• Capstone Projects

The Capstone Project is intended to culminate the skills of the BME undergraduate degree. The students are required to take the course and complete the project their senior year. Below are examples of student projects from previous years. 

Class of 2023

Electromyography Guided Video Game Therapy for Stroke Survivors

Students:  Anisa Abdulhussein, Hannamarie Ecobiza, Nikhil Patel, Carter Ung

Advisor:  Dr. Jerome Schultz

A Hybrid in Silico Model of the Rabbit Bulbospongiosus Nerve

Students:  Lilly Roelofs, Anh Tran, Dana Albishah, Hoang Tran, David Lloyd, Zuha Yousuf, Farial Rahman, Laura Rubio

Advisor:  Dr. Mario Romero-Ortega

Highly Specific Vertical Flow-Based Point-of-Care For Rapid Diagnosis of Lupus

Students:  Valeria Espinosa, Lediya Haider, Bao Le, and Christian Pena

Advisor:  Dr. Chandra Mohan

Design and Fabrication of Novel Flexible and Elastomeric   Device for Bladder Neuromodulation  

Students:  Kenneth Nguyen, Laura Rubio, Jessica Avellaneda, Juan Gonzalez

Residual Gastric Stomach Volume via Dye Dilution

Students:  Sean Chakraborty, Tien Tran, Elizabeth Kolb, Elaine Raymond

Remote Tremor Monitoring System

Students:  Mikayla Deehring, Bryan McElvy, Elizabeth Perry, William Walker

Advisor:  Dr. Nuri Ince

BCI Assistance in Simple Hand Movements to Enable IMC/CMC-Based Rehabilitation for Post-Stroke Patients

Students:  Wesley Cherry, Shanzeh Imran, Rami ElHajj, Nivriti Sabhani

Advisor:  Dr. Yingchun Zhang

3D Printing Scaffold for Cardiovascular Tissue Regeneration

Students:  Anaga Ajoy, Kailee Keiser, Aria Shankar, Alexa Truong

Advisor:  Dr. Renita Horton

Electrotactile Stimulator for Modeling Localized Touch in the Hand

Students:  Alan Luu, Raed Mohammed, Anique Siddiqui, and Brendan Wong

CNN-Driven Hand Prosthetic for Neurorehabilitation

Students:  Neftali Garcia, Wajid Masood, Angela Soto

Class of 2022

Skin Blood Flow Based on a Thermal Sensor

Students:  Rumaisa Baig, Aliza Sajid, Kinda Aladdasi, Hira Rizvi, and Eugenia Ponte

3D Printing of Scaffolds for Cardiovascular Tissue

Students:  Ayesha Budhwani, Duc Ho, Dorothy Mwakina, Nicolas Nino

Graphene Electrodes for Body Energy Harvesting

Students:  Sarah Hakam, Hy Doan, Attiya Hussaini, Krishna Sarvani Deshabtotla

COVID-19 Antibodies Detection Using Spike Protein Microarray Chip

Students:  Fariz Nazir, Chinenye Chidomere, Bryan Choo, Jessica Chidomere

Advisor:  Dr. Tianfu Wu

Relating Pressure to fNIRS Optical Signal Quality

Students:  Mautin Ashimiu, Shannen Eshelman, Amanda Reyes, Catherine Tran

Advisor:  Dr. Luca Pollonini and Dr. Samuel Montero Hernandez

Optimization of a Loading Tool for a Novel Cardiac Assist Device (CAD)

Students:  Amie Theall, Barbora Bobakova, Zarmeen Khan, Abigail Janvier

The ExoAssist:  A Soft Exoskeleton Device for Foot Drop

Students:  Alexandru Neagu, Dailene Torres, Loren Thompson, Dylan Creasey

Advisor:  Dr. Jose Luis Contreras-Vidal

Physical Therapy Device for Shoulder Rehabilitation

Students:  Jordyn Folh, Raeedah Alsayoud, Mirren Robison, Xanthica Carmona

Residual Gastric Volume by George’s Dye Dilution Method

Students:  Sarah Aldin, Rita Maduro, Patrick Calderon, Hebah Kafina

EEG-based Control of a Robotic Hand

Students:  Martin Reyes, Regan Persyn, Quynh Nguyen, Bryan Gutierrez

Advisor:  Dr. Yingchun Zhang and Michael Houston

ASD Screening in Children using Machine Learning

Students:  Yalda Barram, Tatiana Barroso, Theresa Pham, and Amy Tang

Advisor:  Dr. Joseph Francis

Optimized PEGDA Hydrogel Miniature Gel Electrophoresis for Genomic Analysis

Students:  Alma Antonette Antonio, Jose Carrion, Lindsey McGill, Sharmeen Shahid

Advisor:  Dr. Metin Akay and Dr. Yasemin Akay

Class of 2021

Project 1: Vital Sign Wristband

Abstract: As most hospitals transition to a digital world in order to streamline medical procedure, our group wanted to streamline the check in process by making a wristband that measures vital signs. We wanted the wristband to measure heart rate, temperature, and blood oxygen, and for this data to be sent to an app. We first decided which sensors to use, and moved forward with the MCP9808 temperature sensor and the MAX30100 sensor for heart rate and blood oxygen. We then assured the MCP9808 worked to our standards by connecting it to a ESP32 microcontroller on a breadboard. The connection and reading of the sensor required Arduino code, which we constructed with online resources. After getting the readings that aligned with our expected values, we followed the same procedure with the MAX30100 sensor. We then ‘pushed’ the data to an app that we constructed using Blynk, an app that is used to read data from microcontrollers. After ‘pushing’ the data to our app, we were ready to start making the wristband by connecting the sensors to the ESP32s, and attaching the connections to a wristband using V elcro. With our final prototype, we were able to wirelessly read heart rate, temperature, and blood oxygen from the Blynk app. To more efficiently assist in hospital applications, a potential future direction for this project would be to add blood pressure as a parameter for the wristband. We would also like the wristband to ID the patient that is wearing it in order to track and assign the data throughout their stay.

Project 2: Development of a low cost method to evaluate mask efficiency

Abstract: Since the start of the pandemic, over 1.5 Billion single use face masks have been used across the globe. Many people have also made and using homemade masks due to convenience or necessity. At the start of the pandemic there was an acute shortage of masks and even now, with the lifting of mask mandates across the United States, we anticipate that masks will still be used by the public for the foreseeable future. Our objective was to develop a fast, low cost reusable method to evaluate the efficiency of face masks and the materials that are used to manufacture them. We believe that consumers could benefit from knowing that masks that they buy or make are useful and will protect them from COVID 19 and future diseases. To accomplish this, we built a self contained unit that works by measuring the efficiency of material by calculating the amount of light reflected by aerosolized salt solution that penetrates masks. The consumer can use their phone to take a picture of the light compartment through the device and upload the result to our website that will give them the efficiency immediately. In future versions we hope to make the process easier by using an inbuilt camera and a single switch to turn the device on and off.

Project 3: Sensor Array for COVID19 Diagnostics

Abstract: The emergence of the COVID 19 pandemic has highlighted the need for reliable and rapid diagnostic tools to aid in community wide contact tracing and monitoring efforts. Early Covid 19 tests relied on either molecular or serological assays, which had long turnaround times and required specialized equipment and personnel. Our goal was to create a diagnostic tool that could provide rapid and accurate patient feedback without the need of special equipment. To this end we employed the use of a metal oxide array, which was composed of four sensors, in order to detect endogenous Volatile Organic Compounds in the breath. These sensors were fabricated and supplied by the Nanodevices and Materials Lab. We developed a comprehensive testing setup involving a Mass Flow Controller, Gas Chamber, Multiplexor, and a Picoammeter with the creation of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to make the data collection autonomous and efficient. We also devised a pattern recognition algorithm using Principal Component Analysis and K Means Clustering to identify our four target gases based on the sensor array’s response.

Project 4: Microcontroller Based Functional Electrical Stimulator

Abstract: Electrical stimulation is used in various therapeutic applications in medicine, ranging from neuromodulation to functional mapping of the brain. There are still many of these devices that are operated through manual tuning and pressing buttons. Having the ability to control these analog devices from a computer is critical for research and advanced therapy , but this cannot be done The aim of this Capstone Project is to develop a low cost Functional Electrical Stimulator (FES) that can be fully controlled with a microcontroller (Teensy 3.5) connected to a PC through a USB interface. In practice, the system can be used in various scenarios, but the intended application is for delivering non invasive Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES). The hardware was developed using 9 Volt batteries connected to DC DC boosters for power supply and other primary components that include analog switches and transistors. This system is controlled through Arduino IDE and a Graphical User Interface (GUI) developed within MATLAB that allows for ease of manipulation and further development in the future. We have successfully produced a symmetrical, biphasic square wave capable of operating at 60 microsecond pulse widths. We have also demonstrated the capability of producing a biphasic sinusoidal wave with flexible frequency. One future goal of this system is to fuse it with a brain computer interface (BCI) that can drive the FES to improve the rehabilitation of the patients suffering from stroke or spinal cord injury by translating their thoughts to muscle contractions and associated movement.

Project 5: Inclusive System for Image Capture and Rheological Image Analysis for Artificial Microvascular Network

Abstract: Measuring blood flow in capillaries of an Artificial MicroVascular Network (AMVN) device is typically done using a research grade inverted microscope. Research grade microscopes can provide high resolution images but are bulky, unportable, and expensive, which significantly limits the scope of AMVN technology. As an alternative, we have developed an inclusive, portable system that contains all of the necessary hardware to perform the experiment as well as a code to analyze the perfusion rates of the AMVN channels. The system utilizes a camera and magnification lens to simulate the optics of a microscope, but in a more affordable, compact, and user friendly unit. Video captured by the system can easily be transferred to a laptop for analysis. The perfusion rate data produced using our code has yielded reproducible and accurate results comparable to values in previous literature. This inclusive system can be used to perform analysis on a variety of experiments including testing the effect of new storage conditions, additive solutions, novel drugs, and rejuvenation strategies on the rheological properties of red blood cells in vitro. Future work could entail expanding the usefulness of the system to function with various different microfluidic devices.

Project 6: Voice Activated Alarm System for Patients with Limited Mobility

Abstract: Current hospital alert systems require a mechanical input, most commonly the push of a button Patients with mobility issues such as quadriplegics are unable to perform this input Most solutions to this problem require proximity and are prone to displacement, such as clipping the button to patients’ gowns to press with their chin If these devices are displaced, the patient is unable to correct it, and must resort to yelling to alert a nurse Our device will attempt to mitigate these shortcomings by allowing the patient to speak to activate the alert system, allowing for input at a greater distance with no limb movements required The device uses a mini computer with a microphone attachment for voice input and activation, and a microcontroller connected to a solenoid for mechanical activation of the alert system. This allows for the device to be easily and selectively integrated into the existing alert system at most hospitals We assembled and programmed the device to respond to a specific key phrase amid ambient noise and were able to voice activate the solenoid, as well as demonstrate that it could generate enough force to push a button Future work could replace the external power source with a battery, and compact into a flexible attachment This device will improve accessibility and quality of life for patients with restricted limb mobility

Project 7: Biological Organism Recording and Integrated System During Rocket Launch

Abstract: Space exploration has deleterious effects on the human body and can lead to significant long term adverse effects such as muscle atrophy and bone density loss Many astronauts undergo intense training to prepare for a launch such as High G training, where they are exposed to a high amount of G force Understanding the impact the hypergravity and microgravity environments have on tissue development and function is critical to keeping humans healthy for space travel, especially with the upcoming Artemis program and Mars missions Thus, there is need for a device that can monitor the effects that high action events, such as a rocket launch, has on an organism’s tissues in real time The Biological Organism Recording and Integrated System (BORIS is a device mounted inside the payload bay of Space City Rocketry’s high powered rocket Oberon, with the aim of observing and recording the impact of high accelerative forces on a cell culture to understand how the forces of flight make changes to the structure and function of cell walls and membranes Video footage of magnified cells and interior payload temperature are recorded for analysis of cell conditions and to determine the change in cell diameter during the flight a test flight in March observed rudimentary footage during a 24 second ascent of 7514 N applied on the cells, and internal temperature varied over 1 C Increased magnification and securing the switch on the device light are the next steps to ensure video is visible for the whole flight and that clusters of cells may be identified more easily.

Project 8: Remote Rehabilitation System

Abstract: Electromyography signals are electrical impulses generated by muscle activation. Such signals are obtained using an EMG device to analyze the muscles of interest and determine any muscular or motor dysfunction. Consequently, they can be used for rehabilitation purposes. Currently, there are only a few wireless EMG systems, and they are expensive. However, they can be highly beneficial in cases that would require patient isolation or other reasons. Inspired by this and the growing telerehabilitation, our team set a goal to build an affordable and wireless rehab system that entails building the EMG device and the mobile application necessary to transfer/receive data. The device consists of 3 MyoWare sensors that collect and transfer integrated and rectified EMG signals to the mobile app via the Bluetooth module. The app was built through a program, compatible with the device’s components, called MIT App Inventor 2, and works on Android phones only. The application receives and displays the EMG signals that can also be saved locally. Additionally, it can time the patient’s activity. Further improvements could be made to our system to provide a highly effective remote rehab system for the targeted patients.

Project 9: Blood Flowmeter for Skin

Abstract: For diabetic patients, blood circulation to extremities becomes slower and, as result, can lead to decreased healing rate and increased risk for infection. A lack of treatment can lead to the infection potentially spreading to surrounding tissue and even limb amputation. Monitoring blood flow rate is crucial in detecting the risk for such an infection. While there are other devices for measuring blood flow, such as the Laser Doppler flowmeter, the cost for these devices are often high and used mainly in a clinical setting. We proposed a design for a low cost and portable device to calculate the average energy required to keep a small region of skin at a set temperature for one minute and relate that measurement to blood flow. Our device consists of a small heating coil made from nichrome wire and has an NTC thermistor placed in the center of the coil. We used Arduino Uno as a hardware to software platform and coded for our device via MATLAB. Our software utilizes an on off temperature control system and a relay component to safely power the heating element to the set temperature. To test our device, we developed a low cost artificial vein model to mimic blood circulation and correlated varying flow rates to average energy required to keep the circulation five degrees higher than its current temperature. Our device demonstrates a potential low cost method for measuring blood circulation and for improving the lives of diabetic patients.

