With ADHD Homework Can Be Tough: Here Are 3 Strategies For Success

If your child has ADHD, it goes without saying that you’re committed to helping them become successful and resilient, and overcome their academic challenges.

But on average, students with ADHD say that 80% of their interactions at school are negative ones.

Whether that’s because of how they feel about themselves, their surroundings, their peers, or just school in general… it means they spend the majority of their day feeling negative.

And there’s one issue in particular where this negativity tends to manifest itself most: homework .

With ADHD, homework can become a real struggle. But what we also know, is that it’s not a problem that can’t be overcome if we take the right steps.

In our opinion, there are three keys to success for students with ADHD:

  • Know how ADHD manifests itself in your child
  • Be the “Charismatic Adult”
  • Set them up now with healthy homework and study habits

And in this post, we’ll cover different ways ADHD manifests itself and approaches to homework and studying that will help get them moving in the right direction and turn a negative school experience into a positive one.

1. Know how ADHD manifests itself in your child

It is essential to know how ADHD affects your child before you can choose the best approach to help them succeed academically.

More often than not you hear ADHD and you think of disruption. However, that is not always the case, especially when it comes to girls. Girls with ADHD may actually tend to be more shy and withdrawn. This is because when their minds wander away from the task at hand, they’re more inclined not to want you to know they’re not paying attention. As an avoidance strategy, it’s more straightforward to stay quiet.

Alternatively, with boys (generally speaking of course) the research shows they tend to manifest their ADHD symptoms more externally , whether through running around, interrupting vocally, or actively misbehaving. But it would also be a mistake to characterize all boys with ADHD in this way because there are many who don’t exhibit this behavior.

The bottom line is this:

Every case is different. You know your child. So it’s essential to try to best understand your child’s strengths and weaknesses when it comes to schoolwork to determine which strategies are appropriate , and which don’t seem relevant.

2. Be the “Charismatic Adult”

Studies show the number one differentiator between students with behavioral, attention, or learning disorders who succeed and those who do not is the presence of a “charismatic adult’ in their life. As psychologist and researcher Julius Segal notes:

“From studies conducted around the world, researchers have distilled a number of factors that enable such children of misfortune to beat the heavy odds against them. One factor turns out to be the presence in their lives of a charismatic adult– a person with whom they identify and from whom they gather strength.”

Reflect on your own experiences…

How did you get to where you are today both personally and professionally? Did you have a charismatic adult in your life who encouraged and believed in you?

Being this figure in a child’s life does not mean being Mother Theresa, but it does require taking an interest in the child and their strengths rather than focusing on his or her shortcomings . And when mistakes and failures do happen, it means helping them work through them constructively so that they walk away from the situation knowing more than they did before and feeling positive about the experience.

3. Set them up now with healthy homework and study habits

You’ve heard them all before…

“It’s so booorrrrring…”

“I don’t have any homework.”

“I’ll start after I finish my video game.”

For most kids with ADHD homework and studying is filled with dread and excuses, but it doesn’t have to be. Let’s break it down by topic so we can really hone in on how to help develop these essential habits that will carry them to success now, and later in their academic careers.

ADHD and Procrastination

Your child constantly procrastinates, even after dozens of reminders. How can you get him more excited about homework and completing it earlier?

Step 1: Have a predictable schedule

Allow a thirty-minute break after school before getting started on homework. When kids know what to expect they are less likely to procrastinate.

Step 2: Consider the “Tolerable 10”

Set a timer for just 10 minutes and encourage them to work as hard as they can until the time runs out. This helps give them a push to get started, and after the 10 minutes is up, they can either take a short break or continue for another round.

ADHD and Time Management

Time management is the enemy of kids with ADHD. Your child is smart, but when it comes to completing assignments, they can take hours longer than the instructor intended. How do you help them minimize distractions and encourage productivity?

Step 1: Make a game plan

Break homework or projects into smaller more manageable tasks. Check-in, in and make a big deal when he’s accomplished one or a set of tasks. For many kids, time is too abstract of a concept. Consider using candy or baseball cards and letting him know he’ll be rewarded when the task is complete.

Step 2: Help prioritize

Ask what they will do first to help them get started. Make sure they understand the directions and can do the work. Then, let him go at it alone but stay close by so you can help if needed.

Step 3: Use a timer Once you have broken up the assignment into more manageable pieces and helped prioritize their work, set a timer and encourage them to work in short spurts (see the “Tolerable 10” above). Then slowly make the time longer, but never more than 30 minutes.

ADHD and Missing Assignments and Instruction

Either they miss the teacher’s instructions, forget homework and books, or sometimes just ignore assignments entirely. How do you ensure homework and assignments are getting done without seeming overbearing ?

Step 1: Trust but verify

Set expectations, rewards, and consequences for completing homework and assignments. Then verify with an online grading portal if one is available. Communicate with teachers if necessary, but always do this with your child so that they’re involved in the process.

