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The 7 Most Gloriously Stupid Crimes Ever Attempted

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The world is fascinated by crime and the people who commit it. Way too much of our fiction, television, and cinema is about crime and how it's waged or fought, to the point that basically every person alive is an expert on police work, forensics, and criminal enterprise. In fact, deep down, every single one of us is pretty confident that we could get away with a crime if we had to .

29 Reality TV Shows with Very Dark Downsides

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This counts, although technically the real criminal was whoever gave the baby candy in the first place.

Crime seems so easy! A plan and a ski mask; what more do you need? Henry Hill wasn't wrong when he explained in Goodfellas , "Nobody goes to jail unless they want to. Unless they make themselves get caught."

Is that really the only thing keeping the police in business? Are there actually criminals who want to be caught?

Yes. Yes there are. Here are seven of them.

7 The Man Who Tried to Cash a Check for $360 Billion

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"One last big score" is a common trope in crime movies. A criminal who's tired of the game, but knows no other way of life. He has no appetite to make it on his own in the real, honest world. And so he pulls one last job with a payoff big enough to set himself up for life so he doesn't have to become, like, a fish salesman, or whatever people in the real world do.

Which brings us to Charles Ray Fuller, whose "last big score" was also apparently his "first, clumsy score," kind of the premature ejaculation of bank fraud. One bright spring day, Fuller decided to walk into his local bank and attempt to cash a check for $360 billion .

foolish crime essay

"Is it hot in here? It feels hot in here. Can someone please open a godforsaken window in here? "

The bank, curiously, suspected something was up and notified the police. But that's not the interesting part of this story. The interesting part is what was going through this guy's head when he walked into that bank? Did he think this small bank had $360 billion in cash on hand? Did he really understand how much money that actually was? He could have tipped the entire planet into recession if he'd pulled this off. But of course the answer is that nothing was going through his head when he tried this. By even daring to consider this stunt, our man Fuller demonstrated a pretty horrendous lack of understanding about how checks, banking, and possibly zeros work.

foolish crime essay

" Those are zeros? I thought those were little assholes."

6 The Shotgun Landscaper

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This story is very close to being heartwarming, unlike some of the other items on this list. This isn't a crime of intent. This man wanted to do a nice thing -- to go get a sprig of mistletoe to decorate his house for the holidays. And although cynicism rules the day on the Internet, we should generally applaud and celebrate people who try to do nice things.

Except when they do those nice things with shotguns. We should applaud, yes, because niceeeeeee . But it is also our duty to mock those people.

People like Bill Robinson, who used his shotgun (which is not known as "the scalpel of the firearms world") to shoot a sprig of mistletoe down from a tree in a mall parking lot. This attracted the attention of the local constabulary, who we like to think had to scour their police code book for quite a while to come up with the right way to call this one in.

foolish crime essay

"We got a uh ... 2 ... 4 ... tree? Landscaping with a deadly weapon. Send ... an arborist, I guess?"

In Robinson's defense, he was kind of doing this off to the side of the mall parking lot and not, you know, by the little coin-operated spaceship that kids ride. And the thing was just loaded with bird shot, which wasn't going to do a ton of damage if it missed. And he didn't miss! He got that goddamned tree on the first try!

In his offense, he fired a shotgun in a mall parking lot.

That was kind of enough for the courts, it turned out.

5 The Drug Telemarketer

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The Wire showed us that selling drugs can be a very complicated business, and that those who do it successfully operate with a very high degree of professionalism. Even at the street level, there are processes and procedures related to money handling and drug hand-offs that have to be strictly adhered to to limit exposure to rivals and police surveillance.

An example of one of those procedures: Don't call someone on the phone and offer to sell them drugs. That's called a narco no-no . And if you forget that because of some catastrophic head injury you've recently suffered, at least remember that if you call someone to sell them drugs and the person replies that you got the wrong number, do not offer to sell that person drugs.

foolish crime essay

For one thing, it's just rude. You could have interrupted that person's dinner.

Which is exactly what a teenage boy in Florida didn't remember when his wrong number connected him purely by chance to a police officer, whom he promptly attempted to sell drugs to.

foolish crime essay

Never interrupt a cop's dinner.

The police officer, to his credit, said "Sure," instead of laughing for 40 seconds, and shortly thereafter set up what must have been the world's easiest sting.

foolish crime essay

We kind of hope that to avoid getting up, he set the buy to go down on his own couch.

4 The Pornography Inspector

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People who work in the retail and service sectors don't get a ton of respect. Which isn't really fair; although these are often entry level jobs, companies don't give control of their cash and inventory to just anyone. These positions require a fairly high level of responsibility and aren't staffed by complete idiots.

So a scheme that requires a video store clerk to have gerbil-like levels of cognition and savvy isn't likely to succeed, as Andrew Libby discovered in 2008 when he walked -- no, let's say sauntered -- into a video store and claimed that he worked for the state's "Age Verification Unit" and would need copies of pornography tapes to verify that the performers were of legal age . He even had a badge with him.


Artist's interpretation.

This, surprisingly, didn't work. And if Libby had walked away then, this would have gone down as little more than an amusing story that the store clerk shared with his friends. Except Libby came back. Two more times. Both times with the exact same story, delivered in what we hope was an increasingly pleading tone. At that point the video store employees apparently approached the police with surveillance footage of the mastermind at work. A brief survey of the local underworld later ...

foolish crime essay

"A slope-browed, ponytailed idiot? That's Andrew. You're looking for Andrew."

... the police had their slope-browed, ponytailed man.

3 The Man Who Robbed a Taekwondo Master in a Taekwondo Studio

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Reconnaissance is an important part of the criminal process, necessary for the professional criminal to understand all the details in advance of his upcoming caper.

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So ... is everything painted blue then?

The importance of preparation is made clear by examples of criminals who were a bit less organized in their caper planning.

Like the case of this future Moriarty, who attempted to burglarize a taekwondo studio . With a taekwondo master inside of it. Who was practicing taekwondo, interestingly enough.

foolish crime essay

And instead of being prepared for this, like with a platoon of ninjas at his back, or even just a couple of smoke bombs, our hapless criminal set his plan into motion armed only with his own frail neck . A weapon that the previously discussed taekwondo master easily neutralized with his previously discussed mastery of taekwondo.

foolish crime essay

Suggesting that our robber also forgot his Wu-Tang.

2 The Photobombing Bandit

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Snatching purses isn't a complicated crime. It takes longer to say than it does to do, and with even the simplest precautions, like wearing fast shoes, it's pretty straightforward to get away with. It's made even easier when only unattended bags are stolen.

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Aside from the ever-present risk that you just scooped up a terrorist device.

In general, then, purse snatching is all about choosing the right target. Like, just for example, a target who isn't pointing a camera at you as you steal their bag.

Which is exactly what one particular genius neglected to do when he was caught photobombing the victims of his bag thievery. The victims, a nice enough seeming family who maybe should be a little more careful of where they set their bags down when there are people with jean shorts in the area, were taking selfies on the steps of the Wisconsin State Capitol building when their bag went missing. A quick review of their camera revealed that they had captured an incriminating ( and highly unflattering ) image of the culprit. Within minutes, they'd contacted the police, who were quickly on the case.

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Leading to the world's first ever "APB for jorts."

1 The Social Networking Burglar

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Thanks to the never-ending onslaught of police procedural shows, everyone in the world now has a pretty good understanding of the basics of forensic evidence. Wear gloves, clean shoes, hats; there's no excuse anymore for conducting a crime that leaves behind evidence that can be tracked back to you. It's just one of the rules of the game.

Which brings us to Trevor Jones, who is apparently playing his own game .

While robbing a house in 2011, Jones parked his car in the driveway while he went inside to get a-robbin'. The legitimate resident of the home returned around then to find a strange car in the driveway and her door open, and perhaps wisely chose not to step inside. Instead, she looked inside the strange car in her driveway and took the keys and wallet that were apparently just sitting there in the car, because, you know, can't hold that when robbin' . And then she took off, taking with her all the evidence needed to blow this case wide open.

foolish crime essay

"I wonder ... I wonder if that driver's license might offer any clues? CHIEF! CHIEF! I GOT IT!"

Thankfully, for the sake of this story, this did not deter Trevor Jones. When he returned to his car with the stolen goods and realized his keys and wallet were missing, he did not give up. He so furiously did not give up , in fact, that his next move was to sprint straight into a nearby pond, because he is an awesome criminal . On the other side of the pond, he broke into another house, where he logged into Facebook, because who the fuck even cares anymore? And yes, when he sprinted out of that home, leaving behind puddles and Trevor Jones-shaped stains on the couch, of course he forgot to log out of Facebook. Of course he did.

