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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Finance Group

Writing a doctoral dissertation in finance.

Students interested in the practical relevance of academic research in finance and who have a strong academic track record should consider writing a doctoral dissertation. The finance track of the Berlin School of Economics PhD Program ( https://bdpems.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/portal/ ) introduces students to research questions and methodologies that shape current research in financial economics, and prepares graduates for research careers in universities, central banks, and other research-oriented institutions.

Our PhD program consists of intensive course work in microeconomics, econometrics, and financial economics during the first year, and advanced specialization courses in finance in the second year. The core course in finance covers the main fields of financial economics, i.e., corporate finance, financial intermediation, and asset pricing. Elective courses from other fields in economics can also be chosen. Students must complete a minimum of 90 ECTS in order to finish the program. The typical study sequence in finance is as follows.

The finance faculty currently include Tim Adam, Max Bruche, Beatriz Mariano, Lukas Menkhoff, and Alex Stomper. We nurture a stimulating environment for research in finance. Our core strengths lie in the areas of corporate finance and financial intermediation, but we are also interested in research at the intersection of finance with other fields in economics (e.g. labor economics, international economics, or development) as well as outside economics (e.g. history, climate change.

We are conducting both empirical and theoretical research, and have access to many of the major databases in finance, such as EIKON, Compustat, Capital IQ, Bloomberg, and Morningstar. In addition, Prof. emeritus Richard Stehle has calculated the Fama-French factors for Germany since 1958. This data is available here . Funding for other financial data is available upon request.


If you would like to write a doctoral dissertation in finance you must first apply to the Berlin School of Economics (BSE) PhD Program ( https://bdpems.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/portal/content/application ). The application deadline is each year in February.

We do not supervise external dissertation projects. Every student wishing to write a dissertation in finance must first enroll and complete the BSE PhD Program.

Frequently Asked Questions concerning studies at the PhD level: https://www.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/de/professuren/vwl/wipo/faq_master_phd

2-year scholarships (€ 1.200/month) are available for applicants with outstanding academic credentials. Upon successful completion of the first- and second-year courses, students are eligible to apply for a research assistant (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) position in the Finance Group. This position provides funding for another three years of doctoral study. In addition, there are external funding opportunities, such as the Kauffmann Dissertation Fellowship Program etc. Information on further funding opportunities are available from the Scholarship Portal .  

Starting April 1st 2013, the Humboldt-University will offer "Humboldt Research Track" scholarships at € 800 for the first time, in order to pave the way to a doctoral degree for exceptional Master students. The scholarship supports students during the transition phase between the completion of the master degree and the begin of doctoral studies. Additional information is available at: https://www.exzellenz.hu-berlin.de/de/foerderlinien/youth-development/humboldt-research-track-scholarship  

Scholarships for post-doctoral studies are available from the DAAD: https://www.daad.de/ausland/studieren/stipendium/de/22346-postdoctoral-researchers-international-mobility-experience/  

For more information on scholarships, please visit the website of the Humboldt-Graduate School: https://www.exzellenz.hu-berlin.de/de/foerderlinien/youth-development/humboldt-research-track-scholarship

Placement Students mentored by members of the finance faculty have been placed in universities such as Cass Business School, Copenhagen Business School, Ghent Univ., and Univ. of Georgia, in central banks and public sector institutions such as BaFin, Bundesbank, ECB, KfW, and OECD, as well as in the private sector, e.g. Deutsche Asset Management, HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt, or Munich Re.

Ph.D. Finance Curriculum

Advanced Financial Economics (4 SWS, 9 ECTS, SS)

This course covers the main areas in finance: corporate finance, financial intermediation, asset pricing, and investments.

Research Topics in Finance I (2 SWS, 6 ECTS, WS)

This course explores classic and current academic research on Financial Intermediation. It targets PhD and Master students who are currently looking for a topic for their own thesis. The course starts with a lecture-style presentation of the overarching research themes in the literature. Seminar participants will then present and discuss classic papers, as well as current unpublished papers that are still being presented at conferences.

Research Topics in Finance II (2 SWS, 6 ECTS, SS)

Discussion of current research topics in financial economics.

Finance Research Seminar (2 SWS)

This seminar is a series of research seminars given by external guests in the areas of finance and accounting. For the current seminar schedule click here .