Step 2: Tie privileges to effort

Link things like screen time and hanging out with friends to the amount of time spent studying and doing homework, rather than outcomes like grades. Kids can see the direct correlation between working and learning, and a benefit… rather than feeling overwhelmed by the idea of getting better grades, when they may not know exactly how.

Step 3: Talk to teachers about emailing assignments and homework

Kids with ADHD and executive dysfunction may benefit from having the option to submit homework online or through email. They can focus on one thing at a time, and submit it right then and there, rather than having to manage to organize it, and bringing it to school and turn it in.

ADHD and Distractions

Pulling your child back into study mode from a break or video games seems near impossible. So how do you pull them away from those distractions and focus on homework?

Step 1: Put a limit on breaks

Kids may need a break after a long school day. For elementary-aged kids, a 30-minute break after school should do the trick. Older kids may need more time to “chill” after school is out, but ideally, assignments and studying should start before dinner time. Use this to have them indulge in their break time, while still setting boundaries.

Step 2: Control screen time

Limit breaks to outdoor activities or things that don’t involve a screen. Video games and social media are specifically designed addictive and hard to detach from. So allow a mental break, but don’t let them make things harder on themselves than they need to be by getting wrapped up in something that’s hard to pull away from.

ADHD and Homework: What’s next?

Now, after all of this you may be asking yourself:

“If I do all of this will my child eventually be ready for college and academic independence?”

The best way to ensure your child will be ready for the independence they crave is to back off slowly, but stay supportive.

Set up weekly meetings, maybe every Sunday before the school week starts, and discuss upcoming assignments and offer support. You’ve guided them through this far, and it is time to let them take the wheel… just make sure they don’t head off in the wrong direction.

If you would like to discuss how one-to-one tutoring or executive function coaching could help your child, we invite you to schedule a time to speak with one of our education specialists by clicking below.

Liz Nissim-Matheis Ph.D.

3 Homework Strategies for Teens With ADHD

How they can get their homework done..

Posted September 28, 2023 | Reviewed by Ray Parker

  • What Is ADHD?
  • Find counselling to overcome ADHD
  • Completing homework can be difficult for kids with ADHD.
  • Phones can be a major distraction for children with ADHD, so take them away before they start working.
  • With the body-double method, a child works on their homework in the same room with another person.

Ivan Samkov / Pexels

It’s the start of a new school year, the honeymoon phase is slowly beginning to fade, and the rigor of academics is taking off. Every year, I begin the new school year with a mountain-high amount of hope that the summer served as a source of maturation and consolidation of a new set of skills. In many ways, I’m correct and my three children show a new level of growth.

For kids with attention -deficit/hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD ), or executive functioning struggles, the start of a new school year often comes with a greater need for organization of school materials, time management , prioritization, and study skills.

One thing I hear from parents is that their child may spend hours "working" on homework and have nothing to show for it. How can that be? Well, I went to my best source of information: adolescents.

The responses were honest and raw. I heard that they start their homework, but then the phone dings, or they get an idea about a show or a game, and look it up (because they can). Before they know it, so much time has passed and little or no progress on their assignments has been made.

This is usually the time when a parent checks in and the young man or lady tries to "look" busy, but truly, no real work has been done. Or, teens have said to me that’s when they “bark” at their parents and ask to be left alone. Part of that response is the awareness that they have been sitting in front of their homework for a while but little has been done, and the other part is pure frustration and procrastination .

And this cycle continues on and on, for hours. Sound familiar?

Let’s talk about a few strategies that you can initiate at home that will help with building those executive functioning skills while getting their homework done.

The Body Double Method

Some of us get the most done when nobody is around, with no sound, in the silence. For some of our children and adolescents with ADHD, it helps to have another person in the same room or nearby.

Perhaps it’s knowing that the person is present and can check in at any time that maintains focus and improves productivity . Some of us need the presence of another person to regulate and ground us. That person doesn’t have to say or do anything, they just need to exist. This is known as our body double.

Speaking from experience, my preference is to set my computer at the kitchen counter and work while my kids are around me. I have always preferred the buzz of other people in the background, rather than working alone.

My son, on the other hand, prefers to work in his room because he finds our "human sounds" too distracting. My daughter likes to work on her homework sprawled out, in the middle of my kitchen floor. We each have our preferences and those preferences can even shift from assignment to assignment.

If you’re not sure if your child or adolescent needs you to serve as her body double, ask her. If she isn’t sure, experiment. That is, set your child up on the same floor as you are, perhaps at the kitchen table or in your dining room (or another room that has a table and a chair). Ask your child to complete one assignment and then assess it. Was it helpful to work near you or was it too distracting?