The greatest part of this whole story is that, based on a cursory search of Google (we really tried hard for this one), it doesn't look like the police ever caught this guy! Which means that to this day, every single one of us is at risk of returning home to find a bunch of our stuff missing, "I am Trevor Jones" scribbled in lipstick on the walls, and a Trevor Jones-shaped hole in the wall of our house.

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10 Foolish Criminals Who Called The Police On Themselves

Some criminals are not very clever, and they spectacularly fail to pull off their crimes. We’ve certainly published a lot of stories about crazy criminals whose antics defy rational explanation.

But the criminals on this list take “stupid” to a whole new level. Each of them managed to find themselves in so much trouble that they needed to call the police for help.

10 Leland Ayala-Doliente And Holland Sward

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In early 2015, Leland Ayala-Doliente and Holland Sward were driving from California to Montana with about 9 kilograms (20 lb) of marijuana in their car. As they crossed the Nevada-Idaho border, the pair became convinced that they were being followed by policemen in civilian cars. The duo grew paranoid, and they decided to pull over and call the police.

When the 911 dispatcher answered, Doliente told her, “Hi, uh, we’re the two dumbasses that got caught trying to bring some stuff through your border, and all your cops are just driving around us like a bunch of jack wagons, and I’d just like for you guys to end it.”

The dispatcher was bewildered as no police were following the young men. However, she noted their location and sent a police car to get them. The officers arrived to find the two men with their hands on their heads and the marijuana tied up in a garbage bag on the side of the road.

The pair was arrested, and both tested positive for marijuana. They were charged with felony drug trafficking. Sward was sentenced to 30 days in jail. However, Doliente—who tested positive for marijuana, cocaine, and oxycodone on his sentencing day—received one-and-a-half to eight years in prison. [1]

9 Rye Daniel Wardlaw

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In mid-2018 in Vancouver, Washington, Rye Wardlaw broke into an escape room and grabbed a remote control, a smartphone, and a beer. Then Wardlaw sat down, drank the beer, and ate a burrito that he had brought with him. After he finished his breakfast, he tried to leave the room through the same door he had entered. However, he had broken the doorknob when he busted into the room, and the door would not open.

Wardlaw tried to get out of the escape room’s front door , but he couldn’t figure out how to open the lock. Fearing he was trapped, he started to panic. Wardlaw grabbed the business’s phone and dialed 911. He told the operator that he was calling from the escape room because his home was being burglarized.

While he was waiting for the police, Wardlaw managed to open the damaged door. He ran outside—right into the police officers. He was arrested and charged with second-degree burglary. [2]

8 Timothy James Chapek

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In 2011, Timothy Chapek broke into a Portland woman’s home, went into her bathroom, and jumped in the shower. While he was bathing, he heard the homeowner return. Chapek feared that she owned guns , so he locked the bathroom door, grabbed his phone, and called the police. He confessed to breaking into the home and begged them to help him.

Hilary Mackenzie, the homeowner, heard Chapek’s voice, and she told her daughter to leave the house. Mackenzie called her two German shepherds to her, and the trio went to confront Chapek. She asked him, “Why are you in my house taking a shower?” He responded, “I broke in. I was kidnapped.” [3]

Mackenzie went outside and called the police. They arrived and arrested Chapek. Repeating his story, he claimed that a group of men had kidnapped him and put him in the bathroom. Police did not believe Chapek’s story, and he was charged with a misdemeanor for criminal trespassing.

7 Michael Lester

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Having spent New Year’s Eve 2017 drinking and driving in Florida, Michael Lester decided to call 911 and turn himself in. He told the dispatcher that he had been driving drunk all night “trying to get pulled over.” He added that he was driving on the wrong side of the road and had no idea where he was.

The dispatcher urged him to pull over. So Lester decided to stop and find something to eat. He hung up on the dispatcher and parked his car in the middle of the road.

Officers quickly tracked Lester down and gave him a sobriety test, which he promptly failed. He told the policemen that he had drunk three or four beers, swallowed meth, and only slept four hours in the past four days. Lester was arrested and charged with driving under the influence, driving on the wrong side of the road, and driving without wearing a seat belt. [4]

6 Jesse Berube

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A couple of weeks before Christmas 2017, Jesse Berube decided to rob Loree’s Little Shack, a California bar where he was a regular customer. Inspired by St. Nick, Berube choose to enter the business through the chimney. He sneaked onto the roof, slipped into the chimney’s opening—which was less than 46 centimeters (18 in) wide—and slowly slid down the flue.

Around halfway down, Berube hit a dead end. The pipe took a 90-degree corner, and it was impossible for Berube to follow it. He tried to climb out of the chimney , but he could barely move. Berube managed to wiggle just enough to reach his cell phone and call for help.

Firefighters arrived and used specialized equipment to free Berube. He emerged from the chimney covered in soot but physically uninjured. Police arrested him, and he was charged with one count of burglary. [5]

5 Triston Crossland And Derrick Dionno

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In early 2016, an El Dorado County, California, police officer spotted Triston Crossland and Derrick Dionno’s car swerving on the road and he attempted to pull the pair over. However, Crossland, a parolee, and Dionno, who had four active warrants, had meth, heroin , marijuana, and a gun in the car. They knew they would go to jail if they were caught.

The men parked and jumped out of their car. They ran down a canyon, crossed an icy river , ran across the snow-covered ground, and disappeared into the woods. Several hours later, Crossland and Dionno ran into a Forest Service officer, who warned them that they might freeze to death, but the duo just ran and hid.

Hours passed, and the pair started to worry that they actually would freeze to death. They called 911 and begged to be rescued. A SWAT team found the men the next morning. They were suffering from hypothermia and probable frostbite. A policeman said of the pair, “I have never seen two people happier to go to jail.” [6]

They were charged with felons in possession, evasion of a peace officer, obstruction, and numerous narcotics charges.

4 Christopher Moore

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In late 2012, Christopher Moore broke into the Gerows’ Springtown, Texas , home in the middle of the night and began to burglarize it. He sneaked into the master bedroom, grabbed a few things, and accidentally woke up James Gerow. Moore left the room while Gerow got out of bed. Gerow initially believed that the intruder was his son, but he noticed that his son was still asleep. He spotted Moore’s truck in his driveway, grabbed a handgun, and ran to confront the thief.

Gerow managed to chase Moore down and take his car keys. Moore dove inside his truck and hid while Gerow and his son held him at gunpoint. Moore frantically called the police and told them, “I’m out in the country somewhere. Some guy’s got a gun on me. He’s going to come shoot me.” [7]

Police came and arrested Moore. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to seven years of probation and 200 hours of community service.

3 Cody Bragg

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Cody Bragg was driving through a Walmart parking lot in Canton, Ohio, in 2011 when he spotted a purse in a shopping cart. He pulled his hood over his head and slowly rolled forward. Bragg reached his hand out of the car window and snatched the handbag. The owner grabbed her purse, and Bragg dragged her several feet before she let go.

John Shuman had been watching Bragg and thought he looked suspicious. After Bragg stole the purse, Shuman decided to follow him. Shuman hopped in his snowplow, called 911, and chased Bragg for 30 minutes. [8]

Bragg eventually noticed what the snowplow driver was doing, so Bragg called 911 to report that he was being followed. He told the dispatcher that he must have been mistaken for the purse snatcher. The dispatcher told Bragg to go back to the parking lot, where he was arrested and charged with robbery and theft. Bragg was sentenced to nine years in prison .

2 John Finch

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In early 2011, John Finch decided to break into a Delaware house that had been unoccupied since it was damaged in a storm . Finch had broken into the home once before, and he was certain that he could easily do so again.

He entered through a window in the house and headed straight for the liquor cabinet. Finch spent the next three days in a booze-filled stupor as he downed three bottles of gin and two bottles of whiskey.

After he had cleaned out the liquor cabinet, Finch decided to leave the house. He discovered that the homeowner had changed the locks since his last burglary. A key was now required to open the door—even from the inside. Finch was too drunk to deal with the locks or to climb out the window he had broken to get in.

So he called 911 for help. Officers arrived and spoke with him through a cracked window. They quickly realized that he was not the homeowner. Finch was taken to a hospital to sober up and then was charged with burglary. [9]

1 Edward Sanchez

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In 2006, Michigan police officer Edward Sanchez took marijuana from a criminal suspect and hid it in his vehicle. After retrieving the pot from his car later that evening, he and his wife baked it into brownies. They ate the entire batch.

Sanchez, who had smoked pot before, had never eaten a pot brownie. He began to feel strange. He started to worry that the pot was laced with something, and he called 911. Sanchez told an emergency dispatcher that he thought he and his wife were overdosing on marijuana.