Finance Reading Group (2 SWS)

Discussion of the research presented in the Finance-Accounting Research Seminar and other current events.

Finance Brown Bag Seminar (2 SWS)

In this seminar PhD students present their own work in an informal athmosphere.

Other recommended Elective Courses

· Microeconometric Evaluation Methods (Caliendo (Uni Potsdam), 6 ECTS)

· Applied Econometrics (Gassen/Wagner (ESMT), 9 ECTS)

· Time Series Analysis (Droge, 9 ECTS)

· Analysis of Panel Data (Droge, 9 ECTS)

· Applied Microeconomics (Steiner, 6 ECTS)

· Structural Econometrics: Discrete Choice Methods with Simulation (DIW, 6 ECTS)

· Structural Econometrics in Labor and IO (DIW, 6 ECTS)

· Introduction to Policy Analysis and Policy Advice (DIW, 9 ECTS)

· Empirical Accounting Research (Gassen/Olsson (ESMT), 6 ECTS)

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Tse jobmarket placement.

Renato Gomes , PhD Officer is happy and proud to congratulate all our Job Market candidates for their very good placement. Most of them will join prestigious universities for the next academic year 2021-2022.

- Bonneton Nicolas - University of Manheim Assistant Professor  - Bregolin Jacopo - University of Liverpool Assistant Professor - Bruneel Christophe - KU Leuven Assistant Professor - De Souza Bueno Matheus - OECD - Duran-Franch Joana - Postdoc at Columbia 1 year  - Enrich Moya Jacint - Postdoc at Pompeu Fabra - 3 years  - Gaillac Christophe - Postdoc Nuffield College – 3 years  - Khainar Kunal - Bank of England  - Lefez Willy - Postdoc Berlin School of Economics - 4 years - Pébereau Charles - Post doc at Stanford - 3 years - Pollinger Stefan - Sciences Po Paris Assistant Professor - Remmy Kevin - Postdoc at University of Mannheim - 5 years  - Yang Yang - Nanjing University Assistant Professor  - Zerecero Miguel - UC Irvine Assistant Professor - Zhou Ling - Postdoc University of Padova - 2 years 

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  • May 31, 2021 New - Health Center
  • June 11, 2021 Paul Seabright awarded the 2020 Zerilli-Marimo Prize

berlin school of economics phd placement

June 07, 2024

Moritz LOEWENFELD 's PhD Thesis, June 07, 2024

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Gokce GOKKOCA' PhD thesis, June 03rd, 2024

berlin school of economics phd placement

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TSE's 2023 Activity Report

More about our PhD Program and our Research Associates Program

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BSoE INSIGHTS Skills Training "Video interviews"

Video interviews with the press and online media offer great potential for researchers to reach a wide audience. But how do you deal with the challenges of on-camera interview situations? How to find the right language for the format? How do you answer challenging questions? Journalist Lena Fiedler (Zeit/Zeit online, DLF, FAZ etc.) will answer these and other questions in a practice-oriented INSIGHTS skills training on "Video Interviews".

In this hands-on course, you will learn the working methods and requirements of journalists, tools for actively shaping interview situations, speech and presentation exercises in front of the microphone and camera, including evaluation and dealing with interviews under pressure. Practical exercises, including evaluation, account for approximately 2/3 of the workshop time.

The training takes place on Friday, March 22, 2023 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. WZB Berlin Science Center, Reichpietschufer 50, 10785 Berlin in Room B001

To register for the training, please send me a short email with your name, institution and program to  [email protected]  by March 20.

Lena Fiedler

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  • MA in Economics, Data, and Policy 1 year program (NEW!)
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  • MA in Economic Policy in Global Markets
  • MS in Business Analytics
  • MS in Finance
  • PhD in Business Administration
  • PhD in Economics
  • BA in Philosophy, Politics & Economics
  • BA/BSc in Data Science and Society

The department consistently places top MA students into our own PhD in Economics program, as well as into – typically Economics – PhD programs of top universities world-wide. Below is the list of recent PhD placements:

2023:  CEU, UC Santa Barbara, Vienna Graduate School of Finance, TU Dresden, Ohio State University 

