherence to the values of the Student Contract
  • Commitment to taking part in a community of scholars
  • An open attitude to the development of your own research
  • Generous and constructive criticism of the work of others presented in seminars
  • An understanding of the National Qualifications Frameworks
  • Willingness to present working papers in School of Communication & Creativity Seminars and national and international conferences.

English requirements

Under City regulations research theses must be submitted in English. Candidates whose first language is not English will be required to show evidence of a high standard of written and spoken fluency.

Examples of this include a degree from a British university or a minimum overall score of 7.5 and no less than 7.0 in any of the subtests (Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking) in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) administered by the British Council. For further information about IELTS, please see their website .

For more information see our main entry requirements page.

Visa requirements

If you are not from the European Economic Area / Switzerland and you are coming to study in the UK, you may need to apply for a visa or entry clearance to come to the UK to study.

The way that you apply may vary depending on the length of your course. There are different rules for:

  • Students on courses of more than six months
  • Students on courses of less than six months
  • Students on a pre-sessional English language course.

For more information see our main Visa page .

Fees and funding

Full-time Home/UK: £5,110 per year

Part-time Home/UK: £2,560 per year

Full-time International: £13,630 per year

Part-time International: £6,810 per year

Fees for doctoral candidates are charged annually and cover registration, supervision and examination.

Fees are subject to review each year and may vary during your period of registration. Where applicable, fees for City's programmes will be subject to inflationary increases in each academic year of study commencing in September . Our policy for these increases is set out in our terms and conditions of study .

You pay the above fees (which usually increase each year in line with inflation) annually until you are ready to go into 'writing up' status. Whereby you are no longer researching your research topic and are solely writing up your thesis for examination.

You will not be required to pay further tuition fees. You will however be charged the writing-up fee of £300 which will cover you for the duration of the writing-up period (a maximum of 12 months for full-time and 18 months for part-time students). If a student fails to submit their thesis within the maximum writing-up period, they will be reverted to full registration (full-time or part-time depending on their status before moving to writing up). They will then be required to pay the full fees.

Students will only be expected to pay for the time taken to complete the thesis. Once the thesis has been submitted the remaining proportional fees will be refunded to the student.

Fees are payable upon registration. Details of payment methods for tuition fees can be found on the Post Graduate Fees section of the website .

Support for PhD study

Prospective students are encouraged to explore doctoral Grants and funding opportunities such as:

  • Research Council studentship awards , if available.

Our bursaries are non-repayable sums of money granted by the University, usually based on need.

Our loans are repayable sums of money granted by the University or other body.

Our scholarships are when the University pays towards your Study fees. You may also be eligible for further funding.

Postgraduate Doctoral Loans

The Government has introduced a new Postgraduate Doctoral Loans scheme which can provide a loan of up to £25,000.

This will be over three years to support study for a doctoral degree.

A Postgraduate Doctoral Loan can help with course fees and living costs while you study. It can be used alongside any other forms of support you may be able to receive.

For more information, please see our Postgraduate Doctoral Loans page .

Additional expenses

Some of our degrees may involve additional expenses which are not covered by your tuition fees. Find out more about additional expenses .

Academic support

City has a well-established structure and processes to support your research .


Research students are normally appointed a supervisory team consisting of at least two supervisors. One of these will be designated as the first point of contact with responsibility for ensuring effective supervision is provided.

PhD Supervisor

CCI allows students - in consultation with their supervisor - to create a unique programme of study tailored to their needs within a broader framework of expectations. These cover: theory, history, methods/philosophy and substantive, detailed methods, as well as writing and presentation workshops.

The supervisor offers advice, and guides the student to successful and timely completion of the thesis. This is likely to be more prescriptive and directive in the early part of the PhD career. The guidance will become more advisory and dialogical in latter stages.

For more information, please see the visit the City Doctoral College .

Research Environment

The Culture and Creative Industries PhD programme offers the support and resources you need to complete your doctorate. This includes:

  • Tailor-made supervision by our nationally- and internationally-renowned staff
  • Research training within the Department
  • Use of a specialist reference archive of more than 6,000 items unique to City. Also access to libraries and major London collections such as the British Library and the Arts Library of the Barbican Centre
  • Membership of the Department Seminar group. Who meet regularly to participate in seminars given by research students and/or invited speakers from academe and the industry
  • The chance to publish your research in the Department's peer reviewed journal Culture, Criticism and Management
  • The support of the School's knowledge transfer programmes to provide insight into applied research
  • Working as part of a lively research community made up of students from all over the world with diverse educational and career backgrounds.

How to apply

We accept applications on an ongoing basis for entry in late September. There is no formal application deadline, but it is advisable to apply as early as possible due to the limited availability of supervisors.

Your research ideas should broadly match those of a nominated CCI staff member . You are advised to contact them ahead of your application in order to develop a potential research focus.

To apply online, you will need to submit the following supporting documents:

  • A copy of your research proposal
  • Copies of your degree certificates and transcripts
  • Official work e-mail addresses (not private ones) for two academic referees (or one academic and one professional referee where appropriate)
  • Proof of your English language proficiency (if applicable).

When this information is received the application will be assessed by the relevant academic staff. Further information or an interview may be required. The applicant will be contacted if this is the case. The outcome will be reported to the applicant as soon as is practicable.

See guidance on writing your research proposal .

  • Full-time 30 th Sep 2024
  • Part-time 30 th Sep 2024
  • 30 th Sep 2024

For further application enquiries please contact our PGR enquiries team .

PhD projects

Beast: racial inequalities in the creative and cultural industries.

This research explores the experiences of British East Asian actors in the film and television sector in the context of growing public debates over racial discrimination, exclusion and inequalities.

Research centre: Centre for Culture and the Creative Industries

Academic: Dr Diana Yeh

Status: Completed project

View case study site

Becoming ‘East and Southeast Asian’ Race, Ethnicity and Youth Politics of Belonging in Britain

This project investigates how and why young people in British urban cities are engaging in ‘East and Southeast Asian’ racial and pan-ethnic group-making.

Mertiocracy and Critical consumption

Prof Jo Littler's current research project concerns meritocracy and social and cultural change; the output of this research is in the form of academic articles.

Status: Ongoing project

Identity, Sexuality and Culture

This project explores how young people’s aesthetic and affective labour is put to work in bars, restaurants, nightclubs, etc to create value in the service economy.

Developing new expertise on Cultural Policy Making

Jenny Mbaye and Andy Pratt have developed an online CPD programme for cultural policy makers in Asia, for UNESCO. Andy and Jenny are working with to repeat the format in other world regions.

Academics: Professor Andy Pratt and

The creative economy and transnational production chains (CICERONE project)

Our CCI staff are working on a research project funded by the EU worth £6m. This involves partners in 8 EU countries exploring the Creative industries and their global /European production networks.

Academics: Professor Andy Pratt , and

Find a supervisor

See our full list of academic staff and potential supervisors in Department of Media, Culture and Creative Industries.

Professor Andy Pratt

Professor Andy Pratt

Professor of Cultural Economy & Director, CCCI

  • Department of Media, Culture and Creative Industries

Dr Diana Yeh

Dr Diana Yeh

Associate Dean EDI.

Useful links

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Contact details

School of communication & creativity.

[email protected]

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World-leading postgraduate research across the fields of culture, media and the creative industries - in the heart of London.

With a vast range of specialisms from popular culture to policy and from cultural management to creative cities, you’ll have the opportunity to work with research supervisors who are experts in their area. 

Ranked 3rd in the UK for research power in the most recent Research Excellence Framework (2021) - in a joint submission with  Digital Humanities , you’ll benefit from expertise in cultural production and distribution, cultural markets and consumption, heritage, museum and memory, popular and digital cultures and media industries.   

Our research students also have the option to take up Graduate Teaching Assistant roles on our master’s courses. 

Explore our course here: 

Culture, media & creative industries research.

MPhil/PhD Culture, Media & Creative Industries (CMCI) Research at King's College London.

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Arizona State University

Global Management (Creative Industries and Design Thinking), MGM

  • Program description
  • At a glance
  • Accelerated program options
  • Degree requirements
  • Admission requirements
  • Tuition information
  • Program learning outcomes
  • Global opportunities
  • Career opportunities
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Design Management, Global, Management, creative, design, global management, industry

Are you seeking a leadership role in a global organization? This concentration offers applied learning opportunities and internships in settings around the world. You'll gain hands-on experience and learn from the diverse perspectives of a global cohort of classmates.

The World Economic Forum reports that empathy and collaboration are two critical abilities for global manager success. These are equally critical for those seeking careers in creative industries and industries that use design thinking. These abilities rely on the development of social capital. Students in this program learn to build sustainable, trusting relationships --- the basis of social capital --- with others from diverse parts of the world by developing a deep capacity for intercultural empathy, the ability to have an interpersonal impact and the ability to act with diplomacy. This program is designed to develop a student's social capital through field-based action learning, team-based projects and stretch assignments.

This concentration is offered in collaboration with the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts .

Inventive thinking. Innovative leadership. This program can fill the entrepreneurial skills gap that exists among traditional art and design graduates. The National Strategic National Arts Alumni Project survey of over 100,000 art and design graduates indicates that while 77% of architecture graduates and 75% of fine arts graduates believe entrepreneurial skills to be somewhat or very important, only 24% and 21%, respectively, gained the necessary entrepreneurial knowledge and skills as undergraduates.

The MGM program with a concentration in creative industries and design thinking teaches students critical skills with an interdisciplinary focus to meet a current need in the globally expanding field of creative industries. Additionally, providing students with an entrepreneurial skill set strengthens their ability to connect interdisciplinary knowledge of the cultural industries with design thinking methodology, building on management skills and the ability to apply entrepreneurial vision to the globally interconnected sector of art and design. Students are exposed to design-thinking pedagogy as they increase their capacity for interpersonal communication, public communication, opportunity recognition, network and systems thinking, problem recognition and creativity. They demonstrated abilities in cultural leadership, knowledge of the creative industries, distribution of creative products, the creative process and management of innovation in the creative industries.

This program empowers students to advance innovation in the cultural sector, support creative work and careers, harness social capital, and design public and private enterprises that will strengthen arts and design in the future. The program prepares graduates to understand the complex economic, legal, political and social contexts that surround any innovation or enterprise.

Thunderbird School of Global Management has produced unique leaders for over 75 years --- leaders in every sector capable of tackling the world's greatest challenges. The alumni network comprises 45,000 graduates and 170 chapters around the globe.

