Browse Course Material

Course info, instructors.

  • Prof. Samuel Madden
  • Prof. Robert Morris
  • Prof. Michael Stonebraker
  • Dr. Carlo Curino


  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

As Taught In

  • Information Technology
  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Data Mining
  • Software Design and Engineering

Learning Resource Types

Database systems, assignments.

This section contains problem sets, labs, and a description of the final project. Some assignments require access to online development tools and environments that may not be freely available to OCW users. The assignments are included here as examples of the work MIT students were expected to complete.

Problem Sets

SimpleDB overview ( PDF )

SimpleDB documentation

Final Project Assignment and Ideas


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  1. DBMS Lab Assignment 5 Circle Area

  2. dbms assignment set 6

  3. DBMS Assignment project

  4. DBMS assignment

  5. DBMS Assignment 1

  6. DBMS Assignment Indexing & Aggregation


  1. PDF Database Management Systems Solutions Manual Third Edition

    contents preface iii 1 introduction to database systems 1 2 introduction to database design 6 3therelationalmodel16 4 relational algebra and calculus 28 5 sql: queries, constraints, triggers 45 6 database application development 63 7 internet applications 66 8 overview of storage and indexing 73 9 storing data: disks and files 81 10 tree-structured indexing 88 11 hash-based indexing 100

  2. PDF Database Management Systems Lecture Notes

    Database Management System (DBMS) and Its Applications: A Database management system is a computerized record-keeping system. It is a repository or a container for collection of computerized data files. The overall purpose of DBMS is to allow he users to define, store, retrieve and update the information contained in the database on demand.

  3. Assignments

    Assignments. This section contains problem sets, labs, and a description of the final project. Some assignments require access to online development tools and environments that may not be freely available to OCW users. The assignments are included here as examples of the work MIT students were expected to complete.


    DBMS ASSIGNMENT 2 1. Describe about Data Models and explain E-R model. 2. Define Instance and Domain? 3. What is an Entity? Explain different type of Entities. 4. What is an Attribute? Explain different types of Attributes. 5. Explain Recursive Relationship with example. 6. Explain Degree of Relationship and its types 7.

  5. PDF Malla Reddy College of Engineering and Technology

    Malla Reddy College of Engineering and Technology

  6. PDF Week 1

    A database schema is a description of the data that are contained in a particular database. The relational model of data is the most widely used data model today. Main concept: relation, basically a table with rows and columns. A relation schema, describes the columns, or attributes, or fields of a relation.

  7. PDF Introduction to Database Systems Module 1, Lecture 1

    Entities (e.g., students, courses) ng CS564)A Database Management System (DBMS) is asof. ware package de. igned to store and manage databases.Wh. Use a DBMS?Data independence and eff. ient access.Reduced applic. ion development time.Data. tegrity and security.Uniform data admin. tration.Concurrent.

  8. PDF Database Management Systems

    Database management system is software designed to assist the maintenance and utilization of large scale collection of data. DBMS came into existence in 1960 by Charles. Integrated data store which is also called as the first general purpose DBMS. Again in 1960 IBM brought IMS-Information management system.

  9. PDF Unit: Databases Sample Assignment

    Assignment Notes. You must complete all three (3) parts of this assignment. The total assignment should be 1500 words including all THREE (3) parts (text on diagrams and data dictionary are excluded from this word count). Please submit your assignment as ONE (1) document. Introduction.

  10. PDF Graduate Student Database Project

    The system was written to work with a mysql database back-end to store the data, and is written in Perl to create the pages to serve via apache. The content of the database is divided into four major components. The first is the applicant information that the student submits when requesting admission into the program.