“I think we’re dying,” he said. “We made brownies and I think we’re dead, I really do.” He gave the dispatcher his address and repeatedly asked if the ambulance was coming. He told the dispatcher, “Time is going by really, really slow.” [10]

Later, Sanchez admitted that he had stolen drugs before, including cocaine that his wife had used for a three-week binge. Neither Sanchez nor his wife was charged with any crime. However, he did resign from the police department.

Read more incredible stories about stupid criminals on 10 Most Mind-Numbingly Stupid Criminal Acts and 10 Criminals Caught Thanks To Their Own Stupidity .

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101 Crime Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Crime is a prevalent issue in society and has been a topic of interest for many researchers, scholars, and students alike. Writing an essay on crime can be a thought-provoking and engaging task, allowing you to explore various aspects of criminal behavior, law enforcement, and the criminal justice system. To help you get started, here are 101 crime essay topic ideas and examples:

  • The impact of social media on crime rates.
  • Exploring the rise of cybercrime in the digital age.
  • The relationship between poverty and crime.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs in reducing recidivism.
  • The role of mental illness in criminal behavior.
  • Examining the influence of media on public perception of crime.
  • The effectiveness of community policing in crime prevention.
  • The reasons behind the gender disparity in crime rates.
  • The role of genetics in criminal behavior.
  • The impact of drugs and substance abuse on crime rates.
  • Exploring the connection between domestic violence and crime.
  • The effectiveness of the death penalty in deterring crime.
  • Analyzing the impact of racial profiling on crime rates.
  • The psychological factors that contribute to criminal behavior.
  • The relationship between unemployment and crime rates.
  • The effectiveness of gun control policies in reducing crime.
  • The role of technology in solving and preventing crimes.
  • Analyzing the impact of organized crime on society.
  • The reasons behind juvenile delinquency and how to address it.
  • The relationship between education and crime rates.
  • The impact of hate crimes on marginalized communities.
  • Exploring the concept of white-collar crime and its consequences.
  • The role of criminal profiling in solving crimes.
  • The impact of the war on drugs on crime rates.
  • Analyzing the connection between poverty and drug-related crimes.
  • The role of restorative justice in the criminal justice system.
  • The reasons behind the high incarceration rates in the United States.
  • Examining the concept of vigilantism and its ethical implications.
  • The impact of crime on tourism and local economies.
  • The role of the media in shaping public perception of crime.
  • Analyzing the causes and consequences of hate crimes.
  • The relationship between mental health and criminal behavior.
  • The effectiveness of community-based corrections programs.
  • Exploring the impact of DNA evidence on solving crimes.
  • The reasons behind the phenomenon of serial killers.
  • The role of socioeconomic factors in shaping criminal behavior.
  • The impact of criminal records on employment opportunities.
  • Analyzing the causes of gang violence and potential solutions.
  • The relationship between poverty and property crime rates.
  • The effectiveness of surveillance technologies in preventing crime.
  • The reasons behind the high rates of recidivism among ex-convicts.
  • The impact of mandatory minimum sentences on the criminal justice system.
  • The role of forensic science in solving crimes.
  • Analyzing the causes and consequences of police brutality.
  • The relationship between substance abuse and violent crimes.
  • The effectiveness of community-based crime prevention programs.
  • Exploring the concept of restorative justice and its application.
  • The reasons behind the high rates of drug-related crimes in urban areas.
  • The impact of human trafficking on global crime rates.
  • The role of criminal justice policies in reducing crime rates.
  • Analyzing the connection between poverty and juvenile delinquency.
  • The effectiveness of rehabilitation versus punishment in the criminal justice system.
  • The reasons behind the rise of terrorism in the modern world.
  • The impact of drug legalization on crime rates.
  • The role of forensic psychology in solving crimes.
  • Exploring the causes and consequences of hate speech crimes.
  • The relationship between addiction and criminal behavior.
  • The effectiveness of drug treatment programs in reducing crime rates.
  • The reasons behind the high rates of domestic violence.
  • The impact of police discretion on the criminal justice system.
  • Analyzing the connection between child abuse and future criminal behavior.
  • The role of the media in perpetuating stereotypes about crime.
  • The reasons behind the high rates of sexual assault on college campuses.
  • The effectiveness of community outreach programs in preventing crime.
  • The impact of race and ethnicity on sentencing disparities.
  • The relationship between poverty and violent crime rates.
  • The role of forensic anthropology in solving crimes.
  • Exploring the causes and consequences of human rights violations.
  • The reasons behind the high rates of identity theft in the digital era.
  • The impact of mandatory drug testing on reducing workplace crime.
  • The effectiveness of drug courts in addressing drug-related crimes.
  • The role of environmental factors in shaping criminal behavior.
  • Analyzing the connection between child neglect and future criminal behavior.
  • The reasons behind the high rates of gun violence in the United States.
  • The impact of community surveillance programs on crime prevention.
  • The relationship between mental health treatment and recidivism rates.
  • The role of forensic entomology in solving crimes.
  • Exploring the causes and consequences of human smuggling.
  • The reasons behind the high rates of cyberbullying and online harassment.
  • The impact of restorative justice practices on reducing prison overcrowding.
  • The effectiveness of drug education programs in preventing substance abuse.
  • The role of social inequality in contributing to criminal behavior.
  • Analyzing the connection between child exploitation and future criminal behavior.
  • The reasons behind the high rates of hate crimes against LGBTQ+ individuals.
  • The impact of community-oriented policing on crime rates.
  • The relationship between mental health stigma and access to treatment for offenders.
  • The role of forensic odontology in solving crimes.
  • Exploring the causes and consequences of human organ trafficking.
  • The reasons behind the high rates of cyberstalking and online harassment.
  • The impact of restorative justice on the reintegration of ex-convicts into society.
  • The effectiveness of education in preventing drug-related crimes.
  • The role of social disorganization theory in understanding crime rates.
  • Analyzing the connection between child maltreatment and future criminal behavior.
  • The reasons behind the high rates of hate crimes against religious minorities.
  • The impact of community-based rehabilitation programs on reducing recidivism.
  • The relationship between mental health treatment and diversion programs.
  • The role of forensic toxicology in solving crimes.
  • Exploring the causes and consequences of human trafficking for labor exploitation.
  • The reasons behind the high rates of online fraud and identity theft.
  • The impact of alternative sentencing programs on reducing prison populations.
  • The effectiveness of harm reduction strategies in addressing drug-related crimes.

These crime essay topic ideas provide a broad range of subjects to explore and analyze. Choose a topic that aligns with your interests and research the subject thoroughly to develop a well-informed and compelling essay. Remember to support your arguments with evidence, statistics, and relevant examples to strengthen your essay and provide a comprehensive understanding of the chosen crime topic.

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Essay Samples on Crime

Even if you are not majoring in Criminology, Law, or Forensic studies, dealing with the subject of crime can be inevitable. It’s always helpful if you can start your writing through the lens of legislation. It will help your readers understand more about the crime. See our free crime essay examples that will address numerous issues and disciplines. For example, some assignments below also focus on a cultural part of the crime like wearing a hoodie and dealing with racial prejudice. You will find several historical crime topics included to help you cover a wider range of things. If you would like to address similar topics, these free samples will help you choose a subject. You can use these as a template for your writing. These are also helpful as you learn how to structure essays on crime. See how each introduction tends to provide a brief explanation before resulting in a thesis statement. If you are working with a case study or court hearings, you can seek similar case studies to help yourself compare things. You must choose your topic first and then look through our free samples on crime to see how things have been approached in practice.

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Cyber crime, a rapidly growing menace in the digital age, has profound effects on individuals, organizations, and society as a whole. This essay delves into the complex causes and effects of cyber crime to examine its far-reaching consequences on privacy, economy, and security. By understanding...

  • Cyber Crime
  • Cyber Crimes

Cause and Effect of Domestic Violence: Unveiling the Impact on Individuals and Society

Domestic violence, a pervasive issue across the globe, has profound effects on victims and society as a whole. This cause and effect essay delves into the factors of domestic violence and examines its far-reaching consequences on physical and psychological well-being, as well as the broader...

  • Domestic Violence

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Cause and Effect of Cyberbullying for Individuals and Society

Cyberbullying, a growing concern in the digital age, has profound effects on victims and society as a whole. This cause and effect essay delves into the causes of cyberbullying and examines its far-reaching consequences on mental health, social relationships, and online communities. By understanding the...