  • College/school: Thunderbird School of Global Management
  • Location: Downtown Phoenix

Acceptance to the graduate program requires a separate application. Students typically receive approval to pursue the accelerated master’s during the junior year of their bachelor's degree program. Interested students can learn about eligibility requirements and how to apply .

49 credit hours, a foreign language exam, including the required capstone course (TGM 597)

Required Core (3 credit hours) TAM 582 Communicating and Negotiating in a Dynamic Global World (3) or TGM 506 Communicating and Negotiating Across Cultures (3)

Concentration (6 credit hours) HDA 513 Applied Creative Research and Evaluation Methods (3) HDA 521 Counting Arts and Culture: Reasoning with Empirical Evidence (3)

Restricted Electives (6 credit hours) GRA 501 Creative Environment and Collaborative Leadership (3) HDA 522 Media Literacy and Distribution (3) creative enterprise development elective (3) leadership elective (3)

Open Electives (12 credit hours)

Other Requirement (21 credit hours) foreign language TGM 515 Navigating Global and Regional Business Environments (3) TGM 517 Global Accounting and Financial Management (3) TGM 545 Global Leadership and Strategy (3) TGM 557 Global Marketing and Data Analytics (3) TGM 586 Global Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Business (3) TGM 596 Thunderbird Experiential Practicum (6)

Culminating Experience (1 credit hour) TGM 597 Thunderbird Personal Leadership Development (1)

Additional Curriculum Information For restricted electives, students choose two of the following for a total of six credit hours: HDA 522, GRA 501, a creative enterprise development elective, a leadership elective.

Open electives are approved by the academic unit.

Except for TGM 596 and the foreign language requirement, other requirement courses may be substituted with approval of the academic unit.

Proficiency in a second language is required for graduation from the MGM degree program. Students whose native language is not English who meet the admission requirements for the Master of Global Management program satisfy the language requirement.

Students whose native language is English must satisfy the graduation requirement for language proficiency either through an oral proficiency interview administered by a third-party vendor or by successfully completing six credit hours of 400-level or higher foreign language coursework as part of the program electives.

Applicants must fulfill the requirements of both the Graduate College and the Thunderbird School of Global Management.

Applicants are eligible to apply to the program if they have earned a bachelor's or master's degree in any subject or related field from a regionally accredited institution.

Applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 (scale is 4.00 = "A") in the last 60 hours of their first bachelor's degree program, or applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 (scale is 4.00 = "A") in an applicable master's degree program.

Applicants are required to submit:

  • graduate admission application and application fee
  • official transcripts
  • essay response to application question
  • one professional or academic reference
  • proof of English proficiency

Additional Application Information An applicant whose native language is not English must provide proof of English proficiency regardless of their current residency.

The resume should demonstrate the applicant's professional and academic history.

An interview is required. Final applicants may be asked to attend an additional interview.

Program learning outcomes identify what a student will learn or be able to do upon completion of their program. This program has the following program outcomes:

  • Develop the ability to build sustainable and trusting relationships with others from diverse parts of the world.
  • Apply design thinking to identify challenges to and opportunities for success in the creative industries.
  • Develop the ability to inspire, influence and motivate others in a global world.

Students in Thunderbird's Master of Global Management program have unique opportunities to apply and hone their learning in international settings. Experiential learning exposes Thunderbird students to actual problems faced by leaders of multinational businesses and governmental or nonprofit organizations that operate on an international level. Working with Thunderbird professors, their fellow students, alumni and corporate partners, students master and apply global management principles and concepts to meet real business challenges through special courses, labs and projects. Thunderbird offers a wide variety of experiential learning engagements, allowing students to solve real-world challenges by collaborating with the school's corporate partners around the world. Some options include the following:

Global Field Seminars This one- or two-week seminar exposes students to the dynamics and nuances of doing business in a focused region of the world. Teams of students go on company site visits and attend high-level meetings and presentations with business, government and cultural leaders as well as with Thunderbird alumni. Students gain invaluable hands-on experience while expanding their global business skills, enabling them to become major assets to any organization they join after graduating.

Thunderbird Global Challenge Laboratories This is a client-facing, project-based course built on a six- to seven-week immersion assignment in a key emerging or advanced market. Projects take students to destinations all over the world. They are tailored to the business needs of the client and challenge students to provide sophisticated data and market analysis, strategy recommendations and plans for sustained growth that are both practical and effective. For more information, students should visit the Thunderbird Global Challenge Lab website .

Career examples include positions as:

  • intelligence analysts
  • instructional designers and technologists
  • management analysts
  • marketing managers
  • market research analysts and marketing specialists
  • sales managers
  • social and community services managers

Thunderbird School of Global Management | TGHB 209 [email protected] 602-496-7100

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Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies

Phd in cultural policy studies / phd in creative industries / phd in media and communication.

We welcome applications for the degrees of PhD in Cultural Policy Studies, PhD in Creative Industries, and PhD in Media and Communication on either a full-time or a part-time basis, from those who have successfully completed one of the Centre's taught MA programmes and from those who have graduated in a relevant subject elsewhere with appropriate academic qualifications.

Completed PhD theses are available for viewing in the University of Warwick library. Recent theses are also available through Warwick's online repository WRAP .

Please note: if you are thinking of applying for a place on the centre's PhD programme, please make sure you follow the instructions set out here . If in doubt, please contact Dr. David Wright for clarification.

Research at the Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies

Our research is an interdisciplinary field characterised by a diversity of subjects and research methods focussed on cultural policy,the media and creative industries. The Centre's distinctive approach to research is based on a humanities tradition of critical investigation. The Centre encourages its researchers to tackle the underlying theoretical assumptions and ideologies behind cultural policy and management. The Centre is unlikely to support research of a primarily descriptive nature, or research based primarily on empirical social science.

The Centre expects its research to be relevant to current policy and management practice, but to remain detached from institutional imperatives. The Centre does not engage in research of a primarily 'instrumental’' nature, designed to endorse or enhance existing practice or to advocate a preconceived policy position. Research partnerships with external institutions are underpinned by a critical analysis of existing assumptions and knowledge, including those of the researchers and institutions concerned.

The Centre does not have a prescriptive approach to research methodology and advocates a subject-led approach with appropriate methods selected and adapted according to the objectives of the research. Research methods are likely to be diverse and individualised rather than following a collective 'best practice' model.

As a research student at the Centre you will be expected to make an original contribution to the field by critically reviewing existing knowledge and by challenging current assumptions and orthodoxies. Your research should be a personal journey which engages with issues and ideas you feel are significant and which are challenging and relevant to those working in the cultural sector.

Explore our research themes and projects

Staff research profiles.

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Culture, Media & Creative Industries Research MPhil/PhD

King's college london, university of london, different course options.

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Course Summary

Tuition fees, entry requirements, similar courses at different universities, key information data source : idp connect, qualification type.

PhD/DPhil - Doctor of Philosophy

Subject areas

Multimedia (Design) Art Studies Cultural Studies Film / Video / Television Production

Course type

Culture, Media & Creative Industries at King's carries out world-leading research across the field of culture, media and the analysis of particular creative industries. Specialisms include cultural work, creative cities, visual cultures, popular culture, cultural and creative industries policy, cultural management, entrepreneurship and cultural production, cultural regeneration, cultural history, culture and identity, and inter-sectionally and culture. Our approach is international in perspective and is characterised by a productive engagement of the theoretical and empirical.

Joint PhDs - Benefits of collaboration

Our joint PhD programme with the Humboldt University Berlin offers students the opportunity to enjoy full supervision at both institutions. The Joint-PhD also organises international colloquia and workshops at which students can present and discuss their work with peers and academic staff across the institutions involved. The programme builds on an extensive network of existing institutional links, joint teaching experience and collaborative graduate programmes between King’s and the partners universities.

Applications are welcome from across a whole range of areas in culture, media and creative industries with a substantial German element.

UK fees Course fees for UK students

For this course (per year)

International fees Course fees for EU and international students

A strong undergraduate degree ideally a Bachelors Degree with 1st Class honours. A Master's degree with high Merit/Distinction, with particularly high results (70% in the UK system) in the dissertation.

MA Independent & Serious Games

University for the creative arts, ma multimedia journalism, bournemouth university, ma advertising, phd arts and creative industries, london south bank university, arts and creative industries mres.

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MPhil/PhD Institute for Creative & Cultural Entrepreneurship

Content navigation menu, why study an mphil/phd at the institute for creative & cultural entrepreneurship.

The Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship has a strong research base in all areas of cultural policy, cultural diplomacy, arts management, and creative, cultural and social entrepreneurship.

The Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship (ICCE) provides a unique environment to study and research, with world-leading academic thinkers within a university globally recognised for its research excellence.

ICCE is the editorial home of leading journals  Theory, Culture & Society – ranked No.1 in Cultural Studies over the last five years – and Body & Society .

The department welcomes proposals from highly qualified individuals who wish to pursue PhD degrees. These research projects should be of the highest quality, in keeping with Goldsmiths' reputation as a leading producer of exceptional research.

Contact the department

If you have specific questions about the degree, contact ICCE .

3-4 years full-time or 7-8 years part-time

Home - full-time: £4786 Home - part-time: £2393 International - full-time: £17690

Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship

You'll research

You'll be supervised by a full-time member of staff, generally agreed during the preliminary discussions regarding your research with the ICCE Director. PhD theses are up to a maximum of 100,000 words.

You should aim to complete and submit your PhD thesis within the time-frame specified by Goldsmiths. This is normally three to four years for full-time students.

A thesis for the award of MPhil may be submitted after two years of full-time or three years of part-time study. Registration can be changed from full-time to part-time status, and vice-versa, with the agreement of your supervisor.

Research training programme

All students enrolled in the MPhil/PhD programme are initially required to attend a weekly seminar in research methodology conducted by the Goldsmiths Graduate School . These seminars are designed to bring together research students with diverse interests in a cooperative and stimulating environment.

Its objectives include training students for the Spring Review Week, written and oral presentations, preparation for upgrading procedures, and publication of articles.

Examination is by thesis and a viva.