Project 10: A Wireless sEMG Based Robotic Rehabilitation System

Abstract: Stroke has been a huge concern throughout the years as it is known to be one of the leading causes of death in the United States For stroke patients, there are a couple of techniques such as targeted physical and technology assisted activities that would help them and serve as therapy to gain motor movement. Nevertheless, new advances in bioengineering have introduced a robotic hand named ‘Hand of Hope” (HoH) that uses real time surface electromyographic signals (sEMG) to control the robotic hand according to the patient’s muscle signals. sEMG is a procedure that measures muscle response or electrical activity based on an individual’s response to nerve stimulation and is recorded by placing electrodes on the surface of a patient’s muscle In this project, TMSi Refa Amplifier was used to amplify the signals received from the sEMG electrodes and send it to MATLAB Later, the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) communication will serve as a method of communication between the commands in MATLAB and the robotic hand motor control performance based on the classified sEMG signals The experiment included fine motor movements such as hand opening/closing and the movement of finger combination gestures. By creating a LDA classifier with 81 accuracy, we were able to have the robotic hand identify and assist in 5 different gestures We hope this stroke rehabilitation technique will help patients with reinforcement of their fine motor function through the strengthening of the nerve signal pathway

Project 11: Quantifying Peripheral Nerves using Deep Learning

Abstract: Larger neurons in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) have thick myelin sheaths which cause them to be easy to detect during transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies. Smaller neurons that tend to be unmyelinated lack the distinct bold outline. Current methods of quantifying axons in PN tissue include manual counting, which is labor intensive and inaccurate. This project is aiming to develop an open source software using Python to automatically identify and quantify cell types (large/small neurons) from TEM images of PN tissue. We built a basic mask region based convolutional neural network (Mask R CNN) using a pre trained object detection model to identify the presence, location, and type of cells. This program is able segment a large image, learn filter values, detect axons apart from other cells, then places a color mask over the cell depending on the thickness of the myelin sheaths. These masks are quantified. As can be seen in the image our program can detect larger, myelinated axons but has trouble with detecting smaller axons. Once we adjust our code to locate both types of axons, we will run our program with a larger dataset of TEM images then compare to manually counted images. This program can be made more beneficial for research teams by further developing it into a deep learning neural network. This will allow researchers to process larger datasets with more accurate results and less preprocessing. Another future direction is to integrate this program with an image analysis software, such as Image J, using Jython , a python java hybrid code.

Project 12: Smart Multiplex Flow Meter Sensor System

Abstract: Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is a highly prevalent condition in women. This condition consists of weakened pelvic muscles leading to diminished bladder control; often leading to uncontrollable leakage during physical movements. Despite the inconveniences of this disorder, treatment options are limited due to safety and efficacy concerns. To study this, we created an automated metabolic cage suited for female rabbits with induced SUI. The objective of this proposal was to create an adaptable system that includes a collection apparatus and a sensor system. These are then attached to the current cages at the University of Houston to measure volume and frequency of micturition events with easy access for data retrieval. This prototype incorporates a mesh filter, a funnel, a flow rate sensor, a peristaltic pump, and an Arduino with Bluetooth capabilities. The data is wirelessly transmitted to a local PC for easy processing and data analysis. Overall, the prototype has been successful in measuring correct volumes of fluid with approximately 93% accuracy and allows for the automatic transfer of data from the Arduino to the mounted SD card for further data analysis. For the future, we plan to test our prototype with SUI-induced rabbits to ensure that the prototype is compatible, accurate for urine testing, and that the prototype can be used to study SUI. This can revolutionize the research industry by improving accuracy of urinary data from rabbits to further the understanding of SUI and other urinary disorders.

Class of 2015

Project 1: Fabrication of Immunosensing Soft Contact Lens as a POC System in Eye Infection Detection

Abstract: Rapid diagnosis of infection within the eye is an area of study that has (to date) been very limited in exploration and innovation. Differentiation between bacterial, fungal, and viral infections within the eye is a difficult process due to the similarities in symptoms in patients with a variety of ocular infections. Proposed is an ELISA-based immunosensing contact lens capable of detecting inflammatory protein markers within human aqueous tears. Soft contact lens assembly will be conducted via two primary methods: synthesis of novel hydrogel-based lens with maximum binding capabilities and improved cross-linking and surface plasma modification of commercially available soft contact lens for binding and successful detection. The lenses will be printed with anti- VCAM-1 antibodies, intended for the detection of the protein VCAM-1, an inflammatory marker. Detection will be conducted using a solution of peroxidase-labeled secondary antibodies in conjunction with a silver reagent, initiating an enzyme-catalyzed silver deposition reaction indicative of the presence of the inflammatory marker. Initial progress in development has been focused on research and acquisition of materials. Due to the limited literature available in the development of such novel diagnostic tools, extensive research has been conducted into creating a device with optimum binding and detecting capabilities. All materials have been sourced and, once received, will immediately be used for hydrogel synthesis and commercial lens plasma modification. Extensive testing will be conducted on the lenses, utilizing an artificial “tear” solution containing VCAM-1 protein for feasibility of design. Following establishment of success of this design, additional modifications will be made to test lens’ capability for differentiating between different types of inflammatory responses and viability of this diagnostic device in clinical applications.

Project 2: Modular Physiological Monitoring System

Abstract: The intended application of the project is vital monitoring during commercial space flights, home healthcare, fitness, and research. The system will measure both physiological and environmental parameters simultaneously. EKG, skin temperature, barometric pressure (altitude), ambient temperature, accelerations, and UV index are the parameters that will be measured. The centerpiece of the system is the Arduino microcontroller. All sensors and the EKG shield are connected to the Arduino boards, which extract the readings of all sensors. The extracted data will be sent to a computer through Wi-Fi thanks to the wireless capability of the Arduino Yun microcontroller. Plotly will be used for data extraction and analysis. Parameter relational plots will be constructed using physiological response to environmental stressors. At the conclusion of last semester we constructed a model on an Arduino Uno board to demonstrate system capabilities. An ambient temperature sensor was implemented in the model with on-board LED lights (green and red) that provided notification (Red LED) when the ambient temperature exceeded 21.5 degrees Celsius. An LCD monitor was also included to demonstrate continuous sensor measurements and display. At the beginning of the second semester we had completed development of the hardware prototype (Milestone 1) and the formation of the Central Hardware Interface (CHI) (Milestone 2), and were starting to work on the data extraction, analysis, and display. This was done by using Plotly to communicate sensor data wirelessly to a server. A computer then extracts this data and displays it in real-time. At the conclusion of the second semester, we had a completed system that utilized two microcontrollers to wirelessly extract and display data (Milestone 3). Although using two microcontrollers was not our original objective, it was the best way for us to integrate the serial EKG into the system. Future work can focus on the miniaturization of the system and establishing communication between the two boards. Our total expenditure for this project was $168 in parts and $6400 in labor.

Project 3: Embryo Dissection Station

Abstract: The purpose of our project was to design, improve, and develop the methods and processes used for the live embryo dissection, including, improvement to the dissection station and examination process. The specific concentration of this project was the construction of a live embryo dissection station that has the same uniform temperature throughout the apparatus that is also economical with regard to fabrication (i.e., the process is cost- and time-effective).

Project 4: Google Glass as a Diagnostic for Melanoma

Abstract: Early melanoma diagnosis is vital for the prevention of complication onsets that may compromise an individual’s life span. In order to diagnose for the presence of melanoma, patients are required to visit a medical facility, which results in the negligence of early symptoms. Our team proposed to develop a melanoma diagnostic utility using Google Glass, which would help provide a point-of-care diagnosis without having to visit a medical facility. Developing a Google Glass diagnostic presents various challenges that mandate the integration of different techniques. The Glass is only capable of capturing 2 dimensional images with its camera, but in order to enhance the diagnostic accuracy, we are developing a code based on the modification of existing algorithms that can create 3-dimensional images from 2-dimensional images. Implementing additional diagnostic criteria for existing 2-dimensional analysis will allow for a 3-dimensional melanoma analysis, which would provide definitive diagnostic results. Image acquisition and analysis will be done via servers that support the processes, and then integrated into the Google Glass. At this time, the Google Glass provides big challenges due to its relative new introduction into the technology market. Therefore, our project includes establishing a method to connect the Google Glass to a development platform, create a graphical user interface to display the diagnostic results, and integrate the servers for a comprehensive diagnosis. During this semester, we were able to establish the software development platform, create a sample melanoma diagnostic display, create a preliminary low resolution 3-dimensional image construct, and run successful 2-dimensional analysis on sample melanoma images. The sponsors covered the Google Glass cost of $1,500, and the University of Houston provides the necessary software for the development process.

Project 5: Optimization of SMFT-based Actuation System Final Report

Abstract: In our Capstone Design Project, we are tasked to optimize an actuation system based on Solid Media Flexible Transmission (SMFT). The SMFT-based system is applicable for robot-assisted surgeries within the MRI, where a very strong permanent magnetic field, fast changing magnetic field gradients and RF pulses are used. SMFT tubes have the potential to efficiently transfer force without the use of magnetically susceptible materials, making it compatible with the MRI scanner. Previously, the tubes have been used at a force transfer efficiency of 50%. Our goal is to increase the force transfer efficiency to 70%. To achieve this goal, we designed a force transfer efficiency testing system involving load cell force sensors, a testing station, and SMFT tubes (Milestones 1, 2, and 3). We also aimed to complete the actuation system by assembling an MRI-compatible needle onto it (Milestone 4). We have successfully completed Milestones 1 and 2, which involves calibrating the load cell and designing a cost-efficient stationary load cell holder to hold the load cell for force efficiency tests. In completing Milestone 3, we have successfully made more stable connections using BNC-BNC cables and interlocking connectors and collected data for the force transfer efficiency of a 1m SMFT tube. Milestone 4 involves assembling a needle holder to be attached to the actuation system and testing it on a porcine kidney suspended in a ballistic gel. The project has reliability constraints for the load cell rod, economic constraints in the 3D printing of the load cell testing station, and manufacturability constraint in the current 3D printing cost and the project’s applicability to test other force transfer systems. During the testing, standards such as the maximum load capacity and the excitation voltage of the load cells have to be determined. The load cell itself follows the accuracy standard IEC 61298-2. In conclusion, the force transfer efficiency decreases with increasing lengths of tubes, but increases at an average of 12.1% across all tubes.

Class of 2014

Project 1: Wireless ECG and Respiratory Monitoring System 

Abstract: The purpose of this project is to design a Wireless ECG and Respiratory Monitoring System. The ECG signal would be collected by electrodes and then amplified and filtered by analog circuit. Next the microcontroller would convert the analog signal into digital signal and amplify it even more. The microcontroller is included in the Wireless transmitter system. Then the data will be sent through MSP430 wireless transmitter (TI wireless development tool) to be processed in a local PC. Our Respiratory monitoring system measures the airflow by using nasal cannula pressure system. This system consists of a nasal cannula (which is standard for oxygen administration) connected to a pressure transducer. Respiratory waveform signal will be generated by detecting the fluctuations in pressure caused by inspiration and expiration. The data will be sent through the same wireless transmitter to be processed in a local PC.

Project 2: Optical Projection Tomography System

Abstract: The scope of this project is to build for Baylor College of Medicine an Optical Projection Tomography system to use in function with an ongoing embryology study. The goal of this project is for the Optical Projection Tomography system to provide a method for high throughput murine embryo imaging. Our design is based on previously published work from the University of Toronto with tweaks and customizations for the specific application requested by Baylor College of Medicine. These tweaks include a differing CCD camera and lens, as well as a possible rotating stage for sequential imaging of multiple embryos at once.

Abstract: The project aims to design, test, and build a Universal Transducer Adapter (UTA) to use in conjunction with commercially available Ultrasound Systems and the Euclid™ Tier 1 Mini Access System designed by Houston Medical Robotics (HMR). The UTA is a much needed design improvement to the Euclid™ system because of the time and financial cost associated with redesigning the adapter for different commercially available ultrasound systems. Multiple design concepts will be presented and tested both in benchtop and animal models and the necessary design documentation will be completed throughout this process. Secondarily, the Euclid™ Tier 1 Mini Base will be ergonomically redesigned for customer ease of use.

Project 4: Lupus Biomarkers

Abstract: The goal of this project is to identify Lupus biomarkers that will be used in a sensor to track the progress of Lupus in a diagnosed patient. Lupus is a systemic autoimmune disease that often results in kidney failure. By tracking the proteins that are filtered through the kidney, it is possible to identify protein biomarkers that are involved in this kidney damage. In order to achieve this goal, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) will be run on urine samples of Lupus patients that will identify those protein biomarkers that have a statistically higher protein concentration compared to patients who are not diagnosed with Lupus. After these biomarkers are identified, a sensor can be created that will evaluate the concentration of these proteins in a urine sample. This sensor can be used in a at home diagnostic kit that can allow a patient to track the progress of their disease without going to the doctor. If the sensor produces alarming results, the patient can then visit the doctor to reevaluate their treatment plan.

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senior capstone design showcase, 2015

Sponsor a Capstone Design Project

Help create future biomedical engineers .