If your child responds that he was able to get through his assignment quickly and with focus, you have your answer. Now you know that your child is going to need to set up at a table or workspace somewhere by you, instead of sending her up to her room.

Put the Phone Down and Nobody Gets Hurt

Distractions are around our children with ADHD all the time. The chirping bird or the passing truck can very easily result in a turned head. For many of our children and adolescents, their ability to filter out background sound is difficult.

They may hear all sounds in the environment at an equal level. Imagine if you couldn’t filter out the buzzing of the lawnmower while you were sending an email. It can be overwhelming and exhausting.

Now, let’s compound that with a vibrating phone or the "ping" that signals your child that someone has reacted to the last SnapChat—omg, I need to check. The temptation is there to check Instagram every time your child doesn’t want to start a writing assignment or finds that chapter in social studies really boring .

how to do homework with adhd

Let’s take away a layer of distraction that is tangible. Ask your child to turn their phone in once they begin their homework. All of the texts and other social media notifications will be there once they return, but in the meantime, their homework will get done.

Estimate and Time It

Children with ADHD tend to think that any assignment will take the figurative "five minutes." How many times have you thought, “You’re going to finish a paper that was assigned two weeks ago in an hour?”

He may think that it will take "five minutes" given that his sense of time is not entirely accurate. To build that sense of time, I like to ask students, “How long do you think this math worksheet will take?”

Whatever the answer is, set the timer to that estimated time and let the child work. Once time is up, ask him to assess, “How far did you get on this worksheet?” If you notice he’s completed half, ask him, “It looks like you finished about half of the problems in X minutes. How much longer do you think you’ll need?”

This will begin to develop that sense of time and what is a realistic amount of time to finish different assignments. It may also take him another 50 practice runs just like this until that sense of time begins to develop.

But by the 51st time, your child may be able to say, “I think it’s going to take 15 minutes so it’s going to take 30 minutes. Whatever I think, I double it.”

Setting the timer also gives your child a sense of beginning and end. For students who struggle to begin a task, this can motivate them to begin, and for the student who struggles to sustain attention to an assignment, this gives an end in sight. Setting the timer can also bring a sense of levity to homework in that the goal is to complete the assignment before the bell rings.

For an assignment that requires a longer time to complete, set the timer for the duration of your child’s attention span. If she can work on one task for 30 minutes, set the timer for 30 minutes and go.

Once the time is up, ask your child to walk away from her work area, set the timer for five minutes, and take a break. During that break, encourage your child to move around, engage in jumping jacks, or stare out the window, but do not engage in anything electronically based. Then, set the timer for another 30 minutes, and repeat this cycle until the assignment is completed.

Try using any or all of these strategies at home, but introduce one at a time so as not to overwhelm your child. Once you introduce the strategy, don’t do it for them, but rather model how to do it so there is a level of ownership.

For example, if you want to help your son plan the upcoming week, you can stand by the whiteboard but hand the red marker to him and ask, “Do you have anything in math coming up?” If he says yes, ask him to write it. You ask, he answers, he writes.

To turn any of these strategies into a habit, practice the skill for two weeks at the very least, consistently. If it works, keep it. If it doesn’t, scrap it and try another strategy. It’s a journey but along the way, you will ultimately put your child in the driver’s seat.

Liz Nissim-Matheis Ph.D.

Liz Nissim-Matheis, Ph.D. , is a licensed Clinical Psychologist and certified School Psychologist in private practice in New Jersey.

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At any moment, someone’s aggravating behavior or our own bad luck can set us off on an emotional spiral that threatens to derail our entire day. Here’s how we can face our triggers with less reactivity so that we can get on with our lives.

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6 Ways a Child With ADHD Can Study Better

how to do homework with adhd

 No kid likes homework. But for a child with ADHD, homework time can be extra hard. Assignments that might take other kids an hour can take yours 2 or 3 -- or more.

Homework doesn't have to ruin your kid's day. And it doesn't have to turn you into a stressed out, nagging parent. A structured routine can help your son or daughter stay focused and on track.

1. Set up a homework station.

Choose one spot where your child can do their homework every day. Make sure it's away from distractions like noisy siblings, a phone, and the TV. (The kitchen table works well for some kids, since you can easily check in on them.)

The seat should face a wall, not a window. White noise, from an MP3 player or a fan, can help drown out sounds to keep their mind on the work.

Try to give siblings their own space, though this may be hard if you have to monitor more than one. Remember that different kids may have different needs.

2. Break up study time.

Does your child start strong, then sputter out? Split up assignments so they don’t have to do it all at once.

Instead of a solid hour, have them tackle three 20-minute sessions with playtime or a snack in between.

Or switch subjects: math for 20 minutes, then English for another 20, then back to math. They'll struggle less, and their work may improve.

3. Stay on schedule.

Kids with ADHD have trouble managing time. They also get off track easily. A schedule can help with both problems.