Research areas

We are particularly interested in hearing from people interested in carrying out research into:

  • Cultural and creative entrepreneurship
  • Creative industries
  • Business models for the creative economy
  • Social entrepreneurship
  • Cultural tourism
  • Culture and regeneration
  • Cultural relations and diplomacy
  • Audience development
  • Cultural policy
  • Consumer culture
  • Visual culture
  • Urban culture

Relevant ICCE staff and their research interests

  • Professor Victoria Alexander
  • Professor Mike Featherstone
  • Dr Carla Figueira
  • Dr Michael Hitchcock
  • Dr Richard Hull
  • Gerald Lidstone
  • Dr Nicola Searle
  • Dr Tomoko Tamari

Current PhD students

Current PhD studies being undertaken by research students in ICCE include:

  • 21st-century competencies
  • Leadership of arts and cultural organisations
  • Personalisation of the arts offer
  • Value and how to assess this in the creative industries
  • The business of comedy
  • Applied conceptual art
  • Cultural diplomacy
  • Urban mobility experience and transport
  • Urban culture and the open city
  • Food culture

What our students say


Edward Dixon

Goldsmiths provided a rich learning environment with academic staff that were welcoming and approachable.

View profile

Possible careers following your research degree include:

  • Practice-orientated work
  • Development work
  • Work in social innovation and social economy
  • Work in the arts and cultural sector and cultural and creative industries

Find out more about the Goldsmiths Careers Service .

Fees and funding

Annual tuition fees.

These are the PG fees for students starting their programme in the 2024/2025 academic year.

  • Home - full-time: £4786
  • Home - part-time: £2393
  • International - full-time: £17690

If your fees are not listed here, please check our postgraduate fees guidance or contact the Fees Office , who can also advise you about how to pay your fees.

It’s not currently possible for international students to study part-time under a student visa. If you think you might be eligible to study part-time while being on another visa type, please contact our Admissions Team for more information.

If you are looking to pay your fees please see our guide to making a payment .

Funding opportunities

Ahrc studentships.

Research projects by MPhil/PhD applicants for any Goldsmiths department oriented towards arts and humanities research are eligible to be considered for funding. Find out more about current  Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funding opportunities .

Goldsmiths scholarships and studentships

Explore the Goldsmiths scholarships finder  to find out what funding you may be eligible for.

Paying your fees

Find out about paying your tuition fees .

Additional costs

In addition to your tuition fees, you'll be responsible for any additional costs associated with your course, such as buying stationery and paying for photocopying. You can find out more about what you need to budget for on our study costs page .

There may also be specific additional costs associated with your programme. This can include things like paying for field trips or specialist materials for your assignments.

Entry requirements

You should normally have (or expect to be awarded) a taught Masters in a relevant subject area. 

You might also be considered for some programmes if you aren’t a graduate or your degree is in an unrelated field, but have relevant experience and can show that you have the ability to work at postgraduate level.

International qualifications

We accept a wide range of international qualifications. Find out more about the  qualifications we accept from around the world .

If English isn’t your first language, you will need an IELTS score (or  equivalent English language qualification ) of  6.5 with a 6.5 in writing and no element lower than 6.0  to study this programme. If you need assistance with your English language, we offer a range of  courses that can help prepare you for postgraduate study .

How to apply

You apply directly to Goldsmiths using our online application system.

If you would like to apply for an MPhil/PhD programme at ICCE, first you should have a look at our departmental web page and our staff profiles to make sure there is a good 'fit' between your suggested research questions and ICCE’s areas of interest. Moreover, it is essential that your proposal fits with staff expertise. This will ensure you a high-quality research experience.

Before submitting your application you'll need to have:

  • Details of your education history , including the dates of all exams/assessments
  • The email address of your referee who we can request a reference from, or alternatively an electronic copy of your academic reference
  • Contact details of a second referee
  • A personal statement – this can either be uploaded as a Word Document or PDF, or completed online
  • Details of your research proposal  (see below for guidance)
  • If available, an electronic copy of your educational transcript (this is particularly important if you have studied outside of the UK, but isn’t mandatory)

You'll be able to save your progress at any point and return to your application by logging in using your username/email and password.

Before you start at Goldsmiths, the actual topic of your research has to be agreed with your proposed supervisor, who will be a member of staff active in your general field of research. The choice of topic may be influenced by the current research in the department or the requirements of an external funding body. 

If you wish to study on a part-time basis, you should also indicate how many hours a week you intend to devote to research, whether this will be at evenings or weekends, and for how many hours each day.

Your research proposal

Along with your application details, personal statement and academic reference, you should also upload a research proposal at the point of application.

This should be in the form of a clear, concise and coherent statement of the proposed area of research of at least five pages and no more than seven pages of A4. The research proposal should include:

  • A working title for your research project.
  • A clear statement about what you want to work on and why it is important, interesting, relevant and realistic. You should detail your main research objectives: these could be articulated as hypotheses, propositions, research questions, or problems to solve. What difference do you think your research will make? Is your research achievable in the time allocated? (for example, 3 years full‐time)
  • Some background knowledge and context of the area in which you wish to work, including key literature, key people, key research findings. Think about how your work links to the work of others in the same or related fields.
  • Some consideration of the methods/approach you might use. How will you conduct your research? Will you use existing theories, new methods/approaches or develop new methods/approaches?
  • Some indication of the strategy and timetable for your research project and any research challenges you may face. What would be the main stages of your project and what would you expect to do in each year of your PhD?
  • A short list of the key references that support your research proposal. References should be listed in an appropriate convention (eg Harvard). Such references should be used throughout your research proposal to demonstrate that you have read and understood the work of others. Other relevant material that you are aware of, but not actually used in writing your proposal, can also be added as a bibliography.

When to apply

We accept applications from October for students wanting to start the following September.

We encourage you to complete your application as early as possible, even if you haven't finished your current programme of study. It's very common to be offered a place conditional on you achieving a particular qualification.

If you're applying for external funding from one of the Research Councils, make sure you submit your application by the deadline they've specified.

Applicants will be interviewed, by telephone or Skype for those not based in the UK. If this is the case, we will contact you to arrange a suitable time for the interview.

Find out more about applying .

If you would like to make an enquiry about MPhil/PhD study before submitting an application, please contact us . In order to allow us to respond to your message efficiently, you may want to include the following information:

  • Introduce yourself: Who are you and what activities/organisations are you currently engaging with? What is your academic background? Have you received some research training in the past? What is your main discipline at the moment?
  • Indicate your subject area(s) of interest: Describe which general subject area within ICCE you're interest in.
  • Describe your research interests: Which research areas and questions are you interested in? Which theoretical and conceptual approaches seem relevant to you? What kind of data might you need for your project?

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Similar programmes.

phd in creative industries

MA Creative & Cultural Entrepreneurship

The MA Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship should be attractive if you either wish to develop a business arising from an existing creative practice, or to understand how to create the infrastructure and environment for new creative businesses.

phd in creative industries

MA Arts Administration & Cultural Policy

This MA will enable you to develop an awareness of and a critical approach to the discipline of arts administration and cultural policy, by studying trending issues in cultural policy and art practice in Europe, Asia and wider international contexts.

phd in creative industries

MA Events & Experience Management

Events managers of the future need to be versatile and confident, managing a wide array of events in innovative ways. This degree equips you to take your place in the events industry, leading the way in events and experience management for the fast-paced creative and cultural industries.

phd in creative industries

MA Luxury Brand Management

This Masters equips you with the management, entrepreneurial, marketing and professional skills to work in the luxury goods and experiential luxury industry.

  • PhD Scholarship: Creative Industries and Innovation
  • Research Training

This scholarship is for an exceptional student to complete a transdisciplinary PhD on the topic of creative industries and innovation.. The candidate will build on the ground-breaking work developed at QUT that investigates the role creative workers in general, creative services, and ‘embedded’ creatives, play in contributing to innovation at the level of the firm, the sector and the general economy.

The scholarship and candidacy is part of a funded ARC Linkage Project led by Distinguished Professor Stuart Cunningham from the Digital Media Research Centre.

Available for

You have to be applying for a QUT course to apply for this scholarship.

Student type:

  • Future domestic research students
  • Future international research students

Study type:

  • Postgraduate research


  • Creative Industries
  • Digital Media Research Centre

Application dates

Open date: 1 August 2017 Expressions of interest closing date: 31 August Full application closing date (for short-listed applicants): 30 September

Eligibility details

You must meet the entry requirements for a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at QUT, including any English language requirements for international students.

You must also:

  • meet QUT’s criteria for Honours 1 equivalence
  • plan to research a topic that aligns with the research project
  • be able to enrol as a full-time student
  • Applicants from the following fields are invited to apply: cultural policy, innovation studies, cultural geography, cultural economics, sociology, media and communication, future of work.

It would be advantageous to have:

  • familiarity with debates, both in Australia and internationally, around innovation and the role of creative industries in innovation
  • familiarity with both social sciences and humanities methods and approaches, data sources, and key publications in the field.

You can’t apply if you:

  • hold a research doctorate degree or equivalent research qualification
  • are receiving an equivalent award, scholarship or salary to complete a research degree that provides a benefit greater than 75% of this scholarship’s stipend rate.

What you receive

You’ll receive:

  • an annual living allowance paid fortnightly for up to 3 years, tax exempt and indexed annually ($26,682 in 2017)

How to apply

To apply for this scholarship, email your expression of interest to Professor Stuart Cunningham ([email protected]), including:

  • a broad description of your approach to the research agenda of this project (maximum 500 words)

What happens next

We’ll assess your expression of interest and advise you on whether to go ahead with a full application, which would be due by 30 September. We will then advise you of the outcome of your application by the end of October. If your application is successful, you’ll need to accept the offer within 3 weeks. We expect you to begin your research degree at the start of 2018.

The scholarship duration is up to 3 years. You are expected to complete your work and submit your thesis for external examination within this timeframe.

The project undertaken by the successful PhD candidate will be closely aligned with a national ARC-funded Linkage project Australian cultural and creative activity: A population and hotspot analysis . The research team is Distinguished Prof. Stuart Cunningham , Prof. Greg Hearn, Prof. Patrik Wikström (QUT), Assoc. Prof.Phillip McIntyre and Dr Susan Kerrigan (Newcastle).

The project is based in QUT’s Digital Media Research Centre, under the Digital Media Industries, Economies and Regulation program. This project will examine the contemporary dynamics of cultural and creative activity in Australia.