Get involved with biomedical engineering students and partner with Penn State and the Department of Biomedical Engineering to sponsor a senior capstone design project. We assemble interdisciplinary student teams to tackle problems/projects using knowledge acquired during their undergraduate education. Students are also tasked with building and utilizing quality communication and team-based skills to achieve their goals.

*Projects are offered as part of the Learning Factory *

What are Senior Capstone Design Projects?

  • All Penn State biomedical engineering students are required to complete BME 450W: Biomedical Senior Design prior to graduation.
  • Senior capstone design projects partner student teams with industry professionals in order to test and design solutions to real-world challenges in medicine, healthcare, biology, and engineering.
  • Students apply theoretical information gained in the classroom with a solid basis of teamwork and communication skills to deliver powerful ideas with viable results.
  • Projects are developed during the course of a semester and culminate each spring and fall during the College of Engineering Design Showcase.
  • Students receive valuable, practical hands-on experience to students in a number of engineering disciplines.

Benefits to Sponsors:

  • Uncovering fresh ideas and solutions to real problems
  • Investigating low cost, low risk new ideas
  • Creating corporate exposure opportunities throughout campus
  • Providing your company with a public relations opporunity 
  • Discovering potential future star employees for your company
  • Improving engineering education at Penn State
  • Interacting with bright, energetic, creative young minds
  • Networking with other companies and Penn State faculty.

Past Project Highlights

  • BME faculty member Spencer Szczesny advises four award winning capstone deisgn project teams
  • Dermatology residents optimize exam that identifies skin cancers
  • Two biomedical engineering teams win awards at  Spring 2018 Capstone Design Project Showcase  
  • Biomedical engineering team awarded at Spring 2017 Design Showcase
  • Lucy's Story: How Penn State engineering students are helping one child move forward
  • BME graduates travel to Shanghai China to present global capstone projects
  • BME students awarded at spring 2015 Design Showcase

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Send an email for more information to:.

  • Daniel Hayes Department Head and Huck Chair in Nanotherapeutics and Regenerative Medicine [email protected]
  • Matthew Parkinson Professor and Director of The Learning Factory [email protected]

The Department of Biomedical Engineering administers the bachelor of science, master of science, and doctorate degree programs in biomedical engineering. Our work combines traditional engineering principles with medicine and technology for the betterment of human health and society. 

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BME Capstone Senior Design Projects


Biomedical Engineering Capstone Senior Design Projects

Biomedical Engineering Capstone Senior Design course focuses on the process of strategic clinical problem solving and innovation through evaluation of real world diagnostic processes, current therapeutic approaches and clinical outcomes. Students work in teams to identify and critically evaluate unmet medical or clinical needs through the use of a biodesign and innovation process, including clinical needs finding through on-site observations, stakeholder assessments, needs statement development and concept generation. 

Biomedical Engineering

Bme senior design projects 2022.

team 1

Safe Hands Innovation

Automatic Cardiopulmonary Device with Ventilation: Members: Anthony Myers, Zachary Rodriguez, Lane Saylor, Micah Self, Khoa Tu, Trae Valentine.


Erudite Adaptations

Expandable Cranial Band: (1st Place) Members: Skylar Russell, Noah Dennis, Kirsten Stuck, Caitlin Bingham, Hannah Newkirk.


3D Printed Cast With Healing Technology: Members, Lozan Alemayehu, Fatimah Allabbad, Mariam Jabr, Binderiya Janchivdorj, Nadya Jimenez.


Artificial Motion

Adjustable Cooling System for a Prosthetic Socket: Members, Carlos Gatti, Melissa Rocha, Ashley Stroh, Mike Henderson, Patrick Maksoud.


Armadillo Medical Devices

Deep Wound Sealant: Team Members, Sydney Maben, Megan Taflinger, Rebecca Haverkamp, Molly Carlson.


A Walk(er) to Remember: Team members, Marlene Kouakam, Adonay Tedla, Jennifer Ramos, Laik Bradley, Madison Carlgren.


Salamah: Faisal Alajlan, Andrew Goodwin, Davis Willenborg.

BME Capstone Projects -2021


Veritas Medical

Team: Cole Daharsh, Grant Downes, Subash Bhandari, Nathan Schmidt, Miguel Contreras, Tabatha Polk.



Austin Bollinger, Allen Seang, Alejandro Palacios, Diamond Brunt, Monroe Chrisco.


26 Engineering

Sandra Dang, Elizabeth Nguyen, Katie Cumpston, Brandon Eckerman, Leah Fisher, Abdul Aleid.


Ethan Aldrich, Tommy Keomany, Makenna Janke, Taylor Huslig, Kat Berner, LaShaya Lawire.


Operation 2020

Brendon, Jemima, Jana, Deborah, Anwar.


Kyra Holmes, Alissa Hovey, Anna Kindel, Kaelee Knoll, Luke Richardson. 


Delta Remedies

Ayi Delmeida, Kristin Seiwert, Stephanie Linares, Taleb Alhajji, Zayed Alsalem.


ZAH Diffusion

Asra Al Muslim, Zahrah Alawami, Zainab Alessa, Hamad Alkaabi, Haifa Alqahtani.


Umama Ali, Fatimah Almousa, Krisha Alford.


Markit Medical

Tyler Taylor, Andrew Gross, Marwa Jesri, Kayla Schmidt, Ramses Chairez.

2020 Biomedical Engineering Capstone Design Projects

Meetme - supporting personalized care for older adults with dementia.

Older adults, especially those with dementia, experience frequent transfers of care, so it is difficult for them to receive personalized care founded on personal connections with caregivers. MeetMe is a website designed to empower older adults to securely share important personality information with transient caregivers to foster a mutual understanding and support better care. MeetMe’s research-backed design process has included several phases of quantitatively analyzing structured feedback gathered directly from older adults at Schlegel Villages to ensure that our prototype meets their needs. 

Team members: Tynan Sears, Mackenzie Wilson, Mikaela MacMahon


Constantiam is a feedback system that determines the efficiency and safety of exercise technique through the measurement and analysis of weight distribution. Consisting of force sensitive insoles, a data acquisition module, and mobile application, Constantiam provides a user with feedback on their lower body exercise characteristics such as the centre of pressure, symmetry index, and traits of poor form. Constantiam reduces the risk of exercise-related injury, alerts a user of fatigue, and determines ideal weight amounts for lifting.

Team members: Laura Ing, Olivia Lougheed, Karly Smith, and Melissa Rinch

Organ transplantation can significantly extend the life of a pediatric patient. However, the latest advances in support systems for donor hearts fail to accommodate pediatric sizes. HeartAgain aims to bridge this gap by providing state-of-the-art support to hearts ranging from neonate to adult. The system employs normothermic perfusion, a process of supplying an organ with warm oxygenated blood, to transport the heart in a beating state. Integrated biometric monitoring allows otherwise unpredictable transplants by providing real-time insight into heart viability.

Team members: Melissa Yu, Kelsea Tomaino, Cassandra Maxwell, Daphne Walford

Moneta is a cross-platform application that enables tracking and analysis of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia in long-term care homes. It reduces the cognitive workload of personal support workers by streamlining the behaviour observation process. Using Moneta, trends and correlations in behavioural patterns can be quantitatively assessed through entered data. This helps healthcare professionals design interventions to avoid triggers of responsive symptoms, such as removing residents from noisy environments. The overall aim is to improve the wellbeing of individuals with dementia through non-invasive treatments.

Team members: Presish Bhattachan, Ying Quan (Amy) Qiu, Emily Kuang, Stanislava (Stacey)Ilioukhina

Children with developmental speech disorders require face-to-face sessions with speech-language pathologists. However, the long wait times for in-person consultation partnered with the lack of adherence to at-home prescribed speech exercises remain considerable pain points in the field of speech therapy. Phonologix is a mobile application that aims to help young patients with developmental functional speech disorders. Its goal is to increase compliance with clinician prescribed at-home speech exercises, monitor patient speech development, and deliver personalized feedback to facilitate the speech therapy process.

Team members: Isaac Chang, Felix Kurniawan, Ryan Yi Li, Francis Rhee


Individuals with deep burn injuries can experience a cutaneous loss of sensation in their hands, leading to potential exposure to harmful stimuli in their environment. BurnAware is an assistive device comprised of a wearable glove and a body-mounted alert mechanism. The glove detects tactile and temperature sensations and necessitates real-time vibratory responses upon proximal contact to noxious stimuli.

Team members: Namrata Sharma, Zhilling Zou, Christina Jean, Pavneet Singh Kapoor.

PillPals is a mobile application targeted to improve medication adherence in a young adult population through promoting self-efficacy in health outcomes. For a patient to be considered completely adherent to a prescription, they must take each dose precisely as prescribed and on time. The less adherent a patient is, the more likely it is that their treatment fails or is ineffective. PillPals utilizes an alarm system packaged with educational and analytical features to promote self-efficacy, and a graded reward system to keep patients engaged.

Team members: Christiaan Oostenbrug; Lucas Van de Mosselaer; William Harvey; Nicolas Iuorio

Retinal cameras are commonly used to diagnose and monitor sight-threatening diseases. In remote and resource constrained areas, clinical grade retinal cameras are often inaccessible which can lead to preventable blindness. Although there are some commercially available portable retinal cameras, they are often expensive or capture low quality images which are not suitable for clinical use. Perceptus aims to design a low cost, portable, smartphone based retinal camera that improves upon the quality of images obtained by existing devices.

Team members: Allison Cole, Angela Lin, Alexander MacLean, Nicole Barritt, Laurel Pilon

Ugandan midwives and nurses working in low-resource maternity wards must currently clean their surgical instruments by a manual and laborious process. Proper compliance with this process is not achieved since limited staff must always prioritize tending to a high number of patients, leading to instrument rust damage and disuse. In partnership with FullSoul, a Canadian non-profit organization equipping these wards with standardized instrument kits, MediClean has developed FullCycle. We present a simplified and integratable solution to automate the cleaning and decontamination process.

Team members: Charly Phillips, Connor Huxman, Maria Valencia, Robyn Klassen, Sam Feng


Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) is infant hip instability caused by the abnormal formation of the femoral head and acetabulum. Dislocations are very subtle for detection, and with a lack of physician training, Haptyc Labs is developing a simulator to replicate a real infant's hip to portray different DDH severities. The ultimate goal of this project is to provide physicians this physical simulator as a training module for DDH diagnosis.

Team members: Alyson Colpitts, Mariam Osman, Jan Lau, Areeb Hafiz, Noah Kunej


Up to 70% of patients who undergo physiotherapy programs are non-compliant to at-home exercises. Our project aims to improve compliance to knee osteoarthritis (OA) physiotherapy through the use of IMU-based wearable units integrated with a mobile app. The solution will measure the user's exercise accuracy for certain knee OA exercises (knee flexion/extension, hip abduction/adduction, & squatting) and provide results over the course of the whole physiotherapy treatment.

Team members: Maninder Matharoo, Tilak Gupta, Emad Ahmed, Ilir Lazoja, Arjun Gupta

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Recent Capstone Design Projects

Chemical engineering capstone design projects.

  • 2022-2023 Ray Gerner (ChE ’23) and MacKenzie Moore (ChE ’23) were recognized for the best senior year major presentation for 2022-2023.  They each received an Apple iPad for their accomplishment.  The award is sponsored by Dow Chemical. Chemical Engineering Senior Design Projects There were two ChE Senior Design projects for 2022-2023. One project was titled " Technical Evaluation and Comparison of Direct Air Capture (DAC) Technologies for the Appalachian Region” and was led by Chief Engineer Dean Sweeney. The group was tasked by CO2Tek, Inc. to perform a series of techno-economic studies to evaluate the design of potential DAC technologies. The other project was titled " Wastewater Treatment (WWT) Process Design for Development in Appalachia” and was led by Chief Engineer Lillian Bischof. The group was tasked by WaterFutureTek, Inc. to perform a series of techno-economic studies to evaluate the design of potential WWT technologies.  Final presentations were held on April 18 and April 20, 2023. Technical Evaluation and Comparison of Direct Air Capture (DAC) Technologies for the Appalachian Region” The world has turned to DAC in the pursuit of net-zero carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 2050. Although DAC exists as a novel technology, there are 18 plants worldwide, using sorbent and solvent based adsorption processes to capture a total 0.01 million tonnes of CO2 per year (0.01 MtCO2/yr). In the continued development and expansion of the technology and at the request of CO2 Tech Inc., Mountaineer DAC Tech (MDT) started a multiphase project to investigate the feasibility of DAC technologies within the Appalachian region. At the conclusion of phases 1 and 2, MDT analyzed and modeled three processes for capturing and regenerating 1 MtCO2/yr. Process 1, Adsorption with Tetra-amine-appended Metal Organic Frameworks (TEA-MOFs), comprises a dynamic adsorption model using a dual site sips isotherm for the TEA-MOF, which has been evaluated in literature only at lab scale. Process 2, Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) Wet Scrubbing with Calcium Looping Regeneration, is constructed using the methodology of Carbon Engineering, which employs traditional industrial equipment, such as KOH air contactors, a calcium carbonate pellet reactor, a calciner, and a steam slaker. However, MDT employs comprehensive modeling techniques to generate more accurate statistics for the performance of the complex adsorption and fluidized bed systems. Process 3, KOH Wet Scrubbing with Bipolar Membrane Electrodialysis (BPMED) Regeneration, adapts the CO2 adsorption from Carbon Engineering but utilizes a novel bipolar membrane for the KOH and CO2 regeneration. “Wastewater Treatment (WWT) Process Design for Development in Appalachia” The team investigated WWT technologies to treat wastewater streams from various industrial sources, particularly suitable and attractive to the Appalachian region. Phase 1 involved the comprehensive literature review of wastewater treatment technologies and processes to treat industrial wastewater from the four dominant contributors in the Appalachian region – chemical industry, natural gas/fracking industry, power plant industry, and mining industry. Analyses were conducted to evaluate each technology studied in literature regarding seven categories including modeling capability, economic practicality and profitability, and novelty of design. At the conclusion of the literature review, further investigation of the following units was requested: Unit 100 − Clarifier, Unit 200 − Filter, Unit 300 − Activated Sludge, Unit 400 − Reverse Osmosis, and Unit 500 − Multi-Stage Flash (Thermal Distillation) along with pH treatment. Phase 2 resulted in the creation of models and base case simulation of the mentioned wastewater treatment technologies and validation with literature with less than 10 percent error. During Phase 3, topological and parametric optimizations were performed following the completion of the base case with the objective of minimizing each unit’s equivalent annual operating cost. Likewise, optimizations were conducted with the integrated process to increase overall water recovery and reduce the overall equivalent annual operating cost. Finally, all units completed equipment sizing and costing, and selected units generated a hazard and operability study, a piping and instrumentation diagram, and a sustainability analysis, respectively.
  • Hydrogen Production and Storage Process Design (Chief Engineer: Jackie Arnold)
  • Hydrogen Utilization Process Design (Chief Engineer: Kevin Donnelly)
  • BTX Production from Shale Gas (Chief Engineer: Madelynn Watson)
  • Process Design for Alternative Uses of Gasoline (Chief Engineer: Daniel Beahr)
  • Fuel and Energy Production from Renewables (Chief Engineer: Garrett Smith)
  • Investigation of Various Plastic Waste Reduction Strategies(Chief Engineer: Soofia Lateef)
  • Design and Optimization of a Polygeneration Plant Producing Activated Carbon, Ammonia, Formaldehyde, Heat, and Power from Shale Gas, Coal, and Biomass Feedstocks (Chief Engineer: Caitlin Morrow)
  • Feasibility of Producing Value-Added C-3 and C-4 Fuels and Chemicals from Shale Gas (Chief Engineer: Yacine Feliachi)
  • Feasibility of Modular Scale Process Intensification for Shale Gas Upgrading (Chief Engineer: Ahmed Haque)
  • Feasibility of Producing Value-Added Fuels and Chemicals from Heavy Cuts of Petroleum (Chief Engineer: Katie Reynolds)
  • Designs for Producing Vinyl Chloride Monomer, Ethylene, Polyethylene, Acetic Acid, Ethylene Oxide, and Ethylene Glycol from Ethane (Chief Engineer: Jacob Ivey)