Ask your child to break down their homework into mini-assignments that take only a few minutes each. Then use an egg timer or alarm app to keep them on task for each section. Not only will it help them, but you won't have to nag as much.

Like the daily assignments, break down big, long-term projects (like a diorama or a book report) into simple steps. Set up a schedule with a due date for each step. These small deadlines will help them get the project done on time.

4. Plan studying around medication.

A child who takes ADHD medication may study better earlier in the afternoon, when the drugs are still in effect. They may have a hard time later in the evening, after they wear off.

5. Motivate with rewards.

They're not bribes. It's OK to reward your child when they do a good job. A little encouragement can go a long way.

Some parents set up a currency -- poker chips, for example -- in return for getting homework done. Your kid can turn the chips in later for rewards they like, such as time to watch TV or play a video game.

6. Make sure homework is handed in.

Your child might spend hours on their homework, then lose it or forget to hand it in. An organized binder or folder system, with pockets for new assignments and finished homework, can help get the papers across the finish line.

Keep on top of assignments.

This last one is a bonus for you. It's not uncommon for a kid with ADHD to miss a due date or misunderstand instructions. Create a backup plan. Talk to your child's teacher -- weekly or even daily -- about upcoming assignments.

Some teachers post homework on the Internet. Others may email copies of assignments directly to you. Ask the teacher to let you know about any late or missing homework.

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Empowering ADHDers and their Families to Live Life to the Fullest

Unlocking ADHD

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Struggling to complete your homework : 10 ADHD friendly tips!

School , Youth March 21, 2022

Unlocking ADHD volunteer Vivien Loh writes about 10 easy tips that ADHDers can try out if they find it a struggle to concentrate and complete homework. 

ADHD students might often find themselves struggling to complete tasks and homework. Why so? ADHDers are interest-based learners, meaning, unless they’re excited about the homework they’re doing, it usually isn’t stimulating enough for their brains to keep them focused. As such, while doing homework, their brains often drift off and focus on something else more interesting. If you find yourself in such a situation, here are 10 tips that could help you: 

1. Create a study space

how to do homework with adhd

Find an area to complete your homework where other people won’t distract you. It’s important to organise this space, and make it your own so that it’s an area that’s fun to look at, further motivating you to start studying. You can add supplies you need, paste motivational quotes, play some soothing music and so much more! For example if you’re a person who’s an avid lover of nature, you can buy some plants to spruce up your study space. 

2. Challenge yourself 

how to do homework with adhd

Before starting, set a specific goal that you would like to achieve. It doesn’t have to be something long-term, it can be something daily, for example: completing 20 Science questions a day in a stipulated amount of time. Although setting goals and completing them bring a sense of satisfaction, ensure that the goals you set are attainable and realistic!

3. Create accountability 

how to do homework with adhd

Creating accountability is important because it ensures that you are keeping your progress in check, and meeting deadlines. This can come about in many different ways – for one, you could do daily challenges with a friend, and cheer each other on. Another effective method would be sticker charts, which also creates a sense of accomplishment. 

4. Break it into smaller pieces

how to do homework with adhd

Before starting to work on your assignments, divide them into smaller tasks. Each assignment looks daunting at first, but after breaking them down into more tangible, mini tasks, you’ll have more motivation to finish them all. This will also give you a better idea of how long you will take to complete each mini task, allowing you to have better time management. 

5. Add some movement 

how to do homework with adhd

Between assignments, give yourself short breaks, during which you can move about. Such movement releases neurotransmitters in your brain, in turn helping you with your focus. You could try using a fidget, pace around the room while reading, or even having short dance breaks.

6. Find a study buddy 

how to do homework with adhd

Studying with someone else adds accountability – you can check in on one another and motivate each other to keep going. In the event that you prefer to work on your own, there are many applications that make great study buddies on their own, such as Quizlet, Kahoot and Quia, just to name a few. 

7. Reward yourself for your effort 

how to do homework with adhd

Make the reward something you genuinely like, so that you’ll actually want to earn it. However, ensure that your reward isn’t accessible at all times, and to help with this, you can ask your parents to keep your reward away from you, and only give it back once your task is complete. 

8. Create a homework tracking system 

how to do homework with adhd

To make things less overwhelming, write down all your assignments. This helps you see how much work there really is as it’s penned down clearly, and not all in your head. You can write them down in a planner as well, so that at the same time, you can organise specific days to complete your homework. 

9. Don’t be afraid to mix it up 


Instead of doing 1 subject throughout your study session, try switching back and forth between 2-3 subjects to create variety. If you only have assignments from one subject, you can add in short 10-minute breaks into the mix, and do activities during this time such as colouring or playing an instrument. 