It will: (1) significantly advance methodologically-innovative and policy-relevant research into Australian cultural and creative activity by closely integrating population-level and ‘hotspot’ analysis; (2) develop a comprehensive, contemporary national analysis of Australian cultural and creative activity, comparing Census 2016 data with Census 2011 and 2006, and complement this analysis with other relevant datasets; (3) conduct case studies of the role creatives in general, creative services, and embedded creatives play in contributing to innovation at the firm and the sector level in sectors which have well above average creative inputs; (4) create an empirically-derived taxonomy of creative hotspots based on concentrations of creative occupations, co-occurrence of creative occupations, size and growth of the creative sectors and correlations with other innovation and employment indicators; and (5) conduct focused qualitative studies of sample hotspots to understand and report on the underlying causes for their well above-average creative activity status, their potential for sustainable growth, and dynamics of the creative systems at work in the identified hotspots.

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School of Arts and Creative Industries MPhil PhD

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Studying for a PhD with UEL's School of Arts and Creative Industries (ACI) will push you to the limit - but you'll be supported all the way.

ACI's research students and staff are actively researching and creating in film, dance, theatre, music, and more.

Many members of our large research community - supervisors, teachers, writers, academics and cultural practitioners - are creating internationally significant work.

If you're interested in applying for an Excellence Scholarship please look at the Research Centres that reflect the diverse research activity in the school. 

To find out more about our Staff and our School, please visit our School of Arts and Creative Industries page.

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Call our Clearing number between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, to apply through Clearing.

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Course options

  • September 2024
  • November 2024
  • PhD via MPhil

Entry Requirements

To apply for a PhD course, you should have an MPhil, or MRes qualification or an overseas qualification rated as equivalent. 

Applicants for a PhD via MPhil should have either a first class or upper second class honours degree from a UK Higher Education Institution, or an overseas qualification rated as equivalent.   

Work experience

If you have relevant research or work experience, but no degree, you can still be considered for admission. You will need to discuss your experience with the relevant School, and provide the names of two academic referees familiar with your academic work.  

Split-site study

If you are applying for a research course from outside the UK, you may be able to apply for split-site study arrangements, where you carry out part or all of your research outside the UK. To find out more about split-site study, contact the Graduate School on +44 (0) 20 8223 3333 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm) or Live chat (click the live chat icon in the bottom right of the screen).  

Language requirements

If English is not your first language, you will have to satisfy our English language requirements for postgraduate research study. The minimum requirement for a research degree is an IELTS Academic English score of 7.0 overall (minimum of 6.5 in all components). This should normally have been gained within the past two years. 

MPhil PhD School of Arts and Creative Industries

Mphil phd school of arts and creative industries, home applicant, full time.

  • Home Applicant
  • 5740 per year Pound 5740 per year

MPhil PhD School of Arts and Creative Industries, home applicant, part time

  • 2870 per year Pound 2870 per year

MPhil PhD School of Arts and Creative Industries, international applicant, full time

  • International Applicant
  • 15340 per year Pound 15340 per year

MPhil PhD School of Arts and Creative Industries, international applicant, part time

  • 7670 per year Pound 7670 per year
  • 6020 per year Pound 6020 per year
  • 3010 per year Pound 3010 per year
  • 16100 per year Pound 16100 per year
  • 8050 per year Pound 8050 per year

Fees, funding and additional costs

EU, EEA and Swiss Nationals starting a course from September 2021, will no longer be eligible for Home fees. However, such nationals benefitting from Settled Status or Citizens' Rights may become eligible for Home fees as and when the UK Government confirms any new fee regulations. Further information can be found at UKCISA .

Tuition fees are subject to annual change. Fees for future years will be published in due course.

Home students

Postgraduate loans scheme.

£10,280 to fund your Masters Programme under the Postgraduate Loans (PGL) scheme

Postgraduate Loans (PGL)

The Postgraduate Loan (PGL) provide non-means-tested loans of up to £10,906 to taught and research masters students.  It will be paid to students as a contribution towards tuition fees, living costs and other course costs. Applications are made directly through  Student Finance England  


Whether you qualify depends on: •    if you've studied a postgraduate course before •    your course •    your age •    your nationality or residency status

Full eligibility can be found on the Government's Postgraduate Loan webpage .

Please take a look at the  Postgraduate Loans  for an overview of the new funding.

Postgraduate Scholarship

Apply for a 50 per cent discount on your tuition fees! You can get a 50 per cent discount on course fees through a UEL Postgraduate Scholarship. The scholarship is open to full-time and part-time UK and EU students of taught postgraduate courses. *Exclusions apply.

Find out more about full eligibility criteria and how to apply .

Terms and conditions apply.

Our scholarships and bursaries can help you

How we can help you

Did you know that with a postgraduate qualification, you can expect to earn more than someone who only holds an undergraduate degree?

If you want to build new skills, change career paths, or further your career prospects, a postgraduate degree can help you. Our range of scholarships and bursaries will make financing your education that much easier. Below is some of the funding available to support you in your studies:

  • Alumni Discount   - up to 15% fee waiver *exclusions apply. Please see the Alumni Discount page  for information.
  • Early Payment Discount  - 5% fee waiver
  • Asylum Seekers scholarship   - 100% fee waiver
  • Civic Engagement - £1,000
  • Hardship Bursary - up to £2,000
  • Sport Scholarships   - Up to £6,000

How to pay your fees

There are a number of ways you can pay your fees to UEL

  • Online payment facilities
  • By telephone
  • In person at our Docklands or Stratford campus
  • Bank transfer

Full information on making payments can be found  on our Finance page .

If you wish to discuss payments to the University, please contact our Income Team on 020 8223 2974 or you can email  [email protected]

Ideas for funding your postgraduate study

Below are some ideas on how to fund your postgraduate study:

  •     Apply for a  Postgraduate Loan  
  •     Take advantage of  UEL scholarships and bursaries
  •     Ask your employer to sponsor your study
  •     Study part-time so you can work at the same time (applicable to courses that have a part-time mode)
  •     Look at  UK Research and Innovation funding options

The Student Money Advice and Rights Team (SMART) are here to help you navigate your finances while you're a student at the University of East London. We can give you advice, information and guidance on government and university funds so that you receive your full funding entitlement. Live chat: Click the live chat icon in the bottom left of the screen Phone: 020 8223 4444

International students

Living costs for international students.

As part of the Tier 4 student visa requirements, UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) estimate that you will need £1,265* per month to cover your living costs. It includes expenses for accommodation, food and drink, travel within London, textbooks, entertainment, clothing, toiletries and laundry. Most Tier 4 students are required to show they have sufficient funds to cover the first nine months of the course before they start - a total of £11,385 - in addition to the tuition fees. You can find more information about the specific requirements of the Tier 4 student visa. The amount that you will spend can vary depending on your lifestyle. The UKCISA International Student Calculator can help you plan and manage your money.

* Please note the Immigration Rules are subject to change and this figure is likely to be increased by UKVI year on year. Please therefore check our ISA page for more information at the time of preparing your visa application.

How to pay your fees - international students

Deposits and paying by instalments International students are required to pay a  deposit  before being issued a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS). Your remaining balance will be paid in five monthly instalments over your first term. The first of these instalments must be paid when completing your enrolment on arrival at UEL. Please follow the payment instructions on our Make a Payment page . After the required payment has been made, you will be asked to complete the online International Student Reply Form to confirm your acceptance of our offer and of our terms of admittance and fee policy.

Our International team at UEL are available for advice and guidance on studying in London, fees, scholarships and visa requirements. Email:  [email protected]

Additional costs

Depending on the programme of study, there may be extra costs which are not covered by tuition fees, which students will need to consider when planning their studies.

Tuition fees cover the cost of your teaching, assessment and operating University facilities such as the library, IT equipment and other support services. Accommodation and living costs are not included in our fees. 

Our libraries are a valuable resource with an extensive collection of books and journals as well as first-class facilities and IT equipment. You may prefer to, or be required to, buy your own copy of key textbooks.

Computer equipment

There are open-access networked computers available across the University, plus laptops available to loan. You may find it useful to have your own PC, laptop or tablet which you can use around campus and in halls of residences.

Free WiFi is available on each of our campuses.

In the majority of cases, coursework can be submitted online. There may be instances when you will be required to submit work in a printed format. Printing and photocopying costs are not included in your tuition fees.

Travel costs are not included but we do have a free intersite bus service which links the campuses and halls of residence.

For this course, you will be:

  • involved in processes of making, as a means of exploration, experimentation, and understanding your practice, by using a diverse range of media and materials
  • required to purchase your own copy of books, for required reading
  • required to produce physical artefacts for assessment 
  • able to participate in optional study visits and/or field trips

However, over and above this you may incur extra costs associated with your studies, which you will need to plan for. 

To help you budget, the information below indicates what activities and materials are not covered by your tuition fees:

  • personal laptops and other personal devices 
  • personal copies of books 
  • optional study visits and field trips (and any associated visa costs)
  • printing costs
  • your own chosen materials and equipment
  • costs of participating in external events, exhibitions, performances etc.

The costs vary every year and with every student, according to the intentions for the type of work they wish to do. Attainment at assessment is not dependent upon the costs of materials chosen.

Learn about applying

Important information about your application, uk full-time starting sept.

How to apply Apply directly to UEL by clicking on the apply button. For further information read our  Guide to Applying . When to apply Places on many courses are limited and allocated on a first-come first-served basis. We advise you to apply as early as possible to give yourself the best chance of receiving an offer. Advice and guidance Our  Information, Advice and Guidance team  provide impartial advice on courses, entry requirements, pre-entry and access programmes in person and via the telephone. +44 (0)20 8223 4354 Already applied? You can track the progress of your application by contacting our Applicant Engagement team on +44 (0)20 8223 3333 (Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm). Read our  guide to applying  for further information. Need help? Contact our Applicant Engagement team (Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm) +44 (0)20 8223 3333

UK Part-time starting Sept

How to apply Apply directly to UEL by clicking on the apply button. For further information read our  Guide to Applying . When to apply Places on many courses are limited and allocated on a first-come first-served basis. We advise you to apply as early as possible to give yourself the best chance of receiving an offer. Advice and guidance Our  Information, Advice and Guidance team  provide impartial advice on courses, entry requirements, pre-entry and access programmes in person and via the telephone. +44 (0)20 8223 4354 Already applied? You can track the progress of your application by contacting our Applicant Engagement team on +44 (0)20 8223 3333 (Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm). Read our  guide to applying  for further information. Need help? Contact our applicant engagement team (Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm) +44 (0)20 8223 3333

International Full-time starting Sept

Submitting your application please read and consider the entry and visa requirements for this course before you submit your application. for more information please visit our  international student advice pages .  .