  • Cyber Bullying
  • Digital Communication

What is Cyberbullying in Social Media: Understanding the Digital Threat

Cyberbullying, a term that has gained prominence with the rise of social media, refers to the act of using digital platforms to harass, intimidate, or harm individuals. In this essay, we will delve into the various dimensions of what is cyberbullying in social media, exploring...

  • Effects of Social Media

Poverty is the Mother of Crime: Understanding the Claim

The relationship between poverty and crime has long been a topic of debate and analysis. This essay explores the assertion that poverty is the mother of crime, delving into the complex interplay between socioeconomic conditions and criminal behavior. While it's important to recognize the multifaceted...

  • Criminal Behavior

Examining the Pros and Cons of Gun Control

The debate surrounding gun control has been a longstanding and contentious issue, with proponents and opponents presenting valid arguments from their respective standpoints. This essay delves into the multifaceted discussion by exploring the pros and cons of gun control policies, shedding light on the complexities...

  • Gun Violence

Cyber Crime: Navigating the Digital Underworld

Welcome to the realm of technology and its dark counterpart – cyber crime. In our interconnected world, where the digital landscape continues to expand, the prevalence and sophistication of cyber crimes have become a pressing concern. This essay delves into the intricate web of cyber...

The Auckland Mass Shooting: a Tragedy at the Women's World Cup 2023

On the morning of July 20th, 2023, Auckland, New Zealand suffered a devastating mass shooting that left three dead and several others injured. This tragic event occurred just hours before the opening ceremonies of the Women's World Cup, set to be held in Auckland that...

  • Mass Shooting

Tragedy on the Subway: Examining the Death of Jordan Neely

On May 1, 2023, a tragic event unfolded on the New York City subway that resulted in the death of 30-year-old Jordan Neely. According to eyewitness reports, Neely entered a crowded northbound F train at the Second Avenue station shouting that he was hungry, thirsty...

The Shooting of Ralph Yarl: Unraveling the Racial Dynamics and Gun Violence

On April 13, 2023, a tragic incident occurred in Kansas City, Missouri that garnered national attention. 16-year-old Ralph Yarl, an African American teenager, was shot and wounded after mistakenly ringing the doorbell at the wrong house while attempting to pick up his younger twin brothers....

  • Racial Profiling

Terror and Unity: The Aftermath of the Brooklyn Day Mass Shooting in Baltimore

On July 2nd, 2023, the annual Brooklyn Day celebration in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland took a devastating turn when a mass shooting broke out around 12:35am. What began as a joyous community event with over 700 attendees rapidly descended into chaos and tragedy....

Tragedy and Resilience: the Juneteenth Shooting in Willowbrook, Illinois

On July 19th, 2023, a mass shooting took place at a Juneteenth celebration in the Chicago suburb of Willowbrook, Illinois. This senseless act of violence resulted in one dead and 22 injured, leaving a community devastated. Juneteenth celebrations commemorate the emancipation of enslaved African Americans,...

The Tragic Case of Chad Doerman: How A Loving Father Turned Killer

Overview of the Case The case of Chad Doerman has shocked the nation. On June 15, 2023, this 32-year-old father from Ohio was arrested and charged with murdering his three young sons, ages 7, 4, and 3. According to prosecutors, Doerman shot the boys execution-style...

Loss of Respect for Animals: Malicious Wounding and Beating of Dogs

Malicious wounding or beating of dogs has become a massive problem last year alone 21,000 cases were recorded last year which was 160 calls per month, this was in the forms of where animals have allegedly been hit, whipped, kicked, punched, decapitated and dragged alive...

  • Animal Cruelty
  • Animal Welfare

Reflection on International Adoption as Possible Solution for Orphans

International adoption, a process where children from one country are adopted by families residing in another, has long been a subject of global attention and controversy. While the concept of offering a loving home to a child in need transcends borders, the practice of international...

  • Child Protection

Animal Rights and Ethics: We Can Create a Cruelty-Free World

In recent years, ethics has been broken down from a mere term to being differently defined in fields like psychology, cosmetology, medicine, fashion industry and everyday life. Animal ethics in the field of cosmetology emphasis on no overpowering choice and health of animals during scientific...

  • Animal Ethics
  • Animal Rights

Animal Rights vs Animal Welfare: Where Humans Cross the Line

I believe that animals deserve to be treated on a similar level to humans. Like humans, animals have rights as well, but it isn’t seen as important or equal to rights of humans. To most, human beings are more important compared to animals. The topic...

Animal Rights Advocacy: the Controversy Around Animal Experiments

Frequently, people will wonder how the human life expectancy during the ancient Greek and Roman times was extremely short, about twenty to thirty-five years, and nowadays it is about eighty years old, nearly three times what it was since the beginning of documented human history....

  • Animals Testing

Ending Violence Against Women: Strategy Evaluation and Recommendations

The Aim of the Essay Violence is defined as the act of intentional behaviours which involve physical force against an individual or a group of persons with the intent to consciously or unconsciously cause harm in forms of deprivation, maldevelopment, psychological harm, physical injuries, or...

  • Gender Inequality
  • Violence Against Women

Breaking the Objectification Cycle: Eliminating Violence Against Women

Introduction “There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty.” (Maraboli, 2013) With this in mind a woman should be able to express herself when she...

  • Sexual Abuse
  • Sexual Harassment

Tragic Loss: Murders of Sharon Tate and Selena Quintanilla

The Death of Sharon Tate On August the 2nd 1969, the beautiful American actress and model Sharon Tate was killed inside her house, in Beverly Hills. The killers were members of the Manson family, who were a desert commune and a cult that was formed...

  • Charles Manson

Digital Forensics: The Science Behind Solving Cybercrimes

1. Introduction In the current era, the majority of the population relies heavily over the usage of technology for everything. From social media to businesses conducting their operations there is increased reliance and usage of technology. Hence, as society evolves and technology marches forward our...

  • Cyber Security
  • Digital Devices

Digital Evidence: The Key to Successful Investigations & Prosecutions

1. Introduction Almost all crimes nowadays have some form of digital evidence associated to them. Digital evidence by its nature is very fluid and transient but the digital investigation takes a lot of time to complete. One small change in digital evidence can make the...

Analysis of Russian Unethical Interference in the US 2016 Elections

Conduct is the aspect of self-determination, a legal term that incorporates the right of the people to make decisions for themselves, both the political affiliations (at a methodical stage) and their forthcoming destiny (at a more granular stage of policy). It is evidently this more...

Gender Disparity in Judiciary and Its Impact on Domestic Violence

Access to justice is intrinsically linked to the guarantee of equality between individuals. Although equal access to justice is essential, it is often flouted to the detriment of certain groups of people - including women. Indeed, long standing entrenched gender stereotypes contribute to their differential...

Sexism in the Workplace: Nowadays Outcomes of 20th Centure

Women’s rights all throughout the twentieth century was a constant battle of getting the right to vote, making choices for their own bodies and allowing themselves to choose what happens to their life. A large factor that has contributed to women’s rights, especially during World...

Exploring How Unemployment Leads to Increase in Crime Rates

Unemployment is a pervasive issue that affects societies worldwide. It is often linked to a range of social and economic problems, including poverty, homelessness, and crime. How unemployment leads to crime we will discuss in this essay and also we will exploring the ways in...

  • Criminals in Society
  • Unemployment

The Widespread Issue of Sexism in the Music Industry

There has been a long history of sexism in popular music, which is an issue that few people pay attention to even to this day. There are many prominent women in the music industry, but a large number of them are overshadowed by their male...

  • Music Industry

Breaking the Stereotypes: Addressing Sexism in the Video Games

Playing video games has become a common leisure activity in the US. Based on the research done by the Entertainment Software Association in the year 2018, 64% of the US household own a video gaming device with an average of 2 gamers in every game-playing...

  • Gender Stereotypes
  • Video Games

Sexism in Hollywood: Whether Woman Can Gain Influence

Out of 100 movies made in the Hollywood entertainment industry in 2015, only 32 movies featured a female leading character or co-lead character. Next to this, there is a bigger chance for females in the same industry to be sexualized than males. There is definitely...

Sexism in the Film Industry: Exploring the Ongoing Issue

Gender inequality in the film industry has always been a problem. Here we will reveal the topic of sexism in the film industry and  through the essay we will also analyse some studies of Hollywood films and how they portray women. The first studies on...

Beyond Animal Testing: Promising Alternatives for Ethical Research

With a growing interest in animal rights and protection, groups such as 'PETA' have been funding and working on ending animal testing by finding alternative methods of testing. In 2004, PETA launched our 'Give the Animals 5' campaign, which identified five tests on animals that...