9. Respect your downtime 

how to do homework with adhd

Last but not least, don’t feel guilty when you’re taking a break. During exam seasons, it’s common to fall into the trap of feeling bad when you’re resting, but always remember that taking breaks is part of the process. Without them, your brain won’t have the ability to remember everything you’ve learnt. Respect your rest time, and fully relax during them so that you’re well-rested before your next study session! 

With the homework tips above, we hope that ADHDers will find doing homework less of a feat, and find success in completing homework and assignments on time. 

If you are looking for community support, join our ADHD support group or Discord chat !

(Content has been adapted from How to ADHD on Youtube, graphics by Cara. )  

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*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Should you suspect that you have ADHD, consider seeking the advice of a trained healthcare professional with any questions you may have about your condition.

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Andrea is a constantly curious person attracted to all things colourful. On weekends, you will probably find her churning out fun activities to keep her son occupied or engrossed in a new game/book/drama series. She enjoys every moment of volunteering with Unlocking ADHD and hopes to build a more inclusive and empathetic society that embraces neurodiversity.

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Li Ming’s educational background is in Business Management and Mass Communications. She have worked in the areas of marketing communications, philanthropy and medical fundraising.

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Fees are $70 per one hour session. Psychoeducational testing ranges between $750 to $1,120 depending on the tests required.

Email: [email protected] .

Rachelle parents three brilliant ADHD kids and is an experienced magazine editor, a co-director in the family healthcare business and would kill to be a student again

Indhu is a university student majoring in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. During her free time, she enjoys hanging out with friends and watching TV shows.

Cheyenne provides HR/people strategy consulting and career coaching. She also volunteers with SPARK to increase the awareness of and reduce the stigma of ADHD.

Tahirah is a mom whose seven out of nine children have special needs with two having ADHD. An advocate for special needs and mental health, she is an avid reader with a love for photography, music and tv

Valerie is a secondary 2 student who loves sports and creative activities like writing, drawing, music. She hopes to contribute to teen awareness through Unlocking ADHD!

Mrunmayee (Mayee) is a Counseling Psychologist who previously worked as a school counselor. She is interested in hiking and reading.

Tricia is a university student majoring in Life Sciences and Psychology. An avid fan of scaling rock walls and whatever else she can climb, some say she is more monkey than human!

Moonlake is the Founder of Unlocking ADHD. A community builder and multi-hyphenate, she runs to fat burn so that she can enjoy food with family and friends. She is still working on strengthening the brakes for her ADHD wiring…

Stephanie is a university student majoring in Psychology and minoring in Japanese Language. She hopes to make the most of her leisure time through writing and reading.

7 Ways To Motivate A Kid With ADHD To Do Homework And Chores

Start by meeting your kid where they are — and really listen to what they’re telling you.

how to do homework with adhd

All parents fight with their kids to do their chores or homework, but with kids who have ADHD, it’s a whole other battle. Children with ADHD are neurologically wired to have difficulty starting and finishing tasks . They often struggle with executive functioning , a family of mental skills that includes the ability to plan, conceptualize, and execute goals. All of this means that completing everyday tasks such as homework and chores — or even getting up for school — can become major points of difficulty for some kids, and major points of conflict between them and their parents.

That doesn’t mean that the only option is to push your way through. For children (and adults) with ADHD, staying on task can sometimes be as easy as reframing the process using management and motivation styles that better fit their needs and are more suited to the way they think. While the same strategies won’t work for everyone, these seven tips are a great place to start figuring out the right setup to keep your kid with ADHD on task.

1. A Little Understanding Goes a Long Way

Start by meeting your kid where they are — and really listen to what they’re saying. When a child appears disinterested or unable to start a task or an assignment, try to identify anything that might be getting in their way. ADHD and anxiety often go hand in hand , and tasks can feel overwhelming if they’re long and complex, or they may bring up some underlying discomfort (like assignments from that one terrifying teacher). Once you know what obstacles your child is facing, you’ll be better poised to find ways to overcome them. And yes, being bored definitely counts as one of these obstacles.

2. Break Down Larger Goals

Maintaining focus and motivation over a long period of time is difficult for kids with ADHD — it’s like trying to remember your place in a book with pages that won’t stop flipping around. Plenty of projects can be broken down into discrete parts, and writing them down on a piece of paper or a whiteboard can help free up brain space and encourage your child to focus on one step at a time, says Carey Heller, Psy.D. , a Maryland-based psychologist who specializes in childhood and adolescent ADHD. Try finding a way to help your child unwind in between each step.

3. Encourage Routine

“Creating structure is really important,” Heller says. Small routines, like a pre-homework snack after school followed by a set reminder to do homework , can help create a familiar flow of activities that eliminates the need to spend mental energy on planning when to tackle heftier tasks.