How to Apply We accept direct applications for international students. The easiest way to apply is directly to UEL by clicking on the red apply button. Please be sure to  watch our videos  on the application process.

When to Apply Please ensure that you refer to the international admissions deadline . We advise you to apply as early as possible to give yourself the best chance of receiving an offer.

International students who reside overseas Please ensure that you have read and considered the entry requirements for this course before you submit your application. Our enquiries team can provide advice if you are unsure if you are qualified for entry or have any other questions. Please be sure to read about the  Tier 4 visa requirements .

Advice and guidance Our  Information, Advice and Guidance team  provide impartial advice on courses, entry requirements, pre-entry and access programmes in person and via the telephone.

+44 (0)20 8223 4354 Need help? Contact our applicant engagement team (Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm)

+44 (0)20 8223 3333

About our foundation years

Our Foundation Year courses are perfect for you if you... 

  • are returning to education after a long time, or you don't have the qualifications for direct entry into our degree programmes
  • are thinking of re-training and would like an introduction to the area
  • are an international student wanting an additional year to adapt to the UK academic system
  • are still evaluating which degree pathway at UEL is the right one for you

Please note: Foundation years can only be studied full-time. However, you can transfer to part-time delivery once you have completed your foundation year. Please apply to the full-time option if you wish to study in this way.

What makes this course different

phd in creative industries

Specialist equipment

We've invested £170 million in new buildings and facilities, including our £14 million library in Stratford.

phd in creative industries

Postgraduate topics

Our students research a range of topics, from Holly Kasselder's exploration of feminist comedy, to Deepak Verma's study of the relationship between yoga and acting.

phd in creative industries

Supervisor's research

Our staff are experts in their research fields: from theatre and film to dance, music, and journalism. Check out our staff profiles to find out more about our wealth of expertise in research.

Woman sitting at a computer

Supervisors' research

Course modules, independent research core module.

PhD candidates will be undertaking their own research in communication with their supervisor.

What we're researching

Major areas of research within ACI include: cultural and media studies; performing arts - dance, theatre, music; creative writing, and more.

Your future career

Explore the different career options you can pursue with this degree and see the median salaries of the sector on our  Career Coach portal .

How we support your career ambitions

We offer dedicated careers support, further opportunities to thrive, such as volunteering and industry networking. Our courses are created in collaboration with employers and industry to ensure they accurately reflect the real-life practices of your future career and provide you with the essential skills needed. You can focus on building interpersonal skills through group work and benefit from our investment in the latest cutting edge technologies and facilities.

Career Zone

Our dedicated and award-winning team provide you with careers and employability resources, including:

  • Online jobs board for internships, placements, graduate opportunities, flexible part-time work.
  • Mentoring programmes for insight with industry experts 
  • 1-2-1 career coaching services Careers workshops and employer events 
  • Learning pathways to gain new skills and industry insight

Mental Wealth programme

Our Professional Fitness and Mental Wealth programme which issues you with a Careers Passport to track the skills you’ve mastered. Some of these are externally validated by corporations like Amazon and Microsoft.

We are careers first

Our teaching methods and geographical location put us right up top

  • Enterprise and entrepreneurship support 
  • We are ranked 6th for graduate start-ups 
  • Networking and visits to leading organisations 
  • Support in starting a new business, freelancing and self-employment 
  • London on our doorstep

What you'll learn

You will submit a research proposal and choose to study one of the following four paths:

  • PhD via publication

How you'll learn

Research proposals give us a better understanding of the area you want to study for an MPhil, PhD via MPhil or PhD Direct course.

You don't have to follow a predetermined structure when writing your proposal, but it's a good idea to include a title that describes the aims and scope of your research and information on how your ideas fit in with the research interests of UEL.

How you will be assessed

You will be assessed on your research.

Other important elements include relevant academic literature, how your research will advance knowledge in this area, and a possible methodology. You should also include a timescale for your research.

To find out more about how to write your research proposal, see our  research proposal guidance .

Campus and facilities

Our campus and the surrounding area.

Our waterfront campus in the historic Royal Docks provides a modern, well-equipped learning environment.

Join us and you'll be able to make the most of our facilities including contemporary lecture theatres and seminar rooms, art studios and exhibition spaces, audio and visual labs and a multimedia production centre.

Features include our 24/7 Docklands library, our £21m SportsDock centre, a campus shop and bookstore, the Children's Garden Nursery, cafés, eateries, a late bar, plus Student Union facilities, including a student lounge.   The University of East London is one of the few London universities to provide on-campus accommodation. Our Docklands Campus Student Village houses close to 1,200 students from around the world. We are well connected to central London and London City Airport is just across the water. We also run a free bus service that connects Docklands with Stratford campuses.

Who teaches this course

This course is delivered by the School of Arts and Creative Industries

The teaching team includes qualified academics, practitioners and industry experts as guest speakers. Full details of the academics will be provided in the student handbook and module guides.

Dr Sarahleigh Castelyn

Dr Sarahleigh Castelyn

Related courses

This course is part of the visual arts subject area.

phd in creative industries

Prof Doc Performing Arts

This course is intended for practitioners across a range of performance-based disciplines who wish to make their practice the basis for doctoral study.

phd in creative industries

Prof Doc Fine Art

Explore the pinnacle of creativity with a PhD in Fine Art at the University of East London. Elevate your artistic journey with advanced research and innovation.

phd in creative industries

MA Fine Art

Elevate your artistic vision with a Master's in Fine Art at University of East London. Unleash your creativity through our advanced fine art program.


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Terms of Admittance to the University of East London

The Terms of Admittance govern your contractual relationship with the University of East London ("UEL"). A contract between you, the Student, and us, UEL, is entered into once you accept an offer of a place on a programme at UEL and this contract is subject to consumer protection legislation. You are entitled to cancel this contract within 14 days of enrolment onto your programme.

1) Student enrolment

Enrolment at UEL is the process whereby you officially become a UEL student. The enrolment process requires you to:

  • Ensure that we are holding the correct personal details for you
  • Agree to abide by our regulations and policies
  • Pay your tuition fees/confirm who is paying your tuition fees

You are expected to enrol by the first day of your academic year (click on "Discover") which will be notified to you in your enrolment instructions. Failure to enrol by the deadline contained in our Fees Policy (for most students by the end of the second week of teaching) may lead to the cancellation of student status and all rights attached to that status, including attendance and use of UEL's facilities. If you do not complete the formal process of enrolment but, by your actions, are deemed to be undertaking activities compatible with the status of an enrolled student, UEL will formally enrol you and charge the relevant tuition fee. Such activities would include attendance in classes, use of online learning materials, submission of work and frequent use of a student ID card to gain access to university buildings and facilities. Late enrolment charges may be applied if you do not complete your enrolment by the relevant deadline.

2) Tuition fees

Your tuition fee is determined by:

  • the programme you are studying;
  • if you are studying full or part-time;
  • whether you are a UK/EU or International student; and when you started your studies with us.

We will tell you the tuition fee that you are due to pay when we send you an offer as well as confirm any additional costs that will be incurred, such as bench fees or exceptional overseas study trips. Unregulated tuition fees (where the UK government has not set a maximum fee to be charged) are generally charged annually and may increase each year you are on the programme. Any annual increase will be limited to a maximum of 5% of the previous year's fee. Regulated tuition fees (where the UK government has set a maximum fee to be charged) may also be subject to an annual increase. Any annual increase will be in line with the increase determined by the UK government. You will be notified of any increases in tuition fees at re-enrolment in the programme. Further information on tuition fees and payment options is contained in our Fees Policy .

3) Student ID Cards

To produce an ID card, we need a recent photograph of you that is not obscured and is a true likeness. We will either ask you to send us/upload a photograph in advance of enrolment or take one of you at the point of enrolment. The photograph will be held on our student records system for identification purposes by administrative, academic and security/reception staff. By accepting these Terms of Admittance you are confirming that you agree to your photograph being used in this way. If you object to your photograph being used in this way please contact the University Secretary via email at gov&[email protected] . You are required to provide proof of your identity at initial enrolment and prior to the issue of your UEL student ID card. This is usually a full and valid passport but instead of this you may bring two of the following:

  • A (full or provisional) driving licence showing current address
  • An international driving licence
  • An original birth certificate (in English)
  • A debit or credit card (one only)
  • A benefit book or benefit award letter (dated within the last 3 months)
  • An Armed Forces Identity card
  • A police warrant card

You are required to carry and display your student ID card whilst on UEL premises and must keep it safe so that it is not misused by others.

4) Proof of qualifications

You are required to produce evidence of having satisfied the entry requirements for your programme. Such evidence must be in the form of the original certificates or certified notification of results from the examining body. All qualifications must be in English or supported by an official certified translation. If you fail to provide evidence of having satisfied the requirements for the programme you are liable to be withdrawn from the programme.

5) Non-academic entry requirements

You may need to demonstrate that you have met non-academic entry requirements prior to enrolment by providing additional information to UEL. For example, if you:-

  • are under 18 years of age at the time of initial enrolment,
  • are applying to a programme that requires health clearance for study as stated in the programme specification,
  • have declared a relevant criminal conviction,
  • will be studying a programme that involves contact with children and/or vulnerable adults or leads to membership in a professional body that deals with children and/or vulnerable adults.

You will not be permitted to enrol and any offer will be withdrawn if UEL deems that you are unsuitable for study following assessment of this additional information in line with published policies. These policies will be provided to you when the additional information is requested.

6) Criminal convictions

UEL has a responsibility to safeguard staff, students and the wider community. You are required to inform UEL of any relevant criminal convictions you have and provide further information relating to these as requested. This includes any relevant criminal convictions received whilst studying at UEL. UEL will assess all information received in line with published policies and may remove you from a programme if the conviction makes you unsuitable for study in UEL's opinion. Failure to declare a relevant criminal conviction or provide further information about you may result in expulsion from UEL.

7) Providing false information to UEL

If you are discovered to have falsified or misrepresented information presented to UEL at application, enrolment or during your studies, you may be expelled from UEL.