  • Animal Testing

Negative Impact of Social Media on Society: the Issue of Terrorism

Terrorism, one of people’s biggest fear, and social media, an increasingly global phenomenon. Both which grows more and more inherent in our everyday life. It may occur though to emphasize the abounding complexity regarding the connection in terrorism and the media. But no media issue...

  • Media Influence
  • Media Violence

The Causes and Effects of Terrorism: a Comprehensive Analysis

Terrorim is the use of violent means to achieve political or social and religious gain effects global citizens. Terrororism can affect individuals and nations across the globe in numerous different ways. The mental and economic effect are some of the most severe impacts of terrorist...

  • Economic Problem

Hate Speech on Social Media: the Negative Side of Online Freedom

Social media has changed our sense of privacy. We have a sense of distance to the profiles on Facebook and not only, which often gives the impression that there are no rules of social functioning as in the real world. The keyboard becomes a tool,...

  • Hate Speech

The Cruelty of Animal Testing: Why It Needs to End

In this scientific era animal testing doesn't sound strange. From different types of drugs to a wide range of vaccines majority are first tested on animals regardless of their toxicity and adverse effects just to verify safety levels. Keeping an animal away from nature in...

The Dark Side of Science: The Inhumane Practice of Animal Testing

In this scientific age, animal testing does not sound strange. From different types of drugs to a wide range of vaccines, most vaccines are first tested on animals, regardless of their toxicity and adverse reactions, the purpose is to check safety. It is cruel and...

The Inhumane Practice of Animal Testing: Why It Should Be Banned

In this essay, I wish to discuss the topic of whether animal experimentation should be banned. Vivisection has been around since roughly 300BC when the ancient Greeks used animals to study sensory nerves and motor nerves to understand their functions and purposes. It has been...

  • Environmental Protection

The Ugly Truth Behind the Beauty Products: No More Animal Testing

Did you know that the shampoo you use was probably shoved down the throat of a rabbit, mouse, or maybe even a dog? Cosmetic animal testing is an injustice that few people dare talk about in our society. For those few who do talk about...

The Pros and Cons of Animal Testing: An Ethical Dilemma

Animal testing includes doing logical tests on animals when growing new items or medications. It can also be used in classrooms for educational purposes, as noted in collins dictionary, 2021. Testing can be used for research because some animals have the same DNA as humans...

Animal Rights: A Moral Imperative for a Just Society

Introduction We think of animals as cute or vicious creatures, but do we really know how they are suffering? My research question is, 'To what extent should animals protected be by the law?'. This is an interesting question, as there will be different people who...

Animal Testing: Inefficient & Inhumane Way to Develop New Medications

Introduction To detect how safe a drug, vaccine, or cosmetic product is for human use many companies take advantage of animal testing for their products. Not only rodents and rabbits are commonly used for these medical experiments but also birds, dogs, and cats.     A country...

Preventing Cyberbullying by Forbidding Texting

Globalization has amplified the spread of technology across borders created the world smaller and additional interconnected. It can be reached anywhere through a telecommunications line and also comes to the laptop by converting the analog signal into a digital signal. This has brought uncounted advantages...

  • Human Sexual Behavior

The Social Media Phenomena: Cyberbullying and Sexting

Abstract: One of the undeniable factors of technological era is that social media is an integral part of modern community. In our modern world, especially children and teenagers are active users of these networks. Sometimes this utilization can become an addiction and have a bad...

Sexual Assault and Violence on College Campuses

Let’s begin by understanding the term “sexual violence.” This term is used to describe any forced or unwanted sexual activity done to a victim’s body against their will. These include rape, non-consensual activities, threats, or any other form of intimidation. The Bureau of Justice (BJS)...

  • Sexual Assaults

Abortion Rights is the Prison Environment

Everyone should be able to have the right to make their own choices. We are all human and we might not make the best decisions. There has been much controversy about whether or not abortion should be illegal or legal. In some parts of the...

  • Reproductive Rights

Impact of Sexual Development on Jeffrey Dahmer's Crimes

Sexual hormones have proven to be a dangerous influencer in the body of human beings. It can affect everything from an individual’s mood, behavior, and countless other things. The environment that a person lives in and the people that person surrounds themselves with, these sexual...

  • Jeffrey Dahmer
  • Serial Killer

The Murder Spree of Jeffrey Dahmer

Jeffrey Dahmer was born to Lionel and Joyce Dahmer on May 21, 1960 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. His mother described him as a beautiful baby, and he was considered a healthy child by both parents. He was fascinated by the bones of animals and how they...

Dissecting the Trial of the Serial Killer, Jeffrey Dahmer

Jeffrey Dahmer surprised, sickened, captivated, and puzzled the nation when he was detained in 1991 for atrocious crimes that comprised the homicide, mutilation, rape, and cannibalism of 17 men. He was finally convicted and sentenced to fifteen uninterrupted life terms for the offenses, then murdered...

The Serial Offender's Profile of Jeffrey Dahmer

Jeffrey Dahmer is one of the most well-known serial killers in America. As a boy, Dahmer struggled growing up, but his family was unaware of what was happening at the time. Growing up Jeffrey was a loner and a poor student; in his adolescent years...

Jeffrey Dahmer: The Childhood and Capture of the Infamous Killer

Jeffrey Dahmer, the infamous maneater, was the killer of 17 young men and boys. He enjoyed raping them, dismembering their bodies, having sex with their corpses, and building altars with their skulls. Though he can be described to have a normal childhood, Jeffrey Dahmer’s soul...

Children Are Not Criminals: Lowering the Age of Responsibility

The Philippine government is proposing a new law regarding the lowering of age on criminal liability from fifteen years old to nine years old, however, children at the time of the commission of the offense shall be exempted from criminal liability because they are just...

  • Age of Responsibility
  • Juvenile Crime
  • Juvenile Justice System

The Reformation of the Age of Responsibility in England and Wales

In the 19th Century with the introduction of reformatories and industrial schools in England and Wales, there have been many transformations in order to deal with young people who offend. There has been continuous political turmoil and uncertainty over the most appropriate solution to best...

Do Violent Video Games Cause Behavior Problems

A very big debate about video games has been going on where people argue about whether video games cause behavioral problems or not. I claim that video games don’t cause problems because they improve brain capacity rather than causing behavioral problems, Video games unite people...

  • Impact of Video Games
  • Violence in Video Games

Why Juveniles Should Not Be Tried As Adults

Furthermore, children that commit crimes are products of their environment in which they live. For example, when children constantly get sexually abused, it causes immense amounts of trauma and a false sense of love. Often a traumatic experience for all is an offense punishable by...

Drugs and Drug Policy In America: Relationship Between Drugs and Crime

The assortment of crimes that remain affiliated with drug use span from aggressive (such as homicide and aggravated assault) to greed (burglary, counterfeit, and deception) to distinct drug-law violations. Also, crimes such as bribery and corruption stay related to drug use as a result of...

  • Criminal Law

Expressive Art: Is Graffiti Art Or Vandalism

 Throughout time graffiti has received both overwhelming support and intense backlash. Some view it as a form of expressive art while others consider it a complete destruction of property. However, despite the amount of differentiation, charisma and personality graffiti can bring into cities, it is...

  • Visual Arts

Death Penalty As a Cruel and Unusual Punishment

George Walker Bush, a former U.S. president, and governor of Texas, once spoke, “I don’t think you should support the death penalty to seek revenge. I don’t think that’s right. I think the reason to support the death penalty is because it saves other people’s...

  • American Government
  • Death Penalty

Sexual Harassment In The Workplace, Does It Exist In Lebanon

What is sexual harassment in the workplace? What actions count as sexual harassment? Is it considered a crime? What legitimate conducts can be applied if someone was exposed to sexual harassment? Sexual harassment does not necessarily mean sex. It is about having control over the...

  • Workplace Violence

Death Penalty: The Issue of Cruel and Unusual Punishments

You are sitting in a chair, waiting, about to be executed. You’re innocent, but that doesn’t matter now. You’re injected with a needle, which has a dangerous mixture of illegal drugs. You feel like fire is shooting through your veins, but you’re unable to speak...

My Pro-Life Position: Abortion is Murdering

Abortion is a topic that has captivated American citizens for years now, and there is considerable evidence that shows how abortion is murdering a human being. I want to show you that rape isn’t a reason for aborting a child, women should not be able...

  • Individual Rights
  • Pro Life (Abortion)

Death Penalty: The Cruelty of American Penal System

Imagine your loved ones or yourself going through capital punishment.. being sentenced to death creating fear in an individual's mind. It is said by Roger Hood, “Capital punishment is also known as the death penalty execution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by...

Are Video Games Doing More Harm Than Good

Video games are one of the most popular sources of entertainment in today’s world, there are many different types of games made for people of different ages. As technology gets more advanced, these games get better and more interesting. Some people believe that video is...