The text-book " Analysis, Synthesis and Design of Chemical Processes ," written by faculty members of the CBE department at WVU, is used nationwide for the sequence of capstone design courses.

Biomedical Engineering Capstone Design Projects

Bi omedical Engineering Senior Design Presentations were held on Tuesday, April 25. The design groups presented elevator pitches by the chief engineers and poster presentations and open discussions followed.

During their senior year, biomedical engineering students work on projects to solve problems that have clinical or translational relevance. These open-ended projects are developed by clients in collaboration with Robin Hissam and Srinivas Palanki, and students work in small teams with faculty mentors and the clients to design and produce prototypes. This experience allows students to show their creativity in design concepts while working within the constraints set by the client or the team. In 2022-2023, ten design teams were mentored by faculty, including Margaret Bennewitz, Stephen Cain, Robin Hissam, Moriah Katt, David Klinke, Srinivas Palanki, Alexander Stolin , and Soumya Srivastava . These groups worked with clients John Hollander, Raymond Raylman, Ghassan Ghorayeb, Katie Gregg, Joel Palko, and Brijesh Patel (School of Medicine); Stephen Cain, Moriah Katt and Srinivas Palanki (CBE); and Abigail Mann (Omnia Medical).

Design teams presented their final prototypes and posters during an in- person symposium held on April 25 to faculty, students and external visitors including industry representatives, family, and friends. The projects were judged by Viswanath Bandaru (Viatris), Karlee Lobban (Medtronic), and Valeriya Gritsenko (School of Medicine). Abstracts of two examples of clinical and translational projects are given below:

Design and Evaluation of a Low-Cost Piezoelectric Device for Remote Diagnosis of Respiratory Diseases

Lung diseases are prevalent health issues experienced by millions of individuals in the  United States. There are several chronic lung diseases that require frequent doctor’s office visits for adequate lung function testing, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

(COPD) and asthma. Lung functionality testing is performed using a spirometer, which costs anywhere between nine hundred dollars and three thousand dollars, depending on the type of spirometer and do not leave healthcare facilities. Therefore, patients with chronic lung diseases are subject to the costly inconvenience of traveling back and forth from their home to a healthcare facility to get the testing necessary for proper disease management. A device that could both measure daily lung function at home and send this information to the patient’s healthcare provider would ensure better disease management for the patient while also benefiting healthcare providers by limiting the need for patients to come to their facilities, allowing for more efficient allocation of time and resources. In this project a low-cost piezoelectric device was designed and fabricated that was capable of remote monitoring and simple diagnosis of chronic lung diseases to provide more access and monitoring to those suffering from chronic lung conditions. The device operates remotely by emailing testing results directly to the primary healthcare provider of the patient, eliminating the need for the patient to travel to a healthcare facility.

Multimodality Imaging Approach to Predict Antineoplastic Therapy Induced Cardiotoxicity

Cardiotoxicity, which is heart damage arising from chemotherapeutic cancer treatment, is the second leading cause of death in cancer-surviving patients. Typically, cancer patients undergo a series of extensive tests throughout their cancer treatment and beyond. Integrating existing data of available biomarkers from these routine tests can be cost-effective and prognostically important without burdening patients with additional invasive testing. This projected developed a software tool that can predict cardiotoxicity risk in cancer patients from existing CT scans to reduce the testing burden on patients while maximizing the utility of existing imaging data. Using image analysis techniques within python, the aortic wall was automatically thresholded and isolated by eliminating the aortic lumen and surrounding tissue from the mask for contrast CT scans. The resulting masks were then analyzed using PyRadiomics’ feature extractor. This radiomic data can be utilized to develop an artificial intelligence tool for detecting important biomarkers on the aortic wall that can be used to assist cardiologists in identifying cardiotoxicity indicators.

  • Preclinical Bench Testing of an Innovative Lead for an Auditory Prosthesis – Client: Loren Rieth, WVU MAE (Chief Engineer: Michael Looker)
  • Next Generation Transport Vehicles of Non-coding RNA for Improved Therapeutic Outcomes – Client: John Hollander, WVU SOM, Exercise Physiology (Chief Engineer: Victoria Dean)
  • Dielectric Characterization of Human Red Blood Cells Under Microgravity – Client: Soumya Srivastava, WVU CBE (Chief Engineer: Hunter Cottrill)
  • Investigation of Small Lesion Detectability of a Dedicated Breast PET-CT Scanner – Client: Raymond Raylman, WVU SOM, Radiology (Chief Engineer: Savannah Hayes)
  • Development of a Prototype Wearable System to Quantify Shoulder Kinematics during Free-living – Client: Stephen Cain, WVU CBE (Chief Engineer: Madewa Adeniyi)
  • Impact Analysis of Cased Intraocular Lens Handling at Manufacturing Site – Client: Stefan Goff, Alcon (Chief Engineer: Makenna Slack)
  • Investigating Atypical Eye Movement in Autism – Client: Shuo Wang, formerly WVU CBE (Chief Engineer: Thomas Ogershok)
  • Next Generation Transport Vehicles of Non-coding RNA for Improved Therapeutic Outcomes – Client: John Hollander, WVU SOM, Exercise Physiology (Chief Engineer: Sidney Mai)
  • Desktop High-resolution CT Scanner for Imaging of Various Damaged Tissue Samples – Client: Alexander Stolin, WVU SOM, Radiology (Chief Engineer: Danielle Larrow)
  • Computer-based Interfaces for Drug Efficiency Predictions – Client: John Twist, Viatris (Chief Engineer: Ethan Meadows)

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UC Berkeley Department of Bioengineering

The future of biology. The future of engineering.


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Capstone Projects

capstone team photo

Students to work through one iteration of the engineering design process on their project:  needs refinement and formulation, setting target specifications, concept generation and down-selection, specification refinement, functional prototyping, testing, and redesign. Three formal design reviews are conducted, with process outcomes formalized in oral and written documentation.



biomedical engineering capstone projects

Student Capstone Project

Team building and technical know-how..

Students in the M.Eng. in Engineering program will demonstrate their proficiency through a team-based design project. Project ideas are proposed by clients from industry, teaching hospitals, and clinicians seeking solutions to specific problems. Student teams assess the market and conduct competitive analysis, engineering design, software development, proto-typing, testing and documentation of results.  Weekly or biweekly update meetings with clients are essential to the success of the project.  Teams are expected to self-organize their effort by assigning tasks, developing a schedule, identifying bottlenecks, and gathering resources.

Working with the clients, the teams are expected to gain insights to help them implement their idea. During the project, the teams may request guidance from program faculty and may take field trips to the client’s location. Project presentations and demonstrations are delivered during a formal end-of-program event.

For companies looking to engage our M.Eng. students on a capstone project, please submit a project intake form . 

Here are some project examples:

2019 Capstone Projects

(Client: Professor, Health Care Systems Engineering) A portable ultrasound imaging-based breast biopsy system

biomedical engineering capstone projects

Advances in diagnostic devices for biopsies is limited to better needles and separately to tissue capturing systems. There have been few developments in integrated systems combining imaging and the biopsy procedure on a single platform. In recent years, MRI-based integrated systems have seen some innovation, but there is still a need for a modern stream-lined system that can accurately identify and localize target regions for breast biopsy.

(Client: Medical device company) Microscopy instrumentation for nerve identification

biomedical engineering capstone projects

Transdermal and intraoperative identification and differentiation of nerves from vasculature. The project also involved the review and critique of the current state-of-the-art of light technology for human nerve visualization.

(Client: Global medical device company) Machine learning based physiological signal monitoring during clinical imaging scans Physiological data from a patient is a vital tool for medical diagnostics since it holds invaluable information reflecting the patient’s health status. Monitoring physiological signals could assist in the decision-making, and selection of scan modality and protocol parameters in the clinical setting.

This project aimed to develop a smart tool that automatically optimizes imaging strategies using deep learning.

(Client:  Regional medical hospital) Intra-abdominal biodegradable amylase sensor

biomedical engineering capstone projects

Postoperative pancreatic fistula (PODF) is the most common and dangerous complication of pancreatic surgery, affecting 13% to 41% of patients. Surgically placed drains to detect pancreatic fistula often cause intra-abdominal infection and pain in the abdomen.  Early detection and management of pancreatic fistula are very important.

The objective of this capstone project was to develop a biodegradable and implantable sensor.

(Client:  Biopharmaceutical company) Improved medication delivery device or process This project involved the review and analysis of the current medication delivery methods such as IV infusion, push, pumps, intramuscular, etc.  The team assessed the considerations, requirements, decision making, and processes involved with medication.  They also identified innovative concepts to address unmet needs and prototyped a bed-side medication delivery pump.

(Client: Global medical device company) Deep learning for brain anatomy segmentation

biomedical engineering capstone projects

With the rapid development of the medical instrumentation field, MRI plays more important roles in the diagnosis of brain diseases. The study of the different structures of brain is essential in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as Alzheimer Disease (AD) and Parkinson’s Disease (PD). The two main brain segmentation methods currently used (manual segmentation and software segmentation) are time-consuming, inefficient and complicated.

The objective was to develop deep learning architecture and its optimization for medical image segmentation and classification.

(Client: Global medical device company) Multiscale contrast enhancement for MRI imaging Magnetic resonance images usually contain both large contrast variations and small vital low contrast details. Applying postprocessing could be helpful to satisfy the conflicting needs of reproducing the low contrast details while maintaining the general gray value range.  A multiscale method, especially an image pyramid, has proven to be a very versatile and efficient algorithm when applied to other kinds of images.  This project objective was to explored the application of the LPSVD (Laplacian pyramid combined with SVD) algorithm to enhance MR images.  This could lead to greater image amplification of the vital areas, while minimizing background “noise”.

(Client: Global medical device company) Motion artifact through head motion tracking during MRI

biomedical engineering capstone projects

High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) requires prolonged scan time to maximize spatial resolution, therefore, this imaging modality is highly sensitive to artifacts caused by motion during the scanning process.  Subject physiologic motions such as blood flow, respiratory and cardiac motion, and gross movements can create undesirable phase shifts that commonly result in image blur or the presence of “ghosts”.

The objective of the project was to develop a motion tracking toolkit capable of tracking head movement within a position matrix.

(Client: Biopharmaceutical company) Improved patient critical care The project involved identifying opportunities to improve the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures of critical care patients with Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) being treated with continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT).

(Client:  Biopharmaceutical company) Progressive Supranuclear Palsy screening battery

biomedical engineering capstone projects

Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) is a rare, progressive, ultimately fatal neurological condition that strikes patients in the prime of life. The disease robs patients of their ability to carry out everyday tasks (walking, seeing, speaking, interacting, eating, and thinking). There is no currently approved treatment, and with non-specific symptoms at its early stages, PSP is hard to differentiate from Parkinson’s Disease (PD) .

This project explored early diagnosis techniques of PSP, and the objective was to develop a screening protocol for early identification of PSP and differentiation from PD.

(Client: Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering) Mouse texture cue cube

biomedical engineering capstone projects

The project involved the development of an automated texture wheel that can be used to provide differentiated and regulated stimuli to mice while they are running mazes in a virtual reality setting.  The study as a whole is about recreating the electrical network of a human brain, so recording the electrical variances of mice when presented with changes in their dominant sense can help build an electrical mammalian map.  This research strives to understand the electrical signals of the brain for applications to treatment of patients with neurological diseases or injuries.