8) Continued enrolment and student status

You are expected to abide by all UEL policies and regulations, both those in force at the time of first and subsequent enrolment and as later revised and published from time to time. UEL reserves the right to make reasonable changes to its policies and regulations and any substantial amendments will be brought to your attention. You are also required to take personal responsibility for your studies; this includes undertaking all studies in support of your programme as prescribed by UEL. Key policies include: Manual of General Regulations This describes the general regulatory framework of UEL and gives information about how UEL confers its degrees, diplomas and certificates. It includes important information about academic performance requirements for continued study. Engagement Attendance Policy This outlines UEL's expectations of students in relation to attendance on and engagement with taught programmes. These students are expected to attend all scheduled classes and engage fully with learning materials and resources provided to them - failure to do so may result in withdrawal from module(s) and/or the programme. Code of Practice for Postgraduate Research Degrees The purpose of this code is to provide a framework for the successful organisation and implementation of good practice in all matters relating to postgraduate research degrees at UEL. It aims to ensure that all students are effectively supported and supervised so that the full scope and potential of their research is realised; that their thesis is submitted within regulatory periods and that they complete their programme with a suitable and sufficient portfolio of research and employment-related skills and competencies. Health and Safety Policy This describes the structures and processes by which UEL protects the health and safety of its staff, students and visitors. It confirms that students will receive sufficient information, instruction and induction in relation to health and safety. All students should take reasonable care of their health and safety. They must abide by UEL’s rules and regulations and cooperate with supervisors to enable them to fulfil their obligations. Students must not interfere intentionally, or recklessly misuse anything provided for health and safety. UEL has consulted with its students and staff and has adopted a No Smoking Policy to safeguard the health and well-being of its community. Students are required to comply with this policy which restricts smoking to designated shelters and prohibits the use of electronic cigarettes within any UEL building or near building entrances. For further information on our Healthy Campus initiatives and support please visit the Health and Safety pages . Student Disciplinary Regulations and Procedures (incorporating the student code of conduct) This code is more than a list of things that we should and should not do: it reminds us that we should always consider how our behaviour affects others. The code applies:

  • to all students;
  • at all sites throughout our estate, and;
  • when we represent UEL on business beyond our campus, both in real (face-to-face) and virtual environments.

And outlines expectations of students:

  • verbal and physical behaviour should always be polite and respectful;
  • behaviour should not impair the engagement, learning or participation of others;
  • anti-social behaviour by individuals and groups will not be tolerated.

9) Changes to scheduled programmes

UEL will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the programme of study that you have accepted will conform to the programme specification published on our website and will ensure that the necessary resources required to enable you to meet the required learning outcomes and pass the relevant assessments are available. In order to ensure that our programmes are current and relevant, they are subject to regular review. From time to time, to ensure the maintenance of academic standards and/or compliance with professional body requirements, it may be necessary to amend a module or make adjustments to programme content. Major changes to programmes that in the reasonable opinion of UEL, will have a significant impact on students will involve consultation with students already enrolled on the programme when the changes are proposed. Once any changes are confirmed, UEL will notify all students and applicants of the changes. When UEL reasonably considers that the change may only impact one or more cohorts on the relevant programme, UEL may decide to only consult with the relevant cohort. In the event that we discontinue a programme, we will normally permit existing students to complete the programme within the typical duration of study. In these circumstances, UEL will use reasonable endeavours to continue the programme for existing students without making major changes. If this is not possible, we will support students in changing to another UEL programme on which a place is available, and for which the student is suitably qualified, or assist with transfer to another HEI to complete the programme elsewhere.

10) Changes to these terms

We may change these terms from time to time where, in UEL's opinion, it will assist in the proper delivery of any programme of study or in order to:- (a) Comply with any changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements; (b) Implement legal advice, national guidance or good practice; (c) Provide for new or improved delivery of any programme of study; (d) Reflect market practice; (e) In our opinion make them clearer or more favourable to you; (f) Rectify any error or mistake; or (g) Incorporate existing arrangements or practices. No variation or amendment to these Terms of Admittance may be made without our prior written agreement. In the event that we agree to transfer you to an alternative programme of study, the transfer will be considered to be a variation to the Terms of Admittance, which shall otherwise remain in full force and existence. If we revise the Terms of Admittance, we will publish the amended Terms of Admittance by such means as we consider reasonably appropriate. We will use reasonable endeavours to give you notice of any changes before they take effect.

11) Data Protection

UEL is committed to adhering to its obligations under the Data Protection Act 2018 and will act as a Data Controller when it processes your personal data. You can find our registration to the Data controller register on . UEL processes your personal data to fulfil its contractual and legal obligations to students. Personal data that we process about you includes:

  • Your contact details and other information submitted during the application and enrolment processes;
  • Details of courses, modules, timetables and room bookings, assessment marks and examinations related to your study;
  • Financial and personal information collected for the purposes of administering fees and charges, loans, grants, scholarships and hardship funds;
  • Photographs, and video recordings for the purpose of recording lectures, student assessments and examinations and for the purposes of university promotion that is in our legitimate interest but still fair to you;
  • Information about your engagement with the University such as attendance data and use of electronic services such as Moodle, Civitas and YourTutor;
  • Contact details for next of kin to be used in an emergency;
  • Details of those with looked-after status or those who have left the care system for the provision of support;
  • Information related to the prevention and detection of crime and the safety and security of staff and students, including, but not limited to, CCTV recording and data relating to breaches of University regulations;

This is not an exhaustive list, for further information please refer to our fair processing notice pages on In all of its data processing activities, UEL is committed to ensuring that the personal data it collects stores and uses will be processed in line with the data protection principles which can be summarised as:

  • Being processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner;
  • Collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes;
  • Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary;
  • Accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date;
  • Kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary;
  • Processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal information;
  • Be accountable for, and be able to demonstrate compliance with, the six principles above.

Student Responsibilities You must ensure that:

  • All personal data provided to UEL is accurate and up-to-date. You must ensure that changes of address etc. are notified to the Student Hub.
  • Students who use UEL's computing facilities may process personal data as part of their studies. If the processing of personal data takes place, students must take responsibility for that processing activity to ensure that it is in line with the data protection principles above.
  • Students who are undertaking research projects using personal data must ensure that:
  • The research subject is informed of the nature of the research and is given a copy of UEL's Fair Processing Notice and this Data Protection Policy.

12) Legal basis for use of data

By agreeing to these Terms of Admittance and enrolling at UEL, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of a contract for the use of your personal data relating to your enrolment, and if appropriate, registration and ongoing participation in a programme of study. Your personal or special category data will be collected, processed, published and used by UEL, its online learning and teaching services and/or its partners and agents in ways which support the effective management of UEL and your programme of study, to allow for the delivery of bursary schemes and to support improvements to student experience and progression, and are consistent with: The terms of the Data Protection Act 2018; Any notification submitted to the Information Commissioner in accordance with this legislation; and compliance with any other relevant legislation. You have fundamental rights associated with how organisations use your personal data. Further information on data protection and use of your personal data can be found in our Data Protection Policy and on

13) Intellectual property

You are entitled to the intellectual property rights created during your time studying at UEL that would belong to you under the applicable law. There are some programmes where the assignment of certain types of intellectual property to UEL is appropriate. UEL will require the assignment to it of intellectual property rights relating to postgraduate research that is part of an ongoing research programme. Where the nature of the research programme means that some assignment of intellectual property rights to UEL is appropriate, we will take what steps that we can to ensure that your interests are protected. UEL will take reasonable endeavours to ensure:-

  • the scope of the assignment is narrow, and is restricted to what is necessary, for example, to protect UEL’s legitimate interests in the intellectual property created as party to a research programme;
  • the application of the assignment is clearly defined so that it is clear to you in which circumstances the assignment will apply;
  • where the assignment of the intellectual property is appropriate in the circumstances, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the rights of the parties are evenly balanced (for example, your work being acknowledged in a publication and, where appropriate, subject to an appropriate revenue sharing scheme)
  • where UEL claims ownership of intellectual property rights in relation to a taught programme of study, such treatment of those rights will be made clear in the published information relating to that programme.

14) How we communicate with you

UEL will communicate with you via a variety of channels, including postal letters, e-mail, SMS text messages and online notices. To enable this, we request that you provide us with your e-mail address, postal address, and contact telephone number when you first enrol. Throughout your studies, it is important that you keep your contact details up to date. You can view and edit this information by logging into our student portal, UEL Direct at . We will create a UEL e-mail account for you after you enrol. Your e-mail address will be your student number, prefixed with a ‘u’ and followed by ‘’ – e.g.: [email protected]. UEL will use this e-mail address to communicate with you and it is important that you regularly check and manage this mailbox for important updates and information. You can access your email account, plus information about our services, news and events by logging into our Intranet, At the login screen, enter your email address (as above) and password. Your default UEL password will be your date of birth, formulated as DD-MMM-YY, e.g. 31-jan-84. Your UEL email account and associated UEL IT accounts will be deleted not more than 6 months after you graduate or withdraw from your programme of study (if earlier).  

15) University of East London Students' Union

The University of East London Students' Union (UELSU) represents students at UEL. By enrolling at UEL you are automatically granted membership of both UELSU and the National Union of Students (NUS). If you wish to opt out from this membership, please inform UELSU in writing at either [email protected]  or by writing to Chief Executive, UELSU, University of East London, Docklands Campus, 4-6 University Way, London E16 2RD. UELSU provides a range of services and support to students and can provide advice and representation on any matter affecting the contract between you and UEL. For further information on this support, please visit

16) Students studying at partner institutions

If you are undertaking a programme of study at a partner institution you will need to generally abide by the above terms and also those of the partner institution. Further information and support in understanding these terms is available from the Academic Partnership Office -  [email protected] .

17) International students - additional responsibilities

All international students must also comply with UK Visa and Immigration requirements. All international students are required to hold a valid visa which permits study in the UK or hold a Tier 4 visa/have applied for a Tier 4 visa with a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies issued by UEL. Students who are being sponsored under a Tier 4 student visa must also understand and comply with the responsibilities of their student visa and cooperate with UEL in fulfilling our Tier 4 duties .

18) Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

UEL is committed to working together to build a learning community founded on equality of opportunity – a learning community which celebrates the rich diversity of our student and staff populations and one in which discriminatory behaviour is challenged and not tolerated within our community. Within the spirit of respecting difference, our equality and diversity policies promise fair treatment and equality of opportunity for all regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, disability or religion/belief (or lack of). In pursuing this aim, we want our community to value and to be at ease with its own diversity and to reflect the needs of the wider community within which we operate. For further information on this inclusive approach to education please visit our Student Policies page .