2022: CEU, IESE, University of Barcelona, University of Rochester

2021: CEU (3), University of California San Diego, Vienna Graduate School of Finance, Berlin School of Economics, Uppsala University

2020:   CEU (3), University of Mannheim

2019: CEU 2018: CEU, Boston University, University of Michigan, Tinbergen Institute, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, CERGE-EI 2017: CEU (2), Bocconi University, University of Geneva 2016: CEU, Duke University (2), University of Maryland, Rice University, The Graduate Institute Geneva 2015: Duke University (3), University of Surrey, Princeton University, London School of Economics 2014: CEU (3), University of Michigan, Boston College, Deakin University 2013: CEU (3), Yale University, UC Berkeley, University of Chicago, Duke University, Boston University, University of Mannheim, University of Texas at Austin 2012: CEU (7), UC Berkeley, Stockholm School of Economics 2011: CEU (4), University of British Columbia, UC Berkeley, Columbia University, Aarhus University, Kiel University 2010: CEU (3), Princeton University, University of British Columbia, Charles University, Cardiff University 2009: UC Berkeley (2), University of Manchester, Yale University 2008: University of Michigan, Harvard University, Michigan State University, University College London, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 2007: CEU (2), Bocconi University, University of Maryland (2), Boston College 2006: CEU 2005: Princeton University, Duke University, Boston University, University of Rochester, University of Toronto 2004: Northwestern University (2), Stockholm School of Economics (3), Tinbergen Institute, Charles University 2003: CEU, University of British Columbia, University of Washington, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Stockholm School of Economics, Tilburg University 2002: CEU, London School of Economics, Princeton University, Duke University, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, University of Melbourne, University of Maryland, European University Institute (2) 2001: CEU, University of Texas at Austin, Brandeis University, Iowa State University 2000: CEU, Harvard University (2), University of Michigan, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Free University Amsterdam

  • ESMT Berlin
  • Faculty & Research
  • PhD Program

PhD students & graduates

This is a photo of Mert Calioglu, ESMT Berlin.

Mert Callioglu

ESMT PhD Student and Research Associate

This is a photo of Mahmut Coskun, ESMT Berlin.

Mahmut Coskun

This is a photo of Sunna Huegmann, ESMT Berlin.

Sunna Huegemann

This is a photo of Rufat Ismayilov, ESMT Berlin.

Rufat Ismayilov

ESMT PhD Fellow

This is a photo of Maximilian Koehler, ESMT Berlin.

Maximilian Koehler

Vu Binh Le, ESMT Berlin.

PhD Fellow and Research Associate

This is a photo of Sahar Mahmoudi, ESMT Berlin.

Sahar Mahmoudi

This is a photo of Udayaraj Natarajan, ESMT Berlin.

Udayaraj Natarajan

ESMT PhD Student and PMP Research Associate

This is a photo of Nate Jingze Niu. ESMT Berlin.

Nate Jingze Niu

This is a photo of Dang Huong Tran, ESMT Berlin.

Dang Huong Tran

This is a photo of Ling-Ki Wong, ESMT Berlin

Ling-Ki Wong

Ning Chen

Benjamin Grosse Rueschkamp

Thomas Hildebrand

Thomas Hildebrand

Jing Huang

Johannes Johnen

Katja Kisseleva-Scherenberger

Katja Kisseleva-Scherenberger

This is a photo of Ingo Marquart, ESMT Berlin.

Ingo Marquart

Michael Raven

Michael Raven

This is a photo of Kamil Stronski, ESMT Berlin.

Kamil Stronski

This is a photo of Nghi Truong, ESMT Berlin.

Nghi Truong

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Get to know the Hertie School's doctoral programme and our joint doctoral programmes.

Hertie School's doctoral programme

The Doctoral Programme in Governance is an international structured doctoral training programme. It is aimed at outstanding master's students from the social sciences and related disciplines. Today, several dozen PhD researchers study the conditions, structures and dynamics of governance in the Hertie School's doctoral programme. Every year, the Hertie School awards eight PhD scholarships to incoming PhD researchers.

Joint doctoral programmes

The research training group "The Dynamics of Demography, Democratic Processes and Public Policy" (DYNAMICS) offers doctoral researchers a unique and internationally competitive three-year PhD programme in cutting-edge quantitative methods and advanced theories of demography, democracy and public policy. It is a joint endeavour of the Department of Social Sciences at  Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin  and the  Hertie School and is funded by the  German Research Foundation .