2018 Capstone Projects

(Client: Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept.) Systems Genetic Platform of Neurodegenerative Disorders:

biomedical engineering capstone projects

Parkinson’s disease is a complex and debilitating neurodegenerative disorder that afflicts over 10 million people worldwide. The Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative has compiled, maintained, and distributed an extensive collection of clinical, genetic, and advanced imaging data on Parkinson’s disease. By integrating these complex data, PPMI has offered unparalleled opportunities to investigate the early stages of Parkinson’s, monitor disease progression, and develop novel therapeutics through the identification of progression biomarkers.

Combining complex genetic and imaging data in PPMI, the team sought to explore the use of imaging features and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) together as biomarkers for the predictive modeling of Parkinson’s disease. The students proposed, executed, and assessed machine learning approaches for the classification and prediction of Parkinson’s.

(Client: Global medical device company) Intracardiac Electrocardiogram (ICEG) Simulator:

In the current medical device market, there are diverse devices to simulate the physiological signals of the human body, such as surface ECG, SpO 2 , non-invasive blood pressure, temperature, etc. The ICEG is a type of ECG that measures the cardiac signals inside of the heart through multi-pole catheters that have been weaved into the chambers of the heart. The goal of this project was to design a prototype that could emulate the cardiac signal output taken from 32 channels/signals inside the heart, and create software to measure, analyze, and process these signals. This device would then be used for educational and training purposes and to troubleshoot current or new products.

(Client: Start-up medical device company) Wearable Light Therapy Device for the Treatment of Pain and Nerve Injuries:

biomedical engineering capstone projects

The project focused on improving a portable light therapy device developed by the client for consumers and military service members/first responders. The client’s approach was to develop a belt embedded with an array of therapeutic LEDs, which can be worn under clothing and would provide pain relief to the treated area via phototherapy. The team was given the task of solving the heat issues, lack of an automatic shut off and flexibility of the device, while keeping the device lightweight and comfortable to wear.

Additionally, the students wanted to provide patients the added benefit of control over their therapy to create a personalized light therapy device that can be modulated to treat a patient’s unique symptoms. To accomplish this, they incorporated a Bluetooth controller to the micro-controller to allow for mobile monitoring and control over the LED array for personalized therapy.

(Client: Start-up medical device company) Biological Imaging with Synthetic Optical Holography:

The company created an add-on for confocal microscopes using synthetic optical holography (SOH). It is for quantitative phase imaging and allows the user to obtain high-resolution images. This technology results in no loss in speed during image acquisition. It is easy to use and can provide high-quality images without the need to stain.

The goal of this project was to have a working implementation of the SOH technology in the Zeiss LSM 880 confocal microscope located at the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology. Also, the team was tasked with testing the SOH technology to determine if there were any problems that needed solving. To do this, the team developed a bank of microscope slides and images that compared phase imaging via SOH with fluorescence imaging.

(Client: Global medical device company) 3D Printed Coronaries for a Flow Phantom:

Having standards of known and accurate measurement is useful across multiple scientific disciplines for measuring properties of unknowns and evaluating computational analyses. Phantom vessels that provide realistic representation of human vasculature have been available for decades. While useful for studies that require highly realistic specimens, realistic phantoms generally lack reproducibility and known dimensions, two necessary characteristics of a standard. For this project, the team designed and prototyped phantom blood vessels of simple geometry and phantom coronary artery segments from digital subtraction angiography (DSA) imaging data, with each produced accurately from a 3D computer model stored as a stereolithography (STL) file. These phantom vessels will then be imaged with DSA in a flow loop and used to evaluate measurements performed with an algorithm.

With 3D printing, the students included features present in realistic phantoms (e.g. aneurysms and stenosis), while being able to reproduce phantoms with relatively high accuracy from an STL file.

(Client: Regional medical hospital) Neonatal Jaundice Care for Developing Nations:

biomedical engineering capstone projects

The goal of this project was to provide a cost effective, efficient way to treat neonatal bilirubinemia with the development of a fully automated transfusion device. Current methods of treatment for neonatal bilirubinemia are costly, time consuming, and require intensive physician care. In addition, many modern treatment options are unavailable in developing countries because of inhibitive costs, technology, or training. Thus, the team was tasked with designing a device to have the following functionalities and characteristics:

  • Equal extraction and infusion rates
  • Easy to set up
  • Inexpensive and efficient
  • Portable and biocompatible
  • User-friendly interface
  • Blood monitor to ensure patient safety
  • Capped flow rate to avoid excessive pressure on the line
  • Enhanced safety measures to ensure patient care

(Client: Professor, Bioengineering Dept.) Complete Genome Assembly of  Streptococcus sobrinus :

S. sobrinus  and  S. mutans  are the oral pathogens that are responsible for the condition known as caries.  S. mutans  is identified as being present in all cases of caries but S. sobrinus is without well identified. The focus of this project was to do the complete genome assembly of  S. sobrinus  strains – 7 and 15. This was done using short read Illumina technology and long read Nanopore technology. The team was also asked to see the genomic similarities between  S. sobrinus  and  S. mutans . The complete genome of  S. sobrinus  will further help in understanding how genes interact and allow study of metabolic pathways which can be manipulated and redesigned to meet global needs.

(Client: Regional Medical Hospital) Creation of Radiopaque Temporary Embolic:

The goal of this project was to create a radiopaque temporary embolic, or in other words, a device to block blood flow that is visible via x-ray or computed tomography (CT) scan.  Temporary embolics currently used by surgeons tend to blend in with surrounding tissues after insertion, and it is challenging for surgeons to determine their location. Currently, surgeons inject contrast media into the veins of their patients to highlight vasculature in real time under a machine called a fluoroscope. The problem is that this only allows a surgeon to assume the position of an embolic based on the absence of contrast media flow. A radiopaque temporary embolic would allow for the surgeon to quickly and accurately determine the exact location of the embolic throughout and following a procedure.

(Client: Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept.) Miniaturized Artificial Whisker Scanner and Software:

biomedical engineering capstone projects

The project involved the development of a system to simulate mice whisker scanning that also had the ability to read signals related to force in the real mice whisker. Development of such system would allow for better understanding of how the brain works, or more specifically, how the brain perceives the outside sensory world.  This study would also help identify specific neural circuits that are involved in sensory transduction and signal processing. Reverse-engineering of brain circuits can have strong impact on the development of novel biomimetic tactile biosensors, robotic prosthetic arms, haptic virtual reality, and even can influence the design of novel artificial intelligence systems.

2017 Capstone Projects

(Client: Regional medical hospital) Mechanized Bilirubin Scavenging System:

biomedical engineering capstone projects

A mechanized bilirubin scavenging system for efficient treatment of neonatal jaundice was developed. The unique design uses a bilirubin removal system similar to hemodialysis, where an infant’s blood will be passed through an external scavenging circuit. The overall impact is huge, since exchange transfusion carries a risk of neonatal mortality, especially in sick infants. The adverse effects of an exchange transfusion include neonatal morbidities, such as apnea, anemia, thrombocytopenia, electrolyte and calcium imbalance, risk of necrotizing enterocolitis, hemorrhage, infection, complications related to the use of blood products, and catheter-related complications.

(Client:  Regional medical hospital) Clearing the Clot:

biomedical engineering capstone projects

Arterial and venous thrombosis in performing endovascular procedures by interventional radiologists/vascular surgeons/cardiologists is a recurring problem in a clinical setting. The focus of this project was to analyze and distinguish venous and arterial thrombi in a noninvasive and analytical way. The team was also asked to see how do these component mature or change over time, as the thrombus progresses from acute to subacute to chronic. Clinical samples of thrombus/clots from different veins and arteries were collected during re-canalization procedures using different “suction” catheters and mechanical devises. Samples collected were non-invasively analyzed by ultrasound and other techniques.

(Client:  Start-up medical device company) For Your Eyes Only:

biomedical engineering capstone projects

This project focused on real-time monitoring of post-surgical and post-traumatic eye injuries using a hand-held device. Lack of current techniques for the early monitoring of bleb leaks and other post-traumatic or post-surgical ocular injury has posed an unmet clinical need for the development of new techniques. Present evaluation techniques use either subjective or non-quantitative approaches. InnSight Technology developed the world’s first biosensor to evaluate the integrity of the anterior surface of the eye by measuring the concentration of ascorbic acid in the tear film at the point-of-care. The team was tasked with developing a tiny micro-fluidic chamber that draws tear fluid from eye to the sensor.

(Client:  Integrated providers of diagnostic imaging services) Project #1 – T1rho Relaxation: The goal of this project was to simulate the T1rho relaxation effects of an adiabatic RF pulse.  This required the understanding of a rotating frame and its mathematical form, MR RF pulse basics as well as adiabatic design principles. Furthermore, the student studied spin locking and T1rho relaxation using MatLab programming.

Project #2 – iGrasp: The goal of this project was to get Rapid and Continuous Magnetic Resonance Imaging using compressed sensing, and iGRASP. The student used iGRASP, combining golden-angle radial sampling, parallel imaging and compressed sensing, to reconstruct dynamic MRI image in short time (0.1s). They also focused on using golden-angle radial sampling to get incoherent sampling, which is able to break the limit of Naquist sampling rate that reconstructing by less samples.

2016 Capstone Projects

(Client:  Start-up medical device company): Wirelessly Integrated Ocular Biosensor to Monitor Ascorbic Acid Presence in Tear Film and Aqueous Humor:

Hundreds of eye trauma patients are presented in the emergency department every day. The injuries of the globe can lead to severe eye defects and sometimes vision loss. If the severity of these traumas can be detected early, there can be better recovery of the eye.  After these injuries are treated, postoperative monitoring of eye is very critical to check for any leaks from the anterior globe. If the leak is brisk, the patient has to be taken to the operation room. It is important to detect these leaks as soon as possible so that the vision of the patient is not affected. ­The client has developed a biosensor as a solution to this clinical need.

biomedical engineering capstone projects

The principle behind the sensor is that the concentration of ascorbic acid in the aqueous humor is around 20 times the concentration of ascorbic acid in the tear film and when the barrier between them breaks due to any wound or tearing in the corneal epithelium, the concentration of ascorbic acid in the tear film spikes up. This concentration level can be detected by the sensor to get an idea about the severity of the trauma. The biosensor is designed so that when ascorbic acid binds to the enzyme on the sensor, there is a change in the interaction between the polymer and graphene platelets. This changes the electrical properties of the sensors and the change can be measured to get an idea about the injury.  The project objective was to enhance the ability of the biosensor to detect the levels of ascorbic acid.

(Client:  Regional medical hospital): Personalized Absorbable Gastrointestinal Stents for Intestinal Fistulae and Perforations:

Gastrointestinal (GI) tract perforations are relatively frequent surgical emergencies, are potentially life-threatening, and can occur from several different sources, including inflammatory conditions, iatrogenic or traumatic injuries, and obstructive etiologies. Increasing clinical findings corroborate the use of self-expandable metallic GI stents in the setting of gastric or esophageal perforations. Patients admitted to the hospital with intestinal fistulae or perforations typically face months of recovery, unlimited numbers of hospital visits and numerous surgeries that could theoretically benefit from an absorbable stent. Placement of synthetic, non-absorbable stents in the esophagus and colon  via  endoscopic approaches is limited to these anatomic locations as endoscopic access is required to remove the stents after healing occurs. Commercially produced stents are currently manufactured in a narrow size range of options, further limiting their applicability in other portions of the GI tract.

biomedical engineering capstone projects

Initiated by a general surgeon in response to an unmet clinical need, this project objective was to develop novel translatable absorbable polymeric stent, 3D printed for accurate, anatomically personalized placement in the GI tract. In this highly multidisciplinary work, a 3D-printed stent prototype was developed from a novel material using a commercial AirWolf™ device. This functional and effective technology could offer tremendous impact for patients and healthcare providers and significantly reduce patient morbidity and mortality.

(Client:  Medical simulation and education center): Cadaveric Perfusion Pump: Cadaveric perfusion pumps provide unique opportunities to surgeons and doctors in training. They allow a trainee to practice a surgical procedure under as realistic conditions as is possible before heading into surgery with an actual patient. The pump perfuses a blood mimicking solution through the veins of a cadaver, creating a perfect model for a doctor to practice on.

The client, in collaboration with a regional hospital, has been working to create a perfusion pump that is able to modulate blood pressure and heart rate in order to provide an extra level of realism to the simulations run with the cardiac perfusion pump. The team’s goal was to improve upon the first generation of the client’s artificial perfusion system by making it safer, streamlined and able to accurately generate and measure rapid modulations in fluid pressure. This was done by improving the software to be more robust, improving the setup of the system to be safer and more segregated, finding a pump that is able to generate enough pressure as well as able to switch pressures quickly and integrating sensors into the code that are used to ensure the proper operation of the system as well as act as a safety check.

biomedical engineering capstone projects


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Capstone design.

Capstone pic

Capstone team publishes feasibility study on semiautomated device for scoliosis correction surgery

Team FeediNG Forward won the Best Overall Project in biomedical engineering at the Spring 2022 Capstone Design Expo April 26. Their project developed an improved nasogastric tube for premature infants that protects against displacement after insertion and verifies proper initial placement without the need for X rays. The team included Alima Ballo, Esha Kashyap, Eunice Kim, Janet Kim, and Meghana Sridhar. (Photo: Joshua Stewart)

Two senior design teams publish reports on their brain-related projects in academic journals

The new Design Garden space includes moveable furniture, plenty of whiteboards, and a skyline view of Midtown Atlanta. Located below the Veterans Resource Center in the Georgia Tech BioQuad, the space triples the amount of design-focused square footage in the Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering. (Photo: Craig Bromley)

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Recent Projects

Recent capstone design projects.

Team 11 is shown starting from the top row: Amelia Flug, Hannah Bludau, Haley Phelan. Bottom row: Reagan Isbell, Naomi Brady.