Knowing when a change in activity is coming is also a huge boon for the ADHD brain, which can easily become fixated and difficult to redirect . “For example, if a child is reading for fun, or playing a game of some kind, suddenly being surprised by parents saying ‘It's time to do homework ’ may make them yell or react a little more strongly because of the difficulty shifting attention, rather than it being that they truly don't want to do it,” Heller says. If it’s a routine that game time stops at 5 p.m. everyday, switching away from that activity will likely be less of a fight.

4. Set Reminders

When it comes to ADHD , organization is key. Luckily, there’s no shortage of tools to help parents and children achieve it. For older kids with smartphones, using the reminder and calendar apps to break up tasks into to-dos and deadlines is just a matter of building the habit. For parents of younger children, or those who may not want their kids relying on screens to manage their planning, smart home devices can act as hands-free virtual assistants for even the tiniest of tots. Heller says he uses his own Amazon Echo to set reminders so often that his son was listing off his own tasks to the device at the age of 4. For a tech-free option, paper planners can be a huge help to older kids — some are even made specifically for those with ADHD . The best reminder system for your kid, Heller says, is whichever one they’ll use.

5. Add Rewards

It’s what we all want for a job well done — something to look forward to. There’s good evidence that the dopamine reward pathway — the portion of the brain that makes you feel good when you accomplish something — is disrupted in people with ADHD, leading to a deficit in the ability to motivate from within . Thankfully, there’s also evidence that for children under 12 , having an extrinsic reward, or something tangible to look forward to, can improve performance on a task.

For bigger projects, Heller suggests sprinkling rewards along the way. Which rewards work best is going to vary a ton from child to child, but options such as a favorite meal or quality time with a parent tend to be a hit in his office.

6. Embrace Fidgeting

Sure, your kid has to sit still at school. But at home, there’s no need to be so rigid. Heller swears by the strategy of “ harnessing fidgeting to improve focus .” Turn your kid’s desk into the most fun home office in the house with items like an under-desk elliptical, a balance board, or even a simple standing desk setup — find what clicks for them. Even something as simple as pacing the room while reading can help some kids with ADHD stay engaged.

7. Remember: You’re There to Guide

Helping your child manage their ADHD is all about “parenting for independence ,” Heller says. He encourages parents to develop strategies that their children and teens can take into adulthood and use themselves, rather than ones that require constant parental involvement. For younger kids, modeling certain routines and behaviors can be a huge push in the right direction.

This article was originally published on Aug. 16, 2022

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Best Advice on How to Do Homework with ADHD

Many kids do not love the idea of doing homework. However, ADHD and homework are more complex because dealing with such a child requires extra patience, effort, and dedication. This is because such kids require more time than normal kids when doing homework. While it is quite hard to deal with such homework needs, you can apply ADHD homework strategies that we will highlight in this piece to give your kid ample time and relieve yourself from the stress of seeing your child suffer with school work.

Doing homework with ADHD: how does ADHD affect students?

The ADHD problem can cause the student to experience some difficulties in their learning experience, thus causing poor performance and other problems as described below:

  • Troubles with time management

Students with ADHD issues usually have an unbalanced lifestyle due to poor time management skills. With this problem, it becomes hard for them to always be on time, prepare, and plan tasks while prioritizing the urgent ones. This issue affects them further, and as a result, ADHD homework takes forever.

  • Hardship in regulating and managing emotions

ADHD students often struggle with social issues such as poor self-esteem, negative thoughts, and other social problems. As a result, these issues affect their friendship and relationship bonding, thus imposing on them extreme worries. When a student keeps worrying about such issues, it destroys their self-image, and that is why it is significant to strategize how to get homework done with ADHD as part of the motivation process.

  • Poor performance in academics

It is often hard for students with ADHD to feel dissatisfied with their grades. This is mainly a result of being unable to complete tasks, forgetting assignments, having trouble handling complex tasks, and staying disorganized. All these problems lead to poor academic performance, hence the need the establish ways how to get motivation to do homework with ADHD.

How to focus on homework with ADHD: time-proven ADHD homework tips

Although ADHD students often have a hard time with homework, they can use some approaches to get the work done and improve the whole situation. The goal is to establish ways to get the homework done other than knowing what to do.

Should you be wondering how to do homework with ADHD, try and apply the following strategies and you will notice some improvements.

1. Set up a homework station

You need to arrange an accommodating space specifically for doing homework. The area should be free from noise and distractions like television and noise from other people. Again, make sure the space has a good seat with a table with adequate lighting. The seat should also face the wall instead of the window as a way of minimizing distractions. Above all, do not forget to pay attention to other kids by giving them their space as a way of minimizing distractions.

2. Break up study time

Some students start strong when doing homework and lose their morale with time. This is due to the fact that the brain gets tired, and they tend to lose concentration. You need to avoid this element by splitting the homework tasks. Let there be reasonable breaks that will enable the student to recharge their energy and refresh their brain.