The Berlin Graduate School for Global and Transregional Studies (BGTS) is the doctoral programme of the cluster of excellence “Contestations of the Liberal Script” ( SCRIPTS ). PhD researchers study the manifold contestations and transformations in the economy, politics and society of contemporary liberal societies. The programme gives PhD researchers the opportunity to study and conduct research within a network of excellent research institutions in Berlin.

The Berlin School of Economics  unites Berlin's career development programmes for economists at the PhD and Postdoc levels in a single and unique structure. It offers PhD tracks in economics, accounting, finance and management. The doctoral programme provides outstanding doctoral researchers with a vibrant, intensively networked research community and a training structure that will develop their talents in a unique combination of high-level academic and applied research.

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berlin school of economics phd placement

PhD Programs

Phd programs in the bse research community.


Both of these PhD programs are organized jointly with the Barcelona School of Economics.

Many students in both PhD programs are alumni of the BSE Master's programs. The BSE PhD Track Master's Program is the first year of the UPF PhD Program.

Job market candidates and placement results

Both the UAB and UPF PhD programs have a well-established track record of placements in Economics departments, central banks, and research institutions around the world.

PhD Job Market Candidates 2023-24

portraits of job market candidates

Read about the candidates on BSE Focus

Examples of placements from recent years include:

  • Bologna University
  • CaixaBank Research
  • Central Reserve Bank of Peru
  • European Commission
  • Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH)
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  • Morgan Stanley
  • Norges Bank
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  • Princeton University
  • United States Federal Reserve Board
  • Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)
  • University College London (UCL)
  • Yunnan University of Finance and Economics (China)

Full details of all PhD job market results from all cohorts are available on the websites of both PhD programs:

IDEA-UAB PhD placements by year UPF PhD placements by year

BSE research activities for students in both PhD programs

Phd jamboree.

The BSE PhD Jamboree is an opportunity for students in both PhD programs in the BSE community to show off their research, exchange ideas, and receive feedback on work in progress. The Jamboree is organized and led by the PhD students themselves.

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  1. Berlin School of Economics awarded €300,000 by Einstein Foundation

    berlin school of economics phd placement

  2. PhD at the Berlin School of Economics

    berlin school of economics phd placement

  3. Berlin School of Economics and Law, Careers and Opportunities, La Trobe

    berlin school of economics phd placement

  4. Berlin School of Economics PhD Program 2019-22, Germany

    berlin school of economics phd placement

  5. Berlin School Of Economics Faculty

    berlin school of economics phd placement

  6. Berlin School of Economics Offers PhD Scholarships 2024 in Germany

    berlin school of economics phd placement


  1. PhD Entry in University and Institute

  2. PHD

  3. Sister Nivedita university department of English || Courses || BA, MA, PhD in English || placement

  4. My First Conference Talk!!

  5. Studying in Brandenburg, Statement Hasso-Plattner-Institute (HPI), en

  6. Lucknow University


  1. PhD Program

    The Berlin School of Economics PhD Program provides outstanding doctoral students with a vibrant, intensively networked research community. The program develops the students' talents in a unique combination of a high-level, academic research environment together with applied, policy-oriented research opportunities. ... Placement: Researchers ...

  2. Berlin School of Economics

    The Berlin School of Economics PhD Program offers PhD tracks in Economics, Accounting, Finance and Management. All tracks are highly compatible with each other and allow for numerous specializations. The doctoral program provides outstanding doctoral students with a vibrant, intensively networked research community and a training structure that ...

  3. Berlin School of Economics

    The Berlin School of Economics offers four tracks: PhD in Economics and three business tracks (PhD in Accounting, PhD in Finance and PhD in Management). The Berlin School of Economics has a separate application process. The application deadline for October 2024 intake is on 11 February 2024, 11:59 p.m. (CET). Find out more.

  4. About Us

    About Us. The Berlin School of Economics unites Berlin's career development programs at the PhD and Postdoc levels in a single and unique structure. It combines two pre-existing, very successful career development programs: the Berlin Doctoral Program in Economics and Management Science (BDPEMS) and the Berlin Economics Research Associates ...