Aggies develop device to combat kidney failure in newborns

For their senior capstone project, six biomedical engineering students developed a device to prevent leakage and quicken the healing process during peritoneal dialysis in newborn babies with kidney failure.

The Infection Detection team holding their collection device, as well as their testing device.

Capstone team enhances safety of ureteroscopy procedure

A team of six students in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Texas A&M University developed a testing method that enables a quicker treatment for potential bladder infections after surgery.

Five male and one female student stand on a staircase, smiling at the camera. The female student holds a vial and needle.

Quickdraw Vial: A solution for risky injections in space

A senior capstone team developed a solution to reduce the risk of injections in space for their final project. The solution, Quickdraw Vial, utilizes capillary action to contain the medication in a uniform volume and push out air bubbles to avoid air embolisms.

Other Examples of Design Projects

  • Students create cap for children diagnosed with sleep apnea (Texas Children's Hospital)
  • Endotracheal tubes better designed to fit pediatric care (Texas Children's Hospital)
  • Surgical tools better accounted for with "smart" table (Texas Children's Hospital)
  • Customizable device for infant ear formations (Texas Children's Hospital)
  • Surgical endoscope holder (Texas Children's Hospital)
  • Valvulotome for peripheral artery disease (BD)
  • Small footprint UV robot (Dr. Saurabh Biswas)
  • Critical limb ischemia device (Texas Children's Hospital)
  • Automated infant peritoneal dialysis system  (Texas Children's Hospital)
  • Infant IV Extravasation Detection  (Texas Children's Hospital)
  • Youth foot and ankle orthotic  (Texas Children's Hospital)
  • Ureteroscope using hyperspectral imaging technology (Becton Dickinson)
  • UV light system to kill pathogens (Abbott)
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biomedical engineering capstone projects

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Senior capstone design is a two-semester course sequence (BME  491/492) that guides student teams as they approach complex engineering problems through a major design experience with conceptualization, requirements generation, and system design. 

This showcase is only accessible to IU/IUPUI (now IU Indianapolis) faculty, staff, and students.  You must be logged into your IU Google account to view the materials in the showcase.

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biomedical engineering capstone projects

2016-2017 Capstone Project Titles

2016-2017 team project titles list.

1.  Automated Hand Hygiene Compliance System

2. Fluid Measurement Device for an Intensive Care Unit

3.  Lung-on-a-Chip Technologies

4. COPD monitor

5. Adjustable chair for school-age students with special needs

6. Motorized stage for in-plane mechanical strain application

7.  Research device for microscope adaptor for cell imaging

8.   Child restraint device for horse riding

9.   Kayak seat for small-frame individuals

10. Equipment carrier for greater independence of wheelchair users

11. Safety device to stop wheelchairs approaching harm

12. Adapting power seat in car for easy removal

13. Pump design for simulation of endonasal carotid surgery

14. Feedback device to reinforce physical therapy motions in children

15. Adaptive running chair with easier child transfer

16. Veterinary radiation head device for canines

17.  Portable patient lift in school or clinic setting

18.  Mounting Hardware for human control interface in high tech vehicles.

19.  Steering device for children to control motorized car

Capstone Design Projects

2017-2018 Projects

2016-2017 Projects

2015-2016 Projects

2014-2015 Projects

2013-2014 Projects

2012-2013 Projects

2011-2012 Projects

2010-2011 Projects

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Institute for Biology, Engineering and Medicine

Search form, biomedical engineering capstone, tackling today's clinical challenges to design real-world solutions..

Students from diverse disciplines work directly with clinicians and healthcare professionals to address their engineering design challenges.

In the last five years, our students have worked closely with more than 32 clinicians at RIH, Women & Infants, and beyond to produce 41 collaborative projects and in the process have filed at least 4 patents and won 3 recent design competitions. 

A huge part of our success so far is due to the connections we have made with clinical faculty to identify clinical needs and provide expert guidance to students. If you have an idea for an unmet need that you would like to collaborate on and see reduced to practice, please submit a design proposal.

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Bio-medical Capstone Projects (Medtec)

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Medtec Project

NSERC Design Chair for Interdisciplinary Innovation of Medical Technologies of McGill University's Faculty of Engineering and the Department of Mechanical Engineering are constantly seeking to partner with local industry working in medical and bio-engineering fields.

During the two‑semester Capstone Mechanical Engineering Project course approximately half of the projects every year are related to various medical and bionics applications, including surgery, cardiology, vascular, cervical and others. The lists of bio-med projects accomplished in the previous years can be found on the web page of the Design Chair . You can also learn more about the Design Chair here .

The teams usually include four Mechanical Engineering students, however, in accordance with the partner's needs, we can build an interdisciplinary (hybrid) team that may include students from Bio-Engineering Departments, Electrical & Computer Engineering, and other Departments of the Faculty.

If you are interested in getting benefits for your company from motivated, passionate and creative students, while helping them to master modern technologies and engineering, we will be happy to include your project to the capstone design course of the next academic year.

Should you wish to become a distinguished member of this Design Chair at McGill (amongst many other MEDTEC companies), the cost of one project is $4000 which comes with other advantages we are happy to discuss. The cost of any materials used to build prototypes will be covered within a reasonable limit which we will inform you should you approach this limit.

  •   All prototypes and copies of drawings and reports are delivered to the sponsoring client at the conclusion of the project. Any intellectual property developed during the project belongs to the sponsor .

Projects begin in the fall and culminate with the McGill Design Day, an exhibition of all projects and their prototypes in the first week of April.

To propose a project, please fill the form and email it to the address indicated in it, or just send us an email with your ideas and/or proposals.

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Senior Design

BME’s Industry Capstone Program matches student teams with companies, nonprofits, and government organizations to tackle real-world engineering challenges.

Sponsor a Design Project

The BME Industry Capstone Program brings together CU Boulder engineering students and professionals to engage in real-world, interdisciplinary engineering problems.  Sponsors share projects from their organizations and provide support to teams of talented, self-directed students who will design and build innovative solutions.

How it works

Innovation – Potential sponsors propose a project for review by the BME Program Sponsorship – Organizations commit financially to cover project costs and program fee Team matching – Students are matched to an approved project Mentorship – Technical mentor meets with the team weekly for project duration (September-April) Problem-solving – Teams embark on a full-scale design process with help from technical and faculty mentor

Sponsor Benefits

Meaningful Engagement

Close interaction with teams to assess student talent and recruit for jobs

CU Partnerships

Build impactful connections within the CU Boulder Biomedical Engineering Program

Innovative Problem-Solving

Low-cost opportunity for a fresh look at a problem

Outreach & Brand Recognition

Boost organization awareness for students and during public design exposition

Professional Development

Opportunity for technical mentor to practice and apply leadership skills

Products & IP

Sponsors obtain prototype, documentation and IP for projects

What Makes a Good Proposal

  • Projects should have a level of complexity that is compatible with a 5-person team of self-directed (but coached) BME seniors, working on average 15 hours per week each, for two semesters.
  • Projects should provide design challenges that allow students to explore various design solutions and make design choices based on sound engineering reasoning.
  • Projects should have a clear purpose with specific functional objectives that are appropriate for entry-level engineers in their first or second year on the job.
  • Projects that reflect lower priority real-world problems faced by your organization, such as, exploratory, or proof-of-concept projects can be quite successful.
  • Sponsors should take into consideration that the primary purpose of the Senior Design curriculum is educational and that projects are to provide undergraduate student teams with a real-life experience of delivering a tested and functional prototype with documentation while gaining understanding of the development process in response to the Sponsor project definition. 

Project Timeline

Solicit project proposals from organizations

Project Proposals Due – Submit a two-page proposal outlining the pertinent details of your project. 

Early September

Project Proposal Presentations – Proposals shared with students, showcasing project requirements and scope.  This information helps determine student compatibility and team composition. Teams then submit project proposals to sponsors for review and ranks the teams.


Teams and sponsors are paired. Sponsors are provided with a departmental program overview.  Project scope is refined and project kicks off. 


Projects in Progress – Weekly team meetings between student teams and mentors as project design and build processes develop throughout the fall and spring semesters.  Attend major presentations and provide feedback, such as: Spec & Planning, PDR, CDR and End of Term. Read and provide feedback on technical reports.

Student Showcase – The program culminates at the CU Engineering Design Expo  where student teams present their projects, explain their work, answer questions, and demonstrate working prototypes


Partner with us in developing the next generation of engineering leaders!

Gain new insights and fresh perspectives for your organization, sponsor a project.

Accepting project proposals for AY 24/25 through May 31, 2024

Submit a Project Proposal

Download Detailed Guidelines Here

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Want to speak to someone about it.

Email us to learn more

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Engineering Senior Design Expo 2023

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Capstone Industry Projects

About the capstone project.

Our Capstone Program puts talented students together with industry and clinical leaders to help bring their ideas from innovation to impact. Using the knowledge and skills they have gained during their studies, these students in their final year of study can be tasked with your organization’s challenging, real world problems that require immediate solutions.

Provide mentorship and support to students and get innovative solutions to your projects by taking on a Capstone Team of biomedical engineering students at UBC who are completing their final graduating requirement  the BMEG 457 Capstone Design Project.

Students will begin their Capstone project in the September term. See details below.

BMEG 457: Capstone Design Project Overview

Course schedule and milestones.

This eight-month capstone design course features teams of four to five students and is client-focused (i.e. the organizations sponsor the projects). Students are expected to put in approximately eight hours per week (per student) on the project. This includes working with their team, attending relevant lectures and workshops as well as meeting with their faculty mentors and client sponsors.

Note that this course is currently set to be conducted in person. However, in consideration of possible changes to public health orders regarding COVID-19 restrictions and the accompanying UBC policies, this course may be conducted partially remotely. Therefore, the deadlines and deliverables could change as these restrictions and policies shift.

Course Milestones and Deadlines

Tentative description.




Team Formation


Student teams formed



Scope, requirements and constraints defined

Design Review I


Proof of concept design and core requirements

Design Review II


Design with full functionality

Product Review


Completion of validation and documentation

Capstone Projects Ideal Features

The best capstone projects rise from real-world data, challenges and advancements. The promise of a definitive impact along with the possibility of helping both your industry and the community are powerful drivers for innovation. The goal may not be a refined solution to a presented problem, but identifying a viable path to follow.

Below are some important features to consider for the launch of an effective capstone project.

The more real and important the problem is to you, the more motivated the students will be.

Students must be able to exercise a fair amount of choice in the design and implementation strategies. You may impose reasonable constraints on the design and implementation, such as conformance to tools and strategies; however, this is not a case in which students will simply execute a given design.

All design stages required for completion of the project (problem assessment, concept generation, prototyping, testing, etc.) should fit within the timing and effort allocated to the course: four to five students, each 8hr/week over 26 weeks (~1000 person-hours). There must be enough work to engage the team from September until April.

Students are learning, and so there is no guarantee that they will provide you with a finished solution, or that they will be able to match your internal requirements for the project timing. Therefore, the ideal project to propose would be a project that you have not had the time to tackle yet, or one that you have possible solutions to but are open to assessing alternative or better solutions.

Some SBME Capstone projects may require agreements to be put in place to protect confidential background information and to define how new project intellectual property, if any is developed, will be handled. Please review our guide to mutual nondisclosure and IP agreements for confidential capstone projects below. Please note that the project is not strictly confidential. Students need to be able to write reports and make presentations to instructors and peers at UBC for grading.

Learn More About Capstone IP and NDAs

Industrial partner commitment.

Each industrial partner will need to commit to the full eight months of the project design course. This will include providing a mentor/representative to work with the relevant student team, financial and logistical support where applicable, and a complete detailing of the project and its available data.

Below are expected industry partner commitments for the Capstone Design Course.

Industrial Partner Commitments

We expect an appropriate person from your organization to be available to the students to give them feedback regularly on a bi-weekly or monthly basis.

SBME will commit a significant amount of financial resources. To make this a successful partnership and a sustainable model, we hope that you and your organization will commit in a similar fashion, feasible for your organization. We suggest that, where possible, clients/sponsors cover costs associated with the project, give students access to relevant company information (optionally under an NDA), and possibly offer access to fabrication and testing facilities (if appropriate). If funding the project is not possible, please contact us to discuss the matter further.

We are continually trying to improve the facilities available to the students; we therefore invite satisfied clients and sponsors to consider making a tax-deductible contribution to support the UBC design facilities at the conclusion of the project.

Project Submission

Ready to support engineering students as they build and develop solutions for your problems? Click the button below to get started.

Project Submission Deadlines




Initial Submission

Jun 1 – July 25

Capstone’s call for projects goes out. Clients submit proposals.

Initial Feedback

After seven days, before Aug 1

Capstone instructors provide feedback on proposals as they come in.

Review & Discussion

As needed, done before Aug 8

Clients might revise their proposals in consultation with the capstone instructors.

Final Proposal

As early as possible before Aug 15

Clients submit final versions of their proposals.

Evaluation & Uptake

As early as possible before Aug 22

Capstone instructors will confirm proposal admissibility for SBME student teams.

Contact Information

For more information about the course or to further discuss your potential proposal, please contact course instructors Sharareh Bayat and Jenna Usprech: [email protected]

to post a comment.