For instance, if dealing with one subject, let’s say English, don’t let the student sit for a whole hour doing the task. Instead, break the one hour into 20 minutes with some breaks in between.

You can as well interchange the subjects as a way of improving concentration. For instance, give math homework for 20 minutes, then English, in that order.

3. Give rewards as a motivation

Rewards aren’t bribes. It is a way of telling the student good job and to keep it up. Whenever an ADHD student improves, reward them with something they love. It will motivate them to keep working hard, especially when having homework.

Homework may seem complex until when you have to deal with ADHD and homework. Yes, it is a hard task, but with the above approaches, you will realize the situation improves.

how to do homework with adhd

Because differences are our greatest strength

7 reasons kids with ADHD often rush through homework

how to do homework with adhd

By Gail Belsky

Expert reviewed by Andrew Kahn, PsyD

Updated January 3, 2023

All kids rush through homework once in a while so they can get to the things they’d rather be doing. But for kids with ADHD, rushing can be an ongoing challenge that results in sloppy, incorrect, or incomplete work.

Why does this happen? A key reason is that kids with ADHD struggle with executive function skills . They often have a hard time staying focused, managing their time, waiting, and monitoring their work. 

Other factors may come into play, too. Kids with ADHD may be worn out after school. Or they might have “ medication rebound ” if they take stimulants for ADHD. 

Here are some of the most common reasons kids with ADHD race through their homework assignments.

1. Trouble holding on to information

Trouble with working memory can make it hard for kids with ADHD to keep information in mind as they do their homework. Instead of taking their time to think through their answers, they might scribble them out as fast as possible before they lose their train of thought. That can mean incomplete or even incorrect responses.

2. Poor time management skills

When kids with ADHD have multiple assignments, they may have trouble gauging how much time to spend on each one. They also may hyperfocus on one task and then have a hard time moving on to the next. Having spent an hour on one assignment, they might speed through their remaining homework.

3. Difficulty staying interested

Kids with ADHD have trouble with focus and often tune out quickly when tasks are tedious. Faced with a worksheet of 25 similar math problems, they might zoom through it carelessly because they’re bored.

4. Difficulty with self-monitoring

For kids with ADHD, doing homework may seem endless. So the idea of sitting even longer to check over their work for mistakes can be unbearable. They may also think it’s OK to just turn in their first effort, rather than spend more time making sure it’s correct and complete.

5. Trouble with self-control

Kids with ADHD can have a hard time putting off what they want, even if it’s better for them to wait. If they’re itching to play their new video game or watch TV, they might rush through homework without even thinking or caring about the fact that taking their time can result in better grades.

6. Learning challenges

Kids with ADHD often have learning challenges like dyslexia and dyscalculia as well. So on top of the challenges that ADHD presents, they may struggle with the work itself. That can lead them to rush through homework just to get it over with.

7. Feeling defeated

Struggling at school can wear kids down and make them lose confidence. Over time, they may come to believe they won’t “get it.” Or that they won’t do well no matter how hard they try. If kids believe the outcome will be the same whether they spend 20 minutes or two hours on homework, they might not think it’s worth it to take the time to do a careful job.

If your child races through homework, knowing the reasons why lets you find strategies that can help. Observe your child during homework and look for patterns . Get tips for helping kids slow down on homework in grade school and middle school . And download a free homework contract that your child can follow.

Key takeaways

Rushing leads to sloppy, incorrect, or incomplete homework.

Kids with ADHD often also have learning differences that can make homework so difficult that they rush just to be done with it.

A medication “rebound” effect can make some kids get very tired or sluggish after school. Fine-tuning ADHD medication can help.

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Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Also known as ADHD

Akeem Marsh, MD, is a board-certified child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist who has dedicated his career to working with medically underserved communities.

how to do homework with adhd

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurotype that is usually first diagnosed during childhood though diagnoses in adults have surged in the past few years. More than six million children in the U.S. between the ages of 3 and 17 have been diagnosed with ADHD. It is characterized by patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that make it difficult for people to function in a way that's deemed "standard" or neurotypical.

ADHD is lifelong. While traits do change with time, they can still interfere with an adult's functioning. Relationships, health, work, and finances are just a few areas that may be impacted. There are management options, including medications and therapies, as well as helpful strategies that can help you live well with ADHD.

Getting Support for ADHD

Frequently asked questions.

The exact causes of ADHD are not known but experts believe there are a number of factors at play. Genetics are thought to play a significant role in causing ADHD, but environmental factors also contribute and often interact with genetic predispositions. Factors that can increase the risk of ADHD include certain illnesses such as meningitis, exposure to toxins such as lead, and nutrition deficiencies or substance use during pregnancy.

There is no simple lab test or questionnaire that can determine if a person has ADHD. Mental health professionals conduct an evaluation and can use a variety of tools including IQ tests, interviews, measures of attention, rating scales, and other assessments to evaluate symptoms and determine if they meet the criteria for diagnosis.