  • Youth Violence

Death Penalty Should not Be Abolished

Given the global tragedies and massacres which have occurred in today’s society, where do you stand on the death penalty? This option is still accessible in 31 out of 50 states. For more than 50 years no one in the united states has been executed...

Why Guns Shouldn't Be In College

In this generation, shootings are just another ordinary event that happens every week or every month. More and more people are feeling unsafe everywhere they go because of how outrageous people act. Sometimes if people get frustrated or angry, they take out their aggression on...

Why Guns Should Be Banned In America

You are standing on a bloody battlefield, just like somewhere in Afghanistan. But as you look closer, you realize that this is no battlefield this is the neighborhood where you live in. How has this happened? It is all because a random person was able...

Why Guns Should Not Be Banned

Living in a world with nonstop rivalries, political unrest, and uneasiness, the topic of gun ownership remains one of the most controversial topics. Our world can argue right or wrong, politically left or right, and yes or no, but safety and security is wanted throughout...

  • Crime Prevention

The Problem Of Sexual Harassment In U.S. Army

One major concern that’s spiking up in the United States Army is sexual harassment and sexual assault. Soldiers and family members from all over the world are facing some type of unwanted desire, whether it’s verbal, non-verbal, or physical. Female green suitors are at a...

  • United States Army

The Negative Impact Of Video Games On Children

Video games are the games played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a monitor or other display (Oxford advance learner’s dictionary, 1948). The Scholars mentioned that violent video games cause short-term or long-term increases in aggression and violent behavior of children with different...

Objectification Of Women: A Problem That Keeps Growing

Sexualization of women has been the longest ongoing war that the female world has been fighting against and it shows no sign of letting up. Women, not only in America but all over the world, for many years, have been used and referred to as...

  • Gender Discrimination

Mental Illness In The Criminal Justice System

The rising population of inmates with mental illness is steadily rising, 'Today, some 283,800 state and local inmates are identified as having a mental illness, representing 16% of the inmate populations”. The rising epidemic of prisoners with a mental illnesses is beginning to complicate many...

  • American Criminal Justice System
  • Mental Illness

Effects Of Violent Video Gaming On Human Behavior

There are many various kinds of games and consoles within the world and vying worldwide. Video play has become a very common trade all over the world and has been growing exceptionally throughout the past twenty years. Gamers that are obsessed with online play are...

Somali Piracy: How To Protect Ships

Piracy is an illegal activity that is done through boats by assaulting other boats to steal cargo and other expensive goods on coastal areas. It is believed that sea piracy was established when human started using the sea for trading. Piracy consists of kidnapping for...

  • Somali Piracy

The Concept of Mortifying and Scarring Experience for the Victim

I will be diving into the chilling theme of 'spiking' as it is called nowadays and how it can be a mortifying and scarring experience for the victim. I will delve into the mind of a person that feels the need to do these unlawful...

  • Victimization Categories

Factors to Prevent Piracy Issues in Maritime Industry

The problem of piracy has had a negative impact on both commercial and humanitarian aid shipping, as a result of rising commodity prices, income from commercial activities are being disrupted, and caused delays in the delivery of humanitarian assistance and increased costs. The economic impact...

Classicism Beliefs and Crime With Rational Punishment

“The criminal commits it” will be reviewed under Classicism. Classism originated from the belief that crime was a product of free will, which resulted in many classical theorists assuming a Rational Choice Theory perspective. The forefront of Classicism is to link crime with rational punishment,...

Corporal Punishment: Main Concepts and Structure of Problem Analysis

Currently, to alleviate the negative consequences that arise from corporal punishment, some countries have implemented certain laws to ban the act of corporal punishment. For example, on 27 June 2019, Kosovo has passed a bill with article 24 of the law being implemented on child...

  • Child Welfare
  • Corporal Punishment

The Mexican Drug War: Main Problems

In 2007, the Mexican Drug Cartel controlled 90% of the Cocaine brought to the United States. Cocaine, however, doesn’t come without its close relatives, violence and death. The Mexican War on Drugs is as much a concern to the United States as it is to...

  • Drug Trafficking
  • Mexican War

Revolutionization of Criminal Procedure in U.S. Supreme Court Under Earl Warren

Who sits at the nerve center of society makes all the difference and A great man is the one who represents a great ganglion in the nerves of that society, or, to vary the figure, a strategic point in the campaign of history and part...

  • Criminal Procedure

Beliefs and Thoughts Over the Death Penalty

There are a lot of mixed opinions surrounding the idea of the death penalty. In the 1990’s, nearly 80% of the public approved Capital Punishment, while about 5% of were undecided and the other 15% opposed it. Is it fair to those who have done...

  • Capital Punishment

The Cyberbully in the Harassment and Bullying

Bullying has long been an issue and experienced by many people at some point in their lives. Bullies frequently, and ironically, target the perceived weakest person. Often times, people who are being bullied are told to just walk away or ignore the bully, but what...

Capital Punishment as an Effective Way to Prevent Crime

In the United States, as in almost every other country, there is a punishment or consequence to every crime. Capital punishment is the legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a specific crime. In other words, capital punishment, also known as the death penalty,...

Safe Sex and Complex Social Issue of Sex Work

Prostitution, or the more correct term, “sex work”, is defined as “the consensual provision of sexual services for money or goods” by the World Health Organization. Sex work is a complex social issue that is constantly changing in terms of social perceptions and legal frameworks....

  • Prostitution

A Provision for Clemency of Capital Punishment in India

Crime is as old as human civilization. Since time immemorial crime has been with us in different degrees. Every society has a pattern of suitable conduct and some human beings in every society fallen outside this configuration. It is the reality which we can accept...

Notorious American Gangster Al Capone and Great Depression

The Great Depression created a tremendous amount of difficulties to many families during the early 1900s. With unemployment skyrocketing, homes were being lost and these families were left with barely enough to get by. Some packed up and journeyed West in pursuit of new opportunities,...

  • Great Depression

Unsolicited Electronic Communication and Child Pornography

In today's world, people cannot live without technologies such as televisions, mobile phones, and computers. These technologies have slowly taking the essential part in people's daily lives and being without the use of the gadgets would be unimaginable for some. The invention of technology was...

  • Pornography
  • Sex Offender

Automation: Stealing Jobs or Creating Them

In 1722, the lathe -the mother of machines- was invented. This invention lit the spark of automation in general and the western industrial revolution specifically. From that time till this day, thousands of machines and tools have been created and invented to optimize and facilitate...

Loads of Different Social Engineering Attacks

When you are talking about social engineering, you are referring to the act of someone deceiving another. Tricking the victim into divulging information or opening themselves up to a security threat, without them even realizing. This attack is carried out through a person to person...

  • Social Engineering

Gangs and Victimization in the Community

In this essay we explain about the effects of gangs to the people and community. Gangs by and large have been observed to be at expanded danger of exploitation, in spite of the fact that the purposes behind this relationship have not completely been investigated....

Stanford Prison Experiment Violent Behavior

Discuss what may drive people toward violent behavior against others based on Milgram's experiment and Stanford prison experiment. A particularly alarming trend of increasing violence is observed in modern society. In recent years, the whole world literally swept a wave of violence. It penetrated into...

  • Stanford Prison Experiment

Prevention of Car Accidents and Road Injury

Road injury is the most undesirable matter to occur to a street user, even though they occur quite frequently. The unfortunate thing is we do not learn from our errors on street. The majority of the street users are very well aware of the overall...

  • Car Accident
  • Road Accidents

A Number of Definitions Take In Bullying as a Practice of Harassment

Bullying and harassment are equally terms that are used interchangeably by most individuals, and a number of definitions take in bullying as a practice of harassment. Bullying could reflect as spiteful or insulting behaviour, offensive, an exploitation or mistreatment of authority over means that demoralise,...

Psychological Crime Causations in Al Capone’s Criminal History

Various schools of crime causation including the classical and neoclassical school of crime causation, Biological, Psychobiological, Psychological, and Sociological schools have been used to determine the causes. Classical and Neoclassical crime causations dictated that crime is caused by an individuals own free will and prevention...

Social Isolation, Violence and Relationship Breakdown

Mental disorder or psychopathy are terms accustomed refer psychological pattern that happens in an exceedingly very private and is often associated with distress or disability that's not expected as part of normal development or culture. In line with DSM-IV, a upset is additionally a psychological...

  • Social Isolation

Purview of The Bureau’s Examination of Al Capone

The investigative purview of the Bureau of Examination amid the 1920s and early 1930s was more constrained than it is presently, and the group fighting, and thefts of the period were not inside the Bureau’s investigative specialist. The Bureau’s examination of Al Capone emerged from...