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    University of Southern California
  Jun 24, 2024  
USC Catalogue 2024-2025    
USC Catalogue 2024-2025

Return to: USC Viterbi School of Engineering    

Denny Research Building 140 (213) 740-7237 FAX: (213) 821-3897 Email: [email protected] bme.usc.edu  

Chair: Peter Yingxiao Wang, PhD

Associate Chair: Megan McCain, PhD  

Chonette Chair in Biomedical Technology: David Z. D’Argenio, PhD

Chonette Early Career Chair: Megan McCain, PhD

Gordon S. Marshall Early Career Chair: Stacey D. Finley, PhD

Shelly and Ofer Nemirovsky Chair in Convergent Biosciences: Ellis Meng, PhD

David Packard Chair in Engineering: Theodore W. Berger, PhD

Cornelius J. Pings Chair in Biomedical Sciences: Mark Humayun, PhD (Ophthalmology)

Provost Professor of Biological Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Physiology and Biophysics, Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Pediatrics, Radiology and Ophthalmology: Scott Fraser, PhD (Biological Sciences)

University and Provost Professor of Neurology, Biomedical Engineering, and Biological Sciences: Steve Kay, PhD (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)

Dean’s Professor in Biomedical Engineering:  Michael C.K. Khoo, PhD; Vasilis Marmarelis, PhD

The Dr. Karl Jacob Jr. and Karl Jacob III Early-Career Chair and Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, and Medicine: Eun Ji Chung, PhD

Professors: Theodore W. Berger, PhD (Neurobiology) ; David Z. D’Argenio, PhD*; Stacey D. Finley, PhD; Scott Fraser, PhD (Biological Sciences) ; Mark Humayun, PhD (Ophthalmology) ; Steve Kay, PhD; (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology) ; Michael C.K. Khoo, PhD (Pediatrics) ; Gerald E. Loeb, MD; Vasilis Z. Marmarelis, PhD (Electrical and Computer Engineering) ; Ellis Meng, PhD (Electrical and Computer Engineering) ; Francisco Valero-Cuevas, PhD (Biokinesiology) ; Peter Yingxiao Wang, PhD (Molecular Microbiology & Immunology) ; Stanley M. Yamashiro, PhD (Electrical and Computer Engineering) ; Qifa Zhou, PhD (Ophthalmology)

Associate Professors: Eun Ji Chung, PhD; Megan McCain, PhD; Bartlett W. Mel, PhD; Keyue Shen, PhD; Jesse T. Yen, PhD

Assistant Professors: Maral Mousavi, PhD; Jennifer Treweek, PhD; Cristina Zavaleta, PhD

Professor of Engineering Practice: Jean-Michel I. Maarek, DocIng

Associate Professor of Engineering Practice:  Brent Liu, PhD

Senior Lecturers: Brittany Kay, PhD; Kathy Lu, PhD; John Mai, PhD

Research Associate Professors: Jean-Marie Bouteiller, PhD; Francesco Cutrale, PhD; Dong Song, PhD

Emeritus Professor: K. Kirk Shung, PhD

Joint Appointments: David Agus, MD (Medicine) ; Brian Applegate, PhD (Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery) ; Andrea Armani, PhD (Chemical Engineering and Materials Science) ; Donald Arnold, PhD (Biological Sciences) ; George A. Bekey, PhD (Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Speech Science) ; Peter S. Conti, MD, PhD (Radiology) ; Vinay Duddalwar, PhD (Clinical Radiology) ; Dominique Duncan, PhD (Neurology) ; James Finley, PhD (Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy) ; Athanassios Fokas, PhD (Civil and Environmental Engineering Practice) ; Arkadiusz Gertych, PhD (Cedars-Sinai Medical Center) ; Tracy C. Grikscheit, MD (Surgery) ; Justin Haldar, PhD (Electrical and Computer Engineering) ; Bo Han, PhD (Surgery) ; Christianne N. Heck, PhD (Clinical Neurology) ; Daniel P. Holschneider, MD (Psychiatry) ; H. K. Huang, DSc (Radiology) ; Darryl H. Hwang, PhD (Radiology) ; Andrei Irimia, PhD (Gerontology, Neuroscience) ; Hossein Jadvar, MD, PhD (Radiology) ;  Radha Kalluri, PhD (Otolaryngology) ; Kwang Jin Kim, PhD (Medicine and Physiology) ; Peter Kuhn, PhD (Biological Sciences, Medicine, and Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering) ; Jason Kutch, PhD (Biokinesiology) ; Gianluca Lazzi, PhD (Ophthalmology, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Clinical Entrepreneurship) ; Richard Leahy, PhD (Electrical and Computer Engineering and Radiology) ; Brian Lee, MD, PhD (Clinical Neurological Surgery) ; Darrin Lee, PhD (Clinical Neurological Surgery) ; Natasha Leporé, PhD (Radiology and Children’s Hospital) ; Jay Lieberman, PhD (Orthopaedic Surgery) ; Sook-Lei Liew, PhD (Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy, Neurology) ; Leonid Litvak, PhD (Advanced Bionics Corp.) ; Charles Liu, MD, PhD (Neurological Surgery) ; Rong Lu, PhD (Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine) ; Anupam Madhukar, PhD (Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Physics) ; Noah Malmstadt, PhD (Chemical Engineering and Materials Science) ; Mara Mather, PhD (Gerontology, Psychology) ; J. Andrew MacKay, PhD (Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences) ; Jill McNitt-Gray, PhD (Biological Science) ; Janet Moradian-Oldak, PhD (Biomedical Sciences – Dental) ; Leonardo Morsut, PhD (Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine) ; Shannon Mumenthaler, PhD (Medicine) ; Krishna Nayak, PhD (Electrical and Computer Engineering) ; Konstantina S. Nikita, PhD (BME/KSOM) ; John Oghalai, PhD (Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery) ; Philip Requejo, PhD (Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center and Kinesiology) ; Richard Roberts, PhD (Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Chemistry) ; Nicolas Schweighofer, PhD (Biokinesiology) ; Mahnaz Shahidi, PhD (Ophthalmology) ; Yonggang Shi, PhD (Neurology) ; Paul Thompson, PhD (KSOM/Ophthalmology) ; Arthur W. Toga, PhD (KSOM/Ophthalmology) ; Priya Vashishta, PhD (Chemical Engineering and Materials Science) ; Danny Wang, PhD (Neurology, Radiology) ; Pin Wang, PhD  (Chemical Engineering and Materials Science) ; John C. Wood, MD, PhD (Medicine/Radiology) ; Charles Zukowski, PhD (Chemical Engineering and Materials Science)

*Recipient of university-wide or school teaching award.

Degree Requirements

Undergraduate program educational objectives.

Graduates of the undergraduate program in Biomedical Engineering are expected to attain the following objectives within a few years after graduation:

  • be engaged in a professional career in the biomedical or other related industries, or enrolled in advanced graduate studies including medical school;
  • work in a technically competent manner to address challenges in engineering or their chosen profession, taking into consideration ethical and societal concerns;
  • collaborate within their profession across technical disciplines;
  • develop their technical knowledge and professional skills further by being active in professional societies, continuing their formal education, or attending professional workshops, meetings and seminars.

Undergraduate Program Criteria

The program leading to a Biomedical Engineering (BS)    provides both breadth and depth across the range of engineering topics implied by the title. The program prepares graduates to have an understanding of biology and physiology; and the capability to apply advanced mathematics (including differential equations and statistics), science and engineering to solve the problems at the interface of engineering and biology. The curriculum prepares graduates with the ability to interpret data from living systems, addressing the problems associated with the interaction between living and non-living materials and systems.

Minor in Craniofacial and Dental Technology

For a complete listing, see the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC   .

Bachelor’s Degree

  • •  Biomedical Engineering (BS)
  • •  Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering Emphasis (BS)
  • •  Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Emphasis (BS)
  • •  Biomedical Engineering, Molecular and Cellular Engineering Emphasis (BS)

Master’s Degree

  • •  Biomedical Data Analytics (MS)
  • •  Biomedical Engineering (MS)
  • •  Medical Device and Diagnostic Engineering (MS)
  • •  Medical Imaging and Imaging Informatics (MS)

Graduate Certificate

  • •  Health, Technology and Engineering Graduate Certificate

Doctoral Degree

  • •  Biomedical Engineering (PhD)

Biomedical Engineering

  • •  BME 101 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
  • •  BME 201 Biomedical Engineering Practice
  • •  BME 202 Control and Communication in the Nervous System
  • •  BME 204 Biomedical Prototyping and Fabrication
  • •  BME 210 Biomedical Computer Simulation Methods
  • •  BME 302L Medical Electronics
  • •  BME 308 Computer-Aided Design for Bio-Mechanical Systems
  • •  BME 350 Biomedical Engineering Industrial Project
  • •  BME 390 Special Problems
  • •  BME 402 Control and Communication in the Nervous System
  • •  BME 403L Physiological Systems
  • •  BME 404 Orthopaedic Biomechanics
  • •  BME 405L Senior Projects: Measurements and Instrumentation
  • •  BME 406 Introduction to Bioengineering in Medicine
  • •  BME 408 Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technologies
  • •  BME 410L Introduction to Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
  • •  BME 412 Craniofacial and Dental Technology
  • •  BME 413 Bioengineering Signals and Systems
  • •  BME 414 Rehabilitation Engineering
  • •  BME 415 Regulation of Medical Products
  • •  BME 416L Development and Regulation of Medical Products
  • •  BME 423 Statistical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
  • •  BME 425 Basics of Biomedical Imaging
  • •  BME 426 Basics of Biomedical Imaging: Ionizing Radiation
  • •  BME 427 Basics of Biomedical Imaging: Non-Ionizing Radiation
  • •  BME 430 Principles and Applications of Systems Biology
  • •  BME 450 Introduction to Biosensors and Diagnostics Devices
  • •  BME 451L Fundamentals of Biomedical Microdevices
  • •  BME 452 Introduction to Biomimetic Neural Engineering
  • •  BME 453 Engineering Biomedical Innovations
  • •  BME 459L Introduction to Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery
  • •  BME 466L Capstone Project Laboratory
  • •  BME 489 Biochemical Engineering
  • •  BME 490x Directed Research
  • •  BME 499 Special Topics
  • •  BME 501 Advanced Topics in Biomedical Systems
  • •  BME 502 Advanced Studies of the Nervous System
  • •  BME 504 Neuromuscular and Bio-Robotic Systems
  • •  BME 505aL Laboratory Projects in Biomedical Engineering
  • •  BME 505bL Laboratory Projects in Biomedical Engineering
  • •  BME 506 Bioengineering of Disease and Cell Therapeutics
  • •  BME 510 Cellular Systems Engineering
  • •  BME 511 Physiological Control Systems
  • •  BME 513 Signal and Systems Analysis
  • •  BME 514 Physiological Signals and Data Analytics
  • •  BME 515 Data Analytics in Biomedical Engineering
  • •  BME 520 Modeling of Bio-Systems
  • •  BME 523 Measurement and Processing of Biological Signals
  • •  BME 525 Advanced Biomedical Imaging
  • •  BME 527 Integration of Medical Imaging Systems
  • •  BME 528 Medical Diagnostics, Therapeutics and Informatics Applications
  • •  BME 530 Introduction to Systems Biology
  • •  BME 533 Seminar in Bioengineering
  • •  BME 535L Ultrasonic Imaging
  • •  BME 536 Ultrasonic Transducers
  • •  BME 540 Biofluid Mechanics: Transport and Circulatory Systems
  • •  BME 551 Introduction to Bio-MEMS and Nanotechnology
  • •  BME 552 Neural Implant Engineering
  • •  BME 555aL Health Product Development
  • •  BME 555bL Health Product Development
  • •  BME 559 Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery
  • •  BME 566a Topics in Health, Technology and Engineering
  • •  BME 566b Topics in Health, Technology and Engineering
  • •  BME 566c Topics in Health, Technology and Engineering
  • •  BME 566d Topics in Health, Technology and Engineering
  • •  BME 567a Case Studies in Health, Technology and Engineering
  • •  BME 567b Case Studies in Health, Technology and Engineering
  • •  BME 575L Computational Neuroengineering
  • •  BME 582 CMOS:Nano Neuromorphic Circuits
  • •  BME 590 Directed Research
  • •  BME 594a Master’s Thesis
  • •  BME 594b Master’s Thesis
  • •  BME 594z Master’s Thesis
  • •  BME 599 Special Topics
  • •  BME 608 Wearable Technology
  • •  BME 620L Applied Electrophysiology
  • •  BME 650 Biomedical Measurement and Instrumentation
  • •  BME 670 Early Visual Processing
  • •  BME 671 Late Visual Processing
  • •  BME 680 Modeling and Simulation of Physiological Systems
  • •  BME 790 Research
  • •  BME 794a Doctoral Dissertation
  • •  BME 794b Doctoral Dissertation
  • •  BME 794c Doctoral Dissertation
  • •  BME 794d Doctoral Dissertation
  • •  BME 794z Doctoral Dissertation

biomedical engineering capstone projects

Top Five Capstone Project Ideas for Biomedical Engineering Students

By loay al-zube.

Biomedical engineering is a vast field, and it takes a lot of dedication and hard work to excel. For those looking to take their studies to the next level, a capstone project, or senior design project, can be a great way to demonstrate their knowledge and skills. Here are some of the top capstone project ideas for biomedical engineering students.

1. Designing a Medical Device

Designing a medical device from scratch is a great way to show off your knowledge of biomedical engineering. This project could involve designing a new device, such as a prosthetic limb, or improving an existing device, such as a heart monitor. The project should be tailored to the student’s interests and skills, and should include research, design, and testing.

2. Developing a Diagnostic Tool

Designing a diagnostic tool is another great project idea for biomedical engineering students. This could involve developing a tool to detect a specific medical condition or designing a tool that could be used by medical professionals to diagnose a wide variety of conditions. As with the medical device project, this should involve research, design, and testing.

3. Creating an Assistive Technology

Assistive technology is an important area of biomedical engineering, and creating an assistive device can be an excellent project for biomedical engineering students. This could involve designing a device for people with physical disabilities, such as a wheelchair, or developing a device to help people with cognitive disabilities, such as those with autism.

4. Building a Robotic System

Robotic systems are becoming increasingly important in the medical field, and biomedical engineering students can use this project to develop their knowledge of robotics. This could involve designing a robot to assist with surgery or creating a robot to help with physical rehabilitation.