19) Complaints

We welcome feedback on our programmes and services and facilitate this in a variety of ways, including programme committees, module evaluation forms and surveys. However, if you are dissatisfied with a particular service or programme or the manner in which it has been delivered, you must let the person responsible for that service know as we will always try to resolve matters at the earliest opportunity via informal conciliation. If you are unsure who to approach, please e-mail The Hub who will be able to direct your concerns appropriately. If you remain dissatisfied with a service or programme, or the manner in which it is delivered, you should refer to our formal complaints procedure to have the matter formally addressed. In addition, once you have enrolled on your programme, you will also have access to the Advice and Information Service offered by UELSU. This access is not available to students studying at partner institutions.

20) Cancellation

If you wish to cancel this contract within 14 days of enrolment in your programme, you must do so in writing. Any fees that you have paid will be refunded – please see the Fees Policy for further information on obtaining a refund.

21) Further guidance

If any of the information in these Terms of Admittance or related policies is unclear or if you have any questions, please contact The Hub for guidance on +44 (0) 208 223 4444 .

22) Right to advice

This is a consumer contract and you are able to obtain independent advice in relation to its terms and conditions from UELSU as well as your local Citizens Advice Bureau.  

23) General

Neither you nor UEL will be liable for failure to perform their obligations under these Terms of Admittance if such failure arises from unforeseeable events, circumstances or causes outside of that party's reasonable control. Examples of such events include, but are not limited to, war, terrorism, industrial disputes, natural disasters, fire and national emergencies. Only you and UEL are parties to these Terms of Admittance. No other person shall have any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of these Terms of Admittance. Failure or delay by you or UEL to exercise any right or remedy provided under this contract shall not constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. No single or partial exercise of such right or remedy shall prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. These Terms of Admittance are governed by the law of England and Wales and you and UEL agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

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We have 33 creative industries PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK

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creative industries PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK

Culture, media & creative industries phd, self-funded phd students only.

The PhD opportunities on this programme do not have funding attached. You will need to have your own means of paying fees and living costs and / or seek separate funding from student finance, charities or trusts.

Arts Research Programme

Arts Research Programmes present a range of research opportunities, shaped by a university’s particular expertise, facilities and resources. You will usually identify a suitable topic for your PhD and propose your own project. Additional training and development opportunities may also be offered as part of your programme.

Institute for Media and Creative Industries Research

Funded phd programme (students worldwide).

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. Applications for this programme are welcome from suitably qualified candidates worldwide. Funding may only be available to a limited set of nationalities and you should read the full programme details for further information.

Creating Futures (Project 2) – Exploring young children’s perceptions of the creative industries and future careers in the field

Phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

This project does not have funding attached. You will need to have your own means of paying fees and living costs and / or seek separate funding from student finance, charities or trusts.

Creating Futures (Project 1) – Exploring primary teachers’ understanding of the creative industries and how this informs their practice

Creative technologies - fully funded phd studentship, funded phd project (students worldwide).

This project has funding attached, subject to eligibility criteria. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but its funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

Designing Meaningful Mixed Reality Experiences

Creative writing phd, humanities research programme.

Humanities Research Programmes present a range of research opportunities, shaped by a university’s particular expertise, facilities and resources. You will usually identify a suitable topic for your PhD and propose your own project. Additional training and development opportunities may also be offered as part of your programme.

Research Degrees at UCA

Remix culture and ai tools for creativity, digital humanities by practice, film: an ecology of light, photography and digital marketing for fashion, photography, landscape and trauma, exploring the impact of leaderful practice on the implementation of sdgs, vice-chancellor’s studentships 2024, funded phd programme (uk students only).

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. It is only available to UK citizens or those who have been resident in the UK for a period of 3 years or more. Some projects, which are funded by charities or by the universities themselves may have more stringent restrictions.

PhD Opportunities

PhD Opportunities highlight some of the specific PhD projects, programmes or other information currently available from a university.

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phd in creative industries

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phd in creative industries

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Creative Technologies Fully Funded Studentship

Qualification(s) available: phd, project details.

Advanced media technologies are transforming production processes within the Creative Industries, leading to new innovations and a range of impacts - for skills, for business models and investment, and for the environment. The CoSTAR Foresight Lab has been established to explore the challenges and opportunities for creative businesses - in particular in Film, TV, Games and Performance - and this PhD Studentship provides a brilliant opportunity to be part of that programme of research and innovation.

CoSTAR is the convergent screen technologies and performance in realtime programme which is creating a Creative Industries R&D infrastructure across the UK.

Based at Loughborough University in London, the successful student will be part of a vibrant interdisciplinary research school. And as part of the CoSTAR network, this Studentship provides an opportunity to work with other research and industry partners across the UK.

94% of Loughborough’s research impact is rated world-leading or internationally excellent. REF 2021


Primary supervisor: Graham Hitchen

Secondary supervisor: Andrew Chitty

Entry requirements

Our entry requirements are listed using standard UK undergraduate degree classifications i.e. first-class honours, upper second-class honours and lower second-class honours. To learn the equivalent for your country, please choose it from the drop-down below.

Entry requirements for United Kingdom

Students should have, or expect to achieve, a first degree and a Masters degree in a related subject.


First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Masters 95% 85% 70%
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Diplomë e Nivelit të Pare (First Level (University) Diploma (from 2010) 9.5 8.5 8
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Licence (4 year) / Diplome d'Inginieur d'Etat / Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures 16 14 12
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Licenciatura/ Licenciado (4 year) 8.5 7.5 6.0
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Bakalavri Kochum required but typically a Magistrosi Kochum 90% or 3.9 80% or 3.5 70% or 3.0
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Honours degree (AQF level 8) First Class, 80% Upper Second, 70%, H2A Lower Second, 60%, 2B
Ordinary degree - AQF Level 7 pass (mark 46 or 50) High Distinction (80% or 85%) Distinction (75% or 80%) Distinction (70% or 75%)
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Degree/ Diplomstudium / Magister degree A (or 1.5) mit Auszeichnungbestanden 60% or B or 3.0 (or 2) 50% or C or 2.7 (or 3)
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Bakalavr Diplomu/ Diplomu (Specialist Diploma) 4.5 or 90% 4 or 80% 3.5 or 70%
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Degree from University of the West Indies only 1st (GPA 3.6) 2:1 (GPA 3.0) 2:2 (GPA 2.5)
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
GPA 4.0 scale 3.5 3.0 2.8
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
4 year Bachelor of Science in Engineering (IEB and BAETE accredited courses only) 1st (70%) / 3.5 2nd (60%) / 3.0 2nd (55%) / 2.75
Masters (1-2 years) following a 3 or 4 year degree 80% / 4.0 65% / 3.25 50% / 2.5
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
University of the West Indies, Honours degree 1st (GPA 3.6) 2:1 (GPA 3.0) 2:2 (GPA 2.5)
Barbados Community College 1st or GPA 3.75 2:1 or GPA 3.5 2:2 or GPA 3.0
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Specialist Diploma (5Yr) 9 7 5
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Bachelor degree/Licenciaat/Licencie 80% or 17 70% or 14 60% or 12
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Degree from University of the West Indies only 1st (GPA 3.6) 2:1 (GPA 3.0) 2:2 (GPA 2.5)
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Maitrise 18 15 or Bien 12 or Assez Bien
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
A Licenciado, 4 years Private (public/private) 85/78 75/66 67/55

Bosnia and Herzegovina

First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Diploma Visokog Obrazovanja / Diplomirani 10 9 8
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Master's degree A or 80% B or 70% C or 60%
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Brazil - 4 yr Bacharel or Licenciado/Licenciatura or Título Profissional 8.5 7.5 6.5
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Brunei First Upper Second (60%/B/3.1) Lower Second (50%/C/2.7)
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
5 yr Diploma za Zavarsheno Visshe Obrazovanie (Diploma of Completed Higher Education) 6 5 4
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Masters or Diplôme d'Études Approfondies or Diplôme Ingénieur (professional title) 18 15/20 (Bien) 12.5/20 (Assez Bien)
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Masters 80% or B+ or 3.5 70% or B or 3.0 60% or C+ or 2.5
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Bachelor degree or Diplome d'Etudes Superiures de Commerce or Diplome d'Ingenieur or Diplôme d'Ingénieur de Conception or a Maitrise or a 4-year Licence. 1st or 15/20 or GPA 3.7 2:1 or 14/20 or Bien (GPA 3.4) 2:2 or 12.5/20 or Assez Bien (GPA 3.1)
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
GPA 4.0/Percentage 3.7/85% 3.3/75% 2.7/68%
Out of 9 8 6 5
Out of 12 10 8 6
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Grado de Licenciado / Título (Profesional) de [subject area] (4 years) 6 5.5 5

Students are required to have a bachelor degree (4 years) for entry to a postgraduate programme. The University uses the Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities to identify the required final mark, as outlined on the table below:

First class (70%) Mid 2:1 (65%) 2:1 (60%) Mid 2:2 (55%) 2:2 (50%)
Shanghai Rank Top 250 83% 79% 75% 73% 70%
Shanghai Rank 251-500 88% 84% 80% 78% 75%
Shanghai Rank 501+ 92% 87% 84% 82% 80%

Affiliated colleges

The University will consider students from Affiliated Colleges in the following way:

Applicants from colleges affiliated to universities in the top 250 Shanghai rankings will be considered if they have achieved or are likely to achieve final marks of 75%-84%.

Applicants from colleges affiliated to universities which are 251-500 in the Shanghai rankings will be considered if they have achieved or are likely to achieve final marks of 80%-87%.

Applicants from colleges affiliated to universities which are above 500 in the Shanghai rankings will be considered as follows:

  • School of Business and Economics: not considered
  • All other programmes if they have achieved or are likely to achieve final marks of 80%-87%.

Universities given special consideration

Applicants from a small number of Chinese universities that specialise in business, management, finance or creative arts will be given special consideration by the University. The full list of these universities and the Shanghai band under which they will be considered can be found below:

Beijing Film Academy 北京电影学院 Top 250
Capital University of Physical Education and Sports* 首都体育学院 Top 250
Central Academy of Drama 中央戏剧学院 Top 250
Central Academy for Fine Arts 中央美术学院 Top 250
Central Conservatory of Music 中央音乐学院 Top 250
China Academy of Art 中国美术学院 Top 250
China Conservatory of Music


中国音乐学院 Top 250

Guangzhou Sport University*

广州体育学院 251-500

Harbin University of Finance (Harbin Finance University)

哈尔滨金融学院 251-500
Northwest University of Political Science and Law 西北政法大学 Top 250
Shanghai Customs College 上海海关学院 Top 250
Tianjin Sport University* 天津体育学院 Top 250

‌*Special consideration for programmes in School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences and Institute for Sport Business only.