ADHD is classified as a mental illness, but can also be described as a neurotype. It is important to recognize that mental illness is a broad term that refers to any type of condition that impacts a person's thoughts, moods, or behaviors. Because the three primary symptoms of ADHD—inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity—all impact these areas, ADHD is considered a form of mental illness.

There is a strong genetic component to ADHD. Estimates suggest that the genetic heritability of the condition is over 70%. However, having a genetic predisposition does not necessarily mean that you will develop ADHD. Research has found that there are several genes that play a role and it is the interaction of these genes along with environmental influences that may cause the disorder.

ADHD may be considered a disability according to the guidelines established by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) if you have impairments that limit one or more major life activities (such as work or school). There must be a record of this impairment or others must be able to perceive these challenges. This means some people who have ADHD may request accommodations at work or school.

ADHD has gone through several name changes over the years and one of these former names was attention deficit disorder (ADD). While the term no longer represents an official diagnosis, it is still sometimes used to describe the inattentive presentation of the condition without hyperactivity.

Neurobehavioral disorders are a group of conditions that involve behavioral issues that accompany brain-related conditions or injuries. ADHD is one of the most common neurobehavioral disorders to affect children.   Other examples include autism spectrum disorder and traumatic brain injury.

Behavior therapy utilizes techniques such as conditioning and reinforcement to teach desired behaviors and eliminate unwanted ones. For children with ADHD, this approach can often help improve behavior and self-control. Techniques used in behavior therapy include praising or rewarding good behavior and allowing people to experience the logical consequences of negative behaviors.

Impulsive behaviors are those that are unplanned, risky, premature, and sometimes inappropriate for the situation. Such behaviors can seem unpredictable and, because they are not well-conceived, can lead to poor outcomes. Impulsivity is a trait of ADHD that is often caused by a lack of focus and difficulties with controlling behavior.

This presentation of ADHD is characterized by inconsistencies with attention and focus. Symptoms include having trouble focusing and/or paying attention to details, difficulty organizing tasks, being easily distracted, difficulty following instructions, frequently forgetting or misplacing things, avoiding activities that require sustained focus, and trouble following what others are saying.

This presentation of ADHD is marked by hyperactive and impulsive behaviors without the traits of inattention. Characteristics often include moving frequently, squirming, fidgeting, and talking excessively. People with this presentation struggle to stay seated, move on to new tasks without completing previous ones, interrupt others, and blurt out things impulsively.

In this presentation of ADHD, people exhibit traits of both inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity. Characteristics include trouble focusing on tasks, fidgeting, talking excessively, and saying things impulsively. Children and adults may be diagnosed with a combined presentation if they experience six or more traits of inattention and six or more traits of hyperactivity and impulsivity.

Explore Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Data and Statistics About ADHD .

Zasler ND, Martelli MF, Jacobs HE. Neurobehavioral disorders . Handb Clin Neurol. 2013;110:377-88. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-52901-5.00032-0

Cleveland Clinic. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Inattentive type in adults . Updated September 25, 2019.

Magnus W, Nazir S, Anilkumar AC, et al. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder . StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing. Updated June 29, 2020.

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We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. Share your stories, struggles, and non-medication strategies. Nearly a million and a half users say they 'feel at home' and 'finally found a place where people understand them'. Note: this is a community for in-depth discussions, not a dumping ground for memes, pictures, videos, or short text posts.

Students- how do you manage schoolwork with ADHD?

I was recently diagnosed as a college student and while the clarity is nice, I still struggle so much with my work. I find myself often too scared to start my work because I have so much to do and I loose all motivation and it’s like it physically hurts to complete it. I’ve been struggling for as long as I can remember but without the fear of my moms expectations and being on my own like this, I can’t find anything to keep my accountable. I try to keep myself accountable but like I said it just has been hurting and when I finally do get to it I can’t concentrate for nothing. So I’m just asking you guys what to you do to keep yourself to it or to get it done? Thanks! 💕

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The ADHD Homework System That (Really) Works

Homework stress is real — and exhausting for parents and students alike. spare your family the drama and fights by following this six-step homework system designed for children with adhd and learning disabilities..

Homework requires children with ADHD to copy assignments correctly, bring home the right books, keep track of due dates and hand in finished work — all difficult for anyone with poor memory, focus, or attention to detail. While it may take a few months to become a habit, creating consistent routines at home and at school will result in better work skills, a sense of accomplishment, less homework stress — and lots of after-school smiles.

What to Do Next

Read   12 Schoolwork Shortcuts for Kids Who Hate Homework   Download  Top 5 Homework Frustrations — and Fixes for Each Listen to the Webinar  “A Parent’s Guide to Conquering Homework” with Peg Dawson Ed.D. Explore  Homework & Studying

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