5. Developing a Medical App

Designing a medical app is a great way to show off your software development skills. This project could involve creating an app for medical professionals, such as one that allows them to quickly access patient records, or an app for patients, such as one that allows them to track their medical information.

These are just a few of the top capstone project ideas for biomedical engineering students. No matter which project you choose, it’s important to ensure that you conduct thorough research and testing to ensure that your project is successful. Good luck!

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Capstone Biomedical Engineering Project

Singapore university of social sciences, capstone biomedical engineering project (bme499).

Applications Open:  To be confirmed

Applications Close:  To be confirmed

Next Available Intake:  To be confirmed

Course Types:  To be confirmed

Language:  English

Duration:  12 months

Fees:  To be confirmed

Area of Interest:  Science and Technology

Schemes:  To be confirmed

Funding:  To be confirmed

School/Department:  School of Science and Technology

Level:  4 Credit Units:  10 Presentation Pattern:  EVERY REGULAR SEMESTER

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Difference Between Capstone Project And Capstone Assessment

So far, students must have comprehended the capstone project meaning. Now, let us learn the difference that sets Capstone Project and Capstone Assessment different in the table furnished below.


Acknowledge real world problems

Only focus on specific knowledge and skills


Interdisciplinary & Broad

Narrow & focused



Short term


Substantial products and projects

Performance on exams, quizzes and assignments



Mostly Individual

Evaluation Criteria

Creativity, problem solving and quality



Research study, Product design, Business plan

MCQs, Lab reports, and essays

Business Capstone Courses

  • Strategic Management Course
  • Marketing Strategy Capstone
  • Financial Analysis and Strategy Capstone
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation Capstone
  • Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility Capstone

Engineering Capstone Courses

  • Electrical Engineering Design Department
  • Mechanical Engineering Senior Department
  • Civil Engineering Capstone Project
  • Chemical Engineering Process Design
  • Aerospace Engineering Senior Project

Information Technology Capstone Courses

  • Software Engineering Capstone
  • Cyber Security Capstone Project
  • Data Science Capstone
  • Network Engineering Capstone
  • Web Development Capstone

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The Ohio State University

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biomedical engineering capstone projects

MSE graduate program ranked 14th best in the nation

In the latest  U.S. News & World Report  Best Graduate Schools compilation, The Ohio State University College of Engineering’s graduate program ranked 27th overall, once again first in Ohio and moving up to 13th among public universities.

Jinghua Li Ohio State Early Career Innovator

Several departments within the college also placed among the best programs in the nation. The Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering remained at 8th among its U.S. university peers. Eight other engineering specialties placed in the top 25: materials (14) ; nuclear (16); industrial/manufacturing (17); aerospace/aeronautical (18); electrical (20); mechanical (23); computer (24); and chemical (25). Civil (27), environmental (29) and biomedical (36) round out the list of ranked specialties. Biomedical and environmental improved the most, jumping seven and five spots, respectively.

For the  U.S. News   rankings of graduate programs , 219 engineering schools that grant doctoral degrees were surveyed.

As of autumn semester 2023, 1,776 engineering graduate students were pursuing one of 13 advanced degrees at Ohio State.

“This recognition underscores the exceptional work of our talented graduate students and the high caliber of our graduate programs,” said Associate Dean of Graduate Programs La’Tonia Stiner-Jones.

While overall engineering graduate school rankings are derived from a combination of nine quantitative and qualitative indicators, the publication’s engineering specialty rankings are based solely on peer assessments by department heads in each area. Assessment surveys and statistical data were collected in fall 2023 and early 2024.

Computer science program rankings were included in  U.S. News & World Report’s   Best Graduate Science Schools  rankings, which were published on April 8. In this year’s list, Ohio State ranked 27th overall and 23rd in the “Systems” specialty.

“As Ohio’s flagship engineering program, and among the best in the Midwest, we embrace the responsibility to prepare exceptionally talented engineers for careers in a multitude of industries as well as academia,” said Dean Ayanna Howard. “Our continuous improvement in overall and specialty rankings is a nod to the commitment of our extraordinary faculty and staff. We are all invested in our students’ success.”

In last September’s  U.S. News & World Report  2024 Best Colleges issue,  Ohio State’s undergraduate engineering program  again ranked first in Ohio and rose 25th overall and 14th among public universities nationwide.

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AUA Newsroom

BSES Capstone Projects Showcase Engineering Excellence

YEREVAN, Armenia — The Bachelor of Science in Engineering Sciences (BSES) program at the Zaven P. and Sonia Akian College of Science and Engineering (CSE) of the American University of Armenia (AUA) recently celebrated the completion of its graduating students’ capstone projects, a pivotal moment in their undergraduate academic journey. The capstone papers and presentation videos are now accessible online in the BSES program’s Capstone Papers and Presentations 2023-2024 section on the official CSE website.

Capstone project topics varied widely, from a new product with cutting-edge engineering solutions to research that simulated real-time solutions for implementation in various setups. BSES Program Chair Satenik Mnatsakanyan reflected on the significance of these projects, noting their testament to the students’ dedication and integrity: “The complexity and diversity of the capstone projects, along with the quality of the work done by the students, were impressive and truly raised the bar of our Engineering Sciences program to the next level. Thank you to all the students, supervisors, advisors, instructors, and capstone committee members for their hard work throughout the entire year.”

Other projects featured a UAV that incorporated a V-tail design for improved durability, the utilization of CAD modeling and advanced manufacturing processes, and a general formalism for describing feedback adaptation to external environmental changes in statistical systems. CSE adjunct lecturer Levon Stepanyan, who supervised three capstone projects, praised the students’ innovative thinking and contributions to the advancement of engineering: “With the invaluable assistance of our capstone advisors, the students created a bridge between academia and industry. It is my firm belief that these connections will foster mutual benefit and ultimately catalyze an engineering renaissance in Armenia.”  

The students’ presentations showcased their innovative research and outcomes while also reflecting on the research and product development process. The special review committee, comprising distinguished representatives from academia and industry, was invited to serve on the jury, which provided evaluations and suggestions for the projects. Among the jury members was Hayk Martirosyan, co-founder and CTO at Bazoomq Space Research Laboratory, who underscored the importance of the projects: “Capstone projects are a great chance for students to show off the knowledge they have gained during the study period: practical project management and problem solving on a different scale using domain knowledge and skills, especially in multidisciplinary projects. There has also been significant progress in the program and students in recent years.”

The capstone projects will continue to merge creative solutions with practical applications, fostering a new generation of engineers well-prepared to accept contemporary challenges. 

Founded in 1991, the American University of Armenia (AUA) is a private, independent university located in Yerevan, Armenia, affiliated with the University of California, and accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission in the United States. AUA provides local and international students with Western-style education through top-quality undergraduate and graduate degree and certificate programs, promotes research and innovation, encourages civic engagement and community service, and fosters democratic values. 

biomedical engineering capstone projects

The Ohio State University

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biomedical engineering capstone projects

Graduate program jumps to 13th among publics

In the latest  U.S. News & World Report  Best Graduate Schools compilation, The Ohio State University College of Engineering’s graduate program ranked 27th overall, once again first in Ohio and moving up to 13th among public universities.

Grad students working together in Prof. Umit Ozkan's lab

Several departments within the college also placed among the best programs in the nation. The Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering remained at 8th among its U.S. university peers. Eight other engineering specialties placed in the top 25: materials (14); nuclear (16); industrial/manufacturing (17); aerospace/aeronautical (18); electrical (20); mechanical (23); computer (24); and chemical (25). Civil (27), environmental (29) and biomedical (36) round out the list of ranked specialties. Biomedical and environmental improved the most, jumping seven and five spots, respectively.

For the  U.S. News   rankings of graduate programs , 219 engineering schools that grant doctoral degrees were surveyed.

As of autumn semester 2023, 1,776 engineering graduate students were pursuing one of 13 advanced degrees at Ohio State.

“This recognition underscores the exceptional work of our talented graduate students and the high caliber of our graduate programs,” said Associate Dean of Graduate Programs La’Tonia Stiner-Jones.

While overall engineering graduate school rankings are derived from a combination of nine quantitative and qualitative indicators, the publication’s engineering specialty rankings are based solely on peer assessments by department heads in each area. Assessment surveys and statistical data were collected in fall 2023 and early 2024.

Computer science program rankings were included in  U.S. News & World Report’s   Best Graduate Science Schools  rankings, which were published on April 8. In this year’s list, Ohio State ranked 27th overall and 23rd in the “Systems” specialty.

“As Ohio’s flagship engineering program, and among the best in the Midwest, we embrace the responsibility to prepare exceptionally talented engineers for careers in a multitude of industries as well as academia,” said Dean Ayanna Howard. “Our continuous improvement in overall and specialty rankings is a nod to the commitment of our extraordinary faculty and staff. We are all invested in our students’ success.”

In last September’s  U.S. News & World Report  2024 Best Colleges issue,  Ohio State’s undergraduate engineering program  again ranked first in Ohio and rose 25th overall and 14th among public universities nationwide.

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  16. PDF Idea Generation Practices in a Biomedical Engineering Capstone Course

    Idea Generation Practices in a Biomedical Engineering Capstone Course. The physical environment, situational norms for practice, and larger organizational structure also impact ideation [11]. Time, place, and technology have been found to be important components [27]; for example, dedicated phys-ical environments can encourage team ...

  17. Capstone Project

    This design project features the development of a working prototype device, along with entrepreneurship, market research, and outreach to the disabled community. Capstone Project - Biomedical Engineering

  18. Sponsor a Design Project

    Sponsor a Design Project. The BME Industry Capstone Program brings together CU Boulder engineering students and professionals to engage in real-world, interdisciplinary engineering problems. Sponsors share projects from their organizations and provide support to teams of talented, self-directed students who will design and build innovative ...

  19. Capstone Industry Projects

    Provide mentorship and support to students and get innovative solutions to your projects by taking on a Capstone Team of biomedical engineering students at UBC who are completing their final graduating requirement the BMEG 457 Capstone Design Project. Students will begin their Capstone project in the September term. See details below.

  20. Capstone Projects

    Capstone projects are a significant and highly visible part of the activity on the student level of the new Fascitelli Center for Advanced Engineering. Students from all of the research areas work in the same space inviting interdisciplinary discovery. Companies bring projects in for students to work on over the course of a full academic year.

  21. Alfred E. Mann Department of Biomedical Engineering

    Return to: USC Viterbi School of Engineering Denny Research Building 140 (213) 740-7237 FAX: (213) 821-3897 Email: [email protected] bme.usc.edu Chair: Peter Yingxiao Wang, PhD Associate Chair: Megan McCain, PhD Faculty. Chonette Chair in Biomedical Technology: David Z. D'Argenio, PhD Chonette Early Career Chair: Megan McCain, PhD Gordon S. Marshall Early Career Chair: Stacey D. Finley, PhD

  22. Top Five Capstone Project Ideas for Biomedical Engineering Students

    Here are some of the top capstone project ideas for biomedical engineering students. 1. Designing a Medical Device. Designing a medical device from scratch is a great way to show off your knowledge of biomedical engineering. This project could involve designing a new device, such as a prosthetic limb, or improving an existing device, such as a ...

  23. Capstone Biomedical Engineering Project

    This project course requires the analysis and synthesis of problems in the disciplines of biomedical engineering and application of the various principles learnt to solve practical biomedical engineering problems in an academic manner under the supervision of a project tutor. The project may take any one or a combination of the following forms ...

  24. Multidisciplinary Capstone Design Project: Biomedical Engineering

    Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) has adopted an outcomes-based education and student-centered learning paradigm. This approach encourages students to take an active role in their education by participating in group projects. Furthermore, it is used to fulfill one of the student outcomes regarding the student's ability to work in a collaborative and inclusive environment. To address this ...

  25. Capstone Project Guide: Definitions, Courses, and Examples

    Biomedical Engineering Capstone Projects. Designing а weаrаble ԁeviсe to monitor vitаl signs; Develoрing а рrosthetiс limb with аԁvаnсeԁ sensor teсhnology; Creаting а meԁiсаl imаging system for eаrly ԁiseаse ԁeteсtion; Designing а ԁrug ԁelivery system for tаrgeteԁ therарy;

  26. MSE graduate program ranked 14th best in the nation

    Civil (27), environmental (29) and biomedical (36) round out the list of ranked specialties. Biomedical and environmental improved the most, jumping seven and five spots, respectively. For the U.S. News rankings of graduate programs, 219 engineering schools that grant doctoral degrees were surveyed.

  27. BSES Capstone Projects Showcase Engineering Excellence

    BSES Capstone Projects Showcase Engineering Excellence 2 min read. YEREVAN, Armenia — The Bachelor of Science in Engineering Sciences (BSES) program at the Zaven P. and Sonia Akian College of Science and Engineering (CSE) of the American University of Armenia (AUA) recently celebrated the completion of its graduating students' capstone projects, a pivotal moment in their undergraduate ...

  28. Graduate program jumps to 13th among publics

    Civil (27), environmental (29) and biomedical (36) round out the list of ranked specialties. Biomedical and environmental improved the most, jumping seven and five spots, respectively. For the U.S. News rankings of graduate programs, 219 engineering schools that grant doctoral degrees were surveyed.

  29. PDF Rutgers University School of Engineering l Department of Electrical and

    Biomedical Engineering department - and relevant researchers in the industry - such as AT&T Labs. I am also a Pre-Doctoral ... On March 30th, the Rutgers University capstone project and she invited him to join Office for Research announced it is executing an exclusive license with Steg. AI, a startup based on artificial intelligence ...

  30. Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing

    The University of South Carolina Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing aerospace engineering undergraduate program was established in 2018 in response to rapidly growing industry demand. Assistant Professor Wout De Backer, a pioneer of the program, underscores hands-on learning and collaboration while inspiring his students with his passion for aircraft design and innovation in ...