First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Licenciado / Título de [subject area] 4.5 3.75 3.2
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Licenciado 9 8 or 80 7 or 75
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Baccalaureus / Prvostupnik 4.5 3.8 3.0
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
4-year Titulo de Licenciado / Licenciatura 5 4 3
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Cyprus 8.5 7.0 6.5

Czech Republic

First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Bakalár (after 2001) 6 yr integrated Magistr 1 1.5 2
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
5 year Candidatus/Candidata Magisterii or Bachelor degree (7 point scale) 12 10 7

Dominican Republic

First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
4 year Licenciado or Título de [subject area] 3.8 Magna Cum Laude or 3.5 or 85% Cum Laude or 3.2 or 82%
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Título de Licenciado / Título de [subject area] 8.5 / 85% 8 / 80% 7 / 70%
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Egypt 3.5 3.2 2.8
Universities only BA 90%, BSc 85% BA 80%, BSc 75% BA 65%, BSc 65%

El Salvador

First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
5 year Licenciado, Título de Ingeniero/Arquitecto 8.5, 85% 7.5, 75% or Muy Bueno 6.5, 65% or Bueno
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Bakalaureusekraad or Magister or Magistrikraad 5 or A 4 or B 3 or C
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Master's A/GPA 4.0 A/GPA 3.5 B/GPA 2.8
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Kandidaattii/Kandidat or the Maisteri/Magister 3 (out of 3) or 4.5 (out of 5) 2 (out of 3) or 3 (out of 5) 1 (out of 3) or 2.5 (out of 5)
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Licence (3 years)/ Maitrise/ Diplôme d'Ingénieur 14 13 11
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
4-year degree (% = new system) 5 (95%) 4.5 (85%) 4 (75%)
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
German Bachelor/ Diplom, Magister Artium / Zeugnis über den Zweiten Abschnitt der Ärztlichen Prüfung 1.5 2.5 3.0
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Ghana First Upper second/60% Lower second/50%
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Universities 8.5 7.0 6
TEI and non-University Institutions 8.5 7 6.5
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Degree from University of West Indies - classification 1st 2:1 2:2
Degree from University of West Indies - grade / percentage A B / 75% C / 55%
Degree from University of West Indies - GPA 3.6 3.0 2.0
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Liceniado / Titulo de (subject area) - 4 years 90% (public university) / 95% (private university) 80% (public university) / 85% (private university) 60% (public university) / 70% (private university)
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Master's GPA 4 GPA 3.5 3.0
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Título de Licenciado / Grado Académico de Licenciatura (4 year degree) - GPA out of 5 GPA 5 or 90% GPA 4 or 80% GPA 3.5 or 70%
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
GPA 4.0 scale 3.5 3.0 2.5
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Alapfokozt or Egyetemi Oklevel / Bachelor 5 4 3
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Baccalaurreatus degree or Kandidatsprof/Candidatus Mag 8.5 7.5 6.5
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Institutions listed on the 65% (First) 60% (First) 55% (Upper second)
All other Indian institutions 70% (First with distinction) 65% (First) 60% (First)
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Sarjana I (S1) from accredited Universities 3.3 3.0 2.8
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Iran 17 15 13
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Iraq 80% 75% 70%
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Republic of Ireland First (70%) Upper second (60%) Lower second (50%)
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
3 yr Bachelor Degree 90% 80% 70%
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Diploma di Laurea 109/110 104/110 (or 27) 100/110 (or 26)

Myanmar (Burma)

First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
2 year Master's degree 5 or 85% 5 or 75% 4.5 or 65%
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Honours degree (post 2008) or Masters 80% or A 70% or B 60% or C
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Master's (after 3 year bachelor degree) 90% or 3.9 GPA 80% or 3.8 GPA 65% or 3.3 GPA


First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Netherlands 8 7 6

New Zealand

First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
4 Year Honours degree (480 credits) - Level 8 First (7.0) Upper Second (6.0) Lower Second (4.0)
3 Year degree (360 credits) - Level 7 A+ (9.0) A- (7.0) B+ (6.0)
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Licenciatura (4 year) 90% 80% 70%
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
7 point Scale 6 5 4
5 point scale 4.5 3.8 3.5
4 point scale 3.5 3 2.5
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Norway A B C
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
4 Year degree only (the higher of the 2 options) A- or GPA 3.7 B or GPA 3.0 C+ or GPA 2.6
2 or 3 year Bachelor plus Masters 1st (60%) plus GPA 3.7 2nd (55%) plus GPA 3.0 2nd (50%) plus GPA 2.6
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Bachelor Degree A / 90% / 3.7 B+ / 85% / 3.3 B / 80% / 3.0
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
4 Year Licenciado / Título de [subject area] 91 (A) 81 (B) 71 (C)

Papua New Guinea

First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Bachelor (Honours) Degree 1st 2:1 2:2
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
4 Year Título de Licenciado / Título de [subject area] 4.5 (85%) 4 (80%) 3.5 (75%)
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
4 Year Título de Licenciado / Título de [subject area] 14 13 12


First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Degree from prestigious state universities or Centres of Excellence (COE) Summa Cum Laude 4.0 / 96% / 1.0 Magna cum Laude 3.5 / 92% / 1.5 Cum Laude 3.0 / 87%/ 2.0
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Bachelor Degree (post 2003) Magister (pre- 2003) 5 4.5 / 4+ 4
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Diploma de Estudos Superiores Especializados (DESE) or Licenciado 18 16 14
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Diploma de Licenta/ Diploma de Inginer 9 8 7
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Bakalavr/Specialist Diploma/Magistr 4.5 4.0 3.5
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
4 year bachelor (Hons) degree (480 credits) 1st, 16/20 (80%) 2:1,14/20 (70%) 2:2, 12/20 (60%)

Saudi Arabia

First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
GPA 4.0 scale 3.5 3.0 2.8
GPA 5.0 scale 4.5 3.75 3.5
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Maitrise, Diplome d'Etude Approfondies, Diplome d'Etude Superieures or Diplome d'Etude Superieures Specialisees 16/20 or Tres Bien 14/20 or Bien 12/20 or Assez Bien
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Diplomirani/ Bachelor's degree 9 8 7

Sierra Leone

First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Honours degree or masters 1st (70%) 2:1 (60% or B) 2:2 (50% or C)
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Classification First Upper second Lower second
GPA 4.0 scale 3.7 3.0 2.7
GPA 5.0 scale 4.5 3.5 3.0
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Bakalár (from 2005) Magister / Inzinier 1.5 or B 2.0 or C 2.5 or C/high D
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
University Diplom 9.5 8.5 7

South Africa

First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Bachelor (Honours) or B Tech after 4 yrs study 1st or 75% 2:1 or 70% 2:2 or 60%

South Korea

First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
GPA out of 4.5 4.0 / A 3.5 / B 3.0 / C+
GPA out of 4.3 4.0 / A 3.0 / B 2.7 / C+
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Licenciado / Título de Ingeniero / Título de Arquitecto 8.5 7 6.5
UCM grading 3.0 2.0 1.5
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
4 year Professional degree or Bachelor Special or Honours degree 90%, GPA 3.70 80%, GPA 3.30 70%, GPA 3.0
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
4 year degree 1st, 70%, B+ 2:1, 66% mid 2:2, 60%, B
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Kandidatexamen or Magisterexamen Overall grade of VG with a minimum of 120 credits at VG B or Overall grade of VG with a minimum of 90 credits at VG C or Overall grade of G with a minimum of 90 credits at G

Trinidad and Tobago

First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
For degrees studied at The University of West Indies or degrees accredited by ACTT 1st or B+ or 70% 2:1 or B or 65% 2:2 or B- or 60%
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Licence, Maîtrise, Diplôme National d'Ingénieu 16 (tres bien) 14 (bien) 11 (assez bien)
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Lisans Diplomasi or a Műhendis Diplomasi 3.5 3 2.5


First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
4 Yr Bakalavr, Specialist Diploma or Magistr 5 4.5 4
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Uganda 1st or 4.4 2:1 or 3.8 2:2 or 3.0
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Dyplom Magistra or a Bachelors degree (11 / 5) 4.5 4.0 3.5

United Arab Emirates

First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
GPA 4.0 scale 3.5 3.0 2.6

United States of America

First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
GPA 4.0 scale 3.5 3.2 2.8
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Licenciado (4 year) 10 9 8
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Bakalavr Diplomi / Diplomi (Specialist Diploma) 90% or GPA 4.5 80% or GPA 4.0 70% or GPA 3.0
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Licenciado/Professional title. (4 year) 18/20 or 8/9 16/20 or 7/9 14/20 or 6/9
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
10-point scale 8.0 7.0 6.0
4-point scale 3.5 3.0 2.8
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
Master's A or 4.0 or 80% B+, 3.5 or 70% B or 3.0 or 60%
First-class honours (70%) Upper second-class honours (60%) Lower second-class honours (50%)
3/4 year degree 1st or 75% 2:1 or 65% 2:2 or 60%

English language requirements

Applicants must meet the minimum English language requirements. Further details are available on the International website .

Fees and funding

Tuition fees for 2024-25 entry.

Fully funded Full-time degree per annum

International fee

2024-25 tuition fees are applicable to projects starting in October 2024, January 2025, April 2025 and July 2025.

Tuition fees cover the cost of your teaching, assessment and operating University facilities such as the library, IT equipment and other support services. University fees and charges can be paid in advance and there are several methods of payment, including online payments and payment by instalment. Fees are reviewed annually and are likely to increase to take into account inflationary pressures.

The studentship is for 3 years and provides a tax-free stipend of £21,237 per annum for the duration of the studentship, plus university tuition fees.

How to apply

All applications should be made online . Under Location/Campus, please select London, and then under programme name, select Institute for Media and Creative Industries.  Please quote the advertised reference number: 2024/LUL/GH2 in your application.

To avoid delays in processing your application, please ensure that you submit the minimum supporting documents and and a research proposal.

The following selection criteria will be used by academic schools to help them make a decision on your application.

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