  5. Ph.D. Courses Offered by the Finance Group

    The finance track of the Berlin School of Economics PhD Program (https://bdpems.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/portal/) ... Placement Students mentored by members of the finance faculty have been placed in universities such as Cass Business School, Copenhagen Business School, Ghent Univ., and Univ. of Georgia, in central banks and public sector institutions ...

  6. Doctoral program

    PhD placement since 2009; Our ambition is to keep attracting the best students in the world. Therefore, we offer financial help for our future PhD students. ... Lefez Willy - Postdoc Berlin School of Economics - 4 years; Pébereau Charles- Post doc at Stanford - 3 years;

  7. Berlin School of Economics and Law

    The Berlin School of Economics and Law (German: Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht), abbreviated as BSEL, is a public institution of higher education and research founded on 1 April 2009 through the merger of the Berlin School of Economics (BSE) and the FHVR Berlin. The BSEL portfolio provides a wide range of Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral ...

  8. TSE jobmarket placement

    Renato Gomes, PhD Officer is happy and proud to congratulate all our Job Market candidates for their very good placement. Most of them will join prestigious universities for the next academic year 2021-2022. - Bonneton Nicolas - University of Manheim Assistant Professor - Bregolin Jacopo - University of Liverpool Assistant Professor - Bruneel Christophe - KU Leuven Assistant Professor

  9. Phd Program│ESMT Berlin

    The courses are not limited to management science, allowing candidates to choose from topics in economics, machine learning, analytics, and data science. ESMT is a founding member of the Berlin-wide structured doctoral BSoE PhD program which candidates can choose to enroll in as an alternative to the ESMT PhD program.

  10. Courses

    More about our PhD Program and our Research Associates Program. Programs. PhD Program ... INSIGHTS PhD course: Economics and Transfer to the Public; INSIGHTS Events ... HU Berlin, Spandauer Str. 1, room 23 Thursday, December 7, 2023, 14:00-16:00; HU Berlin, Spandauer Str. 1, room 23 Thursday, February 15, 2024, 14:00-16:00; HU Berlin, Spandauer ...

  11. Courses

    INSIGHTS PhD course: Economics and Transfer to the Public; INSIGHTS Events; Internships; Communication; European Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society 2022; ... 10785 Berlin in Room B001. To register for the training, please send me a short email with your name, institution and program to [email protected] by March 20.

  12. PhD Placements

    Below is the list of recent PhD placements: 2023: CEU, UC Santa Barbara, Vienna Graduate School of Finance, TU Dresden, Ohio State University. 2022: CEU, IESE, University of Barcelona, University of Rochester. 2021: CEU (3), University of California San Diego, Vienna Graduate School of Finance, Berlin School of Economics, Uppsala University.

  13. PhD students & graduates

    Academic placement: Faculty position, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics ... Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. Ingo Marquart. 2022, Dr. rer. oec., ESMT Berlin ... 2014, Dr.-Ing., Technical University, Berlin Technology and Innovation Management Kamil Stronski. 2022, PhD, ESMT Berlin Business Administration Academic placement ...

  14. Past Job Market Placements

    Paris School of Economics (France) - Junior researcher. Université de Lorraine (France) - ATER. Université Evry Val d'Essonne (France) - Postdoctoral fellow, LabEx MME-DII) Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France) - Professeur agrégé. Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (France) - Teaching Assistant in Economics.

  15. PhD Placements

    Below is a list of some institutions where alumni of the BSE Master's programs have undertaken doctoral study (alphabetical by school name). Institution. Location. Arizona State University. United States. Australian National University. Australia. Berlin Doctoral Program in Economics and Management Science (BDPEMS) Germany.

  16. PhD programmes

    The Berlin School of Economics unites Berlin's career development programmes for economists at the PhD and Postdoc levels in a single and unique structure. It offers PhD tracks in economics, accounting, finance and management. The doctoral programme provides outstanding doctoral researchers with a vibrant, intensively networked research community and a training structure that will develop ...

  17. PhD Programs

    The BSE PhD Jamboree is an opportunity for students in both PhD programs in the BSE community to show off their research, exchange ideas, and receive feedback on work in progress. The Jamboree is organized and led by the PhD students themselves. There are two PhD programs organized in the Barcelona School of Economics research community.