  • Criminal Profiling

Laziness as an Enemy of Caution and Security

A great enemy of caution and security is laziness. The lazy person can never arrange his own success and security because he cannot use the right opportunity to work due to the nature of his laziness and remains lazy throughout life. Crooks and sly people...

  • Social Security

The Polygraph for Modern-Day Police Work

In times of stressful or scary situations, humans tend to have a fight or flight response to whatever is happening to them and that response is exactly what polygraphs were invented to measure. The first recorded machine that is similar to the modern-day polygraph used...

  • Criminology

Best topics on Crime

1. Addressing the Rape Crisis: Advocacy, Awareness, and Empowerment

2. Community Service is the Best Form of Punishment

3. Why Assault Weapons Should Be Banned

4. Causes and Effects of Cyber Crime: Unraveling the Digital Threat Landscape

5. Cause and Effect of Domestic Violence: Unveiling the Impact on Individuals and Society

6. Cause and Effect of Cyberbullying for Individuals and Society

7. What is Cyberbullying in Social Media: Understanding the Digital Threat

8. Poverty is the Mother of Crime: Understanding the Claim

9. Examining the Pros and Cons of Gun Control

10. Cyber Crime: Navigating the Digital Underworld

11. The Auckland Mass Shooting: a Tragedy at the Women’s World Cup 2023

12. Tragedy on the Subway: Examining the Death of Jordan Neely

13. The Shooting of Ralph Yarl: Unraveling the Racial Dynamics and Gun Violence

14. Terror and Unity: The Aftermath of the Brooklyn Day Mass Shooting in Baltimore

15. Tragedy and Resilience: the Juneteenth Shooting in Willowbrook, Illinois

  • Verbal Abuse
  • Drunk Driving
  • Child Abuse

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May 15, 2020

Why young people commit crime and how moral education could help

by Neema Trivedi-Bateman, The Conversation

Why young people commit crime and how moral education could help – new research

There is a significant link between moral emotions and offending behavior in young people. Moral emotions are learnt—and more attention needs to be given to the teaching of morals in childhood to address this link between morality and crime.

My research has proved that young people are more likely to carry out violent acts if they have weak empathy, shame and guilt, and if they do not feel violence is wrong. On the surface, this may seem obvious, but the research provides a new, evidence-based clarity about the decisions that lead to crime . It was previously thought that other personal factors—such as lack of self-control or social disadvantage – or external factors like the opportunity to commit crime were at the root of why crime occurs.

Having poor morals doesn't mean that a young person is inherently bad. Morality is learnt in childhood. It is the people that we spend time with that teach us morals . It follows that if someone's moral development is insufficient, they shouldn't be immediately labelled as "bad" but that they have had inadequate or misguided teaching from the important people in their life.

Moral development programmes should be developed and taught to children to reduce the likelihood of them growing up to believe that criminal behavior could be seen as morally acceptable. Moral education should be considered to be as crucial as nutrition, health, and formal education for our future generations to thrive.

Moral emotions

I carried out in-depth interviews with 50 young and prolific violent offenders, looking at the role of moral emotions in the decision to commit violence. I asked them about their most recent act of violence. In some cases, this had occurred the day before the interview itself.

My findings provided evidence that empathy, shame and guilt were lacking. For example, when asked "did you feel ashamed or guilty when others found out?" one person responded that "there's not much guilt involved in the whole situation to be honest."

My findings are backed up by the results of a groundbreaking study carried out at the University of Cambridge. I worked with the study team for eight years and led the research team during some of the interview phases.

The Peterborough Adolescent and Young Adult Development study (PADS+) tracked the lives of a large, representative sample of young people for ten years, a unique and thorough approach to discovering how and why we behave in certain ways.

Around 4% of the study sample—roughly only 35 young people—were responsible for almost half of all total crimes reported by approximately 700 people across a ten-year period from the age of 12 until they reached 22.

This small handful of individuals reported weak moral emotions: empathy, shame and guilt. We found that the individuals who reported the weakest moral emotions admitted to involvement in, on average, 71 crimes. By contrast, those reporting the strongest sense of moral emotion only admitted involvement in one crime.

Peer influence

Young people tend to spend most of their time with parents or primary caregivers, teachers and their peer groups. If a child's peers or parents don't think it's wrong to commit a crime, or lack empathy or guilty feelings towards the people affected by that crime, then this a likely to affect how the young person feels as well. Research shows that lack of guilt for rule-breaking behavior can be displayed from as young as three .

It is very likely that the primary and critical time windows for morality development begin in early childhood, and extend to later childhood and adolescence. It appears that major life events—such as having stable relationships with family members or a partner, or a job, or having a child—can reinforce one's moral code and reduce the likelihood of offending behavior.

This partially explains the dip in the age-crime curve , which is a general and widely reported trend: young people peak in terms of offending in middle to late adolescence and reduce offending substantially by their early twenties.

Moral education

Research shows that spending time with people who provide examples of strong morals can lead to law-abiding behavior. If a child does not successfully experience early bonding experiences and develop moral and emotional commitments to others, the development of empathy may be prevented or blocked .

Students absorb positive moral behaviors when surrounded with just and fair role models, rules, and interactions . Schools that foster a sense of community and hold discussions about morality can provide this environment. But if environments that foster moral development are not prolonged and sustained across several years, the effect on moral behavior may be short-lived .

Provided by The Conversation

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Themes and Analysis

Crime and punishment, by fyodor dostoevsky.

'Crime and Punishment' features salient themes that are relevant today as they were in Dostoevsky's Russia.

Israel Njoku

Article written by Israel Njoku

Degree in M.C.M with focus on Literature from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

A stagnant and an oppressive atmosphere hover and sets the tune for the exploration of the morality of human nature, as well as the consequences of actions.

As the story unfolds, it gives rise to conflict and tension, gearing towards the climaxing of chaos and thick darkness, as morality, justice and redemption all peep from a few meters.

It Is a rollercoaster of intense events, constituting of investigation, crime and trial, creating a chance for an end where the truth is made bare to spark sober reflections.

The Dangerous Effects of Nihilism

One of the key themes of ‘Crime and Punishment’ is the effect of harmful ideologies. The problem here is not simply that an individual comes to wholly believe in a dangerous idea and so carries it out, it is also about the parasitic effects of these dangerous ideas as they slowly corrupt our minds and subtly strip us of control and autonomy, pulling us towards the actualization of its destiny even when our hold of and understandings of these ideas are incomplete and tenuous. 

The theme of Alienation is a prominent this book, as Raskolnikov’s alienation from society as a result of his haughty ideals, as well as his overpowering guilt as a result of his murders, is one of the plot points that move the book. Raskolnikov’s ideas separate him from most of the rest of humanity in theory and principle. His conviction that society is divided between a few superior men and a mass of inferior men sets him on a proud and arrogant path that alienates him from most people whom he views as inferior. 

Although poor and near destitute, Raskolnikov still manages to feel disgusted at the surrounding poverty in his area of St Petersburg. After committing the murders, he is overpowered with guilt and a strong sense that he did not belong with society and with the pure people around him, who are far removed from his destructive and tortured state of mind. His guilt makes him believe he cannot bear to continue to interact and coexist normally with his family and friends, who are good people. 


The theme of helplessness is also featured in this book, as Raskolnikov is a very poor student who is dependent on sacrifices from his mother and sister to be able to sustain himself. Given that his family has high hopes for him and views him as a potential breadwinner, Raskolnikov finds himself under great pressure. 

This sense of hopelessness contributes to driving Raskolnikov towards the robbery and murders. Other characters in the novel also find themselves in helpless situations. Marmeledov cannot conquer his addiction and bring himself to stop drinking away the little money the family is able to procure, largely out of Sonia’s prostitution. Sonia herself is helpless against the forces that drove her into a life of prostitution against her will.

A much less pronounced, but definitely evident, theme in the book is that of Egoism. This is an idea espoused to different degrees by a number of characters in the book-namely the likes of Raskolnikov, Svidrigailov, and Luzhin. It can express itself in a direct, undisguised form in service of evil aims, as we see in Svidrigailov’s behaviors. 

Svidrigailov lives for his pleasures and base desires and is not embarrassed by them. He speaks freely to Raskolnikov about desiring and relishing the effort to get these desires. He lives entirely for his own pleasures and is not concerned about others until the very end.

The competing forces of natural good and learned evil

In this book, Raskolnikov seems to struggle with the moral demands of his conscience and that of his adopted nihilistic and rational egoistic philosophical outlook. Possibly resulting from his Christian background or a naturally altruistic and humanistic disposition, Raskolnikov seemed to have a basic constitution that has molded a conscience that inspires him to do good. We see this sentiment in his acts of charity towards the Marmeladovs as well as towards the young girl he saves from the lecherous individual stalking her on the streets. 

The philosophy of the extraordinary emphasizes his elevation over the troubles of the common people. It encourages a cold, statistical approach to life that sees the common people not as individuals but as numbers.

Punishment and Suffering

The theme of suffering and punishment is predominant in the book. The book seems to advance the idea that only commensurate punishment and suffering can put the condemned and guilty on the path to redemption. Repentance is not enough and must be backed by a genuine willingness to pay for one’s sins. After Raskolnikov murders the old pawnbroker, his punishment begins almost immediately after. He suffers from crushing guilt, illness, and self-loathing. He cannot master his conscience, and in the end, he succumbs to it.

His guilt and the triumph of his conscience mean he cannot get away with his crime. He betrays himself and therefore leads himself to be suspected by the authorities.

Analysis of Key Moments

  • Raskolnikov witnesses a young student argue with an army officer over the morality of killing the old, detestable pawnbroker, Alyona. This is a key moment as it gives Raskolnikov an idea that led to his crime, making him to ponder on nihilism and justification.
  • Raskolnikov has a dream where he tries to prevent some peasants from heartlessly maltreating a mare. As a key moment, this shows Raskolnikov’s compassionate side which is a stark contrast of his inner mind — a battle between idealogy and empathy.
  • Raskolnikov receives a letter from his mother outlining the interesting events happening at home with his family. As A key moment, this was the letter that humanized Raskolnikov to show compassion for family which is contrary to his darkening worldview and isolation.
  • Raskolnikov kills Alyona the pawnbroker and her sister Lizaveta. With this, the motion for the novel’s central conflict was set, pushing other plots and opening up Raskolnikov’s psychological downfall.
  • The police begin to suspect Raskolnikov due to his strange behavior at the station after his landlady reports him over unpaid rent. This moment further pushed Raskolnikov’s fall, as it served as the window through which his inner turmoil and sense of doom was seen.
  • Luzhin makes the unfavorable acquaintance of Raskolnikov — when this happened, it set the pace for subsequent happenings that unraveled the characters’ hidden motivation, leading to the a dramatic turnaround in the story.
  • Dunya and Pulcharia arrive in Saint Petersburg. They are shocked at Raskolnikov’s cold and erratic behavior. The coming of this reunion served as the highlight of Raskolnikov’s emotional disintegration, opening up the terribleness of his crime on his relationship and sorry mental state.
  • Dunya breaks off the engagement with Luzhin; A spiteful Luzhin blames Raskolnikov and plans his revenge. This moment served as the ignitor of vengeful events, enclasping Raskolnikov in the thorny claws of guilt, shame and ultimately, redemption.
  • Svidrigailov tries and fails to rape Dunya. With this occurrence, Svidrigailov’s true nature became known, further intensifying the suspense of the story, as it forshadowed the tragic confrontation with Raskolnikov.
  • Porfiry encourages Raskolnikov to confess and accept his suffering in a heart-to-heart talk. As a significant moment, the words of Porfiry pierced through Raskolnikov’s soul, propelling him towards redemption when he stood face to face with the depth of his guilt and humanity.
  • Raskolnikov confesses his crime to Sonia, then the Police. Hence, the turning point of his moral journey and the biggest step towards personal rebirth.
  • Raskolnikov repents for real in a Siberian prison and acknowledges the defectiveness of his ideas. A genuine repentance that became the hallmark of his transformative shift, making him to see the flaw of his idealogy so that he embraced a newfound sense of humility.

Style, Tone And Figurative Language

Many styles were used in this book, however, three stand out as mentioned earlier — realism, symbolism and psychological fiction . In the 19th century, realism was the movement, hence it is no wonder seeing that this book take that path. Realism aims to depict life as it truly is, giving detailed description of ordinary people like the vivid picture of St. Petersburg slums shown, when used to describe the squalor of Raskolnikov’s surrounding. Besides, the characters themselves are not romanticized heroes, but ordinary people who passed through the hurdles of an everyday life.

Symbolism was also one of the styles, as sbolic elements were used to subtly pass messages deeper than their ordinary meanings. For instance, the Yellow wallpaper in Raskolnikov’s cramped room can passes for the deterioration of his mental state and isolation. Also, the dream of the mare being beaten to death symbolizes not just the violence of his act, but also the guilt that comes after.

Psycological fiction as a style came into play when the story explored deeply into the inner minds of the characters — this was seen in the areas of their thoughts, motivation, aspiration, emotional breakdown and sober reflections. We saw Raskolnikov struggled with paranoia and regret, as he faced the consequences of his crime. We peeped through the window of his internal battles and how he philosophically justifies murder as a psychological mechanism for mental escape, and all through the slow process of the unraveling of his mental sanity.

Key Symbols

The hay market.

A section of St. Petersburg that is reserved for the very poor. This area is the symbol of poverty, and of the common destitute that Raskolnikov feels himself above. There is a distinct sense of filth and wretchedness that Raskolnikov comes to be all too aware of when he passes by. By making Raskolnikov come here to confess, Sonia makes sure Raskolnikov gets the fullest possible punishment for his murders. This is because the hay market is populated by a mass of people whom Raskolnikov despises and thinks are inferior to himself. Confessing here accentuates his humiliation but at the same time fast tracks his redemption.

Sonya’s Cross

The cross is a symbol of wilful suffering in service of pious and redemptive aims. Raskolnikov goes to take Sonia’s cross only when he is ready to confess publicly for his sins as mentioned earlier in the key symbols of the book, this means for Raskolnikov, the cross has become a symbol of the acceptance of punishment. Also, as a Christian symbol of faith redemption, the cross symbolizes the path to these places, offered by Sonya to Raskolnikov. In a way also, the cross is a connection of love between them, as her faith and love became the path that set the pace for him for a better future.

Saint Petersburg

The city of Saint Petersburg was often sen as the most Westernized Russian city, therefore for Slavophiles, or people with slavophilic sentiments in post-Petrine Russia, Saint Petersburg was the most corrupt of Western cities, the city that has strayed farthest from traditional Russian values. The city is depicted this way in this book. Raskolnikov’s descent into the dark extremities of radical ideals begins only after he abandons the conservative society of rural Russia for corrupting Saint Petersburg. The city disgusts Raskolnikov, too, with its stench of filth and poverty and cynical residents. It is infested by “foolish” ideologues, too.

The axe is one of the key symbols in this book used to connote a couple of meanings. It is Raskolnikov’s immediate instrument of crime. The axe’s physical weight is a symbol of the psychological burden he is faced with. It also symbolizes the elements of brutality and agony. In the area of severance, the exe didn’t only severs Alyona Ivanovna’s life, but also a connection tool between Raskolnikov and the society with salvaging to a decaying moral sense. It is unknown to Raskolnikov that the act of weilding the axe is a representation of his splintering identity; he thinks he is above societal laws, but it is only a fractured identity of self.

The Yellow House

Yellow color was used on other objects throughout the novel, but the color in the houses of prominent figures was used to symbolize moral decay, poverty of reason and the deep-seated illness amongst the elite class despite their seeming abundance. The color is even a reflection of Raskolnikov’s own internal state in the guise of isolation and confinement, as he felt trapped within the confines of mental deterioration and crime, even though he didn’t outrightly admitted this. A close looks also tells that the yellow houses has a connection with immorality and vice, especially the presence of prostitutes.

Personal Perspective

Reading through this book left me breathless. The story took me by the hand and forced me to run through the grimy street of St Petersburg in almost real-time. Dostoevsky doesn’t just tell a story, he throws you into the suffocating heat of the rollercoaster of happenings. Reasoning Raskolnikov’s justification of murder left me in mental stitches. I like not just how the book doesn’t bother to shy away from brutality, but how it also forces you to see the desperation that fuels it, and how the world at large is devoid of genuine meaning. To me, Crime And Punishment is more than just some cool psychological thriller, it is a valuable pack of life lessons, especially as it concerns the fight for redemption in the face of immense darkness. Although there were moments where the book got a little too dense for my liking; especially in pages of Raskolnikov’s many internal monologues — a bit redundant, but I like to say that I saw the necessity. Hold on please, Dostoevsky is a genius! Because how can a book be centered around a murderer and leave you with a deep sense of humanity? 

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Israel Njoku

About Israel Njoku

Israel loves to delve into rigorous analysis of themes with broader implications. As a passionate book lover and reviewer, Israel aims to contribute meaningful insights into broader discussions.


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Essays on Crime

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